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Roc há 8 meses atrás

+ 2 - 0

@@ -2185,6 +2185,8 @@ func (this *ReportController) PrePublishReport() {
 		br.Msg = "报告不存在"
+	//TODO 章节类型的报告,不支持预发布
 	if report.HasChapter == 1 && (report.ChapterType == utils.REPORT_TYPE_DAY || report.ChapterType == utils.REPORT_TYPE_WEEK) {
 		br.Msg = "晨报周报不支持定时发布"

+ 144 - 0

@@ -1130,6 +1130,7 @@ func init() {
+	//fixSmartReport()
 // 修复研报审批数据
@@ -1283,3 +1284,146 @@ func fixReportEs() {
+// fixSmartReport
+// @Description: 修复智能研报的数据
+// @author: Roc
+// @datetime 2024-06-27 16:54:41
+func fixSmartReport() {
+	fmt.Println("修复智能研报开始")
+	// 先判断是否已经修复过数据,如果修复过,那么就不用修复了
+	{
+		condition := ` AND report_layout=2 and old_report_id>0 `
+		list, err := models.GetReportByCondition(condition, []interface{}{}, []string{}, " order by id asc ", false, 0, 0)
+		if err != nil {
+			fmt.Println("获取已修复的报告列表失败, Err:" + err.Error())
+			return
+		}
+		if len(list) > 0 {
+			fmt.Println("智能研报已经修复过数据,不需要再次修复")
+			return
+		}
+	}
+	var condition string
+	var pars []interface{}
+	reportOB := new(smart_report.SmartReport)
+	list, e := reportOB.GetItemsByCondition(condition, pars, []string{}, " smart_report_id asc ")
+	if e != nil {
+		fmt.Println("获取智能报告列表失败, Err:" + e.Error())
+		return
+	}
+	addList := make([]*models.Report, 0)
+	for _, v := range list {
+		fmt.Println(v)
+		addList = append(addList, &models.Report{
+			//Id:                  0,
+			AddType:            1,
+			ClassifyIdFirst:    v.ClassifyIdFirst,
+			ClassifyNameFirst:  v.ClassifyNameFirst,
+			ClassifyIdSecond:   v.ClassifyIdSecond,
+			ClassifyNameSecond: v.ClassifyNameSecond,
+			Title:              v.Title,
+			Abstract:           v.Abstract,
+			Author:             v.Author,
+			Frequency:          v.Frequency,
+			CreateTime:         v.CreateTime.Format(utils.FormatDateTime),
+			ModifyTime:         v.ModifyTime,
+			State:              v.State,
+			PublishTime:        v.PublishTime,
+			Stage:              v.Stage,
+			MsgIsSend:          v.MsgIsSend,
+			//ThsMsgIsSend:        v.Tha,
+			Content:             v.Content,
+			VideoUrl:            v.VideoUrl,
+			VideoName:           v.VideoName,
+			VideoPlaySeconds:    fmt.Sprint(v.VideoPlaySeconds),
+			VideoSize:           v.VideoSize,
+			ContentSub:          v.ContentSub,
+			ReportCode:          fmt.Sprint(v.SmartReportId),
+			ReportVersion:       1,
+			HasChapter:          0,
+			ChapterType:         "",
+			OldReportId:         v.SmartReportId,
+			MsgSendTime:         v.MsgSendTime,
+			AdminId:             v.AdminId,
+			AdminRealName:       v.AdminRealName,
+			ApproveTime:         v.ApproveTime,
+			ApproveId:           v.ApproveId,
+			DetailImgUrl:        v.DetailImgUrl,
+			DetailPdfUrl:        v.DetailPdfUrl,
+			ContentStruct:       v.ContentStruct,
+			LastModifyAdminId:   v.LastModifyAdminId,
+			LastModifyAdminName: v.LastModifyAdminName,
+			ContentModifyTime:   v.ContentModifyTime,
+			Pv:                  v.Pv,
+			Uv:                  v.Uv,
+			HeadImg:             v.HeadImg,
+			EndImg:              v.EndImg,
+			CanvasColor:         v.CanvasColor,
+			NeedSplice:          v.NeedSplice,
+			HeadResourceId:      v.HeadResourceId,
+			EndResourceId:       v.EndResourceId,
+			ClassifyIdThird:     0,
+			ClassifyNameThird:   "",
+			CollaborateType:     1,
+			ReportLayout:        2,
+			IsPublicPublish:     1,
+			ReportCreateTime:    v.CreateTime,
+			InheritReportId:     0,
+		})
+	}
+	if len(addList) > 0 {
+		err := models.InsertMultiReport(addList)
+		if err != nil {
+			fmt.Println("新增智能研报失败")
+			return
+		}
+		reportMap := make(map[int]*models.Report)
+		// 找出已经修复过的新的研报
+		{
+			reportList, tmpErr := models.GetReportByCondition(` AND report_layout=2 and old_report_id>0 `, []interface{}{}, []string{}, " order by id asc ", false, 0, 0)
+			if tmpErr != nil {
+				fmt.Println("获取已修复的报告列表失败, Err:" + tmpErr.Error())
+				return
+			}
+			for _, v := range reportList {
+				v.ReportCode = utils.MD5(strconv.Itoa(v.Id))
+				v.Update([]string{"ReportCode"})
+				reportMap[v.OldReportId] = v
+			}
+		}
+		// 找出智能研报的审批单并处理
+		{
+			// 智能研报走审批单的
+			reportApproveObj := new(report_approve.ReportApprove)
+			approveList, tmpErr := reportApproveObj.GetItemsByCondition(` AND report_type=3 `, []interface{}{}, []string{}, " report_approve_id asc ")
+			if tmpErr != nil {
+				fmt.Println("获取已修复的报告列表失败, Err:" + tmpErr.Error())
+				return
+			}
+			for _, v := range approveList {
+				reportInfo, ok := reportMap[v.ReportId]
+				if ok {
+					v.ReportId = reportInfo.Id
+					v.ReportType = 1
+					err = v.Update([]string{"ReportType", "ReportId"})
+					if err != nil {
+						fmt.Println(v.ReportApproveId, "数据修复失败,其对应的报告ID是:", v.ReportId, ";新的报告ID是:", reportInfo.Id)
+					}
+				} else {
+					fmt.Println(v.ReportApproveId, "找不到对应的报告,其对应的报告ID是:", v.ReportId)
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	fmt.Println("修复智能研报完成")

+ 13 - 0

@@ -1429,3 +1429,16 @@ func UpdatePdfUrlReportById(reportId int) (err error) {
 	_, err = o.Raw(sql, reportId).Exec()
+// InsertMultiReport
+// @Description: 批量新增报告
+// @author: Roc
+// @datetime 2024-06-27 15:55:25
+// @param items []*Report
+// @return err error
+func InsertMultiReport(items []*Report) (err error) {
+	o := orm.NewOrmUsingDB("rddp")
+	_, err = o.InsertMulti(500, items)
+	return

+ 23 - 0

@@ -83,6 +83,29 @@ func (m *SmartReportResource) GetPageItemsByCondition(condition string, pars []i
+// GetItemsByCondition
+// @Description: 根据条件获取所有的审批单
+// @author: Roc
+// @receiver m
+// @datetime 2024-06-27 16:12:55
+// @param condition string
+// @param pars []interface{}
+// @param fieldArr []string
+// @return items []*SmartReportResourceItem
+// @return err error
+func (m *SmartReportResource) GetItemsByCondition(condition string, pars []interface{}, fieldArr []string) (items []*SmartReportResourceItem, err error) {
+	o := orm.NewOrmUsingDB("rddp")
+	fields := strings.Join(fieldArr, ",")
+	if len(fieldArr) == 0 {
+		fields = `*`
+	}
+	order := ` ORDER BY create_time DESC`
+	sql := fmt.Sprintf(`SELECT %s FROM %s WHERE 1=1 %s %s `, fields, m.TableName(), condition, order)
+	_, err = o.Raw(sql, pars).QueryRows(&items)
+	return
 // SmartReportResourceEditReq 智能研报资源编辑请求体
 type SmartReportResourceEditReq struct {
 	ResourceId int    `description:"资源ID"`

+ 0 - 1

@@ -1116,7 +1116,6 @@ func PublishReport(reportId int, reportUrl string, sysUser *system.Admin) (tips
 		_, _ = models.AddReportStateRecord(recordItem)
-	// TODO 生成报告pdf和长图
 	// 生成报告pdf和长图
 	if reportUrl != "" {
 		go Report2pdfAndJpeg(reportUrl, reportId, 1)