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switch branch

Karsa 3 months ago
1 changed files with 780 additions and 0 deletions
  1. 780 0

+ 780 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,780 @@
+  <div class="sciHongqiData-page" id="box">
+    <div class="header">
+      <div class="left-btn">
+        <el-button
+          v-permission="permissionBtn.dataSourcePermission.mysteelData_batchAddEdb"
+          type="primary" 
+          size="medium" 
+          @click="isBatchAddIndicsDiaShow = true"
+        ><!-- 批量加入指标库 -->{{$t('SteelChemicalPage.batch_add_edb_btn')}}</el-button>
+        <el-button
+          v-permission="permissionBtn.dataSourcePermission.mysteelData_batchAddEdb"
+          type="primary" 
+          size="medium" 
+          @click="isBatchAddIndicsDiaShow = true"
+        >批量删除</el-button>
+        <el-button
+          v-permission="permissionBtn.dataSourcePermission.mysteelData_batchAddEdb"
+          type="primary" 
+          size="medium" 
+          @click="isBatchAddIndicsDiaShow = true"
+        >批量编辑</el-button>
+        <el-button
+          v-permission="permissionBtn.dataSourcePermission.mysteelData_export"
+          type="primary"
+          plain
+          size="medium"
+          @click="exportClick"
+          :loading="btnload"
+        ><!-- 导出Excel -->{{$t('Common.exp_excel')}}</el-button>
+      </div>
+      <div class="right-wrap">
+        <el-select
+					v-model="leftSearchVal"
+					v-loadMore="searchLoad"
+					ref="searchRef"
+					:filterable="!leftSearchVal"
+					remote
+					clearable
+					:placeholder="$t('Edb.InputHolderAll.input_name_orid')"
+					style="width: 260px;margin-left:10px;"
+					:remote-method="searchHandle"
+					@click.native="inputFocusHandle"
+				>
+					<i slot="prefix" class="el-input__icon el-icon-search"></i>
+					<el-option
+						v-for="item in searchOptions"
+						:key="item.TradeCode"
+						:label="item.SecName"
+						:value="item.TradeCode"
+					/>
+				</el-select>
+      </div>
+    </div>
+    <div class="main">
+      <span
+          v-show="!isLeftWrapShow"
+          class="slide-btn-icon slide-right"
+          @click="isLeftWrapShow = !isLeftWrapShow"
+      >
+          <i :class="{'el-icon-d-arrow-left':isLeftWrapShow,'el-icon-d-arrow-right':!isLeftWrapShow}"></i>
+      </span>
+      <div class="left-cont minHeight" v-show="isLeftWrapShow">
+          <span
+              v-show="isLeftWrapShow"
+              class="slide-btn-icon slide-left"
+              @click="isLeftWrapShow = !isLeftWrapShow"
+          >
+              <i :class="{'el-icon-d-arrow-left':isLeftWrapShow,'el-icon-d-arrow-right':!isLeftWrapShow}"></i>
+          </span>
+        <div class="scroll-wrap">
+          <el-tree
+            ref="treeRef"
+            class="target_tree"
+            :data="classifyList"
+            node-key="UniqueCode"
+            :props="{
+              label: 'ClassifyName',
+              children: 'Children',
+              isLeaf:'isLeaf'
+            }"
+            :allow-drag="canDragHandle"
+            :allow-drop="canDropHandle"
+            :current-node-key="select_node"
+            :default-expanded-keys="defaultShowNodes"
+            draggable
+            :expand-on-click-node="false"
+            check-strictly
+            empty-text="暂无分类"
+            lazy
+            :load="getLazyTreeData"
+            @node-expand="handleNodeExpand"
+            @node-collapse="handleNodeCollapse"
+            @current-change="nodeChangeHandle"
+            @node-drop="dropOverHandle"
+            @node-drag-end="dropMouseLeave"
+            @node-drag-leave="dropMouseLeave"
+            @node-drag-enter="dropMouseOver"
+          >
+            <div class="custom-tree-node" slot-scope="{ node, data }">
+              <span
+                class="text_oneLine"
+                :style="`width:${
+                  (select_node === data.UniqueCode && node.Nodewidth) || ''
+                }`"
+                >{{ currentLang==='zh' ? data.ClassifyName : (data.ClassifyNameEn||data.ClassifyName) }}</span
+              >
+              <div v-if="select_node === data.UniqueCode">
+                <img
+                  src="~@/assets/img/data_m/move_ico.png"
+                  v-if="data.Button.MoveButton"
+                  alt=""
+                  style="width: 14px; height: 14px; margin-right: 5px"
+                  @click.stop="clickClassifyHandle('move', data, node)"
+                />
+                <img
+                  src="~@/assets/img/set_m/add.png"
+                  style="width: 14px; height: 14px; margin-right: 5px"
+                  @click.stop="clickClassifyHandle('add', data, node)"
+                  v-if="data.Button.AddButton&&permissionBtn.isShowBtn('dataSourcePermission','mysteelData_classifyOpt_add')"
+                />
+                <img
+                  src="~@/assets/img/set_m/edit.png"
+                  v-if="data.Button.OpButton&&permissionBtn.isShowBtn('dataSourcePermission','mysteelData_classifyOpt_edit')"
+                  alt=""
+                  style="width: 14px; height: 14px; margin-right: 5px"
+                  @click.stop="clickClassifyHandle('edit', data, node)"
+                />
+                <img
+                  src="~@/assets/img/set_m/del.png"
+                  v-if="data.Button.DeleteButton&&permissionBtn.isShowBtn('dataSourcePermission','mysteelData_classifyOpt_delete')"
+                  alt=""
+                  style="width: 14px; height: 14px"
+                  @click.stop="clickClassifyHandle('del', data, node)"
+                />
+              </div>
+            </div>
+          </el-tree>
+          <div class="add-cont" @click="addClassifyHandle" v-if="permissionBtn.isShowBtn('dataSourcePermission','mysteelData_classifyOpt_add')">
+            <img
+              src="~@/assets/img/set_m/add_ico.png"
+              alt=""
+              style="width: 16px; height: 16px; margin: 10px"
+            />
+            <span><!-- 添加分类 -->{{$t('SteelChemicalPage.add_classify_btn')}}</span>
+          </div>
+        </div>
+      </div>
+      <div
+        class="right-cont minHeight"
+        v-loading="dataloading"
+        :element-loading-text="$t('Table.data_loading')"
+      >
+        <div class="right-header">
+        </div>
+         <el-table
+            :data="tableData"
+            style="box-shadow: 0px 3px 6px rgba(155, 170, 219, 0.2);margin-top: 20px"
+            border
+            ref="table"
+          >
+            <el-table-column
+              v-for="item in tableColums"
+              :key="item.key"
+              :label="item.label"
+              :width="item.widthsty"
+              :min-width="item.minwidthsty"
+              align="center"
+            >
+              <template slot-scope="{row}">
+                <span v-if="item.key==='SecName'" class="editsty" @click="lookDetailHandle(row)">{{row[item.key]}}</span>
+                <span v-else>{{row[item.key]}}</span>
+              </template>
+            </el-table-column>
+            <el-table-column
+              :label="$t('Table.column_operations')"
+              align="center"
+              min-width="200"
+            >
+              <template slot-scope="{row}">
+                <div>
+                  <span 
+                    class="editsty" 
+                    @click="handleEdb({item:row,type:'edit'})"
+                  >{{$t('Table.edit_btn')}}</span>
+                  <span v-if="permissionBtn.isShowBtn('dataSourcePermission','manualDataWrite_add')" class="editsty" @click="handleEdb({item:row,type:'addToBase'})"><!-- 加入指标库 -->{{$t('ManualEntryPage.add_tobase')}}</span>
+                  <span 
+                    v-if="permissionBtn.isShowBtn('dataSourcePermission','manualDataWrite_del')" 
+                    class="deletesty" 
+                    @click="handleEdb({item:row,type:'del'})"
+                  >{{$t('Table.delete_btn')}}</span>
+                </div>
+              </template>
+            </el-table-column>
+            <div class="nodata" slot="empty">
+              <tableNoData :text="$t('Table.prompt_slogan')" size="mini"/>
+            </div>
+          </el-table>
+          <div style="height:35px;margin: 20px 0;">
+            <m-page
+              :page_no="page_no"
+              :pageSize="pageSize"
+              :total="total"
+              @handleCurrentChange="handlePageChange"
+            />
+          </div>
+      </div>
+    </div>
+    <!-- 分类弹窗 -->
+    <m-dialog
+      :show.sync="openClassifyDia"
+      width="700px"
+      :title="classifyForm.title==='添加分类'?$t('SteelChemicalPage.add_classify_btn'):$t('SteelChemicalPage.edit_classify_msg')"
+      @close="openClassifyDia = false"
+    >
+      <div class="dialog-cont">
+        <el-form
+          ref="classifyFormRef"
+          label-position="left"
+          hide-required-asterisk
+          label-width="120px"
+          :model="classifyForm"
+          :rules="classifyFormRules"
+          @close="cancelDialogHandle"
+        >
+          <el-form-item :label="$t('SteelChemicalPage.label_one_level')"  v-if="classifyForm.parent_classify_id">
+            <span>{{ classifyForm.parent_classify_name }}</span>
+          </el-form-item>
+          <el-form-item :label="$t('SteelChemicalPage.label_classify_name')" prop="classify_name">
+            <el-input
+              v-model="classifyForm.classify_name"
+              style="width: 80%"
+              :placeholder="$t('Dialog.require_vaild')"
+            />
+          </el-form-item>
+        </el-form>
+      </div>
+      <div class="dia-bot">
+        <el-button
+          type="primary"
+          style="margin-right: 20px"
+          @click="saveClassifyHandle"
+          ><!-- 保存 -->{{$t('Dialog.confirm_save_btn')}}</el-button
+        >
+        <el-button type="primary" plain @click="cancelDialogHandle"
+          ><!-- 取消 -->{{$t('Dialog.cancel_btn')}}</el-button
+        >
+      </div>
+    </m-dialog>
+    <!-- 指标弹窗 -->
+    <target-dialog
+      :isOpenDialog.sync="addTargetDialog"
+      :classifyList="classifyList"
+      :edbForm="edbForm"
+      @successCallback="addSuccessCallback"
+    />
+    <!-- 批量添加指标弹窗 -->
+    <batch-add-edb-dia :isOpenDialog.sync="batchAddDiaShow" 
+    :classifyList="classifyList" 
+    @successCallback="addSuccessCallback"/>
+    <!-- 批量添加至指标库弹窗 -->
+    <batchAddIndicsDia 
+        :isOpenDialog="isBatchAddIndicsDiaShow"
+        @close="isBatchAddIndicsDiaShow=false"
+    />
+    <!-- 单个添加至指标库弹窗 -->
+    <addIndicsDia 
+        :isOpenDialog="isAddIndicsDiaShow"
+        :edbData="currentIndicData"
+        @close="isAddIndicsDiaShow=false;"
+        @addCallback="isAddIndicsDiaShow=false;"
+    />
+  </div>
+import { zhuochuangRedStageInterface } from "@/api/modules/thirdBaseApi";
+import mDialog from "@/components/mDialog.vue";
+export default {
+  name: "",
+  components: { mDialog, },
+  computed: {
+    exportGlapi() {
+      // 数据导出接口
+      let urlStr = this.exportBase;
+      // token
+      urlStr += `?${localStorage.getItem("auth") || ""}`;
+      // 指标名称参数
+      urlStr += `&ClassifyId=${this.selectClassify}`;
+      return this.escapeStr(urlStr);
+    },
+    currentLang() {
+      return this.$store.state.lang
+    },
+    tableColums() {
+      return [
+        {  label: this.$t('Edb.Detail.e_id'),key: 'IndexCode' },
+        {  label: this.$t('Edb.Detail.e_name'),key: 'IndexName',minwidthsty:'150px' },
+        {  label: this.$t('Edb.Detail.e_fre'),key: 'Frequency',widthsty:'100px' },
+        {  label: this.$t('Edb.Detail.e_unit'),key: 'Unit', },
+        {  label: this.$t('Edb.Detail.e_update_time'),key: 'ModifyTime', },
+      ]
+    },
+  },
+  data() {
+    return {
+      isLeftWrapShow:true,
+      dataloading: false,
+      exportBase:
+        process.env.VUE_APP_API_ROOT +
+        "/datamanage/mysteel_chemical/export/dataList", //数据导出接口
+      selectClassify:0,
+      leftSearchVal: "",
+      classifyList: [],
+      dynamicNode: null,
+      defaultShowNodes: [], //展开节点
+      selectEdb: 0,
+      tableData: [],
+      total:0,
+      page_size: 10,
+      page_no: 1,
+      index_code: "", //添加指标后的code,无论是否加载出来,无论是否加载成功
+      select_node: "",
+      /* 分类弹窗 */
+      openClassifyDia: false,
+      classifyForm: {
+        title: "添加分类",
+        classify_name: "",
+        parent_classify_name: "",
+        parent_classify_id: "",
+      },
+      classifyFormRules: {
+        classify_name: [
+          { required: true, message: /* "分类名称不能为空"  */this.$t('Edb.InputHolderAll.input_common',{label: this.$t('SteelChemicalPage.label_classify_name')}), trigger: "blur" },
+        ],
+      },
+      addTargetDialog: false, //指标弹窗
+      edbForm: {},
+      //批量添加指标弹窗
+      batchAddDiaShow:false,
+      isBatchAddIndicsDiaShow:false, //批量添加至指标库弹窗
+      isAddIndicsDiaShow:false,//单个添加至指标库弹窗
+      currentIndicData:{},//当前选中指标
+    };
+  },
+  mounted() {
+    this.getClassify();
+    this.getEdbList();
+  },
+  methods: {
+    /* 获取分类 */
+    getClassify(params = null) {
+      zhuochuangRedStageInterface.classifyList().then((res) => {
+        if (res.Ret !== 200) return;
+        this.classifyList = res.Data || [];
+        this.$nextTick(() => {
+          /* 处理树展开和选中 */
+          params && this.selectCurrentNode(params);
+          !params &&
+            this.select_node &&
+            this.$refs.treeRef.setCurrentKey(this.select_node);
+        });
+      });
+    },
+    //指标懒加载
+    async getLazyTreeData(node,resolve){
+      let arr=[]
+      if(node.level===2){
+        const res=await zhuochuangRedStageInterface.edbListForClassify({
+        })
+        if(res.Ret===200){
+          const temarr=res.Data||[]
+            return {
+              ...item,
+              isLeaf:true
+            }
+          })
+        }
+      }else{
+      }
+      resolve(arr)
+    },
+    /* 获取数据 */
+    async getEdbList() {
+      const res = await zhuochuangRedStageInterface.getEdbList({
+        PageSize: this.page_size,
+        CurrentIndex: this.page_no
+      })
+      if(res.Ret !== 200) return 
+      this.tableData =res.Data.List||[]
+    },
+    handlePageChange(page) {
+      this.page_no = page;
+      this.getEdbList()
+    },
+    lookDetailHandle() {
+    },
+    /* 改变节点 */
+    nodeChangeHandle(data, node) {
+      if (this.dataloading)
+        return this.$message(this.$t('MsgPrompt.request_frequency'));
+      this.dynamicNode = node;
+      this.select_node = data.UniqueCode;
+      this.selectClassify = data.ClassifyId;
+      this.selectEdb = data.BaseFromSciHqIndexId;
+      this.index_code = data.IndexCode
+      this.rightShow = false;
+      this.leftSearchVal = "";
+      this.resetNodeStyle(node);
+    },
+    /* 钢联数据导出 */
+    exportClick() {
+      this.btnload = true;
+      const link = document.createElement("a");
+      link.href = this.exportGlapi;
+ = "";
+      setTimeout(() => {
+        this.btnload = false;
+      }, 5000);
+    },
+    //左侧搜索
+    async handleLeftSearch(query, cb) {
+      cb([]);
+      if (!query) return;
+      const res = await zhuochuangRedStageInterface.searchEdb({
+        Keyword: query,
+      });
+      if (res.Ret === 200) {
+        let arr = res.Data || [];
+        if (!arr.length) {
+          cb([{ nodata: true }]);
+        } else {
+          cb(arr);
+        }
+      }
+    },
+    // 选中左侧搜索值
+    handleSelectLeftSearchval(e) {
+      if (!e.IndexCode) return;
+      this.leftSearchVal = e.IndexName;
+      // 父级
+      let selectClassifyNodes=[`${e.ParentClassifyId}`,`${e.ClassifyId}`]
+      this.getClassify({ code: e.UniqueCode, id: e.Id ,selectClassifyNodes});
+    },
+    /* 编辑分类 */
+    async editClassifyHandle(
+      {
+        ClassifyId,
+        ClassifyName,
+        ClassifyNameEn,
+        ParentId,
+        BaseFromSciHqIndexId,
+      },
+      node
+    ) {
+      if (node.level === 3) {
+        // 指标
+        let { Data } = await zhuochuangRedStageInterface.edbDetail({
+          BaseFromSciHqIndexId,
+        });
+        this.edbForm = {
+          selectEdb: Data.BaseFromSciHqIndexId,
+          classify_id: Data.ClassifyId,
+          from_edb_code: Data.IndexCode,
+          frequency: Data.UpdateWeek,
+          update_time: Data.UpdateTime ? Data.UpdateTime.split(",") : [],
+        };
+        this.addTargetDialog = true;
+      } else {
+        //分类
+        this.openClassifyDia = true;
+        this.classifyForm = {
+          title: "编辑分类",
+          classify_name: this.currentLang==='zh' ? ClassifyName : ClassifyNameEn,
+          classify_id: ClassifyId,
+          parent_classify_name:
+            node.level === 2 ? (this.currentLang==='zh'? : "",
+          parent_classify_id: node.level === 2 ? ParentId : "",
+        };
+      }
+    },
+    /* 删除分类 */
+    delClassifyHandle(
+      { ClassifyId, BaseFromSciHqIndexId },
+      node
+    ) {
+      this.$confirm(
+        `${
+          node.level === 3
+            ? this.$t('SteelChemicalPage.del_edb_msg')
+            : this.$t('SteelChemicalPage.del_classify_edb_msg')
+        }`,
+        this.$t('Dialog.warn_tit'),
+        {
+          type: "warning",
+        }
+      )
+        .then(async () => {
+          let res =
+            node.level === 3
+              ? await zhuochuangRedStageInterface.edbDel({ BaseFromSciHqIndexId })
+              : await zhuochuangRedStageInterface.classifyDel({
+                  ClassifyId,
+                });
+          if (res.Ret !== 200) return;
+          this.$message.success(/* "删除成功" */this.$t('MsgPrompt.delete_msg'));
+          this.getClassify();
+        })
+        .catch(() => {});
+    },
+    clickClassifyHandle(key, item, node) {
+      const handleMap = {
+        add: this.addClassifyHandle,
+        edit: this.editClassifyHandle,
+        del: this.delClassifyHandle,
+      };
+      handleMap[key] && handleMap[key](item, node);
+    },
+    /* 添加分类 */
+    addClassifyHandle(item = null) {
+      this.openClassifyDia = true;
+      this.classifyForm = item
+        ? {
+            title: "添加分类",
+            classify_name: "",
+            parent_classify_name: this.currentLang==='zh' ? item.ClassifyName : item.ClassifyNameEn,
+            parent_classify_id: item.ClassifyId,
+          }
+        : {
+            title: "添加分类",
+            classify_name: "",
+          };
+    },
+    cancelDialogHandle() {
+      this.$refs.classifyFormRef.clearValidate();
+      this.classifyForm.classify_name = "";
+      this.openClassifyDia = false;
+    },
+    /* 保存分类 */
+    async saveClassifyHandle() {
+      await this.$refs.classifyFormRef.validate();
+      let params = {
+        ClassifyName: this.classifyForm.classify_name,
+        ParentId: this.classifyForm.parent_classify_id,
+        Level: this.classifyForm.parent_classify_id ? 1 : 0,
+      };
+      const res = this.classifyForm.classify_id
+        ? await zhuochuangRedStageInterface.classifyEdit({
+            ...params,
+            ClassifyId: this.classifyForm.classify_id,
+          })
+        : await zhuochuangRedStageInterface.classifyAdd(params);
+      if (res.Ret !== 200) return;
+      this.$message.success(/* "保存成功" */this.$t('MsgPrompt.saved_msg'));
+      this.getClassify();
+      this.openClassifyDia = false;
+    },
+    handleAddToLib(data){
+        //添加前校验 ID是否已存在指标库中
+        //打开弹窗
+        this.currentIndicData = data
+        this.isAddIndicsDiaShow = true
+    },
+    addToLibCallback(){
+        //添加成功回调 
+        this.isAddIndicsDiaShow = false
+    },
+    /* 添加后回调 */
+    addSuccessCallback({ code, id,selectClassifyNodes,indexCode }) {
+      indexCode && (this.index_code = indexCode)
+      this.getClassify({ code, id,selectClassifyNodes });
+    },
+    // 对[# ;]转义
+    escapeStr(str) {
+      return str.replace(/#/g, escape("#")).replace(/;/g, escape(";"));
+    },
+  },
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+  display: flex;
+  flex-direction: column;
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+          right:0;
+      }
+      &.slide-right{
+          left: 0;
+      }
+  }
+  .header,.left-cont,.right-cont {
+    padding: 20px;
+    background: #fff;
+    border: 1px solid #C8CDD9;
+    border-radius: 4px;
+  }
+  .header {
+    margin-bottom: 20px;
+    display: flex;
+    justify-content: space-between;
+    align-items: center;
+  }
+  .main {
+    display: flex;
+    flex: 1;
+    .left-cont {
+      min-width: 340px;
+      width: 340px;
+      flex-shrink: 0;
+      margin-right: 20px;
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+        padding: 0 20px;
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+      .scroll-wrap {
+        padding: 0 20px;
+        height: calc(100vh - 320px);
+        overflow-y: auto;
+        margin-right: 20px;
+      }
+      .target_tree {
+        color: #333;
+        .label-input .el-input__inner {
+          height: 25px;
+          line-height: 25px;
+        }
+        .custom-tree-node {
+          display: flex !important;
+          justify-content: space-between;
+          align-items: center;
+          display: block;
+          flex: 1;
+          .node_label {
+            margin-right: 2px;
+          }
+          .el-icon-view {
+            color: #409eff;
+            font-size: 18px;
+            margin-left: 5px;
+          }
+        }
+      }
+      .add-cont {
+        margin: 50px 0 20px;
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