{ "目录名称已存在,不可重复添加": "Directory name already exists, cannot be added repeatedly", "与原名字一致,无需修改": "Identical to the original name, no need to modify", "分类名称已存在,请重新输入": "Category name already exists, please re-enter", "获取失败": "Retrieval Failed", "删除成功": "Delete Successful", "请添加日期": "Please Add Date", "移动成功": "Move Successful", "刷新成功": "Refresh Successful", "保存成功": "Save Successful", "重新计算成功": "Recalculation Successful", "请选择正确的时间段": "Select the correct time period", "该指标已加入ETA指标库,不可删除": "This metric has been added to the ETA database and cannot be deleted", "最多只能选择30个指标": "A maximum of 30 metrics can be selected", "当前指标已被引用,不可删除": "Current metric is referenced and cannot be deleted", "交易日期不能为空": "Trading day cannot be empty", "框架名称已存在": "Framework name already exists", "已关联指标,不可删除!": "Metric is linked and cannot be deleted!", "表格名称已存在,请重新填写表格名称": "Table name exists, please enter a new name", "公式错误,请重新填写": "Formula Error, Please Re-enter", "文档名称已存在": "Document name already exists", "该文档分类已存在": "The document category already exists", "标题已存在": "Title already exists", "操作成功": "Operation successful", "上级分类不能选择自己": "Cannot select itself as parent category", "一级分类不允许更改为二级分类或三级分类": "Primary categories cannot be changed to secondary or tertiary categories", "该名称已存在": "Category name exists", "请先删除该分类下关联分类": "Please delete associated subcategories first", "该分类有关联报告,不允许删除": "This category has associated reports and cannot be deleted", "品种名称已存在": "Product type exist", "该文件夹已存在": "The folder exists", "修改成功": "Modification Successful", "添加失败,标签名称不能重复": "Addition Failed, Tag Name Must Be Unique", "请输入终端名称": "Please Enter Terminal Name", "当前有未走完流程的报告,请走完流程后再做变更": "There are reports with incomplete processes,please complete the process before making changes.", "当前有未走完流程的报告, 请走完流程后再做删除!": "There are reports with incomplete processes,please complete the process before deleting!", "请选择PPT": "Please Select PPT", "请输入章节名称": "Please enter the chapter name", "请输入品种名称": "Please enter the variety name", "计算成功": "Calculation successful", "已关联图表的品种,不允许删除!": "Varieties with associated charts cannot be deleted!", "刷新失败": "Refresh failed", "请传入日期序列": "Please enter a date sequence", "指标未选择": "Indicator not selected", "ETA表格名称已存在,请重新填写": "The name of the ETA form already exists, please fill in a new one", "添加成功": "Added successfully", "添加失败,品种名称不能重复": "Addition failed, the variety name must not be duplicated", "分析周期不允许设置为负数或0": "The analysis period cannot be set to a negative number or zero", "相关性计算窗口必须大于0": "The correlation calculation window must be greater than 0", "系统处理中,请稍后重试!": "The system is processing, please try again later!", "固定日期不可为空": "The fixed date cannot be empty", "日期数量已达上限!": "The number of dates has reached the limit!", "该品种已在指标库生成指标,不可删除": "This variety has already generated indicators in the index library and cannot be deleted", "当前指标已用作画图,不可删除": "The current metric is in use for charting and cannot be deleted", "当前指标已被表格引用,不可删除":"The current metric is referenced by a table and cannot be deleted" }