package controllers import ( "encoding/json" "" "hongze/hongze_cygx/models" "hongze/hongze_cygx/services" "hongze/hongze_cygx/utils" "strconv" "strings" "time" ) type ChartController struct { BaseAuthController } type BaseChartController struct { BaseCommonController } // @Title 图表标签分类 // @Description 图表标签分类接口 // @Success 200 {object} models.ChartPtagResp // @router /patg [get] func (this *BaseChartController) Patg() { br := new(models.BaseResponse).Init() defer func() { this.Data["json"] = br this.ServeJSON() }() list, err := services.GetChartPtagByApi() if err != nil { br.Msg = "获取图表分类失败!" br.ErrMsg = "获取图表分类失败 Err:" + err.Error() return } br.Ret = 200 br.Success = true br.Msg = "获取成功" br.Data = list } // @Title 我的收藏列表 // @Description 我的收藏列表接口 // @Param PageSize query int true "每页数据条数" // @Param CurrentIndex query int true "当前页页码,从1开始" // @Success 200 {object} models.HomeChartListItem // @router /my/collection [get] func (this *ChartController) Collection() { br := new(models.BaseResponse).Init() defer func() { this.Data["json"] = br this.ServeJSON() }() user := this.User if user == nil { br.Msg = "请重新登录" br.Ret = 408 return } mobile := user.Mobile uid := user.UserId pageSize, _ := this.GetInt("PageSize") currentIndex, _ := this.GetInt("CurrentIndex") var startSize int if pageSize <= 0 { pageSize = utils.PageSize20 } if currentIndex <= 0 { currentIndex = 1 } startSize = paging.StartIndex(currentIndex, pageSize) resp := new(models.HomeChartListItem) if mobile == "" { page := paging.GetPaging(currentIndex, pageSize, 0) resp.Paging = page br.Ret = 200 br.Success = true br.Msg = "获取成功" br.Data = resp resp.IsBindingMobile = false return } else { resp.IsBindingMobile = true } var listCollection []*models.HomeChartListResp var total int //var err error chartUserTokenByMobile, _ := services.GetUserTokenByMobile(mobile) if chartUserTokenByMobile != "" { list, err, _ := services.GetChartCollectionByApi(mobile, 9999, 0) if err != nil && err.Error() != utils.ErrNoRow() { br.Msg = "获取我的收藏失败!" br.ErrMsg = "获取图表分类失败 Err:" + err.Error() return } var chartIds string var condition string var pars []interface{} if len(list) > 0 { for _, v := range list { chartIds += strconv.Itoa(v.ChartId) + "," } } chartIds = strings.TrimRight(chartIds, ",") if chartIds == "" { chartIds = "0" } condition = ` AND a.chart_id IN (` + chartIds + `) ` total, err = models.GetChartCollentCount(condition, pars) if err != nil { br.Msg = "获取信息失败" br.Msg = "获取帖子总数失败,Err:" + err.Error() return } listCollection, err = models.GetChartListCollection(chartIds, uid, startSize, pageSize) if err != nil { br.Msg = "获取信息失败" br.Msg = "获取信息失败,GetChartListCollection Err:" + err.Error() return } } else { var err error total, err = models.GetChartCountByUser(uid) if err != nil { br.Msg = "获取信息失败" br.Msg = "获取总数失败,Err:" + err.Error() return } listCollection, err = models.GetChartListCollectionWithCygx(uid, startSize, pageSize) if err != nil { br.Msg = "获取信息失败" br.Msg = "获取信息失败,GetChartListCollection Err:" + err.Error() return } } for k, v := range listCollection { if v.NumTop > 0 { listCollection[k].IsTop = true } listCollection[k].Source = 2 if v.PtagName != "" { listCollection[k].CtagNamePc = v.PtagName } if v.CtagName != "" { listCollection[k].CtagNamePc += "," + v.CtagName } if v.PtagNameTwo != "" { listCollection[k].CtagNamePc += "," + v.PtagNameTwo } if v.CtagNameTwo != "" { listCollection[k].CtagNamePc += "," + v.CtagNameTwo } } page := paging.GetPaging(currentIndex, pageSize, total) resp.List = listCollection resp.Paging = page br.Ret = 200 br.Success = true br.Msg = "获取成功" br.Data = resp } // @Title 图表详情 // @Description 我的收藏接口 // @Param ChartId query int true "图表ID" // @Success 200 {object} models.CygxChartDetail // @router /detail [get] func (this *ChartController) Detail() { br := new(models.BaseResponse).Init() defer func() { this.Data["json"] = br this.ServeJSON() }() user := this.User if user == nil { br.Msg = "请重新登录" br.Ret = 408 return } mobile := user.Mobile if mobile == "" { br.Msg = "请绑定手机号!" return } chartId, _ := this.GetInt("ChartId") if chartId <= 0 { br.Msg = "图表信息不存在!" return } detail, err := models.GetChartDetailById(chartId, user.UserId) if err != nil { br.Msg = "获取信息失败" br.ErrMsg = "获取信息失败,Err:" + err.Error() return } chartUserTokenByMobile, _ := services.GetUserTokenByMobile(mobile) if chartUserTokenByMobile != "" { GetIsCollectionChart, err := services.GetIsCollectionChart(mobile, chartId) if err != nil { br.Msg = "获取信息失败" br.ErrMsg = "获取三方关注信息失败,Err:" + err.Error() return } detail.IsCollection = GetIsCollectionChart detail.HttpUrl = utils.CHART_INFO_HTTP_URL + strconv.Itoa(chartId) + "?token=" + chartUserTokenByMobile //if !detail.IsCollection { // err = models.RemoveChartCollect(user.UserId, chartId) //} } else { if detail.CollectionNum > 0 { detail.IsCollection = true } } br.Ret = 200 br.Success = true br.Msg = "获取成功" br.Data = detail } // @Title 收藏、取消收藏 // @Description 收藏、取消收藏 // @Param request body models.ChartCollectReq true "type json string" // @Success 200 {object} models.FontsCollectResp // @router /collect [post] func (this *ChartController) ChartCollect() { br := new(models.BaseResponse).Init() defer func() { this.Data["json"] = br this.ServeJSON() }() user := this.User if user == nil { br.Msg = "请重新登录" br.Ret = 408 return } uid := user.UserId mobile := user.Mobile var req models.ChartCollectReq err := json.Unmarshal(this.Ctx.Input.RequestBody, &req) if err != nil { br.Msg = "参数解析异常!" br.ErrMsg = "参数解析失败,Err:" + err.Error() return } resp := new(models.ArticleCollectResp) count, err := models.GetChartCountByUserId(uid, req.ChartId) if err != nil { br.Msg = "获取数据失败!" br.ErrMsg = "获取数据失败,Err:" + err.Error() return } chartUserTokenByMobile, _ := services.GetUserTokenByMobile(mobile) if chartUserTokenByMobile != "" { GetIsCollectionChart, err := services.GetIsCollectionChart(mobile, req.ChartId) if err != nil { br.Msg = "获取信息失败" br.ErrMsg = "获取三方关注信息失败,Err:" + err.Error() return } if !GetIsCollectionChart { if count <= 0 { item := new(models.CygxChartCollect) item.ChartId = req.ChartId item.UserId = uid item.RealName = user.RealName item.CreateTime = time.Now() item.Mobile = user.Mobile item.Email = user.Email item.CompanyId = user.CompanyId item.CompanyName = user.CompanyName _, err = models.AddCygxChartCollect(item) if err != nil { br.Msg = "收藏失败" br.ErrMsg = "收藏失败,Err:" + err.Error() return } } br.Msg = "收藏成功" resp.Status = 1 } else { err = models.RemoveChartCollect(uid, req.ChartId) if err != nil { br.Msg = "取消收藏失败" br.ErrMsg = "取消收藏失败,Err:" + err.Error() return } br.Msg = "已取消收藏" resp.Status = 2 } //如果存在就取消收藏、反之添加收藏 if GetIsCollectionChart { go services.DeleteCollectionChart(mobile, req.ChartId) } else { go services.AddCollectionChart(mobile, req.ChartId) } } else { if count <= 0 { item := new(models.CygxChartCollect) item.ChartId = req.ChartId item.UserId = uid item.RealName = user.RealName item.CreateTime = time.Now() item.Mobile = user.Mobile item.Email = user.Email item.CompanyId = user.CompanyId item.CompanyName = user.CompanyName _, err = models.AddCygxChartCollect(item) if err != nil { br.Msg = "收藏失败" br.ErrMsg = "收藏失败,Err:" + err.Error() return } br.Msg = "收藏成功" resp.Status = 1 } else { err = models.RemoveChartCollect(uid, req.ChartId) if err != nil { br.Msg = "取消收藏失败" br.ErrMsg = "取消收藏失败,Err:" + err.Error() return } br.Msg = "已取消收藏" resp.Status = 2 } } br.Ret = 200 br.Success = true br.Data = resp } // @Title 置顶、取消置顶 // @Description 置顶、取消置顶 // @Param request body models.ChartCollectReq true "type json string" // @Success 200 {object} models.FontsCollectResp // @router /top [post] func (this *ChartController) ChartTop() { br := new(models.BaseResponse).Init() defer func() { this.Data["json"] = br this.ServeJSON() }() user := this.User if user == nil { br.Msg = "请重新登录" br.Ret = 408 return } uid := user.UserId var req models.ChartCollectReq err := json.Unmarshal(this.Ctx.Input.RequestBody, &req) if err != nil { br.Msg = "参数解析异常!" br.ErrMsg = "参数解析失败,Err:" + err.Error() return } count, err := models.GetChartTopCountByUserId(uid, req.ChartId) if err != nil { br.Msg = "获取数据失败!" br.ErrMsg = "获取数据失败,Err:" + err.Error() return } resp := new(models.ArticleCollectResp) if count <= 0 { item := new(models.CygxChartTop) item.ChartId = req.ChartId item.UserId = uid item.RealName = user.RealName item.CreateTime = time.Now() item.Mobile = user.Mobile item.Email = user.Email item.CompanyId = user.CompanyId item.CompanyName = user.CompanyName _, err = models.AddCygxChartTop(item) if err != nil { br.Msg = "置顶失败" br.ErrMsg = "收置顶失败,Err:" + err.Error() return } br.Msg = "置顶成功" resp.Status = 1 } else { err = models.RemoveChartTop(uid, req.ChartId) if err != nil { br.Msg = "取消置顶失败" br.ErrMsg = "取消置顶失败,Err:" + err.Error() return } br.Msg = "已取消置顶" resp.Status = 2 } br.Ret = 200 br.Success = true br.Data = resp } // @Title 季度列表 // @Description 季度列表接口 // @Param PageSize query int true "每页数据条数" // @Param CurrentIndex query int true "当前页页码,从1开始" // @Success 200 {object} models.HomeChartListItem // @router /jidu [get] func (this *ChartController) Jidu() { br := new(models.BaseResponse).Init() defer func() { this.Data["json"] = br this.ServeJSON() }() user := this.User if user == nil { br.Msg = "请重新登录" br.Ret = 408 return } mobile := user.Mobile uid := user.UserId pageSize, _ := this.GetInt("PageSize") currentIndex, _ := this.GetInt("CurrentIndex") var startSize int if pageSize <= 0 { pageSize = utils.PageSize20 } if currentIndex <= 0 { currentIndex = 1 } startSize = paging.StartIndex(currentIndex, pageSize) resp := new(models.HomeChartListItem) if mobile == "" { page := paging.GetPaging(currentIndex, pageSize, 0) resp.Paging = page br.Ret = 200 br.Success = true br.Msg = "获取成功" br.Data = resp resp.IsBindingMobile = false return } else { resp.IsBindingMobile = true } var listCollection []*models.HomeChartListResp var total int var err error chartUserTokenByMobile, _ := services.GetUserTokenByMobile(mobile) chartIds := "5424,5587,5423,5589" if chartUserTokenByMobile != "" { var condition string var pars []interface{} condition = ` AND a.chart_id IN (` + chartIds + `) ` total, err = models.GetChartCollentCount(condition, pars) if err != nil { br.Msg = "获取信息失败" br.Msg = "获取帖子总数失败,Err:" + err.Error() return } listCollection, err = models.GetChartListCollection(chartIds, uid, startSize, pageSize) if err != nil { br.Msg = "获取信息失败" br.Msg = "获取信息失败,GetChartListCollection Err:" + err.Error() return } } else { total, err = models.GetChartCountByUser(uid) if err != nil { br.Msg = "获取信息失败" br.Msg = "获取总数失败,Err:" + err.Error() return } listCollection, err = models.GetChartListCollectionWithCygx(uid, startSize, pageSize) if err != nil { br.Msg = "获取信息失败" br.Msg = "获取信息失败,GetChartListCollection Err:" + err.Error() return } } for k, v := range listCollection { if v.NumTop > 0 { listCollection[k].IsTop = true } listCollection[k].Source = 2 if v.PtagName != "" { listCollection[k].CtagNamePc = v.PtagName } if v.CtagName != "" { listCollection[k].CtagNamePc += "," + v.CtagName } if v.PtagNameTwo != "" { listCollection[k].CtagNamePc += "," + v.PtagNameTwo } if v.CtagNameTwo != "" { listCollection[k].CtagNamePc += "," + v.CtagNameTwo } } page := paging.GetPaging(currentIndex, pageSize, total) resp.List = listCollection resp.Paging = page br.Ret = 200 br.Success = true br.Msg = "获取成功" br.Data = resp }