package controllers import ( "encoding/json" "" "hongze/hongze_clpt/models" "hongze/hongze_clpt/services" "hongze/hongze_clpt/utils" "path" "strconv" "strings" "time" ) type YanxuanSpecialController struct { BaseAuthController } type YanxuanSpecialNoLoginController struct { BaseAuthMobileController } // @Title 专栏列表 // @Description 专栏列表 // @Param SpecialColumnId query int true "作者专栏ID" // @Param PageSize query int true "每页数据条数" // @Param CurrentIndex query int true "当前页页码,从1开始" // @Success 200 {object} models.AddEnglishReportResp // @router /list [get] func (this *YanxuanSpecialNoLoginController) List() { br := new(models.BaseResponse).Init() defer func() { this.Data["json"] = br this.ServeJSON() }() sysUser := this.User if sysUser == nil { br.Msg = "请登录" br.ErrMsg = "请登录,SysUser Is Empty" br.Ret = 408 return } specialColumnId, _ := this.GetInt("SpecialColumnId", 0) pageSize, _ := this.GetInt("PageSize") currentIndex, _ := this.GetInt("CurrentIndex") var startSize int if pageSize <= 0 { pageSize = utils.PageSize20 } if currentIndex <= 0 { currentIndex = 1 } startSize = utils.StartIndex(currentIndex, pageSize) resp := new(models.SpecialListResp) var condition string var pars []interface{} if specialColumnId > 0 { authorItem, err := models.GetYanxuanSpecialAuthorById(specialColumnId) if err != nil { br.Msg = "查询栏目详情失败!" br.ErrMsg = "查询栏目详情失败,Err:" + err.Error() return } condition += ` AND a.user_id = ? ` pars = append(pars, authorItem.UserId) } condition += ` AND a.status = 3 ` total, err := models.GetCygxYanxuanSpecialCount(condition, pars) if err != nil { br.Msg = "获取失败" br.ErrMsg = "获取失败, Err:" + err.Error() return } list, err := models.GetYanxuanSpecialList(sysUser.UserId, condition, pars, startSize, pageSize) if err != nil { br.Msg = "获取失败" br.ErrMsg = "获取失败, Err:" + err.Error() return } for _, v := range list { hasImg, err := utils.ArticleHasImgUrl(v.Content) if err != nil { return } if hasImg { v.ContentHasImg = 1 } v.ImgUrl = strings.TrimRight(v.ImgUrl, ",") //去除图片标签 v.Content = utils.ArticleRemoveImgUrl(v.Content) //v.Content, err = utils.ExtractText(v.Content) if v.DocUrl != "" { var docs []models.Doc err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(v.DocUrl), &docs) if err != nil { br.Msg = "参数解析异常!" br.ErrMsg = "参数解析失败,Err:" + err.Error() return } v.Docs = docs } if v.MyCollectNum > 0 { v.IsCollect = 1 } if v.ImgUrl != "" { imgList := strings.Split(v.ImgUrl, ",") for _, s := range imgList { v.ImgUrlList = append(v.ImgUrlList, s) } } else { v.ImgUrlList = []string{} } if v.CompanyTags != "" { tagList := strings.Split(v.CompanyTags, ",") for _, s := range tagList { v.TagList = append(v.TagList, s) } } if v.IndustryTags != "" { tagList := strings.Split(v.IndustryTags, ",") for _, s := range tagList { v.TagList = append(v.TagList, s) } } if len(v.TagList) == 0 { v.TagList = []string{} } } specialAuthorCheck := services.GetYanxuanSpecialAuthorInfo(sysUser) //用户是否没开通研选专栏以及,专栏信息是否完善 resp.IsAuthor = specialAuthorCheck.IsAuthor resp.IsImproveInformation = specialAuthorCheck.IsImproveInformation resp.List = list page := paging.GetPaging(currentIndex, pageSize, total) resp.Paging = page br.Data = resp br.Ret = 200 br.Success = true br.Msg = "获取成功" } // @Title 专栏详情 // @Description 专栏详情 // @Param request body help_doc.AddHelpDocReq true "type json string" // @Success 200 {object} models.AddEnglishReportResp // @router /detail [get] func (this *YanxuanSpecialController) Detail() { br := new(models.BaseResponse).Init() defer func() { this.Data["json"] = br this.ServeJSON() }() sysUser := this.User if sysUser == nil { br.Msg = "请登录" br.ErrMsg = "请登录,SysUser Is Empty" br.Ret = 408 return } specialId, _ := this.GetInt("Id", 0) if specialId <= 0 { br.Msg = "参数错误" br.ErrMsg = "参数错误" return } item, tmpErr := models.GetYanxuanSpecialById(specialId, sysUser.UserId) if tmpErr != nil { br.Msg = "获取失败" br.ErrMsg = "获取失败, Err:" + tmpErr.Error() return } if item.MyCollectNum > 0 { item.IsCollect = 1 } var resp models.CygxYanxuanSpecialResp resp.HasPermission = 1 resp.CygxYanxuanSpecialItem = *item if item.DocUrl != "" { var docs []models.Doc err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(item.DocUrl), &docs) if err != nil { br.Msg = "参数解析异常!" br.ErrMsg = "参数解析失败,Err:" + err.Error() return } resp.Docs = docs } if item.ImgUrl != "" { imgList := strings.Split(item.ImgUrl, ",") for _, s := range imgList { resp.ImgUrlList = append(resp.ImgUrlList, s) } } else { resp.ImgUrlList = []string{} } if item.CompanyTags != "" { cTagList := strings.Split(item.CompanyTags, ",") for _, s := range cTagList { resp.CompanyTags = append(resp.CompanyTags, s) } } else { resp.CompanyTags = []string{} } if item.IndustryTags != "" { iTagList := strings.Split(item.IndustryTags, ",") for _, s := range iTagList { resp.IndustryTags = append(resp.IndustryTags, s) } } else { resp.IndustryTags = []string{} } var configCode string //如果是研选的就推送给汪洋跟王芳,否则就推送给王芳 configCode = utils.TPL_MSG_WANG_FANG_WANG_YANG cnf, err := models.GetConfigByCode(configCode) if err != nil { br.Msg = "获取失败" br.ErrMsg = "获取失败, Err:" + err.Error() return } if item.UserId != sysUser.UserId && item.Status != 3 && !strings.Contains(cnf.ConfigValue, sysUser.Mobile) { resp.CygxYanxuanSpecialItem = *new(models.CygxYanxuanSpecialItem) // 如果内容不可见,就把内容置空 resp.HasPermission = 2 } //判断是否属于审核人员 mobileSlice := strings.Split(cnf.ConfigValue, ",") for _, v := range mobileSlice { if v == sysUser.Mobile { resp.IsApprovalAdmin = true } } br.Data = resp br.Ret = 200 br.Success = true br.Msg = "获取成功" } // @Title 新增保存专栏作者详情 // @Description 新增保存专栏作者详情 // @Param request body help_doc.AddHelpDocReq true "type json string" // @Success 200 {object} models.AddEnglishReportResp // @router /author/save [post] func (this *YanxuanSpecialController) AuthorSave() { br := new(models.BaseResponse).Init() defer func() { this.Data["json"] = br this.ServeJSON() }() sysUser := this.User if sysUser == nil { br.Msg = "请登录" br.ErrMsg = "请登录,SysUser Is Empty" br.Ret = 408 return } var req models.SaveCygxYanxuanSpecialAuthorReq err := json.Unmarshal(this.Ctx.Input.RequestBody, &req) if err != nil { br.Msg = "参数解析异常!" br.ErrMsg = "参数解析失败,Err:" + err.Error() return } if req.SpecialColumnId <= 0 { br.Msg = "栏目id有误" return } if req.SpecialName == "" { br.Msg = "请输入专栏名称" return } if req.NickName == "" { br.Msg = "请输入昵称" return } item := models.CygxYanxuanSpecialAuthor{ Id: req.SpecialColumnId, UserId: sysUser.UserId, SpecialName: req.SpecialName, Introduction: req.Introduction, Label: req.Label, NickName: req.NickName, CreateTime: time.Now(), ModifyTime: time.Now(), BgImg: "", Status: 1, } //if req.Id == 0{ // _, err = models.AddCygxYanxuanSpecialAuthor(&item) // if err != nil { // br.Msg = "新增失败" // br.ErrMsg = "新增失败,Err:" + err.Error() // return // } //} else { // err = models.UpdateYanxuanSpecialAuthor(&item) // if err != nil { // br.Msg = "保存失败" // br.ErrMsg = "保存失败,Err:" + err.Error() // return // } //} err = models.UpdateYanxuanSpecialAuthor(&item) if err != nil { br.Msg = "保存失败" br.ErrMsg = "保存失败,Err:" + err.Error() return } br.Ret = 200 br.Success = true br.Msg = "保存成功" } // @Title 新增保存专栏 // @Description 新增保存专栏 // @Param request body help_doc.AddHelpDocReq true "type json string" // @Success 200 {object} models.AddEnglishReportResp // @router /save [post] func (this *YanxuanSpecialController) Save() { br := new(models.BaseResponse).Init() defer func() { this.Data["json"] = br this.ServeJSON() }() sysUser := this.User if sysUser == nil { br.Msg = "请登录" br.ErrMsg = "请登录,SysUser Is Empty" br.Ret = 408 return } var req models.CygxYanxuanSpecialReq err := json.Unmarshal(this.Ctx.Input.RequestBody, &req) if err != nil { br.Msg = "参数解析异常!" br.ErrMsg = "参数解析失败,Err:" + err.Error() return } if req.Content == "" && req.DoType == 2 { br.Msg = "请输入内容" return } if len(req.CompanyTags) == 0 && len(req.IndustryTags) == 0 && req.DoType == 2 { br.Msg = "请至少输入一个标签" return } if len(req.Docs) > 0 { for i, doc := range req.Docs { extMap := services.GetCloudDiskResourceFileTypeExtMap() ext := path.Ext(doc.DocName) req.Docs[i].DocIcon = extMap[ext] } } docUrl, err := json.Marshal(req.Docs) if err != nil { return } imgUrls := strings.Join(req.ImgUrl, ",") cTags := strings.Join(req.CompanyTags, ",") iTags := strings.Join(req.IndustryTags, ",") isApprovalPersonnel := req.IsApprovalPersonnel item := models.CygxYanxuanSpecial{ Id: req.Id, UserId: sysUser.UserId, CreateTime: time.Now(), ModifyTime: time.Now(), PublishTime: time.Now(), Content: req.Content, CompanyTags: cTags, IndustryTags: iTags, ImgUrl: imgUrls, DocUrl: string(docUrl), Title: req.Title, Type: req.Type, } if req.DoType == 1 { item.Status = 1 br.Msg = "保存成功" } else { item.Status = 2 br.Msg = "已提交审核" } var authorUserId int // 如果是审批人员操作的那么就是修改内容,加审批通过 if isApprovalPersonnel { item.Status = 3 //校验是否属于审核人员 if !services.CheckYxSpecialIsApprovalPersonnel(sysUser.Mobile) { br.Msg = "操作失败" br.ErrMsg = "操作失败,该账号不属于审核人员:" + sysUser.Mobile return } specialItem, err := models.GetYanxuanSpecialItemById(req.Id) if err != nil { br.Msg = "保存失败" br.ErrMsg = "保存失败,Err:" + err.Error() return } item.UserId = specialItem.UserId // 专栏userid还是原有userId authorUserId = specialItem.UserId item.AdminName = sysUser.RealName //审核人员姓名 br.Msg = "审批成功" } specialId := 0 if req.Id == 0 { id, err := models.AddCygxYanxuanSpecial(&item) if err != nil { br.Msg = "新增失败" br.ErrMsg = "新增失败,Err:" + err.Error() return } specialId = int(id) } else { detail, tmpErr := models.GetYanxuanSpecialById(req.Id, sysUser.UserId) if tmpErr != nil { br.Msg = "获取失败" br.ErrMsg = "获取失败, Err:" + tmpErr.Error() return } if detail.Status == 2 && !isApprovalPersonnel { br.Msg = "请勿重复提交" br.ErrMsg = "保存失败,专栏内容正在审核" return } err = models.UpdateYanxuanSpecial(&item) if err != nil { br.Msg = "保存失败" br.ErrMsg = "保存失败,Err:" + err.Error() return } specialId = req.Id } if isApprovalPersonnel { go services.UpdateYanxuanSpecialResourceData(specialId) // 写入首页最新 cygx_resource_data 表 go services.EsAddYanxuanSpecial(specialId) // 写入es 综合搜索 go services.SendWxMsgSpecialFollow(req.Id) //研选专栏有新内容审核通过时,给关注此专栏的客户发送模板消息 go services.SendWxMsgSpecialAuthor(req.Id, 2) //研选专栏审核完成时,给提交人发送模板消息 go services.UdpateYanxuanSpecialauthorArticleNum(authorUserId) // 更新作者发布文章的数量 } else { if req.DoType == 2 { go services.SendReviewTemplateMsgAdmin(specialId) go services.UpdateYanxuanSpecialResourceData(specialId) // 写入首页最新 cygx_resource_data 表 go services.EsAddYanxuanSpecial(specialId) // 写入es 综合搜索 } } br.Ret = 200 br.Success = true br.Data = specialId } // @Title 专栏作者详情 // @Description 专栏作者详情 // @Param request body help_doc.AddHelpDocReq true "type json string" // @Success 200 {object} models.AddEnglishReportResp // @router /author/detail [get] func (this *YanxuanSpecialNoLoginController) AuthorDetail() { br := new(models.BaseResponse).Init() defer func() { this.Data["json"] = br this.ServeJSON() }() sysUser := this.User if sysUser == nil { br.Msg = "请登录" br.ErrMsg = "请登录,SysUser Is Empty" br.Ret = 408 return } specialColumnId, _ := this.GetInt("SpecialColumnId", 0) item, tmpErr := models.GetYanxuanSpecialAuthorBySpecialColumnId(specialColumnId, sysUser.UserId) if tmpErr != nil && tmpErr.Error() != utils.ErrNoRow() { br.Msg = "获取失败" br.ErrMsg = "获取失败, Err:" + tmpErr.Error() return } br.Data = item br.Ret = 200 br.Success = true br.Msg = "获取成功" } // @Title 审批研选专栏 // @Description 审批研选专栏 // @Param request body help_doc.AddHelpDocReq true "type json string" // @Success 200 {object} models.AddEnglishReportResp // @router /enable [post] func (this *YanxuanSpecialController) Enable() { br := new(models.BaseResponse).Init() defer func() { this.Data["json"] = br this.ServeJSON() }() user := this.User if user == nil { br.Msg = "请登录" br.ErrMsg = "请登录,SysUser Is Empty" br.Ret = 408 return } var req models.EnableCygxYanxuanSpecialReq err := json.Unmarshal(this.Ctx.Input.RequestBody, &req) if err != nil { br.Msg = "参数解析异常!" br.ErrMsg = "参数解析失败,Err:" + err.Error() return } if req.Id <= 0 { br.Msg = "文章id错误" return } if req.Status <= 0 { br.Msg = "参数错误" return } status := 0 if req.Status == 1 { status = 3 } else { status = 4 } detail, err := models.GetYanxuanSpecialItemById(req.Id) if err != nil { br.Msg = "审批失败" br.ErrMsg = "审批失败, Err:" + err.Error() return } if tmpErr := models.EnableYanxuanSpecial(req.Id, status, req.Reason, user.RealName); tmpErr != nil { br.Msg = "审批失败" br.ErrMsg = "审批失败, Err:" + tmpErr.Error() return } if req.Status == 1 { go services.SendWxMsgSpecialFollow(req.Id) } go services.SendWxMsgSpecialAuthor(req.Id, req.Status) go services.UpdateYanxuanSpecialResourceData(req.Id) // 写入首页最新 cygx_resource_data 表 go services.EsAddYanxuanSpecial(req.Id) // 写入es 综合搜索 go services.AddAddCygxYanxuanSpecialApprovalLog(user, req.Id, req.Status, req.Reason) // 写入es 综合搜索 go services.UdpateYanxuanSpecialauthorArticleNum(detail.UserId) // 更新作者发布文章的数量 br.Msg = "审批成功" br.Ret = 200 br.Success = true } // @Title 研选专栏收藏 // @Description 研选专栏收藏 // @Param request body help_doc.AddHelpDocReq true "type json string" // @Success 200 {object} models.AddEnglishReportResp // @router /collect [post] func (this *YanxuanSpecialController) Collect() { br := new(models.BaseResponse).Init() defer func() { this.Data["json"] = br this.ServeJSON() }() user := this.User if user == nil { br.Msg = "请登录" br.ErrMsg = "请登录,SysUser Is Empty" br.Ret = 408 return } var req models.CollectCygxYanxuanSpecialReq err := json.Unmarshal(this.Ctx.Input.RequestBody, &req) if err != nil { br.Msg = "参数解析异常!" br.ErrMsg = "参数解析失败,Err:" + err.Error() return } if req.Id <= 0 { br.Msg = "文章id错误" return } if req.Status <= 0 { br.Msg = "参数错误" return } var sellerName string if req.Status == 1 { sellerItem, err := models.GetSellerByCompanyIdCheckFicc(user.CompanyId, 2) if err != nil { br.Msg = "报名失败!" br.ErrMsg = "获取对应销售失败,Err:" + err.Error() return } sellerName = sellerItem.RealName item := models.CygxYanxuanSpecialCollect{ UserId: user.UserId, Mobile: user.Mobile, Email: user.Email, CompanyId: user.CompanyId, CompanyName: user.CompanyName, RealName: user.RealName, SellerName: sellerName, CreateTime: time.Now(), ModifyTime: time.Now(), RegisterPlatform: utils.REGISTER_PLATFORM, YanxuanSpecialId: req.Id, } _, err = models.AddCygxYanxuanSpecialCollect(&item) if err != nil { br.Msg = "新增失败" br.ErrMsg = "新增失败,Err:" + err.Error() return } br.Msg = "收藏成功" } else { err = models.DelCygxYanxuanSpecialCollect(user.UserId, req.Id) if err != nil { br.Msg = "删除失败" br.ErrMsg = "删除失败,Err:" + err.Error() return } br.Msg = "取消收藏成功" } go services.UdpateYanxuanSpecialCollect(req.Id) br.Ret = 200 br.Success = true } // @Title 专栏内容中心 // @Description 专栏内容中心 // @Param request body help_doc.AddHelpDocReq true "type json string" // @Success 200 {object} models.AddEnglishReportResp // @router /center [get] func (this *YanxuanSpecialController) Center() { br := new(models.BaseResponse).Init() defer func() { this.Data["json"] = br this.ServeJSON() }() sysUser := this.User if sysUser == nil { br.Msg = "请登录" br.ErrMsg = "请登录,SysUser Is Empty" br.Ret = 408 return } // 1:未发布,2:审核中 3:已发布 4:驳回 status, _ := this.GetInt("Status", 0) if status <= 0 { br.Msg = "参数错误" br.ErrMsg = "参数错误" return } var condition string var pars []interface{} condition += ` AND a.user_id = ? ` pars = append(pars, sysUser.UserId) condition += ` AND a.status = ? ` pars = append(pars, status) list, tmpErr := models.GetYanxuanSpecialList(sysUser.UserId, condition, pars, 0, 0) if tmpErr != nil { br.Msg = "获取失败" br.ErrMsg = "获取失败, Err:" + tmpErr.Error() return } br.Data = list br.Ret = 200 br.Success = true br.Msg = "获取成功" } // @Title 专栏点击记录 // @Description 专栏点击记录 // @Param request body models.AddCygxReportSelectionSubjectHistoryReq true "type json string" // @router /record [post] func (this *YanxuanSpecialController) Record() { br := new(models.BaseResponse).Init() defer func() { this.Data["json"] = br this.ServeJSON() }() user := this.User if user == nil { br.Msg = "请重新登录" br.Ret = 408 return } var req models.AddCygxYanxuanSpecialRecordReq err := json.Unmarshal(this.Ctx.Input.RequestBody, &req) if err != nil { br.Msg = "参数解析异常!" br.ErrMsg = "参数解析失败,Err:" + err.Error() return } if req.SpecialId <= 0 { br.Msg = "文章不存在" br.ErrMsg = "文章不存在,文章ID错误" return } specialId := req.SpecialId stopTime := req.StopTime if req.SpecialId <= 0 { br.Msg = "文章不存在" br.ErrMsg = "文章不存在,文章ID错误" return } err = services.AddSpecialRecord(this.User, specialId, stopTime) if err != nil { br.Msg = "记录失败" br.ErrMsg = "记录失败,Err:" + err.Error() return } br.Ret = 200 br.Success = true br.Msg = "记录成功" } // @Title 研选专栏关注 // @Description 研选专栏关注 // @Param request body help_doc.AddHelpDocReq true "type json string" // @Success 200 {object} models.AddEnglishReportResp // @router /follow [post] func (this *YanxuanSpecialController) Follow() { br := new(models.BaseResponse).Init() defer func() { this.Data["json"] = br this.ServeJSON() }() user := this.User if user == nil { br.Msg = "请登录" br.ErrMsg = "请登录,SysUser Is Empty" br.Ret = 408 return } var req models.FollowCygxYanxuanSpecialReq err := json.Unmarshal(this.Ctx.Input.RequestBody, &req) if err != nil { br.Msg = "参数解析异常!" br.ErrMsg = "参数解析失败,Err:" + err.Error() return } if req.FollowSpecialColumnId <= 0 { br.Msg = "被关注的专栏栏目id错误" return } if req.Status <= 0 { br.Msg = "参数错误" return } var sellerName string sellerItemQy, err := models.GetSellerByCompanyIdCheckFicc(user.CompanyId, 2) if err != nil { br.Msg = "查询栏目详情失败!" br.ErrMsg = "获取销售信息失败,Err:" + err.Error() return } sellerName = sellerItemQy.RealName authorItem, err := models.GetYanxuanSpecialAuthorById(req.FollowSpecialColumnId) if err != nil { br.Msg = "查询栏目详情失败!" br.ErrMsg = "查询栏目详情失败,Err:" + err.Error() return } if req.Status == 1 { item := models.CygxYanxuanSpecialFollow{ UserId: user.UserId, FollowUserId: authorItem.UserId, Mobile: user.Mobile, Email: user.Email, CompanyId: user.CompanyId, CompanyName: user.CompanyName, RealName: user.RealName, SellerName: sellerName, CreateTime: time.Now(), ModifyTime: time.Now(), RegisterPlatform: utils.REGISTER_PLATFORM, YanxuanSpecialId: req.SpecialId, } err = models.AddCygxYanxuanSpecialFollow(&item) if err != nil { br.Msg = "新增失败" br.ErrMsg = "新增失败,Err:" + err.Error() return } br.Msg = "关注成功" } else { err = models.DelCygxYanxuanSpecialFollow(user.UserId, authorItem.UserId) if err != nil { br.Msg = "删除失败" br.ErrMsg = "删除失败,Err:" + err.Error() return } br.Msg = "取消关注成功" } go services.UdpateYanxuanSpecialFansNum(authorItem.UserId) br.Ret = 200 br.Success = true } // @Title 行业标签搜索 // @Description 行业标签搜索 // @Param request body help_doc.AddHelpDocReq true "type json string" // @Success 200 {object} models.AddEnglishReportResp // @router /industrySearch [get] func (this *YanxuanSpecialController) IndustrySearch() { br := new(models.BaseResponse).Init() defer func() { this.Data["json"] = br this.ServeJSON() }() sysUser := this.User if sysUser == nil { br.Msg = "请登录" br.ErrMsg = "请登录,SysUser Is Empty" br.Ret = 408 return } keyword := this.GetString("Keyword") list, tmpErr := models.GetYanxuanSpecialIndustry(keyword) if tmpErr != nil { br.Msg = "获取失败" br.ErrMsg = "获取失败, Err:" + tmpErr.Error() return } br.Data = list br.Ret = 200 br.Success = true br.Msg = "获取成功" } // @Title 公司标签搜索 // @Description 公司标签搜索 // @Param request body help_doc.AddHelpDocReq true "type json string" // @Success 200 {object} models.AddEnglishReportResp // @router /companySearch [get] func (this *YanxuanSpecialController) CompanySearch() { br := new(models.BaseResponse).Init() defer func() { this.Data["json"] = br this.ServeJSON() }() sysUser := this.User if sysUser == nil { br.Msg = "请登录" br.ErrMsg = "请登录,SysUser Is Empty" br.Ret = 408 return } keyword := this.GetString("Keyword") if keyword == "" { br.Ret = 200 return } list, tmpErr := models.GetYanxuanSpecialCompany(keyword) if tmpErr != nil { br.Msg = "获取失败" br.ErrMsg = "获取失败, Err:" + tmpErr.Error() return } br.Data = list br.Ret = 200 br.Success = true br.Msg = "获取成功" } // @Title 专栏取消发布 // @Description 专栏取消发布 // @Param request body help_doc.AddHelpDocReq true "type json string" // @Success 200 {object} models.AddEnglishReportResp // @router /cancel [post] func (this *YanxuanSpecialController) Cancel() { br := new(models.BaseResponse).Init() defer func() { this.Data["json"] = br this.ServeJSON() }() sysUser := this.User if sysUser == nil { br.Msg = "请登录" br.ErrMsg = "请登录,SysUser Is Empty" br.Ret = 408 return } var req models.CancelPublishCygxYanxuanSpecialReq err := json.Unmarshal(this.Ctx.Input.RequestBody, &req) if err != nil { br.Msg = "参数解析异常!" br.ErrMsg = "参数解析失败,Err:" + err.Error() return } if req.Id <= 0 { br.Msg = "文章id错误" return } specialItem, err := models.GetYanxuanSpecialItemById(req.Id) if err != nil { br.Msg = "专栏取消发布失败" br.ErrMsg = "专栏取消发布失败,Err:" + err.Error() return } if tmpErr := models.CancelPublishYanxuanSpecial(req.Id); tmpErr != nil { br.Msg = "取消发布失败" br.ErrMsg = "取消发布失败, Err:" + tmpErr.Error() return } go services.UpdateYanxuanSpecialResourceData(req.Id) // 写入首页最新 cygx_resource_data 表 go services.EsAddYanxuanSpecial(req.Id) // 写入es 综合搜索 go services.UdpateYanxuanSpecialauthorArticleNum(specialItem.UserId) // 更新作者发布文章的数量 br.Msg = "取消发布成功" br.Ret = 200 br.Success = true } // @Title 作者列表 // @Description 作者列表 // @Param PageSize query int true "每页数据条数" // @Param CurrentIndex query int true "当前页页码,从1开始" // @Success 200 {object} models.AddEnglishReportResp // @router /author/list [get] func (this *YanxuanSpecialNoLoginController) AuthorList() { br := new(models.BaseResponse).Init() defer func() { this.Data["json"] = br this.ServeJSON() }() sysUser := this.User if sysUser == nil { br.Msg = "请登录" br.ErrMsg = "请登录,SysUser Is Empty" br.Ret = 408 return } pageSize, _ := this.GetInt("PageSize") currentIndex, _ := this.GetInt("CurrentIndex") var startSize int if pageSize <= 0 { pageSize = utils.PageSize20 } if currentIndex <= 0 { currentIndex = 1 } startSize = utils.StartIndex(currentIndex, pageSize) resp := new(models.SpecialAuthorListResp) specialAuthorCheck := services.GetYanxuanSpecialAuthorInfo(sysUser) //用户是否没开通研选专栏以及,专栏信息是否完善 resp.IsAuthor = specialAuthorCheck.IsAuthor resp.IsImproveInformation = specialAuthorCheck.IsImproveInformation resp.SpecialColumnId = specialAuthorCheck.SpecialColumnId resp.HeadImg = specialAuthorCheck.HeadImg var condition string var conditionUserSort string var pars []interface{} condition += ` AND a.nick_name <> '' ` conditionUserSort += ` ( IF ( a.user_id = ` + strconv.Itoa(sysUser.UserId) + `, 1 = 1, user_id = 1 ) ) AS user_sort , ` // 用户本人如果开通了专栏,就放在最前面 total, err := models.GetCygxYanxuanSpecialAuthorCount(condition, pars) if err != nil { br.Msg = "获取失败" br.ErrMsg = "获取失败,Err:" + err.Error() return } condition += ` ORDER BY user_sort DESC, latest_publish_time DESC` list, tmpErr := models.GetYanxuanSpecialAuthorList(conditionUserSort, condition, pars, startSize, pageSize) if tmpErr != nil { br.Msg = "获取失败" br.ErrMsg = "获取失败, Err:" + tmpErr.Error() return } //var userIds []int for _, v := range list { v.LatestPublishDate = v.LatestPublishTime.Format(utils.FormatDate) + "更新" //userIds = append(userIds, v.UserId) } page := paging.GetPaging(currentIndex, pageSize, total) resp.List = list resp.Paging = page br.Data = resp br.Ret = 200 br.Success = true br.Msg = "获取成功" } // @Title 更新作者头像 // @Description 更新作者头像 // @Param request body help_doc.AddHelpDocReq true "type json string" // @Success 200 {object} models.AddEnglishReportResp // @router /author/head_img [post] func (this *YanxuanSpecialController) AuthorHeadImg() { br := new(models.BaseResponse).Init() defer func() { this.Data["json"] = br this.ServeJSON() }() sysUser := this.User if sysUser == nil { br.Msg = "请登录" br.ErrMsg = "请登录,SysUser Is Empty" br.Ret = 408 return } var req models.SaveCygxYanxuanSpecialAuthoHeadImgrReq err := json.Unmarshal(this.Ctx.Input.RequestBody, &req) if err != nil { br.Msg = "参数解析异常!" br.ErrMsg = "参数解析失败,Err:" + err.Error() return } if req.SpecialColumnId <= 0 { br.Msg = "专栏栏目id错误" return } if req.HeadImg == "" { br.Msg = "头像图片错误" return } item := models.CygxYanxuanSpecialAuthor{ Id: req.SpecialColumnId, HeadImg: req.HeadImg, } err = models.UpdateYanxuanSpecialAuthorHeadImg(&item) if err != nil { br.Msg = "保存失败" br.ErrMsg = "保存失败,Err:" + err.Error() return } br.Ret = 200 br.Success = true br.Msg = "保存成功" } // @Title 删除专栏 // @Description 删除专栏 // @Param request body help_doc.AddHelpDocReq true "type json string" // @Success 200 {object} models.AddEnglishReportResp // @router /del [post] func (this *YanxuanSpecialController) Delete() { br := new(models.BaseResponse).Init() defer func() { this.Data["json"] = br this.ServeJSON() }() sysUser := this.User if sysUser == nil { br.Msg = "请登录" br.ErrMsg = "请登录,SysUser Is Empty" br.Ret = 408 return } var req models.DelCygxYanxuanSpecialReq err := json.Unmarshal(this.Ctx.Input.RequestBody, &req) if err != nil { br.Msg = "参数解析异常!" br.ErrMsg = "参数解析失败,Err:" + err.Error() return } if req.Id <= 0 { br.Msg = "文章id错误" return } if tmpErr := models.DelYanxuanSpecial(req.Id); tmpErr != nil { br.Msg = "删除失败" br.ErrMsg = "删除失败, Err:" + tmpErr.Error() return } br.Msg = "删除成功" br.Ret = 200 br.Success = true } // @Title 专栏文章敏感词检测 // @Description 专栏文章敏感词检测 // @Param request body help_doc.AddHelpDocReq true "type json string" // @Success 200 {object} models.AddEnglishReportResp // @router /check [post] func (this *YanxuanSpecialController) Check() { br := new(models.BaseResponse).Init() defer func() { this.Data["json"] = br this.ServeJSON() }() sysUser := this.User if sysUser == nil { br.Msg = "请登录" br.ErrMsg = "请登录,SysUser Is Empty" br.Ret = 408 return } var req models.CygxYanxuanSpecialCheckReq err := json.Unmarshal(this.Ctx.Input.RequestBody, &req) if err != nil { br.Msg = "参数解析异常!" br.ErrMsg = "参数解析失败,Err:" + err.Error() return } if req.Content == "" { br.Ret = 200 br.Success = true br.Msg = "校验成功" } itemToken, err := services.WxGetToken() if err != nil { br.Msg = "GetWxAccessToken Err:" + err.Error() return } if itemToken.AccessToken == "" { br.Msg = "accessToken is empty" return } suggest := models.WxCheckContent(itemToken.AccessToken, sysUser.OpenId, req.Content) if suggest == "risky" { br.Msg = "文章内容含有违法违规内容" br.ErrMsg = "文章内容含有违法违规内容" return } if len(req.ImgUrl) > 0 { //for _, imgUrl := range req.ImgUrl { // imgBody, err := http.Get(imgUrl) // if err != nil { // br.Msg = "图片链接有误" // br.ErrMsg = "图片链接有误" // return // } // rnStr := utils.GetRandStringNoSpecialChar(5) // savePath := time.Now().Format(utils.FormatDateTimeUnSpace) + rnStr + ".jpg" // err = file.SaveFile(imgBody, savePath) // if err != nil { // br.Msg = "保存图片错误" // br.ErrMsg = "保存图片错误" // return // } // res, err := weapp.IMGSecCheck(itemToken.AccessToken, savePath) // if err != nil { // // 处理一般错误信息 // br.Msg = "图片内容含有违法违规内容" // br.ErrMsg = "图片内容含有违法违规内容" // return // } // if err := res.GetResponseError(); err != nil { // // 处理微信返回错误信息 // br.Msg = "GetResponseError Err:" + err.Error() // return // } // err = os.RemoveAll(savePath) // if err != nil { // br.Msg = "RemoveAll Err:" + err.Error() // return // } //} } br.Ret = 200 br.Success = true br.Msg = "校验成功" }