jwyu 9 bulan lalu

+ 0 - 3

@@ -11,9 +11,6 @@
   "dependencies": {
     "axios": "^1.7.2",
-    "highcharts": "^11.4.3",
-    "lodash": "^4.17.21",
-    "moment": "^2.30.1",
     "normalize.css": "^8.0.1",
     "tdesign-mobile-vue": "^1.2.3",
     "vue": "^3.4.21",

+ 0 - 17

@@ -4,15 +4,6 @@ dependencies:
     specifier: ^1.7.2
     version: 1.7.2
-  highcharts:
-    specifier: ^11.4.3
-    version: 11.4.3
-  lodash:
-    specifier: ^4.17.21
-    version: 4.17.21
-  moment:
-    specifier: ^2.30.1
-    version: 2.30.1
     specifier: ^8.0.1
     version: 8.0.1
@@ -1595,10 +1586,6 @@ packages:
     hasBin: true
     dev: true
-  /highcharts@11.4.3:
-    resolution: {integrity: sha512-rMmvYvcdwyUVfnRPfiZ0PnW6TgVhoS0FTBI8fc4Fp8l8ocoC9dMecvxS6E6tm7h7LrnSGoEo3b/0IRHuLatD2w==}
-    dev: false
     resolution: {integrity: sha512-IgieNijUMbkDovyoKObU1DUhm1iwNYE/fuifEoEHfd1oZKZDaONBSkal7Y01shxsM49R4XaMdGez3WnF9UfiCQ==}
@@ -2052,10 +2039,6 @@ packages:
       ufo: 1.5.3
     dev: true
-  /moment@2.30.1:
-    resolution: {integrity: sha512-uEmtNhbDOrWPFS+hdjFCBfy9f2YoyzRpwcl+DqpC6taX21FzsTLQVbMV/W7PzNSX6x/bhC1zA3c2UQ5NzH6how==}
-    dev: false
     resolution: {integrity: sha512-Tpp60P6IUJDTuOq/5Z8cdskzJujfwqfOTkrwIwj7IRISpnkJnT6SyJ4PCPnGMoFjC9ddhal5KVIYtAt97ix05A==}
     dev: true

+ 0 - 13

@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-export function setExtremumDate(dataList){
-  let startDateList = dataList.map(it => it.StartDate)
-                                  .filter(Boolean)
-                                  .sort((a,b)=> new Date(a).getTime() - new Date(b).getTime())
-  //过滤、排序 拿到最新日期
-  let endDateList = dataList.map(it => it.LatestDate)
-                                .filter(Boolean)
-                                .sort((a,b)=> new Date(b).getTime() - new Date(a).getTime())
-  return {earliestDate:startDateList[0],latestDate:endDateList[0]}

+ 0 - 245

@@ -1,245 +0,0 @@
-// 图默认配置
-export const chartDefaultOpts={
-    //图表配置
-	chart: {
-		spacingTop: 30,
-		backgroundColor: "rgba(0,0,0,0)",
-	},
-	title: {
-		enabled: false
-	},
-	exporting: {
-		enabled: false,
-	},
-	boost: {
-        useGPUTranslations: true,
-    },
-	//默认颜色配置
-	colors:['#00f','#f00','#999','#000','#7cb5ec', '#90ed7d', '#f7a35c', '#8085e9', 
-	'#f15c80', '#e4d354', '#2b908f', '#f45b5b', '#91e8e1'],
-	//版权信息
-	credits: {enabled:false},
-	//数据列通用配置
-	plotOptions: {
-		series: {
-			turboThreshold: 0, //不限制数据点个数 
-			boostThreshold:0,
-			dataGrouping: {
-        enabled: false,
-      },//取消数据大自动数据合并
-			animation: {
-				duration: 1000
-			}
-		},
-		areaspline: {
-			lineWidth: 1,
-			stacking: 'normal',
-			marker: {
-					enabled: false,
-			},
-			// fillOpacity: 0.5,
-		},
-		column:{
-			pointPadding: 0.05,
-			stacking: 'normal',
-		},
-		scatter: {
-			turboThreshold: 0,
-			marker: {
-					symbol: 'circle',
-					radius: 5,
-					states: {
-							hover: {
-									enabled: true,
-							}
-					}
-			},
-			states: {
-				hover: {
-					marker: {
-						enabled: true
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	},
-	//范围选择器
-	rangeSelector: {
-		enabled: false,
-		selected: 2,
-	},
-	//悬浮提示框
-	tooltip: {
-		split: false,
-		shared: true,
-		dateTimeLabelFormats: {
-			// 时间格式化字符
-			day: '%Y/%m/%d',
-			week: "%Y/%m",
-			month: '%Y/%m',
-			year: '%Y/%m',
-		},
-		xDateFormat:'%Y/%m/%d',
-		className:'chart-tooltips-box'
-		// formatter:function(e){
-		// 	return `<p>${this.x}</p><p>aaa</p>`
-		// 	// return e
-		// }
-		// outside: true,
-		// valueDecimals: 4,
-	},
-	//图例
-	legend: {
-		enabled: true,
-		verticalAlign: 'top',
-		margin:3,
-		// layout: 'vertical'
-	},
-	//滚动条
-	scrollbar: {
-		enabled: false,
-	},
-	//导航器
-	navigator: {
-		enabled: false,
-	},
-	//范围选择器
-	rangeSelector: {
-		enabled: false,
-	},
-	xAxis: {
-		tickPosition: 'inside',
-		lineColor: '#bfbfbf',
-    	tickColor: '#bfbfbf',
-		tickLength:5,
-		type: 'datetime',
-		ordinal: false,
-		dateTimeLabelFormats: {
-			day: '%y/%m',
-			week: '%y/%m',
-			month: '%y/%m',
-			year: '%y/%m',
-		}
-		// gridLineWidth:0
-	}
-/* 季节性图配置 */
-export const seasonOptions = {
-	//默认颜色配置
-	colors:['#4B0082','#7FFFAA','#FF4500','#808000','#EEE8AA','#849EC1','#8A4294','#578B5A','#FDA8C7','#53B3FF','#999999','#000000','#FFDF0C','#FF0000','#0033FF'],
-	yAxis: {
-		lineWidth: 1,
-		lineColor: '#bfbfbf',
-		tickColor: '#bfbfbf',
-		offset: 0,
-		opposite: false,
-		reversed: false,
-		visible: true,
-		gridLineWidth: 0,
-		tickWidth: 1,
-		tickLength:5,
-		tickPosition: 'inside',
-		endOnTick: false,
-		startOnTick: false,
-		showLastLabel: true, //显示最后刻度值
-		tickPixelInterval: 50
-	}
-// 散点x轴
-export const scatterXAxis = {
-    tickPosition: 'inside',
-    lineColor: '#bfbfbf',
-    tickColor: '#bfbfbf',
-    tickLength:5,
-    ordinal: false,
-    type: 'linear',
-// 基础y轴配置
-export const basicYAxis = {
-    tickWidth: 1,
-    tickLength: 5,
-    lineWidth: 1,
-    lineColor: '#bfbfbf',
-    tickColor: '#bfbfbf',
-    // offset: 0,
-    visible: true,
-    gridLineWidth: 0,
-    tickPosition: 'inside',
-    endOnTick: false,
-    startOnTick: false,
-    showLastLabel: true,
-    tickPixelInterval: 50,
-export const basicXAxis={
-    tickPosition: 'inside',
-    lineColor: '#bfbfbf',
-    tickColor: '#bfbfbf',
-    tickLength:5,
-    type: 'datetime',
-    ordinal: false,
-    dateTimeLabelFormats: {
-        day: '%y/%m',
-        week: '%y/%m',
-        month: '%y/%m',
-        year: '%y/%m',
-    },
-    xDateFormat:'%Y-%m-%d'
-export const leadUnitEnMap={
-	'年': 'Y',
-    '季': 'Q',
-    '月': 'M',
-    '周': 'W',
-    '天': 'D',
-export const relevanceUnitEnMap={
-	'年': 'Year',
-    '季': 'Season',
-    '月': 'Month',
-    '周': 'Week',
-    '天': 'Day',
-export const yearSelectOpt = [
-	{
-		name: '15年至今',
-		value: 3,
-	},
-	// {
-	// 	name: '18年至今',
-	// 	value: 7,
-	// },
-	// {
-	// 	name: '19年至今',
-	// 	value: 8,
-	// },
-	{
-		name: '20年至今',
-		value: 9,
-	},
-	{
-		name: '21年至今',
-		value: 4,
-	},
-	{
-		name: '22年至今',
-		value: 11
-	},
-// 拥有相同配置的图表类型集合
-export const sameOptionType=[1,3,4,5,6]

+ 0 - 240

@@ -1,240 +0,0 @@
- * Highcharts-zh_CN ES6 版本 plugins v1.2.1 (2020-07-29)
- *
- * (c) 2020 Jianshu Technology Co.,LTD (https://jianshukeji.com)
- *
- * Author : john@jianshukeji.com, Blue Monkey
- *
- * License: Creative Commons Attribution (CC)
- */
-export default (H) => {
-  let protocol = window.location.protocol;
-  if (!/^http(s)?:&/.test(protocol)) {
-    protocol = 'http:';
-  }
-  let defaultOptionsZhCn = {
-    lang: {
-      // Highcharts
-      contextButtonTitle: '图表导出菜单',
-      decimalPoint: '.',
-      downloadJPEG: '下载 JPEG 图片',
-      downloadPDF: '下载 PDF 文件',
-      downloadPNG: '下载 PNG 文件',
-      downloadSVG: '下载 SVG 文件',
-      downloadXLS: '下载 XLS 文件',
-      drillUpText: '◁ 返回 {series.name}',
-      exitFullscreen: '退出全屏',
-      exportData: {
-        categoryDatetimeHeader: '时间',
-        categoryHeader: '类别',
-      },
-      openInCloud: '在 Highcharts Cloud 中打开',
-      invalidDate: '无效的时间',
-      loading: '加载中...',
-      months: [
-        '一月',
-        '二月',
-        '三月',
-        '四月',
-        '五月',
-        '六月',
-        '七月',
-        '八月',
-        '九月',
-        '十月',
-        '十一月',
-        '十二月',
-      ],
-      navigation: {
-        popup: {
-          addButton: '新增',
-          arrowLine: '直线',
-          arrowRay: '射线',
-          arrowSegment: '线段',
-          background: '背景',
-          backgroundColor: '背景颜色',
-          backgroundColors: '背景颜色',
-          borderColor: '边框颜色',
-          borderRadius: '圆角',
-          borderWidth: '边框大小',
-          circle: '圆',
-          color: '颜色',
-          connector: '连接',
-          crooked3: 'Crooked 3 line',
-          crooked5: 'Crooked 5 line',
-          crosshairX: '竖直准星线',
-          crosshairY: '水平准星线',
-          editButton: '编辑',
-          elliott3: 'Elliott 3 line',
-          elliott5: 'Elliott 5 line',
-          fibonacci: '斐波纳契',
-          fill: '填充颜色',
-          flags: '标志',
-          fontSize: '字体大小',
-          format: '文本',
-          height: '高度',
-          horizontalLine: '水平线',
-          infinityLine: '无限线',
-          innerBackground: '内背景',
-          label: '文字标签',
-          labelOptions: '文字标签配置',
-          labels: '文字标签',
-          line: '线',
-          lines: '线条',
-          measure: 'Measure',
-          measureX: 'Measure X',
-          measureXY: 'Measure XY',
-          measureY: 'Measure Y',
-          name: '名字',
-          outerBackground: '外背景',
-          padding: '内间距',
-          parallelChannel: '并行通道',
-          pitchfork: '杈子',
-          ray: '射线',
-          rectangle: '矩形',
-          removeButton: '删除',
-          saveButton: '保存',
-          segment: '段落',
-          series: '数据列',
-          shapeOptions: '图形配置',
-          shapes: '图形',
-          simpleShapes: '简单图形',
-          stroke: '线条颜色',
-          strokeWidth: '线条粗细',
-          style: '样式',
-          title: '标题',
-          tunnel: '通道',
-          typeOptions: '详情',
-          verticalArrow: '竖直箭头',
-          verticalCounter: '竖直计数器',
-          verticalLabel: '竖直标签',
-          verticalLine: '竖直线',
-          volume: '成交量',
-        },
-      },
-      noData: '暂无数据',
-      numericSymbols: null,
-      printChart: '打印图表',
-      resetZoom: '重置缩放比例',
-      resetZoomTitle: '重置为原始大小',
-      shortMonths: [
-        '一月',
-        '二月',
-        '三月',
-        '四月',
-        '五月',
-        '六月',
-        '七月',
-        '八月',
-        '九月',
-        '十月',
-        '十一月',
-        '十二月',
-      ],
-      thousandsSep: ',',
-      viewData: '查看数据表格',
-      viewFullscreen: '全屏查看',
-      weekdays: [
-        '星期天',
-        '星期一',
-        '星期二',
-        '星期三',
-        '星期四',
-        '星期五',
-        '星期六',
-      ],
-      viewData: '查看数据表格',
-      // Highstock
-      rangeSelectorFrom: '开始时间',
-      rangeSelectorTo: '结束时间',
-      rangeSelectorZoom: '范围',
-      // Highmaps
-      zoomIn: '缩小',
-      zoomOut: '放大',
-    },
-    global: {
-      // 不使用 UTC时间
-      useUTC: false,
-      timezoneOffset: -8 * 60,
-      canvasToolsURL:
-        protocol + '//cdn.hcharts.cn/highcharts/modules/canvas-tools.js',
-      VMLRadialGradientURL:
-        protocol + +'//cdn.hcharts.cn/highcharts/gfx/vml-radial-gradient.png',
-    },
-    exporting: {
-      url: protocol + '//export.highcharts.com.cn',
-    },
-    credits: {
-      text: 'Highcharts.com.cn',
-      href: 'https://www.highcharts.com.cn',
-    },
-    /**
-     * Highstock
-     */
-    rangeSelector: {
-      inputDateFormat: '%Y-%m-%d',
-      buttons: [
-        {
-          type: 'month',
-          count: 1,
-          text: '月',
-        },
-        {
-          type: 'month',
-          count: 3,
-          text: '季度',
-        },
-        {
-          type: 'month',
-          count: 6,
-          text: '半年',
-        },
-        {
-          type: 'ytd',
-          text: 'YTD',
-        },
-        {
-          type: 'year',
-          count: 1,
-          text: '年',
-        },
-        {
-          type: 'all',
-          text: '所有',
-        },
-      ],
-    },
-    plotOptions: {
-      series: {
-        dataGrouping: {
-          dateTimeLabelFormats: {
-            /* millisecond: [
-              '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%L',
-              '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%L',
-              ' ~ %H:%M:%S.%L',
-            ],
-            second: ['%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', ' ~ %H:%M:%S'],
-            minute: ['%Y-%m-%d %H:%M', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M', ' ~ %H:%M'],
-            hour: ['%Y-%m-%d %H:%M', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M', ' ~ %H:%M'], */
-            day: ['%Y/%m/%d', '%Y/%m/%d', ' ~ %Y/%m/%d'],
-            week: ['%Y/%m/%d', '%Y/%m/%d', ' ~ %Y/%m/%d'],
-            month: ['%Y/%m', '%Y/%m', ' ~ %Y/%m'],
-            year: ['%Y', '%Y', ' ~ %Y'],
-          },
-        },
-      },
-    },
-  };
-  H.setOptions(defaultOptionsZhCn);

+ 0 - 2419

@@ -1,2419 +0,0 @@
-// 图渲染逻辑模块
-import {onMounted,ref,nextTick,reactive} from 'vue'
-import {chartDefaultOpts,scatterXAxis,basicYAxis,basicXAxis,leadUnitEnMap,relevanceUnitEnMap} from './config'
-import Highcharts from 'highcharts/highstock';
-import HighchartsFormat from 'highcharts';
-import HighchartsMore from 'highcharts/highcharts-more';
-import HightchartsExport from 'highcharts/modules/exporting';
-import Boost from 'highcharts/modules/boost'
-import HighchartszhCN  from './highcahrts-zh_CN.js'
-import moment from 'moment'
-import _ from 'lodash';
- * 渲染图方法
- * @param data 图详情数据
- * @param renderId 图表在dom中的id
- * @param lang 图表显示为中文/英文 默认 zh中文 en英文
- * @param changeLangIsCheck 切换中英文时 是否要校验
- * @param showChartTitle 是否显示图表标题 默认true
- */
-let ChartIns=null//图表实例
-let chartData=ref(null)//图的所有数据
-let LangType=ref('zh')//当前图表显示的语言版本
-let RenderDomId=ref('')//图表渲染的domid
-let options=ref(null)//渲染图的数据
-const axisLimitState = reactive({//极值数据
-    leftIndex:-1,//左侧上下限对应下标
-    rightIndex: -1, //右侧上下限对应下标
-    rightTwoIndex: -1,//右2上下限对应下标
-    hasLeftAxis:false,
-    hasRightAxis:false,
-    hasRightTwoAxis:false,
-    hasXAxis:false,
-    leftMin:0,
-    leftMax:0,
-    rightMin:0,
-    rightMax:0,
-    rightTwoMin:0,
-    rightTwoMax:0,
-    xMin:0,
-    xMax:0,
-let useSelfLimit = false
-let isUseSelfLimit = ref(false)
-const screen = ref(document.body.clientWidth < 1200 ? 'phone' : 'pc');
-// webcomponent的EtaChart.ce.vue文件用到了这里的逻辑
-// 有修改了 chartRender,setLimitData 这俩方法的,需要重新编辑下webcomponent(npm run build.lib),然后替换掉report项目的对应文件eta_comp.js
-export function useChartRender(){
-    return {
-        options,
-        axisLimitState,
-        chartRender,
-        setLimitData,
-        isUseSelfLimit
-    }
-/**备注一下 越多越乱 
- * @params
- * Source 1 ; chartType只在source:1用到 1曲线 2季节 3面积 4堆积柱 5散点 6组合 7柱形 10截面散点 11雷达图
- * 2 商品价格
- * 3 相关性
- * 4 滚动相关性
- * 5 商品利润
- * 6 拟合方程
- * 7 统计特征/标准差
- * 8 统计特征/百分位
- * 9 统计特征/频率
- * 10 跨品种分析
- */
-export function chartRender({data,renderId,lang='zh',changeLangIsCheck,showChartTitle=true,shouldUseSelfLimit=false}){
-    // 初始化掉极值数据
-    axisLimitState.leftIndex=-1
-    axisLimitState.rightIndex=-1
-    axisLimitState.rightTwoIndex=-1
-    axisLimitState.hasLeftAxis=false
-    axisLimitState.hasRightAxis=false
-    axisLimitState.hasRightTwoAxis=false
-    axisLimitState.hasXAxis=false
-    //使用自定义上下限时,不需要初始化极值
-    if(!isUseSelfLimit.value){
-        axisLimitState.leftMin=0
-        axisLimitState.leftMax=0
-        axisLimitState.rightMin=0
-        axisLimitState.rightMax=0
-        axisLimitState.rightTwoMin=0
-        axisLimitState.rightTwoMax=0
-        axisLimitState.xMin=0
-        axisLimitState.xMax=0
-    }
-    let chartOpt={}
-    LangType.value=lang
-    RenderDomId.value=renderId
-    chartData.value=data
-   /*  useSelfLimit = ['/myETA/chartdetail','/chartETA/chartdetail'].includes(window.location.pathname) */
-   useSelfLimit = shouldUseSelfLimit
-    if([1,11].includes(data.ChartInfo.Source)){
-        const chartSetMap = {
-            1: setSplineOpt,
-            2: setSeasonOpt,
-            3: setStackOrCombinChart,
-            4: setStackOrCombinChart,
-            5: setScatterOptions,
-            6: setStackOrCombinChart,
-            7: initBarData,
-            10: setSectionScatterChart,
-            11: setRadarChart
-        };
-        chartOpt=chartSetMap[data.ChartInfo.ChartType](data)
-    }else if([2,5].includes(data.ChartInfo.Source)){//商品价格曲线
-        chartOpt=initCommodityData(data);
-    }else if([3].includes(data.ChartInfo.Source)){//相关性 滚动相关性
-        chartOpt=initRelevanceChart(data);
-    }else if([4,6,7,8].includes(data.ChartInfo.Source)){//滚动相关性 拟合方程 标准差 百分比
-        chartOpt=setSplineOpt(data);
-    }else if([9].includes(data.ChartInfo.Source)){//统计频率
-        chartOpt=setStatisticFrequency(data);
-    }else if(data.ChartInfo.Source===10) {
-        /* 历史数据chartInfo里上下限全是空 兼容下历史数据不崩 */
-        axisLimitState.hasLeftAxis=true
-        axisLimitState.leftMin=data.ChartInfo.LeftMin?Number(data.ChartInfo.LeftMin):Number(data.DataResp.YMinValue)
-        axisLimitState.leftMax=data.ChartInfo.LeftMax?Number(data.ChartInfo.LeftMax):Number(data.DataResp.YMaxValue)
-        axisLimitState.hasXAxis=true
-        axisLimitState.xMin= data.ChartInfo.XMin?Number(data.ChartInfo.XMin):Number(data.DataResp.XMinValue)
-        axisLimitState.xMax=data.ChartInfo.XMax?Number(data.ChartInfo.XMax):Number(data.DataResp.XMaxValue),
-        chartOpt = setCrossVarietyChart(data)
-    }
-    /* 
-        eta1.4.1增加了主题色
-		仍然以defaultOpts为最底层配置 外层配置在这里统一设置了如legend chart背景色
-			x轴y轴系列等样式还是需要在具体的options中单独设置
-    */
-    let themeOptions = setThemeOptions();
-    options.value={...chartDefaultOpts,...themeOptions, ...chartOpt}
-    // 设置图标题
-    setChartTitle(showChartTitle)
-    // 设置语言
-    setChartLang(changeLangIsCheck)
-    //stock不支持线形图只支持时间图 某些用chart
-    let is_linear = chartOpt.series 
-    ? chartOpt.series.some(_ => _.chartType === 'linear')
-    : false ;
-    is_linear ?ChartIns=Highcharts.chart(RenderDomId.value,options.value) : ChartIns=Highcharts.stockChart(RenderDomId.value,options.value);
-    return ChartIns
-//主题色一些外层公用配置  目前只有绘图区和legend和colors
-function setThemeOptions() {
-    if(!chartData.value.ChartInfo.ChartThemeStyle) return {}
-    let chartTheme = JSON.parse(chartData.value.ChartInfo.ChartThemeStyle)
-    return {
-        legend: {
-            ...chartDefaultOpts.legend,
-            ...chartTheme.legendOptions
-        },
-        chart: {
-            ...chartDefaultOpts.chart,
-            ...chartTheme.drawOption
-        },
-        colors: chartTheme.colorsOptions
-    }
- /* 处理轴的标识线结构 在指定轴位置上拼接标识线 
-    0:右轴 1:左轴 2:右2轴 x轴固定3
-    axisType表示x轴类型 处理时间轴的值 datetime/null 
-function setAxisPlotLines(axis,axisType) {
-    const { MarkersLines,ChartType } = chartData.value.ChartInfo;
-    const { EdbInfoList } = chartData.value;
-    if(!MarkersLines) return []
-    let markerLines = JSON.parse(MarkersLines);
-    let arr = markerLines.filter(_ => _.isShow&&_.axis===axis)
-    let plotLines = arr.map(_ => {
-        //是否是x时间轴
-        let isXDateAxis = axis===3&&axisType==='datetime';
-        let markerValue;
-        if(isXDateAxis) {
-            //季节图x轴额外拼个年份
-            let nowYear = ChartType===2 ? new Date(EdbInfoList[0].DataList[1].DataList
-                [0].DataTimestamp).getFullYear() : '';
-            markerValue = ChartType===2 
-                ? new Date(`${nowYear}-${_.value}`).getTime()
-                : new Date(_.value).getTime()
-        }else {
-            markerValue = Number(_.value)
-        }
-        return { 
-        value: markerValue,
-        dashStyle: _.dashStyle,
-        width: Number(_.lineWidth),
-        color: _.color,
-        label: {
-            text: _.text||'',
-            verticalAlign: _.textPosition,
-            style: {
-            color: _.textColor,
-            fontSize: _.textFontSize
-            }
-        }
-        }
-    })
-    return plotLines
-/* 处理标识区拼接 axisType表示x轴类型处理时间轴的值 datetime/null */
-function setAxisPlotAreas(axis,axisType) {
-    const { MarkersAreas,ChartType } = chartData.value.ChartInfo;
-    const { EdbInfoList } = chartData.value;
-    if(!MarkersAreas) return []
-    let markerAreas = JSON.parse(MarkersAreas);
-    let arr = markerAreas.filter(_ => _.isShow&&_.axis===axis)
-    let plotBands = arr.map(_ => {
-        //是否是x时间轴
-        let isXDateAxis = axis===3&&axisType==='datetime';
-        let fromMarkerValue,toMarkerValue;
-        if(isXDateAxis) {
-            //季节图x轴额外拼个年份
-            let nowYear = ChartType===2 ? new Date(EdbInfoList[0].DataList[1].DataList
-                [0].DataTimestamp).getFullYear() : '';
-            fromMarkerValue = ChartType===2 
-                ? new Date(`${nowYear}-${_.fromValue}`).getTime()
-                : new Date(_.fromValue).getTime()
-            toMarkerValue = ChartType===2 
-                ? new Date(`${nowYear}-${_.toValue}`).getTime()
-                : new Date(_.toValue).getTime()
-        }else {
-            fromMarkerValue = Number(_.fromValue);
-            toMarkerValue = Number(_.toValue);
-        }
-        //默认label有些偏移 重新归正下
-        let positionMapValue = {
-            'top': 12,
-            'middle': 0,
-            'bottom': -10
-        }
-        return { 
-            from: fromMarkerValue,
-            to: toMarkerValue,
-            color: _.color,
-            label: {
-                text: _.text||'',
-                verticalAlign: _.textPosition,
-                y: positionMapValue[_.textPosition],
-                style: {
-                    color: _.textColor,
-                    fontSize: _.textFontSize
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    })
-    return plotBands
-/* 预测配置 分区 */
-function getPredictParams ({LatestDate,PredictChartColor}) {
-    return {
-    zoneAxis: 'x',
-    zones: [{
-        value: new Date(LatestDate).getTime()+1
-    }, {
-        dashStyle: 'ShortDot',
-        color: PredictChartColor
-    }]
-    }
-/* 季节图预测数据 年份=分割点年份做分割 年份>分割点年份全为预测 */
-function getSeasonPredictParams (timestamp){
-    return timestamp
-    ? {
-        zoneAxis: 'x',
-        zones: [{
-            value: new Date(timestamp).getTime()+1
-        }, {
-            dashStyle: 'ShortDot',
-        }]
-        }
-    : {}
-// 查询范围为1年内 x轴显示为月/日 否则默认年/月
-function xTimeDiffer(minTime,maxTime,dateType){
-    //年限差
-    let year_differ=moment(maxTime).diff(moment(minTime),'years',true)
-    // console.log('年限差',year_differ)
-    if ([5, 6].includes(dateType) && year_differ <= 1) {
-        return true
-    } else {
-        return false
-    }
-/* 拼接动态的指标名称小标签 */
-function concatDynamicTag(item,lang){
-    const { IsAxis,IsOrder,EdbInfoType,LeadValue,LeadUnit }  = item;
-    // IsAxis左轴1 右轴0 2右2轴 
-    //IsOrder正序false 逆序true 
-      //IsOrder正序false 逆序true 
-    //IsOrder正序false 逆序true 
-    //EdbInfoType是否是领先指标
-    const axisLabelMap =lang=='zh'? {
-        0: '右轴',
-        2: '右2轴'
-    }:{
-        0: 'RHS',
-        2: '2-RHS'
-    }
-    const orderLabelMap =lang=='zh'? {
-        1: '逆序'
-    }:{
-        1: 'REV'
-    }
-    const edbInfoMap =lang=='zh'? {
-        0: '领先'
-    }:{
-        0: 'Lead'
-    }
-    //英文领先单位转换
-    const leadUnit = lang==='zh' ? LeadUnit : leadUnitEnMap[LeadUnit];
-    let axis_tag = axisLabelMap[IsAxis] || '';
-      //逆序拼接
-    let order_tag = orderLabelMap[Number(IsOrder)] ? `${axis_tag ? ',': ''}${orderLabelMap[Number(IsOrder)]}` : ''
-      //领先拼接
-    let edb_tag = edbInfoMap[EdbInfoType] ? `${(axis_tag||order_tag) ? ',' : '' }${edbInfoMap[EdbInfoType]}${LeadValue}${leadUnit}` : '';
-    let dynamic_tag = (axis_tag || order_tag || edb_tag) ? `(${axis_tag}${order_tag}${edb_tag})` : '';
-    return dynamic_tag
-/* 拼接数据列动态name */
-function setDyncmicSerieName (item,dynamic_arr,lang='zh') {
-    let temName =''
-    /* if(lang=='zh'){
-        temName= dynamic_arr.length > 1
-            ? `${item.EdbName}(${item.SourceName})${concatDynamicTag(item,'zh')}`
-            : `${item.EdbName}${concatDynamicTag(item,'zh')}`
-    }else{
-        temName=item.EdbNameEn?`${item.EdbNameEn}${concatDynamicTag(item,'en')}`:''
-    } */
-    const temNameEn = item.EdbNameEn?`${item.EdbNameEn}${concatDynamicTag(item,'en')}`:''
-    const temNameZh = dynamic_arr.length > 1
-    ? `${item.EdbAliasName||item.EdbName}(${item.SourceName})${concatDynamicTag(item,'zh')}`
-    : `${item.EdbAliasName||item.EdbName}${concatDynamicTag(item,'zh')}`
-    temName = lang=='zh'?temNameZh:temNameEn?temNameEn:temNameZh
-    if(temName.length>20){
-        let temArr=[]
-        for(let i=0;i<temName.length/20;i++){
-            temArr.push(temName.slice(i*20,i*20+20))
-        }
-        temName=temArr.join('<br>')
-    }
-    return temName
-/* 指标顺序调整  IsAxis: 0右轴 1左轴 2右2*/
-function changeEdbOrder (data){
-    // 左轴指标
-    let left_edbs = data.filter(_ => _.IsAxis===1);
-    //右轴指标
-    let right_edbs = data.filter(_ => !_.IsAxis);
-    // 右2轴指标
-    let right_two_edbs = data.filter(_ => _.IsAxis === 2);
-    // 按 左 右 右2顺序排列
-    return [left_edbs,right_edbs,right_two_edbs].flat(Infinity);
-function checkChartEnData(){
-    let result = true
-    //图表名称:this.chartInfo.ChartNameEn
-    if(!chartData.value.ChartInfo.ChartNameEn){
-      result = false
-    }
-    //指标名称:this.dataList[].EdbNameEn
-    //指标单位:this.dataList[].UnitEn
-    chartData.value.EdbInfoList.forEach(item=>{
-      if(!item.EdbNameEn){
-        result = false
-      }
-      if(chartData.value.ChartInfo.ChartType!==10&&item.Unit&&!item.UnitEn){
-        result = false
-      }
-    })
-    return result   
-// 设置图表显示的语言
-function setChartLang(changeLangIsCheck){
-    if(changeLangIsCheck&&!checkChartEnData()) return
-    const {ChartType,Source} = chartData.value.ChartInfo
-    if(Source==1){
-        // 散点图
-        if(ChartType == 5){
-            options.value.yAxis.title.text = LangType.value == 'zh' ? options.value.yAxis.title.textZh : options.value.yAxis.title.textEn;
-            // options.value.yAxis.title.style = LangType.value == 'zh' ? {} : options.value.yAxis.title.styleEn;
-            options.value.xAxis.title.text = LangType.value == 'zh' ? options.value.xAxis.title.textZh : options.value.xAxis.title.textEn
-            // options.value.xAxis.title.style = LangType.value == 'zh' ? {} : options.value.xAxis.title.styleEn;
-            options.value.series.forEach(item => {
-                item.name = LangType.value == 'zh' ? item.nameZh : item.nameEn;
-            });
-            options.value.tooltip.formatter = LangType.value == 'zh' ? options.value.tooltip.formatterZh : options.value.tooltip.formatterEn;
-        }else{
-            // 单位
-            options.value.yAxis.forEach(item => {
-                item.title.text = LangType.value == 'zh' ? item.title.textZh : item.title.textEn;
-                // item.title.style = LangType.value == 'zh' ? {} : (item.title.styleEn || {})
-            });
-            // 图例  名称
-            if(ChartType != 2){
-                // 季节图 不更改图例名称
-                options.value.series.forEach(item => {
-                    item.name = LangType.value == 'zh' 
-                        ? item.nameZh 
-                        : (item.nameEn!='无英文名称'?item.nameEn:`<span style="color:#999">${item.nameEn}</span>`)
-                });
-            }
-            //截面散点 x轴标题
-            if(ChartType === 10){
-                options.value.xAxis.title.text = LangType.value == 'zh' ? options.value.xAxis.title.textZh : options.value.xAxis.title.textEn;
-                // options.value.xAxis.title.style = LangType.value == 'zh' ? {} : options.value.xAxis.title.styleEn;
-                options.value.tooltip.formatter = LangType.value == 'zh' ? options.value.tooltip.formatterCh : options.value.tooltip.formatterEn;
-                options.value.series.forEach(item => {
-                    if(!item.linkedTo) {
-                        item.data.forEach(point => {
-                            point.dataLabels.format = LangType.value == 'zh' ? point.dataLabels.formatZh : (point.dataLabels.formatEn||'无英文标签');
-                            point.dataLabels.color = (LangType.value==='en' && !point.dataLabels.formatEn) ? '#999' : '#333'
-                        })
-                    }
-                });
-            } 
-            //柱形图额外设置x轴中英文
-            if([7,11].includes(ChartType)){
-                //x轴
-                options.value.xAxis.categories = chartData.value.XEdbIdValue.map(_ => LangType.value == 'zh' 
-                ? chartData.value.EdbInfoList.find(edb => edb.EdbInfoId===_).EdbAliasName || chartData.value.EdbInfoList.find(edb => edb.EdbInfoId===_).EdbName
-                : chartData.value.EdbInfoList.find(edb => edb.EdbInfoId===_).EdbNameEn)
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    if([2,3,4].includes(Source)){
-        options.value.yAxis.forEach(item => {
-            item.title.text =  LangType.value == 'zh' ? item.title.textZh: item.title.textEn
-        });
-        //图例
-        options.value.series.forEach(item => {
-            item.name = LangType.value == 'en' ?item.nameEn : item.nameZh 
-        });
-        //tooltip
-        options.value.tooltip.formatter = LangType.value == 'en'?options.value.tooltip.formatterEn:options.value.tooltip.formatterZh
-        //x轴
-        if(Source==2){
-            options.value.xAxis.categories = commodityXData.value.map(_ => {
-                LangType.value == 'en'?_.NameEn:_.Name
-            });
-        }
-        if([3].includes(Source)){
-            options.value.xAxis.title.text=LangType.value == 'en'?options.value.xAxis.title.textEn:options.value.xAxis.title.textZh
-        }
-    }
-// 设置图标题
-function setChartTitle(showChartTitle){
-    if(showChartTitle){
-        const ChartInfo=chartData.value.ChartInfo
-        options.value.title.textZh=ChartInfo.ChartName
-        options.value.title.textEn=ChartInfo.ChartNameEn
-        options.value.title.text=LangType.value == 'zh' ?options.value.title.textZh:options.value.title.textEn||options.value.title.textZh
-    }else{
-        options.value.title.text=''
-    }
-function setStatisticFrequency(e){
-    axisLimitState.leftIndex=-1
-    axisLimitState.rightIndex=-1
-    axisLimitState.rightTwoIndex=-1
-     /* 主题样式*/
-    const chartTheme =  e.ChartInfo.ChartThemeStyle ? JSON.parse(e.ChartInfo.ChartThemeStyle) : null;
-    const { DataList,LeftMaxValue,LeftMinValue,RightMaxValue,RightMinValue } = e.DataResp;
-    const xAxis = {
-        ...scatterXAxis,
-        tickWidth: 1,
-        labels: {
-            style: {
-                ...chartTheme&&chartTheme.xAxisOptions.style
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    //y和系列
-    let yAxis = [],series = [];
-    DataList.forEach((item,index) => {
-      let y_item = {
-        ...basicYAxis,
-        title: {
-            text: item.Unit,
-            textCh:item.Unit,// 中文
-            textEn:item.UnitEn||item.Unit,
-            align: 'high',
-            rotation: 0,
-            y: -15,
-            reserveSpace: false,
-            style:{
-                ...chartTheme&&chartTheme.yAxisOptions.style
-            },
-        },
-        labels: {
-            style:{
-              ...chartTheme&&chartTheme.yAxisOptions.style
-            },
-        },
-        opposite: item.IsAxis===1?false:true,
-        min: index===0? Number(LeftMinValue):Number(RightMinValue),
-        max: index===0? Number(LeftMaxValue):Number(RightMaxValue),
-        tickWidth: 1,
-      }
-      let series_item = {
-        data: item.Value.map(_ =>[_.X,_.Y]),
-        dashStyle: (chartTheme&&chartTheme.lineOptions.dashStyle)||'Solid',
-        type: (chartTheme&&chartTheme.lineOptions.lineType) || 'spline',
-        yAxis: index,
-        name: item.Name,
-        nameZh: item.Name,
-        nameEn: item.NameEn||item.Name,
-        color: item.Color,
-        lineWidth: (chartTheme&&chartTheme.lineOptions.lineWidth)||3,
-        chartType: 'linear',
-        zIndex:1
-      }
-      series.push(series_item);
-      yAxis.push(y_item)
-    })
-    let tooltip = {
-        formatter: function() {
-          let xList = DataList[0].Value.map(_ =>_.X);
-          let step = xList[1]-xList[0];
-          let data_interval = `[${this.x},${this.x+step}]`;
-          let str=`<b>${ data_interval }</b>`;
-          this.points.forEach(item => {
-            str += `<br><span style="color:${item.color}">\u25CF</span>${item.series.name}: ${item.y}%<br>`
-          })
-          return str
-        },
-        shared: true
-    }
-    return {
-        title: {
-            text:''
-          },
-        tooltip,
-        series,
-        yAxis,
-        xAxis
-    }
-function setSplineOpt(e){
-    //其他Source也会用到曲线图,这里需要兼容
-    const isETASource = e.ChartInfo.Source===1
-    const data=[4,6,7,8].includes(e.ChartInfo.Source)?[e.DataResp]:e.EdbInfoList
-    let series=[]
-    let yAxis=[]
-    let xAxis = {}
-    let temYLeftArr=[]
-    let temYRightArr=[]
-    let temYRightTwoArr = []
-    let temYLeftIndex=data.findIndex((item) => item.IsAxis===1)
-    let temYRightIndex=data.findIndex((item) => !item.IsAxis)
-    let temYRightTwoIndex = data.findIndex((item) => item.IsAxis===2)
-    axisLimitState.leftIndex=temYLeftIndex
-    axisLimitState.rightIndex=temYRightIndex
-    axisLimitState.rightTwoIndex=temYRightTwoIndex
-     /* 主题样式*/
-    const chartTheme =  e.ChartInfo.ChartThemeStyle ? JSON.parse(e.ChartInfo.ChartThemeStyle) : null;
-    let minAndMaxTimeTemArr=[]//存放所有指标的最大最小时间
-    //有右二轴时排个序 按照左 右 右2的顺序
-    let newData = data.some(_ =>_.IsAxis===2) ? changeEdbOrder(data) : data;
-    newData.forEach((item,index)=>{
-         //轴位置值相同的下标
-        let sameSideIndex = newData.findIndex(i => i.IsAxis === item.IsAxis);
-        let dynamic_title = item.EdbName;
-        let dynamic_arr = newData.filter(
-          (item) => dynamic_title === item.EdbName
-        );
-        //处理数据列name
-        let temName= setDyncmicSerieName(item,dynamic_arr,'zh')  
-        let temNameEN=setDyncmicSerieName(item,dynamic_arr,'en')  
-        //预测指标配置
-        let predict_params = item.EdbInfoCategoryType === 1 ? getPredictParams(item) : {};
-        let seriesItemObj={
-            data:[],
-            dataGrouping:{
-                enabled:false
-            },
-            type: (chartTheme&&chartTheme.lineOptions.lineType) || 'spline',
-            dashStyle: (chartTheme&&chartTheme.lineOptions.dashStyle)||'Solid',
-            yAxis:index,
-            name:temName,
-            nameZh:temName,
-            nameEn:temNameEN,
-            color: item.ChartColor,
-            lineWidth: Number(item.ChartWidth)||(chartTheme&&chartTheme.lineOptions.lineWidth)||1,
-            visible:true,
-            LatestDate:item.LatestDate,
-            LatestValue:item.LatestValue,
-            ...predict_params
-        }
-        item.DataList = item.DataList || [];
-        for (let i of item.DataList) {
-          seriesItemObj.data.push([i.DataTimestamp, i.Value]);
-        }
-        series.push(seriesItemObj)
-        // 设置y轴
-        if(item.IsAxis){
-            temYLeftArr.push(item)
-        }else{
-            temYRightArr.push(item)
-        }
-        //获取上下限
-        console.log('useSelfLimit',useSelfLimit)
-        let minLimit = 0,maxLimit = 0
-        if(!useSelfLimit||!isETASource){
-            minLimit = item.MinData
-            maxLimit = item.MaxData
-        }
-        if(useSelfLimit&&isETASource){
-            const limitMap = {
-                0:['rightMin','rightMax'],
-                1:['leftMin','leftMax'],
-                2:['rightTwoMin','rightTwoMax']
-            }
-            if(limitMap[item.IsAxis]){
-                minLimit = axisLimitState[`${limitMap[item.IsAxis][0]}`]||0
-                maxLimit = axisLimitState[`${limitMap[item.IsAxis][1]}`]||0
-            }
-        }
-        const textZh = item.ConvertUnit||item.Unit
-        const textEn = item.ConvertEnUnit||item.UnitEn||item.ConvertUnit||item.Unit
-        let yItem={
-            ...basicYAxis,
-            IsAxis:item.IsAxis,
-            labels: {
-                formatter: function (ctx) {
-                    return sameSideIndex !== index ? '' : ctx.value;
-                },
-                align: 'center',
-                x: [0,2].includes(item.IsAxis) ? 5 : -5,
-                style:{
-                    ...chartTheme&&chartTheme.yAxisOptions.style
-                },
-            },
-            tickWidth: sameSideIndex !== index ? 0 : 1,
-            title: {
-                text:  sameSideIndex !== index ? '' : `${textZh}`,
-                textZh:textZh,//中文单位
-                textEn:textZh?textEn:'',//英文单位,但如果无中文单位则不显示
-                align: 'high',
-                rotation: 0,
-                y: -15,
-                x: (item.IsAxis===0 && temYRightTwoIndex>-1) ? -newData[temYRightTwoIndex].Unit.length*12 : 0,
-                textAlign: item.IsAxis===1 ? 'left' : 'right',
-                reserveSpace: false,
-                style:{
-                    ...chartTheme&&chartTheme.yAxisOptions.style
-                }
-            },
-            opposite: [0,2].includes(item.IsAxis),
-            reversed: item.IsOrder,
-            min: Number(minLimit),
-            max: Number(maxLimit),
-            visible: sameSideIndex === index,
-            chartEdbInfo:item,//指标数据用于在保存时读取指标数据
-            plotBands: setAxisPlotAreas(item.IsAxis),
-            plotLines: setAxisPlotLines(item.IsAxis)
-        }
-        yAxis.push(yItem)
-        if(item.DataList.length>0){
-            minAndMaxTimeTemArr.push(item.DataList[0].DataTimestamp)
-            minAndMaxTimeTemArr.push(item.DataList[item.DataList.length-1].DataTimestamp)
-        }
-    })
-    // 设置x轴
-    // 找出所有指标的最大和最小时间 分成6段
-    let minTime=Math.min.apply(null,minAndMaxTimeTemArr)
-    let maxTime=Math.max.apply(null,minAndMaxTimeTemArr)
-    const isLessThanOneYear = xTimeDiffer(minTime,maxTime,e.ChartInfo.DateType)
-    xAxis={
-        ...basicXAxis,
-        labels: {
-            formatter: function (ctx) {
-                return isLessThanOneYear
-                ? HighchartsFormat.dateFormat('%m/%d', ctx.value)
-                : HighchartsFormat.dateFormat('%y/%m', ctx.value);
-            },
-            style: {
-                ...chartTheme&&chartTheme.xAxisOptions.style
-            }
-        },
-        tickInterval:screen.value === 'phone'?((maxTime-minTime)/6)/(24*3600*1000)>30?(maxTime-minTime)/6:24*3600*1000*30:undefined,
-        plotBands: setAxisPlotAreas(3,'datetime'),
-        plotLines: setAxisPlotLines(3,'datetime')
-    }
-    yAxis.forEach(item=>{
-        if(item.IsAxis===1){//左轴
-            axisLimitState.hasLeftAxis=true
-            if(!useSelfLimit||!isETASource){
-                axisLimitState.leftMin=data[temYLeftIndex].MinData
-                axisLimitState.leftMax=data[temYLeftIndex].MaxData
-                item.min=data[temYLeftIndex].MinData
-                item.max=data[temYLeftIndex].MaxData
-            }
-        }else if (item.IsAxis===2){ // 右2轴
-            axisLimitState.hasRightTwoAxis=true
-            if(!useSelfLimit||!isETASource){
-                axisLimitState.rightTwoMin=data[temYRightTwoIndex].MinData
-                axisLimitState.rightTwoMax=data[temYRightTwoIndex].MaxData
-                item.min=data[temYRightTwoIndex].MinData
-                item.max=data[temYRightTwoIndex].MaxData
-            }
-        }else{
-            axisLimitState.hasRightAxis=true
-            if(!useSelfLimit||!isETASource){
-                axisLimitState.rightMin=data[temYRightIndex].MinData
-                axisLimitState.rightMax=data[temYRightIndex].MaxData
-                item.min=data[temYRightIndex].MinData
-                item.max=data[temYRightIndex].MaxData
-            }
-        }
-    })
-    return {
-        series,
-        xAxis:[xAxis],
-        yAxis,
-        rangeSelector:{ enabled: false}
-    }
-function setSeasonOpt(e){
-    axisLimitState.leftIndex=0
-    axisLimitState.rightIndex=-1
-    axisLimitState.rightTwoIndex=-1
-     /* 主题样式*/
-    const chartTheme =  e.ChartInfo.ChartThemeStyle ? JSON.parse(e.ChartInfo.ChartThemeStyle) : null;
-    let chartData={}
-    const data=e.EdbInfoList[0]
-    const calendarType=e.ChartInfo.Calendar||'公历'
-    const colorsArr=chartTheme&&chartTheme.colorsOptions.reverse();
-    let series=[],yAxis=[]
-    //农历默认选中一年数据并隐藏按钮  公历显示全部数据
-    // let rangeSelector={}
-    // 农历数据需要去除第一项  农历和公历处理逻辑一样
-    const chartDataHandle=calendarType === '农历'?
-                        data.DataList.filter((item, index) => index > 0):
-                        data.DataList
-    // if(calendarType==='公历'){
-        chartDataHandle.forEach((item,index)=>{
-             //预测指标配置
-            let predict_params =  data.EdbInfoCategoryType === 1 ? getSeasonPredictParams(item.CuttingDataTimestamp) : {};
-            let seriesItem={
-                data:[],
-                dataGrouping:{
-                    enabled:false
-                },
-                type: (chartTheme&&chartTheme.lineOptions.lineType) || data.ChartStyle,
-                dashStyle: (chartTheme&&chartTheme.lineOptions.dashStyle)||'Solid',
-                yAxis:0,
-                name:item.ChartLegend,
-                lineWidth: (chartTheme&&chartTheme.lineOptions.lineWidth) || 1,
-                color:colorsArr.slice(-chartDataHandle.length)[index],                
-                visible:true,
-                ...predict_params
-            }
-            item.DataList=item.DataList||[]
-            for(let i of item.DataList){
-                seriesItem.data.push([i.DataTimestamp, i.Value])
-            }
-            series.push(seriesItem)
-        })
-    //获取上下限
-    let minLimit = 0,maxLimit = 0
-    //非ETA图库不使用自定义上下限
-    if(!useSelfLimit){
-        minLimit = data.MinData
-        maxLimit = data.MaxData
-    }else{
-        minLimit = axisLimitState.leftMin||0
-        maxLimit = axisLimitState.leftMax||0
-    }
-    const textZh = data.ConvertUnit||data.Unit
-    const textEn = data.ConvertEnUnit||data.UnitEn||data.ConvertUnit||data.Unit
-    yAxis=[{
-        IsAxis:data.IsAxis,
-        labels: {
-            align: 'center',
-            y:5,
-            style: {
-                ...chartTheme&&chartTheme.yAxisOptions.style
-            }
-        },
-        title: {
-            text:  `${textZh}`,
-            textZh:textZh, // 中文
-            // 中文不存在,无论英文有无都显示空
-            textEn:textZh?textEn||'英文单位':'', // 英文
-            align: 'high',
-            rotation: 0,
-            y: -5,
-            x: 0,
-            textAlign: 'left',
-            reserveSpace: false,
-            style:{
-                ...chartTheme&&chartTheme.yAxisOptions.style
-            },
-        },
-        max: Number(maxLimit),
-        min: Number(minLimit),
-        plotBands: setAxisPlotAreas(1),
-        plotLines: setAxisPlotLines(1),
-        lineWidth: 1,
-        lineColor: '#bfbfbf',
-        tickColor: '#bfbfbf',
-        offset: 0,
-        opposite: false,
-        reversed: false,
-        visible: true,
-        gridLineWidth: 0,
-        tickWidth: 1,
-        tickLength:5,
-        tickPosition: 'inside',
-        endOnTick: false,
-        startOnTick: false,
-        showLastLabel: true, //显示最后刻度值
-        tickPixelInterval: 50,
-        // chartEdbInfo:item//指标数据
-    }]
-    chartData.series=series
-    chartData.yAxis=yAxis
-    // chartData.rangeSelector=rangeSelector
-    // 设置坐标轴极值
-    axisLimitState.hasLeftAxis=true
-    if(!useSelfLimit){
-        axisLimitState.leftMin=Number(data.MinData)
-        axisLimitState.leftMax=Number(data.MaxData)
-    }
-    // 季节图x轴显示月/日
-    let xAxis={
-        tickPosition: 'inside',
-		lineColor: '#bfbfbf',
-    	tickColor: '#bfbfbf',
-		tickLength:5,
-		type: 'datetime',
-		ordinal: false,
-		dateTimeLabelFormats: {
-			day: '%y/%m',
-			week: '%y/%m',
-			month: '%y/%m',
-			year: '%y/%m',
-		},
-        labels: {
-            formatter: (ctx)=> {
-                return HighchartsFormat.dateFormat('%m/%d', ctx.value)
-            },
-            style: {
-                ...chartTheme&&chartTheme.xAxisOptions.style
-            }
-        },
-        tickInterval:screen.value === 'phone'?24*3600*1000*60:undefined,//季节图
-        plotBands: setAxisPlotAreas(3,'datetime'),
-        plotLines: setAxisPlotLines(3,'datetime')
-    }
-    chartData.xAxis=[xAxis]
-    // 季节图提示框显示 月/日
-    chartData.tooltip={
-        split: false,
-        shared: true,
-        dateTimeLabelFormats: {
-          // 时间格式化字符
-          day: '%m/%d',
-          week: '%m/%d',
-          month: '%m/%d',
-          year: '%m/%d',
-        },
-        xDateFormat: '%m/%d',
-    }
-    return {
-        ...chartData,
-        // title: {
-		//     enabled: true,
-        //     text:e.ChartInfo.ChartName
-        // },
-        // legend:{
-        //     enabled:true,
-        //     verticalAlign: 'top',
-        //     y:-10,
-        //     x:(10 * data.Unit.length)/2
-        // }
-    }
-//本来和曲线图逻辑基本一致兼容下即可 为了以后便于维护和阅读还是拆开写吧
-function setStackOrCombinChart(e){
-    const data=e.EdbInfoList
-    //图表类型
-    const chartTypeMap = {
-        3: 'areaspline',
-        4: 'column',
-        6: ''
-    };
-    let chartStyle = chartTypeMap[e.ChartInfo.ChartType];
-    /* 主题样式*/
-    const chartTheme =  e.ChartInfo.ChartThemeStyle ? JSON.parse(e.ChartInfo.ChartThemeStyle) : null;
-    let series=[]
-    let yAxis=[]
-    let xAxis = {}
-    let temYLeftArr=[]
-    let temYRightArr=[]
-    let temYRightTwoArr = []
-    let temYLeftIndex,temYRightIndex,temYRightTwoIndex;
-    let minAndMaxTimeTemArr=[]//存放所有指标的最大最小时间
-    //有右二轴时排个序 按照左 右 右2的顺序
-    let newData = data.some(_ =>_.IsAxis===2) ? changeEdbOrder(data) : data;
-    newData.forEach((item,index)=>{
-        //轴位置值相同的下标
-        let sameSideIndex = newData.findIndex(i => i.IsAxis === item.IsAxis);
-        //堆叠图的yAxis必须一致 数据列所对应的y轴
-        let serie_yIndex = index;
-        if([3,4].includes(e.ChartInfo.ChartType)) {
-            // 类型为堆叠图时公用第一个指标y轴 
-            serie_yIndex =  0;
-        } else if(e.ChartInfo.ChartType ===6 && ['areaspline','column'].includes(item.ChartStyle)) {
-            // 组合图找第一个堆叠柱状或面积的作为公用
-            serie_yIndex = newData.findIndex(i => i.ChartStyle === item.ChartStyle);
-        }
-        //数据对应的y轴是公用轴则配置也共享
-        item.IsAxis = serie_yIndex === index ? item.IsAxis : newData[serie_yIndex].IsAxis;
-        item.IsOrder = serie_yIndex === index ? item.IsOrder : newData[serie_yIndex].IsOrder;
-        temYLeftIndex = [3,4].includes(e.ChartInfo.ChartType) 
-            ? (newData[serie_yIndex].IsAxis ? serie_yIndex : -1)
-            : data.findIndex((item) => item.IsAxis===1);
-        temYRightIndex = [3,4].includes(e.ChartInfo.ChartType) 
-            ? (newData[serie_yIndex].IsAxis ? -1 : serie_yIndex)
-            : data.findIndex((item) => !item.IsAxis);
-        temYRightTwoIndex = [3,4].includes(e.ChartInfo.ChartType) 
-            ? -1
-            : data.findIndex((item) => item.IsAxis===2);
-        axisLimitState.leftIndex=temYLeftIndex
-        axisLimitState.rightIndex=temYRightIndex
-        axisLimitState.rightTwoIndex=temYRightTwoIndex
-        let dynamic_title = item.EdbName;
-        let dynamic_arr = newData.filter(
-          (item) => dynamic_title === item.EdbName
-        );
-        //处理数据列name
-        let temName= setDyncmicSerieName(item,dynamic_arr,'zh')
-        let temNameEN=setDyncmicSerieName(item,dynamic_arr,'en')  
-        //预测指标配置
-        let predict_params = item.EdbInfoCategoryType === 1 ? getPredictParams(item) : {};
-        let seriesItemObj={
-            data:[],
-            dataGrouping:{
-                enabled:false
-            },
-            type: chartStyle || item.ChartStyle,
-            yAxis:serie_yIndex,
-            name:temName,
-            nameZh:temName,
-            nameEn:temNameEN,
-            color: item.ChartColor,
-            lineWidth:  Number(item.ChartWidth),
-            fillColor: (e.ChartInfo.ChartType === 3 || (e.ChartInfo.ChartType === 6 && item.ChartStyle === 'areaspline')) ? item.ChartColor : undefined,
-            visible:true,
-            LatestDate:item.LatestDate,
-            LatestValue:item.LatestValue,
-            ...predict_params
-        }
-        item.DataList = item.DataList || [];
-        for (let i of item.DataList) {
-          seriesItemObj.data.push([i.DataTimestamp, i.Value]);
-        }
-        series.push(seriesItemObj)
-        //获取上下限
-        let minLimit = 0,maxLimit = 0
-        //非ETA图库不使用自定义上下限
-        if(!useSelfLimit){
-            minLimit = newData[sameSideIndex].MinData
-            maxLimit = newData[sameSideIndex].MaxData
-        }else{
-            const limitMap = {
-                0:['rightMin','rightMax'],
-                1:['leftMin','leftMax'],
-                2:['rightTwoMin','rightTwoMax']
-            }
-            if(limitMap[item.IsAxis]){
-                minLimit = axisLimitState[`${limitMap[item.IsAxis][0]}`]||0
-                maxLimit = axisLimitState[`${limitMap[item.IsAxis][1]}`]||0
-            }
-        }
-        // 设置y轴
-        if(item.IsAxis){
-            temYLeftArr.push(item)
-        }else{
-            temYRightArr.push(item)
-        }
-        const textZh = item.ConvertUnit||item.Unit
-        const textEn = item.ConvertEnUnit||item.UnitEn||item.ConvertUnit||item.Unit
-        let yItem={
-            ...basicYAxis,
-            IsAxis:item.IsAxis,
-            labels: {
-                formatter: function (ctx) {
-                    return sameSideIndex !== index ? '' : ctx.value;
-                },
-                align: 'center',
-                x: [0,2].includes(item.IsAxis) ? 5 : -5,
-                style:{
-                    ...chartTheme&&chartTheme.yAxisOptions.style
-                },
-            },
-            title: {
-                // text:  sameSideIndex !== index ? '' : `${item.Unit}`,
-                text: textZh,
-                textZh:textZh, // 中文
-                // 中文不存在,无论英文有无都显示空
-                textEn:textZh?textEn||'英文单位':'', // 英文
-                align: 'high',
-                rotation: 0,
-                y: -15,
-                x: (item.IsAxis===0 && temYRightTwoIndex>-1) ? -newData[temYRightTwoIndex].Unit.length*12 : 0,
-                textAlign: item.IsAxis===1 ? 'left' : 'right',
-                reserveSpace: false,
-                style:{
-                    ...chartTheme&&chartTheme.yAxisOptions.style
-                },
-            },
-            opposite: [0,2].includes(item.IsAxis),
-            reversed: item.IsOrder,
-            min: Number(minLimit),
-            max: Number(maxLimit),
-            tickWidth: sameSideIndex !== index ? 0 : 1,
-            visible: serie_yIndex === index && sameSideIndex ===index,
-            plotBands: setAxisPlotAreas(item.IsAxis),
-            plotLines: setAxisPlotLines(item.IsAxis),
-            chartEdbInfo:item//指标数据用于在保存时读取指标数据
-        }
-        yAxis.push(yItem)
-        if(item.DataList.length>0){
-            minAndMaxTimeTemArr.push(item.DataList[0].DataTimestamp)
-            minAndMaxTimeTemArr.push(item.DataList[item.DataList.length-1].DataTimestamp)
-        }
-    })
-    // 设置x轴
-    // 找出所有指标的最大和最小时间 分成6段
-    let minTime=Math.min.apply(null,minAndMaxTimeTemArr)
-    let maxTime=Math.max.apply(null,minAndMaxTimeTemArr)
-    const isLessThanOneYear = xTimeDiffer(minTime,maxTime,e.ChartInfo.DateType)
-    xAxis={
-        ...basicXAxis,
-        labels: {
-            formatter: function (ctx) {
-                return isLessThanOneYear
-                ? HighchartsFormat.dateFormat('%m/%d', ctx.value)
-                : HighchartsFormat.dateFormat('%y/%m', ctx.value);
-            },
-            style: {
-                ...chartTheme&&chartTheme.xAxisOptions.style
-            }
-        },
-        tickInterval:screen.value === 'phone'?((maxTime-minTime)/6)/(24*3600*1000)>30?(maxTime-minTime)/6:24*3600*1000*30:undefined,
-        plotBands: setAxisPlotAreas(3,'datetime'),
-        plotLines: setAxisPlotLines(3,'datetime')
-    }
-    yAxis.forEach(item=>{
-        if(item.IsAxis === 1){//左轴
-            axisLimitState.hasLeftAxis=true
-            if(!useSelfLimit){
-                axisLimitState.leftMin=data[temYLeftIndex].MinData
-                axisLimitState.leftMax=data[temYLeftIndex].MaxData
-                item.min=data[temYLeftIndex].MinData
-                item.max=data[temYLeftIndex].MaxData
-            }
-        }else if (item.IsAxis===2){ // 右2轴
-            axisLimitState.hasRightTwoAxis=true
-            if(!useSelfLimit){
-                axisLimitState.rightTwoMin=data[temYRightTwoIndex].MinData
-                axisLimitState.rightTwoMax=data[temYRightTwoIndex].MaxData
-                item.min=data[temYRightTwoIndex].MinData
-                item.max=data[temYRightTwoIndex].MaxData
-            }
-        }else{
-            axisLimitState.hasRightAxis=true
-            if(!useSelfLimit){
-                axisLimitState.rightMin=data[temYRightIndex].MinData
-                axisLimitState.rightMax=data[temYRightIndex].MaxData
-                item.min=data[temYRightIndex].MinData
-                item.max=data[temYRightIndex].MaxData
-            }
-        }
-    })
-    return {
-        series,
-        xAxis:xAxis,
-        yAxis,
-        rangeSelector:{ enabled: false}
-    }
-/* 散点图 第一个指标值为x轴 第二个指标为y轴*/
-function setScatterOptions(data){
-    axisLimitState.leftIndex=1
-    axisLimitState.rightIndex=-1
-    axisLimitState.rightTwoIndex=-1
-    const dataList=data.EdbInfoList
-    const { ChartInfo } = data;
-     /* 主题样式*/
-    const chartTheme = ChartInfo.ChartThemeStyle ? JSON.parse(ChartInfo.ChartThemeStyle) : null;
-    //上下限设置的是y轴,也就是第二个指标的值,改回来
-    axisLimitState.hasLeftAxis=true
-    /* axisLimitState.leftMin=Number(dataList[1].MinData)
-    axisLimitState.leftMax=Number(dataList[1].MaxData)
-    axisLimitData.leftMin=Number(dataList[1].MinData)
-    axisLimitData.leftMax=Number(dataList[1].MaxData) */
-    // 取2个指标中日期相同的数据
-    const real_data = [];
-    let tmpData_date = {};//用来取点对应的日期
-    let data1 =  _.cloneDeep(dataList)[0].DataList || [];
-    let data2 =  _.cloneDeep(dataList)[1].DataList || [];
-    data1.forEach((_item) => {
-        data2.forEach((_item2) => {
-            if(_item.DataTimestamp === _item2.DataTimestamp) {
-                //日期
-                let itemIndex =_item.Value + "_" +_item2.Value
-                if(tmpData_date[itemIndex]) {
-                    tmpData_date[itemIndex].push( moment(_item.DataTimestamp).format('YYYY/MM/DD'))
-                } else {
-                    tmpData_date[itemIndex] = [moment(_item.DataTimestamp).format('YYYY/MM/DD')]
-                }
-                //值
-                real_data.push({
-                    x: _item.Value,
-                    y: _item2.Value
-                })
-            }
-        })
-    })
-    real_data.sort((x,y) => x-y);
-    //悬浮窗 拼接日期 原始指标名称
-    let tooltip = {
-        formatter: function() {
-            return `<strong>${ tmpData_date[this.x+'_'+this.y].length > 4 ? tmpData_date[this.x+'_'+this.y].slice(0,4).join()+'...' : tmpData_date[this.x+'_'+this.y].join() }</strong><br>
-            ${dataList[0].EdbName}: <span style="font-weight: 600">	${this.x}</span><br>
-            ${dataList[1].EdbName}: <span style="font-weight: 600">	${this.y}</span>
-            `
-        },
-        // 中文
-        formatterCh: function() {
-            return `<strong>${ tmpData_date[this.x+'_'+this.y].length > 4 ? tmpData_date[this.x+'_'+this.y].slice(0,4).join()+'...' : tmpData_date[this.x+'_'+this.y].join() }</strong><br>
-            ${dataList[0].EdbName}: <span style="font-weight: 600">	${this.x}</span><br>
-            ${dataList[1].EdbName}: <span style="font-weight: 600">	${this.y}</span>
-            `
-        },
-        // 英文
-        formatterEn: function() {
-            let str1 = `${dataList[0].EdbNameEn}`
-            let str2 = `${dataList[1].EdbNameEn}`
-            return `<strong>${ tmpData_date[this.x+'_'+this.y].length > 4 ? tmpData_date[this.x+'_'+this.y].slice(0,4).join()+'...' : tmpData_date[this.x+'_'+this.y].join() }</strong><br>
-            ${str1}: <span style="font-weight: 600">	${this.x}</span><br>
-            ${str2}: <span style="font-weight: 600">	${this.y}</span>
-            `
-        }
-    }
-    const { IsOrder,ChartColor } = dataList[0];
-    //获取上下限
-    let minLimit = 0,maxLimit = 0
-    if(!useSelfLimit){
-        minLimit = data.ChartInfo.LeftMin||0;
-        maxLimit = data.ChartInfo.LeftMax||0;
-    }else{
-        minLimit = axisLimitState.leftMin||0
-        maxLimit = axisLimitState.leftMax||0
-    }
-    console.log('check limit',minLimit,maxLimit)
-    const textYZh = dataList[1].ConvertUnit||dataList[1].Unit
-    const textYEn = dataList[1].ConvertEnUnit||dataList[1].UnitEn||dataList[1].ConvertUnit||dataList[1].Unit
-    //y轴
-    let yAxis = {
-        title: {
-            text:  `${textYZh}`,
-            textZh:textYZh,
-            textEn:textYZh?textYEn:'',
-            align: 'high',
-            rotation: 0,
-            y: -15,
-            x:0,
-            textAlign: 'left',
-            reserveSpace: false,
-            style:{
-                ...chartTheme&&chartTheme.yAxisOptions.style
-            },
-        },
-        labels: {
-            formatter: function (ctx) {
-            return ctx.value;
-            },
-            align: 'center',
-            style:{
-                ...chartTheme&&chartTheme.yAxisOptions.style
-            },
-        },
-        opposite: false,
-        reversed: IsOrder,
-        min: Number(minLimit),
-        max: Number(maxLimit),
-        tickWidth: 1,
-        tickLength: 5,
-        lineWidth: 1,
-        lineColor: '#bfbfbf',
-        tickColor: '#bfbfbf',
-        offset: 0,
-        visible: true,
-        gridLineWidth: 0,
-        tickPosition: 'inside',
-        endOnTick: false,
-        startOnTick: false,
-        showLastLabel: true,
-        tickPixelInterval: 50,
-        plotBands: setAxisPlotAreas(1),
-        plotLines: setAxisPlotLines(1)
-    }
-    //数据列
-    let series = {
-        data: [],
-        type: 'scatter',
-        name: `${ChartInfo.ChartName}${IsOrder ? '(逆序)' : ''}`,
-        nameZh:`${ChartInfo.ChartName}${IsOrder ? '(逆序)' : ''}`,
-        nameEn:ChartInfo.ChartNameEn?`${ChartInfo.ChartNameEn}${IsOrder ? '(reverse)' : ''}`:'',
-        color: ChartColor,
-        visible:true,
-        chartType: 'linear',
-        marker: {
-          radius: (chartTheme&&chartTheme.lineOptions.radius)||5,
-        },
-    }
-    real_data.forEach(_ => {
-        series.data.push([_.x,_.y])
-    })
-    const textXZh = dataList[0].ConvertUnit||dataList[0].Unit
-    const textXEn = dataList[0].ConvertEnUnit||dataList[0].UnitEn||dataList[0].ConvertUnit||dataList[0].Unit
-    return {
-        title: {
-            text:''
-        },
-        series: [ series ],
-        yAxis,
-        xAxis: {
-            ...scatterXAxis,
-            title: {
-                text:  `${textXZh}`,
-                textZh:textXZh,
-                textEn:textXZh?textXEn:'',
-                align: 'high',
-                rotation: 0,
-                x: 0,
-                offset: 20,
-                style: {
-                    ...chartTheme&&chartTheme.xAxisOptions.style
-                },
-            },
-            labels: {
-                style: {
-                  ...chartTheme&&chartTheme.xAxisOptions.style
-                }
-            },
-        },
-        tooltip
-    }
-/* 奇怪柱形图 */
-const barDateList = ref([]);//柱形图的绘图数据
-const barXData = ref([]);//柱形图的x轴
-const barEdbData = ref([]);//柱形图的表格数据 只用于取值
-let axisLimitData={}
-/* 奇怪柱状图 和其他逻辑无公用点 依赖数据为单独的数据
-    x轴为指标名称的柱形图 以日期作为series
-function setBarChart (e){
-    let seriesData = [];
-    const data = _.cloneDeep(barDateList.value);
-    /* 主题样式*/
-    const chartTheme =  e.ChartInfo.ChartThemeStyle ? JSON.parse(e.ChartInfo.ChartThemeStyle) : null;
-    //x轴
-    let xAxis = {
-        ...scatterXAxis,
-        categories: barXData.value,
-        tickWidth: 1,
-        labels: {
-            style: {
-              ...chartTheme&&chartTheme.xAxisOptions.style
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    const { leftMin,leftMax } = axisLimitState;
-    const textZh = e.ChartInfo?.Unit
-    const textEn = e.ChartInfo?.UnitEn||e.ChartInfo?.Unit
-    // console.log(leftMin,leftMax)
-    //y轴
-    let yAxis = {
-        ...basicYAxis,
-        title: {
-            text:  textZh,
-            textZh: textZh,
-            textEn: textEn,
-            align: 'high',
-            rotation: 0,
-            y: -12,
-            x:0,
-            textAlign: 'left',
-            reserveSpace: false,
-            style:{
-                ...chartTheme&&chartTheme.yAxisOptions.style
-            },
-        },
-        labels: {
-            formatter: function (ctx) {
-            let val = ctx.value;
-            return val;
-            },
-            align: 'center',
-            style:{
-                ...chartTheme&&chartTheme.yAxisOptions.style
-            },
-        },
-        min: Number(leftMin),
-        max: Number(leftMax),
-        opposite: false,
-        tickWidth: 1,
-        plotBands: setAxisPlotAreas(1),
-        plotLines: setAxisPlotLines(1)
-    }
-    //数据列
-    data.forEach(item => {
-        let serie_item = {
-            data: item.Value,
-            type: 'column',
-            yAxis: 0,
-            name: item.Name || item.Date,
-            nameZh: item.Name || item.Date,
-            nameEn: item.Date,
-            color: item.Color,
-            chartType: 'linear',              
-            visible:true,
-        };
-        seriesData.push(serie_item)
-    })
-    return {
-        title: {
-            text:''
-        },
-        plotOptions: {
-            column:{
-            stacking: null,
-            },
-        },
-        series: seriesData,
-        yAxis: [ yAxis ],
-        xAxis
-    }
-/* 获取图表详情后赋值柱状图数据 */
-function initBarData(data){
-    const { XEdbIdValue,YDataList,EdbInfoList,ChartInfo } = data;
-    let xData = XEdbIdValue.map(_ => EdbInfoList.find(edb => edb.EdbInfoId===_).EdbAliasName)
-    // console.log(xData)
-    axisLimitState.leftIndex=-1
-    axisLimitState.rightIndex=-1
-    axisLimitState.rightTwoIndex=-1
-    barDateList.value = YDataList;
-    barXData.value = xData;
-    barEdbData.value = EdbInfoList;
-    axisLimitState.hasLeftAxis=true
-    axisLimitState.leftMin=Number(ChartInfo.LeftMin)
-    axisLimitState.leftMax=Number(ChartInfo.LeftMax)
-    return setBarChart(data);
-/* 商品价格曲线设置 绘图逻辑同奇怪柱形图*/
-const commodityChartData = ref([]);//商品价格图的绘图数据
-const commodityXData = ref([]);//商品价格图的x轴
-const commodityEdbList = ref([]);//商品价格图的表格数据 只用于取值
-/* 商品价格曲线设置 绘图逻辑同奇怪柱形图*/
-const setCommodityChart = (leftMin,leftMax) => {
-    axisLimitState.leftIndex=-1
-    axisLimitState.rightIndex=-1
-    axisLimitState.rightTwoIndex=-1
-    /* 主题样式*/
-    const chartTheme =  chartData.value.ChartInfo.ChartThemeStyle ? JSON.parse(chartData.value.ChartInfo.ChartThemeStyle) : null;
-    let seriesData = [];
-    const data = _.cloneDeep(commodityChartData.value);
-    console.log(data);
-    //x轴
-    let xAxis = {
-        ...scatterXAxis,
-        categories: commodityXData.value.map(_ => _.Name),
-        tickWidth: 1,
-        labels: {
-            style: {
-              ...chartTheme&&chartTheme.xAxisOptions.style
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    //y轴
-    let yAxis = {
-        ...basicYAxis,
-        title: {
-            text: commodityEdbList.value[0].Unit,
-            textZh: commodityEdbList.value[0].Unit,
-            textEn: commodityEdbList.value[0].Unit?(commodityEdbList.value[0].UnitEn||'英文单位'):'',
-            align: 'high',
-            rotation: 0,
-            y: -15,
-            textAlign: 'left',
-            reserveSpace: false,
-            style:{
-              ...chartTheme&&chartTheme.yAxisOptions.style
-            },
-        },
-        labels: {
-            formatter: function (ctx) {
-            let val = ctx.value;
-            return val;
-            },
-            align: 'center',
-            style:{
-                ...chartTheme&&chartTheme.yAxisOptions.style
-            },
-        },
-        min: Number(leftMin),
-        max: Number(leftMax),
-        opposite: false,
-        tickWidth: 1,
-    }
-    //数据列
-    data.forEach(item => {
-        //处理首或/尾全是无效数据的以null填充
-        let filterData = filterInvalidData(item)
-        let serie_item = {
-            data: filterData,
-            type: (chartTheme&&chartTheme.lineOptions.lineType) || 'spline',
-            dashStyle: (chartTheme&&chartTheme.lineOptions.dashStyle)||'Solid',
-            yAxis: 0,
-            name: item.Name,
-            nameZh: item.Name,
-            nameEn: item.NameEn,
-            color: item.Color,
-            chartType: 'linear',
-            lineWidth: (chartTheme&&chartTheme.lineOptions.lineWidth) || 3,
-            visible: true,
-            marker: {
-                enabled: false
-            }
-        };
-        seriesData.push(serie_item)
-    })
-    //tooltip
-    let tooltip = {
-        formatter: function() {
-            const ctx = this;
-            let str = '';
-            ctx.points.forEach(item => {
-                let obj_item = data.find(_ => _.Name === item.series.name);
-                let index = commodityXData.value.findIndex(_ => _.Name === ctx.x);
-                // 合约显示
-                const haveContract=obj_item.XEdbInfoIdList[index]
-                if(haveContract){
-                    // 利润曲线指标名
-                    let edb_name = chartData.value.ChartInfo.Source === 5 
-                        ? (index === 0 ? obj_item.NameList[index] : `${chartData.value.DataResp.ProfitName}(${obj_item.NameList[index]})`)
-                        : commodityEdbList.value.find(_ => _.EdbInfoId === obj_item.XEdbInfoIdList[index]).EdbName;
-                    str+=`<b>${ edb_name }</b>`
-                    if(!obj_item.NoDataEdbList.includes(obj_item.XEdbInfoIdList[index])) {
-                        str += `<br><span style="color:${item.color}">\u25CF</span>${obj_item.Date}: ${item.y}<br>`
-                    }else {
-                        str += `<br><span style="color:${item.color}">\u25CF</span>${obj_item.Date}: 无<br>`
-                    }
-                }
-            })
-            return str||'无合约'
-        },
-        formatterCh: function() {
-            let str = ''; 
-            this.points.forEach(item => {
-              let obj_item = data.find(_ => _.Name === item.series.name);
-              let index = commodityXData.value.findIndex(_ => _.Name === this.x);
-              str+=`<b>${ commodityEdbList.value.find(_ => _.EdbInfoId === obj_item.XEdbInfoIdList[index]).EdbName }</b>`
-              if(!obj_item.NoDataEdbList.includes(obj_item.XEdbInfoIdList[index])) {
-                str += `<br><span style="color:${item.color}">\u25CF</span>${obj_item.Date}: ${item.y}<br>`
-              }else {
-                str += `<br><span style="color:${item.color}">\u25CF</span>${obj_item.Date}: 无<br>`
-              }
-            })
-            return str
-          },
-          formatterEn: function() {
-            let str = ''; 
-            this.points.forEach(item => {
-              let obj_item = data.find(_ => _.NameEn === item.series.name);
-              let index = commodityXData.value.findIndex(_ => _.NameEn === this.x);
-              str+=`<b>${ commodityEdbList.value.find(_ => _.EdbInfoId === obj_item.XEdbInfoIdList[index]).EdbNameEn }</b>`
-              if(!obj_item.NoDataEdbList.includes(obj_item.XEdbInfoIdList[index])) {
-                str += `<br><span style="color:${item.color}">\u25CF</span>${obj_item.Date}: ${item.y}<br>`
-              }else {
-                str += `<br><span style="color:${item.color}">\u25CF</span>${obj_item.Date}: 无<br>`
-              }
-            })
-            return str
-          },
-        shared: true
-    }
-    // console.log(seriesData);
-    return {
-        title: {
-            text:''
-        },
-        series: seriesData,
-        yAxis: [ yAxis ],
-        xAxis,
-        tooltip
-    }
-/* 处理无效数据为null */
-function filterInvalidData(item){
-    let validateArr = item.XEdbInfoIdList.filter(_ =>!item.NoDataEdbList.includes(_));
-    let first_index = item.XEdbInfoIdList.findIndex(_ => _ === validateArr[0]);
-    let last_index = item.XEdbInfoIdList.findIndex(_ => _ === validateArr[validateArr.length-1]);
-    // console.log('first_index',first_index)
-    // console.log('last_index',last_index)
-    let arr = item.Value.map((item,index) => {
-    if(index < first_index || index > last_index) {
-        return null
-    }else {
-        return item
-    }
-    })
-    return arr;
-function initCommodityData(data){
-    const { XDataList,YDataList,EdbInfoList,ChartInfo,DataResp } = data;
-    commodityEdbList.value = EdbInfoList;
-    commodityChartData.value = ChartInfo.Source===5?DataResp.YDataList:YDataList
-    commodityXData.value = ChartInfo.Source===5?DataResp.XDataList:XDataList
-    axisLimitState.hasLeftAxis=true
-    axisLimitState.leftMin=Number(ChartInfo.LeftMin)
-    axisLimitState.leftMax=Number(ChartInfo.LeftMax)
-    return setCommodityChart(ChartInfo.LeftMin,ChartInfo.LeftMax);
-function initRelevanceChart(data){
-    /* 主题样式*/
-    const chartTheme =  data.ChartInfo.ChartThemeStyle ? JSON.parse(data.ChartInfo.ChartThemeStyle) : null;
-    axisLimitState.leftIndex=-1
-    axisLimitState.rightIndex=-1
-    axisLimitState.rightTwoIndex=-1
-    // 处理X轴
-    let xAxis={
-        categories: data.ChartInfo.Source===3?data.XEdbIdValue:data.DataResp.XDateTimeValue,
-        tickWidth: 1,
-        title: {
-          text: data.ChartInfo.Source===3 ?`期数(${data.CorrelationChartInfo.LeadUnit})` : null,
-          textZh:data.ChartInfo.Source===3 ? `期数(${data.CorrelationChartInfo.LeadUnit})`:null,
-          textEn:data.ChartInfo.Source===3 ? `stage(${relevanceUnitEnMap[data.CorrelationChartInfo.LeadUnit]})`:null,
-          align: 'high',
-          rotation: 0,
-          x: 0,
-          y:10,
-          offset: 20,
-          style: {
-            ...chartTheme&&chartTheme.xAxisOptions.style
-          }
-        },
-        labels: {
-            style: {
-              ...chartTheme&&chartTheme.xAxisOptions.style
-            }
-        },
-        tickInterval: 1,
-        offset:0,
-        tickmarkPlacement:'on'
-    }
-    // 处理Y轴
-    let yAxis={
-        ...basicYAxis,
-        title: {
-          text: '相关性系数',
-          textZh: '相关性系数',
-          textEn: 'Correlation coefficient',
-          align: 'high',
-          rotation: 0,
-          y: -15,
-          textAlign: 'left',
-          reserveSpace: false,
-          style:{
-            ...chartTheme&&chartTheme.yAxisOptions.style
-          },
-        },
-        labels: {
-          formatter: function (ctx) {
-            let val = ctx.value;
-            return val;
-          },
-          align: 'center',
-          style:{
-            ...chartTheme&&chartTheme.yAxisOptions.style
-          },
-        },
-        opposite: false,
-        tickWidth: 1,
-    }
-    //处理series
-    let seriesData=[]
-    data.YDataList.forEach(item=>{
-        let serie_item = {
-          data: item.Value,
-          type: (chartTheme&&chartTheme.lineOptions.lineType) || 'spline',
-          dashStyle: (chartTheme&&chartTheme.lineOptions.dashStyle)||'Solid',
-          yAxis: 0,
-          name: data.ChartInfo.ChartName,
-          nameZh: data.ChartInfo.ChartName,
-          nameEn: data.ChartInfo.ChartNameEn,
-          color: item.Color,
-          chartType: 'linear',
-          lineWidth: (chartTheme&&chartTheme.lineOptions.lineWidth) || 3,
-          visible:true,
-          marker: {
-            enabled: false
-          }
-        };
-        seriesData.push(serie_item)
-    })
-    const { LeadValue,LeadUnit } = data.CorrelationChartInfo;
-    const { Source } = data.ChartInfo;
-    let tooltip = {
-        formatter: function() {
-            let str = `<p>相关性系数:${this.y.toFixed(4)}</p><br><p>领先${ Source===3 ?this.x+'期' : LeadValue+LeadUnit}</p>`
-            return str
-        },
-        formatterCh: function() {
-            let str = `<p>相关性系数:${this.y.toFixed(4)}</p><br><p>领先${ Source===3 ?this.x+'期' : LeadValue+LeadUnit}</p>`
-            return str
-        },
-        formatterEn: function() {
-            let str = `<p>Correlation coefficient:${this.y.toFixed(4)}</p><br><p>lead${ Source===3 ? this.x+'stage' : LeadValue+relevanceUnitEnMap[LeadUnit]}</p>`
-            return str
-        }
-    }
-    nextTick(()=>{
-        // if(data.ChartInfo.Source===3){
-        //     const hEl=document.getElementById(RenderDomId.value)
-        //     // console.log(hEl.offsetHeight);
-        //     xAxis.offset=-(hEl.offsetHeight-98)/2
-        // }
-        options.value = {
-            isRelevanceChart:data.ChartInfo.Source===3,
-            title: {
-                text:''
-            },
-            series: seriesData,
-            yAxis: [yAxis] ,
-            xAxis:xAxis,
-            tooltip
-        }
-        ChartIns.update(options.value,true)
-    })
-    return {
-        isRelevanceChart:true,
-        title: {
-            text:''
-        },
-        series: seriesData,
-        yAxis: [yAxis] ,
-        xAxis:xAxis,
-        tooltip
-    }
-/* 截面散点图设置 sectionScatterData */
-function setSectionScatterChart({DataResp,ChartInfo}) {
-    axisLimitState.leftIndex=-1
-    axisLimitState.rightIndex=-1
-    axisLimitState.rightTwoIndex=-1
-     /* 主题样式*/
-    const chartTheme =  ChartInfo.ChartThemeStyle ? JSON.parse(ChartInfo.ChartThemeStyle) : null;
-    const { DataList,XName,XNameEn,XUnitName,XUnitNameEn,YName,YNameEn,YUnitName,YUnitNameEn } = DataResp;
-    const leftMin=Number(DataResp.YMinValue)
-    const leftMax=Number(DataResp.YMaxValue)
-    const xMin=Number(DataResp.XMinValue)
-    const xMax=Number(DataResp.XMaxValue)
-    axisLimitState.hasLeftAxis=true
-    axisLimitState.hasXAxis=true
-    axisLimitState.leftMin=leftMin
-    axisLimitState.leftMax=leftMax
-    axisLimitState.xMin=xMin
-    axisLimitState.xMax=xMax
-    //y轴
-    let yAxis = {
-        ...basicYAxis,
-        title: {
-            text: YName,
-            textZh:YName,// 中文
-            textEn:YNameEn|| '',
-            style:{
-                ...chartTheme&&chartTheme.yAxisOptions.style
-                },
-            align: 'middle',
-        },
-        labels: {
-            style:{
-              ...chartTheme&&chartTheme.yAxisOptions.style
-            },
-        },
-        opposite: false,
-        reversed: false,
-        min: Number(leftMin),
-        max: Number(leftMax),
-        tickWidth: 1,
-        plotBands: setAxisPlotAreas(1),
-        plotLines: setAxisPlotLines(1)
-    }
-    //x轴
-    let xAxis = {
-        ...scatterXAxis,
-        title: {
-            text: XName,
-            textZh:XName,// 中文
-            textEn:XNameEn || '',
-            style: {
-                ...chartTheme&&chartTheme.xAxisOptions.style
-            },
-            align: 'middle',
-        },
-        labels: {
-            style:{
-              ...chartTheme&&chartTheme.xAxisOptions.style
-            },
-        },
-        min: Number(xMin),
-        max: Number(xMax),
-        plotBands: setAxisPlotAreas(3),
-        plotLines: setAxisPlotLines(3)
-    }
-    //数据列
-    let series = [];
-    DataList.forEach(item => {
-        //数据列
-        let series_item = {
-            data: [],
-            type: 'scatter',
-            name: item.Name,
-            nameZh: item.Name,
-            nameEn: item.NameEn,
-            color: item.Color,
-            lineWidth: 0,
-            chartType: 'linear',
-            zIndex:1,
-            visible: true,
-            marker: {
-                radius: (chartTheme&&chartTheme.lineOptions.radius)||5,
-            },
-        }
-        item.EdbInfoList.forEach(_ => {
-            series_item.data.push({
-            x: _.XValue,
-            y: _.YValue,
-            dataLabels: {
-                enabled: _.IsShow,
-                allowOverlap: true,
-                align: 'left',
-                format: _.Name,
-                formatZh: _.Name,
-                formatEn: _.NameEn
-            }
-            })
-        })
-        series.push(series_item);
-        //趋势线
-        if(item.ShowTrendLine)  {
-            let trend_data = item.TrendLimitData.map((_,_index) => (
-                _index === item.TrendLimitData.length-1 ? {
-                    x: _.X,
-                    y: _.Y,
-                    dataLabels: {
-                    enabled: item.ShowRSquare || item.ShowFitEquation,
-                    align: 'left',
-                    color: item.Color,
-                    x: 20,
-                    y: 30,
-                    zIndex: 9,
-                    allowOverlap: true,
-                    formatter: function(){
-                        let tag = '';
-                        item.ShowRSquare && item.ShowFitEquation
-                        ? tag =`<span>${item.TrendLine}</span><br><span>R²=${item.RSquare}</span>`
-                        : item.ShowRSquare && !item.ShowFitEquation
-                        ? tag =`<span>R²=${item.RSquare}</span>`
-                        : item.ShowFitEquation && !item.ShowRSquare
-                        ? tag =`<span>${item.TrendLine}</span>`
-                        : ''
-                        return tag
-                    }
-                    }
-                } : {
-                    x: _.X,
-                    y: _.Y,
-                }
-            ))
-            let trend_item = {
-                data: trend_data,
-                type: 'spline',
-                linkedTo: ':previous',
-                color: item.Color,
-                lineWidth: 1,
-                chartType: 'linear',
-                enableMouseTracking: false,
-                dashStyle:'Dash',
-                zIndex: 2,
-                visible: true,
-                marker: {
-                    enabled: false
-                }
-            }
-            series.push(trend_item)
-        }
-    })
-    let tooltip = {
-        formatter: function() {
-            let series_obj = DataList.find(_ => _.Name === this.series.name);
-            let ponit_obj = series_obj.EdbInfoList.find(_ => _.XValue ===this.x && _.YValue===this.y);
-            let str=`<b>${ ponit_obj.Name }</b>`;
-            str += `<br><span style="color:${this.color}">\u25CF</span>${ponit_obj.XName}: ${this.x} ${ponit_obj.XDate}<br>`;
-            str += `<span style="color:${this.color}">\u25CF</span>${ponit_obj.YName}: ${this.y} (${ponit_obj.YDate})`;
-            return str
-        },
-        formatterCh: function() {
-            let series_obj = DataList.find(_ => _.Name === this.series.name);
-            let ponit_obj = series_obj.EdbInfoList.find(_ => _.XValue ===this.x && _.YValue===this.y);
-            let str=`<b>${ ponit_obj.Name }</b>`;
-            str += `<br><span style="color:${this.color}">\u25CF</span>${ponit_obj.XName}: ${this.x} ${ponit_obj.XDate}<br>`;
-            str += `<span style="color:${this.color}">\u25CF</span>${ponit_obj.YName}: ${this.y} (${ponit_obj.YDate})`;
-            return str
-          },
-        formatterEn: function() {
-            let series_obj = DataList.find(_ => _.NameEn === this.series.name);
-            let ponit_obj = series_obj.EdbInfoList.find(_ => _.XValue ===this.x && _.YValue===this.y);
-            let str=`<b>${ ponit_obj.NameEn }</b>`;
-            str += `<br><span style="color:${this.color}">\u25CF</span>${ponit_obj.XNameEn}: ${this.x} ${ponit_obj.XDate}<br>`;
-            str += `<span style="color:${this.color}">\u25CF</span>${ponit_obj.YNameEn}: ${this.y} ${ponit_obj.YDate}`;
-            return str
-        }
-    }
-    return {
-        title: {
-            text:''
-        },
-        series,
-        yAxis: [yAxis],
-        xAxis,
-        tooltip
-    }
-/* 跨品种分析 */
-function setCrossVarietyChart({DataResp,EdbInfoList,ChartInfo}) {
-    axisLimitState.leftIndex=-1
-    axisLimitState.rightIndex=-1
-    axisLimitState.rightTwoIndex=-1
-    /* 主题样式*/
-    const chartTheme =  ChartInfo.ChartThemeStyle ? JSON.parse(ChartInfo.ChartThemeStyle) : null;
-    const { DataList,XName,YName,XNameEn,YNameEn,XMaxValue,XMinValue,YMaxValue,YMinValue } = DataResp;
-    const {leftMin,leftMax,xMin,xMax} = axisLimitState;
-     //y轴
-     let yAxis = {
-        ...basicYAxis,
-        title: {
-          text: YName,
-          textCh:YName,// 中文
-          textEn:YNameEn||YName,
-          align: 'middle',
-          style: {
-            ...chartTheme&&chartTheme.xAxisOptions.style
-          }
-        },
-        labels: {
-            style: {
-              ...chartTheme&&chartTheme.xAxisOptions.style
-            }
-        },
-        opposite: false,
-        reversed: false,
-        min: Number(leftMin),
-        max: Number(leftMax),
-        tickWidth: 1,
-      }
-      // x轴
-      let xAxis = {
-        ...scatterXAxis,
-        title: {
-            text: XName,
-            textCh:XName,// 中文
-            textEn:XNameEn || XName,
-            align: 'middle',
-            style: {
-                ...chartTheme&&chartTheme.xAxisOptions.style
-            }
-        },
-        labels: {
-            style: {
-                ...chartTheme&&chartTheme.xAxisOptions.style
-            }
-        },
-        min: Number(xMin),
-        max: Number(xMax),
-      }
-       //数据列
-      let series = [];
-      const tagMap = { //标签对应文字
-        1: '最新',
-        3: 'Fix'
-      }
-      DataList.forEach(item => {
-        //数据列
-        let series_item = {
-          data: [],
-          type: 'scatter',
-          name: item.Name,
-          nameZh: item.Name,
-          nameEn: item.NameEn||item.Name,
-          color: item.Color,
-          lineWidth: 0,
-          chartType: 'linear',
-          zIndex:1
-        }
-        item.CoordinatePointData.forEach(_ => {
-          series_item.data.push({
-            x: _.X,
-            y: _.Y,
-            dataLabels: {
-              enabled: _.ShowTips===1,
-              allowOverlap: true,
-              align: 'left',
-              format: tagMap[_.DateType] || `-${_.DaysAgo}D`,
-            }
-          })
-        })
-        series.push(series_item);
-      })
-      let tooltip = {
-        formatter: function() {
-          let series_obj = DataList.find(_ => _.Name === this.series.name);
-          let ponit_obj = series_obj.CoordinatePointData.find(_ => _.X ===this.x && _.Y===this.y);
-          let xEdbInfo = EdbInfoList.find(_ => _.EdbInfoId===ponit_obj.XEdbInfoId);
-          let yEdbInfo = EdbInfoList.find(_ => _.EdbInfoId===ponit_obj.YEdbInfoId);
-          let str=`<b>${ this.series.name }</b>`;
-          str += `<br><span style="color:${this.color}">\u25CF</span>${xEdbInfo.EdbName}: ${this.x} ${ponit_obj.XDate}<br>`;
-          str += `<span style="color:${this.color}">\u25CF</span>${yEdbInfo.EdbName}: ${this.y} ${ponit_obj.YDate}`;
-          return str
-        },
-        formatterCh: function() {
-          let series_obj = DataList.find(_ => _.Name === this.series.name);
-          let ponit_obj = series_obj.CoordinatePointData.find(_ => _.X ===this.x && _.Y===this.y);
-          let xEdbInfo = EdbInfoList.find(_ => _.EdbInfoId===ponit_obj.XEdbInfoId);
-          let yEdbInfo = EdbInfoList.find(_ => _.EdbInfoId===ponit_obj.YEdbInfoId);
-          let str=`<b>${ this.series.name }</b>`;
-          str += `<br><span style="color:${this.color}">\u25CF</span>${xEdbInfo.EdbName}: ${this.x} ${ponit_obj.XDate}<br>`;
-          str += `<span style="color:${this.color}">\u25CF</span>${yEdbInfo.EdbName}: ${this.y} ${ponit_obj.YDate}`;
-          return str
-        },
-        formatterEn: function() {
-          let series_obj = DataList.find(_ => _.NameEn === this.series.name);
-          let ponit_obj = series_obj.CoordinatePointData.find(_ => _.X ===this.x && _.Y===this.y);
-          let xEdbInfo = EdbInfoList.find(_ => _.EdbInfoId===ponit_obj.XEdbInfoId);
-          let yEdbInfo = EdbInfoList.find(_ => _.EdbInfoId===ponit_obj.YEdbInfoId);
-          let str=`<b>${ this.series.name }</b>`;
-          str += `<br><span style="color:${this.color}">\u25CF</span>${xEdbInfo.EdbNameEn}: ${this.x} ${ponit_obj.XDate}<br>`;
-          str += `<span style="color:${this.color}">\u25CF</span>${yEdbInfo.EdbNameEn}: ${this.y} ${ponit_obj.YDate}`;
-          return str
-        }
-      }
-      return {
-        title: {
-          text:''
-        },
-        series,
-        yAxis: [yAxis],
-        xAxis,
-        tooltip
-      }
-/* 雷达图 */
-function setRadarChart({DataResp,EdbInfoList,ChartInfo}) {
-    axisLimitState.leftIndex=-1
-    axisLimitState.rightIndex=-1
-    axisLimitState.rightTwoIndex=-1
-    const { YDataList,XEdbIdValue } = DataResp;
-    let XDataList = EdbInfoList.filter(_ => XEdbIdValue.includes(_.EdbInfoId));
-    axisLimitState.hasLeftAxis=true
-    axisLimitState.leftMin=Number(ChartInfo.LeftMin)
-    axisLimitState.leftMax=Number(ChartInfo.LeftMax)
-    /* 主题样式*/
-    const chartTheme =  ChartInfo.ChartThemeStyle ? JSON.parse(ChartInfo.ChartThemeStyle) : null;
-    //x轴
-    let xAxis = {
-      lineWidth: 0,
-      tickLength: 0,
-      tickmarkPlacement: 'on',
-      categories:XDataList.map(_ => _.EdbAliasName||_.EdbName),
-      labels: {
-        allowOverlap: true,
-        autoRotationLimit: 40,
-        style: {
-          ...chartTheme&&chartTheme.xAxisOptions.style
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    //y轴
-    let yAxis = [{
-      gridLineInterpolation: 'polygon',
-      gridLineWidth: 1,
-      lineWidth: 0,
-      endOnTick: false,
-      startOnTick: false,
-      showLastLabel: true,
-      // tickAmount:4,
-      title: {
-        text:  ChartInfo.Unit,
-        textCh: ChartInfo.Unit,
-        textEn: ChartInfo.UnitEn,
-        align: 'high',
-        rotation: 0,
-        y: 5,
-        x:10,
-        textAlign: 'left',
-        reserveSpace: false,
-        style:{
-          ...chartTheme&&chartTheme.yAxisOptions.style
-        },
-      },
-      labels: {
-        allowOverlap: true,
-        style:{
-          ...chartTheme&&chartTheme.yAxisOptions.style
-        }
-      },
-      min: Number(ChartInfo.LeftMin),
-      max: Number(ChartInfo.LeftMax),
-    }]
-    //系列
-    let series = [];
-    YDataList.forEach(item => {
-      let serie_item = {
-        name: item.Name || item.Date,
-        nameZh: item.Name || item.Date,
-        nameEn: item.Date,
-        data: item.Value,
-        pointPlacement: 'on',
-        type: (chartTheme&&chartTheme.lineOptions.lineType) || 'line',
-        dashStyle: (chartTheme&&chartTheme.lineOptions.dashStyle)||'Solid',
-        yAxis: 0,
-        color: item.Color,
-        lineWidth: (chartTheme&&chartTheme.lineOptions.lineWidth) || 1,
-        chartType: 'linear'
-      };
-      series.push(serie_item)
-    })
-    return {
-      chart: {
-        ...chartDefaultOpts.chart,
-        ...chartTheme?.drawOption,
-        spacing: [2,10,2,10],
-        polar:true,
-      },
-      title: {
-        text:''
-      },
-      pane: {
-        size: '85%'
-      },
-      series,
-      yAxis,
-      xAxis
-    }
-/* ----自定义上下限相关--- */
-/* 计算y轴上下限 */
-function calcYAxislimit(tableData=[],ChartInfo){
-    //散点图单独处理
-    if(ChartInfo.ChartType===5){
-        if(tableData[1]){
-            axisLimitState.leftMin = tableData[1].MinData
-            axisLimitState.leftMax = tableData[1].MaxData
-        }
-        return 
-    }
-    //分组
-    const leftData = tableData.filter(i => i.IsAxis === 1).map(i => [Number(i.MinData), Number(i.MaxData)])
-    const rightData = tableData.filter(i => !i.IsAxis).map(i => [Number(i.MinData), Number(i.MaxData)])
-    const rightTwoData = tableData.filter(i => i.IsAxis === 2).map(i => [Number(i.MinData), Number(i.MaxData)])
-    //计算最大最小值
-    if (leftData.length) {
-        const {
-            Max,
-            Min
-        } = calcLimit(leftData.flat())
-        axisLimitState.leftMin = Min
-        axisLimitState.leftMax = Max
-    } 
-    if (rightData.length) {
-        const {
-            Max,
-            Min
-        } = calcLimit(rightData.flat())
-        axisLimitState.rightMin = Min
-        axisLimitState.rightMax = Max
-    }
-    if (rightTwoData.length) {
-        const {
-            Max,
-            Min
-        } = calcLimit(rightTwoData.flat())
-        axisLimitState.rightTwoMin = Min
-        axisLimitState.rightTwoMax = Max
-    }
-function calcLimit(arr) {
-    return {
-        Max: Math.max(...arr),
-        Min: Math.min(...arr)
-    }
-function setLimitData({EdbInfoList,ChartInfo}){
-    const {
-        //左右轴极值字段 
-        LeftMin=0,LeftMax=0,
-        RightMin=0,RightMax=0,
-        Right2Min=0,Right2Max=0,
-        MinMaxSave
-    } = ChartInfo
-    if(MinMaxSave){
-        axisLimitState.leftMin = Number(LeftMin)
-        axisLimitState.leftMax = Number(LeftMax)
-        axisLimitState.rightMin = Number(RightMin)
-        axisLimitState.rightMax = Number(RightMax)
-        axisLimitState.rightTwoMin = Number(Right2Min)
-        axisLimitState.rightTwoMax = Number(Right2Max)
-        //若用户修改过,则检测轴的上下限是否为空,若为空,则需要计算对应轴的上下限
-        checkLimit(EdbInfoList,ChartInfo)
-        console.log('check',axisLimitState.leftMin,axisLimitState.leftMax)
-    }else{
-        calcYAxislimit(EdbInfoList,ChartInfo)
-    }
-function checkLimit(tableData=[],ChartInfo){
-    //散点图单独处理
-    if(ChartInfo.ChartType===5){
-        if(tableData[1]){
-            if(Number(axisLimitState.leftMin)===0&&Number(axisLimitState.leftMax)===0){
-                axisLimitState.leftMin = tableData[1].MinData
-                axisLimitState.leftMax = tableData[1].MaxData
-            }
-        }
-        return 
-    }
-    //若轴的上下限均为0,则不管用户有没有修改过,都重新赋值
-    if(Number(axisLimitState.leftMin)===0&&Number(axisLimitState.leftMax)===0){
-        const leftData = tableData.filter(i=>i.IsAxis===1).map(i=>[Number(i.MinData),Number(i.MaxData)])
-        if(leftData.length){
-            const {Max,Min} = calcLimit(leftData.flat())
-            axisLimitState.leftMin = Min
-            axisLimitState.leftMax = Max
-        }
-    }
-    if(Number(axisLimitState.rightMin)===0&&Number(axisLimitState.rightMax)===0){
-        const rightData = tableData.filter(i => !i.IsAxis).map(i=>[Number(i.MinData),Number(i.MaxData)])
-        if(rightData.length){
-            const {Max,Min} = calcLimit(rightData.flat())
-            axisLimitState.rightMin = Min
-            axisLimitState.rightMax = Max
-        }
-    }
-    if(Number(axisLimitState.rightTwoMin)===0&&Number(axisLimitState.rightTwoMax)===0){
-        const rightTwoData = tableData.filter(i=>i.IsAxis===2).map(i=>[Number(i.MinData),Number(i.MaxData)])
-        if(rightTwoData.length){
-            const {Max,Min} = calcLimit(rightTwoData.flat())
-            axisLimitState.rightTwoMin = Min
-            axisLimitState.rightTwoMax = Max
-        }
-    }
-/*-------------------- */

+ 0 - 3

@@ -1,7 +1,4 @@
 <script setup>
-import {useChartRender} from '@/hooks/chart/render'
-const {options,axisLimitState,chartRender,setLimitData,isUseSelfLimit}=useChartRender()
 function handleCollect(){