@@ -0,0 +1,768 @@
+package models
+import (
+ "fmt"
+ "hongze/hongze_admin/utils"
+ "rdluck_tools/orm"
+ "sort"
+ "strings"
+ "time"
+type DataList struct {
+ TradeCode string `orm:"column(TRADE_CODE)" description:"指标编码"`
+ SecName string `orm:"column(SEC_NAME)" description:"指标名称"`
+ Unit string `orm:"column(UNIT)" description:"单位"`
+ Remark string `orm:"column(REMARK)" description:"备注"`
+ Frequency string `description:"频度"`
+ ClassifyId int `description:"分类id"`
+ ClassifyName string `description:"分类名称"`
+ Dt string `orm:"column(DT)" description:"录入日期"`
+ Close float64 `orm:"column(CLOSE)" description:"录入值"`
+ ModifyTime string `description:"修改时间"`
+type DataListResp struct {
+ List []*DataList
+ Paging *PagingItem `description:"分页数据"`
+func GetDataList(condition string, pars []interface{}, startSize, pageSize int) (items []*DataList, err error) {
+ sql := `select a.TRADE_CODE,a.SEC_NAME,a.UNIT,a.frequency,a.classify_id,b.classify_name,c.DT,c.CLOSE,c.modify_time FROM edbdata AS c
+ inner join edbinfo AS a ON a.TRADE_CODE=c.TRADE_CODE
+ left join edbdata_classify AS b ON a.classify_id=b.classify_id
+ where left(a.TRADE_CODE,1)='W' AND a.REMARK='手动' AND a.classify_id>0`
+ if condition != "" {
+ sql += condition
+ }
+ sql += ` order by c.DT desc limit ?,? `
+ o := orm.NewOrm()
+ o.Using("edb")
+ _, err = o.Raw(sql, pars).QueryRows(&items)
+ return
+func GetDataListCount(condition string, pars []interface{}) (count int, err error) {
+ sql := ` select count(1) as count FROM edbdata AS c
+ inner join edbinfo AS a ON a.TRADE_CODE=c.TRADE_CODE
+ left join edbdata_classify AS b ON a.classify_id=b.classify_id
+ where left(a.TRADE_CODE,1)='W' AND a.REMARK='手动' AND a.classify_id>0 `
+ if condition != "" {
+ sql += condition
+ }
+ o := orm.NewOrm()
+ o.Using("edb")
+ err = o.Raw(sql, pars).QueryRow(&count)
+ return
+type DataAddReq struct {
+ TradeCode string `description:"指标唯一编码"`
+ CreateDate string `description:"创建日期"`
+ Close float64 `description:"录入值"`
+type Edbdata struct {
+ TradeCode string `orm:"column(TRADE_CODE);pk" description:"指标编码"`
+ Dt string `orm:"column(DT)" description:"日期"`
+ Close float64 `orm:"column(CLOSE)" description:"值"`
+ ModifyTime time.Time `orm:"column(modify_time)" description:"修改时间"`
+func GetDataInfo(tradeCode, creteDate string) (item *Edbdata, err error) {
+ sql := " SELECT * FROM edbdata WHERE TRADE_CODE=? AND DT=? "
+ o := orm.NewOrm()
+ o.Using("edb")
+ err = o.Raw(sql, tradeCode, creteDate).QueryRow(&item)
+ return
+func AddEdbdata(item *Edbdata) (lastId int64, err error) {
+ o := orm.NewOrm()
+ o.Using("edb")
+ lastId, err = o.Insert(item)
+ return
+type DataEditReq struct {
+ TradeCode string `description:"指标唯一编码"`
+ CreateDate string `description:"创建日期"`
+ Close float64 `description:"录入值"`
+ OldCreateDate string `description:"旧的录入日期"`
+func EditEdbdata(item *Edbdata) (err error) {
+ o := orm.NewOrm()
+ o.Using("edb")
+ sql := ` UPDATE edbdata SET CLOSE = ?,modify_time=NOW() WHERE TRADE_CODE = ? AND DT = ? `
+ _, err = o.Raw(sql, item.Close, item.TradeCode, item.Dt).Exec()
+ return
+type EdbdataDeleteRecord struct {
+ Id int `orm:"column(id);pk"`
+ TradeCode string `orm:"column(TRADE_CODE)" description:"指标编码"`
+ Dt string `orm:"column(DT)" description:"日期"`
+ Close float64 `orm:"column(CLOSE)" description:"值"`
+ ModifyTime time.Time `orm:"column(modify_time)" description:"修改时间"`
+ CreateTime time.Time
+ SysUserId int
+func AddEdbdataDeleteRecord(item *EdbdataDeleteRecord) (lastId int64, err error) {
+ o := orm.NewOrm()
+ o.Using("edb")
+ lastId, err = o.Insert(item)
+ return
+func DeleteEdbData(tradeCode, dt string) (err error) {
+ o := orm.NewOrm()
+ o.Using("edb")
+ sql := ` DELETE FROM edbdata WHERE TRADE_CODE = ? AND DT = ? `
+ _, err = o.Raw(sql, tradeCode, dt).Exec()
+ return
+type Edbinfo struct {
+ TradeCode string `orm:"column(TRADE_CODE);pk" description:"指标code"`
+ SecName string `orm:"column(SEC_NAME);" description:"指标名称"`
+ Unit string `orm:"column(UNIT);" description:"单位"`
+ Remark string `orm:"column(REMARK);" description:"备注"`
+ Frequency string `description:"频度"`
+ ClassifyId int `description:"分类id"`
+ ClassifyName string `description:"分类名称"`
+ CreateDate string `description:"创建时间"`
+ UserId int `description:"录入用户id"`
+ NoticeTime string `description:"通知时间"`
+ Mobile string `description:"录入者手机号"`
+func GetEdbinfoListCount(condition string, pars []interface{}, mobile string) (count int, err error) {
+ o := orm.NewOrm()
+ o.Using("edb")
+ sql := ``
+ if mobile != "" {
+ sql = `SELECT COUNT(1) AS count FROM edbinfo AS a
+ INNER JOIN edbinfo_user AS c ON a.TRADE_CODE=c.TRADE_CODE AND c.mobile=?
+ WHERE LEFT(a.TRADE_CODE,1)='W' AND a.REMARK='手动' AND a.classify_id>0`
+ if condition != "" {
+ sql += condition
+ }
+ err = o.Raw(sql, mobile, pars).QueryRow(&count)
+ } else {
+ sql := `SELECT COUNT(1) AS count FROM edbinfo AS a WHERE LEFT(a.TRADE_CODE,1)='W' AND a.REMARK='手动' AND a.classify_id>0`
+ if condition != "" {
+ sql += condition
+ }
+ err = o.Raw(sql, pars).QueryRow(&count)
+ }
+ return
+func GetEdbinfoList(condition string, pars []interface{}, startSize, pageSize int, mobile string) (items []*Edbinfo, err error) {
+ o := orm.NewOrm()
+ o.Using("edb")
+ sql := ``
+ if mobile != "" {
+ sql = ` SELECT a.*,b.classify_name FROM edbinfo AS a
+ LEFT JOIN edbdata_classify AS b ON a.classify_id=b.classify_id
+ INNER JOIN edbinfo_user AS c ON a.TRADE_CODE=c.TRADE_CODE AND c.mobile=?
+ WHERE LEFT(a.TRADE_CODE,1)='W' AND a.REMARK='手动' AND a.classify_id>0`
+ if condition != "" {
+ sql += condition
+ }
+ sql += ` ORDER BY c.DT DESC LIMIT ?,? `
+ _, err = o.Raw(sql, mobile, pars).QueryRows(&items)
+ } else {
+ sql = `SELECT a.*,b.classify_name FROM edbinfo AS a
+ LEFT JOIN edbdata_classify AS b on a.classify_id=b.classify_id
+ WHERE LEFT(a.TRADE_CODE,1)='W' AND a.REMARK='手动' AND a.classify_id>0`
+ if condition != "" {
+ sql += condition
+ }
+ sql += ` ORDER BY c.DT DESC LIMIT ?,? `
+ _, err = o.Raw(sql, pars).QueryRows(&items)
+ }
+ return
+type TargetListResp struct {
+ List []*Edbinfo
+ Paging *PagingItem `description:"分页数据"`
+type EdbinfoAddReq struct {
+ SecName string `description:"指标名称"`
+ Unit string `description:"单位"`
+ Frequency string `description:"频度"`
+ ClassifyId int `description:"分类id"`
+ NoticeTime string `description:"通知时间"`
+func GetMaxTradeCode() (max_trade_code string, err error) {
+ sql := " SELECT MAX(TRADE_CODE) AS max_trade_code FROM edbinfo WHERE LEFT(TRADE_CODE,1)='W' AND REMARK='手动' "
+ o := orm.NewOrm()
+ o.Using("edb")
+ err = o.Raw(sql).QueryRow(&max_trade_code)
+ return
+func GetEdbinfoBySecName(secName string) (item *Edbinfo, err error) {
+ sql := `SELECT * FROM edbinfo WHERE SEC_NAME=? AND left(TRADE_CODE,1)='W' AND REMARK='手动' `
+ o := orm.NewOrm()
+ o.Using("edb")
+ err = o.Raw(sql, secName).QueryRow(&item)
+ return
+func AddEdbinfo(tradeCode, secName, unit, remark, frequency, noticeTime string, classifyId int, userId int) (err error) {
+ sql := `INSERT INTO edbinfo(TRADE_CODE, SEC_NAME,UNIT, REMARK,frequency, classify_id,notice_time,user_id)
+ VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?) `
+ o := orm.NewOrm()
+ o.Using("edb")
+ _, err = o.Raw(sql, tradeCode, secName, unit, remark, frequency, classifyId, noticeTime, userId).Exec()
+ return
+func AddEdbinfoUser(tradeCode, mobile string) (err error) {
+ o := orm.NewOrm()
+ o.Using("edb")
+ sql := `INSERT INTO edbinfo_user(TRADE_CODE, mobile) VALUES (?,?)`
+ _, err = o.Raw(sql, tradeCode, mobile).Exec()
+ return
+type EdbinfoEditReq struct {
+ TradeCode string `description:"指标code"`
+ SecName string `description:"指标名称"`
+ Unit string `description:"单位"`
+ Frequency string `description:"频度"`
+ ClassifyId int `description:"分类id"`
+ NoticeTime string `description:"通知时间"`
+func EditEdbinfo(tradeCode, secName, unit, frequency, noticeTime string, classifyId int) (err error) {
+ sql := `UPDATE edbinfo SET SEC_NAME= ?, UNIT = ?,classify_id=?,frequency=?,notice_time=?,create_date=NOW() WHERE TRADE_CODE=? `
+ o := orm.NewOrm()
+ o.Using("edb")
+ _, err = o.Raw(sql, secName, unit, classifyId, frequency, noticeTime, tradeCode).Exec()
+ return
+func SearchTargetEntry(classifyId int, keyWord string) (items []*Edbinfo, err error) {
+ where := ""
+ if keyWord != "" {
+ where = `AND SEC_NAME LIKE '%` + keyWord + `%'`
+ }
+ sql := `SELECT * FROM edbinfo WHERE LEFT(TRADE_CODE,1)='W' AND REMARK='手动' AND classify_id>0 AND classify_id=? `
+ sql += where
+ o := orm.NewOrm()
+ o.Using("edb")
+ _, err = o.Raw(sql, classifyId).QueryRows(&items)
+ return
+type SearchTargetListResp struct {
+ List []*Edbinfo
+type EdbdataClassify struct {
+ ClassifyId int
+ ClassifyName string
+ ParentId int
+func GetEdbdataClassifyByClassifyName(classifyName string) (item *EdbdataClassify, err error) {
+ sql := `SELECT * FROM edbdata_classify WHERE classify_name=? `
+ o := orm.NewOrm()
+ o.Using("edb")
+ err = o.Raw(sql, classifyName).QueryRow(&item)
+ return
+type EdbdataClassifyList struct {
+ ClassifyId int
+ ClassifyName string
+ ParentId int
+ Child []*EdbdataClassify
+func GetEdbdataClassify(userId int64) (items []*EdbdataClassifyList, err error) {
+ var newItems []*EdbdataClassifyList
+ o := orm.NewOrm()
+ o.Using("edb")
+ sql := ` SELECT classify_id,classify_name,parent_id FROM edbdata_classify WHERE parent_id=0 `
+ _, err = o.Raw(sql).QueryRows(&newItems)
+ if err != nil {
+ return
+ }
+ classifyLen := len(newItems)
+ for i := 0; i < classifyLen; i++ {
+ var childItems []*EdbdataClassify
+ parentId := newItems[i].ClassifyId
+ childSql := ``
+ if userId > 0 {
+ childSql = "SELECT a.classify_id,a.classify_name,a.parent_id FROM edbdata_classify AS a INNER JOIN edbdata_classify_user AS b ON a.classify_id=b.classify_id WHERE b.user_id =? AND parent_id=? ORDER BY create_time ASC "
+ _, err = o.Raw(childSql, userId, parentId).QueryRows(&childItems)
+ } else {
+ childSql = "SELECT classify_id,classify_name,parent_id FROM edbdata_classify WHERE parent_id=? ORDER BY create_time ASC "
+ _, err = o.Raw(childSql, parentId).QueryRows(&childItems)
+ }
+ if err != nil {
+ return
+ }
+ newItems[i].Child = childItems
+ }
+ for _, v := range newItems {
+ childLen := len(v.Child)
+ if childLen > 0 {
+ items = append(items, v)
+ }
+ }
+ return
+type EdbdataClassifyResp struct {
+ List []*EdbdataClassifyList
+func GetTargetBySecName(secName string) (item *Edbinfo, err error) {
+ sql := `SELECT * FROM edbinfo WHERE SEC_NAME=? AND left(TRADE_CODE,1)='W' AND REMARK='手动' `
+ o := orm.NewOrm()
+ o.Using("edb")
+ err = o.Raw(sql, secName).QueryRow(&item)
+ return
+func ModifyTargetClassifyId(tradeCode string, classifyId int) (err error) {
+ sql := `UPDATE edbinfo SET classify_id=? WHERE TRADE_CODE=? `
+ o := orm.NewOrm()
+ o.Using("edb")
+ _, err = o.Raw(sql, classifyId, tradeCode).Exec()
+ return
+func GetTargetsDataCount(tradeCode, dt string) (count int, err error) {
+ sql := `SELECT COUNT(1) AS count FROM edbdata WHERE TRADE_CODE=? AND DT=? `
+ o := orm.NewOrm()
+ o.Using("edb")
+ err = o.Raw(sql, tradeCode, dt).QueryRow(&count)
+ return
+func GetTargetsData(tradeCode, dt string) (item *Edbdata, err error) {
+ sql := `SELECT * FROM edbdata WHERE TRADE_CODE=? AND DT=? `
+ o := orm.NewOrm()
+ o.Using("edb")
+ err = o.Raw(sql, tradeCode, dt).QueryRow(&item)
+ return
+func ModifyTargetsDataByImport(tradeCode, dt, close string) (err error) {
+ sql := `UPDATE edbdata SET CLOSE=?,modify_time=NOW() WHERE TRADE_CODE=? AND DT=? `
+ o := orm.NewOrm()
+ o.Using("edb")
+ _, err = o.Raw(sql, close, tradeCode, dt).Exec()
+ return
+func AddTargetsDataByImport(tradeCode, dt, close string) (err error) {
+ sql := `INSERT INTO edbdata(TRADE_CODE, DT,CLOSE, modify_time)VALUES(?,?,?,NOW()) `
+ o := orm.NewOrm()
+ o.Using("edb")
+ _, err = o.Raw(sql, tradeCode, dt, close).Exec()
+ return
+type EdbdataImportResp struct {
+ Status int
+ Msg string
+func GetFailList(sysUserId int) (items []*EdbdataImportFail, err error) {
+ o := orm.NewOrm()
+ o.Using("edb")
+ sql := ` SELECT * FROM edbdata_import_fail WHERE sys_user_id=? `
+ _, err = o.Raw(sql, sysUserId).QueryRows(&items)
+ return
+type DataListForExport struct {
+ TradeCode string `orm:"column(TRADE_CODE)" description:"指标code"`
+ SecName string `orm:"column(SEC_NAME)" description:"指标名称"`
+ Unit string `orm:"column(UNIT)" description:"单位"`
+ Frequency string `description:"频度"`
+ ClassifyId int `description:"分类id"`
+ NoticeTime string `description:"通知时间"`
+ ClassifyName string
+ Dt string `orm:"column(DT)" description:"日期"`
+ Close float64 `orm:"column(CLOSE)" description:"值"`
+func GetDataListForExport(startDate, endDate, frequency, keyWord string, classifyId int) (items []*DataListForExport, err error) {
+ where := ``
+ var pars []interface{}
+ if keyWord != "" {
+ where = ` AND SEC_NAME LIKE '%` + keyWord + `%`
+ }
+ if startDate != "" {
+ where += ` AND create_date>=? `
+ pars = append(pars, startDate)
+ }
+ if endDate != "" {
+ where += ` AND create_date<=? `
+ pars = append(pars, endDate)
+ }
+ if frequency != "" {
+ where += ` AND frequency=? `
+ pars = append(pars, frequency)
+ }
+ if classifyId > 0 {
+ where += ` AND classify_id=? `
+ pars = append(pars, classifyId)
+ }
+ sql := ` SELECT a.TRADE_CODE,a.SEC_NAME,a.UNIT,a.frequency,a.classify_id,b.classify_name,c.DT,c.CLOSE FROM edbdata AS c
+ LEFT JOIN edbdata_classify AS b ON a.classify_id=b.classify_id
+ WHERE LEFT(a.TRADE_CODE,1)='W' AND a.REMARK='手动' AND a.classify_id>0 `
+ if where != "" {
+ sql += where
+ }
+ sql = sql + " ORDER BY c.DT DESC "
+ o := orm.NewOrm()
+ o.Using("edb")
+ _, err = o.Raw(sql, pars).QueryRows(&items)
+ return
+type DataDeleteReq struct {
+ TradeCode string `description:"指标唯一编码"`
+ CreateDate string `description:"数据录入日期"`
+func DataDelete(tradeCode, createDate string, close float64, modifyTime time.Time, sysUserId int) (err error) {
+ o := orm.NewOrm()
+ o.Using("edb")
+ o.Begin()
+ defer func() {
+ if err != nil {
+ o.Rollback()
+ } else {
+ o.Commit()
+ }
+ }()
+ recordSql := ` INSERT INTO edbdata_delete_record(TRADE_CODE,DT,CLOSE,modify_time,create_time,sys_user_id)
+ VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?)`
+ _, err = o.Raw(recordSql, tradeCode, createDate, close, modifyTime, time.Now(), sysUserId).Exec()
+ sql := ` DELETE FROM edbdata WHERE TRADE_CODE = ? AND DT = ? `
+ _, err = o.Raw(sql, tradeCode, createDate).Exec()
+ return
+func GetTargetInfoCount(tradeCode string) (count int, err error) {
+ sql := ` SELECT COUNT(1) AS count FROM edbdata AS c
+ o := orm.NewOrm()
+ o.Using("edb")
+ err = o.Raw(sql, tradeCode).QueryRow(&count)
+ return
+type TargetDeleteReq struct {
+ TradeCode string `description:"指标唯一编码"`
+func TargetDelete(tradeCode string) (err error) {
+ o := orm.NewOrm()
+ o.Using("edb")
+ sql := " DELETE FROM edbinfo WHERE TRADE_CODE = ? "
+ _, err = o.Raw(sql, tradeCode).Exec()
+ return
+type Researcher struct {
+ AdminId int `description:"系统用户id"`
+ AdminName string `description:"系统用户名称"`
+ RealName string `description:"系统用户姓名"`
+ Role string `description:"系统用户角色"`
+ Mobile string `description:"手机号"`
+ TargetCount int `description:"指标数量"`
+type ResearcherListResp struct {
+ List []*Researcher
+func GetResearcherEntry() (items []*Researcher, err error) {
+ sql := ` SELECT admin_id,admin_name,real_name,mobile,0 as target_count FROM admin WHERE role='researcher' AND role_type=1 `
+ o := orm.NewOrm()
+ o.Using("edb")
+ _, err = o.Raw(sql).QueryRows(&items)
+ researchLen := len(items)
+ for i := 0; i < researchLen; i++ {
+ var count int
+ mobile := items[i].Mobile
+ sqlCount := ` SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT a.TRADE_CODE) AS count FROM edbinfo_user AS a
+ WHERE a.mobile=? AND LEFT(b.TRADE_CODE,1)='W' AND b.REMARK='手动' AND b.classify_id>0 `
+ err = o.Raw(sqlCount, mobile).QueryRow(&count)
+ items[i].TargetCount = count
+ }
+ return
+type EdbinfoItems struct {
+ TradeCode string `orm:"column(TRADE_CODE);pk" description:"指标code"`
+ SecName string `orm:"column(SEC_NAME);" description:"指标名称"`
+ Unit string `orm:"column(UNIT);" description:"单位"`
+ Remark string `orm:"column(REMARK);" description:"备注"`
+ Frequency string `description:"频度"`
+ ClassifyId int `description:"分类id"`
+ ClassifyName string `description:"分类名称"`
+ CreateDate string `description:"创建时间"`
+ UserId int `description:"录入用户id"`
+ NoticeTime string `description:"通知时间"`
+ Mobile string `description:"录入者手机号"`
+ ModifyDate string `description:"待更新日期"`
+ Status string `description:"状态:未完成/完成"`
+type TargetItemsResp struct {
+ List SortEdbInfo
+type SortEdbInfo []EdbinfoItems
+func GetTargetItems(mobile string) (lastItems SortEdbInfo, err error) {
+ var items []*EdbinfoItems
+ o := orm.NewOrm()
+ o.Using("edb")
+ sql := ` SELECT *,'' modify_date,'' status FROM edbinfo AS a WHERE LEFT(a.TRADE_CODE,1)='W' AND a.REMARK='手动' AND a.classify_id>0 `
+ if mobile != "" {
+ sql = ` SELECT *,'' modify_date,'' status FROM edbinfo AS a
+ WHERE LEFT(a.TRADE_CODE,1)='W' AND a.REMARK='手动' AND a.classify_id>0
+ AND b.mobile='` + mobile + `'`
+ }
+ sql = sql + ` ORDER BY CONVERT(a.SEC_NAME USING gbk ) COLLATE gbk_chinese_ci ASC `
+ _, err = o.Raw(sql).QueryRows(&items)
+ if err != nil {
+ return
+ }
+ itemsLen := len(items)
+ nowWeek := time.Now().Weekday().String()
+ fmt.Println(nowWeek)
+ finishEdbInfo := SortEdbInfo{}
+ unFinishEdbInfo := SortEdbInfo{}
+ for i := 0; i < itemsLen; i++ {
+ noticeTime := items[i].NoticeTime
+ frequency := items[i].Frequency
+ tradeCode := items[i].TradeCode
+ if noticeTime != "" {
+ if frequency == "周度" {
+ noticeArr := strings.Split(noticeTime, " ")
+ noticeWeek := noticeArr[0]
+ fmt.Println(noticeWeek)
+ addDay := 0
+ if nowWeek == "Sunday" {
+ if noticeWeek == "周日" {
+ addDay = 0
+ } else if noticeWeek == "周一" {
+ addDay = 1
+ } else if noticeWeek == "周二" {
+ addDay = 2
+ } else if noticeWeek == "周三" {
+ addDay = 3
+ } else if noticeWeek == "周四" {
+ addDay = 4
+ } else if noticeWeek == "周五" {
+ addDay = 5
+ } else if noticeWeek == "周六" {
+ addDay = 6
+ } else {
+ addDay = 0
+ }
+ } else if nowWeek == "Monday" {
+ if noticeWeek == "周日" {
+ addDay = 6
+ } else if noticeWeek == "周一" {
+ addDay = 0
+ } else if noticeWeek == "周二" {
+ addDay = 1
+ } else if noticeWeek == "周三" {
+ addDay = 2
+ } else if noticeWeek == "周四" {
+ addDay = 3
+ } else if noticeWeek == "周五" {
+ addDay = 4
+ } else if noticeWeek == "周六" {
+ addDay = 5
+ } else {
+ addDay = 0
+ }
+ } else if nowWeek == "Tuesday" {
+ if noticeWeek == "周日" {
+ addDay = 5
+ } else if noticeWeek == "周一" {
+ addDay = 6
+ } else if noticeWeek == "周二" {
+ addDay = 0
+ } else if noticeWeek == "周三" {
+ addDay = 1
+ } else if noticeWeek == "周四" {
+ addDay = 2
+ } else if noticeWeek == "周五" {
+ addDay = 3
+ } else if noticeWeek == "周六" {
+ addDay = 4
+ } else {
+ addDay = 0
+ }
+ } else if nowWeek == "Wednesday" {
+ if noticeWeek == "周日" {
+ addDay = 4
+ } else if noticeWeek == "周一" {
+ addDay = 5
+ } else if noticeWeek == "周二" {
+ addDay = 6
+ } else if noticeWeek == "周三" {
+ addDay = 0
+ } else if noticeWeek == "周四" {
+ addDay = 1
+ } else if noticeWeek == "周五" {
+ addDay = 2
+ } else if noticeWeek == "周六" {
+ addDay = 3
+ } else {
+ addDay = 0
+ }
+ } else if nowWeek == "Thursday" {
+ if noticeWeek == "周日" {
+ addDay = 3
+ } else if noticeWeek == "周一" {
+ addDay = 4
+ } else if noticeWeek == "周二" {
+ addDay = 5
+ } else if noticeWeek == "周三" {
+ addDay = 6
+ } else if noticeWeek == "周四" {
+ addDay = 0
+ } else if noticeWeek == "周五" {
+ addDay = 1
+ } else if noticeWeek == "周六" {
+ addDay = 2
+ } else {
+ addDay = 0
+ }
+ } else if nowWeek == "Friday" {
+ if noticeWeek == "周日" {
+ addDay = 2
+ } else if noticeWeek == "周一" {
+ addDay = 3
+ } else if noticeWeek == "周二" {
+ addDay = 4
+ } else if noticeWeek == "周三" {
+ addDay = 5
+ } else if noticeWeek == "周四" {
+ addDay = 6
+ } else if noticeWeek == "周五" {
+ addDay = 0
+ } else if noticeWeek == "周六" {
+ addDay = 1
+ } else {
+ addDay = 0
+ }
+ } else if nowWeek == "Saturday" {
+ if noticeWeek == "周日" {
+ addDay = 1
+ } else if noticeWeek == "周一" {
+ addDay = 2
+ } else if noticeWeek == "周二" {
+ addDay = 3
+ } else if noticeWeek == "周三" {
+ addDay = 4
+ } else if noticeWeek == "周四" {
+ addDay = 5
+ } else if noticeWeek == "周五" {
+ addDay = 6
+ } else if noticeWeek == "周六" {
+ addDay = 0
+ } else {
+ addDay = 0
+ }
+ }
+ modifyDate := time.Now().AddDate(0, 0, addDay)
+ modifyDateStr := modifyDate.Format(utils.FormatDate)
+ items[i].ModifyDate = modifyDateStr
+ modifyDateEndStr := modifyDate.AddDate(0, 0, -7).Format(utils.FormatDate)
+ fmt.Println("addDay:", addDay)
+ fmt.Println("modifyDateEndStr:", modifyDateEndStr)
+ count := 0
+ sqlCount := ` SELECT COUNT(1) AS num FROM edbdata WHERE TRADE_CODE=? AND DT >= ? AND DT <= ? `
+ err = o.Raw(sqlCount, tradeCode, modifyDateEndStr, modifyDateStr).QueryRow(&count)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ if count > 0 {
+ items[i].Status = "完成"
+ finishEdbInfo = append(finishEdbInfo, *items[i])
+ } else {
+ items[i].Status = "未完成"
+ unFinishEdbInfo = append(unFinishEdbInfo, *items[i])
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ items[i].Status = "完成"
+ finishEdbInfo = append(finishEdbInfo, *items[i])
+ }
+ }
+ sort.Sort(SortByModifyDate{finishEdbInfo})
+ sort.Sort(SortByModifyDate{unFinishEdbInfo})
+ lastItems = append(lastItems, unFinishEdbInfo...)
+ lastItems = append(lastItems, finishEdbInfo...)
+ return
+func (p SortEdbInfo) Len() int { return len(p) }
+func (p SortEdbInfo) Less(i, j int) bool {
+ return p[i].Status > p[j].Status
+func (p SortEdbInfo) Swap(i, j int) { p[i], p[j] = p[j], p[i] }
+type SortByStatus struct{ SortEdbInfo }
+func (p SortByStatus) Less(i, j int) bool {
+ return len(p.SortEdbInfo[i].Status) > len(p.SortEdbInfo[j].Status)
+type SortByModifyDate struct{ SortEdbInfo }
+func (p SortByModifyDate) Less(i, j int) bool {
+ return p.SortEdbInfo[i].ModifyDate > p.SortEdbInfo[j].ModifyDate