package models import ( "errors" "eta/eta_index_lib/utils" "fmt" "" "strconv" "strings" "time" ) // SavePredictCalculatePhaseShift 时间移位 func SavePredictCalculatePhaseShift(req *EdbInfoCalculateBatchSaveReq, fromEdbInfo *EdbInfo, edbCode, uniqueCode string, sysUserId int, sysUserRealName, lang string) (edbInfo *EdbInfo, latestDateStr string, latestValue float64, err error) { o := orm.NewOrm() to, err := o.Begin() if err != nil { return } defer func() { if err != nil { fmt.Println("SavePredictCalculateTimeShift,Err:" + err.Error()) _ = to.Rollback() } else { _ = to.Commit() } }() // 前端那边让后端处理。。。 if req.Frequency == "日度" && req.MoveFrequency == "" { return nil, "", 0, errors.New("日度指标,移动频率不能为空") } switch req.Frequency { case "周度": req.MoveFrequency = "周" case "月度": req.MoveFrequency = "月" case "季度": req.MoveFrequency = "季" case "年度": req.MoveFrequency = "年" } if req.EdbInfoId <= 0 { edbInfo = new(EdbInfo) edbInfo.EdbInfoType = 1 edbInfo.Source = utils.DATA_SOURCE_PREDICT_CALCULATE_PHASE_SHIFT edbInfo.SourceName = "预测期数位移" edbInfo.EdbCode = edbCode edbInfo.EdbName = req.EdbName edbInfo.EdbNameSource = req.EdbName edbInfo.Frequency = req.Frequency edbInfo.Unit = req.Unit edbInfo.ClassifyId = req.ClassifyId edbInfo.SysUserId = sysUserId edbInfo.SysUserRealName = sysUserRealName edbInfo.CreateTime = time.Now() edbInfo.ModifyTime = time.Now() edbInfo.UniqueCode = uniqueCode edbInfo.CalculateFormula = req.Formula edbInfo.EdbType = 2 edbInfo.MoveType = req.MoveType edbInfo.MoveFrequency = req.MoveFrequency edbInfo.EdbNameEn = req.EdbName edbInfo.UnitEn = req.Unit edbInfo.Sort = GetAddEdbMaxSortByClassifyId(req.ClassifyId, utils.PREDICT_EDB_INFO_TYPE) newEdbInfoId, tmpErr := to.Insert(edbInfo) if tmpErr != nil { err = tmpErr return } edbInfo.EdbInfoId = int(newEdbInfoId) //关联关系 { calculateMappingItem := new(EdbInfoCalculateMapping) calculateMappingItem.CreateTime = time.Now() calculateMappingItem.ModifyTime = time.Now() calculateMappingItem.Sort = 1 calculateMappingItem.EdbCode = edbCode calculateMappingItem.EdbInfoId = edbInfo.EdbInfoId calculateMappingItem.FromEdbInfoId = fromEdbInfo.EdbInfoId calculateMappingItem.FromEdbCode = fromEdbInfo.EdbCode calculateMappingItem.FromEdbName = fromEdbInfo.EdbName calculateMappingItem.FromSource = fromEdbInfo.Source calculateMappingItem.FromSourceName = fromEdbInfo.SourceName calculateMappingItem.FromTag = "" calculateMappingItem.Source = edbInfo.Source calculateMappingItem.SourceName = edbInfo.SourceName _, err = to.Insert(calculateMappingItem) if err != nil { return } } } else { edbInfo, err = GetEdbInfoById(req.EdbInfoId) if err != nil { return } latestDateStr = edbInfo.LatestDate latestValue = edbInfo.LatestValue oldEdbInfo := *edbInfo //旧的指标信息 //修改指标信息 switch lang { case utils.EnLangVersion: edbInfo.EdbNameEn = req.EdbName edbInfo.UnitEn = req.Unit default: edbInfo.EdbName = req.EdbName edbInfo.Unit = req.Unit edbInfo.EdbNameSource = req.EdbName } edbInfo.Frequency = req.Frequency edbInfo.ClassifyId = req.ClassifyId edbInfo.MoveType = req.MoveType edbInfo.MoveFrequency = req.MoveFrequency edbInfo.CalculateFormula = req.Formula edbInfo.ModifyTime = time.Now() _, err = to.Update(edbInfo, "EdbName", "EdbNameSource", "Frequency", "Unit", "ClassifyId", "MoveType", "MoveFrequency", "CalculateFormula", "ModifyTime", "EdbNameEn", "UnitEn") if err != nil { return } //判断计算指标是否被更换 var existCondition string var existPars []interface{} existCondition += " AND edb_info_id=? AND from_edb_info_id=? " existPars = append(existPars, edbInfo.EdbInfoId, req.FromEdbInfoId) var count int count, err = GetEdbInfoCalculateCountByCondition(existCondition, existPars) if err != nil { err = errors.New("判断指标是否改变失败,Err:" + err.Error()) return } if count <= 0 || req.MoveType != oldEdbInfo.MoveType || req.MoveFrequency != oldEdbInfo.MoveFrequency || req.Formula != oldEdbInfo.CalculateFormula { //如果是依赖指标变更,那么需要删除对应的关联指标,并添加新的关系 if count <= 0 { //删除,计算指标关联的,基础指标的关联关系 sql := ` DELETE FROM edb_info_calculate_mapping WHERE edb_info_id = ? ` _, err = to.Raw(sql, edbInfo.EdbInfoId).Exec() if err != nil { err = errors.New("删除计算指标关联关系失败,Err:" + err.Error()) return } //关联关系 { calculateMappingItem := &EdbInfoCalculateMapping{ EdbInfoCalculateMappingId: 0, EdbInfoId: edbInfo.EdbInfoId, Source: utils.DATA_SOURCE_PREDICT_CALCULATE_PHASE_SHIFT, SourceName: "预测期数位移", EdbCode: edbInfo.EdbCode, FromEdbInfoId: fromEdbInfo.EdbInfoId, FromEdbCode: fromEdbInfo.EdbCode, FromEdbName: fromEdbInfo.EdbName, FromSource: fromEdbInfo.Source, FromSourceName: fromEdbInfo.SourceName, FromTag: "", Sort: 1, CreateTime: time.Now(), ModifyTime: time.Now(), } _, err = to.Insert(calculateMappingItem) if err != nil { return } } } //清空原有数据 sql := ` DELETE FROM edb_data_predict_calculate_phase_shift WHERE edb_info_id = ? ` _, err = to.Raw(sql, edbInfo.EdbInfoId).Exec() if err != nil { return } } else { return } } formulaInt, _ := strconv.Atoi(req.Formula) //计算数据 latestDateStr, latestValue, err = refreshAllPredictCalculatePhaseShift(to, edbInfo.EdbInfoId, edbInfo.Source, edbInfo.SubSource, formulaInt, edbInfo.MoveType, fromEdbInfo, edbInfo.EdbCode, "", "", edbInfo.MoveFrequency) return } // RefreshAllPredictCalculatePhaseShift 刷新所有时间移位数据 func RefreshAllPredictCalculatePhaseShift(edbInfoId, source, subSource, formulaInt, moveType int, fromEdbInfo *EdbInfo, edbCode, startDate, endDate, moveFrequency string) (latestDateStr string, latestValue float64, err error) { o := orm.NewOrm() to, err := o.Begin() if err != nil { return } defer func() { if err != nil { fmt.Println("RefreshAllPredictCalculatePhaseShift,Err:" + err.Error()) _ = to.Rollback() } else { _ = to.Commit() } }() //计算数据 latestDateStr, latestValue, err = refreshAllPredictCalculatePhaseShift(to, edbInfoId, source, subSource, formulaInt, moveType, fromEdbInfo, edbCode, startDate, endDate, moveFrequency) return } // refreshAllPredictCalculatePhaseShift 刷新所有时间移位数据 func refreshAllPredictCalculatePhaseShift(to orm.TxOrmer, edbInfoId, source, subSource, formulaInt, moveType int, fromEdbInfo *EdbInfo, edbCode, startDate, endDate, moveFrequency string) (latestDateStr string, latestValue float64, err error) { edbInfoIdStr := strconv.Itoa(edbInfoId) dataList, err := GetPredictEdbDataListAllByStartDate(fromEdbInfo, 0, startDate) if err != nil { return } latestDate, _ := time.ParseInLocation(utils.FormatDate, fromEdbInfo.LatestDate, time.Local) var dateArr []string dataMap := make(map[string]*EdbInfoSearchData) for _, v := range dataList { dateArr = append(dateArr, v.DataTime) dataMap[v.DataTime] = v } addSql := ` INSERT INTO edb_data_predict_calculate_phase_shift(edb_info_id,edb_code,data_time,value,create_time,modify_time,data_timestamp) values ` var isAdd bool resultMap := make(map[string]float64) dataLen := len(dataList) for i := 0; i < dataLen; i++ { // step_1 如果 领先/滞后 之后时间key存在,将该key为目标key,填充 currentIndex := dataList[i] // 领先 if moveType != 2 { periods := dataLen - i + formulaInt - 1 if periods < dataLen { newIndex := dataList[i] resultMap[newIndex.DataTime] = currentIndex.Value } else { // 新数据须根据频度补充key currentDate, _ := time.ParseInLocation(utils.FormatDate, currentIndex.DataTime, time.Local) shiftDay := CalculateIntervalDays(moveFrequency, formulaInt, currentDate, resultMap, moveType) latestDateStr = latestDate.AddDate(0, 0, shiftDay).Format(utils.FormatDate) newDate := currentDate.AddDate(0, 0, shiftDay) format := newDate.Format(utils.FormatDate) resultMap[format] = currentIndex.Value } } else { // 滞后 periods := dataLen - i - formulaInt if periods > 0 { newIndex := dataList[periods] resultMap[newIndex.DataTime] = currentIndex.Value } else { // 新数据须根据频度补充key currentDate, _ := time.ParseInLocation(utils.FormatDate, currentIndex.DataTime, time.Local) shiftDay := CalculateIntervalDays(moveFrequency, formulaInt, currentDate, resultMap, moveType) latestDateStr = latestDate.AddDate(0, 0, -shiftDay).Format(utils.FormatDate) newDate := currentDate.AddDate(0, 0, -shiftDay) format := newDate.Format(utils.FormatDate) resultMap[format] = currentIndex.Value } } } for key, value := range resultMap { currentDate, _ := time.ParseInLocation(utils.FormatDate, key, time.Local) timestamp := currentDate.UnixNano() / 1e6 timestampStr := fmt.Sprintf("%d", timestamp) addSql += GetAddSql(edbInfoIdStr, edbCode, key, timestampStr, fmt.Sprintf("%f", value)) isAdd = true } if isAdd { addSql = strings.TrimRight(addSql, ",") _, err = to.Raw(addSql).Exec() if err != nil { return } } return }