Selaa lähdekoodia


tuoling805 1 vuosi sitten
20 muutettua tiedostoa jossa 1652 lisäystä ja 0 poistoa
  1. 5 0
  2. 81 0
  3. 69 0
  4. 58 0
  5. 34 0
  6. 137 0
  7. 15 0
  8. 35 0
  9. 44 0
  10. 31 0
  11. 45 0
  12. 24 0
  13. 13 0
  14. 574 0
  15. 49 0
  16. 90 0
  17. 187 0
  18. 56 0
  19. 45 0
  20. 60 0

+ 5 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@

+ 81 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+package controllers
+import (
+	"encoding/json"
+	"eta/eta_report/models"
+	"eta/eta_report/services"
+	"eta/eta_report/utils"
+	"fmt"
+	""
+	"net/http"
+type BaseAuthController struct {
+	web.Controller
+	Token string
+func (this *BaseAuthController) Prepare() {
+	fmt.Println("enter prepare")
+	method := this.Ctx.Input.Method()
+	uri := this.Ctx.Input.URI()
+	fmt.Println("Url:", uri)
+	if method != "HEAD" {
+		if method == "POST" || method == "GET" {
+		}
+	} else {
+		this.JSON(models.BaseResponse{Ret: 408, Msg: "请求异常,请联系客服!", ErrMsg: "POST之外的请求,暂不支持"}, false, false)
+		this.StopRun()
+		return
+	}
+func (c *BaseAuthController) ServeJSON(encoding ...bool) {
+	var (
+		hasIndent   = false
+		hasEncoding = false
+	)
+	if web.BConfig.RunMode == web.PROD {
+		hasIndent = false
+	}
+	if len(encoding) > 0 && encoding[0] == true {
+		hasEncoding = true
+	}
+	if c.Data["json"] == nil {
+		go utils.SendEmail(utils.APPNAME+" "+utils.RunMode+"异常提醒:", "接口:"+"URI:"+c.Ctx.Input.URI()+";无返回值", utils.EmailSendToUsers)
+		return
+	}
+	baseRes := c.Data["json"].(*models.BaseResponse)
+	if baseRes != nil && baseRes.Ret != 200 && baseRes.Ret != 408 && baseRes.IsSendEmail {
+		body, _ := json.Marshal(baseRes)
+		go utils.SendEmail(utils.APPNAME+" "+utils.RunMode+" 失败提醒", "URI:"+c.Ctx.Input.URI()+"<br/> ErrMsg:"+baseRes.ErrMsg+";<br/>Msg:"+baseRes.Msg+";<br/> Body:"+string(body), utils.EmailSendToUsers)
+	}
+	c.JSON(c.Data["json"], hasIndent, hasEncoding)
+func (c *BaseAuthController) JSON(data interface{}, hasIndent bool, coding bool) error {
+	c.Ctx.Output.Header("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=utf-8")
+	var content []byte
+	var err error
+	if hasIndent {
+		content, err = json.MarshalIndent(data, "", "  ")
+	} else {
+		content, err = json.Marshal(data)
+	}
+	if err != nil {
+		http.Error(c.Ctx.Output.Context.ResponseWriter, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
+		return err
+	}
+	if coding {
+		content = []byte(utils.StringsToJSON(string(content)))
+	}
+	// 数据加密
+	if services.CheckEncryption() {
+		content = utils.DesBase64Encrypt(content)
+		// get请求时,不加双引号就获取不到数据,不知道什么原因,所以还是在前后加上双引号吧
+		content = []byte(`"` + string(content) + `"`)
+	}
+	return c.Ctx.Output.Body(content)

+ 69 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+package controllers
+import (
+	"encoding/json"
+	"eta/eta_report/models"
+	"eta/eta_report/services"
+	"eta/eta_report/utils"
+	""
+	"net/http"
+type BaseCommonController struct {
+	web.Controller
+	Token string
+func (this *BaseCommonController) Prepare() {
+func (c *BaseCommonController) ServeJSON(encoding ...bool) {
+	var (
+		hasIndent   = false
+		hasEncoding = false
+	)
+	if web.BConfig.RunMode == web.PROD {
+		hasIndent = false
+	}
+	if len(encoding) > 0 && encoding[0] == true {
+		hasEncoding = true
+	}
+	if c.Data["json"] == nil {
+		go utils.SendEmail(utils.APPNAME+" "+utils.RunMode+"异常提醒", "接口:"+"URI:"+c.Ctx.Input.URI()+";无返回值", utils.EmailSendToUsers)
+		return
+	}
+	baseRes := c.Data["json"].(*models.BaseResponse)
+	if baseRes != nil && !baseRes.Success && baseRes.IsSendEmail {
+		go utils.SendEmail(utils.APPNAME+" "+utils.RunMode+" 失败提醒", "URI:"+c.Ctx.Input.URI()+" ErrMsg:"+baseRes.ErrMsg+";Msg"+baseRes.Msg, utils.EmailSendToUsers)
+	}
+	c.JSON(c.Data["json"], hasIndent, hasEncoding)
+func (c *BaseCommonController) JSON(data interface{}, hasIndent bool, coding bool) error {
+	c.Ctx.Output.Header("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=utf-8")
+	var content []byte
+	var err error
+	if hasIndent {
+		content, err = json.MarshalIndent(data, "", "  ")
+	} else {
+		content, err = json.Marshal(data)
+	}
+	if err != nil {
+		http.Error(c.Ctx.Output.Context.ResponseWriter, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
+		return err
+	}
+	if coding {
+		content = []byte(utils.StringsToJSON(string(content)))
+	}
+	// 数据加密
+	if services.CheckEncryption() {
+		content = utils.DesBase64Encrypt(content)
+		// get请求时,不加双引号就获取不到数据,不知道什么原因,所以还是在前后加上双引号吧
+		content = []byte(`"` + string(content) + `"`)
+	}
+	return c.Ctx.Output.Body(content)

+ 58 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+package controllers
+import (
+	"eta/eta_report/models"
+	"html"
+// ReportShareController 报告分享
+type ReportShareController struct {
+	BaseCommonController
+// Detail
+// @Title 日评详情
+// @Description 日评详情接口
+// @Param   ReportCode   query   string  true       "报告唯一编码"
+// @Success 200 {object} models.ReportShareDetailResp
+// @router /share/detail [get]
+func (this *ReportShareController) Detail() {
+	br := new(models.BaseResponse).Init()
+	defer func() {
+		this.Data["json"] = br
+		this.ServeJSON()
+	}()
+	reportCode := this.GetString("ReportCode")
+	if reportCode == "" {
+		br.Msg = "参数错误"
+		br.ErrMsg = "参数错误,reportCode 为空"
+		return
+	}
+	report, err := models.GetReportByCode(reportCode)
+	if err != nil {
+		br.Msg = "该报告已删除"
+		br.ErrMsg = "获取报告详情失败,Err:" + err.Error()
+		return
+	}
+	report.ContentSub = html.UnescapeString(report.ContentSub)
+	report.Content = html.UnescapeString(report.Content)
+	resp := new(models.ReportShareDetailResp)
+	// 免责声明
+	conf, e := models.GetBusinessConf()
+	if e != nil {
+		br.Msg = "获取失败"
+		br.ErrMsg = "获取免责声明失败, Err: " + e.Error()
+		return
+	}
+	if conf[models.BusinessConfDisclaimer] != "" {
+		resp.Disclaimer = conf[models.BusinessConfDisclaimer]
+	}
+	resp.Report = report
+	br.Ret = 200
+	br.Success = true
+	br.Msg = "获取成功"
+	br.Data = resp

+ 34 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+module eta/eta_report
+go 1.19
+require (
+ v2.1.0
+ v3.2.0+incompatible
+ v1.7.0
+ v0.0.0-20230814145427-12f4cb8177e4
+ v2.0.0-20160411212932-81ebce5c23df
+require (
+ v1.0.1 // indirect
+ v2.2.0 // indirect
+ v1.5.3 // indirect
+ v0.5.4 // indirect
+ v0.2.0 // indirect
+ v1.0.4 // indirect
+ v1.5.0 // indirect
+ v0.9.1 // indirect
+ v1.16.0 // indirect
+ v0.3.0 // indirect
+ v0.42.0 // indirect
+ v0.10.1 // indirect
+ v0.0.0-20200904210342-c7312218db18 // indirect
+ v0.10.0 // indirect
+ v0.10.0 // indirect
+ v0.9.0 // indirect
+ v0.10.0 // indirect
+ v1.30.0 // indirect
+ v3.0.0-20150716171945-2caba252f4dc // indirect
+ v3.0.1 // indirect

+ 137 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@ v0.26.0/go.mod h1:aQUYkXzVsufM+DwF1aE+0xfcU+56JwCaLick0ClmMTw= v0.3.1/go.mod h1:xHWCNGjB5oqiDr8zfno3MHue2Ht5sIBksp03qcyfWMU= v2.1.0 h1:Lk0FtQGvDQCx5V5yEu4XwDsIgt+QOlNjt5emUa3/ZmA= v2.1.0/go.mod h1:6h36ISpaxNrrpJ27siTpXBG8d/Icjzsc7pU1bWpp0EE= v1.0.1 h1:VlbKKnNfV8bJzeqoa4cOKqO6bYr3WgKZxO8Z16+hsOM= v1.0.1/go.mod h1:G2ZrVWU2WbWT9wwq4/hrbKbnv/1ERSJQ0ibhJ6rlkpw= v0.2.1/go.mod h1:f6KPmirojxKA12rnyqOA5BBL4O983OfeGPqjHWSTneU= v2.2.0 h1:DC2CZ1Ep5Y4k3ZQ899DldepgrayRUGE6BBZ/cd9Cj44= v2.2.0/go.mod h1:VGX0DQ3Q6kWi7AoAeZDth3/j3BFtOZR5XLFGgcrjCOs= v1.1.10/go.mod h1:+Ywpsq7O8HXn0nuIou7OrIPyXbp3wmkHB+jjWRnGsAI= v0.0.0-20180603132655-2972be24d48e/go.mod h1:nSuG5e5PlCu98SY8svDHJxuZscDgtXS6KTTbou5AhLI= v0.0.0-20180213035817-a1ea475d72b1/go.mod h1:Q3SI9o4m/ZMnBNeIyt5eFwwo7qiLfzFZmjNmxjkiQlU= v0.3.4/go.mod h1:qj6jICC3Q7zFZvVWo7KLAzC3yx5G7kyvSDkc90ppPyw= v1.1.9/go.mod h1:oKZEueFk5CKHvIhNR5MUki03XCEU+Q6VDXinZuGJ33E= v1.1.1 h1:vj9j/u1bqnvCEfJOwUhtlOARqs3+rkHYY13jYWTU97c= v3.2.0+incompatible 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h1:o4eNf7Ede1fv+hwOwZsTHl9EsPFO6q6ZvYR8vYfY45I= v0.0.0-20190121172915-509febef88a4/go.mod h1:CJ0aWSM057203Lf6IL+f9T1iT9GByDxfZKAQTCR3kQA= v0.0.0-20181026193005-c67002cb31c3/go.mod h1:UVdnD1Gm6xHRNCYTkRU2/jEulfH38KcIWyp/GAMgvoE= v0.0.0-20190227174305-5b3e6a55c961/go.mod h1:wehouNa3lNwaWXcvxsM5YxQ5yQlVC4a0KAMCusXpPoU= v0.0.0-20190313153728-d0100b6bd8b3/go.mod h1:6SW0HCj/g11FgYtHlgUYUwCkIfeOF89ocIRzGO/8vkc= v0.0.0-20180724234803-3673e40ba225/go.mod h1:mL1N/T3taQHkDXs73rZJwtUhF3w3ftmwwsq0BUmARs4= v0.0.0-20180826012351-8a410e7b638d/go.mod h1:mL1N/T3taQHkDXs73rZJwtUhF3w3ftmwwsq0BUmARs4= v0.0.0-20190213061140-3a22650c66bd/go.mod h1:mL1N/T3taQHkDXs73rZJwtUhF3w3ftmwwsq0BUmARs4= v0.0.0-20190311183353-d8887717615a/go.mod h1:t9HGtf8HONx5eT2rtn7q6eTqICYqUVnKs3thJo3Qplg= v0.10.0 h1:X2//UzNDwYmtCLn7To6G58Wr6f5ahEAQgKNzv9Y951M= v0.10.0/go.mod h1:0qNGK6F8kojg2nk9dLZ2mShWaEBan6FAoqfSigmmuDg= v0.0.0-20180821212333-d2e6202438be/go.mod h1:N/0e6XlmueqKjAGxoOufVs8QHGRruUQn6yWY3a++T0U= v0.0.0-20180314180146-1d60e4601c6f/go.mod h1:RxMgew5VJxzue5/jJTE5uejpjVlOe/izrB70Jof72aM= v0.0.0-20181108010431-42b317875d0f/go.mod h1:RxMgew5VJxzue5/jJTE5uejpjVlOe/izrB70Jof72aM= v0.0.0-20181221193216-37e7f081c4d4/go.mod h1:RxMgew5VJxzue5/jJTE5uejpjVlOe/izrB70Jof72aM= v0.0.0-20190423024810-112230192c58/go.mod h1:RxMgew5VJxzue5/jJTE5uejpjVlOe/izrB70Jof72aM= v0.0.0-20180830151530-49385e6e1522/go.mod h1:STP8DvDyc/dI5b8T5hshtkjS+E42TnysNCUPdjciGhY= v0.0.0-20190215142949-d0b11bdaac8a/go.mod h1:STP8DvDyc/dI5b8T5hshtkjS+E42TnysNCUPdjciGhY= v0.0.0-20210615035016-665e8c7367d1/go.mod h1:oPkhp1MJrh7nUepCBck5+mAzfO9JrbApNNgaTdGDITg= v0.0.0-20220715151400-c0bba94af5f8/go.mod h1:oPkhp1MJrh7nUepCBck5+mAzfO9JrbApNNgaTdGDITg= v0.9.0 h1:KS/R3tvhPqvJvwcKfnBHJwwthS11LRhmM5D59eEXa0s= v0.9.0/go.mod h1:oPkhp1MJrh7nUepCBck5+mAzfO9JrbApNNgaTdGDITg= v0.0.0-20220526004731-065cf7ba2467/go.mod h1:jbD1KX2456YbFQfuXm/mYQcufACuNUgVhRMnK/tPxf8= v0.3.0/go.mod h1:NqM8EUOU14njkJ3fqMW+pc6Ldnwhi/IjpwHt7yyuwOQ= v0.10.0 h1:UpjohKhiEgNc0CSauXmwYftY1+LlaC75SJwh0SgCX58= v0.10.0/go.mod h1:TvPlkZtksWOMsz7fbANvkp4WM8x/WCo/om8BMLbz+aE= v0.0.0-20190114222345-bf090417da8b/go.mod h1:n7NCudcB/nEzxVGmLbDWY5pfWTLqBcC2KZ6jyYvM4mQ= v0.0.0-20190226205152-f727befe758c/go.mod h1:9Yl7xja0Znq3iFh3HoIrodX9oNMXvdceNzlUR8zjMvY= v0.0.0-20190311212946-11955173bddd/go.mod h1:LCzVGOaR6xXOjkQ3onu1FJEFr0SW1gC7cKk1uF8kGRs= v0.0.0-20190524140312-2c0ae7006135/go.mod h1:RgjU9mgBXZiqYHBnxXauZ1Gv1EHHAz9KjViQ78xBX0Q= v0.0.0-20191204190536-9bdfabe68543/go.mod h1:I/5z698sn9Ka8TeJc9MKroUUfqBBauWjQqLJ2OPfmY0= v0.0.0-20200804184101-5ec99f83aff1/go.mod h1:I/5z698sn9Ka8TeJc9MKroUUfqBBauWjQqLJ2OPfmY0= v1.1.0/go.mod h1:EbEs0AVv82hx2wNQdGPgUI5lhzA/G0D9YwlJXL52JkM= v1.4.0/go.mod h1:xpcJRLb0r/rnEns0DIKYYv+WjYCduHsrkT7/EB5XEv4= v0.0.0-20180817151627-c66870c02cf8/go.mod h1:JiN7NxoALGmiZfu7CAH4rXhgtRTLTxftemlI0sWmxmc= v0.0.0-20190819201941-24fa4b261c55/go.mod h1:DMBHOl98Agz4BDEuKkezgsaosCRResVns1a3J2ZsMNc= v0.0.0-20200526211855-cb27e3aa2013/go.mod h1:NbSheEEYHJ7i3ixzK3sjbqSGDJWnxyFXZblF3eUsNvo= v1.19.0/go.mod h1:mqu4LbDTu4XGKhr4mRzUsmM4RtVoemTSY81AxZiDr8c= v1.23.0/go.mod h1:Y5yQAOtifL1yxbo5wqy6BxZv8vAUGQwXBOALyacEbxg= v1.27.0/go.mod h1:qbnxyOmOxrQa7FizSgH+ReBfzJrCY1pSN7KXBS8abTk= v0.0.0-20200109180630-ec00e32a8dfd/go.mod h1:DFci5gLYBciE7Vtevhsrf46CRTquxDuWsQurQQe4oz8= v0.0.0-20200221191635-4d8936d0db64/go.mod h1:kwYJMbMJ01Woi6D6+Kah6886xMZcty6N08ah7+eCXa0= v0.0.0-20200228230310-ab0ca4ff8a60/go.mod h1:cfTl7dwQJ+fmap5saPgwCLgHXTUD7jkjRqWcaiX5VyM= v1.20.1-0.20200309200217-e05f789c0967/go.mod h1:A+miEFZTKqfCUM6K7xSMQL9OKL/b6hQv+e19PK+JZNE= v1.21.0/go.mod h1:47Nbq4nVaFHyn7ilMalzfO3qCViNmqZ2kzikPIcrTAo= v1.22.0/go.mod h1:EGpADcykh3NcUnDUJcl1+ZksZNG86OlYog2l/sGQquU= v1.23.1-0.20200526195155-81db48ad09cc/go.mod h1:EGpADcykh3NcUnDUJcl1+ZksZNG86OlYog2l/sGQquU= v1.25.0/go.mod h1:9JNX74DMeImyA3h4bdi1ymwjUzf21/xIlbajtzgsN7c= v1.26.0-rc.1/go.mod h1:jlhhOSvTdKEhbULTjvd4ARK9grFBp09yW+WbY/TyQbw= v1.26.0/go.mod h1:9q0QmTI4eRPtz6boOQmLYwt+qCgq0jsYwAQnmE0givc= v1.30.0 h1:kPPoIgf3TsEvrm0PFe15JQ+570QVxYzEvvHqChK+cng= v1.30.0/go.mod h1:HV8QOd/L58Z+nl8r43ehVNZIU/HEI6OcFqwMG9pJV4I= v3.0.0-20150716171945-2caba252f4dc h1:2gGKlE2+asNV9m7xrywl36YYNnBG5ZQ0r/BOOxqPpmk= v3.0.0-20150716171945-2caba252f4dc/go.mod h1:m7x9LTH6d71AHyAX77c9yqWCCa3UKHcVEj9y7hAtKDk= v0.0.0-20161208181325-20d25e280405/go.mod h1:Co6ibVJAznAaIkqp8huTwlJQCZ016jof/cbN4VW5Yz0= v1.0.0-20201130134442-10cb98267c6c h1:Hei/4ADfdWqJk1ZMxUNpqntNwaWcugrBjAiHlqqRiVk= v2.0.0-20160411212932-81ebce5c23df h1:n7WqCuqOuCbNr617RXOY0AWRXxgwEyPp2z+p0+hgMuE= v2.0.0-20160411212932-81ebce5c23df/go.mod h1:LRQQ+SO6ZHR7tOkpBDuZnXENFzX8qRjMDMyPD6BRkCw= v3.0.1 h1:fxVm/GzAzEWqLHuvctI91KS9hhNmmWOoWu0XTYJS7CA= v3.0.1/go.mod h1:K4uyk7z7BCEPqu6E+C64Yfv1cQ7kz7rIZviUmN+EgEM= v0.0.0-20190102054323-c2f93a96b099/go.mod h1:rf3lG4BRIbNafJWhAfAdb/ePZxsR/4RtNHQocxwk9r4= v0.0.0-20190523083050-ea95bdfd59fc/go.mod h1:rf3lG4BRIbNafJWhAfAdb/ePZxsR/4RtNHQocxwk9r4=

+ 15 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+package main
+import (
+	_ "eta/eta_report/routers"
+	""
+func main() {
+	if web.BConfig.RunMode == "dev" {
+		web.BConfig.WebConfig.DirectoryIndex = true
+		web.BConfig.WebConfig.StaticDir["/swagger"] = "swagger"
+	}
+	web.Run()

+ 35 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+package models
+type BaseResponse struct {
+	Ret     int
+	Msg     string
+	ErrMsg  string
+	ErrCode string
+	Data    interface{}
+	Success bool `description:"true 执行成功,false 执行失败"`
+	IsSendEmail bool `json:"-"`
+type BaseResponseRef struct {
+	Ret     int
+	Msg     string
+	ErrMsg  string
+	ErrCode string
+	Data    string
+type BaseResponseResult struct {
+	Ret     int    `description:"状态:200 成功,408 重新登录,403:为失败"`
+	Msg     string `description:"提示信息,对用户展示"`
+	ErrMsg  string `description:"错误信息,供开发定位问题"`
+	ErrCode string `description:"错误编码,预留"`
+	Data    string `description:"返回数据,json格式字符串"`
+func (r *BaseResponse) Init() *BaseResponse {
+	return &BaseResponse{Ret: 403,IsSendEmail: true}
+type RunLogReq struct {
+	RunMsg string

+ 44 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+package models
+import (
+	""
+	"html"
+	"time"
+const (
+	BusinessConfDisclaimer = "Disclaimer"
+// BusinessConf 商户配置表
+type BusinessConf struct {
+	Id         int    `orm:"column(id);pk"`
+	ConfKey    string `description:"配置Key"`
+	ConfVal    string `description:"配置值"`
+	ValType    int    `description:"1-字符串;2-数值;3-字符串数组;4-富文本;"`
+	Necessary  int    `description:"是否必填:0-否;1-是"`
+	Remark     string `description:"备注"`
+	CreateTime time.Time
+// GetBusinessConf 获取商家配置
+func GetBusinessConf() (list map[string]string, err error) {
+	list = make(map[string]string)
+	var items []*BusinessConf
+	o := orm.NewOrmUsingDB("eta")
+	sql := `SELECT * FROM business_conf`
+	_, err = o.Raw(sql).QueryRows(&items)
+	if err != nil {
+		return
+	}
+	for _, v := range items {
+		if v.ValType == 4 {
+			list[v.ConfKey] = html.UnescapeString(v.ConfVal)
+			continue
+		}
+		list[v.ConfKey] = v.ConfVal
+	}
+	return

+ 31 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+package models
+import (
+	"eta/eta_report/utils"
+	_ ""
+	"time"
+	""
+func init() {
+	_ = orm.RegisterDataBase("default", "mysql", utils.MYSQL_URL)
+	orm.SetMaxIdleConns("default", 50)
+	orm.SetMaxOpenConns("default", 100)
+	db, _ := orm.GetDB("default")
+	db.SetConnMaxLifetime(10 * time.Minute)
+	// ETA默认库
+	_ = orm.RegisterDataBase("eta", "mysql", utils.MYSQL_URL_ETA)
+	orm.SetMaxIdleConns("eta", 50)
+	orm.SetMaxOpenConns("eta", 100)
+	etaDb, _ := orm.GetDB("eta")
+	etaDb.SetConnMaxLifetime(10 * time.Minute)
+	//注册对象
+	orm.RegisterModel(
+		new(Report),
+	)

+ 45 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+package models
+import (
+	""
+type Report struct {
+	Id                 int    `description:"报告Id"`
+	AddType            int    `description:"新增方式:1:新增报告,2:继承报告"`
+	ClassifyIdFirst    int    `description:"一级分类id"`
+	ClassifyNameFirst  string `description:"一级分类名称"`
+	ClassifyIdSecond   int    `description:"二级分类id"`
+	ClassifyNameSecond string `description:"二级分类名称"`
+	Title              string `description:"标题"`
+	Abstract           string `description:"摘要"`
+	Author             string `description:"作者"`
+	Frequency          string `description:"频度"`
+	CreateTime         string `description:"创建时间"`
+	ModifyTime         string `description:"修改时间"`
+	State              int    `description:"1:未发布,2:已发布"`
+	PublishTime        string `description:"发布时间"`
+	Stage              int    `description:"期数"`
+	MsgIsSend          int    `description:"消息是否已发送,0:否,1:是"`
+	Content            string `description:"内容"`
+	VideoUrl           string `description:"音频文件URL"`
+	VideoName          string `description:"音频文件名称"`
+	VideoPlaySeconds   string `description:"音频播放时长"`
+	VideoSize          string `description:"音频文件大小,单位M"`
+	ContentSub         string `description:"内容前两个章节"`
+	IsShowNewLabel     int    `description:"是否显示新标签"`
+	IsCurrentDate      int    `description:"是否当前日期"`
+	ClassifyName       string `description:"分类名称"`
+func GetReportByCode(reportCode string) (item *Report, err error) {
+	o := orm.NewOrm()
+	sql := `SELECT * FROM report WHERE report_code=?`
+	err = o.Raw(sql, reportCode).QueryRow(&item)
+	return
+type ReportShareDetailResp struct {
+	Report     *Report `description:"报告"`
+	Disclaimer string  `description:"免责声明"`

+ 24 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+// @APIVersion 1.0.0
+// @Title beego Test API
+// @Description beego has a very cool tools to autogenerate documents for your API
+// @Contact
+// @TermsOfServiceUrl
+// @License Apache 2.0
+// @LicenseUrl
+package routers
+import (
+	"eta/eta_report/controllers"
+	""
+func init() {
+	ns := web.NewNamespace("/api",
+		web.NSNamespace("/report",
+			web.NSInclude(
+				&controllers.ReportShareController{},
+			),
+		),
+	)
+	web.AddNamespace(ns)

+ 13 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+package services
+import (
+	"eta/eta_report/utils"
+// CheckEncryption 校验需要是否加密
+func CheckEncryption() (ok bool) {
+	if utils.RunMode == "release" {
+		ok = true
+	}
+	return

+ 574 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,574 @@
+package utils
+import (
+	"crypto/md5"
+	"crypto/sha1"
+	"encoding/base64"
+	"encoding/hex"
+	"encoding/json"
+	"fmt"
+	"image"
+	"image/png"
+	"math"
+	"math/rand"
+	"net"
+	"os"
+	"os/exec"
+	"regexp"
+	"strconv"
+	"strings"
+	"time"
+var rnd = rand.New(rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano()))
+func GetRandString(size int) string {
+	allLetterDigit := []string{"0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z", "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j", "k", "l", "m", "n", "o", "p", "q", "r", "s", "t", "u", "v", "w", "x", "y", "z", "!", "@", "#", "$", "%", "^", "&", "*"}
+	randomSb := ""
+	digitSize := len(allLetterDigit)
+	for i := 0; i < size; i++ {
+		randomSb += allLetterDigit[rnd.Intn(digitSize)]
+	}
+	return randomSb
+func GetRandStringNoSpecialChar(size int) string {
+	allLetterDigit := []string{"0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z", "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j", "k", "l", "m", "n", "o", "p", "q", "r", "s", "t", "u", "v", "w", "x", "y", "z"}
+	randomSb := ""
+	digitSize := len(allLetterDigit)
+	for i := 0; i < size; i++ {
+		randomSb += allLetterDigit[rnd.Intn(digitSize)]
+	}
+	return randomSb
+func StringsToJSON(str string) string {
+	rs := []rune(str)
+	jsons := ""
+	for _, r := range rs {
+		rint := int(r)
+		if rint < 128 {
+			jsons += string(r)
+		} else {
+			jsons += "\\u" + strconv.FormatInt(int64(rint), 16) // json
+		}
+	}
+	return jsons
+func ToString(v interface{}) string {
+	data, _ := json.Marshal(v)
+	return string(data)
+func MD5(data string) string {
+	m := md5.Sum([]byte(data))
+	return hex.EncodeToString(m[:])
+// 获取数字随机字符
+func GetRandDigit(n int) string {
+	return fmt.Sprintf("%0"+strconv.Itoa(n)+"d", rnd.Intn(int(math.Pow10(n))))
+// 获取随机数
+func GetRandNumber(n int) int {
+	return rnd.Intn(n)
+func GetRandInt(min, max int) int {
+	if min >= max || min == 0 || max == 0 {
+		return max
+	}
+	return rand.Intn(max-min) + min
+func GetToday(format string) string {
+	today := time.Now().Format(format)
+	return today
+func GetTodayLastSecond() time.Duration {
+	today := GetToday(FormatDate) + " 23:59:59"
+	end, _ := time.ParseInLocation(FormatDateTime, today, time.Local)
+	return time.Duration(end.Unix()-time.Now().Local().Unix()) * time.Second
+// 处理出生日期函数
+func GetBrithDate(idcard string) string {
+	l := len(idcard)
+	var s string
+	if l == 15 {
+		s = "19" + idcard[6:8] + "-" + idcard[8:10] + "-" + idcard[10:12]
+		return s
+	}
+	if l == 18 {
+		s = idcard[6:10] + "-" + idcard[10:12] + "-" + idcard[12:14]
+		return s
+	}
+	return GetToday(FormatDate)
+func WhichSexByIdcard(idcard string) string {
+	var sexs = [2]string{"女", "男"}
+	length := len(idcard)
+	if length == 18 {
+		sex, _ := strconv.Atoi(string(idcard[16]))
+		return sexs[sex%2]
+	} else if length == 15 {
+		sex, _ := strconv.Atoi(string(idcard[14]))
+		return sexs[sex%2]
+	}
+	return "男"
+func SubFloatToString(f float64, m int) string {
+	n := strconv.FormatFloat(f, 'f', -1, 64)
+	if n == "" {
+		return ""
+	}
+	if m >= len(n) {
+		return n
+	}
+	newn := strings.Split(n, ".")
+	if m == 0 {
+		return newn[0]
+	}
+	if len(newn) < 2 || m >= len(newn[1]) {
+		return n
+	}
+	return newn[0] + "." + newn[1][:m]
+func SubFloatToFloat(f float64, m int) float64 {
+	newn := SubFloatToString(f, m)
+	newf, _ := strconv.ParseFloat(newn, 64)
+	return newf
+func GetYearDiffer(start_time, end_time string) int {
+	t1, _ := time.ParseInLocation("2006-01-02", start_time, time.Local)
+	t2, _ := time.ParseInLocation("2006-01-02", end_time, time.Local)
+	age := t2.Year() - t1.Year()
+	if t2.Month() < t1.Month() || (t2.Month() == t1.Month() && t2.Day() < t1.Day()) {
+		age--
+	}
+	return age
+func GetSecondDifferByTime(start_time, end_time time.Time) int64 {
+	diff := end_time.Unix() - start_time.Unix()
+	return diff
+func FixFloat(f float64, m int) float64 {
+	newn := SubFloatToString(f+0.00000001, m)
+	newf, _ := strconv.ParseFloat(newn, 64)
+	return newf
+// 将字符串数组转化为逗号分割的字符串形式  ["str1","str2","str3"] >>> "str1,str2,str3"
+func StrListToString(strList []string) (str string) {
+	if len(strList) > 0 {
+		for k, v := range strList {
+			if k == 0 {
+				str = v
+			} else {
+				str = str + "," + v
+			}
+		}
+		return
+	}
+	return ""
+func GetToken() string {
+	randStr := GetRandString(64)
+	token := MD5(randStr + Md5Key)
+	tokenLen := 64 - len(token)
+	return strings.ToUpper(token + GetRandString(tokenLen))
+func ErrNoRow() string {
+	return "<QuerySeter> no row found"
+func ValidateEmailFormatat(email string) bool {
+	reg := regexp.MustCompile(RegularEmail)
+	return reg.MatchString(email)
+func ValidateMobileFormatat(mobileNum string) bool {
+	reg := regexp.MustCompile(RegularMobile)
+	return reg.MatchString(mobileNum)
+func FileIsExist(filePath string) bool {
+	_, err := os.Stat(filePath)
+	return err == nil || os.IsExist(err)
+func GetImgExt(file string) (ext string, err error) {
+	var headerByte []byte
+	headerByte = make([]byte, 8)
+	fd, err := os.Open(file)
+	if err != nil {
+		return "", err
+	}
+	defer fd.Close()
+	_, err = fd.Read(headerByte)
+	if err != nil {
+		return "", err
+	}
+	xStr := fmt.Sprintf("%x", headerByte)
+	switch {
+	case xStr == "89504e470d0a1a0a":
+		ext = ".png"
+	case xStr == "0000010001002020":
+		ext = ".ico"
+	case xStr == "0000020001002020":
+		ext = ".cur"
+	case xStr[:12] == "474946383961" || xStr[:12] == "474946383761":
+		ext = ".gif"
+	case xStr[:10] == "0000020000" || xStr[:10] == "0000100000":
+		ext = ".tga"
+	case xStr[:8] == "464f524d":
+		ext = ".iff"
+	case xStr[:8] == "52494646":
+		ext = ".ani"
+	case xStr[:4] == "4d4d" || xStr[:4] == "4949":
+		ext = ".tiff"
+	case xStr[:4] == "424d":
+		ext = ".bmp"
+	case xStr[:4] == "ffd8":
+		ext = ".jpg"
+	case xStr[:2] == "0a":
+		ext = ".pcx"
+	default:
+		ext = ""
+	}
+	return ext, nil
+func SaveImage(path string, img image.Image) (err error) {
+	//需要保持的文件
+	imgfile, err := os.Create(path)
+	defer imgfile.Close()
+	// 以PNG格式保存文件
+	err = png.Encode(imgfile, img)
+	return err
+func SaveBase64ToFile(content, path string) error {
+	data, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(content)
+	if err != nil {
+		return err
+	}
+	f, err := os.Create(path)
+	defer f.Close()
+	if err != nil {
+		return err
+	}
+	f.Write(data)
+	return nil
+func SaveBase64ToFileBySeek(content, path string) (err error) {
+	data, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(content)
+	exist, err := PathExists(path)
+	if err != nil {
+		return
+	}
+	if !exist {
+		f, err := os.Create(path)
+		if err != nil {
+			return err
+		}
+		n, _ := f.Seek(0, 2)
+		// 从末尾的偏移量开始写入内容
+		_, err = f.WriteAt([]byte(data), n)
+		defer f.Close()
+	} else {
+		f, err := os.OpenFile(path, os.O_WRONLY, 0644)
+		if err != nil {
+			return err
+		}
+		n, _ := f.Seek(0, 2)
+		// 从末尾的偏移量开始写入内容
+		_, err = f.WriteAt([]byte(data), n)
+		defer f.Close()
+	}
+	return nil
+func PathExists(path string) (bool, error) {
+	_, err := os.Stat(path)
+	if err == nil {
+		return true, nil
+	}
+	if os.IsNotExist(err) {
+		return false, nil
+	}
+	return false, err
+func StartIndex(page, pagesize int) int {
+	if page > 1 {
+		return (page - 1) * pagesize
+	}
+	return 0
+func PageCount(count, pagesize int) int {
+	if count%pagesize > 0 {
+		return count/pagesize + 1
+	} else {
+		return count / pagesize
+	}
+func TrimHtml(src string) string {
+	//将HTML标签全转换成小写
+	re, _ := regexp.Compile("\\<[\\S\\s]+?\\>")
+	src = re.ReplaceAllStringFunc(src, strings.ToLower)
+	re, _ = regexp.Compile("\\<img[\\S\\s]+?\\>")
+	src = re.ReplaceAllString(src, "[图片]")
+	re, _ = regexp.Compile("class[\\S\\s]+?>")
+	src = re.ReplaceAllString(src, "")
+	re, _ = regexp.Compile("\\<[\\S\\s]+?\\>")
+	src = re.ReplaceAllString(src, "")
+	return strings.TrimSpace(src)
+//1556164246  ->  2019-04-25 03:50:46 +0000
+func TimeToTimestamp() {
+	fmt.Println(time.Unix(1556164246, 0).Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05"))
+func ToUnicode(text string) string {
+	textQuoted := strconv.QuoteToASCII(text)
+	textUnquoted := textQuoted[1 : len(textQuoted)-1]
+	return textUnquoted
+func VersionToInt(version string) int {
+	version = strings.Replace(version, ".", "", -1)
+	n, _ := strconv.Atoi(version)
+	return n
+func IsCheckInList(list []int, s int) bool {
+	for _, v := range list {
+		if v == s {
+			return true
+		}
+	}
+	return false
+func round(num float64) int {
+	return int(num + math.Copysign(0.5, num))
+func toFixed(num float64, precision int) float64 {
+	output := math.Pow(10, float64(precision))
+	return float64(round(num*output)) / output
+// GetWilsonScore returns Wilson Score
+func GetWilsonScore(p, n float64) float64 {
+	if p == 0 && n == 0 {
+		return 0
+	}
+	return toFixed(((p+1.9208)/(p+n)-1.96*math.Sqrt(p*n/(p+n)+0.9604)/(p+n))/(1+3.8416/(p+n)), 2)
+//将中文数字转化成数字,比如 第三百四十五章,返回第345章 不支持一亿及以上
+func ChangeWordsToNum(str string) (numStr string) {
+	words := ([]rune)(str)
+	num := 0
+	n := 0
+	for i := 0; i < len(words); i++ {
+		word := string(words[i : i+1])
+		switch word {
+		case "万":
+			if n == 0 {
+				n = 1
+			}
+			n = n * 10000
+			num = num*10000 + n
+			n = 0
+		case "千":
+			if n == 0 {
+				n = 1
+			}
+			n = n * 1000
+			num += n
+			n = 0
+		case "百":
+			if n == 0 {
+				n = 1
+			}
+			n = n * 100
+			num += n
+			n = 0
+		case "十":
+			if n == 0 {
+				n = 1
+			}
+			n = n * 10
+			num += n
+			n = 0
+		case "一":
+			n += 1
+		case "二":
+			n += 2
+		case "三":
+			n += 3
+		case "四":
+			n += 4
+		case "五":
+			n += 5
+		case "六":
+			n += 6
+		case "七":
+			n += 7
+		case "八":
+			n += 8
+		case "九":
+			n += 9
+		case "零":
+		default:
+			if n > 0 {
+				num += n
+				n = 0
+			}
+			if num == 0 {
+				numStr += word
+			} else {
+				numStr += strconv.Itoa(num) + word
+				num = 0
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	if n > 0 {
+		num += n
+		n = 0
+	}
+	if num != 0 {
+		numStr += strconv.Itoa(num)
+	}
+	return
+func Sha1(data string) string {
+	sha1 := sha1.New()
+	sha1.Write([]byte(data))
+	return hex.EncodeToString(sha1.Sum([]byte("")))
+func GetVideoPlaySeconds(videoPath string) (playSeconds float64, err error) {
+	cmd := `ffmpeg -i ` + videoPath + `  2>&1 | grep 'Duration' | cut -d ' ' -f 4 | sed s/,//`
+	out, err := exec.Command("bash", "-c", cmd).Output()
+	if err != nil {
+		return
+	}
+	outTimes := string(out)
+	fmt.Println("outTimes:", outTimes)
+	if outTimes != "" {
+		timeArr := strings.Split(outTimes, ":")
+		h := timeArr[0]
+		m := timeArr[1]
+		s := timeArr[2]
+		hInt, err := strconv.Atoi(h)
+		if err != nil {
+			return playSeconds, err
+		}
+		mInt, err := strconv.Atoi(m)
+		if err != nil {
+			return playSeconds, err
+		}
+		s = strings.Trim(s, " ")
+		s = strings.Trim(s, "\n")
+		sInt, err := strconv.ParseFloat(s, 64)
+		if err != nil {
+			return playSeconds, err
+		}
+		playSeconds = float64(hInt)*3600 + float64(mInt)*60 + float64(sInt)
+	}
+	return
+func GetMaxTradeCode(tradeCode string) (maxTradeCode string, err error) {
+	tradeCode = strings.Replace(tradeCode, "W", "", -1)
+	tradeCode = strings.Trim(tradeCode, " ")
+	tradeCodeInt, err := strconv.Atoi(tradeCode)
+	if err != nil {
+		return
+	}
+	tradeCodeInt = tradeCodeInt + 1
+	maxTradeCode = fmt.Sprintf("W%06d", tradeCodeInt)
+	return
+// excel日期字段格式化 yyyy-mm-dd
+func ConvertToFormatDay(excelDaysString string) string {
+	// 2006-01-02 距离 1900-01-01的天数
+	baseDiffDay := 38719 //在网上工具计算的天数需要加2天,什么原因没弄清楚
+	curDiffDay := excelDaysString
+	b, _ := strconv.Atoi(curDiffDay)
+	// 获取excel的日期距离2006-01-02的天数
+	realDiffDay := b - baseDiffDay
+	//fmt.Println("realDiffDay:",realDiffDay)
+	// 距离2006-01-02 秒数
+	realDiffSecond := realDiffDay * 24 * 3600
+	//fmt.Println("realDiffSecond:",realDiffSecond)
+	// 2006-01-02 15:04:05距离1970-01-01 08:00:00的秒数 网上工具可查出
+	baseOriginSecond := 1136185445
+	resultTime := time.Unix(int64(baseOriginSecond+realDiffSecond), 0).Format("2006-01-02")
+	return resultTime
+func GetLocalIP() (ip string, err error) {
+	addrs, err := net.InterfaceAddrs()
+	if err != nil {
+		return
+	}
+	for _, addr := range addrs {
+		ipAddr, ok := addr.(*net.IPNet)
+		if !ok {
+			continue
+		}
+		if ipAddr.IP.IsLoopback() {
+			continue
+		}
+		if !ipAddr.IP.IsGlobalUnicast() {
+			continue
+		}
+		return ipAddr.IP.String(), nil
+	}
+	return

+ 49 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+package utils
+import (
+	"fmt"
+	""
+var (
+	RunMode       string //运行模式
+	MYSQL_URL     string //数据库连接
+	MYSQL_URL_ETA string
+func init() {
+	tmpRunMode, err := web.AppConfig.String("run_mode")
+	if err != nil {
+		panic("配置文件读取run_mode错误 " + err.Error())
+	}
+	RunMode = tmpRunMode
+	if RunMode == "" {
+		localIp, err := GetLocalIP()
+		fmt.Println("localIp:", localIp)
+		if localIp == "" {
+			RunMode = "debug"
+		} else {
+			RunMode = "release"
+		}
+		fmt.Println("RunMode:", RunMode)
+		configPath := `/home/code/config/eta_report/conf/app.conf`
+		fmt.Println("configPath:", configPath)
+		err = web.LoadAppConfig("ini", configPath)
+		if err != nil {
+			fmt.Println("web.LoadAppConfig Err:" + err.Error())
+		}
+	}
+	config, err := web.AppConfig.GetSection(RunMode)
+	if err != nil {
+		panic("配置文件读取错误 " + err.Error())
+	}
+	fmt.Println(RunMode + " 模式")
+	MYSQL_URL = config["mysql_url"]
+	MYSQL_URL_ETA = config["mysql_url_eta"]
+	if RunMode == "release" {
+	} else {
+	}

+ 90 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+package utils
+const (
+	Md5Key = "Ks@h64WJ#tcVgG8$&WlNfqvLAtMgpxWN"
+const (
+	FormatTime            = "15:04:05"                //时间格式
+	FormatDate            = "2006-01-02"              //日期格式
+	FormatDateTime        = "2006-01-02 15:04:05"     //完整时间格式
+	HlbFormatDateTime     = "2006-01-02_15:04:05.999" //完整时间格式
+	FormatDateTimeUnSpace = "20060102150405"          //完整时间格式
+	PageSize15            = 15                        //列表页每页数据量
+	PageSize5             = 5
+	PageSize10            = 10
+	PageSize20            = 20
+	PageSize30            = 30
+const (
+	APPNAME          = "弘则-日度点评"
+	EmailSendToUsers = ";"
+const (
+	RegularMobile = "^((13[0-9])|(14[5|7])|(15([0-3]|[5-9]))|(18[0-9])|(17[0-9])|(16[0-9])|(19[0-9]))\\d{8}$" //手机号码
+	RegularEmail  = `\w+([-+.]\w+)*@\w+([-.]\w+)*\.\w+([-.]\w+)*`                                             //匹配电子邮箱
+const (
+	REGISTER_CODE = iota + 1 //注册
+	LOGIN_CODE               //登录
+var (
+	JhGnTplId = "65692" //聚合国内模板编码
+	JhGjTplId = "10054" //聚合国内模板编码
+	JhGnAppKey = "4c8504c49dd335e99cfd7b6a3a9e2415" //聚合国内AppKey
+	JhGjAppKey = "3326ad2c1047a4cd92ace153e6044ca3"
+const (
+	XfSTATUS_FIRST_FRAME    = 0 //第一帧标识
+	XfSTATUS_LAST_FRAME     = 2 //最后一帧标识
+	XfAPPID                 = "5ed70e9d"
+	XfAPIKey                = "d580509ca262e9586fb65a7064d5ce77"
+	XfAPISecret             = "a085720dc55850c720fa5576335f847a"
+	XfHostUrl               = "wss://"
+	XfOrigin                = ""
+	XfHost                  = ""
+var (
+	Endpoint   string = ""
+	Bucketname string = "hongze"
+	Imghost          string = ""
+	Upload_dir       string = "static/images/"
+	Upload_Audio_Dir string = "static/audio/"
+	AccessKeyId     string = "LTAIFMZYQhS2BTvW"
+	AccessKeySecret string = "12kk1ptCHoGWedhBnKRVW5hRJzq9Fq"
+const (
+const (
+	CACHE_KEY_USER_VIEW = "user_view_record" //用户阅读数据
+const (
+	key = "KcSJaJoUBC2ZAA7HEWpaiH49" //全局加密KEY

+ 187 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
+package utils
+import (
+	"bytes"
+	"crypto/cipher"
+	"crypto/des"
+	"encoding/base64"
+	"encoding/hex"
+	"errors"
+	"strings"
+//des3 + base64 encrypt
+func DesBase64Encrypt(origData []byte) []byte {
+	result, err := TripleDesEncrypt(origData, []byte(key))
+	if err != nil {
+		panic(err)
+	}
+	return []byte(base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(result))
+func DesBase64Decrypt(crypted []byte) []byte {
+	result, _ := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(string(crypted))
+	remain := len(result) % 8
+	if remain > 0 {
+		mod := 8 - remain
+		for i := 0; i < mod; i++ {
+			result = append(result, 0)
+		}
+	}
+	origData, err := TripleDesDecrypt(result, []byte(key))
+	if err != nil {
+		panic(err)
+	}
+	return origData
+// 3DES加密
+func TripleDesEncrypt(origData, key []byte) ([]byte, error) {
+	block, err := des.NewTripleDESCipher(key)
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, err
+	}
+	origData = PKCS5Padding(origData, block.BlockSize())
+	// origData = ZeroPadding(origData, block.BlockSize())
+	blockMode := cipher.NewCBCEncrypter(block, key[:8])
+	crypted := make([]byte, len(origData))
+	blockMode.CryptBlocks(crypted, origData)
+	return crypted, nil
+// 3DES解密
+func TripleDesDecrypt(crypted, key []byte) ([]byte, error) {
+	block, err := des.NewTripleDESCipher(key)
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, err
+	}
+	blockMode := cipher.NewCBCDecrypter(block, key[:8])
+	origData := make([]byte, len(crypted))
+	// origData := crypted
+	blockMode.CryptBlocks(origData, crypted)
+	origData = PKCS5UnPadding(origData)
+	// origData = ZeroUnPadding(origData)
+	return origData, nil
+func ZeroPadding(ciphertext []byte, blockSize int) []byte {
+	padding := blockSize - len(ciphertext)%blockSize
+	padtext := bytes.Repeat([]byte{0}, padding)
+	return append(ciphertext, padtext...)
+func ZeroUnPadding(origData []byte) []byte {
+	length := len(origData)
+	unpadding := int(origData[length-1])
+	return origData[:(length - unpadding)]
+func PKCS5Padding(ciphertext []byte, blockSize int) []byte {
+	padding := blockSize - len(ciphertext)%blockSize
+	padtext := bytes.Repeat([]byte{byte(padding)}, padding)
+	return append(ciphertext, padtext...)
+func PKCS5UnPadding(origData []byte) []byte {
+	length := len(origData)
+	// 去掉最后一个字节 unpadding 次
+	unpadding := int(origData[length-1])
+	return origData[:(length - unpadding)]
+func DesEncrypt(content string, key string) string {
+	contents := []byte(content)
+	keys := []byte(key)
+	block, err := des.NewCipher(keys)
+	if err != nil {
+		return ""
+	}
+	contents = PKCS5Padding(contents, block.BlockSize())
+	blockMode := cipher.NewCBCEncrypter(block, keys)
+	crypted := make([]byte, len(contents))
+	blockMode.CryptBlocks(crypted, contents)
+	return byteToHexString(crypted)
+func byteToHexString(bytes []byte) string {
+	str := ""
+	for i := 0; i < len(bytes); i++ {
+		sTemp := hex.EncodeToString([]byte{bytes[i]})
+		if len(sTemp) < 2 {
+			str += string(0)
+		}
+		str += strings.ToUpper(sTemp)
+	}
+	return str
+func DesDecrypt(content string, key string) string {
+	contentBytes, err := hex.DecodeString(content)
+	if err != nil {
+		return "字符串转换16进制数组失败" + err.Error()
+	}
+	keys := []byte(key)
+	block, err := des.NewCipher(keys)
+	if err != nil {
+		return "解密失败" + err.Error()
+	}
+	blockMode := cipher.NewCBCDecrypter(block, keys)
+	origData := contentBytes
+	blockMode.CryptBlocks(origData, contentBytes)
+	origData = ZeroUnPadding(origData)
+	return string(origData)
+// DES ECB PKCK5Padding
+func EntryptDesECB(data, key []byte) (string, error) {
+	if len(key) > 8 {
+		key = key[:8]
+	}
+	block, err := des.NewCipher(key)
+	if err != nil {
+		return "", errors.New("des.NewCipher " + err.Error())
+	}
+	bs := block.BlockSize()
+	data = PKCS5Padding(data, bs)
+	if len(data)%bs != 0 {
+		return "", errors.New("EntryptDesECB Need a multiple of the blocksize")
+	}
+	out := make([]byte, len(data))
+	dst := out
+	for len(data) > 0 {
+		block.Encrypt(dst, data[:bs])
+		data = data[bs:]
+		dst = dst[bs:]
+	}
+	return base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(out), nil
+func DecryptDESECB(d string, key []byte) ([]byte, error) {
+	data, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(d)
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, errors.New("decodebase64 " + err.Error())
+	}
+	if len(key) > 8 {
+		key = key[:8]
+	}
+	block, err := des.NewCipher(key)
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, errors.New("des.NewCipher " + err.Error())
+	}
+	bs := block.BlockSize()
+	if len(data)%bs != 0 {
+		return nil, errors.New("DecryptDES crypto/cipher: input not full blocks")
+	}
+	out := make([]byte, len(data))
+	dst := out
+	for len(data) > 0 {
+		block.Decrypt(dst, data[:bs])
+		data = data[bs:]
+		dst = dst[bs:]
+	}
+	out = PKCS5UnPadding(out)
+	return out, nil

+ 56 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+package utils
+import (
+	""
+	"strings"
+func SendEmail(title, content string, touser string) bool {
+	var arr []string
+	sub := strings.Index(touser, ";")
+	if sub >= 0 {
+		spArr := strings.Split(touser, ";")
+		for _, v := range spArr {
+			arr = append(arr, v)
+		}
+	} else {
+		arr = append(arr, touser)
+	}
+	m := gomail.NewMessage()
+	m.SetHeader("From", " ")
+	m.SetHeader("To", arr...)
+	m.SetHeader("Subject", title+" "+GetRandString(16))
+	m.SetBody("text/html", content)
+	d := gomail.NewDialer("", 587, "", "oqdypwfcvruwcbea")
+	if err := d.DialAndSend(m); err != nil {
+		return false
+	}
+	return true
+func SendEmailByHz(title, content string, touser string) (result bool, err error) {
+	var arr []string
+	sub := strings.Index(touser, ";")
+	if sub >= 0 {
+		spArr := strings.Split(touser, ";")
+		for _, v := range spArr {
+			arr = append(arr, v)
+		}
+	} else {
+		arr = append(arr, touser)
+	}
+	m := gomail.NewMessage()
+	m.SetHeader("From", "")
+	m.SetHeader("To", arr...)
+	m.SetHeader("Subject", title)
+	m.SetBody("text/html", content)
+	d := gomail.NewDialer("", 465, "", "Hzinsights2018")
+	if err := d.DialAndSend(m); err != nil {
+		result = false
+		return result, err
+	}
+	result = true
+	return

+ 45 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+package utils
+import (
+	"fmt"
+	"time"
+	""
+	""
+var (
+	KEY = []byte("5Mb5Gdmb5x")
+// 发放token
+func GenToken(account string) string {
+	token := jwt.New(jwt.SigningMethodHS256)
+	token.Claims = &jwt.StandardClaims{
+		NotBefore: int64(time.Now().Unix()),
+		ExpiresAt: int64(time.Now().Unix() + 90*24*60*60),
+		Issuer:    "hongze_api",
+		Subject:   account,
+	}
+	ss, err := token.SignedString(KEY)
+	if err != nil {
+		logs.Error(err)
+		return ""
+	}
+	return ss
+// 校验token
+func CheckToken(account, token string) bool {
+	t, err := jwt.Parse(token, func(*jwt.Token) (interface{}, error) {
+		return KEY, nil
+	})
+	if err != nil {
+		fmt.Println(err.Error())
+		return false
+	}
+	if account != t.Claims.(jwt.MapClaims)["sub"] {
+		return false
+	}
+	return t.Valid

+ 60 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+package utils
+import (
+	"encoding/json"
+	""
+	"os"
+var FileLog *logs.BeeLogger
+var FileRunLog *logs.BeeLogger
+var Binlog *logs.BeeLogger
+func init() {
+	FileLog = logs.NewLogger(1000000)
+	FileLog.SetLogger(logs.AdapterFile, `{"filename":"./rdlucklog/hongze_api.log"}`)
+	FileRunLog = logs.NewLogger(1000000)
+	FileRunLog.SetLogger(logs.AdapterFile, `{"filename":"./rdlucklog/hongze_api_run.log"}`)
+	//初始化binlog日志
+	initBinlog()
+func initBinlog() {
+	//binlog日志
+	binLogDir := `./binlog`
+	os.MkdirAll(binLogDir, os.ModePerm)
+	Binlog = logs.NewLogger(1000000)
+	logConfig := getDefaultLogConfig()
+	logConfig.FileName = "./binlog/binlog.log"
+	logConfig.MaxLines = 10000000
+	logConfig.Rotate = true
+	b, _ := json.Marshal(logConfig)
+	Binlog.SetLogger(logs.AdapterFile, string(b))
+	Binlog.EnableFuncCallDepth(true)
+type logConfig struct {
+	FileName string `json:"filename" description:"保存的文件名"`
+	MaxLines int    `json:"maxlines"  description:"每个文件保存的最大行数,默认值 1000000"`
+	MaxSize  int    `json:"maxsize" description:"每个文件保存的最大尺寸,默认值是 1 << 28, //256 MB"`
+	Daily    bool   `json:"daily" description:"是否按照每天 logrotate,默认是 true"`
+	MaxDays  int    `json:"maxdays" description:"文件最多保存多少天,默认保存 7 天"`
+	Rotate   bool   `json:"rotate" description:"是否开启 logrotate,默认是 true"`
+	Level    int    `json:"level" description:"日志保存的时候的级别,默认是 Trace 级别"`
+	Color    bool   `json:"color" description:"日志是否输出颜色"`
+	//Perm     string `json:"perm" description:"日志文件权限"`
+func getDefaultLogConfig() logConfig {
+	return logConfig{
+		FileName: "",
+		MaxLines: 0,
+		MaxSize:  1 << 28,
+		Daily:    true,
+		MaxDays:  31, //我就是喜欢31天,咋滴,不喜欢你就自己改-_-!
+		Rotate:   true,
+		Level:    logs.LevelTrace,
+		//Perm:     "",
+	}