package census import ( "bytes" "fmt" "" "" "" "hongze/fms_api/controller/resp" "hongze/fms_api/global" "hongze/fms_api/models/base" "hongze/fms_api/models/fms" fmsService "hongze/fms_api/services/fms" "hongze/fms_api/utils" "net/http" "strings" "time" ) // InvoicePaymentController 商品到款统计 type InvoicePaymentController struct{} // List // @Title 商品到款统计列表 // @Description 商品到款统计列表 // @Param Keyword query string false "关键词" // @Param SellGroupId query int false "销售组别ID" // @Param ServiceType query int false "套餐类型" // @Param StartDate query string false "合同开始日期" // @Param EndDate query string false "合同结束日期" // @Param TimeType query int false "时间类型: 1-开票时间; 2-到款时间" // @Param HasInvoice query int false "已开票" // @Param HasPayment query int false "已到款" // @Param IsExport query int false "是否导出" // @Success 200 {object} fms.ContractRegisterItem // @router /census/invoice_payment/list [get] func (ct *InvoicePaymentController) List(c *gin.Context) { var req fms.InvoicePaymentCensusListReq if e := c.BindQuery(&req); e != nil { err, ok := e.(validator.ValidationErrors) if !ok { resp.FailData("参数解析失败", "Err:"+e.Error(), c) return } resp.FailData("参数解析失败", err.Translate(global.Trans), c) return } cond := `1 = 1` pars := make([]interface{}, 0) // 合同编号/客户姓名/销售/实际使用方 if req.Keyword != "" { kw := "%" + req.Keyword + "%" cond += ` b.company_name LIKE ? OR a.seller_name LIKE ?` pars = append(pars, kw, kw) } if req.SellGroupId > 0 { cond += ` AND a.seller_group_id = ?` pars = append(pars, req.SellGroupId) } // 套餐筛选 if req.ServiceType != 0 { registerIds, e := fms.GetContractRegisterIdsByTempId(req.ServiceType) if e != nil { resp.FailMsg("获取失败", "获取合同登记IDs失败, Err: "+e.Error(), c) return } if len(registerIds) > 0 { cond += ` AND contract_register_id IN ?` pars = append(pars, registerIds) } else { cond += ` AND 1 = 2` } } // 开票到款日期 if req.TimeType > 0 && req.StartDate != "" && req.EndDate != "" { st := fmt.Sprint(req.StartDate, " 00:00:00") ed := fmt.Sprint(req.EndDate, " 23:59:59") cond += ` a.invoice_type = ? AND (invoice_time BETWEEN ? AND ?)` pars = append(pars, req.TimeType, st, ed) } // 已开票 if req.HasInvoice == 1 && req.HasPayment == 0 { cond += ` AND a.invoice_type = 1` } // 已到款 if req.HasInvoice == 0 && req.HasPayment == 1 { cond += ` AND a.invoice_type = 2` } page := new(base.Page) page.SetPageSize(req.PageSize) page.SetCurrent(req.Current) page.AddOrderItem(base.OrderItem{Column: "a.create_time", Asc: false}) if req.IsExport == 1 { page.SetPageSize(10000) page.SetCurrent(1) } total, list, e := fms.GetInvoicePaymentCensusPageList(page, cond, pars) if e != nil { resp.FailMsg("获取失败", "获取商品到款统计列表失败, Err: "+e.Error(), c) return } registerIds := make([]int, 0) for i := range list { registerIds = append(registerIds, list[i].ContractRegisterId) } results := new(fms.InvoicePaymentCensusResp) if len(registerIds) > 0 { // 获取开票到款列表 ivCond := `contract_register_id IN ?` ivPars := make([]interface{}, 0) ivPars = append(ivPars, registerIds) iv := new(fms.ContractInvoice) invoiceList, e := iv.List(ivCond, ivPars, "") if e != nil { resp.FailMsg("获取失败", "获取开票到款列表失败, Err: "+e.Error(), c) return } // 取出开票、到款 invoiceMap := make(map[int][]*fms.ContractInvoice, 0) paymentMap := make(map[int][]*fms.ContractInvoice, 0) paymentIds := make([]int, 0) for i := range invoiceList { if invoiceMap[invoiceList[i].ContractRegisterId] == nil { invoiceMap[invoiceList[i].ContractRegisterId] = make([]*fms.ContractInvoice, 0) } if paymentMap[invoiceList[i].ContractRegisterId] == nil { paymentMap[invoiceList[i].ContractRegisterId] = make([]*fms.ContractInvoice, 0) } if invoiceList[i].InvoiceType == fms.ContractInvoiceTypeMake { invoiceMap[invoiceList[i].ContractRegisterId] = append(invoiceMap[invoiceList[i].ContractRegisterId], invoiceList[i]) } if invoiceList[i].InvoiceType == fms.ContractInvoiceTypePay { paymentMap[invoiceList[i].ContractRegisterId] = append(paymentMap[invoiceList[i].ContractRegisterId], invoiceList[i]) paymentIds = append(paymentIds, invoiceList[i].ContractInvoiceId) } } // 合同套餐 contractServiceCond := `contract_register_id IN ?` contractServicePars := make([]interface{}, 0) contractServicePars = append(contractServicePars, registerIds) contractServiceOB := new(fms.ContractService) contractServiceList, e := contractServiceOB.List(contractServiceCond, contractServicePars) if e != nil { resp.FailMsg("获取失败", "获取合同套餐列表失败, Err:"+e.Error(), c) return } contractServiceMap := make(map[int][]*fms.ContractService, 0) servicesNameMap := make(map[int][]string, 0) for i := range contractServiceList { if contractServiceMap[contractServiceList[i].ContractRegisterId] == nil { contractServiceMap[contractServiceList[i].ContractRegisterId] = make([]*fms.ContractService, 0) } contractServiceMap[contractServiceList[i].ContractRegisterId] = append(contractServiceMap[contractServiceList[i].ContractRegisterId], contractServiceList[i]) servicesNameMap[contractServiceList[i].ContractRegisterId] = append(servicesNameMap[contractServiceList[i].ContractRegisterId], contractServiceList[i].Title) } // 到款套餐分配 serviceAmountMap := make(map[int][]*fms.ContractPaymentServiceAmount, 0) if len(paymentIds) > 0 { serviceAmountCond := `contract_payment_id IN ?` serviceAmountPars := make([]interface{}, 0) serviceAmountPars = append(serviceAmountPars, paymentIds) serviceAmountOB := new(fms.ContractPaymentServiceAmount) serviceAmountList, e := serviceAmountOB.List(serviceAmountCond, serviceAmountPars) if e != nil { resp.FailMsg("获取失败", "获取到款套餐分配列表失败, Err:"+e.Error(), c) return } for i := range serviceAmountList { if serviceAmountMap[serviceAmountList[i].ContractRegisterId] == nil { serviceAmountMap[serviceAmountList[i].ContractRegisterId] = make([]*fms.ContractPaymentServiceAmount, 0) } serviceAmountMap[serviceAmountList[i].ContractRegisterId] = append(serviceAmountMap[serviceAmountList[i].ContractRegisterId], serviceAmountList[i]) } } // 整合响应数据 respList := make([]*fms.InvoicePaymentCensusItem, 0) for i := range list { v := new(fms.InvoicePaymentCensusItem) v.ContractRegisterId = list[i].ContractRegisterId v.CompanyName = list[i].CompanyName v.NewCompany = list[i].NewCompany v.StartDate = list[i].StartDate.Format(utils.FormatDate) v.EndDate = list[i].EndDate.Format(utils.FormatDate) svList := servicesNameMap[list[i].ContractRegisterId] v.ServicesName = strings.Join(svList, ",") // 格式化(合并)开票到款数据 v.InvoicePaymentList = fmsService.MergeInvoiceList2InvoicePaymentCensusInfo(invoiceMap[list[i].ContractRegisterId], paymentMap[list[i].ContractRegisterId], contractServiceMap[list[i].ContractRegisterId], serviceAmountMap[list[i].ContractRegisterId]) respList = append(respList, v) } // 开票到款金额合计 amountTotalCond := `contract_register_id IN ?` amountTotalPars := make([]interface{}, 0) amountTotalPars = append(amountTotalPars, registerIds) amountTotalList, e := fms.GetContractInvoiceAmountTotal(amountTotalCond, amountTotalPars) if e != nil { resp.FailMsg("获取失败", "获取开票到款金额合计失败, Err:"+e.Error(), c) return } amountTotalMap := make(map[int]float64) for i := range amountTotalList { amountTotalMap[amountTotalList[i].InvoiceType] = amountTotalList[i].TotalAmount } results.DataList = respList results.InvoiceTotal = amountTotalMap[fms.ContractInvoiceTypeMake] results.PaymentTotal = amountTotalMap[fms.ContractInvoiceTypePay] } // 是否导出 if req.IsExport == 1 { ExportInvoicePaymentCensusList(c, results.DataList) return } page.SetTotal(total) baseData := new(base.BaseData) baseData.SetPage(page) baseData.SetList(results) resp.OkData("获取成功", baseData, c) } // ExportInvoicePaymentCensusList 导出商品到款统计列表 func ExportInvoicePaymentCensusList(c *gin.Context, list []*fms.InvoicePaymentCensusItem) { // 生成Excel文件 xlsxFile := xlsx.NewFile() style := xlsx.NewStyle() alignment := xlsx.Alignment{ Horizontal: "center", Vertical: "center", WrapText: true, } style.Alignment = alignment style.ApplyAlignment = true sheet, err := xlsxFile.AddSheet("商品到款统计") if err != nil { resp.FailData("新增Sheet失败", "Err:"+err.Error(), c) return } _ = sheet.SetColWidth(1, 1, 30) _ = sheet.SetColWidth(3, 3, 30) // 表头, 套餐动态获取 rowTitle := []string{"序号", "客户名称", "是否新客户", "合同有效期", "开票日", "开票金额", "到款日", "到款金额", "付款方式", "销售", "组别"} serviceTempCond := `` serviceTempPars := make([]interface{}, 0) serviceTempOB := new(fms.ContractServiceTemplate) serviceTempList, e := serviceTempOB.List(serviceTempCond, serviceTempPars) if e != nil { resp.FailData("获取套餐模板列表失败", "Err:"+e.Error(), c) return } for i := range serviceTempList { rowTitle = append(rowTitle, serviceTempList[i].Title) } titleRow := sheet.AddRow() for i := range rowTitle { v := titleRow.AddCell() v.SetString(rowTitle[i]) v.SetStyle(style) } newCompanyMap := map[int]string{0: "否", 1: "是"} for k, v := range list { dataRow := sheet.AddRow() // 前四个单元格根据每行开票到款条数向下合并 l := len(v.InvoicePaymentList) mergeRowNum := l - 1 // 序号 sortNum := k + 1 colA := dataRow.AddCell() colA.VMerge = mergeRowNum colA.SetString(fmt.Sprint(sortNum)) // 客户名称 colB := dataRow.AddCell() colB.VMerge = mergeRowNum colB.SetString(v.CompanyName) // 是否新客户 colC := dataRow.AddCell() colC.VMerge = mergeRowNum colC.SetString(newCompanyMap[v.NewCompany]) // 合同有效期 colD := dataRow.AddCell() colD.VMerge = mergeRowNum colD.SetString(fmt.Sprint(v.StartDate, "至", v.EndDate)) // 开票到款信息 for k2, v2 := range v.InvoicePaymentList { rowData := []string{ v2.InvoiceDate, // 开票日 fmt.Sprint(v2.InvoiceAmount), // 开票金额 v2.PaymentDate, // 到款日 fmt.Sprint(v2.PaymentAmount), // 到款金额 fms.ContractPaymentPayTypeNameMap[v2.PayType], // 付款方式 v2.SellerName, // 销售 v2.SellerGroupName, // 组别 } // 套餐金额信息 for i := range serviceTempList { sa := "" for s2 := range v2.ServiceAmountList { if v2.ServiceAmountList[s2].ServiceTemplateId == serviceTempList[i].ServiceTemplateId { sa = fmt.Sprint(v2.ServiceAmountList[s2].Amount) break } } rowData = append(rowData, sa) } // 首行开票到款 if k2 == 0 { for i := range rowData { dataRow.AddCell().SetString(rowData[i]) } continue } // 其他行开票到款, 加四列空的单元格用于合并 dataRowExtra := sheet.AddRow() for i := 0; i < 4; i++ { dataRowExtra.AddCell() } for i := range rowData { dataRowExtra.AddCell().SetString(rowData[i]) } } } // 输出文件 var buffer bytes.Buffer _ = xlsxFile.Write(&buffer) content := bytes.NewReader(buffer.Bytes()) randStr := time.Now().Format(utils.FormatDateTimeUnSpace) fileName := "商品到款统计_" + randStr + ".xlsx" c.Writer.Header().Add("Content-Disposition", fmt.Sprintf(`attachment; filename="%s"`, fileName)) c.Writer.Header().Add("Content-Type", "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet") http.ServeContent(c.Writer, c.Request, fileName, time.Now(), content) }