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fix: 继承章节授权用户和品种

hsun 3 weeks ago
1 changed files with 34 additions and 9 deletions
  1. 34 9

+ 34 - 9

@@ -579,16 +579,41 @@ func getAddChapter(reportInfo *models.Report, minClassifyId, inheritReportId int
 					chapterItem.ReportLayout = chapterNewest.ReportLayout
 					chapterItem.ReportCreateTime = time.Now()
-					// 继承历史章节中的授权用户列表
-					tmpGrantList, ok = oldChapterIdGrantListMap[chapterNewest.ReportChapterId]
-					if !ok {
-						tmpGrantList = make([]*report.ReportChapterGrant, 0)
-					}
-					// 继承历史章节中的关联品种列表
-					tmpChapterPermissionList, ok = oldChapterPermissionListMap[chapterNewest.ReportChapterId]
-					if !ok {
-						tmpChapterPermissionList = make([]*report.ReportChapterPermissionMapping, 0)
+					// 这里的授权和品种权限需要额外查询
+					tmpGrantList = make([]*report.ReportChapterGrant, 0)
+					tmpChapterPermissionList = make([]*report.ReportChapterPermissionMapping, 0)
+					{
+						grantOb := report.ReportChapterGrant{}
+						chapterGrant, e := grantOb.GetGrantListById(chapterNewest.ReportChapterId)
+						if e != nil {
+							errMsg = "获取待继承的报告章节的授权用户列表失败"
+							err = fmt.Errorf("获取待继承的报告章节的授权用户列表失败, ChapterId: %d, Err: %v", chapterNewest.ReportChapterId, e)
+							return
+						}
+						for _, cg := range chapterGrant {
+							// 如果不在报告授权的用户ID里面,那么该章节就不继承该授权用户
+							if _, ok := needAdminIdMap[cg.AdminId]; !ok {
+								continue
+							}
+							cg.ReportChapterId = 0
+							cg.GrantId = 0
+							tmpGrantList = append(tmpGrantList, cg)
+						}
+						permissionOb := report.ReportChapterPermissionMapping{}
+						permissions, e := permissionOb.GetPermissionListById(chapterNewest.ReportChapterId)
+						if e != nil {
+							errMsg = "获取待继承的报告章节的品种权限失败"
+							err = fmt.Errorf("获取待继承的报告章节的品种权限失败, ChapterId: %d, Err: %v", chapterNewest.ReportChapterId, e)
+							return
+						}
+						for _, ps := range permissions {
+							ps.ReportChapterId = 0
+							ps.ReportChapterPermissionMappingId = 0
+							tmpChapterPermissionList = append(tmpChapterPermissionList, ps)
+						}
 					findChapter = true