@@ -0,0 +1,1396 @@
+package excel
+import (
+ "encoding/json"
+ "errors"
+ "fmt"
+ "github.com/tealeg/xlsx"
+ "github.com/xuri/excelize/v2"
+ "hongze/hongze_ETA_mobile_api/utils"
+ "os"
+ "reflect"
+ "strconv"
+ "strings"
+ "time"
+type LuckySheetDataBak struct {
+ CalcChain []interface{} `json:"calcChain" description:"公式链"`
+ CellData []LuckySheetCellData `json:"celldata" description:"单元格数据"`
+ ChWidth int64 `json:"ch_width" description:"工作表区域的宽度"`
+ Config struct {
+ BorderInfo []struct {
+ BorderType string `json:"borderType" description:""`
+ Color string `json:"color" description:""`
+ Range []struct {
+ Column []int64 `json:"column" description:""`
+ Row []int64 `json:"row" description:""`
+ } `json:"range" description:""`
+ RangeType string `json:"rangeType" description:""`
+ Style string `json:"style" description:""`
+ Value struct {
+ B struct {
+ Color string `json:"color" description:""`
+ Style string `json:"style" description:""`
+ } `json:"b" description:""`
+ ColIndex int64 `json:"col_index" description:""`
+ L struct {
+ Color string `json:"color" description:""`
+ Style string `json:"style" description:""`
+ } `json:"l" description:""`
+ R struct {
+ Color string `json:"color" description:""`
+ Style string `json:"style" description:""`
+ } `json:"r" description:""`
+ RowIndex int64 `json:"row_index" description:""`
+ T struct {
+ Color string `json:"color" description:""`
+ Style string `json:"style" description:""`
+ } `json:"t" description:""`
+ } `json:"value" description:"" description:""`
+ } `json:"borderInfo" description:""`
+ Colhidden struct{} `json:"colhidden" description:""`
+ Columnlen map[string]float64 `json:"columnlen" description:""`
+ CustomHeight struct {
+ Zero int64 `json:"0"`
+ } `json:"customHeight" description:""`
+ CustomWidth struct {
+ Two int64 `json:"2" description:""`
+ } `json:"customWidth" description:""`
+ Merge struct{} `json:"merge" description:""`
+ Rowlen map[string]float64 `json:"rowlen" description:""`
+ } `json:"config" description:""`
+ Data [][]struct {
+ Ct struct {
+ Fa string `json:"fa"`
+ T string `json:"t"`
+ } `json:"ct"`
+ M string `json:"m"`
+ V interface{} `json:"v"`
+ } `json:"data" description:""`
+ DataVerification struct{} `json:"dataVerification" description:""`
+ Filter interface{} `json:"filter" description:""`
+ FilterSelect interface{} `json:"filter_select" description:""`
+ Hyperlink struct{} `json:"hyperlink" description:""`
+ Images struct{} `json:"images" description:""`
+ Index string `json:"index" description:""`
+ JfgirdSelectSave []interface{} `json:"jfgird_select_save" description:""`
+ LuckysheetAlternateformatSave []interface{} `json:"luckysheet_alternateformat_save" description:""`
+ LuckysheetConditionformatSave []interface{} `json:"luckysheet_conditionformat_save" description:""`
+ LuckysheetSelectSave []struct {
+ Column []int64 `json:"column" description:""`
+ ColumnFocus int64 `json:"column_focus" description:""`
+ Height int64 `json:"height" description:""`
+ HeightMove int64 `json:"height_move" description:""`
+ Left int64 `json:"left" description:""`
+ LeftMove int64 `json:"left_move" description:""`
+ Row []int64 `json:"row" description:""`
+ RowFocus int64 `json:"row_focus" description:""`
+ Top int64 `json:"top" description:""`
+ TopMove int64 `json:"top_move" description:""`
+ Width int64 `json:"width" description:""`
+ WidthMove int64 `json:"width_move" description:""`
+ } `json:"luckysheet_select_save" description:"" description:""`
+ LuckysheetSelectionRange []struct {
+ Column []int64 `json:"column" description:""`
+ Row []int64 `json:"row" description:""`
+ } `json:"luckysheet_selection_range" description:""`
+ RhHeight float64 `json:"rh_height" description:""`
+ ScrollLeft float64 `json:"scrollLeft" description:""`
+ ScrollTop float64 `json:"scrollTop" description:""`
+ Status int64 `json:"status" description:""`
+ Visibledatacolumn []int64 `json:"visibledatacolumn" description:""`
+ Visibledatarow []int64 `json:"visibledatarow" description:""`
+ ZoomRatio float64 `json:"zoomRatio" description:"sheet缩放比例"`
+// LuckySheetData sheet表格数据
+type LuckySheetData struct {
+ CellData []LuckySheetCellData `json:"celldata" description:"单元格数据"`
+ ChWidth int64 `json:"ch_width" description:"工作表区域的宽度"`
+ Config LuckySheetDataConfig `json:"config" description:""`
+ //Index int `json:"index" description:"工作表索引"`
+ RhHeight float64 `json:"rh_height" description:"工作表区域的高度"`
+ ScrollLeft float64 `json:"scrollLeft" description:"左右滚动条位置"`
+ ScrollTop float64 `json:"scrollTop" description:"上下滚动条位置"`
+ Status int64 `json:"status" description:"激活状态"`
+ VisibleDataColumn []int64 `json:"visibledatacolumn" description:"所有列的位置信息,递增的列位置数据,初始化无需设置"`
+ VisibleDataRow []int64 `json:"visibledatarow" description:"所有行的位置信息,递增的行位置数据,初始化无需设置"`
+ ZoomRatio float64 `json:"zoomRatio" description:"sheet缩放比例"`
+// LuckySheetDataConfig sheet表单的配置
+type LuckySheetDataConfig struct {
+ BorderInfo []LuckySheetDataConfigBorderInfo `json:"borderInfo" description:"边框"`
+ Colhidden map[string]int64 `json:"colhidden" description:"隐藏列,示例值:\"colhidden\":{\"30\":0,\"31\":0}"`
+ Columnlen map[string]float64 `json:"columnlen" description:"每个单元格的列宽"`
+ //CustomHeight struct {
+ // Zero int64 `json:"0"`
+ //} `json:"customHeight" description:""`
+ //CustomWidth struct {
+ // Two int64 `json:"2" description:""`
+ //} `json:"customWidth" description:""`
+ Merge map[string]LuckySheetDataConfigMerge `json:"merge" description:"合并单元格"`
+ Rowlen map[string]float64 `json:"rowlen" description:"每个单元格的行高"`
+// LuckySheetDataConfigMerge 合并单元格设置
+type LuckySheetDataConfigMerge struct {
+ Row int `json:"r" description:"行数"`
+ Column int `json:"c" description:"列数"`
+ Rs int `json:"rs" description:"合并的行数"`
+ Cs int `json:"cs" description:"合并的列数"`
+// LuckySheetDataConfigBorderInfo 单元格边框信息
+type LuckySheetDataConfigBorderInfo struct {
+ BorderType string `json:"borderType" description:"边框类型 border-left | border-right | border-top | border-bottom | border-all | border-outside | border-inside | border-horizontal | border-vertical | border-none"`
+ Color string `json:"color" description:"边框颜色 color: 16进制颜色值"`
+ Range []struct {
+ Column []int64 `json:"column" description:"行"`
+ Row []int64 `json:"row" description:"列"`
+ } `json:"range" description:"选区范围 range: 行列信息数组"`
+ RangeType string `json:"rangeType" description:"选区 rangeType: range | cell "`
+ Style string `json:"style" description:"边框粗细 style: 1 Thin | 2 Hair | 3 Dotted | 4 Dashed | 5 DashDot | 6 DashDotDot | 7 Double | 8 Medium | 9 MediumDashed | 10 MediumDashDot | 11 MediumDashDotDot | 12 SlantedDashDot | 13 Thick ,和aspose.cells的getLineStyle()的值对应的话,需要自己做个转换,参考 aspose.cells"`
+ Value LuckySheetDataConfigBorderInfoCellValue `json:"value" description:"" description:"范围类型分单个单元格的数据"`
+// LuckySheetDataConfigBorderInfoCellValue 单元格边框信息(范围类型为:单个单元格)
+type LuckySheetDataConfigBorderInfoCellValue struct {
+ B LuckySheetDataConfigBorderInfoCell `json:"b" description:"下边框"`
+ L LuckySheetDataConfigBorderInfoCell `json:"l" description:"左边框"`
+ R LuckySheetDataConfigBorderInfoCell `json:"r" description:"右边框"`
+ T LuckySheetDataConfigBorderInfoCell `json:"t" description:"上边框"`
+ ColIndex int64 `json:"col_index" description:"第几行"`
+ RowIndex int64 `json:"row_index" description:"第几列"`
+// LuckySheetDataConfigBorderInfoCell 单元格边框信息(cell类型)
+type LuckySheetDataConfigBorderInfoCell struct {
+ Color string `json:"color" description:"边框颜色 color: 16进制颜色值"`
+ Style int `description:"边框粗细 style: 1 Thin | 2 Hair | 3 Dotted | 4 Dashed | 5 DashDot | 6 DashDotDot | 7 Double | 8 Medium | 9 MediumDashed | 10 MediumDashDot | 11 MediumDashDotDot | 12 SlantedDashDot | 13 Thick ,和aspose.cells的getLineStyle()的值对应的话,需要自己做个转换,参考 aspose.cells"`
+ Sl interface{} `json:"style" description:"边框粗细 style: 1 Thin | 2 Hair | 3 Dotted | 4 Dashed | 5 DashDot | 6 DashDotDot | 7 Double | 8 Medium | 9 MediumDashed | 10 MediumDashDot | 11 MediumDashDotDot | 12 SlantedDashDot | 13 Thick ,和aspose.cells的getLineStyle()的值对应的话,需要自己做个转换,参考 aspose.cells"`
+// LuckySheetCellData 单个单元格数据
+type LuckySheetCellData struct {
+ Col int64 `json:"c" description:"列"`
+ Row int64 `json:"r" description:"行"`
+ Value LuckySheetDataValue `json:"v" description:"单元格内值的数据"`
+// LuckySheetDataValue 单元格内值的数据
+type LuckySheetDataValue struct {
+ CellType LuckySheetDataCellType `json:"ct" description:"单元格值格式:文本、时间等 "`
+ Value interface{} `json:"v" description:"原始值"`
+ Monitor string `json:"m" description:"显示值"`
+ Background string `json:"bg" description:"背景色,实例值:#fff000"`
+ FontFamily int `description:"字体,0 Times New Roman、 1 Arial、2 Tahoma 、3 Verdana、4 微软雅黑、5 宋体(Song)、6 黑体(ST Heiti)、7 楷体(ST Kaiti)、 8 仿宋(ST FangSong)、9 新宋体(ST Song)、10 华文新魏、11 华文行楷、12 华文隶书 "`
+ FF interface{} `json:"ff" description:"字体,0 Times New Roman、 1 Arial、2 Tahoma 、3 Verdana、4 微软雅黑、5 宋体(Song)、6 黑体(ST Heiti)、7 楷体(ST Kaiti)、 8 仿宋(ST FangSong)、9 新宋体(ST Song)、10 华文新魏、11 华文行楷、12 华文隶书 "`
+ FontColor string `json:"fc" description:"字体颜色,示例值:#fff000" `
+ Bold int `json:"bl" description:"粗体,0 常规 、 1加粗 "`
+ Italic int `json:"it" description:"斜体,0 常规 、 1 斜体"`
+ Fontsize int `description:"字体大小,14"`
+ CancelLine int ` description:"删除线, 0 常规 、 1 删除线"`
+ HorizontalType int `description:"水平对齐, 0 居中、1 左、2右"`
+ VerticalType int ` description:"垂直对齐, 0 中间、1 上、2下"`
+ Fs interface{} `json:"fs" description:"字体大小,14"`
+ Cl interface{} `json:"cl" description:"删除线, 0 常规 、 1 删除线"`
+ Ht interface{} `json:"ht" description:"水平对齐, 0 居中、1 左、2右"`
+ Vt interface{} `json:"vt" description:"垂直对齐, 0 中间、1 上、2下"`
+ //TextRotate string `json:"tr" description:"竖排文字, 3"`
+ //RotateText string `json:"rt" description:"文字旋转角度, 介于0~180之间的整数,包含0和180"`
+ TextBeak int `description:"文本换行, 0 截断、1溢出、2 自动换行"`
+ Tb interface{} `json:"tb" description:"文本换行, 0 截断、1溢出、2 自动换行"`
+ Ps LuckySheetDataCellComment `json:"ps" description:"批注"`
+ Function string `json:"f" description:"公式"`
+ MergeCell LuckySheetDataConfigMerge `json:"mc" description:"合并单元格信息"`
+// LuckySheetDataCellType 单元格值格式:文本、时间等
+type LuckySheetDataCellType struct {
+ Fa string `json:"fa" description:"格式名称,例如:“General”为自动格式"`
+ T string `json:"t" description:"格式类型,例如:“n”为数字类型"`
+ S []struct {
+ FontFamily int `description:"字体,0 Times New Roman、 1 Arial、2 Tahoma 、3 Verdana、4 微软雅黑、5 宋体(Song)、6 黑体(ST Heiti)、7 楷体(ST Kaiti)、 8 仿宋(ST FangSong)、9 新宋体(ST Song)、10 华文新魏、11 华文行楷、12 华文隶书 "`
+ FF interface{} `json:"ff" description:"字体,0 Times New Roman、 1 Arial、2 Tahoma 、3 Verdana、4 微软雅黑、5 宋体(Song)、6 黑体(ST Heiti)、7 楷体(ST Kaiti)、 8 仿宋(ST FangSong)、9 新宋体(ST Song)、10 华文新魏、11 华文行楷、12 华文隶书 "`
+ FontColor string `json:"fc" description:"字体颜色,示例值:#fff000" `
+ Fontsize int `description:"字体大小,14"`
+ CancelLine int ` description:"删除线, 0 常规 、 1 删除线"`
+ HorizontalType int `description:"水平对齐, 0 居中、1 左、2右"`
+ VerticalType int `description:"垂直对齐, 0 中间、1 上、2下"`
+ Fs interface{} `json:"fs" description:"字体大小,14"`
+ Cl interface{} `json:"cl" description:"删除线, 0 常规 、 1 删除线"`
+ Ht interface{} `json:"ht" description:"水平对齐, 0 居中、1 左、2右"`
+ Vt interface{} `json:"vt" description:"垂直对齐, 0 中间、1 上、2下"`
+ Un int `json:"un" description:""`
+ Bold int `json:"bl" description:"粗体,0 常规 、 1加粗 "`
+ Italic int `json:"it" description:"斜体,0 常规 、 1 斜体"`
+ Value interface{} `json:"v" description:"原始值"`
+ } `json:"s"`
+// LuckySheetDataCellComment 批注
+type LuckySheetDataCellComment struct {
+ Left int `json:"left" description:"批注框距离左边工作表边缘位置"`
+ Top int `json:"top" description:"批注框距离上边工作表边缘位置"`
+ Width int `json:"width" description:"批注框宽度"`
+ Height int `json:"height" description:"批注框高度"`
+ Value string `json:"value" description:"批注内容"`
+ IsShow bool `json:"isshow" description:"是否显示批注"`
+// GetLuckySheetData 获取LuckySheetData的结构体
+func GetLuckySheetData(jsonStr string) (item *LuckySheetData, err error) {
+ err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(jsonStr), &item)
+ for k, v := range item.CellData {
+ value := v.Value
+ value.Fontsize = getIntValueByInterface(value.Fs)
+ value.CancelLine = getIntValueByInterface(value.Cl)
+ value.HorizontalType = getIntValueByInterface(value.Ht)
+ value.VerticalType = getIntValueByInterface(value.Vt)
+ value.FontFamily = getIntValueByInterface(value.FF)
+ value.TextBeak = getIntValueByInterface(value.Tb)
+ if len(value.CellType.S) > 0 {
+ for kk, vv := range value.CellType.S {
+ vv.Fontsize = getIntValueByInterface(vv.Fs)
+ vv.CancelLine = getIntValueByInterface(vv.Cl)
+ vv.HorizontalType = getIntValueByInterface(vv.Ht)
+ vv.VerticalType = getIntValueByInterface(vv.Vt)
+ vv.FontFamily = getIntValueByInterface(vv.FF)
+ value.CellType.S[kk] = vv
+ }
+ }
+ item.CellData[k].Value = value
+ }
+ if len(item.Config.BorderInfo) > 0 {
+ for k, v := range item.Config.BorderInfo {
+ v.Value.T.Style = getIntValueByInterface(v.Value.T.Style)
+ v.Value.B.Style = getIntValueByInterface(v.Value.B.Style)
+ v.Value.L.Style = getIntValueByInterface(v.Value.L.Style)
+ v.Value.R.Style = getIntValueByInterface(v.Value.R.Style)
+ item.Config.BorderInfo[k] = v
+ }
+ }
+ return
+func getIntValueByInterface(valInterface interface{}) (val int) {
+ if valInterface == nil {
+ return
+ }
+ switch reflect.TypeOf(valInterface).Kind() {
+ case reflect.String:
+ tmpValue := reflect.ValueOf(valInterface).String()
+ tmpValInt, err := strconv.Atoi(tmpValue)
+ if err != nil {
+ val = 0
+ } else {
+ val = tmpValInt
+ }
+ case reflect.Int, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64:
+ tmpValue := reflect.ValueOf(valInterface).Int()
+ val = int(tmpValue)
+ }
+ return
+// TableData 表格数据
+type TableData struct {
+ TableDataList [][]LuckySheetDataValue
+ RowWidthList []float64
+ RowHeightList []float64
+ RemoveTopRow int `description:"移除表格上方的行数"`
+ RemoveBottomRow int `description:"移除表格下方的行数"`
+ RemoveLeftColumn int `description:"移除表格左侧的列数"`
+ RemoveRightColumn int `description:"移除表格右侧的列数"`
+ MergeList []TableDataMerge `description:"合并数据列"`
+// TableDataMerge 表格数据合并单元格配置
+type TableDataMerge struct {
+ StartRowIndex int `json:"start_row_index" description:"开始的行下标"`
+ StartColumnIndex int `json:"start_column" description:"开始的列下标"`
+ MergeRowNum int `json:"merge_row_num" description:"合并的行数"`
+ MergeColumnNum int `json:"merge_column_num" description:"合并的列数"`
+// GetTableDataByLuckySheetDataStr 通过LuckySheet的string数据获取表格数据
+func (item *LuckySheetData) GetTableDataByLuckySheetDataStr() (selfTableData TableData, err error) {
+ luckySheetCellDataList := item.CellData
+ // 表格数据
+ tableDataMap := make(map[int64]map[int64]LuckySheetDataValue)
+ // 最大行,最大列
+ var maxRow, maxCol int64
+ for _, v := range luckySheetCellDataList {
+ //fmt.Println("row:", v.Row, "=====col:", v.Col)
+ if v.Row > maxRow { //最大行
+ maxRow = v.Row
+ }
+ if v.Col > maxCol { //最大列
+ maxCol = v.Col
+ }
+ var tmpRow map[int64]LuckySheetDataValue
+ tmpRow, ok := tableDataMap[v.Row]
+ if ok {
+ tmpRow[v.Col] = v.Value
+ } else {
+ tmpRow = make(map[int64]LuckySheetDataValue)
+ tmpRow[v.Col] = v.Value
+ }
+ tableDataMap[v.Row] = tmpRow
+ }
+ tableDataList := make([][]LuckySheetDataValue, 0)
+ var i int64
+ // 单元格宽度
+ configColumnConf := item.Config.Columnlen
+ rowWidthMap := make(map[int]float64)
+ rowWidthList := make([]float64, 0) //
+ // 单元格高度
+ configRowConf := item.Config.Rowlen
+ rowHeightList := make([]float64, 0) //
+ for i = 0; i <= maxRow; i++ {
+ //列
+ tmpTableColDataList := make([]LuckySheetDataValue, 0)
+ // 每个单元格的高度
+ tmpHeight, ok := configRowConf[fmt.Sprint(i)]
+ if !ok {
+ tmpHeight = 0
+ }
+ rowHeightList = append(rowHeightList, tmpHeight)
+ tmpRowData, ok := tableDataMap[i]
+ // 如果没有该行数据,那么就默认添加空行数据处理
+ if !ok {
+ tmpRowData = make(map[int64]LuckySheetDataValue)
+ }
+ var j int64
+ for j = 0; j <= maxCol; j++ {
+ tmpTableColData, ok := tmpRowData[j]
+ if !ok {
+ tmpTableColData = LuckySheetDataValue{}
+ }
+ //单元格显示的数据处理
+ tmpTableColData.Monitor = handleCellVal(tmpTableColData)
+ tmpTableColDataList = append(tmpTableColDataList, tmpTableColData)
+ // 每个单元格的宽度
+ tmpWidth, ok := configColumnConf[fmt.Sprint(j)]
+ if !ok {
+ tmpWidth = 0
+ }
+ rowIndex := len(tmpTableColDataList) - 1
+ if _, ok2 := rowWidthMap[rowIndex]; !ok2 {
+ rowWidthList = append(rowWidthList, tmpWidth)
+ }
+ rowWidthMap[rowIndex] = tmpWidth
+ }
+ tableDataList = append(tableDataList, tmpTableColDataList)
+ }
+ // 数据处理,移除上下左右空行空列
+ tableDataList, tableRemoveNum, rowHeightList, rowWidthList, tableDataMergeList := handleTableDataList(tableDataList, item.Config.Merge, rowHeightList, rowWidthList)
+ // 表格数据
+ {
+ // 移除空白单元格信息
+ selfTableData.RemoveTopRow = tableRemoveNum.RemoveTopRow
+ selfTableData.RemoveBottomRow = tableRemoveNum.RemoveBottomRow
+ selfTableData.RemoveLeftColumn = tableRemoveNum.RemoveLeftColumn
+ selfTableData.RemoveRightColumn = tableRemoveNum.RemoveRightColumn
+ }
+ selfTableData.TableDataList = tableDataList
+ selfTableData.RowWidthList = rowWidthList
+ selfTableData.RowHeightList = rowHeightList
+ selfTableData.MergeList = tableDataMergeList
+ return
+// TableRemoveNum 上下左右移除的空行空列数量
+type TableRemoveNum struct {
+ RemoveTopRow int `description:"移除表格上方的行数"`
+ RemoveBottomRow int `description:"移除表格下方的行数"`
+ RemoveLeftColumn int `description:"移除表格左侧的列数"`
+ RemoveRightColumn int `description:"移除表格右侧的列数"`
+// handleTableDataList 表格数据处理(移除上下左右的空行空列)
+func handleTableDataList(tableDataList [][]LuckySheetDataValue, luckySheetDataConfigMergeList map[string]LuckySheetDataConfigMerge, rowHeightList, rowWidthList []float64) ([][]LuckySheetDataValue, TableRemoveNum, []float64, []float64, []TableDataMerge) {
+ var removeTopRow, removeBottomRow, removeLeftColumn, removeRightColumn int //上下左右需要移除的空行空列
+ tableDataMergeList := make([]TableDataMerge, 0) //待合并的单元格信息
+ //总共多少行
+ lenRow := len(tableDataList)
+ //移除上下空行
+ deleteRowIndexList := make([]int, 0)
+ if lenRow > 0 {
+ var flag = false
+ // 移除上方空列
+ for rowIndex := 0; rowIndex < lenRow; rowIndex++ {
+ isDelete := true
+ for _, v := range tableDataList[rowIndex] {
+ if v.Monitor != `` || (v.MergeCell.Row != rowIndex && v.MergeCell.Row != 0) {
+ isDelete = false
+ flag = true
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ if flag {
+ break
+ }
+ if isDelete {
+ removeTopRow++
+ deleteRowIndexList = append(deleteRowIndexList, rowIndex)
+ }
+ }
+ // 移除下方空行
+ flag = false
+ //尾部
+ deleteBottomRowIndexList := make([]int, 0)
+ for rowIndex := lenRow - 1; rowIndex >= 0; rowIndex-- {
+ isDelete := true
+ for _, v := range tableDataList[rowIndex] {
+ if v.Monitor != `` {
+ isDelete = false
+ flag = true
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ if flag {
+ break
+ }
+ if isDelete {
+ deleteBottomRowIndexList = append(deleteBottomRowIndexList, rowIndex)
+ removeBottomRow++
+ }
+ }
+ if len(deleteBottomRowIndexList) > 0 {
+ deleteRowIndexList = append(deleteRowIndexList, utils.RevSlice(deleteBottomRowIndexList)...)
+ }
+ lenDeleteRow := len(deleteRowIndexList)
+ if lenDeleteRow > 0 {
+ for rowIndex := lenDeleteRow - 1; rowIndex >= 0; rowIndex-- {
+ //表格数据
+ tableDataList = append(tableDataList[:deleteRowIndexList[rowIndex]], tableDataList[deleteRowIndexList[rowIndex]+1:]...) // 删除开头N个元素
+ //表格高度
+ rowHeightList = append(rowHeightList[:deleteRowIndexList[rowIndex]], rowHeightList[deleteRowIndexList[rowIndex]+1:]...) // 删除开头N个元素
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //移除左右空列
+ deleteColumnIndexList := make([]int, 0)
+ if len(tableDataList) > 0 {
+ var flag = false
+ lenColumn := len(tableDataList[0])
+ // 移除左边空列
+ for columnIndex := 0; columnIndex < lenColumn; columnIndex++ {
+ isDelete := true
+ for _, v := range tableDataList {
+ //如果一列都没有,说明是上面几行是空行,没有数据
+ if len(v) <= 0 {
+ continue
+ }
+ if v[columnIndex].Monitor != `` || (v[columnIndex].MergeCell.Column != columnIndex && v[columnIndex].MergeCell.Column != 0) {
+ isDelete = false
+ flag = true
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ if flag {
+ break
+ }
+ if isDelete {
+ removeLeftColumn++
+ deleteColumnIndexList = append(deleteColumnIndexList, columnIndex)
+ }
+ }
+ // 移除右方空列
+ flag = false
+ //右边
+ deleteTailColumnIndexList := make([]int, 0)
+ for columnIndex := lenColumn - 1; columnIndex >= 0; columnIndex-- {
+ isDelete := true
+ for _, v := range tableDataList {
+ //如果一列都没有,说明是上面几行是空行,没有数据
+ if len(v) <= 0 {
+ continue
+ }
+ if v[columnIndex].Monitor != `` || (v[columnIndex].MergeCell.Column != columnIndex && v[columnIndex].MergeCell.Column != 0) {
+ isDelete = false
+ flag = true
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ if flag {
+ break
+ }
+ if isDelete {
+ deleteTailColumnIndexList = append(deleteTailColumnIndexList, columnIndex)
+ removeRightColumn++
+ }
+ }
+ if len(deleteTailColumnIndexList) > 0 {
+ deleteColumnIndexList = append(deleteColumnIndexList, utils.RevSlice(deleteTailColumnIndexList)...)
+ }
+ lenDeleteColumn := len(deleteColumnIndexList)
+ if lenDeleteColumn > 0 {
+ for columnIndex := lenDeleteColumn - 1; columnIndex >= 0; columnIndex-- {
+ //表格数据
+ for k, v := range tableDataList {
+ tableDataList[k] = append(v[:deleteColumnIndexList[columnIndex]], v[deleteColumnIndexList[columnIndex]+1:]...) // 删除开头N个元素
+ }
+ //表格宽度
+ rowWidthList = append(rowWidthList[:deleteColumnIndexList[columnIndex]], rowWidthList[deleteColumnIndexList[columnIndex]+1:]...) // 删除开头N个元素
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //处理合并单元格
+ for _, v := range luckySheetDataConfigMergeList {
+ indexRow := v.Row - removeTopRow
+ indexColumn := v.Column - removeLeftColumn
+ tableDataMerge := TableDataMerge{
+ StartRowIndex: indexRow,
+ StartColumnIndex: indexColumn,
+ MergeRowNum: v.Rs - 1,
+ MergeColumnNum: v.Cs - 1,
+ }
+ tableDataMergeList = append(tableDataMergeList, tableDataMerge)
+ }
+ return tableDataList, TableRemoveNum{
+ RemoveTopRow: removeTopRow,
+ RemoveBottomRow: removeBottomRow,
+ RemoveLeftColumn: removeLeftColumn,
+ RemoveRightColumn: removeRightColumn,
+ }, rowHeightList, rowWidthList, tableDataMergeList
+func (item *LuckySheetData) ToExcel() (downloadFilePath string, err error) {
+ tableData, err := item.GetTableDataByLuckySheetDataStr()
+ //dir, err := os.Executable()
+ //exPath := filepath.Dir(dir)
+ //downloadFilePath := exPath + "/" + time.Now().Format(utils.FormatDateTimeUnSpace) + ".xlsx"
+ downloadFilePath, err = getDownloadPath()
+ if err != nil {
+ return
+ }
+ xlsxFile := xlsx.NewFile()
+ if err != nil {
+ return
+ }
+ style := xlsx.NewStyle()
+ alignment := xlsx.Alignment{
+ Horizontal: "center",
+ Vertical: "center",
+ WrapText: true,
+ }
+ style.Alignment = alignment
+ style.ApplyAlignment = true
+ sheet, err := xlsxFile.AddSheet("sheet1")
+ if err != nil {
+ return
+ }
+ for k, v := range tableData.RowWidthList {
+ err = sheet.SetColWidth(k, k, v/10)
+ if err != nil {
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ for index, v := range tableData.TableDataList {
+ tmpRow := sheet.AddRow()
+ //设置单元格高度
+ if tableData.RowHeightList[index] > 0 {
+ tmpRow.SetHeight(tableData.RowHeightList[index] / 2)
+ }
+ for _, cellInfo := range v {
+ tmpStyle := new(xlsx.Style)
+ //xlsx.Style{
+ // Fill: xlsx.Fill{},
+ // ApplyBorder: false,
+ // ApplyFill: false,
+ // ApplyFont: false,
+ // NamedStyleIndex: nil,
+ //}
+ //fill := *NewFill("solid", "FF000000", "00FF0000")
+ defaultFill := xlsx.DefaultFill()
+ if cellInfo.Background != `` {
+ defaultFill.PatternType = "solid"
+ backgroundColor := cellInfo.Background
+ // 这么做是为了避免传入的是RGB的格式(rgb(255, 255, 255))
+ backgroundColor = getColor(backgroundColor)
+ defaultFill.BgColor = strings.TrimPrefix(backgroundColor, "#")
+ defaultFill.FgColor = strings.TrimPrefix(backgroundColor, "#")
+ }
+ tmpStyle.Fill = *defaultFill
+ // 获取表格字体配置
+ tmpStyle.Font = getExcelFontConf(cellInfo)
+ //获取表格单元格排列配置
+ tmpStyle.ApplyAlignment = true
+ tmpStyle.Alignment = getExcelAlignmentConf(cellInfo)
+ //边框配置
+ tmpStyle.Border = xlsx.Border{
+ Left: "thin",
+ LeftColor: "000000",
+ Right: "thin",
+ RightColor: "000000",
+ Top: "thin",
+ TopColor: "000000",
+ Bottom: "thin",
+ BottomColor: "000000",
+ }
+ //tmpStyle.ApplyAlignment = true
+ //tmpStyle.Alignment.WrapText = true
+ tmpRow := tmpRow.AddCell()
+ tmpRow.SetStyle(tmpStyle)
+ valueStr := cellInfo.Monitor
+ if valueStr == `` {
+ //valueStr = fmt.Sprint(cellInfo.Value)
+ if valueStr == `` && cellInfo.CellType.S != nil {
+ //不是设置在单元格上面,而是设置在文本上
+ for _, cellS := range cellInfo.CellType.S {
+ valueStr += fmt.Sprint(cellS.Value)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ tmpRow.SetString(valueStr)
+ //if cellInfo.Function != `` {
+ // tmpRow.SetFormula(cellInfo.Function)
+ //}
+ }
+ }
+ for _, v := range tableData.MergeList {
+ for k, cell := range sheet.Row(v.StartRowIndex).Cells {
+ if v.StartColumnIndex == k {
+ cell.Merge(v.MergeColumnNum, v.MergeRowNum)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //return
+ err = xlsxFile.Save(downloadFilePath)
+ if err != nil {
+ return
+ }
+ //randStr := time.Now().Format(utils.FormatDateTimeUnSpace)
+ //downloadFileName := "即将到期客户数据_" + randStr + ".xlsx"
+ //this.Ctx.Output.Download(downLoadnFilePath, downloadFileName)
+ return
+// getDownloadPath 获取下载地址
+func getDownloadPath() (fpath string, err error) {
+ dateDir := time.Now().Format("20060102")
+ uploadDir := "static/xls/" + dateDir
+ err = os.MkdirAll(uploadDir, 0766)
+ if err != nil {
+ return
+ }
+ randStr := utils.GetRandStringNoSpecialChar(28)
+ fileName := randStr + ".xlsx"
+ fpath = uploadDir + "/" + fileName
+ return
+// getExcelFontConf 获取表格字体配置
+func getExcelFontConf(cellInfo LuckySheetDataValue) xlsx.Font {
+ fontSize := 10
+ familyName := ``
+ var isBold, isItalic, isUnderline bool
+ // 字体
+ {
+ if cellInfo.Bold == 1 {
+ isBold = true
+ }
+ if cellInfo.Italic == 1 {
+ isItalic = true
+ }
+ if cellInfo.CancelLine == 1 {
+ isUnderline = true
+ }
+ //if cellInfo.Fontsize != `` {
+ // convSize, _ := strconv.Atoi(cellInfo.Fontsize)
+ // if convSize > 0 {
+ // fontSize = convSize
+ // }
+ //}
+ if cellInfo.Fontsize > 0 {
+ fontSize = cellInfo.Fontsize
+ }
+ tmpFamilyName, familyNameOk := LuckyFontFamilyMap[cellInfo.FontFamily]
+ if !familyNameOk {
+ tmpFamilyName = "宋体"
+ }
+ familyName = tmpFamilyName
+ }
+ return xlsx.Font{
+ Size: fontSize,
+ Name: familyName,
+ //Family: v2.FontFamily,
+ //Charset: 0,
+ Color: strings.TrimPrefix(cellInfo.FontColor, "#"),
+ Bold: isBold,
+ Italic: isItalic,
+ Underline: isUnderline,
+ }
+// getExcelAlignmentConf 获取表格单元格排列配置
+func getExcelAlignmentConf(cellInfo LuckySheetDataValue) xlsx.Alignment {
+ //自动换行
+ isWrapText := false
+ if cellInfo.TextBeak == 2 {
+ isWrapText = true
+ }
+ rotateText := 0
+ //if cellInfo.RotateText != `` {
+ // convSize, _ := strconv.Atoi(cellInfo.RotateText)
+ // if convSize > 0 {
+ // rotateText = convSize
+ // }
+ //}
+ return xlsx.Alignment{
+ Horizontal: LuckyHorizontalMap[cellInfo.HorizontalType],
+ //Indent: 0,
+ //ShrinkToFit: false,
+ TextRotation: rotateText,
+ Vertical: LuckyVerticalMap[cellInfo.VerticalType],
+ WrapText: isWrapText,
+ }
+// getExcelBorderConf 获取表格边框配置
+//func getExcelBorderConf(list []LuckySheetDataConfigBorderInfo) (v xlsx.Border) {
+// // 字体
+// for _, v := range list {
+// //v.BorderType
+// //v.Style
+// if v.RangeType == "cell" {
+// xlsx.Border{
+// Left: LuckyBorderMap[v.Value.L.Style],
+// LeftColor: strings.TrimPrefix(v.Value.L.Color, "#"),
+// Right: LuckyBorderMap[v.Value.R.Style],
+// RightColor: strings.TrimPrefix(v.Value.R.Color, "#"),
+// Top: LuckyBorderMap[v.Value.T.Style],
+// TopColor: strings.TrimPrefix(v.Value.T.Color, "#"),
+// Bottom: LuckyBorderMap[v.Value.B.Style],
+// BottomColor: strings.TrimPrefix(v.Value.B.Color, "#"),
+// }
+// } else {
+// xlsx.Border{
+// Left: LuckyBorderMap[v.Style],
+// LeftColor: strings.TrimPrefix(v.Color, "#"),
+// Right: LuckyBorderMap[v.Style],
+// RightColor: strings.TrimPrefix(v.Color, "#"),
+// Top: LuckyBorderMap[v.Style],
+// TopColor: strings.TrimPrefix(v.Color, "#"),
+// Bottom: LuckyBorderMap[v.Style],
+// BottomColor: strings.TrimPrefix(v.Color, "#"),
+// }
+// }
+// //v.Value.T.Style
+// }
+// return
+// LuckyFontFamilyMap 字体map
+var LuckyFontFamilyMap = map[int]string{
+ 0: "Times New Roman",
+ 1: "Arial",
+ 2: "Tahoma",
+ 3: "Verdana",
+ 4: "微软雅黑",
+ 5: "宋体", //宋体(Song)、
+ 6: "黑体", // 黑体(ST Heiti)
+ 7: "楷体", //楷体(ST Kaiti),
+ 8: "仿宋", //仿宋(ST FangSong),
+ 9: "新宋体", //新宋体(ST Song),
+ 10: "华文新魏",
+ 11: "华文行楷",
+ 12: "华文隶书",
+// LuckyBorderMap 边框map
+var LuckyBorderMap = map[string]string{
+ "": "Thin",
+ "1": "Thin",
+ "2": "Hair",
+ "3": "Dotted",
+ "4": "Dashed",
+ "5": "DashDot", //宋体(Song)、
+ "6": "DashDotDot", // 黑体(ST Heiti)
+ "7": "Double", //楷体(ST Kaiti),
+ "8": "Medium", //仿宋(ST FangSong),
+ "9": "MediumDashed", //新宋体(ST Song),
+ "10": "MediumDashDot",
+ "11": "MediumDashDotDot",
+ "12": "SlantedDashDot",
+ "13": "Thick",
+// LuckyHorizontalMap 水平对齐map
+var LuckyHorizontalMap = map[int]string{
+ //"": "general",
+ 0: "center",
+ 1: "left",
+ 2: "right",
+// LuckyVerticalMap 垂直对齐map
+var LuckyVerticalMap = map[int]string{
+ //"": "center",
+ 0: "center",
+ 1: "top",
+ //2: "bottom",
+// GetColumnName Return the ColumnName
+func GetColumnName(rowNumber int, colNumber int) (colName string, err error) {
+ if rowNumber < 1 || colNumber < 1 {
+ err = errors.New("Row and Column Number can not be less than 1")
+ return
+ }
+ dividend := colNumber
+ var modulo int
+ for dividend > 0 {
+ modulo = (dividend - 1) % 26
+ // Convert int to char
+ colName = string(65+modulo) + colName
+ dividend = (int)((dividend - modulo) / 26)
+ }
+ colName = colName + strconv.Itoa(rowNumber)
+ return
+// GetTableDataByLuckySheetDataStrBak 通过LuckySheet的string数据获取表格数据(备份:2022-08-23 10:30:32)
+func (item *LuckySheetData) GetTableDataByLuckySheetDataStrBak() (selfTableData TableData, err error) {
+ luckySheetCellDataList := item.CellData
+ // 表格数据
+ tableDataMap := make(map[int64]map[int64]LuckySheetDataValue)
+ // 最大行,最大列
+ var maxRow, maxCol int64
+ for _, v := range luckySheetCellDataList {
+ //fmt.Println("row:", v.Row, "=====col:", v.Col)
+ if v.Row > maxRow { //最大行
+ maxRow = v.Row
+ }
+ if v.Col > maxCol { //最大列
+ maxCol = v.Col
+ }
+ var tmpRow map[int64]LuckySheetDataValue
+ tmpRow, ok := tableDataMap[v.Row]
+ if ok {
+ tmpRow[v.Col] = v.Value
+ } else {
+ tmpRow = make(map[int64]LuckySheetDataValue)
+ tmpRow[v.Col] = v.Value
+ }
+ tableDataMap[v.Row] = tmpRow
+ }
+ tableDataList := make([][]LuckySheetDataValue, 0)
+ var i int64
+ // 单元格宽度
+ configColumnConf := item.Config.Columnlen
+ rowWidthMap := make(map[int]float64)
+ rowWidthList := make([]float64, 0) //
+ // 单元格高度
+ configRowConf := item.Config.Rowlen
+ rowHeightList := make([]float64, 0) //
+ for i = 0; i <= maxRow; i++ {
+ //列
+ tmpTableColDataList := make([]LuckySheetDataValue, 0)
+ // 每个单元格的高度
+ tmpHeight, ok := configRowConf[fmt.Sprint(i)]
+ if !ok {
+ tmpHeight = 0
+ }
+ rowHeightList = append(rowHeightList, tmpHeight)
+ tmpRowData, ok := tableDataMap[i]
+ // 如果没有该行数据,那么就默认添加空行数据处理
+ if !ok {
+ tmpRowData = make(map[int64]LuckySheetDataValue)
+ }
+ var j int64
+ for j = 0; j <= maxCol; j++ {
+ tmpTableColData, ok := tmpRowData[j]
+ if !ok {
+ tmpTableColData = LuckySheetDataValue{}
+ }
+ tmpTableColDataList = append(tmpTableColDataList, tmpTableColData)
+ // 每个单元格的宽度
+ tmpWidth, ok := configColumnConf[fmt.Sprint(j)]
+ if !ok {
+ tmpWidth = 0
+ }
+ rowIndex := len(tmpTableColDataList) - 1
+ if _, ok2 := rowWidthMap[rowIndex]; !ok2 {
+ rowWidthList = append(rowWidthList, tmpWidth)
+ }
+ rowWidthMap[rowIndex] = tmpWidth
+ }
+ tableDataList = append(tableDataList, tmpTableColDataList)
+ }
+ //总共多少行
+ lenRow := len(tableDataList)
+ //移除上下空行
+ deleteRowIndexList := make([]int, 0)
+ if lenRow > 0 {
+ var flag = false
+ // 移除上方空列
+ for rowIndex := 0; rowIndex < lenRow; rowIndex++ {
+ isDelete := true
+ for _, v := range tableDataList[rowIndex] {
+ if v.Monitor != `` || (v.MergeCell.Row != rowIndex && v.MergeCell.Row != 0) {
+ isDelete = false
+ flag = true
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ if flag {
+ break
+ }
+ if isDelete {
+ selfTableData.RemoveTopRow++
+ deleteRowIndexList = append(deleteRowIndexList, rowIndex)
+ }
+ }
+ // 移除下方空行
+ flag = false
+ //尾部
+ deleteBottomRowIndexList := make([]int, 0)
+ for rowIndex := lenRow - 1; rowIndex >= 0; rowIndex-- {
+ isDelete := true
+ for _, v := range tableDataList[rowIndex] {
+ if v.Monitor != `` {
+ isDelete = false
+ flag = true
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ if flag {
+ break
+ }
+ if isDelete {
+ deleteBottomRowIndexList = append(deleteBottomRowIndexList, rowIndex)
+ selfTableData.RemoveBottomRow++
+ }
+ }
+ if len(deleteBottomRowIndexList) > 0 {
+ deleteRowIndexList = append(deleteRowIndexList, utils.RevSlice(deleteBottomRowIndexList)...)
+ }
+ lenDeleteRow := len(deleteRowIndexList)
+ if lenDeleteRow > 0 {
+ for rowIndex := lenDeleteRow - 1; rowIndex >= 0; rowIndex-- {
+ //表格数据
+ tableDataList = append(tableDataList[:deleteRowIndexList[rowIndex]], tableDataList[deleteRowIndexList[rowIndex]+1:]...) // 删除开头N个元素
+ //表格高度
+ rowHeightList = append(rowHeightList[:deleteRowIndexList[rowIndex]], rowHeightList[deleteRowIndexList[rowIndex]+1:]...) // 删除开头N个元素
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //移除左右空列
+ deleteColumnIndexList := make([]int, 0)
+ if len(tableDataList) > 0 {
+ var flag = false
+ lenColumn := len(tableDataList[0])
+ // 移除左边空列
+ for columnIndex := 0; columnIndex < lenColumn; columnIndex++ {
+ isDelete := true
+ for _, v := range tableDataList {
+ //如果一列都没有,说明是上面几行是空行,没有数据
+ if len(v) <= 0 {
+ continue
+ }
+ if v[columnIndex].Monitor != `` || (v[columnIndex].MergeCell.Column != columnIndex && v[columnIndex].MergeCell.Column != 0) {
+ isDelete = false
+ flag = true
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ if flag {
+ break
+ }
+ if isDelete {
+ selfTableData.RemoveLeftColumn++
+ deleteColumnIndexList = append(deleteColumnIndexList, columnIndex)
+ }
+ }
+ // 移除右方空列
+ flag = false
+ //右边
+ deleteTailColumnIndexList := make([]int, 0)
+ for columnIndex := lenColumn - 1; columnIndex >= 0; columnIndex-- {
+ isDelete := true
+ for _, v := range tableDataList {
+ //如果一列都没有,说明是上面几行是空行,没有数据
+ if len(v) <= 0 {
+ continue
+ }
+ if v[columnIndex].Monitor != `` || (v[columnIndex].MergeCell.Column != columnIndex && v[columnIndex].MergeCell.Column != 0) {
+ isDelete = false
+ flag = true
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ if flag {
+ break
+ }
+ if isDelete {
+ deleteTailColumnIndexList = append(deleteTailColumnIndexList, columnIndex)
+ selfTableData.RemoveRightColumn++
+ }
+ }
+ if len(deleteTailColumnIndexList) > 0 {
+ deleteColumnIndexList = append(deleteColumnIndexList, utils.RevSlice(deleteTailColumnIndexList)...)
+ }
+ lenDeleteColumn := len(deleteColumnIndexList)
+ if lenDeleteColumn > 0 {
+ for columnIndex := lenDeleteColumn - 1; columnIndex >= 0; columnIndex-- {
+ //表格数据
+ for k, v := range tableDataList {
+ tableDataList[k] = append(v[:deleteColumnIndexList[columnIndex]], v[deleteColumnIndexList[columnIndex]+1:]...) // 删除开头N个元素
+ }
+ //表格宽度
+ rowWidthList = append(rowWidthList[:deleteColumnIndexList[columnIndex]], rowWidthList[deleteColumnIndexList[columnIndex]+1:]...) // 删除开头N个元素
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //处理合并单元格
+ tableDataMergeList := make([]TableDataMerge, 0)
+ for _, v := range item.Config.Merge {
+ indexRow := v.Row - selfTableData.RemoveTopRow
+ indexColumn := v.Column - selfTableData.RemoveLeftColumn
+ tableDataMerge := TableDataMerge{
+ StartRowIndex: indexRow,
+ StartColumnIndex: indexColumn,
+ MergeRowNum: v.Rs - 1,
+ MergeColumnNum: v.Cs - 1,
+ }
+ tableDataMergeList = append(tableDataMergeList, tableDataMerge)
+ }
+ // 表格数据
+ selfTableData.TableDataList = tableDataList
+ selfTableData.RowWidthList = rowWidthList
+ selfTableData.RowHeightList = rowHeightList
+ selfTableData.MergeList = tableDataMergeList
+ return
+func (item *LuckySheetData) ToExcel2() (downloadFilePath string, err error) {
+ tableData, err := item.GetTableDataByLuckySheetDataStr()
+ downloadFilePath, err = getDownloadPath()
+ if err != nil {
+ return
+ }
+ f := excelize.NewFile()
+ // Create a new sheet.
+ sheetName := `Sheet1`
+ sheetIndex, _ := f.NewSheet(sheetName)
+ //设置列宽度
+ for k, v := range tableData.RowWidthList {
+ colName, tmpErr := excelize.ColumnNumberToName(k + 1)
+ if tmpErr != nil {
+ err = errors.New("获取单元格列名失败,ERR:" + tmpErr.Error())
+ err = tmpErr
+ return
+ }
+ err = f.SetColWidth(sheetName, colName, colName, v/10)
+ if err != nil {
+ err = errors.New("设置列宽度,ERR:" + tmpErr.Error())
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ // 写入数据
+ for index, v := range tableData.TableDataList {
+ //设置单元格高度
+ if tableData.RowHeightList[index] > 0 {
+ tmpErr := f.SetRowHeight(sheetName, index+1, tableData.RowHeightList[index]/2)
+ if tmpErr != nil {
+ err = errors.New("设置单元格高度失败,ERR:" + tmpErr.Error())
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ for colunmIndex, cellInfo := range v {
+ //f.NewStyle
+ defaultFill := excelize.Fill{
+ //Type: "solid",
+ Pattern: 1,
+ //Color: []string{cellInfo.Background},
+ Shading: 0,
+ }
+ if cellInfo.Background != `` {
+ defaultFill.Type = "solid"
+ defaultFill.Color = []string{cellInfo.Background}
+ }
+ cellStyle := &excelize.Style{
+ Border: []excelize.Border{
+ {Type: "left", Color: "000000", Style: 1},
+ {Type: "top", Color: "000000", Style: 1},
+ {Type: "bottom", Color: "000000", Style: 1},
+ {Type: "right", Color: "000000", Style: 1},
+ //{Type: "diagonalDown", Color: "A020F0", Style: 7},
+ //{Type: "diagonalUp", Color: "A020F0", Style: 8},
+ },
+ Fill: defaultFill,
+ Font: getExcelizeFontConf(cellInfo),
+ Alignment: getExcelizeAlignmentConf(cellInfo),
+ //Protection: nil,
+ //NumFmt: 0,
+ //DecimalPlaces: 0,
+ //CustomNumFmt: nil,
+ //Lang: "",
+ //NegRed: false,
+ }
+ cellStyleId, tmpErr := f.NewStyle(cellStyle)
+ if tmpErr != nil {
+ err = errors.New("new Style 失败,ERR:" + tmpErr.Error())
+ return
+ }
+ columnName, tmpErr := excelize.ColumnNumberToName(colunmIndex + 1)
+ if tmpErr != nil {
+ err = errors.New("获取单元格列名失败,ERR:" + tmpErr.Error())
+ return
+ }
+ cellName := columnName + strconv.Itoa(index+1)
+ tmpErr = f.SetCellStyle(sheetName, cellName, cellName, cellStyleId)
+ if tmpErr != nil {
+ err = errors.New("设置style失败,ERR:" + tmpErr.Error())
+ return
+ }
+ valueStr := cellInfo.Monitor
+ if valueStr == `` {
+ //valueStr = fmt.Sprint(cellInfo.Value)
+ if valueStr == `` && cellInfo.CellType.S != nil {
+ //不是设置在单元格上面,而是设置在文本上
+ for _, cellS := range cellInfo.CellType.S {
+ valueStr += fmt.Sprint(cellS.Value)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ tmpErr = f.SetCellStr(sheetName, cellName, valueStr)
+ if tmpErr != nil {
+ err = errors.New("设置单元格数据失败,ERR:" + tmpErr.Error())
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for _, v := range tableData.MergeList {
+ //开始列
+ startColumnName, tmpErr := excelize.ColumnNumberToName(v.StartColumnIndex + 1)
+ if tmpErr != nil {
+ err = tmpErr
+ return
+ }
+ startCellName := startColumnName + strconv.Itoa(v.StartRowIndex+1)
+ //结束列
+ endColumnName, tmpErr := excelize.ColumnNumberToName(v.StartColumnIndex + v.MergeColumnNum + 1)
+ if tmpErr != nil {
+ err = tmpErr
+ return
+ }
+ endCellName := endColumnName + strconv.Itoa(v.StartRowIndex+v.MergeRowNum+1)
+ err = f.MergeCell(sheetName, startCellName, endCellName)
+ if err != nil {
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ // Set active sheet of the workbook.
+ f.SetActiveSheet(sheetIndex)
+ // Save spreadsheet by the given path.
+ err = f.SaveAs(downloadFilePath)
+ return
+// getExcelizeFontConf 获取表格字体配置
+func getExcelizeFontConf(cellInfo LuckySheetDataValue) *excelize.Font {
+ fontSize := 10
+ familyName := ``
+ //single 单线 、double 双线
+ underlineStyle := ``
+ var isBold, isItalic, isUnderline bool
+ // 字体
+ {
+ if cellInfo.Bold == 1 {
+ isBold = true
+ }
+ if cellInfo.Italic == 1 {
+ isItalic = true
+ }
+ if cellInfo.CancelLine == 1 {
+ isUnderline = true
+ }
+ //if cellInfo.Fontsize != `` {
+ // convSize, _ := strconv.Atoi(cellInfo.Fontsize)
+ // if convSize > 0 {
+ // fontSize = convSize
+ // }
+ //}
+ if cellInfo.Fontsize > 0 {
+ fontSize = cellInfo.Fontsize
+ }
+ tmpFamilyName, familyNameOk := LuckyFontFamilyMap[cellInfo.FontFamily]
+ if !familyNameOk {
+ tmpFamilyName = "宋体"
+ }
+ familyName = tmpFamilyName
+ }
+ if isUnderline {
+ underlineStyle = "single"
+ }
+ //VertAlign取值:
+ //BASELINE、superscript、subscript
+ return &excelize.Font{
+ Bold: isBold,
+ Italic: isItalic,
+ Underline: underlineStyle,
+ Family: familyName,
+ Size: float64(fontSize),
+ Strike: isUnderline,
+ Color: cellInfo.FontColor,
+ VertAlign: "",
+ }
+// getExcelizeAlignmentConf 获取表格单元格排列配置
+func getExcelizeAlignmentConf(cellInfo LuckySheetDataValue) *excelize.Alignment {
+ //自动换行
+ isWrapText := false
+ if cellInfo.TextBeak == 2 {
+ isWrapText = true
+ }
+ rotateText := 0
+ //if cellInfo.RotateText != `` {
+ // convSize, _ := strconv.Atoi(cellInfo.RotateText)
+ // if convSize > 0 {
+ // rotateText = convSize
+ // }
+ //}
+ return &excelize.Alignment{
+ Horizontal: LuckyHorizontalMap[cellInfo.HorizontalType],
+ //Indent: 0,
+ //JustifyLastLine: false,
+ //ReadingOrder: 0,
+ //RelativeIndent: 0,
+ //ShrinkToFit: false,
+ TextRotation: rotateText,
+ Vertical: LuckyVerticalMap[cellInfo.VerticalType],
+ WrapText: isWrapText,
+ }
+// getColor 获取hex颜色
+func getColor(bgStr string) string {
+ if strings.Contains(bgStr, "(") {
+ arr := strings.Split(bgStr, ",")
+ if len(arr) != 3 {
+ return bgStr
+ }
+ // 第一位
+ tmpFirstArr := strings.Split(arr[0], "(")
+ arr[0] = tmpFirstArr[len(tmpFirstArr)-1]
+ // 最后一位
+ tmpLastArr := strings.Split(arr[2], ")")
+ arr[2] = tmpLastArr[0]
+ rgbArr := make([]int64, 0)
+ for _, v := range arr {
+ tmpInt, err := strconv.Atoi(utils.TrimStr(v))
+ if err != nil {
+ return bgStr
+ }
+ rgbArr = append(rgbArr, int64(tmpInt))
+ }
+ rgb := RGB{
+ rgbArr[0],
+ rgbArr[1],
+ rgbArr[2],
+ }
+ bgStr = "" + rgb.Rgb2Hex().Str
+ }
+ return bgStr