@@ -1745,6 +1745,7 @@ func (this *EdbInfoController) EdbInfoFilter() {
// @Param EdbType query int false "指标类型:0-基础和计算;1-基础指标;2-计算指标;3-衍生指标"
// @Param EdbAuth query int false "指标权限:0-全部;1-我的;2-公共"
// @Param EdbCollect query int false "指标收藏状态:0-全部;1-已收藏"
+// @Param ClassifyId query int false "父级分类id"
// @Success 200 {object} data_manage.EdbInfoList
// @router /edb_info/filter_by_es [get]
func (this *EdbInfoController) EdbInfoFilterByEs() {
@@ -1779,8 +1780,6 @@ func (this *EdbInfoController) EdbInfoFilterByEs() {
frequency := this.GetString("Frequency") //频度
- //isAddPredictEdb, _ := this.GetBool("IsAddPredictEdb") //是否查询添加预测指标
// 指标类型数组:1-基础指标;2-计算指标;3-预测指标
edbTypeList := make([]int, 0)
edbInfoType := -1 // 指标范围
@@ -1792,7 +1791,7 @@ func (this *EdbInfoController) EdbInfoFilterByEs() {
if edbTypeStr == `` || edbTypeStr == `0` {
edbTypeList = []int{1, 2}
edbInfoType = 0
- } else if edbTypeStr == `1` { // 数据加工(基础指标),不应该固定创建人的
+ } else if edbTypeStr == `1` { // 数据查看(基础指标),不应该固定创建人的
edbTypeList = []int{1}
edbInfoType = 0
searchUserId = 0
@@ -1832,6 +1831,23 @@ func (this *EdbInfoController) EdbInfoFilterByEs() {
edbCollect, _ := this.GetInt("EdbCollect", 0) // 指标收藏状态:0-全部;1-已收藏
+ // 筛选分类id列表
+ searchClassifyIdList := make([]int, 0)
+ // 父级分类id
+ classifyId, _ := this.GetInt("ClassifyId")
+ if classifyId > 0 {
+ allChildClassifyItemList, err, _ := data.GetAllChildClassifyByParentId(classifyId)
+ if err != nil {
+ br.Msg = "获取失败"
+ br.ErrMsg = "获取指标分类信息失败,Err:" + err.Error()
+ return
+ }
+ searchClassifyIdList = append(searchClassifyIdList, classifyId)
+ for _, v := range allChildClassifyItemList {
+ searchClassifyIdList = append(searchClassifyIdList, v.ClassifyId)
+ }
+ }
var edbInfoList []*data_manage.EdbInfoList
var err error
@@ -1867,7 +1883,7 @@ func (this *EdbInfoController) EdbInfoFilterByEs() {
// 普通的搜索
- total, edbInfoList, err = elastic.SearchEdbInfoData(keyWord, startSize, pageSize, filterSource, source, frequency, noPermissionEdbInfoIdList, noPermissionEdbClassifyIdList, collectEdbInfoIdList, edbTypeList, edbInfoType, edbAuth, searchUserId, sortMap)
+ total, edbInfoList, err = elastic.SearchEdbInfoData(keyWord, startSize, pageSize, filterSource, source, frequency, noPermissionEdbInfoIdList, noPermissionEdbClassifyIdList, collectEdbInfoIdList, searchClassifyIdList, edbTypeList, edbInfoType, edbAuth, searchUserId, sortMap)
if err != nil {
edbInfoList = make([]*data_manage.EdbInfoList, 0)
@@ -3256,7 +3272,7 @@ func (this *EdbInfoController) AllEdbInfoByEs() {
keyWordArr = append(keyWordArr, newKeyWord...)
// 普通的搜索
- total, edbInfoList, err = elastic.SearchEdbInfoData(keyWord, startSize, pageSize, filterSource, source, frequency, noPermissionEdbInfoIdList, noPermissionEdbClassifyIdList, []int{}, []int{1, 2}, -1, 0, this.SysUser.AdminId, map[string]string{})
+ total, edbInfoList, err = elastic.SearchEdbInfoData(keyWord, startSize, pageSize, filterSource, source, frequency, noPermissionEdbInfoIdList, noPermissionEdbClassifyIdList, []int{}, []int{}, []int{1, 2}, -1, 0, this.SysUser.AdminId, map[string]string{})
isEs = true
} else {
var condition string
@@ -3694,7 +3710,8 @@ func (this *EdbInfoController) EdbChartAdminList() {
// EdbSourceList
// @Title 指标来源列表
// @Description 指标来源列表
-// @Param IsBase query int false "是否为基础指标: 1-是"
+// @Param IsBase query int false "是否为基础指标: 1-基础指标,2:计算指标"
+// @Param EdbInfoType query int false "指标类型,0:指标库;1:预测指标,默认:0"
// @Success 200 {object} data_manage.EdbInfoListResp
// @router /edb_source/list [get]
func (this *EdbInfoController) EdbSourceList() {
@@ -3707,12 +3724,22 @@ func (this *EdbInfoController) EdbSourceList() {
isBase, _ := this.GetInt("IsBase", 0)
+ edbInfoType, _ := this.GetInt("EdbInfoType", 0)
- cond := ``
- if isBase > 0 {
- cond = ` AND is_base = 1`
- }
pars := make([]interface{}, 0)
+ cond := ` AND edb_info_type = ? `
+ pars = append(pars, edbInfoType)
+ // 计算类型
+ switch isBase {
+ case 1:
+ cond += ` AND is_base = ? `
+ pars = append(pars, 1)
+ case 2:
+ cond += ` AND is_base = ? `
+ pars = append(pars, 2)
+ }
list, e := data_manage.GetEdbSourceItemsByCondition(cond, pars, []string{}, "")
if e != nil {
br.Msg = "获取失败"