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delete something

Karsa 1 year ago
1 changed files with 4 additions and 816 deletions
  1. 4 816

+ 4 - 816

@@ -217,20 +217,11 @@
-            <!-- <div class="approval_notice" v-show="isShowApprovalNotice">
-              <img
-                src="~@/assets/img/approval_ notice.png"
-                alt="用印审批公告"
-              />
-              <div>
-                纸质合同的用印交付时间为上午10:30-11:30,下午16:00-17:30
-              </div>
-            </div> -->
           <div class="right_section">
             <!-- AI问答 -->
-            <img
+            <!-- <img
@@ -240,218 +231,6 @@
                 margin: 4px 28px 0 0;
                 cursor: pointer;
-            />
-            <!-- 留言板消息通知 -->
-            <!-- <questionMsgDia></questionMsgDia> -->
-            <!-- <el-popover
-              placement="bottom"
-              width="610"
-              trigger="hover"
-              popper-class="notice_poper"
-            >
-              <div>
-                <h4
-                  style="paddingbottom: 12px; borderbottom: 1px solid #dcdfe6"
-                >
-                  待办事项({{ noticeCount }}项)
-                </h4>
-                <div class="notice-nav-box">
-                  <div
-                    class="notice-nav-item"
-                    @click="handleNoticeTypeChange('客户')"
-                    :class="noticeType === '客户' ? 'notice-nav-active' : ''"
-                    v-if="Role !== 'admin'"
-                  >
-                    <span>客户</span>
-                    <span
-                      style="
-                        width: 8px;
-                        height: 8px;
-                        borderradius: 50%;
-                        background: #f00;
-                        display: block;
-                        position: absolute;
-                        right: -8px;
-                        top: 0px;
-                      "
-                      v-if="flag1"
-                    ></span>
-                  </div>
-                  <div
-                    class="notice-nav-item"
-                    @click="handleNoticeTypeChange('合同')"
-                    :class="noticeType === '合同' ? 'notice-nav-active' : ''"
-                    v-if="Role !== 'admin'"
-                  >
-                    <span>合同</span>
-                    <span
-                      style="
-                        width: 8px;
-                        height: 8px;
-                        borderradius: 50%;
-                        background: #f00;
-                        display: block;
-                        position: absolute;
-                        right: -8px;
-                        top: 0px;
-                      "
-                      v-if="flag2"
-                    ></span>
-                  </div>
-                  <div
-                    class="notice-nav-item"
-                    @click="handleNoticeTypeChange('用印')"
-                    :class="noticeType === '用印' ? 'notice-nav-active' : ''"
-                    v-if="Role !== 'admin'"
-                  >
-                    <span>用印</span>
-                    <span
-                      style="
-                        width: 8px;
-                        height: 8px;
-                        borderradius: 50%;
-                        background: #f00;
-                        display: block;
-                        position: absolute;
-                        right: -8px;
-                        top: 0px;
-                      "
-                      v-if="flag3"
-                    ></span>
-                  </div>
-                  <div
-                    class="notice-nav-item"
-                    @click="handleNoticeTypeChange('ETA试用')"
-                    :class="noticeType === 'ETA试用' ? 'notice-nav-active' : ''"
-                  >
-                    <span>ETA试用</span>
-                    <span
-                      style="
-                        width: 8px;
-                        height: 8px;
-                        borderradius: 50%;
-                        background: #f00;
-                        display: block;
-                        position: absolute;
-                        right: -8px;
-                        top: 0px;
-                      "
-                      v-if="flag5"
-                    ></span>
-                  </div>
-                  <div
-                    class="notice-nav-item"
-                    @click="handleNoticeTypeChange('出差')"
-                    :class="noticeType === '出差' ? 'notice-nav-active' : ''"
-                  >
-                    <span>出差</span>
-                    <span
-                      style="
-                        width: 8px;
-                        height: 8px;
-                        borderradius: 50%;
-                        background: #f00;
-                        display: block;
-                        position: absolute;
-                        right: -8px;
-                        top: 0px;
-                      "
-                      v-if="flag6"
-                    ></span>
-                  </div>
-                </div>
-                <ul style="margintop: 20px" v-if="currentNoticeList.length">
-                  <li
-                    class="notice_item"
-                    v-for="item in currentNoticeList"
-                    :key="item"
-                    @click="noticeClick(item)"
-                    style="
-                      display: flex;
-                      justifycontent: space-between;
-                      alignitems: center;
-                      fontsize: 12px;
-                      cursor: pointer;
-                      marginbottom: 15px;
-                    "
-                  >
-                    <div style="display: flex; alignitems: center">
-                      <div
-                        style="
-                          width: 36px;
-                          min-width: 36px;
-                          height: 36px;
-                          background: #409eff;
-                          borderradius: 50%;
-                          color: #fff;
-                          textalign: center;
-                          lineheight: 36px;
-                          marginright: 8px;
-                          fontsize: 12px;
-                        "
-                      >
-                        {{ item.RealName.substr(item.RealName.length - 2) }}
-                      </div>
-                      <span
-                        :style="item.MessageStatus === 0 ? '' : 'color:#bbb'"
-                      >
-                        {{
-                          (Role == "rai_admin" || Role == "ficc_admin") &&
-                          noticeType !== "出差"
-                            ? item.RealName
-                            : ""
-                        }}
-                        {{ item.Content }}
-                      </span>
-                    </div>
-                    <span
-                      style="
-                        color: #b2b5bb;
-                        margin-left: 15px;
-                        min-width: 110px;
-                      "
-                      >{{ item.CreateTime }}</span
-                    >
-                  </li>
-                </ul>
-                <div
-                  style="textalign: center; margin: 40px 0; color: #999"
-                  v-else
-                >
-                  暂无通知
-                </div>
-              </div>
-              <div
-                slot="reference"
-                style="position: relative; cursor: pointer"
-                @click="getNotice"
-              >
-                <img
-                  src="~@/assets/img/home/notice.png"
-                  alt=""
-                  style="height: 32px; margintop: 6px"
-                />
-                <span
-                  style="
-                    width: 8px;
-                    height: 8px;
-                    borderradius: 50%;
-                    background: #f00;
-                    display: block;
-                    position: absolute;
-                    right: -4px;
-                    top: 3px;
-                  "
-                  v-if="flag1 || flag2 || flag3 || flag4 || flag5 || flag6"
-                ></span>
-              </div>
-            </el-popover> -->
-            <!-- <img
-              src="~@/assets/img/home/saller_notice.png"
-              v-if="Role == 'ficc_seller' || Role == 'rai_seller'"
-              alt=""
-              style="height: 25px; margin-left: 20px; cursor: pointer"
-              @click="handleShowSallerTodayList"
             /> -->
             <div class="userinfo">
               <div class="userinfo-fingerpost">
@@ -513,176 +292,6 @@
-    <!-- 销售待办 -->
-    <el-dialog
-      width="70%"
-      top="5vh"
-      :visible.sync="show"
-      :modal-append-to-body="false"
-      :close-on-click-modal="todayListOpen === 'auto' ? false : true"
-      :close-on-press-escape="todayListOpen === 'auto' ? false : true"
-      :show-close="false"
-      v-dialogDrag
-    >
-      <div slot="title">
-        <img
-          width="15px"
-          src="../assets/img/home/todo-icon.png"
-          alt=""
-          style="margin-right: 10px"
-        />
-        <span style="position: relative; top: -2px">{{
-          todayListOpen === "auto" ? "今日待办" : "我的待办"
-        }}</span>
-      </div>
-      <div class="today-list-wrap">
-        <el-table :data="todayList" height="70vh" border style="width: 100%">
-          <el-table-column
-            label="客户名称"
-            width="200px"
-            align="center"
-            prop="CompanyName"
-          ></el-table-column>
-          <el-table-column
-            label="社会信用码"
-            width="200px"
-            align="center"
-            prop="CreditCode"
-          ></el-table-column>
-          <el-table-column
-            label="客户状态"
-            width="80px"
-            align="center"
-            prop="Status"
-          ></el-table-column>
-          <el-table-column label="转试用日期" width="150px" align="center">
-            <template slot-scope="scope">{{
-              $moment(scope.row.TryOutTime).format("YYYY.MM.DD")
-            }}</template>
-          </el-table-column>
-          <el-table-column
-            label="到期天数"
-            width="80px"
-            align="center"
-            prop="ExpireDays"
-          ></el-table-column>
-          <!-- <el-table-column label="续约情况说明" align="center" prop="RenewalReason"></el-table-column> -->
-          <el-table-column
-            label="最新情况"
-            align="center"
-            prop="RenewalReason"
-          ></el-table-column>
-          <el-table-column
-            label="To Do事项"
-            align="center"
-            prop="RenewalTodo"
-          ></el-table-column>
-          <el-table-column label="更新时间" align="center" prop="ModifyTime">
-            <template slot-scope="scope">{{
-              $moment(scope.row.ModifyTime).format("YYYY.MM.DD HH:mm:ss")
-            }}</template>
-          </el-table-column>
-          <el-table-column label="操作" width="100px" align="center">
-            <template slot-scope="scope">
-              <span
-                style="font-size: 14px; color: #409eff; cursor: pointer"
-                @click="handleShowEditTodayRemark(scope)"
-                >{{ scope.row.RenewalReason ? "编辑说明" : "添加说明" }}</span
-              >
-              <span
-                style="
-                  font-size: 14px;
-                  color: #409eff;
-                  cursor: pointer;
-                  display: inline-block;
-                "
-                @click="getSellerTodayHistoryList(scope.row)"
-                >历史记录</span
-              >
-            </template>
-          </el-table-column>
-        </el-table>
-        <div style="text-align: center; padding: 30px 0">
-          <el-button
-            type="primary"
-            style="width: 200px"
-            :disabled="!done"
-            @click="handleTodayFinished"
-            v-if="todayListOpen === 'auto'"
-            >完成</el-button
-          >
-          <el-button
-            type="primary"
-            style="width: 200px"
-            @click="
-              () => {
-                show = false;
-                getSellerFeedBackList();
-              }
-            "
-            v-else
-            >完成</el-button
-          >
-        </div>
-      </div>
-    </el-dialog>
-    <!-- 填写备注弹窗 -->
-    <el-dialog
-      :visible.sync=""
-      :modal-append-to-body="false"
-      width="670px"
-      @close="handleTodayRemarkClose"
-      v-dialogDrag
-    >
-      <div slot="title">
-        <img
-          width="15"
-          src="../assets/img/icons/warn.png"
-          alt=""
-          style="position: relative; top: 2px"
-        />
-        <span>{{ ? "添加说明" : "编辑说明" }}</span>
-      </div>
-      <div>
-        <div style="margin-bottom: 5px">最新情况</div>
-        <el-input
-          type="textarea"
-          v-model.trim="showTodayRemark.remark"
-          :autosize="{ minRows: 8, maxRows: 12 }"
-          placeholder="请填写最新情况"
-          resize="none"
-        ></el-input>
-        <div style="margin-bottom: 5px; margin-top: 15px">To Do事项</div>
-        <el-input
-          type="textarea"
-          v-model.trim="showTodayRemark.toDoRemark"
-          :autosize="{ minRows: 8, maxRows: 12 }"
-          placeholder="请填写To Do事项"
-          resize="none"
-        ></el-input>
-        <el-checkbox
-          v-model="showTodayRemark.isGiveUp"
-          style="margin: 20px 10px 0"
-          >客户无续约意向,不再跟进(转为冻结客户)</el-checkbox
-        >
-        <div style="text-align: center; margin: 30px 0">
-          <el-button
-            type="primary"
-            style="width: 152px; margin-right: 30px"
-            @click="handleSubmitTodayRemark"
-            >确定</el-button
-          >
-          <el-button
-            type="primary"
-            style="width: 152px"
-            plain
-            @click="handleTodayRemarkClose"
-            >取消</el-button
-          >
-        </div>
-      </div>
-    </el-dialog>
     <!-- //重置初始密码 -->
     <pwd-dlg :dialogVisiblePwd="dialogVisiblePwd" />
@@ -691,69 +300,21 @@
     /> -->
-    <!-- 代办历史记录弹窗 -->
-    <el-dialog
-      :visible.sync="showTodayHistoryList"
-      :modal-append-to-body="false"
-      width="800px"
-      v-dialogDrag
-      title="历史记录"
-    >
-      <div>
-        <el-table
-          :data="todayHistoryList"
-          height="500"
-          border
-          style="width: 100%"
-        >
-          <el-table-column
-            align="center"
-            prop="RenewalReason"
-            label="客户跟踪"
-          ></el-table-column>
-          <el-table-column
-            align="center"
-            prop="RenewalTodo"
-            label="To Do事项"
-          ></el-table-column>
-          <el-table-column
-            align="center"
-            prop="CreateTime"
-            label="更新时间"
-            width="180"
-          >
-            <template slot-scope="scope">{{ scope.row.CreateTime }}</template>
-          </el-table-column>
-        </el-table>
-        <div style="text-align: center; margin: 30px 0">
-          <el-button type="primary" @click="showTodayHistoryList = false"
-            >知道了</el-button
-          >
-        </div>
-      </div>
-    </el-dialog>
 import {
-  getnavlist,
-  positionlist,
 } from "api/api.js";
 import PwdDlg from "@/components/pwdDlg.vue";
-// import feedbackDialog from "@/components/todo/roadShowFeedbackDia.vue";
-import questionMsgDia from "@/components/questionMsgDia.vue";
 import EventBus from "@/api/bus.js";
 export default {
   components: {
-    // feedbackDialog,
-    questionMsgDia,
   inject: ["reload"],
   filters: {
@@ -783,14 +344,6 @@ export default {
   computed: {
-    done() {
-      //今日待办是否处理完
-      if (!this.todayList) {
-        return false;
-      }
-      // 之前是通过判断列表中是否都有说明,现需要判断列表中都要添加或编辑
-      return this.todayList.every((item) => item.isEdited);
-    },
     // Role() {
     //   let role = localStorage.getItem("Role") || "";
     //   return role;
@@ -822,59 +375,15 @@ export default {
   data() {
     return {
-      showTodayRemark: {
-        CompanyId: 0,
-        ProductId: 0,
-        remark: "",
-        toDoRemark: "",
-        show: false,
-        index: 0,
-        new: false, //是否为新增
-        isGiveUp: false, //是否不继续跟进
-      }, //显示填写待办备注弹窗
-      show: false, //显示销售今日待办列表
-      todayListOpen: "auto", //auto 自动打开的今日待办 不可关闭 其余为点击导航打开的
-      todayList: null, //销售今日待办数据
-      todayHistoryList: [], //销售今日待办某项的历史数据
-      showTodayHistoryList: false,
-      // defaultPath:this.$route.meta.pathFrom?this.$route.meta.pathFrom:this.$route.path.replace('/',''),
-      showNoteDetail: false, //是否显示日志明细弹出
       isCollapse: false, //侧边栏折叠
-      noteDetail: "", //日志明细,
-      predefineColors: [
-        "#5882EF",
-        "#ff4500",
-        "#ff8c00",
-        "#ffd700",
-        "#90ee90",
-        "#00ced1",
-        "#c71585",
-      ],
       breadcrumbFixed: false, //吸顶盒固定
-      sysName: "弘则研究",
-      // collapsed: false, //是否折叠左侧菜单栏
-      issafariBrowser:
-        /Safari/.test(navigator.userAgent) &&
-        !/Chrome/.test(navigator.userAgent), //判断是否是苹果系统
       Role: "", //角色名称
       RoleType: "", //角色类型
       sysUserName: "", //登录系统用户名
       sysUserAvatar: "", //登录系统用户头像
-      form: {
-        name: "",
-        region: "",
-        date1: "",
-        date2: "",
-        delivery: false,
-        type: [],
-        resource: "",
-        desc: "",
-      },
-      navlists: /* this.$router.options.routes */ [],
-      Socket: null,
-      MAX: 1000, //重连最大次数
-      count: 0, //当前已重连次数
+      navlists: [],
       activePath: "",
       noticeList: [], //消息提醒列表
       isShowNotice: false, //显示提示红点
@@ -943,169 +452,6 @@ export default {
         this.dialogVisiblePwd = res.Data;
-    // 点击导航 打开今日待办
-    // handleShowSallerTodayList() {
-    //   this.getSellerTodayList("click");
-    // },
-    // 点击完成 批量提交备注
-    handleTodayFinished() {
-      let arr = => {
-        return customInterence.sellerTodayListRemark({
-          CompanyId: item.CompanyId,
-          ProductId: item.ProductId,
-          Remark: item.RenewalReason,
-          Renew: item.isGiveUp ? 1 : 0,
-          RenewalTodo: item.RenewalTodo,
-        });
-      });
-      Promise.all(arr)
-        .then((res) => {
- = false;
-          this.getSellerFeedBackList();
-        })
-        .catch((error) => {
-          this.$message.waring("部分提交失败请重试");
-          this.getSellerTodayList();
-        });
-    },
-    //提交备注
-    async handleSubmitTodayRemark() {
-      if (!this.showTodayRemark.remark && !this.showTodayRemark.isGiveUp) {
-        this.$message.warning("请填写最新情况");
-        return;
-      }
-      if (!this.showTodayRemark.toDoRemark && !this.showTodayRemark.isGiveUp) {
-        this.$message.warning("请填写To Do事项");
-        return;
-      }
-      // 如果选中不再跟进,需要在备注中添加额外内容
-      const addRemark = this.showTodayRemark.isGiveUp
-        ? this.showTodayRemark.remark
-          ? "。客户无续约意向,不再跟进(转为冻结客户)"
-          : "客户无续约意向,不再跟进(转为冻结客户)"
-        : "";
-      // 自动开大的点击完成时批量更新
-      if (this.todayListOpen === "auto") {
-        this.todayList[this.showTodayRemark.index].RenewalReason =
-          this.showTodayRemark.remark + addRemark;
-        this.todayList[this.showTodayRemark.index].RenewalTodo =
-          this.showTodayRemark.toDoRemark;
-        this.todayList[this.showTodayRemark.index].isGiveUp =
-          this.showTodayRemark.isGiveUp;
-        this.$set(this.todayList[this.showTodayRemark.index], "isEdited", true);
-        this.handleTodayRemarkClose();
-      } else {
-        const res = await customInterence.sellerTodayListRemark({
-          CompanyId: this.showTodayRemark.CompanyId,
-          ProductId: this.showTodayRemark.ProductId,
-          Remark: this.showTodayRemark.remark + addRemark,
-          Renew: this.showTodayRemark.isGiveUp ? 1 : 0,
-          RenewalTodo: this.showTodayRemark.toDoRemark,
-        });
-        if (res.Ret === 200) {
-          this.todayList[this.showTodayRemark.index].RenewalReason =
-            this.showTodayRemark.remark;
-          this.todayList[this.showTodayRemark.index].RenewalTodo =
-            this.showTodayRemark.toDoRemark;
-          this.handleTodayRemarkClose();
-          this.getSellerTodayList();
-        }
-      }
-    },
-    handleTodayRemarkClose() {
-      this.showTodayRemark = {
-        remark: "",
-        toDoRemark: "",
-        show: false,
-        index: 0,
-        new: false,
-        ProductId: 0,
-        CompanyId: 0,
-        isGiveUp: false,
-      };
-    },
-    //显示填写今日待办备注
-    handleShowEditTodayRemark(e) {
-      this.showTodayRemark.remark = e.row.RenewalReason;
-      this.showTodayRemark.toDoRemark = e.row.RenewalTodo;
-      this.showTodayRemark.CompanyId = e.row.CompanyId;
-      this.showTodayRemark.ProductId = e.row.ProductId;
-      if (e.row.RenewalReason && this.todayListOpen !== "auto") {
-        // 如果有说明且不是自动弹出,则为编辑
- = false;
-      } else {
- = true;
-      }
- = true;
-      this.showTodayRemark.index = e.$index;
-    },
-    //获取销售今日待办
-    async getSellerTodayList(type) {
-      this.todayListOpen = type;
-      let ReasonStatus = -1;
-      if (type === "auto") {
-        ReasonStatus = -1;
-      } else {
-        ReasonStatus = 0;
-      }
-      const res = await customInterence.sellerTodayList({
-        ReasonStatus: ReasonStatus,
-        PageSize: 10000,
-        CurrentIndex: 1,
-      });
-      if (res.Ret === 200) {
-        if (type === "auto" && res.Data.Paging.Totals > 0) {
-          // 自动弹出清除上次说明
-          res.Data.List &&
-            res.Data.List.forEach((item) => (item.RenewalReason = ""));
-        }
-        if (
-          (type === "auto" && res.Data.Paging.Totals > 0) ||
-          type !== "auto"
-        ) {
- = true;
-        } else {
-          this.getSellerFeedBackList();
-        }
-        this.$nextTick(() => {
-          this.todayList = res.Data.List;
-        });
-      }
-    },
-    //获取销售代办中的历史记录
-    async getSellerTodayHistoryList(item) {
-      const res = await customInterence.sellerTodayHistoryList({
-        CompanyId: Number(item.CompanyId),
-        ProductId: Number(item.ProductId),
-      });
-      if (res.Ret === 200) {
-        this.showTodayHistoryList = true;
-        this.$nextTick(() => {
-          this.todayHistoryList = res.Data || [];
-        });
-      }
-    },
-    /* 获取销售路演待反馈 */
-    getSellerFeedBackList() {
-      roadshowInterence.toFeedbacklist().then((res) => {
-        if (res.Ret !== 200) return;
-        const { Data } = res;
-        if (!Data || !Data.length) return;
-        this.isFeedbackDialog = true;
-        this.roadshowFeedbackList = Data;
-      });
-    },
     // 操作指南的跳转
     toOperation(url) {
@@ -1166,165 +512,7 @@ export default {
-    /* 待办事项列表 */
-    getNotice() {
-      customInterence.noticeList().then((res) => {
-        if (res.Ret === 200) {
-          res.Data.Company.List &&
-            res.Data.Company.List.forEach((item) => {
-              item.CreateTime = item.CreateTime.replace(/-/g, ".");
-            });
-          res.Data.Contract.List &&
-            res.Data.Contract.List.forEach((item) => {
-              item.CreateTime = item.CreateTime.replace(/-/g, ".");
-            });
-          res.Data.Seal.List &&
-            res.Data.Seal.List.forEach((item) => {
-              item.CreateTime = item.CreateTime.replace(/-/g, ".");
-            });
-          res.Data.EdbReplace.List &&
-            res.Data.EdbReplace.List.forEach(
-              (item) => (item.CreateTime = item.CreateTime.replace(/-/g, "."))
-            );
-          res.Data.BusinessTrip.List &&
-            res.Data.BusinessTrip.List.forEach(
-              (item) => (item.CreateTime = item.CreateTime.replace(/-/g, "."))
-            );
-          this.noticeList = res.Data;
-          this.noticeCount =
-            this.Role === "admin"
-              ? res.Data.EdbReplace.Total + res.Data.BusinessTrip.Total
-              : res.Data.Company.Total +
-                res.Data.Contract.Total +
-                res.Data.Seal.Total +
-                res.Data.EdbReplace.Total +
-                res.Data.BusinessTrip.Total;
-          this.noticeType = this.Role === "admin" ? "更新" : "客户";
-          // 默认显示客户
-          this.currentNoticeList =
-            this.Role === "admin"
-              ? res.Data.EdbReplace.List
-              : res.Data.Company.List;
-          // 检查是否有未读的
-          if (this.Role != "admin") {
-            this.flag1 = res.Data.Company.List.some((item) => {
-              return item.MessageStatus === 0;
-            });
-            this.flag2 = res.Data.Contract.List.some((item) => {
-              return item.MessageStatus === 0;
-            });
-            this.flag3 = res.Data.Seal.List.some((item) => {
-              return item.MessageStatus === 0;
-            });
-          }
-          // this.flag4=res.Data.EdbReplace.List.some(item => {
-          // 	return item.MessageStatus === 0;
-          // })
-          this.flag5 = res.Data.ETATrial.List.some((item) => {
-            return item.MessageStatus === 0;
-          });
-          this.flag6 = res.Data.BusinessTrip.List.some((item) => {
-            return item.MessageStatus === 0;
-          });
-          // res.Data.List&&res.Data.List.forEach(item => {
-          //   item.CreateTime =  item.CreateTime.replace(/-/g,'.')
-          // });
-          // this.noticeList = res.Data.List || [];
-          // // 检索列表中每一个是否已读
-          // let bol = this.noticeList.some(item => {
-          // 	return item.MessageStatus === 0;
-          // })
-          // /* 有一个未读就显示提示,全部已读不显示提示 */
-          // this.isShowNotice = bol?true:false
-        }
-      });
-    },
-    /* 点击消息列表 跳转审批列表 */
-    noticeClick(item) {
-      customInterence
-        .readNotice({
-          Id: Number(item.Id),
-        })
-        .then((res) => {
-          if (res.Ret === 200) {
-            item.MessageStatus = 1;
-            if (this.noticeType === "客户") {
-              if (this.$route.path != "/approvalList") {
-                this.$router.push({
-                  path: "/approvalList",
-                });
-              } else {
-                window.location.reload();
-              }
-            } else if (this.noticeType === "合同") {
-              let Role = localStorage.getItem("Role");
-              // 主管跳转合同审批列表
-              if (Role === "ficc_admin" || Role === "rai_admin") {
-                if (this.$route.path != "/contractapprovallist") {
-                  this.$router.push({
-                    path: "/contractapprovallist",
-                  });
-                } else {
-                  window.location.reload();
-                }
-              } else {
-                if (this.$route.path != "/contractmanagelist") {
-                  this.$router.push({
-                    path: "/contractmanagelist",
-                  });
-                } else {
-                  window.location.reload();
-                }
-              }
-            } else if (this.noticeType === "用印") {
-              // 用印
-              if (this.$route.path != "/sealApprovalList") {
-                this.$router.push({
-                  path: "/sealApprovalList",
-                });
-              } else {
-                window.location.reload();
-              }
-            } else if (this.noticeType === "ETA试用") {
-              const path = this.$route.path;
-              let pushPath = "/etaApprovalList";
-              //非管理员:若通过跳转用户列表,若驳回跳转审批列表
-              //const etaApprovalListType = item.Content.includes('通过')?'approved':'all'
-              const etaApprovalListType =
-                item.Redirect === 1 ? "approved" : "all";
-              sessionStorage.setItem(
-                "etaApprovalListType",
-                etaApprovalListType
-              );
-              if (path == pushPath) {
-                window.location.reload();
-              } else {
-                this.$router.push(pushPath);
-              }
-            } else if (this.noticeType === "出差") {
-              const path = this.$route.path;
-              let pushPath;
-              if (item.ApprovalStatus != 1) {
-                // 跳到申请列表
-                pushPath = "/businessTripApplication";
-              } else {
-                // 跳到审批列表
-                pushPath = "/businessTripApproval";
-              }
-              if (path == pushPath) {
-                window.location.reload();
-              } else {
-                this.$router.push(pushPath);
-              }
-            }
-          }
-        });
-    },
     resetpwd() {
       this.$router.push({ path: "/resetpsd" });