Browse Source


hbchen 2 years ago
47 changed files with 1842 additions and 2683 deletions
  1. 8 0
  2. 23 0
  3. 9 2
  4. 24 0
  5. 120 0
  6. 6 6
  7. 1 1
  8. 1 1
  9. 1 1
  10. 1 1
  11. 1 1
  12. 3 2
  13. 769 0
  14. 46 19
  15. 3 0
  16. 62 0
  17. 15 2
  18. 92 26
  19. 392 0
  20. 238 0
  21. BIN
  22. BIN
  23. BIN
  24. BIN
  25. BIN
  26. BIN
  27. BIN
  28. BIN
  29. BIN
  30. BIN
  31. BIN
  32. BIN
  33. BIN
  34. BIN
  35. BIN
  36. BIN
  37. 0 182
  38. 0 75
  39. 0 458
  40. 0 536
  41. 0 1260
  42. 0 79
  43. 0 0
  44. 0 0
  45. 0 1
  46. 26 29
  47. 1 1

+ 8 - 0

@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ export const apiGetWechatPhone=params=>{
  *                    special_column_list(专栏列表) special_column_detail(专栏详情)
  *                    report_list(报告列表) report_detail(报告详情)
  *                    chart_list(图库列表) chart_detail(图库详情)
+ * 					  sandbox_list(沙盘列表) sandbox_detail(沙盘详情)
  * @param version 
  * @param pars 生成海报需要的页面参数
@@ -52,4 +53,11 @@ export const apiGetPoster=params=>{
 export const apiGetSceneToParams=params=>{
     return httpGet('/public/get_suncode_scene',params)
+ * 获取标签树
+ */
+export const apiGetTagTree = params=>{
+    return httpGet('/public/get_variety_tag_tree',params)

+ 23 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+// 活动模块
+import { httpGet, httpPost } from "@/utils/request.js";
+ * 沙盘图列表
+ * @param keyword 沙盘图名称
+ * @param chart_permission_id 分类ID
+ * @param is_high_light 是否高亮搜索词 true | false
+ * @param current_index
+ * @param page_size
+ */
+export const apiSandTableList = (params) => {
+    return httpGet("/sandbox/list", params);
+ * 沙盘图详情
+ * @param sandbox_id 沙盘ID
+ */
+export const apiSandTableDetail = (params) => {
+    return httpGet("/sandbox/detail", params);

+ 9 - 2

@@ -9,6 +9,13 @@ export const apiWechatLogin=params=>{
 	return httpGet('/wechat/login',params)
+ * 顶部tab
+ */
+export const apiHomeTab = () => {
+	return httpGet('/user/get_top_tab')
  * 获取用户tabbar权限
@@ -41,8 +48,8 @@ export const apiUserLogin=params=>{
  * @param company_name 公司名
  * @param permission 选择的权限
  * @param real_name 姓名
- * @param source 来源:我的1、活动2、图库3、研报4
- * @param source_agent 来源平台:1:小程序、2:pc
+ * @param source 来源:我的1、活动2、图库3、研报4、沙盘推演7
+ * @param source_agent 来源平台:1:小程序、2:小程序(pc)、3:公众号、4:官网web(pc)
  * @param from_page 来源页面: '活动列表'、'活动详情'等
 export const apiApplyPermission=params=>{

+ 24 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+// 视频模块
+import { httpGet, httpPost } from "@/utils/request.js";
+ * 视频列表
+ * @param page_index
+ * @param page_size
+ * @param keywords
+ * @param video_id
+ * @param chart_permission_id
+ */
+export const apiVideoList=params=>{
+    return httpGet('/community/video/list',params)
+ * 视频播放埋点
+ * @param video_id
+ * @param source_agent 来源平台:1:小程序、2:小程序(pc)、3:公众号、4:官网web(pc)
+ */
+export const apiVideoPlayLog=params=>{
+    return httpPost('/community/video/play_log',{...params,source_agent:1})

+ 120 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+    <view :class="['flex search-box',isFocus||searchVal?'search-focus':'']">
+        <image 
+            class="search-icon" 
+            :src="isFocus||searchVal?'../../static/search-icon-s.png':'../../static/search-icon.png'" 
+            mode="aspectFill"
+        />
+        <input 
+            type="text" 
+            :maxlength="-1"
+            v-model="searchVal" 
+            :placeholder="placeholder" 
+            :focus="isFocus" 
+            @focus="handelFocus"
+            @blur="handelBlur"
+            @confirm="handleSearch"
+            @input="handleInput"
+            confirm-type="search"
+            :disabled="disabled"
+        />
+        <image 
+            class="search-clear" 
+            src="../../static/search-del.png" 
+            mode="aspectFill"
+            v-if="searchVal"
+            @click="handleClearSearch"
+        />
+        <view class="right-btn" v-if="hasRightBtn&&searchVal" @click="handleSearch">搜索</view>
+    </view>
+export default {
+    props: {
+        hasRightBtn:{
+            type:Boolean,
+            default:true
+        },
+        placeholder:{
+            type:String,
+            default:'请输入搜索关键词'
+        },
+        focus:{
+            type:Boolean,
+            default:false
+        },
+        disabled:{
+            type:Boolean,
+            default:false
+        }
+    },
+    data () {
+        return {
+            searchVal:'',
+            isFocus:this.focus
+        }
+    },
+    methods: {
+        handleClearSearch(){
+            this.searchVal=''
+            this.$emit('change',this.searchVal)
+            this.$emit('search')
+        },
+        handleInput(){
+            this.$emit('change',this.searchVal)
+        },
+        handelFocus(){
+            this.isFocus=true
+        },
+        handelBlur(){
+            this.isFocus=false
+        },
+        handleSearch(){
+            this.$emit('search')
+        }
+    }
+<style lang="scss" scoped>{
+    border: 1px solid #E5E5E5;
+    align-items: center;
+    background-color: #F6F6F6;
+    border-radius: 43rpx;
+    padding: 0 30rpx;
+    height: 70rpx;
+    .search-icon{
+        width: 48rpx;
+        height: 48rpx;
+        flex-shrink: 0;
+        margin-right: 5rpx;
+    }
+    input{
+        flex: 1;
+    }
+    .search-clear{
+        width: 40rpx;
+        height: 40rpx;
+        flex-shrink: 0;
+        margin-left: 5rpx;
+        margin-right: 20rpx;
+    }
+    .right-btn{
+        font-size: 28rpx;
+        color: #E3B377;
+        flex-shrink: 0;
+        border-left: 1px solid #999999;
+        padding-left: 20rpx;
+    }
+    border-color: #E3B377;
+    background-color: #fff;

+ 6 - 6

@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-<view class="tab-bar">
-  <view wx:for="{{list}}" wx:key="index" class="tab-bar-item" data-path="{{item.pagePath}}" data-text="{{item.text}}" bindtap="switchTab">
-    <image class="icon" src="{{selected === item.pagePath ? item.selectedIconPath : item.iconPath}}"></image>
-    <view class="text" style="color: {{selected === item.pagePath ? selectedColor : color}}">{{item.text}}</view>
-  </view>
+<cover-view class="tab-bar">
+  <cover-view wx:for="{{list}}" wx:key="index" class="tab-bar-item" data-path="{{item.pagePath}}" data-text="{{item.text}}" bindtap="switchTab">
+    <cover-image class="icon" src="{{selected === item.pagePath ? item.selectedIconPath : item.iconPath}}"></cover-image>
+    <cover-view class="text" style="color: {{selected === item.pagePath ? selectedColor : color}}">{{item.text}}</cover-view>
+  </cover-view>

+ 1 - 1

@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ moment.locale('zh-cn');
 import {globalImgUrls} from "../utils/config"
 import store from '@/store'
-const tabbarPathList=['pages/activity/activity','pages/buy/buy','pages/chart/chart',/* 'pages/user/user', */'pages/report/report','pages/question/question']
+const tabbarPathList=['pages/activity/activity','pages/pricedriven/pricedriven','pages/video/videoList','pages/report/report','pages/question/question']
 module.exports = {
   watch: {

+ 1 - 1

@@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ export default {
                 page_size: this.pageSize,
                 /* chart_permission_id: this.selectId === -1 ? '' : this.selectId, */
-                group_id: this.selectId === -1 ? '' : this.selectId,
+                variety_tag_id: this.selectId === -1 ? '' : this.selectId,
                 reply_status: status,

+ 1 - 1

@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ export default {
                 tel: '',
                 permission: '',
-            source:"",//来源 1-我的 2-活动 3-图库 4-研报 5-问答
+            source:"",//来源 1-我的 2-活动 3-图库 4-研报 5-问答 6价格驱动

+ 1 - 1

@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
           <view class="question-info">
             <view style="flex: 1" class="question-title">
               <text class="item-label">{{
-                questionItem.research_group_second_name
+                questionItem.variety_tag_name
               {{ questionItem.question_content }}

+ 1 - 1

@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
                 v-if="(item.reply_status === 3 || item.replier_user_id == userInfo.user_id) && questionStatus!=2"
-                >{{ item.research_group_second_name }}</text
+                >{{ item.variety_tag_name }}</text
               {{ item.question_content }}

+ 3 - 2

@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-    <web-view :src="url" @message="handleGetMessage"/></web-view>
+    <web-view :src="url" @message="handleGetMessage"></web-view>
@@ -19,7 +19,8 @@ export default {
     onShareAppMessage() {
         return {
-            path:`/pages-report/reportDetail?reportId=${this.msgObj.reportId}`
+            path:`/pages-report/reportDetail?reportId=${this.msgObj.reportId}`,
+            imageUrl:this.msgObj.shareImg||''
     methods: {

+ 769 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,769 @@
+	<page-meta :page-style="'padding-bottom: 0;'+'overflow:'+((showFilter||show||showPoster)?'hidden':'visible')"/>
+	<view style="background-color: #F6F6F6;">
+		<!-- 没有权限 -->
+		<block v-if="noAuthor ==1 && isFinished">
+			<view class="sandTable-noAuthor">
+				<block v-if="!applyer.hasApply">
+					<image :src="globalImgUrls.sandBoxNoAuthor" mode="aspectFit"></image>
+					<text style="margin-top: 48rpx;">您暂无权限查看沙盘推演</text>
+					<text style="margin-top: 20rpx;">若想查看可以申请开通</text>
+					<button @click="toApply">立即申请</button>
+				</block>
+				<block v-else>
+					<image class="img-wait" :src="globalImgUrls.chartWait" mode="widthFix" 
+					style="width: 186rpx;margin-top: 200rpx;width: 186rpx;margin-bottom: 50rpx;"></image>
+					<text style="margin-bottom:15px">您已提交申请</text>
+					<text>请等待销售人员与您联系</text>
+				</block>
+			</view>
+		</block>
+		<block v-if="noAuthor ==2 && isFinished">
+			<view class="sandTable-noAuthor">
+				<image :src="globalImgUrls.sandBoxNoAuthor" mode="aspectFit"></image>
+				<text style="margin-top: 48rpx;">您暂无权限查看沙盘推演</text>
+				<text style="margin: 20rpx 0 6rpx 0;">若想查看请联系对口销售</text>
+				<view>
+					<text>{{}}:</text><text class="sales-mobile" @click="callToSales">{{}}</text>
+				</view>
+			</view>
+		</block>
+		<!-- 有权限 -->
+		<view v-show="noAuthor ==0 && isFinished" style="padding-top: 156rpx;">
+			<view style="position: fixed;top: 0;width: 100vw;">
+				<view style="height: 2rpx;background-color: #F6F6F6;"></view>
+				  <view class="search-wrap">
+					  <van-search
+						  shape="round"
+						  placeholder="沙盘图名称搜索"
+						  clear-trigger="always"
+						  style="flex-grow: 1"
+						  :value="sandTableQuery.keyword"
+						  @change="searchValChange"
+						  @search="onSearch"
+						  @clear="onClearSearch"
+						  placeholderStyle="color: #999999;"
+					  />
+					  <view class="filtration-icon-zone" @click="showFilter=true">
+						<image
+						  src="../static/sandTable/sandTable_filtration.png"
+						  mode="widthFix"
+						  class="menu-icon"/>
+						<text>筛选</text>
+					  </view>
+				  </view>
+			</view>
+			<!-- 无数据 -->
+			<view class="sandTable-noData" v-if="!list">
+				<image :src="globalImgUrls.sandBoxNoAuthor" mode="aspectFit"></image>
+				<text >暂无数据</text>
+			</view>
+			<view class="sandTable-list" v-else>
+				<view class="sandTable-box" v-for="(item,index) in list" :key="item.sandbox_id">
+					<view class="sandTable-box-top">
+						<view class="sandTable-box-topL">
+							<view class="sandTable-tag">
+								{{item.chart_permission_name}}
+							</view>
+							<rich-text :nodes="" class="sandTable-name"></rich-text>
+						</view>
+						<view class="sandTable-box-topR">
+							<image src="../static/sandTable/fullScreen.png" style="margin-right: 50rpx;" @click="previewImage(index)"></image>
+							<image src="../static/sandTable/sandTable-share.png" @click="generatePoster('detail',item)"></image>
+						</view>
+					</view>
+					<view class="sandTable-item" @click="previewImage(index)">
+						<image :src="item.pic_url" mode="aspectFit"></image>
+<!-- 						<view class="sandTable-item-origin">
+							来源:弘则研究
+						</view> -->
+					</view>
+				</view>
+				<view v-if="list.length==total && list.length>0" class="bottom_text">已经到底了</view>
+			</view>
+		</view>
+	</view>
+	<!-- 筛选弹窗 -->
+	<van-popup :show="showFilter" round position="bottom" @close="showFilter = false" z-index="99999" :safe-area-inset-bottom="true" >
+		<view class="filter-container">
+			<view class="filter-container-header">
+				<text>全部筛选</text>
+				<text style="color: #E3B377;" @click="showFilter=false">取消</text>
+			</view>
+			<view class="list-box">
+				<van-collapse accordion @change="selectFisrtClassify" :value="selectedFirstId" :border="false">
+					<van-collapse-item
+						:title="item.classify_name" 
+						:name='' 
+						:border="false"
+						v-for="item in classfyList"
+						:key=""
+					>
+						<van-row gutter="5">
+							<van-col 
+								:span="_item.chart_permission_name.length>7?16:8" 
+								v-for="_item in item.list" 
+								:key="_item.chart_permission_id"
+							>
+								<text 
+									:class="['list-item',_item.chart_permission_id==selectedSecondId&&'list-item-active']" 
+									@click="handleSelectPerItem(_item)"
+								>{{_item.chart_permission_name}}</text>
+							</van-col>
+						</van-row>
+					</van-collapse-item>
+				</van-collapse>
+			</view>
+		</view>
+	</van-popup>
+	<!-- 分享按钮 -->
+	<image @click="generatePoster('list')" class="share-icon" src="@/static/share-poster-icon.png" mode="aspectFill" v-if="noAuthor==0&&isFinished"/>
+	<!-- 生成海报弹窗  -->
+	<div class="share-poster-wrap" @touchmove.prevent>
+		<div class="poster-mask" v-if="show||showPoster" @click="showPoster=false" @touchmove.prevent></div>
+        <div class="loading-box" v-if="show">
+            <img class="load-img" src="../static/loading.png"/>
+            <div>海报生成中...</div>
+        </div>
+		<img v-if="showPoster" class="poster-img" mode="widthFix" :src="posterImg" show-menu-by-longpress />
+	</div>
+	import {apiSandTableList,apiSandTableDetail} from "../api/sandTable.js"
+	import {apiReportIndexPageAuthList} from "../api/report.js"
+	import {apiGetPoster,apiGetSceneToParams} from "../api/common.js"
+	import {apiApplyPermission} from "../api/user.js"
+	export default {
+		data() {
+			return {
+				sandTableQuery:{
+					page_size: 20,
+					curr_page: 1,
+					keyword:'' ,
+					chart_permission_id: 0,
+					is_high_light:false // 是否高亮
+				},
+				total:0,
+				isRequseting:false,
+				showFilter:false,
+				list:[],
+				classfyList:[],
+				selectedFirstId:0,
+				selectedSecondId:0,
+				// 是否显示过全部加载弹窗
+				haveShowToast:false,
+				showPoster:false,
+				show:false,
+				// 是否跳转到申请结果页面
+				haveGoToResult:false,
+				// 是否请求完成
+				isFinished:false,
+				posterImg:'',
+				// 没有权限  1:立即申请 2:联系销售
+				noAuthor:0,
+				// 销售信息
+				salesData:{
+					phone:'',
+					name:''
+				},
+				// 申请权限时的用户信息
+				applyer:{
+					name:'',
+					company:'',
+					// 是否已经申请
+					hasApply:false,
+					// 状态
+					status:''
+				}
+			}
+		},
+		onLoad(options) {
+			this.init(options)
+		},
+		onShow(options) {
+			// 预览图片结束时,会触发onShow,切回竖屏
+			uni.setPageOrientation({orientation : "portrait"})
+			if(this.haveGoToResult){
+				//从申请结果页面回来 
+				this.getSandBoxList()
+				this.haveGoToResult=false
+			}
+		},
+		// 小程序自带分享
+		onShareAppMessage() {
+			let {keyword,chart_permission_id,is_high_light} = this.sandTableQuery
+		    return {
+		        title:'沙盘推演',
+				path:`/pages-sandTable/sandTable?keyword=${keyword}&chart_permission_id=${chart_permission_id}`+
+				`&is_high_light=${is_high_light}&firstClassifyId=${this.selectedFirstId}`
+		    }
+		},
+		onPullDownRefresh() {
+			this.sandTableQuery.curr_page=1
+			this.sandTableQuery.chart_permission_id = this.selectedSecondId = this.selectedFirstId=0
+			this.sandTableQuery.keyword=''
+			this.is_high_light=false
+			this.haveShowToast=false
+			this.getSandBoxList('stopPullDown')
+			this.getClassifyList()
+		},
+		onReachBottom() {
+			if(this.isRequseting) return 
+			if(this.list.length> &&!=0){
+				// if(this.haveShowToast) return
+				// // 只显示一次
+				// this.haveShowToast = true
+				// uni.showToast({
+				// 	title:"没有了~",
+				// 	icon:'none'
+				// })
+				return
+			}
+			this.sandTableQuery.curr_page++
+			this.getSandBoxList()
+		},
+		methods: {
+			async init(options){
+				let obj={}
+				if(options.scene){
+					let res = await apiGetSceneToParams({scene_key:options.scene})
+					if(res.code==200){
+						obj=JSON.parse(
+					}
+				}
+				// 有sandbox_id 说明是单个分享进来的
+				if(obj.sandbox_id){
+					this.selectedFirstId = obj.firstClassifyId || 0
+					this.selectedSecondId = obj.chart_permission_id || 0
+					this.getSandBoxDetail(obj.sandbox_id)
+				}else{
+					this.sandTableQuery.keyword = obj.keyword || ""
+					this.selectedFirstId = obj.firstClassifyId || 0
+					this.sandTableQuery.chart_permission_id = this.selectedSecondId = obj.chart_permission_id || 0
+					this.sandTableQuery.is_high_light = obj.is_high_light || false
+					this.getSandBoxList()
+				}
+				this.getClassifyList()
+			},
+			// 获取沙盘图数据
+			getSandBoxList(option){
+				this.isRequseting=true
+				apiSandTableList(this.sandTableQuery).then(({data:{list,paging,type,name,mobile,customer_info},code})=>{
+					if(option == 'stopPullDown'){
+						uni.stopPullDownRefresh()
+					}
+					// 403 没有权限
+					if(code==403){
+ =
+ = customer_info.company_name
+						this.applyer.hasApply = customer_info.has_apply
+						this.applyer.status = customer_info.status
+						if(type == 'apply'){
+							// 申请
+							this.noAuthor =1
+						}else{
+							// 联系销售
+							this.noAuthor =2
+						}
+						return 
+					}
+					if(this.sandTableQuery.curr_page==1){
+						this.list = list
+ = paging.totals
+					}else{
+						this.list = [...this.list,...list]
+					}
+					this.noAuthor=0
+				})
+				.finally(res=>{
+					this.isRequseting=false
+					this.isFinished=true
+					this.showFilter=false
+				})
+			},
+			getSandBoxDetail(sandbox_id){
+				this.isRequseting=true
+				apiSandTableDetail({sandbox_id}).then(({data,code})=>{
+					if(code==403){
+ =
+ = data.customer_info.company_name
+						this.applyer.hasApply = data.customer_info.has_apply
+						this.applyer.status = data.customer_info.status
+						if(data.type == 'apply'){
+							// 申请
+							this.noAuthor =1
+						}else{
+							// 联系销售
+							this.noAuthor =2
+						}
+						return 
+					}
+					this.list= [data]
+					this.noAuthor=0
+				})
+				.finally(res=>{
+					this.isRequseting=false
+					this.isFinished=true
+					this.showFilter=false
+				})
+			},
+			// 获取分类数据
+			getClassifyList(){
+				apiReportIndexPageAuthList().then(({data:{permission_list}})=>{
+					// 过滤掉'更多报告' 和 没有权限的分类
+					this.classfyList = permission_list.filter(item => item.sort!=100000)
+					this.classfyList.forEach(item=>{
+						item.list=item.list.filter(it=>it.auth_ok)
+					})
+					this.classfyList=this.classfyList.filter(item=>item.list.length!=0)
+				})
+			},
+			// 权限申请
+			toApply(type=''){
+				if(type=='auto'){
+					apiApplyPermission({
+						source:7,
+						from_page:'沙盘推演',
+					}).then(res=>{
+						console.log('自动申请成功');
+					})
+				}else{
+					if(this.applyer.status==='流失'){
+						apiApplyPermission({
+							source:7,
+							from_page:'沙盘推演',
+						}).then(res=>{
+							this.haveGoToResult=true
+							uni.navigateTo({url:'/pages-applyPermission/applyResult'})
+						})
+					}else{
+						uni.navigateTo({ url: '/pages-applyPermission/applyPermission?source=7&from_page=沙盘推演' })
+					}
+				}
+			},
+			// 联系销售申请权限
+			callToSales(){
+				if(!this.applyer.hasApply){
+				    this.toApply('auto')
+				}
+				uni.makePhoneCall({
+				    phoneNumber:,
+				    success: (result) => {},
+				    fail: (error) => {}
+				})
+			},
+			// 搜索内容变化
+			searchValChange(e){
+			  this.sandTableQuery.keyword=e.detail
+			  // this.sandTableQuery.is_high_light = true
+			  // this.getSandBoxList()
+			},
+			// 清除搜索内容
+			onClearSearch(){
+				this.sandTableQuery={
+					page_size: 20,
+					curr_page: 1,
+					keyword:'' ,
+					chart_permission_id: 0,
+					is_high_light:false
+				}
+				this.selectedFirstId = this.selectedSecondId = 0
+				this.haveShowToast=false
+				this.getSandBoxList()
+			},
+			// 确认搜索
+			onSearch(){
+			  this.sandTableQuery.chart_permission_id= this.selectedFirstId = this.selectedSecondId = 0
+			  this.sandTableQuery.is_high_light = true
+			  this.haveShowToast=false
+			  this.getSandBoxList()
+			},
+			// 选中一级分类
+			selectFisrtClassify(e){
+				this.selectedFirstId = e.detail
+			},
+			handleSelectPerItem(item){
+				if(this.selectedSecondId==item.chart_permission_id){
+				    this.sandTableQuery.chart_permission_id=this.selectedSecondId=0
+				}else{
+				    this.sandTableQuery.chart_permission_id=this.selectedSecondId=item.chart_permission_id
+				}
+				this.sandTableQuery.curr_page=1
+				uni.pageScrollTo({
+					scrollTop:0,
+					duration:300
+				})
+				this.showFilter=false
+				this.getSandBoxList()
+			},
+			// 预览图片
+			previewImage(index){
+				// 先切换横屏才预览图片 ,预览图片开启之后 切换不了横屏
+				uni.setPageOrientation({orientation : "landscape"}).finally(()=>{
+					// 在回调函数中 用setTimeout将预览图片的任务 再往后排 不然可能会切换失败
+					setTimeout(()=>{
+						uni.previewImage({
+> item.pic_url),
+							current:index,
+							showmenu:false
+						})
+					},10)
+				})
+			},
+			// 生成海报
+			generatePoster(type,item=''){
+				this.handleCreatePoster(type,item)
+			},
+			async handleCreatePoster(type,item){
+				let code_scene_json = {},source='',parsJson={},code_scene=''
+				if(type == 'detail'){
+					// 分享单个
+					let {chart_permission_id} = item
+					let first_permission_id = 0
+					// 通过分享的沙盘图的二级分类Id,找到对应的一级Id
+					U:for (let item of this.classfyList) {
+						for (let it of item.list) {
+							if(it.chart_permission_id == chart_permission_id){
+								first_permission_id =
+								break U
+							}
+						}
+					}
+					code_scene_json={
+						sandbox_id:item.sandbox_id,
+						chart_permission_id,
+						firstClassifyId:first_permission_id
+					}
+					code_scene=JSON.stringify(code_scene_json)
+					source = 'sandbox_detail'
+					parsJson = {,img_1:item.pic_url}
+				}else{
+					// 分享列表
+					let {keyword,chart_permission_id,is_high_light} = this.sandTableQuery
+					let firstImageUrl,secondImageUrl;
+					if(!this.list || !this.list[0]){
+						// 分享的列表页一条数据也没有 使用两个默认的沙盘图地址
+						firstImageUrl = this.globalImgUrls.sandBoxShareDefault1
+						secondImageUrl = this.globalImgUrls.sandBoxShareDefault2
+					}else if(!this.list[1]){
+						// 分享的列表页只有一条数据 第二个图片使用默认的沙盘图地址
+						firstImageUrl = this.list[0].pic_url
+						secondImageUrl = this.globalImgUrls.sandBoxShareDefault1
+					}else{
+						// 列表页有数据
+						firstImageUrl = this.list[0].pic_url
+						secondImageUrl = this.list[1].pic_url
+					}
+					code_scene_json={
+						keyword,
+						chart_permission_id,
+						is_high_light,
+						firstClassifyId:this.selectedFirstId
+					}
+					code_scene=JSON.stringify(code_scene_json)
+					source = 'sandbox_list'
+					parsJson = {title_1:'沙盘推演',img_1:firstImageUrl,img_2:secondImageUrl}
+				}
+			    const res=await apiGetPoster({
+			        code_page:'pages-sandTable/sandTable',
+			        code_scene,
+			        source,
+			        pars:JSON.stringify(parsJson),
+					version:'7.0'
+			    })
+			    if(res.code==200){
+			        this.showPoster=true
+			    }else{
+			    }
+			}
+		}
+	}
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+ 46 - 19

@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
 			"path": "pages/report/report",
 			"style": {
 				"navigationBarTitleText": "FICC研报",
+				"navigationStyle": "custom",
 				"enablePullDownRefresh": true
@@ -17,7 +18,7 @@
 			"path": "pages/chart/chart",
 			"style": {
-				"navigationBarTitleText": "ETA图库",
+				"navigationBarTitleText": "图库",
 				"enablePullDownRefresh": true
@@ -52,6 +53,25 @@
 				"navigationBarTitleText": ""
+		},
+		{
+			"path": "pages/pricedriven/pricedriven",
+			"style":{
+				"navigationBarTitleText":"价格驱动"
+			}
+		},
+		{
+			"path": "pages/video/videoList",
+			"style": {
+				"navigationBarTitleText": "视频社区",
+				"enablePullDownRefresh": true
+			}
+		},
+		{
+			"path": "pages/video/videoSearch",
+			"style": {
+				"navigationBarTitleText": "视频社区"
+			}
@@ -238,6 +258,19 @@
+		},
+		// 沙盘图
+		{
+			"root": "pages-sandTable",
+			"pages": [
+				{
+					"path": "sandTable",
+					"style":{
+						"navigationBarTitleText": "沙盘推演",
+						"enablePullDownRefresh": true
+					}
+				}
+			]
@@ -248,21 +281,21 @@
 		"list": [
 				"pagePath": "pages/report/report",
-				"text": "报告",
+				"text": "首页",
 				"iconPath": "./static/tabbar/report.png",
 				"selectedIconPath": "./static/tabbar/report-s.png"
-				"pagePath": "pages/buy/buy",
-				"text": "已购",
-				"iconPath": "./static/tabbar/buy.png",
-				"selectedIconPath": "./static/tabbar/buy-s.png"
+				"pagePath": "pages/pricedriven/pricedriven",
+				"text": "价格驱动",
+				"iconPath": "./static/tabbar/price.png",
+				"selectedIconPath": "./static/tabbar/price-s.png"
-				"pagePath": "pages/chart/chart",
-				"text": "图库",
-				"iconPath": "./static/tabbar/chart.png",
-				"selectedIconPath": "./static/tabbar/chart-s.png"
+				"pagePath": "pages/video/videoList",
+				"text": "视频社区",
+				"iconPath": "./static/tabbar/video.png",
+				"selectedIconPath": "./static/tabbar/video-s.png"
 				"pagePath": "pages/activity/activity",
@@ -270,12 +303,6 @@
 				"iconPath": "./static/tabbar/activity.png",
 				"selectedIconPath": "./static/tabbar/activity-s.png"
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-				"pagePath": "pages/user/user",
-				"text": "我的",
-				"iconPath": "./static/tabbar/user.png",
-				"selectedIconPath": "./static/tabbar/user-s.png"
-			}, */
 				"pagePath": "pages/question/question",
 				"text": "问答",
@@ -302,16 +329,16 @@
 			"van-icon": "/wxcomponents/vant/icon/index",
 			"van-radio": "/wxcomponents/vant/radio/index",
 			"van-tab": "/wxcomponents/vant/tab/index",
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 			"van-tag": "/wxcomponents/vant/tag/index",
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-  		"van-col": "/wxcomponents/vant/col/index",
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 			"van-progress": "/wxcomponents/vant/progress/index",
 			"van-dialog": "/wxcomponents/vant/dialog/index"

+ 3 - 0

@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
 import {pcBaseUrl} from '../utils/config'
 const mapObj=new Map([
+	 ['pages/pricedriven/pricedriven','/pricedriven'],
@@ -16,6 +17,8 @@ const mapObj=new Map([
+    ['pages/video/videoList','/video/list'],
+	['pages-sandTable/sandTable','/sandBox/list']
 import {apiUserInfo} from '@/api/user'
 import {apiGetSceneToParams} from '@/api/common'

+ 62 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+    <web-view :src="url" @message="handleGetMessage"/></web-view>
+import {h5BaseUrl} from '@/utils/config'
+import {apiGetSceneToParams} from '@/api/common'
+export default {
+    data () {
+        return {
+            url:'',
+            msgObj:{},
+						options: {}
+        }
+    },
+    onLoad(options) {
+			this.options = options;
+    },
+	 onShow() {
+			this.init(this.options)
+	 },
+      onHide() {
+         this.options = {}
+     },
+    onShareAppMessage() {
+        return {
+            title:this.msgObj.title,
+            path:`/pages/pricedriven/pricedriven?default_classify_first=${this.msgObj.default_classify_first}&default_classify_sub=${this.msgObj.default_classify_sub}`
+        }
+    },
+    methods: {
+        async init(options){
+            console.log('options',options);
+            if(options.scene){
+                const res=await apiGetSceneToParams({scene_key:options.scene})
+                if(res.code==200){
+                    console.log(res);
+                    const obj=JSON.parse(
+                    console.log(obj);
+                    options.default_classify_first=obj.default_classify_first
+						  options.default_classify_sub = obj.default_classify_sub
+                    console.log(options);
+                }
+            }
+            let default_classify_first=options.default_classify_first || ''
+						let default_classify_sub=options.default_classify_sub || ''
+						let timestamp = new Date().getTime();
+            const token=this.$store.state.user.token
+            this.url=`${h5BaseUrl}/hzyb/pricedriven/detail?default_classify_first=${default_classify_first}&default_classify_sub=${default_classify_sub}&token=${token}&timestamp=${timestamp}#wechat_redirect`
+        },
+        handleGetMessage(e){
+            const[]
+            console.log('h5传来的数据',data);
+            this.msgObj=data
+        }
+    }

+ 15 - 2

@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
 				<view class="question-item" v-for="item in questionList" :key="item.community_question_id">
 					<view class="question-info">
 						<view style="flex:1;" class="question-title">
-							<text class="item-label">{{item.research_group_second_name}}</text>
+							<text class="item-label">{{item.variety_tag_name}}</text>
 							<!-- <text class="item-title"> -->{{ item.question_content }}<!-- </text> -->
 						<view class="item-answer">
@@ -135,6 +135,7 @@
 import mixin from "../../mixin/questionMixin";
 import {apiOptionGroupList,apiBarTotal} from '@/api/question'
+import {apiGetTagTree} from '@/api/common'
 export default {
 	mixins: [mixin],
 	data() {
@@ -201,9 +202,21 @@ export default {
 		async getOptionList(){
-			const res = await apiOptionGroupList()
+		/* 	const res = await apiOptionGroupList()
 				this.optionList =
+			} */
+			const res = await apiGetTagTree()
+			if(res.code===200){
+				const result =
+				this.optionList =>{
+					let obj = {}
+					obj.research_group_name = item.classify_name
+					obj.children =>{
+						return {research_group_id:i.tag_id,research_group_name:i.tag_name}
+					})
+					return obj
+				})

+ 92 - 26

@@ -2,36 +2,35 @@
   <view class="report-page">
     <view class="top-sticky" style="background: #fff">
     <!-- 导航 -->
-    <!-- <view class="nav-bar-wrap" :style="{height:navBarStyle.height,paddingTop:navBarStyle.paddingTop,paddingBottom:navBarStyle.paddingBottom}">
+    <view class="nav-bar-wrap" :style="{height:navBarStyle.height,paddingTop:navBarStyle.paddingTop,paddingBottom:navBarStyle.paddingBottom}">
       <view class="content">
+		  <view class="avatar" @click="goUser">
+			<image style="width:100%;height:100%;border-radius: 50%" :src="userInfo.head_img_url" mode="aspectFill"/>
+		  </view>
         <van-icon custom-class="search-icon" name="search" size="24px" @click="goSearch" />
         <view class="text">FICC研报</view>
-    </view> -->
+    </view>
+	<!-- card -->
+	<view class="tab-card">
+		<view 
+			class="card-item" 
+			v-for="(tab,index) in tabCards" 
+			:key="index" 
+			@click="linkPage(tab)"
+		>
+			<image :src="tab.icon" mode="aspectFill" class="card-ico"/>
+			<view class="title">{{}}</view>
+		</view>
+	</view>
     <!-- 分类 -->
     <view class="type-wrap">
-      <view style="display:flex;align-items: center;margin-bottom: 20rpx;">
-        <view class="avatar" @click="goUser">
-          <image style="width:100%;height:100%" :src="userInfo.head_img_url" mode="aspectFill"/>
-        </view>
-        <view style="flex:1" @click="goSearch">
-          <van-search
-                shape="round"
-                disabled
-                placeholder="请输入报告标题或关键字"
-            />
-        </view>
-      </view>
       <view class="flex first-type-box">
-        <view class="item" v-for="(item,index) in topFirstList" :key="item.classify_name" @click="handleClickTopFirst(item,index)">
-          <image :src="selectTopFirstId==item.classify_name?item.select_icon_url:item.icon_url" mode="aspectFill"/>
+        <view :class="['item',{ act: selectTopFirstId==item.classify_name }]" v-for="(item,index) in topFirstList" :key="item.classify_name" @click="handleClickTopFirst(item,index)">
-        <!-- <view class="item" @click="goClassify">
-          <image src="@/static/report-menu.png" mode="aspectFill"/>
-          <view>查看更多</view>
-        </view> -->
       <view class="flex sub-type-box">
@@ -88,6 +87,7 @@
 const moment=require('@/utils/moment-with-locales.min')
 import {apiReportIndexPageAuthList,apiReportIndexPageList} from '@/api/report'
+import { apiHomeTab } from '@/api/user.js';
 export default {
   filters: {
@@ -115,12 +115,21 @@ export default {
-      finished:false
+      finished:false,
+		tabPathMap: new Map([
+			['report','/pages-report/classify'],
+			['chart','/pages/chart/chart'],
+			['buy','/pages/buy/buy'],
+			['sandbox','/pages-sandTable/sandTable'],
+		]),
+		tabCards: []
+	 this.getTopTab();
   onShow() {
@@ -167,10 +176,18 @@ export default {
+	/* 顶部tab */
+	 async getTopTab() {
+		const { code,data } = await apiHomeTab()
+		if(code !== 200) return
+		this.tabCards = data;
+	 },
@@ -244,6 +261,18 @@ export default {
+	//跳转
+	linkPage({mark}) {
+		const url = this.tabPathMap.get(mark);
+		uni.navigateTo({ url,
+			fail () {
+			   uni.switchTab({
+				  url,
+			   })
+		   } 
+		})
+	},
     // 跳转分类
       uni.navigateTo({ url: '/pages-report/classify' })
@@ -260,7 +289,7 @@ export default {
         url: '/pages/user/user',
         fail () {
-            url:'/pages/user/user'
+            url:'/pages/user/user',
@@ -308,10 +337,19 @@ export default {
     height: 100%;
       position: absolute;
-      left: 34rpx;
+      left: 134rpx;
       top: 50%;
       transform: translateY(-50%);
+	.avatar {
+		width: 60rpx;
+		height: 60rpx;
+		border-radius: 50%;
+		position: absolute;
+		left: 34rpx;
+		top: 50%;
+		transform: translateY(-50%);
+	}
@@ -363,13 +401,18 @@ movable-area{
     border-radius: 50%;
     overflow: hidden;
-    margin-right: 15rpx;
+    margin-right: 30rpx;
     justify-content: space-between;
+		 min-width: 120rpx;
       flex-shrink: 0;
       text-align: center;
+		padding: 16rpx 0;
+		text-align: center;
+		background-color: #F5F5F5;
+		border-radius: 8rpx;
       font-size: $global-font-size-sm;
         width: 100rpx;
@@ -378,6 +421,10 @@ movable-area{
         margin: 0 auto 15rpx auto;
+	 .act {
+		background: #FDF8F2;
+		color: #E3B377;
+	 }
     margin-top: 40rpx;
@@ -494,4 +541,23 @@ movable-area{
   z-index: 50;
 } {
+	display: flex;
+	padding:  40rpx 34rpx 20rpx;
+	align-items: center;
+	justify-content: space-around;
+	.card-item {
+		margin-right: 40rpx;
+		&:last-child { margin-right: 0; }
+		.card-ico {
+			width: 100rpx;
+			height: 100rpx;
+			display: block;
+		}
+		.title {
+			text-align: center;
+		}
+	}

+ 392 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,392 @@
+    <view class="video-list-page">
+        <van-sticky style="background: #fff">
+            <view class="flex search-wrap">
+                <view @click="goSearchPage" style="flex:1;margin-right:30rpx" >
+                    <searchBox 
+                        placeholder="关键字搜索" 
+                        :hasRightBtn="false" 
+                        :disabled="true"
+                    ></searchBox>
+                </view>
+                <view class="flex" @click="showFilter=true">
+                    <image style="width:50rpx;height:50rpx" src="@/static/filter-icon.png" mode="aspectFill"/>
+                    <text style="color:#E3B377;font-size:32rpx">筛选</text>
+                </view>
+            </view>
+        </van-sticky>
+        <view class="empty-box" v-if="list.length==0&&finished">
+            <image
+                :src="globalImgUrls.activityNoAuth"
+                mode="widthFix"
+            />
+            <view>暂无数据</view>
+        </view>
+        <view class="list-wrap">
+            <view class="item" v-for="item in list" :key="item.community_video_id">
+                <view class="title-box">
+                    <text class="tag">{{item.variety_tag_name}}</text>
+                    <text class="title">{{item.title}}</text>
+                </view>
+                <button 
+                    class="share-btn" 
+                    open-type="share" 
+                    :data-item="item">
+                    <image class="share-img" src="@/static/share-icon.png" mode="aspectFill"/>
+                </button>
+                <video
+                    autoplay
+                    object-fit="contain"
+                    show-mute-btn
+                    :poster="item.cover_img_url"
+                    :src="item.video_url"
+                    enable-play-gesture
+                    :id="item.community_video_id"
+                    @ended="curVideoId=0"
+                    v-if="item.community_video_id==curVideoId"
+                ></video>
+                <image @click="handelClickPlay(item)" v-else class="poster" :src="item.cover_img_url" mode="aspectFill" lazy-load/>
+                <view class="time">发布时间:{{item.publish_time}}</view>
+            </view>
+        </view>
+        <!-- 筛选 -->
+        <van-popup 
+            :show="showFilter" 
+            position="bottom" 
+            :safe-area-inset-bottom="true" 
+            round 
+            @close="showFilter=false"
+        >
+            <view class="filter-wrap">
+                <view class="flex top">
+                    <text style="color:#000">全部筛选</text>
+                    <text style="color:#E3B377" @click="showFilter=false">取消</text>
+                </view>
+                <view class="list-box">
+                    <van-collapse accordion @change="change" :value="active" :border="false">
+                        <van-collapse-item 
+                            :title="item.ClassifyName" 
+                            :name='item.ClassifyName' 
+                            :border="false"
+                            v-for="item in options"
+                            :key="item.ClassifyName"
+                        >
+                            <van-row gutter="5">
+                                <van-col 
+                                    :span="_item.PermissionName.length>7?16:8" 
+                                    v-for="_item in item.Items" 
+                                    :key="_item.PermissionId"
+                                >
+                                    <text 
+                                        :class="['list-item',_item.PermissionId==selectPerId&&'list-item-active']" 
+                                        @click="handleSelectPerItem(_item)"
+                                    >{{_item.PermissionName}}</text>
+                                </van-col>
+                            </van-row>
+                        </van-collapse-item>
+                    </van-collapse>
+                </view>
+            </view>
+        </van-popup>
+    </view>
+import {apiVideoList,apiVideoPlayLog} from '@/api/video'
+import {apiOptionList} from '@/api/question'
+import {apiGetSceneToParams,apiGetTagTree} from '@/api/common'
+export default {
+    data() {
+        return {
+            showFilter:false,
+            active:'',
+            options:[],
+            selectPerId:0,
+            videoId:0,
+            page:1,
+            pageSize:10,
+            finished:false,
+            list:[],
+            curVideoId:0,
+        }
+    },
+    onLoad(options){
+        this.init(options)
+        this.getPermissionList()
+    },
+    onHide(){
+        this.showFilter=false
+        this.curVideoId=0
+    },
+    onShareAppMessage({from,target}) {
+        console.log(from,target);
+        let path='/pages/video/videoList?videoId=0'
+        let title='FICC视频社区'
+        let imageUrl=''
+        if(from=='button'){
+            title=`${target.dataset.item.chart_permission_name}:${target.dataset.item.title}`
+            path=`/pages/video/videoList?videoId=${target.dataset.item.community_video_id}`
+            imageUrl=target.dataset.item.cover_img_url
+        }
+        return {
+            title:title,
+            path:path,
+            imageUrl:imageUrl
+        }
+    },
+    onPullDownRefresh(){
+        this.videoId=0
+        this.selectPerId=0
+        this.list=[]
+        this.finished=false
+        this.getList()
+        setTimeout(() => {
+            uni.stopPullDownRefresh()
+        }, 1500)
+    },
+    onReachBottom() {
+        if(this.finished) return
+        this.getList()
+    },
+    methods: {
+        async init(options){
+            if(options.scene){
+                const resScene=await apiGetSceneToParams({scene_key:options.scene})
+                if(resScene.code===200){
+                    const obj=JSON.parse(
+                    this.videoId=obj.videoId||0
+                }
+            }else{
+                this.videoId=options.videoId||0
+            }
+            this.getList()
+        },
+        goSearchPage(){
+            uni.navigateTo({
+                url: '/pages/video/videoSearch',
+            });
+        },
+        change(e){
+        },
+        //点击分类某项
+        handleSelectPerItem(item){
+            if(this.selectPerId==item.PermissionId){
+                this.selectPerId=0
+            }else{
+                this.selectPerId=item.PermissionId
+            }
+            this.videoId=0//重置掉分享进入的状态
+            this.curVideoId=0
+            this.list=[]
+            this.finished=false
+            this.getList()
+            this.showFilter=false
+        },
+        async getList(){
+            const res=await apiVideoList({
+                page_index:Number(,
+                page_size:Number(this.pageSize),
+                video_id:Number(this.videoId),
+                variety_tag_id:Number(this.selectPerId)
+            })
+            if(res.code===200){
+                let||[]
+                this.list=[...this.list,...arr]
+                if(arr.length===0){
+                    this.finished=true
+                }
+            }
+        },
+        //获取筛选项
+        async getPermissionList(){
+            /* const res=await apiOptionList()
+            if(res.code===200){
+            } */
+            const res=await apiGetTagTree()
+            if(res.code===200){
+                const result =||[];
+                this.options =>{
+                    let obj = {};
+                    obj.ClassifyName = item.classify_name;
+                    obj.Items =>{
+                        return {PermissionId:_item.tag_id,PermissionName:_item.tag_name,PriceDrivenState:_item.price_driven_state};
+                    })
+                    return obj;
+                })
+            }
+        },
+        handelClickPlay(item){
+            this.curVideoId=item.community_video_id
+            // 记录播放
+            apiVideoPlayLog({video_id:Number(item.community_video_id)}).then(res=>{
+                if(res.code===200){
+                    console.log('视频埋点成功');
+                }
+            })
+        }
+    },
+<style lang='scss'> .van-search{
+    padding: 0 !important;
+    .filter-wrap{
+        .van-cell__title, .van-cell__value{
+            flex: none !important;
+        }
+        .van-cell:after{
+            border: none !important;
+        }
+        .van-cell__title{
+            font-size: 14px;
+        }
+        .van-hairline--top:after{
+            border-top-width: 0 !important;
+        }
+    }
+<style lang="scss" scoped>{
+    .search-wrap {
+        background-color: #fff;
+        padding: 30rpx 34rpx;
+        align-items: center;
+        .menu-icon{
+            width: 52rpx;
+            height: 40rpx;
+            display: block;
+            flex-shrink: 0;
+            margin-left: 30rpx;
+        }
+    } 
+    .list-wrap{
+        .item{
+            border-top: 10rpx solid #f9f9f9;
+            padding: 30rpx 34rpx;
+            position: relative;
+            .title-box{
+                padding-right: 40rpx;
+            }
+            .share-btn{
+                position: absolute;
+                top: 34rpx;
+                right: 34rpx;
+                background-color: transparent;
+                width: 36rpx;
+                height: 36rpx;
+                line-height: 1;
+                padding: 0;
+                &::after{
+                    border: none;
+                }
+            }
+            .share-img{
+                width: 32.5rpx;
+                height: 32rpx;
+            }
+            .tag{
+                color: #E4B478;
+                background-color: #333;
+                padding: 5rpx 20rpx;
+                border-radius: 20rpx;
+                font-size: 24rpx;
+                margin-right: 26rpx;
+            }
+            .title{
+                font-size: 32rpx;
+                color: #000;
+            }
+            video{
+                width: 100%;
+                height: 400rpx;
+                margin: 30rpx 0 20rpx 0;
+                border-radius: 20rpx;
+            }
+            .poster{
+                width: 100%;
+                height: 400rpx;
+                margin: 30rpx 0 20rpx 0;
+                border-radius: 20rpx;
+                position: relative;
+                &::after{
+                    content:'';
+                    display: block;
+                    position: absolute;
+                    width: 120rpx;
+                    height: 120rpx;
+                    top: 50%;
+                    left: 50%;
+                    transform: translate(-50%,-50%);
+                    background-image: url('@/static/video-play-btn.png');
+                    background-size: cover;
+                }
+            }
+            .time{
+                font-size: 28rpx;
+                color: #999;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    .empty-box{
+        text-align: center;
+        font-size: 32rpx;
+        color: #999;
+        padding-top: 150rpx;
+        image{
+            width: 80vw;
+            margin-bottom: 57rpx;
+        }
+    }
+    background-color: #fff;
+    padding-top: 53rpx;
+    padding-bottom: 100rpx;
+    .top{
+        font-size: 32rpx;
+        justify-content: space-between;
+        margin-bottom: 40rpx;
+        padding: 0 34rpx;
+    }
+    .list-box{
+        min-height: 30vh;
+        max-height: 60vh;
+        .list-item{
+            display: block;
+            margin: 10rpx;
+            height: 76rpx;
+            line-height: 76rpx;
+            color: #000;
+            background: #F6F6F6;
+            border-radius: 4px 4px 4px 4px;
+            text-align: center;
+        }
+        .list-item-active{
+            background-color: #FAEEDE;
+        }
+    }

+ 238 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,238 @@
+    <view class="video-search-page">
+        <van-sticky style="background: #fff">
+            <view style="padding:30rpx 34rpx">
+            <searchBox 
+                :focus="focus" 
+                placeholder="关键字搜索" 
+                @change="onChange"
+                @search="onSearch"
+            ></searchBox>
+            </view>
+        </van-sticky>
+        <view class="empty-box" v-if="list.length==0&&finished">
+            <image
+                :src="globalImgUrls.activityNoAuth"
+                mode="widthFix"
+            />
+            <view>暂无数据,试试别的搜索词吧~</view>
+        </view>
+        <view class="list-wrap">
+            <view class="item" v-for="item in list" :key="item.community_video_id">
+                <view class="title-box">
+                    <text class="tag">{{item.chart_permission_name}}</text>
+                    <text class="title">{{item.title}}</text>
+                </view>
+                <button 
+                    class="share-btn" 
+                    open-type="share" 
+                    :data-item="item">
+                    <image class="share-img" src="@/static/share-icon.png" mode="aspectFill"/>
+                </button>
+                <video
+                    autoplay
+                    object-fit="contain"
+                    show-mute-btn
+                    :poster="item.cover_img_url"
+                    :src="item.video_url"
+                    enable-play-gesture
+                    :id="item.community_video_id"
+                    v-if="item.community_video_id==curVideoId"
+                ></video>
+                <image @click="handelClickPlay(item)" v-else class="poster" :src="item.cover_img_url" mode="aspectFill" lazy-load/>
+                <view class="time">发布时间:{{item.publish_time}}</view>
+            </view>
+        </view>
+    </view>
+import searchBox from '@/components/searchBox/searchBox.vue'
+import {apiVideoList,apiVideoPlayLog} from '@/api/video'
+export default {
+    components: {
+        searchBox
+    },
+    data() {
+        return {
+            searchVal:'',
+            focus:true,
+            list:[],
+            finished:false,
+            page:1,
+            pageSize:10,
+            curVideoId:0,
+        }
+    },
+    onReachBottom() {
+        if(this.finished) return
+        this.getList()
+    },
+    onShareAppMessage({from,target}) {
+        console.log(from,target);
+        let path='/pages/video/videoList?videoId=0'
+        let title='FICC视频社区'
+        let imageUrl=''
+        if(from=='button'){
+            title=target.dataset.item.title
+            path=`/pages/video/videoList?videoId=${target.dataset.item.community_video_id}`
+            imageUrl=target.dataset.item.cover_img_url
+        }
+        return {
+            title:title,
+            path:path,
+            imageUrl:imageUrl
+        }
+    },
+    methods: {
+        onChange(e){
+            this.searchVal=e
+        },
+        async onSearch(){
+            this.finished=false
+            this.list=[]
+            if(!this.searchVal){
+                this.finished=true
+                return
+            }
+            this.getList()
+        },
+        async getList(){
+            this.curVideoId=0
+            const res=await apiVideoList({
+                page_index:Number(,
+                page_size:Number(this.pageSize),
+                keywords:this.searchVal
+            })
+            if(res.code===200){
+                let||[]
+                this.list=[...this.list,...arr]
+                if(arr.length===0){
+                    this.finished=true
+                }
+            }
+        },
+        handelClickPlay(item){
+            this.curVideoId=item.community_video_id
+            // 记录播放
+            apiVideoPlayLog({video_id:Number(item.community_video_id)}).then(res=>{
+                if(res.code===200){
+                    console.log('视频埋点成功');
+                }
+            })
+        }
+    },
+  background-color: #fff;
+    padding-bottom: 0;
+<style lang="scss" scoped>{
+    .search-wrap {
+        background-color: #fff;
+        padding: 30rpx 34rpx;
+        align-items: center;
+        .menu-icon{
+            width: 52rpx;
+            height: 40rpx;
+            display: block;
+            flex-shrink: 0;
+            margin-left: 30rpx;
+        }
+    } 
+    .list-wrap{
+        .item{
+            border-top: 10rpx solid #f9f9f9;
+            padding: 30rpx 34rpx;
+            position: relative;
+            .title-box{
+                padding-right: 40rpx;
+            }
+            .share-btn{
+                position: absolute;
+                top: 34rpx;
+                right: 34rpx;
+                background-color: transparent;
+                width: 32rpx;
+                height: 32rpx;
+                line-height: 1;
+                padding: 0;
+                &::after{
+                    border: none;
+                }
+            }
+            .share-img{
+                width: 32rpx;
+                height: 32rpx;
+            }
+            .tag{
+                color: #E4B478;
+                background-color: #333;
+                padding: 5rpx 20rpx;
+                border-radius: 20rpx;
+                font-size: 24rpx;
+                margin-right: 26rpx;
+            }
+            .title{
+                font-size: 32rpx;
+                color: #000;
+            }
+            video{
+                width: 100%;
+                height: 400rpx;
+                margin: 30rpx 0 20rpx 0;
+                border-radius: 20rpx;
+            }
+            .poster{
+                width: 100%;
+                height: 400rpx;
+                margin: 30rpx 0 20rpx 0;
+                border-radius: 20rpx;
+                position: relative;
+                &::after{
+                    content:'';
+                    display: block;
+                    position: absolute;
+                    width: 120rpx;
+                    height: 120rpx;
+                    top: 50%;
+                    left: 50%;
+                    transform: translate(-50%,-50%);
+                    background-image: url('@/static/video-play-btn.png');
+                    background-size: cover;
+                }
+            }
+            .time{
+                font-size: 28rpx;
+                color: #999;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    .empty-box{
+        text-align: center;
+        font-size: 32rpx;
+        color: #999;
+        padding-top: 150rpx;
+        image{
+            width: 80vw;
+            margin-bottom: 57rpx;
+        }
+    }

















+ 0 - 182

@@ -1,182 +0,0 @@
-## 功能介绍
-- 全端支持(含 `v3、NVUE`)
-- 支持丰富的标签(包括 `table`、`video`、`svg` 等)
-- 支持丰富的事件效果(自动预览图片、链接处理等)
-- 支持设置占位图(加载中、出错时、预览时)
-- 支持锚点跳转、长按复制等丰富功能
-- 支持大部分 *html* 实体
-- 丰富的插件(关键词搜索、内容 **编辑** 等)
-- 效率高、容错性强且轻量化
-查看 [功能介绍]( 了解更多
-## 使用方法
-- `uni_modules` 方式  
-  1. 点击右上角的 `使用 HBuilder X 导入插件` 按钮直接导入项目或点击 `下载插件 ZIP` 按钮下载插件包并解压到项目的 `uni_modules/mp-html` 目录下  
-  2. 在需要使用页面的 `(n)vue` 文件中添加  
-     ```html
-     <!-- 不需要引入,可直接使用 -->
-     <mp-html :content="html" />
-     ```
-     ```javascript
-     export default {
-       data() {
-         return {
-           html: '<div>Hello World!</div>'
-         }
-       }
-     }
-     ```
-  3. 需要更新版本时在 `HBuilder X` 中右键 `uni_modules/mp-html` 目录选择 `从插件市场更新` 即可  
-- 源码方式  
-  1. 从 [github]( 或 [gitee]( 下载源码  
-     插件市场的 **非 uni_modules 版本** 无法更新,不建议从插件市场获取  
-  2. 在需要使用页面的 `(n)vue` 文件中添加  
-     ```html
-     <mp-html :content="html" />
-     ```
-     ```javascript
-     import mpHtml from '@/components/mp-html/mp-html'
-     export default {
-       // HBuilderX 2.5.5+ 可以通过 easycom 自动引入
-       components: {
-         mpHtml
-       },
-       data() {
-         return {
-           html: '<div>Hello World!</div>'
-         }
-       }
-     }
-     ```
-- npm 方式  
-  1. 在项目根目录下执行  
-     ```bash
-     npm install mp-html
-     ```
-  2. 在需要使用页面的 `(n)vue` 文件中添加  
-     ```html
-     <mp-html :content="html" />
-     ```
-     ```javascript
-     import mpHtml from 'mp-html/dist/uni-app/components/mp-html/mp-html'
-     export default {
-       // 不可省略
-       components: {
-         mpHtml
-       },
-       data() {
-         return {
-           html: '<div>Hello World!</div>'
-         }
-       }
-     }
-     ```
-  3. 需要更新版本时执行以下命令即可  
-     ```bash
-     npm update mp-html
-     ```
-  使用 *cli* 方式运行的项目,通过 *npm* 方式引入时,需要在 *vue.config.js* 中配置 *transpileDependencies*,详情可见 [#330](  
-  如果在 **nvue** 中使用还要将 `dist/uni-app/static` 目录下的内容拷贝到项目的 `static` 目录下,否则无法运行  
-查看 [快速开始]( 了解更多
-## 组件属性
-| 属性 | 类型 | 默认值 | 说明 |
-| container-style | String |  | 容器的样式([2.1.0+]( |
-| content | String |  | 用于渲染的 html 字符串 |
-| copy-link | Boolean | true | 是否允许外部链接被点击时自动复制 |
-| domain | String |  | 主域名(用于链接拼接) |
-| error-img | String |  | 图片出错时的占位图链接 |
-| lazy-load | Boolean | false | 是否开启图片懒加载 |
-| loading-img | String |  | 图片加载过程中的占位图链接 |
-| pause-video | Boolean | true | 是否在播放一个视频时自动暂停其他视频 |
-| preview-img | Boolean | true | 是否允许图片被点击时自动预览 |
-| scroll-table | Boolean | false | 是否给每个表格添加一个滚动层使其能单独横向滚动 |
-| selectable | Boolean | false | 是否开启文本长按复制 |
-| set-title | Boolean | true | 是否将 title 标签的内容设置到页面标题 |
-| show-img-menu | Boolean | true | 是否允许图片被长按时显示菜单 |
-| tag-style | Object |  | 设置标签的默认样式 |
-| use-anchor | Boolean | false | 是否使用锚点链接 |
-查看 [属性]( 了解更多
-## 组件事件
-| 名称 | 触发时机 |
-| load | dom 树加载完毕时 |
-| ready | 图片加载完毕时 |
-| error | 发生渲染错误时 |
-| imgtap | 图片被点击时 |
-| linktap | 链接被点击时 |
-查看 [事件]( 了解更多
-## api
-组件实例上提供了一些 `api` 方法可供调用
-| 名称 | 作用 |
-| in | 将锚点跳转的范围限定在一个 scroll-view 内 |
-| navigateTo | 锚点跳转 |
-| getText | 获取文本内容 |
-| getRect | 获取富文本内容的位置和大小 |
-| setContent | 设置富文本内容 |
-| imgList | 获取所有图片的数组 |
-查看 [api]( 了解更多
-## 插件扩展  
-| 名称 | 作用 |
-| audio | 音乐播放器 |
-| editable | 富文本 **编辑**([示例项目]( |
-| emoji | 解析 emoji |
-| highlight | 代码块高亮显示 |
-| markdown | 渲染 markdown |
-| search | 关键词搜索 |
-| style | 匹配 style 标签中的样式 |
-| txv-video | 使用腾讯视频 |
-| img-cache | 图片缓存 by [@PentaTea]( |
-从插件市场导入的包中 **不含有** 扩展插件,需要使用插件参考以下方法:  
-1. 获取完整组件包  
-   ```bash
-   npm install mp-html
-   ```
-2. 编辑 `tools/config.js` 中的 `plugins` 项,选择需要的插件  
-3. 生成新的组件包  
-   在 `node_modules/mp-html` 目录下执行  
-   ```bash
-   npm install
-   npm run build:uni-app
-   ```
-4. 拷贝 `dist/uni-app` 中的内容到项目根目录  
-查看 [插件]( 了解更多
-## 示例体验
-## 关于 nvue
-`nvue` 使用原生渲染,不支持部分 `css` 样式,为实现和 `html` 相同的效果,组件内部通过 `web-view` 进行渲染,性能上差于原生,根据 `weex` 官方建议,`web` 标签仅应用在非常规的降级场景。因此,如果通过原生的方式(如 `richtext`)能够满足需要,则不建议使用本组件,如果有较多的富文本内容,则可以直接使用 `vue` 页面  
-1. 不支持 `lazy-load` 属性
-2. 视频不支持全屏播放
-纯 `nvue` 模式下,[此问题]( 修复前,不支持通过 `uni_modules` 引入,需要本地引入(将 [dist/uni-app]( 中的内容拷贝到项目根目录下)  
-## 问题反馈
-遇到问题时,请先查阅 [常见问题]( 和 [issue]( 中是否已有相同的问题  
-可通过 [issue]( 、插件问答或发送邮件到 []( 提问,不建议在评论区提问(不方便回复)  
-提问请严格按照 [issue 模板]( ,描述清楚使用环境、`html` 内容或可复现的 `demo` 项目以及复现方式,对于 **描述不清**、**无法复现** 或重复的问题将不予回复  
-查看 [问题反馈]( 了解更多

+ 0 - 75

@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
-## v2.2.2(2022-02-26)
-1. `A` 增加了 [pauseMedia]( 的 `api`,可用于暂停播放音视频 [详细](
-2. `U` 优化了长内容的加载速度  
-3. `U` 适配 `vue3` [#389](、[#398]( by [@zhouhuafei](、[#400](
-4. `F` 修复了小程序端图片高度设置为百分比时可能不显示的问题
-5. `F` 修复了 `highlight` 插件部分情况下可能显示不完整的问题 [详细](
-## v2.2.1(2021-12-24)
-1. `A` `editable` 插件增加上下移动标签功能
-2. `U` `editable` 插件支持在文本中间光标处插入内容
-3. `F` 修复了 `nvue` 端设置 `margin` 后可能导致高度不正确的问题
-4. `F` 修复了 `highlight` 插件使用压缩版的 `prism.css` 可能导致背景失效的问题 [详细](
-5. `F` 修复了编辑状态下使用 `emoji` 插件内容为空时可能报错的问题 [详细](
-6. `F` 修复了使用 `editable` 插件后将 `selectable` 属性设置为 `force` 不生效的问题
-## v2.2.0(2021-10-12)
-1. `A` 增加 `customElements` 配置项,便于添加自定义功能性标签 [详细](
-2. `A` `editable` 插件增加切换音视频自动播放状态的功能 [详细]( by [@leeseett](
-3. `A` `editable` 插件删除媒体标签时触发 `remove` 事件,便于删除已上传的文件
-4. `U` `editable` 插件 `insertImg` 方法支持同时插入多张图片 [详细](
-5. `U` `editable` 插入图片和音视频时支持拼接 `domian` 主域名
-6. `F` 修复了内部链接参数中包含 `://` 时被认为是外部链接的问题 [详细](
-7. `F` 修复了部分 `svg` 标签名或属性名大小写不正确时不生效的问题 [详细](
-8. `F` 修复了 `nvue` 页面运行到非 `app` 平台时可能样式错误的问题
-## v2.1.5(2021-08-13)
-1. `A` 增加支持标签的 `dir` 属性
-2. `F` 修复了 `ruby` 标签文字与拼音没有居中对齐的问题 [详细](
-3. `F` 修复了音视频标签内有 `a` 标签时可能无法播放的问题
-4. `F` 修复了 `externStyle` 中的 `class` 名包含下划线或数字时可能失效的问题 [详细](
-5. `F` 修复了 `h5` 端引入 `externStyle` 可能不生效的问题 [详细](
-## v2.1.4(2021-07-14)
-1. `F` 修复了 `rt` 标签无法设置样式的问题 [详细](
-2. `F` 修复了表格中有单元格同时合并行和列时可能显示不正确的问题
-3. `F` 修复了 `app` 端无法关闭图片长按菜单的问题 [详细](
-4. `F` 修复了 `editable` 插件只能添加图片链接不能修改的问题 [详细]( by [@leeseett](
-## v2.1.3(2021-06-12)
-1. `A` `editable` 插件增加 `insertTable` 方法
-2. `U` `editable` 插件支持编辑表格中的空白单元格 [详细](
-3. `F` 修复了 `externStyle` 中使用伪类可能失效的问题 [详细](
-4. `F` 修复了多个组件同时使用时 `tag-style` 属性时可能互相影响的问题 [详细]( by [@woodguoyu](
-5. `F` 修复了包含 `linearGradient` 的 `svg` 可能无法显示的问题
-6. `F` 修复了编译到头条小程序时可能报错的问题
-7. `F` 修复了 `nvue` 端不触发 `click` 事件的问题
-8. `F` 修复了 `editable` 插件尾部插入时无法撤销的问题
-9. `F` 修复了 `editable` 插件的 `insertHtml` 方法只能在末尾插入的问题
-10. `F` 修复了 `editable` 插件插入音频不显示的问题
-## v2.1.2(2021-04-24)
-1. `A` 增加了 [img-cache]( 插件,可以在 `app` 端缓存图片 [详细]( by [@PentaTea](
-2. `U` 支持通过 `container-style` 属性设置 `white-space` 来保留连续空格和换行符 [详细](
-3. `U` 代码风格符合 [standard]( 标准
-4. `U` `editable` 插件编辑状态下支持预览视频 [详细](
-5. `F` 修复了 `svg` 标签内嵌 `svg` 时无法显示的问题
-6. `F` 修复了编译到支付宝和头条小程序时部分区域不可复制的问题 [详细](
-## v2.1.1(2021-04-09)
-1. 修复了对 `p` 标签设置 `tag-style` 可能不生效的问题
-2. 修复了 `svg` 标签中的文本无法显示的问题
-3. 修复了使用 `editable` 插件编辑表格时可能报错的问题
-4. 修复了使用 `highlight` 插件运行到头条小程序时可能没有样式的问题 [详细](
-5. 修复了使用 `editable` 插件 `editable` 属性为 `false` 时会报错的问题 [详细](
-6. 修复了 `style` 插件连续子选择器失效的问题
-7. 修复了 `editable` 插件无法修改图片和字体大小的问题
-## v2.1.0.2(2021-03-21)
-修复了 `nvue` 端使用可能报错的问题
-## v2.1.0(2021-03-20)
-1. `A` 增加了 [container-style]( 属性 [详细](
-2. `A` 增加支持 `strike` 标签
-3. `A` `editable` 插件增加 `placeholder` 属性 [详细](
-4. `A` `editable` 插件增加 `insertHtml` 方法 [详细](
-5. `U` 外部样式支持标签名选择器 [详细](
-6. `F` 修复了 `nvue` 端部分情况下可能不显示的问题
-## v2.0.5(2021-03-12)
-1. `U` [linktap]( 事件增加返回内部文本内容 `innerText` [详细](
-2. `U` [selectable]( 属性设置为 `force` 时能够在微信 `iOS` 端生效(文本块会变成 `inline-block`) [详细](
-3. `F` 修复了部分情况下竖向无法滚动的问题 [详细](
-4. `F` 修复了多次修改富文本数据时部分内容可能不显示的问题
-5. `F` 修复了 [腾讯视频]( 插件可能无法播放的问题 [详细](
-6. `F` 修复了 [highlight]( 插件没有设置高亮语言时没有应用默认样式的问题 [详细]( by [@fuzui](

+ 0 - 458

@@ -1,458 +0,0 @@
-  <view id="_root" :class="(selectable?'_select ':'')+'_root'" :style="containerStyle">
-    <slot v-if="!nodes[0]" />
-    <!-- #ifndef APP-PLUS-NVUE -->
-    <node v-else :childs="nodes" :opts="[lazyLoad,loadingImg,errorImg,showImgMenu]" name="span" />
-    <!-- #endif -->
-    <!-- #ifdef APP-PLUS-NVUE -->
-    <web-view ref="web" src="/uni_modules/mp-html/static/app-plus/mp-html/local.html" :style="'margin-top:-2px;height:' + height + 'px'" @onPostMessage="_onMessage" />
-    <!-- #endif -->
-  </view>
- * mp-html v2.2.2
- * @description 富文本组件
- * @tutorial
- * @property {String} container-style 容器的样式
- * @property {String} content 用于渲染的 html 字符串
- * @property {Boolean} copy-link 是否允许外部链接被点击时自动复制
- * @property {String} domain 主域名,用于拼接链接
- * @property {String} error-img 图片出错时的占位图链接
- * @property {Boolean} lazy-load 是否开启图片懒加载
- * @property {string} loading-img 图片加载过程中的占位图链接
- * @property {Boolean} pause-video 是否在播放一个视频时自动暂停其他视频
- * @property {Boolean} preview-img 是否允许图片被点击时自动预览
- * @property {Boolean} scroll-table 是否给每个表格添加一个滚动层使其能单独横向滚动
- * @property {Boolean | String} selectable 是否开启长按复制
- * @property {Boolean} set-title 是否将 title 标签的内容设置到页面标题
- * @property {Boolean} show-img-menu 是否允许图片被长按时显示菜单
- * @property {Object} tag-style 标签的默认样式
- * @property {Boolean | Number} use-anchor 是否使用锚点链接
- * @event {Function} load dom 结构加载完毕时触发
- * @event {Function} ready 所有图片加载完毕时触发
- * @event {Function} imgTap 图片被点击时触发
- * @event {Function} linkTap 链接被点击时触发
- * @event {Function} error 媒体加载出错时触发
- */
-// #ifndef APP-PLUS-NVUE
-import node from './node/node'
-// #endif
-import Parser from './parser'
-const plugins=[]
-// #ifdef APP-PLUS-NVUE
-const dom = weex.requireModule('dom')
-// #endif
-export default {
-  name: 'mp-html',
-  data () {
-    return {
-      nodes: [],
-      // #ifdef APP-PLUS-NVUE
-      height: 3
-      // #endif
-    }
-  },
-  props: {
-    containerStyle: {
-      type: String,
-      default: ''
-    },
-    content: {
-      type: String,
-      default: ''
-    },
-    copyLink: {
-      type: [Boolean, String],
-      default: true
-    },
-    domain: String,
-    errorImg: {
-      type: String,
-      default: ''
-    },
-    lazyLoad: {
-      type: [Boolean, String],
-      default: false
-    },
-    loadingImg: {
-      type: String,
-      default: ''
-    },
-    pauseVideo: {
-      type: [Boolean, String],
-      default: true
-    },
-    previewImg: {
-      type: [Boolean, String],
-      default: true
-    },
-    scrollTable: [Boolean, String],
-    selectable: [Boolean, String],
-    setTitle: {
-      type: [Boolean, String],
-      default: true
-    },
-    showImgMenu: {
-      type: [Boolean, String],
-      default: true
-    },
-    tagStyle: Object,
-    useAnchor: [Boolean, Number]
-  },
-  // #ifdef VUE3
-  emits: ['load', 'ready', 'imgtap', 'linktap', 'error'],
-  // #endif
-  // #ifndef APP-PLUS-NVUE
-  components: {
-    node
-  },
-  // #endif
-  watch: {
-    content (content) {
-      this.setContent(content)
-    }
-  },
-  created () {
-    this.plugins = []
-    for (let i = plugins.length; i--;) {
-      this.plugins.push(new plugins[i](this))
-    }
-  },
-  mounted () {
-    if (this.content && !this.nodes.length) {
-      this.setContent(this.content)
-    }
-  },
-  beforeDestroy () {
-    this._hook('onDetached')
-    clearInterval(this._timer)
-  },
-  methods: {
-    /**
-     * @description 将锚点跳转的范围限定在一个 scroll-view 内
-     * @param {Object} page scroll-view 所在页面的示例
-     * @param {String} selector scroll-view 的选择器
-     * @param {String} scrollTop scroll-view scroll-top 属性绑定的变量名
-     */
-    in (page, selector, scrollTop) {
-      // #ifndef APP-PLUS-NVUE
-      if (page && selector && scrollTop) {
-        this._in = {
-          page,
-          selector,
-          scrollTop
-        }
-      }
-      // #endif
-    },
-    /**
-     * @description 锚点跳转
-     * @param {String} id 要跳转的锚点 id
-     * @param {Number} offset 跳转位置的偏移量
-     * @returns {Promise}
-     */
-    navigateTo (id, offset) {
-      return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
-        if (!this.useAnchor) {
-          reject(Error('Anchor is disabled'))
-          return
-        }
-        offset = offset || parseInt(this.useAnchor) || 0
-        // #ifdef APP-PLUS-NVUE
-        if (!id) {
-          dom.scrollToElement(this.$refs.web, {
-            offset
-          })
-          resolve()
-        } else {
-          this._navigateTo = {
-            resolve,
-            reject,
-            offset
-          }
-          this.$refs.web.evalJs('uni.postMessage({data:{action:"getOffset",offset:(document.getElementById(' + id + ')||{}).offsetTop}})')
-        }
-        // #endif
-        // #ifndef APP-PLUS-NVUE
-        let deep = ' '
-        // #ifdef MP-WEIXIN || MP-QQ || MP-TOUTIAO
-        deep = '>>>'
-        // #endif
-        const selector = uni.createSelectorQuery()
-          // #ifndef MP-ALIPAY
-          .in(this._in ? : this)
-          // #endif
-          .select((this._in ? this._in.selector : '._root') + (id ? `${deep}#${id}` : '')).boundingClientRect()
-        if (this._in) {
-            .select(this._in.selector).boundingClientRect()
-        } else {
-          // 获取 scroll-view 的位置和滚动距离
-          selector.selectViewport().scrollOffset() // 获取窗口的滚动距离
-        }
-        selector.exec(res => {
-          if (!res[0]) {
-            reject(Error('Label not found'))
-            return
-          }
-          const scrollTop = res[1].scrollTop + res[0].top - (res[2] ? res[2].top : 0) + offset
-          if (this._in) {
-            // scroll-view 跳转
-  [this._in.scrollTop] = scrollTop
-          } else {
-            // 页面跳转
-            uni.pageScrollTo({
-              scrollTop,
-              duration: 300
-            })
-          }
-          resolve()
-        })
-        // #endif
-      })
-    },
-    /**
-     * @description 获取文本内容
-     * @return {String}
-     */
-    getText (nodes) {
-      let text = '';
-      (function traversal (nodes) {
-        for (let i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
-          const node = nodes[i]
-          if (node.type === 'text') {
-            text += node.text.replace(/&amp;/g, '&')
-          } else if ( === 'br') {
-            text += '\n'
-          } else {
-            // 块级标签前后加换行
-            const isBlock = === 'p' || === 'div' || === 'tr' || === 'li' || ([0] === 'h' &&[1] > '0' &&[1] < '7')
-            if (isBlock && text && text[text.length - 1] !== '\n') {
-              text += '\n'
-            }
-            // 递归获取子节点的文本
-            if (node.children) {
-              traversal(node.children)
-            }
-            if (isBlock && text[text.length - 1] !== '\n') {
-              text += '\n'
-            } else if ( === 'td' || === 'th') {
-              text += '\t'
-            }
-          }
-        }
-      })(nodes || this.nodes)
-      return text
-    },
-    /**
-     * @description 获取内容大小和位置
-     * @return {Promise}
-     */
-    getRect () {
-      return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
-        uni.createSelectorQuery()
-          // #ifndef MP-ALIPAY
-          .in(this)
-          // #endif
-          .select('#_root').boundingClientRect().exec(res => res[0] ? resolve(res[0]) : reject(Error('Root label not found')))
-      })
-    },
-    /**
-     * @description 暂停播放媒体
-     */
-    pauseMedia () {
-      for (let i = (this._videos || []).length; i--;) {
-        this._videos[i].pause()
-      }
-      // #ifdef APP-PLUS
-      const command = 'for(var e=document.getElementsByTagName("video"),i=e.length;i--;)e[i].pause()'
-      // #ifndef APP-PLUS-NVUE
-      let page = this.$parent
-      while (!page.$scope) page = page.$parent
-      page.$scope.$getAppWebview().evalJS(command)
-      // #endif
-      // #ifdef APP-PLUS-NVUE
-      this.$refs.web.evalJs(command)
-      // #endif
-      // #endif
-    },
-    /**
-     * @description 设置内容
-     * @param {String} content html 内容
-     * @param {Boolean} append 是否在尾部追加
-     */
-    setContent (content, append) {
-      if (!append || !this.imgList) {
-        this.imgList = []
-      }
-      const nodes = new Parser(this).parse(content)
-      // #ifdef APP-PLUS-NVUE
-      if (this._ready) {
-        this._set(nodes, append)
-      }
-      // #endif
-      this.$set(this, 'nodes', append ? (this.nodes || []).concat(nodes) : nodes)
-      // #ifndef APP-PLUS-NVUE
-      this._videos = []
-      this.$nextTick(() => {
-        this._hook('onLoad')
-        this.$emit('load')
-      })
-      // 等待图片加载完毕
-      let height
-      clearInterval(this._timer)
-      this._timer = setInterval(() => {
-        this.getRect().then(rect => {
-          // 350ms 总高度无变化就触发 ready 事件
-          if (rect.height === height) {
-            this.$emit('ready', rect)
-            clearInterval(this._timer)
-          }
-          height = rect.height
-        }).catch(() => { })
-      }, 350)
-      // #endif
-    },
-    /**
-     * @description 调用插件钩子函数
-     */
-    _hook (name) {
-      for (let i = plugins.length; i--;) {
-        if (this.plugins[i][name]) {
-          this.plugins[i][name]()
-        }
-      }
-    },
-    // #ifdef APP-PLUS-NVUE
-    /**
-     * @description 设置内容
-     */
-    _set (nodes, append) {
-      this.$refs.web.evalJs('setContent(' + JSON.stringify(nodes) + ',' + JSON.stringify([this.containerStyle.replace(/(?:margin|padding)[^;]+/g, ''), this.errorImg, this.loadingImg, this.pauseVideo, this.scrollTable, this.selectable]) + ',' + append + ')')
-    },
-    /**
-     * @description 接收到 web-view 消息
-     */
-    _onMessage (e) {
-      const message =[0]
-      switch (message.action) {
-        // web-view 初始化完毕
-        case 'onJSBridgeReady':
-          this._ready = true
-          if (this.nodes) {
-            this._set(this.nodes)
-          }
-          break
-        // 内容 dom 加载完毕
-        case 'onLoad':
-          this.height = message.height
-          this._hook('onLoad')
-          this.$emit('load')
-          break
-        // 所有图片加载完毕
-        case 'onReady':
-          this.getRect().then(res => {
-            this.$emit('ready', res)
-          }).catch(() => { })
-          break
-        // 总高度发生变化
-        case 'onHeightChange':
-          this.height = message.height
-          break
-        // 图片点击
-        case 'onImgTap':
-          this.$emit('imgtap', message.attrs)
-          if (this.previewImg) {
-            uni.previewImage({
-              current: parseInt(message.attrs.i),
-              urls: this.imgList
-            })
-          }
-          break
-        // 链接点击
-        case 'onLinkTap': {
-          const href = message.attrs.href
-          this.$emit('linktap', message.attrs)
-          if (href) {
-            // 锚点跳转
-            if (href[0] === '#') {
-              if (this.useAnchor) {
-                dom.scrollToElement(this.$refs.web, {
-                  offset: message.offset
-                })
-              }
-            } else if (href.includes('://')) {
-              // 打开外链
-              if (this.copyLink) {
-                plus.runtime.openWeb(href)
-              }
-            } else {
-              uni.navigateTo({
-                url: href,
-                fail () {
-                  uni.switchTab({
-                    url: href
-                  })
-                }
-              })
-            }
-          }
-          break
-        }
-        // 获取到锚点的偏移量
-        case 'getOffset':
-          if (typeof message.offset === 'number') {
-            dom.scrollToElement(this.$refs.web, {
-              offset: message.offset + this._navigateTo.offset
-            })
-            this._navigateTo.resolve()
-          } else {
-            this._navigateTo.reject(Error('Label not found'))
-          }
-          break
-        // 点击
-        case 'onClick':
-          this.$emit('tap')
-          this.$emit('click')
-          break
-        // 出错
-        case 'onError':
-          this.$emit('error', {
-            source: message.source,
-            attrs: message.attrs
-          })
-      }
-    }
-    // #endif
-  }
-/* #ifndef APP-PLUS-NVUE */
-/* 根节点样式 */
-._root {
-  padding: 1px 0;
-  overflow-x: auto;
-  overflow-y: hidden;
-  -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch;
-/* 长按复制 */
-._select {
-  user-select: text;
-/* #endif */

+ 0 - 536

@@ -1,536 +0,0 @@
-  <view :id="" :class="'_block _'+name+' '+attrs.class" :style="">
-    <block v-for="(n, i) in childs" v-bind:key="i">
-      <!-- 图片 -->
-      <!-- 占位图 -->
-      <image v-if="'img'&&((opts[1]&&!ctrl[i])||ctrl[i]<0)" class="_img" :style="" :src="ctrl[i]<0?opts[2]:opts[1]" mode="widthFix" />
-      <!-- 显示图片 -->
-      <!-- #ifdef H5 || (APP-PLUS && VUE2) -->
-      <img v-if="'img'" :id="" :class="'_img '+n.attrs.class" :style="(ctrl[i]===-1?'display:none;':'')" :src="n.attrs.src||(ctrl.load?n.attrs['data-src']:'')" :data-i="i" @load="imgLoad" @error="mediaError" @tap.stop="imgTap" @longpress="imgLongTap" />
-      <!-- #endif -->
-      <!-- #ifdef APP-PLUS && VUE3 -->
-      <image v-if="'img'" :id="" :class="'_img '+n.attrs.class" :style="(ctrl[i]===-1?'display:none;':'')+'width:'+(ctrl[i]||1)+'px;'" :src="n.attrs.src||(ctrl.load?n.attrs['data-src']:'')" :mode="n.h?'':'widthFix'" :data-i="i" @load="imgLoad" @error="mediaError" @tap.stop="imgTap" @longpress="imgLongTap" />
-      <!-- #endif -->
-      <!-- #ifndef H5 || APP-PLUS -->
-      <image v-if="'img'" :id="" :class="'_img '+n.attrs.class" :style="(ctrl[i]===-1?'display:none;':'')+'width:'+(ctrl[i]||1)+'px;height:1px;'" :src="n.attrs.src" :mode="n.h?'':'widthFix'" :lazy-load="opts[0]" :webp="n.webp" :show-menu-by-longpress="opts[3]&&!n.attrs.ignore" :image-menu-prevent="!opts[3]||n.attrs.ignore" :data-i="i" @load="imgLoad" @error="mediaError" @tap.stop="imgTap" @longpress="imgLongTap" />
-      <!-- #endif -->
-      <!-- 文本 -->
-      <!-- #ifndef MP-BAIDU || MP-ALIPAY || MP-TOUTIAO -->
-      <text v-else-if="n.text" :user-select="" decode>{{n.text}}</text>
-      <!-- #endif -->
-      <text v-else-if="'br'">\n</text>
-      <!-- 链接 -->
-      <view v-else-if="'a'" :id="" :class="(n.attrs.href?'_a ':'')+n.attrs.class" hover-class="_hover" :style="'display:inline;'" :data-i="i" @tap.stop="linkTap">
-        <node name="span" :childs="n.children" :opts="opts" style="display:inherit" />
-      </view>
-      <!-- 视频 -->
-      <!-- #ifdef APP-PLUS -->
-      <view v-else-if="n.html" :id="" :class="'_video '+n.attrs.class" :style="" v-html="n.html" />
-      <!-- #endif -->
-      <!-- #ifndef APP-PLUS -->
-      <video v-else-if="'video'" :id="" :class="n.attrs.class" :style="" :autoplay="n.attrs.autoplay" :controls="n.attrs.controls" :loop="n.attrs.loop" :muted="n.attrs.muted" :poster="n.attrs.poster" :src="n.src[ctrl[i]||0]" :data-i="i" @play="play" @error="mediaError" />
-      <!-- #endif -->
-      <!-- #ifdef H5 || APP-PLUS -->
-      <iframe v-else-if="'iframe'" :style="" :allowfullscreen="n.attrs.allowfullscreen" :frameborder="n.attrs.frameborder" :src="n.attrs.src" />
-      <embed v-else-if="'embed'" :style="" :src="n.attrs.src" />
-      <!-- #endif -->
-      <!-- #ifndef MP-TOUTIAO || ((H5 || APP-PLUS) && VUE3) -->
-      <!-- 音频 -->
-      <audio v-else-if="'audio'" :id="" :class="n.attrs.class" :style="" :author="" :controls="n.attrs.controls" :loop="n.attrs.loop" :name="" :poster="n.attrs.poster" :src="n.src[ctrl[i]||0]" :data-i="i" @play="play" @error="mediaError" />
-      <!-- #endif -->
-      <view v-else-if="('table'&&n.c)||'li'" :id="" :class="'_'' '+n.attrs.class" :style="">
-        <node v-if="'li'" :childs="n.children" :opts="opts" />
-        <view v-else v-for="(tbody, x) in n.children" v-bind:key="x" :class="'_'' '+tbody.attrs.class" :style="">
-          <node v-if="'td'||'th'" :childs="tbody.children" :opts="opts" />
-          <block v-else v-for="(tr, y) in tbody.children" v-bind:key="y">
-            <view v-if="'td'||'th'" :class="'_'' '+tr.attrs.class" :style="">
-              <node :childs="tr.children" :opts="opts" />
-            </view>
-            <view v-else :class="'_'' '+tr.attrs.class" :style="">
-              <view v-for="(td, z) in tr.children" v-bind:key="z" :class="'_'' '+td.attrs.class" :style="">
-                <node :childs="td.children" :opts="opts" />
-              </view>
-            </view>
-          </block>
-        </view>
-      </view>
-      <!-- 富文本 -->
-      <!-- #ifdef H5 || ((MP-WEIXIN || MP-QQ || APP-PLUS || MP-360) && VUE2) -->
-      <rich-text v-else-if="handler.use(n)" :id="" :style="n.f" :nodes="[n]" />
-      <!-- #endif -->
-      <!-- #ifndef H5 || ((MP-WEIXIN || MP-QQ || APP-PLUS || MP-360) && VUE2) -->
-      <rich-text v-else-if="!n.c" :id="" :style="n.f+';display:inline'" :preview="false" :nodes="[n]" />
-      <!-- #endif -->
-      <!-- 继续递归 -->
-      <view v-else-if="n.c===2" :id="" :class="'_block _'' '+n.attrs.class" :style="n.f+';'">
-        <node v-for="(n2, j) in n.children" v-bind:key="j" :style="n2.f" :name="" :attrs="n2.attrs" :childs="n2.children" :opts="opts" />
-      </view>
-      <node v-else :style="n.f" :name="" :attrs="n.attrs" :childs="n.children" :opts="opts" />
-    </block>
-  </view>
-<script module="handler" lang="wxs">
-// 行内标签列表
-var inlineTags = {
-  abbr: true,
-  b: true,
-  big: true,
-  code: true,
-  del: true,
-  em: true,
-  i: true,
-  ins: true,
-  label: true,
-  q: true,
-  small: true,
-  span: true,
-  strong: true,
-  sub: true,
-  sup: true
- * @description 是否使用 rich-text 显示剩余内容
- */
-module.exports = {
-  use: function (item) {
-    if (item.c) return false
-    // 微信和 QQ 的 rich-text inline 布局无效
-    return !inlineTags[] && ( || '').indexOf('display:inline') == -1
-  }
-import node from './node'
-export default {
-  name: 'node',
-  options: {
-    // #ifdef MP-WEIXIN
-    virtualHost: true,
-    // #endif
-    // #ifdef MP-TOUTIAO
-    addGlobalClass: false
-    // #endif
-  },
-  data () {
-    return {
-      ctrl: {}
-    }
-  },
-  props: {
-    name: String,
-    attrs: {
-      type: Object,
-      default () {
-        return {}
-      }
-    },
-    childs: Array,
-    opts: Array
-  },
-  // #ifndef H5 && VUE3
-  components: {
-    node
-  },
-  // #endif
-  mounted () {
-    this.$nextTick(() => {
-      for (this.root = this.$parent; this.root.$ !== 'mp-html'; this.root = this.root.$parent);
-    })
-    // #ifdef H5 || APP-PLUS
-    if (this.opts[0]) {
-      let i
-      for (i = this.childs.length; i--;) {
-        if (this.childs[i].name === 'img') break
-      }
-      if (i !== -1) {
- = uni.createIntersectionObserver(this).relativeToViewport({
-          top: 500,
-          bottom: 500
-        })
-'._img', res => {
-          if (res.intersectionRatio) {
-            this.$set(this.ctrl, 'load', 1)
-          }
-        })
-      }
-    }
-    // #endif
-  },
-  beforeDestroy () {
-    // #ifdef H5 || APP-PLUS
-    if ( {
-    }
-    // #endif
-  },
-  methods:{
-    // #ifdef MP-WEIXIN
-    toJSON () { },
-    // #endif
-    /**
-     * @description 播放视频事件
-     * @param {Event} e
-     */
-    play (e) {
-      // #ifndef APP-PLUS
-      if (this.root.pauseVideo) {
-        let flag = false; const id =
-        for (let i = this.root._videos.length; i--;) {
-          if (this.root._videos[i].id === id) {
-            flag = true
-          } else {
-            this.root._videos[i].pause() // 自动暂停其他视频
-          }
-        }
-        // 将自己加入列表
-        if (!flag) {
-          const ctx = uni.createVideoContext(id
-            // #ifndef MP-BAIDU
-            , this
-            // #endif
-          )
- = id
-          this.root._videos.push(ctx)
-        }
-      }
-      // #endif
-    },
-    /**
-     * @description 图片点击事件
-     * @param {Event} e
-     */
-    imgTap (e) {
-      const node = this.childs[e.currentTarget.dataset.i]
-      if (node.a) {
-        this.linkTap(node.a)
-        return
-      }
-      if (node.attrs.ignore) return
-      // #ifdef H5 || APP-PLUS
-      node.attrs.src = node.attrs.src || node.attrs['data-src']
-      // #endif
-      this.root.$emit('imgtap', node.attrs)
-      // 自动预览图片
-      if (this.root.previewImg) {
-        uni.previewImage({
-          current: parseInt(node.attrs.i),
-          urls: this.root.imgList
-        })
-      }
-    },
-    /**
-     * @description 图片长按
-     */
-    imgLongTap (e) {
-      // #ifdef APP-PLUS
-      const attrs = this.childs[e.currentTarget.dataset.i].attrs
-      if (this.opts[3] && !attrs.ignore) {
-        uni.showActionSheet({
-          itemList: ['保存图片'],
-          success: () => {
-            const save = path => {
-              uni.saveImageToPhotosAlbum({
-                filePath: path,
-                success () {
-                  uni.showToast({
-                    title: '保存成功'
-                  })
-                }
-              })
-            }
-            if (this.root.imgList[attrs.i].startsWith('http')) {
-              uni.downloadFile({
-                url: this.root.imgList[attrs.i],
-                success: res => save(res.tempFilePath)
-              })
-            } else {
-              save(this.root.imgList[attrs.i])
-            }
-          }
-        })
-      }
-      // #endif
-    },
-    /**
-     * @description 图片加载完成事件
-     * @param {Event} e
-     */
-    imgLoad (e) {
-      const i = e.currentTarget.dataset.i
-      /* #ifndef H5 || (APP-PLUS && VUE2) */
-      if (!this.childs[i].w) {
-        // 设置原宽度
-        this.$set(this.ctrl, i, e.detail.width)
-      } else /* #endif */ if ((this.opts[1] && !this.ctrl[i]) || this.ctrl[i] === -1) {
-        // 加载完毕,取消加载中占位图
-        this.$set(this.ctrl, i, 1)
-      }
-    },
-    /**
-     * @description 链接点击事件
-     * @param {Event} e
-     */
-    linkTap (e) {
-      const node = e.currentTarget ? this.childs[e.currentTarget.dataset.i] : {}
-      const attrs = node.attrs || e
-      const href = attrs.href
-      this.root.$emit('linktap', Object.assign({
-        innerText: this.root.getText(node.children || []) // 链接内的文本内容
-      }, attrs))
-      if (href) {
-        if (href[0] === '#') {
-          // 跳转锚点
-          this.root.navigateTo(href.substring(1)).catch(() => { })
-        } else if (href.split('?')[0].includes('://')) {
-          // 复制外部链接
-          if (this.root.copyLink) {
-            // #ifdef H5
-            // #endif
-            // #ifdef MP
-            uni.setClipboardData({
-              data: href,
-              success: () =>
-                uni.showToast({
-                  title: '链接已复制'
-                })
-            })
-            // #endif
-            // #ifdef APP-PLUS
-            plus.runtime.openWeb(href)
-            // #endif
-          }
-        } else {
-          // 跳转页面
-          uni.navigateTo({
-            url: href,
-            fail () {
-              uni.switchTab({
-                url: href,
-                fail () { }
-              })
-            }
-          })
-        }
-      }
-    },
-    /**
-     * @description 错误事件
-     * @param {Event} e
-     */
-    mediaError (e) {
-      const i = e.currentTarget.dataset.i
-      const node = this.childs[i]
-      // 加载其他源
-      if ( === 'video' || === 'audio') {
-        let index = (this.ctrl[i] || 0) + 1
-        if (index > node.src.length) {
-          index = 0
-        }
-        if (index < node.src.length) {
-          this.$set(this.ctrl, i, index)
-          return
-        }
-      } else if ( === 'img') {
-        // #ifdef H5 && VUE3
-        if (this.opts[0] && !this.ctrl.load) return
-        // #endif
-        // 显示错误占位图
-        if (this.opts[2]) {
-          this.$set(this.ctrl, i, -1)
-        }
-      }
-      if (this.root) {
-        this.root.$emit('error', {
-          source:,
-          attrs: node.attrs,
-          // #ifndef H5 && VUE3
-          errMsg: e.detail.errMsg
-          // #endif
-        })
-      }
-    }
-  }
-/* a 标签默认效果 */
-._a {
-  padding: 1.5px 0 1.5px 0;
-  color: #366092;
-  word-break: break-all;
-/* a 标签点击态效果 */
-._hover {
-  text-decoration: underline;
-  opacity: 0.7;
-/* 图片默认效果 */
-._img {
-  max-width: 100%;
-  -webkit-touch-callout: none;
-/* 内部样式 */
-._block {
-  display: block;
-._strong {
-  font-weight: bold;
-._code {
-  font-family: monospace;
-._del {
-  text-decoration: line-through;
-._i {
-  font-style: italic;
-._h1 {
-  font-size: 2em;
-._h2 {
-  font-size: 1.5em;
-._h3 {
-  font-size: 1.17em;
-._h5 {
-  font-size: 0.83em;
-._h6 {
-  font-size: 0.67em;
-._h6 {
-  display: block;
-  font-weight: bold;
-._image {
-  height: 1px;
-._ins {
-  text-decoration: underline;
-._li {
-  display: list-item;
-._ol {
-  list-style-type: decimal;
-._ul {
-  display: block;
-  padding-left: 40px;
-  margin: 1em 0;
-._q::before {
-  content: '"';
-._q::after {
-  content: '"';
-._sub {
-  font-size: smaller;
-  vertical-align: sub;
-._sup {
-  font-size: smaller;
-  vertical-align: super;
-._tfoot {
-  display: table-row-group;
-._tr {
-  display: table-row;
-._th {
-  display: table-cell;
-  vertical-align: middle;
-._th {
-  font-weight: bold;
-  text-align: center;
-._ul {
-  list-style-type: disc;
-._ul ._ul {
-  margin: 0;
-  list-style-type: circle;
-._ul ._ul ._ul {
-  list-style-type: square;
-._sup {
-  display: inline;
-/* #ifdef APP-PLUS */
-._video {
-  width: 300px;
-  height: 225px;
-/* #endif */

+ 0 - 1260

@@ -1,1260 +0,0 @@
- * @fileoverview html 解析器
- */
-// 配置
-const config = {
-  // 信任的标签(保持标签名不变)
-  trustTags: makeMap('a,abbr,ad,audio,b,blockquote,br,code,col,colgroup,dd,del,dl,dt,div,em,fieldset,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,hr,i,img,ins,label,legend,li,ol,p,q,ruby,rt,source,span,strong,sub,sup,table,tbody,td,tfoot,th,thead,tr,title,ul,video'),
-  // 块级标签(转为 div,其他的非信任标签转为 span)
-  blockTags: makeMap('address,article,aside,body,caption,center,cite,footer,header,html,nav,pre,section'),
-  // #ifdef (MP-WEIXIN || MP-QQ || APP-PLUS || MP-360) && VUE3
-  // 行内标签
-  inlineTags: makeMap('abbr,b,big,code,del,em,i,ins,label,q,small,span,strong,sub,sup'),
-  // #endif
-  // 要移除的标签
-  ignoreTags: makeMap('area,base,canvas,embed,frame,head,iframe,input,link,map,meta,param,rp,script,source,style,textarea,title,track,wbr'),
-  // 自闭合的标签
-  voidTags: makeMap('area,base,br,col,circle,ellipse,embed,frame,hr,img,input,line,link,meta,param,path,polygon,rect,source,track,use,wbr'),
-  // html 实体
-  entities: {
-    lt: '<',
-    gt: '>',
-    quot: '"',
-    apos: "'",
-    ensp: '\u2002',
-    emsp: '\u2003',
-    nbsp: '\xA0',
-    semi: ';',
-    ndash: '–',
-    mdash: '—',
-    middot: '·',
-    lsquo: '‘',
-    rsquo: '’',
-    ldquo: '“',
-    rdquo: '”',
-    bull: '•',
-    hellip: '…'
-  },
-  // 默认的标签样式
-  tagStyle: {
-    // #ifndef APP-PLUS-NVUE
-    address: 'font-style:italic',
-    big: 'display:inline;font-size:1.2em',
-    caption: 'display:table-caption;text-align:center',
-    center: 'text-align:center',
-    cite: 'font-style:italic',
-    dd: 'margin-left:40px',
-    mark: 'background-color:yellow',
-    pre: 'font-family:monospace;white-space:pre',
-    s: 'text-decoration:line-through',
-    small: 'display:inline;font-size:0.8em',
-    strike: 'text-decoration:line-through',
-    u: 'text-decoration:underline'
-    // #endif
-  },
-  // svg 大小写对照表
-  svgDict: {
-    animatetransform: 'animateTransform',
-    lineargradient: 'linearGradient',
-    viewbox: 'viewBox',
-    attributename: 'attributeName',
-    repeatcount: 'repeatCount',
-    repeatdur: 'repeatDur'
-  }
-const tagSelector={}
-const {
-  windowWidth,
-  // #ifdef MP-WEIXIN
-  system
-  // #endif
-} = uni.getSystemInfoSync()
-const blankChar = makeMap(' ,\r,\n,\t,\f')
-let idIndex = 0
-// #ifdef H5 || APP-PLUS
-config.ignoreTags.iframe = undefined
-config.trustTags.iframe = true
-config.ignoreTags.embed = undefined
-config.trustTags.embed = true
-// #endif
-// #ifdef APP-PLUS-NVUE
-config.ignoreTags.source = undefined = undefined
-// #endif
- * @description 创建 map
- * @param {String} str 逗号分隔
- */
-function makeMap (str) {
-  const map = Object.create(null)
-  const list = str.split(',')
-  for (let i = list.length; i--;) {
-    map[list[i]] = true
-  }
-  return map
- * @description 解码 html 实体
- * @param {String} str 要解码的字符串
- * @param {Boolean} amp 要不要解码 &amp;
- * @returns {String} 解码后的字符串
- */
-function decodeEntity (str, amp) {
-  let i = str.indexOf('&')
-  while (i !== -1) {
-    const j = str.indexOf(';', i + 3)
-    let code
-    if (j === -1) break
-    if (str[i + 1] === '#') {
-      // &#123; 形式的实体
-      code = parseInt((str[i + 2] === 'x' ? '0' : '') + str.substring(i + 2, j))
-      if (!isNaN(code)) {
-        str = str.substr(0, i) + String.fromCharCode(code) + str.substr(j + 1)
-      }
-    } else {
-      // &nbsp; 形式的实体
-      code = str.substring(i + 1, j)
-      if (config.entities[code] || (code === 'amp' && amp)) {
-        str = str.substr(0, i) + (config.entities[code] || '&') + str.substr(j + 1)
-      }
-    }
-    i = str.indexOf('&', i + 1)
-  }
-  return str
- * @description html 解析器
- * @param {Object} vm 组件实例
- */
-function Parser (vm) {
-  this.options = vm || {}
-  this.tagStyle = Object.assign({}, config.tagStyle, this.options.tagStyle)
-  this.imgList = vm.imgList || []
-  this.plugins = vm.plugins || []
-  this.attrs = Object.create(null)
-  this.stack = []
-  this.nodes = []
-  this.pre = (this.options.containerStyle || '').includes('white-space') && this.options.containerStyle.includes('pre') ? 2 : 0
- * @description 执行解析
- * @param {String} content 要解析的文本
- */
-Parser.prototype.parse = function (content) {
-  // 插件处理
-  for (let i = this.plugins.length; i--;) {
-    if (this.plugins[i].onUpdate) {
-      content = this.plugins[i].onUpdate(content, config) || content
-    }
-  }
-  new Lexer(this).parse(content)
-  // 出栈未闭合的标签
-  while (this.stack.length) {
-    this.popNode()
-  }
-  return this.nodes
- * @description 将标签暴露出来(不被 rich-text 包含)
- */
-Parser.prototype.expose = function () {
-  // #ifndef APP-PLUS-NVUE
-  for (let i = this.stack.length; i--;) {
-    const item = this.stack[i]
-    if (item.c || === 'a' || === 'video' || === 'audio') return
-    item.c = 1
-  }
-  // #endif
- * @description 处理插件
- * @param {Object} node 要处理的标签
- * @returns {Boolean} 是否要移除此标签
- */
-Parser.prototype.hook = function (node) {
-  for (let i = this.plugins.length; i--;) {
-    if (this.plugins[i].onParse && this.plugins[i].onParse(node, this) === false) {
-      return false
-    }
-  }
-  return true
- * @description 将链接拼接上主域名
- * @param {String} url 需要拼接的链接
- * @returns {String} 拼接后的链接
- */
-Parser.prototype.getUrl = function (url) {
-  const domain = this.options.domain
-  if (url[0] === '/') {
-    if (url[1] === '/') {
-      // // 开头的补充协议名
-      url = (domain ? domain.split('://')[0] : 'http') + ':' + url
-    } else if (domain) {
-      // 否则补充整个域名
-      url = domain + url
-    }
-  } else if (domain && !url.includes('data:') && !url.includes('://')) {
-    url = domain + '/' + url
-  }
-  return url
- * @description 解析样式表
- * @param {Object} node 标签
- * @returns {Object}
- */
-Parser.prototype.parseStyle = function (node) {
-  const attrs = node.attrs
-  const list = (this.tagStyle[] || '').split(';').concat(( || '').split(';'))
-  const styleObj = {}
-  let tmp = ''
-  if ( && !this.xml) {
-    // 暴露锚点
-    if (this.options.useAnchor) {
-      this.expose()
-    } else if ( !== 'img' && !== 'a' && !== 'video' && !== 'audio') {
- = undefined
-    }
-  }
-  // 转换 width 和 height 属性
-  if (attrs.width) {
-    styleObj.width = parseFloat(attrs.width) + (attrs.width.includes('%') ? '%' : 'px')
-    attrs.width = undefined
-  }
-  if (attrs.height) {
-    styleObj.height = parseFloat(attrs.height) + (attrs.height.includes('%') ? '%' : 'px')
-    attrs.height = undefined
-  }
-  for (let i = 0, len = list.length; i < len; i++) {
-    const info = list[i].split(':')
-    if (info.length < 2) continue
-    const key = info.shift().trim().toLowerCase()
-    let value = info.join(':').trim()
-    if ((value[0] === '-' && value.lastIndexOf('-') > 0) || value.includes('safe')) {
-      // 兼容性的 css 不压缩
-      tmp += `;${key}:${value}`
-    } else if (!styleObj[key] || value.includes('import') || !styleObj[key].includes('import')) {
-      // 重复的样式进行覆盖
-      if (value.includes('url')) {
-        // 填充链接
-        let j = value.indexOf('(') + 1
-        if (j) {
-          while (value[j] === '"' || value[j] === "'" || blankChar[value[j]]) {
-            j++
-          }
-          value = value.substr(0, j) + this.getUrl(value.substr(j))
-        }
-      } else if (value.includes('rpx')) {
-        // 转换 rpx(rich-text 内部不支持 rpx)
-        value = value.replace(/[0-9.]+\s*rpx/g, $ => parseFloat($) * windowWidth / 750 + 'px')
-      }
-      styleObj[key] = value
-    }
-  }
- = tmp
-  return styleObj
- * @description 解析到标签名
- * @param {String} name 标签名
- * @private
- */
-Parser.prototype.onTagName = function (name) {
-  this.tagName = this.xml ? name : name.toLowerCase()
-  if (this.tagName === 'svg') {
-    this.xml = (this.xml || 0) + 1 // svg 标签内大小写敏感
-  }
- * @description 解析到属性名
- * @param {String} name 属性名
- * @private
- */
-Parser.prototype.onAttrName = function (name) {
-  name = this.xml ? name : name.toLowerCase()
-  if (name.substr(0, 5) === 'data-') {
-    if (name === 'data-src' && !this.attrs.src) {
-      // data-src 自动转为 src
-      this.attrName = 'src'
-    } else if (this.tagName === 'img' || this.tagName === 'a') {
-      // a 和 img 标签保留 data- 的属性,可以在 imgtap 和 linktap 事件中使用
-      this.attrName = name
-    } else {
-      // 剩余的移除以减小大小
-      this.attrName = undefined
-    }
-  } else {
-    this.attrName = name
-    this.attrs[name] = 'T' // boolean 型属性缺省设置
-  }
- * @description 解析到属性值
- * @param {String} val 属性值
- * @private
- */
-Parser.prototype.onAttrVal = function (val) {
-  const name = this.attrName || ''
-  if (name === 'style' || name === 'href') {
-    // 部分属性进行实体解码
-    this.attrs[name] = decodeEntity(val, true)
-  } else if (name.includes('src')) {
-    // 拼接主域名
-    this.attrs[name] = this.getUrl(decodeEntity(val, true))
-  } else if (name) {
-    this.attrs[name] = val
-  }
- * @description 解析到标签开始
- * @param {Boolean} selfClose 是否有自闭合标识 />
- * @private
- */
-Parser.prototype.onOpenTag = function (selfClose) {
-  // 拼装 node
-  const node = Object.create(null)
- = this.tagName
-  node.attrs = this.attrs
-  // 避免因为自动 diff 使得 type 被设置为 null 导致部分内容不显示
-  if (this.options.nodes.length) {
-    node.type = 'node'
-  }
-  this.attrs = Object.create(null)
-  const attrs = node.attrs
-  const parent = this.stack[this.stack.length - 1]
-  const siblings = parent ? parent.children : this.nodes
-  const close = this.xml ? selfClose : config.voidTags[]
-  // 替换标签名选择器
-  if (tagSelector[]) {
-    attrs.class = tagSelector[] + (attrs.class ? ' ' + attrs.class : '')
-  }
-  // 转换 embed 标签
-  if ( === 'embed') {
-    // #ifndef H5 || APP-PLUS
-    const src = attrs.src || ''
-    // 按照后缀名和 type 将 embed 转为 video 或 audio
-    if (src.includes('.mp4') || src.includes('.3gp') || src.includes('.m3u8') || (attrs.type || '').includes('video')) {
- = 'video'
-    } else if (src.includes('.mp3') || src.includes('.wav') || src.includes('.aac') || src.includes('.m4a') || (attrs.type || '').includes('audio')) {
- = 'audio'
-    }
-    if (attrs.autostart) {
-      attrs.autoplay = 'T'
-    }
-    attrs.controls = 'T'
-    // #endif
-    // #ifdef H5 || APP-PLUS
-    this.expose()
-    // #endif
-  }
-  // #ifndef APP-PLUS-NVUE
-  // 处理音视频
-  if ( === 'video' || === 'audio') {
-    // 设置 id 以便获取 context
-    if ( === 'video' && ! {
- = 'v' + idIndex++
-    }
-    // 没有设置 controls 也没有设置 autoplay 的自动设置 controls
-    if (!attrs.controls && !attrs.autoplay) {
-      attrs.controls = 'T'
-    }
-    // 用数组存储所有可用的 source
-    node.src = []
-    if (attrs.src) {
-      node.src.push(attrs.src)
-      attrs.src = undefined
-    }
-    this.expose()
-  }
-  // #endif
-  // 处理自闭合标签
-  if (close) {
-    if (!this.hook(node) || config.ignoreTags[]) {
-      // 通过 base 标签设置主域名
-      if ( === 'base' && !this.options.domain) {
-        this.options.domain = attrs.href
-      } /* #ifndef APP-PLUS-NVUE */ else if ( === 'source' && parent && ( === 'video' || === 'audio') && attrs.src) {
-        // 设置 source 标签(仅父节点为 video 或 audio 时有效)
-        parent.src.push(attrs.src)
-      } /* #endif */
-      return
-    }
-    // 解析 style
-    const styleObj = this.parseStyle(node)
-    // 处理图片
-    if ( === 'img') {
-      if (attrs.src) {
-        // 标记 webp
-        if (attrs.src.includes('webp')) {
-          node.webp = 'T'
-        }
-        // data url 图片如果没有设置 original-src 默认为不可预览的小图片
-        if (attrs.src.includes('data:') && !attrs['original-src']) {
-          attrs.ignore = 'T'
-        }
-        if (!attrs.ignore || node.webp || attrs.src.includes('cloud://')) {
-          for (let i = this.stack.length; i--;) {
-            const item = this.stack[i]
-            if ( === 'a') {
-              node.a = item.attrs
-              break
-            }
-            // #ifndef H5 || APP-PLUS
-            const style = || ''
-            if (style.includes('flex:') && !style.includes('flex:0') && !style.includes('flex: 0') && (!styleObj.width || !styleObj.width.includes('%'))) {
-              styleObj.width = '100% !important'
-              styleObj.height = ''
-              for (let j = i + 1; j < this.stack.length; j++) {
-                this.stack[j] = (this.stack[j] || '').replace('inline-', '')
-              }
-            } else if (style.includes('flex') && styleObj.width === '100%') {
-              for (let j = i + 1; j < this.stack.length; j++) {
-                const style = this.stack[j] || ''
-                if (!style.includes(';width') && !style.includes(' width') && style.indexOf('width') !== 0) {
-                  styleObj.width = ''
-                  break
-                }
-              }
-            } else if (style.includes('inline-block')) {
-              if (styleObj.width && styleObj.width[styleObj.width.length - 1] === '%') {
-       += ';max-width:' + styleObj.width
-                styleObj.width = ''
-              } else {
-       += ';max-width:100%'
-              }
-            }
-            // #endif
-            item.c = 1
-          }
-          attrs.i = this.imgList.length.toString()
-          let src = attrs['original-src'] || attrs.src
-          // #ifndef H5 || MP-ALIPAY || APP-PLUS || MP-360
-          if (this.imgList.includes(src)) {
-            // 如果有重复的链接则对域名进行随机大小写变换避免预览时错位
-            let i = src.indexOf('://')
-            if (i !== -1) {
-              i += 3
-              let newSrc = src.substr(0, i)
-              for (; i < src.length; i++) {
-                if (src[i] === '/') break
-                newSrc += Math.random() > 0.5 ? src[i].toUpperCase() : src[i]
-              }
-              newSrc += src.substr(i)
-              src = newSrc
-            }
-          }
-          // #endif
-          this.imgList.push(src)
-          // #ifdef H5 || APP-PLUS
-          if (this.options.lazyLoad) {
-            attrs['data-src'] = attrs.src
-            attrs.src = undefined
-          }
-          // #endif
-        }
-      }
-      if (styleObj.display === 'inline') {
-        styleObj.display = ''
-      }
-      // #ifndef APP-PLUS-NVUE
-      if (attrs.ignore) {
-        styleObj['max-width'] = styleObj['max-width'] || '100%'
- += ';-webkit-touch-callout:none'
-      }
-      // #endif
-      // 设置的宽度超出屏幕,为避免变形,高度转为自动
-      if (parseInt(styleObj.width) > windowWidth) {
-        styleObj.height = undefined
-      }
-      // 记录是否设置了宽高
-      if (styleObj.width) {
-        if (styleObj.width.includes('auto')) {
-          styleObj.width = ''
-        } else {
-          node.w = 'T'
-          if (!isNaN(parseInt(styleObj.height)) && (!styleObj.height.includes('%') || (parent && ( || '').includes('height')))) {
-            node.h = 'T'
-          }
-        }
-      }
-    } else if ( === 'svg') {
-      siblings.push(node)
-      this.stack.push(node)
-      this.popNode()
-      return
-    }
-    for (const key in styleObj) {
-      if (styleObj[key]) {
- += `;${key}:${styleObj[key].replace(' !important', '')}`
-      }
-    }
- = || undefined
-  } else {
-    if (( === 'pre' || (( || '').includes('white-space') &&'pre'))) && this.pre !== 2) {
-      this.pre = node.pre = 1
-    }
-    node.children = []
-    this.stack.push(node)
-  }
-  // 加入节点树
-  siblings.push(node)
- * @description 解析到标签结束
- * @param {String} name 标签名
- * @private
- */
-Parser.prototype.onCloseTag = function (name) {
-  // 依次出栈到匹配为止
-  name = this.xml ? name : name.toLowerCase()
-  let i
-  for (i = this.stack.length; i--;) {
-    if (this.stack[i].name === name) break
-  }
-  if (i !== -1) {
-    while (this.stack.length > i) {
-      this.popNode()
-    }
-  } else if (name === 'p' || name === 'br') {
-    const siblings = this.stack.length ? this.stack[this.stack.length - 1].children : this.nodes
-    siblings.push({
-      name,
-      attrs: {
-        class: tagSelector[name],
-        style: this.tagStyle[name]
-      }
-    })
-  }
- * @description 处理标签出栈
- * @private
- */
-Parser.prototype.popNode = function () {
-  const node = this.stack.pop()
-  let attrs = node.attrs
-  const children = node.children
-  const parent = this.stack[this.stack.length - 1]
-  const siblings = parent ? parent.children : this.nodes
-  if (!this.hook(node) || config.ignoreTags[]) {
-    // 获取标题
-    if ( === 'title' && children.length && children[0].type === 'text' && this.options.setTitle) {
-      uni.setNavigationBarTitle({
-        title: children[0].text
-      })
-    }
-    siblings.pop()
-    return
-  }
-  if (node.pre && this.pre !== 2) {
-    // 是否合并空白符标识
-    this.pre = node.pre = undefined
-    for (let i = this.stack.length; i--;) {
-      if (this.stack[i].pre) {
-        this.pre = 1
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  const styleObj = {}
-  // 转换 svg
-  if ( === 'svg') {
-    if (this.xml > 1) {
-      // 多层 svg 嵌套
-      this.xml--
-      return
-    }
-    // #ifdef APP-PLUS-NVUE
-    (function traversal (node) {
-      if ( {
-        // 调整 svg 的大小写
- = config.svgDict[] ||
-        for (const item in node.attrs) {
-          if (config.svgDict[item]) {
-            node.attrs[config.svgDict[item]] = node.attrs[item]
-            node.attrs[item] = undefined
-          }
-        }
-        for (let i = 0; i < (node.children || []).length; i++) {
-          traversal(node.children[i])
-        }
-      }
-    })(node)
-    // #endif
-    // #ifndef APP-PLUS-NVUE
-    let src = ''
-    const style =
- = ''
-    attrs.xmlns = '';
-    (function traversal (node) {
-      if (node.type === 'text') {
-        src += node.text
-        return
-      }
-      const name = config.svgDict[] ||
-      src += '<' + name
-      for (const item in node.attrs) {
-        const val = node.attrs[item]
-        if (val) {
-          src += ` ${config.svgDict[item] || item}="${val}"`
-        }
-      }
-      if (!node.children) {
-        src += '/>'
-      } else {
-        src += '>'
-        for (let i = 0; i < node.children.length; i++) {
-          traversal(node.children[i])
-        }
-        src += '</' + name + '>'
-      }
-    })(node)
- = 'img'
-    node.attrs = {
-      src: 'data:image/svg+xml;utf8,' + src.replace(/#/g, '%23'),
-      style,
-      ignore: 'T'
-    }
-    node.children = undefined
-    // #endif
-    this.xml = false
-    return
-  }
-  // #ifndef APP-PLUS-NVUE
-  // 转换 align 属性
-  if (attrs.align) {
-    if ( === 'table') {
-      if (attrs.align === 'center') {
-        styleObj['margin-inline-start'] = styleObj['margin-inline-end'] = 'auto'
-      } else {
-        styleObj.float = attrs.align
-      }
-    } else {
-      styleObj['text-align'] = attrs.align
-    }
-    attrs.align = undefined
-  }
-  // 转换 dir 属性
-  if (attrs.dir) {
-    styleObj.direction = attrs.dir
-    attrs.dir = undefined
-  }
-  // 转换 font 标签的属性
-  if ( === 'font') {
-    if (attrs.color) {
-      styleObj.color = attrs.color
-      attrs.color = undefined
-    }
-    if (attrs.face) {
-      styleObj['font-family'] = attrs.face
-      attrs.face = undefined
-    }
-    if (attrs.size) {
-      let size = parseInt(attrs.size)
-      if (!isNaN(size)) {
-        if (size < 1) {
-          size = 1
-        } else if (size > 7) {
-          size = 7
-        }
-        styleObj['font-size'] = ['x-small', 'small', 'medium', 'large', 'x-large', 'xx-large', 'xxx-large'][size - 1]
-      }
-      attrs.size = undefined
-    }
-  }
-  // #endif
-  // 一些编辑器的自带 class
-  if ((attrs.class || '').includes('align-center')) {
-    styleObj['text-align'] = 'center'
-  }
-  Object.assign(styleObj, this.parseStyle(node))
-  if ( !== 'table' && parseInt(styleObj.width) > windowWidth) {
-    styleObj['max-width'] = '100%'
-    styleObj['box-sizing'] = 'border-box'
-  }
-  // #ifndef APP-PLUS-NVUE
-  if (config.blockTags[]) {
- = 'div'
-  } else if (!config.trustTags[] && !this.xml) {
-    // 未知标签转为 span,避免无法显示
- = 'span'
-  }
-  if ( === 'a' || === 'ad'
-    // #ifdef H5 || APP-PLUS
-    || === 'iframe' // eslint-disable-line
-    // #endif
-  ) {
-    this.expose()
-  } /* #ifdef APP-PLUS */ else if ( === 'video') {
-    let str = '<video style="width:100%;height:100%"'
-    for (const item in attrs) {
-      if (attrs[item]) {
-        str += ' ' + item + '="' + attrs[item] + '"'
-      }
-    }
-    if (this.options.pauseVideo) {
-      str += ' onplay="for(var e=document.getElementsByTagName(\'video\'),t=0;t<e.length;t++)e[t]!=this&&e[t].pause()"'
-    }
-    str += '>'
-    for (let i = 0; i < node.src.length; i++) {
-      str += '<source src="' + node.src[i] + '">'
-    }
-    str += '</video>'
-    node.html = str
-  } /* #endif */ else if (( === 'ul' || === 'ol') && node.c) {
-    // 列表处理
-    const types = {
-      a: 'lower-alpha',
-      A: 'upper-alpha',
-      i: 'lower-roman',
-      I: 'upper-roman'
-    }
-    if (types[attrs.type]) {
- += ';list-style-type:' + types[attrs.type]
-      attrs.type = undefined
-    }
-    for (let i = children.length; i--;) {
-      if (children[i].name === 'li') {
-        children[i].c = 1
-      }
-    }
-  } else if ( === 'table') {
-    // 表格处理
-    // cellpadding、cellspacing、border 这几个常用表格属性需要通过转换实现
-    let padding = parseFloat(attrs.cellpadding)
-    let spacing = parseFloat(attrs.cellspacing)
-    const border = parseFloat(attrs.border)
-    if (node.c) {
-      // padding 和 spacing 默认 2
-      if (isNaN(padding)) {
-        padding = 2
-      }
-      if (isNaN(spacing)) {
-        spacing = 2
-      }
-    }
-    if (border) {
- += ';border:' + border + 'px solid gray'
-    }
-    if (node.flag && node.c) {
-      // 有 colspan 或 rowspan 且含有链接的表格通过 grid 布局实现
-      styleObj.display = 'grid'
-      if (spacing) {
-        styleObj['grid-gap'] = spacing + 'px'
-        styleObj.padding = spacing + 'px'
-      } else if (border) {
-        // 无间隔的情况下避免边框重叠
- += ';border-left:0;border-top:0'
-      }
-      const width = [] // 表格的列宽
-      const trList = [] // tr 列表
-      const cells = [] // 保存新的单元格
-      const map = {}; // 被合并单元格占用的格子
-      (function traversal (nodes) {
-        for (let i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
-          if (nodes[i].name === 'tr') {
-            trList.push(nodes[i])
-          } else {
-            traversal(nodes[i].children || [])
-          }
-        }
-      })(children)
-      for (let row = 1; row <= trList.length; row++) {
-        let col = 1
-        for (let j = 0; j < trList[row - 1].children.length; j++, col++) {
-          const td = trList[row - 1].children[j]
-          if ( === 'td' || === 'th') {
-            // 这个格子被上面的单元格占用,则列号++
-            while (map[row + '.' + col]) {
-              col++
-            }
-            let style = || ''
-            const start = style.indexOf('width') ? style.indexOf(';width') : 0
-            // 提取出 td 的宽度
-            if (start !== -1) {
-              let end = style.indexOf(';', start + 6)
-              if (end === -1) {
-                end = style.length
-              }
-              if (!td.attrs.colspan) {
-                width[col] = style.substring(start ? start + 7 : 6, end)
-              }
-              style = style.substr(0, start) + style.substr(end)
-            }
-            style += (border ? `;border:${border}px solid gray` + (spacing ? '' : ';border-right:0;border-bottom:0') : '') + (padding ? `;padding:${padding}px` : '')
-            // 处理列合并
-            if (td.attrs.colspan) {
-              style += `;grid-column-start:${col};grid-column-end:${col + parseInt(td.attrs.colspan)}`
-              if (!td.attrs.rowspan) {
-                style += `;grid-row-start:${row};grid-row-end:${row + 1}`
-              }
-              col += parseInt(td.attrs.colspan) - 1
-            }
-            // 处理行合并
-            if (td.attrs.rowspan) {
-              style += `;grid-row-start:${row};grid-row-end:${row + parseInt(td.attrs.rowspan)}`
-              if (!td.attrs.colspan) {
-                style += `;grid-column-start:${col};grid-column-end:${col + 1}`
-              }
-              // 记录下方单元格被占用
-              for (let rowspan = 1; rowspan < td.attrs.rowspan; rowspan++) {
-                for (let colspan = 0; colspan < (td.attrs.colspan || 1); colspan++) {
-                  map[(row + rowspan) + '.' + (col - colspan)] = 1
-                }
-              }
-            }
-            if (style) {
-     = style
-            }
-            cells.push(td)
-          }
-        }
-        if (row === 1) {
-          let temp = ''
-          for (let i = 1; i < col; i++) {
-            temp += (width[i] ? width[i] : 'auto') + ' '
-          }
-          styleObj['grid-template-columns'] = temp
-        }
-      }
-      node.children = cells
-    } else {
-      // 没有使用合并单元格的表格通过 table 布局实现
-      if (node.c) {
-        styleObj.display = 'table'
-      }
-      if (!isNaN(spacing)) {
-        styleObj['border-spacing'] = spacing + 'px'
-      }
-      if (border || padding) {
-        // 遍历
-        (function traversal (nodes) {
-          for (let i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
-            const td = nodes[i]
-            if ( === 'th' || === 'td') {
-              if (border) {
-       = `border:${border}px solid gray;${ || ''}`
-              }
-              if (padding) {
-       = `padding:${padding}px;${ || ''}`
-              }
-            } else if (td.children) {
-              traversal(td.children)
-            }
-          }
-        })(children)
-      }
-    }
-    // 给表格添加一个单独的横向滚动层
-    if (this.options.scrollTable && !( || '').includes('inline')) {
-      const table = Object.assign({}, node)
- = 'div'
-      node.attrs = {
-        style: 'overflow:auto'
-      }
-      node.children = [table]
-      attrs = table.attrs
-    }
-  } else if (( === 'td' || === 'th') && (attrs.colspan || attrs.rowspan)) {
-    for (let i = this.stack.length; i--;) {
-      if (this.stack[i].name === 'table') {
-        this.stack[i].flag = 1 // 指示含有合并单元格
-        break
-      }
-    }
-  } else if ( === 'ruby') {
-    // 转换 ruby
- = 'span'
-    for (let i = 0; i < children.length - 1; i++) {
-      if (children[i].type === 'text' && children[i + 1].name === 'rt') {
-        children[i] = {
-          name: 'div',
-          attrs: {
-            style: 'display:inline-block;text-align:center'
-          },
-          children: [{
-            name: 'div',
-            attrs: {
-              style: 'font-size:50%;' + (children[i + 1] || '')
-            },
-            children: children[i + 1].children
-          }, children[i]]
-        }
-        children.splice(i + 1, 1)
-      }
-    }
-  } else if (node.c) {
-    node.c = 2
-    for (let i = node.children.length; i--;) {
-      const child = node.children[i]
-      // #ifdef (MP-WEIXIN || MP-QQ || APP-PLUS || MP-360) && VUE3
-      if ( && (config.inlineTags[] || ( || '').includes('inline'))) {
-        child.c = 1
-      }
-      // #endif
-      if (!child.c || === 'table') {
-        node.c = 1
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  if ((styleObj.display || '').includes('flex') && !node.c) {
-    for (let i = children.length; i--;) {
-      const item = children[i]
-      if (item.f) {
- = ( || '') + item.f
-        item.f = undefined
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  // flex 布局时部分样式需要提取到 rich-text 外层
-  const flex = parent && ( || '').includes('flex')
-    // #ifdef MP-WEIXIN
-    // 检查基础库版本 virtualHost 是否可用
-    && !(node.c && wx.getNFCAdapter) // eslint-disable-line
-    // #endif
-    // #ifndef MP-WEIXIN || MP-QQ || MP-BAIDU || MP-TOUTIAO
-    && !node.c // eslint-disable-line
-  // #endif
-  if (flex) {
-    node.f = ';max-width:100%'
-  }
-  // 优化长内容加载速度
-  if (children.length >= 50 && node.c && !(styleObj.display || '').includes('flex')) {
-    let i = children.length - 1
-    for (let j = i; j >= -1; j--) {
-      // 合并多个块级标签
-      if (j === -1 || children[j].c || !children[j].name || (children[j].name !== 'div' && children[j].name !== 'p' && children[j].name[0] !== 'h') || (children[j] || '').includes('inline')) {
-        if (i - j >= 5) {
-          children.splice(j + 1, i - j, {
-            name: 'div',
-            attrs: {},
-            children: node.children.slice(j + 1, i + 1)
-          })
-        }
-        i = j - 1
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  // #endif
-  for (const key in styleObj) {
-    if (styleObj[key]) {
-      const val = `;${key}:${styleObj[key].replace(' !important', '')}`
-      /* #ifndef APP-PLUS-NVUE */
-      if (flex && ((key.includes('flex') && key !== 'flex-direction') || key === 'align-self' || styleObj[key][0] === '-' || (key === 'width' && val.includes('%')))) {
-        node.f += val
-        if (key === 'width') {
- += ';width:100%'
-        }
-      } else /* #endif */ {
- += val
-      }
-    }
-  }
- = || undefined
-  // #ifdef (MP-WEIXIN || MP-QQ) && VUE3
-  if (! {
-    delete
-  }
-  // #endif
- * @description 解析到文本
- * @param {String} text 文本内容
- */
-Parser.prototype.onText = function (text) {
-  if (!this.pre) {
-    // 合并空白符
-    let trim = ''
-    let flag
-    for (let i = 0, len = text.length; i < len; i++) {
-      if (!blankChar[text[i]]) {
-        trim += text[i]
-      } else {
-        if (trim[trim.length - 1] !== ' ') {
-          trim += ' '
-        }
-        if (text[i] === '\n' && !flag) {
-          flag = true
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    // 去除含有换行符的空串
-    if (trim === ' ' && flag) return
-    text = trim
-  }
-  const node = Object.create(null)
-  node.type = 'text'
-  // #ifdef (MP-BAIDU || MP-ALIPAY || MP-TOUTIAO) && VUE3
-  node.attrs = {}
-  // #endif
-  node.text = decodeEntity(text)
-  if (this.hook(node)) {
-    // #ifdef MP-WEIXIN
-    if (this.options.selectable === 'force' && system.includes('iOS')) {
-      this.expose()
- = 'T'
-    }
-    // #endif
-    const siblings = this.stack.length ? this.stack[this.stack.length - 1].children : this.nodes
-    siblings.push(node)
-  }
- * @description html 词法分析器
- * @param {Object} handler 高层处理器
- */
-function Lexer (handler) {
-  this.handler = handler
- * @description 执行解析
- * @param {String} content 要解析的文本
- */
-Lexer.prototype.parse = function (content) {
-  this.content = content || ''
-  this.i = 0 // 标记解析位置
-  this.start = 0 // 标记一个单词的开始位置
-  this.state = this.text // 当前状态
-  for (let len = this.content.length; this.i !== -1 && this.i < len;) {
-    this.state()
-  }
- * @description 检查标签是否闭合
- * @param {String} method 如果闭合要进行的操作
- * @returns {Boolean} 是否闭合
- * @private
- */
-Lexer.prototype.checkClose = function (method) {
-  const selfClose = this.content[this.i] === '/'
-  if (this.content[this.i] === '>' || (selfClose && this.content[this.i + 1] === '>')) {
-    if (method) {
-      this.handler[method](this.content.substring(this.start, this.i))
-    }
-    this.i += selfClose ? 2 : 1
-    this.start = this.i
-    this.handler.onOpenTag(selfClose)
-    if (this.handler.tagName === 'script') {
-      this.i = this.content.indexOf('</', this.i)
-      if (this.i !== -1) {
-        this.i += 2
-        this.start = this.i
-      }
-      this.state = this.endTag
-    } else {
-      this.state = this.text
-    }
-    return true
-  }
-  return false
- * @description 文本状态
- * @private
- */
-Lexer.prototype.text = function () {
-  this.i = this.content.indexOf('<', this.i) // 查找最近的标签
-  if (this.i === -1) {
-    // 没有标签了
-    if (this.start < this.content.length) {
-      this.handler.onText(this.content.substring(this.start, this.content.length))
-    }
-    return
-  }
-  const c = this.content[this.i + 1]
-  if ((c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z')) {
-    // 标签开头
-    if (this.start !== this.i) {
-      this.handler.onText(this.content.substring(this.start, this.i))
-    }
-    this.start = ++this.i
-    this.state = this.tagName
-  } else if (c === '/' || c === '!' || c === '?') {
-    if (this.start !== this.i) {
-      this.handler.onText(this.content.substring(this.start, this.i))
-    }
-    const next = this.content[this.i + 2]
-    if (c === '/' && ((next >= 'a' && next <= 'z') || (next >= 'A' && next <= 'Z'))) {
-      // 标签结尾
-      this.i += 2
-      this.start = this.i
-      this.state = this.endTag
-      return
-    }
-    // 处理注释
-    let end = '-->'
-    if (c !== '!' || this.content[this.i + 2] !== '-' || this.content[this.i + 3] !== '-') {
-      end = '>'
-    }
-    this.i = this.content.indexOf(end, this.i)
-    if (this.i !== -1) {
-      this.i += end.length
-      this.start = this.i
-    }
-  } else {
-    this.i++
-  }
- * @description 标签名状态
- * @private
- */
-Lexer.prototype.tagName = function () {
-  if (blankChar[this.content[this.i]]) {
-    // 解析到标签名
-    this.handler.onTagName(this.content.substring(this.start, this.i))
-    while (blankChar[this.content[++this.i]]);
-    if (this.i < this.content.length && !this.checkClose()) {
-      this.start = this.i
-      this.state = this.attrName
-    }
-  } else if (!this.checkClose('onTagName')) {
-    this.i++
-  }
- * @description 属性名状态
- * @private
- */
-Lexer.prototype.attrName = function () {
-  let c = this.content[this.i]
-  if (blankChar[c] || c === '=') {
-    // 解析到属性名
-    this.handler.onAttrName(this.content.substring(this.start, this.i))
-    let needVal = c === '='
-    const len = this.content.length
-    while (++this.i < len) {
-      c = this.content[this.i]
-      if (!blankChar[c]) {
-        if (this.checkClose()) return
-        if (needVal) {
-          // 等号后遇到第一个非空字符
-          this.start = this.i
-          this.state = this.attrVal
-          return
-        }
-        if (this.content[this.i] === '=') {
-          needVal = true
-        } else {
-          this.start = this.i
-          this.state = this.attrName
-          return
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  } else if (!this.checkClose('onAttrName')) {
-    this.i++
-  }
- * @description 属性值状态
- * @private
- */
-Lexer.prototype.attrVal = function () {
-  const c = this.content[this.i]
-  const len = this.content.length
-  if (c === '"' || c === "'") {
-    // 有冒号的属性
-    this.start = ++this.i
-    this.i = this.content.indexOf(c, this.i)
-    if (this.i === -1) return
-    this.handler.onAttrVal(this.content.substring(this.start, this.i))
-  } else {
-    // 没有冒号的属性
-    for (; this.i < len; this.i++) {
-      if (blankChar[this.content[this.i]]) {
-        this.handler.onAttrVal(this.content.substring(this.start, this.i))
-        break
-      } else if (this.checkClose('onAttrVal')) return
-    }
-  }
-  while (blankChar[this.content[++this.i]]);
-  if (this.i < len && !this.checkClose()) {
-    this.start = this.i
-    this.state = this.attrName
-  }
- * @description 结束标签状态
- * @returns {String} 结束的标签名
- * @private
- */
-Lexer.prototype.endTag = function () {
-  const c = this.content[this.i]
-  if (blankChar[c] || c === '>' || c === '/') {
-    this.handler.onCloseTag(this.content.substring(this.start, this.i))
-    if (c !== '>') {
-      this.i = this.content.indexOf('>', this.i)
-      if (this.i === -1) return
-    }
-    this.start = ++this.i
-    this.state = this.text
-  } else {
-    this.i++
-  }
-export default Parser

+ 0 - 79

@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
-    "id": "mp-html",
-    "displayName": "mp-html 富文本组件【全端支持,可编辑】",
-    "version": "v2.2.2",
-    "description": "一个强大的富文本组件,高效轻量,功能丰富",
-    "keywords": [
-        "富文本",
-        "编辑器",
-        "html",
-        "rich-text",
-        "editor"
-    ],
-    "repository": "",
-    "dcloudext": {
-        "category": [
-            "前端组件",
-            "通用组件"
-        ],
-        "sale": {
-            "regular": {
-                "price": "0.00"
-            },
-            "sourcecode": {
-                "price": "0.00"
-            }
-        },
-        "contact": {
-            "qq": ""
-        },
-        "declaration": {
-            "ads": "无",
-            "data": "无",
-            "permissions": "无"
-        },
-        "npmurl": ""
-    },
-    "uni_modules": {
-        "platforms": {
-            "cloud": {
-                "tcb": "y",
-                "aliyun": "y"
-            },
-            "client": {
-                "App": {
-                    "app-vue": "y",
-                    "app-nvue": "y"
-                },
-                "H5-mobile": {
-                    "Safari": "y",
-                    "Android Browser": "y",
-                    "微信浏览器(Android)": "y",
-                    "QQ浏览器(Android)": "y"
-                },
-                "H5-pc": {
-                    "Chrome": "y",
-                    "IE": "u",
-                    "Edge": "y",
-                    "Firefox": "y",
-                    "Safari": "y"
-                },
-                "小程序": {
-                    "微信": "y",
-                    "阿里": "y",
-                    "百度": "y",
-                    "字节跳动": "y",
-                    "QQ": "y"
-                },
-                "快应用": {
-                    "华为": "y",
-                    "联盟": "y"
-                },
-                "Vue": {
-                    "vue2": "y",
-                    "vue3": "y"
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }

File diff suppressed because it is too large
+ 0 - 0

File diff suppressed because it is too large
+ 0 - 0

+ 0 - 1

@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-<head><meta charset="utf-8"><meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1,minimum-scale=1,maximum-scale=1,user-scalable=no"><style>body,html{width:100%;height:100%;overflow-x:scroll;overflow-y:hidden}body{margin:0}video{width:300px;height:225px}img{max-width:100%;-webkit-touch-callout:none}</style></head><body><div id="content" style="overflow:hidden"></div><script type="text/javascript" src="./js/uni.webview.min.js"></script><script type="text/javascript" src="./js/handler.js"></script></body>

+ 26 - 29

@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ let pcBaseUrl=''//pc页面根路径
+	 // h5BaseUrl=''
 }else if(env.envVersion==='trial'){//体验版
@@ -31,6 +32,9 @@ const globalImgUrls={
+	sandBoxNoAuthor:'', //沙盘无权限 无数据
+	sandBoxShareDefault1:'', //沙盘分享时 默认图片1
+	sandBoxShareDefault2:'', //沙盘分享时 默认图片2
 // 默认tabbar数据
@@ -38,45 +42,38 @@ const defaultTabBarListConfig=[
         key: "report",
         pagePath: "pages/report/report",
-        text: "报告",
+        text: "首页",
         iconPath: "../static/tabbar/report.png",
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+		selectedIconPath: "../static/tabbar/price-s.png"
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-        pagePath: "pages/buy/buy",
-        text: "已购",
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-        selectedIconPath: "../static/tabbar/buy-s.png",
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-        text: "我的",
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-        selectedIconPath: "../static/tabbar/user-s.png",
-    }, */
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         text: "问答",
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-    }
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+	     text: "活动",
+	     iconPath: "../static/tabbar/activity.png",
+	     selectedIconPath: "../static/tabbar/activity-s.png",
+	 },

+ 1 - 1

@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ const http=(url,params,method)=>{
-				version:'yb5.0'
+				version:'yb7.0'
 			success(e) {
 				// 接口404

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