package contract import ( "fmt" "" "hongze/hz_crm_api/utils" "time" ) // 合同 type Contract struct { ContractId int `orm:"column(contract_id);pk"` ContractCode string `description:"合同编号,长度32位"` SellerId int `description:"所属销售id"` SellerName string `description:"所属销售名称"` ProductId int `description:"产品id,1:ficc;2:权益"` ContractBusinessType string `description:"合同业务类型,枚举值:'业务合同','代付合同'"` ContractType string `description:"合同类型,枚举值:'新签合同','续约合同','补充协议'"` Status string `description:"合同状态,枚举值:'待提交','待审批','已撤回','已审批','已驳回','已作废','已解约'"` StartDate time.Time `description:"合同开始日期"` EndDate time.Time `description:"合同结束日期"` OriginalPrice float64 `description:"合同原金额,优惠前的金额"` Price float64 `description:"实际金额,优惠后的金额"` PayRemark string `description:"付款方式说明,长度255位"` PayChannel string `description:"付款渠道,长度255位"` CompanyName string `description:"客户名称,甲方名称,长度32位"` CreditCode string `description:"社会统一信用代码,长度64位"` ProvinceId int `description:"省级id"` Province string `description:"省级名称,长度16位"` CityId int `description:"市级id"` City string `description:"市级名称,长度32位"` Address string `description:"详细地址"` Fax string `description:"传真,长度32位"` Phone string `description:"电话,长度32位"` Postcode string `description:"邮编,长度16位"` Remark string `description:"补充内容,长度255位"` SellerRemark string `description:"销售备注,长度255位"` ModifyContent string `description:"修改内容"` ApprovalRemark string `description:"审核备注"` FileUrl string `description:"合同文件地址"` CheckBackFileUrl string `description:"签回合同文件地址"` RescindFileUrl string `description:"解约合同文件地址"` TemplateId int `description:"模板id"` SourceId int `description:"来源合同id,默认是0;如果是通过其他合同复制过来的,那么就是原合同的id"` IsDelete int `description:"是否已经删除,0:未删除,1:已删除" json:"-"` ApproveTime time.Time `description:"审批时间"` InvalidTime time.Time `description:"作废时间"` CheckBackFileTime time.Time `description:"合同签回时间"` RescindTime time.Time `description:"解约时间"` ModifyTime time.Time `description:"合同最近一次修改时间"` CreateTime time.Time `description:"合同添加时间"` } // 更新合同基础信息 func (contract *Contract) Update(cols []string) (err error) { o := orm.NewOrm() _, err = o.Update(contract, cols...) return } // 根据合同id获取合同信息 func GetContractById(contractId int) (contractInfo *Contract, err error) { o := orm.NewOrm() sql := `select * from contract where contract_id = ? ` err = o.Raw(sql, contractId).QueryRow(&contractInfo) return } // GetContractByCode 根据合同编号获取合同信息 func GetContractByCode(contractCode string) (contractInfo *Contract, err error) { o := orm.NewOrm() sql := `select * from contract where contract_code = ? ` err = o.Raw(sql, contractCode).QueryRow(&contractInfo) return } // 合同详情信息(包含服务信息等) type ContractDetail struct { ContractId int `description:"合同唯一id"` ContractCode string `description:"合同编号,长度32位"` SellerId int `description:"所属销售id"` SellerName string `description:"所属销售名称"` ProductId int `description:"产品id,1:ficc;2:权益"` ContractBusinessType string `description:"合同业务类型,枚举值:'业务合同','代付合同'"` ContractType string `description:"合同类型,枚举值:'新签合同','续约合同','补充协议'"` Status string `description:"合同状态,枚举值:'待提交','待审批','已撤回','已审批','已驳回','已作废','已解约'"` StartDate time.Time `description:"合同开始日期"` EndDate time.Time `description:"合同结束日期"` OriginalPrice float64 `description:"合同原金额,优惠前的金额"` Price float64 `description:"实际金额,优惠后的金额"` PayRemark string `description:"付款方式说明,长度255位"` PayChannel string `description:"付款渠道,长度255位"` CompanyName string `description:"客户名称,甲方名称,长度32位"` CreditCode string `description:"社会统一信用代码,长度64位"` ProvinceId int `description:"省级id"` Province string `description:"省级名称,长度16位"` CityId int `description:"市级id"` City string `description:"市级名称,长度32位"` Address string `description:"详细地址"` Fax string `description:"传真,长度32位"` Phone string `description:"电话,长度32位"` Postcode string `description:"邮编,长度16位"` Remark string `description:"补充内容,长度255位"` SellerRemark string `description:"销售备注,长度255位"` ModifyContent string `description:"修改内容"` ApprovalRemark string `description:"审核备注"` FileUrl string `description:"合同文件地址"` CheckBackFileUrl string `description:"签回合同文件地址"` RescindFileUrl string `description:"解约合同文件地址"` TemplateId int `description:"模板id"` SourceId int `description:"来源合同id,默认是0;如果是通过其他合同复制过来的,那么就是原合同的id"` IsDelete int `json:"-" description:"是否已经删除,0:未删除,1:已删除"` ApproveTime time.Time `description:"审批时间"` InvalidTime time.Time `description:"作废时间"` CheckBackFileTime time.Time `description:"合同签回时间"` RescindTime time.Time `description:"解约时间"` ModifyTime time.Time `description:"合同最近一次修改时间"` CreateTime time.Time `description:"合同添加时间"` StartDateStr string `description:"合同起始时间(字符串形式)"` EndDateStr string `description:"合同结束时间(字符串形式)"` ApproveTimeStr string `description:"审批时间(字符串形式)"` InvalidTimeStr string `description:"作废时间(字符串形式)"` CheckBackFileTimeStr string `description:"合同签回时间(字符串形式)"` RescindTimeStr string `description:"解约时间(字符串形式)"` ModifyTimeStr string `description:"最近一次更新时间(字符串形式)"` CreateTimeStr string `description:"合同添加时间(字符串形式)"` Service []*ContractServiceAndDetail RelationContractDetailList []*ContractDetail `description:"关联合同详情"` PermissionLookList []*PermissionLookList `description:"合同里面的权限列表"` } type PermissionLookList struct { ClassifyName string `description:"分类"` Items []*PermissionLookItem } type PermissionLookItem struct { ChartPermissionId int `description:"权限id"` PermissionName string `description:"权限名称"` ClassifyName string `description:"分类"` } // 根据合同id获取合同详情信息 func GetContractDetailById(contractId int) (contractInfo *ContractDetail, err error) { o := orm.NewOrm() sql := `select * from contract where contract_id = ? ` err = o.Raw(sql, contractId).QueryRow(&contractInfo) return } // 合同添加 func AddContract(contractInfo *Contract, contractServiceAndDetailList []*ContractServiceAndDetail, relationId int) (newContract *Contract, err error) { o := orm.NewOrm() to, err := o.Begin() if err != nil { return } defer func() { if err != nil { _ = to.Rollback() } else { _ = to.Commit() } }() //合同数据入库 contractId, err := to.Insert(contractInfo) if err != nil { return } contractInfo.ContractId = int(contractId) for i := 0; i < len(contractServiceAndDetailList); i++ { //合同服务数据入库 tmpContractService := contractServiceAndDetailList[i] contractService := &ContractService{ ContractId: int(contractId), ProductId: contractInfo.ProductId, ServiceTemplateId: tmpContractService.ServiceTemplateId, Title: tmpContractService.Title, Value: tmpContractService.Value, TableValue: tmpContractService.TableValue, HasDetail: tmpContractService.HasDetail, ChartPermissionId: tmpContractService.ChartPermissionId, CreateTime: time.Now(), } contractServiceId, serviceErr := to.Insert(contractService) if serviceErr != nil { err = serviceErr return } contractService.ContractServiceId = int(contractServiceId) //合同服务详情入库 for j := 0; j < len(tmpContractService.DetailList); j++ { contractServiceDetail := tmpContractService.DetailList[j] //合同服务编号 contractServiceDetail.ContractServiceId = contractService.ContractServiceId contractServiceDetail.ContractId = int(contractId) contractServiceDetail.ServiceTemplateId = contractService.ServiceTemplateId //合同服务详情入库 contractServiceDetailId, detailErr := to.Insert(contractServiceDetail) if detailErr != nil { err = detailErr return } contractServiceDetail.Id = int(contractServiceDetailId) tmpContractService.DetailList[j] = contractServiceDetail } } //新增 业务合同 与 代付合同 的 关联关系 if relationId > 0 { sql := `` if contractInfo.ContractBusinessType == "代付合同" { sql = `INSERT INTO contract_relation ( contract_id,payment_on_behalf_contract_id ) VALUES ( ` + fmt.Sprint(relationId) + `,` + fmt.Sprint(contractId) + ` )` } else { sql = `INSERT INTO contract_relation ( contract_id,payment_on_behalf_contract_id ) VALUES ( ` + fmt.Sprint(contractId) + `,` + fmt.Sprint(relationId) + ` )` } _, err = to.Raw(sql).Exec() if err != nil { return } } newContract = contractInfo return } type ContractList struct { ContractId int `description:"合同唯一id"` ContractCode string `description:"合同编号,长度32位"` SellerId int `description:"所属销售id"` SellerName string `description:"所属销售名称"` ProductId int `description:"产品id,1:ficc;2:权益"` ContractBusinessType string `description:"合同业务类型,枚举值:'业务合同','代付合同'"` ContractType string `description:"合同类型,枚举值:'新签合同','续约合同','补充协议'"` Status string `description:"合同状态,枚举值:'待提交','待审批','已撤回','已审批','已驳回','已作废','已签回','已解约'"` StartDate time.Time `json:"-" description:"合同开始日期"` EndDate time.Time `json:"-" description:"合同结束日期"` OriginalPrice float64 `description:"合同原金额,优惠前的金额"` Price float64 `description:"实际金额,优惠后的金额"` PayRemark string `description:"付款方式说明,长度255位"` PayChannel string `description:"付款渠道,长度255位"` CompanyName string `description:"客户名称,甲方名称,长度32位"` CreditCode string `description:"社会统一信用代码,长度64位"` ProvinceId int `description:"省级id"` Province string `description:"省级名称,长度16位"` CityId int `description:"市级id"` City string `description:"市级名称,长度32位"` Address string `description:"详细地址"` Fax string `description:"传真,长度32位"` Phone string `description:"电话,长度32位"` Postcode string `description:"邮编,长度16位"` Remark string `json:"-" description:"补充内容,长度255位"` ApprovalRemark string `description:"审核备注"` ModifyContent string `description:"修改内容"` FileUrl string `description:"合同文件地址"` CheckBackFileUrl string `description:"签回合同文件地址"` RescindFileUrl string `description:"解约合同文件地址"` TemplateId int `description:"模板id"` SourceId int `description:"来源合同id,默认是0;如果是通过其他合同复制过来的,那么就是原合同的id"` IsDelete int `json:"-" description:"是否已经删除,0:未删除,1:已删除"` ModifyTime time.Time `json:"-" description:"合同最近一次修改时间"` CreateTime time.Time `json:"-" description:"合同添加时间"` ApproveTime time.Time `description:"审批时间"` InvalidTime time.Time `description:"作废时间"` CheckBackFileTime time.Time `description:"合同签回时间"` RescindTime time.Time `description:"解约时间"` StartDateStr string `description:"合同起始时间"` EndDateStr string `description:"合同结束时间"` ApproveTimeStr string `description:"审批时间(字符串形式)"` InvalidTimeStr string `description:"作废时间(字符串形式)"` CheckBackFileTimeStr string `description:"合同签回时间(字符串形式)"` RescindTimeStr string `description:"解约时间(字符串形式)"` ModifyTimeStr string `description:"最近一次更新时间(字符串形式)"` CreateTimeStr string `description:"合同添加时间(字符串形式)"` Service []*ContractServiceAndDetail OpButton ContractOpButton `description:"按钮操作权限"` RelationContractList []*RelationContractList `description:"关联合同信息"` } // ContractOpButton 合同操作权限 type ContractOpButton struct { Cancel bool `description:"是否具有撤回操作权限,true才允许撤回操作"` UpdateFile bool `description:"是否具有更新合同附件权限,true才允许更新合同附件操作"` } // GetContractListCount 获取合同列表数据数量 func GetContractListCount(condition, joinStr string, pars []interface{}) (count int, err error) { o := orm.NewOrm() sql := `select count(a.contract_id) AS COUNT from contract a ` + joinStr sql += ` where a.is_delete = 0 ` sql += condition err = o.Raw(sql, pars).QueryRow(&count) return } // GetContractList 获取合同列表数据 func GetContractList(condition, joinStr string, pars []interface{}, startSize, pageSize int) (list []*ContractList, err error) { o := orm.NewOrm() sql := "select a.* from contract a " + joinStr sql += ` where a.is_delete = 0 ` sql += condition sql += ` order by modify_time desc LIMIT ?,? ` _, err = o.Raw(sql, pars, startSize, pageSize).QueryRows(&list) return } // ContractCompanyNameList 合同中客户名称数据结构体 type ContractCompanyNameList struct { CompanyName string `description:"客户名称"` } // GetContractCompanyNameList 获取合同中客户名称列表数据 func GetContractCompanyNameList(condition string, pars []interface{}) (list []*ContractCompanyNameList, err error) { o := orm.NewOrm() sql := `select a.company_name from contract a where a.is_delete = 0 and price>paid_price` sql += condition sql += ` group by company_name order by modify_time desc` _, err = o.Raw(sql, pars).QueryRows(&list) return } // 修改合同 func EditContract(contractInfo *Contract, updateDetailCol []string, contractServiceAndDetailList []*ContractServiceAndDetail, relationId int) (err error) { o := orm.NewOrm() to, err := o.Begin() if err != nil { return } defer func() { if err != nil { _ = to.Rollback() } else { _ = to.Commit() } }() contractId := contractInfo.ContractId //合同数据入库 _, err = to.Update(contractInfo, updateDetailCol...) if err != nil { return } //删除合同的原始服务信息 sql := `delete from contract_service where contract_id = ?` _, err = to.Raw(sql, contractId).Exec() //删除合同的原始服务详情信息 sql = `delete from contract_service_detail where contract_id = ?` _, err = to.Raw(sql, contractId).Exec() for i := 0; i < len(contractServiceAndDetailList); i++ { //合同服务数据入库 tmpContractService := contractServiceAndDetailList[i] contractService := &ContractService{ ContractId: int(contractId), Title: tmpContractService.Title, ProductId: contractInfo.ProductId, ServiceTemplateId: tmpContractService.ServiceTemplateId, ChartPermissionId: tmpContractService.ChartPermissionId, Value: tmpContractService.Value, TableValue: tmpContractService.TableValue, HasDetail: tmpContractService.HasDetail, CreateTime: time.Now(), } contractServiceId, serviceErr := to.Insert(contractService) if serviceErr != nil { err = serviceErr return } contractService.ContractServiceId = int(contractServiceId) //合同服务详情入库 for j := 0; j < len(tmpContractService.DetailList); j++ { contractServiceDetail := tmpContractService.DetailList[j] //合同服务编号 contractServiceDetail.ContractServiceId = contractService.ContractServiceId contractServiceDetail.ContractId = contractService.ContractId contractServiceDetail.ServiceTemplateId = contractService.ServiceTemplateId //合同服务详情入库 contractServiceDetailId, detailErr := to.Insert(contractServiceDetail) if detailErr != nil { err = detailErr return } contractServiceDetail.Id = int(contractServiceDetailId) tmpContractService.DetailList[j] = contractServiceDetail } } //新增 业务合同 与 代付合同 的 关联关系 if relationId > 0 { sql = `` if contractInfo.ContractBusinessType == "代付合同" { //删除 业务合同 与 代付合同 的 关联关系 sql = `delete from contract_relation where payment_on_behalf_contract_id = ?` _, err = to.Raw(sql, contractId).Exec() sql = `INSERT INTO contract_relation ( contract_id,payment_on_behalf_contract_id ) VALUES ( ` + fmt.Sprint(relationId) + `,` + fmt.Sprint(contractId) + ` )` } else { //删除 业务合同 与 代付合同 的 关联关系 sql = `delete from contract_relation where contract_id = ?` _, err = to.Raw(sql, contractId).Exec() sql = `INSERT INTO contract_relation ( contract_id,payment_on_behalf_contract_id ) VALUES ( ` + fmt.Sprint(contractId) + `,` + fmt.Sprint(relationId) + ` )` } _, err = to.Raw(sql).Exec() if err != nil { return } } return } // AddContractPdf 添加生成后的合同地址 func AddContractPdf(contractId int, pdfUrl string) (err error) { o := orm.NewOrm() //删除合同的原始服务信息 sql := `update contract set file_url=? where contract_id = ?` _, err = o.Raw(sql, pdfUrl, contractId).Exec() return } // DeleteContract 删除合同 func DeleteContract(contractInfo *Contract) (err error) { o := orm.NewOrm() to, err := o.Begin() if err != nil { return } defer func() { if err != nil { _ = to.Rollback() } else { _ = to.Commit() } }() contractInfo.IsDelete = 1 contractInfo.ModifyTime = time.Now() //合同数据入库 _, err = to.Update(contractInfo) if err != nil { return } return } // InvalidContract 作废合同 func InvalidContract(contractInfo *Contract) (err error) { o := orm.NewOrm() to, err := o.Begin() if err != nil { return } defer func() { if err != nil { _ = to.Rollback() } else { _ = to.Commit() } }() contractInfo.Status = "已作废" contractInfo.ModifyTime = time.Now() contractInfo.InvalidTime = time.Now() //合同数据入库 _, err = to.Update(contractInfo, "Status", "ModifyTime", "InvalidTime") if err != nil { return } return } // GetCompanyContractCode 生成合同编号 func GetCompanyContractCode(productId int, contractBusinessType string) (companyCode string, err error) { var num int o := orm.NewOrm() today := utils.GetToday(utils.FormatDate) sql := `SELECT COUNT(1) AS num FROM contract where create_time>=?` err = o.Raw(sql, today).QueryRow(&num) if err != nil { return } companyType := "" switch productId { case 1: companyType = "FICC" case 2: companyType = "EQ" } perStr := `HZ` switch contractBusinessType { case "业务合同": perStr = `HZ` case "代付合同": perStr = `DC` } companyCode = perStr + companyType + time.Now().Format("20060102") + fmt.Sprintf("%03d", num) return } // GetSearchContractList 获取合同列表数据 func GetSearchContractList(productId, sellerId int, keyword, creditCode string) (list []*ContractList, err error) { o := orm.NewOrm() sql := `select a.* from contract a left join company_contract b on a.contract_code=b.contract_code where a.status='已签回' AND a.contract_business_type="业务合同" AND is_delete = 0 AND a.product_id=? AND a.end_date>now() AND (b.contract_code is null or b.status = "已审批") and seller_id=?` //if companyIdStr != "" { // sql += ` AND b.company_id not in ( ` + companyIdStr + `) ` //} if keyword != "" { sql += ` AND a.company_name like "%` + keyword + `%" ` } if creditCode != "" { sql += ` AND a.credit_code = "` + creditCode + `" ` } sql += ` order by a.end_date asc ` _, err = o.Raw(sql, productId, sellerId).QueryRows(&list) return } // UpdateBusinessContractPaidPrice 更新合同已支付金额 func UpdateBusinessContractPaidPrice(contractId int, updatePriceStr string) (err error) { o := orm.NewOrm() //删除合同的原始服务信息 sql := `update contract set paid_price=paid_price` + updatePriceStr + ` where contract_id = ?` _, err = o.Raw(sql, contractId).Exec() return } // GetSearchListBySeal 获取用印所需合同列表 func GetSearchListBySeal(condition string, pars []interface{}) (list []*ContractList, err error) { o := orm.NewOrm() sql := `SELECT * FROM contract WHERE 1=1 AND is_delete = 0 AND status = "已审批" ` sql += condition sql += ` ORDER BY modify_time DESC` _, err = o.Raw(sql, pars).QueryRows(&list) return } // GetContractListByContractIds 根据审批单IDs获取审批节点列表 func GetContractListByContractIds(contractIds string) (contractList []*ContractList, err error) { o := orm.NewOrm() sql := `SELECT * FROM contract WHERE contract_id IN (` + contractIds + `)` _, err = o.Raw(sql).QueryRows(&contractList) return } // GetLatestContractListByProductId 获取最新的续约合同ids func GetLatestContractListByProductId(productId int) (contractIds []string, err error) { o := orm.NewOrm() sql := `SELECT company_contract_id FROM company_contract WHERE product_id=? AND contract_type="续约合同" GROUP BY create_time DESC,company_id ` _, err = o.Raw(sql, productId).QueryRows(&contractIds) return } // GetContractListByProductId 根据产品获取合同列表 func GetContractListByProductId(productId int) (list []*ContractList, err error) { o := orm.NewOrm() sql := `SELECT * FROM contract WHERE is_delete = 0 AND product_id = ? ORDER BY create_time ASC` _, err = o.Raw(sql, productId).QueryRows(&list) return } // GetContractListByCompanyName 根据公司名称获取合同 func GetContractListByCompanyName(companyName string) (item *ContractList, err error) { o := orm.NewOrm() sql := `SELECT * FROM contract WHERE is_delete = 0 AND company_name = ? ORDER BY create_time DESC` err = o.Raw(sql, companyName).QueryRow(&item) return }