@@ -114,14 +114,14 @@ func AddCygxMorningMeetingReviewChapterHistory(user *models.WxUserItem, articleI
// 通过晨会精华子ID,获取出参列表详情
-func GetCygxMorningMeetingReviewChapterListByIds(meetingreviewchaptIds []int) (err error) {
+func GetCygxMorningMeetingReviewChapterListByIds(meetingreviewchaptIds []int) (items []*models.CygxMorningMeetingGatherDetailListResp, err error) {
lenArr := len(meetingreviewchaptIds)
if lenArr == 0 {
defer func() {
if err != nil {
- go utils.SendAlarmMsg(fmt.Sprint("通过晨会精华子ID,获取出参列表详情失败 ,GetCygxMorningMeetingReviewChapterListByIds err"+err.Error(), "通过晨会精华子ID,获取出参列表详情:", "meetingreviewchaptIds:", meetingreviewchaptIds), 2)
+ go utils.SendAlarmMsg(fmt.Sprint("通过晨会精华子ID,获取出参列表详情失败 ,GetCygxMorningMeetingReviewChapterListByIds err"+err.Error(), "meetingreviewchaptIds:", meetingreviewchaptIds), 2)
var condition string
@@ -131,42 +131,53 @@ func GetCygxMorningMeetingReviewChapterListByIds(meetingreviewchaptIds []int) (e
condition = ` AND c.id IN (` + utils.GetOrmInReplace(lenArr) + `)`
pars = append(pars, meetingreviewchaptIds)
+ //查询晨会
listrMeet, e := models.GetCygxMorningMeetingReviewChapterList(condition, pars)
if e != nil {
err = errors.New("GetCygxMorningMeetingReviewChapterList, Err: " + e.Error())
+ //获取晨会相关的标的
var subjectIds []string
- var subjectIdsMap = make(map[int][]string) // 晨会ID与标的ID字符串的map映射
for _, v := range listrMeet {
if v.IndustrialSubjectIds != "" {
slice := strings.Split(v.IndustrialSubjectIds, ",")
- subjectIdsMap[v.Id] = slice
- for _, v := range slice {
- subjectIds = append(subjectIds, v)
+ for _, vS := range slice {
+ subjectIds = append(subjectIds, vS)
- //lensubjectIds := len(subjectIds)
+ lensubjectIds := len(subjectIds)
+ if lensubjectIds > 0 {
+ //获取标的信息
+ pars = make([]interface{}, 0)
+ condition = ` AND industrial_subject_id IN (` + utils.GetOrmInReplace(lensubjectIds) + `)`
+ pars = append(pars, subjectIds)
+ listsubject, e := models.GetCygxIndustrialSubjectListCondition(condition, pars)
+ if e != nil {
+ err = errors.New("GetCygxIndustrialSubjectListCondition, Err: " + e.Error())
+ return
+ }
- //if lensubjectIds > 0 {
- // pars = make([]interface{}, 0)
- // condition = ` AND industrial_subject_id IN (` + utils.GetOrmInReplace(lensubjectIds) + `)`
- //
- // listsubject, e := models.GetCygxIndustrialSubjectListCondition(condition, pars)
- // if e != nil {
- // err = errors.New("GetCygxIndustrialSubjectListCondition, Err: " + e.Error())
- // return
- // }
- //
- // var meetSubjectItems = make(map[int][]*models.CygxIndustrialSubject)
- //
- // for _,v:= range listsubject{
- // if utils.InArrayByStr()
- // }
- //}
+ var meetSubjectItems = make(map[string]*models.CygxIndustrialSubject)
+ for _, v := range listsubject {
+ meetSubjectItems[strconv.Itoa(v.IndustrialSubjectId)] = v
+ }
+ //建立标的与晨会的映射关系
+ for _, v := range listrMeet {
+ if v.IndustrialSubjectIds != "" {
+ slice := strings.Split(v.IndustrialSubjectIds, ",")
+ for _, vS := range slice {
+ if meetSubjectItems[vS] != nil {
+ v.ListSubject = append(v.ListSubject, meetSubjectItems[vS])
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ items = listrMeet