@@ -1592,42 +1592,6 @@ func (ct *InvoicePaymentController) NotInvoiceList(c *gin.Context) {
noSummaryCond += ` AND b.product_ids = '2' `
- // 开票到款日期
- //if req.TimeType != 0 {
- // if req.TimeType == 1 && req.StartDate != "" && req.EndDate != "" {
- // st := fmt.Sprint(req.StartDate, " 00:00:00")
- // ed := fmt.Sprint(req.EndDate, " 23:59:59")
- // cond += ` AND (c.invoice_time BETWEEN ? AND ?) `
- // pars = append(pars, st, ed)
- // }else if req.TimeType == 2 && req.StartDate != "" && req.EndDate != "" {
- // st := fmt.Sprint(req.StartDate, " 00:00:00")
- // ed := fmt.Sprint(req.EndDate, " 23:59:59")
- // cond += ` AND (d.invoice_time BETWEEN ? AND ?) `
- // pars = append(pars, st, ed)
- // }else if req.TimeType == 3 && req.StartDate != "" && req.EndDate != "" {
- // st := fmt.Sprint(req.StartDate, " 00:00:00")
- // ed := fmt.Sprint(req.EndDate, " 23:59:59")
- // cond += ` AND (c.invoice_time BETWEEN ? AND ?) AND (d.invoice_time BETWEEN ? AND ?) `
- // pars = append(pars, st, ed, st, ed)
- // }
- //} else if req.StartDate != "" && req.EndDate != "" {
- // st := fmt.Sprint(req.StartDate, " 00:00:00")
- // ed := fmt.Sprint(req.EndDate, " 23:59:59")
- // cond += ` AND ((c.invoice_time BETWEEN ? AND ?) or (d.invoice_time BETWEEN ? AND ?))`
- // pars = append(pars, st, ed, st, ed)
- //}
- //if req.HasInvoice == "1" {
- // cond += ` AND a.invoice_id > 0 `
- //}else if req.HasInvoice == "0" {
- // cond += ` AND a.invoice_id = 0 `
- //}
- //
- //if req.HasPayment == "1" {
- // cond += ` AND a.payment_id > 0 `
- //}else if req.HasPayment == "0" {
- // cond += ` AND a.payment_id = 0 `
- //}
page := new(base.Page)
@@ -1693,21 +1657,21 @@ func (ct *InvoicePaymentController) NotInvoiceList(c *gin.Context) {
// 获取汇总数据IDs, 用于查询合计数据
- summaryIdsCond := cond
- summaryIdsPars := pars
- if req.SellerIds != "" {
- sellerIds := strings.Split(req.SellerIds, ",")
- summaryIdsCond += ` AND c.seller_id in ? AND (d.origin_amount > c.origin_amount OR c.origin_amount IS NULL) `
- summaryIdsPars = append(summaryIdsPars, sellerIds)
- } else {
- summaryIdsCond += ` AND (d.origin_amount > c.origin_amount OR c.origin_amount IS NULL) `
- summaryIdsPars = append(summaryIdsPars)
- }
- summaryIds, e := fms.GetInvoicePaymentCensusSummaryDataIds(summaryIdsCond, summaryIdsPars)
- if e != nil {
- resp.FailMsg("获取失败", "获取商品到款汇总IDs失败, Err: "+e.Error(), c)
- return
- }
+ //summaryIdsCond := cond
+ //summaryIdsPars := pars
+ //if req.SellerIds != "" {
+ // sellerIds := strings.Split(req.SellerIds, ",")
+ // summaryIdsCond += ` AND c.seller_id in ? AND (d.origin_amount > c.origin_amount OR c.origin_amount IS NULL) `
+ // summaryIdsPars = append(summaryIdsPars, sellerIds)
+ //} else {
+ // summaryIdsCond += ` AND (d.origin_amount > c.origin_amount OR c.origin_amount IS NULL) `
+ // summaryIdsPars = append(summaryIdsPars)
+ //}
+ //summaryIds, e := fms.GetInvoicePaymentCensusSummaryDataIds(summaryIdsCond, summaryIdsPars)
+ //if e != nil {
+ // resp.FailMsg("获取失败", "获取商品到款汇总IDs失败, Err: "+e.Error(), c)
+ // return
+ //}
var listErr, totalErr, totalGroupErr error
@@ -1931,29 +1895,52 @@ func (ct *InvoicePaymentController) NotInvoiceList(c *gin.Context) {
// 开票到款金额合计(换算后)
- var invoiceTotal, paymentTotal, contractAmount float64
+ //var invoiceTotal, paymentTotal, contractAmount float64
+ //wg.Add(1)
+ //go func() {
+ // defer wg.Done()
+ //
+ // if len(summaryIds) == 0 {
+ // return
+ // }
+ // amountTotalCond := `a.id IN ?`
+ // amountTotalPars := make([]interface{}, 0)
+ // amountTotalPars = append(amountTotalPars, summaryIds)
+ // invoiceSum, e := fms.GetContractSummaryInvoicePaymentAmountTotal(amountTotalCond, amountTotalPars, 1)
+ // if e != nil {
+ // totalErr = fmt.Errorf("获取汇总开票金额合计失败, Err: %s", e.Error())
+ // return
+ // }
+ // invoiceTotal, _ = strconv.ParseFloat(fmt.Sprintf("%.2f", invoiceSum), 64)
+ // paymentSum, e := fms.GetContractSummaryInvoicePaymentAmountTotal(amountTotalCond, amountTotalPars, 2)
+ // if e != nil {
+ // totalErr = fmt.Errorf("获取汇总到款金额合计失败, Err: %s", e.Error())
+ // return
+ // }
+ // paymentTotal, _ = strconv.ParseFloat(fmt.Sprintf("%.2f", paymentSum), 64)
+ //}()
+ // 开票到款金额合计(换算后)V2
+ var invoiceTotal, contractAmount float64
go func() {
defer wg.Done()
- if len(summaryIds) == 0 {
- return
- }
- amountTotalCond := `a.id IN ?`
- amountTotalPars := make([]interface{}, 0)
- amountTotalPars = append(amountTotalPars, summaryIds)
- invoiceSum, e := fms.GetContractSummaryInvoicePaymentAmountTotal(amountTotalCond, amountTotalPars, 1)
+ registerList, e := fms.GetInvoiceCensusList(cond, pars)
if e != nil {
- totalErr = fmt.Errorf("获取汇总开票金额合计失败, Err: %s", e.Error())
+ resp.FailMsg("获取失败", "获取商品到款统计列表总数失败, Err: "+e.Error(), c)
- invoiceTotal, _ = strconv.ParseFloat(fmt.Sprintf("%.2f", invoiceSum), 64)
- paymentSum, e := fms.GetContractSummaryInvoicePaymentAmountTotal(amountTotalCond, amountTotalPars, 2)
- if e != nil {
- totalErr = fmt.Errorf("获取汇总到款金额合计失败, Err: %s", e.Error())
- return
+ for _, v := range registerList {
+ if v.InvoicedAmountCount >= v.PaymentAmountCount {
+ invoiceTotal += v.InvoicedAmountCount
+ } else if v.InvoicedAmountCount == 0 {
+ invoiceTotal += v.PaymentAmountCount
+ }
+ contractAmount += v.ContractAmount
- paymentTotal, _ = strconv.ParseFloat(fmt.Sprintf("%.2f", paymentSum), 64)
// 分币种金额统计
@@ -1995,56 +1982,25 @@ func (ct *InvoicePaymentController) NotInvoiceList(c *gin.Context) {
- if len(summaryIds) == 0 {
- return
- }
- totalGroupCond := `a.id IN ?`
- totalGroupPars := make([]interface{}, 0)
- totalGroupPars = append(totalGroupPars, summaryIds)
- invoiceSumGroup, e := fms.GetSummaryListCurrencySum(totalGroupCond, totalGroupPars, 1)
- if e != nil {
- totalGroupErr = fmt.Errorf("获取汇总货币合计开票金额失败, Err: %s", e.Error())
- return
- }
- paymentSumGroup, e := fms.GetSummaryListCurrencySum(totalGroupCond, totalGroupPars, 2)
+ registerList, e := fms.GetInvoiceCensusList(cond, pars)
if e != nil {
- totalGroupErr = fmt.Errorf("获取汇总货币合计到款金额失败, Err: %s", e.Error())
+ resp.FailMsg("获取失败", "获取商品到款统计列表总数失败, Err: "+e.Error(), c)
invoiceSumMap := make(map[string]float64)
- paymentSumMap := make(map[string]float64)
contractSumMap := make(map[string]float64)
- for i := range invoiceSumGroup {
- invoiceSumMap[invoiceSumGroup[i].CurrencyUnit] = invoiceSumGroup[i].OriginAmountTotal
- continue
- }
- for i := range paymentSumGroup {
- paymentSumMap[paymentSumGroup[i].CurrencyUnit] = paymentSumGroup[i].OriginAmountTotal
- continue
- }
- for i := range invoiceCurrencyTotals {
- a, _ := strconv.ParseFloat(fmt.Sprintf("%.2f", invoiceSumMap[invoiceCurrencyTotals[i].Code]), 64)
- invoiceCurrencyTotals[i].Amount = a
- }
- for i := range paymentCurrencyTotals {
- a, _ := strconv.ParseFloat(fmt.Sprintf("%.2f", paymentSumMap[paymentCurrencyTotals[i].Code]), 64)
- paymentCurrencyTotals[i].Amount = a
- }
- contractRegisters, err := fms.GetContractInfoByRegisterIds(queryRegisterIds)
- if err != nil {
- resp.FailMsg("查询合同信息失败", "查询合同信息失败, Err: "+err.Error(), c)
- return
- }
- for _, v := range contractRegisters {
- if v.RMBRate == 0.0 {
- v.RMBRate = 1
+ for _, v := range registerList {
+ if v.InvoicedAmount >= v.PaymentAmount {
+ invoiceSumMap[v.CurrencyUnit] += v.InvoicedAmount
+ } else if v.InvoicedAmount == 0 {
+ invoiceSumMap[v.CurrencyUnit] += v.PaymentAmount
- amount, _ := strconv.ParseFloat(fmt.Sprintf("%.2f", v.ContractAmount/v.RMBRate), 64)
- contractAmount += amount
- contractSumMap[v.CurrencyUnit] = v.ContractAmount
+ contractSumMap[v.CurrencyUnit] += v.ContractAmount
for _, v := range contractAmountCurrencyTotals {
v.Amount = contractSumMap[v.Code] - invoiceSumMap[v.Code]
@@ -2067,7 +2023,6 @@ func (ct *InvoicePaymentController) NotInvoiceList(c *gin.Context) {
results.DataList = respList
results.InvoiceTotal = invoiceTotal
- results.PaymentTotal = paymentTotal
results.NotInvoiceTotal = contractAmount - invoiceTotal
results.InvoiceCurrencyTotal = invoiceCurrencyTotals
results.PaymentCurrencyTotal = paymentCurrencyTotals