package yb import ( "" "hongze/hz_crm_api/utils" "time" ) // 研报 用户留言表 type Comment struct { CommentId uint64 `orm:"column(comment_id);pk;" description:"留言ID"` UserId uint64 `orm:"column(user_id)" description:"用户id"` AdminId uint64 `orm:"column(admin_id)" description:"发布留言回复的管理员ID"` ReportId int `orm:"column(report_id)" description:"报告ID"` ReportChapterId int `orm:"column(report_chapter_id)" description:"报告章节ID"` Content string `orm:"column(content)" description:"留言内容"` SysIsRead int8 `orm:"column(sys_is_read)" description:"管理员是否已读 0-未读,1-已读"` SysReadTime time.Time `orm:"column(sys_read_time)" description:"管理员已读时间"` SysReadAdminId int64 `orm:"column(sys_read_admin_id)" description:"已读的管理员id"` ReplyCommentId uint64 `orm:"column(reply_comment_id)" description:"回复的留言ID"` IsTop int8 `orm:"column(is_top)" description:"是否置顶(0-未置顶,1-置顶)"` IsHot int8 `orm:"column(is_hot)" description:"是否设置精选(0-未设置,1-已设置)"` HotTopTime time.Time `orm:"column(hot_top_time)" description:"设置精选或者设置置顶的时间"` TopTime time.Time `orm:"column(top_time)" description:"设置置顶的时间"` HotTime time.Time `orm:"column(hot_time)" description:"设置精选的时间"` Type int8 `orm:"column(type)" description:"留言类型 1-评论 2-回复"` Enabled int8 `orm:"column(enabled)" description:"是否有效, 0-无效留言 1-有效留言"` IsShowName int8 `orm:"column(is_show_name)" description:"是否匿名 0-匿名,1-不匿名"` SourceAgent int `orm:"column(source_agent)" description:"留言入口来源,1:小程序,2:小程序pc, 4:web pc"` CreateTime time.Time `orm:"column(create_time)" description:"创建时间"` ModifyTime time.Time `orm:"column(modify_time)" description:"修改时间"` OldReportId int `orm:"column(old_report_id)" description:"老报告ID"` OldReportChapterId int `orm:"column(old_report_chapter_id)" description:"老报告章节ID"` } type CommentUser struct { Comment NickName string `description:"昵称"` Headimgurl string `description:"用户头像"` } func (yc *Comment) TableName() string { return "yb_comment" } // CommentIdList 评论id列表 type CommentIdList struct { CommentId int } // GetCommentReportIdsByCondition 根据条件查询相关的 report func GetCommentReportIdsByCondition(condition string, pars []interface{}) (list []*Comment, err error) { o := orm.NewOrm() var commentIdList []*CommentIdList //groupSql := `SELECT * FROM (` //查找最大评论的id sql := `SELECT MAX(c.comment_id) comment_id FROM yb_comment c LEFT JOIN wx_user u ON c.user_id = u.user_id WHERE 1=1 and report_id > 0 and c.type = 1 ` if condition != "" { sql += condition } sql += ` GROUP BY c.report_id, c.report_chapter_id ` _, err = o.Raw(sql, pars).QueryRows(&commentIdList) if err != nil { return } commentIdArr := make([]int, 0) for _, v := range commentIdList { commentIdArr = append(commentIdArr, v.CommentId) } lenCommentIdArr := len(commentIdArr) if lenCommentIdArr <= 0 { return } groupSql := `SELECT c.report_id, c.report_chapter_id FROM yb_comment AS c WHERE comment_id in (` + utils.GetOrmInReplace(lenCommentIdArr) + `) ORDER BY c.sys_is_read asc,c.comment_id desc ` _, err = o.Raw(groupSql, commentIdArr).QueryRows(&list) return } // GetCommentReportIdsByConditionBak 根据条件查询相关的 report func GetCommentReportIdsByConditionBak(condition string, pars []interface{}) (list []*Comment, err error) { o := orm.NewOrm() sql := `SELECT DISTINCT c.report_id, c.report_chapter_id FROM yb_comment c LEFT JOIN wx_user u ON c.user_id = u.user_id WHERE 1=1 and report_id > 0` if condition != "" { sql += condition } sql += ` ORDER BY c.sys_is_read asc,c.create_time desc` _, err = o.Raw(sql, pars).QueryRows(&list) return } // GetCommentIdsByCondition 根据条件查询相关的 留言ID func GetCommentIdsByCondition(condition string, pars []interface{}) (list []*Comment, err error) { o := orm.NewOrm() sql := `SELECT comment_id FROM yb_comment c LEFT JOIN wx_user u ON c.user_id = u.user_id WHERE 1=1 ` if condition != "" { sql += condition } _, err = o.Raw(sql, pars).QueryRows(&list) return } type ReportCommentNum struct { ReportId int `description:"报告Id"` ReportChapterId int `description:"报告章节ID"` SysIsRead int8 `description:"管理员是否已读 0-未读,1-已读"` Num int `description:"汇总数"` } // StatReportCommentNum 统计报告的留言数 func StatReportCommentNum(reportIds, reportChapterIds string, condition string, pars []interface{}) (list []*ReportCommentNum, err error) { o := orm.NewOrm() sql := `SELECT c.report_id, c.report_chapter_id, c.sys_is_read, COUNT(c.comment_id) as num FROM yb_comment c LEFT JOIN wx_user u ON c.user_id = u.user_id WHERE type=1 ` if reportIds != "" && reportChapterIds != "" { sql += ` and (c.report_id in (` + reportIds + `) or c.report_chapter_id in (` + reportChapterIds + `) )` } else if reportIds != "" { sql += ` and c.report_id in (` + reportIds + `)` } else if reportChapterIds != "" { sql += ` and c.report_chapter_id in (` + reportChapterIds + `)` } else { return } if condition != "" { sql += condition } sql += ` GROUP BY report_id,report_chapter_id,sys_is_read` _, err = o.Raw(sql, pars).QueryRows(&list) return } // GetCommentListByByCondition 根据报告ID,查询留言列表 func GetCommentListByByCondition(condition string, pars []interface{}, orderStr string, startSize, pageSize int) (list []*Comment, err error) { o := orm.NewOrm() sql := `SELECT c.* FROM yb_comment c LEFT JOIN wx_user u ON c.user_id = u.user_id WHERE 1=1 and c.type=1` if condition != "" { sql += condition } if orderStr != "" { sql += orderStr } else { sql += " ORDER BY create_time DESC , comment_id DESC" } sql += ` LIMIT ?,?` _, err = o.Raw(sql, pars, startSize, pageSize).QueryRows(&list) return } // GetCommentListTotalByByCondition 根据报告ID,查询留言列表总数 func GetCommentListTotalByByCondition(condition string, pars []interface{}) (total int64, err error) { o := orm.NewOrm() sql := `select count(*) from (SELECT c.comment_id FROM yb_comment c LEFT JOIN wx_user u ON c.user_id = u.user_id WHERE 1=1 and c.type=1` if condition != "" { sql += condition } sql += ") f" err = o.Raw(sql, pars).QueryRow(&total) return } // GetReplyListByReplyCommentIds 获取报告的精选留言的回复列表 func GetReplyListByReplyCommentIds(reportId, reportChapterId int, replyCommentIds string) (list []*Comment, err error) { o := orm.NewOrm() sql := `SELECT * FROM yb_comment WHERE report_id =? and report_chapter_id=? and type=2 and reply_comment_id in` + replyCommentIds sql += ` ORDER BY comment_id ASC` _, err = o.Raw(sql, reportId, reportChapterId).QueryRows(&list) return } // GetReplyByReplyCommentIds 获取报告的精选留言的回复列表 func GetReplyByReplyCommentIds(replyCommentIds string) (list []*Comment, err error) { o := orm.NewOrm() sql := `SELECT * FROM yb_comment WHERE type=2 and reply_comment_id in` + replyCommentIds sql += ` ORDER BY comment_id ASC` _, err = o.Raw(sql).QueryRows(&list) return } // UpdateCommentSysIsReadByCommentIds 设置报告相关的留言为已读状态 func UpdateCommentSysIsReadByCommentIds(adminId int, commentIds string) (err error) { o := orm.NewOrm() sql := `UPDATE yb_comment SET sys_is_read=1, sys_read_admin_id=?, sys_read_time = NOW(), modify_time=NOW() WHERE sys_is_read=0 and comment_id in (` + commentIds + `)` _, err = o.Raw(sql, adminId).Exec() return } // UpdateCommentSysIsRead 设置所有留言为已读状态 func UpdateCommentSysIsRead(adminId int) (err error) { o := orm.NewOrm() sql := `UPDATE yb_comment SET sys_is_read=1, sys_read_admin_id=?, sys_read_time = NOW(), modify_time=NOW() WHERE sys_is_read=0` _, err = o.Raw(sql, adminId).Exec() return } // AddComment 新增回复 func AddComment(item *Comment) (id int64, err error) { o := orm.NewOrm() id, err = o.Insert(item) return } // DeleteComment 标记处理用户所有待处理申请记录 func DeleteComment(commentId int) (err error) { o := orm.NewOrm() to, err := o.Begin() if err != nil { return } defer func() { if err != nil { _ = to.Rollback() } else { _ = to.Commit() } }() //删除评论 sql := "delete from yb_comment where comment_id=? and type=1" _, err = to.Raw(sql, commentId).Exec() if err != nil { return } //删除回复 sql = "delete from yb_comment where reply_comment_id=? and type=2" _, err = to.Raw(sql, commentId).Exec() return } // Update 更新留言状态 func (c *Comment) Update(cols []string) (err error) { o := orm.NewOrm() _, err = o.Update(c, cols...) return } // DeleteCommentReply 删除管理员回复 func DeleteCommentReply(commentId int) (err error) { sql := `DELETE FROM yb_comment WHERE comment_id=? and type=2 ` o := orm.NewOrm() _, err = o.Raw(sql, commentId).Exec() return } // GetCommentByCommentId 根据留言ID,查询留言详情 func GetCommentByCommentId(commentId int) (item *Comment, err error) { sql := `SELECT * FROM yb_comment where comment_id=?` err = orm.NewOrm().Raw(sql, commentId).QueryRow(&item) return } // GetCommentUserByCommentId 根据留言ID,查询留言详情 func GetCommentUserByCommentId(commentId int) (item *CommentUser, err error) { sql := `SELECT y.*,u.nick_name,u.headimgurl FROM yb_comment y left join wx_user u on y.user_id=u.user_id where y.comment_id=?` err = orm.NewOrm().Raw(sql, commentId).QueryRow(&item) return } // GetReplyTotalByCommentId 查询该留言的回复次数 func GetReplyTotalByCommentId(commentId int) (total int64, err error) { o := orm.NewOrm() sql := `SELECT count(*) FROM yb_comment WHERE reply_comment_id=? and type=2` err = o.Raw(sql, commentId).QueryRow(&total) return } // GetReplyByReplyCommentId 查询该留言的回复次数 func GetReplyByReplyCommentId(commentId uint64) (list []*Comment, err error) { o := orm.NewOrm() sql := `SELECT * FROM yb_comment WHERE reply_comment_id=? and type=2 ORDER BY comment_id ASC` _, err = o.Raw(sql, commentId).QueryRows(&list) return } type ProductCommentItem struct { CommentId int `description:"研报留言ID或者问答社区评论ID"` UserId int `description:"用户ID"` ReportId int `description:"报告Id"` ReportChapterId int `description:"报告章节Id"` OldReportId int `description:"老报告Id"` CommunityQuestionId int `description:"问答ID"` Content string `description:"留言内容"` CreateTime time.Time `description:"创建时间"` ProductType int `description:"留言板块ID: 1-研报留言,2-问答社区评论"` IsTop int8 `description:"是否置顶(0-未置顶,1-置顶)"` RealName string `description:"用户姓名"` } // GetProductCommentList 获取研报留言和问答社区评论列表 func GetProductCommentList(condition string, pars []interface{}, startSize, pageSize int) (list []*ProductCommentItem, total int64, err error) { o := orm.NewOrm() sql := `SELECT * from (( SELECT comment_id, user_id, report_id, report_chapter_id, 0 AS community_question_id, content, create_time, 1 AS product_type, is_top, real_name, old_report_id FROM yb_comment WHERE type = 1) UNION ( SELECT community_question_comment_id AS comment_id, user_id, 0 AS report_id, 0 AS report_chapter_id, community_question_id, content, create_time, source+1 AS product_type, 0 as is_top, real_name, 0 as old_report_id FROM yb_community_question_comment WHERE type = 1 and enabled=1 ) ) as t where 1=1` if condition != "" { sql += condition } //汇总数据 totalSQl := `SELECT COUNT(1) total FROM (` + sql + `) as a` if err = o.Raw(totalSQl, pars).QueryRow(&total); err != nil { return } sql += ` ORDER BY t.create_time DESC,t.comment_id DESC` sql += ` LIMIT ?,?` _, err = o.Raw(sql, pars, startSize, pageSize).QueryRows(&list) return }