@@ -1686,3 +1686,60 @@ func GetGrantPptList(adminId int, keyword, sourceType string) (ret models.RespGr
ret.Total = len(list)
+// GetPptList 公共ppt和我的ppt
+// @Author roc
+// @Time 2022-08-29 16:27:59
+func GetPptList(adminId int, keyword string) (ret models.RespGroupPptList, err error) {
+ list := make([]*models.RespGroupPptListItem, 0)
+ ret.List = list
+ var condition string
+ var pars []interface{}
+ condition += ` AND (admin_id=? OR is_share=1) `
+ pars = append(pars, adminId)
+ if keyword != `` {
+ condition += ` AND (title LIKE ? ) `
+ pars = append(pars, "%"+keyword+"%")
+ }
+ pptList, err := models.GetAllPptV2List(condition, pars)
+ if len(pptList) <= 0 {
+ return
+ }
+ for _, v := range pptList {
+ tmpV := &models.RespGroupPptListItem{
+ GroupPptId: int64(v.PptId),
+ PptId: int64(v.PptId),
+ TemplateType: v.TemplateType,
+ BackgroundImg: v.BackgroundImg,
+ Title: v.Title,
+ PptCreateTime: v.CreateTime.Format(utils.FormatDateTime),
+ AdminId: v.AdminId,
+ AdminRealName: v.AdminRealName,
+ PptVersion: v.PptVersion,
+ IsSingleShare: v.IsShare,
+ PptxUrl: v.PptxUrl,
+ ReportId: v.ReportId,
+ ReportCode: v.ReportCode,
+ }
+ list = append(list, tmpV)
+ }
+ if keyword != `` {
+ for _, v := range list {
+ if strings.Contains(v.Title, keyword) {
+ index := strings.Index(v.Title,keyword)
+ newTitle := v.Title[:index] + "<span class=\"color-light\">"+ keyword +"</span>"+ v.Title[index+len(keyword):]
+ v.Title = newTitle
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ret.List = list
+ ret.Total = len(list)
+ return