package yb import ( "" "hongze/hz_crm_api/controllers" "hongze/hz_crm_api/models" "hongze/hz_crm_api/models/company" "hongze/hz_crm_api/models/system" "hongze/hz_crm_api/models/yb" "hongze/hz_crm_api/models/yb/response" "hongze/hz_crm_api/utils" "strconv" "strings" ) // 音频播报板块 type VoiceBroadcastController struct { controllers.BaseAuthController } // VoiceBroadcastList // @Title 获取语音播报统计列表 // @Description 获取语音播报统计列表 // @Param SectionId query int false "板块ID" // @Param VarietyId query int false "品种ID" // @Param AdminId query int false "管理员ID" // @Param ClickSort query int false "点击量排序:1-升序 2-降序" // @Param Title query string false "标题" // @Success 200 {object} response.BroadcastStatisticsResp // @router /voice/broadcast/list [get] func (this *VoiceBroadcastController) VoiceBroadcastList() { br := new(models.BaseResponse).Init() defer func() { this.Data["json"] = br this.ServeJSON() }() sysUser := this.SysUser if sysUser == nil { br.Msg = "请登录" br.ErrMsg = "请登录,SysUser Is Empty" br.Ret = 408 return } // 筛选项-板块/品种/管理员/标题/点击量排序 sectionId, _ := this.GetInt("SectionId") varietyId, _ := this.GetInt("VarietyId") adminId, _ := this.GetInt("AdminId") title := this.GetString("Title") clickSort, _ := this.GetInt("ClickSort") var pars []interface{} condition := `` if sectionId > 0 { condition += ` AND section_id = ?` pars = append(pars, sectionId) } if varietyId > 0 { condition += ` AND variety_id = ?` pars = append(pars, varietyId) } if adminId > 0 { // 获取对应管理员的微信用户信息 wxUser, e := models.GetWxUserByAdminId(utils.USER_RECORD_PLATFORM_YB, adminId) if e != nil && e.Error() != utils.ErrNoRow() { br.Msg = "获取失败" br.ErrMsg = "获取管理员微信信息失败, Err: " + e.Error() return } if wxUser != nil && wxUser.UserId > 0 { condition += ` AND author_id = ?` pars = append(pars, wxUser.UserId) } else { condition += ` AND author_id = 0` } } if title != "" { keywords := "%" + title + "%" condition += ` AND broadcast_name LIKE ?` pars = append(pars, keywords) } // 点击量排序: 0-发布时间降序(默认) 1-升序 2-降序 orderRule := `publish_time DESC` if clickSort == 1 { orderRule = `visit_count ASC` } if clickSort == 2 { orderRule = `visit_count DESC` } // 分页 pageSize, _ := this.GetInt("PageSize") currentIndex, _ := this.GetInt("CurrentIndex") var startSize int if pageSize <= 0 { pageSize = utils.PageSize20 } if currentIndex <= 0 { currentIndex = 1 } startSize = paging.StartIndex(currentIndex, pageSize) total, list, err := yb.GetVoiceBroadcastCensusPageList(startSize, pageSize, condition, orderRule, pars) if err != nil { br.Msg = "获取失败" br.ErrMsg = "获取失败, Err: " + err.Error() return } // 管理员信息 listLen := len(list) userIdArr := make([]int, 0) for i := 0; i < listLen; i++ { userIdArr = append(userIdArr, list[i].AuthorId) } userAdminNameMap := make(map[int]string, 0) if len(userIdArr) > 0 { relationList, e := system.GetAdminWxUserRelationByWxUserIds(utils.USER_RECORD_PLATFORM_YB, userIdArr) if e != nil { br.Msg = "获取失败" br.ErrMsg = "获取管理员信息失败, Err: " + e.Error() return } for _, r := range relationList { userAdminNameMap[r.UserId] = r.RealName } } for _, v := range list { v.Author = userAdminNameMap[v.AuthorId] } page := paging.GetPaging(currentIndex, pageSize, total) resp := response.BroadcastStatisticsResp{ List: list, Paging: page, } br.Ret = 200 br.Success = true br.Msg = "获取成功" br.Data = resp } // VoiceBroadcastDetail // @Title 获取语音播报统计详情 // @Description 获取语音播报统计详情 // @Param BroadcastId query int true "语音ID" // @Success 200 {object} response.BroadcastStatisticsResp // @router /voice/broadcast/deatil [get] func (this *VoiceBroadcastController) VoiceBroadcastDetail() { br := new(models.BaseResponse).Init() defer func() { this.Data["json"] = br this.ServeJSON() }() sysUser := this.SysUser if sysUser == nil { br.Msg = "请登录" br.ErrMsg = "请登录,SysUser Is Empty" br.Ret = 408 return } broadcastId, _ := this.GetInt("BroadcastId") // 分页 pageSize, _ := this.GetInt("PageSize") currentIndex, _ := this.GetInt("CurrentIndex") var startSize int if pageSize <= 0 { pageSize = utils.PageSize20 } if currentIndex <= 0 { currentIndex = 1 } startSize = paging.StartIndex(currentIndex, pageSize) total, list, err := yb.GetVoiceBroadcastDetailBySource(broadcastId, startSize, pageSize) if err != nil { br.Msg = "获取失败" br.ErrMsg = "获取失败, Err: " + err.Error() return } // 查询用户相关的客户信息 listLen := len(list) userIdArr := make([]string, 0) for i := 0; i < listLen; i++ { userIdArr = append(userIdArr, strconv.Itoa(list[i].UserId)) } userIds := strings.Join(userIdArr, ",") userCompanyMap := make(map[int]*company.CompanyUser) if userIds != "" { companyUserList, e := company.GetFiccCompanyUserByUserIds(userIds) if e != nil { br.Msg = "获取失败" br.ErrMsg = "获取客户信息失败, Err: " + e.Error() return } for _, v := range companyUserList { userCompanyMap[int(v.UserId)] = v } } respList := make([]*yb.VoiceBroadcastTotal, 0) for _, v := range list { item := new(yb.VoiceBroadcastTotal) if u, ok := userCompanyMap[v.UserId]; ok { item.RealName = u.RealName item.CompanyName = u.CompanyName item.CompanyStatus = u.Status } item.VisitCount = v.VisitCount item.Source = v.NewSource item.CreateTime = v.CreateTime respList = append(respList, item) } page := paging.GetPaging(currentIndex, pageSize, total) resp := response.BroadcastStatisticsResp{ List: respList, Paging: page, } br.Ret = 200 br.Success = true br.Msg = "获取成功" br.Data = resp }