package cygx import ( "" "hongze/hz_crm_api/controllers" "hongze/hz_crm_api/models" "hongze/hz_crm_api/models/cygx" "hongze/hz_crm_api/utils" "strconv" ) // 分享记录 type UserAdminShareHistoryController struct { controllers.BaseAuthController } // @Title 分享记录列表 // @Description 分享记录列表接口 // @Param PageSize query int true "每页数据条数" // @Param CurrentIndex query int true "当前页页码,从1开始" // @Param StartDate query string false "开始时间 ,列如2021-03-06 " // @Param EndDate query string false "结束时间,列如2021-03-06 " // @Param AdminId query string false "销售ID " // @Param KeyWord query string false "搜索关键词" // @Param Action query string false "用户行为" // @Success Ret=200 {object} cygx.GetCygxUserAdminShareHistoryListResp // @router /mfyx/admin/share/list [get] func (this *UserAdminShareHistoryController) OrderList() { br := new(models.BaseResponse).Init() defer func() { this.Data["json"] = br this.ServeJSON() }() sysUser := this.SysUser if sysUser == nil { br.Msg = "请登录" br.ErrMsg = "请登录,SysUser Is Empty" br.Ret = 408 return } resp := new(cygx.GetCygxUserAdminShareHistoryListResp) pageSize, _ := this.GetInt("PageSize") currentIndex, _ := this.GetInt("CurrentIndex") startDate := this.GetString("StartDate") endDate := this.GetString("EndDate") adminId := this.GetString("AdminId") keyWord := this.GetString("KeyWord") action := this.GetString("Action") var startSize int if pageSize <= 0 { pageSize = utils.PageSize20 } if currentIndex <= 0 { currentIndex = 1 } startSize = utils.StartIndex(currentIndex, pageSize) var condition string var pars []interface{} condition += ` AND company_id != 16 ` // 过滤弘则 if startDate != "" && endDate != "" { //时间范围 startDate += " 00:00:00" endDate += " 23:59:59" condition += ` AND create_time BETWEEN ? AND ? ` pars = append(pars, startDate, endDate) } if adminId != "" { //所属销售筛选 condition += ` AND share_id IN (` + adminId + `) ` } //用户行为搜索 if action == "查看专栏" || action == "查看报告" || action == "查看活动" || action == "注册" { condition += " AND action = ? " pars = append(pars, action) } //如果不是权益管理员和admin,就做可见权限限制 if sysUser.RoleTypeCode != utils.ROLE_TYPE_CODE_RAI_ADMIN && sysUser.RoleTypeCode != utils.ROLE_TYPE_CODE_ADMIN { condition += ` AND share_id IN (` + strconv.Itoa(sysUser.AdminId) + `) ` } if keyWord != "" { //用户姓名,手机号 keyWord = "%" + keyWord + "%" condition += ` AND (mobile LIKE ? OR real_name LIKE ? ) ` pars = append(pars, keyWord, keyWord) } total, err := cygx.GetCygxUserAdminShareHistoryCount(condition, pars) if err != nil { br.Msg = "获取失败" br.ErrMsg = "获取失败,Err:" + err.Error() return } condition += " ORDER BY user_admin_share_history_id DESC " list, err := cygx.GetCygxUserAdminShareHistoryList(condition, pars, startSize, pageSize) if err != nil { br.Msg = "获取失败" br.ErrMsg = "获取失败,Err:" + err.Error() return } var mobiles []string for _, v := range list { mobiles = append(mobiles, v.Mobile) } listUser, err := models.GetWxUserRaiSllerListByUserMobile(mobiles) if err != nil { br.Msg = "获取失败" br.ErrMsg = "获取数据失败,Err:" + err.Error() return } //获取用户当前最新的公司信息 mapWxUserSller := make(map[string]*models.WxUserSller) for _, v := range listUser { mapWxUserSller[v.Mobile] = v } for _, v := range list { switch v.Source { case utils.CYGX_OBJ_ARTICLE: //文章详情 v.HttpUrl = utils.CYGX_MFYX_URL + "/material/info/" + strconv.Itoa(v.SourceId) case utils.CYGX_OBJ_ACTIVITY: //活动详情 v.HttpUrl = utils.CYGX_MFYX_URL + "/activity/detail/" + strconv.Itoa(v.SourceId) case utils.CYGX_OBJ_YANXUANSPECIAL: //研选专栏 v.HttpUrl = utils.CYGX_MFYX_URL + "/column/detail/" + strconv.Itoa(v.SourceId) } switch v.RegisterPlatform { case 5: v.RegisterPlatformText = "研选小程序" case 6: v.RegisterPlatformText = "研选网页版" } mapItem := mapWxUserSller[v.Mobile] if mapItem != nil { v.CompanyName = mapItem.CompanyName v.CompanyId = mapItem.CompanyId v.RealName = mapItem.RealName } else { v.RealName = "--" v.CompanyName = "--" v.CompanyId = 1 } } page := paging.GetPaging(currentIndex, pageSize, total) resp.Paging = page resp.List = list br.Ret = 200 br.Success = true br.Msg = "获取成功" br.Data = resp }