@@ -3760,7 +3760,7 @@ func initRsListinit() {
//func init() {
//func init() {
-// initYaxuan()
+// initart22()
func initYaxuan() {
func initYaxuan() {
@@ -3862,3 +3862,104 @@ func initYaxuan() {
+func initart22() {
+ //行业
+ var condition string
+ var pars []interface{}
+ condition += ` AND art.is_class = 1 `
+ condition += ` AND art.publish_date >= '2024-01-01' AND art.file_link != '' `
+ //return
+ condition += ` GROUP BY art.article_id ORDER BY art.publish_date DESC `
+ //fmt.Println(condition)
+ list, err := cygx.GetReportArticleList(condition, pars, 0, 999, 1)
+ if err != nil {
+ fmt.Println(err)
+ return
+ }
+ fmt.Println("list", len(list))
+ //return
+ reportMap := make(map[int]string)
+ listMap, err := cygx.GetReportMapping()
+ if err != nil {
+ fmt.Println(err)
+ return
+ }
+ for _, v := range listMap {
+ reportMap[v.CategoryId] = v.MatchTypeName
+ }
+ //创建excel
+ dir, err := os.Executable()
+ exPath := filepath.Dir(dir)
+ downLoadnFilePath := exPath + "/" + time.Now().Format(utils.FormatDateTimeUnSpace) + ".xlsx"
+ xlsxFile := xlsx.NewFile()
+ if err != nil {
+ fmt.Println(err)
+ return
+ }
+ style := xlsx.NewStyle()
+ alignment := xlsx.Alignment{
+ Horizontal: "center",
+ Vertical: "center",
+ WrapText: true,
+ }
+ style.Alignment = alignment
+ style.ApplyAlignment = true
+ redStyle := xlsx.NewStyle()
+ redStyle.Alignment = alignment
+ redStyle.ApplyAlignment = true
+ redStyle.Font.Color = "ff0000"
+ //定义底色需要标黄的 单元格颜色
+ redFill := xlsx.Fill{"solid", "ffff00", "ffff00"}
+ redStyle.Fill = redFill
+ //redStyle.Border = *border
+ var sheetName string
+ sheetName = "数据"
+ sheet, err := xlsxFile.AddSheet(sheetName)
+ if err != nil {
+ fmt.Println(err)
+ return
+ }
+ //标头
+ rowTitle := sheet.AddRow()
+ cellAt := rowTitle.AddCell()
+ cellAt.Value = " 报告名称 "
+ cellPd := rowTitle.AddCell()
+ cellPd.Value = "行业"
+ cellA := rowTitle.AddCell()
+ cellA.Value = "系列"
+ cellB := rowTitle.AddCell()
+ cellB.Value = "发布时间"
+ for _, v := range list {
+ row := sheet.AddRow()
+ cellADatatitle := row.AddCell()
+ cellADatatitle.Value = v.Title
+ cellADataPd := row.AddCell()
+ cellADataPd.Value = v.ChartPermissionName
+ cellAData := row.AddCell()
+ cellAData.Value = v.SubCategoryName
+ cellBData := row.AddCell()
+ cellBData.Value = v.PublishDate
+ }
+ err = xlsxFile.Save(downLoadnFilePath)
+ if err != nil {
+ fmt.Println(err)
+ return
+ }