123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481 |
- package services
- import (
- "errors"
- "fmt"
- "hongze/hongze_mfyx/models"
- "hongze/hongze_mfyx/utils"
- "strconv"
- "strings"
- "time"
- )
- func GetResourceDataList(condition string, pars []interface{}, startSize, pageSize int, user *models.WxUserItem) (items []*models.CygxResourceDataResp, err error) {
- uid := user.UserId
- list, e := models.GetResourceDataList(condition, pars, startSize, pageSize)
- if e != nil {
- err = errors.New("GetResourceDataList, Err: " + e.Error())
- return
- }
- mapItems := make(map[string]*models.CygxResourceDataResp)
- for _, v := range list {
- //预处理文章
- item := new(models.CygxResourceDataResp)
- item.Id = v.Id
- item.SourceId = v.SourceId
- item.Source = v.Source
- item.PublishDate = utils.TimeRemoveHms2(v.PublishDate)
- mapItems[fmt.Sprint(v.Source, v.SourceId)] = item
- }
- var articleIds []int
- var newchartIds []int
- var roadshowIds []string
- var activityIds []int
- var activityvideoIds []string
- var activityvoiceIds []string
- var activityspecialIds []int
- var researchsummaryIds []int
- var minutessummaryIds []int
- var meetingreviewchaptIds []int
- var productinteriorIds []int
- var reportselectionIds []int // 报告精选
- var yanxuanSpecialIds []int // 研选专栏
- var askserieVideoIds []string //问答系列视频
- //Source string `description:"资源类型 报告 :article 、图表 :newchart、微路演 :roadshow、活动 :activity、活动视频:activityvideo、活动音频:activityvoice、专项调研活动:activityspecial 、 本周研究汇总: researchsummary 、 上周纪要汇总 :minutessummary 、晨会精华 :meetingreviewchapt "`
- for _, v := range list {
- if v.Source == "article" {
- articleIds = append(articleIds, v.SourceId)
- } else if v.Source == "newchart" {
- newchartIds = append(newchartIds, v.SourceId)
- } else if v.Source == "roadshow" {
- roadshowIds = append(roadshowIds, strconv.Itoa(v.SourceId))
- } else if v.Source == "activity" {
- activityIds = append(activityIds, v.SourceId)
- } else if v.Source == "activityvideo" {
- activityvideoIds = append(activityvideoIds, strconv.Itoa(v.SourceId))
- } else if v.Source == "activityvoice" {
- activityvoiceIds = append(activityvoiceIds, strconv.Itoa(v.SourceId))
- } else if v.Source == "activityspecial" {
- activityspecialIds = append(activityspecialIds, v.SourceId)
- } else if v.Source == "researchsummary" {
- researchsummaryIds = append(researchsummaryIds, v.SourceId)
- } else if v.Source == "minutessummary" {
- minutessummaryIds = append(minutessummaryIds, v.SourceId)
- } else if v.Source == "meetingreviewchapt" {
- meetingreviewchaptIds = append(meetingreviewchaptIds, v.SourceId)
- } else if v.Source == "productinterior" {
- productinteriorIds = append(productinteriorIds, v.SourceId)
- } else if v.Source == "reportselection" {
- reportselectionIds = append(reportselectionIds, v.SourceId)
- } else if v.Source == utils.CYGX_OBJ_YANXUANSPECIAL {
- yanxuanSpecialIds = append(yanxuanSpecialIds, v.SourceId)
- } else if v.Source == utils.CYGX_OBJ_ASKSERIEVIDEO {
- askserieVideoIds = append(askserieVideoIds, strconv.Itoa(v.SourceId))
- }
- }
- //处理文章
- if len(articleIds) > 0 {
- pars = make([]interface{}, 0)
- condition = ` AND a.article_id IN (` + utils.GetOrmInReplace(len(articleIds)) + `)`
- pars = append(pars, articleIds)
- listArticle, e := models.GetHomeList(condition, pars, 0, len(articleIds))
- if e != nil {
- err = errors.New("GetResourceDataList, Err: " + e.Error())
- return
- }
- listArticle, e = HandleArticleCategoryImg(listArticle)
- if e != nil {
- err = errors.New("HandleArticleCategoryImg, Err: " + e.Error())
- return
- }
- for _, v := range listArticle {
- v.Body = ""
- v.BodyHtml = ""
- mapItems[fmt.Sprint("article", v.ArticleId)].Article = v
- }
- }
- detail, e := models.GetConfigByCode("city_img_url")
- if e != nil {
- err = errors.New("GetResourceDataList, Err: " + e.Error())
- return
- }
- detailChart, e := models.GetConfigByCode("chart_img_url")
- if e != nil {
- err = errors.New("GetResourceDataList, Err: " + e.Error())
- return
- }
- addressList := strings.Split(detail.ConfigValue, "{|}")
- mapAddress := make(map[string]string)
- chartList := strings.Split(detailChart.ConfigValue, "{|}")
- mapChart := make(map[string]string)
- var cityName string
- var chartName string
- var imgUrl string
- var imgUrlChart string
- for _, v := range addressList {
- vslice := strings.Split(v, "_")
- cityName = vslice[0]
- imgUrl = vslice[len(vslice)-1]
- mapAddress[cityName] = imgUrl
- }
- for _, v := range chartList {
- vslice := strings.Split(v, "_")
- chartName = vslice[0]
- imgUrlChart = vslice[len(vslice)-1]
- mapChart[chartName] = imgUrlChart
- }
- var imgUrlResp string
- //处理活动
- if len(activityIds) > 0 {
- for _, vss := range activityIds {
- imgUrlResp += strconv.Itoa(vss) + ","
- }
- pars = make([]interface{}, 0)
- condition = ` AND art.activity_id IN (` + utils.GetOrmInReplace(len(activityIds)) + `)`
- pars = append(pars, activityIds)
- activityList, e := models.GetActivityListNew(condition, pars, uid, 0, len(activityIds), 0, 0, "")
- if e != nil {
- err = errors.New("GetResourceDataList, Err: " + e.Error())
- return
- }
- //处理不同的报名方式按钮回显
- mapActivitySignup, e := GetActivitySignupResp(activityIds, user)
- if e != nil {
- e = errors.New("GetActivitySignupResp, Err: " + e.Error())
- return
- }
- var activityListRersp []*models.ActivityDetail
- for _, v := range activityList {
- v.SignupType = mapActivitySignup[v.ActivityId]
- //activityListRersp = append(activityListRersp, ActivityButtonShow(v))
- }
- activityListRersp = ActivityArrButtonShow(activityList)
- for _, v := range activityListRersp {
- if v == nil {
- continue
- }
- if v.ActivityType == 0 {
- if mapAddress[v.City] != "" {
- imgUrlResp = mapAddress[v.City]
- } else {
- imgUrlResp = mapAddress["其它"]
- }
- } else {
- if mapChart[v.ChartPermissionName] != "" {
- imgUrlResp = mapChart[v.ChartPermissionName]
- }
- }
- v.SourceType = 1
- v.Expert, _ = GetReportContentTextSub(v.Expert)
- mapItems[fmt.Sprint("activity", v.ActivityId)].Activity = v
- }
- }
- if len(roadshowIds)+len(activityvideoIds)+len(activityvoiceIds)+len(askserieVideoIds) > 0 {
- audioIdstr := strings.Join(activityvoiceIds, ",")
- activityVideoIdsStr := strings.Join(activityvideoIds, ",")
- roadshowIdsStr := strings.Join(roadshowIds, ",")
- askserieVideoIdsStr := strings.Join(askserieVideoIds, ",")
- list, _, e := GetMicroRoadShowMycollectV12(len(roadshowIds)+len(activityvideoIds)+len(activityvoiceIds)+len(askserieVideoIds), 0, audioIdstr, activityVideoIdsStr, roadshowIdsStr, askserieVideoIdsStr, user)
- if e != nil {
- err = errors.New("GetMicroRoadShowMycollect, Err: " + e.Error())
- return
- }
- // 用户权限
- authInfo, permissionArr, e := GetUserRaiPermissionInfo(user.UserId, user.CompanyId)
- if e != nil {
- err = errors.New("GetUserRaiPermissionInfo, Err: " + e.Error())
- return
- }
- // 获取默认图配置
- audioMap, videoMap, audioShareMap, videoShareMap, e := GetMicroRoadShowDefaultImgConfig()
- if e != nil {
- err = errors.New("GetMicroRoadShowDefaultImgConfig, Err: " + e.Error())
- return
- }
- //Source string `description:"资源类型 报告 :article 、图表 :newchart、微路演 :roadshow、活动 :activity、活动视频:activityvideo、活动音频:activityvoice、专项调研活动:activityspecial"`
- for i := range list {
- // 权限
- au := new(models.UserPermissionAuthInfo)
- au.SellerName = authInfo.SellerName
- au.SellerMobile = authInfo.SellerMobile
- au.HasPermission = authInfo.HasPermission
- au.OperationMode = authInfo.OperationMode
- if au.HasPermission == 1 {
- // 非宏观权限进一步判断是否有权限
- if list[i].ChartPermissionId != utils.HONG_GUAN_ID && !utils.InArrayByStr(permissionArr, list[i].ChartPermissionName) {
- au.HasPermission = 2
- }
- }
- // 无权限的弹框提示
- if au.HasPermission != 1 {
- if au.OperationMode == UserPermissionOperationModeCall {
- if list[i].Type == 1 {
- au.PopupMsg = UserPermissionPopupMsgCallActivity
- } else {
- au.PopupMsg = UserPermissionPopupMsgCallMicroVideo
- }
- } else {
- if list[i].Type == 1 {
- au.PopupMsg = UserPermissionPopupMsgApplyActivity
- } else {
- au.PopupMsg = UserPermissionPopupMsgApplyMicroVideo
- }
- }
- }
- list[i].AuthInfo = au
- list[i].PublishTime = utils.StrTimeToTime(list[i].PublishTime).Format(utils.FormatDate)
- // 默认图
- if list[i].BackgroundImg == "" {
- if list[i].Type == 1 {
- list[i].BackgroundImg = audioMap[list[i].ChartPermissionId]
- } else {
- list[i].BackgroundImg = videoMap[list[i].ChartPermissionId]
- }
- }
- // 分享图
- if list[i].ShareImg == "" {
- if list[i].Type == 1 {
- list[i].ShareImg = audioShareMap[list[i].ChartPermissionId]
- } else {
- list[i].ShareImg = videoShareMap[list[i].ChartPermissionId]
- }
- }
- list[i].LabelKeywordImgLink = utils.LABEL_ICO_10
- }
- //Type int `description:"类型: 1-音频; 2-活动视频; 3-产业视频"`
- for _, item := range list {
- if item.Type == 1 {
- mapItems[fmt.Sprint("activityvoice", item.Id)].Activityvoice = item
- } else if item.Type == 2 {
- mapItems[fmt.Sprint("activityvideo", item.Id)].Activityvideo = item
- } else if item.Type == 3 {
- mapItems[fmt.Sprint("roadshow", item.Id)].Roadshow = item
- } else if item.Type == 4 {
- mapItems[fmt.Sprint(utils.CYGX_OBJ_ASKSERIEVIDEO, item.Id)].AskserieVideo = item
- }
- }
- }
- //处理研选专栏
- lenyanxuanSpecialIds := len(yanxuanSpecialIds)
- if lenyanxuanSpecialIds > 0 {
- pars = make([]interface{}, 0)
- condition = ` AND a.id IN (` + utils.GetOrmInReplace(lenyanxuanSpecialIds) + `) `
- pars = append(pars, yanxuanSpecialIds)
- listyanxuanSpecial, e := models.GetYanxuanSpecialList(user.UserId, condition, pars, 0, 0)
- if e != nil {
- err = errors.New("GetYanxuanSpecialList, Err: " + e.Error())
- return
- }
- yanxuanSpecialPv := GetYanxuanSpecialRecordByYanxuanSpecialId(yanxuanSpecialIds) // 专栏Pv
- for _, v := range listyanxuanSpecial {
- v.PublishTime = utils.TimeRemoveHms2(v.PublishTime)
- v.Annotation, _ = GetReportContentTextSubNew(v.Content)
- // Source PublishDate 字段兼容前端样式
- v.PublishDate = v.PublishTime
- v.LabelKeyword = "专栏"
- v.Pv = yanxuanSpecialPv[v.Id]
- v.LabelKeywordImgLink = utils.LABEL_ICO_4
- mapItems[fmt.Sprint(utils.CYGX_OBJ_YANXUANSPECIAL, v.Id)].YanxuanSpecial = v
- }
- }
- for _, vList := range list {
- for _, v := range mapItems {
- //如果这些类型都为空,那么就不合并
- if v.Article == nil && v.Roadshow == nil && v.Activity == nil && v.Activityvideo == nil && v.Activityvoice == nil && v.Activityspecial == nil && v.Researchsummary == nil && v.Minutessummary == nil && v.Meetingreviewchapt == nil && v.ProductInterior == nil && v.IndustrialResource == nil && v.ReportSelection == nil && v.YanxuanSpecial == nil && v.AskserieVideo == nil {
- continue
- }
- if v.SourceId == vList.SourceId && v.Source == vList.Source {
- items = append(items, v)
- }
- }
- }
- return
- }
- // 同步活动到最新数据表
- func UpdateResourceData(sourceId int, source, doType, publishDate string) (err error) {
- defer func() {
- if err != nil {
- go utils.SendAlarmMsg("同步到最新数据表失败,Err:"+err.Error()+"资源ID"+strconv.Itoa(sourceId)+"资源类型"+source+"操作方式"+doType, 3)
- }
- }()
- if doType == "add" {
- item := new(models.CygxResourceData)
- item.SourceId = sourceId
- item.Source = source
- item.PublishDate = publishDate
- item.CreateTime = time.Now()
- _, err = models.AddCygxResourceData(item)
- } else if doType == "delete" {
- err = models.DeleteResourceData(sourceId, source)
- } else if doType == "update" {
- err = models.UpdateResourceData(sourceId, source, publishDate)
- }
- return
- }
- // 批量删除最新图表数据
- func Deletenewchart(chartIdsDelete []int) (err error) {
- defer func() {
- if err != nil {
- fmt.Println(err)
- go utils.SendAlarmMsg("批量删除最新图表数据,Err:"+err.Error(), 3)
- }
- }()
- lenchartIdsDelete := len(chartIdsDelete)
- if lenchartIdsDelete == 0 {
- return
- }
- var condition string
- var pars []interface{}
- condition += ` AND source = 'newchart' AND source_id IN (` + utils.GetOrmInReplace(lenchartIdsDelete) + `) `
- pars = append(pars, chartIdsDelete)
- err = models.DeleteResourceDataList(condition, pars)
- return
- }
- //func init() {
- // UpdateArticleResourceData(9050)
- //}
- // 更新文章
- func UpdateArticleResourceData(sourceId int) {
- var err error
- defer func() {
- if err != nil {
- fmt.Println("err:", err)
- go utils.SendAlarmMsg("更新文章 失败,UpdateArticleResourceData Err:"+err.Error()+"资源ID"+strconv.Itoa(sourceId), 3)
- }
- }()
- var source = utils.CYGX_OBJ_ARTICLE
- var condition string
- var pars []interface{}
- condition = ` AND publish_status = 1 AND article_id = ? `
- pars = append(pars, sourceId)
- total, e := models.GetCygxArticleCount(condition, pars)
- if e != nil {
- err = errors.New("GetCygxReportSelection, Err: " + err.Error())
- return
- }
- //如果取消发布了就做删除处理
- if total == 0 {
- e = models.DeleteResourceData(sourceId, source)
- if e != nil {
- err = errors.New("DeleteResourceData, Err: " + e.Error())
- return
- }
- //删除 cygx_resource_data 表关联的产业ID,标的ID
- e = models.DeleteCygxResourceDataGroup(sourceId, source)
- if e != nil {
- err = errors.New("DeleteCygxResourceDataGroup, Err: " + e.Error())
- return
- }
- } else {
- //判断是否存在,如果不存在就新增,存在就更新
- totalData, e := models.GetCygxResourceDataBySourceAndIdCount(sourceId, source)
- if e != nil {
- err = errors.New("GetCygxReportSelectionBySourceAndId, Err: " + e.Error())
- return
- }
- detail, e := models.GetArticleDetailById(sourceId)
- if e != nil {
- err = errors.New("GetCygxReportSelectionInfoById, Err: " + e.Error())
- return
- }
- var resourceDataId int
- publishDate := time.Now().Format(utils.FormatDateTime)
- item := new(models.CygxResourceData)
- if detail.ArticleTypeId > 0 {
- item.SearchTag = detail.ArticleTypeName // 研选类型名称
- } else {
- item.SearchTag = detail.MatchTypeName
- //获取文章分类详情
- detailCategory, _ := models.GetCygxReportMappingCelueMaxDetailByCategoryId(detail.CategoryId)
- if detailCategory != nil {
- item.ChartPermissionId = detailCategory.ChartPermissionId
- }
- }
- item.SourceId = sourceId
- item.Source = source
- item.PublishDate = publishDate
- item.CreateTime = time.Now()
- if totalData == 0 {
- newId, e := models.AddCygxResourceData(item)
- if e != nil {
- err = errors.New("AddCygxResourceData, Err: " + e.Error())
- return
- }
- resourceDataId = int(newId)
- } else {
- e = models.UpdateResourceDataByItem(item)
- if e != nil {
- err = errors.New("UpdateResourceData, Err: " + e.Error())
- return
- }
- sourceDetail, e := models.GetCygxResourceDataByIdAndSource(sourceId, source)
- if e != nil {
- err = errors.New("UpdateResourceData, Err: " + e.Error())
- return
- }
- resourceDataId = sourceDetail.Id
- }
- //建立首页资源表,与产业的关系
- industrialList, e := models.GetIndustrialArticleGroupManagementListByArticleId(sourceId)
- if e != nil && e.Error() != utils.ErrNoRow() {
- err = errors.New("GetIndustrialArticleGroupManagementList, Err: " + e.Error() + "sourceId:" + strconv.Itoa(sourceId))
- return
- }
- var industrialItems []*models.CygxResourceDataIndustrialGroupManagement
- for _, v := range industrialList {
- var industrialItem = new(models.CygxResourceDataIndustrialGroupManagement)
- industrialItem.SourceId = sourceId
- industrialItem.Source = source
- industrialItem.IndustrialManagementId = v.IndustrialManagementId
- industrialItem.ResourceDataId = resourceDataId
- industrialItem.CreateTime = time.Now()
- industrialItems = append(industrialItems, industrialItem)
- }
- //建立首页资源表,与标的 的关系
- subjectList, e := models.GetSubjectArticleGroupManagementListByArtcileId(sourceId)
- if e != nil && e.Error() != utils.ErrNoRow() {
- err = errors.New("GetSubjectArticleGroupManagementList, Err: " + e.Error() + "sourceId:" + strconv.Itoa(sourceId))
- return
- }
- var subjectItems []*models.CygxResourceDataIndustrialGroupSubject
- for _, v := range subjectList {
- var subjectItem = new(models.CygxResourceDataIndustrialGroupSubject)
- subjectItem.SourceId = sourceId
- subjectItem.Source = source
- subjectItem.IndustrialSubjectId = v.IndustrialSubjectId
- subjectItem.ResourceDataId = resourceDataId
- subjectItem.CreateTime = time.Now()
- subjectItems = append(subjectItems, subjectItem)
- }
- //插入关联信息
- e = models.AddCygxResourceDataGroup(sourceId, source, industrialItems, subjectItems)
- if e != nil {
- err = errors.New("AddCygxResourceDataGroup, Err: " + e.Error())
- return
- }
- }
- return
- }