package data_manage

import (

// 持仓榜单表
type TradePositionTop struct {
	Id            uint64    `orm:"column(id);pk" gorm:"primaryKey"`
	ClassifyName  string    //分类名称
	ClassifyType  string    //分类名称下的类型
	DataTime      string    //数据日期
	CreateTime    time.Time //插入时间
	ModifyTime    time.Time //修改时间
	DealShortName string    //成交量公司简称
	DealValue     int       //成交量
	DealChange    int       //成交变化量
	DealType      int       //交易类型:1多单,2空单,3净多单,4净空单
	SourceType    int       //数据来源,0是原始数据的值,1是由T+1日推算出的值,2是由T日的榜单数据推算出的值
	Rank          int       //排名

type TradePositionDalianTop struct {

type TradePositionZhengzhouTop struct {

type TradePositionCffexTop struct {

type TradePositionShanghaiTop struct {

type TradePositionIneTop struct {

func InsertMultiTradePositionTop(exchange string, items []*TradePositionTop) (err error) {
	o := global.DbMap[utils.DbNameIndex]
	if exchange == "dalian" {
		list := make([]*TradePositionDalianTop, 0)
		for _, v := range items {
			tmp := (*TradePositionDalianTop)(unsafe.Pointer(v))
			list = append(list, tmp)
		err = o.CreateInBatches(list, utils.MultiAddNum).Error
	} else if exchange == "zhengzhou" {
		list := make([]*TradePositionZhengzhouTop, 0)
		for _, v := range items {
			tmp := (*TradePositionZhengzhouTop)(unsafe.Pointer(v))
			list = append(list, tmp)
		err = o.CreateInBatches(list, utils.MultiAddNum).Error
	} else if exchange == "cffex" {
		list := make([]*TradePositionCffexTop, 0)
		for _, v := range items {
			tmp := (*TradePositionCffexTop)(unsafe.Pointer(v))
			list = append(list, tmp)
		err = o.CreateInBatches(list, utils.MultiAddNum).Error
	} else if exchange == "shanghai" {
		list := make([]*TradePositionShanghaiTop, 0)
		for _, v := range items {
			tmp := (*TradePositionShanghaiTop)(unsafe.Pointer(v))
			list = append(list, tmp)
		err = o.CreateInBatches(list, utils.MultiAddNum).Error
	} else if exchange == "ine" {
		list := make([]*TradePositionIneTop, 0)
		for _, v := range items {
			tmp := (*TradePositionIneTop)(unsafe.Pointer(v))
			list = append(list, tmp)
		err = o.CreateInBatches(list, utils.MultiAddNum).Error


func GetTradePositionTopByExchangeDataTime(exchange string, startDate, endDate string) (list []*TradePositionTop, err error) {
	o := global.DbMap[utils.DbNameIndex]
	sql := "SELECT * FROM trade_position_" + exchange + "_top where data_time >= ? and data_time <= ? and deal_type in (1,2) ORDER BY classify_name, classify_type, deal_type, data_time, deal_value desc"
	err = o.Raw(sql, startDate, endDate).Find(&list).Error

func GetTradePositionTopCountByExchangeDataTime(exchange string, startDate, endDate string) (count int64, err error) {
	o := global.DbMap[utils.DbNameIndex]
	sql := "SELECT count(*) FROM trade_position_" + exchange + "_top where data_time >= ? and data_time <= ? and deal_type in (1,2) ORDER BY classify_name, classify_type, deal_type, data_time, deal_value desc"
	err = o.Raw(sql, startDate, endDate).Scan(&count).Error

func GetTradePositionTopByExchangeSourceType(exchange string, dataTime string, sourceType int) (list []*TradePositionTop, err error) {
	o := global.DbMap[utils.DbNameIndex]
	sql := "SELECT * FROM trade_position_" + exchange + "_top where data_time= ? and source_type = ? ORDER BY classify_name, classify_type, deal_type, deal_value desc"
	err = o.Raw(sql, dataTime, sourceType).Find(&list).Error

type TradeTopClassify struct {
	ClassifyName string //分类名称
	ClassifyType string //分类名称下的类型

type TradePositionSub struct {
	ClassifyName  string //分类名称
	ClassifyType  string //分类名称下的类型
	DataTime      string //数据日期
	DealShortName string //成交量公司简称
	SubValue      int    //差值
	DealType      int

type TradePositionSubList []*TradePositionSub

func (v TradePositionSubList) Len() int {
	return len(v)

func (v TradePositionSubList) Swap(i, j int) {
	v[i], v[j] = v[j], v[i]

func (v TradePositionSubList) Less(i, j int) bool {
	return v[i].SubValue > v[j].SubValue

type UpdateDealValueChange struct {
	Id         uint64
	DealValue  int //成交量
	DealChange int
	SourceType int
	ModifyTime time.Time //修改时间

func MultiUpdatePositionTop(exchange string, updates []UpdateDealValueChange) (err error) {
	o := global.DbMap[utils.DbNameIndex]
	sql := "UPDATE trade_position_" + exchange + "_top SET deal_value=?, deal_change=?, source_type=?, modify_time=? WHERE id = ?"
	for _, v := range updates {
		err = o.Exec(sql, v.DealValue, v.DealChange, v.SourceType, v.ModifyTime, v.Id).Error
		if err != nil {

func DeletePositionTopByDataTime(exchange string, dataTime string, dealType int) (err error) {
	o := global.DbMap[utils.DbNameIndex]
	sql := "delete from trade_position_" + exchange + "_Top WHERE data_time=? and deal_type=?"
	err = o.Exec(sql, dataTime, dealType).Error

func GetTradePositionTopByExchangeDataTimeType(exchange string, dataTime string, dealType int) (list []TradePositionTop, err error) {
	o := global.DbMap[utils.DbNameIndex]
	sql := "select * from trade_position_" + exchange + "_Top WHERE data_time=? and deal_type=?"
	err = o.Raw(sql, dataTime, dealType).Find(&list).Error

func MultiInsertTradeBaseDataToTop(exchange string, startDate, endDate string) (err error) {
	o := global.DbMap[utils.DbNameIndex]
	now := time.Now().Format(utils.FormatDateTime)
	sql1 := `INSERT INTO trade_position_` + exchange + `_top(classify_name,classify_type,deal_short_name,deal_value,deal_change,data_time,deal_type,source_type,rank,create_time,modify_time)
	SELECT classify_name,classify_type,buy_short_name,buy_value,buy_change,data_time,1,0,rank,?,? FROM base_from_trade_` + exchange + `_index where rank <50 and buy_short_name !="" and data_time between ? and ?`
	err = o.Exec(sql1, now, now, startDate, endDate).Error
	if err != nil {
	sql2 := `INSERT INTO trade_position_` + exchange + `_top(classify_name,classify_type,deal_short_name,deal_value,deal_change,data_time,deal_type,source_type,rank,create_time,modify_time)
SELECT classify_name,classify_type,sold_short_name,sold_value,sold_change,data_time,2,0,rank,?,? FROM base_from_trade_` + exchange + `_index where rank <50 and sold_short_name !="" and data_time between ? and ?`
	err = o.Exec(sql2, now, now, startDate, endDate).Error