@@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ import (
- "hongze/hongze_yb/models/tables/voice_section"
@@ -24,110 +23,62 @@ import (
-func GetVoiceBroadcastList(pageindex, pagesize, sectionId, broadcastId int, userInfo user.UserInfo) (list []response.Broadcast, err error) {
- if broadcastId == 0 {
- if sectionId == 0 {
- broadList, e := voice_broadcast.GetBroadcast(pageindex, pagesize)
- if e != nil {
- e = errors.New("获取语音播报列表失败 Err:" + e.Error())
- }
- for _, item := range broadList {
- var respItem response.Broadcast
- respItem = response.Broadcast{
- BroadcastId: item.BroadcastId,
- BroadcastName: item.BroadcastName,
- SectionId: item.SectionId,
- SectionName: item.SectionName,
- VarietyId: item.VarietyId,
- VarietyName: item.VarietyName,
- AuthorId: item.AuthorId,
- Author: item.Author,
- ImgUrl: item.ImgUrl,
- VoiceUrl: item.VoiceUrl,
- VoicePlaySeconds: item.VoicePlaySeconds,
- VoiceSize: item.VoiceSize,
- CreateTime: item.CreateTime,
- IsAuthor: false,
- }
- if int(userInfo.UserID) == item.AuthorId {
- respItem.IsAuthor = true
- // 是否可以推送消息
- if item.MsgState == 0 {
- respItem.CouldSendMsg = true
- }
- }
- list = append(list, respItem)
- }
- err = e
- return
- }
- broadList, e := voice_broadcast.GetBroadcastByCondition(pageindex, pagesize, sectionId)
- if e != nil {
- e = errors.New("获取语音播报列表失败 Err:" + e.Error())
- }
- for _, item := range broadList {
- var respItem response.Broadcast
- respItem = response.Broadcast{
- BroadcastId: item.BroadcastId,
- BroadcastName: item.BroadcastName,
- SectionId: item.SectionId,
- SectionName: item.SectionName,
- VarietyId: item.VarietyId,
- VarietyName: item.VarietyName,
- AuthorId: item.AuthorId,
- Author: item.Author,
- ImgUrl: item.ImgUrl,
- VoiceUrl: item.VoiceUrl,
- VoicePlaySeconds: item.VoicePlaySeconds,
- VoiceSize: item.VoiceSize,
- CreateTime: item.CreateTime,
- IsAuthor: false,
- }
- if int(userInfo.UserID) == item.AuthorId {
- respItem.IsAuthor = true
- // 是否可以推送消息
- if item.MsgState == 0 {
- respItem.CouldSendMsg = true
- }
- }
- list = append(list, respItem)
- }
- err = e
- return
+// GetVoiceBroadcastList 获取语音播报列表
+func GetVoiceBroadcastList(pageIndex, pageSize, sectionId, broadcastId, authorId, mineStatus int, userInfo user.UserInfo) (resp []response.Broadcast, err error) {
+ condition := ` 1=1`
+ var pars []interface{}
+ // 分享进来的指定语音播报
+ if broadcastId > 0 {
+ condition += ` AND broadcast_id = ?`
+ pars = append(pars, broadcastId)
} else {
- broadList, e := voice_broadcast.GetBroadcastByIdAndPage(pageindex, pagesize, broadcastId)
- if e != nil {
- e = errors.New("获取语音播报列表失败 Err:" + e.Error())
+ // 板块
+ if sectionId > 0 {
+ condition += ` AND section_id = ?`
+ pars = append(pars, sectionId)
- for _, item := range broadList {
- var respItem response.Broadcast
- respItem = response.Broadcast{
- BroadcastId: item.BroadcastId,
- BroadcastName: item.BroadcastName,
- SectionId: item.SectionId,
- SectionName: item.SectionName,
- VarietyId: item.VarietyId,
- VarietyName: item.VarietyName,
- AuthorId: item.AuthorId,
- Author: item.Author,
- ImgUrl: item.ImgUrl,
- VoiceUrl: item.VoiceUrl,
- VoicePlaySeconds: item.VoicePlaySeconds,
- VoiceSize: item.VoiceSize,
- CreateTime: item.CreateTime,
- IsAuthor: false,
+ // 我的
+ if authorId > 0 {
+ condition += ` AND author_id = ?`
+ pars = append(pars, authorId)
+ // 我的语音播报状态: 0-未发布 1-已发布 2-全部
+ if mineStatus != 2 {
+ condition += ` AND publish_state = ?`
+ pars = append(pars, mineStatus)
- if int(userInfo.UserID) == item.AuthorId {
- respItem.IsAuthor = true
- }
- list = append(list, respItem)
- err = e
+ }
+ voiceList, e := voice_broadcast.GetPageListByCondition(condition, pars, pageIndex, pageSize)
+ if e != nil {
+ err = errors.New("获取语音播报列表失败, Err: " + e.Error())
+ listLen := len(voiceList)
+ if listLen == 0 {
+ return
+ }
+ // 图片
+ voiceIds := make([]int, 0)
+ for i := 0; i < listLen; i++ {
+ voiceIds = append(voiceIds, voiceList[i].BroadcastId)
+ }
+ imgList, e := voice_broadcast_img.GetVoiceImgListByVoiceIds(voiceIds)
+ if e != nil {
+ err = errors.New("获取语音播报列表图片失败, Err: " + e.Error())
+ return
+ }
+ imgMap := make(map[int][]*voice_broadcast_img.YbVoiceBroadcastImg, 0)
+ imgListLen := len(imgList)
+ for i := 0; i < imgListLen; i++ {
+ imgMap[imgList[i].BroadcastId] = append(imgMap[imgList[i].BroadcastId], imgList[i])
+ }
+ // 响应数据
+ userId := int(userInfo.UserID)
+ for i := 0; i < listLen; i++ {
+ r := handleBroadcastItem(userId, voiceList[i], imgMap[voiceList[i].BroadcastId])
+ resp = append(resp, r)
+ }
+ return
// GetVoiceAdminByUserInfo 判断当前用户是否为语音管理员
@@ -262,78 +213,6 @@ func SendBroadcastMsg(broadcastId, userId int) (errMsg string, err error) {
-// VoiceBroadcastShareImgPars 语音播报分享图参数
-type VoiceBroadcastShareImgPars struct {
- BackgroundImg string `json:"background_img"`
- Title string `json:"title"`
- CreateTime string `json:"create_time"`
-// UpdateVoiceBroadcastImgUrl 更新历史语音播报分享图
-func UpdateVoiceBroadcastImgUrl() (err error) {
- defer func() {
- if err != nil {
- fmt.Println(err.Error())
- }
- }()
- // 获取语音播报列表
- list, e := voice_broadcast.GetBroadcastList()
- if e != nil {
- err = errors.New("获取语音播报列表失败")
- return
- }
- // 获取语音播报板块分享图
- sectionList, e := voice_section.GetVoiceSection()
- if e != nil {
- err = errors.New("获取语音播报列表失败")
- return
- }
- sectionMap := make(map[int]string, 0)
- sectionNameMap := make(map[int]string, 0)
- for _, s := range sectionList {
- sectionMap[s.SectionId] = s.ImgUrl
- sectionNameMap[s.SectionId] = s.SectionName
- }
- // 生成语音分享图并更新
- listLen := len(list)
- fmt.Println("待更新数:", listLen)
- updateCols := []string{"ImgUrl"}
- for i := 0; i < listLen; i++ {
- item := list[i]
- fmt.Println("正在更新-Id:", item.BroadcastId)
- imgUrl := sectionMap[item.SectionId]
- if imgUrl == "" {
- fmt.Println("背景图为空-Id:", item.BroadcastId)
- continue
- }
- sectionName := sectionNameMap[item.SectionId]
- timeDate := item.CreateTime[0:10]
- pars := VoiceBroadcastShareImgPars{
- BackgroundImg: imgUrl,
- Title: sectionName,
- CreateTime: timeDate,
- }
- parsByte, e := json.Marshal(pars)
- if e != nil {
- err = errors.New("分享图参数有误")
- return
- }
- shareImg, e := GetDynamicShareImg(VoiceBroadcastShareImgSource, string(parsByte))
- //fmt.Println(shareImg)
- if e != nil {
- err = errors.New("生成分享图失败")
- return
- }
- item.ImgUrl = shareImg
- if e = item.Update(updateCols); e != nil {
- err = errors.New("更新语音播报失败")
- return
- }
- fmt.Println("更新成功-Id:", item.BroadcastId)
- }
- return
// PublishVoiceBroadcast 发布语音播报
func PublishVoiceBroadcast(broadcastId, sectionId, varietyId, authorId, publishType int, broadcastName, sectionName, varietyName, author,
imgUrl, prePublishTime, imgs string, voiceFile *multipart.FileHeader) (errMsg string, err error) {
@@ -453,6 +332,13 @@ func PublishVoiceBroadcast(broadcastId, sectionId, varietyId, authorId, publishT
+// VoiceBroadcastShareImgPars 语音播报分享图参数
+type VoiceBroadcastShareImgPars struct {
+ BackgroundImg string `json:"background_img"`
+ Title string `json:"title"`
+ CreateTime string `json:"create_time"`
// createVoiceBroadcastShareImg 生成动态分享图
func createVoiceBroadcastShareImg(baseImg, sectionName, createTime string) (shareImg string, err error) {
pars := VoiceBroadcastShareImgPars{
@@ -528,3 +414,56 @@ func handleVoiceBroadcastFile(voiceFile *multipart.FileHeader) (fileSeconds int,
+// GetVoiceBroadcastDetail 获取语音播报详情
+func GetVoiceBroadcastDetail(broadcastId, userId int) (detail response.Broadcast, err error) {
+ item, e := voice_broadcast.GetBroadcastById(broadcastId)
+ if e != nil {
+ err = errors.New("获取语音播报详情失败, Err: " + e.Error())
+ return
+ }
+ // 语音播报图片
+ imgList, e := voice_broadcast_img.GetVoiceImgListByVoiceId(broadcastId)
+ if e != nil {
+ err = errors.New("获取语音播报图片失败, Err: " + e.Error())
+ return
+ }
+ detail = handleBroadcastItem(userId, item, imgList)
+ return
+// handleBroadcastItem 语音播报响应数据处理
+func handleBroadcastItem(userId int, item *voice_broadcast.VoiceBroadcast, imgs []*voice_broadcast_img.YbVoiceBroadcastImg) (resp response.Broadcast) {
+ if item == nil {
+ return
+ }
+ resp.BroadcastId = item.BroadcastId
+ resp.BroadcastName = item.BroadcastName
+ resp.SectionId = item.SectionId
+ resp.SectionName = item.SectionName
+ resp.VarietyId = item.VarietyId
+ resp.VarietyName = item.VarietyName
+ resp.AuthorId = item.AuthorId
+ resp.Author = item.Author
+ resp.ImgUrl = item.ImgUrl
+ resp.VoiceUrl = item.VoiceUrl
+ resp.VoicePlaySeconds = item.VoicePlaySeconds
+ resp.VoiceSize = item.VoiceSize
+ resp.CreateTime = item.CreateTime
+ resp.PublishState = item.PublishState
+ resp.PrePublishTime = item.PrePublishTime
+ // 是否为作者、是否可推送消息
+ if userId == item.AuthorId {
+ resp.IsAuthor = true
+ if item.MsgState == 0 {
+ resp.CouldSendMsg = true
+ }
+ }
+ imgLen := len(imgs)
+ imgArr := make([]string, 0)
+ for i := 0; i < imgLen; i++ {
+ imgArr = append(imgArr, imgs[i].ImgUrl)
+ }
+ resp.Imgs = imgArr
+ return