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"音频时长", "type": "string" }, "voiceUrl": { "description": "音频地址", "type": "string" } } } } }` type swaggerInfo struct { Version string Host string BasePath string Schemes []string Title string Description string } // SwaggerInfo holds exported Swagger Info so clients can modify it var SwaggerInfo = swaggerInfo{ Version: "1.0", Host: "", BasePath: "/", Schemes: []string{}, Title: "弘则研报API接口文档", Description: "这是弘则研报API接口文档", } type s struct{} func (s *s) ReadDoc() string { sInfo := SwaggerInfo sInfo.Description = strings.Replace(sInfo.Description, "\n", "\\n", -1) t, err := template.New("swagger_info").Funcs(template.FuncMap{ "marshal": func(v interface{}) string { a, _ := json.Marshal(v) return string(a) }, "escape": func(v interface{}) string { // escape tabs str := strings.Replace(v.(string), "\t", "\\t", -1) // replace " with \", and if that results in \\", replace that with \\\" str = strings.Replace(str, "\"", "\\\"", -1) return strings.Replace(str, "\\\\\"", "\\\\\\\"", -1) }, }).Parse(doc) if err != nil { return doc } var tpl bytes.Buffer if err := t.Execute(&tpl, sInfo); err != nil { return doc } return tpl.String() } func init() { swag.Register("swagger", &s{}) }