123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299 |
- package cygx
- import (
- //"hongze/hongze_admin/models"
- "github.com/beego/beego/v2/client/orm"
- "time"
- )
- type CygxActivitySpecialTrip struct {
- Id int `orm:"column(id);pk"`
- UserId int `description:"用户id,多个用,隔开"`
- ActivityId int `description:"活动ID"`
- CreateTime time.Time `description:"创建时间"`
- Mobile string `description:"手机号"`
- Email string `description:"邮箱号"`
- CompanyId int `description:"公司ID"`
- CompanyName string `description:"公司名称"`
- RealName string `description:"用户实际名称"`
- SellerName string `description:"所属销售"`
- AdminId int `description:"销售/管理员ID"`
- Source int `description:"来源,1小程序,2后台添加"`
- IsMeeting int `description:"是否到会"`
- OutboundMobile string `description:"外呼手机号"`
- CountryCode string `description:"手机国家区号"`
- }
- type CygxActivitySpecialTripResp struct {
- Id int `description:"ID"`
- UserId int `description:"用户id"`
- ActivityId int `description:"活动ID"`
- CreateTime string `description:"创建时间"`
- Mobile string `description:"手机号"`
- Email string `description:"邮箱号"`
- CompanyId int `description:"公司ID"`
- CompanyName string `description:"公司名称"`
- RealName string `description:"用户实际名称"`
- SellerName string `description:"所属销售"`
- AdminId int `description:"销售/管理员ID"`
- Source int `description:"来源,1小程序,2后台添加"`
- OutboundMobile string `description:"外呼手机号"`
- CountryCode string `description:"手机国家区号"`
- SpecialType int `description:"调研形式、 1 线上 , 2 线下"`
- }
- // 修改外呼电话以及区号
- type ActivitySpecialTripCancelReq struct {
- UserId int `description:"用户id"`
- ActivityId int `description:"活动ID"`
- }
- func GetActivitySpecialTripCountByActivityId(activityId int) (count int, err error) {
- sqlCount := `SELECT
- COUNT( 1 ) AS count
- cygx_activity_special_trip AS s
- INNER JOIN wx_user AS u ON u.user_id = s.user_id
- s.is_cancel = 0
- AND s.activity_id = ? `
- o := orm.NewOrm()
- err = o.Raw(sqlCount, activityId).QueryRow(&count)
- return
- }
- func GetActivitySpecialTripCountByThisUser(activityId int, uids string) (count int, err error) {
- sqlCount := `SELECT COUNT(1) AS count FROM cygx_activity_special_trip WHERE is_cancel = 0 AND activity_id=? AND user_id IN (` + uids + `) `
- o := orm.NewOrm()
- err = o.Raw(sqlCount, activityId).QueryRow(&count)
- return
- }
- // 获取用户报名数量
- func GetActivitySpecialTripCount(uid, activityId int) (count int, err error) {
- sqlCount := `SELECT COUNT(1) AS count FROM cygx_activity_special_trip WHERE is_cancel=0 AND user_id=? AND activity_id=? `
- o := orm.NewOrm()
- err = o.Raw(sqlCount, uid, activityId).QueryRow(&count)
- return
- }
- // 新增预约人数
- func AddCygxActivitySpecialTrip(items []*CygxActivitySpecialTrip, itemsBill []*CygxActivitySpecialTripBill, itemsMeet []*CygxActivitySpecialMeetingDetail) (err error) {
- o := orm.NewOrm()
- to, err := o.Begin()
- if err != nil {
- return
- }
- defer func() {
- if err != nil {
- _ = to.Rollback()
- } else {
- _ = to.Commit()
- }
- }()
- var count int
- var sql string
- //添加会议提醒
- for _, item := range items {
- sql = `SELECT COUNT(1) AS count FROM cygx_activity_special_trip WHERE user_id=? AND activity_id=? `
- err = to.Raw(sql, item.UserId, item.ActivityId).QueryRow(&count)
- if err != nil {
- return
- }
- if count == 0 {
- _, err = to.Insert(item)
- } else {
- sql := `UPDATE cygx_activity_special_trip SET is_cancel=0 ,create_time = NOW() WHERE user_id=? AND activity_id=? `
- _, err = to.Raw(sql, item.UserId, item.ActivityId).Exec()
- }
- if err != nil {
- return
- }
- }
- //添加流水记录
- //倒序插入,让流水表看起来是正的
- for i := len(itemsBill) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
- _, err = to.Insert(itemsBill[i])
- if err != nil {
- return
- }
- }
- //添加到会信息记录查询表
- for _, item := range itemsMeet {
- _, err = to.Insert(item)
- if err != nil {
- return
- }
- }
- return
- }
- type GetAppointmentSpecialListRsep struct {
- Source int `description:"来源 专项调研:1 "`
- ActivityId int `description:"活动ID"`
- Total int `description:"总人数"`
- MyTotal int `description:"本人名下客户"`
- IsLimitPeople int `description:"是否限制人数 1是,0否"`
- MemberType string `description:"管理员身份 Admin:超级管理员、权益管理员、权益研究员、专家组;GroupLeader:组长;Sale:销售"`
- SpecialType int `description:"调研形式、 1 线上 , 2 线下"`
- List []*CygxActivitySpecialTripResp
- }
- func GetCygxActivitySpecialTripList(activityId int, condition string) (item []*CygxActivitySpecialTripResp, err error) {
- o := orm.NewOrm()
- sql := `SELECT s.id,s.activity_id,s.user_id,s.create_time,s.mobile,s.company_id,u.real_name,c.company_name,a.activity_time,s.outbound_mobile,s.country_code,a.special_type,
- (SELECT p.seller_name from company_product as p WHERE p.company_id = u.company_id AND p.product_id = 2 ) AS seller_name,
- GROUP_CONCAT( DISTINCT p.seller_name SEPARATOR '/' ) AS pseller_name
- cygx_activity_special_trip AS s
- INNER JOIN wx_user AS u ON u.user_id = s.user_id
- INNER JOIN cygx_activity_special AS a ON a.activity_id = s.activity_id
- LEFT JOIN company_product AS p ON p.company_id = u.company_id
- LEFT JOIN company AS c ON c.company_id = u.company_id
- WHERE a.activity_id = ? ` + condition + ` GROUP BY s.user_id ORDER BY s.create_time DESC `
- _, err = o.Raw(sql, activityId).QueryRows(&item)
- return
- }
- func GetActivitySpecialTripTotal(activityId int, sqlStr string) (count int, err error) {
- o := orm.NewOrm()
- sql := `SELECT COUNT(*) FROM
- cygx_activity_special_trip AS s
- INNER JOIN wx_user AS u ON u.user_id = s.user_id
- LEFT JOIN cygx_activity_special AS a ON a.activity_id = s.activity_id
- LEFT JOIN company_product AS p ON p.company_id = u.company_id
- s.activity_id = ? ` + sqlStr + `
- GROUP BY s.user_id)`
- sql = `SELECT COUNT(*) as count FROM (` + sql + ` a`
- err = o.Raw(sql, activityId).QueryRow(&count)
- return
- }
- // ActivitySpecialTripCancel 取消报名
- func ActivitySpecialTripCancel(isValid, activityId, uid int) (err error) {
- o, err := orm.NewOrm().Begin()
- if err != nil {
- return
- }
- defer func() {
- if err != nil {
- _ = o.Rollback()
- } else {
- _ = o.Commit()
- }
- }()
- sql := `UPDATE cygx_activity_special_trip SET is_valid= ?, is_cancel = 1 WHERE activity_id=? AND user_id = ? `
- _, err = o.Raw(sql, isValid, activityId, uid).Exec()
- if err != nil {
- return
- }
- //删除到会记录表信息
- sql = ` DELETE FROM cygx_activity_special_meeting_detail WHERE activity_id = ? AND user_id = ? `
- _, err = o.Raw(sql, activityId, uid).Exec()
- return
- }
- // 获取报名了的用户IDs
- func GetSpecialTripUserIds(activityId int, uIds string) (signupUids string, err error) {
- sql := ` SELECT
- GROUP_CONCAT( DISTINCT s.user_id SEPARATOR ',' ) AS signupUids
- FROM cygx_activity_special_trip AS s
- WHERE s.activity_id = ? AND s.is_cancel = 0 AND s.user_id not IN (` + uIds + `)`
- o := orm.NewOrm()
- err = o.Raw(sql, activityId).QueryRow(&signupUids)
- return
- }
- // 修改外呼手机号
- func SpecialTripOutboundMobileEdit(id int, outboundMobile, countryCode string) (err error) {
- o := orm.NewOrm()
- sql := `UPDATE cygx_activity_special_trip SET outbound_mobile = ?,country_code=? WHERE id=? `
- _, err = o.Raw(sql, outboundMobile, countryCode, id).Exec()
- return
- }
- func GetCygxActivitySpecialTripListByActivityId(activityId int) (item []*CygxActivitySpecialTripResp, err error) {
- o := orm.NewOrm()
- sql := `SELECT *
- cygx_activity_special_trip
- WHERE activity_id = ? AND is_cancel = 0 `
- _, err = o.Raw(sql, activityId).QueryRows(&item)
- return
- }
- // 获取公司报名的记录
- func GetCygxActivitySpecialTripListByComapnyId(companyId int) (item []*CygxActivitySpecial, err error) {
- o := orm.NewOrm()
- sql := `SELECT
- t.*,
- a.chart_permission_id,
- a.chart_permission_name
- cygx_activity_special_trip AS t
- INNER JOIN cygx_activity_special AS a ON a.activity_id = t.activity_id
- t.company_id = ? AND t.is_valid = 1 `
- _, err = o.Raw(sql, companyId).QueryRows(&item)
- return
- }
- // 获取空降的公司报名的记录
- func GetCygxActivitySpecialTripAirborneListByComapnyId(companyId int) (item []*CygxActivitySpecial, err error) {
- o := orm.NewOrm()
- sql := `SELECT
- t.*,
- a.chart_permission_id,
- a.chart_permission_name
- cygx_activity_special_meeting_detail AS t
- INNER JOIN cygx_activity_special AS a ON a.activity_id = t.activity_id
- t.company_id = ? AND t.is_airborne = 1 `
- _, err = o.Raw(sql, companyId).QueryRows(&item)
- return
- }
- type ActivitySpecialSignupTempMsgReq struct {
- ActivityIds string `description:"活动id,用,隔开"`
- SendGroup string `description:"发送对象,1已报名 用,隔开"`
- ResearchTheme string `description:"调研主题"`
- Content string `description:"推送内容"`
- }
- // 列表
- func GetCygxActivitySpecialTripListCondition(condition string, pars []interface{}, startSize, pageSize int) (items []*CygxActivitySpecialTrip, err error) {
- o := orm.NewOrm()
- sql := `SELECT * FROM cygx_activity_special_trip as art WHERE 1= 1 `
- if condition != "" {
- sql += condition
- }
- if startSize+pageSize > 0 {
- sql += ` LIMIT ?,? `
- _, err = o.Raw(sql, pars, startSize, pageSize).QueryRows(&items)
- } else {
- _, err = o.Raw(sql, pars).QueryRows(&items)
- }
- return
- }
- //获取某一用户的报名的数量
- func GetUserActivitySpecialTripCount(uid, activityId int) (count int, err error) {
- sqlCount := `SELECT COUNT(1) AS count FROM cygx_activity_special_trip WHERE user_id=? AND activity_id =? `
- o := orm.NewOrm()
- err = o.Raw(sqlCount, uid, activityId).QueryRow(&count)
- return
- }
- func UpdateSpecialTrip(isValid, isCancel, userId, activityId int) (err error) {
- o := orm.NewOrm()
- sql := `UPDATE cygx_activity_special_trip SET is_valid = ?,create_time=NOW(),is_cancel=? WHERE user_id=? AND activity_id=? `
- _, err = o.Raw(sql, isValid, isCancel, userId, activityId).Exec()
- return
- }