@@ -1,1059 +0,0 @@
- <div id="addreport">
- <div
- id="leftfroala"
- :class="{'full':!isRightFormShow,'block':isRightFormShow}"
- v-loading="importChartNum>0"
- :element-loading-text="$t('ReportManage.ReportList.chart_insertion_progress')"
- element-loading-spinner="el-icon-loading"
- element-loading-background="rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8)"
- >
- <froala
- id="froala-editor"
- ref="froalaEditor"
- :tag="'textarea'"
- :config="CNEditorConfig"
- v-model="aeForm.content"
- ></froala>
- </div>
- <div id="rightitems" v-show="isRightFormShow">
- <!-- 通过接口判断是否走审批流,按钮显示的不一致,干脆判断完成再显示所有按钮-->
- <div v-if="!pageLoading"
- style="
- text-align: right;
- padding: 0px 0 15px 0;
- box-sizing: border-box;
- "
- >
- <div v-show="lastsavetime" style="color: #666; margin-bottom: 15px">
- {{$t('ReportManage.ReportList.last_save_time')}}:{{ lastsavetime }}
- </div>
- <el-button
- type="primary"
- size="medium"
- plain
- @click.native="refreshReport"
- >
- {{$t('ReportManage.ReportList.click_refresh_btn')}}
- </el-button>
- <el-button v-permission="permissionBtn.reportManageBtn.reportManage_reportView"
- type="primary"
- size="medium"
- plain
- @click.native="clickreportadd('yl')"
- >{{$t('ReportManage.ReportList.preview_btn')}}</el-button
- >
- <el-button
- type="primary"
- size="medium"
- plain
- @click.native="clickreportadd('cg')"
- >{{$t('ReportManage.ReportList.save_draft_btn')}}</el-button
- >
- <!--不走审批流-->
- <template v-if="!isApprove||!hasApproveFlow">
- <el-button v-permission="permissionBtn.reportManageBtn.reportManage_publish"
- type="primary"
- size="medium"
- :disabled="checkLoading"
- @click.native="clickreportadd('dsfb')"
- >{{$t('ReportManage.ReportList.scheduled_publish_btn')}}</el-button
- >
- <el-button v-permission="permissionBtn.reportManageBtn.reportManage_publish"
- type="primary"
- size="medium"
- :disabled="checkLoading"
- @click.native="clickreportadd('fb')"
- :loading="isPublishloading"
- >{{$t('ReportManage.ReportList.publish_btn')}}</el-button
- >
- </template>
- <template v-if="isApprove&&hasApproveFlow">
- <el-button v-permission="permissionBtn.reportManageBtn.reportManage_publish"
- :disabled="checkLoading"
- type="primary" size="medium" @click="clickreportadd('submit')">{{$t('ReportManage.ReportList.submission_btn')}}</el-button>
- </template>
- </div>
- <div
- style="
- margin: 0px 0 0 20px;
- padding: 10px 20px;
- box-sizing: border-box;
- background: #fff;
- border: 1px solid #3464e0;
- "
- >
- <el-tabs v-model="tabsactive">
- <el-tab-pane :label="tab.label" :name="tab.key" v-for="tab in panelTabs" :key="tab.key"></el-tab-pane>
- </el-tabs>
- <div
- v-if="tabsactive == '基础信息'"
- style="height: calc(100vh - 280px); overflow-y: auto"
- >
- <el-form
- :model="aeForm"
- :rules="aerules"
- ref="aeForm"
- label-position="right"
- label-width="90px"
- class="demo-aeForm"
- id="login-container"
- @submit.native.prevent
- >
- <el-form-item prop="add_type" :label="$t('ReportManage.ReportList.new_method_btn')">
- <el-select
- v-model="aeForm.add_type"
- @change="userclassidreportdetail"
- :placeholder="$t('ReportManage.CategoryList.please_select')"
- size="medium"
- style="width: 270px"
- >
- <el-option :label="$t('ReportManage.ReportList.new_report_radio')" :value="1"></el-option>
- <el-option :label="$t('ReportManage.ReportList.inherit_report_radio')" :value="2"></el-option>
- </el-select>
- </el-form-item>
- <el-form-item prop="classifynameArr" :label="$t('ReportManage.ReportList.classificiation_selest')">
- <el-cascader
- @change="userclassidreportdetail"
- ref="cascader"
- :options="optionsArr"
- v-model="aeForm.classifynameArr"
- :placeholder="$t('ReportManage.smart_type_filtering')"
- size="medium"
- style="width: 270px"
- ></el-cascader>
- </el-form-item>
- <el-form-item prop="title" :label="$t('ReportManage.ReportList.title_ipt')">
- <el-input
- type="textarea"
- :rows="2"
- :placeholder="$t('ReportManage.CategoryList.please_input')"
- v-model="aeForm.title"
- size="medium"
- ></el-input>
- </el-form-item>
- <el-form-item :label="$t('ReportManage.ReportList.abstract_ipt')">
- <el-input
- type="textarea"
- :rows="2"
- :placeholder="$t('ReportManage.CategoryList.please_input')"
- v-model="aeForm.abstract"
- size="medium"
- ></el-input>
- </el-form-item>
- <el-form-item :label="$t('ReportManage.ReportList.author_select')">
- <el-select
- v-model="aeForm.author"
- multiple
- :placeholder="$t('ReportManage.CategoryList.please_select')"
- size="medium"
- style="width: 270px"
- >
- <el-option
- v-for="(item, i) in authorlist"
- :key="i"
- :label="item.ReportAuthor"
- :value="item.ReportAuthor"
- ></el-option>
- </el-select>
- </el-form-item>
- <el-form-item :label="$t('ReportManage.ReportList.frequency_select')">
- <el-select
- v-model="aeForm.frequency"
- :placeholder="$t('ReportManage.CategoryList.please_select')"
- size="medium"
- style="width: 270px"
- >
- <el-option :label="$t('ReportManage.smart_annually')" value="年度"></el-option>
- <el-option :label="$t('ReportManage.smart_semi_annually')" value="半年度"></el-option>
- <el-option :label="$t('ReportManage.smart_quarterly')" value="季度"></el-option>
- <el-option :label="$t('ReportManage.smart_monthly')" value="月度"></el-option>
- <el-option :label="$t('ReportManage.smart_bi_weekly')" value="双周度"></el-option>
- <el-option :label="$t('ReportManage.smart_weekly')" value="周度"></el-option>
- <el-option :label="$t('ReportManage.smart_daily')" value="日度"></el-option>
- <el-option :label="$t('ReportManage.smart_irregularly')" value="不定时"></el-option>
- </el-select>
- </el-form-item>
- <el-form-item :label="$t('ReportManage.ReportList.creation_time_select')">
- <el-date-picker
- v-model="aeForm.create_time"
- type="date"
- value-format="yyyy-MM-dd"
- :placeholder="$t('ReportManage.ReportList.select_date')"
- size="medium"
- :clearable="false"
- style="width: 270px"
- ></el-date-picker>
- </el-form-item>
- </el-form>
- </div>
- <div v-if="tabsactive == '图表插入'">
- <el-input
- :placeholder="$t('ReportManage.ReportList.chart_name')"
- v-model="key_word"
- size="medium"
- prefix-icon="el-icon-search"
- @input="() => {search_page=1;$refs.chartListRef.scrollTop = 0;getreportlist(key_word)}"
- >
- </el-input>
- <el-radio-group v-model="chart_source" @change="() => {search_page=1;$refs.chartListRef.scrollTop = 0;getreportlist()}" style="margin-top: 10px;">
- <el-radio :label="1">{{$t('ReportManage.ReportList.chart_inventory_radio')}}</el-radio>
- <el-radio :label="2">{{$t('ReportManage.ReportList.price_curve_radio')}}</el-radio>
- <el-radio :label="3">{{$t('ReportManage.ReportList.related_charts_radio')}}</el-radio>
- <el-radio :label="6">{{$t('ReportManage.ReportList.curve_fitting_radio')}}</el-radio>
- <el-radio :label="7">{{$t('ReportManage.ReportList.statistical_feature_radio')}}</el-radio>
- <el-radio :label="10">{{$t('ReportManage.ReportList.intercommodity_analysis_radio')}}</el-radio>
- </el-radio-group>
- <div style="margin: 10px 0">
- <el-checkbox v-model="isShowMe" @change="() => {search_page=1;$refs.chartListRef.scrollTop = 0;getreportlist(key_word)}">{{$t('ReportManage.ReportList.just_mine_radio')}}</el-checkbox>
- </div>
- <div
- id="reportwin"
- ref="chartListRef"
- style="
- height: calc(100vh - 370px);
- overflow-x: hidden;
- overflow-y: auto;
- "
- v-infinite-scroll="loadReportHandle"
- :infinite-scroll-immediate="false"
- >
- <template v-if="newreportlist.length">
- <div
- v-for="(item, index) in newreportlist"
- :key="item.ChartInfoId"
- :style="item.Disabled && 'cursor: not-allowed;'"
- class="liststy"
- >
- <p class="color_primary">{{ item.ChartName }}</p>
- <img
- :src="!item.HaveOperaAuth?$icons.lock_big:item.ChartImage"
- :id="'listnode' + index"
- @click="insertHtml(item)"
- />
- </div>
- </template>
- <tableNoData :text="$t('ReportManage.ReportList.no_chart_table_available')" size="mini" v-else/>
- </div>
- </div>
- <div v-if="tabsactive == '沙盘插入'">
- <el-input
- :placeholder="$t('ReportManage.ReportList.no_reports_msg')"
- v-model="sandTabelQuery.Keyword"
- size="medium"
- prefix-icon="el-icon-search"
- >
- </el-input>
- <div
- id="sandTable-container"
- ref="sandTable"
- style="
- height: calc(100vh - 370px);
- overflow-x: hidden;
- overflow-y: auto;
- "
- @scroll="sandTableHandleScroll"
- >
- <template v-if="sandTableList.length">
- <div
- v-for="(item, index) in sandTableList"
- :key="item.SandboxId"
- class="liststy"
- >
- <p class="color_primary">{{ item.Name }}</p>
- <img
- :src="item.PicUrl"
- :id="'sandTable' + index"
- @click="insertHtml(item,'image')"
- />
- <!-- <p class="source-identification">来源:弘则研究</p> -->
- </div>
- </template>
- <tableNoData :text="$t('Table.prompt_slogan')" size="mini" v-else/>
- </div>
- </div>
- <div v-if="tabsactive == '表格插入'">
- <el-input
- :placeholder="$t('ReportManage.ReportList.table_name_tabs')"
- v-model="sheetSearchObj.Keyword"
- size="medium"
- prefix-icon="el-icon-search"
- @input="getSheetList"
- >
- </el-input>
- <div
- style="
- height: calc(100vh - 370px);
- overflow-x: hidden;
- overflow-y: auto;
- "
- >
- <template v-if="sheetSearchList.length">
- <div
- v-for="item in sheetSearchList"
- :key="item.ExcelInfoId"
- class="liststy"
- >
- <p class="color_primary">{{ item.ExcelName }}</p>
- <img
- :src="!item.HaveOperaAuth?$icons.lock_big:item.ExcelImage"
- :id="'sheet' + item.ExcelInfoId"
- style="object-fit: contain;height: 250px;"
- @click="insertHtml(item,'sheet')"
- />
- </div>
- </template>
- <tableNoData :text="$t('Table.prompt_slogan')" size="mini" v-else/>
- </div>
- </div>
- <div v-if="tabsactive == 'MyETA批量插入'">
- <importMyChart @handleImportMyChart="handleImportMyChart"/>
- </div>
- <div v-if="tabsactive == '语义分析插入'">
- <importSemantics @handleImportSemantic="(item)=>insertHtml(item,'image')"/>
- </div>
- </div>
- </div>
- <span
- class="slide-icon slide-btn-icon"
- :class="{'slide-left':!isRightFormShow,'slide-right':isRightFormShow}"
- @click="isRightFormShow = !isRightFormShow"
- >
- <i :class="{'el-icon-d-arrow-left':!isRightFormShow,'el-icon-d-arrow-right':isRightFormShow}"></i>
- </span>
- <!-- 定时发布弹窗 -->
- <el-dialog
- v-dialogDrag
- :append-to-body="true"
- :visible.sync="showDSFB"
- width="500px"
- :title="$t('ReportManage.ReportList.scheduled_publish_btn')"
- >
- <div>
- <div>
- <span>{{$t('ReportManage.ReportList.publish_time')}}</span>
- <el-date-picker
- v-model="taskTime"
- type="datetime"
- :placeholder="$t('ReportManage.ReportList.select_date_and_time')"
- value-format="yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm"
- :picker-options="timePickerOpt"
- />
- </div>
- <p style="margin:15px 0">{{$t('ReportManage.ReportList.the_report_will_be_posted_on_time')}}</p>
- <div style="text-align:right;margin:20px 0">
- <el-button type="primary" plain @click="showDSFB=false">{{$t('Dialog.cancel_btn')}}</el-button>
- <el-button type="primary" @click="handleSetReportPrepublish">{{$t('Dialog.confirm_btn')}}</el-button>
- </div>
- </div>
- </el-dialog>
- </div>
-import {
- autosave,
- reportadd,
- reportedit,
- classifylist,
- classifyIdDetail,
- reportpublish,
- reportauthor,
- getDraft,
- dataBaseInterface,
- sandInterface,
- reportSetPrepublish,
- departInterence
-} from '@/api/api.js';
-import http from '@/api/http.js';
-import VueFroala from 'vue-froala-wysiwyg';
-import urlSlug from 'url-slug';
-import mixinMsg from './mixins/messagePush'
-import reportMixin from './mixins/reportMixin';
-import reportApproveConfig from "@/mixins/reportApproveConfig.js"
-import importMyChart from './components/importMyChart.vue'
-import importSemantics from './components/importSemantics.vue';
-export default {
- mixins:[mixinMsg,reportMixin,reportApproveConfig],
- data() {
- var that = this;
- return {
- //批量导入图表
- importChartNum:0,//批量导入图表的数量 如果大于0则说明在加载
- tabsactive: '基础信息',
- optionsArr: [],
- key_word: '',
- // 沙盘插入 ----------start
- sandTabelQuery:{
- PageSize: 13,
- CurrentIndex: 1,
- Keyword: '',
- }, // 沙盘图查询参数
- sandTableLoading:false,
- sandTableTotal:0,//沙盘总共条数
- sandTableList:[],
- isRequesting:false,
- loadedText:'', // 全部加载完的文字提示
- // 沙盘插入 ------------- end
- originreportlist: [],
- newreportlist: [], //图表列表
- authorlist: [],
- aeForm: {
- add_type: 1,
- classify_name: 1,
- classifynameArr: [],
- title: '',
- abstract: '',
- author: ['投研团队'],
- frequency: '日度',
- create_time: http.dateFormatter(new Date(), false).replace(/\./g,'-'),
- content: '',
- },
- aerules: {
- add_type: [
- {
- required: true,
- message: '',
- trigger: 'blur',
- },
- ],
- classifynameArr: [
- {
- required: true,
- message: '',
- trigger: 'blur',
- },
- ],
- title: [
- {
- required: true,
- message: '请输入',
- trigger: 'blur',
- },
- ],
- },
- lastEditRange: null,
- report_draft_id: 0,
- waterMarkStr:''
- };
- },
- mounted() {
- this.getclassifylist();
- this.getreportlist('');
- this.getreportauthor();
- this.getSandTable();
- this.getSheetList();
- this.getSystemUserInfo()
- this.timer = setInterval(() => {
- this.autoSave();
- }, 6000);
- window.addEventListener('message',this.reInitIframe)
- },
- destroyed() {
- window.removeEventListener('message',this.reInitIframe)
- if (this.timer) {
- clearInterval(this.timer);
- }
- },
- updated() {
- $('#leftfroala').find('p').css({ fontSize: '16px',width:'100%' });
- $('#leftfroala').find('p strong span').css({ fontSize: '16px' });
- $('#leftfroala')
- .find('.fr-placeholder')
- .css({ fontSize: '16px', lineHeight: '25.6px' });
- },
- methods: {
- // 每十秒自动保存
- autoSave() {
- console.log(this.ischange,this.autoSaveFlag);
- if (this.report_draft_id&&this.autoSaveFlag) {
- //如果富文本中有未上传完成的图片,去除这个dom
- $('.fr-element').find('img.fr-uploading').length&&$('.fr-element').find('img.fr-uploading').remove()
- autosave({
- ReportId: Number(this.report_draft_id),
- Content: $('.fr-element').html(),
- NoChange:this.ischange?0:1
- }).then((res) => {
- if (res.Ret === 200) {
- this.report_id = res.Data.ReportId;
- this.lastsavetime = http.dateFormatter(new Date(), true);
- }
- });
- this.ischange = false;
- }
- },
- getDrafts() {
- getDraft({}).then((res) => {
- if (res.Ret == 200) {
- this.report_draft_id = res.Data.Id;
- this.aeForm = {
- classifynameArr:
- res.Data.ClassifyIdSecond && res.Data.ClassifyNameSecond
- ? [
- JSON.stringify({
- l: res.Data.ClassifyNameFirst,
- v: parseInt(res.Data.ClassifyIdFirst),
- }),
- JSON.stringify({
- l: res.Data.ClassifyNameSecond,
- v: parseInt(res.Data.ClassifyIdSecond),
- }),
- ]
- : [
- JSON.stringify({
- l: res.Data.ClassifyNameFirst,
- v: parseInt(res.Data.ClassifyIdFirst),
- }),
- ],
- title: res.Data.Title,
- abstract: res.Data.Abstract,
- author: res.Data.Author ? res.Data.Author.split(',') : '',
- frequency: res.Data.Frequency,
- content: res.Data.Content,
- };
- let classify = this.aeForm.classifynameArr.map(i=>{
- return JSON.parse(i).v||0
- })
- this.checkClassifyNameArr(1,classify)
- }
- });
- },
- getreportauthor() {
- reportauthor({}).then((res) => {
- if (res.Ret == 200) {
- this.authorlist = res.Data.List || [];
- }
- });
- },
- userclassidreportdetail() {
- //检查classifynameArr是否有审批流
- let classify = this.aeForm.classifynameArr.map(i=>{
- return JSON.parse(i).v||0
- })
- this.checkClassifyNameArr(1,classify)
- if (this.aeForm.add_type == 1) {
- if (this.aeForm.classifynameArr.length == 2) {
- this.aeForm.title = JSON.parse(this.aeForm.classifynameArr[1]).l;
- }
- return false;
- }
- if (this.aeForm.classifynameArr.length == 0) {
- return false;
- }
- let params = {
- ClassifyIdFirst: JSON.parse(this.aeForm.classifynameArr[0]).v,
- };
- if (this.aeForm.classifynameArr.length == 2) {
- params.ClassifyIdSecond = JSON.parse(
- this.aeForm.classifynameArr[1]
- ).v;
- } else {
- params.ClassifyIdSecond = 0;
- }
- classifyIdDetail(params).then((res) => {
- if (res.Ret == 200) {
- if (res.Data == null) {
- this.$message.error(this.$t('ReportManage.ReportList.no_reports_msg'));
- return false;
- }
- let obj=JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.aeForm.classifynameArr))
- this.aeForm = {
- add_type: 2,
- classify_name: 1,
- classifynameArr:obj,
- title: res.Data.Title,
- abstract: res.Data.Abstract,
- author: res.Data.Author ? res.Data.Author.split(',') : '',
- frequency: res.Data.Frequency,
- create_time:
- this.aeForm.add_type == 2
- ? http.dateFormatter(new Date(), false)
- : res.Data.CreateTime,
- content: res.Data.Content,
- };
- }
- });
- },
- clickreportadd(tp) {
- console.log(this.aeForm.classifynameArr);
- if (
- !this.aeForm.classifynameArr ||
- this.aeForm.classifynameArr.length == 0
- ) {
- this.$message.error(this.$t('ReportManage.ReportList.please_select_category'));
- return false;
- }
- if (!this.aeForm.title) {
- this.$message.error(this.$t('ReportManage.ReportList.input_title_please'));
- return false;
- }
- if(!this.autoSaveFlag){
- this.$message.error(this.$t('ReportManage.smart_msg.img_wait'))
- return false
- }
- //如果富文本中有未上传完成的图片,去除这个dom
- $('.fr-element').find('img.fr-uploading').length&&$('.fr-element').find('img.fr-uploading').remove()
- let params = {
- AddType: this.aeForm.add_type,
- ClassifyIdFirst: JSON.parse(this.aeForm.classifynameArr[0]).v,
- ClassifyNameFirst: JSON.parse(this.aeForm.classifynameArr[0]).l,
- Title: this.aeForm.title,
- Abstract: this.aeForm.abstract,
- Author:
- this.aeForm.author.length > 0
- ? this.aeForm.author.join(',')
- : '',
- Frequency: this.aeForm.frequency,
- // content:this.aeForm.content,create_time:this.aeForm.create_time
- Content: $('.fr-element').html(),
- CreateTime: this.aeForm.create_time,
- ReportVersion: 2
- };
- if (this.aeForm.classifynameArr.length == 2) {
- params.ClassifyIdSecond = JSON.parse(
- this.aeForm.classifynameArr[1]
- ).v;
- params.ClassifyNameSecond = JSON.parse(
- this.aeForm.classifynameArr[1]
- ).l;
- }
- params.State = 1;
- if (tp == 'yl') {
- sessionStorage.setItem('reportdtl', JSON.stringify(params));
- let { href } = this.$router.resolve({ name: '预览报告' });
- window.open(href, '_blank');
- return false;
- }
- if (tp == 'fb'||tp == 'submit') {
- this.isPublishloading = true;
- }
- const isPost = this.permissionBtn.checkPermissionBtn(this.permissionBtn.reportManageBtn.reportManage_sendMsg)&&(!this.isApprove)
- // 如果已经添加过就修改 否则新增
- if (this.isAddEnter) {
- let params2 = {
- ReportId: Number(this.report_draft_id),
- State: 1,
- AddType: this.aeForm.add_type,
- ClassifyIdFirst: JSON.parse(this.aeForm.classifynameArr[0]).v,
- ClassifyNameFirst: JSON.parse(this.aeForm.classifynameArr[0]).l,
- Title: this.aeForm.title,
- Abstract: this.aeForm.abstract,
- Author:
- this.aeForm.author.length > 0
- ? this.aeForm.author.join(',')
- : '',
- Frequency: this.aeForm.frequency,
- // content:this.aeForm.content,
- Content: $('.fr-element').html(),
- CreateTime: this.aeForm.create_time,
- };
- if (this.aeForm.classifynameArr.length == 2) {
- params2.ClassifyIdSecond = JSON.parse(
- this.aeForm.classifynameArr[1]
- ).v;
- params2.ClassifyNameSecond = JSON.parse(
- this.aeForm.classifynameArr[1]
- ).l;
- }
- if(tp=='fb') {
- const hasTel=this.aeForm.classifynameArr.length == 2?JSON.parse(this.aeForm.classifynameArr[1]).HasTeleconference:JSON.parse(this.aeForm.classifynameArr[0]).HasTeleconference
- if(hasTel==1){
- this.isMessagePost = false;
- this.reporteditMsg(params2,tp)
- }else if(isPost){
- this.$confirm(this.$t('ReportManage.smart_msg.publishing_messages'), this.$t('ReportManage.smart_release_prompt_btn'), {
- confirmButtonText: this.$t('ReportManage.smart_btn.push'),
- cancelButtonText: this.$t('ReportManage.smart_btn.not_push'),
- type: 'warning',
- distinguishCancelAndClose:true,
- beforeClose:(action, instance,done)=>{
- if(action=='close') {
- //右上角
- this.isPublishloading = false;
- } else if(action=='cancel') {
- //cancelButton
- this.isMessagePost = false;
- this.reporteditMsg(params2,tp)
- }else {
- //confirmButton
- this.isMessagePost = true;
- this.reporteditMsg(params2,tp)
- }
- done()
- }
- })
- }else{
- this.isMessagePost = false;
- this.reporteditMsg(params2,tp)
- }
- }else {
- this.reporteditMsg(params2,tp)
- }
- } else {
- if(tp=='fb') {
- const hasTel=this.aeForm.classifynameArr.length == 2?JSON.parse(this.aeForm.classifynameArr[1]).HasTeleconference:JSON.parse(this.aeForm.classifynameArr[0]).HasTeleconference
- if(hasTel==1){
- this.isMessagePost = false;
- this.reportaddMsg(params,tp)
- }else if(isPost){
- this.$confirm(this.$t('ReportManage.smart_msg.publishing_messages'), this.$t('ReportManage.smart_release_prompt_btn'), {
- confirmButtonText: this.$t('ReportManage.smart_btn.push'),
- cancelButtonText: this.$t('ReportManage.smart_btn.not_push'),
- type: 'warning',
- distinguishCancelAndClose:true,
- beforeClose:(action, instance,done)=>{
- console.log(action, instance);
- if(action==='close') {
- //右上角
- this.isPublishloading = false;
- } else if(action==='cancel') {
- //cancelButton
- this.isMessagePost = false;
- this.reportaddMsg(params,tp)
- }else {
- //confirmButton
- this.isMessagePost = true;
- this.reportaddMsg(params,tp)
- }
- done()
- }
- })
- }else{
- this.isMessagePost = false;
- this.reportaddMsg(params,tp)
- }
- }else {
- this.reportaddMsg(params,tp)
- }
- }
- },
- publishreport(id,code) {
- //发布报告
- reportpublish({ ReportIds: String(id) ,ReportUrl:this.generatePdfLinks(code)}).then((res) => {
- if (res.Ret == 200) {
- this.isPublishloading = false;
- this.$router.push({ path: '/reportlist' });
- }
- });
- },
- generatePdfLinks(Code){
- const baseUrl= localStorage.getItem('dynamicOutLinks') ? JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('dynamicOutLinks')).ReportViewUrl : '';
- return `${baseUrl}/reportshare_pdf?code=${Code}&flag=${this.waterMarkStr}`
- },
- // 定时发布报告
- handleSetReportPrepublish(){
- if(!this.taskTime){
- this.$message.warning(this.$t('ReportManage.smart_msg.select_push_time'))
- return
- }
- const now=this.$moment().format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss')
- console.log(now);
- console.log(this.taskTime);
- if(this.$moment(this.taskTime).isBefore(now,'second')){
- this.$message.warning(this.$t('ReportManage.smart_msg.than_current_time'))
- return
- }
- const isPost = this.permissionBtn.checkPermissionBtn(this.permissionBtn.reportManageBtn.reportManage_sendMsg)
- this.$confirm(isPost?this.$t('ReportManage.smart_msg.push_report_msg'):this.$t('ReportManage.smart_msg.is_push_timed'), this.$t('ReportManage.smart_release_prompt_btn'), {
- confirmButtonText: isPost?this.$t('ReportManage.smart_btn.push'):this.$t('ReportManage.smart_btn.publish'),
- cancelButtonText: isPost?this.$t('ReportManage.smart_btn.not_push'):this.$t('Dialog.cancel_btn'),
- type: 'warning',
- distinguishCancelAndClose:true,
- beforeClose:(action, instance,done)=>{
- console.log(action, instance);
- if(action==='close'||action==='cancel') {
- if(isPost) {
- //右上角或者不推送
- reportSetPrepublish({
- ReportId:Number(this.report_draft_id),
- PrePublishTime:this.taskTime,
- PreMsgSend:0,
- ReportUrl:this.generatePdfLinks(this.reportCode)
- }).then(res=>{
- if(res.Ret===200){
- this.$message.success(this.$t('ReportManage.smart_msg.timed_success'))
- this.$router.push({ path: '/reportlist' });
- }
- })
- }
- } else {
- //confirmButton
- reportSetPrepublish({
- ReportId:Number(this.report_draft_id),
- PrePublishTime:this.taskTime,
- PreMsgSend:isPost?1:0,
- ReportUrl:this.generatePdfLinks(this.reportCode)
- }).then(res=>{
- if(res.Ret===200){
- this.$message.success(this.$t('ReportManage.smart_msg.timed_success'))
- this.$router.push({ path: '/reportlist' });
- }
- })
- }
- done()
- }
- })
- },
- //批量插入我的图表
- handleImportMyChart(data){
- //设置编辑器获取焦点
- this.editor.events.focus();
- // 获取选定对象
- const selection = getSelection();
- // 判断是否有最后光标对象存在
- if (this.lastEditRange) {
- // 存在最后光标对象,选定对象清除所有光标并添加最后光标还原之前的状态
- selection.removeAllRanges();
- selection.addRange(this.lastEditRange);
- }
- //插入内容
- let htmlStr=''
- const LINK_CHART_URL = this.$setting.dynamicOutLinks.ChartViewUrl+'/chartshow';
- data.forEach(item=>{
- const t=new Date().getTime()
- item.domId=item.UniqueCode+t //避免多次添加同一图表 id相同
- htmlStr=htmlStr+`<p style='text-align:left; margin-top:10px;'>
- <iframe id='${item.domId}' src='${LINK_CHART_URL}?code=${item.UniqueCode}&lang=${this.currentLang}' width='100%' height='350' style='border-width:0px; min-height:350px;'></iframe>
- </p>`
- })
- this.$nextTick(()=>{
- console.log('import start',data);
- this.importChartNum=data.length
- this.editor.html.insert(htmlStr)
- this.handleListenIframeLoad(data)
- })
- this.lastEditRange = selection.getRangeAt(0);
- },
- // 监听批量导入的iframe是否加载完
- handleListenIframeLoad(list){
- list.forEach(item=>{
- let ifm=document.getElementById(item.domId)
- ifm.onload=(e)=>{
- this.importChartNum--
- }
- })
- },
- // 获取沙盘图列表 分页
- getSandTable(){
- this.sandTableLoading = true
- this.isRequesting = true
- sandInterface.sandlistByQuote(this.sandTabelQuery).then(({Data:{List,Paging}})=>{
- if(this.sandTabelQuery.CurrentIndex>1){
- this.sandTableList = [...this.sandTableList,...List]
- }else{
- this.sandTableList = List
- this.sandTableTotal = Paging.Totals
- if(this.sandTableList.length ==0){
- this.loadedText = this.$t('Table.prompt_slogan')
- }else if(this.sandTableList.length>=this.sandTableTotal){
- this.loadedText = this.$t('ReportManage.smart_msg.all_loaded_have')
- }else{
- }
- }
- })
- .finally(()=>{
- this.sandTableLoading = false
- this.isRequesting = false
- })
- },
- // 沙盘列表滚动事件,触底加载下一页数据 防抖
- sandTableHandleScroll:_.debounce(function (e) {
- if(this.sandTableList.length>=this.sandTableTotal){
- this.loadedText = this.$t('ReportManage.smart_msg.all_loaded_have')
- return
- }
- if(e.target.scrollHeight-e.target.clientHeight-e.target.scrollTop<10 && !this.isRequesting){
- this.sandTabelQuery.CurrentIndex++
- this.getSandTable()
- }
- },100),
- getclassifylist() {
- //获取分类列表
- let params = { Enabled:1, KeyWord: '',HideDayWeek:1,/*不显示晨报/周报*/ };
- classifylist(params).then((res) => {
- if (res.Ret == 200 && Array.isArray(res.Data.List)) {
- this.optionsArr = [];
- res.Data.List.forEach((item, index) => {
- let newitem = {
- label: item.ClassifyName,
- value: JSON.stringify({
- l: item.ClassifyName,
- v: parseInt(item.Id),
- HasTeleconference:item.HasTeleconference
- }),
- };
- if (item.Child && item.Child.length > 0) {
- let childnode = [];
- item.Child.forEach((itemchild, i) => {
- childnode.push({
- label: itemchild.ClassifyName,
- value: JSON.stringify({
- l: itemchild.ClassifyName,
- v: parseInt(itemchild.Id),
- HasTeleconference:itemchild.HasTeleconference
- }),
- });
- });
- newitem.children = childnode;
- } else {
- newitem.children = undefined;
- newitem.disabled=true
- }
- this.optionsArr.push(newitem);
- });
- console.log(this.optionsArr);
- }
- });
- },
- getSystemUserInfo(){
- departInterence.systemUserInfo().then(res=>{
- if(res.Ret===200){
- const systemUserInfo=res.Data
- // 设置水印文案
- let waterMarkString=''
- if(systemUserInfo){
- waterMarkString=`${systemUserInfo.RealName}${systemUserInfo.Mobile?systemUserInfo.Mobile:systemUserInfo.Email}`
- waterMarkString=encodeURIComponent(waterMarkString)
- this.waterMarkStr=Base64.encode(waterMarkString)
- }
- }
- })
- },
- },
- components: {importMyChart,importSemantics},
- watch: {
- 'aeForm.add_type'(to, from) {
- if (from == 2 && to == 1) {
- this.aeForm = {
- add_type: 1,
- classify_name: 1,
- classifynameArr: [],
- title: '',
- abstract: '',
- author: ['投研团队'],
- frequency: this.$t('ReportManage.smart_daily'),
- create_time: http.dateFormatter(new Date(), false),
- content: '',
- };
- }
- },
- 'sandTabelQuery.Keyword'(newval,oldval){
- this.$refs.sandTable.scrollTop=0
- this.sandTabelQuery.CurrentIndex = 1
- this.getSandTable()
- }
- },
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