package models import ( "" "" "strconv" "time" //"" ) type IndustrialManagementList struct { Paging *paging.PagingItem List []*IndustrialManagement IsShowOpen bool `description:"是否展示展开字段"` IsInterested bool `description:"是否属于感兴趣部分"` } type IndustrialManagement struct { IndustrialManagementId int `orm:"column(industrial_management_id);pk" description:"产业id"` IndustryName string `description:"产业名称"` RecommendedIndex int `description:"推荐指数"` CategoryId int `description:"文章分类ID"` LayoutTime string `description:"布局时间"` UpdateTime string `description:"更新时间"` MinReportTime string `description:"报告最早发布时间"` IsRed bool `description:"是否标记红点"` IsTop bool `description:"是否置顶"` IsHot bool `description:"是否是热门-近一个月内,产业下关联的报告阅读次数最多的"` IsFollow int `description:"是否关注"` FollowType int `description:"1,重点关注,3不感兴趣,0默认接受推送"` IsNew bool `description:"是否为新-关联报告的发布时间,均在3个月以内的"` Analyst string `description:"分析师"` ArticleReadNum int `description:"文章阅读数量"` OneMonFollowNum int `description:"近一个月关注增量"` AnalystList []*IndustrialAnalyst `description:"分析师列表"` IndustrialSubjectList []*IndustrialSubject `description:"标的列表"` ChartPermissionId int `description:"行业ID"` PermissionName string `description:"行业名称"` TimeLineData string `description:"时间线所关联最新三篇文章的json数据"` ListTimeLine []TimeLineReportResp `description:"时间线所关联最新三篇文章列表"` IndustryVideo *MicroVideoSimpleInfo AuthInfo *UserPermissionAuthInfo ArticleId int `description:"文章id"` Source int `description:"来源 1:弘则资源包(报告)、2:研选主题(报告)"` } type TimeLineReportResp struct { Title string `description:"标题"` PublishDate string `description:"发布时间"` } type MicroVideoSimpleInfo struct { Id int `description:"视频ID"` Title string `description:"标题"` ResourceUrl string `description:"链接"` BackgroundImg string `description:"背景图"` PlaySeconds int `description:"音视频时长"` DetailImgUrl string `description:"产业详情页背景图"` ChartPermissionId int `description:"行业ID"` ChartPermissionName string `description:"行业名称"` } type IndustrialAnalyst struct { AnalystName string `description:"分析师名称"` IndustrialManagementId int `description:"产业id"` } type IndustrialSubject struct { IndustrialSubjectId int `orm:"column(industrial_subject_id);pk" description:"标的id"` IndustrialManagementId int `description:"产业id"` SubjectName string `description:"标的名称"` IndustryName string `description:"产业名称"` LayoutTime string `description:"产业布局时间"` } // 获取产业报告数量 func GetReportIndustrialCount(categoryId, industrialManagementId int) (count int, err error) { o := orm.NewOrm() sql := `SELECT COUNT(1) count FROM cygx_article AS a INNER JOIN cygx_industrial_article_group_management as man_g ON man_g.article_id = a.article_id WHERE a.publish_status = 1 AND category_id IN (SELECT category_id FROM cygx_report_mapping WHERE chart_permission_id = any( SELECT chart_permission_id FROM cygx_report_mapping WHERE category_id = ` + strconv.Itoa(categoryId) + ` ) AND match_type_name = any( SELECT match_type_name FROM cygx_report_mapping WHERE category_id = ` + strconv.Itoa(categoryId) + ` ) ) AND a.is_class = 1 AND man_g.industrial_management_id = ? ` err = o.Raw(sql, industrialManagementId).QueryRow(&count) return } // 获取产业报告列表 func GetReportIndustrialList(pars []interface{}, categoryId, industrialManagementId, userId, startSize, pageSize int) (items []*ReportArticle, err error) { o := orm.NewOrm() sql := `SELECT *,( SELECT COUNT( 1 ) FROM cygx_article_history_record AS rec WHERE rec.user_id = ` + strconv.Itoa(userId) + ` AND rec.article_id = a.article_id ) AS readnum FROM cygx_article AS a INNER JOIN cygx_industrial_article_group_management as man_g ON man_g.article_id = a.article_id WHERE a.publish_status = 1 AND category_id IN (SELECT category_id FROM cygx_report_mapping WHERE chart_permission_id = any( SELECT chart_permission_id FROM cygx_report_mapping WHERE category_id = ` + strconv.Itoa(categoryId) + ` ) AND match_type_name = any( SELECT match_type_name FROM cygx_report_mapping WHERE category_id = ` + strconv.Itoa(categoryId) + ` ) ) AND a.is_class = 1 AND man_g.industrial_management_id = ?` sql += ` GROUP BY a.article_id ORDER BY publish_date DESC LIMIT ?,? ` _, err = o.Raw(sql, pars, industrialManagementId, startSize, pageSize).QueryRows(&items) return } // 获取产业报告列表 func GetReportAndproductInteriorIndustrialList(pars []interface{}, categoryId, industrialManagementId, userId, startSize, pageSize int) (items []*ReportArticle, total int, err error) { o := orm.NewOrm() sql := `SELECT art.article_id, art.title, art.publish_date, ( SELECT COUNT( 1 ) FROM cygx_article_history_record AS rec WHERE rec.user_id = ` + strconv.Itoa(userId) + ` AND rec.article_id = art.article_id ) AS readnum , 1 AS resource FROM cygx_article AS art INNER JOIN cygx_industrial_article_group_management AS man_g ON man_g.article_id = art.article_id WHERE art.publish_status = 1 AND art.article_id IN ( SELECT article_id FROM cygx_report_mapping_category_group WHERE id_cygx = ` + strconv.Itoa(categoryId) + ` ) AND art.is_class = 1 AND man_g.industrial_management_id =` + strconv.Itoa(industrialManagementId) + ` GROUP BY art.article_id UNION ALL SELECT art.product_interior_id AS article_id, art.title, art.publish_time AS publish_date, ( SELECT COUNT( 1 ) FROM cygx_product_interior_history AS rec WHERE rec.user_id = ` + strconv.Itoa(userId) + ` AND rec.product_interior_id = art.product_interior_id ) AS readnum , 2 AS resource FROM cygx_product_interior AS art INNER JOIN cygx_product_interior_industrial_group_management AS man_g ON man_g.product_interior_id = art.product_interior_id WHERE art.STATUS = 1 AND art.visible_range = 1 AND art.match_type_id = ` + strconv.Itoa(categoryId) + ` AND man_g.industrial_management_id = ` + strconv.Itoa(industrialManagementId) + ` GROUP BY art.product_interior_id ` totalSql := `SELECT COUNT(1) total FROM (` + sql + `) z ` err = o.Raw(totalSql, pars).QueryRow(&total) sql += ` ORDER BY publish_date DESC LIMIT ?,? ` _, err = o.Raw(sql, pars, startSize, pageSize).QueryRows(&items) return } // 获取行业报告列表 func GetReportAndproductIndustrylList(categoryId, startSize, pageSize int) (items []*ReportArticle, total int, err error) { o := orm.NewOrm() sql := `SELECT art.article_id, art.report_id, art.title, art.abstract, art.publish_date, 1 AS resource FROM cygx_article AS art WHERE art.publish_status = 1 AND art.article_id IN ( SELECT article_id FROM cygx_report_mapping_category_group WHERE id_cygx = ` + strconv.Itoa(categoryId) + ` ) UNION ALL SELECT art.product_interior_id AS article_id, 0 AS report_id, art.title, "" as abstract, art.publish_time AS publish_date, 2 AS resource FROM cygx_product_interior AS art WHERE art.STATUS = 1 AND art.visible_range = 1 AND art.match_type_id = ` + strconv.Itoa(categoryId) totalSql := `SELECT COUNT(1) total FROM (` + sql + `) z ` err = o.Raw(totalSql).QueryRow(&total) sql += ` ORDER BY publish_date DESC LIMIT ?,? ` _, err = o.Raw(sql, startSize, pageSize).QueryRows(&items) return } // 产业下所关联的文章分类列表 func IndustrialToArticleCategory(industrialManagementId, chartPermissionId int) (items []*IndustrialToArticleCategoryRep, err error) { o := orm.NewOrm() sql := `SELECT map.match_type_name,map.category_id FROM cygx_report_mapping AS map INNER JOIN cygx_article AS art ON art.category_id = map.category_id INNER JOIN cygx_industrial_article_group_management AS man_g ON man_g.article_id = art.article_id WHERE map.report_type = 2 AND map.is_report = 1 AND art.is_report = 1 AND art.publish_status = 1 AND man_g.industrial_management_id =? AND map.chart_permission_id = ? GROUP BY map.match_type_name` _, err = o.Raw(sql, industrialManagementId, chartPermissionId).QueryRows(&items) return } // 产业下所关联的文章分类列表 2022-10-13 func IndustrialToArticleCategoryNew(industrialManagementId int) (items []*IndustrialToArticleCategoryRep, err error) { o := orm.NewOrm() sql := `SELECT map.match_type_name,map.category_id FROM cygx_report_mapping AS map INNER JOIN cygx_article AS art ON art.category_id = map.category_id INNER JOIN cygx_industrial_article_group_management AS man_g ON man_g.article_id = art.article_id WHERE map.report_type = 2 AND map.is_report = 1 AND art.is_report = 1 AND art.publish_status = 1 AND man_g.industrial_management_id =? GROUP BY map.match_type_name` _, err = o.Raw(sql, industrialManagementId).QueryRows(&items) return } // 产业下所关联的文章、产品内测分类列表 2023-04-14 func IndustrialToArticleAndProductInteriorCategoryNew(industrialManagementId int) (items []*IndustrialToArticleCategoryRep, err error) { o := orm.NewOrm() sql := `SELECT map.match_type_name, map.sort,, AS category_id FROM cygx_report_mapping_cygx AS map INNER JOIN cygx_report_mapping_group AS g ON g.id_cygx = INNER JOIN cygx_report_mapping_celue AS cl ON cl.category_id = g.category_id_celue INNER JOIN cygx_article AS art ON art.category_id = cl.category_id INNER JOIN cygx_industrial_article_group_management AS man_g ON man_g.article_id = art.article_id WHERE 1 = 1 AND map.report_type = 2 AND map.is_report = 1 AND art.is_report = 1 AND art.publish_status = 1 AND man_g.industrial_management_id = ? GROUP BY map.match_type_name UNION ALL SELECT map.match_type_name, map.sort,, AS category_id FROM cygx_report_mapping_cygx AS map INNER JOIN cygx_industrial_management AS im ON im.chart_permission_id = map.chart_permission_id INNER JOIN cygx_product_interior AS art ON art.match_type_id = INNER JOIN cygx_product_interior_industrial_group_management AS man_g ON man_g.product_interior_id = art.product_interior_id WHERE 1 = 1 AND art.STATUS = 1 AND art.visible_range = 1 AND man_g.industrial_management_id = ? GROUP BY map.match_type_name ORDER BY id ASC , sort DESC ` _, err = o.Raw(sql, industrialManagementId, industrialManagementId).QueryRows(&items) return } // 判断用户是否阅读该产业下,某一分类的文章 func IndustrialUserRecordArticleCount(userId, industrialManagementId, categoryId int) (count int, err error) { o := orm.NewOrm() sql := `SELECT COUNT(1) count FROM cygx_article_history_record WHERE article_id = ( SELECT article_id FROM cygx_article WHERE article_id IN (SELECT article_id FROM cygx_industrial_article_group_management WHERE industrial_management_id = ? ) AND category_id IN (SELECT category_id FROM cygx_report_mapping WHERE chart_permission_id = any( SELECT chart_permission_id FROM cygx_report_mapping WHERE category_id = ? ) AND match_type_name = any( SELECT match_type_name FROM cygx_report_mapping WHERE category_id = ? ) ) ORDER BY publish_date DESC LIMIT 0, 1 ) AND user_id = ? ` err = o.Raw(sql, industrialManagementId, categoryId, categoryId, userId).QueryRow(&count) return } // 获取最新文章 func GetNewIndustrialUserRecordArticle(industrialManagementId, categoryId int) (item *ArticleDetail, err error) { o := orm.NewOrm() //sql := ` SELECT * FROM cygx_article WHERE article_id IN (SELECT article_id FROM cygx_industrial_article_group_management WHERE industrial_management_id = ? ) AND match_type_name = any( SELECT match_type_name FROM cygx_report_mapping WHERE category_id = ? ) ORDER BY publish_date DESC LIMIT 0, 1` sql := ` SELECT * FROM cygx_article WHERE article_id IN (SELECT article_id FROM cygx_industrial_article_group_management WHERE industrial_management_id = ? ) AND category_id IN (SELECT category_id FROM cygx_report_mapping WHERE chart_permission_id = any( SELECT chart_permission_id FROM cygx_report_mapping WHERE category_id = ? ) AND match_type_name = any( SELECT match_type_name FROM cygx_report_mapping WHERE category_id = ? ) ) ORDER BY publish_date DESC LIMIT 0, 1` err = o.Raw(sql, industrialManagementId, categoryId, categoryId).QueryRow(&item) return } // 获取最新文章 func GetNewArticleByCategoryId(categoryId int) (item *ArticleDetail, err error) { o := orm.NewOrm() sql := ` SELECT * FROM cygx_article WHERE category_id IN ( SELECT category_id_celue FROM cygx_report_mapping_group WHERE id_cygx = ? ) ORDER BY publish_date DESC LIMIT 0, 1 ` err = o.Raw(sql, categoryId).QueryRow(&item) return } func GetIndustrialManagementIdsBykeyWord(condition string) (industrialManagementIds string, err error) { sql := `SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT industrial_management_id SEPARATOR ',') AS industrial_management_ids FROM cygx_industrial_management WHERE` + condition o := orm.NewOrm() err = o.Raw(sql).QueryRow(&industrialManagementIds) return } type ReportArticleWhichIndustrial struct { ArticleId int `description:"文章id"` Title string `description:"标题"` PublishDate string `description:"发布时间"` IndustryName string `description:"产业名称"` SubjectName string `description:"标的名称"` NickName string `description:"作者昵称"` IsRed bool `description:"是否标记红点"` Readnum int `description:"阅读数量"` IsResearch bool `description:"是否属于研选"` Pv int `description:"PV"` ImgUrlPc string `description:"图片链接"` } type ReportArticleWhichIndustrialRepList struct { HaveResearch bool `description:"是否有研选权限"` Paging *paging.PagingItem `description:"分页数据"` NickName string `description:"作者昵称"` IndustryName string `description:"产业名称"` List []*ReportArticleWhichIndustrial } // 列表 func IndustrialToArticleWhichDepartment(condition string, pars []interface{}, uid, startSize, pageSize int) (items []*ReportArticleWhichIndustrial, err error) { o := orm.NewOrm() sql := `SELECT art.* ,m.industry_name,d.nick_name, (SELECT count(1) FROM cygx_article_history_record_newpv as h WHERE h.article_id = art.article_id ) as pv, ( SELECT COUNT( 1 ) FROM cygx_article_history_record_newpv AS rec WHERE rec.user_id = ` + strconv.Itoa(uid) + ` AND rec.article_id = art.article_id ) AS readnum FROM cygx_article AS art INNER JOIN cygx_industrial_article_group_management as mg ON mg.article_id = art.article_id INNER JOIN cygx_industrial_management as m ON m.industrial_management_id = mg.industrial_management_id INNER JOIN cygx_article_department as d ON d.department_id = art.department_id WHERE 1 = 1 AND art.publish_status = 1` if condition != "" { sql += condition } sql += ` LIMIT ?,?` _, err = o.Raw(sql, pars, startSize, pageSize).QueryRows(&items) return } func GetWhichDepartmentCount(condition string) (count int, err error) { o := orm.NewOrm() sql := `SELECT COUNT(1) count FROM cygx_article AS art INNER JOIN cygx_industrial_article_group_management as mg ON mg.article_id = art.article_id INNER JOIN cygx_industrial_management as m ON m.industrial_management_id = mg.industrial_management_id INNER JOIN cygx_article_department as d ON d.department_id = art.department_id WHERE 1 = 1 AND art.publish_status = 1` if condition != "" { sql += condition } err = o.Raw(sql).QueryRow(&count) return } type IsShow struct { IsShow bool `description:"绝密内参按钮是否展示"` IsShowFreeButton bool `description:"免费送月卡按钮是否展示"` IsShowResearch bool `description:"研选是否展示限免"` IsShowChart bool `description:"图表是否展示限免"` IsShowList bool `description:"榜单是否展示"` LinkWxExplain string `description:"关注微信公众号链接说明地址"` YanXuan_Explain bool `description:"研选说明"` ActivitySpecialExplain string `description:"专项调研活动"` SearchTxtList SearchTxt `description:"搜索栏回显内容说明"` IsBelongRai bool `description:"是否属于权益内部人员"` IsShowResearchPoints bool `description:"是否展示研选扣点搜索"` IsShowQuestionnaire bool `description:"是否展示研选问卷调查"` IsShowAboutVideo bool `description:"是否展示关于我们的视频"` IsShowMobileAndEmailButton bool `description:"是否展示手机号跟邮箱按钮"` } type SearchTxt struct { SummarySearch string `description:"素材库搜索说明"` ReportSearch string `description:"报告搜索说明"` YanXuanSearch string `description:"研选搜索说明"` ActivitySearch string `description:"活动搜索说明"` TabSearch string `description:"素材库搜索说明"` } // 获取用户是否有查看权限 func GetUserIsAdminCount(mobile string) (count int, err error) { o := orm.NewOrm() sql := `SELECT COUNT(1) count FROM admin WHERE mobile = ? AND (group_id IN (11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17) OR department_id = 3 ) AND enabled = 1` err = o.Raw(sql, mobile).QueryRow(&count) return } type ReportDetailRoadshow struct { ArticleId int `description:"报告Id"` Title string `description:"标题"` Department string `orm:"column(seller_and_mobile)"description:"作者"` PublishDate string `description:"发布时间"` VideoUrl string `description:"链接"` VideoPlaySeconds string `description:"时长"` VideoName string `description:"音频名称"` Abstract string `description:"摘要"` Body string `description:"内容"` CategoryName string `description:"行业名称"` ReportLink string `orm:"column(link_article_id)"description:"报告链接"` IsCollect bool `description:"是否收藏:true,已收藏,false:未收藏"` IsRoadShow bool `description:"是否是路演精华"` VisibleRange int `description:"设置可见范围1全部,0内部"` CategoryId int `description:"文章分类ID"` } type RoadshowDetailResp struct { Detail *ReportDetailRoadshow HasPermission int `description:"1:有该行业权限,正常展示,2:无该行业权限,不存在权益客户下,3:无该品类权限,已提交过申请,4:无该行业权限,未提交过申请,5:潜在客户,未提交过申请,6:潜在客户,已提交过申请"` HasFree int `description:"1:已付费(至少包含一个品类的权限),2:未付费(没有任何品类权限)"` IsShow bool `description:"是否展示"` } func GetReportRoadshowDetailById(articleId int) (item *ReportDetailRoadshow, err error) { o := orm.NewOrm() sql := `SELECT * FROM cygx_article WHERE article_id = ? AND publish_status = 1 ` err = o.Raw(sql, articleId).QueryRow(&item) return } type CygxIndustryAndArticleList struct { ArticleId int `orm:"column(article_id);pk"description:"报告id"` Title string `description:"标题"` PublishDate string `description:"发布时间"` IndustryName string `description:"产业名称"` SubjectName string `description:"标的名称"` } type CygxIndustrySearchList struct { ArtList []*CygxIndustryAndArticleList `description:"文章列表"` IndList []*IndustrialManagement `description:"产业列表"` } type CygxIndustrySearchListPc struct { DepartmentList []*CygxArticleDepartmentRepPc IndList []*IndustrialManagement `description:"产业列表"` } // 列表 func GetCygxIndustryAndArticleList(keyWord string) (items []*CygxIndustryAndArticleList, err error) { o := orm.NewOrm() sql := `SELECT art.title, art.article_id, art.publish_date FROM cygx_article AS art LEFT JOIN cygx_industrial_article_group_subject AS sg ON sg.article_id = art.article_id LEFT JOIN cygx_industrial_article_group_management AS mg ON mg.article_id = mg.article_id LEFT JOIN cygx_industrial_management AS m ON m.industrial_management_id = mg.industrial_management_id WHERE category_name LIKE '%研选%' AND art.article_id IN ( SELECT article_id FROM cygx_industrial_article_group_subject AS sg WHERE sg.industrial_subject_id IN ( SELECT industrial_subject_id FROM cygx_industrial_subject WHERE subject_name LIKE '%` + keyWord + `%' ) GROUP BY sg.article_id ) OR ( art.article_id IN ( SELECT article_id FROM cygx_industrial_article_group_management AS mg WHERE mg.industrial_management_id IN ( SELECT industrial_management_id FROM cygx_industrial_management WHERE industry_name LIKE '%` + keyWord + `%' ) GROUP BY mg.article_id ) AND category_name LIKE '%研选%' ) GROUP BY art.article_id` _, err = o.Raw(sql).QueryRows(&items) return } func GetArticleIdsBySubId(subjectId string) (articleIds string, err error) { o := orm.NewOrm() sql := `SELECT GROUP_CONCAT( DISTINCT a.article_id SEPARATOR ',' ) AS articleIds FROM cygx_article AS a WHERE subject_ids LIKE '%` + subjectId + `%'` err = o.Raw(sql).QueryRow(&articleIds) return } //end // 用户收藏榜start type ArticleCollectionResp struct { ArticleId int `description:"文章id"` Title string `description:"标题"` PublishDate string `description:"发布日期"` PublishTime time.Time `description:"发布时间"` IndustrialManagementId int `description:"产业Id"` IndustryName string `description:"产业名称"` DepartmentId int `description:"作者Id"` NickName string `description:"作者昵称"` MyCollectNum int `description:"本人是否收藏"` IsCollect bool `description:"本人是否收藏"` Pv int `description:"PV"` CollectNum int `description:"收藏人数"` Source int `description:"来源 1:弘则资源包(报告)、2:研选主题(报告)"` ArticleTypeId int `description:"文章类型ID"` List []*IndustrialManagementResp `description:"产业列表"` IsSpecial int `description:"是否为研选专栏"` SpecialTags string `description:"研选专栏标签"` UserId int `description:"作者id"` SpecialType int `description:"专栏类型 1:笔记,2:观点"` IndustryTags string `description:"研选专栏行业标签"` CompanyTags string `description:"研选专栏公司标签"` ArticleTypeName string `description:"文章类型名称"` TopTime int `description:"置顶时间"` ReportId int `description:"FICC研报ID"` Resource int `description:"来源类型,1:文章、2:产品内测、3:FICC研报"` ResourceObj string `description:"articleficc:FICC研报、articlevmp:上海策略平台报告、articleyx:研选报告、articlespecial:研选专栏"` } type IndustrialManagementResp struct { IndustrialManagementId int `description:"产业Id"` IndustryName string `description:"产业名称"` ChartPermissionId int `description:"权限id"` } type ArticleCollectionLIstResp struct { List []*ArticleCollectionResp } // 研选报告收藏榜单列表 func GetReportCollectionBillboardListYx(limit int, pars []interface{}, condition string) (items []*ArticleCollectionResp, err error) { o := orm.NewOrm() sql := `SELECT, a.category_id, a.article_id, a.title, a.body, a.annotation, a.abstract, a.publish_date, a.article_type_id, d.nick_name, d.department_id, ( SELECT count( 1 ) FROM cygx_article_collect AS ac WHERE ac.article_id = a.article_id ) AS collect_num, ( SELECT count( 1 ) FROM cygx_article_collect AS ac WHERE ac.article_id = a.article_id AND DATE_SUB( CURDATE(), INTERVAL 30 DAY ) <= date( ac.create_time ) ) AS collection_num FROM cygx_article AS a INNER JOIN cygx_article_collect AS ac ON ac.article_id = a.article_id INNER JOIN cygx_industrial_article_group_management AS mg ON mg.article_id = a.article_id INNER JOIN cygx_industrial_management AS m ON m.industrial_management_id = mg.industrial_management_id INNER JOIN cygx_article_department AS d ON d.department_id = a.department_id WHERE 1 = 1 AND a.publish_status = 1 ` if condition != "" { sql += condition } sql += ` GROUP BY a.article_id ORDER BY collection_num DESC, a.publish_date DESC` sql += ` LIMIT ?` _, err = o.Raw(sql, pars, limit).QueryRows(&items) return } // 列表 func GetArticleCollectionList(condition string, userId int) (items []*ArticleCollectionResp, err error) { o := orm.NewOrm() sql := `SELECT a.article_id, a.title, date_format( a.publish_date, '%Y-%m-%d' ) AS publish_date, m.industry_name, m.industrial_management_id, d.nick_name, d.department_id, ( SELECT count( 1 ) FROM cygx_article_history_record_newpv AS h WHERE h.article_id = a.article_id ) AS pv, ( SELECT count( 1 ) FROM cygx_article_collect AS ac WHERE ac.article_id = a.article_id ) AS collect_num, ( SELECT count( 1 ) FROM cygx_article_collect AS ac WHERE ac.article_id = a.article_id AND DATE_SUB( CURDATE(), INTERVAL 30 DAY ) <= date( ac.create_time ) ) AS collect_num_order, ( SELECT count( 1 ) FROM cygx_article_collect AS ac WHERE ac.article_id = a.article_id AND user_id = ? ) AS my_collect_num FROM cygx_article AS a INNER JOIN cygx_industrial_article_group_management AS mg ON mg.article_id = a.article_id INNER JOIN cygx_industrial_management AS m ON m.industrial_management_id = mg.industrial_management_id INNER JOIN cygx_article_department AS d ON d.department_id = a.department_id WHERE 1 = 1 AND a.publish_status = 1 ` if condition != "" { sql += condition } _, err = o.Raw(sql, userId).QueryRows(&items) return } //end // 资源包研选跟研选专栏的搜索 //func GetArticleAndYxSpecialList(condition, conditionSpecial string, userId int) (items []*ArticleCollectionResp, err error) { // o := orm.NewOrm() // sql := `SELECT // a.article_id, // a.title, // date_format( a.publish_date, '%Y-%m-%d' ) AS publish_date, // d.nick_name, // d.department_id, // a.article_type_id, // 0 AS is_special, // "" AS special_tags, // "" AS company_tags, // "" AS industry_tags, // ( SELECT count( 1 ) FROM cygx_article_history_record_newpv AS h WHERE h.article_id = a.article_id ) AS pv, // ( SELECT count( 1 ) FROM cygx_article_collect AS ac WHERE ac.article_id = a.article_id ) AS collect_num, // ( SELECT count( 1 ) FROM cygx_article_collect AS ac WHERE ac.article_id = a.article_id AND user_id = ? ) AS my_collect_num, // '' AS special_type, // '' AS user_id, // '' AS create_time // FROM // cygx_article AS a // INNER JOIN cygx_industrial_article_group_management AS mg ON mg.article_id = a.article_id // INNER JOIN cygx_industrial_management AS m ON m.industrial_management_id = mg.industrial_management_id // INNER JOIN cygx_article_department AS d ON d.department_id = a.department_id // WHERE // 1 = 1 // AND a.publish_status = 1 ` + condition + ` GROUP BY article_id // UNION ALL // SELECT // AS article_id, // a.title AS title, // date_format( a.publish_time, '%Y-%m-%d' ) AS publish_date, // "" AS nick_name, // 0 AS department_id, // - 1 AS article_type_id, // 1 AS is_special, // a.tags AS special_tags, // a.company_tags, // a.industry_tags, // ( SELECT count( 1 ) FROM cygx_yanxuan_special_record AS h WHERE h.yanxuan_special_id = ) AS pv, // ( SELECT count( 1 ) FROM cygx_yanxuan_special_collect AS ac WHERE ac.yanxuan_special_id = ) AS collect_num, // ( SELECT count( 1 ) FROM cygx_yanxuan_special_collect AS ac WHERE ac.yanxuan_special_id = AND user_id = ? ) AS my_collect_num, // a.type AS special_type, // a.user_id AS user_id, // a.create_time AS create_time // FROM // cygx_yanxuan_special AS a // JOIN cygx_yanxuan_special_author AS b ON a.user_id = b.user_id // WHERE // 1 = 1 // AND a.STATUS = 3 ` + conditionSpecial + ` ORDER BY publish_date DESC LIMIT 30` // // _, err = o.Raw(sql, userId, userId).QueryRows(&items) // return //} //end // 资源包研选跟研选专栏的搜索 func GetArticleAndYxSpecialList(condition, conditionSpecial string, userId int) (items []*ArticleCollectionResp, err error) { o := orm.NewOrm() sql := `SELECT a.article_id, a.title, date_format( a.publish_date, '%Y-%m-%d' ) AS publish_date, d.nick_name, d.department_id, a.article_type_id, 0 AS is_special, 0 AS pv, 0 AS collect_num, "" AS special_tags, "" AS company_tags, "" AS industry_tags, '' AS special_type, '' AS user_id, '' AS create_time FROM cygx_article AS a INNER JOIN cygx_article_department AS d ON d.department_id = a.department_id WHERE 1 = 1 AND a.publish_status = 1 ` + condition + ` GROUP BY article_id UNION ALL SELECT AS article_id, a.title AS title, date_format( a.publish_time, '%Y-%m-%d' ) AS publish_date, "" AS nick_name, 0 AS department_id, - 1 AS article_type_id, 1 AS is_special, a.pv, a.article_collect_num as collect_num, a.tags AS special_tags, a.company_tags, a.industry_tags, a.type AS special_type, a.user_id AS user_id, a.create_time AS create_time FROM cygx_yanxuan_special AS a JOIN cygx_yanxuan_special_author AS b ON a.user_id = b.user_id WHERE 1 = 1 AND a.STATUS = 3 ` + conditionSpecial + ` ORDER BY publish_date DESC LIMIT 30` _, err = o.Raw(sql).QueryRows(&items) return } //end type ArticleResearchListResp struct { Paging *paging.PagingItem List []*ArticleResearchResp } type ArticleResearchResp struct { ArticleId int `description:"文章id"` Title string `description:"标题"` PublishDate string `description:"发布时间"` DepartmentId int `description:"作者Id"` NickName string `description:"作者昵称"` IsCollect bool `description:"本人是否收藏"` Pv int `description:"PV"` CollectNum int `description:"收藏人数"` Source int `description:"来源 1:弘则资源包(报告)、2:研选主题(报告)"` ArticleTypeId int `description:"文章类型ID"` ArticleTypeName string `description:"类型名称"` ButtonStyle string `description:"按钮展示样式"` IsSpecial int `description:"是否为研选专栏"` SpecialTags string `description:"研选专栏标签"` UserId int `description:"作者id"` List []*IndustrialManagementResp `description:"产业列表"` TopTime int `description:"置顶时间"` } // 获取我的日程数量 func GetArticleResearchCount(condition string, pars []interface{}, needYanxuanSpecial bool) (count int, err error) { o := orm.NewOrm() sqlCount := `SELECT COUNT( 1 ) AS count FROM cygx_article AS a WHERE 1 = 1 AND a.publish_status = 1` + condition if needYanxuanSpecial { sqlCount = `SELECT SUM(count) AS count FROM (` + sqlCount + ` UNION ALL SELECT COUNT( 1 ) AS count FROM cygx_yanxuan_special AS a WHERE 1 = 1 AND a.status = 3) AS c` } err = o.Raw(sqlCount, pars).QueryRow(&count) return } //func GetArticleResearchList(condition string, pars []interface{}, startSize, pageSize, userId int, needYanxuanSpecial bool) (items []*ArticleCollectionResp, err error) { // o := orm.NewOrm() // sql := `SELECT // a.article_id, // a.title, // a.publish_date AS publish_time, // a.article_type_id, // d.nick_name, // d.department_id, // ( SELECT count( 1 ) FROM cygx_article_history_record_newpv AS h WHERE h.article_id = a.article_id ) AS pv, // ( SELECT count( 1 ) FROM cygx_article_collect AS ac WHERE ac.article_id = a.article_id ) AS collect_num, // ( SELECT count( 1 ) FROM cygx_article_collect AS ac WHERE ac.article_id = a.article_id AND DATE_SUB( CURDATE(), INTERVAL 30 DAY ) <= date( ac.create_time ) ) AS collect_num_order, // ( SELECT count( 1 ) FROM cygx_article_collect AS ac WHERE ac.article_id = a.article_id AND user_id = ? ) AS my_collect_num, // 0 AS is_special, // 0 AS special_type, // 0 AS user_id, // '' AS company_tags, // '' AS industry_tags // FROM // cygx_article AS a // INNER JOIN cygx_industrial_article_group_management AS mg ON mg.article_id = a.article_id // INNER JOIN cygx_industrial_management AS m ON m.industrial_management_id = mg.industrial_management_id // INNER JOIN cygx_article_department AS d ON d.department_id = a.department_id // WHERE // 1 = 1 AND a.publish_status = 1 // ` // if condition != "" { // sql += condition // } // sql += ` GROUP BY a.article_id ` // if needYanxuanSpecial { // sql += `UNION ALL // SELECT // AS article_id, // a.title AS title, // a.publish_time AS publish_time, // -1 AS article_type_id, // b.nick_name AS nick_name, // a.user_id AS department_id, // ( SELECT count( 1 ) FROM cygx_yanxuan_special_record AS h WHERE h.yanxuan_special_id = ) AS pv, // ( SELECT count( 1 ) FROM cygx_yanxuan_special_collect AS ac WHERE ac.yanxuan_special_id = ) AS collect_num, // 0 AS collect_num_order, // ( SELECT count( 1 ) FROM cygx_yanxuan_special_collect AS ac WHERE ac.yanxuan_special_id = AND user_id = ? ) AS my_collect_num, // 1 AS is_special, // a.type AS special_type, // a.user_id AS user_id, // a.company_tags AS company_tags, // a.industry_tags AS industry_tags // FROM // cygx_yanxuan_special AS a // JOIN cygx_yanxuan_special_author AS b ON a.user_id = b.user_id // WHERE // 1 = 1 AND a.status = 3 ` // sql += ` ORDER BY publish_time DESC LIMIT ?,? ` // _, err = o.Raw(sql, userId, userId, pars, startSize, pageSize).QueryRows(&items) // } else { // sql += ` ORDER BY publish_time DESC LIMIT ?,? ` // _, err = o.Raw(sql, userId, pars, startSize, pageSize).QueryRows(&items) // } // // return //} func GetArticleResearchList(condition string, pars []interface{}, startSize, pageSize, userId int, needYanxuanSpecial bool) (items []*ArticleCollectionResp, err error) { o := orm.NewOrm() sql := `SELECT a.article_id, a.title, a.publish_date AS publish_time, a.article_type_id, d.nick_name, d.department_id, 0 AS is_special, 0 as pv, 0 as collect_num, 0 AS special_type, 0 AS user_id, '' AS company_tags, '' AS industry_tags, a.top_time FROM cygx_article AS a INNER JOIN cygx_article_department AS d ON d.department_id = a.department_id WHERE 1 = 1 AND a.publish_status = 1 ` if condition != "" { sql += condition } sql += ` GROUP BY a.article_id ` if needYanxuanSpecial { sql += `UNION ALL SELECT AS article_id, a.title AS title, a.publish_time AS publish_time, -1 AS article_type_id, b.nick_name AS nick_name, a.user_id AS department_id, 1 AS is_special, a.pv, a.article_collect_num as collect_num, a.type AS special_type, a.user_id AS user_id, a.company_tags AS company_tags, a.industry_tags AS industry_tags, 0 as top_time FROM cygx_yanxuan_special AS a JOIN cygx_yanxuan_special_author AS b ON a.user_id = b.user_id WHERE 1 = 1 AND a.status = 3 ` } sql += ` ORDER BY top_time DESC, publish_time DESC LIMIT ?,? ` _, err = o.Raw(sql, pars, startSize, pageSize).QueryRows(&items) return } // 用户收藏榜start type IndustrialManagementHotResp struct { IndustrialManagementId int `orm:"column(industrial_management_id);pk" description:"产业id"` IndustryName string `description:"产业名称"` IsFollw bool `description:"是否关注"` FollowType int `description:"1,重点关注,3不感兴趣,0默认接受推送"` FllowNum int `description:"关注数量"` IsNew bool `description:"是否新标签"` IsHot bool `description:"是否新标签"` IsRed bool `description:"是否标记红点"` Readnum int `description:"阅读数量"` PublishDate string `description:"发布时间"` MinReportTime string `description:"报告最早发布时间"` ArticleReadNum int `description:"文章阅读数量"` Source int `description:"来源 1:弘则资源包(报告)、2:研选主题(报告)"` TimeLineData string `description:"时间线所关联最新三篇文章的json数据"` ListTimeLine []TimeLineReportResp `description:"时间线所关联最新三篇文章列表"` IndustrialSubjectList []*IndustrialSubject `description:"标的列表"` IndustryVideo *MicroVideoSimpleInfo `description:"产业视频"` AuthInfo *UserPermissionAuthInfo } type IndustrialManagementHotListResp struct { Paging *paging.PagingItem `description:"分页数据"` List []*IndustrialManagementHotResp } // 产业列表 func GetThemeHeatList(userId int, condition, conditionOrder string, startSize, pageSize int) (items []*IndustrialManagementHotResp, err error) { o := orm.NewOrm() sql := `SELECT m.industry_name, m.industrial_management_id, m.article_read_num, MAX( a.publish_date ) AS publish_date, MIN(a.publish_date) AS min_report_time, ( SELECT count( 1 ) FROM cygx_industry_fllow AS f WHERE f.industrial_management_id = m.industrial_management_id AND user_id =? AND f.type = 1 ) AS fllow_num, m.yanxuan_article_read_num + m.activity_num AS sum_num FROM cygx_industrial_management AS m LEFT JOIN cygx_industrial_article_group_management AS mg ON mg.industrial_management_id = m.industrial_management_id LEFT JOIN cygx_article AS a ON a.article_id = mg.article_id LEFT JOIN cygx_industrial_activity_group_management as ag ON ag.industrial_management_id = mg.industrial_management_id WHERE 1 = 1 AND publish_status = 1 ` + condition + ` GROUP BY m.industrial_management_id ` + conditionOrder + ` , last_updated_time DESC LIMIT ?,?` _, err = o.Raw(sql, userId, startSize, pageSize).QueryRows(&items) return } // 获取数量 func GetThemeHeatListCount(condition string) (count int, err error) { o := orm.NewOrm() sql := `SELECT COUNT( DISTINCT m.industrial_management_id ) FROM cygx_industrial_management AS m LEFT JOIN cygx_industrial_article_group_management AS mg ON mg.industrial_management_id = m.industrial_management_id LEFT JOIN cygx_article AS a ON a.article_id = mg.article_id LEFT JOIN cygx_industrial_activity_group_management as ag ON ag.industrial_management_id = mg.industrial_management_id WHERE 1 = 1 AND a.publish_status = 1 ` + condition err = o.Raw(sql).QueryRow(&count) return } // 标的列表 func GetThemeHeatSubjectList(condition string) (items []*IndustrialSubject, err error) { o := orm.NewOrm() sql := `SELECT m.subject_name, m.industrial_management_id, m.industrial_subject_id FROM cygx_article AS a INNER JOIN cygx_industrial_article_group_subject AS mg ON mg.article_id = a.article_id INNER JOIN cygx_industrial_subject AS m ON m.industrial_subject_id = mg.industrial_subject_id WHERE 1 = 1` if condition != "" { sql += condition } sql += ` AND publish_status = 1 GROUP BY m.industrial_subject_id ORDER BY publish_date DESC` _, err = o.Raw(sql).QueryRows(&items) return } //end // Kol sratr type DepartmentResp struct { DepartmentId int `description:"作者Id"` NickName string `description:"作者昵称"` ImgUrl string `description:"图片链接"` IsFollw bool `description:"是否关注"` IsHot bool `description:"是否关注"` FllowNum int `description:"关注数量"` List []*IndustrialDepartmentListResp } type DepartmentListResp struct { Paging *paging.PagingItem `description:"分页数据"` List []*DepartmentResp } type IndustrialDepartmentListResp struct { IndustrialManagementId int `description:"产业Id"` IndustryName string `description:"产业名称"` DepartmentId int `description:"作者Id"` } // 作者列表 func GetDepartmentList(condition, conditionOrder string, userId, startSize, pageSize int) (items []*DepartmentResp, err error) { o := orm.NewOrm() sql := `SELECT d.nick_name, d.department_id, d.img_url, MAX( a.publish_date ) AS publish_date, ( SELECT count( 1 ) FROM cygx_article_department_follow AS f WHERE f.department_id = d.department_id AND user_id =? AND f.type= 1 ) AS fllow_num, ( SELECT count( 1 ) FROM cygx_article_department_follow AS f WHERE f.department_id = d.department_id AND f.type= 1 ) AS sum_num FROM cygx_article_department AS d INNER JOIN cygx_article AS a ON d.department_id = a.department_id WHERE 1 = 1 AND publish_status = 1 ` + condition + ` GROUP BY d.department_id ` + conditionOrder + ` , last_updated_time DESC LIMIT ?,?` _, err = o.Raw(sql, userId, startSize, pageSize).QueryRows(&items) return } // 获取数量 func GetDepartmentlistCount(condition string) (count int, err error) { o := orm.NewOrm() sql := `SELECT count(*) AS count FROM ( SELECT COUNT( 1 ) AS count FROM cygx_article_department AS d INNER JOIN cygx_article AS a ON d.department_id = a.department_id WHERE 1 = 1 AND a.article_type_id > 0 AND publish_status = 1 GROUP BY d.department_id ) c ` err = o.Raw(sql).QueryRow(&count) return } // 作者文章所关联的产业列表 func GetIndustrialDepartmentList() (items []*IndustrialDepartmentListResp, err error) { o := orm.NewOrm() sql := `SELECT m.industrial_management_id, m.industry_name, d.department_id FROM cygx_article_department AS d INNER JOIN cygx_article AS a ON d.department_id = a.department_id INNER JOIN cygx_industrial_article_group_management AS mg ON mg.article_id = a.article_id INNER JOIN cygx_industrial_management AS m ON m.industrial_management_id = mg.industrial_management_id WHERE 1 = 1 AND a.article_type_id > 0 AND publish_status = 1 ORDER BY a.publish_date DESC` _, err = o.Raw(sql).QueryRows(&items) return } // 主题详情start type GetThemeDetailListResp struct { ArticleId int `description:"文章id"` Title string `description:"标题"` PublishDate string `description:"发布时间"` SubjectName string `description:"标的名称"` IndustrialSubjectId int `description:"标的id"` DepartmentId int `description:"作者Id"` NickName string `description:"作者昵称"` Pv int `description:"PV"` CollectNum int `description:"收藏人数"` IndustrialManagementId int `description:"产业Id"` IndustryName string `description:"产业名称"` FllowNum int `description:"关注数量"` MyCollectNum int `description:"本人是否收藏"` IsCollect bool `description:"本人是否收藏"` } type GetThemeAericleListResp struct { ArticleId int `description:"文章id"` Title string `description:"标题"` PublishDate string `description:"发布时间"` SubjectName string `description:"标的名称"` IndustrialSubjectId int `description:"标的ID"` DepartmentId int `description:"作者Id"` NickName string `description:"作者昵称"` Pv int `description:"PV"` CollectNum int `description:"收藏人数"` FllowNum int `description:"关注数量"` MyCollectNum int `description:"本人是否收藏"` IsCollect bool `description:"本人是否收藏"` } type GetThemeAericleListBuSubjectResp struct { SubjectName string `description:"标的名称"` List []*GetThemeAericleListResp } // 主题详情start type GetThemeDetailResp struct { IndustrialManagementId int `description:"产业Id"` IndustryName string `description:"产业名称"` IsFollw bool `description:"是否关注"` FollowType int `description:"1,重点关注,3不感兴趣,0默认接受推送"` ListSubject []*IndustrialSubject `description:"标的列表"` List []*GetThemeAericleListResp } // 列表 func GetThemeDetail(userId, industrialManagementId int, condition string) (items []*GetThemeDetailListResp, err error) { o := orm.NewOrm() sql := `SELECT a.article_id, a.title, date_format( a.publish_date, '%Y-%m-%d' ) AS publish_date, m.industry_name, m.industrial_management_id, d.nick_name, d.department_id, s.industrial_subject_id, s.subject_name, ( SELECT count( 1 ) FROM cygx_article_history_record_newpv AS h WHERE h.article_id = a.article_id ) AS pv, ( SELECT count( 1 ) FROM cygx_article_collect AS ac WHERE ac.article_id = a.article_id ) AS collect_num, ( SELECT count( 1 ) FROM cygx_article_collect AS ac WHERE ac.article_id = a.article_id and user_id = ? ) AS my_collect_num, ( SELECT count( 1 ) FROM cygx_industry_fllow AS ac WHERE user_id = ? AND ac.industrial_management_id = m.industrial_management_id AND ac.type= 1) AS fllow_num FROM cygx_article AS a INNER JOIN cygx_industrial_article_group_management AS mg ON mg.article_id = a.article_id LEFT JOIN cygx_industrial_management AS m ON m.industrial_management_id = mg.industrial_management_id LEFT JOIN cygx_article_department AS d ON d.department_id = a.department_id LEFT JOIN cygx_industrial_article_group_subject AS sg ON sg.article_id = a.article_id LEFT JOIN cygx_industrial_subject AS s ON s.industrial_subject_id = sg.industrial_subject_id WHERE 1 = 1 AND m.industrial_management_id = ? AND publish_status = 1 ` + condition + ` GROUP BY article_id ORDER BY publish_date DESC` _, err = o.Raw(sql, userId, userId, industrialManagementId).QueryRows(&items) return } //end // 用户收藏榜start type DepartmentDetailResp struct { DepartmentId int `description:"作者Id"` NickName string `description:"作者昵称"` ImgUrl string `description:"图片链接"` FllowNum int `description:"多少人关注"` ArticleNum int `description:"文章数量"` CollectNum int `description:"收藏人数"` IsFllow bool `description:"是否关注"` List []*ArticleCollectionResp ListIndustrial []*IndustrialManagementNewResp } type DepartmentDetail struct { DepartmentId int `description:"作者Id"` NickName string `description:"作者昵称"` ImgUrl string `description:"图片链接"` FllowNum int `description:"多少人关注"` ArticleNum int `description:"文章数量"` CollectNum int `description:"收藏人数"` IsFllow bool `description:"是否关注"` MyFllowNum int `description:"本人是否关注"` } // 列表 func GetDepartmentDetail(userId, departmentId int, condition string) (item DepartmentDetail, err error) { o := orm.NewOrm() sql := `SELECT d.department_id, d.nick_name, d.img_url, ( SELECT count( 1 ) FROM cygx_article_department_follow AS af WHERE af.user_id = ? AND af.department_id = d.department_id AND af.type= 1 ) AS my_fllow_num, ( SELECT count( 1 ) FROM cygx_article_department_follow AS f WHERE f.department_id = d.department_id AND f.type= 1 ) AS fllow_num, ( SELECT count( 1 ) FROM cygx_article AS a WHERE a.department_id = d.department_id ` + condition + ` ) AS article_num, ( SELECT count( 1 ) FROM cygx_article_collect AS c WHERE c.article_id IN (SELECT article_id FROM cygx_article AS a WHERE a.department_id = d.department_id ` + condition + ` )) AS collect_num FROM cygx_article_department AS d WHERE d.department_id = ?` err = o.Raw(sql, userId, departmentId).QueryRow(&item) return } //end // 报告搜索start type ReoprtSearchResp struct { ListYx []*ArticleCollectionResp `description:"研选报告"` ListHz []*ArticleCollectionResp `description:"弘则报告"` } //// 列表 //func GetReoprtSearchList(condition string, userId int) (items []*ArticleCollectionResp, err error) { // o := orm.NewOrm() // sql := `SELECT // a.article_id, // a.title, // date_format( a.publish_date, '%Y-%m-%d' ) AS publish_date, // m.industry_name, // m.industrial_management_id, // ( SELECT count( 1 ) FROM cygx_article_history_record_newpv AS h WHERE h.article_id = a.article_id ) AS pv, // ( SELECT count( 1 ) FROM cygx_article_collect AS ac WHERE ac.article_id = a.article_id ) AS collect_num, // ( SELECT count( 1 ) FROM cygx_article_collect AS ac WHERE ac.article_id = a.article_id AND user_id = ?) AS my_collect_num // FROM // cygx_article AS a // LEFT JOIN cygx_industrial_article_group_management AS mg ON mg.article_id = a.article_id // LEFT JOIN cygx_industrial_management AS m ON m.industrial_management_id = mg.industrial_management_id // WHERE // 1 = 1 ` // if condition != "" { // sql += condition // } // _, err = o.Raw(sql, userId).QueryRows(&items) // return //} //end // 列表 func GetReoprtSearchList(condition string, userId int) (items []*ArticleCollectionResp, err error) { o := orm.NewOrm() sql := `SELECT a.article_id, a.report_id, a.title, date_format( a.publish_date, '%Y-%m-%d' ) AS publish_date, m.industry_name, m.industrial_management_id FROM cygx_article AS a LEFT JOIN cygx_industrial_article_group_management AS mg ON mg.article_id = a.article_id LEFT JOIN cygx_industrial_management AS m ON m.industrial_management_id = mg.industrial_management_id WHERE 1 = 1 ` if condition != "" { sql += condition } _, err = o.Raw(sql).QueryRows(&items) return } //end // 搜索资源包 start type SearchResourceResp struct { ListHz []*IndustrialManagementHotResp `description:"弘则"` ListYx []*IndustrialManagementHotResp `description:"研选"` } // 搜索资源包 start type SearchReportAndResourceResp struct { ListHzResource []*IndustrialManagement `description:"弘则资源包"` ListYxResource []*IndustrialManagementHotResp `description:"研选资源包"` ListYxReport []*ArticleCollectionResp `description:"研选报告"` ListHzReport []*ArticleCollectionResp `description:"弘则报告"` } // 产业列表 func GetSearchResourceList(userId int, condition string, startSize, pageSize int) (items []*IndustrialManagementHotResp, err error) { o := orm.NewOrm() sql := `SELECT m.time_line_data, m.industry_name, m.industrial_management_id, MAX( a.publish_date ) as publish_date_order, MIN(a.publish_date) AS min_report_time, date_format( MAX( a.publish_date ), '%Y-%m-%d' ) AS publish_date, (SELECT COUNT(1) FROM cygx_article_history_record AS rec WHERE rec.user_id = ` + strconv.Itoa(userId) + ` AND rec.article_id=a.article_id) AS readnum FROM cygx_industrial_management AS m INNER JOIN cygx_industrial_article_group_management AS mg ON mg.industrial_management_id = m.industrial_management_id INNER JOIN cygx_article AS a ON a.article_id = mg.article_id AND a.article_type != 'lyjh' WHERE 1 = 1 AND publish_status = 1 ` + condition + ` GROUP BY m.industrial_management_id ORDER BY publish_date_order DESC ` if startSize > 0 || pageSize > 0 { sql += ` LIMIT ` + strconv.Itoa(startSize) + "," + strconv.Itoa(pageSize) } _, err = o.Raw(sql).QueryRows(&items) return } // 列表 func GetSearchResourceListcondition(condition string, startSize, pageSize int) (items []*IndustrialManagement, err error) { o := orm.NewOrm() sql := `SELECT m.time_line_data, m.industry_name, m.chart_permission_id, m.industrial_management_id, MAX( a.publish_date ) as publish_date_order, MIN( a.publish_date ) AS min_report_time, date_format( MAX( a.publish_date ), '%Y-%m-%d' ) AS publish_date FROM cygx_industrial_management AS m INNER JOIN cygx_industrial_article_group_management AS mg ON mg.industrial_management_id = m.industrial_management_id INNER JOIN cygx_article AS a ON a.article_id = mg.article_id AND a.article_type != 'lyjh' WHERE 1 = 1 AND publish_status = 1 ` + condition + ` GROUP BY m.industrial_management_id ORDER BY publish_date_order DESC ` if startSize > 0 || pageSize > 0 { sql += ` LIMIT ` + strconv.Itoa(startSize) + "," + strconv.Itoa(pageSize) } _, err = o.Raw(sql).QueryRows(&items) return } // 切换列表 type ReportBillboardTableResp struct { Name string `description:"名称"` Source int `description:"类型"` List []*ChartPermission } // 切换列表 type ReportBillboardTableListResp struct { List []*ReportBillboardTableResp } // 报告榜单start type ArticleReportBillboardResp struct { ArticleId int `description:"文章id"` Title string `description:"标题"` PublishDate string `description:"发布时间"` PermissionName string `description:"行业名称"` DepartmentId int `description:"作者Id"` NickName string `description:"作者昵称"` IsCollect bool `description:"本人是否收藏"` Pv int `description:"PV"` CollectNum int `description:"收藏人数"` Source int `description:"来源 1:弘则资源包(报告)、2:研选主题(报告)"` IsRoadShow bool `description:"是否是路演精华"` CategoryId int `description:"分类ID"` IsResearch bool `description:"是否属于研选"` ArticleTypeId int `description:"文章类型ID"` ArticleTypeName string `description:"文章类型名称"` IsSpecial int `description:"是否为研选专栏"` SpecialTags string `description:"研选专栏标签"` MyCollectNum int `description:"本人是否收藏"` SpecialType int `description:"专栏类型 1:笔记,2:观点"` UserId int `description:"作者id"` List []*IndustrialManagementIdInt } type ArticleReportBillboardLIstResp struct { List []*ArticleReportBillboardResp } type ArticleReportBillboardLIstPageResp struct { List []*ArticleReportBillboardResp Paging *paging.PagingItem } // 报告收藏榜单列表 func GetReportCollectionBillboardList(limit int, pars []interface{}, condition string) (items []*ArticleReportBillboardResp, err error) { o := orm.NewOrm() sql := `SELECT, a.article_id, a.title, date_format(a.publish_date, '%Y-%m-%d') AS publish_date, m.chart_permission_name AS permission_name, COUNT( AS collection_num FROM cygx_article AS a INNER JOIN cygx_report_mapping AS m ON m.category_id = a.category_id INNER JOIN cygx_article_collect AS ac ON ac.article_id = a.article_id WHERE 1 = 1 AND a.publish_status = 1 ` if condition != "" { sql += condition } sql += ` GROUP BY a.article_id ORDER BY collection_num DESC, DESC, a.publish_date DESC` sql += ` LIMIT ?` _, err = o.Raw(sql, pars, limit).QueryRows(&items) return } // 报告阅读榜单列表 func GetReportPvBillboardList(pars []interface{}, condition string) (items []*ArticleReportBillboardResp, err error) { o := orm.NewOrm() sql := `SELECT a.article_id, a.title, date_format( a.publish_date, '%Y-%m-%d' ) AS publish_date FROM cygx_article AS a INNER JOIN cygx_report_mapping AS m ON m.category_id = a.category_id WHERE 1 = 1 AND a.publish_status = 1 ` if condition != "" { sql += condition } _, err = o.Raw(sql, pars).QueryRows(&items) return } // 获取产业报告+晨会点评数量 func GetTimeLineReportIndustrialCount(industrialManagementId int) (count int, err error) { o := orm.NewOrm() sql := `SELECT SUM(count) AS count FROM ( SELECT COUNT( 1 ) count FROM cygx_article AS a INNER JOIN cygx_industrial_article_group_management AS man_g ON man_g.article_id = a.article_id WHERE a.publish_status = 1 AND a.is_class = 1 AND man_g.industrial_management_id = ? UNION ALL SELECT COUNT( 1 ) count FROM cygx_morning_meeting_review_chapter AS mmc INNER JOIN cygx_morning_meeting_reviews AS mm WHERE = mmc.meeting_id AND mm.status = 1 AND mmc.industry_id = ? UNION ALL SELECT COUNT( 1 ) count FROM cygx_product_interior AS p INNER JOIN cygx_product_interior_industrial_group_management AS pm WHERE p.product_interior_id = pm.product_interior_id AND p.visible_range = 1 AND pm.industrial_management_id = ? ) AS t ` err = o.Raw(sql, industrialManagementId, industrialManagementId, industrialManagementId).QueryRow(&count) return } type TimeLineReportItem struct { Id int `description:"文章或晨报点评id"` Title string `description:"标题"` PublishTime string `description:"发布时间"` Content string `description:"内容"` VideoUrl string `description:"视频链接"` VoiceUrl string `description:"音频链接"` VoicePlaySeconds string `description:"音频时长"` IsHaveVideo bool `description:"是否包含视频"` ImgUrlPc string `description:"pc图片"` SubCategoryName string `description:"二级分类"` IsRed bool `description:"是否标红"` Readnum int `description:"阅读数量"` Resource int `description:"来源类型,1:文章、2:产品内测、3:晨报点评 4:活动回放视频 5:活动回放音频 "` LinkArticleId int `description:"晨会精华报告ID链接"` ListSubject []*CygxIndustrialSubject `description:"标的列表"` } // 获取产业报告+晨会点评列表 func GetTimeLineReportIndustrialList(userId, industrialManagementId, startSize, pageSize int) (items []*TimeLineReportItem, err error) { o := orm.NewOrm() sql := `SELECT * FROM ( SELECT a.article_id AS id, a.title, a.publish_date AS publish_time, a.video_url, '' AS voice_url, a.sub_category_name, '' AS content, 1 AS resource, '' AS voice_play_seconds, ( SELECT COUNT( 1 ) FROM cygx_article_history_record AS rec WHERE rec.user_id = ` + strconv.Itoa(userId) + ` AND rec.article_id = a.article_id ) AS readnum FROM cygx_article AS a INNER JOIN cygx_industrial_article_group_management AS man_g ON man_g.article_id = a.article_id WHERE a.publish_status = 1 AND a.is_class = 1 AND man_g.industrial_management_id = ? GROUP BY id UNION ALL SELECT, mmc.title, mm.publish_time AS publish_time, '' AS video_url, '' AS voice_url, '时间线' AS sub_category_name, mmc.content, 3 AS resource, '' AS voice_play_seconds, 0 AS readnum FROM cygx_morning_meeting_review_chapter AS mmc INNER JOIN cygx_morning_meeting_reviews AS mm WHERE = mmc.meeting_id AND mm.STATUS = 1 AND mmc.industry_id = ? UNION ALL SELECT p.product_interior_id AS id, p.title, p.publish_time, '' AS video_url, '' AS voice_url, '' AS sub_category_name, '' AS content, 2 AS resource, '' AS voice_play_seconds, 0 AS readnum FROM cygx_product_interior AS p INNER JOIN cygx_product_interior_industrial_group_management AS pm WHERE p.product_interior_id = pm.product_interior_id AND p.visible_range = 1 AND pm.industrial_management_id = ? UNION ALL SELECT ca.activity_id AS id, cav.video_name AS title, ca.activity_time AS publish_time, cav.video_url AS video_url, '' AS voice_url, '' AS sub_category_name, '' AS content, 4 AS resource, '' AS voice_play_seconds, ( SELECT COUNT( 1 ) FROM cygx_activity_video_history AS rec WHERE rec.user_id = ` + strconv.Itoa(userId) + ` AND rec.activity_id = ca.activity_id ) AS readnum FROM cygx_activity AS ca INNER JOIN cygx_activity_video AS cav ON ca.activity_id = cav.activity_id INNER JOIN cygx_industrial_activity_group_management AS cam ON ca.activity_id=cam.activity_id WHERE cam.industrial_management_id = ? AND cam.source = 1 UNION ALL SELECT ca.activity_id AS id, cavo.voice_name AS title, ca.activity_time AS publish_time, '' AS video_url, cavo.voice_url AS voice_url, '' AS sub_category_name, '' AS content, 5 AS resource, cavo.voice_play_seconds AS voice_play_seconds, ( SELECT COUNT( 1 ) FROM cygx_activity_voice_history AS rec WHERE rec.user_id = ` + strconv.Itoa(userId) + ` AND rec.activity_id = ca.activity_id ) AS readnum FROM cygx_activity AS ca INNER JOIN cygx_activity_voice AS cavo ON ca.activity_id = cavo.activity_id INNER JOIN cygx_industrial_activity_group_management AS cam ON ca.activity_id=cam.activity_id WHERE cam.industrial_management_id = ? AND cam.source = 1 ) AS t ` sql += ` ORDER BY t.publish_time DESC LIMIT ?,? ` _, err = o.Raw(sql, industrialManagementId, industrialManagementId, industrialManagementId, industrialManagementId, industrialManagementId, startSize, pageSize).QueryRows(&items) return } type ArticleIdReq struct { ArticleId int `description:"文章id"` PlaySeconds int `description:"播放时长"` PageRouter string `description:"页面路径"` } type IndustrialReadNum struct { IndustrialManagementId int `description:"产业id"` Readnum int `description:"阅读次数"` } // 获取该产业下文章的用户阅读次数-小红点用 func GetReportIndustrialReadNumList(userId int, industrialIds string, createtime time.Time) (items []*IndustrialReadNum, err error) { o := orm.NewOrm() sql := `SELECT a.industrial_management_id, MIN(a.readnum) AS readnum FROM ( SELECT man_g.industrial_management_id,( SELECT COUNT( 1 ) FROM cygx_article_history_record AS rec WHERE rec.user_id = ` + strconv.Itoa(userId) + ` AND rec.article_id = a.article_id ) AS readnum FROM cygx_article AS a INNER JOIN cygx_industrial_article_group_management as man_g ON man_g.article_id = a.article_id WHERE a.publish_status = 1 AND a.is_class = 1 AND man_g.industrial_management_id IN (` + industrialIds + `) AND a.publish_date > ? GROUP BY a.article_id ORDER BY publish_date DESC ) AS a GROUP BY industrial_management_id` _, err = o.Raw(sql, createtime).QueryRows(&items) return } // 获取行业报告列表 func GetReportAndproductIndustrylListimgZhouqi(condition string, startSize, pageSize int) (items []*HomeArticle, total int, err error) { o := orm.NewOrm() sql := `SELECT art.article_id, art.report_id, art.body, art.annotation, art.abstract, art.category_id, art.title, art.publish_date, 1 AS resource FROM cygx_article AS art WHERE art.publish_status = 1 AND category_name = '周期' ` + condition totalSql := `SELECT COUNT(1) total FROM (` + sql + `) z ` err = o.Raw(totalSql).QueryRow(&total) sql += ` ORDER BY publish_date DESC LIMIT ?,? ` _, err = o.Raw(sql, startSize, pageSize).QueryRows(&items) return }