package controllers import ( "encoding/json" "fmt" "" "hongze/hongze_open_api/models/request/article" celuePushTable "hongze/hongze_open_api/models/tables/article" tables "hongze/hongze_open_api/models/tables/report" "hongze/hongze_open_api/models/tables/wx_user" "hongze/hongze_open_api/utils" "net/url" "strconv" "strings" "time" ) // 报告模块 type ReportController struct { BaseAuth } // 报告模块 type ReportControllerCommon struct { BaseCommon } // @Title 获取报告列表接口 // @Description 获取报告列表 // @Param _page_size query int true "每页数据条数" // @Param _page query int true "当前页页码,从1开始" // @Param report_type query string true "类型 day:晨报 、week :周报、two_week:双周报 、month:月报、other :点评 (默认为day:晨报) " // @Param keyword query string true "搜索关键词" // @Param mobile query string true "用户手机号(加密后的)" // @Success 200 {object} report.ReportListResp // @router /list [get] func (c *ReportController) ListReport() { pageSize, _ := c.GetInt("_page_size") currentIndex, _ := c.GetInt("_page") keyWord := c.GetString("keyword") reportType := c.GetString("report_type") //mobile := c.GetString("mobile") var startSize int if pageSize <= 0 { pageSize = utils.PageSize20 } if currentIndex <= 0 { currentIndex = 1 } startSize = utils.StartIndex(currentIndex, pageSize) //通过url获取mobile中的参数 var mobile string URL, err := url.Parse(c.Ctx.Input.URI()) if err != nil { fmt.Println(err) c.FailWithMessage("获取报告失败") return } urlParameter := URL.RawQuery sliceUrl := strings.Split(urlParameter, "&") if len(sliceUrl) > 0 { for _, v := range sliceUrl { if strings.Contains(v, "mobile=") { mobile = strings.Replace(v, "mobile=", "", -1) } } } if mobile == "" { c.FailWithMessage("mobile 必传") return } mobile, err = url.QueryUnescape(mobile) if err != nil { c.FailWithMessage("mobile 必传") return } var dateTxt = []byte(mobile) resultDe := utils.DesBase64Decrypt(dateTxt) deMobile := string(resultDe) if deMobile == "" { c.FailWithMessage("手机号加密格式错误") return } totalFicc, err := tables.GetUserReportFiccCount(deMobile) if err != nil { c.FailWithMessage("获取失败") return } if totalFicc < 1 { c.FailWithMessage("用户不存在") return } var condition string var pars []interface{} condition = ` AND enabled = 1 ` if keyWord != "" { condition += ` AND research_report_name LIKE '%` + keyWord + `%'` } //day:晨报 、week :周报、two_week:双周报 、month:月报、other :点评 if reportType != "week" && reportType != "two_week" && reportType != "month" && reportType != "other" { reportType = "day" } if reportType != "" { condition += ` AND type = ? AND status = 'report' ` pars = append(pars, reportType) } total, err := tables.GetReportListCount(condition, pars) if err != nil { c.FailWithMessage("获取失败") return } list, err := tables.GetReportList(condition, pars, startSize, pageSize) if err != nil { c.FailWithMessage("获取失败") return } mobile = url.QueryEscape(mobile) //转义 + nonceStr := common.GetRandString(10) timeUnix := strconv.FormatInt(time.Now().Unix(), 10) if len(list) > 0 { for k, v := range list { postData := make(map[string]string) reportId := strconv.Itoa(v.ResearchReportId) parameter := "mobile=" + mobile + "&research_report_id=" + reportId + "&nonce_str=" + nonceStr + "×tamp=" + timeUnix postData["mobile"] = mobile postData["research_report_id"] = reportId postData["appid"] = utils.ReportAppid postData["nonce_str"] = nonceStr postData["timestamp"] = timeUnix sign := utils.GetSign(postData) list[k].HttpUrl = utils.ResearchReportUrl + "hzsl/report/detail?" + parameter + "&sign=" + sign } } page := utils.GetPaging(currentIndex, pageSize, total) resp := tables.ReportListResp{ List: list, Paging: page, } c.OkDetailed(resp, "获取成功") } // @Title 获取报告详情 // @Description 获取报告详情 // @Param research_report_id query int true "报告ID" // @Param mobile query string true "用户手机号(加密后的)" // @Success 200 {object} report.ResearchReportInfo // @router /getReportInfo [get] func (c *ReportControllerCommon) GetReportInfo() { researchReportId, _ := c.GetInt("research_report_id") //mobile := c.GetString("mobile") if researchReportId < 1 { c.FailWithMessage("请传入报告id") return } mobile := c.GetString("mobile") if mobile == "" { c.FailWithMessage("mobile 必传") return } var dateTxt = []byte(mobile) resultDe := utils.DesBase64Decrypt(dateTxt) deMobile := string(resultDe) if deMobile == "" { c.FailWithMessage("手机号加密格式错误") return } totalFicc, err := tables.GetUserReportFiccCount(deMobile) if err != nil { c.FailWithMessage("获取失败") return } if totalFicc < 1 { c.FailWithMessage("用户不存在") return } userInfo, err := wx_user.GetWxUserByMobileStr(deMobile) if err != nil { c.FailWithMessage("找不到该用户") return } reportInfo, hasPermission, err := tables.GetResearchReportInfo(researchReportId, userInfo.UserId) if err != nil { fmt.Println(err) c.FailWithMessage("获取报告失败") return } if !hasPermission { c.FailWithMessage("无权限") return } mobile = url.QueryEscape(mobile) //转义 + nonceStr := common.GetRandString(10) timeUnix := strconv.FormatInt(time.Now().Unix(), 10) if len(reportInfo.ResearchReportTypeList) > 1 { for k, v := range reportInfo.ResearchReportTypeList { postData := make(map[string]string) reportId := strconv.Itoa(int(v.ResearchReportTypeId)) parameter := "mobile=" + mobile + "&ResearchReportTypeId=" + reportId + "&appid=" + utils.ReportAppid + "&nonce_str=" + nonceStr + "×tamp=" + timeUnix postData["mobile"] = mobile postData["ResearchReportTypeId"] = reportId postData["appid"] = utils.ReportAppid postData["nonce_str"] = nonceStr postData["timestamp"] = timeUnix sign := utils.GetSign(postData) reportInfo.ResearchReportTypeList[k].HttpUrl = utils.ResearchReportUrl + "report/?" + parameter + "&sign=" + sign } } c.OkDetailed(reportInfo, "获取成功") } // @Title 获取章节详情接口 // @Description 获取章节详情 // @Param ResearchReportTypeId query int true "章节ID" // @Param mobile query string false "用户手机号(加密后的)" // @Success 200 {object} report.ResearchReportTypeContentInfo // @router /getReportChapterInfo [get] func (c *ReportControllerCommon) GetResearchReportChapter() { researchReportTypeId, _ := c.GetInt("ResearchReportTypeId") //mobile := c.GetString("mobile") if researchReportTypeId < 1 { c.FailWithMessage("请传入章节id") return } mobile := c.GetString("mobile") if mobile == "" { c.FailWithMessage("mobile 必传") return } var dateTxt = []byte(mobile) resultDe := utils.DesBase64Decrypt(dateTxt) deMobile := string(resultDe) if deMobile == "" { c.FailWithMessage("手机号加密格式错误") return } totalFicc, err := tables.GetUserReportFiccCount(deMobile) if err != nil { c.FailWithMessage("获取失败") return } if totalFicc < 1 { c.FailWithMessage("用户不存在") return } userInfo, err := wx_user.GetWxUserByMobileStr(deMobile) if err != nil { c.FailWithMessage("找不到该用户") return } reportInfo, hasPermission, err := tables.GetResearchReportTypeContentInfo(uint64(researchReportTypeId), uint64(userInfo.UserId)) if err != nil { fmt.Println(err) c.FailWithMessage("获取报告失败") return } if !hasPermission { c.FailWithMessage("无权限") return } c.OkDetailed(reportInfo, "获取成功") } // @Title 报告变更通知的插入点接口 // @Description 报告变更通知的插入点接口 // @Param request body article.CreatArticleCeluePushReq true "type json string" // @Success 200 创建成功 // @router /article/change [post] func (c *ReportController) ArticleChange() { //appid权限校验 appid := c.GetString("appid", "") if utils.RunMode == "release" && appid != "XVuGlcyEEVNYVWx5" { c.FailWithMessage("无权限") return } var req article.CreatArticleCeluePushReq err := json.Unmarshal(c.Ctx.Input.RequestBody, &req) if err != nil { c.FailWithMessage("参数解析异常") return } articleId := req.ArticleId action := req.Action if articleId < 0 { c.FailWithMessage("缺少 article_id 参数") return } if action != "add" && action != "edit" && action != "move" { c.FailWithMessage("action参数类型错误") return } item := new(celuePushTable.CygxArticleCeluePush) item.ArticleId = articleId item.Action = action item.CreateTime = time.Now() item.ModifyTime = time.Now() err = celuePushTable.AddCygxArticleCeluePush(item) if err != nil { c.OkWithMessage("创建失败") return } c.OkWithMessage("创建成功") }