@@ -163,9 +163,10 @@ func DoSql(sql string, result interface{}, values ...interface{}) (err error) {
func GetListOrderByCondition(week bool, column string, limit int, order models.Order) (reports []Report, err error) {
db := models.Main()
if week {
- end := time.Now()
- begin := date.GetBeginOfTheWeek(end, time.Monday)
- err = db.Select(CommonColumns).Where("status = ?", StatusPublish).Where("DATE(published_time) BETWEEN ? AND ?", begin, end).Order(fmt.Sprintf("%s %s", column, order)).Limit(limit).Find(&reports).Error
+ current := time.Now()
+ begin := date.GetBeginOfTheWeek(current, time.Monday).Format(time.DateOnly)
+ end := current.Format(time.DateOnly)
+ err = db.Select(CommonColumns).Where("status = ?", StatusPublish).Where(" STR_TO_DATE(published_time,'%Y-%m-%d') BETWEEN ? AND ?", begin, end).Order(fmt.Sprintf("%s %s", column, order)).Limit(limit).Find(&reports).Error
} else {
err = db.Select(CommonColumns).Where("status = ?", StatusPublish).Order(fmt.Sprintf("%s %s", column, order)).Limit(limit).Find(&reports).Error