hsun 2 年之前
共有 2 个文件被更改,包括 298 次插入265 次删除
  1. 276 265
  2. 22 0

+ 276 - 265

@@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ import (
-	fmsService "hongze/fms_api/services/fms"
@@ -23,256 +22,256 @@ import (
 type InvoicePaymentController struct{}
 // List2 原版(已废弃)
-func (ct *InvoicePaymentController) List2(c *gin.Context) {
-	var req fms.InvoicePaymentCensusListReq
-	if e := c.BindQuery(&req); e != nil {
-		err, ok := e.(validator.ValidationErrors)
-		if !ok {
-			resp.FailData("参数解析失败", "Err:"+e.Error(), c)
-			return
-		}
-		resp.FailData("参数解析失败", err.Translate(global.Trans), c)
-		return
-	}
-	cond := `1 = 1`
-	pars := make([]interface{}, 0)
-	// 合同编号/客户姓名/销售
-	if req.Keyword != "" {
-		kw := "%" + req.Keyword + "%"
-		cond += ` AND b.company_name LIKE ? OR a.seller_name LIKE ?`
-		pars = append(pars, kw, kw)
-	}
-	if req.SellGroupId > 0 {
-		cond += ` AND a.seller_group_id = ?`
-		pars = append(pars, req.SellGroupId)
-	}
-	// 套餐筛选
-	if req.ServiceType != 0 {
-		registerIds, e := fms.GetContractRegisterIdsByTempId(req.ServiceType)
-		if e != nil {
-			resp.FailMsg("获取失败", "获取合同登记IDs失败, Err: "+e.Error(), c)
-			return
-		}
-		if len(registerIds) > 0 {
-			cond += ` AND b.contract_register_id IN ?`
-			pars = append(pars, registerIds)
-		} else {
-			cond += ` AND 1 = 2`
-		}
-	}
-	// 开票到款日期
-	if req.TimeType > 0 && req.StartDate != "" && req.EndDate != "" {
-		st := fmt.Sprint(req.StartDate, " 00:00:00")
-		ed := fmt.Sprint(req.EndDate, " 23:59:59")
-		cond += ` AND a.invoice_type = ? AND (a.invoice_time BETWEEN ? AND ?)`
-		pars = append(pars, req.TimeType, st, ed)
-	}
-	// 已开票
-	if req.HasInvoice == 1 && req.HasPayment == 0 {
-		cond += ` AND a.invoice_type = 1`
-	}
-	// 已到款
-	if req.HasInvoice == 0 && req.HasPayment == 1 {
-		cond += ` AND a.invoice_type = 2`
-	}
-	page := new(base.Page)
-	page.SetPageSize(req.PageSize)
-	page.SetCurrent(req.Current)
-	page.AddOrderItem(base.OrderItem{Column: "a.create_time", Asc: false})
-	page.AddOrderItem(base.OrderItem{Column: "b.contract_register_id", Asc: true})
-	if req.IsExport == 1 {
-		page.SetPageSize(10000)
-		page.SetCurrent(1)
-	}
-	list, allRegisterIds, e := fms.GetInvoicePaymentCensusPageList(page, cond, pars)
-	if e != nil {
-		resp.FailMsg("获取失败", "获取商品到款统计列表失败, Err: "+e.Error(), c)
-		return
-	}
-	total := int64(len(allRegisterIds))
-	registerIds := make([]int, 0)
-	for i := range list {
-		registerIds = append(registerIds, list[i].ContractRegisterId)
-	}
-	results := new(fms.InvoicePaymentCensusResp)
-	if len(registerIds) > 0 {
-		// 获取开票到款列表
-		ivCond := `contract_register_id IN ?`
-		ivPars := make([]interface{}, 0)
-		ivPars = append(ivPars, registerIds)
-		iv := new(fms.ContractInvoice)
-		invoiceList, e := iv.List(ivCond, ivPars, "")
-		if e != nil {
-			resp.FailMsg("获取失败", "获取开票到款列表失败, Err: "+e.Error(), c)
-			return
-		}
-		// 取出开票、到款
-		invoiceMap := make(map[int][]*fms.ContractInvoice, 0)
-		paymentMap := make(map[int][]*fms.ContractInvoice, 0)
-		paymentIds := make([]int, 0)
-		for i := range invoiceList {
-			if invoiceMap[invoiceList[i].ContractRegisterId] == nil {
-				invoiceMap[invoiceList[i].ContractRegisterId] = make([]*fms.ContractInvoice, 0)
-			}
-			if paymentMap[invoiceList[i].ContractRegisterId] == nil {
-				paymentMap[invoiceList[i].ContractRegisterId] = make([]*fms.ContractInvoice, 0)
-			}
-			if invoiceList[i].InvoiceType == fms.ContractInvoiceTypeMake {
-				invoiceMap[invoiceList[i].ContractRegisterId] = append(invoiceMap[invoiceList[i].ContractRegisterId], invoiceList[i])
-			}
-			if invoiceList[i].InvoiceType == fms.ContractInvoiceTypePay {
-				paymentMap[invoiceList[i].ContractRegisterId] = append(paymentMap[invoiceList[i].ContractRegisterId], invoiceList[i])
-				paymentIds = append(paymentIds, invoiceList[i].ContractInvoiceId)
-			}
-		}
-		// 合同套餐
-		contractServiceCond := `contract_register_id IN ?`
-		contractServicePars := make([]interface{}, 0)
-		contractServicePars = append(contractServicePars, registerIds)
-		contractServiceOB := new(fms.ContractService)
-		contractServiceList, e := contractServiceOB.List(contractServiceCond, contractServicePars)
-		if e != nil {
-			resp.FailMsg("获取失败", "获取合同套餐列表失败, Err:"+e.Error(), c)
-			return
-		}
-		contractServiceMap := make(map[int][]*fms.ContractService, 0)
-		servicesNameMap := make(map[int][]string, 0)
-		for i := range contractServiceList {
-			if contractServiceMap[contractServiceList[i].ContractRegisterId] == nil {
-				contractServiceMap[contractServiceList[i].ContractRegisterId] = make([]*fms.ContractService, 0)
-			}
-			contractServiceMap[contractServiceList[i].ContractRegisterId] = append(contractServiceMap[contractServiceList[i].ContractRegisterId], contractServiceList[i])
-			servicesNameMap[contractServiceList[i].ContractRegisterId] = append(servicesNameMap[contractServiceList[i].ContractRegisterId], contractServiceList[i].Title)
-		}
-		// 到款套餐分配
-		serviceAmountMap := make(map[int][]*fms.ContractPaymentServiceAmount, 0)
-		if len(paymentIds) > 0 {
-			serviceAmountCond := `contract_payment_id IN ?`
-			serviceAmountPars := make([]interface{}, 0)
-			serviceAmountPars = append(serviceAmountPars, paymentIds)
-			serviceAmountOB := new(fms.ContractPaymentServiceAmount)
-			serviceAmountList, e := serviceAmountOB.List(serviceAmountCond, serviceAmountPars)
-			if e != nil {
-				resp.FailMsg("获取失败", "获取到款套餐分配列表失败, Err:"+e.Error(), c)
-				return
-			}
-			for i := range serviceAmountList {
-				if serviceAmountMap[serviceAmountList[i].ContractRegisterId] == nil {
-					serviceAmountMap[serviceAmountList[i].ContractRegisterId] = make([]*fms.ContractPaymentServiceAmount, 0)
-				}
-				serviceAmountMap[serviceAmountList[i].ContractRegisterId] = append(serviceAmountMap[serviceAmountList[i].ContractRegisterId], serviceAmountList[i])
-			}
-		}
-		// 整合响应数据
-		respList := make([]*fms.InvoicePaymentCensusItem, 0)
-		for i := range list {
-			v := new(fms.InvoicePaymentCensusItem)
-			v.ContractRegisterId = list[i].ContractRegisterId
-			v.CompanyName = list[i].CompanyName
-			v.NewCompany = list[i].NewCompany
-			v.StartDate = list[i].StartDate.Format(utils.FormatDate)
-			v.EndDate = list[i].EndDate.Format(utils.FormatDate)
-			svList := servicesNameMap[list[i].ContractRegisterId]
-			v.ServicesName = strings.Join(svList, ",")
-			// 格式化(合并)开票到款数据
-			v.InvoicePaymentList = fmsService.MergeInvoiceList2InvoicePaymentCensusInfo(invoiceMap[list[i].ContractRegisterId], paymentMap[list[i].ContractRegisterId],
-				contractServiceMap[list[i].ContractRegisterId], serviceAmountMap[list[i].ContractRegisterId])
-			respList = append(respList, v)
-		}
-		// 开票到款金额合计(换算后)
-		amountTotalCond := `contract_register_id IN ?`
-		amountTotalPars := make([]interface{}, 0)
-		amountTotalPars = append(amountTotalPars, allRegisterIds)
-		amountTotalList, e := fms.GetContractInvoiceAmountTotal(amountTotalCond, amountTotalPars)
-		if e != nil {
-			resp.FailMsg("获取失败", "获取开票到款金额合计失败, Err:"+e.Error(), c)
-			return
-		}
-		amountTotalMap := make(map[int]float64)
-		for i := range amountTotalList {
-			amountTotalMap[amountTotalList[i].InvoiceType] = amountTotalList[i].TotalAmount
-		}
-		invoiceTotal, _ := strconv.ParseFloat(fmt.Sprintf("%.2f", amountTotalMap[fms.ContractInvoiceTypeMake]), 64)
-		paymentTotal, _ := strconv.ParseFloat(fmt.Sprintf("%.2f", amountTotalMap[fms.ContractInvoiceTypePay]), 64)
-		// 分币种金额统计
-		currencyOB := new(fms.CurrencyUnit)
-		currencyCond := `enable = 1`
-		currencyPars := make([]interface{}, 0)
-		currencyList, e := currencyOB.List(currencyCond, currencyPars)
-		if e != nil {
-			resp.FailMsg("获取失败", "获取货币列表失败, Err: "+e.Error(), c)
-			return
-		}
-		unitMap := make(map[string]string)
-		invoiceCurrencyTotals := make([]*fms.InvoiceListCurrencyTotal, 0)
-		paymentCurrencyTotals := make([]*fms.InvoiceListCurrencyTotal, 0)
-		for i := range currencyList {
-			unitMap[currencyList[i].Code] = currencyList[i].UnitName
-			invoiceCurrencyTotals = append(invoiceCurrencyTotals, &fms.InvoiceListCurrencyTotal{
-				Name:     currencyList[i].Name,
-				UnitName: currencyList[i].UnitName,
-				Code:     currencyList[i].Code,
-				FlagImg:  currencyList[i].FlagImg,
-			})
-			paymentCurrencyTotals = append(paymentCurrencyTotals, &fms.InvoiceListCurrencyTotal{
-				Name:     currencyList[i].Name,
-				UnitName: currencyList[i].UnitName,
-				Code:     currencyList[i].Code,
-				FlagImg:  currencyList[i].FlagImg,
-			})
-		}
-		sumList, e := fms.GetInvoiceListCurrencySum(amountTotalCond, amountTotalPars, "currency_unit, invoice_type")
-		if e != nil {
-			resp.FailMsg("获取失败", "获取商品到款统计货币合计金额失败, Err: "+e.Error(), c)
-			return
-		}
-		invoiceSumMap := make(map[string]float64)
-		paymentSumMap := make(map[string]float64)
-		for i := range sumList {
-			if sumList[i].InvoiceType == fms.ContractInvoiceTypeMake {
-				invoiceSumMap[sumList[i].CurrencyUnit] = sumList[i].OriginAmountTotal
-				continue
-			}
-			if sumList[i].InvoiceType == fms.ContractInvoiceTypePay {
-				paymentSumMap[sumList[i].CurrencyUnit] = sumList[i].OriginAmountTotal
-			}
-		}
-		for i := range invoiceCurrencyTotals {
-			a, _ := strconv.ParseFloat(fmt.Sprintf("%.2f", invoiceSumMap[invoiceCurrencyTotals[i].Code]), 64)
-			invoiceCurrencyTotals[i].Amount = a
-		}
-		for i := range paymentCurrencyTotals {
-			a, _ := strconv.ParseFloat(fmt.Sprintf("%.2f", paymentSumMap[paymentCurrencyTotals[i].Code]), 64)
-			paymentCurrencyTotals[i].Amount = a
-		}
-		results.DataList = respList
-		results.InvoiceTotal = invoiceTotal
-		results.PaymentTotal = paymentTotal
-		results.InvoiceCurrencyTotal = invoiceCurrencyTotals
-		results.PaymentCurrencyTotal = paymentCurrencyTotals
-	}
-	// 是否导出
-	if req.IsExport == 1 {
-		ExportInvoicePaymentCensusList(c, results)
-		return
-	}
-	page.SetTotal(total)
-	baseData := new(base.BaseData)
-	baseData.SetPage(page)
-	baseData.SetList(results)
-	resp.OkData("获取成功", baseData, c)
+//func (ct *InvoicePaymentController) List2(c *gin.Context) {
+//	var req fms.InvoicePaymentCensusListReq
+//	if e := c.BindQuery(&req); e != nil {
+//		err, ok := e.(validator.ValidationErrors)
+//		if !ok {
+//			resp.FailData("参数解析失败", "Err:"+e.Error(), c)
+//			return
+//		}
+//		resp.FailData("参数解析失败", err.Translate(global.Trans), c)
+//		return
+//	}
+//	cond := `1 = 1`
+//	pars := make([]interface{}, 0)
+//	// 合同编号/客户姓名/销售
+//	if req.Keyword != "" {
+//		kw := "%" + req.Keyword + "%"
+//		cond += ` AND b.company_name LIKE ? OR a.seller_name LIKE ?`
+//		pars = append(pars, kw, kw)
+//	}
+//	if req.SellGroupId > 0 {
+//		cond += ` AND a.seller_group_id = ?`
+//		pars = append(pars, req.SellGroupId)
+//	}
+//	// 套餐筛选
+//	if req.ServiceType != 0 {
+//		registerIds, e := fms.GetContractRegisterIdsByTempId(req.ServiceType)
+//		if e != nil {
+//			resp.FailMsg("获取失败", "获取合同登记IDs失败, Err: "+e.Error(), c)
+//			return
+//		}
+//		if len(registerIds) > 0 {
+//			cond += ` AND b.contract_register_id IN ?`
+//			pars = append(pars, registerIds)
+//		} else {
+//			cond += ` AND 1 = 2`
+//		}
+//	}
+//	// 开票到款日期
+//	if req.TimeType > 0 && req.StartDate != "" && req.EndDate != "" {
+//		st := fmt.Sprint(req.StartDate, " 00:00:00")
+//		ed := fmt.Sprint(req.EndDate, " 23:59:59")
+//		cond += ` AND a.invoice_type = ? AND (a.invoice_time BETWEEN ? AND ?)`
+//		pars = append(pars, req.TimeType, st, ed)
+//	}
+//	// 已开票
+//	if req.HasInvoice == 1 && req.HasPayment == 0 {
+//		cond += ` AND a.invoice_type = 1`
+//	}
+//	// 已到款
+//	if req.HasInvoice == 0 && req.HasPayment == 1 {
+//		cond += ` AND a.invoice_type = 2`
+//	}
+//	page := new(base.Page)
+//	page.SetPageSize(req.PageSize)
+//	page.SetCurrent(req.Current)
+//	page.AddOrderItem(base.OrderItem{Column: "a.create_time", Asc: false})
+//	page.AddOrderItem(base.OrderItem{Column: "b.contract_register_id", Asc: true})
+//	if req.IsExport == 1 {
+//		page.SetPageSize(10000)
+//		page.SetCurrent(1)
+//	}
+//	list, allRegisterIds, e := fms.GetInvoicePaymentCensusPageList(page, cond, pars)
+//	if e != nil {
+//		resp.FailMsg("获取失败", "获取商品到款统计列表失败, Err: "+e.Error(), c)
+//		return
+//	}
+//	total := int64(len(allRegisterIds))
+//	registerIds := make([]int, 0)
+//	for i := range list {
+//		registerIds = append(registerIds, list[i].ContractRegisterId)
+//	}
+//	results := new(fms.InvoicePaymentCensusResp)
+//	if len(registerIds) > 0 {
+//		// 获取开票到款列表
+//		ivCond := `contract_register_id IN ?`
+//		ivPars := make([]interface{}, 0)
+//		ivPars = append(ivPars, registerIds)
+//		iv := new(fms.ContractInvoice)
+//		invoiceList, e := iv.List(ivCond, ivPars, "")
+//		if e != nil {
+//			resp.FailMsg("获取失败", "获取开票到款列表失败, Err: "+e.Error(), c)
+//			return
+//		}
+//		// 取出开票、到款
+//		invoiceMap := make(map[int][]*fms.ContractInvoice, 0)
+//		paymentMap := make(map[int][]*fms.ContractInvoice, 0)
+//		paymentIds := make([]int, 0)
+//		for i := range invoiceList {
+//			if invoiceMap[invoiceList[i].ContractRegisterId] == nil {
+//				invoiceMap[invoiceList[i].ContractRegisterId] = make([]*fms.ContractInvoice, 0)
+//			}
+//			if paymentMap[invoiceList[i].ContractRegisterId] == nil {
+//				paymentMap[invoiceList[i].ContractRegisterId] = make([]*fms.ContractInvoice, 0)
+//			}
+//			if invoiceList[i].InvoiceType == fms.ContractInvoiceTypeMake {
+//				invoiceMap[invoiceList[i].ContractRegisterId] = append(invoiceMap[invoiceList[i].ContractRegisterId], invoiceList[i])
+//			}
+//			if invoiceList[i].InvoiceType == fms.ContractInvoiceTypePay {
+//				paymentMap[invoiceList[i].ContractRegisterId] = append(paymentMap[invoiceList[i].ContractRegisterId], invoiceList[i])
+//				paymentIds = append(paymentIds, invoiceList[i].ContractInvoiceId)
+//			}
+//		}
+//		// 合同套餐
+//		contractServiceCond := `contract_register_id IN ?`
+//		contractServicePars := make([]interface{}, 0)
+//		contractServicePars = append(contractServicePars, registerIds)
+//		contractServiceOB := new(fms.ContractService)
+//		contractServiceList, e := contractServiceOB.List(contractServiceCond, contractServicePars)
+//		if e != nil {
+//			resp.FailMsg("获取失败", "获取合同套餐列表失败, Err:"+e.Error(), c)
+//			return
+//		}
+//		contractServiceMap := make(map[int][]*fms.ContractService, 0)
+//		servicesNameMap := make(map[int][]string, 0)
+//		for i := range contractServiceList {
+//			if contractServiceMap[contractServiceList[i].ContractRegisterId] == nil {
+//				contractServiceMap[contractServiceList[i].ContractRegisterId] = make([]*fms.ContractService, 0)
+//			}
+//			contractServiceMap[contractServiceList[i].ContractRegisterId] = append(contractServiceMap[contractServiceList[i].ContractRegisterId], contractServiceList[i])
+//			servicesNameMap[contractServiceList[i].ContractRegisterId] = append(servicesNameMap[contractServiceList[i].ContractRegisterId], contractServiceList[i].Title)
+//		}
+//		// 到款套餐分配
+//		serviceAmountMap := make(map[int][]*fms.ContractPaymentServiceAmount, 0)
+//		if len(paymentIds) > 0 {
+//			serviceAmountCond := `contract_payment_id IN ?`
+//			serviceAmountPars := make([]interface{}, 0)
+//			serviceAmountPars = append(serviceAmountPars, paymentIds)
+//			serviceAmountOB := new(fms.ContractPaymentServiceAmount)
+//			serviceAmountList, e := serviceAmountOB.List(serviceAmountCond, serviceAmountPars)
+//			if e != nil {
+//				resp.FailMsg("获取失败", "获取到款套餐分配列表失败, Err:"+e.Error(), c)
+//				return
+//			}
+//			for i := range serviceAmountList {
+//				if serviceAmountMap[serviceAmountList[i].ContractRegisterId] == nil {
+//					serviceAmountMap[serviceAmountList[i].ContractRegisterId] = make([]*fms.ContractPaymentServiceAmount, 0)
+//				}
+//				serviceAmountMap[serviceAmountList[i].ContractRegisterId] = append(serviceAmountMap[serviceAmountList[i].ContractRegisterId], serviceAmountList[i])
+//			}
+//		}
+//		// 整合响应数据
+//		respList := make([]*fms.InvoicePaymentCensusItem, 0)
+//		for i := range list {
+//			v := new(fms.InvoicePaymentCensusItem)
+//			v.ContractRegisterId = list[i].ContractRegisterId
+//			v.CompanyName = list[i].CompanyName
+//			v.NewCompany = list[i].NewCompany
+//			v.StartDate = list[i].StartDate.Format(utils.FormatDate)
+//			v.EndDate = list[i].EndDate.Format(utils.FormatDate)
+//			svList := servicesNameMap[list[i].ContractRegisterId]
+//			v.ServicesName = strings.Join(svList, ",")
+//			// 格式化(合并)开票到款数据
+//			v.InvoicePaymentList = fmsService.MergeInvoiceList2InvoicePaymentCensusInfo(invoiceMap[list[i].ContractRegisterId], paymentMap[list[i].ContractRegisterId],
+//				contractServiceMap[list[i].ContractRegisterId], serviceAmountMap[list[i].ContractRegisterId])
+//			respList = append(respList, v)
+//		}
+//		// 开票到款金额合计(换算后)
+//		amountTotalCond := `contract_register_id IN ?`
+//		amountTotalPars := make([]interface{}, 0)
+//		amountTotalPars = append(amountTotalPars, allRegisterIds)
+//		amountTotalList, e := fms.GetContractInvoiceAmountTotal(amountTotalCond, amountTotalPars)
+//		if e != nil {
+//			resp.FailMsg("获取失败", "获取开票到款金额合计失败, Err:"+e.Error(), c)
+//			return
+//		}
+//		amountTotalMap := make(map[int]float64)
+//		for i := range amountTotalList {
+//			amountTotalMap[amountTotalList[i].InvoiceType] = amountTotalList[i].TotalAmount
+//		}
+//		invoiceTotal, _ := strconv.ParseFloat(fmt.Sprintf("%.2f", amountTotalMap[fms.ContractInvoiceTypeMake]), 64)
+//		paymentTotal, _ := strconv.ParseFloat(fmt.Sprintf("%.2f", amountTotalMap[fms.ContractInvoiceTypePay]), 64)
+//		// 分币种金额统计
+//		currencyOB := new(fms.CurrencyUnit)
+//		currencyCond := `enable = 1`
+//		currencyPars := make([]interface{}, 0)
+//		currencyList, e := currencyOB.List(currencyCond, currencyPars)
+//		if e != nil {
+//			resp.FailMsg("获取失败", "获取货币列表失败, Err: "+e.Error(), c)
+//			return
+//		}
+//		unitMap := make(map[string]string)
+//		invoiceCurrencyTotals := make([]*fms.InvoiceListCurrencyTotal, 0)
+//		paymentCurrencyTotals := make([]*fms.InvoiceListCurrencyTotal, 0)
+//		for i := range currencyList {
+//			unitMap[currencyList[i].Code] = currencyList[i].UnitName
+//			invoiceCurrencyTotals = append(invoiceCurrencyTotals, &fms.InvoiceListCurrencyTotal{
+//				Name:     currencyList[i].Name,
+//				UnitName: currencyList[i].UnitName,
+//				Code:     currencyList[i].Code,
+//				FlagImg:  currencyList[i].FlagImg,
+//			})
+//			paymentCurrencyTotals = append(paymentCurrencyTotals, &fms.InvoiceListCurrencyTotal{
+//				Name:     currencyList[i].Name,
+//				UnitName: currencyList[i].UnitName,
+//				Code:     currencyList[i].Code,
+//				FlagImg:  currencyList[i].FlagImg,
+//			})
+//		}
+//		sumList, e := fms.GetInvoiceListCurrencySum(amountTotalCond, amountTotalPars, "currency_unit, invoice_type")
+//		if e != nil {
+//			resp.FailMsg("获取失败", "获取商品到款统计货币合计金额失败, Err: "+e.Error(), c)
+//			return
+//		}
+//		invoiceSumMap := make(map[string]float64)
+//		paymentSumMap := make(map[string]float64)
+//		for i := range sumList {
+//			if sumList[i].InvoiceType == fms.ContractInvoiceTypeMake {
+//				invoiceSumMap[sumList[i].CurrencyUnit] = sumList[i].OriginAmountTotal
+//				continue
+//			}
+//			if sumList[i].InvoiceType == fms.ContractInvoiceTypePay {
+//				paymentSumMap[sumList[i].CurrencyUnit] = sumList[i].OriginAmountTotal
+//			}
+//		}
+//		for i := range invoiceCurrencyTotals {
+//			a, _ := strconv.ParseFloat(fmt.Sprintf("%.2f", invoiceSumMap[invoiceCurrencyTotals[i].Code]), 64)
+//			invoiceCurrencyTotals[i].Amount = a
+//		}
+//		for i := range paymentCurrencyTotals {
+//			a, _ := strconv.ParseFloat(fmt.Sprintf("%.2f", paymentSumMap[paymentCurrencyTotals[i].Code]), 64)
+//			paymentCurrencyTotals[i].Amount = a
+//		}
+//		results.DataList = respList
+//		results.InvoiceTotal = invoiceTotal
+//		results.PaymentTotal = paymentTotal
+//		results.InvoiceCurrencyTotal = invoiceCurrencyTotals
+//		results.PaymentCurrencyTotal = paymentCurrencyTotals
+//	}
+//	// 是否导出
+//	if req.IsExport == 1 {
+//		ExportInvoicePaymentCensusList(c, results)
+//		return
+//	}
+//	page.SetTotal(total)
+//	baseData := new(base.BaseData)
+//	baseData.SetPage(page)
+//	baseData.SetList(results)
+//	resp.OkData("获取成功", baseData, c)
 // ExportInvoicePaymentCensusList 导出商品到款统计列表
 func ExportInvoicePaymentCensusList(c *gin.Context, results *fms.InvoicePaymentCensusResp) {
@@ -517,33 +516,45 @@ func (ct *InvoicePaymentController) List(c *gin.Context) {
 	results := new(fms.InvoicePaymentCensusResp)
 	if len(queryRegisterIds) > 0 {
-		// 获取汇总数据
-		summaryCond := `a.register_id IN ?`
-		summaryPars := make([]interface{}, 0)
-		summaryPars = append(summaryPars, queryRegisterIds)
-		summaryList, e := fms.GetInvoicePaymentCensusSummaryData(summaryCond, summaryPars)
+		// 获取汇总数据IDs, 用于查询合计数据
+		summaryIdsCond := cond
+		summaryIdsPars := pars
+		summaryIds, e := fms.GetInvoicePaymentCensusSummaryDataIds(summaryIdsCond, summaryIdsPars)
 		if e != nil {
-			resp.FailMsg("获取失败", "获取商品到款汇总列表失败, Err: "+e.Error(), c)
+			resp.FailMsg("获取失败", "获取商品到款汇总IDs失败, Err: "+e.Error(), c)
-		summaryIds := make([]int, 0)
-		paymentIds := make([]int, 0)
-		for i := range summaryList {
-			summaryIds = append(summaryIds, summaryList[i].SummaryId)
-			if summaryList[i].PaymentId > 0 {
-				paymentIds = append(paymentIds, summaryList[i].PaymentId)
-			}
-		}
 		var listErr, totalErr, totalGroupErr error
 		wg := sync.WaitGroup{}
 		// 响应列表
 		respList := make([]*fms.InvoicePaymentCensusItem, 0)
+		summaryList := make([]*fms.InvoicePaymentSummaryItem, 0)
 		go func() {
 			defer wg.Done()
+			// 获取汇总数据
+			summaryCond := cond
+			summaryCond += ` AND a.register_id IN ?`
+			summaryPars := pars
+			summaryPars = append(summaryPars, queryRegisterIds)
+			summaryData, e := fms.GetInvoicePaymentCensusSummaryData(summaryCond, summaryPars)
+			if e != nil {
+				resp.FailMsg("获取失败", "获取商品到款汇总列表失败, Err: "+e.Error(), c)
+				return
+			}
+			summaryList = summaryData
+			//summaryIds := make([]int, 0)
+			paymentIds := make([]int, 0)
+			for i := range summaryList {
+				//summaryIds = append(summaryIds, summaryList[i].SummaryId)
+				if summaryList[i].PaymentId > 0 {
+					paymentIds = append(paymentIds, summaryList[i].PaymentId)
+				}
+			}
 			// 合同套餐
 			contractServiceCond := `contract_register_id IN ?`
 			contractServicePars := make([]interface{}, 0)

+ 22 - 0

@@ -67,6 +67,16 @@ func GetInvoicePaymentCensusPageList(page base.IPage, condition string, pars []i
 		Where(condition, pars...).
+	//summaryQuery := global.DEFAULT_MYSQL.Table("invoice_payment_summary AS a").
+	//	Select("a.id").
+	//	Joins("JOIN contract_register AS b ON a.register_id = b.contract_register_id AND b.is_deleted = 0").
+	//	Joins("LEFT JOIN contract_invoice AS c ON a.invoice_id = c.contract_invoice_id AND c.is_deleted = 0").
+	//	Joins("LEFT JOIN contract_invoice AS d ON a.payment_id = d.contract_invoice_id AND d.is_deleted = 0").
+	//	Where(condition, pars...)
+	//summaryQuery.Find(&summaryIds)
+	//err = summaryQuery.Limit(int(page.GetPageSize())).Offset(int(page.Offset())).Find(&summaryPageIds).Error
+	//Group("a.register_id")
@@ -106,6 +116,18 @@ func GetInvoicePaymentCensusSummaryData(condition string, pars []interface{}) (r
+// GetInvoicePaymentCensusSummaryDataIds 获取商品到款统计列表-汇总数据IDs
+func GetInvoicePaymentCensusSummaryDataIds(condition string, pars []interface{}) (summaryIds []int, err error) {
+	query := global.DEFAULT_MYSQL.Table("invoice_payment_summary AS a").
+		Select("a.id AS summary_id").
+		Joins("JOIN contract_register AS b ON a.register_id = b.contract_register_id AND b.is_deleted = 0").
+		Joins("LEFT JOIN contract_invoice AS c ON a.invoice_id = c.contract_invoice_id AND c.is_deleted = 0").
+		Joins("LEFT JOIN contract_invoice AS d ON a.payment_id = d.contract_invoice_id AND d.is_deleted = 0").
+		Where(condition, pars...)
+	query.Find(&summaryIds)
+	return
 // GetContractSummaryInvoicePaymentAmountTotal 获取汇总金额合计信息
 func GetContractSummaryInvoicePaymentAmountTotal(condition string, pars []interface{}, amountType int) (amountTotal float64, err error) {
 	joinCond := `a.invoice_id = b.contract_invoice_id`