@@ -37,12 +37,6 @@ type PredictCalculateItems struct {
// EditPredictCalculate 新增预测计算(运算)指标
func EditPredictCalculate(edbInfo *EdbInfo, calculateMappingList []*EdbInfoCalculateMapping) (err error) {
- //o := orm.NewOrm()
- //to, err := o.Begin()
- //if err != nil {
- // return
- //}
to := global.DEFAULT_DmSQL.Begin()
defer func() {
if err != nil {
@@ -63,7 +57,6 @@ func EditPredictCalculate(edbInfo *EdbInfo, calculateMappingList []*EdbInfoCalcu
// 修改指标信息
- //_, err = to.Update(edbInfo, "EdbName", "Frequency", "Unit", "ClassifyId", "CalculateFormula", "EmptyType", "MaxEmptyType", "Extra", "EdbNameEn", "UnitEn")
err = edbInfo.Update(
[]string{"EdbName", "Frequency", "Unit", "ClassifyId", "CalculateFormula", "EmptyType", "MaxEmptyType", "Extra", "EdbNameEn", "UnitEn"},
@@ -73,7 +66,6 @@ func EditPredictCalculate(edbInfo *EdbInfo, calculateMappingList []*EdbInfoCalcu
sql := ` DELETE FROM edb_info_calculate_mapping WHERE edb_info_id = ? `
- //_, err = to.Raw(sql, edbInfo.EdbInfoId).Exec()
err = to.Exec(sql, edbInfo.EdbInfoId).Error
if err != nil {
err = errors.New("删除计算指标关联关系失败,Err:" + err.Error())
@@ -82,7 +74,6 @@ func EditPredictCalculate(edbInfo *EdbInfo, calculateMappingList []*EdbInfoCalcu
// 插入新的关系表
if len(calculateMappingList) > 0 {
- //_, err = to.InsertMulti(len(calculateMappingList), calculateMappingList)
err = to.CreateInBatches(calculateMappingList, len(calculateMappingList)).Error
@@ -90,7 +81,6 @@ func EditPredictCalculate(edbInfo *EdbInfo, calculateMappingList []*EdbInfoCalcu
tableName := GetEdbDataTableName(edbInfo.Source, edbInfo.SubSource)
sql = ` DELETE FROM ` + tableName + ` WHERE edb_info_id = ? `
- //_, err = o.Raw(sql, edbInfo.EdbInfoId).Exec()
err = to.Exec(sql, edbInfo.EdbInfoId).Error
if err != nil {
@@ -99,146 +89,7 @@ func EditPredictCalculate(edbInfo *EdbInfo, calculateMappingList []*EdbInfoCalcu
-// AddPredictCalculateData 新增预测计算(运算)指标的数据
-//func AddPredictCalculateDataBak(edbInfoIdList []*EdbInfo, edbInfoId int, edbCode, formulaStr string, edbInfoIdBytes []string) (latestDateStr string, latestValue float64, err error) {
-// o := orm.NewOrm()
-// defer func() {
-// if err != nil {
-// utils.FileLog.Info(fmt.Sprintf("Calculate Err:%s" + err.Error()))
-// }
-// }()
-// var minLatestDate time.Time
-// oldSaveDataMap := make(map[string]map[int]float64)
-// saveDataMap := make(map[string]map[int]float64)
-// dateList := make([]string, 0)
-// for edbInfoIndex, v := range edbInfoIdList {
-// tmpLatestDate, tmpErr := time.ParseInLocation(utils.FormatDate, v.LatestDate, time.Local)
-// if tmpErr != nil {
-// err = errors.New(`最近的日期格式化失败;日期:` + v.LatestDate + `;err:` + tmpErr.Error())
-// return
-// }
-// // 如果不存在最小的真实数据日期,那么将当前指标的真实数据日期给赋值;
-// // 如果存在最小的真实数据日期,同时当前指标的真实数据日期 早于 最小的真实数据日期, 那么将当前指标的真实数据日期给赋值;
-// if minLatestDate.IsZero() || tmpLatestDate.Before(minLatestDate) {
-// minLatestDate = tmpLatestDate
-// }
-// dataList, tmpErr := GetPredictEdbDataListAll(v, 1)
-// if tmpErr != nil {
-// err = tmpErr
-// return
-// }
-// dataMap := make(map[string]float64)
-// for _, dv := range dataList {
-// // 现有实际数据
-// if val, ok := oldSaveDataMap[dv.DataTime]; ok {
-// if _, ok := val[v.EdbInfoId]; !ok {
-// val[v.EdbInfoId] = dv.Value
-// }
-// } else {
-// temp := make(map[int]float64)
-// temp[v.EdbInfoId] = dv.Value
-// oldSaveDataMap[dv.DataTime] = temp
-// }
-// // 待处理的数据
-// if val, ok := saveDataMap[dv.DataTime]; ok {
-// if _, ok := val[v.EdbInfoId]; !ok {
-// val[v.EdbInfoId] = dv.Value
-// }
-// } else {
-// temp := make(map[int]float64)
-// temp[v.EdbInfoId] = dv.Value
-// saveDataMap[dv.DataTime] = temp
-// }
-// // 以第一个指标的日期作为基准日期
-// if edbInfoIndex == 0 {
-// dateList = append(dateList, dv.DataTime)
-// }
-// }
-// item := new(PredictCalculateItems)
-// item.EdbInfoId = v.EdbInfoId
-// item.DataMap = dataMap
-// }
-// //数据处理,将日期内不全的数据做补全
-// handleDateSaveDataMap(dateList, oldSaveDataMap, saveDataMap, edbInfoIdList)
-// formulaMap := utils.CheckFormula(formulaStr)
-// addSql := ` INSERT INTO edb_data_predict_calculate (edb_info_id,edb_code,data_time,value,create_time,modify_time,data_timestamp) values `
-// nowStr := time.Now().Format(utils.FormatDateTime)
-// var isAdd bool
-// if !minLatestDate.IsZero() {
-// latestDateStr = minLatestDate.Format(utils.FormatDate)
-// }
-// for sk, sv := range saveDataMap {
-// formulaStr = strings.ToUpper(formulaStr)
-// formulaFormStr := ReplaceFormula(edbInfoIdList, sv, formulaMap, formulaStr, edbInfoIdBytes)
-// if formulaStr == "" {
-// return
-// }
-// if formulaFormStr != "" {
-// expression := formula.NewExpression(formulaFormStr)
-// calResult, tmpErr := expression.Evaluate()
-// if tmpErr != nil {
-// err = errors.New("计算失败:Err:" + tmpErr.Error() + ";formulaStr:" + formulaFormStr)
-// fmt.Println(err)
-// return
-// }
-// calVal, tmpErr := calResult.Float64()
-// if tmpErr != nil {
-// err = errors.New("计算失败:获取计算值失败 Err:" + tmpErr.Error() + ";formulaStr:" + formulaFormStr)
-// fmt.Println(err)
-// return
-// }
-// //需要存入的数据
-// {
-// if latestDateStr == sk {
-// nanCheck := fmt.Sprintf("%0.f", calVal)
-// // 分母为0.0的报错
-// if nanCheck == "NaN" || nanCheck == "+Inf" || nanCheck == "-Inf" {
-// err = errors.New("计算失败 分母为0:Err: formulaStr:" + formulaFormStr)
-// fmt.Println(err)
-// return
-// }
-// latestValue, _ = decimal.NewFromFloat(calVal).Truncate(4).Float64() //保留4位小数
-// }
-// dataTime, _ := time.ParseInLocation(utils.FormatDate, sk, time.Local)
-// timestamp := dataTime.UnixNano() / 1e6
-// timeStr := fmt.Sprintf("%d", timestamp)
-// addSql += "("
-// addSql += strconv.Itoa(edbInfoId) + "," + "'" + edbCode + "'" + "," + "'" + sk + "'" + "," + utils.SubFloatToString(calVal, 4) + "," + "'" + nowStr + "'" +
-// "," + "'" + nowStr + "'" + "," + "'" + timeStr + "'"
-// addSql += "),"
-// isAdd = true
-// }
-// } else {
-// fmt.Println("formulaFormStr is empty")
-// }
-// }
-// if isAdd {
-// addSql = strings.TrimRight(addSql, ",")
-// _, err = o.Raw(addSql).Exec()
-// if err != nil {
-// fmt.Println("AddPredictCalculate Err:" + err.Error())
-// //errMsg = " tx.Exec Err :" + err.Error()
-// return
-// }
-// }
-// return
func AddPredictCalculateData(edbInfoIdList []*EdbInfo, edbInfoTag map[string]int, edbInfo *EdbInfo, edbCode, formulaStr string, edbInfoIdBytes []string) (latestDateStr string, latestValue float64, err error) {
- //o := orm.NewOrm()
- //to, err := o.Begin()
- //if err != nil {
- // return
- //}
to := global.DEFAULT_DmSQL.Begin()
defer func() {
if err != nil {
@@ -255,11 +106,6 @@ func AddPredictCalculateData(edbInfoIdList []*EdbInfo, edbInfoTag map[string]int
// RefreshAllPredictCalculate 刷新预测计算指标的全部数据
func RefreshAllPredictCalculate(edbInfoIdList []*EdbInfo, edbInfoTag map[string]int, edbInfoId, source, subSource int, edbCode, formulaStr, startDate string, edbInfoIdBytes []string, emptyType, maxEmptyType int, extra string) (latestDateStr string, latestValue float64, err error) {
- //o := orm.NewOrm()
- //to, err := o.Begin()
- //if err != nil {
- // return
- //}
to := global.DEFAULT_DmSQL.Begin()
defer func() {
if err != nil {
@@ -307,14 +153,6 @@ func refreshAllPredictCalculate(to *gorm.DB, edbInfoIdList []*EdbInfo, edbInfoTa
if newLatestDate.IsZero() || tmpNewLatestDate.Before(newLatestDate) {
newLatestDate = tmpNewLatestDate
- /*tmpStartDate, tmpErr := time.ParseInLocation(utils.FormatDate, v.StartDate, time.Local)
- if tmpErr != nil {
- err = errors.New(`最近的日期格式化失败;日期:` + v.StartDate + `;err:` + tmpErr.Error())
- return
- }
- if maxStartDate.IsZero() || maxStartDate.Before(tmpStartDate) {
- maxStartDate = tmpStartDate
- }*/
// 获取关联指标数据
dataList, tmpErr := GetPredictEdbDataListAllByStartDate(v, 1, startDate)
@@ -367,17 +205,6 @@ func refreshAllPredictCalculate(to *gorm.DB, edbInfoIdList []*EdbInfo, edbInfoTa
- /*if edbInfoIndex == 0 {
- dateList = append(dateList, dv.DataTime)
- tmpDate, _ := time.ParseInLocation(utils.FormatDate, dv.DataTime, time.Local)
- if minLatestDate.IsZero() || tmpDate.After(minLatestDate) {
- minLatestDate = tmpDate
- }
- if maxStartDate.IsZero() || tmpDate.Before(maxStartDate) {
- maxStartDate = tmpDate
- }
- }*/
// 处理最大日期和最小日期
@@ -431,7 +258,6 @@ func refreshAllPredictCalculate(to *gorm.DB, edbInfoIdList []*EdbInfo, edbInfoTa
- //fmt.Println(sk, sv)
// 根据时间范围,选择对应的公式
formulaMap := make(map[string]string)
formulaStr = ""
@@ -461,13 +287,9 @@ func refreshAllPredictCalculate(to *gorm.DB, edbInfoIdList []*EdbInfo, edbInfoTa
formulaStr = strings.ToUpper(formulaStr)
formulaFormStr := ReplaceFormula(edbInfoIdList, sv, svMax, formulaMap, formulaStr, edbInfoIdBytes, maxDealFlag)
if formulaFormStr != "" {
- //utils.FileLog.Info(fmt.Sprintf("formulaFormStr:%s", formulaFormStr))
fmt.Println(fmt.Sprintf("date %s:formulaFormStr:%s", sk, formulaFormStr))
- //expression := formula.NewExpression(formulaFormStr)
- //calResult, tmpErr := expression.Evaluate()
calVal, err := engine.ParseAndExec(formulaFormStr)
- //calVal, err := calResult.Float64()
if err != nil {
// 分母为0的报错,忽略该循环
if utils.IsDivideZero(err) {
@@ -477,24 +299,6 @@ func refreshAllPredictCalculate(to *gorm.DB, edbInfoIdList []*EdbInfo, edbInfoTa
err = errors.New("计算失败:获取计算值失败 Err:" + err.Error() + ";formulaStr:" + formulaFormStr)
return "", 0, err
- //nanCheck := fmt.Sprintf("%0.f", calVal)
- //if tmpErr != nil {
- // // 分母为0的报错
- // if strings.Contains(err.Error(), "divide by zero") {
- // removeDateList = append(removeDateList, sk)
- // continue
- // }
- // err = errors.New("计算失败:Err:" + tmpErr.Error() + ";formulaStr:" + formulaFormStr)
- // fmt.Println(err)
- // return
- //}
- //calVal, tmpErr := calResult.Float64()
- //if tmpErr != nil {
- // err = errors.New("计算失败:获取计算值失败 Err:" + tmpErr.Error() + ";formulaStr:" + formulaFormStr)
- // fmt.Println(err)
- // return
- //}
nanCheck := fmt.Sprintf("%0.f", calVal)
// 分母为0.0的报错
if nanCheck == "NaN" || nanCheck == "+Inf" || nanCheck == "-Inf" {
@@ -522,7 +326,6 @@ func refreshAllPredictCalculate(to *gorm.DB, edbInfoIdList []*EdbInfo, edbInfoTa
if existStr != saveValue {
sql := ` UPDATE %s SET value=?,modify_time=NOW() WHERE edb_info_id=? AND data_time=? `
sql = fmt.Sprintf(sql, dataTableName)
- //_, err = to.Raw(sql, saveValue, edbInfoId, sk).Exec()
err = to.Exec(sql, saveValue, edbInfoId, sk).Error
if err != nil {
return "", 0, err
@@ -538,7 +341,6 @@ func refreshAllPredictCalculate(to *gorm.DB, edbInfoIdList []*EdbInfo, edbInfoTa
if isAdd {
addSql = strings.TrimRight(addSql, ",")
- //_, err = to.Raw(addSql).Exec()
err = global.DEFAULT_DmSQL.Exec(addSql).Error
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("RefreshAllCalculate add Err", err.Error())
@@ -553,7 +355,6 @@ func refreshAllPredictCalculate(to *gorm.DB, edbInfoIdList []*EdbInfo, edbInfoTa
tableName := GetEdbDataTableName(source, subSource)
sql := fmt.Sprintf(` DELETE FROM %s WHERE edb_info_id = ? and data_time in (%s) `, tableName, removeDateStr)
- //_, err = to.Raw(sql, edbInfoId).Exec()
err = to.Exec(sql, edbInfoId).Error
if err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("删除计算失败的计算指标数据失败,Err:" + err.Error())
@@ -566,13 +367,11 @@ func refreshAllPredictCalculate(to *gorm.DB, edbInfoIdList []*EdbInfo, edbInfoTa
latestDateStr = newLatestDate.Format(utils.FormatDate)
sql = fmt.Sprintf(` SELECT * FROM %s WHERE edb_info_id = ? and data_time <= ? ORDER BY data_time desc limit 1`, dataTableName)
var latestDate EdbData
- //e := to.Raw(sql, edbInfoId, latestDateStr).QueryRow(&latestDate)
e := to.Raw(sql, edbInfoId, latestDateStr).Find(&latestDate).Error
if e != nil {
if e.Error() == utils.ErrNoRow() {
sql = fmt.Sprintf(` SELECT * FROM %s WHERE edb_info_id = ? ORDER BY data_time ASC limit 1`, dataTableName)
- //e = to.Raw(sql, edbInfoId).QueryRow(&latestDate)
e = to.Raw(sql, edbInfoId).Find(&latestDate).Error
if e != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("查询最新日期失败,Err:" + e.Error())