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ziwen 1 year ago
1 changed files with 171 additions and 0 deletions
  1. 171 0

+ 171 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
+from time import sleep
+import datetime
+import requests
+import openpyxl
+from selenium import webdriver
+# 设置Chrome浏览器选项
+from import Service
+from import By
+def get_table_content(driver, tableId, queryContent):
+    # 按行查询表格的数据,取出的数据是一整行,按空格分隔每一列的数据
+    table_tr_list = driver.find_element(By.ID, tableId).find_elements(By.TAG_NAME, "tr")
+    table_list = []  # 存放table数据
+    for tr in table_tr_list:  # 遍历每一个tr
+        # 将每一个tr的数据根据td查询出来,返回结果为list对象
+        table_td_list = tr.find_elements(By.TAG_NAME, "td")
+        row_list = []
+        print(table_td_list)
+        for td in table_td_list:  # 遍历每一个td
+            row_list.append(td.text)  # 取出表格的数据,并放入行列表里
+        table_list.append(row_list)
+    # 循环遍历table数据,确定查询数据的位置
+    # for i in range(len(table_list)):
+    #     for j in range(len(table_list[i])):
+    #         if queryContent == table_list[i][j]:
+    #             print("%r坐标为(%r,%r)" % (queryContent, i + 1, j + 1))
+# 写入文件
+def write_excel_xlsx(path, sheet_name, value):
+    index = len(value)  # 列表中所含元组的个数,从而确定写入Excel的行数
+    # 打开Excel
+    wb = openpyxl.Workbook()
+    # wb = load_workbook(path)
+    sheet =  # 获得一个的工作表
+    sheet.title = sheet_name
+    # 设置格式
+    sheet.column_dimensions['B'].width = 115
+    # 按行加入
+    for i in range(index):
+        sheet.append(value[i])
+    # 保存文件
+    print(sheet.values)
+    print("题目写入数据成功!")
+def send_file(url, file_path):
+    with open(file_path, 'rb') as file:
+        files = {'file': file}
+        response2 =, files=files)
+    return response2
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    # 创建一个 Chrome WebDriver 实例
+    options = webdriver.ChromeOptions()
+    # options.add_argument("headless")
+    options.add_argument('--headless')
+    options.add_argument('--disable-gpu')
+    options.add_argument('--no-sandbox')
+    # options.add_argument(" window-size=1920,1080")
+    s = Service(executable_path='/home/code/python/meeting_probabilities/chromedriver')
+    # s = Service(executable_path='/Users/xi/Desktop/chromedriver')
+    driver = webdriver.Chrome(service=s, options=options)
+    # driver.maximize_window()
+    driver.get(
+        '')
+    sleep(2)
+    # driver.find_element(By.XPATH, '/html/body/div[4]/div[2]/div/section/span').click()
+    driver.find_element(By.XPATH, '//*[@id="onetrust-accept-btn-handler"]').click()
+    # page_height = driver.execute_script('return document.documentElement.scrollHeight')  # 页面高度
+    driver.execute_script("window.scrollBy(0,{})".format(600))
+    driver.switch_to.frame("cmeIframe-jtxelq2f")
+    sleep(2)
+    # button = driver.find_element(By.XPATH, '//*[@id="ctl00_MainContent_ucViewControl_IntegratedFedWatchTool_lbPTree"]')
+    driver.execute_script(
+        "javascript:__doPostBack('ctl00$MainContent$ucViewControl_IntegratedFedWatchTool$lbPTree','')")
+    sleep(2)
+    table = driver.find_element(By.XPATH, '//*[@id="MainContent_pnlContainer"]/div[3]/div/div/table[2]')
+    table.screenshot(r'meeting.png')
+    print(table.text)
+    # 按行查询表格的数据,取出的数据是一整行,按空格分隔每一列的数据
+    table_tr_list = table.find_elements(By.TAG_NAME, "tr")
+    table_list = []  # 存放table数据
+    th_flag = False
+    i = 0
+    for tr in table_tr_list:  # 遍历每一个tr
+        # 将每一个tr的数据根据td查询出来,返回结果为list对象
+        if i == 0:
+            title = 'MEETING PROBABILITIES'
+            i = i + 1
+            continue
+        if i == 1:
+            i = i + 1
+            table_th_list = tr.find_elements(By.TAG_NAME, "th")
+            row_list = []
+            for th in table_th_list:
+                row_list.append(th.text)
+            if len(row_list) == 0:
+                continue
+            row_tuple = tuple(row_list)
+            table_list.append(row_list)
+        else:
+            i = i + 1
+            table_td_list = tr.find_elements(By.TAG_NAME, "td")
+            row_list = []
+            for td in table_td_list:  # 遍历每一个td
+                row_list.append(td.text)  # 取出表格的数据,并放入行列表里
+            if len(row_list) == 0:
+                continue
+            row_tuple = tuple(row_list)
+            table_list.append(row_list)
+    driver.quit()
+    # list_text = content.strip().split('\n')
+    # print(list_text)
+    # ls = list()
+    # title = ""
+    # length = len(list_text)
+    # for i in range(length):
+    #     line = list_text[i]
+    #     if i == 0:
+    #         title = line
+    #         continue
+    #     if i == 1:
+    #         line = line.replace('MEETING DATE', 'MEETING_DATE')
+    #         dataList = line.split(' ')
+    #         dataList[0] = 'MEETING DATE'
+    #         my_tuple = tuple(dataList)
+    #         ls.append(my_tuple)  # 以元组的形式追加进空列表
+    #         continue
+    #     dataList = line.split(' ')
+    #     my_tuple = tuple(dataList)
+    #     ls.append(my_tuple)  # 以元组的形式追加进空列表
+    # 获取当前时间,并将其格式化为指定的形式
+    current_time ="%Y-%m-%d")
+    # 构建新的文件路径
+    book_name_xlsx = f'/home/code/python/meeting_probabilities/file/{current_time}.xlsx'
+    # book_name_xlsx = f'/Users/xi/Desktop/{current_time}.xlsx'
+    write_excel_xlsx(book_name_xlsx, title, table_list)
+    url = ''
+    file_path = book_name_xlsx  # 替换为本地文件路径
+    # file_path = '/Users/xi/Desktop/2023-10-15.xlsx'  # 替换为本地文件路径
+    print(file_path)
+    print(
+    response = send_file(url, file_path)
+    print(response)