package models import ( "" ) type ResearchReportViewers struct { ResearchReportName string ReportType string Count int //访问次数 UserCount int //访问人数 CreateDate string } func GetResearchReportViewers(reportType string) (items []*ResearchReportViewers, err error) { sql := `select rr.research_report_name,rr.type as report_type,count(*) AS count,count(DISTINCT user_id) AS user_count from user_view_history uvh inner join research_report rr on rr.research_report_id = uvh.research_report_id where rr.type = ? group by rr.research_report_id order by rr.research_report_date desc` o := orm.NewOrm() _, err = o.Raw(sql, reportType).QueryRows(&items) return } func GetRddpReportViewers() (items []*ResearchReportViewers, err error) { sql := `select b.title as research_report_name, replace(SUBSTRING(b.create_time,6,5),'-','') as create_date ,b.classify_name_second AS report_type,count(*) AS count,count(DISTINCT a.user_id) AS user_count from report_view_record as a inner join report as b on group by order by b.create_time desc ` o := orm.NewOrmUsingDB("rddp") _, err = o.Raw(sql).QueryRows(&items) return } type ReportType struct { TypeName string TypeValue string } type ResearchReportViewersDetail struct { RealName string CompanyName string CreatedTime string //访问时间 ResearchReportName string ReportVariety string ResearchReportType string ReportCreateDate string } func GetResearchReportViewersDetail(startTime, endTime, reportType string) (items []*ResearchReportViewersDetail, err error) { sql := ` select u.real_name,c.company_name,uvh.created_time,rr.research_report_name,ifnull(rct.report_chapter_type_name,rr.report_variety) as report_variety,rr.type as research_report_type from user_view_history uvh inner join wx_user u on u.user_id = uvh.user_id inner join company c on c.company_id = u.company_id inner join research_report rr on rr.research_report_id = uvh.research_report_id left join research_report_type rrt on rrt.research_report_type_id = uvh.research_report_type_id left join report_chapter_type rct on rct.report_chapter_type_id = rrt.type_id where uvh.created_time > ? and uvh.created_time <= ? and rr.type =? and c.company_id not in (1) ` o := orm.NewOrm() _, err = o.Raw(sql, startTime, endTime, reportType).QueryRows(&items) return } func GetRddpReportViewersDetail(startTime, endTime string) (items []*ResearchReportViewersDetail, err error) { sql := ` SELECT u.real_name,c.company_name,uvh.create_time as created_time,REPLACE(SUBSTRING(r.create_time,6,5),'-','') AS report_create_date,r.title as research_report_name,r.classify_name_second as research_report_type FROM hongze_rddp.report_view_record AS uvh INNER JOIN AS r ON INNER JOIN wx_user u ON u.user_id = uvh.user_id INNER JOIN company c ON c.company_id = u.company_id WHERE uvh.create_time >? AND uvh.create_time <=? AND c.company_id NOT IN (1) AND r.classify_name_first <> "周报" ORDER BY uvh.create_time DESC ` o := orm.NewOrm() _, err = o.Raw(sql, startTime, endTime).QueryRows(&items) return } type RddpWeekReportViewersDetail struct { RealName string CompanyName string CreatedTime string //访问时间 ResearchReportName string ReportVariety string ResearchReportType string ReportCreateDate string ChapterTitle string } func GetRddpWeekReportViewersDetail(startTime, endTime string) (items []*RddpWeekReportViewersDetail, err error) { sql := ` SELECT u.real_name,c.company_name,uvh.create_time AS created_time,REPLACE ( SUBSTRING( r.create_time, 6, 5 ), '-', '' ) AS report_create_date, r.title AS research_report_name,r.classify_name_second AS research_report_type ,rc.title chapter_title,rc.type_name as report_variety FROM hongze_rddp.report_view_record AS uvh INNER JOIN AS r ON uvh.report_id = INNER JOIN hongze_rddp.report_chapter AS rc ON uvh.report_id = rc.report_id and uvh.report_chapter_id=rc.report_chapter_id INNER JOIN wx_user u ON u.user_id = uvh.user_id INNER JOIN company c ON c.company_id = u.company_id WHERE uvh.create_time >? AND uvh.create_time <=? AND c.company_id NOT IN (1) AND r.classify_name_first = "周报" ORDER BY uvh.create_time DESC ` o := orm.NewOrm() _, err = o.Raw(sql, startTime, endTime).QueryRows(&items) return } type HistoryViewTimes struct { RealName string CompanyName string ViewCount int CreateTime string UserId int } func GetHistoryViewTimes() (items []*HistoryViewTimes, err error) { sql := `select u.user_id,u.real_name,c.company_name,count(distinct(DATE_FORMAT(uvh.created_time,'%Y-%m-%d'))) AS view_count,max(uvh.created_time) AS create_time from user_view_history uvh inner join wx_user u on u.user_id = uvh.user_id inner join company c on c.company_id = u.company_id and c.company_id not in (1,16) group by uvh.user_id order by max(uvh.created_time) desc ` o := orm.NewOrm() _, err = o.Raw(sql).QueryRows(&items) return } func GetRddpHistoryViewTimes() (items []*HistoryViewTimes, err error) { sql := `select u.user_id,u.real_name,c.company_name,count(distinct(DATE_FORMAT(rvr.create_time,'%Y-%m-%d'))) AS view_count ,max(rvr.create_time) AS create_time from hongze_rddp.report_view_record rvr inner join wx_user u on u.user_id = rvr.user_id inner join company c on c.company_id = u.company_id and c.company_id not in (1,16) group by rvr.user_id order by max(rvr.create_time) desc ` o := orm.NewOrm() _, err = o.Raw(sql).QueryRows(&items) return } //每日资讯 //func GetAdvisoryViewersDetail(startTime, endTime string) (items []*ResearchReportViewersDetail, err error) { // sql := ` // SELECT // u.real_name, // c.company_name, // aavr.create_time AS created_time, // art.title AS research_report_name, // art.chart_permission_name AS research_report_type // FROM // advisory_article_view_record AS aavr // INNER JOIN advisory_article AS art ON aavr.article_id = art.advisory_article_id // INNER JOIN wx_user u ON u.user_id = aavr.user_id // INNER JOIN company c ON c.company_id = u.company_id // WHERE // aavr.create_time > ? // AND aavr.create_time <= ? // AND c.company_id NOT IN ( 1 ) // ORDER BY // aavr.create_time DESC` // o := orm.NewOrm() // _, err = o.Raw(sql, startTime, endTime).QueryRows(&items) // return //} func GetAdvisoryViewersDetail(startTime, endTime string) (items []*ResearchReportViewersDetail, err error) { sql := ` SELECT u.real_name, c.company_name, aua.create_time AS created_time, cha.permission_name AS research_report_name FROM advisory_user_chart_article_record AS aua INNER JOIN chart_permission AS cha ON aua.chart_permission_id = cha.chart_permission_id INNER JOIN wx_user u ON u.user_id = aua.user_id INNER JOIN company c ON c.company_id = u.company_id WHERE aua.create_time > ? AND aua.create_time <= ? AND c.company_id NOT IN ( 1 ) ORDER BY aua.create_time DESC ` o := orm.NewOrm() _, err = o.Raw(sql, startTime, endTime).QueryRows(&items) return }