package census import ( "bytes" "fmt" "" "" "" "" "hongze/fms_api/controller/resp" "hongze/fms_api/global" "hongze/fms_api/models/base" "hongze/fms_api/models/crm" "hongze/fms_api/models/fms" crmService "hongze/fms_api/services/crm" "hongze/fms_api/utils" "net/http" "sort" "strconv" "strings" "time" ) // SellerController 销售统计 type SellerController struct{} // GroupInvoiceList // @Title 销售组开票统计列表-弃用 // @Description 销售组开票统计列表-弃用 // @Param StartDate query string false "开始日期" // @Param EndDate query string false "结束日期" // @Param SortField query int false "排序字段: 1-开票金额; 2-组别占比" // @Param SortType query int false "排序方式: 1-正序; 2-倒序" // @Param IsExport query int false "是否导出: 0-否; 1-是" // @Success 200 {object} fms.CensusSellerGroupInvoiceItem // @router /census/seller/group_invoice_list [get] //func (ct *SellerController) GroupInvoiceList(c *gin.Context) { // var req fms.CensusSellerGroupInvoiceListReq // if e := c.BindQuery(&req); e != nil { // err, ok := e.(validator.ValidationErrors) // if !ok { // resp.FailData("参数解析失败", "Err:"+e.Error(), c) // return // } // resp.FailData("参数解析失败", err.Translate(global.Trans), c) // return // } // var departmentId int // if req.SellerType == 1 { // departmentId = crm.SellerDepartmentId // } else if req.SellerType == 2 { // departmentId = crm.RaiSellerDepartmentId // } else if req.SellerType == 0 { // resp.Fail("请选择销售类型", c) // return // } else { // resp.Fail("请选择正确的销售类型", c) // return // } // outCond := ` department_id = %d AND parent_id = 0 ` // outCond = fmt.Sprintf(outCond, departmentId) // cond := ` (invoice_type = %d OR invoice_type = %d) AND a.is_deleted = 0 AND a.seller_id != 0 ` // cond = fmt.Sprintf(cond, fms.ContractInvoiceTypeMake, fms.ContractInvoiceTypePreMake) // // //adminCond := ` (invoice_type = %d OR invoice_type = %d) AND is_deleted = 0 AND seller_group_id != 0 ` // //adminCond = fmt.Sprintf(cond, fms.ContractInvoiceTypeMake, fms.ContractInvoiceTypePreMake) // pars := make([]interface{}, 0) // // 开票日期 // if req.StartDate != "" && req.EndDate != "" { // st := fmt.Sprint(req.StartDate, " 00:00:00") // ed := fmt.Sprint(req.EndDate, " 23:59:59") // cond += ` AND (invoice_time BETWEEN '%s' AND '%s')` // cond = fmt.Sprintf(cond, st, ed) // // //adminCond += ` AND (invoice_time BETWEEN '%s' AND '%s')` // //adminCond = fmt.Sprintf(cond, st, ed) // } // // if req.CompanyType == 1 { // cond += ` AND b.contract_type = 1 ` // //historyCond += ` AND new_company = 1 ` // } else if req.CompanyType == 2 { // cond += ` AND b.contract_type IN (2,3,4) ` // //historyCond += ` AND new_company = 0 ` // } // // page := new(base.Page) // page.SetPageSize(req.PageSize) // page.SetCurrent(req.Current) // // 排序, 默认开票金额倒序 // sortFieldMap := map[int]string{0: "invoice_amount", 1: "invoice_amount", 2: "group_rate"} // sortTypeMap := map[int]bool{0: false, 1: true, 2: false} // page.AddOrderItem(base.OrderItem{Column: sortFieldMap[req.SortField], Asc: sortTypeMap[req.SortType]}) // if req.IsExport == 1 { // page.SetPageSize(10000) // page.SetCurrent(1) // } // // // 查询开票金额总和(减少子查询) // invOB := new(fms.ContractInvoice) // sumCond := cond // sumPars := make([]interface{}, 0) // invSum, e := invOB.Sum("amount", sumCond, sumPars) // if e != nil { // resp.FailMsg("获取失败", "获取开票金额总和失败, Err: "+e.Error(), c) // return // } // // // 查询列表 // groupOB := new(crm.SysGroup) // //totalCond := outCond // //totalPars := make([]interface{}, 0) // //total, e := groupOB.Count(totalCond, totalPars) // //if e != nil { // // resp.FailMsg("获取失败", "获取销售组开票统计列表总数失败, Err: "+e.Error(), c) // // return // //} // //list, e := fms.GetCensusSellerGroupInvoicePageList(page, cond, outCond, pars, invSum) // //if e != nil { // // resp.FailMsg("获取失败", "获取销售组开票统计列表失败, Err: "+e.Error(), c) // // return // //} // groupCond := ` department_id = %d AND parent_id = 0 ` // groupCond = fmt.Sprintf(groupCond, departmentId) // groupPars := make([]interface{}, 0) // groupList, e := groupOB.List(groupCond, groupPars) // if e != nil { // resp.FailMsg("获取失败", "获取组别列表失败, Err: "+e.Error(), c) // return // } // //total := len(groupList) // groupMap := make(map[int]*crm.SysGroup) // groupIdSlice := make([]string, 0) // for i := range groupList { // groupMap[groupList[i].GroupId] = groupList[i] // groupIdSlice = append(groupIdSlice, strconv.Itoa(groupList[i].GroupId)) // } // // groupStr := strings.Join(groupIdSlice, ",") // total, list, e := fms.GetCensusSellerGroupInvoicePageListV2(page, groupStr, cond, pars, invSum) // if e != nil { // resp.FailMsg("获取失败", "获取销售组开票统计列表失败, Err: "+e.Error(), c) // return // } // for _, v := range list { // if group, ok := groupMap[v.GroupId]; ok { // v.GroupName = group.GroupName // } // } // // 处理百分比, 乘100并保留两位小数 // mulNum := decimal.NewFromFloat(100) // for i := range list { // d := decimal.NewFromFloat(list[i].GroupRate) // d = d.Mul(mulNum).Round(2) // a, _ := d.Float64() // list[i].GroupRate = a // } // // // 是否导出 // if req.IsExport == 1 { // ExportGroupInvoiceList(c, list, req) // return // } // page.SetTotal(int64(total)) // baseData := new(base.BaseData) // baseData.SetPage(page) // baseData.SetList(list) // resp.OkData("获取成功", baseData, c) //} // ExportGroupInvoiceList 导出销售组开票统计列表 func ExportGroupInvoiceList(c *gin.Context, list []*fms.CensusSellerGroupInvoiceItem, req fms.CensusSellerGroupInvoiceListReq) { // 生成Excel文件 xlsxFile := xlsx.NewFile() style := xlsx.NewStyle() alignment := xlsx.Alignment{ Horizontal: "center", Vertical: "center", WrapText: true, } style.Alignment = alignment style.ApplyAlignment = true sheetName := "销售组开票统计" sheet, err := xlsxFile.AddSheet(sheetName) if err != nil { resp.FailData("新增Sheet失败", "Err:"+err.Error(), c) return } // 存在筛选则前两行显示时间信息 if req.StartDate != "" && req.EndDate != "" { timeData := fmt.Sprintf("时间:%s至%s", req.StartDate, req.EndDate) rowA := sheet.AddRow() cellAA := rowA.AddCell() cellAA.SetString("销售统计表") cellAA.SetStyle(style) rowB := sheet.AddRow() rowB.AddCell().SetString(timeData) // 第三行空出 sheet.AddRow() } // 数据表头 rowTitle := []string{"排名", "销售组别", "收入金额(元)", "组别占比"} titleRow := sheet.AddRow() for i := range rowTitle { v := titleRow.AddCell() v.SetString(rowTitle[i]) v.SetStyle(style) } // 填充数据 for k, v := range list { dataRow := sheet.AddRow() dataRow.AddCell().SetString(fmt.Sprint(k + 1)) // 排名 dataRow.AddCell().SetString(v.GroupName) // 销售组别 dataRow.AddCell().SetString(fmt.Sprintf("%.2f", v.InvoiceAmount)) // 开票金额 dataRow.AddCell().SetString(fmt.Sprint(v.GroupRate, "%")) // 组别占比 } // 输出文件 var buffer bytes.Buffer _ = xlsxFile.Write(&buffer) content := bytes.NewReader(buffer.Bytes()) randStr := time.Now().Format(utils.FormatDateTimeUnSpace) fileName := sheetName + randStr + ".xlsx" c.Writer.Header().Add("Content-Disposition", fmt.Sprintf(`attachment; filename="%s"`, fileName)) c.Writer.Header().Add("Content-Type", "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet") http.ServeContent(c.Writer, c.Request, fileName, time.Now(), content) } // InvoiceList // @Title 销售开票统计列表-弃用 // @Description 销售开票统计列表-弃用 // @Param GroupId query int false "组别ID" // @Param StartDate query string false "开始日期" // @Param EndDate query string false "结束日期" // @Param SortField query int false "排序字段: 1-开票金额; 2-组别占比; 3-全员占比" // @Param SortType query int false "排序方式: 1-正序; 2-倒序" // @Param IsExport query int false "是否导出: 0-否; 1-是" // @Success 200 {object} fms.CensusSellerInvoiceListReq // @router /census/seller/invoice_list [get] //func (ct *SellerController) InvoiceList(c *gin.Context) { // var req fms.CensusSellerInvoiceListReq // if e := c.BindQuery(&req); e != nil { // err, ok := e.(validator.ValidationErrors) // if !ok { // resp.FailData("参数解析失败", "Err:"+e.Error(), c) // return // } // resp.FailData("参数解析失败", err.Translate(global.Trans), c) // return // } // var departmentId int // if req.SellerType == 1 { // departmentId = crm.SellerDepartmentId // } else if req.SellerType == 2 { // departmentId = crm.RaiSellerDepartmentId // } else if req.SellerType == 0 { // resp.Fail("请选择销售类型", c) // return // } else { // resp.Fail("请选择正确的销售类型", c) // return // } // // pars := make([]interface{}, 0) // adminPars := make([]interface{}, 0) // outCond := ` a.department_id = %d ` // outCond = fmt.Sprintf(outCond, departmentId) // adminCond := ` department_id = %d ` // adminCond = fmt.Sprintf(adminCond, departmentId) // totalCond := ` department_id = %d ` // totalCond = fmt.Sprintf(totalCond, departmentId) // totalPars := make([]interface{}, 0) // // if !req.ShowResign { // adminCond += ` AND enabled = 1 ` // } // if req.GroupId > 0 { // // 筛选组别时, 查询当前组别的下级组(因为admin表存的group_id, 有三级的存的是子ID, 只有二级的存的才是父ID =_=!) // groupCond := `parent_id = ?` // groupPars := make([]interface{}, 0) // groupPars = append(groupPars, req.GroupId) // groupOB := new(crm.SysGroup) // groupList, e := groupOB.List(groupCond, groupPars) // if e != nil { // resp.FailMsg("获取失败", "获取组别下级组列表失败, Err: "+e.Error(), c) // return // } // groupIds := make([]int, 0) // groupIds = append(groupIds, req.GroupId) // for i := range groupList { // groupIds = append(groupIds, groupList[i].GroupId) // } // outCond += ` AND a.group_id IN (?) ` // pars = append(pars, groupIds) // adminCond += ` AND group_id IN (?) ` // adminPars = append(adminPars, groupIds) // totalCond += ` AND group_id IN (?) ` // totalPars = append(totalPars, groupIds) // } // // sumCond := ` (invoice_type = ? OR invoice_type = ? ) AND a.is_deleted = 0 AND a.seller_id != 0 ` // sumPars := make([]interface{}, 0) // sumPars = append(sumPars, fms.ContractInvoiceTypeMake, fms.ContractInvoiceTypePreMake) // cond := ` (c.invoice_type = %d OR c.invoice_type = %d) AND c.is_deleted = 0 AND c.seller_id != 0 ` // inCond := ` (invoice_type = %d OR invoice_type = %d) AND is_deleted = 0 AND seller_id != 0 ` // cond = fmt.Sprintf(cond, fms.ContractInvoiceTypeMake, fms.ContractInvoiceTypePreMake) // inCond = fmt.Sprintf(inCond, fms.ContractInvoiceTypeMake, fms.ContractInvoiceTypePreMake) // // if req.CompanyType == 1 { // cond += ` AND b.contract_type = 1 ` // //historyCond += ` AND new_company = 1 ` // } else if req.CompanyType == 2 { // cond += ` AND b.contract_type IN (2,3,4) ` // //historyCond += ` AND new_company = 0 ` // } // // // 开票日期 // if req.StartDate != "" && req.EndDate != "" { // st := fmt.Sprint(req.StartDate, " 00:00:00") // ed := fmt.Sprint(req.EndDate, " 23:59:59") // cond += ` AND (c.invoice_time BETWEEN '%s' AND '%s')` // inCond += ` AND (invoice_time BETWEEN '%s' AND '%s')` // cond = fmt.Sprintf(cond, st, ed) // inCond = fmt.Sprintf(inCond, st, ed) // sumCond += ` AND (invoice_time BETWEEN ? AND ?)` // sumPars = append(sumPars, st, ed) // } // // page := new(base.Page) // page.SetPageSize(req.PageSize) // page.SetCurrent(req.Current) // // 排序, 默认开票金额倒序 // sortFieldMap := map[int]string{0: "invoice_amount", 1: "invoice_amount", 2: "group_rate", 3: "seller_rate"} // sortTypeMap := map[int]bool{0: false, 1: true, 2: false} // page.AddOrderItem(base.OrderItem{Column: sortFieldMap[req.SortField], Asc: sortTypeMap[req.SortType]}) // if req.IsExport == 1 { // page.SetPageSize(10000) // page.SetCurrent(1) // } // // // 查询开票金额总和(减少子查询) // invOB := new(fms.ContractInvoice) // invSum, e := invOB.Sum("amount", sumCond, sumPars) // if e != nil { // resp.FailMsg("获取失败", "获取开票金额总和失败, Err: "+e.Error(), c) // return // } // // // 查询列表 // adminOB := new(crm.Admin) // //total, e := adminOB.Count(totalCond, totalPars) // //if e != nil { // // resp.FailMsg("获取失败", "获取销售开票统计列表总数失败, Err: "+e.Error(), c) // // return // //} // //list, e := fms.GetCensusSellerInvoicePageList(page, cond, outCond, pars, invSum) // //if e != nil { // // resp.FailMsg("获取失败", "获取销售开票统计列表失败, Err: "+e.Error(), c) // // return // //} // // adminList, e := adminOB.List(adminCond, adminPars) // if e != nil { // resp.FailMsg("获取失败", "获取销售列表失败, Err: "+e.Error(), c) // return // } // //total := len(adminList) // adminIdSlice := make([]string, 0) // sellerMap := make(map[int]*crm.Admin) // for i := range adminList { // sellerMap[adminList[i].AdminId] = adminList[i] // adminIdSlice = append(adminIdSlice, strconv.Itoa(adminList[i].AdminId)) // } // // adminStr := strings.Join(adminIdSlice, ",") // // total, list, e := fms.GetCensusSellerInvoicePageListV2(page, adminStr, inCond, cond, pars, invSum) // if e != nil { // resp.FailMsg("获取失败", "获取销售开票统计列表失败, Err: "+e.Error(), c) // return // } // // for _, v := range list { // if admin, ok := sellerMap[v.SellerId]; ok { // v.GroupName = admin.GroupName // v.SellerName = admin.RealName // v.GroupId = admin.GroupId // } // } // // 分组信息, list的groupId可能是三级的ID, 要转为对应的二级 // groupMap, e := crmService.GetSellerTeamGroupMap() // if e != nil { // resp.FailMsg("获取失败", "获取组别对应信息失败, Err: "+e.Error(), c) // return // } // // mulNum := decimal.NewFromFloat(100) // for i := range list { // g := groupMap[list[i].GroupId] // if g != nil { // list[i].GroupId = g.GroupId // list[i].GroupName = g.GroupName // } // // 处理百分比, 乘100并保留两位小数 // d := decimal.NewFromFloat(list[i].GroupRate) // d = d.Mul(mulNum).Round(2) // a, _ := d.Float64() // list[i].GroupRate = a // d2 := decimal.NewFromFloat(list[i].SellerRate) // d2 = d2.Mul(mulNum).Round(2) // a2, _ := d2.Float64() // list[i].SellerRate = a2 // } // // // 是否导出 // if req.IsExport == 1 { // ExportInvoiceList(c, list, req) // return // } // page.SetTotal(int64(total)) // baseData := new(base.BaseData) // baseData.SetPage(page) // baseData.SetList(list) // resp.OkData("获取成功", baseData, c) //} func (this *SellerController) InvoiceListV2(c *gin.Context) { var req fms.CensusSellerInvoiceListReq if e := c.BindQuery(&req); e != nil { err, ok := e.(validator.ValidationErrors) if !ok { resp.FailData("参数解析失败", "Err:"+e.Error(), c) return } resp.FailData("参数解析失败", err.Translate(global.Trans), c) return } page := new(base.Page) page.SetPageSize(req.PageSize) page.SetCurrent(req.Current) if req.IsExport == 1 { page.SetPageSize(10000) page.SetCurrent(1) } var departmentId int if req.SellerType == 1 { departmentId = crm.SellerDepartmentId } else if req.SellerType == 2 { departmentId = crm.RaiSellerDepartmentId } var totalMoneySlice []float64 historyTime, _ := time.Parse(utils.FormatDate, "2023-04-01") // 累计值 var accumulate float64 var startDate, endDate string //开始日期 if req.StartDate != "" && req.EndDate != "" { startDate = fmt.Sprint(req.StartDate, " 00:00:00") endDate = fmt.Sprint(req.EndDate, " 23:59:59") } startDateTime, _ := time.Parse(utils.FormatDateTime, startDate) endDateTime, _ := time.Parse(utils.FormatDateTime, endDate) cond := ` 1 = 1 ` historyCond := ` 1=1 ` pars := make([]interface{}, 0) historyPars := make([]interface{}, 0) if req.CompanyType == 1 { cond += ` AND b.contract_type = 1 ` historyCond += ` AND new_company = 1 ` } else if req.CompanyType == 2 { cond += ` AND b.contract_type IN (2,3,4) ` historyCond += ` AND new_company = 0 ` } //if req.SellerIds != "" { // sellerIds := strings.Split(req.SellerIds, ",") // historyCond += ` AND (seller_id in ? ) ` // historyPars = append(historyPars, sellerIds) //} //groupIds := make([]int, 0) //if req.GroupId > 0 { // // 筛选组别时, 查询当前组别的下级组(因为admin表存的group_id, 有三级的存的是子ID, 只有二级的存的才是父ID =_=!) // groupCond := `parent_id = ?` // groupPars := make([]interface{}, 0) // groupPars = append(groupPars, req.GroupId) // groupOB := new(crm.SysGroup) // groupList, e := groupOB.List(groupCond, groupPars) // if e != nil { // resp.FailMsg("获取失败", "获取组别下级组列表失败, Err: "+e.Error(), c) // return // } // groupIds = append(groupIds, req.GroupId) // for i := range groupList { // groupIds = append(groupIds, groupList[i].GroupId) // } // cond += ` AND (c.seller_group_id IN (?) OR d.seller_group_id IN (?))` // pars = append(pars, groupIds, groupIds) // historyCond += ` AND group_id IN (?) ` // historyPars = append(historyPars, groupIds) //} // 获取销售分组信息 sellerList, e := crmService.GetSellerDepartmentListWithEnable() if e != nil { resp.FailData("获取销售失败", "Err:"+e.Error(), c) return } ficcSellerIds := make([]string, 0) raiSellerIds := make([]string, 0) sellerMap := make(map[int]*crm.SellerAdminWithGroupTeam) for i := range sellerList { sellerMap[sellerList[i].SellerId] = sellerList[i] if sellerList[i].DepartmentId == crm.SellerDepartmentId { ficcSellerIds = append(ficcSellerIds, strconv.Itoa(sellerList[i].SellerId)) } else if sellerList[i].DepartmentId == crm.RaiSellerDepartmentId { raiSellerIds = append(raiSellerIds, strconv.Itoa(sellerList[i].SellerId)) } } sellerIds := make([]string, 0) if req.SellerType == 1 { //cond += ` AND b.contract_type = 1 ` //historyCond += ` AND new_company = 1 ` sellerIds = ficcSellerIds } else if req.SellerType == 2 { //cond += ` AND b.contract_type IN (2,3,4) ` //historyCond += ` AND new_company = 0 ` sellerIds = raiSellerIds } st := startDate ed := endDate groupInvoiceMap := make(map[int]float64) sellerInvoiceMap := make(map[int]float64) sellerGroupMap := make(map[int]int) //校验日期,分段查询 if req.StartDate == "" && req.EndDate == "" { summaryIds, e := fms.GetInvoicePaymentCensusSummaryDataIds(cond, pars) if e != nil { return } // 开票到款金额合计(换算后) var amountTotal float64 var amountSum float64 if len(summaryIds) > 0 { amountCond := ` IN ? ` amountPars := make([]interface{}, 0) amountPars = append(amountPars, summaryIds) //if len(groupIds) > 0 { // amountCond += ` AND IF ( a.invoice_id = 0, d.seller_group_id, b.seller_group_id ) IN (?) ` // amountPars = append(amountPars, groupIds) //} if req.SellerType != 0 { //sellerIds := strings.Split(req.SellerIds, ",") amountCond += ` AND (( b.seller_id IN ? AND a.invoice_id <> 0 AND b.invoice_time > "2023-04-01")` amountCond += `OR ( d.seller_id IN ? AND a.payment_id <> 0 AND a.invoice_id = 0 AND d.invoice_time > "2023-04-01")) ` amountPars = append(amountPars, sellerIds, sellerIds) } else { amountCond += ` AND ((a.invoice_id <> 0 )` amountCond += `OR (a.payment_id <> 0 AND a.invoice_id = 0 ))` amountPars = append(amountPars) } results, e := fms.GetContractSummaryIncomeAmount(amountCond, amountPars) if e != nil { resp.FailMsg("查询错误", fmt.Sprintf("获取汇总数据失败, Err: %s", e.Error()), c) return } //dataList = append(dataList, results...) for _, result := range results { amountSum += result.Amount fmt.Println("result.Amount:", result.Amount) if _, ok := groupInvoiceMap[result.SellerGroupId]; ok { groupInvoiceMap[result.SellerGroupId] += result.Amount } else { groupInvoiceMap[result.SellerGroupId] = result.Amount } if _, ok := sellerInvoiceMap[result.FinalSellerId]; ok { sellerInvoiceMap[result.FinalSellerId] += result.Amount } else { sellerInvoiceMap[result.FinalSellerId] = result.Amount } if _, ok := sellerGroupMap[result.FinalSellerId]; !ok { sellerGroupMap[result.FinalSellerId] = result.SellerGroupId } } amountTotal, _ = strconv.ParseFloat(fmt.Sprintf("%.2f", amountSum), 64) accumulate += amountTotal amountSum = 0 } results, e := fms.GetIncomeHistory(historyCond, historyPars) if e != nil { resp.FailMsg("查询错误", fmt.Sprintf("获取汇总数据失败, Err: %s", e.Error()), c) return } for _, result := range results { amountSum += result.Amount if _, ok := groupInvoiceMap[result.SellerGroupId]; ok { groupInvoiceMap[result.SellerGroupId] += result.Amount } else { groupInvoiceMap[result.SellerGroupId] = result.Amount } if _, ok := sellerInvoiceMap[result.FinalSellerId]; ok { sellerInvoiceMap[result.FinalSellerId] += result.Amount } else { sellerInvoiceMap[result.FinalSellerId] = result.Amount } if _, ok := sellerGroupMap[result.FinalSellerId]; !ok { sellerGroupMap[result.FinalSellerId] = result.SellerGroupId } } amountTotal, _ = strconv.ParseFloat(fmt.Sprintf("%.2f", amountSum), 64) accumulate += amountTotal } else if startDateTime.After(historyTime) || startDateTime.Equal(historyTime) { //全部走新查询 //fmt.Println("新查询") if st != "" && ed != "" { cond += ` AND ((c.invoice_time BETWEEN ? AND ?) or (d.invoice_time BETWEEN ? AND ?))` pars = append(pars, st, ed, st, ed) } summaryIds, e := fms.GetInvoicePaymentCensusSummaryDataIds(cond, pars) if e != nil { return } // 开票到款金额合计(换算后) var amountTotal float64 if len(summaryIds) > 0 { amountCond := ` IN ? ` amountPars := make([]interface{}, 0) amountPars = append(amountPars, summaryIds) //if len(groupIds) > 0 { // amountCond += ` AND IF ( a.invoice_id = 0, d.seller_group_id, b.seller_group_id ) IN (?) ` // amountPars = append(amountPars, groupIds) //} if req.SellerType != 0 { //sellerIds := strings.Split(req.SellerIds, ",") amountCond += ` AND (( b.seller_id IN ? AND a.invoice_id <> 0 AND b.invoice_time BETWEEN ? AND ?)` amountCond += `OR ( d.seller_id IN ? AND a.payment_id <> 0 AND a.invoice_id = 0 AND d.invoice_time BETWEEN ? AND ?)) ` amountPars = append(amountPars, sellerIds, st, ed, sellerIds, st, ed) } else { amountCond += ` AND ((a.invoice_id <> 0 AND b.invoice_time BETWEEN ? AND ?)` amountCond += `OR (a.payment_id <> 0 AND a.invoice_id = 0 AND d.invoice_time BETWEEN ? AND ?))` amountPars = append(amountPars, st, ed, st, ed) } results, e := fms.GetContractSummaryIncomeAmount(amountCond, amountPars) if e != nil { resp.FailMsg("查询错误", fmt.Sprintf("获取汇总数据失败, Err: %s", e.Error()), c) return } //dataList = append(dataList, results...) var amountSum float64 for _, result := range results { amountSum += result.Amount fmt.Println("result.Amount:", result.Amount) if _, ok := groupInvoiceMap[result.SellerGroupId]; ok { groupInvoiceMap[result.SellerGroupId] += result.Amount } else { groupInvoiceMap[result.SellerGroupId] = result.Amount } if _, ok := sellerInvoiceMap[result.FinalSellerId]; ok { sellerInvoiceMap[result.FinalSellerId] += result.Amount } else { sellerInvoiceMap[result.FinalSellerId] = result.Amount } if _, ok := sellerGroupMap[result.FinalSellerId]; !ok { sellerGroupMap[result.FinalSellerId] = result.SellerGroupId } } amountTotal, _ = strconv.ParseFloat(fmt.Sprintf("%.2f", amountSum), 64) accumulate += amountTotal } } else if endDateTime.Before(historyTime) || endDateTime.Equal(historyTime) { //全部走旧查询 //fmt.Println("旧查询") //fmt.Println("st:",st) //fmt.Println("ed:",ed) if st != "" && ed != "" { historyCond += ` AND (invoice_time BETWEEN ? AND ? )` historyPars = append(historyPars, st, ed) } //fmt.Println("st:",st) //fmt.Println("ed:",ed) // 开票到款金额合计(换算后) var amountTotal float64 results, e := fms.GetIncomeHistory(historyCond, historyPars) if e != nil { resp.FailMsg("查询错误", fmt.Sprintf("获取汇总数据失败, Err: %s", e.Error()), c) return } var amountSum float64 //dataList = append(dataList, results...) for _, result := range results { amountSum += result.Amount if _, ok := groupInvoiceMap[result.SellerGroupId]; ok { groupInvoiceMap[result.SellerGroupId] += result.Amount } else { groupInvoiceMap[result.SellerGroupId] = result.Amount } if _, ok := sellerInvoiceMap[result.FinalSellerId]; ok { sellerInvoiceMap[result.FinalSellerId] += result.Amount } else { sellerInvoiceMap[result.FinalSellerId] = result.Amount } if _, ok := sellerGroupMap[result.FinalSellerId]; !ok { sellerGroupMap[result.FinalSellerId] = result.SellerGroupId } } amountTotal, _ = strconv.ParseFloat(fmt.Sprintf("%.2f", amountSum), 64) accumulate += amountTotal //fmt.Println("partAccumulate:",partAccumulate) } else { if st != "" && ed != "" { cond += ` AND ((c.invoice_time BETWEEN ? AND ?) or (d.invoice_time BETWEEN ? AND ?))` pars = append(pars, st, ed, st, ed) } summaryIds, e := fms.GetInvoicePaymentCensusSummaryDataIds(cond, pars) if e != nil { return } // 开票到款金额合计(换算后) var amountTotal float64 var amountSum float64 if len(summaryIds) > 0 { amountCond := ` IN ? ` amountPars := make([]interface{}, 0) amountPars = append(amountPars, summaryIds) //if len(groupIds) > 0 { // amountCond += ` AND IF ( a.invoice_id = 0, d.seller_group_id, b.seller_group_id ) IN (?) ` // amountPars = append(amountPars, groupIds) //} if req.SellerType != 0 { //sellerIds := strings.Split(req.SellerIds, ",") amountCond += ` AND (( b.seller_id IN ? AND a.invoice_id <> 0 AND b.invoice_time BETWEEN ? AND ?)` amountCond += `OR ( d.seller_id IN ? AND a.payment_id <> 0 AND a.invoice_id = 0 AND d.invoice_time BETWEEN ? AND ?)) ` amountPars = append(amountPars, sellerIds, historyTime, ed, sellerIds, historyTime, ed) } else { amountCond += ` AND ((a.invoice_id <> 0 AND b.invoice_time BETWEEN ? AND ?)` amountCond += `OR (a.payment_id <> 0 AND a.invoice_id = 0 AND d.invoice_time BETWEEN ? AND ?))` amountPars = append(amountPars, historyTime, ed, historyTime, ed) } results, e := fms.GetContractSummaryIncomeAmount(amountCond, amountPars) if e != nil { resp.FailMsg("查询错误", fmt.Sprintf("获取汇总数据失败, Err: %s", e.Error()), c) return } //dataList = append(dataList, results...) for _, result := range results { amountSum += result.Amount fmt.Println("result.Amount:", result.Amount) if _, ok := groupInvoiceMap[result.SellerGroupId]; ok { groupInvoiceMap[result.SellerGroupId] += result.Amount } else { groupInvoiceMap[result.SellerGroupId] = result.Amount } if _, ok := sellerInvoiceMap[result.FinalSellerId]; ok { sellerInvoiceMap[result.FinalSellerId] += result.Amount } else { sellerInvoiceMap[result.FinalSellerId] = result.Amount } if _, ok := sellerGroupMap[result.FinalSellerId]; !ok { sellerGroupMap[result.FinalSellerId] = result.SellerGroupId } } amountTotal, _ = strconv.ParseFloat(fmt.Sprintf("%.2f", amountSum), 64) accumulate += amountTotal amountSum = 0 } if st != "" && ed != "" { historyCond += ` AND (invoice_time BETWEEN ? AND ? )` historyPars = append(historyPars, st, historyTime) } results, e := fms.GetIncomeHistory(historyCond, historyPars) if e != nil { resp.FailMsg("查询错误", fmt.Sprintf("获取汇总数据失败, Err: %s", e.Error()), c) return } for _, result := range results { amountSum += result.Amount if _, ok := groupInvoiceMap[result.SellerGroupId]; ok { groupInvoiceMap[result.SellerGroupId] += result.Amount } else { groupInvoiceMap[result.SellerGroupId] = result.Amount } if _, ok := sellerInvoiceMap[result.FinalSellerId]; ok { sellerInvoiceMap[result.FinalSellerId] += result.Amount } else { sellerInvoiceMap[result.FinalSellerId] = result.Amount } if _, ok := sellerGroupMap[result.FinalSellerId]; !ok { sellerGroupMap[result.FinalSellerId] = result.SellerGroupId } } amountTotal, _ = strconv.ParseFloat(fmt.Sprintf("%.2f", amountSum), 64) accumulate += amountTotal } fmt.Println("totalMoneySlice:", len(totalMoneySlice)) adminOB := new(crm.Admin) adminPars := make([]interface{}, 0) adminCond := ` 1=1 ` if req.SellerType != 0 { adminCond += ` AND department_id = ? ` adminPars = append(adminPars, departmentId) } if req.SellerIds != "" { adminSellerIds := strings.Split(req.SellerIds, ",") adminCond += ` AND admin_id IN ? ` adminPars = append(adminPars, adminSellerIds) } if !req.ShowResign { adminCond += ` AND enabled = 1 ` } adminList, e := adminOB.List(adminCond, adminPars) if e != nil { resp.FailMsg("获取失败", "获取销售列表失败, Err: "+e.Error(), c) return } list := make([]*fms.CensusSellerInvoiceItem, 0) for _, v := range adminList { if vv, ok := sellerInvoiceMap[v.AdminId]; ok { rate := vv / accumulate mulNum := decimal.NewFromFloat(100) newRate := decimal.NewFromFloat(rate) newRate = newRate.Mul(mulNum).Round(2) finalRate, _ := newRate.Float64() groupId := sellerGroupMap[v.AdminId] groupRate := vv / groupInvoiceMap[groupId] newGroupRate := decimal.NewFromFloat(groupRate) newGroupRate = newGroupRate.Mul(mulNum).Round(2) finalGroupRate, _ := newGroupRate.Float64() amuont, _ := strconv.ParseFloat(fmt.Sprintf("%.2f", vv), 64) var sellerName, groupName string if seller, ok := sellerMap[v.AdminId]; ok { sellerName = seller.SellerName groupName = seller.GroupName } list = append(list, &fms.CensusSellerInvoiceItem{ SellerId: v.AdminId, SellerName: sellerName, GroupId: groupId, GroupName: groupName, InvoiceAmount: amuont, GroupRate: finalGroupRate, SellerRate: finalRate, }) } } sort.Slice(list, func(i, j int) bool { if req.SortField == 2 { if req.SortType == 2 { return list[i].GroupRate < list[j].GroupRate } else { return list[i].GroupRate > list[j].GroupRate } } else { if req.SortType == 2 { return list[i].InvoiceAmount < list[j].InvoiceAmount } else { return list[i].InvoiceAmount > list[j].InvoiceAmount } } }) //var respList fmsService.CensusSellerListByAmountAsc //respList = list //sort.Sort(list) // 是否导出 if req.IsExport == 1 { ExportInvoiceList(c, list, req) return } page.SetTotal(int64(len(list))) baseData := new(base.BaseData) baseData.SetPage(page) if req.Current*req.PageSize > int64(len(list)) { baseData.SetList(list[(req.Current-1)*req.PageSize : len(list)]) } else { baseData.SetList(list[(req.Current-1)*req.PageSize : req.Current*req.PageSize]) } resp.OkData("获取成功", baseData, c) } // ExportInvoiceList 导出销售开票统计列表 func ExportInvoiceList(c *gin.Context, list []*fms.CensusSellerInvoiceItem, req fms.CensusSellerInvoiceListReq) { // 生成Excel文件 xlsxFile := xlsx.NewFile() style := xlsx.NewStyle() alignment := xlsx.Alignment{ Horizontal: "center", Vertical: "center", WrapText: true, } style.Alignment = alignment style.ApplyAlignment = true sheetName := "销售开票统计" sheet, err := xlsxFile.AddSheet(sheetName) if err != nil { resp.FailData("新增Sheet失败", "Err:"+err.Error(), c) return } // 存在筛选则前两行显示时间信息 if req.StartDate != "" && req.EndDate != "" { timeData := fmt.Sprintf("时间:%s至%s", req.StartDate, req.EndDate) rowA := sheet.AddRow() cellAA := rowA.AddCell() cellAA.SetString("销售统计表") cellAA.SetStyle(style) rowB := sheet.AddRow() rowB.AddCell().SetString(timeData) // 第三行空出 sheet.AddRow() } // 数据表头 rowTitle := []string{"排名", "销售员", "销售组别", "收入金额(元)", "小组占比", "全员占比"} titleRow := sheet.AddRow() for i := range rowTitle { v := titleRow.AddCell() v.SetString(rowTitle[i]) v.SetStyle(style) } // 填充数据 for k, v := range list { dataRow := sheet.AddRow() dataRow.AddCell().SetString(fmt.Sprint(k + 1)) // 排名 dataRow.AddCell().SetString(v.SellerName) // 销售员 dataRow.AddCell().SetString(v.GroupName) // 销售组别 dataRow.AddCell().SetString(fmt.Sprintf("%.2f", v.InvoiceAmount)) // 开票金额 dataRow.AddCell().SetString(fmt.Sprint(v.GroupRate, "%")) // 小组占比 dataRow.AddCell().SetString(fmt.Sprint(v.SellerRate, "%")) // 全员占比 } // 输出文件 var buffer bytes.Buffer _ = xlsxFile.Write(&buffer) content := bytes.NewReader(buffer.Bytes()) randStr := time.Now().Format(utils.FormatDateTimeUnSpace) fileName := sheetName + randStr + ".xlsx" c.Writer.Header().Add("Content-Disposition", fmt.Sprintf(`attachment; filename="%s"`, fileName)) c.Writer.Header().Add("Content-Type", "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet") http.ServeContent(c.Writer, c.Request, fileName, time.Now(), content) } // GroupInvoiceList // @Title 销售组开票统计列表 // @Description 销售组开票统计列表 // @Param StartDate query string false "开始日期" // @Param EndDate query string false "结束日期" // @Param SortField query int false "排序字段: 1-开票金额; 2-组别占比" // @Param SortType query int false "排序方式: 1-正序; 2-倒序" // @Param IsExport query int false "是否导出: 0-否; 1-是" // @Success 200 {object} fms.CensusSellerGroupInvoiceItem // @router /census/seller/group_invoice_list [get] func (this *SellerController) GroupInvoiceListV2(c *gin.Context) { var req fms.CensusSellerGroupInvoiceListReq if e := c.BindQuery(&req); e != nil { err, ok := e.(validator.ValidationErrors) if !ok { resp.FailData("参数解析失败", "Err:"+e.Error(), c) return } resp.FailData("参数解析失败", err.Translate(global.Trans), c) return } //if req.SellerIds != "" { // sellerIds := strings.Split(req.SellerIds, ",") // cond += ` AND (a.seller_id in ? ) ` // historyCond += ` AND (seller_id in ? ) ` // pars = append(pars, sellerIds) // historyPars = append(historyPars, sellerIds) //} var totalMoneySlice []float64 historyTime, _ := time.Parse(utils.FormatDate, "2023-04-01") // 累计值 var accumulate float64 //dataList := make([]*fms.IncomeSummaryItem, 0) //historydataList := make([]*fms.IncomeSummaryItem, 0) //timeNow, _ := time.Parse("2006-01", time.Now().Format("2006-01")) var startDate, endDate string //开始日期 if req.StartDate != "" && req.EndDate != "" { startDate = fmt.Sprint(req.StartDate, " 00:00:00") endDate = fmt.Sprint(req.EndDate, " 23:59:59") } startDateTime, _ := time.Parse(utils.FormatDate, req.StartDate) endDateTime, _ := time.Parse(utils.FormatDate, req.EndDate) cond := `1 = 1` histortyCond := `1 = 1` pars := make([]interface{}, 0) historyPars := make([]interface{}, 0) if req.CompanyType == 1 { cond += ` AND b.contract_type = 1 ` histortyCond += ` AND new_company = 1 ` } else if req.CompanyType == 2 { cond += ` AND b.contract_type IN (2,3,4) ` histortyCond += ` AND new_company = 0 ` } //if req.SellerIds != "" { // sellerIds := strings.Split(req.SellerIds, ",") // cond += ` AND (c.seller_id in ? OR d.seller_id in ?)` // pars = append(pars, sellerIds, sellerIds) // prevCond += ` AND (c.seller_id in ? OR d.seller_id in ?)` // prevPars = append(prevPars, sellerIds, sellerIds) // histrtyCond += ` AND seller_id in ? ` // prevHistoryCond += ` AND seller_id in ? ` // historyPars = append(historyPars, sellerIds) // prevHistoryPars = append(prevHistoryPars, sellerIds) //} st := fmt.Sprint(startDate, " 00:00:00") ed := fmt.Sprint(endDate, " 23:59:59") groupInvoiceMap := make(map[int]float64) //校验日期,分段查询 if req.StartDate == "" && req.EndDate == "" { summaryIds, e := fms.GetInvoicePaymentCensusSummaryDataIds(cond, pars) if e != nil { return } // 开票到款金额合计(换算后) var amountTotal float64 var amountSum float64 if len(summaryIds) > 0 { amountCond := ` IN ? ` amountPars := make([]interface{}, 0) amountPars = append(amountPars, summaryIds) if req.SellerIds != "" { sellerIds := strings.Split(req.SellerIds, ",") amountCond += ` AND (( b.seller_id IN ? AND a.invoice_id <> 0 AND b.invoice_time BETWEEN ? AND ?)` amountCond += `OR ( d.seller_id IN ? AND a.payment_id <> 0 AND a.invoice_id = 0 AND d.invoice_time BETWEEN ? AND ?)) ` amountPars = append(amountPars, sellerIds, st, ed, sellerIds, st, ed) } else { amountCond += ` AND ((a.invoice_id <> 0 AND b.invoice_time BETWEEN ? AND ?)` amountCond += `OR (a.payment_id <> 0 AND a.invoice_id = 0 AND d.invoice_time BETWEEN ? AND ?))` amountPars = append(amountPars, st, ed, st, ed) } results, e := fms.GetContractSummaryIncomeAmount(amountCond, amountPars) if e != nil { resp.FailMsg("查询错误", fmt.Sprintf("获取汇总数据失败, Err: %s", e.Error()), c) return } //dataList = append(dataList, results...) for _, result := range results { amountSum += result.Amount fmt.Println("result.Amount:", result.Amount) if _, ok := groupInvoiceMap[result.SellerGroupId]; ok { groupInvoiceMap[result.SellerGroupId] += result.Amount } else { groupInvoiceMap[result.SellerGroupId] = result.Amount } } amountTotal, _ = strconv.ParseFloat(fmt.Sprintf("%.2f", amountSum), 64) accumulate += amountTotal amountSum = 0 } //var amountTotal float64 results, e := fms.GetIncomeHistory(histortyCond, historyPars) if e != nil { resp.FailMsg("查询错误", fmt.Sprintf("获取汇总数据失败, Err: %s", e.Error()), c) return } //dataList = append(dataList, results...) for _, result := range results { amountSum += result.Amount if _, ok := groupInvoiceMap[result.SellerGroupId]; ok { groupInvoiceMap[result.SellerGroupId] += result.Amount } else { groupInvoiceMap[result.SellerGroupId] = result.Amount } } amountTotal, _ = strconv.ParseFloat(fmt.Sprintf("%.2f", amountSum), 64) accumulate += amountTotal } else if startDateTime.After(historyTime) || startDateTime.Equal(historyTime) { //全部走新查询 //fmt.Println("新查询") if st != "" && ed != "" { cond += ` AND ((c.invoice_time BETWEEN ? AND ?) or (d.invoice_time BETWEEN ? AND ?))` pars = append(pars, st, ed, st, ed) } summaryIds, e := fms.GetInvoicePaymentCensusSummaryDataIds(cond, pars) if e != nil { return } // 开票到款金额合计(换算后) var amountTotal float64 if len(summaryIds) > 0 { amountCond := ` IN ? ` amountPars := make([]interface{}, 0) amountPars = append(amountPars, summaryIds) if req.SellerIds != "" { sellerIds := strings.Split(req.SellerIds, ",") amountCond += ` AND (( b.seller_id IN ? AND a.invoice_id <> 0 AND b.invoice_time BETWEEN ? AND ?)` amountCond += `OR ( d.seller_id IN ? AND a.payment_id <> 0 AND a.invoice_id = 0 AND d.invoice_time BETWEEN ? AND ?)) ` amountPars = append(amountPars, sellerIds, st, ed, sellerIds, st, ed) } else { amountCond += ` AND ((a.invoice_id <> 0 AND b.invoice_time BETWEEN ? AND ?)` amountCond += `OR (a.payment_id <> 0 AND a.invoice_id = 0 AND d.invoice_time BETWEEN ? AND ?))` amountPars = append(amountPars, st, ed, st, ed) } results, e := fms.GetContractSummaryIncomeAmount(amountCond, amountPars) if e != nil { resp.FailMsg("查询错误", fmt.Sprintf("获取汇总数据失败, Err: %s", e.Error()), c) return } //dataList = append(dataList, results...) var amountSum float64 for _, result := range results { amountSum += result.Amount fmt.Println("result.Amount:", result.Amount) if _, ok := groupInvoiceMap[result.SellerGroupId]; ok { groupInvoiceMap[result.SellerGroupId] += result.Amount } else { groupInvoiceMap[result.SellerGroupId] = result.Amount } } amountTotal, _ = strconv.ParseFloat(fmt.Sprintf("%.2f", amountSum), 64) accumulate += amountTotal } } else if endDateTime.Before(historyTime) || endDateTime.Equal(historyTime) { //全部走旧查询 //fmt.Println("旧查询") //fmt.Println("st:",st) //fmt.Println("ed:",ed) if st != "" && ed != "" { histortyCond += ` AND (invoice_time BETWEEN ? AND ? )` historyPars = append(historyPars, st, ed) } //fmt.Println("st:",st) //fmt.Println("ed:",ed) // 开票到款金额合计(换算后) var amountTotal float64 results, e := fms.GetIncomeHistory(histortyCond, historyPars) if e != nil { resp.FailMsg("查询错误", fmt.Sprintf("获取汇总数据失败, Err: %s", e.Error()), c) return } var amountSum float64 //dataList = append(dataList, results...) for _, result := range results { amountSum += result.Amount if _, ok := groupInvoiceMap[result.SellerGroupId]; ok { groupInvoiceMap[result.SellerGroupId] += result.Amount } else { groupInvoiceMap[result.SellerGroupId] = result.Amount } } amountTotal, _ = strconv.ParseFloat(fmt.Sprintf("%.2f", amountSum), 64) accumulate += amountTotal //fmt.Println("partAccumulate:",partAccumulate) } else { // 有时间,分段查询 // 新查询 if st != "" && ed != "" { cond += ` AND ((c.invoice_time BETWEEN ? AND ?) or (d.invoice_time BETWEEN ? AND ?))` pars = append(pars, st, ed, st, ed) } summaryIds, e := fms.GetInvoicePaymentCensusSummaryDataIds(cond, pars) if e != nil { return } // 开票到款金额合计(换算后) var amountTotal float64 var amountSum float64 if len(summaryIds) > 0 { amountCond := ` IN ? ` amountPars := make([]interface{}, 0) amountPars = append(amountPars, summaryIds) if req.SellerIds != "" { sellerIds := strings.Split(req.SellerIds, ",") amountCond += ` AND (( b.seller_id IN ? AND a.invoice_id <> 0 AND b.invoice_time BETWEEN ? AND ?)` amountCond += `OR ( d.seller_id IN ? AND a.payment_id <> 0 AND a.invoice_id = 0 AND d.invoice_time BETWEEN ? AND ?)) ` amountPars = append(amountPars, sellerIds, st, ed, sellerIds, st, ed) } else { amountCond += ` AND ((a.invoice_id <> 0 AND b.invoice_time BETWEEN ? AND ?)` amountCond += `OR (a.payment_id <> 0 AND a.invoice_id = 0 AND d.invoice_time BETWEEN ? AND ?))` amountPars = append(amountPars, st, ed, st, ed) } results, e := fms.GetContractSummaryIncomeAmount(amountCond, amountPars) if e != nil { resp.FailMsg("查询错误", fmt.Sprintf("获取汇总数据失败, Err: %s", e.Error()), c) return } //dataList = append(dataList, results...) for _, result := range results { amountSum += result.Amount fmt.Println("result.Amount:", result.Amount) if _, ok := groupInvoiceMap[result.SellerGroupId]; ok { groupInvoiceMap[result.SellerGroupId] += result.Amount } else { groupInvoiceMap[result.SellerGroupId] = result.Amount } } amountTotal, _ = strconv.ParseFloat(fmt.Sprintf("%.2f", amountSum), 64) accumulate += amountTotal amountSum = 0 //var amountTotal float64 // 旧查询 } if st != "" && ed != "" { histortyCond += ` AND (invoice_time BETWEEN ? AND ? )` historyPars = append(historyPars, st, ed) } results, e := fms.GetIncomeHistory(histortyCond, historyPars) if e != nil { resp.FailMsg("查询错误", fmt.Sprintf("获取汇总数据失败, Err: %s", e.Error()), c) return } //dataList = append(dataList, results...) for _, result := range results { amountSum += result.Amount if _, ok := groupInvoiceMap[result.SellerGroupId]; ok { groupInvoiceMap[result.SellerGroupId] += result.Amount } else { groupInvoiceMap[result.SellerGroupId] = result.Amount } } amountTotal, _ = strconv.ParseFloat(fmt.Sprintf("%.2f", amountSum), 64) accumulate += amountTotal } fmt.Println("totalMoneySlice:", len(totalMoneySlice)) var departmentId int if req.SellerType == 1 { departmentId = crm.SellerDepartmentId } else if req.SellerType == 2 { departmentId = crm.RaiSellerDepartmentId } else if req.SellerType == 0 { resp.FailMsg("查询错误", "请选择正确的销售类型", c) return } else { resp.FailMsg("查询错误", "请选择正确的销售类型", c) return } groupCond := ` department_id = %d AND parent_id = 0 ` groupCond = fmt.Sprintf(groupCond, departmentId) groupPars := make([]interface{}, 0) groupOB := new(crm.SysGroup) groupList, e := groupOB.List(groupCond, groupPars) if e != nil { resp.FailMsg("查询错误", fmt.Sprintf("获取组别列表失败, Err: %s", e.Error()), c) return } //total := len(groupList) groupMap := make(map[int]*crm.SysGroup) for i := range groupList { groupMap[groupList[i].GroupId] = groupList[i] } list := make([]*fms.CensusSellerGroupInvoiceItem, 0) for _, group := range groupList { if v, ok := groupInvoiceMap[group.GroupId]; ok { rate := v / accumulate mulNum := decimal.NewFromFloat(100) newRate := decimal.NewFromFloat(rate) newRate = newRate.Mul(mulNum).Round(2) finalRate, _ := newRate.Float64() amuont, _ := strconv.ParseFloat(fmt.Sprintf("%.2f", v), 64) groupName := "" if groupItem, ok := groupMap[group.GroupId]; ok { groupName = groupItem.GroupName } list = append(list, &fms.CensusSellerGroupInvoiceItem{ GroupId: group.GroupId, GroupName: groupName, InvoiceAmount: amuont, GroupRate: finalRate, }) } } sort.Slice(list, func(i, j int) bool { if req.SortField == 2 { if req.SortType == 2 { return list[i].GroupRate < list[j].GroupRate } else { return list[i].GroupRate > list[j].GroupRate } } else { if req.SortType == 2 { return list[i].InvoiceAmount < list[j].InvoiceAmount } else { return list[i].InvoiceAmount > list[j].InvoiceAmount } } }) //var respList fms.CensusSellerGroupList //respList = list //sort.Sort(respList) // 是否导出 if req.IsExport == 1 { ExportGroupInvoiceList(c, list, req) return } resp.OkData("获取成功", list, c) }