@@ -427,28 +427,34 @@ func GetEdbdataClassify(userId int64) (items []*EdbdataClassifyList, err error)
classifyLen := len(newItems)
+ var allChildItems []*EdbdataClassify
+ if userId > 0 {
+ userClassifyList, _ := GetManualUserClassify(int(userId))
+ var userIdArr []int
+ for _, v := range userClassifyList {
+ userIdArr = append(userIdArr, v.ClassifyId)
+ }
+ num := len(userClassifyList)
+ if num > 0 {
+ childSql := "SELECT a.classify_id,a.classify_name,a.parent_id FROM edbdata_classify AS a WHERE a.is_show=1 and a.classify_id IN(" + utils.GetOrmInReplace(num) + ") ORDER BY a.create_time ASC "
+ _, err = o.Raw(childSql, userIdArr).QueryRows(&allChildItems)
+ }
+ } else {
+ childSql := "SELECT classify_id,classify_name,parent_id FROM edbdata_classify WHERE is_show=1 ORDER BY create_time ASC "
+ _, err = o.Raw(childSql).QueryRows(&allChildItems)
+ }
+ if err != nil {
+ return
+ }
for i := 0; i < classifyLen; i++ {
var childItems []*EdbdataClassify
parentId := newItems[i].ClassifyId
- childSql := ``
- if userId > 0 {
- userClassifyList, _ := GetManualUserClassify(int(userId))
- var userIdArr []string
- for _, v := range userClassifyList {
- userIdArr = append(userIdArr, strconv.Itoa(v.ClassifyId))
- }
- userIdStr := strings.Join(userIdArr, ",")
- if userIdStr != "" {
- childSql = "SELECT a.classify_id,a.classify_name,a.parent_id FROM edbdata_classify AS a WHERE a.is_show=1 and a.classify_id IN(" + userIdStr + ") AND parent_id=? ORDER BY a.create_time ASC "
- _, err = o.Raw(childSql, parentId).QueryRows(&childItems)
+ for _, v := range allChildItems {
+ if v.ParentId == parentId {
+ childItems = append(childItems, v)
- } else {
- childSql = "SELECT classify_id,classify_name,parent_id FROM edbdata_classify WHERE is_show=1 and parent_id=? ORDER BY create_time ASC "
- _, err = o.Raw(childSql, parentId).QueryRows(&childItems)
- }
- if err != nil {
- return
newItems[i].Child = childItems
@@ -1473,13 +1479,17 @@ type EdbInfoGroupCount struct {
-func GetEdbInfoGroupCountByClassifyIds(classifyIds string) (list []*EdbInfoGroupCount, err error) {
+func GetEdbInfoGroupCountByClassifyIds(classifyIdList []int) (list []*EdbInfoGroupCount, err error) {
+ num := len(classifyIdList)
+ if num <= 0 {
+ return
+ }
o := orm.NewOrmUsingDB("edb")
sql := `SELECT COUNT(1) AS count,classify_id FROM ( SELECT a.*,b.CLOSE FROM edbinfo AS a
- WHERE a.classify_id in (` + classifyIds + `) group by a.TRADE_CODE) d
+ WHERE a.classify_id in (` + utils.GetOrmInReplace(num) + `) group by a.TRADE_CODE) d
GROUP BY classify_id `
- _, err = o.Raw(sql).QueryRows(&list)
+ _, err = o.Raw(sql, classifyIdList).QueryRows(&list)