@@ -86,18 +86,19 @@ WHERE
-func IndustrialToArticleCategory(industrialManagementId int) (items []*IndustrialToArticleCategoryRep, err error) {
+func IndustrialToArticleCategory(industrialManagementId, chartPermissionId int) (items []*IndustrialToArticleCategoryRep, err error) {
o := orm.NewOrm()
sql := `SELECT map.match_type_name,map.category_id
FROM cygx_report_mapping AS map
INNER JOIN cygx_article AS art ON art.category_id = map.category_id
INNER JOIN cygx_industrial_article_group_management AS man_g ON man_g.article_id = art.article_id
- WHERE map.report_type = 2
+ WHERE map.report_type = 2
AND art.is_report = 1
AND art.publish_status = 1
AND man_g.industrial_management_id =?
+ AND map.chart_permission_id = ?
GROUP BY map.match_type_name`
- _, err = o.Raw(sql, industrialManagementId).QueryRows(&items)
+ _, err = o.Raw(sql, industrialManagementId, chartPermissionId).QueryRows(&items)