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gmy 5 months ago
2 changed files with 67 additions and 13 deletions
  1. 5 5
  2. 62 8

+ 5 - 5

@@ -377,15 +377,15 @@ func CalculateIntervalDays(moveFrequency string, formulaInt int, baseDate time.T
 	case "周":
 		shiftDay = formulaInt * 7
 	case "旬":
-		shiftDay = formulaInt * 10
+		shiftDay = utils.CalculateDekadTime(baseDate, formulaInt, moveType)
 	case "月":
-		shiftDay = utils.CalculateEndOfMonth(baseDate, formulaInt)
+		shiftDay = utils.CalculateEndOfMonth(baseDate, formulaInt, moveType)
 	case "季":
-		shiftDay = utils.CalculateEndOfQuarter(baseDate, formulaInt)
+		shiftDay = utils.CalculateEndOfQuarter(baseDate, formulaInt, moveType)
 	case "半年":
-		shiftDay = utils.CalculateEndOfHalfYear(baseDate, formulaInt)
+		shiftDay = utils.CalculateEndOfHalfYear(baseDate, formulaInt, moveType)
 	case "年":
-		shiftDay = utils.CalculateEndOfYear(baseDate, formulaInt)
+		shiftDay = utils.CalculateEndOfYear(baseDate, formulaInt, moveType)
 		shiftDay = formulaInt

+ 62 - 8

@@ -1532,10 +1532,13 @@ func getLastDayOfMonth(t time.Time) time.Time {
 // CalculateEndOfMonth 使用天数计算未来月末的天数差
-func CalculateEndOfMonth(baseDate time.Time, months int) int {
+func CalculateEndOfMonth(baseDate time.Time, months, moveType int) int {
 	// 假设每个月28天,然后算到目标月的下个月
 	daysToAdd := 28 * (months + 2)
 	// 计算目标月的下个月月初
+	if moveType == 2 {
+		daysToAdd = -(daysToAdd - 28)
+	}
 	nextMonth := baseDate.AddDate(0, 0, daysToAdd)
 	// 获取目标月月初的第一天
@@ -1545,25 +1548,76 @@ func CalculateEndOfMonth(baseDate time.Time, months int) int {
 	lastDayOfTargetMonth := firstDayOfNextMonth.AddDate(0, 0, -1)
 	// 计算天数差
-	daysDifference := int(lastDayOfTargetMonth.Sub(baseDate).Hours() / 24)
+	daysDifference := int(math.Abs(lastDayOfTargetMonth.Sub(baseDate).Hours() / 24))
 	return daysDifference
+// CalculateDekadTime 计算旬度时间
+func CalculateDekadTime(baseDate time.Time, tradingDays, moveType int) int {
+	// 记录原始日期
+	oldDate := baseDate
+	// 计算移动的旬数,1 旬为 10 天
+	var moveDekads int
+	if moveType != 2 {
+		moveDekads = tradingDays
+	} else {
+		moveDekads = -tradingDays
+	}
+	// 移动的天数为旬数 * 10,初步移动日期
+	baseDate = baseDate.AddDate(0, 0, moveDekads*10)
+	// 调整日期到最近的旬:10号、20号或月末
+	baseDate = adjustToNearestDekad(baseDate)
+	// 计算时间差
+	subDays := baseDate.Sub(oldDate)
+	days := int(subDays.Hours() / 24)
+	fmt.Printf("最终日期: %s, 总天数差: %d 天\n", baseDate.Format("2006-01-02"), days)
+	return days
+// adjustToNearestDekad 调整日期到最近的旬
+func adjustToNearestDekad(date time.Time) time.Time {
+	day := date.Day()
+	lastDayOfMonth := getLastDayOfMonth(date).Day()
+	if day <= 10 {
+		return time.Date(date.Year(), date.Month(), 10, 0, 0, 0, 0, date.Location())
+	} else if day <= 20 {
+		return time.Date(date.Year(), date.Month(), 20, 0, 0, 0, 0, date.Location())
+	} else {
+		return time.Date(date.Year(), date.Month(), lastDayOfMonth, 0, 0, 0, 0, date.Location())
+	}
+/*// getLastDayOfMonth 返回指定日期所在月份的最后一天
+func getLastDayOfMonth(date time.Time) time.Time {
+	// 获取下个月的第一天
+	nextMonth := date.AddDate(0, 1, -date.Day()+1)
+	// 下个月第一天减去一天即为当前月的最后一天
+	lastDay := nextMonth.AddDate(0, 0, -1)
+	return lastDay
 // CalculateEndOfQuarter 计算从当前到未来的季度末的天数差
-func CalculateEndOfQuarter(baseDate time.Time, quarters int) int {
+func CalculateEndOfQuarter(baseDate time.Time, quarters, moveType int) int {
 	// Move forward `quarters` quarters (3 months per quarter)
-	return CalculateEndOfMonth(baseDate, quarters*3)
+	return CalculateEndOfMonth(baseDate, quarters*3, moveType)
 // CalculateEndOfYear 计算从当前到未来的年末的天数差
-func CalculateEndOfYear(baseDate time.Time, years int) int {
+func CalculateEndOfYear(baseDate time.Time, years, moveType int) int {
 	// Move forward `years` years
-	return CalculateEndOfMonth(baseDate, years*12)
+	return CalculateEndOfMonth(baseDate, years*12, moveType)
 // CalculateEndOfHalfYear 计算从当前到未来的半年的天数差
-func CalculateEndOfHalfYear(baseDate time.Time, years int) int {
+func CalculateEndOfHalfYear(baseDate time.Time, years, moveType int) int {
 	// Move forward `half years` years
-	return CalculateEndOfMonth(baseDate, years*6)
+	return CalculateEndOfMonth(baseDate, years*6, moveType)