@@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ func GetPageIndexesFromJiaYue(pageIndex, pageSize int, sourceArr []string, keywo
keyword = strings.TrimSpace(keyword)
if keyword != "" {
kw := fmt.Sprint("%", keyword, "%")
- indexCond += ` AND (ID LIKE :1 OR CODE LIKE :1 OR NAME LIKE :1)`
+ indexCond += ` AND (ID LIKE :1 OR SOURCE_CODE LIKE :1 OR NAME LIKE :1)`
indexPars = append(indexPars, kw, kw, kw)
if frequency != "" {
@@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ func GetNewIndexAndDataFromJiaYue() (indexList []*response.IndexResp, err error)
func FormatJiaYueIndexItem2Resp(item jiayue.DictIndex, dictData []jiayue.DictData, dictMenu []jiayue.DictCategory) (res *response.IndexResp) {
res = new(response.IndexResp)
res.Id = item.Id
- res.IndexCode = item.Code
+ res.IndexCode = item.SourceCode // 注意这里的Code取的是表中的SOURCE_CODE
res.IndexName = item.Name
res.SourceType = item.SourceType
res.Unit = item.Unit
@@ -331,11 +331,12 @@ func GetJiaYueImportData(sourceArr []string) (items []JiaYueImportIndexResp, err
// 获取指标
+ indexCond := ` 1=1`
+ indexPars := make([]interface{}, 0)
if len(sourceArr) == 0 {
sourceArr = []string{"webisite", "website", "website_gf", "platts", "reuter", "reuter_vessel_q", "路透", "bloomberg", "bloomberg_tmp", "wind", "wind_p", "wind_stop", "wind_tmp"}
- indexCond := fmt.Sprintf(` AND SOURCE_TYPE IN (%s)`, utils.GetOracleInReplace(len(sourceArr)))
- indexPars := make([]interface{}, 0)
+ indexCond += fmt.Sprintf(` AND SOURCE_TYPE IN (%s)`, utils.GetOracleInReplace(len(sourceArr)))
if len(sourceArr) > 0 {
for _, s := range sourceArr {
indexPars = append(indexPars, s)