package services import ( "errors" "fmt" "" "hongze/hongze_web_mfyx/models" "hongze/hongze_web_mfyx/utils" "html" "regexp" "sort" "strconv" "strings" ) func FixArticleImgUrl(body string) (contentSub string, err error) { r := strings.NewReader(string(body)) doc, err := goquery.NewDocumentFromReader(r) if err != nil { fmt.Println(err) } doc.Find("img").Each(func(i int, s *goquery.Selection) { src, _ := s.Attr("src") if i == 0 && src != "" { contentSub = src } }) return } func GetReportContentTextSub(content string) (contentSub string, err error) { content = html.UnescapeString(content) doc, errdoc := goquery.NewDocumentFromReader(strings.NewReader(content)) if errdoc != nil { err = errdoc return } docText := doc.Text() bodyRune := []rune(docText) bodyRuneLen := len(bodyRune) body := string(bodyRune[:bodyRuneLen]) contentSub = body contentSub = strings.Replace(body, "Powered by Froala Editor", "", -1) contentSub = strings.Replace(body, "PoweredbyFroalaEditor", "", -1) contentSub = strings.Replace(body, " ", "", -1) return } func GetReportContentTextArticleBody(content string) (contentSub string) { contentSub = html.UnescapeString(content) contentSub = strings.Replace(contentSub, "

Powered by Froala Editor

", "", -1) contentSub = strings.Replace(contentSub, "pre", "div", -1) return } // HandleArticleCategoryImg 预处理文章的封面图片 func HandleArticleCategoryImg(list []*models.ArticleListResp, user *models.WxUserItem) (items []*models.ArticleListResp, err error) { //研选的五张图片 detailResearch, e := models.GetConfigByCode("category_research_img_url") if e != nil { err = errors.New("获取研选的五张图片失败" + e.Error()) return } researchList := strings.Split(detailResearch.ConfigValue, "{|}") //对应分类的所图片 detailCategoryUrl, err := models.GetConfigByCode("category_map_img_url") if err != nil { err = errors.New("获取对应分类的所图片失败" + err.Error()) return } categoryUrlList := strings.Split(detailCategoryUrl.ConfigValue, "{|}") mapCategoryUrl := make(map[string]string) var categoryId string var imgUrlChart string for _, v := range categoryUrlList { vslice := strings.Split(v, "_") categoryId = vslice[0] imgUrlChart = vslice[len(vslice)-1] mapCategoryUrl[categoryId] = imgUrlChart } mapChartPerssion := make(map[string]string) reportMappingList, err := models.GetReportMappingStrategyAll() if err != nil { err = errors.New("GetReportMappingStrategyAll err" + err.Error()) return } for _, v := range reportMappingList { mapChartPerssion[strconv.Itoa(v.CategoryId)] = v.ChartPermissionName } for k, v := range list { if list[k].Annotation == "" { imgurl, _ := FixArticleImgUrl(html.UnescapeString(list[k].Body)) if imgurl != "" { list[k].BodyImg = imgurl } } item := list[k] //如果文章一开始的内容是图片,优先展示第一张图片 //newBody, _ := GetReportContentTextSubByarticle(item.Body, item.Annotation, item.ArticleId) list[k].Resource = item.Resource list[k].Annotation = ArticleAnnotation(item) list[k].Body = "" list[k].Abstract, _ = GetReportContentTextSub(v.Abstract) list[k].PublishDate = utils.StrTimeToTime(item.PublishDate).Format(utils.FormatDate) //时间字符串格式转时间格式 list[k].ChartPermissionName = mapChartPerssion[v.CategoryId] //如果是研选系列的任意取五张图片的中的一张 if v.CategoryId == "0" || v.ArticleId >= utils.SummaryArticleId { knum := v.ArticleId % 5 list[k].ImgUrlPc = researchList[knum] } else { list[k].ImgUrlPc = mapCategoryUrl[v.CategoryId] } if list[k].ArticleId < utils.SummaryArticleId { list[k].HttpUrl = utils.StrategyPlatform + strconv.Itoa(v.ArticleId) list[k].IsNeedJump = true } list[k].Source = 1 //添加行业默认图片 if v.ImgUrlPc == "" { if v.ChartPermissionName == utils.YI_YAO_NAME { list[k].ImgUrlPc = utils.YI_YAO_OTHER_IMG } else if v.ChartPermissionName == utils.XIAO_FEI_NAME { list[k].ImgUrlPc = utils.XIAO_FEI_OTHER_IMG } else if v.ChartPermissionName == utils.KE_JI_NAME { list[k].ImgUrlPc = utils.KE_JI_OTHER_IMG } else if v.ChartPermissionName == utils.ZHI_ZAO_NAME { list[k].ImgUrlPc = utils.ZHI_ZAO_OTHER_IMG } } if v.ArticleTypeId > 0 { list[k].IsResearch = true } //是不是研选报告 if v.ArticleTypeId > 0 { list[k].IsResearch = true if v.ArticleTypeId == 12 { list[k].LabelKeywordImgLink = utils.LABEL_ICO_6 } else { list[k].LabelKeywordImgLink = utils.LABEL_ICO_5 } } else { list[k].LabelKeywordImgLink = utils.LABEL_ICO_4 list[k].SpecialColumnId = v.DepartmentId } } articleIds := make([]int, 0) var articleIdsSpecialArr []int // 研选专栏ID for _, v := range list { if v.IsSpecial == 0 { articleIds = append(articleIds, v.ArticleId) } else { articleIdsSpecialArr = append(articleIdsSpecialArr, v.ArticleId) } } // 报告关联产业信息 industryMap := make(map[int][]*models.IndustrialManagementIdInt, 0) if len(articleIds) > 0 { var industryCond string var industryPars []interface{} industryCond += ` AND mg.article_id IN (` + utils.GetOrmInReplace(len(articleIds)) + `)` industryPars = append(industryPars, articleIds) industryList, e := models.GetIndustrialListByarticleId(industryPars, industryCond) if e != nil { err = errors.New("GetIndustrialListByarticleId" + e.Error()) return } for i := range industryList { v := industryList[i] industryMap[v.ArticleId] = append(industryMap[v.ArticleId], &models.IndustrialManagementIdInt{ ArticleId: v.ArticleId, IndustrialManagementId: v.IndustrialManagementId, IndustryName: v.IndustryName, ChartPermissionId: v.ChartPermissionId, }) } } //// 处理文章收藏字段 //mapCollect, e := GetUserAticleCollectMap(user) //if e != nil { // err = errors.New("GetUserAticleCollectMap" + e.Error()) // return //} //var articleIds []int //for _, v := range list { // articleIds = append(articleIds, v.ArticleId) //} articleMapPv := GetArticleHistoryByArticleId(articleIds) //文章Pv articleCollectMap, _ := GetCygxArticleCollectMap(user.UserId) //用户收藏的文章 articleCollectNumMap, _ := GetCygxArticleCollectNumMapByArtcileIds(articleIds) //文章收藏的数量 articleCollectYanxuanSpecialMap, _ := GetYanxuanSpecialCollectMap(user.UserId) //用户收藏的研选专栏 yanxuanSpecialPv := GetYanxuanSpecialRecordByYanxuanSpecialId(articleIdsSpecialArr) //研选专栏Pv for k, v := range list { if len(industryMap[v.ArticleId]) > 0 { list[k].List = industryMap[v.ArticleId] } else { list[k].List = make([]*models.IndustrialManagementIdInt, 0) } //if _, ok := mapCollect[v.ArticleId]; ok { // list[k].IsCollect = true //} if v.IsSpecial == 0 { list[k].Pv = articleMapPv[v.ArticleId] list[k].IsCollect = articleCollectMap[v.ArticleId] list[k].CollectNum = articleCollectNumMap[v.ArticleId] } else { v.IsCollect = articleCollectYanxuanSpecialMap[v.ArticleId] v.Pv = yanxuanSpecialPv[v.ArticleId] } } if len(list) == 0 { list = make([]*models.ArticleListResp, 0) } items = list return } // HandleArticleStock 处理报告关联的个股标签 func HandleArticleStock(stock string) (items []*models.ComapnyNameResp) { sliceSubjects := strings.Split(stock, "/") if len(sliceSubjects) > 0 { for _, vSubject := range sliceSubjects { sliceKuohao := strings.Split(vSubject, "(") //过滤括号 sliceXiahuaxian := strings.Split(sliceKuohao[0], "-") //过滤下划线 subject := sliceXiahuaxian[0] items = append(items, &models.ComapnyNameResp{ComapnyName: subject}) } } return } // GetSpecialArticleDetailUserPower 处理用户查看专项调研文章详情的权限 func GetSpecialArticleDetailUserPower(user *models.WxUserItem, articleInfo *models.ArticleDetail) (havePower bool, err error) { userType, _, e := GetUserType(user.CompanyId) if e != nil { err = errors.New("GetSpecialUserType, Err: " + e.Error()) return } // 永续客户、大套餐客户可以查看行业升级套餐客户 权限 if userType == 1 || userType == 2 { havePower = true return } permissionStr, e := GetCompanyPermissionUpgrade(user.CompanyId) if e != nil { err = errors.New("GetCompanyPermissionUpgrade, Err: " + e.Error()) return } reportMapDetail, e := models.GetdetailByCategoryIdPush(articleInfo.CategoryId) if e != nil { err = errors.New("GetdetailByCategoryIdPush, Err: " + e.Error()) return } if reportMapDetail == nil { err = errors.New("GetdetailByCategoryIdP,获取详情失败, Err: ") return } //如果没有对应的升级权限,则返回 if !strings.Contains(permissionStr, reportMapDetail.ChartPermissionName) { return } else { havePower = true } return } func GetReportContentTextSubNew(content string) (contentSub string, err error) { content = html.UnescapeString(content) doc, errdoc := goquery.NewDocumentFromReader(strings.NewReader(content)) if errdoc != nil { err = errdoc return } docText := doc.Text() bodyRune := []rune(docText) bodyRuneLen := len(bodyRune) body := string(bodyRune[:bodyRuneLen]) contentSub = body contentSub = strings.Replace(contentSub, "Powered by Froala Editor", "", -1) contentSub = strings.Replace(contentSub, " ", "", -1) contentSub = strings.Replace(contentSub, "

Froala Editor

", "", -1) return } // 处理核心观点的展示规则 func ArticleAnnotation(item *models.ArticleListResp) (annotation string) { if item.ArticleId >= utils.SummaryArticleId { item.Annotation = YxArticleAnnotation(item) } if item.Annotation != "" { annotation = strings.Replace(item.Annotation, "
", "", -1) } else { return } bodyText, _ := GetReportContentTextSubNew(annotation) if bodyText == "" { return } if annotation != "" { annotation = html.UnescapeString(annotation) doc, _ := goquery.NewDocumentFromReader(strings.NewReader(annotation)) docText := doc.Text() mapDoc := make(map[int]string) mapSortRepeat := make(map[string]string) var mapSort []int p := doc.Find("p") p.Each(func(tk int, pd *goquery.Selection) { pdText := pd.Text() pdText = strings.Replace(pdText, " ", "", -1) if pdText != "" { textLen := strings.Index(docText, pdText) if mapSortRepeat[strconv.Itoa(textLen)] == "" { mapDoc[(strings.Index(docText, pdText))] = pdText mapSort = append(mapSort, textLen) mapSortRepeat[strconv.Itoa(textLen)] = strconv.Itoa(textLen) } } }) li := doc.Find("li") li.Each(func(tk int, li *goquery.Selection) { liText := li.Text() liText = strings.Replace(liText, " ", "", -1) if liText != "" { textLen := strings.Index(docText, liText) if mapSortRepeat[strconv.Itoa(textLen)] == "" { mapDoc[(strings.Index(docText, liText))] = strconv.Itoa(tk+1) + "." + liText mapSort = append(mapSort, textLen) mapSortRepeat[strconv.Itoa(textLen)] = strconv.Itoa(textLen) } } }) ul := doc.Find("ul") ul.Each(func(tk int, ul *goquery.Selection) { ulText := ul.Text() ulText = strings.Replace(ulText, " ", "", -1) if ulText != "" { textLen := strings.Index(docText, ulText) if mapSortRepeat[strconv.Itoa(textLen)] == "" { mapDoc[(strings.Index(docText, ulText))] = ulText mapSort = append(mapSort, textLen) mapSortRepeat[strconv.Itoa(textLen)] = strconv.Itoa(textLen) } } }) if len(mapSort) == 0 { return } else { //排序 sort.Ints(mapSort) var annotationHtml string for _, vSort := range mapSort { for k, v := range mapDoc { if k == vSort && v != "" { annotationHtml += v + "
" } } } annotationHtml = strings.TrimRight(annotationHtml, "
") annotationHtml = "

" + annotationHtml + "

" annotation = annotationHtml } } return } // 处理核心观点的展示规则 func AnnotationHtml(bodyText string) (annotation string) { if bodyText == "" { return } annotation = bodyText annotation = html.UnescapeString(annotation) doc, _ := goquery.NewDocumentFromReader(strings.NewReader(annotation)) docText := doc.Text() mapDoc := make(map[int]string) var mapSort []int p := doc.Find("p") p.Each(func(tk int, pd *goquery.Selection) { pdText := pd.Text() pdText = strings.Replace(pdText, " ", "", -1) if pdText != "" { textLen := strings.Index(docText, pdText) if textLen >= 0 { mapDoc[(strings.Index(docText, pdText))] = pdText mapSort = append(mapSort, textLen) } } }) li := doc.Find("li") li.Each(func(tk int, li *goquery.Selection) { liText := li.Text() liText = strings.Replace(liText, " ", "", -1) if liText != "" { textLen := strings.Index(docText, liText) mapDoc[(strings.Index(docText, liText))] = strconv.Itoa(tk+1) + "." + liText mapSort = append(mapSort, textLen) } }) ul := doc.Find("ul") ul.Each(func(tk int, ul *goquery.Selection) { ulText := ul.Text() ulText = strings.Replace(ulText, " ", "", -1) if ulText != "" { textLen := strings.Index(docText, ulText) mapDoc[(strings.Index(docText, ulText))] = ulText mapSort = append(mapSort, textLen) } }) if len(mapSort) == 0 { return } else { //排序 sort.Ints(mapSort) var annotationHtml string for _, vSort := range mapSort { for k, v := range mapDoc { if k == vSort && v != "" { annotationHtml += v + "
" } } } annotationHtml = strings.TrimRight(annotationHtml, "
") annotationHtml = "

" + annotationHtml + "

" annotation = annotationHtml } return } // 解析研选内容中的核心观点 func YxArticleAnnotation(article *models.ArticleListResp) (annotation string) { //如果不规范,就获取内容主体 if strings.Count(article.Body, "", "") body = strings.ReplaceAll(body, "", "") body = strings.ReplaceAll(body, "", "") body = strings.ReplaceAll(body, "
    ", "
    ") body = strings.ReplaceAll(body, "", "

    ") body = strings.ReplaceAll(body, "
  1. ", "

    ") re, _ := regexp.Compile("") body = re.ReplaceAllString(body, "") reLi, _ := regexp.Compile("") body = reLi.ReplaceAllString(body, "") var plus int coreIndex := strings.Index(body, "核心观点:") plus = 15 if coreIndex == -1 { coreIndex = strings.Index(body, "核心观点:") plus = 13 } if coreIndex == -1 { coreIndex = strings.Index(body, "核心观点") plus = 12 } if coreIndex == -1 { coreIndex = strings.Index(body, "核心结论:") plus = 15 } if coreIndex == -1 { coreIndex = strings.Index(body, "核心结论:") plus = 13 } if coreIndex == -1 { coreIndex = strings.Index(body, "核心结论") plus = 12 } endIndex := strings.Index(body, " 0 ` if len(articleIds) > 0 { condition += ` AND article_id IN (` + utils.GetOrmInReplace(len(articleIds)) + `)` pars = append(pars, articleIds) } articleList, e := models.GetArticleList(condition, pars) if e != nil { err = errors.New("GetArticleList, Err: " + e.Error()) return } mapResp = make(map[int]bool, 0) for _, v := range articleList { mapResp[v.ArticleId] = true } return } // GetYanxuanArticleIds 获取研选文章ID func GetYanxuanArticleIds() (articleIds []int) { var err error defer func() { if err != nil { fmt.Println(err) go utils.SendAlarmMsg("获取研选文章ID GetYanxuanArticleIds,失败:"+err.Error(), 2) } }() var condition string var pars []interface{} condition = ` AND article_type_id > 0 ` list, e := models.GetCygxCygxArticleIdList(condition, pars) if e != nil { err = errors.New("GetCygxCygxArticleIdList, Err: " + e.Error()) return } for _, v := range list { articleIds = append(articleIds, v.ArticleId) } return } // 获取报告分享图片 func GetArticleShareImg(articleId int) (shareImg string) { var err error defer func() { if err != nil { fmt.Println(err) go utils.SendAlarmMsg(fmt.Sprint("获取活动分享封面图片失败 GetArticleShareImg Err:", err.Error(), "活动ID:", articleId), 2) } }() imgDetail, e := models.CygxCygxArticleDataDetail(articleId) if e != nil && e.Error() != utils.ErrNoRow() { err = errors.New("CygxCygxArticleDataDetail, Err: " + e.Error()) return } if imgDetail != nil { shareImg = imgDetail.Cover } else { shareImg = utils.YANXUAN_ARTICLE_SHARE_IMG } return } // GetArticleDetailUserPower 处理用户查看报告详情的权限 func GetArticleDetailUserPower(user *models.WxUserItem) (havePower bool, err error) { userId := user.UserId companyId := user.CompanyId //判断用户是否开通了个人研选权限 mfyxUserPermissionTotal := GetMfyxUserPermissionTotal(userId) if mfyxUserPermissionTotal == 1 { havePower = true return } //用户是否持有有效卡片 userCardTotal := GetCygxOrderUserCardTotal(user.Mobile) if userCardTotal == 1 { havePower = true return } //是否是权益客户 raiCount, e := models.GetCompanyProductCount(companyId, utils.COMPANY_PRODUCT_RAI_ID) if e != nil { err = errors.New("GetCompanyProductCount, Err: " + e.Error()) return } if raiCount == 0 { return } productDetail, e := models.GetCompanyProductDetailByCompanyId(companyId, 2) if e != nil { err = errors.New("GetCompanyProductDetailByCompanyId, Err: " + e.Error()) return } // 永续客户无法查看研选权限 if productDetail.Status == utils.COMPANY_STATUS_FOREVER { return } permissionStr, e := models.GetCompanyPermission(companyId) if e != nil { err = errors.New("GetCompanyPermission, Err: " + e.Error()) return } if strings.Contains(permissionStr, utils.CHART_PERMISSION_NAME_MF_YANXUAN) { havePower = true return } return }