@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ type MerchantProductType string
const (
detailColumns = "id,source_id,title,cover_src,cover_url,description,price,type,is_permanent,valid_days,sale_status,created_time,updated_time"
- detailColumnsWithRisk = "id,source_id,title,cover_src,cover_url,description,price,type,is_permanent,valid_days,sale_status,created_time,updated_time,permissions.risk_level as risk_level"
+ detailColumnsWithRisk = "merchant_products.id,source_id,title,cover_src,cover_url,description,price,type,is_permanent,valid_days,sale_status,created_time,updated_time,permissions.risk_level as risk_level"
sourceIdColumn = "id,source_id"
const (
@@ -62,9 +62,8 @@ func GetMerchantProductBySourceId(sourceId int, productType ...MerchantProductTy
db := models.Main()
if len(productType) > 0 {
if len(productType) == 1 {
if productType[0] == Package {
- err = db.Select(detailColumnsWithRisk).InnerJoins("permissions on permissions.permission_id=source_id")
+ err = db.Select(detailColumnsWithRisk).Joins("left join permissions on permissions.permission_id=source_id").Where("source_id =? and type = ? and deleted =?", sourceId, productType[0], 0).First(&product).Error
} else {
err = db.Select(detailColumns).Where("source_id =? and type = ? and deleted =?", sourceId, productType[0], 0).First(&product).Error
@@ -92,7 +91,11 @@ func GetProductListBySourceIds(ids []int, detail bool, productType ...MerchantPr
if len(productType) > 0 {
if len(productType) == 1 {
- err = db.Select(columns).Where("source_id in ? and type = ? and deleted =? order by created_time desc", ids, productType[0], false).Find(&productList).Error
+ if productType[0] == Package {
+ err = db.Select(detailColumnsWithRisk).Joins("left join permissions on permissions.permission_id=source_id").Where("source_id in ? and type = ? and deleted =? order by created_time desc", ids, productType[0], false).Find(&productList).Error
+ } else {
+ err = db.Select(columns).Where("source_id in ? and type = ? and deleted =? order by created_time desc", ids, productType[0], false).Find(&productList).Error
+ }
} else {
err = db.Select(columns).Where("source_id in ? and type in (?) and deleted =? by created_time desc", ids, productType, false).Find(&productList).Error