@@ -36,9 +36,20 @@ export default {
keep_one_row_msg: "Please keep at least one row",
no_here_val_msg: "Unable to insert value here",
TableInstructionsText: `Table Instructions:<br />
- 1. Manual Input: Click on each cell to directly enter text, numbers, or dates (format example: 2023-05-23). The entered content can match the names of metrics. Metrics from both the Metric Library and the Forecast Metric Library are searchable. If a metric is selected from the dropdown list, then that cell becomes a designated row/column for the selected metric.<br />
- 2. Insert Metric Value: Right-click on a cell and click "Insert Metric Value". The system will query for the closest date and metric name based on the cell's row and column, and then populate the cell with the value of the metric corresponding to that date. The metric value is always positioned in the lower right corner of the cell.<br />
- 3. Update and Calculation Rules: The dates associated with metric values in the table do not update automatically, and values do not support calculations within cells.`,
+ 1. Select indicators from the indicator library or forecast indicator library. By default, the dates and values of the last 12 periods are displayed, with the indicator dates based on the first added indicator (Column A). Other columns match data values according to the date. If there is no value for a corresponding date and there are values for adjacent dates, calculate the value for the corresponding date using linear interpolation: [(Y - Y1) / (X - X1) = (Y2 - Y1) / (X2 - X1)], and mark the background color.<br />
+ 2. The table supports setting "Indicator Column + Date Row" and "Indicator Row + Date Column" layouts, with different formats available by default as "Indicator Column + Date Row". Dates can be set to ascending and descending order, with ascending order being the default.<br />
+ 3. Supports adding more historical and future dates by clicking to add dates. Adding historical dates means taking more historical periods' dates according to the indicator in column A and looking up the values of other columns' indicators for that date, following the same rules as in 1; when adding future dates, a deadline must be set, and the system will automatically add future date rows/columns based on the deadline and the frequency of the indicators. Users can manually enter future forecast values or input simple formulas like "=A1+A2", and the system will automatically mark the background color of the cells.<br />
+ 4. Supports the addition of text; by clicking, text rows/columns can be added. Users can input custom content or simple formulas, such as "=A1+A2".<br />
+ 5. By clicking on the indicator name cell, you can edit the display name of the indicator within the table without affecting the original name of the indicator.<br />
+ 6. The data in the table automatically updates along with the indicators, updating on a rolling basis by period. If forecast values are set, when the data is updated to the forecast date, the actual values will override the forecasted values.<br />
+ 7. Supports deleting date rows/columns, and after deletion, the dates and values corresponding to the number of periods starting from the most recent date will be displayed.`,
+ TablebalanceMixText: `Table Instructions:<br />
+ 1. Manual Entry: Click on each cell to directly input text, numbers, or dates (format example: 2023-05-23).<br />
+ 2. Select Metric Values Based on Date: In the pop-up window, select a metric or forecast metric, you can choose the latest date of the metric or shift the period of the latest date, and you can also link to a specific cell date in the spreadsheet. On this basis, you can further transform the date, supporting date shifts or specifying frequencies, such as obtaining the Monday date of the week where the latest date is located. By using metrics and dates to retrieve data values, insert them into a cell.<br />
+ 3. Import Date: You can choose the latest date of a metric or perform period shifts, or select the system date. On this basis, you can further transform the date, supporting date shifts or specifying frequencies to obtain a dynamically updated date.<br />
+ 4. Date Calculation: Calculate between two date cells in the spreadsheet to obtain the result.<br />
+ 5. Metric Calculation: Supports quickly selecting related metrics from the table, or searching for metrics in the metric library & forecast metric library to perform calculations. The generated results are inserted into cells, and the calculated metrics are updated along with the original metric data updates. The date for the calculated metrics can also be flexibly selected, following the same logic as in point 2.<br />
+ 6. Formula Calculation: Directly enter formulas in the cells to perform simple calculations, such as entering "=A1+A2".`,
select_table_category: "Please select table category",
saving_loading_text: "Saving...",
table_explaination_text: "Table explaination",