package services import ( "encoding/json" "errors" "fmt" "" "hongze/hz_crm_api/models" "hongze/hz_crm_api/models/company" "hongze/hz_crm_api/models/company_user" "hongze/hz_crm_api/models/system" "hongze/hz_crm_api/services/alarm_msg" "hongze/hz_crm_api/utils" "strconv" "strings" "time" ) // AddCompanyPermission 新增客户权限 func AddCompanyPermission(companyId, sysUserId, productId int, productName, sysUserName, permissionStr, startDate, endDate string) (companyReportPermissionList []*company.CompanyReportPermission, err error) { if permissionStr == "" { return } permissionArr := strings.Split(permissionStr, ",") count, _ := company.GetCompanyReportPermissionCount(companyId, productId) //删除权限 if count > 0 { err = company.DeleteCompanyReportPermission(companyId, productId) if err != nil { return } } //如果是ficc类型的客户,且权限列表中没有 宏观权限,那么需要默认将宏观加进去 if productId == utils.COMPANY_PRODUCT_FICC_ID && !utils.InArrayByStr(permissionArr, "1") { permissionArr = append(permissionArr, "1") } for _, pv := range permissionArr { permissionId, tmpErr := strconv.Atoi(pv) if productId == utils.COMPANY_PRODUCT_RAI_ID && permissionId == 1 { continue } if tmpErr != nil { err = tmpErr return } permission := new(company.CompanyReportPermission) permission.CompanyId = companyId permission.ReportPermissionId = permissionId permission.CreatedTime = time.Now() permission.LastUpdatedTime = time.Now() permission.ChartPermissionId = permissionId permission.StartDate = startDate permission.EndDate = endDate permission.ProductId = productId permission.ProductName = productName permission.ModifyTime = time.Now() permission.Status = "试用" err = company.AddCompanyReportPermission(permission) if err != nil { return } companyReportPermissionList = append(companyReportPermissionList, permission) cpLog := new(company.CompanyPermissionLog) cpLog.CompanyId = companyId cpLog.ChartPermissionId = permissionId cpLog.CreateTime = time.Now() cpLog.SysUserId = sysUserId cpLog.SysUserName = sysUserName cpLog.StartDate = startDate cpLog.EndDate = endDate cpLog.ProductId = productId cpLog.ProductName = productName go company.AddCompanyPermissionLog(cpLog) } return } func AddCompanyProductLog(companyProduct *company.CompanyProduct, adminId int, logType string) (err error) { defer func() { if err != nil { go alarm_msg.SendAlarmMsg("services:AddCompanyProductLog;Err:"+err.Error(), 3) //go utils.SendEmail(utils.APPNAME+"失败提醒"+utils.RunMode, "services:AddCompanyProductLog;Err:"+err.Error(), utils.EmailSendToUsers) } }() productLog := new(company.CompanyProductLog) productLog.CompanyProductId = companyProduct.CompanyProductId productLog.CompanyId = companyProduct.CompanyId productLog.ProductId = companyProduct.ProductId productLog.ProductName = companyProduct.ProductName productLog.CompanyName = companyProduct.CompanyName productLog.CompanyName = companyProduct.CompanyName productLog.Source = companyProduct.Source productLog.Reasons = companyProduct.Reasons productLog.Status = companyProduct.Status productLog.IndustryId = companyProduct.IndustryId productLog.IndustryName = companyProduct.IndustryName productLog.SellerId = companyProduct.SellerId productLog.SellerName = companyProduct.SellerName productLog.GroupId = companyProduct.GroupId productLog.DepartmentId = companyProduct.DepartmentId productLog.IsSuspend = companyProduct.IsSuspend productLog.SuspendTime = companyProduct.SuspendTime productLog.ApproveStatus = companyProduct.ApproveStatus productLog.FreezeTime = companyProduct.FreezeTime productLog.Remark = companyProduct.Remark productLog.StartDate = companyProduct.StartDate productLog.EndDate = companyProduct.EndDate productLog.CreateTime = companyProduct.CreateTime productLog.ModifyTime = companyProduct.ModifyTime productLog.LoseReason = companyProduct.LoseReason productLog.LossTime = companyProduct.LossTime productLog.LogType = logType productLog.LogCreateTime = time.Now() productLog.AdminId = adminId err = company.AddCompanyProductLog(productLog) //修改公司更新时间 sql := `UPDATE company SET last_updated_time=NOW() WHERE company_id=? ` o := orm.NewOrm() o.Raw(sql, companyProduct.CompanyId).Exec() return } func AddCompanyOperationRecord(companyId, sellerId, sysUserId, productId, approveAdminId int, companyName, productName, sysUserRealName, remark, operation, approveContent, approveUserRealName, approveRemark, status string) (err error) { defer func() { if err != nil { go alarm_msg.SendAlarmMsg("services:AddCompanyOperationRecord;Err:"+err.Error(), 3) //go utils.SendEmail(utils.APPNAME+"失败提醒"+utils.RunMode, "services:AddCompanyOperationRecord;Err:"+err.Error(), utils.EmailSendToUsers) } }() record := new(company.CompanyOperationRecord) record.CompanyId = companyId record.CompanyName = companyName record.SellerId = sellerId record.SysUserId = sysUserId record.SysRealName = sysUserRealName record.Remark = remark record.Operation = operation record.CreateTime = time.Now() record.ProductId = productId record.ProductName = productName record.ApproveUserId = approveAdminId record.ApproveRealName = approveUserRealName record.ApproveContent = approveContent record.ApproveRemark = approveRemark record.Status = status _, err = company.AddCompanyOperationRecord(record) return } // AddCompanyOperationRecordMore 添加操作记录(包含补充信息) func AddCompanyOperationRecordMore(companyId, sellerId, sysUserId, productId, approveAdminId int, companyName, productName, sysUserRealName, remark, operation, approveContent, approveContentExtra, approveUserRealName, approveRemark, status string) (err error) { defer func() { if err != nil { go alarm_msg.SendAlarmMsg("services:AddCompanyOperationRecordMore;Err:"+err.Error(), 3) //go utils.SendEmail(utils.APPNAME+"失败提醒"+utils.RunMode, "services:AddCompanyOperationRecord;Err:"+err.Error(), utils.EmailSendToUsers) } }() record := new(company.CompanyOperationRecord) record.CompanyId = companyId record.CompanyName = companyName record.SellerId = sellerId record.SysUserId = sysUserId record.SysRealName = sysUserRealName record.Remark = remark record.Operation = operation record.CreateTime = time.Now() record.ProductId = productId record.ProductName = productName record.ApproveUserId = approveAdminId record.ApproveRealName = approveUserRealName record.ApproveContent = approveContent record.ApproveContentExtra = approveContentExtra record.ApproveRemark = approveRemark record.Status = status _, err = company.AddCompanyOperationRecord(record) return } func GetProductId(roleTypeCode string) (productId int) { if roleTypeCode == utils.ROLE_TYPE_CODE_FICC_SELLER || roleTypeCode == utils.ROLE_TYPE_CODE_FICC_ADMIN || roleTypeCode == utils.ROLE_TYPE_CODE_FICC_TEAM || roleTypeCode == utils.ROLE_TYPE_CODE_FICC_GROUP || roleTypeCode == utils.ROLE_TYPE_CODE_FICC_DEPARTMENT { productId = 1 } else if roleTypeCode == utils.ROLE_TYPE_CODE_RAI_SELLER || roleTypeCode == utils.ROLE_TYPE_CODE_RAI_ADMIN || roleTypeCode == utils.ROLE_TYPE_CODE_RAI_GROUP || roleTypeCode == utils.ROLE_TYPE_CODE_RAI_DEPARTMENT { productId = 2 } else { productId = 0 } return } // CheckAdminIsSeller 根据用户权限码获取是否属于销售 func CheckAdminIsSeller(roleTypeCode string) (isSeller bool) { if roleTypeCode == utils.ROLE_TYPE_CODE_FICC_SELLER || roleTypeCode == utils.ROLE_TYPE_CODE_FICC_GROUP || roleTypeCode == utils.ROLE_TYPE_CODE_RAI_SELLER || roleTypeCode == utils.ROLE_TYPE_CODE_RAI_GROUP { isSeller = true } return } //func GetCompanyPermissionButton(roleTypeCode, status string, itemGroupId, sysUserGroupId, itemSellerId, sysUserId, authority, productId int) (button company.ButtonPermission) { // button.BtnView = true // if roleTypeCode == utils.ROLE_TYPE_CODE_ADMIN { //超级管理员 // if !strings.Contains(status, "/") { // if status == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_FORMAL { //正式 // //button.BtnModifySeller = true // return // } else if status == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_TRY_OUT { //试用 // button.BtnEdit = true // button.BtnDelete = true // //button.BtnModifySeller = true // return // } else if status == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_FREEZE { //冻结 // //button.BtnModifySeller = true // return // } else if status == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_LOSE { //流失 // //button.BtnModifySeller = true // button.BtnDelete = true // return // } else { //永续 // //button.BtnModifySeller = true // button.BtnDelete = true // button.BtnEdit = true // return // } // } // } else if roleTypeCode == utils.ROLE_TYPE_CODE_FICC_ADMIN { // if productId != 1 { // return // } else { // if !strings.Contains(status, "/") { // if status == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_FORMAL { //正式 // button.BtnModifySeller = true // return // } else if status == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_TRY_OUT { //试用 // button.BtnEdit = true // button.BtnDelete = true // button.BtnModifySeller = true // return // } else if status == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_FREEZE { //冻结 // //button.BtnModifySeller = true // return // } else if status == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_LOSE { //流失 // //button.BtnModifySeller = true // button.BtnDelete = true // return // } else { //永续 // return // } // } // } // } else if roleTypeCode == utils.ROLE_TYPE_CODE_RAI_ADMIN { // if !strings.Contains(status, "/") { // if status == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_FORMAL { //正式 // button.BtnModifySeller = true // return // } else if status == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_TRY_OUT { //试用 // button.BtnEdit = true // button.BtnDelete = true // return // } else if status == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_FREEZE { //冻结 // return // } else if status == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_LOSE { //流失 // button.BtnDelete = true // return // } else { //永续 // return // } // } // } else if roleTypeCode == utils.ROLE_TYPE_CODE_FICC_SELLER { // if roleTypeCode == utils.ROLE_TYPE_CODE_FICC_SELLER && productId == 2 { // return // } // if roleTypeCode == utils.ROLE_TYPE_CODE_RAI_SELLER && productId == 1 { // return // } // //管理权限,0:无,1:部门负责人,2:小组负责人,3:超级管理员 // if authority == 2 { //组长 // if !strings.Contains(status, "/") { // if sysUserId == itemSellerId { //自己客户 // if status == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_FORMAL { //正式 // button.BtnUpdate = true // button.BtnModifySeller = true // return // } else if status == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_TRY_OUT { //试用 // button.BtnEdit = true // button.BtnDelete = true // button.BtnSuspend = true // button.BtnDelay = true // button.BtnTurnPositive = true // button.BtnModifySeller = true // return // } else if status == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_FREEZE { //冻结 // button.BtnThaw = true // return // } else if status == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_LOSE { //流失 // if itemSellerId == sysUserId || itemGroupId == sysUserGroupId { // button.BtnApplyReceive = true // } else { // button.BtnReceive = true // } // if itemSellerId == sysUserId || (itemGroupId == sysUserGroupId && authority > 0) { // button.BtnDelete = true // } // return // } else { //永续 // button.BtnDelete = true // return // } // } else { // if productId == 1 { // if status == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_FORMAL { //正式 // button.BtnModifySeller=true // return // } else if status == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_TRY_OUT { //试用 // button.BtnModifySeller=true // return // } else if status == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_FREEZE { //冻结 // button.BtnThaw = true // return // } else if status == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_LOSE { //流失 // if itemSellerId == sysUserId || itemGroupId == sysUserGroupId { // button.BtnApplyReceive = true // } else { // button.BtnReceive = true // } // return // } else { //永续 // button.BtnDelete = true // return // } // } else { // button.BtnReceive = true // } // } // } // } else { //销售 // if !strings.Contains(status, "/") { // if itemSellerId == sysUserId { // if status == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_FORMAL { //正式 // button.BtnUpdate = true // return // } else if status == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_TRY_OUT { //试用 // button.BtnEdit = true // button.BtnDelete = true // button.BtnSuspend = true // button.BtnDelay = true // button.BtnTurnPositive = true // return // } else if status == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_FREEZE { //冻结 // button.BtnThaw = true // return // } else if status == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_LOSE { //流失 // if itemSellerId == sysUserId || itemGroupId == sysUserGroupId { // button.BtnApplyReceive = true // } else { // button.BtnReceive = true // } // if itemSellerId == sysUserId || (itemGroupId == sysUserGroupId && authority > 0) { // button.BtnDelete = true // } // return // } else { //永续 // button.BtnDelete = true // return // } // } else { // if productId == 1 { // if status == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_FORMAL { //正式 // return // } else if status == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_TRY_OUT { //试用 // return // } else if status == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_FREEZE { //冻结 // button.BtnThaw = true // return // } else if status == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_LOSE { //流失 // if itemSellerId == sysUserId || itemGroupId == sysUserGroupId { // button.BtnApplyReceive = true // } else { // button.BtnReceive = true // } // return // } else { //永续 // button.BtnDelete = true // return // } // } else { // button.BtnReceive = true // } // } // } // } // } else if roleTypeCode == utils.ROLE_TYPE_CODE_RAI_SELLER { // if roleTypeCode == utils.ROLE_TYPE_CODE_FICC_SELLER && productId == 2 { // return // } // if roleTypeCode == utils.ROLE_TYPE_CODE_RAI_SELLER && productId == 1 { // return // } // if !strings.Contains(status, "/") { // if authority == 2 { //组长 // if itemSellerId==sysUserId { // if status == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_FORMAL { //正式 // button.BtnUpdate = true // button.BtnModifySeller = true // return // } else if status == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_TRY_OUT { //试用 // button.BtnEdit = true // button.BtnDelete = true // button.BtnSuspend = true // button.BtnDelay = true // button.BtnTurnPositive = true // button.BtnModifySeller = true // return // } else if status == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_FREEZE { //冻结 // button.BtnThaw = true // return // } else if status == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_LOSE { //流失 // if itemSellerId == sysUserId || itemGroupId == sysUserGroupId { // button.BtnApplyReceive = true // } else { // button.BtnReceive = true // } // if itemSellerId == sysUserId || (itemGroupId == sysUserGroupId && authority > 0) { // button.BtnDelete = true // } // return // } else { //永续 // button.BtnDelete = true // return // } // }else{ // if productId==1 { // button.BtnReceive=true // }else{ // if status == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_FORMAL { //正式 // button.BtnModifySeller=true // return // } else if status == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_TRY_OUT { //试用 // button.BtnModifySeller=true // return // } else if status == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_FREEZE { //冻结 // button.BtnThaw = true // return // } else if status == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_LOSE { //流失 // if itemSellerId == sysUserId || itemGroupId == sysUserGroupId { // button.BtnApplyReceive = true // } else { // button.BtnReceive = true // } // return // } else { //永续 // button.BtnDelete = true // return // } // } // } // } else { // if itemSellerId==sysUserId { // if status == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_FORMAL { //正式 // button.BtnUpdate = true // return // } else if status == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_TRY_OUT { //试用 // button.BtnEdit = true // button.BtnDelete = true // button.BtnSuspend = true // button.BtnDelay = true // button.BtnTurnPositive = true // return // } else if status == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_FREEZE { //冻结 // button.BtnThaw = true // return // } else if status == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_LOSE { //流失 // if itemSellerId == sysUserId || itemGroupId == sysUserGroupId { // button.BtnApplyReceive = true // } else { // button.BtnReceive = true // } // if itemSellerId == sysUserId || (itemGroupId == sysUserGroupId && authority > 0) { // button.BtnDelete = true // } // return // } else { //永续 // button.BtnDelete = true // return // } // }else{ // if productId==1 { // button.BtnReceive=true // }else{ // if status == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_FORMAL { //正式 // return // } else if status == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_TRY_OUT { //试用 // return // } else if status == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_FREEZE { //冻结 // button.BtnThaw = true // return // } else if status == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_LOSE { //流失 // if itemSellerId == sysUserId || itemGroupId == sysUserGroupId { // button.BtnApplyReceive = true // } else { // button.BtnReceive = true // } // return // } else { //永续 // button.BtnDelete = true // return // } // } // } // } // } // } // return button //} //func GetCompanyPermissionButton(roleTypeCode, status string, itemGroupId, sysUserGroupId, itemSellerId, sysUserId, authority, productId int) (button company.ButtonPermission) { // button.BtnView = true // if roleTypeCode == utils.ROLE_TYPE_CODE_ADMIN { //超级管理员 // if !strings.Contains(status, "/") { // if status == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_FORMAL { //正式 // button.BtnView = true // button.BtnModifySeller = true // return // } else if status == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_TRY_OUT { //试用 // button.BtnEdit = true // button.BtnDelete = true // button.BtnFreeze=true // return // } else if status == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_FREEZE { //冻结 // button.BtnModifySeller = true // button.BtnView = true // return // } else if status == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_LOSE { //流失 // button.BtnDelete = true // button.BtnModifySeller = true // return // } else { //永续 // button.BtnDelete = true // button.BtnEdit = true // return // } // } // } else if roleTypeCode == utils.ROLE_TYPE_CODE_FICC_ADMIN { // fmt.Println("itemSellerId:",itemSellerId) // fmt.Println("sysUserId:",sysUserId) // if !strings.Contains(status, "/") { // if itemSellerId == sysUserId { // if productId == 1 { // if status == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_FORMAL { //正式 // button.BtnModifySeller = true // button.BtnUpdate = true // return // } else if status == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_TRY_OUT { //试用 // button.BtnEdit = true // button.BtnDelete = true // button.BtnModifySeller = true // button.BtnSuspend = true // button.BtnDelay = true // button.BtnTurnPositive = true // button.BtnFreeze=true // return // } else if status == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_FREEZE { //冻结 // button.BtnModifySeller = true // button.BtnView = true // return // } else if status == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_LOSE { //流失 // button.BtnModifySeller = true // if itemSellerId == sysUserId || (itemGroupId == sysUserGroupId && authority > 0) { // button.BtnDelete = true // } // if itemSellerId == sysUserId || itemGroupId == sysUserGroupId { // button.BtnApplyReceive = true // } else { // button.BtnReceive = true // } // return // } else { //永续 // button.BtnDelete = true // return // } // } else { // //button.BtnReceiveOther=true // return // } // } else { // if productId == 1 { // if status == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_FORMAL { //正式 // button.BtnModifySeller = true // return // } else if status == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_TRY_OUT { //试用 // button.BtnEdit = true // button.BtnDelete = true // return // } else if status == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_FREEZE { //冻结 // button.BtnModifySeller = true // button.BtnView = true // return // } else if status == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_LOSE { //流失 // button.BtnModifySeller = true // button.BtnDelete = true // button.BtnView = true // return // } else { //永续 // return // } // } else { // button.BtnReceiveOther = true // return // } // } // } // } else if roleTypeCode == utils.ROLE_TYPE_CODE_RAI_ADMIN { // if !strings.Contains(status, "/") { // if itemSellerId == sysUserId { // if productId == 2 { // if status == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_FORMAL { //正式 // button.BtnModifySeller = true // button.BtnUpdate = true // return // } else if status == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_TRY_OUT { //试用 // button.BtnEdit = true // button.BtnDelete = true // button.BtnModifySeller = true // button.BtnSuspend = true // button.BtnDelay = true // button.BtnTurnPositive = true // button.BtnFreeze=true // return // } else if status == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_FREEZE { //冻结 // button.BtnModifySeller = true // return // } else if status == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_LOSE { //流失 // button.BtnModifySeller = true // if itemSellerId == sysUserId || (itemGroupId == sysUserGroupId && authority > 0) { // button.BtnDelete = true // } // if itemSellerId == sysUserId || itemGroupId == sysUserGroupId { // button.BtnApplyReceive = true // } else { // button.BtnReceive = true // } // return // } else { //永续 // button.BtnDelete = true // return // } // } else { // return // } // } else { // if productId == 2 { // if status == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_FORMAL { //正式 // button.BtnModifySeller = true // button.BtnView = true // return // } else if status == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_TRY_OUT { //试用 // button.BtnEdit = true // button.BtnDelete = true // return // } else if status == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_FREEZE { //冻结 // button.BtnView = true // button.BtnModifySeller = true // return // } else if status == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_LOSE { //流失 // button.BtnModifySeller = true // button.BtnDelete = true // button.BtnView = true // return // } else { //永续 // return // } // } else { // //button.BtnReceive = true // return // } // } // } // } else if roleTypeCode == utils.ROLE_TYPE_CODE_FICC_SELLER { // if !strings.Contains(status, "/") { // if itemSellerId == sysUserId { // if productId == 1 { // if status == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_FORMAL { //正式 // button.BtnUpdate = true // return // } else if status == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_TRY_OUT { //试用 // button.BtnDelete = true // button.BtnEdit = true // button.BtnSuspend = true // button.BtnDelay = true // button.BtnTurnPositive = true // button.BtnFreeze=true // return // } else if status == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_FREEZE { //冻结 // button.BtnThaw = true // return // } else if status == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_LOSE { //流失 // if itemSellerId == sysUserId || itemGroupId == sysUserGroupId { // button.BtnApplyReceive = true // } else { // button.BtnReceive = true // } // if itemSellerId == sysUserId || (sysUserGroupId == itemGroupId && authority == 2) { // button.BtnDelete = true // } // return // } else { //永续 // button.BtnDelete = true // return // } // } else { // button.BtnReceiveOther = true // return // } // } else { // if productId == 1 { // if status == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_FORMAL { //正式 // return // } else if status == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_TRY_OUT { //试用 // return // } else if status == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_FREEZE { //冻结 // button.BtnApplyReceive = true // button.BtnView = false // return // } else if status == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_LOSE { //流失 // if itemGroupId == sysUserGroupId { // button.BtnApplyReceive = true // } else { // button.BtnReceive = true // } // button.BtnView = false // return // } else { //永续 // button.BtnDelete = true // return // } // } else { // button.BtnReceiveOther = true // button.BtnView = false // return // } // } // } // } else if roleTypeCode == utils.ROLE_TYPE_CODE_RAI_SELLER { // if !strings.Contains(status, "/") { // if itemSellerId == sysUserId { // if productId == 2 { // if status == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_FORMAL { //正式 // button.BtnUpdate = true // return // } else if status == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_TRY_OUT { //试用 // button.BtnDelete = true // button.BtnEdit = true // button.BtnSuspend = true // button.BtnDelay = true // button.BtnTurnPositive = true // button.BtnFreeze=true // return // } else if status == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_FREEZE { //冻结 // button.BtnThaw = true // return // } else if status == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_LOSE { //流失 // if itemGroupId == sysUserGroupId { // button.BtnApplyReceive = true // } else { // button.BtnReceive = true // } // if sysUserGroupId == itemGroupId && authority == 2 { // button.BtnDelete = true // } // return // } else { //永续 // button.BtnDelete = true // return // } // } else { // button.BtnReceiveOther = true // return // } // } else { // if productId == 2 { // if status == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_FORMAL { //正式 // return // } else if status == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_TRY_OUT { //试用 // return // } else if status == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_FREEZE { //冻结 // button.BtnApplyReceive = true // button.BtnView = false // return // } else if status == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_LOSE { //流失 // if itemGroupId == sysUserGroupId { // button.BtnApplyReceive = true // } else { // button.BtnReceive = true // } // button.BtnView = false // return // } else { //永续 // button.BtnDelete = true // return // } // } else { // button.BtnReceiveOther = true // button.BtnView = false // return // } // } // } // } // return button //} // func GetCompanyPermissionButton(roleTypeCode, status, itemSellerIds, itemGroupIdS string, itemGroupId, sysUserGroupId, itemSellerId, sysUserId, authority, productId, shareSellerId int, shareSellerIds string) (button company.ButtonPermission) { //产品状态map productStatusMap := make(map[int]string) if productId == 1 { productStatusMap[1] = status } else if productId == 2 { productStatusMap[2] = status } if strings.Contains(status, "/") { statusSlice := strings.Split(status, "/") productStatusMap[1] = statusSlice[0] productStatusMap[2] = statusSlice[1] } //所属销售map sellerIdMap := make(map[int]int) if productId == 1 { sellerIdMap[1] = itemSellerId } else if productId == 2 { sellerIdMap[2] = itemSellerId } if strings.Contains(itemSellerIds, "/") { sellerIdSlice := strings.Split(itemSellerIds, "/") sellerIdMap[1], _ = strconv.Atoi(sellerIdSlice[0]) sellerIdMap[2], _ = strconv.Atoi(sellerIdSlice[1]) } //分组map groupIdMap := make(map[int]int) if productId == 1 { groupIdMap[1] = itemGroupId } else if productId == 2 { groupIdMap[2] = itemGroupId } if strings.Contains(itemGroupIdS, "/") { groupIdSlice := strings.Split(itemGroupIdS, "/") groupIdMap[1], _ = strconv.Atoi(groupIdSlice[0]) groupIdMap[2], _ = strconv.Atoi(groupIdSlice[1]) } shareSellerIdArr := strings.Split(shareSellerIds, ",") if roleTypeCode == utils.ROLE_TYPE_CODE_ADMIN { //超级管理员 button.BtnView = true //查看详情权限 if !strings.Contains(status, "/") { if status == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_FORMAL { //正式 //button.BtnModifySeller = true button.BtnRemarkView = true return } else if status == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_TRY_OUT { //试用 button.BtnEdit = true button.BtnDelete = true button.BtnRemarkView = true //button.BtnModifySeller = true button.BtnFreeze = false if productId == utils.COMPANY_PRODUCT_FICC_ID { button.BtnClose = true // 超管/FICC管理员可关闭试用客户 } return } else if status == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_FREEZE { //冻结 //button.BtnModifySeller = true button.BtnRemarkView = true return } else if status == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_LOSE { //流失 //button.BtnModifySeller = true button.BtnDelete = true return } else if status == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_CLOSE { // 关闭 //button.BtnModifySeller = true button.BtnDelete = true if productId == utils.COMPANY_PRODUCT_FICC_ID { button.BtnLoss = true // 超管/FICC管理员可关闭转流失 } return } else { //永续 //button.BtnModifySeller = true button.BtnDelete = true button.BtnEdit = true return } } } else if roleTypeCode == utils.ROLE_TYPE_CODE_FICC_ADMIN { //查看详情权限 productStatus, hasProduct := productStatusMap[1] if hasProduct { button.BtnView = true if productStatus == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_FORMAL { //正式 button.BtnModifySeller = true button.BtnShare = true return } else if productStatus == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_TRY_OUT { //试用 button.BtnEdit = true //button.BtnDelete = true button.BtnModifySeller = true button.BtnFreeze = false button.BtnClose = true // 超管/FICC管理员可关闭试用客户 return } else if productStatus == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_FREEZE { //冻结 button.BtnModifySeller = true return } else if productStatus == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_LOSE { //流失 //button.BtnModifySeller = true //button.BtnDelete = true return } else if productStatus == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_CLOSE { // 关闭 button.BtnLoss = true // 超管/FICC管理员可关闭转流失 return } else { //永续 return } } else { productStatus2, hasProduct2 := productStatusMap[2] //如果没有权限的话,那么允许领取其他部门客户按钮权限 if hasProduct2 { //其他产品的流失客户可以有查看权限 if productStatus2 == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_LOSE { button.BtnView = true //查看权限 } } } return } else if roleTypeCode == utils.ROLE_TYPE_CODE_RAI_ADMIN { //查看详情权限 productStatus, hasProduct := productStatusMap[2] if hasProduct { button.BtnView = true if productStatus == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_FORMAL { //正式 button.BtnModifySeller = true button.BtnShare = true } else if productStatus == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_TRY_OUT { //试用 button.BtnEdit = true //button.BtnDelete = true button.BtnModifySeller = true button.BtnFreeze = false // CRM14.7.2 权益管理员可以设置试用客户为共享 button.BtnShare = true } else if productStatus == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_FREEZE { //冻结 button.BtnModifySeller = true } else if productStatus == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_LOSE { //流失 //button.BtnDelete = true } else { //永续 button.BtnModifySeller = true button.BtnShare = true } } else { productStatus2, hasProduct2 := productStatusMap[1] //如果没有权限的话,那么允许领取其他部门客户按钮权限 if hasProduct2 { //其他产品的流失客户可以有查看权限 if productStatus2 == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_LOSE { button.BtnView = true //查看权限 } } } return } else if roleTypeCode == utils.ROLE_TYPE_CODE_FICC_SELLER || roleTypeCode == utils.ROLE_TYPE_CODE_FICC_TEAM || roleTypeCode == utils.ROLE_TYPE_CODE_FICC_GROUP { //判断该客户是否有ficc权限 productStatus, hasProduct := productStatusMap[1] if hasProduct { //如果有权限的话: //获取当前ficc的销售id sellerId, hasSellerId := sellerIdMap[1] //获取当前ficc的销售分组id groupId, hasGroupId := groupIdMap[1] //如果是自己客户,那么拥有查看权限 if hasSellerId { if sellerId == sysUserId || utils.InArrayByStr(shareSellerIdArr, strconv.Itoa(sysUserId)) || shareSellerId == sysUserId { button.BtnView = true //显示权限、详情 if productStatus == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_FORMAL { //正式 button.BtnUpdate = true //服务更新 button.BtnAddAgreement = true //补充协议 button.BtnTryOut = true button.BtnModifySeller = true button.BtnShare = true button.BtnRemarkEdit = true button.BtnRemarkView = true if sellerId != sysUserId { button.BtnModifySeller = false } } else if productStatus == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_TRY_OUT { //试用 button.BtnEdit = true button.BtnDelete = true button.BtnSuspend = true button.BtnDelay = true button.BtnTurnPositive = true button.BtnFreeze = true button.BtnModifySeller = true button.BtnRemarkEdit = true button.BtnRemarkView = true if sellerId != sysUserId { button.BtnModifySeller = false } } else if productStatus == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_FREEZE { //冻结 button.BtnThaw = true button.BtnModifySeller = true button.BtnRemarkEdit = true button.BtnRemarkView = true if sellerId != sysUserId { button.BtnModifySeller = false } } else if productStatus == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_LOSE { //流失 button.BtnApplyReceive = true } else { //永续 //button.BtnDelete = true } } else { if productStatus == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_LOSE { //流失 button.BtnView = true //显示权限、详情 //如果不是自己客户,那么判断是否是本小组的,如果是本小组,那么还是申请领取,非本小组的话,那就是领取 if groupId == sysUserGroupId { button.BtnApplyReceive = true } else { button.BtnReceive = true } } } } //如果是组长,且该客户属于本组客户 if authority == 4 && hasGroupId && groupId == sysUserGroupId && roleTypeCode == utils.ROLE_TYPE_CODE_FICC_TEAM { button.BtnView = true //查看详情权限 if productStatus == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_FORMAL { //正式 button.BtnModifySeller = true button.BtnShare = true button.BtnRemarkView = true } else if productStatus == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_TRY_OUT { //试用 button.BtnModifySeller = true button.BtnRemarkView = true } else if productStatus == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_FREEZE { //冻结 button.BtnModifySeller = true button.BtnRemarkView = true //button.BtnThaw = false } else if productStatus == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_LOSE { //流失 if sellerId == sysUserId || groupId == sysUserGroupId || utils.InArrayByStr(shareSellerIdArr, strconv.Itoa(sysUserId)) || shareSellerId == sysUserId { button.BtnApplyReceive = true } else { button.BtnReceive = true } } else { //永续 //button.BtnDelete = true } } //如果是ficc销售主管,且该客户属于本组客户 //获取父级groupId groupIdpid, err := company.GetParentIdFromGroup(groupId) if err != nil { fmt.Println(err.Error()) } sysUserGroupIdpid, err := company.GetParentIdFromGroup(sysUserGroupId) if err != nil { fmt.Println(err.Error()) } var pidBool bool //处理主管和销售在不同的二三级分组下的情况 if groupIdpid != nil && sysUserGroupIdpid != nil { pidBool = *groupIdpid == *sysUserGroupIdpid || *groupIdpid == sysUserGroupId || groupId == sysUserGroupId || groupId == *sysUserGroupIdpid } if authority == 2 && hasGroupId && pidBool && roleTypeCode == utils.ROLE_TYPE_CODE_FICC_GROUP { button.BtnView = true //查看详情权限 if productStatus == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_FORMAL { //正式 button.BtnModifySeller = true button.BtnShare = true button.BtnRemarkView = true } else if productStatus == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_TRY_OUT { //试用 button.BtnModifySeller = true button.BtnRemarkView = true } else if productStatus == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_FREEZE { //冻结 button.BtnModifySeller = true button.BtnRemarkView = true //button.BtnThaw = false } else if productStatus == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_LOSE { //流失 if sellerId == sysUserId || groupId == sysUserGroupId || utils.InArrayByStr(shareSellerIdArr, strconv.Itoa(sysUserId)) || shareSellerId == sysUserId { button.BtnApplyReceive = true } else { button.BtnReceive = true } } else { //永续 //button.BtnDelete = true } } //ficc同一个大组当作一个小组来处理领取按钮 var ids []*string if groupIdpid != nil && *groupIdpid != 0 { ids, err = company.GetGroupIdsByParentId(*groupIdpid) if err != nil { fmt.Println(err.Error()) } } var idSlice []string var sid string for _, id := range ids { idSlice = append(idSlice, *id) } sid = strings.Join(idSlice, ",") if strings.Contains(sid, strconv.Itoa(itemGroupId)) { if productStatus == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_LOSE { //流失 button.BtnApplyReceive = true button.BtnReceive = false } } } else { productStatus2, hasProduct2 := productStatusMap[2] //如果没有权限的话,那么允许领取其他部门客户按钮权限 if hasProduct2 { //如果客户ficc权限是永续,那么也没有其他部门客户的按钮权限 if productStatus2 != utils.COMPANY_STATUS_FOREVER { button.BtnReceiveOther = true //领取其他部门客户按钮权限 } //其他产品的流失客户可以有查看权限 if productStatus2 == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_LOSE { button.BtnView = true //查看权限 } } } return } else if roleTypeCode == utils.ROLE_TYPE_CODE_RAI_SELLER || roleTypeCode == utils.ROLE_TYPE_CODE_RAI_GROUP { //判断该客户是否有权益权限 productStatus, hasProduct := productStatusMap[2] if hasProduct { //如果有权限的话: //获取当前 权益 的销售id sellerId, hasSellerId := sellerIdMap[2] //获取当前 权益 的销售分组id groupId, hasGroupId := groupIdMap[2] //如果是自己客户,那么拥有查看权限 if hasSellerId { if sellerId == sysUserId || utils.InArrayByStr(shareSellerIdArr, strconv.Itoa(sysUserId)) || shareSellerId == sysUserId { button.BtnView = true //显示权限、详情 if productStatus == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_FORMAL { //正式 button.BtnUpdate = true button.BtnTryOut = true button.BtnModifySeller = true //button.BtnShare = true button.BtnRemarkEdit = true button.BtnRemarkView = true } else if productStatus == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_TRY_OUT { //试用 button.BtnEdit = true button.BtnDelete = true button.BtnSuspend = true button.BtnDelay = true button.BtnTurnPositive = true button.BtnModifySeller = true button.BtnFreeze = true button.BtnRemarkEdit = true button.BtnRemarkView = true //button.BtnShare = true } else if productStatus == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_FREEZE { //冻结 button.BtnThaw = true button.BtnModifySeller = true button.BtnRemarkEdit = true button.BtnRemarkView = true } else if productStatus == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_LOSE { //流失 button.BtnApplyReceive = true } else if productStatus == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_FOREVER { //永续 button.BtnTurnPositive = true } } else { if productStatus == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_LOSE { //流失 button.BtnView = true //显示权限、详情 //如果不是自己客户,那么判断是否是本小组的,如果是本小组,那么还是申请领取,非本小组的话,那就是领取 if groupId == sysUserGroupId { button.BtnApplyReceive = true } else { button.BtnReceive = true } } } } //如果是组长,且该客户属于本组客户 if authority == 2 && hasGroupId && groupId == sysUserGroupId { button.BtnView = true //查看详情权限 if productStatus == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_FORMAL { //正式 button.BtnModifySeller = true //button.BtnShare = true button.BtnRemarkView = true } else if productStatus == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_TRY_OUT { //试用 button.BtnModifySeller = true button.BtnRemarkView = true //button.BtnShare = true } else if productStatus == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_FREEZE { //冻结 button.BtnModifySeller = true button.BtnRemarkView = true } else if productStatus == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_LOSE { //流失 if sellerId == sysUserId || groupId == sysUserGroupId || utils.InArrayByStr(shareSellerIdArr, strconv.Itoa(sysUserId)) || shareSellerId == sysUserId { button.BtnApplyReceive = true } else { button.BtnReceive = true } } else { //永续 //button.BtnDelete = true } } } else { productStatus2, hasProduct2 := productStatusMap[1] //如果没有权限的话,那么允许领取其他部门客户按钮权限 if hasProduct2 { //如果客户 权益 权限是永续,那么也没有其他部门客户的按钮权限 if productStatus2 != utils.COMPANY_STATUS_FOREVER { button.BtnReceiveOther = true //领取其他部门客户按钮权限 } //其他产品的流失客户可以有查看权限 if productStatus2 == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_LOSE { button.BtnView = true //查看权限 } } } return } return button } // GetCompanyPermissionButtonByReceiveEnabled 查询当前销售 "添加客户" 权限来判断按钮权限 func GetCompanyPermissionButtonByReceiveEnabled(btnItem *company.ButtonPermission, receiveEnabled bool) (buttonNew *company.ButtonPermission) { //查询当前销售 "添加客户" 权限是否为禁用 if !receiveEnabled { //申请领取、领取客户、领取其他部门客户按钮权限按钮显示时 if btnItem.BtnApplyReceive || btnItem.BtnReceive || btnItem.BtnReceiveOther { btnItem.BtnApplyReceive = false btnItem.BtnReceive = false btnItem.BtnReceiveOther = false } if btnItem.BtnThaw { btnItem.BtnThaw = false } } buttonNew = btnItem return buttonNew } //func GetCompanyPermissionButtonOld(roleTypeCode, status string, itemGroupId, sysUserGroupId, itemSellerId, sysUserId, authority, productId int) (button company.ButtonPermission) { // button.BtnView = true // if roleTypeCode == utils.ROLE_TYPE_CODE_ADMIN { //超级管理员 // if !strings.Contains(status, "/") { // if status == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_FORMAL { //正式 // //button.BtnModifySeller = true // return // } else if status == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_TRY_OUT { //试用 // button.BtnEdit = true // button.BtnDelete = true // //button.BtnModifySeller = true // button.BtnFreeze = false // return // } else if status == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_FREEZE { //冻结 // //button.BtnModifySeller = true // return // } else if status == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_LOSE { //流失 // //button.BtnModifySeller = true // button.BtnDelete = true // return // } else { //永续 // //button.BtnModifySeller = true // button.BtnDelete = true // button.BtnEdit = true // return // } // } // } else if roleTypeCode == utils.ROLE_TYPE_CODE_FICC_ADMIN { // if productId != 1 { // return // } else { // if !strings.Contains(status, "/") { // if status == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_FORMAL { //正式 // button.BtnModifySeller = true // return // } else if status == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_TRY_OUT { //试用 // //button.BtnEdit = true // //button.BtnDelete = true // button.BtnModifySeller = true // button.BtnFreeze = false // return // } else if status == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_FREEZE { //冻结 // //button.BtnModifySeller = true // return // } else if status == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_LOSE { //流失 // //button.BtnModifySeller = true // //button.BtnDelete = true // return // } else { //永续 // return // } // } // } // } else if roleTypeCode == utils.ROLE_TYPE_CODE_RAI_ADMIN { // if !strings.Contains(status, "/") { // if status == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_FORMAL { //正式 // button.BtnModifySeller = true // return // } else if status == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_TRY_OUT { //试用 // //button.BtnEdit = true // //button.BtnDelete = true // button.BtnModifySeller = true // button.BtnFreeze = false // return // } else if status == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_FREEZE { //冻结 // return // } else if status == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_LOSE { //流失 // //button.BtnDelete = true // return // } else { //永续 // return // } // } // } else if roleTypeCode == utils.ROLE_TYPE_CODE_FICC_SELLER { // if roleTypeCode == utils.ROLE_TYPE_CODE_FICC_SELLER && productId == 2 { // if !strings.Contains(status, "/") { // button.BtnReceiveOther = true //领取其他部门客户按钮权限 // } else { // //共享客户,需要取出当前销售对应的 产品 权限(目前是ficc销售,所以是ficc的权限,也就是第1个) // statusSlice := strings.Split(status, "/") // ficcStatus := statusSlice[0] // if ficcStatus == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_LOSE { //流失 // if itemSellerId == sysUserId || itemGroupId == sysUserGroupId { // button.BtnApplyReceive = true //申请领取按钮权限 // } else { // button.BtnReceive = true //领取客户按钮权限 // } // return // } // } // return // } // if roleTypeCode == utils.ROLE_TYPE_CODE_RAI_SELLER && productId == 1 { // return // } // //管理权限,0:无,1:部门负责人,2:小组负责人,3:超级管理员 // if authority == 2 { //组长 // if !strings.Contains(status, "/") { // if sysUserId == itemSellerId { //自己客户 // if status == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_FORMAL { //正式 // button.BtnUpdate = true // button.BtnModifySeller = true // button.BtnTryOut = true // return // } else if status == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_TRY_OUT { //试用 // button.BtnEdit = true // button.BtnDelete = true // button.BtnSuspend = true // button.BtnDelay = true // button.BtnTurnPositive = true // button.BtnModifySeller = true // button.BtnFreeze = true // return // } else if status == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_FREEZE { //冻结 // button.BtnThaw = true // return // } else if status == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_LOSE { //流失 // if itemSellerId == sysUserId || itemGroupId == sysUserGroupId { // button.BtnApplyReceive = true // } else { // button.BtnReceive = true // } // if itemSellerId == sysUserId || (itemGroupId == sysUserGroupId && authority > 0) { // //button.BtnDelete = true // } // return // } else { //永续 // button.BtnDelete = true // return // } // } else { // if productId == 1 { // if status == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_FORMAL { //正式 // button.BtnModifySeller = true // return // } else if status == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_TRY_OUT { //试用 // button.BtnModifySeller = true // return // } else if status == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_FREEZE { //冻结 // button.BtnThaw = false // return // } else if status == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_LOSE { //流失 // if itemSellerId == sysUserId || itemGroupId == sysUserGroupId { // button.BtnApplyReceive = true // } else { // button.BtnReceive = true // } // return // } else { //永续 // button.BtnDelete = true // return // } // } else { // //button.BtnReceive = true // } // } // } // } else { //销售 // if !strings.Contains(status, "/") { // if itemSellerId == sysUserId { // if status == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_FORMAL { //正式 // button.BtnUpdate = true // button.BtnTryOut = true // return // } else if status == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_TRY_OUT { //试用 // button.BtnEdit = true // button.BtnDelete = true // button.BtnSuspend = true // button.BtnDelay = true // button.BtnTurnPositive = true // button.BtnFreeze = true // return // } else if status == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_FREEZE { //冻结 // button.BtnThaw = true // return // } else if status == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_LOSE { //流失 // if itemSellerId == sysUserId || itemGroupId == sysUserGroupId { // button.BtnApplyReceive = true // } else { // button.BtnReceive = true // } // if itemSellerId == sysUserId || (itemGroupId == sysUserGroupId && authority > 0) { // //button.BtnDelete = true // } // return // } else { //永续 // button.BtnDelete = true // return // } // } else { // if productId == 1 { // if status == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_FORMAL { //正式 // return // } else if status == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_TRY_OUT { //试用 // return // } else if status == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_FREEZE { //冻结 // button.BtnThaw = false // return // } else if status == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_LOSE { //流失 // if itemSellerId == sysUserId || itemGroupId == sysUserGroupId { // button.BtnApplyReceive = true // } else { // button.BtnReceive = true // } // return // } else { //永续 // button.BtnDelete = true // return // } // } else { // //button.BtnReceive = true // } // } // } else { // //共享客户,需要取出当前销售对应的 产品 权限(目前是ficc销售,所以是ficc的权限,也就是第1个) // statusSlice := strings.Split(status, "/") // ficcStatus := statusSlice[0] // if ficcStatus == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_LOSE { //流失 // if itemSellerId == sysUserId || itemGroupId == sysUserGroupId { // button.BtnApplyReceive = true //申请领取按钮权限 // } else { // button.BtnReceive = true //领取客户按钮权限 // } // return // } // } // } // } else if roleTypeCode == utils.ROLE_TYPE_CODE_RAI_SELLER { // if roleTypeCode == utils.ROLE_TYPE_CODE_FICC_SELLER && productId == 2 { // return // } // if roleTypeCode == utils.ROLE_TYPE_CODE_RAI_SELLER && productId == 1 { // if !strings.Contains(status, "/") { // button.BtnReceiveOther = true //领取其他部门客户按钮权限 // } else { // //共享客户,需要取出当前销售对应的 产品 权限(目前是权益销售,所以是权益的权限,也就是第2个) // statusSlice := strings.Split(status, "/") // raiStatus := statusSlice[1] // if raiStatus == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_LOSE { //流失 // if itemSellerId == sysUserId || itemGroupId == sysUserGroupId { // button.BtnApplyReceive = true //申请领取按钮权限 // } else { // button.BtnReceive = true //领取客户按钮权限 // } // return // } // } // return // } // if !strings.Contains(status, "/") { // if authority == 2 { //组长 // if itemSellerId == sysUserId { // if status == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_FORMAL { //正式 // button.BtnUpdate = true // button.BtnModifySeller = true // button.BtnTryOut = true // return // } else if status == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_TRY_OUT { //试用 // button.BtnEdit = true // button.BtnDelete = true // button.BtnSuspend = true // button.BtnDelay = true // button.BtnTurnPositive = true // button.BtnModifySeller = true // button.BtnFreeze = true // return // } else if status == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_FREEZE { //冻结 // button.BtnThaw = true // return // } else if status == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_LOSE { //流失 // if itemSellerId == sysUserId || itemGroupId == sysUserGroupId { // button.BtnApplyReceive = true // } else { // button.BtnReceive = true // } // if itemSellerId == sysUserId || (itemGroupId == sysUserGroupId && authority > 0) { // //button.BtnDelete = true // } // return // } else { //永续 // button.BtnDelete = true // return // } // } else { // if productId == 1 { // //button.BtnReceive = true // } else { // if status == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_FORMAL { //正式 // button.BtnModifySeller = true // return // } else if status == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_TRY_OUT { //试用 // button.BtnModifySeller = true // return // } else if status == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_FREEZE { //冻结 // button.BtnThaw = false // return // } else if status == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_LOSE { //流失 // if itemSellerId == sysUserId || itemGroupId == sysUserGroupId { // button.BtnApplyReceive = true // } else { // button.BtnReceive = true // } // return // } else { //永续 // button.BtnDelete = true // return // } // } // } // } else { // if itemSellerId == sysUserId { // if status == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_FORMAL { //正式 // button.BtnUpdate = true // button.BtnTryOut = true // return // } else if status == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_TRY_OUT { //试用 // button.BtnEdit = true // button.BtnDelete = true // button.BtnSuspend = true // button.BtnDelay = true // button.BtnTurnPositive = true // button.BtnFreeze = true // return // } else if status == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_FREEZE { //冻结 // button.BtnThaw = true // return // } else if status == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_LOSE { //流失 // if itemSellerId == sysUserId || itemGroupId == sysUserGroupId { // button.BtnApplyReceive = true //申请领取按钮权限 // } else { // button.BtnReceive = true //领取客户按钮权限 // } // if itemSellerId == sysUserId || (itemGroupId == sysUserGroupId && authority > 0) { // //button.BtnDelete = true // } // return // } else { //永续 // button.BtnDelete = true // return // } // } else { // if productId == 1 { // //button.BtnReceive = true // } else { // if status == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_FORMAL { //正式 // return // } else if status == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_TRY_OUT { //试用 // return // } else if status == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_FREEZE { //冻结 // button.BtnThaw = false // return // } else if status == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_LOSE { //流失 // if itemSellerId == sysUserId || itemGroupId == sysUserGroupId { // button.BtnApplyReceive = true //申请领取按钮权限 // } else { // button.BtnReceive = true //领取客户按钮权限 // } // return // } else { //永续 // button.BtnDelete = true // return // } // } // } // } // } else { // //共享客户,需要取出当前销售对应的 产品 权限(目前是权益销售,所以是权益的权限,也就是第2个) // statusSlice := strings.Split(status, "/") // raiStatus := statusSlice[1] // if raiStatus == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_LOSE { //流失 // if itemSellerId == sysUserId || itemGroupId == sysUserGroupId { // button.BtnApplyReceive = true //申请领取按钮权限 // } else { // button.BtnReceive = true //领取客户按钮权限 // } // return // } // } // } // return button //} // 校验当前操作员是否具有联系人权限是否有操作权限 func CheckCompanyUserButton(roleTypeCode string, itemSellerId, sysUserId, productId, shareSellerId int, status string) (ok bool) { if roleTypeCode == utils.ROLE_TYPE_CODE_ADMIN { ok = true return } if sysUserId == itemSellerId || shareSellerId == sysUserId { ok = true //如果客户状态是流失,那么就无法操作 if status == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_LOSE || status == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_CLOSE { ok = false return } return } else { if productId == 1 && roleTypeCode == utils.ROLE_TYPE_CODE_FICC_ADMIN { //如果是ficc类型,同时当前账户是ficc管理员 ok = true } else if productId == 2 && roleTypeCode == utils.ROLE_TYPE_CODE_RAI_ADMIN { //如果是权益类型,同时当前账户是 权益管理员 ok = true } } return } // 校验当前操作员是否具给联系人开通个人研选的权限 func CheckCompanyUserYanXuanButton(roleTypeCode string, adminMobile string) (ok bool, err error) { if roleTypeCode == utils.ROLE_TYPE_CODE_RAI_ADMIN || roleTypeCode == utils.ROLE_TYPE_CODE_RAI_SELLER || roleTypeCode == utils.ROLE_TYPE_CODE_RAI_GROUP { ok = true return } crmConfig, err := company.GetConfigDetailByCode("rai_wx_user_yanxuan_button") if err != nil { return } sliceMobile := strings.Split(crmConfig.ConfigValue, ",") for _, v := range sliceMobile { if v == adminMobile { ok = true return } } return } // GenerateOpenCompanyCode 生成第三方code编号 func GenerateOpenCompanyCode(companyId int) (openCode string) { openCode = utils.MD5(fmt.Sprint(companyId, "hzyj20210902")) return } // GenerateOpenCompanyProductCode 生成客户产品第三方code编号 func GenerateOpenCompanyProductCode(companyId, productId int) (openCode string) { openCode = utils.MD5(fmt.Sprint(companyId, "_", productId, "hzyj20210902")) return } // GetApplyTurnContractType // 获取客户申请合同类型 func GetApplyTurnContractType(companyId, productId int) (contractType string, err error) { //合同类型 contractType = "新签合同" companyProduct, err := company.GetCompanyProductByCompanyIdAndProductId(companyId, productId) if err != nil { if err.Error() == utils.ErrNoRow() { err = nil return } err = errors.New("获取客户信息失败,Err:" + err.Error()) return } // 当前客户产品状态为试用,那么是续约合同 if companyProduct.Status == "正式" { contractType = "续约合同" } var condition string var pars []interface{} condition += " AND product_id = ?" pars = append(pars, productId) condition += " AND status = ?" pars = append(pars, 1) list, err := company.GetCompanyContractListByCompanyId(companyId, condition, pars) if err != nil { err = errors.New("获取合同信息失败,Err:" + err.Error()) return } if len(list) > 0 { contractType = "续约合同" } //查询是否存在正式转试用的记录,如果存在,那么合同类型是续约合同 total, err := company.GetCompanyProductOperationRecordCount(companyProduct.CompanyId, companyProduct.ProductId) if err != nil { err = errors.New("查询用户变更记录异常,Err:" + err.Error()) return } if total > 0 { contractType = "续约合同" } return } // GetLastContractPermissionList // 获取客户的最近合同的权限期限 func GetLastContractPermissionList(companyId, productId int) (permissionMap map[int]company.PermissionLookItem, err error) { permissionMap = map[int]company.PermissionLookItem{} contractList, err := company.GetCompanyWillContractList(companyId, productId) if err != nil { err = errors.New("获取合同信息失败,Err:" + err.Error()) return } for _, contractInfo := range contractList { permissionList, permissionErr := company.GetCompanyContractPermissionListByContractIds(strconv.Itoa(contractInfo.CompanyContractId)) if permissionErr != nil { err = errors.New("获取合同信息失败,Err:" + permissionErr.Error()) return } for _, v := range permissionList { if permission, ok := permissionMap[v.ChartPermissionId]; ok { nowEndDateTime, tmpErr := time.Parse(utils.FormatDate, v.EndDate) if tmpErr != nil { err = errors.New("获取合同信息失败,合同结束日期格式化失败,Err:" + tmpErr.Error()) return } perEndDateTime, tmpErr := time.Parse(utils.FormatDate, permission.EndDate) if err != nil { err = errors.New("获取合同信息失败,合同结束日期格式化失败2,Err:" + tmpErr.Error()) return } //如果当前合同的权限期限晚于已经记录的权限期限,那么重新赋值 if nowEndDateTime.After(perEndDateTime) { permissionMap[v.ChartPermissionId] = company.PermissionLookItem{ ChartPermissionId: v.ChartPermissionId, PermissionName: v.ChartPermissionName, StartDate: v.StartDate, EndDate: v.EndDate, //Status string `description:"'正式','试用','关闭'"` //ExpireDay string `description:"到期天数"` ClassifyName: v.ClassifyName, } } } else { permissionMap[v.ChartPermissionId] = company.PermissionLookItem{ ChartPermissionId: v.ChartPermissionId, PermissionName: v.ChartPermissionName, StartDate: v.StartDate, EndDate: v.EndDate, //Status string `description:"'正式','试用','关闭'"` //ExpireDay string `description:"到期天数"` ClassifyName: v.ClassifyName, } } } } //获取权限 permissionList, permissionErr := company.GetCompanyReportPermissionListByProductId(companyId, productId) if permissionErr != nil { err = errors.New("获取权限失败,Err:" + permissionErr.Error()) return } for _, v := range permissionList { if permission, ok := permissionMap[v.ChartPermissionId]; ok { nowEndDateTime, tmpErr := time.Parse(utils.FormatDate, v.EndDate) if tmpErr != nil { err = errors.New("获取合同信息失败,合同结束日期格式化失败,Err:" + tmpErr.Error()) return } perEndDateTime, tmpErr := time.Parse(utils.FormatDate, permission.EndDate) if err != nil { err = errors.New("获取合同信息失败,合同结束日期格式化失败2,Err:" + tmpErr.Error()) return } //如果当前合同的权限期限晚于已经记录的权限期限,那么重新赋值 if nowEndDateTime.After(perEndDateTime) { permissionMap[v.ChartPermissionId] = company.PermissionLookItem{ ChartPermissionId: v.ChartPermissionId, PermissionName: v.PermissionName, StartDate: v.StartDate, EndDate: v.EndDate, //Status string `description:"'正式','试用','关闭'"` //ExpireDay string `description:"到期天数"` ClassifyName: v.ClassifyName, } } } else { permissionMap[v.ChartPermissionId] = company.PermissionLookItem{ ChartPermissionId: v.ChartPermissionId, PermissionName: v.PermissionName, StartDate: v.StartDate, EndDate: v.EndDate, //Status string `description:"'正式','试用','关闭'"` //ExpireDay string `description:"到期天数"` ClassifyName: v.ClassifyName, } } } return } // GetFiccLastUserViewHistoryByCompanyIds 根据客户id集合map获取ficc最后一次阅读时间 func GetFiccLastUserViewHistoryByCompanyIds(companyIdStr string, mobileList, emailList []string, mobileCompanyIdMap, emailCompanyIdMap map[string]int) (companyViewTime map[int]time.Time, err error) { //user_view_record mobile companyViewTime = make(map[int]time.Time) userViewList, err := models.GetLastUserViewHistoryByCompanyIdsMobile(companyIdStr) if err != nil { return } for _, userView := range userViewList { companyViewTime[userView.CompanyId] = userView.ViewTime } //user_view_record email userViewList, err = models.GetLastUserViewHistoryByCompanyIdsEmail(companyIdStr) if err != nil { return } checkLastTime(companyViewTime, userViewList) //AdvisoryArticleViewRecord mobile userViewList, err = models.GetLastAdvisoryArticleViewRecordByCompanyIdsMobile(companyIdStr) if err != nil { return } checkLastTime(companyViewTime, userViewList) //AdvisoryArticleViewRecord email userViewList, err = models.GetLastAdvisoryArticleViewRecordByCompanyIdsEmail(companyIdStr) if err != nil { return } checkLastTime(companyViewTime, userViewList) //ReportViewRecord mobile mobileOrEmailViewList, err := models.GetLastReportViewRecordByMobileList(mobileList) if err != nil { return } checkMobileOrEmailLastTime(companyViewTime, mobileOrEmailViewList, mobileCompanyIdMap) //ReportViewRecord email mobileOrEmailViewList, err = models.GetLastReportViewRecordByEmailList(emailList) if err != nil { return } checkMobileOrEmailLastTime(companyViewTime, mobileOrEmailViewList, emailCompanyIdMap) //UserViewStatistics mobile userViewList, err = models.GetLastUserViewStatisticsByCompanyIdsMobile(companyIdStr) if err != nil { return } checkLastTime(companyViewTime, userViewList) //UserViewStatistics email userViewList, err = models.GetLastUserViewStatisticsByCompanyIdsEmail(companyIdStr) if err != nil { return } checkLastTime(companyViewTime, userViewList) return } // GetRaiLastUserViewHistoryByCompanyIds 根据客户id集合map获取权益最后一次阅读时间 func GetRaiLastUserViewHistoryByCompanyIds(companyIdStr string) (companyViewTime map[int]time.Time, err error) { //CygxArticleViewRecord mobile companyViewTime = make(map[int]time.Time) userViewList, err := models.GetLastCygxArticleViewRecordByCompanyIdsMobile(companyIdStr) if err != nil { return } for _, userView := range userViewList { companyViewTime[userView.CompanyId] = userView.ViewTime } //CygxArticleViewRecord email userViewList, err = models.GetLastCygxArticleViewRecordByCompanyIdsEmail(companyIdStr) if err != nil { return } checkLastTime(companyViewTime, userViewList) return } // checkLastTime 检测最后的时间并重新赋值 func checkLastTime(companyViewTime map[int]time.Time, userViewList []*models.CompanyLastViewSlice) { for _, userView := range userViewList { if viewTime, ok := companyViewTime[userView.CompanyId]; ok { if userView.ViewTime.After(viewTime) { //如果当前时间晚于 map中的时间,那么重新赋值 companyViewTime[userView.CompanyId] = userView.ViewTime } } else { //如果没有数据,那么直接赋值 companyViewTime[userView.CompanyId] = userView.ViewTime } } return } // checkMobileOrEmailLastTime 根据用户信息检测最后的时间并重新赋值 func checkMobileOrEmailLastTime(companyViewTime map[int]time.Time, userViewList []*models.MobileOrEmailLastViewSlice, companyMap map[string]int) { for _, userView := range userViewList { // 先找到客户id companyId, ok := companyMap[userView.Mobile] if !ok { continue } // 相同客户id的数据进行比较 if viewTime, ok := companyViewTime[companyId]; ok { if userView.ViewTime.After(viewTime) { //如果当前时间晚于 map中的时间,那么重新赋值 companyViewTime[companyId] = userView.ViewTime } } else { //如果没有数据,那么直接赋值 companyViewTime[companyId] = userView.ViewTime } } return } // GetFiccCountUserViewHistoryByCompanyIds 根据客户id集合map获取ficc的阅读次数 func GetFiccCountUserViewHistoryByCompanyIds(companyIdStr string, mobileList, emailList []string, mobileCompanyIdMap, emailCompanyIdMap map[string]int) (companyViewTotal map[int]int, err error) { //user_view_record mobile companyViewTotal = make(map[int]int) userViewList, err := models.GetCountUserViewHistoryByCompanyIdsMobile(companyIdStr) if err != nil { return } for _, userView := range userViewList { companyViewTotal[userView.CompanyId] = userView.ViewTotal } userViewList, err = models.GetCountUserViewHistoryByCompanyIdsEmail(companyIdStr) if err != nil { return } checkCount(companyViewTotal, userViewList) //AdvisoryArticleViewRecord mobile userViewList, err = models.GetCountAdvisoryArticleViewRecordByCompanyIdsMobile(companyIdStr) if err != nil { return } checkCount(companyViewTotal, userViewList) //AdvisoryArticleViewRecord email userViewList, err = models.GetCountAdvisoryArticleViewRecordByCompanyIdsEmail(companyIdStr) if err != nil { return } checkCount(companyViewTotal, userViewList) //ReportViewRecord mobile mobileOrEmailViewList, err := models.GetCountReportViewRecordByMobileList(mobileList) if err != nil { return } checkMobileOrEmailCount(companyViewTotal, mobileOrEmailViewList, mobileCompanyIdMap) //ReportViewRecord email mobileOrEmailViewList, err = models.GetCountReportViewRecordByEmailList(emailList) if err != nil { return } checkMobileOrEmailCount(companyViewTotal, mobileOrEmailViewList, emailCompanyIdMap) //UserViewStatistics mobile userViewList, err = models.GetUserViewStatisticsByCompanyIdsMobile(companyIdStr) if err != nil { return } checkCount(companyViewTotal, userViewList) //UserViewStatistics email userViewList, err = models.GetUserViewStatisticsByCompanyIdsEmail(companyIdStr) if err != nil { return } checkCount(companyViewTotal, userViewList) return } // GetRaiCountUserViewHistoryByCompanyIds 根据客户id集合map获取权益的阅读次数 func GetRaiCountUserViewHistoryByCompanyIds(companyIdStr string) (companyViewTotal map[int]int, err error) { //CygxArticleViewRecord mobile companyViewTotal = make(map[int]int) userViewList, err := models.GetCountCygxArticleViewRecordByCompanyIdsMobile(companyIdStr) if err != nil { return } for _, userView := range userViewList { companyViewTotal[userView.CompanyId] = userView.ViewTotal } //CygxArticleViewRecord email userViewList, err = models.GetCountCygxArticleViewRecordByCompanyIdsEmail(companyIdStr) if err != nil { return } checkCount(companyViewTotal, userViewList) return } // GetAllCountUserViewHistoryByCompanyIds 根据客户id集合map获取所有的阅读次数 //func GetAllCountUserViewHistoryByCompanyIds(companyIdStr string) (companyViewTotal map[int]int, err error) { // companyViewTotal = make(map[int]int) // companyFiccViewTotal, err := GetFiccCountUserViewHistoryByCompanyIds(companyIdStr) // if err != nil { // return // } // // companyRaiViewTotal, err := GetRaiCountUserViewHistoryByCompanyIds(companyIdStr) // if err != nil { // return // } // // companyIdList := strings.Split(companyIdStr, ",") // // for _, companyIdStr := range companyIdList { // companyId, _ := strconv.Atoi(companyIdStr) // ficcTotal, ok := companyFiccViewTotal[companyId] // if !ok { // ficcTotal = 0 // } // raiTotal, ok := companyRaiViewTotal[companyId] // if !ok { // raiTotal = 0 // } // companyViewTotal[companyId] = ficcTotal + raiTotal // } // return //} func checkCount(companyViewTotal map[int]int, userViewList []*models.CompanyViewTotalSlice) { for _, userView := range userViewList { if viewTotal, ok := companyViewTotal[userView.CompanyId]; ok { companyViewTotal[userView.CompanyId] = viewTotal + userView.ViewTotal } else { //如果没有数据,那么直接赋值 companyViewTotal[userView.CompanyId] = userView.ViewTotal } } return } // checkMobileOrEmailCount 根据手机号或者邮箱进行数据比较 func checkMobileOrEmailCount(companyViewTotal map[int]int, mobileOrEmailViewList []*models.MobileOrEmailViewTotalSlice, companyMap map[string]int) { for _, userView := range mobileOrEmailViewList { // 先找到客户id companyId, ok := companyMap[userView.Mobile] if !ok { continue } // 相同客户id的数据进行比较 if viewTotal, ok := companyViewTotal[companyId]; ok { companyViewTotal[companyId] = viewTotal + userView.ViewTotal } else { //如果没有数据,那么直接赋值 companyViewTotal[companyId] = userView.ViewTotal } } return } // ModifyCompanyProductLastViewData 修改客户产品的总共阅读次数以及最近阅读时间 func ModifyCompanyProductLastViewData(companyIdList []int) (err error) { defer func() { if err != nil { go alarm_msg.SendAlarmMsg("修改客户产品的总共阅读次数以及最近阅读时间失败,"+fmt.Sprint("companyIdList:", companyIdList, ";err:", err), 3) //go utils.SendEmail("修改客户产品的总共阅读次数以及最近阅读时间失败", fmt.Sprint("companyIdList:", companyIdList, ";err:", err), utils.EmailSendToUsers) } }() wxUserList, err := models.GetWxUserByCompanyIds(companyIdList) if err != nil { return } mobileList := make([]string, 0) mobileCompanyIdMap := make(map[string]int, 0) emailList := make([]string, 0) emailCompanyIdMap := make(map[string]int, 0) for _, v := range wxUserList { if v.Mobile != `` { mobileList = append(mobileList, v.Mobile) mobileCompanyIdMap[v.Mobile] = v.CompanyId } if v.Email != `` { emailList = append(emailList, v.Email) emailCompanyIdMap[v.Email] = v.CompanyId } } // 根据companyId列表获取客户公司的阅读情况 companyViewRecordList, err := models.GetUserViewHistoryByCompanyIdList(companyIdList) if err != nil { return } companyViewRecordMap := make(map[int]*models.CompanyViewRecord) for _, v := range companyViewRecordList { companyViewRecordMap[v.CompanyId] = v } for _, companyId := range companyIdList { companyViewRecord, ok := companyViewRecordMap[companyId] //ficc var companyFiccViewTotal, companyRaiViewTotal int var companyFiccLastView, companyRaiLastView time.Time var companyFiccLastViewStr, companyRaiLastViewStr string if ok && companyViewRecord != nil { companyFiccViewTotal = companyViewRecord.FiccViewTotal companyFiccLastView = companyViewRecord.FiccLastViewTime companyRaiViewTotal = companyViewRecord.RaiViewTotal companyRaiLastView = companyViewRecord.RaiLastViewTime } if companyFiccLastView.IsZero() { companyFiccLastViewStr = "0000-00-00 00:00:00" } else { companyFiccLastViewStr = companyFiccLastView.Format(utils.FormatDateTime) } company.ModifyCompanyProductLastViewData(companyId, 1, companyFiccViewTotal, companyFiccLastViewStr) //权益 if companyRaiLastView.IsZero() { companyRaiLastViewStr = "0000-00-00 00:00:00" } else { companyRaiLastViewStr = companyRaiLastView.Format(utils.FormatDateTime) } company.ModifyCompanyProductLastViewData(companyId, 2, companyRaiViewTotal, companyRaiLastViewStr) } return } // CompanyDeleteBakInfo 删除客户时的备份信息 type CompanyDeleteBakInfo struct { CompanyId int `description:"客户id"` CompanyName string `description:"客户名称"` CompanyInfo *company.Company `description:"客户主表信息"` CompanyProductInfo []*company.CompanyProduct `description:"客户产品信息"` CompanyPermissionInfo []*company.CompanyReportPermission `description:"客户产品权限信息"` UserSellerRelationInfo []*models.UserSellerRelation `description:"联系人与销售关系信息"` UserRecordInfo []*models.UserRecord `description:"联系人关系信息"` UserInfo []*models.WxUser `description:"联系人信息"` CompanyChartPermissionInfo []*company_user.ChartClassifyPermission `description:"客户图表权限信息"` CompanyContract []*company.CompanyContract `description:"客户合同信息"` CompanyContractPermission []*company.CompanyContractPermission `description:"客户合同权限信息"` OpUserId int `description:"操作人id"` OpUserName string `description:"操作人名称"` } // GetBeforeDeleteCompanyInfo 获取删除客户之前的信息 func GetBeforeDeleteCompanyInfo(companyId int) (companyProductLists []*company.CompanyProduct, companyReportPermissions []*company.CompanyReportPermission, wxUsers []*models.WxUser, userSellerRelations []*models.UserSellerRelation, companyContracts []*company.CompanyContract, companyContractPermissions []*company.CompanyContractPermission, companyInfo *company.Company, err error) { o := orm.NewOrm() //删除客户产品 bakSql := `SELECT * FROM company_product WHERE company_id=? ` _, err = o.Raw(bakSql, companyId).QueryRows(&companyProductLists) if err != nil { return } //删除客户权限 bakSql = `SELECT * FROM company_report_permission WHERE company_id=? ` _, err = o.Raw(bakSql, companyId).QueryRows(&companyReportPermissions) if err != nil { return } //联系人表 bakSql = `SELECT * FROM wx_user WHERE company_id=? ` _, err = o.Raw(bakSql, companyId).QueryRows(&wxUsers) if err != nil { return } //联系人 与 销售 关系表 bakSql = `SELECT * FROM user_seller_relation WHERE company_id=? ` _, err = o.Raw(bakSql, companyId).QueryRows(&userSellerRelations) if err != nil { return } // 合同 bakSql = `SELECT * FROM company_contract WHERE company_id=? ` _, err = o.Raw(bakSql, companyId).QueryRows(&companyContracts) if err != nil { return } // 合同权限 bakSql = `SELECT * FROM company_contract_permission WHERE company_id=? ` _, err = o.Raw(bakSql, companyId).QueryRows(&companyContractPermissions) if err != nil { return } // 客户 bakSql = `SELECT * FROM company WHERE company_id=? ` err = o.Raw(bakSql, companyId).QueryRow(&companyInfo) if err != nil { return } return } // CheckCompanyReceiveButton 查询领取客户按钮的权限 func CheckCompanyReceiveButton(adminId int) (receiveEnabled bool, err error) { receiveEnabled = true receivePermissionInfo, err := company.GetSellerCompanyPermissionByAdminIdType(adminId, 1) if err != nil { if err.Error() != utils.ErrNoRow() { err = errors.New("获取账号权限失败,Err:" + err.Error()) return } } else { if receivePermissionInfo != nil && receivePermissionInfo.Enabled == 0 { receiveEnabled = false } } return } // AddWxUserOpLog 记录新增用户的日志 func AddWxUserOpLog(wxUserOpLog company.WxUserOpLog) { userSellerRelationList, err := models.GetUserSellerRelationList(wxUserOpLog.UserId) if err != nil { return } userSellerRelationInfo, _ := json.Marshal(userSellerRelationList) wxUserOpLog.UserSellerInfo = string(userSellerRelationInfo) company.AddWxUserOpLog(&wxUserOpLog) } // FilterReadAndContractAuth 根据已购品种和阅读权限获取筛选条件 func FilterReadAndContractAuth(chartPermissions, contractPermissions, condition string) (cond string, empty bool, err error) { cond = condition var queryChart, queryContract bool if chartPermissions != "" && chartPermissions != "1" { queryChart = true } if contractPermissions != "" && contractPermissions != "1" { queryContract = true } if !queryChart && !queryContract { return } readIds := make([]int, 0) buyIds := make([]int, 0) // 阅读权限 if queryChart { { // 处理权益的主观客观的筛选条件搜索 ids := make([]int, 0) strIdArr := strings.Split(chartPermissions, ",") for _, s := range strIdArr { v, _ := strconv.Atoi(s) ids = append(ids, v) } if len(ids) == 0 { err = fmt.Errorf("权限ID有误") return } names, e := company.GetPermissionNameByPermissionIds(ids) if e != nil { err = fmt.Errorf("根据权限ID获取名称失败, Err: %s", e.Error()) return } permissionIds, e := company.GetPermissionIdsByPermissionNames(names) if e != nil { err = fmt.Errorf("根据权限名称获取ID失败, Err: %s", e.Error()) return } companyIds, e := company.GetCompanyIdsStrByReportPermissionIds(permissionIds) if e != nil { err = fmt.Errorf("根据合同权限获取公司ID失败, Err: %s", e.Error()) return } readIds = companyIds } } // 已购合同权限 if queryContract { { // 处理权益的主观客观的筛选条件搜索 ids := make([]int, 0) strIdArr := strings.Split(contractPermissions, ",") for _, s := range strIdArr { v, _ := strconv.Atoi(s) ids = append(ids, v) } if len(ids) == 0 { err = fmt.Errorf("权限ID有误") return } names, e := company.GetPermissionNameByPermissionIds(ids) if e != nil { err = fmt.Errorf("根据权限ID获取名称失败, Err: %s", e.Error()) return } permissionIds, e := company.GetPermissionIdsByPermissionNames(names) if e != nil { err = fmt.Errorf("根据权限名称获取ID失败, Err: %s", e.Error()) return } companyIds, e := company.GetCompanyIdsStrByContractPermissionIds(permissionIds) if e != nil { err = fmt.Errorf("根据合同权限获取公司ID失败, Err: %s", e.Error()) return } buyIds = companyIds // 勾选了已购品种的, 仅筛选正式客户 cond += ` AND b.status = '正式'` } } queryIds := make([]int, 0) queryIdArr := make([]string, 0) // 阅读权限和已购品种同时筛选取两者的companyIds交集 if queryChart && queryContract { queryIds = utils.IntersectInt(readIds, buyIds) } else if queryChart && !queryContract { queryIds = readIds } else if !queryChart && queryContract { queryIds = buyIds } if len(queryIds) == 0 { empty = true return } for _, q := range queryIds { queryIdArr = append(queryIdArr, strconv.Itoa(q)) } cond += ` AND a.company_id IN (` + strings.Join(queryIdArr, ",") + `) ` return } // GetShareCompanyPermissionButton 正式客户共享-权限按钮 func GetShareCompanyPermissionButton(roleTypeCode, statuses string, productId int, item *company.CompanyItem, sysUser *system.Admin) (button *company.ButtonPermission) { statusMap := make(map[int]string) statusMap[productId] = statuses if strings.Contains(statuses, "/") { statusArr := strings.Split(statuses, "/") statusMap[1] = statusArr[0] statusMap[2] = statusArr[1] } //roleTypeCode, itemStatus, item.SellerIds, item.GroupIds, item.GroupId, sysUser.GroupId, item.SellerId, sysUser.AdminId, sysUser.Authority, item.ProductId, item.ShareSellerId //所属销售map sellerIdMap := make(map[int]string) sellerIdMap[productId] = item.SellerIds if strings.Contains(item.SellerIds, "/") { sellerIdSlice := strings.Split(item.SellerIds, "/") sellerIdMap[1] = sellerIdSlice[0] sellerIdMap[2] = sellerIdSlice[1] } //分组map groupIdMap := make(map[int]string) groupIdMap[productId] = item.GroupIds if strings.Contains(item.GroupIds, "/") { groupIdSlice := strings.Split(item.GroupIds, "/") groupIdMap[1] = groupIdSlice[0] groupIdMap[2] = groupIdSlice[1] } // 查看权限均有 button = new(company.ButtonPermission) button.BtnView = true // 超管, FICC管理员 if roleTypeCode == utils.ROLE_TYPE_CODE_ADMIN || roleTypeCode == utils.ROLE_TYPE_CODE_FICC_ADMIN || roleTypeCode == utils.ROLE_TYPE_CODE_RAI_ADMIN { button.BtnModifySeller = true button.BtnRemarkView = true button.BtnServiceRecord = true } //梁春悦、罗礼智的单独展示 if sysUser.RoleName == "权益服务组长" || sysUser.RoleName == "权益销售组长(外部)" { button.BtnModifySeller = true } if roleTypeCode == utils.ROLE_TYPE_CODE_ADMIN { button.BtnModifySeller = false } status, _ := statusMap[1] //if !ok { // return //} // 客户非关闭状态可见沟通记录按钮 if status != utils.COMPANY_STATUS_CLOSE { button.BtnServiceRecord = true } // 销售 sellerArr := []string{ utils.ROLE_TYPE_CODE_FICC_GROUP, utils.ROLE_TYPE_CODE_FICC_TEAM, utils.ROLE_TYPE_CODE_FICC_SELLER, utils.ROLE_TYPE_CODE_RAI_GROUP, utils.ROLE_TYPE_CODE_RAI_SELLER, utils.ROLE_TYPE_CODE_RAI_ADMIN, } if !utils.InArrayByStr(sellerArr, roleTypeCode) { return } if status == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_TRY_OUT { button.BtnTurnPositive = true button.BtnRemarkEdit = true button.BtnRemarkView = true button.BtnServiceRecord = true } if status == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_FORMAL { button.BtnUpdate = true button.BtnAddAgreement = true button.BtnTryOut = true button.BtnRemarkEdit = true button.BtnRemarkView = true button.BtnServiceRecord = true } companyButton := GetCompanyPermissionButton(roleTypeCode, statuses, item.SellerIds, item.GroupIds, item.GroupId, sysUser.GroupId, item.SellerId, sysUser.AdminId, sysUser.Authority, item.ProductId, -1, item.ShareSellerIds) if companyButton.BtnShare == true { button.BtnShare = true } return }