Browse Source

Merge branch 'cygx_8.0' of into debug

xingzai 2 years ago
2 changed files with 201 additions and 494 deletions
  1. 3 0
  2. 198 494

+ 3 - 0

@@ -470,6 +470,9 @@ func (this *SearchController) ListHomeArtAndChart() {
 	if listType == 1 {
 		total = total + int64(chartTotal)
+	if len(result) == 0 {
+		result = make([]*models.SearchItem, 0)
+	}
 	page := paging.GetPaging(currentIndex, pageSize, int(total))
 	resp.Paging = page
 	resp.List = result

+ 198 - 494

@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ import (
+	"math"
@@ -425,491 +426,6 @@ func EsDeleteData(indexName, docId string) (err error) {
-func MappingModify(indexName, mappingJson string) {
-	client := utils.Client
-	//if err != nil {
-	//	return
-	//}
-	result, err := client.PutMapping().Index(indexName).BodyString(mappingJson).Do(context.Background())
-	fmt.Println(err)
-	fmt.Println(result)
-	return
-func EsMatchQuery(indexName, keyWord string) (result []*models.SearchItem, err error) {
-	client := utils.Client
-	pageSize := 20
-	keyWordArr, err := GetIndustryMapNameSliceV2(keyWord)
-	fmt.Println(keyWordArr)
-	keyWordArr = RemoveDuplicatesAndEmpty(keyWordArr)
-	fmt.Println("-------------------------------")
-	fmt.Println(keyWordArr)
-	searchMap := make(map[int]int)
-	boolquery := elastic.NewBoolQuery()
-	keyLen := len(keyWordArr)
-	n := 5.0 * float64(keyLen)
-	matchArr := make([]elastic.Query, 0)
-	//
-	//matchq1 := elastic.NewMatchQuery("Title", keyWord).Boost(n + 1).Analyzer("ik_smart")
-	//matchq2 := elastic.NewMatchQuery("BodyText", keyWord).Boost(n + 1).Analyzer("ik_smart")
-	//
-	//matchArr = append(matchArr, matchq1)
-	//matchArr = append(matchArr, matchq2)
-	for _, v := range keyWordArr {
-		if v != "" {
-			matchq1 := elastic.NewMatchQuery("Title", v).Boost(n).Analyzer("ik_smart")
-			matchq2 := elastic.NewMatchQuery("BodyText", v).Boost(n).Analyzer("ik_smart")
-			matchArr = append(matchArr, matchq1)
-			matchArr = append(matchArr, matchq2)
-		}
-		n = n - 5
-	}
-	boolquery.Should(matchArr...)
-	highlight := elastic.NewHighlight()
-	highlight = highlight.Fields(elastic.NewHighlighterField("Title"), elastic.NewHighlighterField("BodyText"))
-	highlight = highlight.PreTags("<font color='red'>").PostTags("</font>")
-	request := client.Search(indexName).Highlight(highlight).Size(pageSize).Query(boolquery)
-	searchByMatch, err := request.Do(context.Background())
-	if searchByMatch.Hits != nil {
-		for _, v := range searchByMatch.Hits.Hits {
-			articleJson, err := v.Source.MarshalJSON()
-			if err != nil {
-				return nil, err
-			}
-			article := new(models.CygxArticle)
-			err = json.Unmarshal(articleJson, &article)
-			if err != nil {
-				return nil, err
-			}
-			if _, ok := searchMap[article.ArticleId]; !ok {
-				searchItem := new(models.SearchItem)
-				searchItem.ArticleId, _ = strconv.Atoi(v.Id)
-				if len(v.Highlight["BodyText"]) > 0 {
-					searchItem.Body = v.Highlight["BodyText"]
-				} else {
-					bodyRune := []rune(article.BodyText)
-					bodyRuneLen := len(bodyRune)
-					if bodyRuneLen > 100 {
-						bodyRuneLen = 100
-					}
-					body := string(bodyRune[:bodyRuneLen])
-					fmt.Println(body)
-					searchItem.Body = []string{body}
-				}
-				var title string
-				if len(v.Highlight["Title"]) > 0 {
-					title = v.Highlight["Title"][0]
-				} else {
-					title = article.Title
-				}
-				searchItem.Title = title
-				searchItem.PublishDate = article.PublishDate
-				result = append(result, searchItem)
-				searchMap[article.ArticleId] = article.ArticleId
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	return
-func EsMatchPhraseQuery(indexName, keyWord string) (result []*models.SearchItem, err error) {
-	client := utils.Client
-	pageSize := 20
-	keyWordArr, err := GetIndustryMapNameSliceV2(keyWord)
-	fmt.Println(keyWordArr)
-	keyWordArr = RemoveDuplicatesAndEmpty(keyWordArr)
-	fmt.Println("-------------------------------")
-	fmt.Println(keyWordArr)
-	searchMap := make(map[int]int)
-	boolquery := elastic.NewBoolQuery()
-	//keyLen := len(keyWordArr)
-	//n := float64(keyLen)
-	matchArr := make([]elastic.Query, 0)
-	//matchq1 := elastic.NewMatchQuery("Title", keyWord).Boost(n + 1).Analyzer("ik_smart")
-	//matchq2 := elastic.NewMatchQuery("BodyText", keyWord).Boost(n + 1).Analyzer("ik_smart")
-	matchq1 := elastic.NewMatchPhraseQuery("Title", keyWord) //.Analyzer("ik_smart")
-	matchq2 := elastic.NewMatchPhraseQuery("BodyText", keyWord)
-	matchArr = append(matchArr, matchq1)
-	matchArr = append(matchArr, matchq2)
-	//matchArr = append(matchArr, matchq2)
-	//for _, v := range keyWordArr {
-	//	if v != "" {
-	//		matchq1 := elastic.NewMatchQuery("Title", v).Boost(n).Analyzer("ik_smart")
-	//		matchq2 := elastic.NewMatchQuery("BodyText", v).Boost(n).Analyzer("ik_smart")
-	//		matchArr = append(matchArr, matchq1)
-	//		matchArr = append(matchArr, matchq2)
-	//	}
-	//	n--
-	//}
-	//boolquery.Should(matchArr...)
-	boolquery.Should(matchArr...)
-	highlight := elastic.NewHighlight()
-	highlight = highlight.Fields(elastic.NewHighlighterField("Title"), elastic.NewHighlighterField("BodyText"))
-	highlight = highlight.PreTags("<font color='red'>").PostTags("</font>")
-	request := client.Search(indexName).Highlight(highlight).Size(pageSize).Query(boolquery)
-	searchByMatch, err := request.Do(context.Background())
-	fmt.Println("err:", err, searchByMatch)
-	return
-	if searchByMatch.Hits != nil {
-		for _, v := range searchByMatch.Hits.Hits {
-			articleJson, err := v.Source.MarshalJSON()
-			if err != nil {
-				return nil, err
-			}
-			article := new(models.CygxArticle)
-			err = json.Unmarshal(articleJson, &article)
-			if err != nil {
-				return nil, err
-			}
-			if _, ok := searchMap[article.ArticleId]; !ok {
-				searchItem := new(models.SearchItem)
-				searchItem.ArticleId, _ = strconv.Atoi(v.Id)
-				searchItem.Body = v.Highlight["BodyText"]
-				var title string
-				if len(v.Highlight["Title"]) > 0 {
-					title = v.Highlight["Title"][0]
-				} else {
-					title = article.Title
-				}
-				searchItem.Title = title
-				searchItem.PublishDate = article.PublishDate
-				result = append(result, searchItem)
-				searchMap[article.ArticleId] = article.ArticleId
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	return
-func EsMatchFunctionScoreQuery(indexName, keyWord string, startSize, pageSize int) (result []*models.SearchItem, total int64, err error) {
-	client := utils.Client
-	keyWordArr, err := GetIndustryMapNameSliceV2(keyWord)
-	fmt.Println(keyWordArr)
-	keyWordArr = RemoveDuplicatesAndEmpty(keyWordArr)
-	fmt.Println("-------------------------------")
-	fmt.Println(keyWordArr)
-	searchMap := make(map[int]int)
-	boolquery := elastic.NewBoolQuery()
-	matchArr := make([]elastic.Query, 0)
-	//
-	//matchq1 := elastic.NewMatchQuery("Title", keyWord).Boost(n + 1).Analyzer("ik_smart")
-	//matchq2 := elastic.NewMatchQuery("BodyText", keyWord).Boost(n + 1).Analyzer("ik_smart")
-	//
-	//matchArr = append(matchArr, matchq1)
-	//matchArr = append(matchArr, matchq2)
-	n := 0
-	keyWordLen := len(keyWordArr)
-	if keyWordLen <= 0 {
-		keyWordArr = append(keyWordArr, keyWord)
-		keyWordLen = len(keyWordArr)
-	}
-	keyWordWeight := GetWeight(keyWordLen)
-	fmt.Println(keyWordArr)
-	fmt.Println(keyWordWeight)
-	for k, v := range keyWordArr {
-		if v != "" {
-			weight := float64(keyWordWeight[k])
-			titleMatchq := elastic.NewMatchQuery("Title", v).Analyzer("ik_smart")
-			bodyMatchq := elastic.NewMatchQuery("BodyText", v).Analyzer("ik_smart")
-			titleFunctionQuery := elastic.NewFunctionScoreQuery()
-			titleFunctionQuery.Query(titleMatchq)
-			titleFunctions := elastic.NewWeightFactorFunction(weight)
-			titleFunctionQuery.AddScoreFunc(titleFunctions)
-			titleFunctionQuery.BoostMode("replace")
-			bodyFunctionQuery := elastic.NewFunctionScoreQuery()
-			bodyFunctionQuery.Query(bodyMatchq)
-			bodyFunctions := elastic.NewWeightFactorFunction(weight)
-			bodyFunctionQuery.AddScoreFunc(bodyFunctions)
-			bodyFunctionQuery.BoostMode("replace")
-			matchArr = append(matchArr, titleFunctionQuery)
-			matchArr = append(matchArr, bodyFunctionQuery)
-		}
-		n++
-	}
-	boolquery.Should(matchArr...)
-	highlight := elastic.NewHighlight()
-	highlight = highlight.Fields(elastic.NewHighlighterField("Title"), elastic.NewHighlighterField("BodyText"))
-	highlight = highlight.PreTags("<font color='red'>").PostTags("</font>")
-	request := client.Search(indexName).Highlight(highlight).From(startSize).Size(pageSize).Query(boolquery)
-	searchByMatch, err := request.Do(context.Background())
-	//searchJson, err := json.Marshal(searchByMatch)
-	if searchByMatch != nil {
-		if searchByMatch.Hits != nil {
-			for _, v := range searchByMatch.Hits.Hits {
-				articleJson, err := v.Source.MarshalJSON()
-				if err != nil {
-					return nil, 0, err
-				}
-				article := new(models.CygxArticle)
-				err = json.Unmarshal(articleJson, &article)
-				if err != nil {
-					return nil, 0, err
-				}
-				if _, ok := searchMap[article.ArticleId]; !ok {
-					searchItem := new(models.SearchItem)
-					searchItem.ArticleId, _ = strconv.Atoi(v.Id)
-					if len(v.Highlight["BodyText"]) > 0 {
-						searchItem.Body = v.Highlight["BodyText"]
-					} else {
-						bodyRune := []rune(article.BodyText)
-						bodyRuneLen := len(bodyRune)
-						if bodyRuneLen > 100 {
-							bodyRuneLen = 100
-						}
-						body := string(bodyRune[:bodyRuneLen])
-						fmt.Println(body)
-						searchItem.Body = []string{body}
-					}
-					var title string
-					if len(v.Highlight["Title"]) > 0 {
-						title = v.Highlight["Title"][0]
-					} else {
-						title = article.Title
-					}
-					searchItem.Title = title
-					searchItem.PublishDate = article.PublishDate
-					result = append(result, searchItem)
-					searchMap[article.ArticleId] = article.ArticleId
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	total = searchByMatch.Hits.TotalHits.Value
-	return
-func EsMultiMatchFunctionScoreQuery(indexName, keyWord string, startSize, pageSize, userId int) (result []*models.SearchItem, total int64, err error) {
-	client := utils.Client
-	keyWordArr, err := GetIndustryMapNameSliceV3(keyWord)
-	keyWordArr = RemoveDuplicatesAndEmpty(keyWordArr)
-	//artidArr := make([]elastic.Query, 0)
-	//matchArr := make([]elastic.Query, 0)
-	n := 0
-	keyWordLen := len(keyWordArr)
-	if keyWordLen <= 0 {
-		keyWordArr = append(keyWordArr, keyWord)
-		keyWordLen = len(keyWordArr)
-	}
-	utils.FileLog.Info("SearchKeyWord:%s, userId:%s", keyWordArr, strconv.Itoa(userId))
-	//keyWordWeight := GetWeight(keyWordLen)
-	for _, v := range keyWordArr {
-		if v != "" {
-			matchArr := make([]elastic.Query, 0)
-			boolquery := elastic.NewBoolQuery()
-			//weight := float64(keyWordWeight[k])
-			//multiMatch := elastic.NewMultiMatchQuery(v, "Title", "BodyText").Analyzer("ik_smart")
-			//bodyFunctionQuery := elastic.NewFunctionScoreQuery()
-			//bodyFunctionQuery.Query(multiMatch)
-			//bodyFunctions := elastic.NewWeightFactorFunction(weight)
-			//bodyFunctionQuery.AddScoreFunc(bodyFunctions)
-			//bodyFunctionQuery.BoostMode("replace")
-			//matchArr = append(matchArr, bodyFunctionQuery)
-			//weight := float64(keyWordWeight[k])
-			multiMatch := elastic.NewMultiMatchQuery(v, "Title", "BodyText").Analyzer("ik_smart")
-			bodyFunctionQuery := elastic.NewFunctionScoreQuery()
-			bodyFunctionQuery.Query(multiMatch)
-			//bodyFunctions := elastic.NewWeightFactorFunction(weight)
-			//bodyFunctionQuery.AddScoreFunc(bodyFunctions)
-			//bodyFunctionQuery.BoostMode("replace")
-			matchArr = append(matchArr, bodyFunctionQuery)
-			boolquery.Should(matchArr...)
-			highlight := elastic.NewHighlight()
-			highlight = highlight.Fields(elastic.NewHighlighterField("Title"), elastic.NewHighlighterField("BodyText"))
-			highlight = highlight.PreTags("<font color='red'>").PostTags("</font>")
-			request := client.Search(indexName).Highlight(highlight).From(startSize).Size(pageSize).Query(boolquery)
-			searchByMatch, err := request.Do(context.Background())
-			if err != nil {
-				return nil, 0, err
-			}
-			if searchByMatch != nil {
-				if searchByMatch.Hits != nil {
-					for _, v := range searchByMatch.Hits.Hits {
-						var isAppend bool
-						articleJson, err := v.Source.MarshalJSON()
-						if err != nil {
-							return nil, 0, err
-						}
-						article := new(models.CygxArticle)
-						err = json.Unmarshal(articleJson, &article)
-						if err != nil {
-							return nil, 0, err
-						}
-						searchItem := new(models.SearchItem)
-						searchItem.ArticleId, _ = strconv.Atoi(v.Id)
-						if len(v.Highlight["BodyText"]) > 0 {
-							searchItem.Body = v.Highlight["BodyText"]
-						} else {
-							bodyRune := []rune(article.BodyText)
-							bodyRuneLen := len(bodyRune)
-							if bodyRuneLen > 100 {
-								bodyRuneLen = 100
-							}
-							body := string(bodyRune[:bodyRuneLen])
-							searchItem.Body = []string{body}
-						}
-						var title string
-						if len(v.Highlight["Title"]) > 0 {
-							title = v.Highlight["Title"][0]
-						} else {
-							title = article.Title
-						}
-						searchItem.Title = title
-						searchItem.PublishDate = article.PublishDate
-						for _, v_result := range result {
-							if v_result.ArticleId == searchItem.ArticleId {
-								isAppend = true
-							}
-						}
-						if !isAppend {
-							result = append(result, searchItem)
-						}
-					}
-				}
-				//total += searchByMatch.Hits.TotalHits.Value
-			}
-		}
-		n++
-	}
-	total = int64(len(result))
-	//fmt.Println(result)
-	//boolquery.Should(matchArr...)
-	//highlight := elastic.NewHighlight()
-	//highlight = highlight.Fields(elastic.NewHighlighterField("Title"), elastic.NewHighlighterField("BodyText"))
-	//highlight = highlight.PreTags("<font color='red'>").PostTags("</font>")
-	//request := client.Search(indexName).Highlight(highlight).From(startSize).Size(pageSize).Query(boolquery)
-	//searchByMatch, err := request.Do(context.Background())
-	//if searchByMatch != nil {
-	//	if searchByMatch.Hits != nil {
-	//		for _, v := range searchByMatch.Hits.Hits {
-	//			articleJson, err := v.Source.MarshalJSON()
-	//			if err != nil {
-	//				return nil, 0, err
-	//			}
-	//			article := new(models.CygxArticle)
-	//			err = json.Unmarshal(articleJson, &article)
-	//			if err != nil {
-	//				return nil, 0, err
-	//			}
-	//			searchItem := new(models.SearchItem)
-	//			searchItem.ArticleId, _ = strconv.Atoi(v.Id)
-	//			if len(v.Highlight["BodyText"]) > 0 {
-	//				searchItem.Body = v.Highlight["BodyText"]
-	//			} else {
-	//				bodyRune := []rune(article.BodyText)
-	//				bodyRuneLen := len(bodyRune)
-	//				if bodyRuneLen > 100 {
-	//					bodyRuneLen = 100
-	//				}
-	//				body := string(bodyRune[:bodyRuneLen])
-	//				searchItem.Body = []string{body}
-	//			}
-	//			var title string
-	//			if len(v.Highlight["Title"]) > 0 {
-	//				title = v.Highlight["Title"][0]
-	//			} else {
-	//				title = article.Title
-	//			}
-	//			searchItem.Title = title
-	//			searchItem.PublishDate = article.PublishDate
-	//
-	//			result = append(result, searchItem)
-	//		}
-	//	}
-	//	total = searchByMatch.Hits.TotalHits.Value
-	//}
-	return
-func EsMultiMatchFunctionScoreQueryFix(indexName, keyWord string, startSize, pageSize int) (result []*models.SearchItem, total int64, err error) {
-	client := utils.Client
-	keyWordArr, err := GetIndustryMapNameSliceV2(keyWord)
-	keyWordArr = RemoveDuplicatesAndEmpty(keyWordArr)
-	boolquery := elastic.NewBoolQuery()
-	matchArr := make([]elastic.Query, 0)
-	n := 0
-	keyWordLen := len(keyWordArr)
-	if keyWordLen <= 0 {
-		keyWordArr = append(keyWordArr, keyWord)
-		keyWordLen = len(keyWordArr)
-	}
-	fmt.Println(keyWordArr)
-	keyWordWeight := GetWeight(keyWordLen)
-	for k, v := range keyWordArr {
-		if v != "" {
-			weight := float64(keyWordWeight[k])
-			multiMatch := elastic.NewMultiMatchQuery(v, "Title", "BodyText").Analyzer("ik_smart")
-			bodyFunctionQuery := elastic.NewFunctionScoreQuery()
-			bodyFunctionQuery.Query(multiMatch)
-			bodyFunctions := elastic.NewWeightFactorFunction(weight)
-			bodyFunctionQuery.AddScoreFunc(bodyFunctions)
-			bodyFunctionQuery.BoostMode("replace")
-			matchArr = append(matchArr, bodyFunctionQuery)
-		}
-		n++
-	}
-	boolquery.Should(matchArr...)
-	highlight := elastic.NewHighlight()
-	highlight = highlight.Fields(elastic.NewHighlighterField("Title"), elastic.NewHighlighterField("BodyText"))
-	highlight = highlight.PreTags("<font color='red'>").PostTags("</font>")
-	request := client.Search(indexName).Highlight(highlight).From(startSize).Size(pageSize).Query(boolquery)
-	searchByMatch, err := request.Do(context.Background())
-	if searchByMatch != nil {
-		matchResult, _ := json.Marshal(searchByMatch)
-		utils.FileLog.Info("%s", string(matchResult))
-		if searchByMatch.Hits != nil {
-			for _, v := range searchByMatch.Hits.Hits {
-				articleJson, err := v.Source.MarshalJSON()
-				utils.FileLog.Info("%s", string(articleJson))
-				if err != nil {
-					return nil, 0, err
-				}
-				article := new(models.CygxArticle)
-				err = json.Unmarshal(articleJson, &article)
-				if err != nil {
-					return nil, 0, err
-				}
-				searchItem := new(models.SearchItem)
-				searchItem.ArticleId, _ = strconv.Atoi(v.Id)
-				if len(v.Highlight["BodyText"]) > 0 {
-					searchItem.Body = v.Highlight["BodyText"]
-				} else {
-					bodyRune := []rune(article.BodyText)
-					bodyRuneLen := len(bodyRune)
-					if bodyRuneLen > 100 {
-						bodyRuneLen = 100
-					}
-					body := string(bodyRune[:bodyRuneLen])
-					searchItem.Body = []string{body}
-				}
-				var title string
-				if len(v.Highlight["Title"]) > 0 {
-					title = v.Highlight["Title"][0]
-				} else {
-					title = article.Title
-				}
-				searchItem.Title = title
-				searchItem.PublishDate = article.PublishDate
-				result = append(result, searchItem)
-			}
-		}
-		total = searchByMatch.Hits.TotalHits.Value
-	}
-	return
 func GetWeight(length int) []int {
 	steep := 10
 	intArr := make([]int, 0)
@@ -937,15 +453,6 @@ func GetArrSum(intArr []int) (sum int) {
-//func init() {
-//	fmt.Println("start")
-//	keyWord:="阿里巴巴"
-//	keyWordArr, _ := GetIndustryMapNameSliceV2(keyWord)
-//	keyWordArr = RemoveDuplicatesAndEmpty(keyWordArr)
-//	fmt.Println(keyWordArr)
-//	fmt.Println("end")
 func EsMultiMatchFunctionScoreQuerySort(indexName, keyWord string, startSize, pageSize, userId int, orderColumn string) (result []*models.SearchItem, total int64, err error) {
 	client := utils.Client
 	keyWordArr, err := GetIndustryMapNameSliceV3(keyWord)
@@ -1378,3 +885,200 @@ func EsMultiMatchFunctionScoreQuerySortPage(indexName, keyWord string, startSize
 	total += searchByMatch.Hits.TotalHits.Value
+func init3424() {
+	EsArticleSearch("立高食品", 0, 10, "34")
+func EsArticleSearch(keyWord string, startSize, pageSize int, orderColumn string) (result []*models.SearchItem, total int64, err error) {
+	indexName := utils.IndexName
+	client := utils.Client
+	keyWordArr, err := GetIndustryMapNameSliceV3(keyWord)
+	keyWordArr = RemoveDuplicatesAndEmpty(keyWordArr)
+	keyWordLen := len(keyWordArr)
+	if keyWordLen <= 0 {
+		keyWordArr = append(keyWordArr, keyWord)
+		keyWordLen = len(keyWordArr)
+	}
+	fmt.Println(keyWordArr)
+	mustMap := make([]interface{}, 0)
+	shouldMap := make(map[string]interface{}, 0)
+	//shouldMapquery := make(map[string]interface{}, 0)
+	shouldMapquery := make([]interface{}, 0)
+	// @Param   OrderColumn   query   int  true       "排序字段 ,Comprehensive综合 ,Matching匹配度 ,PublishDate 发布时间 "
+	//keyWordWeight := GetWeight(keyWordLen)
+	lenkeyWordArr := len(keyWordArr)
+	for k, v := range keyWordArr {
+		if v != "" {
+			shouldMapquery = append(shouldMapquery, map[string]interface{}{
+				"function_score": map[string]interface{}{
+					"query": map[string]interface{}{
+						"multi_match": map[string]interface{}{
+							"boost":  math.Pow(10, float64(lenkeyWordArr-k)), //给查询的值赋予权重 10的n次方
+							"fields": []interface{}{"Title"},
+							"query":  v,
+						},
+					},
+				},
+			})
+			shouldMapquery = append(shouldMapquery, map[string]interface{}{
+				"function_score": map[string]interface{}{
+					"query": map[string]interface{}{
+						"multi_match": map[string]interface{}{
+							"boost":  math.Pow(10, float64(lenkeyWordArr-k)) - 1, //给查询的值赋予权重 10的n次方
+							"fields": []interface{}{"BodyText"},
+							"query":  v,
+						},
+					},
+				},
+			})
+			//shouldMapquery = append(shouldMapquery, map[string]interface{}{
+			//	"match": map[string]interface{}{
+			//		"Title": map[string]interface{}{
+			//			"query": v,
+			//			"boost": math.Pow(10, float64(lenkeyWordArr-k)), //给查询的值赋予权重 10的n次方
+			//		},
+			//	},
+			//})
+			//shouldMapquery = append(shouldMapquery, map[string]interface{}{
+			//	"match": map[string]interface{}{
+			//		"BodyText": map[string]interface{}{
+			//			"query": v,
+			//			"boost": math.Pow(10, float64(lenkeyWordArr-k)) - 1, //给查询的值赋予权重 10的n次方
+			//		},
+			//	},
+			//})
+			//shouldMapquery = append(shouldMapquery, map[string]interface{}{
+			//	"wildcard": map[string]interface{}{
+			//		"BodyText": "*" + v + "*",
+			//		"boost":    math.Pow(10, float64(lenkeyWordArr-k)) - 1, //给查询的值赋予权重 10的n次方
+			//	},
+			//})
+			//shouldMap = map[string]interface{}{
+			//	"should": []interface{}{
+			//		map[string]interface{}{
+			//			"function_score": map[string]interface{}{
+			//				"query": map[string]interface{}{
+			//					"multi_match": map[string]interface{}{
+			//						"boost":  2000,
+			//						"fields": []interface{}{"Title"},
+			//						"query":  "立高食品",
+			//					},
+			//				},
+			//			},
+			//		},
+			//		map[string]interface{}{
+			//			"function_score": map[string]interface{}{
+			//				"query": map[string]interface{}{
+			//					"multi_match": map[string]interface{}{
+			//						"boost":  2000 - 1,
+			//						"fields": []interface{}{"BodyText"},
+			//						"query":  "立高食品",
+			//					},
+			//				},
+			//			},
+			//		},
+			//	},
+			//}
+		}
+	}
+	shouldMap = map[string]interface{}{
+		"should": shouldMapquery,
+	}
+	//排序
+	sortMap := make([]interface{}, 0)
+	//时间
+	sortMap = append(sortMap, map[string]interface{}{
+		"PublishDate": map[string]interface{}{
+			"order": "desc",
+		},
+	})
+	//高亮
+	highlightMap := make(map[string]interface{}, 0)
+	highlightMap = map[string]interface{}{
+		"fields": map[string]interface{}{
+			"BodyText": map[string]interface{}{},
+			"Title":    map[string]interface{}{},
+		},
+		//样式 红色
+		"post_tags": []interface{}{"</font>"},
+		"pre_tags":  []interface{}{"<font color='red'>"},
+	}
+	mustMap = append(mustMap, map[string]interface{}{
+		"bool": shouldMap,
+	})
+	queryMap := map[string]interface{}{
+		"query": map[string]interface{}{
+			"bool": map[string]interface{}{
+				"must": mustMap,
+			},
+		},
+	}
+	queryMap["sort"] = sortMap
+	queryMap["from"] = startSize
+	queryMap["size"] = pageSize
+	queryMap["highlight"] = highlightMap
+	jsonBytes, _ := json.Marshal(queryMap)
+	fmt.Println(string(jsonBytes))
+	utils.FileLog.Info(string(jsonBytes))
+	request := client.Search(indexName).Source(queryMap) // sets the JSON request
+	searchByMatch, err := request.Do(context.Background())
+	if searchByMatch != nil {
+		if searchByMatch.Hits != nil {
+			for _, v := range searchByMatch.Hits.Hits {
+				var isAppend bool
+				articleJson, err := v.Source.MarshalJSON()
+				if err != nil {
+					return nil, 0, err
+				}
+				article := new(models.CygxArticleEs)
+				err = json.Unmarshal(articleJson, &article)
+				if err != nil {
+					return nil, 0, err
+				}
+				searchItem := new(models.SearchItem)
+				searchItem.ArticleId, _ = strconv.Atoi(v.Id)
+				if len(v.Highlight["BodyText"]) > 0 {
+					searchItem.Body = v.Highlight["BodyText"]
+				} else {
+					bodyRune := []rune(article.BodyText)
+					bodyRuneLen := len(bodyRune)
+					if bodyRuneLen > 100 {
+						bodyRuneLen = 100
+					}
+					body := string(bodyRune[:bodyRuneLen])
+					searchItem.Body = []string{body}
+				}
+				var title string
+				if len(v.Highlight["Title"]) > 0 {
+					title = v.Highlight["Title"][0]
+				} else {
+					title = article.Title
+				}
+				searchItem.Title = title
+				searchItem.PublishDate = article.PublishDate
+				searchItem.ExpertBackground = article.ExpertBackground
+				searchItem.CategoryId = article.CategoryId
+				for _, v_result := range result {
+					if v_result.ArticleId == searchItem.ArticleId {
+						isAppend = true
+					}
+				}
+				if !isAppend {
+					result = append(result, searchItem)
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		total = searchByMatch.Hits.TotalHits.Value
+	}
+	//fmt.Println(result)
+	//for _, v := range result {
+	//	fmt.Println(v)
+	//}
+	return