eta_comp.js 1.5 MB

  1. import { ref as Le, reactive as z0, nextTick as go, openBlock as Je, createElementBlock as qe, normalizeStyle as lr, createElementVNode as hr, toDisplayString as yn, unref as X0, createCommentVNode as qn, createTextVNode as Qp, Fragment as il, renderList as rl, normalizeClass as G0, defineCustomElement as tu } from "vue";
  2. const mo = {
  3. //图表配置
  4. chart: {
  5. spacingTop: 30,
  6. backgroundColor: "rgba(0,0,0,0)"
  7. },
  8. title: {
  9. enabled: !1
  10. },
  11. exporting: {
  12. enabled: !1
  13. },
  14. boost: {
  15. useGPUTranslations: !0
  16. },
  17. //默认颜色配置
  18. colors: [
  19. "#00f",
  20. "#f00",
  21. "#999",
  22. "#000",
  23. "#7cb5ec",
  24. "#90ed7d",
  25. "#f7a35c",
  26. "#8085e9",
  27. "#f15c80",
  28. "#e4d354",
  29. "#2b908f",
  30. "#f45b5b",
  31. "#91e8e1"
  32. ],
  33. //版权信息
  34. credits: { enabled: !1 },
  35. //数据列通用配置
  36. plotOptions: {
  37. series: {
  38. turboThreshold: 0,
  39. //不限制数据点个数
  40. boostThreshold: 0,
  41. dataGrouping: {
  42. enabled: !1
  43. },
  44. //取消数据大自动数据合并
  45. animation: {
  46. duration: 1e3
  47. }
  48. },
  49. areaspline: {
  50. lineWidth: 1,
  51. stacking: "normal",
  52. marker: {
  53. enabled: !1
  54. }
  55. // fillOpacity: 0.5,
  56. },
  57. column: {
  58. pointPadding: 0.05,
  59. stacking: "normal"
  60. },
  61. scatter: {
  62. turboThreshold: 0,
  63. marker: {
  64. symbol: "circle",
  65. radius: 5,
  66. states: {
  67. hover: {
  68. enabled: !0
  69. }
  70. }
  71. },
  72. states: {
  73. hover: {
  74. marker: {
  75. enabled: !0
  76. }
  77. }
  78. }
  79. }
  80. },
  81. //范围选择器
  82. rangeSelector: {
  83. enabled: !1,
  84. selected: 2
  85. },
  86. //悬浮提示框
  87. tooltip: {
  88. split: !1,
  89. shared: !0,
  90. dateTimeLabelFormats: {
  91. // 时间格式化字符
  92. day: "%Y/%m/%d",
  93. week: "%Y/%m",
  94. month: "%Y/%m",
  95. year: "%Y/%m"
  96. },
  97. xDateFormat: "%Y/%m/%d",
  98. className: "chart-tooltips-box"
  99. // formatter:function(e){
  100. // return `<p>${this.x}</p><p>aaa</p>`
  101. // // return e
  102. // }
  103. // outside: true,
  104. // valueDecimals: 4,
  105. },
  106. //图例
  107. legend: {
  108. enabled: !0,
  109. verticalAlign: "top",
  110. margin: 3
  111. // layout: 'vertical'
  112. },
  113. //滚动条
  114. scrollbar: {
  115. enabled: !1
  116. },
  117. //导航器
  118. navigator: {
  119. enabled: !1
  120. },
  121. //范围选择器
  122. rangeSelector: {
  123. enabled: !1
  124. },
  125. xAxis: {
  126. tickPosition: "inside",
  127. lineColor: "#bfbfbf",
  128. tickColor: "#bfbfbf",
  129. tickLength: 5,
  130. type: "datetime",
  131. ordinal: !1,
  132. dateTimeLabelFormats: {
  133. day: "%y/%m",
  134. week: "%y/%m",
  135. month: "%y/%m",
  136. year: "%y/%m"
  137. }
  138. // gridLineWidth:0
  139. }
  140. }, H0 = {
  141. //默认颜色配置
  142. colors: ["#4B0082", "#7FFFAA", "#FF4500", "#808000", "#EEE8AA", "#849EC1", "#8A4294", "#578B5A", "#FDA8C7", "#53B3FF", "#999999", "#000000", "#FFDF0C", "#FF0000", "#0033FF"],
  143. yAxis: {
  144. lineWidth: 1,
  145. lineColor: "#bfbfbf",
  146. tickColor: "#bfbfbf",
  147. offset: 0,
  148. opposite: !1,
  149. reversed: !1,
  150. visible: !0,
  151. gridLineWidth: 0,
  152. tickWidth: 1,
  153. tickLength: 5,
  154. tickPosition: "inside",
  155. endOnTick: !1,
  156. startOnTick: !1,
  157. showLastLabel: !0,
  158. //显示最后刻度值
  159. tickPixelInterval: 50
  160. }
  161. }, wn = {
  162. tickPosition: "inside",
  163. lineColor: "#bfbfbf",
  164. tickColor: "#bfbfbf",
  165. tickLength: 5,
  166. ordinal: !1,
  167. type: "linear"
  168. }, gr = {
  169. tickWidth: 1,
  170. tickLength: 5,
  171. lineWidth: 1,
  172. lineColor: "#bfbfbf",
  173. tickColor: "#bfbfbf",
  174. // offset: 0,
  175. visible: !0,
  176. gridLineWidth: 0,
  177. tickPosition: "inside",
  178. endOnTick: !1,
  179. startOnTick: !1,
  180. showLastLabel: !0,
  181. tickPixelInterval: 50
  182. }, eu = {
  183. tickPosition: "inside",
  184. lineColor: "#bfbfbf",
  185. tickColor: "#bfbfbf",
  186. tickLength: 5,
  187. type: "datetime",
  188. ordinal: !1,
  189. dateTimeLabelFormats: {
  190. day: "%y/%m",
  191. week: "%y/%m",
  192. month: "%y/%m",
  193. year: "%y/%m"
  194. },
  195. xDateFormat: "%Y-%m-%d"
  196. }, F0 = {
  197. 年: "Y",
  198. 季: "Q",
  199. 月: "M",
  200. 周: "W",
  201. 天: "D"
  202. }, Lp = {
  203. 年: "Year",
  204. 季: "Season",
  205. 月: "Month",
  206. 周: "Week",
  207. 天: "Day"
  208. };
  209. var Gr = typeof globalThis < "u" ? globalThis : typeof window < "u" ? window : typeof global < "u" ? global : typeof self < "u" ? self : {};
  210. function Cn(r) {
  211. return r && r.__esModule &&, "default") ? r.default : r;
  212. }
  213. var iu = { exports: {} };
  214. (function(r) {
  215. (function(p, M) {
  216. r.exports ? (M.default = M, r.exports = p.document ? M(p) : M) : (p.Highcharts && p.Highcharts.error(16, !0), p.Highcharts = M(p));
  217. })(typeof window < "u" ? window : Gr, function(p) {
  218. function M(y, N, D, U) {
  219. y.hasOwnProperty(N) || (y[N] = U.apply(null, D));
  220. }
  221. var o = {};
  222. return M(o, "Core/Globals.js", [], function() {
  223. var y = typeof p < "u" ? p : typeof window < "u" ? window : {}, N;
  224. return function(D) {
  225. D.SVG_NS = "", D.product = "Highcharts", D.version = "9.3.3", = y, D.doc =, D.svg = D.doc && D.doc.createElementNS && !!D.doc.createElementNS(D.SVG_NS, "svg").createSVGRect, D.userAgent = && || "", D.isChrome = D.userAgent.indexOf("Chrome") !== -1, D.isFirefox = D.userAgent.indexOf("Firefox") !== -1, D.isMS = /(edge|msie|trident)/i.test(D.userAgent) && !, D.isSafari = !D.isChrome && D.userAgent.indexOf("Safari") !== -1, D.isTouchDevice = /(Mobile|Android|Windows Phone)/.test(D.userAgent), D.isWebKit = D.userAgent.indexOf("AppleWebKit") !== -1, D.deg2rad = 2 * Math.PI / 360, D.hasBidiBug = D.isFirefox && 4 > parseInt(D.userAgent.split("Firefox/")[1], 10), D.hasTouch = !!, D.marginNames = ["plotTop", "marginRight", "marginBottom", "plotLeft"], D.noop = function() {
  226. }, D.supportsPassiveEvents = function() {
  227. var U = !1;
  228. if (!D.isMS) {
  229. var H = Object.defineProperty({}, "passive", { get: function() {
  230. U = !0;
  231. } });
  232. && && (
  233. "testPassive",
  234. D.noop,
  235. H
  236. ),"testPassive", D.noop, H));
  237. }
  238. return U;
  239. }(), D.charts = [], D.dateFormats = {}, D.seriesTypes = {}, D.symbolSizes = {}, D.chartCount = 0;
  240. }(N || (N = {})), N;
  241. }), M(o, "Core/Utilities.js", [o["Core/Globals.js"]], function(y) {
  242. function N(t, s, n, P) {
  243. var _ = s ? "Highcharts error" : "Highcharts warning";
  244. t === 32 && (t = _ + ": Deprecated member");
  245. var I = S(t), W = I ? _ + " #" + t + ":" + t + "/" : t.toString();
  246. if (typeof P < "u") {
  247. var E = "";
  248. I && (W += "?"), b(P, function(X, g) {
  249. E += `
  250. - ` + g + ": " + X, I && (W += encodeURI(g) + "=" + encodeURI(X));
  251. }), W += E;
  252. }
  253. v(y, "displayError", { chart: n, code: t, message: W, params: P }, function() {
  254. if (s)
  255. throw Error(W);
  256. u.console && N.messages.indexOf(W) === -1 && console.warn(W);
  257. }), N.messages.push(W);
  258. }
  259. function D(t, s) {
  260. var n = {};
  261. return b(t, function(P, _) {
  262. G(t[_], !0) && !t.nodeType && s[_] ? (P = D(t[_], s[_]), Object.keys(P).length && (n[_] = P)) : (G(t[_]) || t[_] !== s[_]) && (n[_] = t[_]);
  263. }), n;
  264. }
  265. function U(t, s) {
  266. return parseInt(t, s || 10);
  267. }
  268. function H(t) {
  269. return typeof t == "string";
  270. }
  271. function V(t) {
  272. return t =, t === "[object Array]" || t === "[object Array Iterator]";
  273. }
  274. function G(t, s) {
  275. return !!t && typeof t == "object" && (!s || !V(t));
  276. }
  277. function R(t) {
  278. return G(t) && typeof t.nodeType == "number";
  279. }
  280. function B(t) {
  281. var s = t && t.constructor;
  282. return !(!G(t, !0) || R(t) || !s || ! || === "Object");
  283. }
  284. function S(t) {
  285. return typeof t == "number" && !isNaN(t) && 1 / 0 > t && -1 / 0 < t;
  286. }
  287. function x(t) {
  288. return typeof t < "u" && t !== null;
  289. }
  290. function f(t, s, n) {
  291. var P;
  292. return H(s) ? x(n) ? t.setAttribute(s, n) : t && t.getAttribute && ((P = t.getAttribute(s)) || s !== "class" || (P = t.getAttribute(s + "Name"))) : b(s, function(_, I) {
  293. x(_) ? t.setAttribute(I, _) : t.removeAttribute(I);
  294. }), P;
  295. }
  296. function d(t, s) {
  297. var n;
  298. t || (t = {});
  299. for (n in s)
  300. t[n] = s[n];
  301. return t;
  302. }
  303. function T() {
  304. for (var t = arguments, s = t.length, n = 0; n < s; n++) {
  305. var P = t[n];
  306. if (typeof P < "u" && P !== null)
  307. return P;
  308. }
  309. }
  310. function O(t, s) {
  311. y.isMS && !y.svg && s && typeof s.opacity < "u" && (s.filter = "alpha(opacity=" + 100 * s.opacity + ")"), d(, s);
  312. }
  313. function j(t, s) {
  314. return 1e14 < t ? t : parseFloat(t.toPrecision(s || 14));
  315. }
  316. function k(t, s, n) {
  317. var P = y.getStyle || k;
  318. if (s === "width")
  319. return s = Math.min(t.offsetWidth, t.scrollWidth), n = t.getBoundingClientRect && t.getBoundingClientRect().width, n < s && n >= s - 1 && (s = Math.floor(n)), Math.max(0, s - (P(t, "padding-left", !0) || 0) - (P(t, "padding-right", !0) || 0));
  320. if (s === "height")
  321. return Math.max(0, Math.min(t.offsetHeight, t.scrollHeight) - (P(t, "padding-top", !0) || 0) - (P(t, "padding-bottom", !0) || 0));
  322. if (u.getComputedStyle || N(27, !0), t = u.getComputedStyle(t, void 0)) {
  323. var _ = t.getPropertyValue(s);
  324. T(n, s !== "opacity") && (_ = U(_));
  325. }
  326. return _;
  327. }
  328. function b(t, s, n) {
  329. for (var P in t)
  330., P) && || t[P], t[P], P, t);
  331. }
  332. function w(t, s, n) {
  333. function P(E, X) {
  334. var g = t.removeEventListener || y.removeEventListenerPolyfill;
  335. g &&, E, X, !1);
  336. }
  337. function _(E) {
  338. var X;
  339. if (t.nodeName) {
  340. if (s) {
  341. var g = {};
  342. g[s] = !0;
  343. } else
  344. g = E;
  345. b(g, function(m, L) {
  346. if (E[L])
  347. for (X = E[L].length; X--; )
  348. P(L, E[L][X].fn);
  349. });
  350. }
  351. }
  352. var I = typeof t == "function" && t.prototype || t;
  353. if (, "hcEvents")) {
  354. var W = I.hcEvents;
  355. s ? (I = W[s] || [], n ? (W[s] = I.filter(function(E) {
  356. return n !== E.fn;
  357. }), P(s, n)) : (_(W), W[s] = [])) : (_(W), delete I.hcEvents);
  358. }
  359. }
  360. function v(t, s, n, P) {
  361. if (n = n || {}, h.createEvent && (t.dispatchEvent || t.fireEvent && t !== y)) {
  362. var _ = h.createEvent("Events");
  363. _.initEvent(s, !0, !0), n = d(_, n), t.dispatchEvent ? t.dispatchEvent(n) : t.fireEvent(s, n);
  364. } else if (t.hcEvents) {
  365. || d(n, { preventDefault: function() {
  366. n.defaultPrevented = !0;
  367. }, target: t, type: s }), _ = [];
  368. for (var I = t, W = !1; I.hcEvents; )
  369., "hcEvents") && I.hcEvents[s] && (_.length && (W = !0), _.unshift.apply(_, I.hcEvents[s])), I = Object.getPrototypeOf(I);
  370. W && _.sort(function(E, X) {
  371. return E.order - X.order;
  372. }), _.forEach(function(E) {
  373., n) === !1 && n.preventDefault();
  374. });
  375. }
  376. P && !n.defaultPrevented &&, n);
  377. }
  378. var l = y.charts, h = y.doc, u =;
  379. (N || (N = {})).messages = [], Math.easeInOutSine = function(t) {
  380. return -0.5 * (Math.cos(Math.PI * t) - 1);
  381. };
  382. var i = Array.prototype.find ? function(t, s) {
  383. return t.find(s);
  384. } : function(t, s) {
  385. var n, P = t.length;
  386. for (n = 0; n < P; n++)
  387. if (s(t[n], n))
  388. return t[n];
  389. };
  390. b({ map: "map", each: "forEach", grep: "filter", reduce: "reduce", some: "some" }, function(t, s) {
  391. y[s] = function(n) {
  392. var P;
  393. return N(32, !1, void 0, (P = {}, P["Highcharts." + s] = "use Array." + t, P)), Array.prototype[t].apply(n, [], 1));
  394. };
  395. });
  396. var c, a = function() {
  397. var t = Math.random().toString(36).substring(2, 9) + "-", s = 0;
  398. return function() {
  399. return "highcharts-" + (c ? "" : t) + s++;
  400. };
  401. }();
  402. return u.jQuery && (u.jQuery.fn.highcharts = function() {
  403. var t = [];
  404. if (this[0])
  405. return t[0] ? (new y[H(t[0]) ? t.shift() : "Chart"](this[0], t[0], t[1]), this) : l[f(this[0], "data-highcharts-chart")];
  406. }), i = { addEvent: function(t, s, n, P) {
  407. P === void 0 && (P = {});
  408. var _ = typeof t == "function" && t.prototype || t;
  409., "hcEvents") || (_.hcEvents = {}), _ = _.hcEvents, y.Point && t instanceof y.Point && t.series && t.series.chart && (t.series.chart.runTrackerClick = !0);
  410. var I = t.addEventListener || y.addEventListenerPolyfill;
  411. return I &&, s, n, y.supportsPassiveEvents ? { passive: P.passive === void 0 ? s.indexOf("touch") !== -1 : P.passive, capture: !1 } : !1), _[s] || (_[s] = []), _[s].push({ fn: n, order: typeof P.order == "number" ? P.order : 1 / 0 }), _[s].sort(function(W, E) {
  412. return W.order - E.order;
  413. }), function() {
  414. w(t, s, n);
  415. };
  416. }, arrayMax: function(t) {
  417. for (var s = t.length, n = t[0]; s--; )
  418. t[s] > n && (n = t[s]);
  419. return n;
  420. }, arrayMin: function(t) {
  421. for (var s = t.length, n = t[0]; s--; )
  422. t[s] < n && (n = t[s]);
  423. return n;
  424. }, attr: f, clamp: function(t, s, n) {
  425. return t > s ? t < n ? t : n : s;
  426. }, cleanRecursively: D, clearTimeout: function(t) {
  427. x(t) && clearTimeout(t);
  428. }, correctFloat: j, createElement: function(t, s, n, P, _) {
  429. return t = h.createElement(t), s && d(t, s), _ && O(t, { padding: "0", border: "none", margin: "0" }), n && O(t, n), P && P.appendChild(t), t;
  430. }, css: O, defined: x, destroyObjectProperties: function(t, s) {
  431. b(t, function(n, P) {
  432. n && n !== s && n.destroy && n.destroy(), delete t[P];
  433. });
  434. }, discardElement: function(t) {
  435. t && t.parentElement && t.parentElement.removeChild(t);
  436. }, erase: function(t, s) {
  437. for (var n = t.length; n--; )
  438. if (t[n] === s) {
  439. t.splice(n, 1);
  440. break;
  441. }
  442. }, error: N, extend: d, extendClass: function(t, s) {
  443. var n = function() {
  444. };
  445. return n.prototype = new t(), d(n.prototype, s), n;
  446. }, find: i, fireEvent: v, getMagnitude: function(t) {
  447. return Math.pow(10, Math.floor(Math.log(t) / Math.LN10));
  448. }, getNestedProperty: function(t, s) {
  449. for (t = t.split("."); t.length && x(s); ) {
  450. var n = t.shift();
  451. if (typeof n > "u" || n === "__proto__" || (s = s[n], !x(s) || typeof s == "function" || typeof s.nodeType == "number" || s === u))
  452. return;
  453. }
  454. return s;
  455. }, getStyle: k, inArray: function(t, s, n) {
  456. return N(32, !1, void 0, { "Highcharts.inArray": "use Array.indexOf" }), s.indexOf(t, n);
  457. }, isArray: V, isClass: B, isDOMElement: R, isFunction: function(t) {
  458. return typeof t == "function";
  459. }, isNumber: S, isObject: G, isString: H, keys: function(t) {
  460. return N(32, !1, void 0, { "Highcharts.keys": "use Object.keys" }), Object.keys(t);
  461. }, merge: function() {
  462. var t, s = arguments, n = {}, P = function(I, W) {
  463. return typeof I != "object" && (I = {}), b(W, function(E, X) {
  464. X !== "__proto__" && X !== "constructor" && (!G(E, !0) || B(E) || R(E) ? I[X] = W[X] : I[X] = P(I[X] || {}, E));
  465. }), I;
  466. };
  467. s[0] === !0 && (n = s[1], s =, 2));
  468. var _ = s.length;
  469. for (t = 0; t < _; t++)
  470. n = P(n, s[t]);
  471. return n;
  472. }, normalizeTickInterval: function(t, s, n, P, _) {
  473. var I = t;
  474. n = T(n, 1);
  475. var W = t / n;
  476. for (s || (s = _ ? [1, 1.2, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10] : [1, 2, 2.5, 5, 10], P === !1 && (n === 1 ? s = s.filter(function(E) {
  477. return E % 1 === 0;
  478. }) : 0.1 >= n && (s = [1 / n]))), P = 0; P < s.length && (I = s[P], !(_ && I * n >= t || !_ && W <= (s[P] + (s[P + 1] || s[P])) / 2)); P++)
  479. ;
  480. return I = j(I * n, -Math.round(Math.log(1e-3) / Math.LN10));
  481. }, objectEach: b, offset: function(t) {
  482. var s = h.documentElement;
  483. return t = t.parentElement || t.parentNode ? t.getBoundingClientRect() : { top: 0, left: 0, width: 0, height: 0 }, { top: + (u.pageYOffset || s.scrollTop) - (s.clientTop || 0), left: t.left + (u.pageXOffset || s.scrollLeft) - (s.clientLeft || 0), width: t.width, height: t.height };
  484. }, pad: function(t, s, n) {
  485. return Array((s || 2) + 1 - String(t).replace("-", "").length).join(n || "0") + t;
  486. }, pick: T, pInt: U, relativeLength: function(t, s, n) {
  487. return /%$/.test(t) ? s * parseFloat(t) / 100 + (n || 0) : parseFloat(t);
  488. }, removeEvent: w, splat: function(t) {
  489. return V(t) ? t : [t];
  490. }, stableSort: function(t, s) {
  491. var n = t.length, P, _;
  492. for (_ = 0; _ < n; _++)
  493. t[_].safeI = _;
  494. for (t.sort(function(I, W) {
  495. return P = s(I, W), P === 0 ? I.safeI - W.safeI : P;
  496. }), _ = 0; _ < n; _++)
  497. delete t[_].safeI;
  498. }, syncTimeout: function(t, s, n) {
  499. return 0 < s ? setTimeout(t, s, n) : (, n), -1);
  500. }, timeUnits: {
  501. millisecond: 1,
  502. second: 1e3,
  503. minute: 6e4,
  504. hour: 36e5,
  505. day: 864e5,
  506. week: 6048e5,
  507. month: 24192e5,
  508. year: 314496e5
  509. }, uniqueKey: a, useSerialIds: function(t) {
  510. return c = T(t, c);
  511. }, wrap: function(t, s, n) {
  512. var P = t[s];
  513. t[s] = function() {
  514. var _ =, I = arguments, W = this;
  515. return W.proceed = function() {
  516. P.apply(W, arguments.length ? arguments : I);
  517. }, _.unshift(P), _ = n.apply(this, _), W.proceed = null, _;
  518. };
  519. } }, i;
  520. }), M(o, "Core/Chart/ChartDefaults.js", [], function() {
  521. return { panning: { enabled: !1, type: "x" }, styledMode: !1, borderRadius: 0, colorCount: 10, defaultSeriesType: "line", ignoreHiddenSeries: !0, spacing: [
  522. 10,
  523. 10,
  524. 15,
  525. 10
  526. ], resetZoomButton: { theme: { zIndex: 6 }, position: { align: "right", x: -10, y: 10 } }, zoomBySingleTouch: !1, width: null, height: null, borderColor: "#335cad", backgroundColor: "#ffffff", plotBorderColor: "#cccccc" };
  527. }), M(o, "Core/Color/Color.js", [o["Core/Globals.js"], o["Core/Utilities.js"]], function(y, N) {
  528. var D = N.isNumber, U = N.merge, H = N.pInt;
  529. return N = function() {
  530. function V(G) {
  531. this.rgba = [NaN, NaN, NaN, NaN], this.input = G;
  532. var R = y.Color;
  533. if (R && R !== V)
  534. return new R(G);
  535. if (!(this instanceof V))
  536. return new V(G);
  537. this.init(G);
  538. }
  539. return V.parse = function(G) {
  540. return G ? new V(G) : V.None;
  541. }, V.prototype.init = function(G) {
  542. var R;
  543. if (typeof G == "object" && typeof G.stops < "u")
  544. this.stops = {
  545. return new V(f[1]);
  546. });
  547. else if (typeof G == "string") {
  548. if (this.input = G = V.names[G.toLowerCase()] || G, G.charAt(0) === "#") {
  549. var B = G.length, S = parseInt(G.substr(1), 16);
  550. B === 7 ? R = [(S & 16711680) >> 16, (S & 65280) >> 8, S & 255, 1] : B === 4 && (R = [(S & 3840) >> 4 | (S & 3840) >> 8, (S & 240) >> 4 | S & 240, (S & 15) << 4 | S & 15, 1]);
  551. }
  552. if (!R)
  553. for (S = V.parsers.length; S-- && !R; ) {
  554. var x = V.parsers[S];
  555. (B = x.regex.exec(G)) && (R = x.parse(B));
  556. }
  557. }
  558. R && (this.rgba = R);
  559. }, V.prototype.get = function(G) {
  560. var R = this.input, B = this.rgba;
  561. if (typeof R == "object" && typeof this.stops < "u") {
  562. var S = U(R);
  563. return S.stops = [], this.stops.forEach(function(x, f) {
  564. S.stops[f] = [S.stops[f][0], x.get(G)];
  565. }), S;
  566. }
  567. return B && D(B[0]) ? G === "rgb" || !G && B[3] === 1 ? "rgb(" + B[0] + "," + B[1] + "," + B[2] + ")" : G === "a" ? "" + B[3] : "rgba(" + B.join(",") + ")" : R;
  568. }, V.prototype.brighten = function(G) {
  569. var R = this.rgba;
  570. if (this.stops)
  571. this.stops.forEach(function(S) {
  572. S.brighten(G);
  573. });
  574. else if (D(G) && G !== 0)
  575. for (var B = 0; 3 > B; B++)
  576. R[B] += H(255 * G), 0 > R[B] && (R[B] = 0), 255 < R[B] && (R[B] = 255);
  577. return this;
  578. }, V.prototype.setOpacity = function(G) {
  579. return this.rgba[3] = G, this;
  580. }, V.prototype.tweenTo = function(G, R) {
  581. var B = this.rgba, S = G.rgba;
  582. return !D(B[0]) || !D(S[0]) ? G.input || "none" : (G = S[3] !== 1 || B[3] !== 1, (G ? "rgba(" : "rgb(") + Math.round(S[0] + (B[0] - S[0]) * (1 - R)) + "," + Math.round(S[1] + (B[1] - S[1]) * (1 - R)) + "," + Math.round(S[2] + (B[2] - S[2]) * (1 - R)) + (G ? "," + (S[3] + (B[3] - S[3]) * (1 - R)) : "") + ")");
  583. }, V.names = { white: "#ffffff", black: "#000000" }, V.parsers = [{
  584. regex: /rgba\(\s*([0-9]{1,3})\s*,\s*([0-9]{1,3})\s*,\s*([0-9]{1,3})\s*,\s*([0-9]?(?:\.[0-9]+)?)\s*\)/,
  585. parse: function(G) {
  586. return [H(G[1]), H(G[2]), H(G[3]), parseFloat(G[4], 10)];
  587. }
  588. }, { regex: /rgb\(\s*([0-9]{1,3})\s*,\s*([0-9]{1,3})\s*,\s*([0-9]{1,3})\s*\)/, parse: function(G) {
  589. return [H(G[1]), H(G[2]), H(G[3]), 1];
  590. } }], V.None = new V(""), V;
  591. }(), N;
  592. }), M(o, "Core/Color/Palettes.js", [], function() {
  593. return { colors: "#7cb5ec #434348 #90ed7d #f7a35c #8085e9 #f15c80 #e4d354 #2b908f #f45b5b #91e8e1".split(" ") };
  594. }), M(o, "Core/Time.js", [o["Core/Globals.js"], o["Core/Utilities.js"]], function(y, N) {
  595. var D =, U = N.defined, H = N.error, V = N.extend, G = N.isObject, R = N.merge, B = N.objectEach, S = N.pad, x = N.pick, f = N.splat, d = N.timeUnits, T = y.isSafari && D.Intl && D.Intl.DateTimeFormat.prototype.formatRange, O = y.isSafari && D.Intl && !D.Intl.DateTimeFormat.prototype.formatRange;
  596. return N = function() {
  597. function j(k) {
  598. this.options = {}, this.variableTimezone = this.useUTC = !1, this.Date = D.Date, this.getTimezoneOffset = this.timezoneOffsetFunction(), this.update(k);
  599. }
  600. return j.prototype.get = function(k, b) {
  601. if (this.variableTimezone || this.timezoneOffset) {
  602. var w = b.getTime(), v = w - this.getTimezoneOffset(b);
  603. return b.setTime(v), k = b["getUTC" + k](), b.setTime(w), k;
  604. }
  605. return this.useUTC ? b["getUTC" + k]() : b["get" + k]();
  606. }, j.prototype.set = function(k, b, w) {
  607. if (this.variableTimezone || this.timezoneOffset) {
  608. if (k === "Milliseconds" || k === "Seconds" || k === "Minutes" && this.getTimezoneOffset(b) % 36e5 === 0)
  609. return b["setUTC" + k](w);
  610. var v = this.getTimezoneOffset(b);
  611. return v = b.getTime() - v, b.setTime(v), b["setUTC" + k](w), k = this.getTimezoneOffset(b), v = b.getTime() + k, b.setTime(v);
  612. }
  613. return this.useUTC || T && k === "FullYear" ? b["setUTC" + k](w) : b["set" + k](w);
  614. }, j.prototype.update = function(k) {
  615. var b = x(k && k.useUTC, !0);
  616. this.options = k = R(!0, this.options || {}, k), this.Date = k.Date || D.Date || Date, this.timezoneOffset = (this.useUTC = b) && k.timezoneOffset, this.getTimezoneOffset = this.timezoneOffsetFunction(), this.variableTimezone = b && !(!k.getTimezoneOffset && !k.timezone);
  617. }, j.prototype.makeTime = function(k, b, w, v, l, h) {
  618. if (this.useUTC) {
  619. var u = this.Date.UTC.apply(0, arguments), i = this.getTimezoneOffset(u);
  620. u += i;
  621. var c = this.getTimezoneOffset(u);
  622. i !== c ? u += c - i : i - 36e5 !== this.getTimezoneOffset(u - 36e5) || O || (u -= 36e5);
  623. } else
  624. u = new this.Date(k, b, x(w, 1), x(v, 0), x(l, 0), x(h, 0)).getTime();
  625. return u;
  626. }, j.prototype.timezoneOffsetFunction = function() {
  627. var k = this, b = this.options, w = b.getTimezoneOffset, v = b.moment || D.moment;
  628. if (!this.useUTC)
  629. return function(l) {
  630. return 6e4 * new Date(l.toString()).getTimezoneOffset();
  631. };
  632. if (b.timezone) {
  633. if (v)
  634. return function(l) {
  635. return 6e4 *, b.timezone).utcOffset();
  636. };
  637. H(25);
  638. }
  639. return this.useUTC && w ? function(l) {
  640. return 6e4 * w(l.valueOf());
  641. } : function() {
  642. return 6e4 * (k.timezoneOffset || 0);
  643. };
  644. }, j.prototype.dateFormat = function(k, b, w) {
  645. if (!U(b) || isNaN(b))
  646. return y.defaultOptions.lang && y.defaultOptions.lang.invalidDate || "";
  647. k = x(k, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S");
  648. var v = this, l = new this.Date(b), h = this.get("Hours", l), u = this.get("Day", l), i = this.get("Date", l), c = this.get("Month", l), a = this.get("FullYear", l), t = y.defaultOptions.lang, s = t && t.weekdays, n = t && t.shortWeekdays;
  649. return l = V({ a: n ? n[u] : s[u].substr(0, 3), A: s[u], d: S(i), e: S(i, 2, " "), w: u, b: t.shortMonths[c], B: t.months[c], m: S(c + 1), o: c + 1, y: a.toString().substr(2, 2), Y: a, H: S(h), k: h, I: S(h % 12 || 12), l: h % 12 || 12, M: S(this.get("Minutes", l)), p: 12 > h ? "AM" : "PM", P: 12 > h ? "am" : "pm", S: S(l.getSeconds()), L: S(Math.floor(b % 1e3), 3) }, y.dateFormats), B(l, function(P, _) {
  650. for (; k.indexOf("%" + _) !== -1; )
  651. k = k.replace("%" + _, typeof P == "function" ?, b) : P);
  652. }), w ? k.substr(0, 1).toUpperCase() + k.substr(1) : k;
  653. }, j.prototype.resolveDTLFormat = function(k) {
  654. return G(k, !0) ? k : (k = f(k), { main: k[0], from: k[1], to: k[2] });
  655. }, j.prototype.getTimeTicks = function(k, b, w, v) {
  656. var l = this, h = [], u = {}, i = new l.Date(b), c = k.unitRange, a = k.count || 1, t;
  657. if (v = x(v, 1), U(b)) {
  658. if (l.set(
  659. "Milliseconds",
  660. i,
  661. c >= d.second ? 0 : a * Math.floor(l.get("Milliseconds", i) / a)
  662. ), c >= d.second && l.set("Seconds", i, c >= d.minute ? 0 : a * Math.floor(l.get("Seconds", i) / a)), c >= d.minute && l.set("Minutes", i, c >= d.hour ? 0 : a * Math.floor(l.get("Minutes", i) / a)), c >= d.hour && l.set("Hours", i, c >= ? 0 : a * Math.floor(l.get("Hours", i) / a)), c >= && l.set("Date", i, c >= d.month ? 1 : Math.max(1, a * Math.floor(l.get("Date", i) / a))), c >= d.month) {
  663. l.set("Month", i, c >= d.year ? 0 : a * Math.floor(l.get("Month", i) / a));
  664. var s = l.get("FullYear", i);
  665. }
  666. c >= d.year && l.set(
  667. "FullYear",
  668. i,
  669. s - s % a
  670. ), c === d.week && (s = l.get("Day", i), l.set("Date", i, l.get("Date", i) - s + v + (s < v ? -7 : 0))), s = l.get("FullYear", i), v = l.get("Month", i);
  671. var n = l.get("Date", i), P = l.get("Hours", i);
  672. for (b = i.getTime(), !l.variableTimezone && l.useUTC || !U(w) || (t = w - b > 4 * d.month || l.getTimezoneOffset(b) !== l.getTimezoneOffset(w)), b = i.getTime(), i = 1; b < w; )
  673. h.push(b), b = c === d.year ? l.makeTime(s + i * a, 0) : c === d.month ? l.makeTime(s, v + i * a) : !t || c !== && c !== d.week ? t && c === d.hour && 1 < a ? l.makeTime(s, v, n, P + i * a) : b + c * a : l.makeTime(s, v, n + i * a * (c === ? 1 : 7)), i++;
  674. h.push(b), c <= d.hour && 1e4 > h.length && h.forEach(function(_) {
  675. _ % 18e5 === 0 && l.dateFormat("%H%M%S%L", _) === "000000000" && (u[_] = "day");
  676. });
  677. }
  678. return = V(k, { higherRanks: u, totalRange: c * a }), h;
  679. }, j.prototype.getDateFormat = function(k, b, w, v) {
  680. var l = this.dateFormat("%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%L", b), h = { millisecond: 15, second: 12, minute: 9, hour: 6, day: 3 }, u = "millisecond";
  681. for (i in d) {
  682. if (k === d.week && +this.dateFormat("%w", b) === w && l.substr(6) === "00:00:00.000") {
  683. var i = "week";
  684. break;
  685. }
  686. if (d[i] > k) {
  687. i = u;
  688. break;
  689. }
  690. if (h[i] && l.substr(h[i]) !== "01-01 00:00:00.000".substr(h[i]))
  691. break;
  692. i !== "week" && (u = i);
  693. }
  694. if (i)
  695. var c = this.resolveDTLFormat(v[i]).main;
  696. return c;
  697. }, j;
  698. }(), N;
  699. }), M(o, "Core/DefaultOptions.js", [o["Core/Chart/ChartDefaults.js"], o["Core/Color/Color.js"], o["Core/Globals.js"], o["Core/Color/Palettes.js"], o["Core/Time.js"], o["Core/Utilities.js"]], function(y, N, D, U, H, V) {
  700. N = N.parse;
  701. var G = V.merge, R = {
  702. colors: U.colors,
  703. symbols: ["circle", "diamond", "square", "triangle", "triangle-down"],
  704. lang: {
  705. loading: "Loading...",
  706. months: "January February March April May June July August September October November December".split(" "),
  707. shortMonths: "Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec".split(" "),
  708. weekdays: "Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday".split(" "),
  709. decimalPoint: ".",
  710. numericSymbols: "kMGTPE".split(""),
  711. resetZoom: "Reset zoom",
  712. resetZoomTitle: "Reset zoom level 1:1",
  713. thousandsSep: " "
  714. },
  715. global: {},
  716. time: { Date: void 0, getTimezoneOffset: void 0, timezone: void 0, timezoneOffset: 0, useUTC: !0 },
  717. chart: y,
  718. title: { text: "Chart title", align: "center", margin: 15, widthAdjust: -44 },
  719. subtitle: { text: "", align: "center", widthAdjust: -44 },
  720. caption: { margin: 15, text: "", align: "left", verticalAlign: "bottom" },
  721. plotOptions: {},
  722. labels: { style: { position: "absolute", color: "#333333" } },
  723. legend: {
  724. enabled: !0,
  725. align: "center",
  726. alignColumns: !0,
  727. className: "highcharts-no-tooltip",
  728. layout: "horizontal",
  729. labelFormatter: function() {
  730. return;
  731. },
  732. borderColor: "#999999",
  733. borderRadius: 0,
  734. navigation: { activeColor: "#003399", inactiveColor: "#cccccc" },
  735. itemStyle: { color: "#333333", cursor: "pointer", fontSize: "12px", fontWeight: "bold", textOverflow: "ellipsis" },
  736. itemHoverStyle: { color: "#000000" },
  737. itemHiddenStyle: { color: "#cccccc" },
  738. shadow: !1,
  739. itemCheckboxStyle: { position: "absolute", width: "13px", height: "13px" },
  740. squareSymbol: !0,
  741. symbolPadding: 5,
  742. verticalAlign: "bottom",
  743. x: 0,
  744. y: 0,
  745. title: { style: { fontWeight: "bold" } }
  746. },
  747. loading: { labelStyle: { fontWeight: "bold", position: "relative", top: "45%" }, style: { position: "absolute", backgroundColor: "#ffffff", opacity: 0.5, textAlign: "center" } },
  748. tooltip: {
  749. enabled: !0,
  750. animation: D.svg,
  751. borderRadius: 3,
  752. dateTimeLabelFormats: {
  753. millisecond: "%A, %b %e, %H:%M:%S.%L",
  754. second: "%A, %b %e, %H:%M:%S",
  755. minute: "%A, %b %e, %H:%M",
  756. hour: "%A, %b %e, %H:%M",
  757. day: "%A, %b %e, %Y",
  758. week: "Week from %A, %b %e, %Y",
  759. month: "%B %Y",
  760. year: "%Y"
  761. },
  762. footerFormat: "",
  763. headerShape: "callout",
  764. hideDelay: 500,
  765. padding: 8,
  766. shape: "callout",
  767. shared: !1,
  768. snap: D.isTouchDevice ? 25 : 10,
  769. headerFormat: '<span style="font-size: 10px">{point.key}</span><br/>',
  770. pointFormat: '<span style="color:{point.color}">●</span> {}: <b>{point.y}</b><br/>',
  771. backgroundColor: N("#f7f7f7").setOpacity(0.85).get(),
  772. borderWidth: 1,
  773. shadow: !0,
  774. stickOnContact: !1,
  775. style: { color: "#333333", cursor: "default", fontSize: "12px", whiteSpace: "nowrap" },
  776. useHTML: !1
  777. },
  778. credits: { enabled: !0, href: "", position: { align: "right", x: -10, verticalAlign: "bottom", y: -5 }, style: { cursor: "pointer", color: "#999999", fontSize: "9px" }, text: "" }
  779. };
  780. R.chart.styledMode = !1;
  781. var B = new H(G(, R.time));
  782. return y = { defaultOptions: R, defaultTime: B, getOptions: function() {
  783. return R;
  784. }, setOptions: function(S) {
  785. return G(!0, R, S), (S.time || && (D.time ? D.time.update(G(
  787. R.time,
  789. S.time
  790. )) : D.time = B), R;
  791. } }, y;
  792. }), M(o, "Core/Animation/Fx.js", [o["Core/Color/Color.js"], o["Core/Globals.js"], o["Core/Utilities.js"]], function(y, N, D) {
  793. var U = y.parse, H =, V = D.isNumber, G = D.objectEach;
  794. return function() {
  795. function R(B, S, x) {
  796. this.pos = NaN, this.options = S, this.elem = B, this.prop = x;
  797. }
  798. return R.prototype.dSetter = function() {
  799. var B = this.paths, S = B && B[0];
  800. B = B && B[1];
  801. var x = || 0, f = [];
  802. if (x !== 1 && S && B)
  803. if (S.length === B.length && 1 > x)
  804. for (var d = 0; d < B.length; d++) {
  805. for (var T = S[d], O = B[d], j = [], k = 0; k < O.length; k++) {
  806. var b = T[k], w = O[k];
  807. V(b) && V(w) && (O[0] !== "A" || k !== 4 && k !== 5) ? j[k] = b + x * (w - b) : j[k] = w;
  808. }
  809. f.push(j);
  810. }
  811. else
  812. f = B;
  813. else
  814. f = this.toD || [];
  815. this.elem.attr("d", f, void 0, !0);
  816. }, R.prototype.update = function() {
  817. var B = this.elem, S = this.prop, x =, f = this.options.step;
  818. this[S + "Setter"] ? this[S + "Setter"]() : B.attr ? B.element && B.attr(S, x, null, !0) :[S] = x + this.unit, f &&, x, this);
  819. }, = function(B, S, x) {
  820. var f = this, d = f.options, T = function(k) {
  821. return T.stopped ? !1 : f.step(k);
  822. }, O = H.requestAnimationFrame || function(k) {
  823. setTimeout(
  824. k,
  825. 13
  826. );
  827. }, j = function() {
  828. for (var k = 0; k < R.timers.length; k++)
  829. R.timers[k]() || R.timers.splice(k--, 1);
  830. R.timers.length && O(j);
  831. };
  832. B !== S || this.elem["forceAnimate:" + this.prop] ? (this.startTime = +/* @__PURE__ */ new Date(), this.start = B, this.end = S, this.unit = x, = this.start, this.pos = 0, T.elem = this.elem, T.prop = this.prop, T() && R.timers.push(T) === 1 && O(j)) : (delete d.curAnim[this.prop], d.complete && Object.keys(d.curAnim).length === 0 &&;
  833. }, R.prototype.step = function(B) {
  834. var S = +/* @__PURE__ */ new Date(), x = this.options, f = this.elem, d = x.complete, T = x.duration, O = x.curAnim;
  835. if (f.attr && !f.element)
  836. B = !1;
  837. else if (B || S >= T + this.startTime) {
  838. = this.end, this.pos = 1, this.update();
  839. var j = O[this.prop] = !0;
  840. G(O, function(k) {
  841. k !== !0 && (j = !1);
  842. }), j && d &&, B = !1;
  843. } else
  844. this.pos = x.easing((S - this.startTime) / T), = this.start + (this.end - this.start) * this.pos, this.update(), B = !0;
  845. return B;
  846. }, R.prototype.initPath = function(B, S, x) {
  847. function f(l, h) {
  848. for (; l.length < v; ) {
  849. var u = l[0], i = h[v - l.length];
  850. i && u[0] === "M" && (l[0] = i[0] === "C" ? ["C", u[1], u[2], u[1], u[2], u[1], u[2]] : [
  851. "L",
  852. u[1],
  853. u[2]
  854. ]), l.unshift(u), j && (u = l.pop(), l.push(l[l.length - 1], u));
  855. }
  856. }
  857. function d(l, h) {
  858. for (; l.length < v; )
  859. if (h = l[Math.floor(l.length / k) - 1].slice(), h[0] === "C" && (h[1] = h[5], h[2] = h[6]), j) {
  860. var u = l[Math.floor(l.length / k)].slice();
  861. l.splice(l.length / 2, 0, h, u);
  862. } else
  863. l.push(h);
  864. }
  865. var T = B.startX, O = B.endX;
  866. x = x.slice();
  867. var j = B.isArea, k = j ? 2 : 1;
  868. if (S = S && S.slice(), !S)
  869. return [x, x];
  870. if (T && O && O.length) {
  871. for (B = 0; B < T.length; B++)
  872. if (T[B] === O[0]) {
  873. var b = B;
  874. break;
  875. } else if (T[0] === O[O.length - T.length + B]) {
  876. b = B;
  877. var w = !0;
  878. break;
  879. } else if (T[T.length - 1] === O[O.length - T.length + B]) {
  880. b = T.length - B;
  881. break;
  882. }
  883. typeof b > "u" && (S = []);
  884. }
  885. if (S.length && V(b)) {
  886. var v = x.length + b * k;
  887. w ? (f(S, x), d(x, S)) : (f(x, S), d(S, x));
  888. }
  889. return [S, x];
  890. }, R.prototype.fillSetter = function() {
  891. R.prototype.strokeSetter.apply(this, arguments);
  892. }, R.prototype.strokeSetter = function() {
  893. this.elem.attr(this.prop, U(this.start).tweenTo(U(this.end), this.pos), void 0, !0);
  894. }, R.timers = [], R;
  895. }();
  896. }), M(o, "Core/Animation/AnimationUtilities.js", [o["Core/Animation/Fx.js"], o["Core/Utilities.js"]], function(y, N) {
  897. function D(d) {
  898. return B(d) ? S({ duration: 500, defer: 0 }, d) : { duration: d ? 500 : 0, defer: 0 };
  899. }
  900. function U(d, T) {
  901. for (var O = y.timers.length; O--; )
  902. y.timers[O].elem !== d || T && T !== y.timers[O].prop || (y.timers[O].stopped = !0);
  903. }
  904. var H = N.defined, V = N.getStyle, G = N.isArray, R = N.isNumber, B = N.isObject, S = N.merge, x = N.objectEach, f = N.pick;
  905. return { animate: function(d, T, O) {
  906. var j, k = "", b, w;
  907. if (!B(O)) {
  908. var v = arguments;
  909. O = { duration: v[2], easing: v[3], complete: v[4] };
  910. }
  911. R(O.duration) || (O.duration = 400), O.easing = typeof O.easing == "function" ? O.easing : Math[O.easing] || Math.easeInOutSine, O.curAnim = S(T), x(T, function(l, h) {
  912. U(d, h), w = new y(d, O, h), b = void 0, h === "d" && G(T.d) ? (w.paths = w.initPath(d, d.pathArray, T.d), w.toD = T.d, j = 0, b = 1) : d.attr ? j = d.attr(h) : (j = parseFloat(V(d, h)) || 0, h !== "opacity" && (k = "px")), b || (b = l), typeof b == "string" && b.match("px") && (b = b.replace(/px/g, "")),, b, k);
  913. });
  914. }, animObject: D, getDeferredAnimation: function(d, T, O) {
  915. var j = D(T), k = 0, b = 0;
  916. return (O ? [O] : d.series).forEach(function(w) {
  917. w = D(w.options.animation), k = T && H(T.defer) ? j.defer : Math.max(k, w.duration + w.defer), b = Math.min(j.duration, w.duration);
  918. }), d.renderer.forExport && (k = 0), { defer: Math.max(0, k - b), duration: Math.min(k, b) };
  919. }, setAnimation: function(d, T) {
  920. T.renderer.globalAnimation = f(d, T.options.chart.animation, !0);
  921. }, stop: U };
  922. }), M(o, "Core/Renderer/HTML/AST.js", [o["Core/Globals.js"], o["Core/Utilities.js"]], function(y, N) {
  923. var D = y.SVG_NS, U = N.attr, H = N.createElement, V = N.error, G = N.isFunction, R = N.isString, B = N.objectEach, S = N.splat, x = (N = && G(N.createPolicy) && N.createPolicy("highcharts", { createHTML: function(T) {
  924. return T;
  925. } }), f = x ? x.createHTML("") : "";
  926. try {
  927. var d = !!new DOMParser().parseFromString(f, "text/html");
  928. } catch {
  929. d = !1;
  930. }
  931. return G = function() {
  932. function T(O) {
  933. this.nodes = typeof O == "string" ? this.parseMarkup(O) : O;
  934. }
  935. return T.filterUserAttributes = function(O) {
  936. return B(O, function(j, k) {
  937. var b = !0;
  938. T.allowedAttributes.indexOf(k) === -1 && (b = !1), ["background", "dynsrc", "href", "lowsrc", "src"].indexOf(k) !== -1 && (b = R(j) && T.allowedReferences.some(function(w) {
  939. return j.indexOf(w) === 0;
  940. })), b || (V("Highcharts warning: Invalid attribute '" + k + "' in config"), delete O[k]);
  941. }), O;
  942. }, T.setElementHTML = function(O, j) {
  943. O.innerHTML = T.emptyHTML, j && new T(j).addToDOM(O);
  944. }, T.prototype.addToDOM = function(O) {
  945. function j(k, b) {
  946. var w;
  947. return S(k).forEach(function(v) {
  948. var l = v.tagName, h = v.textContent ? y.doc.createTextNode(v.textContent) : void 0;
  949. if (l)
  950. if (l === "#text")
  951. var u = h;
  952. else if (T.allowedTags.indexOf(l) !== -1) {
  953. l = y.doc.createElementNS(l === "svg" ? D : b.namespaceURI || D, l);
  954. var i = v.attributes || {};
  955. B(v, function(c, a) {
  956. a !== "tagName" && a !== "attributes" && a !== "children" && a !== "textContent" && (i[a] = c);
  957. }), U(l, T.filterUserAttributes(i)), h && l.appendChild(h), j(v.children || [], l), u = l;
  958. } else
  959. V("Highcharts warning: Invalid tagName " + l + " in config");
  960. u && b.appendChild(u), w = u;
  961. }), w;
  962. }
  963. return j(this.nodes, O);
  964. }, T.prototype.parseMarkup = function(O) {
  965. var j = [];
  966. if (O = O.trim(), d)
  967. O = new DOMParser().parseFromString(x ? x.createHTML(O) : O, "text/html");
  968. else {
  969. var k = H("div");
  970. k.innerHTML = O, O = { body: k };
  971. }
  972. var b = function(w, v) {
  973. var l = w.nodeName.toLowerCase(), h = { tagName: l };
  974. if (l === "#text" && (h.textContent = w.textContent || ""), l = w.attributes) {
  975. var u = {};
  976. [], function(c) {
  977. u[] = c.value;
  978. }), h.attributes = u;
  979. }
  980. if (w.childNodes.length) {
  981. var i = [];
  982. [], function(c) {
  983. b(c, i);
  984. }), i.length && (h.children = i);
  985. }
  986. v.push(h);
  987. };
  988. return [], function(w) {
  989. return b(w, j);
  990. }), j;
  991. }, T.allowedAttributes = "aria-controls aria-describedby aria-expanded aria-haspopup aria-hidden aria-label aria-labelledby aria-live aria-pressed aria-readonly aria-roledescription aria-selected class clip-path color colspan cx cy d dx dy disabled fill height href id in markerHeight markerWidth offset opacity orient padding paddingLeft paddingRight patternUnits r refX refY role scope slope src startOffset stdDeviation stroke stroke-linecap stroke-width style tableValues result rowspan summary target tabindex text-align textAnchor textLength title type valign width x x1 x2 y y1 y2 zIndex".split(" "), T.allowedReferences = "https:// http:// mailto: / ../ ./ #".split(" "), T.allowedTags = "a abbr b br button caption circle clipPath code dd defs div dl dt em feComponentTransfer feFuncA feFuncB feFuncG feFuncR feGaussianBlur feOffset feMerge feMergeNode filter h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 hr i img li linearGradient marker ol p path pattern pre rect small span stop strong style sub sup svg table text thead tbody tspan td th tr u ul #text".split(" "), T.emptyHTML = f, T;
  992. }(), G;
  993. }), M(
  994. o,
  995. "Core/FormatUtilities.js",
  996. [o["Core/DefaultOptions.js"], o["Core/Utilities.js"]],
  997. function(y, N) {
  998. function D(S, x, f, d) {
  999. S = +S || 0, x = +x;
  1000. var T = U.lang, O = (S.toString().split(".")[1] || "").split("e")[0].length, j = S.toString().split("e"), k = x;
  1001. if (x === -1)
  1002. x = Math.min(O, 20);
  1003. else if (!G(x))
  1004. x = 2;
  1005. else if (x && j[1] && 0 > j[1]) {
  1006. var b = x + +j[1];
  1007. 0 <= b ? (j[0] = (+j[0]).toExponential(b).split("e")[0], x = b) : (j[0] = j[0].split(".")[0] || 0, S = 20 > x ? (j[0] * Math.pow(10, j[1])).toFixed(x) : 0, j[1] = 0);
  1008. }
  1009. b = (Math.abs(j[1] ? j[0] : S) + Math.pow(10, -Math.max(x, O) - 1)).toFixed(x), O = String(B(b));
  1010. var w = 3 < O.length ? O.length % 3 : 0;
  1011. return f = R(f, T.decimalPoint), d = R(d, T.thousandsSep), S = (0 > S ? "-" : "") + (w ? O.substr(0, w) + d : ""), S = 0 > +j[1] && !k ? "0" : S + O.substr(w).replace(/(\d{3})(?=\d)/g, "$1" + d), x && (S += f + b.slice(-x)), j[1] && +S != 0 && (S += "e" + j[1]), S;
  1012. }
  1013. var U = y.defaultOptions, H = y.defaultTime, V = N.getNestedProperty, G = N.isNumber, R = N.pick, B = N.pInt;
  1014. return { dateFormat: function(S, x, f) {
  1015. return H.dateFormat(S, x, f);
  1016. }, format: function(S, x, f) {
  1017. var d = "{", T = !1, O = /f$/, j = /\.([0-9])/, k = U.lang, b = f && f.time || H;
  1018. f = f && f.numberFormatter || D;
  1019. for (var w = []; S; ) {
  1020. var v = S.indexOf(d);
  1021. if (v === -1)
  1022. break;
  1023. var l = S.slice(0, v);
  1024. if (T) {
  1025. if (l = l.split(":"), d = V(l.shift() || "", x), l.length && typeof d == "number")
  1026. if (l = l.join(":"), O.test(l)) {
  1027. var h = parseInt((l.match(j) || ["", "-1"])[1], 10);
  1028. d !== null && (d = f(d, h, k.decimalPoint, -1 < l.indexOf(",") ? k.thousandsSep : ""));
  1029. } else
  1030. d = b.dateFormat(l, d);
  1031. w.push(d);
  1032. } else
  1033. w.push(l);
  1034. S = S.slice(v + 1), d = (T = !T) ? "}" : "{";
  1035. }
  1036. return w.push(S), w.join("");
  1037. }, numberFormat: D };
  1038. }
  1039. ), M(o, "Core/Renderer/RendererUtilities.js", [o["Core/Utilities.js"]], function(y) {
  1040. var N = y.clamp, D = y.pick, U = y.stableSort, H;
  1041. return function(V) {
  1042. function G(R, B, S) {
  1043. var x = R, f = x.reducedLen || B, d = function(w, v) {
  1044. return (v.rank || 0) - (w.rank || 0);
  1045. }, T = function(w, v) {
  1046. return -;
  1047. }, O, j = !0, k = [], b = 0;
  1048. for (O = R.length; O--; )
  1049. b += R[O].size;
  1050. if (b > f) {
  1051. for (U(R, d), b = O = 0; b <= f; )
  1052. b += R[O].size, O++;
  1053. k = R.splice(O - 1, R.length);
  1054. }
  1055. for (U(R, T), R = {
  1056. return { size: w.size, targets: [], align: D(w.align, 0.5) };
  1057. }); j; ) {
  1058. for (O = R.length; O--; )
  1059. f = R[O], d = (Math.min.apply(0, f.targets) + Math.max.apply(0, f.targets)) / 2, f.pos = N(
  1060. d - f.size * f.align,
  1061. 0,
  1062. B - f.size
  1063. );
  1064. for (O = R.length, j = !1; O--; )
  1065. 0 < O && R[O - 1].pos + R[O - 1].size > R[O].pos && (R[O - 1].size += R[O].size, R[O - 1].targets = R[O - 1].targets.concat(R[O].targets), R[O - 1].align = 0.5, R[O - 1].pos + R[O - 1].size > B && (R[O - 1].pos = B - R[O - 1].size), R.splice(O, 1), j = !0);
  1066. }
  1067. return x.push.apply(x, k), O = 0, R.some(function(w) {
  1068. var v = 0;
  1069. return (w.targets || []).some(function() {
  1070. return x[O].pos = w.pos + v, typeof S < "u" && Math.abs(x[O].pos - x[O].target) > S ? (x.slice(0, O + 1).forEach(function(l) {
  1071. return delete l.pos;
  1072. }), x.reducedLen = (x.reducedLen || B) - 0.1 * B, x.reducedLen > 0.1 * B && G(x, B, S), !0) : (v += x[O].size, O++, !1);
  1073. });
  1074. }), U(x, T), x;
  1075. }
  1076. V.distribute = G;
  1077. }(H || (H = {})), H;
  1078. }), M(o, "Core/Renderer/SVG/SVGElement.js", [o["Core/Animation/AnimationUtilities.js"], o["Core/Renderer/HTML/AST.js"], o["Core/Color/Color.js"], o["Core/Globals.js"], o["Core/Utilities.js"]], function(y, N, D, U, H) {
  1079. var V = y.animate, G = y.animObject, R = y.stop, B = U.deg2rad, S = U.doc, x = U.noop, f = U.svg, d = U.SVG_NS, T =, O = H.addEvent, j = H.attr, k = H.createElement, b = H.css, w = H.defined, v = H.erase, l = H.extend, h = H.fireEvent, u = H.isArray, i = H.isFunction, c = H.isNumber, a = H.isString, t = H.merge, s = H.objectEach, n = H.pick, P = H.pInt, _ = H.syncTimeout, I = H.uniqueKey;
  1080. return y = function() {
  1081. function W() {
  1082. this.element = void 0, this.onEvents = {}, this.opacity = 1, this.renderer = void 0, this.SVG_NS = d, this.symbolCustomAttribs = "x y width height r start end innerR anchorX anchorY rounded".split(" ");
  1083. }
  1084. return W.prototype._defaultGetter = function(E) {
  1085. return E = n(this[E + "Value"], this[E], this.element ? this.element.getAttribute(E) : null, 0), /^[\-0-9\.]+$/.test(E) && (E = parseFloat(E)), E;
  1086. }, W.prototype._defaultSetter = function(E, X, g) {
  1087. g.setAttribute(X, E);
  1088. }, W.prototype.add = function(E) {
  1089. var X = this.renderer, g = this.element;
  1090. if (E && (this.parentGroup = E), this.parentInverted = E && E.inverted, typeof this.textStr < "u" && this.element.nodeName === "text" && X.buildText(this), this.added = !0, !E || E.handleZ || this.zIndex)
  1091. var m = this.zIndexSetter();
  1092. return m || (E ? E.element :, this.onAdd && this.onAdd(), this;
  1093. }, W.prototype.addClass = function(E, X) {
  1094. var g = X ? "" : this.attr("class") || "";
  1095. return E = (E || "").split(/ /g).reduce(function(m, L) {
  1096. return g.indexOf(L) === -1 && m.push(L), m;
  1097. }, g ? [g] : []).join(" "), E !== g && this.attr("class", E), this;
  1098. }, W.prototype.afterSetters = function() {
  1099. this.doTransform && (this.updateTransform(), this.doTransform = !1);
  1100. }, W.prototype.align = function(E, X, g) {
  1101. var m = {}, L = this.renderer, z = L.alignedObjects, $, Q, A;
  1102. E ? (this.alignOptions = E, this.alignByTranslate = X, (!g || a(g)) && (this.alignTo = $ = g || "renderer", v(z, this), z.push(this), g = void 0)) : (E = this.alignOptions, X = this.alignByTranslate, $ = this.alignTo), g = n(g, L[$], $ === "scrollablePlotBox" ? L.plotBox : void 0, L), $ = E.align;
  1103. var F = E.verticalAlign;
  1104. return L = (g.x || 0) + (E.x || 0), z = (g.y || 0) + (E.y || 0), $ === "right" ? Q = 1 : $ === "center" && (Q = 2), Q && (L += (g.width - (E.width || 0)) / Q), m[X ? "translateX" : "x"] = Math.round(L), F === "bottom" ? A = 1 : F === "middle" && (A = 2), A && (z += (g.height - (E.height || 0)) / A), m[X ? "translateY" : "y"] = Math.round(z), this[this.placed ? "animate" : "attr"](m), this.placed = !0, this.alignAttr = m, this;
  1105. }, W.prototype.alignSetter = function(E) {
  1106. var X = { left: "start", center: "middle", right: "end" };
  1107. X[E] && (this.alignValue = E, this.element.setAttribute(
  1108. "text-anchor",
  1109. X[E]
  1110. ));
  1111. }, W.prototype.animate = function(E, X, g) {
  1112. var m = this, L = G(n(X, this.renderer.globalAnimation, !0));
  1113. return X = L.defer, n(S.hidden, S.msHidden, S.webkitHidden, !1) && (L.duration = 0), L.duration !== 0 ? (g && (L.complete = g), _(function() {
  1114. m.element && V(m, E, L);
  1115. }, X)) : (this.attr(E, void 0, g), s(E, function(z, $) {
  1116. L.step &&, z, { prop: $, pos: 1, elem: this });
  1117. }, this)), this;
  1118. }, W.prototype.applyTextOutline = function(E) {
  1119. var X = this.element;
  1120. E.indexOf("contrast") !== -1 && (E = E.replace(/contrast/g, this.renderer.getContrast(;
  1121. var g = E.split(" ");
  1122. if (E = g[g.length - 1], (g = g[0]) && g !== "none" && U.svg) {
  1123. this.fakeTS = !0, this.ySetter = this.xSetter, g = g.replace(/(^[\d\.]+)(.*?)$/g, function(z, $, Q) {
  1124. return 2 * Number($) + Q;
  1125. }), this.removeTextOutline();
  1126. var m = S.createElementNS(d, "tspan");
  1127. j(m, { class: "highcharts-text-outline", fill: E, stroke: E, "stroke-width": g, "stroke-linejoin": "round" }), [], function(z) {
  1128. var $ = z.cloneNode(!0);
  1129. $.removeAttribute && ["fill", "stroke", "stroke-width", "stroke"].forEach(function(Q) {
  1130. return $.removeAttribute(Q);
  1131. }), m.appendChild($);
  1132. });
  1133. var L = S.createElementNS(d, "tspan");
  1134. L.textContent = "​", ["x", "y"].forEach(function(z) {
  1135. var $ = X.getAttribute(z);
  1136. $ && L.setAttribute(z, $);
  1137. }), m.appendChild(L), X.insertBefore(m, X.firstChild);
  1138. }
  1139. }, W.prototype.attr = function(E, X, g, m) {
  1140. var L = this.element, z = this.symbolCustomAttribs, $, Q = this, A, F;
  1141. if (typeof E == "string" && typeof X < "u") {
  1142. var Y = E;
  1143. E = {}, E[Y] = X;
  1144. }
  1145. return typeof E == "string" ? Q = (this[E + "Getter"] || this._defaultGetter).call(this, E, L) : (s(E, function(Z, q) {
  1146. A = !1, m || R(this, q), this.symbolName && z.indexOf(q) !== -1 && ($ || (this.symbolAttr(E), $ = !0), A = !0), !this.rotation || q !== "x" && q !== "y" || (this.doTransform = !0), A || (F = this[q + "Setter"] || this._defaultSetter,, Z, q, L), !this.styledMode && this.shadows && /^(width|height|visibility|x|y|d|transform|cx|cy|r)$/.test(q) && this.updateShadows(q, Z, F));
  1147. }, this), this.afterSetters()), g &&, Q;
  1148. }, W.prototype.clip = function(E) {
  1149. return this.attr("clip-path", E ? "url(" + this.renderer.url + "#" + + ")" : "none");
  1150. }, W.prototype.crisp = function(E, X) {
  1151. X = X || E.strokeWidth || 0;
  1152. var g = Math.round(X) % 2 / 2;
  1153. return E.x = Math.floor(E.x || this.x || 0) + g, E.y = Math.floor(E.y || this.y || 0) + g, E.width = Math.floor((E.width || this.width || 0) - 2 * g), E.height = Math.floor((E.height || this.height || 0) - 2 * g), w(E.strokeWidth) && (E.strokeWidth = X), E;
  1154. }, W.prototype.complexColor = function(E, X, g) {
  1155. var m = this.renderer, L, z, $, Q, A, F, Y, Z, q, it, et = [], nt;
  1156. h(this.renderer, "complexColor", { args: arguments }, function() {
  1157. if (E.radialGradient ? z = "radialGradient" : E.linearGradient && (z = "linearGradient"), z) {
  1158. if ($ = E[z], A = m.gradients, F = E.stops, q = g.radialReference, u($) && (E[z] = $ = { x1: $[0], y1: $[1], x2: $[2], y2: $[3], gradientUnits: "userSpaceOnUse" }), z === "radialGradient" && q && !w($.gradientUnits) && (Q = $, $ = t($, m.getRadialAttr(q, Q), { gradientUnits: "userSpaceOnUse" })), s($, function(ct, gt) {
  1159. gt !== "id" && et.push(gt, ct);
  1160. }), s(F, function(ct) {
  1161. et.push(ct);
  1162. }), et = et.join(","), A[et])
  1163. it = A[et].attr("id");
  1164. else {
  1165. $.id = it = I();
  1166. var rt = A[et] = m.createElement(z).attr($).add(m.defs);
  1167. rt.radAttr = Q, rt.stops = [], F.forEach(function(ct) {
  1168. ct[1].indexOf("rgba") === 0 ? (L = D.parse(ct[1]), Y = L.get("rgb"), Z = L.get("a")) : (Y = ct[1], Z = 1), ct = m.createElement("stop").attr({
  1169. offset: ct[0],
  1170. "stop-color": Y,
  1171. "stop-opacity": Z
  1172. }).add(rt), rt.stops.push(ct);
  1173. });
  1174. }
  1175. nt = "url(" + m.url + "#" + it + ")", g.setAttribute(X, nt), g.gradient = et, E.toString = function() {
  1176. return nt;
  1177. };
  1178. }
  1179. });
  1180. }, W.prototype.css = function(E) {
  1181. var X = this.styles, g = {}, m = this.element, L = ["textOutline", "textOverflow", "width"], z = "", $ = !X;
  1182. if (E && E.color && (E.fill = E.color), X && s(E, function(F, Y) {
  1183. X && X[Y] !== F && (g[Y] = F, $ = !0);
  1184. }), $) {
  1185. if (X && (E = l(X, g)), E) {
  1186. if (E.width === null || E.width === "auto")
  1187. delete this.textWidth;
  1188. else if (m.nodeName.toLowerCase() === "text" && E.width)
  1189. var Q = this.textWidth = P(E.width);
  1190. }
  1191. if (this.styles = E, Q && !f && this.renderer.forExport && delete E.width, m.namespaceURI === this.SVG_NS) {
  1192. var A = function(F, Y) {
  1193. return "-" + Y.toLowerCase();
  1194. };
  1195. s(E, function(F, Y) {
  1196. L.indexOf(Y) === -1 && (z += Y.replace(/([A-Z])/g, A) + ":" + F + ";");
  1197. }), z && j(m, "style", z);
  1198. } else
  1199. b(m, E);
  1200. this.added && (this.element.nodeName === "text" && this.renderer.buildText(this), E && E.textOutline && this.applyTextOutline(E.textOutline));
  1201. }
  1202. return this;
  1203. }, W.prototype.dashstyleSetter = function(E) {
  1204. var X = this["stroke-width"];
  1205. if (X === "inherit" && (X = 1), E = E && E.toLowerCase()) {
  1206. var g = E.replace("shortdashdotdot", "3,1,1,1,1,1,").replace("shortdashdot", "3,1,1,1").replace("shortdot", "1,1,").replace("shortdash", "3,1,").replace("longdash", "8,3,").replace(/dot/g, "1,3,").replace("dash", "4,3,").replace(/,$/, "").split(",");
  1207. for (E = g.length; E--; )
  1208. g[E] = "" + P(g[E]) * n(X, NaN);
  1209. E = g.join(",").replace(/NaN/g, "none"), this.element.setAttribute("stroke-dasharray", E);
  1210. }
  1211. }, W.prototype.destroy = function() {
  1212. var E = this, X = E.element || {}, g = E.renderer, m = X.ownerSVGElement, L = g.isSVG && X.nodeName === "SPAN" && E.parentGroup || void 0;
  1213. if (X.onclick = X.onmouseout = X.onmouseover = X.onmousemove = X.point = null, R(E), E.clipPath && m) {
  1214. var z = E.clipPath;
  1215. []"[clip-path],[CLIP-PATH]"), function($) {
  1216. -1 < $.getAttribute("clip-path").indexOf( && $.removeAttribute("clip-path");
  1217. }), E.clipPath = z.destroy();
  1218. }
  1219. if (E.stops) {
  1220. for (m = 0; m < E.stops.length; m++)
  1221. E.stops[m].destroy();
  1222. E.stops.length = 0, E.stops = void 0;
  1223. }
  1224. for (E.safeRemoveChild(X), g.styledMode || E.destroyShadows(); L && L.div && L.div.childNodes.length === 0; )
  1225. X = L.parentGroup, E.safeRemoveChild(L.div), delete L.div, L = X;
  1226. E.alignTo && v(g.alignedObjects, E), s(E, function($, Q) {
  1227. E[Q] && E[Q].parentGroup === E && E[Q].destroy && E[Q].destroy(), delete E[Q];
  1228. });
  1229. }, W.prototype.destroyShadows = function() {
  1230. (this.shadows || []).forEach(function(E) {
  1231. this.safeRemoveChild(E);
  1232. }, this), this.shadows = void 0;
  1233. }, W.prototype.destroyTextPath = function(E, X) {
  1234. var g = E.getElementsByTagName("text")[0];
  1235. if (g) {
  1236. if (g.removeAttribute("dx"), g.removeAttribute("dy"), X.element.setAttribute("id", ""), this.textPathWrapper && g.getElementsByTagName("textPath").length) {
  1237. for (E = this.textPathWrapper.element.childNodes; E.length; )
  1238. g.appendChild(E[0]);
  1239. g.removeChild(this.textPathWrapper.element);
  1240. }
  1241. } else
  1242. (E.getAttribute("dx") || E.getAttribute("dy")) && (E.removeAttribute("dx"), E.removeAttribute("dy"));
  1243. this.textPathWrapper && (this.textPathWrapper = this.textPathWrapper.destroy());
  1244. }, W.prototype.dSetter = function(E, X, g) {
  1245. u(E) && (typeof E[0] == "string" && (E = this.renderer.pathToSegments(E)), this.pathArray = E, E = E.reduce(function(m, L, z) {
  1246. return L && L.join ? (z ? m + " " : "") + L.join(" ") : (L || "").toString();
  1247. }, "")), /(NaN| {2}|^$)/.test(E) && (E = "M 0 0"), this[X] !== E && (g.setAttribute(X, E), this[X] = E);
  1248. }, W.prototype.fadeOut = function(E) {
  1249. var X = this;
  1250. X.animate({ opacity: 0 }, { duration: n(E, 150), complete: function() {
  1251. X.attr({ y: -9999 }).hide();
  1252. } });
  1253. }, W.prototype.fillSetter = function(E, X, g) {
  1254. typeof E == "string" ? g.setAttribute(X, E) : E && this.complexColor(E, X, g);
  1255. }, W.prototype.getBBox = function(E, X) {
  1256. var g = this.renderer, m = this.element, L = this.styles, z = this.textStr, $ = g.cache, Q = g.cacheKeys, A = m.namespaceURI === this.SVG_NS;
  1257. X = n(X, this.rotation, 0);
  1258. var F = g.styledMode ? m &&, "font-size") : L && L.fontSize, Y;
  1259. if (w(z)) {
  1260. var Z = z.toString();
  1261. Z.indexOf("<") === -1 && (Z = Z.replace(/[0-9]/g, "0")), Z += ["", X, F, this.textWidth, L && L.textOverflow, L && L.fontWeight].join();
  1262. }
  1263. if (Z && !E && (Y = $[Z]), !Y) {
  1264. if (A || g.forExport) {
  1265. try {
  1266. var q = this.fakeTS && function(it) {
  1267. var et = m.querySelector(".highcharts-text-outline");
  1268. et && b(et, { display: it });
  1269. };
  1270. i(q) && q("none"), Y = m.getBBox ? l({}, m.getBBox()) : { width: m.offsetWidth, height: m.offsetHeight }, i(q) && q("");
  1271. } catch {
  1272. }
  1273. (!Y || 0 > Y.width) && (Y = {
  1274. width: 0,
  1275. height: 0
  1276. });
  1277. } else
  1278. Y = this.htmlGetBBox();
  1279. if (g.isSVG && (E = Y.width, g = Y.height, A && (Y.height = g = { "11px,17": 14, "13px,20": 16 }[(F || "") + "," + Math.round(g)] || g), X && (A = X * B, Y.width = Math.abs(g * Math.sin(A)) + Math.abs(E * Math.cos(A)), Y.height = Math.abs(g * Math.cos(A)) + Math.abs(E * Math.sin(A)))), Z && (z === "" || 0 < Y.height)) {
  1280. for (; 250 < Q.length; )
  1281. delete $[Q.shift()];
  1282. $[Z] || Q.push(Z), $[Z] = Y;
  1283. }
  1284. }
  1285. return Y;
  1286. }, W.prototype.getStyle = function(E) {
  1287. return T.getComputedStyle(this.element || this, "").getPropertyValue(E);
  1288. }, W.prototype.hasClass = function(E) {
  1289. return ("" + this.attr("class")).split(" ").indexOf(E) !== -1;
  1290. }, W.prototype.hide = function(E) {
  1291. return E ? this.attr({ y: -9999 }) : this.attr({ visibility: "hidden" }), this;
  1292. }, W.prototype.htmlGetBBox = function() {
  1293. return { height: 0, width: 0, x: 0, y: 0 };
  1294. }, W.prototype.init = function(E, X) {
  1295. this.element = X === "span" ? k(X) : S.createElementNS(this.SVG_NS, X), this.renderer = E, h(this, "afterInit");
  1296. }, W.prototype.invert = function(E) {
  1297. return this.inverted = E, this.updateTransform(), this;
  1298. }, W.prototype.on = function(E, X) {
  1299. var g = this.onEvents;
  1300. return g[E] && g[E](), g[E] = O(
  1301. this.element,
  1302. E,
  1303. X
  1304. ), this;
  1305. }, W.prototype.opacitySetter = function(E, X, g) {
  1306. this.opacity = E = Number(Number(E).toFixed(3)), g.setAttribute(X, E);
  1307. }, W.prototype.removeClass = function(E) {
  1308. return this.attr("class", ("" + this.attr("class")).replace(a(E) ? new RegExp("(^| )" + E + "( |$)") : E, " ").replace(/ +/g, " ").trim());
  1309. }, W.prototype.removeTextOutline = function() {
  1310. var E = this.element.querySelector("tspan.highcharts-text-outline");
  1311. E && this.safeRemoveChild(E);
  1312. }, W.prototype.safeRemoveChild = function(E) {
  1313. var X = E.parentNode;
  1314. X && X.removeChild(E);
  1315. }, W.prototype.setRadialReference = function(E) {
  1316. var X = this.element.gradient && this.renderer.gradients[this.element.gradient];
  1317. return this.element.radialReference = E, X && X.radAttr && X.animate(this.renderer.getRadialAttr(E, X.radAttr)), this;
  1318. }, W.prototype.setTextPath = function(E, X) {
  1319. var g = this.element, m = this.text ? this.text.element : g, L = { textAnchor: "text-anchor" }, z = !1, $ = this.textPathWrapper, Q = !$;
  1320. X = t(!0, { enabled: !0, attributes: { dy: -5, startOffset: "50%", textAnchor: "middle" } }, X);
  1321. var A = N.filterUserAttributes(X.attributes);
  1322. if (E && X && X.enabled) {
  1323. $ && $.element.parentNode === null ? (Q = !0, $ = $.destroy()) : $ &&$.parentGroup), this.options && this.options.padding && (A.dx = -this.options.padding), $ || (this.textPathWrapper = $ = this.renderer.createElement("textPath"), z = !0);
  1324. var F = $.element;
  1325. if ((X = E.element.getAttribute("id")) || E.element.setAttribute("id", X = I()), Q)
  1326. for (m.setAttribute("y", 0), c(A.dx) && m.setAttribute("x", -A.dx), E = [], Q = 0; Q < E.length; Q++) {
  1327. var Y = E[Q];
  1328. Y.nodeType !== T.Node.TEXT_NODE && Y.nodeName !== "tspan" || F.appendChild(Y);
  1329. }
  1330. z && $ && $.add({ element: m }), F.setAttributeNS("", "href", this.renderer.url + "#" + X), w(A.dy) && (F.parentNode.setAttribute("dy", A.dy), delete A.dy), w(A.dx) && (F.parentNode.setAttribute("dx", A.dx), delete A.dx), s(A, function(Z, q) {
  1331. F.setAttribute(L[q] || q, Z);
  1332. }), g.removeAttribute("transform"),$), this.text && !this.renderer.styledMode && this.attr({ fill: "none", "stroke-width": 0 }), this.applyTextOutline = this.updateTransform = x;
  1333. } else
  1334. $ && (delete this.updateTransform, delete this.applyTextOutline, this.destroyTextPath(g, E), this.updateTransform(), this.options && this.options.rotation && this.applyTextOutline(;
  1335. return this;
  1336. }, W.prototype.shadow = function(E, X, g) {
  1337. var m = [], L = this.element, z = this.oldShadowOptions, $ = { color: "#000000", offsetX: this.parentInverted ? -1 : 1, offsetY: this.parentInverted ? -1 : 1, opacity: 0.15, width: 3 }, Q = !1, A;
  1338. if (E === !0 ? A = $ : typeof E == "object" && (A = l($, E)), A && (A && z && s(A, function(it, et) {
  1339. it !== z[et] && (Q = !0);
  1340. }), Q && this.destroyShadows(), this.oldShadowOptions = A), !A)
  1341. this.destroyShadows();
  1342. else if (!this.shadows) {
  1343. var F = A.opacity / A.width, Y = this.parentInverted ? "translate(" + A.offsetY + ", " + A.offsetX + ")" : "translate(" + A.offsetX + ", " + A.offsetY + ")";
  1344. for ($ = 1; $ <= A.width; $++) {
  1345. var Z = L.cloneNode(!1), q = 2 * A.width + 1 - 2 * $;
  1346. j(Z, { stroke: E.color || "#000000", "stroke-opacity": F * $, "stroke-width": q, transform: Y, fill: "none" }), Z.setAttribute("class", (Z.getAttribute("class") || "") + " highcharts-shadow"), g && (j(Z, "height", Math.max(j(Z, "height") - q, 0)), Z.cutHeight = q), X ? X.element.appendChild(Z) : L.parentNode && L.parentNode.insertBefore(Z, L), m.push(Z);
  1347. }
  1348. this.shadows = m;
  1349. }
  1350. return this;
  1351. }, = function(E) {
  1352. return this.attr({ visibility: E ? "inherit" : "visible" });
  1353. }, W.prototype.strokeSetter = function(E, X, g) {
  1354. this[X] = E, this.stroke && this["stroke-width"] ? (, this.stroke, "stroke", g), g.setAttribute("stroke-width", this["stroke-width"]), this.hasStroke = !0) : X === "stroke-width" && E === 0 && this.hasStroke ? (g.removeAttribute("stroke"), this.hasStroke = !1) : this.renderer.styledMode && this["stroke-width"] && (g.setAttribute("stroke-width", this["stroke-width"]), this.hasStroke = !0);
  1355. }, W.prototype.strokeWidth = function() {
  1356. if (!this.renderer.styledMode)
  1357. return this["stroke-width"] || 0;
  1358. var E = this.getStyle("stroke-width"), X = 0;
  1359. if (E.indexOf("px") === E.length - 2)
  1360. X = P(E);
  1361. else if (E !== "") {
  1362. var g = S.createElementNS(d, "rect");
  1363. j(g, { width: E, "stroke-width": 0 }), this.element.parentNode.appendChild(g), X = g.getBBox().width, g.parentNode.removeChild(g);
  1364. }
  1365. return X;
  1366. }, W.prototype.symbolAttr = function(E) {
  1367. var X = this;
  1368. "x y r start end width height innerR anchorX anchorY clockwise".split(" ").forEach(function(g) {
  1369. X[g] = n(E[g], X[g]);
  1370. }), X.attr({ d: X.renderer.symbols[X.symbolName](X.x, X.y, X.width, X.height, X) });
  1371. }, W.prototype.textSetter = function(E) {
  1372. E !== this.textStr && (delete this.textPxLength, this.textStr = E, this.added && this.renderer.buildText(this));
  1373. }, W.prototype.titleSetter = function(E) {
  1374. var X = this.element, g = X.getElementsByTagName("title")[0] || S.createElementNS(this.SVG_NS, "title");
  1375. X.insertBefore ? X.insertBefore(g, X.firstChild) : X.appendChild(g), g.textContent = String(n(E, "")).replace(/<[^>]*>/g, "").replace(/&lt;/g, "<").replace(
  1376. /&gt;/g,
  1377. ">"
  1378. );
  1379. }, W.prototype.toFront = function() {
  1380. var E = this.element;
  1381. return E.parentNode.appendChild(E), this;
  1382. }, W.prototype.translate = function(E, X) {
  1383. return this.attr({ translateX: E, translateY: X });
  1384. }, W.prototype.updateShadows = function(E, X, g) {
  1385. var m = this.shadows;
  1386. if (m)
  1387. for (var L = m.length; L--; )
  1388.[L], E === "height" ? Math.max(X - (m[L].cutHeight || 0), 0) : E === "d" ? this.d : X, E, m[L]);
  1389. }, W.prototype.updateTransform = function() {
  1390. var E = this.scaleX, X = this.scaleY, g = this.inverted, m = this.rotation, L = this.matrix, z = this.element, $ = this.translateX || 0, Q = this.translateY || 0;
  1391. g && ($ += this.width, Q += this.height), $ = ["translate(" + $ + "," + Q + ")"], w(L) && $.push("matrix(" + L.join(",") + ")"), g ? $.push("rotate(90) scale(-1,1)") : m && $.push("rotate(" + m + " " + n(this.rotationOriginX, z.getAttribute("x"), 0) + " " + n(this.rotationOriginY, z.getAttribute("y") || 0) + ")"), (w(E) || w(X)) && $.push("scale(" + n(E, 1) + " " + n(X, 1) + ")"), $.length && z.setAttribute("transform", $.join(" "));
  1392. }, W.prototype.visibilitySetter = function(E, X, g) {
  1393. E === "inherit" ? g.removeAttribute(X) : this[X] !== E && g.setAttribute(
  1394. X,
  1395. E
  1396. ), this[X] = E;
  1397. }, W.prototype.xGetter = function(E) {
  1398. return this.element.nodeName === "circle" && (E === "x" ? E = "cx" : E === "y" && (E = "cy")), this._defaultGetter(E);
  1399. }, W.prototype.zIndexSetter = function(E, X) {
  1400. var g = this.renderer, m = this.parentGroup, L = (m || g).element ||, z = this.element;
  1401. g = L ===;
  1402. var $ = !1, Q = this.added, A;
  1403. if (w(E) ? (z.setAttribute("data-z-index", E), E = +E, this[X] === E && (Q = !1)) : w(this[X]) && z.removeAttribute("data-z-index"), this[X] = E, Q) {
  1404. for ((E = this.zIndex) && m && (m.handleZ = !0), X = L.childNodes, A = X.length - 1; 0 <= A && !$; A--) {
  1405. m = X[A], Q = m.getAttribute("data-z-index");
  1406. var F = !w(Q);
  1407. m !== z && (0 > E && F && !g && !A ? (L.insertBefore(z, X[A]), $ = !0) : (P(Q) <= E || F && (!w(E) || 0 <= E)) && (L.insertBefore(z, X[A + 1] || null), $ = !0));
  1408. }
  1409. $ || (L.insertBefore(z, X[g ? 3 : 0] || null), $ = !0);
  1410. }
  1411. return $;
  1412. }, W;
  1413. }(), y.prototype["stroke-widthSetter"] = y.prototype.strokeSetter, y.prototype.yGetter = y.prototype.xGetter, y.prototype.matrixSetter = y.prototype.rotationOriginXSetter = y.prototype.rotationOriginYSetter = y.prototype.rotationSetter = y.prototype.scaleXSetter = y.prototype.scaleYSetter = y.prototype.translateXSetter = y.prototype.translateYSetter = y.prototype.verticalAlignSetter = function(W, E) {
  1414. this[E] = W, this.doTransform = !0;
  1415. }, y;
  1416. }), M(o, "Core/Renderer/RendererRegistry.js", [o["Core/Globals.js"]], function(y) {
  1417. var N;
  1418. return function(D) {
  1419. D.rendererTypes = {};
  1420. var U;
  1421. D.getRendererType = function(H) {
  1422. return H === void 0 && (H = U), D.rendererTypes[H] || D.rendererTypes[U];
  1423. }, D.registerRendererType = function(H, V, G) {
  1424. D.rendererTypes[H] = V, (!U || G) && (U = H, y.Renderer = V);
  1425. };
  1426. }(N || (N = {})), N;
  1427. }), M(
  1428. o,
  1429. "Core/Renderer/SVG/SVGLabel.js",
  1430. [o["Core/Renderer/SVG/SVGElement.js"], o["Core/Utilities.js"]],
  1431. function(y, N) {
  1432. var D = this && this.__extends || function() {
  1433. var S = function(x, f) {
  1434. return S = Object.setPrototypeOf || { __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function(d, T) {
  1435. d.__proto__ = T;
  1436. } || function(d, T) {
  1437. for (var O in T)
  1438. T.hasOwnProperty(O) && (d[O] = T[O]);
  1439. }, S(x, f);
  1440. };
  1441. return function(x, f) {
  1442. function d() {
  1443. this.constructor = x;
  1444. }
  1445. S(x, f), x.prototype = f === null ? Object.create(f) : (d.prototype = f.prototype, new d());
  1446. };
  1447. }(), U = N.defined, H = N.extend, V = N.isNumber, G = N.merge, R = N.pick, B = N.removeEvent;
  1448. return function(S) {
  1449. function x(f, d, T, O, j, k, b, w, v, l) {
  1450. var h = || this;
  1451. h.paddingLeftSetter = h.paddingSetter, h.paddingRightSetter = h.paddingSetter, h.init(f, "g"), h.textStr = d, h.x = T, h.y = O, h.anchorX = k, h.anchorY = b, h.baseline = v, h.className = l, h.addClass(l === "button" ? "highcharts-no-tooltip" : "highcharts-label"), l && h.addClass("highcharts-" + l), h.text = f.text(void 0, 0, 0, w).attr({ zIndex: 1 });
  1452. var u;
  1453. return typeof j == "string" && ((u = /^url\((.*?)\)$/.test(j)) || h.renderer.symbols[j]) && (h.symbolKey = j), h.bBox = x.emptyBBox, h.padding = 3, h.baselineOffset = 0, h.needsBox = f.styledMode || u, h.deferredAttr = {}, h.alignFactor = 0, h;
  1454. }
  1455. return D(x, S), x.prototype.alignSetter = function(f) {
  1456. f = { left: 0, center: 0.5, right: 1 }[f], f !== this.alignFactor && (this.alignFactor = f, this.bBox && V(this.xSetting) && this.attr({ x: this.xSetting }));
  1457. }, x.prototype.anchorXSetter = function(f, d) {
  1458. this.anchorX = f, this.boxAttr(d, Math.round(f) - this.getCrispAdjust() - this.xSetting);
  1459. }, x.prototype.anchorYSetter = function(f, d) {
  1460. this.anchorY = f, this.boxAttr(d, f - this.ySetting);
  1461. }, x.prototype.boxAttr = function(f, d) {
  1462. ?, d) : this.deferredAttr[f] = d;
  1463. }, x.prototype.css = function(f) {
  1464. if (f) {
  1465. var d = {};
  1466. f = G(f), x.textProps.forEach(function(O) {
  1467. typeof f[O] < "u" && (d[O] = f[O], delete f[O]);
  1468. }), this.text.css(d);
  1469. var T = "width" in d;
  1470. "fontSize" in d || "fontWeight" in d ? this.updateTextPadding() : T && this.updateBoxSize();
  1471. }
  1472. return, f);
  1473. }, x.prototype.destroy = function() {
  1474. B(this.element, "mouseenter"), B(this.element, "mouseleave"), this.text && this.text.destroy(), && ( =,;
  1475. }, x.prototype.fillSetter = function(f, d) {
  1476. f && (this.needsBox = !0), this.fill = f, this.boxAttr(d, f);
  1477. }, x.prototype.getBBox = function() {
  1478. this.textStr && this.bBox.width === 0 && this.bBox.height === 0 && this.updateBoxSize();
  1479. var f = this.padding, d = R(this.paddingLeft, f);
  1480. return { width: this.width, height: this.height, x: this.bBox.x - d, y: this.bBox.y - f };
  1481. }, x.prototype.getCrispAdjust = function() {
  1482. return this.renderer.styledMode && ? % 2 / 2 : (this["stroke-width"] ? parseInt(
  1483. this["stroke-width"],
  1484. 10
  1485. ) : 0) % 2 / 2;
  1486. }, x.prototype.heightSetter = function(f) {
  1487. this.heightSetting = f;
  1488. }, x.prototype.onAdd = function() {
  1489. var f = this.textStr;
  1490. this.text.add(this), this.attr({ text: U(f) ? f : "", x: this.x, y: this.y }), && U(this.anchorX) && this.attr({ anchorX: this.anchorX, anchorY: this.anchorY });
  1491. }, x.prototype.paddingSetter = function(f, d) {
  1492. V(f) ? f !== this[d] && (this[d] = f, this.updateTextPadding()) : this[d] = void 0;
  1493. }, x.prototype.rSetter = function(f, d) {
  1494. this.boxAttr(d, f);
  1495. }, x.prototype.shadow = function(f) {
  1496. return f && !this.renderer.styledMode && (this.updateBoxSize(), &&, this;
  1497. }, x.prototype.strokeSetter = function(f, d) {
  1498. this.stroke = f, this.boxAttr(d, f);
  1499. }, x.prototype["stroke-widthSetter"] = function(f, d) {
  1500. f && (this.needsBox = !0), this["stroke-width"] = f, this.boxAttr(d, f);
  1501. }, x.prototype["text-alignSetter"] = function(f) {
  1502. this.textAlign = f;
  1503. }, x.prototype.textSetter = function(f) {
  1504. typeof f < "u" && this.text.attr({ text: f }), this.updateTextPadding();
  1505. }, x.prototype.updateBoxSize = function() {
  1506. var f =, d = {}, T = this.padding, O = this.bBox = V(this.widthSetting) && V(this.heightSetting) && !this.textAlign || !U(this.text.textStr) ? x.emptyBBox : this.text.getBBox();
  1507. this.width = this.getPaddedWidth(), this.height = (this.heightSetting || O.height || 0) + 2 * T, f = this.renderer.fontMetrics(f && f.fontSize, this.text), this.baselineOffset = T + Math.min((this.text.firstLineMetrics || f).b, O.height || 1 / 0), this.heightSetting && (this.baselineOffset += (this.heightSetting - f.h) / 2), this.needsBox && ( || (T = = this.symbolKey ? this.renderer.symbol(this.symbolKey) : this.renderer.rect(), T.addClass((this.className === "button" ? "" : "highcharts-label-box") + (this.className ? " highcharts-" + this.className + "-box" : "")), T.add(this)), T = this.getCrispAdjust(), d.x = T, d.y = (this.baseline ? -this.baselineOffset : 0) + T, d.width = Math.round(this.width), d.height = Math.round(this.height),, this.deferredAttr)), this.deferredAttr = {});
  1508. }, x.prototype.updateTextPadding = function() {
  1509. var f = this.text;
  1510. this.updateBoxSize();
  1511. var d = this.baseline ? 0 : this.baselineOffset, T = R(this.paddingLeft, this.padding);
  1512. U(this.widthSetting) && this.bBox && (this.textAlign === "center" || this.textAlign === "right") && (T += { center: 0.5, right: 1 }[this.textAlign] * (this.widthSetting - this.bBox.width)), (T !== f.x || d !== f.y) && (f.attr("x", T), f.hasBoxWidthChanged && (this.bBox = f.getBBox(!0)), typeof d < "u" && f.attr("y", d)), f.x = T, f.y = d;
  1513. }, x.prototype.widthSetter = function(f) {
  1514. this.widthSetting = V(f) ? f : void 0;
  1515. }, x.prototype.getPaddedWidth = function() {
  1516. var f = this.padding, d = R(this.paddingLeft, f);
  1517. return f = R(this.paddingRight, f), (this.widthSetting || this.bBox.width || 0) + d + f;
  1518. }, x.prototype.xSetter = function(f) {
  1519. this.x = f, this.alignFactor && (f -= this.alignFactor * this.getPaddedWidth(), this["forceAnimate:x"] = !0), this.xSetting = Math.round(f), this.attr("translateX", this.xSetting);
  1520. }, x.prototype.ySetter = function(f) {
  1521. this.ySetting = this.y = Math.round(f), this.attr("translateY", this.ySetting);
  1522. }, x.emptyBBox = { width: 0, height: 0, x: 0, y: 0 }, x.textProps = "color direction fontFamily fontSize fontStyle fontWeight lineHeight textAlign textDecoration textOutline textOverflow width".split(" "), x;
  1523. }(y);
  1524. }
  1525. ), M(
  1526. o,
  1527. "Core/Renderer/SVG/Symbols.js",
  1528. [o["Core/Utilities.js"]],
  1529. function(y) {
  1530. function N(R, B, S, x, f) {
  1531. var d = [];
  1532. if (f) {
  1533. var T = f.start || 0, O = G(f.r, S);
  1534. S = G(f.r, x || S);
  1535. var j = (f.end || 0) - 1e-3;
  1536. x = f.innerR;
  1537. var k = G(, 1e-3 > Math.abs((f.end || 0) - T - 2 * Math.PI)), b = Math.cos(T), w = Math.sin(T), v = Math.cos(j), l = Math.sin(j);
  1538. T = G(f.longArc, 1e-3 > j - T - Math.PI ? 0 : 1), d.push(["M", R + O * b, B + S * w], ["A", O, S, 0, T, G(f.clockwise, 1), R + O * v, B + S * l]), H(x) && d.push(k ? ["M", R + x * v, B + x * l] : ["L", R + x * v, B + x * l], ["A", x, x, 0, T, H(f.clockwise) ? 1 - f.clockwise : 0, R + x * b, B + x * w]), k || d.push(["Z"]);
  1539. }
  1540. return d;
  1541. }
  1542. function D(R, B, S, x, f) {
  1543. return f && f.r ? U(R, B, S, x, f) : [["M", R, B], ["L", R + S, B], ["L", R + S, B + x], ["L", R, B + x], ["Z"]];
  1544. }
  1545. function U(R, B, S, x, f) {
  1546. return f = f && f.r || 0, [["M", R + f, B], ["L", R + S - f, B], ["C", R + S, B, R + S, B, R + S, B + f], ["L", R + S, B + x - f], ["C", R + S, B + x, R + S, B + x, R + S - f, B + x], ["L", R + f, B + x], ["C", R, B + x, R, B + x, R, B + x - f], ["L", R, B + f], ["C", R, B, R, B, R + f, B]];
  1547. }
  1548. var H = y.defined, V = y.isNumber, G = y.pick;
  1549. return { arc: N, callout: function(R, B, S, x, f) {
  1550. var d = Math.min(f && f.r || 0, S, x), T = d + 6, O = f && f.anchorX;
  1551. f = f && f.anchorY || 0;
  1552. var j = U(R, B, S, x, { r: d });
  1553. return V(O) && (R + O >= S ? f > B + T && f < B + x - T ? j.splice(3, 1, ["L", R + S, f - 6], ["L", R + S + 6, f], ["L", R + S, f + 6], ["L", R + S, B + x - d]) : j.splice(3, 1, ["L", R + S, x / 2], ["L", O, f], ["L", R + S, x / 2], ["L", R + S, B + x - d]) : 0 >= R + O ? f > B + T && f < B + x - T ? j.splice(7, 1, ["L", R, f + 6], ["L", R - 6, f], ["L", R, f - 6], ["L", R, B + d]) : j.splice(7, 1, ["L", R, x / 2], ["L", O, f], ["L", R, x / 2], ["L", R, B + d]) : f && f > x && O > R + T && O < R + S - T ? j.splice(5, 1, ["L", O + 6, B + x], ["L", O, B + x + 6], ["L", O - 6, B + x], ["L", R + d, B + x]) : f && 0 > f && O > R + T && O < R + S - T && j.splice(1, 1, ["L", O - 6, B], ["L", O, B - 6], ["L", O + 6, B], ["L", S - d, B])), j;
  1554. }, circle: function(R, B, S, x) {
  1555. return N(R + S / 2, B + x / 2, S / 2, x / 2, { start: 0.5 * Math.PI, end: 2.5 * Math.PI, open: !1 });
  1556. }, diamond: function(R, B, S, x) {
  1557. return [["M", R + S / 2, B], ["L", R + S, B + x / 2], ["L", R + S / 2, B + x], ["L", R, B + x / 2], ["Z"]];
  1558. }, rect: D, roundedRect: U, square: D, triangle: function(R, B, S, x) {
  1559. return [["M", R + S / 2, B], ["L", R + S, B + x], ["L", R, B + x], ["Z"]];
  1560. }, "triangle-down": function(R, B, S, x) {
  1561. return [["M", R, B], ["L", R + S, B], ["L", R + S / 2, B + x], ["Z"]];
  1562. } };
  1563. }
  1564. ), M(o, "Core/Renderer/SVG/TextBuilder.js", [o["Core/Renderer/HTML/AST.js"], o["Core/Globals.js"], o["Core/Utilities.js"]], function(y, N, D) {
  1565. var U = N.doc, H = N.SVG_NS, V =, G = D.attr, R = D.isString, B = D.objectEach, S = D.pick;
  1566. return function() {
  1567. function x(f) {
  1568. var d = f.styles;
  1569. this.renderer = f.renderer, this.svgElement = f, this.width = f.textWidth, this.textLineHeight = d && d.lineHeight, this.textOutline = d && d.textOutline, this.ellipsis = !(!d || d.textOverflow !== "ellipsis"), this.noWrap = !(!d || d.whiteSpace !== "nowrap"), this.fontSize = d && d.fontSize;
  1570. }
  1571. return x.prototype.buildSVG = function() {
  1572. var f = this.svgElement, d = f.element, T = f.renderer, O = S(f.textStr, "").toString(), j = O.indexOf("<") !== -1, k = d.childNodes;
  1573. T = this.width && !f.added &&;
  1574. var b = /<br.*?>/g, w = [O, this.ellipsis, this.noWrap, this.textLineHeight, this.textOutline, this.fontSize, this.width].join();
  1575. if (w !== f.textCache) {
  1576. for (f.textCache = w, delete f.actualWidth, w = k.length; w--; )
  1577. d.removeChild(k[w]);
  1578. j || this.ellipsis || this.width || O.indexOf(" ") !== -1 && (!this.noWrap || b.test(O)) ? O !== "" && (T && T.appendChild(d), O = new y(O), this.modifyTree(O.nodes), O.addToDOM(f.element), this.modifyDOM(), this.ellipsis && (d.textContent || "").indexOf("…") !== -1 && f.attr(
  1579. "title",
  1580. this.unescapeEntities(f.textStr || "", ["&lt;", "&gt;"])
  1581. ), T && T.removeChild(d)) : d.appendChild(U.createTextNode(this.unescapeEntities(O))), R(this.textOutline) && f.applyTextOutline && f.applyTextOutline(this.textOutline);
  1582. }
  1583. }, x.prototype.modifyDOM = function() {
  1584. var f = this, d = this.svgElement, T = G(d.element, "x");
  1585. d.firstLineMetrics = void 0;
  1586. for (var O; (O = d.element.firstChild) && /^[\s\u200B]*$/.test(O.textContent || " "); )
  1587. d.element.removeChild(O);
  1588. []"tspan.highcharts-br"), function(w, v) {
  1589. w.nextSibling && w.previousSibling && (v === 0 && w.previousSibling.nodeType === 1 && (d.firstLineMetrics = d.renderer.fontMetrics(void 0, w.previousSibling)), G(w, { dy: f.getLineHeight(w.nextSibling), x: T }));
  1590. });
  1591. var j = this.width || 0;
  1592. if (j) {
  1593. var k = function(w, v) {
  1594. var l = w.textContent || "", h = l.replace(/([^\^])-/g, "$1- ").split(" "), u = !f.noWrap && (1 < h.length || 1 < d.element.childNodes.length), i = f.getLineHeight(v), c = 0, a = d.actualWidth;
  1595. if (f.ellipsis)
  1596. l && f.truncate(w, l, void 0, 0, Math.max(0, j - parseInt(f.fontSize || 12, 10)), function(t, s) {
  1597. return t.substring(
  1598. 0,
  1599. s
  1600. ) + "…";
  1601. });
  1602. else if (u) {
  1603. for (l = [], u = []; v.firstChild && v.firstChild !== w; )
  1604. u.push(v.firstChild), v.removeChild(v.firstChild);
  1605. for (; h.length; )
  1606. h.length && !f.noWrap && 0 < c && (l.push(w.textContent || ""), w.textContent = h.join(" ").replace(/- /g, "-")), f.truncate(w, void 0, h, c === 0 && a || 0, j, function(t, s) {
  1607. return h.slice(0, s).join(" ").replace(/- /g, "-");
  1608. }), a = d.actualWidth, c++;
  1609. u.forEach(function(t) {
  1610. v.insertBefore(t, w);
  1611. }), l.forEach(function(t) {
  1612. v.insertBefore(U.createTextNode(t), w), t = U.createElementNS(H, "tspan"), t.textContent = "​", G(t, { dy: i, x: T }), v.insertBefore(t, w);
  1613. });
  1614. }
  1615. }, b = function(w) {
  1616. [] {
  1617. v.nodeType === V.Node.TEXT_NODE ? k(v, w) : (v.className.baseVal.indexOf("highcharts-br") !== -1 && (d.actualWidth = 0), b(v));
  1618. });
  1619. };
  1620. b(d.element);
  1621. }
  1622. }, x.prototype.getLineHeight = function(f) {
  1623. var d;
  1624. return f = f.nodeType === V.Node.TEXT_NODE ? f.parentElement : f, this.renderer.styledMode || (d = f && /(px|em)$/.test( ? : this.fontSize || || 12), this.textLineHeight ? parseInt(
  1625. this.textLineHeight.toString(),
  1626. 10
  1627. ) : this.renderer.fontMetrics(d, f || this.svgElement.element).h;
  1628. }, x.prototype.modifyTree = function(f) {
  1629. var d = this, T = function(O, j) {
  1630. var k = O.attributes;
  1631. k = k === void 0 ? {} : k;
  1632. var b = O.children, w = O.tagName, v = d.renderer.styledMode;
  1633. w === "b" || w === "strong" ? v ? k.class = "highcharts-strong" : = "font-weight:bold;" + ( || "") : (w === "i" || w === "em") && (v ? k.class = "highcharts-emphasized" : = "font-style:italic;" + ( || "")), R( && ( =;| |^)color([ :])/, "$1fill$2")), w === "br" ? (k.class = "highcharts-br", O.textContent = "​", (j = f[j + 1]) && j.textContent && (j.textContent = j.textContent.replace(/^ +/gm, ""))) : w === "a" && b && b.some(function(l) {
  1634. return l.tagName === "#text";
  1635. }) && (O.children = [{ children: b, tagName: "tspan" }]), w !== "#text" && w !== "a" && (O.tagName = "tspan"), O.attributes = k, b && b.filter(function(l) {
  1636. return l.tagName !== "#text";
  1637. }).forEach(T);
  1638. };
  1639. f.forEach(T);
  1640. }, x.prototype.truncate = function(f, d, T, O, j, k) {
  1641. var b = this.svgElement, w = b.renderer, v = b.rotation, l = [], h = T ? 1 : 0, u = (d || T || "").length, i = u, c, a = function(s, n) {
  1642. n = n || s;
  1643. var P = f.parentNode;
  1644. if (P && typeof l[n] > "u")
  1645. if (P.getSubStringLength)
  1646. try {
  1647. l[n] = O + P.getSubStringLength(0, T ? n + 1 : n);
  1648. } catch {
  1649. }
  1650. else
  1651. w.getSpanWidth && (f.textContent = k(d || T, s), l[n] = O + w.getSpanWidth(b, f));
  1652. return l[n];
  1653. };
  1654. b.rotation = 0;
  1655. var t = a(f.textContent.length);
  1656. if (O + t > j) {
  1657. for (; h <= u; )
  1658. i = Math.ceil((h + u) / 2), T && (c = k(T, i)), t = a(i, c && c.length - 1), h === u ? h = u + 1 : t > j ? u = i - 1 : h = i;
  1659. u === 0 ? f.textContent = "" : d && u === d.length - 1 || (f.textContent = c || k(d || T, i));
  1660. }
  1661. T && T.splice(0, i), b.actualWidth = t, b.rotation = v;
  1662. }, x.prototype.unescapeEntities = function(f, d) {
  1663. return B(this.renderer.escapes, function(T, O) {
  1664. d && d.indexOf(T) !== -1 || (f = f.toString().replace(new RegExp(T, "g"), O));
  1665. }), f;
  1666. }, x;
  1667. }();
  1668. }), M(o, "Core/Renderer/SVG/SVGRenderer.js", [o["Core/Renderer/HTML/AST.js"], o["Core/Color/Color.js"], o["Core/Globals.js"], o["Core/Renderer/RendererRegistry.js"], o["Core/Renderer/SVG/SVGElement.js"], o["Core/Renderer/SVG/SVGLabel.js"], o["Core/Renderer/SVG/Symbols.js"], o["Core/Renderer/SVG/TextBuilder.js"], o["Core/Utilities.js"]], function(y, N, D, U, H, V, G, R, B) {
  1669. var S = D.charts, x = D.deg2rad, f = D.doc, d = D.isFirefox, T = D.isMS, O = D.isWebKit, j = D.noop, k = D.SVG_NS, b = D.symbolSizes, w =, v = B.addEvent, l = B.attr, h = B.createElement, u = B.css, i = B.defined, c = B.destroyObjectProperties, a = B.extend, t = B.isArray, s = B.isNumber, n = B.isObject, P = B.isString, _ = B.merge, I = B.pick, W = B.pInt, E = B.uniqueKey, X;
  1670. return D = function() {
  1671. function g(m, L, z, $, Q, A, F) {
  1672. this.width = this.url = = this.isSVG = this.imgCount = this.height = this.gradients = this.globalAnimation = this.defs = this.chartIndex = this.cacheKeys = this.cache = this.boxWrapper = = this.alignedObjects = void 0, this.init(m, L, z, $, Q, A, F);
  1673. }
  1674. return g.prototype.init = function(m, L, z, $, Q, A, F) {
  1675. var Y = this.createElement("svg").attr({ version: "1.1", class: "highcharts-root" }), Z = Y.element;
  1676. F || Y.css(this.getStyle($)), m.appendChild(Z), l(m, "dir", "ltr"), m.innerHTML.indexOf("xmlns") === -1 && l(Z, "xmlns", this.SVG_NS), this.isSVG = !0, = Z, this.boxWrapper = Y, this.alignedObjects = [], this.url = this.getReferenceURL(), this.createElement("desc").add().element.appendChild(f.createTextNode("Created with Highcharts 9.3.3")), this.defs = this.createElement("defs").add(), this.allowHTML = A, this.forExport = Q, this.styledMode = F, this.gradients = {}, this.cache = {}, this.cacheKeys = [], this.imgCount = 0, this.setSize(L, z, !1);
  1677. var q;
  1678. d && m.getBoundingClientRect && (L = function() {
  1679. u(m, { left: 0, top: 0 }), q = m.getBoundingClientRect(), u(m, { left: Math.ceil(q.left) - q.left + "px", top: Math.ceil( - + "px" });
  1680. }, L(), this.unSubPixelFix = v(w, "resize", L));
  1681. }, g.prototype.definition = function(m) {
  1682. return new y([m]).addToDOM(this.defs.element);
  1683. }, g.prototype.getReferenceURL = function() {
  1684. if ((d || O) && f.getElementsByTagName("base").length) {
  1685. if (!i(X)) {
  1686. var m = E();
  1687. m = new y([{ tagName: "svg", attributes: { width: 8, height: 8 }, children: [{ tagName: "defs", children: [{ tagName: "clipPath", attributes: { id: m }, children: [{ tagName: "rect", attributes: { width: 4, height: 4 } }] }] }, { tagName: "rect", attributes: { id: "hitme", width: 8, height: 8, "clip-path": "url(#" + m + ")", fill: "rgba(0,0,0,0.001)" } }] }]).addToDOM(f.body), u(m, { position: "fixed", top: 0, left: 0, zIndex: 9e5 });
  1688. var L = f.elementFromPoint(6, 6);
  1689. X = (L && === "hitme", f.body.removeChild(m);
  1690. }
  1691. if (X)
  1692. return w.location.href.split("#")[0].replace(/<[^>]*>/g, "").replace(/([\('\)])/g, "\\$1").replace(/ /g, "%20");
  1693. }
  1694. return "";
  1695. }, g.prototype.getStyle = function(m) {
  1696. return = a({ fontFamily: '"Lucida Grande", "Lucida Sans Unicode", Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif', fontSize: "12px" }, m);
  1697. }, g.prototype.setStyle = function(m) {
  1698. this.boxWrapper.css(this.getStyle(m));
  1699. }, g.prototype.isHidden = function() {
  1700. return !this.boxWrapper.getBBox().width;
  1701. }, g.prototype.destroy = function() {
  1702. var m = this.defs;
  1703. return = null, this.boxWrapper = this.boxWrapper.destroy(), c(this.gradients || {}), this.gradients = null, m && (this.defs = m.destroy()), this.unSubPixelFix && this.unSubPixelFix(), this.alignedObjects = null;
  1704. }, g.prototype.createElement = function(m) {
  1705. var L = new this.Element();
  1706. return L.init(this, m), L;
  1707. }, g.prototype.getRadialAttr = function(m, L) {
  1708. return { cx: m[0] - m[2] / 2 + ( || 0) * m[2], cy: m[1] - m[2] / 2 + ( || 0) * m[2], r: (L.r || 0) * m[2] };
  1709. }, g.prototype.buildText = function(m) {
  1710. new R(m).buildSVG();
  1711. }, g.prototype.getContrast = function(m) {
  1712. return m = N.parse(m).rgba, m[0] *= 1, m[1] *= 1.2, m[2] *= 0.5, 459 < m[0] + m[1] + m[2] ? "#000000" : "#FFFFFF";
  1713. }, g.prototype.button = function(m, L, z, $, Q, A, F, Y, Z, q) {
  1714. var it = this.label(m, L, z, Z, void 0, void 0, q, void 0, "button"), et = this.styledMode, nt = 0, rt = Q ? _(Q) : {};
  1715. if (m = rt && || {}, rt = y.filterUserAttributes(rt), it.attr(_({ padding: 8, r: 2 }, rt)), !et) {
  1716. rt = _({ fill: "#f7f7f7", stroke: "#cccccc", "stroke-width": 1, style: { color: "#333333", cursor: "pointer", fontWeight: "normal" } }, { style: m }, rt);
  1717. var ct =;
  1718. delete, A = _(rt, { fill: "#e6e6e6" }, y.filterUserAttributes(A || {}));
  1719. var gt =;
  1720. delete, F = _(rt, { fill: "#e6ebf5", style: { color: "#000000", fontWeight: "bold" } }, y.filterUserAttributes(F || {}));
  1721. var dt =;
  1722. delete, Y = _(rt, { style: { color: "#cccccc" } }, y.filterUserAttributes(Y || {}));
  1723. var ht =;
  1724. delete;
  1725. }
  1726. return v(it.element, T ? "mouseover" : "mouseenter", function() {
  1727. nt !== 3 && it.setState(1);
  1728. }), v(it.element, T ? "mouseout" : "mouseleave", function() {
  1729. nt !== 3 && it.setState(nt);
  1730. }), it.setState = function(at) {
  1731. at !== 1 && (it.state = nt = at), it.removeClass(/highcharts-button-(normal|hover|pressed|disabled)/).addClass("highcharts-button-" + ["normal", "hover", "pressed", "disabled"][at || 0]), et || it.attr([rt, A, F, Y][at || 0]).css([ct, gt, dt, ht][at || 0]);
  1732. }, et || it.attr(rt).css(a({ cursor: "default" }, ct)), it.on("touchstart", function(at) {
  1733. return at.stopPropagation();
  1734. }).on("click", function(at) {
  1735. nt !== 3 && $.call(it, at);
  1736. });
  1737. }, g.prototype.crispLine = function(m, L, z) {
  1738. z === void 0 && (z = "round");
  1739. var $ = m[0], Q = m[1];
  1740. return i($[1]) && $[1] === Q[1] && ($[1] = Q[1] = Math[z]($[1]) - L % 2 / 2), i($[2]) && $[2] === Q[2] && ($[2] = Q[2] = Math[z]($[2]) + L % 2 / 2), m;
  1741. }, g.prototype.path = function(m) {
  1742. var L = this.styledMode ? {} : { fill: "none" };
  1743. return t(m) ? L.d = m : n(m) && a(L, m), this.createElement("path").attr(L);
  1744. }, = function(m, L, z) {
  1745. return m = n(m) ? m : typeof m > "u" ? {} : { x: m, y: L, r: z }, L = this.createElement("circle"), L.xSetter = L.ySetter = function($, Q, A) {
  1746. A.setAttribute("c" + Q, $);
  1747. }, L.attr(m);
  1748. }, g.prototype.arc = function(m, L, z, $, Q, A) {
  1749. return n(m) ? ($ = m, L = $.y, z = $.r, m = $.x) : $ = { innerR: $, start: Q, end: A }, m = this.symbol("arc", m, L, z, z, $), m.r = z, m;
  1750. }, g.prototype.rect = function(m, L, z, $, Q, A) {
  1751. Q = n(m) ? m.r : Q;
  1752. var F = this.createElement("rect");
  1753. return m = n(m) ? m : typeof m > "u" ? {} : { x: m, y: L, width: Math.max(z, 0), height: Math.max($, 0) }, this.styledMode || (typeof A < "u" && (m["stroke-width"] = A, m = F.crisp(m)), m.fill = "none"), Q && (m.r = Q), F.rSetter = function(Y, Z, q) {
  1754. F.r = Y, l(q, { rx: Y, ry: Y });
  1755. }, F.rGetter = function() {
  1756. return F.r || 0;
  1757. }, F.attr(m);
  1758. }, g.prototype.setSize = function(m, L, z) {
  1759. this.width = m, this.height = L, this.boxWrapper.animate({ width: m, height: L }, { step: function() {
  1760. this.attr({ viewBox: "0 0 " + this.attr("width") + " " + this.attr("height") });
  1761. }, duration: I(
  1762. z,
  1763. !0
  1764. ) ? void 0 : 0 }), this.alignElements();
  1765. }, g.prototype.g = function(m) {
  1766. var L = this.createElement("g");
  1767. return m ? L.attr({ class: "highcharts-" + m }) : L;
  1768. }, g.prototype.image = function(m, L, z, $, Q, A) {
  1769. var F = { preserveAspectRatio: "none" }, Y = function(q, it) {
  1770. q.setAttributeNS ? q.setAttributeNS("", "href", it) : q.setAttribute("hc-svg-href", it);
  1771. };
  1772. s(L) && (F.x = L), s(z) && (F.y = z), s($) && (F.width = $), s(Q) && (F.height = Q);
  1773. var Z = this.createElement("image").attr(F);
  1774. return L = function(q) {
  1775. Y(Z.element, m),, q);
  1776. }, A ? (Y(
  1777. Z.element,
  1779. ), z = new w.Image(), v(z, "load", L), z.src = m, z.complete && L({})) : Y(Z.element, m), Z;
  1780. }, g.prototype.symbol = function(m, L, z, $, Q, A) {
  1781. var F = this, Y = /^url\((.*?)\)$/, Z = Y.test(m), q = !Z && (this.symbols[m] ? m : "circle"), it = q && this.symbols[q], et;
  1782. if (it) {
  1783. typeof L == "number" && (et =, Math.round(L || 0), Math.round(z || 0), $ || 0, Q || 0, A));
  1784. var nt = this.path(et);
  1785. F.styledMode || nt.attr("fill", "none"), a(nt, { symbolName: q || void 0, x: L, y: z, width: $, height: Q }), A && a(nt, A);
  1786. } else if (Z) {
  1787. var rt = m.match(Y)[1], ct = nt = this.image(rt);
  1788. ct.imgwidth = I(b[rt] && b[rt].width, A && A.width), ct.imgheight = I(b[rt] && b[rt].height, A && A.height);
  1789. var gt = function(dt) {
  1790. return dt.attr({ width: dt.width, height: dt.height });
  1791. };
  1792. ["width", "height"].forEach(function(dt) {
  1793. ct[dt + "Setter"] = function(ht, at) {
  1794. var J = this["img" + at];
  1795. this[at] = ht, i(J) && (A && A.backgroundSize === "within" && this.width && this.height && (J = Math.round(J * Math.min(this.width / this.imgwidth, this.height / this.imgheight))), this.element && this.element.setAttribute(at, J), this.alignByTranslate || (ht = ((this[at] || 0) - J) / 2, this.attr(at === "width" ? { translateX: ht } : { translateY: ht })));
  1796. };
  1797. }), i(L) && ct.attr({ x: L, y: z }), ct.isImg = !0, i(ct.imgwidth) && i(ct.imgheight) ? gt(ct) : (ct.attr({ width: 0, height: 0 }), h("img", { onload: function() {
  1798. var dt = S[F.chartIndex];
  1799. this.width === 0 && (u(this, { position: "absolute", top: "-999em" }), f.body.appendChild(this)), b[rt] = { width: this.width, height: this.height }, ct.imgwidth = this.width, ct.imgheight = this.height, ct.element && gt(ct), this.parentNode && this.parentNode.removeChild(this), F.imgCount--, !F.imgCount && dt && !dt.hasLoaded && dt.onload();
  1800. }, src: rt }), this.imgCount++);
  1801. }
  1802. return nt;
  1803. }, g.prototype.clipRect = function(m, L, z, $) {
  1804. var Q = E() + "-", A = this.createElement("clipPath").attr({ id: Q }).add(this.defs);
  1805. return m = this.rect(m, L, z, $, 0).add(A), = Q, m.clipPath = A, m.count = 0, m;
  1806. }, g.prototype.text = function(m, L, z, $) {
  1807. var Q = {};
  1808. return $ && (this.allowHTML || !this.forExport) ? this.html(m, L, z) : (Q.x = Math.round(L || 0), z && (Q.y = Math.round(z)), i(m) && (Q.text = m), m = this.createElement("text").attr(Q), (!$ || this.forExport && !this.allowHTML) && (m.xSetter = function(A, F, Y) {
  1809. for (var Z = Y.getElementsByTagName("tspan"), q = Y.getAttribute(F), it = 0, et; it < Z.length; it++)
  1810. et = Z[it], et.getAttribute(F) === q && et.setAttribute(F, A);
  1811. Y.setAttribute(F, A);
  1812. }), m);
  1813. }, g.prototype.fontMetrics = function(m, L) {
  1814. return m = !this.styledMode && /px/.test(m) || !w.getComputedStyle ? m || L && && || && : L &&, "font-size"), m = /px/.test(m) ? W(m) : 12, L = 24 > m ? m + 3 : Math.round(1.2 * m), { h: L, b: Math.round(0.8 * L), f: m };
  1815. }, g.prototype.rotCorr = function(m, L, z) {
  1816. var $ = m;
  1817. return L && z && ($ = Math.max($ * Math.cos(L * x), 4)), { x: -m / 3 * Math.sin(L * x), y: $ };
  1818. }, g.prototype.pathToSegments = function(m) {
  1819. for (var L = [], z = [], $ = { A: 8, C: 7, H: 2, L: 3, M: 3, Q: 5, S: 5, T: 3, V: 2 }, Q = 0; Q < m.length; Q++)
  1820. P(z[0]) && s(m[Q]) && z.length === $[z[0].toUpperCase()] && m.splice(Q, 0, z[0].replace("M", "L").replace("m", "l")), typeof m[Q] == "string" && (z.length && L.push(z.slice(0)), z.length = 0), z.push(m[Q]);
  1821. return L.push(z.slice(0)), L;
  1822. }, g.prototype.label = function(m, L, z, $, Q, A, F, Y, Z) {
  1823. return new V(this, m, L, z, $, Q, A, F, Y, Z);
  1824. }, g.prototype.alignElements = function() {
  1825. this.alignedObjects.forEach(function(m) {
  1826. return m.align();
  1827. });
  1828. }, g;
  1829. }(), a(D.prototype, { Element: H, SVG_NS: k, escapes: { "&": "&amp;", "<": "&lt;", ">": "&gt;", "'": "&#39;", '"': "&quot;" }, symbols: G, draw: j }), U.registerRendererType("svg", D, !0), D;
  1830. }), M(o, "Core/Renderer/HTML/HTMLElement.js", [o["Core/Globals.js"], o["Core/Renderer/SVG/SVGElement.js"], o["Core/Utilities.js"]], function(y, N, D) {
  1831. var U = this && this.__extends || function() {
  1832. var T = function(O, j) {
  1833. return T = Object.setPrototypeOf || { __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function(k, b) {
  1834. k.__proto__ = b;
  1835. } || function(k, b) {
  1836. for (var w in b)
  1837. b.hasOwnProperty(w) && (k[w] = b[w]);
  1838. }, T(O, j);
  1839. };
  1840. return function(O, j) {
  1841. function k() {
  1842. this.constructor = O;
  1843. }
  1844. T(O, j), O.prototype = j === null ? Object.create(j) : (k.prototype = j.prototype, new k());
  1845. };
  1846. }(), H = y.isFirefox, V = y.isMS, G = y.isWebKit, R =, B = D.css, S = D.defined, x = D.extend, f = D.pick, d = D.pInt;
  1847. return function(T) {
  1848. function O() {
  1849. return T !== null && T.apply(this, arguments) || this;
  1850. }
  1851. return U(O, T), O.compose = function(j) {
  1852. if (O.composedClasses.indexOf(j) === -1) {
  1853. O.composedClasses.push(j);
  1854. var k = O.prototype, b = j.prototype;
  1855. b.getSpanCorrection = k.getSpanCorrection, b.htmlCss = k.htmlCss, b.htmlGetBBox = k.htmlGetBBox, b.htmlUpdateTransform = k.htmlUpdateTransform, b.setSpanRotation = k.setSpanRotation;
  1856. }
  1857. return j;
  1858. }, O.prototype.getSpanCorrection = function(j, k, b) {
  1859. this.xCorr = -j * b, this.yCorr = -k;
  1860. }, O.prototype.htmlCss = function(j) {
  1861. var k = this.element.tagName === "SPAN" && j && "width" in j, b = f(k && j.width, void 0);
  1862. if (k) {
  1863. delete j.width, this.textWidth = b;
  1864. var w = !0;
  1865. }
  1866. return j && j.textOverflow === "ellipsis" && (j.whiteSpace = "nowrap", j.overflow = "hidden"), this.styles = x(this.styles, j), B(this.element, j), w && this.htmlUpdateTransform(), this;
  1867. }, O.prototype.htmlGetBBox = function() {
  1868. var j = this.element;
  1869. return { x: j.offsetLeft, y: j.offsetTop, width: j.offsetWidth, height: j.offsetHeight };
  1870. }, O.prototype.htmlUpdateTransform = function() {
  1871. if (this.added) {
  1872. var j = this.renderer, k = this.element, b = this.translateX || 0, w = this.translateY || 0, v = this.x || 0, l = this.y || 0, h = this.textAlign || "left", u = { left: 0, center: 0.5, right: 1 }[h], i = this.styles;
  1873. if (i = i && i.whiteSpace, B(k, { marginLeft: b, marginTop: w }), !j.styledMode && this.shadows && this.shadows.forEach(function(P) {
  1874. B(P, { marginLeft: b + 1, marginTop: w + 1 });
  1875. }), this.inverted && [], function(P) {
  1876. j.invertChild(P, k);
  1877. }), k.tagName === "SPAN") {
  1878. var c = this.rotation, a = this.textWidth && d(this.textWidth), t = [c, h, k.innerHTML, this.textWidth, this.textAlign].join(), s = void 0;
  1879. if (s = !1, a !== this.oldTextWidth) {
  1880. if (this.textPxLength)
  1881. var n = this.textPxLength;
  1882. else
  1883. B(k, { width: "", whiteSpace: i || "nowrap" }), n = k.offsetWidth;
  1884. (a > this.oldTextWidth || n > a) && (/[ \-]/.test(k.textContent || k.innerText) || === "ellipsis") && (B(k, { width: n > a || c ? a + "px" : "auto", display: "block", whiteSpace: i || "normal" }), this.oldTextWidth = a, s = !0);
  1885. }
  1886. this.hasBoxWidthChanged = s, t !== this.cTT && (s = j.fontMetrics(, k).b, !S(c) || c === (this.oldRotation || 0) && h === this.oldAlign || this.setSpanRotation(c, u, s), this.getSpanCorrection(!S(c) && this.textPxLength || k.offsetWidth, s, u, c, h)), B(k, { left: v + (this.xCorr || 0) + "px", top: l + (this.yCorr || 0) + "px" }), this.cTT = t, this.oldRotation = c, this.oldAlign = h;
  1887. }
  1888. } else
  1889. this.alignOnAdd = !0;
  1890. }, O.prototype.setSpanRotation = function(j, k, b) {
  1891. var w = {}, v = V && !/Edge/.test(R.navigator.userAgent) ? "-ms-transform" : G ? "-webkit-transform" : H ? "MozTransform" : R.opera ? "-o-transform" : void 0;
  1892. v && (w[v] = w.transform = "rotate(" + j + "deg)", w[v + (H ? "Origin" : "-origin")] = w.transformOrigin = 100 * k + "% " + b + "px", B(this.element, w));
  1893. }, O.composedClasses = [], O;
  1894. }(N);
  1895. }), M(
  1896. o,
  1897. "Core/Renderer/HTML/HTMLRenderer.js",
  1898. [o["Core/Renderer/HTML/AST.js"], o["Core/Renderer/SVG/SVGElement.js"], o["Core/Renderer/SVG/SVGRenderer.js"], o["Core/Utilities.js"]],
  1899. function(y, N, D, U) {
  1900. var H = this && this.__extends || function() {
  1901. var S = function(x, f) {
  1902. return S = Object.setPrototypeOf || { __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function(d, T) {
  1903. d.__proto__ = T;
  1904. } || function(d, T) {
  1905. for (var O in T)
  1906. T.hasOwnProperty(O) && (d[O] = T[O]);
  1907. }, S(x, f);
  1908. };
  1909. return function(x, f) {
  1910. function d() {
  1911. this.constructor = x;
  1912. }
  1913. S(x, f), x.prototype = f === null ? Object.create(f) : (d.prototype = f.prototype, new d());
  1914. };
  1915. }(), V = U.attr, G = U.createElement, R = U.extend, B = U.pick;
  1916. return function(S) {
  1917. function x() {
  1918. return S !== null && S.apply(this, arguments) || this;
  1919. }
  1920. return H(x, S), x.compose = function(f) {
  1921. return x.composedClasses.indexOf(f) === -1 && (x.composedClasses.push(f), f.prototype.html = x.prototype.html), f;
  1922. }, x.prototype.html = function(f, d, T) {
  1923. var O = this.createElement("span"), j = O.element, k = O.renderer, b = k.isSVG, w = function(v, l) {
  1924. ["opacity", "visibility"].forEach(function(h) {
  1925. v[h + "Setter"] = function(u, i, c) {
  1926. var a = v.div ? : l;
  1927. N.prototype[h + "Setter"].call(this, u, i, c), a && (a[i] = u);
  1928. };
  1929. }), v.addedSetters = !0;
  1930. };
  1931. return O.textSetter = function(v) {
  1932. v !== this.textStr && (delete this.bBox, delete this.oldTextWidth, y.setElementHTML(this.element, B(v, "")), this.textStr = v, O.doTransform = !0);
  1933. }, b && w(O,, O.xSetter = O.ySetter = O.alignSetter = O.rotationSetter = function(v, l) {
  1934. l === "align" ? O.alignValue = O.textAlign = v : O[l] = v, O.doTransform = !0;
  1935. }, O.afterSetters = function() {
  1936. this.doTransform && (this.htmlUpdateTransform(), this.doTransform = !1);
  1937. }, O.attr({ text: f, x: Math.round(d), y: Math.round(T) }).css({ position: "absolute" }), k.styledMode || O.css({ fontFamily:, fontSize: }), = "nowrap", O.css = O.htmlCss, b && (O.add = function(v) {
  1938. var l =, h = [];
  1939. if (this.parentGroup = v) {
  1940. var u = v.div;
  1941. if (!u) {
  1942. for (; v; )
  1943. h.push(v), v = v.parentGroup;
  1944. h.reverse().forEach(function(i) {
  1945. function c(n, P) {
  1946. i[P] = n, P === "translateX" ? s.left = n + "px" : = n + "px", i.doTransform = !0;
  1947. }
  1948. var a = V(i.element, "class"), t = i.styles || {};
  1949. u = i.div = i.div || G("div", a ? { className: a } : void 0, {
  1950. position: "absolute",
  1951. left: (i.translateX || 0) + "px",
  1952. top: (i.translateY || 0) + "px",
  1953. display: i.display,
  1954. opacity: i.opacity,
  1955. cursor: t.cursor,
  1956. pointerEvents: t.pointerEvents,
  1957. visibility: i.visibility
  1958. }, u || l);
  1959. var s =;
  1960. R(i, { classSetter: function(n) {
  1961. return function(P) {
  1962. this.element.setAttribute("class", P), n.className = P;
  1963. };
  1964. }(u), on: function() {
  1965. return h[0].div && O.on.apply({ element: h[0].div, onEvents: i.onEvents }, arguments), i;
  1966. }, translateXSetter: c, translateYSetter: c }), i.addedSetters || w(i);
  1967. });
  1968. }
  1969. } else
  1970. u = l;
  1971. return u.appendChild(j), O.added = !0, O.alignOnAdd && O.htmlUpdateTransform(), O;
  1972. }), O;
  1973. }, x.composedClasses = [], x;
  1974. }(D);
  1975. }
  1976. ), M(o, "Core/Axis/AxisDefaults.js", [], function() {
  1977. var y;
  1978. return function(N) {
  1979. N.defaultXAxisOptions = { alignTicks: !0, allowDecimals: void 0, panningEnabled: !0, zIndex: 2, zoomEnabled: !0, dateTimeLabelFormats: { millisecond: { main: "%H:%M:%S.%L", range: !1 }, second: { main: "%H:%M:%S", range: !1 }, minute: { main: "%H:%M", range: !1 }, hour: { main: "%H:%M", range: !1 }, day: { main: "%e. %b" }, week: { main: "%e. %b" }, month: { main: "%b '%y" }, year: { main: "%Y" } }, endOnTick: !1, gridLineDashStyle: "Solid", gridZIndex: 1, labels: {
  1980. autoRotation: void 0,
  1981. autoRotationLimit: 80,
  1982. distance: void 0,
  1983. enabled: !0,
  1984. indentation: 10,
  1985. overflow: "justify",
  1986. padding: 5,
  1987. reserveSpace: void 0,
  1988. rotation: void 0,
  1989. staggerLines: 0,
  1990. step: 0,
  1991. useHTML: !1,
  1992. x: 0,
  1993. zIndex: 7,
  1994. style: { color: "#666666", cursor: "default", fontSize: "11px" }
  1995. }, maxPadding: 0.01, minorGridLineDashStyle: "Solid", minorTickLength: 2, minorTickPosition: "outside", minPadding: 0.01, offset: void 0, opposite: !1, reversed: void 0, reversedStacks: !1, showEmpty: !0, showFirstLabel: !0, showLastLabel: !0, startOfWeek: 1, startOnTick: !1, tickLength: 10, tickPixelInterval: 100, tickmarkPlacement: "between", tickPosition: "outside", title: {
  1996. align: "middle",
  1997. rotation: 0,
  1998. useHTML: !1,
  1999. x: 0,
  2000. y: 0,
  2001. style: { color: "#666666" }
  2002. }, type: "linear", uniqueNames: !0, visible: !0, minorGridLineColor: "#f2f2f2", minorGridLineWidth: 1, minorTickColor: "#999999", lineColor: "#ccd6eb", lineWidth: 1, gridLineColor: "#e6e6e6", gridLineWidth: void 0, tickColor: "#ccd6eb" }, N.defaultYAxisOptions = { reversedStacks: !0, endOnTick: !0, maxPadding: 0.05, minPadding: 0.05, tickPixelInterval: 72, showLastLabel: !0, labels: { x: -8 }, startOnTick: !0, title: { rotation: 270, text: "Values" }, stackLabels: {
  2003. animation: {},
  2004. allowOverlap: !1,
  2005. enabled: !1,
  2006. crop: !0,
  2007. overflow: "justify",
  2008. formatter: function() {
  2009. var D = this.axis.chart.numberFormatter;
  2010. return D(, -1);
  2011. },
  2012. style: { color: "#000000", fontSize: "11px", fontWeight: "bold", textOutline: "1px contrast" }
  2013. }, gridLineWidth: 1, lineWidth: 0 }, N.defaultLeftAxisOptions = { labels: { x: -15 }, title: { rotation: 270 } }, N.defaultRightAxisOptions = { labels: { x: 15 }, title: { rotation: 90 } }, N.defaultBottomAxisOptions = { labels: { autoRotation: [-45], x: 0 }, margin: 15, title: { rotation: 0 } }, N.defaultTopAxisOptions = { labels: { autoRotation: [-45], x: 0 }, margin: 15, title: { rotation: 0 } };
  2014. }(y || (y = {})), y;
  2015. }), M(o, "Core/Foundation.js", [o["Core/Utilities.js"]], function(y) {
  2016. var N = y.addEvent, D = y.isFunction, U = y.objectEach, H = y.removeEvent, V;
  2017. return function(G) {
  2018. G.registerEventOptions = function(R, B) {
  2019. R.eventOptions = R.eventOptions || {}, U(, function(S, x) {
  2020. R.eventOptions[x] !== S && (R.eventOptions[x] && (H(R, x, R.eventOptions[x]), delete R.eventOptions[x]), D(S) && (R.eventOptions[x] = S, N(R, x, S)));
  2021. });
  2022. };
  2023. }(V || (V = {})), V;
  2024. }), M(
  2025. o,
  2026. "Core/Axis/Tick.js",
  2027. [o["Core/FormatUtilities.js"], o["Core/Globals.js"], o["Core/Utilities.js"]],
  2028. function(y, N, D) {
  2029. var U = N.deg2rad, H = D.clamp, V = D.correctFloat, G = D.defined, R = D.destroyObjectProperties, B = D.extend, S = D.fireEvent, x = D.isNumber, f = D.merge, d = D.objectEach, T = D.pick;
  2030. return N = function() {
  2031. function O(j, k, b, w, v) {
  2032. this.isNewLabel = this.isNew = !0, this.axis = j, this.pos = k, this.type = b || "", this.parameters = v || {}, this.tickmarkOffset = this.parameters.tickmarkOffset, this.options = this.parameters.options, S(this, "init"), b || w || this.addLabel();
  2033. }
  2034. return O.prototype.addLabel = function() {
  2035. var j = this, k = j.axis, b = k.options, w = k.chart, v = k.categories, l = k.logarithmic, h = k.names, u = j.pos, i = T(j.options && j.options.labels, b.labels), c = k.tickPositions, a = u === c[0], t = u === c[c.length - 1], s = (!i.step || i.step === 1) && k.tickInterval === 1;
  2036. c =;
  2037. var n = j.label, P;
  2038. if (v = this.parameters.category || (v ? T(v[u], h[u], u) : u), l && x(v) && (v = V(l.lin2log(v))), k.dateTime)
  2039. if (c)
  2040. var _ = w.time.resolveDTLFormat(b.dateTimeLabelFormats[!b.grid && c.higherRanks[u] || c.unitName]), I = _.main;
  2041. else
  2042. x(v) && (I = k.dateTime.getXDateFormat(v, b.dateTimeLabelFormats || {}));
  2043. j.isFirst = a, j.isLast = t;
  2044. var W = {
  2045. axis: k,
  2046. chart: w,
  2047. dateTimeLabelFormat: I,
  2048. isFirst: a,
  2049. isLast: t,
  2050. pos: u,
  2051. tick: j,
  2052. tickPositionInfo: c,
  2053. value: v
  2054. };
  2055. S(this, "labelFormat", W);
  2056. var E = function(g) {
  2057. return i.formatter ?, g) : i.format ? (g.text =, y.format(i.format, g, w)) :, g);
  2058. };
  2059. b =, W);
  2060. var X = _ && _.list;
  2061. j.shortenLabel = X ? function() {
  2062. for (P = 0; P < X.length; P++)
  2063. if (B(W, { dateTimeLabelFormat: X[P] }), n.attr({ text:, W) }), n.getBBox().width < k.getSlotWidth(j) - 2 * i.padding)
  2064. return;
  2065. n.attr({ text: "" });
  2066. } : void 0, s && k._addedPlotLB && j.moveLabel(b, i), G(n) || j.movedLabel ? n && n.textStr !== b && !s && (!n.textWidth || || n.styles.width || n.css({ width: null }), n.attr({ text: b }), n.textPxLength = n.getBBox().width) : (j.label = n = j.createLabel({ x: 0, y: 0 }, b, i), j.rotation = 0);
  2067. }, O.prototype.createLabel = function(j, k, b) {
  2068. var w = this.axis, v = w.chart;
  2069. return (j = G(k) && b.enabled ? v.renderer.text(k, j.x, j.y, b.useHTML).add(w.labelGroup) : null) && (v.styledMode || j.css(f(, j.textPxLength = j.getBBox().width), j;
  2070. }, O.prototype.destroy = function() {
  2071. R(
  2072. this,
  2073. this.axis
  2074. );
  2075. }, O.prototype.getPosition = function(j, k, b, w) {
  2076. var v = this.axis, l = v.chart, h = w && l.oldChartHeight || l.chartHeight;
  2077. return j = { x: j ? V(v.translate(k + b, null, null, w) + v.transB) : v.left + v.offset + (v.opposite ? (w && l.oldChartWidth || l.chartWidth) - v.right - v.left : 0), y: j ? h - v.bottom + v.offset - (v.opposite ? v.height : 0) : V(h - v.translate(k + b, null, null, w) - v.transB) }, j.y = H(j.y, -1e5, 1e5), S(this, "afterGetPosition", { pos: j }), j;
  2078. }, O.prototype.getLabelPosition = function(j, k, b, w, v, l, h, u) {
  2079. var i = this.axis, c = i.transA, a = i.isLinked && i.linkedParent ? i.linkedParent.reversed : i.reversed, t = i.staggerLines, s = i.tickRotCorr || { x: 0, y: 0 }, n = w || i.reserveSpaceDefault ? 0 : -i.labelOffset * (i.labelAlign === "center" ? 0.5 : 1), P = {}, _ = v.y;
  2080. return G(_) || (_ = i.side === 0 ? b.rotation ? -8 : -b.getBBox().height : i.side === 2 ? s.y + 8 : Math.cos(b.rotation * U) * (s.y - b.getBBox(!1, 0).height / 2)), j = j + v.x + n + s.x - (l && w ? l * c * (a ? -1 : 1) : 0), k = k + _ - (l && !w ? l * c * (a ? 1 : -1) : 0), t && (b = h / (u || 1) % t, i.opposite && (b = t - b - 1), k += i.labelOffset / t * b), P.x = j, P.y = Math.round(k), S(this, "afterGetLabelPosition", { pos: P, tickmarkOffset: l, index: h }), P;
  2081. }, O.prototype.getLabelSize = function() {
  2082. return this.label ? this.label.getBBox()[this.axis.horiz ? "height" : "width"] : 0;
  2083. }, O.prototype.getMarkPath = function(j, k, b, w, v, l) {
  2084. return l.crispLine([["M", j, k], ["L", j + (v ? 0 : -b), k + (v ? b : 0)]], w);
  2085. }, O.prototype.handleOverflow = function(j) {
  2086. var k = this.axis, b = k.options.labels, w = j.x, v = k.chart.chartWidth, l = k.chart.spacing, h = T(k.labelLeft, Math.min(k.pos, l[3]));
  2087. l = T(k.labelRight, Math.max(k.isRadial ? 0 : k.pos + k.len, v - l[1]));
  2088. var u = this.label, i = this.rotation, c = { left: 0, center: 0.5, right: 1 }[k.labelAlign || u.attr("align")], a = u.getBBox().width, t = k.getSlotWidth(this), s = {}, n = t, P = 1, _;
  2089. i || b.overflow !== "justify" ? 0 > i && w - c * a < h ? _ = Math.round(w / Math.cos(i * U) - h) : 0 < i && w + c * a > l && (_ = Math.round((v - w) / Math.cos(i * U))) : (v = w + (1 - c) * a, w - c * a < h ? n = j.x + n * (1 - c) - h : v > l && (n = l - j.x + n * c, P = -1), n = Math.min(t, n), n < t && k.labelAlign === "center" && (j.x += P * (t - n - c * (t - Math.min(a, n)))), (a > n || k.autoRotation && (u.styles || {}).width) && (_ = n)), _ && (this.shortenLabel ? this.shortenLabel() : (s.width = Math.floor(_) + "px", ( || {}).textOverflow || (s.textOverflow = "ellipsis"), u.css(s)));
  2090. }, O.prototype.moveLabel = function(j, k) {
  2091. var b = this, w = b.label, v = b.axis, l = v.reversed, h = !1;
  2092. if (w && w.textStr === j ? (b.movedLabel = w, h = !0, delete b.label) : d(v.ticks, function(i) {
  2093. h || i.isNew || i === b || !i.label || i.label.textStr !== j || (b.movedLabel = i.label, h = !0, i.labelPos = b.movedLabel.xy, delete i.label);
  2094. }), !h && (b.labelPos || w)) {
  2095. var u = b.labelPos || w.xy;
  2096. w = v.horiz ? l ? 0 : v.width + v.left : u.x, v = v.horiz ? u.y : l ? v.width + v.left : 0, b.movedLabel = b.createLabel({ x: w, y: v }, j, k), b.movedLabel && b.movedLabel.attr({ opacity: 0 });
  2097. }
  2098. }, O.prototype.render = function(j, k, b) {
  2099. var w = this.axis, v = w.horiz, l = this.pos, h = T(this.tickmarkOffset, w.tickmarkOffset);
  2100. l = this.getPosition(v, l, h, k), h = l.x;
  2101. var u = l.y;
  2102. w = v && h === w.pos + w.len || !v && u === w.pos ? -1 : 1, v = T(b, this.label && this.label.newOpacity, 1), b = T(b, 1), this.isActive = !0, this.renderGridLine(k, b, w), this.renderMark(l, b, w), this.renderLabel(l, k, v, j), this.isNew = !1, S(this, "afterRender");
  2103. }, O.prototype.renderGridLine = function(j, k, b) {
  2104. var w = this.axis, v = w.options, l = {}, h = this.pos, u = this.type, i = T(
  2105. this.tickmarkOffset,
  2106. w.tickmarkOffset
  2107. ), c = w.chart.renderer, a = this.gridLine, t = v.gridLineWidth, s = v.gridLineColor, n = v.gridLineDashStyle;
  2108. this.type === "minor" && (t = v.minorGridLineWidth, s = v.minorGridLineColor, n = v.minorGridLineDashStyle), a || (w.chart.styledMode || (l.stroke = s, l["stroke-width"] = t || 0, l.dashstyle = n), u || (l.zIndex = 1), j && (k = 0), this.gridLine = a = c.path().attr(l).addClass("highcharts-" + (u ? u + "-" : "") + "grid-line").add(w.gridGroup)), a && (b = w.getPlotLinePath({ value: h + i, lineWidth: a.strokeWidth() * b, force: "pass", old: j })) && a[j || this.isNew ? "attr" : "animate"]({ d: b, opacity: k });
  2109. }, O.prototype.renderMark = function(j, k, b) {
  2110. var w = this.axis, v = w.options, l = w.chart.renderer, h = this.type, u = w.tickSize(h ? h + "Tick" : "tick"), i = j.x;
  2111. j = j.y;
  2112. var c = T(v[h !== "minor" ? "tickWidth" : "minorTickWidth"], !h && w.isXAxis ? 1 : 0);
  2113. v = v[h !== "minor" ? "tickColor" : "minorTickColor"];
  2114. var a = this.mark, t = !a;
  2115. u && (w.opposite && (u[0] = -u[0]), a || (this.mark = a = l.path().addClass("highcharts-" + (h ? h + "-" : "") + "tick").add(w.axisGroup), w.chart.styledMode || a.attr({ stroke: v, "stroke-width": c })), a[t ? "attr" : "animate"]({ d: this.getMarkPath(
  2116. i,
  2117. j,
  2118. u[0],
  2119. a.strokeWidth() * b,
  2120. w.horiz,
  2121. l
  2122. ), opacity: k }));
  2123. }, O.prototype.renderLabel = function(j, k, b, w) {
  2124. var v = this.axis, l = v.horiz, h = v.options, u = this.label, i = h.labels, c = i.step;
  2125. v = T(this.tickmarkOffset, v.tickmarkOffset);
  2126. var a = j.x;
  2127. j = j.y;
  2128. var t = !0;
  2129. u && x(a) && (u.xy = j = this.getLabelPosition(a, j, u, l, i, v, w, c), this.isFirst && !this.isLast && !h.showFirstLabel || this.isLast && !this.isFirst && !h.showLastLabel ? t = !1 : !l || i.step || i.rotation || k || b === 0 || this.handleOverflow(j), c && w % c && (t = !1), t && x(j.y) ? (j.opacity = b, u[this.isNewLabel ? "attr" : "animate"](j), this.isNewLabel = !1) : (u.attr("y", -9999), this.isNewLabel = !0));
  2130. }, O.prototype.replaceMovedLabel = function() {
  2131. var j = this.label, k = this.axis, b = k.reversed;
  2132. if (j && !this.isNew) {
  2133. var w = k.horiz ? b ? k.left : k.width + k.left : j.xy.x;
  2134. b = k.horiz ? j.xy.y : b ? k.width + :, j.animate({ x: w, y: b, opacity: 0 }, void 0, j.destroy), delete this.label;
  2135. }
  2136. k.isDirty = !0, this.label = this.movedLabel, delete this.movedLabel;
  2137. }, O;
  2138. }(), N;
  2139. }
  2140. ), M(o, "Core/Axis/Axis.js", [
  2141. o["Core/Animation/AnimationUtilities.js"],
  2142. o["Core/Axis/AxisDefaults.js"],
  2143. o["Core/Color/Color.js"],
  2144. o["Core/DefaultOptions.js"],
  2145. o["Core/Foundation.js"],
  2146. o["Core/Globals.js"],
  2147. o["Core/Axis/Tick.js"],
  2148. o["Core/Utilities.js"]
  2149. ], function(y, N, D, U, H, V, G, R) {
  2150. var B = y.animObject, S = U.defaultOptions, x = H.registerEventOptions, f = V.deg2rad, d = R.arrayMax, T = R.arrayMin, O = R.clamp, j = R.correctFloat, k = R.defined, b = R.destroyObjectProperties, w = R.erase, v = R.error, l = R.extend, h = R.fireEvent, u = R.getMagnitude, i = R.isArray, c = R.isNumber, a = R.isString, t = R.merge, s = R.normalizeTickInterval, n = R.objectEach, P = R.pick, _ = R.relativeLength, I = R.removeEvent, W = R.splat, E = R.syncTimeout;
  2151. return y = function() {
  2152. function X(g, m) {
  2153. this.zoomEnabled = this.width = this.visible = this.userOptions = this.translationSlope = this.transB = this.transA = = this.ticks = this.tickRotCorr = this.tickPositions = this.tickmarkOffset = this.tickInterval = this.tickAmount = this.side = this.series = this.right = this.positiveValuesOnly = this.pos = this.pointRangePadding = this.pointRange = this.plotLinesAndBandsGroups = this.plotLinesAndBands = this.paddedTicks = this.overlap = this.options = this.offset = this.names = this.minPixelPadding = this.minorTicks = this.minorTickInterval = this.min = this.maxLabelLength = this.max = this.len = this.left = this.labelFormatter = this.labelEdge = this.isLinked = this.height = this.hasVisibleSeries = this.hasNames = this.eventOptions = this.coll = this.closestPointRange = this.chart = this.categories = this.bottom = this.alternateBands = void 0, this.init(g, m);
  2154. }
  2155. return X.prototype.init = function(g, m) {
  2156. var L = m.isX;
  2157. this.chart = g, this.horiz = g.inverted && !this.isZAxis ? !L : L, this.isXAxis = L, this.coll = this.coll || (L ? "xAxis" : "yAxis"), h(this, "init", { userOptions: m }), this.opposite = P(m.opposite, this.opposite), this.side = P(m.side, this.side, this.horiz ? this.opposite ? 0 : 2 : this.opposite ? 1 : 3), this.setOptions(m);
  2158. var z = this.options, $ = z.labels, Q = z.type;
  2159. this.userOptions = m, this.minPixelPadding = 0, this.reversed = P(z.reversed, this.reversed), this.visible = z.visible, this.zoomEnabled = z.zoomEnabled, this.hasNames = Q === "category" || z.categories === !0, this.categories = z.categories || this.hasNames, this.names || (this.names = [], this.names.keys = {}), this.plotLinesAndBandsGroups = {}, this.positiveValuesOnly = !!this.logarithmic, this.isLinked = k(z.linkedTo), this.ticks = {}, this.labelEdge = [], this.minorTicks = {}, this.plotLinesAndBands = [], this.alternateBands = {}, this.len = 0, this.minRange = this.userMinRange = z.minRange || z.maxZoom, this.range = z.range, this.offset = z.offset || 0, this.min = this.max = null, m = P(z.crosshair, W(g.options.tooltip.crosshairs)[L ? 0 : 1]), this.crosshair = m === !0 ? {} : m, g.axes.indexOf(this) === -1 && (L ? g.axes.splice(g.xAxis.length, 0, this) : g.axes.push(this), g[this.coll].push(this)), this.series = this.series || [], g.inverted && !this.isZAxis && L && typeof this.reversed > "u" && (this.reversed = !0), this.labelRotation = c($.rotation) ? $.rotation : void 0, x(this, z), h(this, "afterInit");
  2160. }, X.prototype.setOptions = function(g) {
  2161. this.options = t(N.defaultXAxisOptions, this.coll === "yAxis" && N.defaultYAxisOptions, [N.defaultTopAxisOptions, N.defaultRightAxisOptions, N.defaultBottomAxisOptions, N.defaultLeftAxisOptions][this.side], t(S[this.coll], g)), h(this, "afterSetOptions", { userOptions: g });
  2162. }, X.prototype.defaultLabelFormatter = function(g) {
  2163. var m = this.axis;
  2164. g = this.chart.numberFormatter;
  2165. var L = c(this.value) ? this.value : NaN, z = m.chart.time, $ = this.dateTimeLabelFormat, Q = S.lang, A = Q.numericSymbols;
  2166. Q = Q.numericSymbolMagnitude || 1e3;
  2167. var F = m.logarithmic ? Math.abs(L) : m.tickInterval, Y = A && A.length;
  2168. if (m.categories)
  2169. var Z = "" + this.value;
  2170. else if ($)
  2171. Z = z.dateFormat($, L);
  2172. else if (Y && 1e3 <= F)
  2173. for (; Y-- && typeof Z > "u"; )
  2174. m = Math.pow(Q, Y + 1), F >= m && 10 * L % m === 0 && A[Y] !== null && L !== 0 && (Z = g(L / m, -1) + A[Y]);
  2175. return typeof Z > "u" && (Z = 1e4 <= Math.abs(L) ? g(L, -1) : g(L, -1, void 0, "")), Z;
  2176. }, X.prototype.getSeriesExtremes = function() {
  2177. var g = this, m = g.chart, L;
  2178. h(this, "getSeriesExtremes", null, function() {
  2179. g.hasVisibleSeries = !1, g.dataMin = g.dataMax = g.threshold = null, g.softThreshold = !g.isXAxis, g.stacking && g.stacking.buildStacks(), g.series.forEach(function(z) {
  2180. if (z.visible || !m.options.chart.ignoreHiddenSeries) {
  2181. var $ = z.options, Q = $.threshold;
  2182. if (g.hasVisibleSeries = !0, g.positiveValuesOnly && 0 >= Q && (Q = null), g.isXAxis) {
  2183. if ($ = z.xData, $.length) {
  2184. $ = g.logarithmic ? $.filter(g.validatePositiveValue) : $, L = z.getXExtremes($);
  2185. var A = L.min, F = L.max;
  2186. c(A) || A instanceof Date || ($ = $.filter(c), L = z.getXExtremes($), A = L.min, F = L.max), $.length && (g.dataMin = Math.min(P(g.dataMin, A), A), g.dataMax = Math.max(P(g.dataMax, F), F));
  2187. }
  2188. } else
  2189. z = z.applyExtremes(), c(z.dataMin) && (A = z.dataMin, g.dataMin = Math.min(P(g.dataMin, A), A)), c(z.dataMax) && (F = z.dataMax, g.dataMax = Math.max(P(g.dataMax, F), F)), k(Q) && (g.threshold = Q), (!$.softThreshold || g.positiveValuesOnly) && (g.softThreshold = !1);
  2190. }
  2191. });
  2192. }), h(this, "afterGetSeriesExtremes");
  2193. }, X.prototype.translate = function(g, m, L, z, $, Q) {
  2194. var A = this.linkedParent || this, F = z && A.old ? A.old.min : A.min, Y = A.minPixelPadding;
  2195. $ = (A.isOrdinal || A.brokenAxis && A.brokenAxis.hasBreaks || A.logarithmic && $) && A.lin2val;
  2196. var Z = 1, q = 0;
  2197. return z = z && A.old ? A.old.transA : A.transA, z || (z = A.transA), L && (Z *= -1, q = A.len), A.reversed && (Z *= -1, q -= Z * (A.sector || A.len)), m ? (g = (g * Z + q - Y) / z + F, $ && (g = A.lin2val(g))) : ($ && (g = A.val2lin(g)), g = c(F) ? Z * (g - F) * z + q + Z * Y + (c(Q) ? z * Q : 0) : void 0), g;
  2198. }, X.prototype.toPixels = function(g, m) {
  2199. return this.translate(
  2200. g,
  2201. !1,
  2202. !this.horiz,
  2203. null,
  2204. !0
  2205. ) + (m ? 0 : this.pos);
  2206. }, X.prototype.toValue = function(g, m) {
  2207. return this.translate(g - (m ? 0 : this.pos), !0, !this.horiz, null, !0);
  2208. }, X.prototype.getPlotLinePath = function(g) {
  2209. function m(at, J, tt) {
  2210. return (nt !== "pass" && at < J || at > tt) && (nt ? at = O(at, J, tt) : ht = !0), at;
  2211. }
  2212. var L = this, z = L.chart, $ = L.left, Q =, A = g.old, F = g.value, Y = g.lineWidth, Z = A && z.oldChartHeight || z.chartHeight, q = A && z.oldChartWidth || z.chartWidth, it = L.transB, et = g.translatedValue, nt = g.force, rt, ct, gt, dt, ht;
  2213. return g = {
  2214. value: F,
  2215. lineWidth: Y,
  2216. old: A,
  2217. force: nt,
  2218. acrossPanes: g.acrossPanes,
  2219. translatedValue: et
  2220. }, h(this, "getPlotLinePath", g, function(at) {
  2221. et = P(et, L.translate(F, null, null, A)), et = O(et, -1e5, 1e5), rt = gt = Math.round(et + it), ct = dt = Math.round(Z - et - it), c(et) ? L.horiz ? (ct = Q, dt = Z - L.bottom, rt = gt = m(rt, $, $ + L.width)) : (rt = $, gt = q - L.right, ct = dt = m(ct, Q, Q + L.height)) : (ht = !0, nt = !1), at.path = ht && !nt ? null : z.renderer.crispLine([["M", rt, ct], ["L", gt, dt]], Y || 1);
  2222. }), g.path;
  2223. }, X.prototype.getLinearTickPositions = function(g, m, L) {
  2224. var z = j(Math.floor(m / g) * g);
  2225. L = j(Math.ceil(L / g) * g);
  2226. var $ = [], Q;
  2227. if (j(z + g) === z && (Q = 20), this.single)
  2228. return [m];
  2229. for (m = z; m <= L && ($.push(m), m = j(m + g, Q), m !== A); )
  2230. var A = m;
  2231. return $;
  2232. }, X.prototype.getMinorTickInterval = function() {
  2233. var g = this.options;
  2234. return g.minorTicks === !0 ? P(g.minorTickInterval, "auto") : g.minorTicks === !1 ? null : g.minorTickInterval;
  2235. }, X.prototype.getMinorTickPositions = function() {
  2236. var g = this.options, m = this.tickPositions, L = this.minorTickInterval, z = this.pointRangePadding || 0, $ = this.min - z;
  2237. z = this.max + z;
  2238. var Q = z - $, A = [];
  2239. if (Q && Q / L < this.len / 3) {
  2240. var F = this.logarithmic;
  2241. if (F)
  2242. this.paddedTicks.forEach(function(Y, Z, q) {
  2243. Z && A.push.apply(
  2244. A,
  2245. F.getLogTickPositions(L, q[Z - 1], q[Z], !0)
  2246. );
  2247. });
  2248. else if (this.dateTime && this.getMinorTickInterval() === "auto")
  2249. A = A.concat(this.getTimeTicks(this.dateTime.normalizeTimeTickInterval(L), $, z, g.startOfWeek));
  2250. else
  2251. for (g = $ + (m[0] - $) % L; g <= z && g !== A[0]; g += L)
  2252. A.push(g);
  2253. }
  2254. return A.length !== 0 && this.trimTicks(A), A;
  2255. }, X.prototype.adjustForMinRange = function() {
  2256. var g = this.options, m = this.logarithmic, L = this.min, z = this.max, $ = 0, Q, A, F, Y;
  2257. if (this.isXAxis && typeof this.minRange > "u" && !m && (k(g.min) || k(g.max) || k(g.floor) || k(g.ceiling) ? this.minRange = null : (this.series.forEach(function(et) {
  2258. if (F = et.xData, Y = et.xIncrement ? 1 : F.length - 1, 1 < F.length)
  2259. for (Q = Y; 0 < Q; Q--)
  2260. A = F[Q] - F[Q - 1], (!$ || A < $) && ($ = A);
  2261. }), this.minRange = Math.min(5 * $, this.dataMax - this.dataMin))), z - L < this.minRange) {
  2262. var Z = this.dataMax - this.dataMin >= this.minRange, q = this.minRange, it = (q - z + L) / 2;
  2263. it = [L - it, P(g.min, L - it)], Z && (it[2] = this.logarithmic ? this.logarithmic.log2lin(this.dataMin) : this.dataMin), L = d(it), z = [L + q, P(g.max, L + q)], Z && (z[2] = m ? m.log2lin(this.dataMax) : this.dataMax), z = T(z), z - L < q && (it[0] = z - q, it[1] = P(g.min, z - q), L = d(it));
  2264. }
  2265. this.min = L, this.max = z;
  2266. }, X.prototype.getClosest = function() {
  2267. var g;
  2268. return this.categories ? g = 1 : this.series.forEach(function(m) {
  2269. var L = m.closestPointRange, z = m.visible || !m.chart.options.chart.ignoreHiddenSeries;
  2270. !m.noSharedTooltip && k(L) && z && (g = k(g) ? Math.min(g, L) : L);
  2271. }), g;
  2272. }, X.prototype.nameToX = function(g) {
  2273. var m = i(this.categories), L = m ? this.categories : this.names, z = g.options.x;
  2274. if (g.series.requireSorting = !1, k(z) || (z = this.options.uniqueNames ? m ? L.indexOf( : P(L.keys[], -1) : g.series.autoIncrement()), z === -1) {
  2275. if (!m)
  2276. var $ = L.length;
  2277. } else
  2278. $ = z;
  2279. return typeof $ < "u" && (this.names[$] =, this.names.keys[] = $), $;
  2280. }, X.prototype.updateNames = function() {
  2281. var g = this, m = this.names;
  2282. 0 < m.length && (Object.keys(m.keys).forEach(function(L) {
  2283. delete m.keys[L];
  2284. }), m.length = 0, this.minRange = this.userMinRange, (this.series || []).forEach(function(L) {
  2285. L.xIncrement = null, (!L.points || L.isDirtyData) && (g.max = Math.max(g.max, L.xData.length - 1), L.processData(), L.generatePoints()),, $) {
  2286. if (z && z.options && typeof < "u") {
  2287. var Q = g.nameToX(z);
  2288. typeof Q < "u" && Q !== z.x && (z.x = Q, L.xData[$] = Q);
  2289. }
  2290. });
  2291. }));
  2292. }, X.prototype.setAxisTranslation = function() {
  2293. var g = this, m = g.max - g.min, L = g.linkedParent, z = !!g.categories, $ = g.isXAxis, Q = g.axisPointRange || 0, A = 0, F = 0, Y = g.transA;
  2294. if ($ || z || Q) {
  2295. var Z = g.getClosest();
  2296. L ? (A = L.minPointOffset, F = L.pointRangePadding) : g.series.forEach(function(q) {
  2297. var it = z ? 1 : $ ? P(q.options.pointRange, Z, 0) : g.axisPointRange || 0, et = q.options.pointPlacement;
  2298. Q = Math.max(Q, it), (!g.single || z) && (q ="xrange") ? !$ : $, A = Math.max(A, q && a(et) ? 0 : it / 2), F = Math.max(F, q && et === "on" ? 0 : it));
  2299. }), L = g.ordinal && g.ordinal.slope && Z ? g.ordinal.slope / Z : 1, g.minPointOffset = A *= L, g.pointRangePadding = F *= L, g.pointRange = Math.min(Q, g.single && z ? 1 : m), $ && (g.closestPointRange = Z);
  2300. }
  2301. g.translationSlope = g.transA = Y = g.staticScale || g.len / (m + F || 1), g.transB = g.horiz ? g.left : g.bottom, g.minPixelPadding = Y * A, h(this, "afterSetAxisTranslation");
  2302. }, X.prototype.minFromRange = function() {
  2303. return this.max - this.range;
  2304. }, X.prototype.setTickInterval = function(g) {
  2305. var m = this.chart, L = this.logarithmic, z = this.options, $ = this.isXAxis, Q = this.isLinked, A = z.tickPixelInterval, F = this.categories, Y = this.softThreshold, Z = z.maxPadding, q = z.minPadding, it = c(z.tickInterval) && 0 <= z.tickInterval ? z.tickInterval : void 0, et = c(this.threshold) ? this.threshold : null;
  2306. this.dateTime || F || Q || this.getTickAmount();
  2307. var nt = P(this.userMin, z.min), rt = P(this.userMax, z.max);
  2308. if (Q) {
  2309. this.linkedParent = m[this.coll][z.linkedTo];
  2310. var ct = this.linkedParent.getExtremes();
  2311. this.min = P(ct.min, ct.dataMin), this.max = P(ct.max, ct.dataMax), z.type !== this.linkedParent.options.type && v(11, 1, m);
  2312. } else {
  2313. if (Y && k(et)) {
  2314. if (this.dataMin >= et)
  2315. ct = et, q = 0;
  2316. else if (this.dataMax <= et) {
  2317. var gt = et;
  2318. Z = 0;
  2319. }
  2320. }
  2321. this.min = P(nt, ct, this.dataMin), this.max = P(rt, gt, this.dataMax);
  2322. }
  2323. if (L && (this.positiveValuesOnly && !g && 0 >= Math.min(this.min, P(this.dataMin, this.min)) && v(10, 1, m), this.min = j(L.log2lin(this.min), 16), this.max = j(L.log2lin(this.max), 16)), this.range && k(this.max) && (this.userMin = this.min = nt = Math.max(this.dataMin, this.minFromRange()), this.userMax = rt = this.max, this.range = null), h(this, "foundExtremes"), this.beforePadding && this.beforePadding(), this.adjustForMinRange(), !(F || this.axisPointRange || this.stacking && this.stacking.usePercentage || Q) && k(this.min) && k(this.max) && (m = this.max - this.min) && (!k(nt) && q && (this.min -= m * q), !k(rt) && Z && (this.max += m * Z)), c(this.userMin) || (c(z.softMin) && z.softMin < this.min && (this.min = nt = z.softMin), c(z.floor) && (this.min = Math.max(this.min, z.floor))), c(this.userMax) || (c(z.softMax) && z.softMax > this.max && (this.max = rt = z.softMax), c(z.ceiling) && (this.max = Math.min(this.max, z.ceiling))), Y && k(this.dataMin) && (et = et || 0, !k(nt) && this.min < et && this.dataMin >= et ? this.min = this.options.minRange ? Math.min(et, this.max - this.minRange) : et : !k(rt) && this.max > et && this.dataMax <= et && (this.max = this.options.minRange ? Math.max(et, this.min + this.minRange) : et)), c(this.min) && c(this.max) && !this.chart.polar && this.min > this.max && (k(this.options.min) ? this.max = this.min : k(this.options.max) && (this.min = this.max)), this.tickInterval = this.min === this.max || typeof this.min > "u" || typeof this.max > "u" ? 1 : Q && this.linkedParent && !it && A === this.linkedParent.options.tickPixelInterval ? it = this.linkedParent.tickInterval : P(it, this.tickAmount ? (this.max - this.min) / Math.max(this.tickAmount - 1, 1) : void 0, F ? 1 : (this.max - this.min) * A / Math.max(this.len, A)), $ && !g) {
  2324. var dt = this.min !== (this.old && this.old.min) || this.max !== (this.old && this.old.max);
  2325. this.series.forEach(function(ht) {
  2326. ht.forceCrop = ht.forceCropping && ht.forceCropping(), ht.processData(dt);
  2327. }), h(this, "postProcessData", { hasExtemesChanged: dt });
  2328. }
  2329. this.setAxisTranslation(), h(this, "initialAxisTranslation"), this.pointRange && !it && (this.tickInterval = Math.max(this.pointRange, this.tickInterval)), g = P(z.minTickInterval, this.dateTime && !this.series.some(function(ht) {
  2330. return ht.noSharedTooltip;
  2331. }) ? this.closestPointRange : 0), !it && this.tickInterval < g && (this.tickInterval = g), this.dateTime || this.logarithmic || it || (this.tickInterval = s(this.tickInterval, void 0, u(this.tickInterval), P(z.allowDecimals, 0.5 > this.tickInterval || this.tickAmount !== void 0), !!this.tickAmount)), this.tickAmount || (this.tickInterval = this.unsquish()), this.setTickPositions();
  2332. }, X.prototype.setTickPositions = function() {
  2333. var g = this.options, m = g.tickPositions, L = this.getMinorTickInterval(), z = this.hasVerticalPanning(), $ = this.coll === "colorAxis", Q = ($ || !z) && g.startOnTick;
  2334. z = ($ || !z) && g.endOnTick, $ = g.tickPositioner, this.tickmarkOffset = this.categories && g.tickmarkPlacement === "between" && this.tickInterval === 1 ? 0.5 : 0, this.minorTickInterval = L === "auto" && this.tickInterval ? this.tickInterval / 5 : L, this.single = this.min === this.max && k(this.min) && !this.tickAmount && (parseInt(this.min, 10) === this.min || g.allowDecimals !== !1), this.tickPositions = L = m && m.slice(), !L && (this.ordinal && this.ordinal.positions || !((this.max - this.min) / this.tickInterval > Math.max(2 * this.len, 200)) ? L = this.dateTime ? this.getTimeTicks(this.dateTime.normalizeTimeTickInterval(this.tickInterval, g.units), this.min, this.max, g.startOfWeek, this.ordinal && this.ordinal.positions, this.closestPointRange, !0) : this.logarithmic ? this.logarithmic.getLogTickPositions(this.tickInterval, this.min, this.max) : this.getLinearTickPositions(
  2335. this.tickInterval,
  2336. this.min,
  2337. this.max
  2338. ) : (L = [this.min, this.max], v(19, !1, this.chart)), L.length > this.len && (L = [L[0], L.pop()], L[0] === L[1] && (L.length = 1)), this.tickPositions = L, $ && ($ = $.apply(this, [this.min, this.max]))) && (this.tickPositions = L = $), this.paddedTicks = L.slice(0), this.trimTicks(L, Q, z), this.isLinked || (this.single && 2 > L.length && !this.categories && !this.series.some(function(A) {
  2339. return"heatmap") && A.options.pointPlacement === "between";
  2340. }) && (this.min -= 0.5, this.max += 0.5), m || $ || this.adjustTickAmount()), h(this, "afterSetTickPositions");
  2341. }, X.prototype.trimTicks = function(g, m, L) {
  2342. var z = g[0], $ = g[g.length - 1], Q = !this.isOrdinal && this.minPointOffset || 0;
  2343. if (h(this, "trimTicks"), !this.isLinked) {
  2344. if (m && z !== -1 / 0)
  2345. this.min = z;
  2346. else
  2347. for (; this.min - Q > g[0]; )
  2348. g.shift();
  2349. if (L)
  2350. this.max = $;
  2351. else
  2352. for (; this.max + Q < g[g.length - 1]; )
  2353. g.pop();
  2354. g.length === 0 && k(z) && !this.options.tickPositions && g.push(($ + z) / 2);
  2355. }
  2356. }, X.prototype.alignToOthers = function() {
  2357. var g = {}, m = this.options, L;
  2358. return this.chart.options.chart.alignTicks !== !1 && m.alignTicks && m.startOnTick !== !1 && m.endOnTick !== !1 && !this.logarithmic && this.chart[this.coll].forEach(function(z) {
  2359. var $ = z.options;
  2360. $ = [z.horiz ? $.left : $.top, $.width, $.height, $.pane].join(), z.series.length && (g[$] ? L = !0 : g[$] = 1);
  2361. }), L;
  2362. }, X.prototype.getTickAmount = function() {
  2363. var g = this.options, m = g.tickPixelInterval, L = g.tickAmount;
  2364. !k(g.tickInterval) && !L && this.len < m && !this.isRadial && !this.logarithmic && g.startOnTick && g.endOnTick && (L = 2), !L && this.alignToOthers() && (L = Math.ceil(this.len / m) + 1), 4 > L && (this.finalTickAmt = L, L = 5), this.tickAmount = L;
  2365. }, X.prototype.adjustTickAmount = function() {
  2366. var g = this.options, m = this.tickInterval, L = this.tickPositions, z = this.tickAmount, $ = this.finalTickAmt, Q = L && L.length, A = P(this.threshold, this.softThreshold ? 0 : null);
  2367. if (this.hasData() && c(this.min) && c(this.max)) {
  2368. if (Q < z) {
  2369. for (; L.length < z; )
  2370. L.length % 2 || this.min === A ? L.push(j(L[L.length - 1] + m)) : L.unshift(j(L[0] - m));
  2371. this.transA *= (Q - 1) / (z - 1), this.min = g.startOnTick ? L[0] : Math.min(this.min, L[0]), this.max = g.endOnTick ? L[L.length - 1] : Math.max(this.max, L[L.length - 1]);
  2372. } else
  2373. Q > z && (this.tickInterval *= 2, this.setTickPositions());
  2374. if (k($)) {
  2375. for (m = g = L.length; m--; )
  2376. ($ === 3 && m % 2 === 1 || 2 >= $ && 0 < m && m < g - 1) && L.splice(m, 1);
  2377. this.finalTickAmt = void 0;
  2378. }
  2379. }
  2380. }, X.prototype.setScale = function() {
  2381. var g = !1, m = !1;
  2382. this.series.forEach(function(z) {
  2383. g = g || z.isDirtyData || z.isDirty, m = m || z.xAxis && z.xAxis.isDirty || !1;
  2384. }), this.setAxisSize();
  2385. var L = this.len !== (this.old && this.old.len);
  2386. L || g || m || this.isLinked || this.forceRedraw || this.userMin !== (this.old && this.old.userMin) || this.userMax !== (this.old && this.old.userMax) || this.alignToOthers() ? (this.stacking && this.stacking.resetStacks(), this.forceRedraw = !1, this.getSeriesExtremes(), this.setTickInterval(), this.isDirty || (this.isDirty = L || this.min !== (this.old && this.old.min) || this.max !== (this.old && this.old.max))) : this.stacking && this.stacking.cleanStacks(), g && this.panningState && (this.panningState.isDirty = !0), h(this, "afterSetScale");
  2387. }, X.prototype.setExtremes = function(g, m, L, z, $) {
  2388. var Q = this, A = Q.chart;
  2389. L = P(L, !0), Q.series.forEach(function(F) {
  2390. delete F.kdTree;
  2391. }), $ = l($, { min: g, max: m }), h(Q, "setExtremes", $, function() {
  2392. Q.userMin = g, Q.userMax = m, Q.eventArgs = $, L && A.redraw(z);
  2393. });
  2394. }, X.prototype.zoom = function(g, m) {
  2395. var L = this, z = this.dataMin, $ = this.dataMax, Q = this.options, A = Math.min(z, P(Q.min, z)), F = Math.max($, P(Q.max, $));
  2396. return g = { newMin: g, newMax: m }, h(this, "zoom", g, function(Y) {
  2397. var Z = Y.newMin, q = Y.newMax;
  2398. (Z !== L.min || q !== L.max) && (L.allowZoomOutside || (k(z) && (Z < A && (Z = A), Z > F && (Z = F)), k($) && (q < A && (q = A), q > F && (q = F))), L.displayBtn = typeof Z < "u" || typeof q < "u", L.setExtremes(Z, q, !1, void 0, { trigger: "zoom" })), Y.zoomed = !0;
  2399. }), g.zoomed;
  2400. }, X.prototype.setAxisSize = function() {
  2401. var g = this.chart, m = this.options, L = m.offsets || [0, 0, 0, 0], z = this.horiz, $ = this.width = Math.round(_(P(m.width, g.plotWidth - L[3] + L[1]), g.plotWidth)), Q = this.height = Math.round(_(P(m.height, g.plotHeight - L[0] + L[2]), g.plotHeight)), A = = Math.round(_(P(, g.plotTop + L[0]), g.plotHeight, g.plotTop));
  2402. m = this.left = Math.round(_(P(m.left, g.plotLeft + L[3]), g.plotWidth, g.plotLeft)), this.bottom = g.chartHeight - Q - A, this.right = g.chartWidth - $ - m, this.len = Math.max(z ? $ : Q, 0), this.pos = z ? m : A;
  2403. }, X.prototype.getExtremes = function() {
  2404. var g = this.logarithmic;
  2405. return { min: g ? j(g.lin2log(this.min)) : this.min, max: g ? j(g.lin2log(this.max)) : this.max, dataMin: this.dataMin, dataMax: this.dataMax, userMin: this.userMin, userMax: this.userMax };
  2406. }, X.prototype.getThreshold = function(g) {
  2407. var m = this.logarithmic, L = m ? m.lin2log(this.min) : this.min;
  2408. return m = m ? m.lin2log(this.max) : this.max, g === null || g === -1 / 0 ? g = L : g === 1 / 0 ? g = m : L > g ? g = L : m < g && (g = m), this.translate(g, 0, 1, 0, 1);
  2409. }, X.prototype.autoLabelAlign = function(g) {
  2410. var m = (P(g, 0) - 90 * this.side + 720) % 360;
  2411. return g = { align: "center" }, h(
  2412. this,
  2413. "autoLabelAlign",
  2414. g,
  2415. function(L) {
  2416. 15 < m && 165 > m ? L.align = "right" : 195 < m && 345 > m && (L.align = "left");
  2417. }
  2418. ), g.align;
  2419. }, X.prototype.tickSize = function(g) {
  2420. var m = this.options, L = P(m[g === "tick" ? "tickWidth" : "minorTickWidth"], g === "tick" && this.isXAxis && !this.categories ? 1 : 0), z = m[g === "tick" ? "tickLength" : "minorTickLength"];
  2421. if (L && z) {
  2422. m[g + "Position"] === "inside" && (z = -z);
  2423. var $ = [z, L];
  2424. }
  2425. return g = { tickSize: $ }, h(this, "afterTickSize", g), g.tickSize;
  2426. }, X.prototype.labelMetrics = function() {
  2427. var g = this.tickPositions && this.tickPositions[0] || 0;
  2428. return this.chart.renderer.fontMetrics(
  2430. this.ticks[g] && this.ticks[g].label
  2431. );
  2432. }, X.prototype.unsquish = function() {
  2433. var g = this.options.labels, m = this.horiz, L = this.tickInterval, z = this.len / (((this.categories ? 1 : 0) + this.max - this.min) / L), $ = g.rotation, Q = this.labelMetrics(), A = Math.max(this.max - this.min, 0), F = function(nt) {
  2434. var rt = nt / (z || 1);
  2435. return rt = 1 < rt ? Math.ceil(rt) : 1, rt * L > A && nt !== 1 / 0 && z !== 1 / 0 && A && (rt = Math.ceil(A / L)), j(rt * L);
  2436. }, Y = L, Z, q, it = Number.MAX_VALUE;
  2437. if (m) {
  2438. if (!g.staggerLines && !g.step)
  2439. if (c($))
  2440. var et = [$];
  2441. else
  2442. z < g.autoRotationLimit && (et = g.autoRotation);
  2443. et && et.forEach(function(nt) {
  2444. if (nt === $ || nt && -90 <= nt && 90 >= nt) {
  2445. q = F(Math.abs(Q.h / Math.sin(f * nt)));
  2446. var rt = q + Math.abs(nt / 360);
  2447. rt < it && (it = rt, Z = nt, Y = q);
  2448. }
  2449. });
  2450. } else
  2451. g.step || (Y = F(Q.h));
  2452. return this.autoRotation = et, this.labelRotation = P(Z, c($) ? $ : 0), Y;
  2453. }, X.prototype.getSlotWidth = function(g) {
  2454. var m = this.chart, L = this.horiz, z = this.options.labels, $ = Math.max(this.tickPositions.length - (this.categories ? 0 : 1), 1), Q = m.margin[3];
  2455. if (g && c(g.slotWidth))
  2456. return g.slotWidth;
  2457. if (L && 2 > z.step)
  2458. return z.rotation ? 0 : (this.staggerLines || 1) * this.len / $;
  2459. if (!L) {
  2460. if (g =, g !== void 0)
  2461. return parseInt(String(g), 10);
  2462. if (Q)
  2463. return Q - m.spacing[3];
  2464. }
  2465. return 0.33 * m.chartWidth;
  2466. }, X.prototype.renderUnsquish = function() {
  2467. var g = this.chart, m = g.renderer, L = this.tickPositions, z = this.ticks, $ = this.options.labels, Q = $.style, A = this.horiz, F = this.getSlotWidth(), Y = Math.max(1, Math.round(F - 2 * $.padding)), Z = {}, q = this.labelMetrics(), it = Q.textOverflow, et = 0;
  2468. if (a($.rotation) || (Z.rotation = $.rotation || 0), L.forEach(function(gt) {
  2469. gt = z[gt], gt.movedLabel && gt.replaceMovedLabel(), gt && gt.label && gt.label.textPxLength > et && (et = gt.label.textPxLength);
  2470. }), this.maxLabelLength = et, this.autoRotation)
  2471. et > Y && et > q.h ? Z.rotation = this.labelRotation : this.labelRotation = 0;
  2472. else if (F) {
  2473. var nt = Y;
  2474. if (!it) {
  2475. var rt = "clip";
  2476. for (Y = L.length; !A && Y--; ) {
  2477. var ct = L[Y];
  2478. (ct = z[ct].label) && (ct.styles && ct.styles.textOverflow === "ellipsis" ? ct.css({ textOverflow: "clip" }) : ct.textPxLength > F && ct.css({ width: F + "px" }), ct.getBBox().height > this.len / L.length - (q.h - q.f) && (ct.specificTextOverflow = "ellipsis"));
  2479. }
  2480. }
  2481. }
  2482. Z.rotation && (nt = et > 0.5 * g.chartHeight ? 0.33 * g.chartHeight : et, it || (rt = "ellipsis")), (this.labelAlign = $.align || this.autoLabelAlign(this.labelRotation)) && (Z.align = this.labelAlign), L.forEach(function(gt) {
  2483. var dt = (gt = z[gt]) && gt.label, ht = Q.width, at = {};
  2484. dt && (dt.attr(Z), gt.shortenLabel ? gt.shortenLabel() : nt && !ht && Q.whiteSpace !== "nowrap" && (nt < dt.textPxLength || dt.element.tagName === "SPAN") ? (at.width = nt + "px", it || (at.textOverflow = dt.specificTextOverflow || rt), dt.css(at)) : dt.styles && dt.styles.width && !at.width && !ht && dt.css({ width: null }), delete dt.specificTextOverflow, gt.rotation = Z.rotation);
  2485. }, this), this.tickRotCorr = m.rotCorr(q.b, this.labelRotation || 0, this.side !== 0);
  2486. }, X.prototype.hasData = function() {
  2487. return this.series.some(function(g) {
  2488. return g.hasData();
  2489. }) || this.options.showEmpty && k(this.min) && k(this.max);
  2490. }, X.prototype.addTitle = function(g) {
  2491. var m = this.chart.renderer, L = this.horiz, z = this.opposite, $ = this.options.title, Q = this.chart.styledMode, A;
  2492. this.axisTitle || ((A = $.textAlign) || (A = (L ? { low: "left", middle: "center", high: "right" } : { low: z ? "right" : "left", middle: "center", high: z ? "left" : "right" })[$.align]), this.axisTitle = m.text($.text || "", 0, 0, $.useHTML).attr({ zIndex: 7, rotation: $.rotation, align: A }).addClass("highcharts-axis-title"), Q || this.axisTitle.css(t($.style)), this.axisTitle.add(this.axisGroup), this.axisTitle.isNew = !0), Q || $.style.width || this.isRadial || this.axisTitle.css({ width: this.len + "px" }), this.axisTitle[g ? "show" : "hide"](g);
  2493. }, X.prototype.generateTick = function(g) {
  2494. var m = this.ticks;
  2495. m[g] ? m[g].addLabel() : m[g] = new G(this, g);
  2496. }, X.prototype.getOffset = function() {
  2497. var g = this, m = this, L = m.chart, z = m.horiz, $ = m.options, Q = m.side, A = m.ticks, F = m.tickPositions, Y = m.coll, Z = m.axisParent, q = L.renderer, it = L.inverted && !m.isZAxis ? [1, 0, 3, 2][Q] : Q, et = m.hasData(), nt = $.title, rt = $.labels, ct = L.axisOffset;
  2498. L = L.clipOffset;
  2499. var gt = [
  2500. -1,
  2501. 1,
  2502. 1,
  2503. -1
  2504. ][Q], dt = $.className, ht, at = 0, J = 0, tt = 0;
  2505. if (m.showAxis = ht = et || $.showEmpty, m.staggerLines = m.horiz && rt.staggerLines || void 0, !m.axisGroup) {
  2506. var ot = function(pt, yt, vt) {
  2507. return q.g(pt).attr({ zIndex: vt }).addClass("highcharts-" + Y.toLowerCase() + yt + " " + (g.isRadial ? "highcharts-radial-axis" + yt + " " : "") + (dt || "")).add(Z);
  2508. };
  2509. m.gridGroup = ot("grid", "-grid", $.gridZIndex), m.axisGroup = ot("axis", "", $.zIndex), m.labelGroup = ot("axis-labels", "-labels", rt.zIndex);
  2510. }
  2511. if (et || m.isLinked ? (F.forEach(function(pt) {
  2512. m.generateTick(pt);
  2513. }), m.renderUnsquish(), m.reserveSpaceDefault = Q === 0 || Q === 2 || { 1: "left", 3: "right" }[Q] === m.labelAlign, P(rt.reserveSpace, m.labelAlign === "center" ? !0 : null, m.reserveSpaceDefault) && F.forEach(function(pt) {
  2514. tt = Math.max(A[pt].getLabelSize(), tt);
  2515. }), m.staggerLines && (tt *= m.staggerLines), m.labelOffset = tt * (m.opposite ? -1 : 1)) : n(A, function(pt, yt) {
  2516. pt.destroy(), delete A[yt];
  2517. }), nt && nt.text && nt.enabled !== !1 && (m.addTitle(ht), ht && nt.reserveSpace !== !1)) {
  2518. m.titleOffset = at = m.axisTitle.getBBox()[z ? "height" : "width"];
  2519. var lt = nt.offset;
  2520. J = k(lt) ? 0 : P(nt.margin, z ? 5 : 10);
  2521. }
  2522. m.renderLine(), m.offset = gt * P(
  2523. $.offset,
  2524. ct[Q] ? ct[Q] + ($.margin || 0) : 0
  2525. ), m.tickRotCorr = m.tickRotCorr || { x: 0, y: 0 }, nt = Q === 0 ? -m.labelMetrics().h : Q === 2 ? m.tickRotCorr.y : 0, et = Math.abs(tt) + J, tt && (et = et - nt + gt * (z ? P(rt.y, m.tickRotCorr.y + 8 * gt) : rt.x)), m.axisTitleMargin = P(lt, et), m.getMaxLabelDimensions && (m.maxLabelDimensions = m.getMaxLabelDimensions(A, F)), Y !== "colorAxis" && (z = this.tickSize("tick"), ct[Q] = Math.max(ct[Q], (m.axisTitleMargin || 0) + at + gt * m.offset, et, F && F.length && z ? z[0] + gt * m.offset : 0), $ = !m.axisLine || $.offset ? 0 : 2 * Math.floor(m.axisLine.strokeWidth() / 2), L[it] = Math.max(
  2526. L[it],
  2527. $
  2528. )), h(this, "afterGetOffset");
  2529. }, X.prototype.getLinePath = function(g) {
  2530. var m = this.chart, L = this.opposite, z = this.offset, $ = this.horiz, Q = this.left + (L ? this.width : 0) + z;
  2531. return z = m.chartHeight - this.bottom - (L ? this.height : 0) + z, L && (g *= -1), m.renderer.crispLine([["M", $ ? this.left : Q, $ ? z :], ["L", $ ? m.chartWidth - this.right : Q, $ ? z : m.chartHeight - this.bottom]], g);
  2532. }, X.prototype.renderLine = function() {
  2533. this.axisLine || (this.axisLine = this.chart.renderer.path().addClass("highcharts-axis-line").add(this.axisGroup), this.chart.styledMode || this.axisLine.attr({ stroke: this.options.lineColor, "stroke-width": this.options.lineWidth, zIndex: 7 }));
  2534. }, X.prototype.getTitlePosition = function() {
  2535. var g = this.horiz, m = this.left, L =, z = this.len, $ = this.options.title, Q = g ? m : L, A = this.opposite, F = this.offset, Y = $.x, Z = $.y, q = this.axisTitle, it = this.chart.renderer.fontMetrics($.style.fontSize, q);
  2536. return q = Math.max(q.getBBox(null, 0).height - it.h - 1, 0), z = { low: Q + (g ? 0 : z), middle: Q + z / 2, high: Q + (g ? z : 0) }[$.align], m = (g ? L + this.height : m) + (g ? 1 : -1) * (A ? -1 : 1) * this.axisTitleMargin + [
  2537. -q,
  2538. q,
  2539. it.f,
  2540. -q
  2541. ][this.side], g = { x: g ? z + Y : m + (A ? this.width : 0) + F + Y, y: g ? m + Z - (A ? this.height : 0) + F : z + Z }, h(this, "afterGetTitlePosition", { titlePosition: g }), g;
  2542. }, X.prototype.renderMinorTick = function(g, m) {
  2543. var L = this.minorTicks;
  2544. L[g] || (L[g] = new G(this, g, "minor")), m && L[g].isNew && L[g].render(null, !0), L[g].render(null, !1, 1);
  2545. }, X.prototype.renderTick = function(g, m, L) {
  2546. var z = this.ticks;
  2547. (!this.isLinked || g >= this.min && g <= this.max || this.grid && this.grid.isColumn) && (z[g] || (z[g] = new G(this, g)), L && z[g].isNew && z[g].render(m, !0, -1), z[g].render(m));
  2548. }, X.prototype.render = function() {
  2549. var g = this, m = g.chart, L = g.logarithmic, z = g.options, $ = g.isLinked, Q = g.tickPositions, A = g.axisTitle, F = g.ticks, Y = g.minorTicks, Z = g.alternateBands, q = z.stackLabels, it = z.alternateGridColor, et = g.tickmarkOffset, nt = g.axisLine, rt = g.showAxis, ct = B(m.renderer.globalAnimation), gt, dt;
  2550. if (g.labelEdge.length = 0, g.overlap = !1, [F, Y, Z].forEach(function(at) {
  2551. n(at, function(J) {
  2552. J.isActive = !1;
  2553. });
  2554. }), g.hasData() || $) {
  2555. var ht = g.chart.hasRendered && g.old && c(g.old.min);
  2556. g.minorTickInterval && !g.categories && g.getMinorTickPositions().forEach(function(at) {
  2557. g.renderMinorTick(
  2558. at,
  2559. ht
  2560. );
  2561. }), Q.length && (Q.forEach(function(at, J) {
  2562. g.renderTick(at, J, ht);
  2563. }), et && (g.min === 0 || g.single) && (F[-1] || (F[-1] = new G(g, -1, null, !0)), F[-1].render(-1))), it && Q.forEach(function(at, J) {
  2564. dt = typeof Q[J + 1] < "u" ? Q[J + 1] + et : g.max - et, J % 2 === 0 && at < g.max && dt <= g.max + (m.polar ? -et : et) && (Z[at] || (Z[at] = new V.PlotLineOrBand(g)), gt = at + et, Z[at].options = { from: L ? L.lin2log(gt) : gt, to: L ? L.lin2log(dt) : dt, color: it, className: "highcharts-alternate-grid" }, Z[at].render(), Z[at].isActive = !0);
  2565. }), g._addedPlotLB || (g._addedPlotLB = !0, (z.plotLines || []).concat(z.plotBands || []).forEach(function(at) {
  2566. g.addPlotBandOrLine(at);
  2567. }));
  2568. }
  2569. [F, Y, Z].forEach(function(at) {
  2570. var J = [], tt = ct.duration;
  2571. n(at, function(ot, lt) {
  2572. ot.isActive || (ot.render(lt, !1, 0), ot.isActive = !1, J.push(lt));
  2573. }), E(function() {
  2574. for (var ot = J.length; ot--; )
  2575. at[J[ot]] && !at[J[ot]].isActive && (at[J[ot]].destroy(), delete at[J[ot]]);
  2576. }, at !== Z && m.hasRendered && tt ? tt : 0);
  2577. }), nt && (nt[nt.isPlaced ? "animate" : "attr"]({ d: this.getLinePath(nt.strokeWidth()) }), nt.isPlaced = !0, nt[rt ? "show" : "hide"](rt)), A && rt && (z = g.getTitlePosition(), c(z.y) ? (A[A.isNew ? "attr" : "animate"](z), A.isNew = !1) : (A.attr(
  2578. "y",
  2579. -9999
  2580. ), A.isNew = !0)), q && q.enabled && g.stacking && g.stacking.renderStackTotals(), g.old = { len: g.len, max: g.max, min: g.min, transA: g.transA, userMax: g.userMax, userMin: g.userMin }, g.isDirty = !1, h(this, "afterRender");
  2581. }, X.prototype.redraw = function() {
  2582. this.visible && (this.render(), this.plotLinesAndBands.forEach(function(g) {
  2583. g.render();
  2584. })), this.series.forEach(function(g) {
  2585. g.isDirty = !0;
  2586. });
  2587. }, X.prototype.getKeepProps = function() {
  2588. return this.keepProps || X.keepProps;
  2589. }, X.prototype.destroy = function(g) {
  2590. var m = this, L = m.plotLinesAndBands, z = this.eventOptions;
  2591. if (h(this, "destroy", { keepEvents: g }), g || I(m), [m.ticks, m.minorTicks, m.alternateBands].forEach(function(Q) {
  2592. b(Q);
  2593. }), L)
  2594. for (g = L.length; g--; )
  2595. L[g].destroy();
  2596. "axisLine axisTitle axisGroup gridGroup labelGroup cross scrollbar".split(" ").forEach(function(Q) {
  2597. m[Q] && (m[Q] = m[Q].destroy());
  2598. });
  2599. for (var $ in m.plotLinesAndBandsGroups)
  2600. m.plotLinesAndBandsGroups[$] = m.plotLinesAndBandsGroups[$].destroy();
  2601. n(m, function(Q, A) {
  2602. m.getKeepProps().indexOf(A) === -1 && delete m[A];
  2603. }), this.eventOptions = z;
  2604. }, X.prototype.drawCrosshair = function(g, m) {
  2605. var L = this.crosshair, z = P(L && L.snap, !0), $ = this.chart, Q, A = this.cross;
  2606. if (h(this, "drawCrosshair", { e: g, point: m }), g || (g = this.cross && this.cross.e), L && (k(m) || !z) !== !1) {
  2607. if (z ? k(m) && (Q = P(this.coll !== "colorAxis" ? m.crosshairPos : null, this.isXAxis ? m.plotX : this.len - m.plotY)) : Q = g && (this.horiz ? g.chartX - this.pos : this.len - g.chartY + this.pos), k(Q)) {
  2608. var F = { value: m && (this.isXAxis ? m.x : P(m.stackY, m.y)), translatedValue: Q };
  2609. $.polar && l(F, { isCrosshair: !0, chartX: g && g.chartX, chartY: g && g.chartY, point: m }), F = this.getPlotLinePath(F) || null;
  2610. }
  2611. if (!k(F)) {
  2612. this.hideCrosshair();
  2613. return;
  2614. }
  2615. z = this.categories && !this.isRadial, A || (this.cross = A = $.renderer.path().addClass("highcharts-crosshair highcharts-crosshair-" + (z ? "category " : "thin ") + (L.className || "")).attr({ zIndex: P(L.zIndex, 2) }).add(), $.styledMode || (A.attr({ stroke: L.color || (z ? D.parse("#ccd6eb").setOpacity(0.25).get() : "#cccccc"), "stroke-width": P(L.width, 1) }).css({ "pointer-events": "none" }), L.dashStyle && A.attr({ dashstyle: L.dashStyle }))),{ d: F }), z && !L.width && A.attr({ "stroke-width": this.transA }), this.cross.e = g;
  2616. } else
  2617. this.hideCrosshair();
  2618. h(this, "afterDrawCrosshair", { e: g, point: m });
  2619. }, X.prototype.hideCrosshair = function() {
  2620. this.cross && this.cross.hide(), h(this, "afterHideCrosshair");
  2621. }, X.prototype.hasVerticalPanning = function() {
  2622. var g = this.chart.options.chart.panning;
  2623. return !!(g && g.enabled && /y/.test(g.type));
  2624. }, X.prototype.validatePositiveValue = function(g) {
  2625. return c(g) && 0 < g;
  2626. }, X.prototype.update = function(g, m) {
  2627. var L = this.chart;
  2628. g = t(this.userOptions, g), this.destroy(!0), this.init(L, g), L.isDirtyBox = !0, P(m, !0) && L.redraw();
  2629. }, X.prototype.remove = function(g) {
  2630. for (var m = this.chart, L = this.coll, z = this.series, $ = z.length; $--; )
  2631. z[$] && z[$].remove(!1);
  2632. w(m.axes, this), w(m[L], this), m[L].forEach(function(Q, A) {
  2633. Q.options.index = Q.userOptions.index = A;
  2634. }), this.destroy(), m.isDirtyBox = !0, P(g, !0) && m.redraw();
  2635. }, X.prototype.setTitle = function(g, m) {
  2636. this.update({ title: g }, m);
  2637. }, X.prototype.setCategories = function(g, m) {
  2638. this.update({ categories: g }, m);
  2639. }, X.defaultOptions = N.defaultXAxisOptions, X.keepProps = "extKey hcEvents names series userMax userMin".split(" "), X;
  2640. }(), y;
  2641. }), M(o, "Core/Axis/DateTimeAxis.js", [o["Core/Utilities.js"]], function(y) {
  2642. var N = y.addEvent, D = y.getMagnitude, U = y.normalizeTickInterval, H = y.timeUnits, V;
  2643. return function(G) {
  2644. function R() {
  2645. return this.chart.time.getTimeTicks.apply(this.chart.time, arguments);
  2646. }
  2647. function B(f) {
  2648. f.userOptions.type !== "datetime" ? this.dateTime = void 0 : this.dateTime || (this.dateTime = new x(this));
  2649. }
  2650. var S = [];
  2651. G.compose = function(f) {
  2652. return S.indexOf(f) === -1 && (S.push(f), f.keepProps.push("dateTime"), f.prototype.getTimeTicks = R, N(
  2653. f,
  2654. "init",
  2655. B
  2656. )), f;
  2657. };
  2658. var x = function() {
  2659. function f(d) {
  2660. this.axis = d;
  2661. }
  2662. return f.prototype.normalizeTimeTickInterval = function(d, T) {
  2663. var O = T || [["millisecond", [1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 25, 50, 100, 200, 500]], ["second", [1, 2, 5, 10, 15, 30]], ["minute", [1, 2, 5, 10, 15, 30]], ["hour", [1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12]], ["day", [1, 2]], ["week", [1, 2]], ["month", [1, 2, 3, 4, 6]], ["year", null]];
  2664. T = O[O.length - 1];
  2665. var j = H[T[0]], k = T[1], b;
  2666. for (b = 0; b < O.length && (T = O[b], j = H[T[0]], k = T[1], !(O[b + 1] && d <= (j * k[k.length - 1] + H[O[b + 1][0]]) / 2)); b++)
  2667. ;
  2668. return j === H.year && d < 5 * j && (k = [1, 2, 5]), d = U(d / j, k, T[0] === "year" ? Math.max(D(d / j), 1) : 1), { unitRange: j, count: d, unitName: T[0] };
  2669. }, f.prototype.getXDateFormat = function(d, T) {
  2670. var O = this.axis;
  2671. return O.closestPointRange ? O.chart.time.getDateFormat(O.closestPointRange, d, O.options.startOfWeek, T) || T.year :;
  2672. }, f;
  2673. }();
  2674. G.Additions = x;
  2675. }(V || (V = {})), V;
  2676. }), M(o, "Core/Axis/LogarithmicAxis.js", [o["Core/Utilities.js"]], function(y) {
  2677. var N = y.addEvent, D = y.getMagnitude, U = y.normalizeTickInterval, H = y.pick, V;
  2678. return function(G) {
  2679. function R(f) {
  2680. var d = this.logarithmic;
  2681. f.userOptions.type !== "logarithmic" ? this.logarithmic = void 0 : d || (this.logarithmic = new x(this));
  2682. }
  2683. function B() {
  2684. var f = this.logarithmic;
  2685. f && (this.lin2val = function(d) {
  2686. return f.lin2log(d);
  2687. }, this.val2lin = function(d) {
  2688. return f.log2lin(d);
  2689. });
  2690. }
  2691. var S = [];
  2692. G.compose = function(f) {
  2693. return S.indexOf(f) === -1 && (S.push(f), f.keepProps.push("logarithmic"), N(f, "init", R), N(f, "afterInit", B)), f;
  2694. };
  2695. var x = function() {
  2696. function f(d) {
  2697. this.axis = d;
  2698. }
  2699. return f.prototype.getLogTickPositions = function(d, T, O, j) {
  2700. var k = this.axis, b = k.len, w = k.options, v = [];
  2701. if (j || (this.minorAutoInterval = void 0), 0.5 <= d)
  2702. d = Math.round(d), v = k.getLinearTickPositions(d, T, O);
  2703. else if (0.08 <= d) {
  2704. var l = Math.floor(T), h, u = w = void 0;
  2705. for (b = 0.3 < d ? [1, 2, 4] : 0.15 < d ? [1, 2, 4, 6, 8] : [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]; l < O + 1 && !u; l++) {
  2706. var i = b.length;
  2707. for (h = 0; h < i && !u; h++) {
  2708. var c = this.log2lin(this.lin2log(l) * b[h]);
  2709. c > T && (!j || w <= O) && typeof w < "u" && v.push(w), w > O && (u = !0), w = c;
  2710. }
  2711. }
  2712. } else
  2713. T = this.lin2log(T), O = this.lin2log(O), d = j ? k.getMinorTickInterval() : w.tickInterval, d = H(d === "auto" ? null : d, this.minorAutoInterval, w.tickPixelInterval / (j ? 5 : 1) * (O - T) / ((j ? b / k.tickPositions.length : b) || 1)), d = U(d, void 0, D(d)), v = k.getLinearTickPositions(d, T, O).map(this.log2lin), j || (this.minorAutoInterval = d / 5);
  2714. return j || (k.tickInterval = d), v;
  2715. }, f.prototype.lin2log = function(d) {
  2716. return Math.pow(10, d);
  2717. }, f.prototype.log2lin = function(d) {
  2718. return Math.log(d) / Math.LN10;
  2719. }, f;
  2720. }();
  2721. G.Additions = x;
  2722. }(V || (V = {})), V;
  2723. }), M(o, "Core/Axis/PlotLineOrBand/PlotLineOrBandAxis.js", [o["Core/Utilities.js"]], function(y) {
  2724. var N = y.erase, D = y.extend, U = y.isNumber, H;
  2725. return function(V) {
  2726. var G = [], R;
  2727. V.compose = function(S, x) {
  2728. return R || (R = S), G.indexOf(x) === -1 && (G.push(x), D(x.prototype, B.prototype)), x;
  2729. };
  2730. var B = function() {
  2731. function S() {
  2732. }
  2733. return S.prototype.getPlotBandPath = function(x, f, d) {
  2734. d === void 0 && (d = this.options);
  2735. var T = this.getPlotLinePath({ value: f, force: !0, acrossPanes: d.acrossPanes }), O = [], j = this.horiz;
  2736. if (f = !U(this.min) || !U(this.max) || x < this.min && f < this.min || x > this.max && f > this.max, x = this.getPlotLinePath({ value: x, force: !0, acrossPanes: d.acrossPanes }), d = 1, x && T) {
  2737. if (f) {
  2738. var k = x.toString() === T.toString();
  2739. d = 0;
  2740. }
  2741. for (f = 0; f < x.length; f += 2) {
  2742. var b = x[f], w = x[f + 1], v = T[f], l = T[f + 1];
  2743. b[0] !== "M" && b[0] !== "L" || w[0] !== "M" && w[0] !== "L" || v[0] !== "M" && v[0] !== "L" || l[0] !== "M" && l[0] !== "L" || (j && v[1] === b[1] ? (v[1] += d, l[1] += d) : j || v[2] !== b[2] || (v[2] += d, l[2] += d), O.push(["M", b[1], b[2]], ["L", w[1], w[2]], ["L", l[1], l[2]], ["L", v[1], v[2]], ["Z"])), O.isFlat = k;
  2744. }
  2745. }
  2746. return O;
  2747. }, S.prototype.addPlotBand = function(x) {
  2748. return this.addPlotBandOrLine(x, "plotBands");
  2749. }, S.prototype.addPlotLine = function(x) {
  2750. return this.addPlotBandOrLine(x, "plotLines");
  2751. }, S.prototype.addPlotBandOrLine = function(x, f) {
  2752. var d = this, T = this.userOptions, O = new R(this, x);
  2753. if (this.visible && (O = O.render()), O) {
  2754. if (this._addedPlotLB || (this._addedPlotLB = !0, (T.plotLines || []).concat(T.plotBands || []).forEach(function(k) {
  2755. d.addPlotBandOrLine(k);
  2756. })), f) {
  2757. var j = T[f] || [];
  2758. j.push(x), T[f] = j;
  2759. }
  2760. this.plotLinesAndBands.push(O);
  2761. }
  2762. return O;
  2763. }, S.prototype.removePlotBandOrLine = function(x) {
  2764. var f = this.plotLinesAndBands, d = this.options, T = this.userOptions;
  2765. if (f) {
  2766. for (var O = f.length; O--; )
  2767. f[O].id === x && f[O].destroy();
  2768. [d.plotLines || [], T.plotLines || [], d.plotBands || [], T.plotBands || []].forEach(function(j) {
  2769. for (O = j.length; O--; )
  2770. (j[O] || {}).id === x && N(j, j[O]);
  2771. });
  2772. }
  2773. }, S.prototype.removePlotBand = function(x) {
  2774. this.removePlotBandOrLine(x);
  2775. }, S.prototype.removePlotLine = function(x) {
  2776. this.removePlotBandOrLine(x);
  2777. }, S;
  2778. }();
  2779. }(H || (H = {})), H;
  2780. }), M(o, "Core/Axis/PlotLineOrBand/PlotLineOrBand.js", [o["Core/Axis/PlotLineOrBand/PlotLineOrBandAxis.js"], o["Core/Utilities.js"]], function(y, N) {
  2781. var D = N.arrayMax, U = N.arrayMin, H = N.defined, V = N.destroyObjectProperties, G = N.erase, R = N.fireEvent, B = N.merge, S = N.objectEach, x = N.pick;
  2782. return N = function() {
  2783. function f(d, T) {
  2784. this.axis = d, T && (this.options = T, =;
  2785. }
  2786. return f.compose = function(d) {
  2787. return y.compose(f, d);
  2788. }, f.prototype.render = function() {
  2789. R(this, "render");
  2790. var d = this, T = d.axis, O = T.horiz, j = T.logarithmic, k = d.options, b = k.color, w = x(k.zIndex, 0), v =, l = {}, h = T.chart.renderer, u = k.label, i = d.label, c =, a = k.from, t = k.value, s = d.svgElem, n = [], P = H(a) && H(c);
  2791. n = H(t);
  2792. var _ = !s, I = { class: "highcharts-plot-" + (P ? "band " : "line ") + (k.className || "") }, W = P ? "bands" : "lines";
  2793. if (j && (a = j.log2lin(a), c = j.log2lin(c), t = j.log2lin(t)), T.chart.styledMode || (n ? (I.stroke = b || "#999999", I["stroke-width"] = x(k.width, 1), k.dashStyle && (I.dashstyle = k.dashStyle)) : P && (I.fill = b || "#e6ebf5", k.borderWidth && (I.stroke = k.borderColor, I["stroke-width"] = k.borderWidth))), l.zIndex = w, W += "-" + w, (j = T.plotLinesAndBandsGroups[W]) || (T.plotLinesAndBandsGroups[W] = j = h.g("plot-" + W).attr(l).add()), _ && (d.svgElem = s = h.path().attr(I).add(j)), n)
  2794. n = T.getPlotLinePath({ value: t, lineWidth: s.strokeWidth(), acrossPanes: k.acrossPanes });
  2795. else if (P)
  2796. n = T.getPlotBandPath(
  2797. a,
  2798. c,
  2799. k
  2800. );
  2801. else
  2802. return;
  2803. return !d.eventsAdded && v && (S(v, function(E, X) {
  2804. s.on(X, function(g) {
  2805. v[X].apply(d, [g]);
  2806. });
  2807. }), d.eventsAdded = !0), (_ || !s.d) && n && n.length ? s.attr({ d: n }) : s && (n ? (!0), s.animate({ d: n })) : s.d && (s.hide(), i && (d.label = i = i.destroy()))), u && (H(u.text) || H(u.formatter)) && n && n.length && 0 < T.width && 0 < T.height && !n.isFlat ? (u = B({ align: O && P && "center", x: O ? !P && 4 : 10, verticalAlign: !O && P && "middle", y: O ? P ? 16 : 10 : P ? 6 : -4, rotation: O && !P && 90 }, u), this.renderLabel(u, n, P, w)) : i && i.hide(), d;
  2808. }, f.prototype.renderLabel = function(d, T, O, j) {
  2809. var k = this.axis, b = k.chart.renderer, w = this.label;
  2810. w || (this.label = w = b.text(this.getLabelText(d), 0, 0, d.useHTML).attr({ align: d.textAlign || d.align, rotation: d.rotation, class: "highcharts-plot-" + (O ? "band" : "line") + "-label " + (d.className || ""), zIndex: j }).add(), k.chart.styledMode || w.css(B({ textOverflow: "ellipsis" },, j = T.xBounds || [T[0][1], T[1][1], O ? T[2][1] : T[0][1]], T = T.yBounds || [T[0][2], T[1][2], O ? T[2][2] : T[0][2]], O = U(j), b = U(T), w.align(d, !1, { x: O, y: b, width: D(j) - O, height: D(T) - b }), w.alignValue && w.alignValue !== "left" || w.css({ width: (w.rotation === 90 ? k.height - (w.alignAttr.y - : k.width - (w.alignAttr.x - k.left)) + "px" }),!0);
  2811. }, f.prototype.getLabelText = function(d) {
  2812. return H(d.formatter) ? : d.text;
  2813. }, f.prototype.destroy = function() {
  2814. G(this.axis.plotLinesAndBands, this), delete this.axis, V(this);
  2815. }, f;
  2816. }(), N;
  2817. }), M(
  2818. o,
  2819. "Core/Tooltip.js",
  2820. [o["Core/FormatUtilities.js"], o["Core/Globals.js"], o["Core/Renderer/RendererUtilities.js"], o["Core/Renderer/RendererRegistry.js"], o["Core/Utilities.js"]],
  2821. function(y, N, D, U, H) {
  2822. var V = y.format, G = N.doc, R = D.distribute, B = H.addEvent, S = H.clamp, x = H.css, f = H.defined, d = H.discardElement, T = H.extend, O = H.fireEvent, j = H.isArray, k = H.isNumber, b = H.isString, w = H.merge, v = H.pick, l = H.splat, h = H.syncTimeout;
  2823. return y = function() {
  2824. function u(i, c) {
  2825. this.allowShared = !0, this.container = void 0, this.crosshairs = [], this.distance = 0, this.isHidden = !0, this.isSticky = !1, = {}, this.options = {}, this.outside = !1, this.chart = i, this.init(i, c);
  2826. }
  2827. return u.prototype.applyFilter = function() {
  2828. var i = this.chart;
  2829. i.renderer.definition({
  2830. tagName: "filter",
  2831. attributes: { id: "drop-shadow-" + i.index, opacity: 0.5 },
  2832. children: [{ tagName: "feGaussianBlur", attributes: { in: "SourceAlpha", stdDeviation: 1 } }, { tagName: "feOffset", attributes: { dx: 1, dy: 1 } }, { tagName: "feComponentTransfer", children: [{ tagName: "feFuncA", attributes: { type: "linear", slope: 0.3 } }] }, { tagName: "feMerge", children: [{ tagName: "feMergeNode" }, { tagName: "feMergeNode", attributes: { in: "SourceGraphic" } }] }]
  2833. });
  2834. }, u.prototype.bodyFormatter = function(i) {
  2835. return {
  2836. var a = c.series.tooltipOptions;
  2837. return (a[(c.point.formatPrefix || "point") + "Formatter"] || c.point.tooltipFormatter).call(c.point, a[(c.point.formatPrefix || "point") + "Format"] || "");
  2838. });
  2839. }, u.prototype.cleanSplit = function(i) {
  2840. this.chart.series.forEach(function(c) {
  2841. var a = c &&;
  2842. a && (!a.isActive || i ? = a.destroy() : a.isActive = !1);
  2843. });
  2844. }, u.prototype.defaultFormatter = function(i) {
  2845. var c = this.points || l(this), a = [i.tooltipFooterHeaderFormatter(c[0])];
  2846. return a = a.concat(i.bodyFormatter(c)), a.push(i.tooltipFooterHeaderFormatter(c[0], !0)), a;
  2847. }, u.prototype.destroy = function() {
  2848. this.label && (this.label = this.label.destroy()), this.split && && (this.cleanSplit(!0), =, this.renderer && (this.renderer = this.renderer.destroy(), d(this.container)), H.clearTimeout(this.hideTimer), H.clearTimeout(this.tooltipTimeout);
  2849. }, u.prototype.getAnchor = function(i, c) {
  2850. var a = this.chart, t = a.pointer, s = a.inverted, n = a.plotTop, P = a.plotLeft, _, I, W = 0, E = 0;
  2851. return i = l(i), this.followPointer && c ? (typeof c.chartX > "u" && (c = t.normalize(c)), t = [c.chartX - P, c.chartY - n]) : i[0].tooltipPos ? t = i[0].tooltipPos : (i.forEach(function(X) {
  2852. _ = X.series.yAxis, I = X.series.xAxis, W += X.plotX || 0, E += X.plotLow ? (X.plotLow + (X.plotHigh || 0)) / 2 : X.plotY || 0, I && _ && (s ? (W += n + a.plotHeight - I.len - I.pos, E += P + a.plotWidth - _.len - _.pos) : (W += I.pos - P, E += _.pos - n));
  2853. }), W /= i.length, E /= i.length, t = [s ? a.plotWidth - E : W, s ? a.plotHeight - W : E], this.shared && 1 < i.length && c && (s ? t[0] = c.chartX - P : t[1] = c.chartY - n)),;
  2854. }, u.prototype.getLabel = function() {
  2855. var i = this, c = this.chart.styledMode, a = this.options, t = this.split && this.allowShared, s = "tooltip" + (f(a.className) ? " " + a.className : ""), n = || (!this.followPointer && a.stickOnContact ? "auto" : "none"), P = function() {
  2856. i.inContact = !0;
  2857. }, _ = function(z) {
  2858. var $ = i.chart.hoverSeries;
  2859. i.inContact = i.shouldStickOnContact() && i.chart.pointer.inClass(z.relatedTarget, "highcharts-tooltip"), !i.inContact && $ && $.onMouseOut && $.onMouseOut();
  2860. }, I, W = this.chart.renderer;
  2861. if (i.label) {
  2862. var E = !i.label.hasClass("highcharts-label");
  2863. (t && !E || !t && E) && i.destroy();
  2864. }
  2865. if (!this.label) {
  2866. if (this.outside) {
  2867. E =;
  2868. var X = U.getRendererType();
  2869. this.container = I = N.doc.createElement("div"), I.className = "highcharts-tooltip-container", x(I, { position: "absolute", top: "1px", pointerEvents: n, zIndex: Math.max( || 0, (E && E.zIndex || 0) + 3) }), B(I, "mouseenter", P), B(I, "mouseleave", _), N.doc.body.appendChild(I), this.renderer = W = new X(I, 0, 0, E, void 0, void 0, W.styledMode);
  2870. }
  2871. if (t ? this.label = W.g(s) : (this.label = W.label("", 0, 0, a.shape, void 0, void 0, a.useHTML, void 0, s).attr({ padding: a.padding, r: a.borderRadius }), c || this.label.attr({
  2872. fill: a.backgroundColor,
  2873. "stroke-width": a.borderWidth
  2874. }).css({ pointerEvents: n }).shadow(a.shadow)), c && a.shadow && (this.applyFilter(), this.label.attr({ filter: "url(#drop-shadow-" + this.chart.index + ")" })), i.outside && !i.split) {
  2875. var g = this.label, m = g.xSetter, L = g.ySetter;
  2876. g.xSetter = function(z) {
  2877., i.distance), = z + "px";
  2878. }, g.ySetter = function(z) {
  2879., i.distance), = z + "px";
  2880. };
  2881. }
  2882. this.label.on("mouseenter", P).on("mouseleave", _).attr({ zIndex: 8 }).add();
  2883. }
  2884. return this.label;
  2885. }, u.prototype.getPosition = function(i, c, a) {
  2886. var t = this.chart, s = this.distance, n = {}, P = t.inverted && a.h || 0, _ = this.outside, I = _ ? G.documentElement.clientWidth - 2 * s : t.chartWidth, W = _ ? Math.max(G.body.scrollHeight, G.documentElement.scrollHeight, G.body.offsetHeight, G.documentElement.offsetHeight, G.documentElement.clientHeight) : t.chartHeight, E = t.pointer.getChartPosition(), X = function(Y) {
  2887. var Z = Y === "x";
  2888. return [Y, Z ? I : W, Z ? i : c].concat(_ ? [Z ? i * E.scaleX : c * E.scaleY, Z ? E.left - s + (a.plotX + t.plotLeft) * E.scaleX : - s + (a.plotY + t.plotTop) * E.scaleY, 0, Z ? I : W] : [Z ? i : c, Z ? a.plotX + t.plotLeft : a.plotY + t.plotTop, Z ? t.plotLeft : t.plotTop, Z ? t.plotLeft + t.plotWidth : t.plotTop + t.plotHeight]);
  2889. }, g = X("y"), m = X("x"), L;
  2890. X = !!a.negative, !t.polar && t.hoverSeries && t.hoverSeries.yAxis && t.hoverSeries.yAxis.reversed && (X = !X);
  2891. var z = !this.followPointer && v(a.ttBelow, !t.inverted === X), $ = function(Y, Z, q, it, et, nt, rt) {
  2892. var ct = _ ? Y === "y" ? s * E.scaleY : s * E.scaleX : s, gt = (q - it) / 2, dt = it < et - s, ht = et + s + it < Z, at = et - ct - q + gt;
  2893. if (et = et + ct - gt, z && ht)
  2894. n[Y] = et;
  2895. else if (!z && dt)
  2896. n[Y] = at;
  2897. else if (dt)
  2898. n[Y] = Math.min(rt - it, 0 > at - P ? at : at - P);
  2899. else if (ht)
  2900. n[Y] = Math.max(nt, et + P + q > Z ? et : et + P);
  2901. else
  2902. return !1;
  2903. }, Q = function(Y, Z, q, it, et) {
  2904. var nt;
  2905. return et < s || et > Z - s ? nt = !1 : n[Y] = et < q / 2 ? 1 : et > Z - it / 2 ? Z - it - 2 : et - q / 2, nt;
  2906. }, A = function(Y) {
  2907. var Z = g;
  2908. g = m, m = Z, L = Y;
  2909. }, F = function() {
  2910. $.apply(0, g) !== !1 ? Q.apply(0, m) !== !1 || L || (A(!0), F()) : L ? n.x = n.y = 0 : (A(!0), F());
  2911. };
  2912. return (t.inverted || 1 < this.len) && A(), F(), n;
  2913. }, u.prototype.hide = function(i) {
  2914. var c = this;
  2915. H.clearTimeout(this.hideTimer), i = v(i, this.options.hideDelay), this.isHidden || (this.hideTimer = h(function() {
  2916. c.getLabel().fadeOut(i && void 0), c.isHidden = !0;
  2917. }, i));
  2918. }, u.prototype.init = function(i, c) {
  2919. this.chart = i, this.options = c, this.crosshairs = [], = { x: 0, y: 0 }, this.isHidden = !0, this.split = c.split && !i.inverted && !i.polar, this.shared = c.shared || this.split, this.outside = v(c.outside, !(!i.scrollablePixelsX && !i.scrollablePixelsY));
  2920. }, u.prototype.shouldStickOnContact = function() {
  2921. return !(this.followPointer || !this.options.stickOnContact);
  2922. }, u.prototype.isStickyOnContact = function() {
  2923. return !(!this.shouldStickOnContact() || !this.inContact);
  2924. }, u.prototype.move = function(i, c, a, t) {
  2925. var s = this, n =, P = s.options.animation !== !1 && !s.isHidden && (1 < Math.abs(i - n.x) || 1 < Math.abs(c - n.y)), _ = s.followPointer || 1 < s.len;
  2926. T(n, { x: P ? (2 * n.x + i) / 3 : i, y: P ? (n.y + c) / 2 : c, anchorX: _ ? void 0 : P ? (2 * n.anchorX + a) / 3 : a, anchorY: _ ? void 0 : P ? (n.anchorY + t) / 2 : t }), s.getLabel().attr(n), s.drawTracker(), P && (H.clearTimeout(this.tooltipTimeout), this.tooltipTimeout = setTimeout(function() {
  2927. s && s.move(i, c, a, t);
  2928. }, 32));
  2929. }, u.prototype.refresh = function(i, c) {
  2930. var a = this.chart, t = this.options, s = l(i), n = s[0], P = [], _ = t.formatter || this.defaultFormatter, I = this.shared, W = a.styledMode, E = {};
  2931. if (t.enabled) {
  2932. H.clearTimeout(this.hideTimer), this.allowShared = !(!j(i) && i.series && i.series.noSharedTooltip), this.followPointer = !this.split && n.series.tooltipOptions.followPointer, i = this.getAnchor(i, c);
  2933. var X = i[0], g = i[1];
  2934. if (I && this.allowShared ? (a.pointer.applyInactiveState(s), s.forEach(function(z) {
  2935. z.setState("hover"), P.push(z.getLabelConfig());
  2936. }), E = { x: n.category, y: n.y }, E.points = P) : E = n.getLabelConfig(), this.len = P.length, _ =, this), I = n.series, this.distance = v(I.tooltipOptions.distance, 16), _ === !1)
  2937. this.hide();
  2938. else {
  2939. if (this.split && this.allowShared)
  2940. this.renderSplit(
  2941. _,
  2942. s
  2943. );
  2944. else {
  2945. var m = X, L = g;
  2946. if (c && a.pointer.isDirectTouch && (m = c.chartX - a.plotLeft, L = c.chartY - a.plotTop), a.polar || I.options.clip === !1 || s.some(function(z) {
  2947. return z.series.shouldShowTooltip(m, L);
  2948. }))
  2949. c = this.getLabel(), && !W || c.css({ width: this.chart.spacingBox.width + "px" }), c.attr({ text: _ && _.join ? _.join("") : _ }), c.removeClass(/highcharts-color-[\d]+/g).addClass("highcharts-color-" + v(n.colorIndex, I.colorIndex)), W || c.attr({ stroke: t.borderColor || n.color || I.color || "#666666" }), this.updatePosition({
  2950. plotX: X,
  2951. plotY: g,
  2952. negative: n.negative,
  2953. ttBelow: n.ttBelow,
  2954. h: i[2] || 0
  2955. });
  2956. else {
  2957. this.hide();
  2958. return;
  2959. }
  2960. }
  2961. this.isHidden && this.label && this.label.attr({ opacity: 1 }).show(), this.isHidden = !1;
  2962. }
  2963. O(this, "refresh");
  2964. }
  2965. }, u.prototype.renderSplit = function(i, c) {
  2966. function a(ht, at, J, tt, ot) {
  2967. return ot === void 0 && (ot = !0), J ? (at = it ? 0 : ct, ht = S(ht - tt / 2, Y.left, Y.right - tt - (t.outside ? et : 0))) : (at -= nt, ht = ot ? ht - tt - Q : ht + Q, ht = S(ht, ot ? ht : Y.left, Y.right)), { x: ht, y: at };
  2968. }
  2969. var t = this, s = t.chart, n = t.chart, P = n.chartWidth, _ = n.chartHeight, I = n.plotHeight, W = n.plotLeft, E = n.plotTop, X = n.pointer, g = n.scrollablePixelsY;
  2970. g = g === void 0 ? 0 : g;
  2971. var m = n.scrollablePixelsX, L = n.scrollingContainer;
  2972. L = L === void 0 ? { scrollLeft: 0, scrollTop: 0 } : L;
  2973. var z = L.scrollLeft;
  2974. L = L.scrollTop;
  2975. var $ = n.styledMode, Q = t.distance, A = t.options, F = t.options.positioner, Y = t.outside && typeof m != "number" ? G.documentElement.getBoundingClientRect() : { left: z, right: z + P, top: L, bottom: L + _ }, Z = t.getLabel(), q = this.renderer || s.renderer, it = !(!s.xAxis[0] || !s.xAxis[0].opposite);
  2976. s = X.getChartPosition();
  2977. var et = s.left;
  2978. s =;
  2979. var nt = E + L, rt = 0, ct = I - g;
  2980. b(i) && (i = [!1, i]), i = i.slice(0, c.length + 1).reduce(function(ht, at, J) {
  2981. if (at !== !1 && at !== "") {
  2982. J = c[J - 1] || { isHeader: !0, plotX: c[0].plotX, plotY: I, series: {} };
  2983. var tt = J.isHeader, ot = tt ? t : J.series;
  2984. at = at.toString();
  2985. var lt =, pt = J.isHeader, yt = J.series, vt = "highcharts-color-" + v(J.colorIndex, yt.colorIndex, "none");
  2986. if (lt || (lt = { padding: A.padding, r: A.borderRadius }, $ || (lt.fill = A.backgroundColor, lt["stroke-width"] = A.borderWidth), lt = q.label("", 0, 0, A[pt ? "headerShape" : "shape"], void 0, void 0, A.useHTML).addClass((pt ? "highcharts-tooltip-header " : "") + "highcharts-tooltip-box " + vt).attr(lt).add(Z)), lt.isActive = !0, lt.attr({ text: at }), $ || lt.css({ stroke: A.borderColor || J.color || yt.color || "#333333" }), ot = = lt, pt = ot.getBBox(), at = pt.width + ot.strokeWidth(), tt && (rt = pt.height, ct += rt, it && (nt -= rt)), yt = J.plotX, yt = yt === void 0 ? 0 : yt, vt = J.plotY, vt = vt === void 0 ? 0 : vt, lt = J.series, J.isHeader) {
  2987. yt = W + yt;
  2988. var Mt = E + I / 2;
  2989. } else {
  2990. var Pt = lt.xAxis, At = lt.yAxis;
  2991. yt = Pt.pos + S(yt, -Q, Pt.len + Q), lt.shouldShowTooltip(0, At.pos - E + vt, { ignoreX: !0 }) && (Mt = At.pos + vt);
  2992. }
  2993. yt = S(yt, Y.left - Q, Y.right + Q), typeof Mt == "number" ? (pt = pt.height + 1, vt = F ?, at, pt, J) : a(
  2994. yt,
  2995. Mt,
  2996. tt,
  2997. at
  2998. ), ht.push({ align: F ? 0 : void 0, anchorX: yt, anchorY: Mt, boxWidth: at, point: J, rank: v(vt.rank, tt ? 1 : 0), size: pt, target: vt.y, tt: ot, x: vt.x })) : ot.isActive = !1;
  2999. }
  3000. return ht;
  3001. }, []), !F && i.some(function(ht) {
  3002. var at = (t.outside ? et : 0) + ht.anchorX;
  3003. return at < Y.left && at + ht.boxWidth < Y.right ? !0 : at < et - Y.left + ht.boxWidth && Y.right - at > at;
  3004. }) && (i = {
  3005. var at = a(ht.anchorX, ht.anchorY, ht.point.isHeader, ht.boxWidth, !1);
  3006. return T(ht, { target: at.y, x: at.x });
  3007. })), t.cleanSplit(), R(i, ct);
  3008. var gt = et, dt = et;
  3009. i.forEach(function(ht) {
  3010. var at = ht.x, J = ht.boxWidth;
  3011. ht = ht.isHeader, ht || (t.outside && et + at < gt && (gt = et + at), !ht && t.outside && gt + J > dt && (dt = et + at));
  3012. }), i.forEach(function(ht) {
  3013. var at = ht.x, J = ht.anchorX, tt = ht.pos, ot = ht.point.isHeader;
  3014. if (tt = { visibility: typeof tt > "u" ? "hidden" : "inherit", x: at, y: tt + nt, anchorX: J, anchorY: ht.anchorY }, t.outside && at < J) {
  3015. var lt = et - gt;
  3016. 0 < lt && (ot || (tt.x = at + lt, tt.anchorX = J + lt), ot && (tt.x = (dt - gt) / 2, tt.anchorX = J + lt));
  3017. }
  3019. }), i = t.container, g = t.renderer, t.outside && i && g && (n = Z.getBBox(), g.setSize(n.width + n.x, n.height + n.y, !1), = gt + "px", = s + "px");
  3020. }, u.prototype.drawTracker = function() {
  3021. if (this.followPointer || !this.options.stickOnContact)
  3022. this.tracker && this.tracker.destroy();
  3023. else {
  3024. var i = this.chart, c = this.label, a = this.shared ? i.hoverPoints : i.hoverPoint;
  3025. if (c && a) {
  3026. var t = { x: 0, y: 0, width: 0, height: 0 };
  3027. a = this.getAnchor(a);
  3028. var s = c.getBBox();
  3029. a[0] += i.plotLeft - c.translateX, a[1] += i.plotTop - c.translateY, t.x = Math.min(0, a[0]), t.y = Math.min(0, a[1]), t.width = 0 > a[0] ? Math.max(Math.abs(a[0]), s.width - a[0]) : Math.max(Math.abs(a[0]), s.width), t.height = 0 > a[1] ? Math.max(Math.abs(a[1]), s.height - Math.abs(a[1])) : Math.max(Math.abs(a[1]), s.height), this.tracker ? this.tracker.attr(t) : (this.tracker = c.renderer.rect(t).addClass("highcharts-tracker").add(c), i.styledMode || this.tracker.attr({ fill: "rgba(0,0,0,0)" }));
  3030. }
  3031. }
  3032. }, u.prototype.styledModeFormat = function(i) {
  3033. return i.replace('style="font-size: 10px"', 'class="highcharts-header"').replace(/style="color:{(point|series)\.color}"/g, 'class="highcharts-color-{$1.colorIndex}"');
  3034. }, u.prototype.tooltipFooterHeaderFormatter = function(i, c) {
  3035. var a = i.series, t = a.tooltipOptions, s = a.xAxis, n = s && s.dateTime;
  3036. s = {
  3037. isFooter: c,
  3038. labelConfig: i
  3039. };
  3040. var P = t.xDateFormat, _ = t[c ? "footerFormat" : "headerFormat"];
  3041. return O(this, "headerFormatter", s, function(I) {
  3042. n && !P && k(i.key) && (P = n.getXDateFormat(i.key, t.dateTimeLabelFormats)), n && P && (i.point && i.point.tooltipDateKeys || ["key"]).forEach(function(W) {
  3043. _ = _.replace("{point." + W + "}", "{point." + W + ":" + P + "}");
  3044. }), a.chart.styledMode && (_ = this.styledModeFormat(_)), I.text = V(_, { point: i, series: a }, this.chart);
  3045. }), s.text;
  3046. }, u.prototype.update = function(i) {
  3047. this.destroy(), w(!0, this.chart.options.tooltip.userOptions, i), this.init(this.chart, w(!0, this.options, i));
  3048. }, u.prototype.updatePosition = function(i) {
  3049. var c = this.chart, a = this.options, t = c.pointer, s = this.getLabel();
  3050. t = t.getChartPosition();
  3051. var n = (a.positioner || this.getPosition).call(this, s.width, s.height, i), P = i.plotX + c.plotLeft;
  3052. i = i.plotY + c.plotTop, this.outside && (a = a.borderWidth + 2 * this.distance, this.renderer.setSize(s.width + a, s.height + a, !1), (t.scaleX !== 1 || t.scaleY !== 1) && (x(this.container, { transform: "scale(" + t.scaleX + ", " + t.scaleY + ")" }), P *= t.scaleX, i *= t.scaleY), P += t.left - n.x, i += - n.y), this.move(Math.round(n.x), Math.round(n.y || 0), P, i);
  3053. }, u;
  3054. }(), y;
  3055. }
  3056. ), M(o, "Core/Series/Point.js", [o["Core/Renderer/HTML/AST.js"], o["Core/Animation/AnimationUtilities.js"], o["Core/DefaultOptions.js"], o["Core/FormatUtilities.js"], o["Core/Utilities.js"]], function(y, N, D, U, H) {
  3057. var V = N.animObject, G = D.defaultOptions, R = U.format, B = H.addEvent, S = H.defined, x = H.erase, f = H.extend, d = H.fireEvent, T = H.getNestedProperty, O = H.isArray, j = H.isFunction, k = H.isNumber, b = H.isObject, w = H.merge, v = H.objectEach, l = H.pick, h = H.syncTimeout, u = H.removeEvent, i = H.uniqueKey;
  3058. return N = function() {
  3059. function c() {
  3060. this.colorIndex = this.category = void 0, this.formatPrefix = "point", = void 0, this.isNull = !1, this.percentage = this.options = = void 0, this.selected = !1, = this.series = void 0, this.visible = !0, this.x = void 0;
  3061. }
  3062. return c.prototype.animateBeforeDestroy = function() {
  3063. var a = this, t = { x: a.startXPos, opacity: 0 }, s = a.getGraphicalProps();
  3064. s.singular.forEach(function(n) {
  3065. a[n] = a[n].animate(n === "dataLabel" ? {
  3066. x: a[n].startXPos,
  3067. y: a[n].startYPos,
  3068. opacity: 0
  3069. } : t);
  3070. }), s.plural.forEach(function(n) {
  3071. a[n].forEach(function(P) {
  3072. P.element && P.animate(f({ x: a.startXPos }, P.startYPos ? { x: P.startXPos, y: P.startYPos } : {}));
  3073. });
  3074. });
  3075. }, c.prototype.applyOptions = function(a, t) {
  3076. var s = this.series, n = s.options.pointValKey || s.pointValKey;
  3077. return a =, a), f(this, a), this.options = this.options ? f(this.options, a) : a, && delete, a.dataLabels && delete this.dataLabels, n && (this.y =, n)), this.formatPrefix = (this.isNull = l(this.isValid && !this.isValid(), this.x === null || !k(this.y))) ? "null" : "point", this.selected && (this.state = "select"), "name" in this && typeof t > "u" && s.xAxis && s.xAxis.hasNames && (this.x = s.xAxis.nameToX(this)), typeof this.x > "u" && s ? this.x = typeof t > "u" ? s.autoIncrement() : t : k(a.x) && s.options.relativeXValue && (this.x = s.autoIncrement(a.x)), this;
  3078. }, c.prototype.destroy = function() {
  3079. function a() {
  3080. (t.graphic || t.dataLabel || t.dataLabels) && (u(t), t.destroyElements());
  3081. for (I in t)
  3082. t[I] = null;
  3083. }
  3084. var t = this, s = t.series, n = s.chart;
  3085. s = s.options.dataSorting;
  3086. var P = n.hoverPoints, _ = V(t.series.chart.renderer.globalAnimation), I;
  3087. t.legendItem && n.legend.destroyItem(t), P && (t.setState(), x(P, t), P.length || (n.hoverPoints = null)), t === n.hoverPoint && t.onMouseOut(), s && s.enabled ? (this.animateBeforeDestroy(), h(a, _.duration)) : a(), n.pointCount--;
  3088. }, c.prototype.destroyElements = function(a) {
  3089. var t = this;
  3090. a = t.getGraphicalProps(a), a.singular.forEach(function(s) {
  3091. t[s] = t[s].destroy();
  3092. }), a.plural.forEach(function(s) {
  3093. t[s].forEach(function(n) {
  3094. n.element && n.destroy();
  3095. }), delete t[s];
  3096. });
  3097. }, c.prototype.firePointEvent = function(a, t, s) {
  3098. var n = this, P = this.series.options;
  3099. ([a] || n.options && &&[a]) && n.importEvents(), a === "click" && P.allowPointSelect && (s = function(_) {
  3100. &&, _.ctrlKey || _.metaKey || _.shiftKey);
  3101. }), d(n, a, t, s);
  3102. }, c.prototype.getClassName = function() {
  3103. return "highcharts-point" + (this.selected ? " highcharts-point-select" : "") + (this.negative ? " highcharts-negative" : "") + (this.isNull ? " highcharts-null-point" : "") + (typeof this.colorIndex < "u" ? " highcharts-color-" + this.colorIndex : "") + (this.options.className ? " " + this.options.className : "") + ( && ? " " +"highcharts-negative", "") : "");
  3104. }, c.prototype.getGraphicalProps = function(a) {
  3105. var t = this, s = [], n = { singular: [], plural: [] }, P;
  3106. for (a = a || { graphic: 1, dataLabel: 1 }, a.graphic && s.push("graphic", "upperGraphic", "shadowGroup"), a.dataLabel && s.push("dataLabel", "dataLabelUpper", "connector"), P = s.length; P--; ) {
  3107. var _ = s[P];
  3108. t[_] && n.singular.push(_);
  3109. }
  3110. return ["dataLabel", "connector"].forEach(function(I) {
  3111. var W = I + "s";
  3112. a[I] && t[W] && n.plural.push(W);
  3113. }), n;
  3114. }, c.prototype.getLabelConfig = function() {
  3115. return { x: this.category, y: this.y, color: this.color, colorIndex: this.colorIndex, key: || this.category, series: this.series, point: this, percentage: this.percentage, total: || this.stackTotal };
  3116. }, c.prototype.getNestedProperty = function(a) {
  3117. if (a)
  3118. return a.indexOf("custom.") === 0 ? T(a, this.options) : this[a];
  3119. }, c.prototype.getZone = function() {
  3120. var a = this.series, t = a.zones;
  3121. a = a.zoneAxis || "y";
  3122. var s, n = 0;
  3123. for (s = t[n]; this[a] >= s.value; )
  3124. s = t[++n];
  3125. return this.nonZonedColor || (this.nonZonedColor = this.color), this.color = s && s.color && !this.options.color ? s.color : this.nonZonedColor, s;
  3126. }, c.prototype.hasNewShapeType = function() {
  3127. return (this.graphic && (this.graphic.symbolName || this.graphic.element.nodeName)) !== this.shapeType;
  3128. }, c.prototype.init = function(a, t, s) {
  3129. return this.series = a, this.applyOptions(t, s), = S( ? : i(), this.resolveColor(), a.chart.pointCount++, d(this, "afterInit"), this;
  3130. }, c.prototype.optionsToObject = function(a) {
  3131. var t = this.series, s = t.options.keys, n = s || t.pointArrayMap || ["y"], P = n.length, _ = {}, I = 0, W = 0;
  3132. if (k(a) || a === null)
  3133. _[n[0]] = a;
  3134. else if (O(a))
  3135. for (!s && a.length > P && (t = typeof a[0], t === "string" ? = a[0] : t === "number" && (_.x = a[0]), I++); W < P; )
  3136. s && typeof a[I] > "u" || (0 < n[W].indexOf(".") ? c.prototype.setNestedProperty(_, a[I], n[W]) : _[n[W]] = a[I]), I++, W++;
  3137. else
  3138. typeof a == "object" && (_ = a, a.dataLabels && (t._hasPointLabels = !0), a.marker && (t._hasPointMarkers = !0));
  3139. return _;
  3140. }, c.prototype.resolveColor = function() {
  3141. var a = this.series, t = a.chart.styledMode, s = a.chart.options.chart.colorCount;
  3142. if (delete this.nonZonedColor, a.options.colorByPoint) {
  3143. if (!t) {
  3144. s = a.options.colors || a.chart.options.colors;
  3145. var n = s[a.colorCounter];
  3146. s = s.length;
  3147. }
  3148. t = a.colorCounter, a.colorCounter++, a.colorCounter === s && (a.colorCounter = 0);
  3149. } else
  3150. t || (n = a.color), t = a.colorIndex;
  3151. this.colorIndex = l(this.options.colorIndex, t), this.color = l(this.options.color, n);
  3152. }, c.prototype.setNestedProperty = function(a, t, s) {
  3153. return s.split(".").reduce(function(n, P, _, I) {
  3154. return n[P] = I.length - 1 === _ ? t : b(n[P], !0) ? n[P] : {}, n[P];
  3155. }, a), a;
  3156. }, c.prototype.tooltipFormatter = function(a) {
  3157. var t = this.series, s = t.tooltipOptions, n = l(s.valueDecimals, ""), P = s.valuePrefix || "", _ = s.valueSuffix || "";
  3158. return t.chart.styledMode && (a = t.chart.tooltip.styledModeFormat(a)), (t.pointArrayMap || ["y"]).forEach(function(I) {
  3159. I = "{point." + I, (P || _) && (a = a.replace(RegExp(I + "}", "g"), P + I + "}" + _)), a = a.replace(RegExp(I + "}", "g"), I + ":,." + n + "f}");
  3160. }), R(a, { point: this, series: this.series }, t.chart);
  3161. }, c.prototype.update = function(a, t, s, n) {
  3162. function P() {
  3163. _.applyOptions(a);
  3164. var m = W && _.hasDummyGraphic;
  3165. m = _.y === null ? !m : m, W && m && (_.graphic = W.destroy(), delete _.hasDummyGraphic), b(a, !0) && (W && W.element && a && a.marker && typeof a.marker.symbol < "u" && (_.graphic = W.destroy()), a && a.dataLabels && _.dataLabel && (_.dataLabel = _.dataLabel.destroy()), _.connector && (_.connector = _.connector.destroy())), g = _.index, I.updateParallelArrays(_, g),[g] = b([g], !0) || b(a, !0) ? _.options : l(a,[g]), I.isDirty = I.isDirtyData = !0, !I.fixedBox && I.hasCartesianSeries && (E.isDirtyBox = !0), X.legendType === "point" && (E.isDirtyLegend = !0), t && E.redraw(s);
  3166. }
  3167. var _ = this, I = _.series, W = _.graphic, E = I.chart, X = I.options, g;
  3168. t = l(t, !0), n === !1 ? P() : _.firePointEvent("update", { options: a }, P);
  3169. }, c.prototype.remove = function(a, t) {
  3170. this.series.removePoint(, a, t);
  3171. }, = function(a, t) {
  3172. var s = this, n = s.series, P = n.chart;
  3173. this.selectedStaging = a = l(a, !s.selected), s.firePointEvent(a ? "select" : "unselect", { accumulate: t }, function() {
  3174. s.selected = s.options.selected = a,[] = s.options, s.setState(a && "select"), t || P.getSelectedPoints().forEach(function(_) {
  3175. var I = _.series;
  3176. _.selected && _ !== s && (_.selected = _.options.selected = !1,[] = _.options, _.setState(P.hoverPoints && I.options.inactiveOtherPoints ? "inactive" : ""), _.firePointEvent("unselect"));
  3177. });
  3178. }), delete this.selectedStaging;
  3179. }, c.prototype.onMouseOver = function(a) {
  3180. var t = this.series.chart, s = t.pointer;
  3181. a = a ? s.normalize(a) : s.getChartCoordinatesFromPoint(this, t.inverted), s.runPointActions(
  3182. a,
  3183. this
  3184. );
  3185. }, c.prototype.onMouseOut = function() {
  3186. var a = this.series.chart;
  3187. this.firePointEvent("mouseOut"), this.series.options.inactiveOtherPoints || (a.hoverPoints || []).forEach(function(t) {
  3188. t.setState();
  3189. }), a.hoverPoints = a.hoverPoint = null;
  3190. }, c.prototype.importEvents = function() {
  3191. if (!this.hasImportedEvents) {
  3192. var a = this, t = w(a.series.options.point, a.options).events;
  3193. = t, v(t, function(s, n) {
  3194. j(s) && B(a, n, s);
  3195. }), this.hasImportedEvents = !0;
  3196. }
  3197. }, c.prototype.setState = function(a, t) {
  3198. var s = this.series, n = this.state, P = s.options.states[a || "normal"] || {}, _ = G.plotOptions[s.type].marker && s.options.marker, I = _ && _.enabled === !1, W = _ && _.states && _.states[a || "normal"] || {}, E = W.enabled === !1, X = this.marker || {}, g = s.chart, m = _ && s.markerAttribs, L = s.halo, z, $ = s.stateMarkerGraphic;
  3199. if (a = a || "", !(a === this.state && !t || this.selected && a !== "select" || P.enabled === !1 || a && (E || I && W.enabled === !1) || a && X.states && X.states[a] && X.states[a].enabled === !1)) {
  3200. if (this.state = a, m && (z = s.markerAttribs(this, a)), this.graphic && !this.hasDummyGraphic) {
  3201. if (n && this.graphic.removeClass("highcharts-point-" + n), a && this.graphic.addClass("highcharts-point-" + a), !g.styledMode) {
  3202. var Q = s.pointAttribs(this, a), A = l(g.options.chart.animation, P.animation);
  3203. s.options.inactiveOtherPoints && k(Q.opacity) && ((this.dataLabels || []).forEach(function(F) {
  3204. F && F.animate({ opacity: Q.opacity }, A);
  3205. }), this.connector && this.connector.animate({ opacity: Q.opacity }, A)), this.graphic.animate(Q, A);
  3206. }
  3207. z && this.graphic.animate(z, l(g.options.chart.animation, W.animation, _.animation)), $ && $.hide();
  3208. } else
  3209. a && W && (n = X.symbol || s.symbol, $ && $.currentSymbol !== n && ($ = $.destroy()), z && ($ ? $[t ? "animate" : "attr"]({ x: z.x, y: z.y }) : n && (s.stateMarkerGraphic = $ = g.renderer.symbol(n, z.x, z.y, z.width, z.height).add(s.markerGroup), $.currentSymbol = n)), !g.styledMode && $ && this.state !== "inactive" && $.attr(s.pointAttribs(this, a))), $ && ($[a && this.isInside ? "show" : "hide"](), $.element.point = this, $.addClass(this.getClassName(), !0));
  3210. P = P.halo, z = ($ = this.graphic || $) && $.visibility || "inherit", P && P.size && $ && z !== "hidden" && !this.isCluster ? (L || (s.halo = L = g.renderer.path().add($.parentGroup)),[t ? "animate" : "attr"]({ d: this.haloPath(P.size) }), L.attr({ class: "highcharts-halo highcharts-color-" + l(this.colorIndex, s.colorIndex) + (this.className ? " " + this.className : ""), visibility: z, zIndex: -1 }), L.point = this, g.styledMode || L.attr(f({ fill: this.color || s.color, "fill-opacity": P.opacity }, y.filterUserAttributes(P.attributes || {})))) : L && L.point && L.point.haloPath && L.animate({ d: L.point.haloPath(0) }, null, L.hide), d(this, "afterSetState", { state: a });
  3211. }
  3212. }, c.prototype.haloPath = function(a) {
  3213. return - a, this.plotY - a, 2 * a, 2 * a);
  3214. }, c;
  3215. }(), N;
  3216. }), M(o, "Core/Pointer.js", [o["Core/Color/Color.js"], o["Core/Globals.js"], o["Core/Tooltip.js"], o["Core/Utilities.js"]], function(y, N, D, U) {
  3217. var H = y.parse, V = N.charts, G = N.noop, R = U.addEvent, B = U.attr, S = U.css, x = U.defined, f = U.extend, d = U.find, T = U.fireEvent, O = U.isNumber, j = U.isObject, k = U.objectEach, b = U.offset, w = U.pick, v = U.splat;
  3218. return y = function() {
  3219. function l(h, u) {
  3220. this.lastValidTouch = {}, this.pinchDown = [], this.runChartClick = !1, this.eventsToUnbind = [], this.chart = h, this.hasDragged = !1, this.options = u, this.init(h, u);
  3221. }
  3222. return l.prototype.applyInactiveState = function(h) {
  3223. var u = [], i;
  3224. (h || []).forEach(function(c) {
  3225. i = c.series, u.push(i), i.linkedParent && u.push(i.linkedParent), i.linkedSeries && (u = u.concat(i.linkedSeries)), i.navigatorSeries && u.push(i.navigatorSeries);
  3226. }), this.chart.series.forEach(function(c) {
  3227. u.indexOf(c) === -1 ? c.setState("inactive", !0) : c.options.inactiveOtherPoints && c.setAllPointsToState("inactive");
  3228. });
  3229. }, l.prototype.destroy = function() {
  3230. var h = this;
  3231. this.eventsToUnbind.forEach(function(u) {
  3232. return u();
  3233. }), this.eventsToUnbind = [], N.chartCount || (l.unbindDocumentMouseUp && (l.unbindDocumentMouseUp = l.unbindDocumentMouseUp()), l.unbindDocumentTouchEnd && (l.unbindDocumentTouchEnd = l.unbindDocumentTouchEnd())), clearInterval(h.tooltipTimeout), k(h, function(u, i) {
  3234. h[i] = void 0;
  3235. });
  3236. }, l.prototype.drag = function(h) {
  3237. var u = this.chart, i = u.options.chart, c = this.zoomHor, a = this.zoomVert, t = u.plotLeft, s = u.plotTop, n = u.plotWidth, P = u.plotHeight, _ = this.mouseDownX || 0, I = this.mouseDownY || 0, W = j(i.panning) ? i.panning && i.panning.enabled : i.panning, E = i.panKey && h[i.panKey + "Key"], X = h.chartX, g = h.chartY, m = this.selectionMarker;
  3238. if ((!m || !m.touch) && (X < t ? X = t : X > t + n && (X = t + n), g < s ? g = s : g > s + P && (g = s + P), this.hasDragged = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_ - X, 2) + Math.pow(I - g, 2)), 10 < this.hasDragged)) {
  3239. var L = u.isInsidePlot(_ - t, I - s, { visiblePlotOnly: !0 });
  3240. !u.hasCartesianSeries && !u.mapView || !this.zoomX && !this.zoomY || !L || E || m || (this.selectionMarker = m = u.renderer.rect(t, s, c ? 1 : n, a ? 1 : P, 0).attr({ class: "highcharts-selection-marker", zIndex: 7 }).add(), u.styledMode || m.attr({ fill: i.selectionMarkerFill || H("#335cad").setOpacity(0.25).get() })), m && c && (c = X - _, m.attr({ width: Math.abs(c), x: (0 < c ? 0 : c) + _ })), m && a && (c = g - I, m.attr({ height: Math.abs(c), y: (0 < c ? 0 : c) + I })), L && !m && W && u.pan(h, i.panning);
  3241. }
  3242. }, l.prototype.dragStart = function(h) {
  3243. var u = this.chart;
  3244. u.mouseIsDown = h.type, u.cancelClick = !1, u.mouseDownX = this.mouseDownX = h.chartX, u.mouseDownY = this.mouseDownY = h.chartY;
  3245. }, l.prototype.drop = function(h) {
  3246. var u = this, i = this.chart, c = this.hasPinched;
  3247. if (this.selectionMarker) {
  3248. var a = this.selectionMarker, t = a.attr ? a.attr("x") : a.x, s = a.attr ? a.attr("y") : a.y, n = a.attr ? a.attr("width") : a.width, P = a.attr ? a.attr("height") : a.height, _ = { originalEvent: h, xAxis: [], yAxis: [], x: t, y: s, width: n, height: P }, I = !!i.mapView;
  3249. (this.hasDragged || c) && (i.axes.forEach(function(W) {
  3250. if (W.zoomEnabled && x(W.min) && (c || u[{ xAxis: "zoomX", yAxis: "zoomY" }[W.coll]]) && O(t) && O(s)) {
  3251. var E = W.horiz, X = h.type === "touchend" ? W.minPixelPadding : 0, g = W.toValue((E ? t : s) + X);
  3252. E = W.toValue((E ? t + n : s + P) - X), _[W.coll].push({ axis: W, min: Math.min(g, E), max: Math.max(g, E) }), I = !0;
  3253. }
  3254. }), I && T(i, "selection", _, function(W) {
  3255. i.zoom(f(
  3256. W,
  3257. c ? { animation: !1 } : null
  3258. ));
  3259. })), O(i.index) && (this.selectionMarker = this.selectionMarker.destroy()), c && this.scaleGroups();
  3260. }
  3261. i && O(i.index) && (S(i.container, { cursor: i._cursor }), i.cancelClick = 10 < this.hasDragged, i.mouseIsDown = this.hasDragged = this.hasPinched = !1, this.pinchDown = []);
  3262. }, l.prototype.findNearestKDPoint = function(h, u, i) {
  3263. var c = this.chart, a = c.hoverPoint;
  3264. if (c = c.tooltip, a && c && c.isStickyOnContact())
  3265. return a;
  3266. var t;
  3267. return h.forEach(function(s) {
  3268. var n = !(s.noSharedTooltip && u) && 0 > s.options.findNearestPointBy.indexOf("y");
  3269. if (s = s.searchPoint(i, n), (n = j(s, !0) && s.series) && !(n = !j(t, !0))) {
  3270. n = t.distX - s.distX;
  3271. var P = t.dist - s.dist, _ = ( && - ( &&;
  3272. n = 0 < (n !== 0 && u ? n : P !== 0 ? P : _ !== 0 ? _ : t.series.index > s.series.index ? -1 : 1);
  3273. }
  3274. n && (t = s);
  3275. }), t;
  3276. }, l.prototype.getChartCoordinatesFromPoint = function(h, u) {
  3277. var i = h.series, c = i.xAxis;
  3278. i = i.yAxis;
  3279. var a = h.shapeArgs;
  3280. if (c && i) {
  3281. var t = w(h.clientX, h.plotX), s = h.plotY || 0;
  3282. return h.isNode && a && O(a.x) && O(a.y) && (t = a.x, s = a.y), u ? { chartX: i.len + i.pos - s, chartY: c.len + c.pos - t } : { chartX: t + c.pos, chartY: s + i.pos };
  3283. }
  3284. if (a && a.x && a.y)
  3285. return { chartX: a.x, chartY: a.y };
  3286. }, l.prototype.getChartPosition = function() {
  3287. if (this.chartPosition)
  3288. return this.chartPosition;
  3289. var h = this.chart.container, u = b(h);
  3290. this.chartPosition = { left: u.left, top:, scaleX: 1, scaleY: 1 };
  3291. var i = h.offsetWidth;
  3292. return h = h.offsetHeight, 2 < i && 2 < h && (this.chartPosition.scaleX = u.width / i, this.chartPosition.scaleY = u.height / h), this.chartPosition;
  3293. }, l.prototype.getCoordinates = function(h) {
  3294. var u = { xAxis: [], yAxis: [] };
  3295. return this.chart.axes.forEach(function(i) {
  3296. u[i.isXAxis ? "xAxis" : "yAxis"].push({ axis: i, value: i.toValue(h[i.horiz ? "chartX" : "chartY"]) });
  3297. }), u;
  3298. }, l.prototype.getHoverData = function(h, u, i, c, a, t) {
  3299. var s = [];
  3300. c = !(!c || !h);
  3301. var n = { chartX: t ? t.chartX : void 0, chartY: t ? t.chartY : void 0, shared: a };
  3302. T(this, "beforeGetHoverData", n);
  3303. var P = u && !u.stickyTracking ? [u] : i.filter(function(I) {
  3304. return n.filter ? n.filter(I) : I.visible && !(!a && I.directTouch) && w(I.options.enableMouseTracking, !0) && I.stickyTracking;
  3305. }), _ = c || !t ? h : this.findNearestKDPoint(P, a, t);
  3306. return u = _ && _.series, _ && (a && !u.noSharedTooltip ? (P = i.filter(function(I) {
  3307. return n.filter ? n.filter(I) : I.visible && !(!a && I.directTouch) && w(I.options.enableMouseTracking, !0) && !I.noSharedTooltip;
  3308. }), P.forEach(function(I) {
  3309. var W = d(I.points, function(E) {
  3310. return E.x === _.x && !E.isNull;
  3311. });
  3312. j(W) && (I.chart.isBoosting && (W = I.getPoint(W)), s.push(W));
  3313. })) : s.push(_)), n = { hoverPoint: _ }, T(this, "afterGetHoverData", n), { hoverPoint: n.hoverPoint, hoverSeries: u, hoverPoints: s };
  3314. }, l.prototype.getPointFromEvent = function(h) {
  3315. h =;
  3316. for (var u; h && !u; )
  3317. u = h.point, h = h.parentNode;
  3318. return u;
  3319. }, l.prototype.onTrackerMouseOut = function(h) {
  3320. h = h.relatedTarget || h.toElement;
  3321. var u = this.chart.hoverSeries;
  3322. this.isDirectTouch = !1, !u || !h || u.stickyTracking || this.inClass(h, "highcharts-tooltip") || this.inClass(h, "highcharts-series-" + u.index) && this.inClass(h, "highcharts-tracker") || u.onMouseOut();
  3323. }, l.prototype.inClass = function(h, u) {
  3324. for (var i; h; ) {
  3325. if (i = B(h, "class")) {
  3326. if (i.indexOf(u) !== -1)
  3327. return !0;
  3328. if (i.indexOf("highcharts-container") !== -1)
  3329. return !1;
  3330. }
  3331. h = h.parentNode;
  3332. }
  3333. }, l.prototype.init = function(h, u) {
  3334. this.options = u, this.chart = h, this.runChartClick = !(! || !, this.pinchDown = [], this.lastValidTouch = {}, D && (h.tooltip = new D(h, u.tooltip), this.followTouchMove = w(u.tooltip.followTouchMove, !0)), this.setDOMEvents();
  3335. }, l.prototype.normalize = function(h, u) {
  3336. var i = h.touches, c = i ? i.length ? i.item(0) : w(i.changedTouches, h.changedTouches)[0] : h;
  3337. return u || (u = this.getChartPosition()), i = c.pageX - u.left, c = c.pageY -, i /= u.scaleX, c /= u.scaleY, f(h, { chartX: Math.round(i), chartY: Math.round(c) });
  3338. }, l.prototype.onContainerClick = function(h) {
  3339. var u = this.chart, i = u.hoverPoint;
  3340. h = this.normalize(h);
  3341. var c = u.plotLeft, a = u.plotTop;
  3342. u.cancelClick || (i && this.inClass(, "highcharts-tracker") ? (T(i.series, "click", f(h, { point: i })), u.hoverPoint && i.firePointEvent("click", h)) : (f(h, this.getCoordinates(h)), u.isInsidePlot(h.chartX - c, h.chartY - a, { visiblePlotOnly: !0 }) && T(u, "click", h)));
  3343. }, l.prototype.onContainerMouseDown = function(h) {
  3344. var u = ((h.buttons || h.button) & 1) === 1;
  3345. h = this.normalize(h), N.isFirefox && h.button !== 0 && this.onContainerMouseMove(h), (typeof h.button > "u" || u) && (this.zoomOption(h), u && h.preventDefault && h.preventDefault(), this.dragStart(h));
  3346. }, l.prototype.onContainerMouseLeave = function(h) {
  3347. var u = V[w(l.hoverChartIndex, -1)], i = this.chart.tooltip;
  3348. i && i.shouldStickOnContact() && this.inClass(h.relatedTarget, "highcharts-tooltip-container") || (h = this.normalize(h), u && (h.relatedTarget || h.toElement) && (u.pointer.reset(), u.pointer.chartPosition = void 0), i && !i.isHidden && this.reset());
  3349. }, l.prototype.onContainerMouseEnter = function(h) {
  3350. delete this.chartPosition;
  3351. }, l.prototype.onContainerMouseMove = function(h) {
  3352. var u = this.chart;
  3353. h = this.normalize(h), this.setHoverChartIndex(), h.preventDefault || (h.returnValue = !1), (u.mouseIsDown === "mousedown" || this.touchSelect(h)) && this.drag(h), u.openMenu || !this.inClass(, "highcharts-tracker") && !u.isInsidePlot(h.chartX - u.plotLeft, h.chartY - u.plotTop, { visiblePlotOnly: !0 }) || (this.inClass(, "highcharts-no-tooltip") ? this.reset(!1, 0) : this.runPointActions(h));
  3354. }, l.prototype.onDocumentTouchEnd = function(h) {
  3355. var u = V[w(
  3356. l.hoverChartIndex,
  3357. -1
  3358. )];
  3359. u && u.pointer.drop(h);
  3360. }, l.prototype.onContainerTouchMove = function(h) {
  3361. this.touchSelect(h) ? this.onContainerMouseMove(h) : this.touch(h);
  3362. }, l.prototype.onContainerTouchStart = function(h) {
  3363. this.touchSelect(h) ? this.onContainerMouseDown(h) : (this.zoomOption(h), this.touch(h, !0));
  3364. }, l.prototype.onDocumentMouseMove = function(h) {
  3365. var u = this.chart, i = this.chartPosition;
  3366. h = this.normalize(h, i);
  3367. var c = u.tooltip;
  3368. !i || c && c.isStickyOnContact() || u.isInsidePlot(h.chartX - u.plotLeft, h.chartY - u.plotTop, { visiblePlotOnly: !0 }) || this.inClass(, "highcharts-tracker") || this.reset();
  3369. }, l.prototype.onDocumentMouseUp = function(h) {
  3370. var u = V[w(l.hoverChartIndex, -1)];
  3371. u && u.pointer.drop(h);
  3372. }, l.prototype.pinch = function(h) {
  3373. var u = this, i = u.chart, c = u.pinchDown, a = h.touches || [], t = a.length, s = u.lastValidTouch, n = u.hasZoom, P = {}, _ = t === 1 && (u.inClass(, "highcharts-tracker") && i.runTrackerClick || u.runChartClick), I = {}, W = u.selectionMarker;
  3374. 1 < t ? u.initiated = !0 : t === 1 && this.followTouchMove && (u.initiated = !1), n && u.initiated && !_ && h.cancelable !== !1 && h.preventDefault(), [], function(E) {
  3375. return u.normalize(E);
  3376. }), h.type === "touchstart" ? ([], function(E, X) {
  3377. c[X] = { chartX: E.chartX, chartY: E.chartY };
  3378. }), s.x = [c[0].chartX, c[1] && c[1].chartX], s.y = [c[0].chartY, c[1] && c[1].chartY], i.axes.forEach(function(E) {
  3379. if (E.zoomEnabled) {
  3380. var X = i.bounds[E.horiz ? "h" : "v"], g = E.minPixelPadding, m = E.toPixels(Math.min(w(E.options.min, E.dataMin), E.dataMin)), L = E.toPixels(Math.max(w(E.options.max, E.dataMax), E.dataMax)), z = Math.max(m, L);
  3381. X.min = Math.min(E.pos, Math.min(
  3382. m,
  3383. L
  3384. ) - g), X.max = Math.max(E.pos + E.len, z + g);
  3385. }
  3386. }), u.res = !0) : u.followTouchMove && t === 1 ? this.runPointActions(u.normalize(h)) : c.length && (T(i, "touchpan", { originalEvent: h }, function() {
  3387. W || (u.selectionMarker = W = f({ destroy: G, touch: !0 }, i.plotBox)), u.pinchTranslate(c, a, P, W, I, s), u.hasPinched = n, u.scaleGroups(P, I);
  3388. }), u.res && (u.res = !1, this.reset(!1, 0)));
  3389. }, l.prototype.pinchTranslate = function(h, u, i, c, a, t) {
  3390. this.zoomHor && this.pinchTranslateDirection(!0, h, u, i, c, a, t), this.zoomVert && this.pinchTranslateDirection(!1, h, u, i, c, a, t);
  3391. }, l.prototype.pinchTranslateDirection = function(h, u, i, c, a, t, s, n) {
  3392. var P = this.chart, _ = h ? "x" : "y", I = h ? "X" : "Y", W = "chart" + I, E = h ? "width" : "height", X = P["plot" + (h ? "Left" : "Top")], g = P.inverted, m = P.bounds[h ? "h" : "v"], L = u.length === 1, z = u[0][W], $ = !L && u[1][W];
  3393. u = function() {
  3394. typeof Z == "number" && 20 < Math.abs(z - $) && (F = n || Math.abs(Y - Z) / Math.abs(z - $)), A = (X - Y) / F + z, Q = P["plot" + (h ? "Width" : "Height")] / F;
  3395. };
  3396. var Q, A, F = n || 1, Y = i[0][W], Z = !L && i[1][W];
  3397. if (u(), i = A, i < m.min) {
  3398. i = m.min;
  3399. var q = !0;
  3400. } else
  3401. i + Q > m.max && (i = m.max - Q, q = !0);
  3402. q ? (Y -= 0.8 * (Y - s[_][0]), typeof Z == "number" && (Z -= 0.8 * (Z - s[_][1])), u()) : s[_] = [Y, Z], g || (t[_] = A - X, t[E] = Q), t = g ? 1 / F : F, a[E] = Q, a[_] = i, c[g ? h ? "scaleY" : "scaleX" : "scale" + I] = F, c["translate" + I] = t * X + (Y - t * z);
  3403. }, l.prototype.reset = function(h, u) {
  3404. var i = this.chart, c = i.hoverSeries, a = i.hoverPoint, t = i.hoverPoints, s = i.tooltip, n = s && s.shared ? t : a;
  3405. h && n && v(n).forEach(function(P) {
  3406. P.series.isCartesian && typeof P.plotX > "u" && (h = !1);
  3407. }), h ? s && n && v(n).length && (s.refresh(n), s.shared && t ? t.forEach(function(P) {
  3408. P.setState(P.state, !0), P.series.isCartesian && (P.series.xAxis.crosshair && P.series.xAxis.drawCrosshair(
  3409. null,
  3410. P
  3411. ), P.series.yAxis.crosshair && P.series.yAxis.drawCrosshair(null, P));
  3412. }) : a && (a.setState(a.state, !0), i.axes.forEach(function(P) {
  3413. P.crosshair && a.series[P.coll] === P && P.drawCrosshair(null, a);
  3414. }))) : (a && a.onMouseOut(), t && t.forEach(function(P) {
  3415. P.setState();
  3416. }), c && c.onMouseOut(), s && s.hide(u), this.unDocMouseMove && (this.unDocMouseMove = this.unDocMouseMove()), i.axes.forEach(function(P) {
  3417. P.hideCrosshair();
  3418. }), this.hoverX = i.hoverPoints = i.hoverPoint = null);
  3419. }, l.prototype.runPointActions = function(h, u) {
  3420. var i = this.chart, c = i.tooltip && i.tooltip.options.enabled ? i.tooltip : void 0, a = c ? c.shared : !1, t = u || i.hoverPoint, s = t && t.series || i.hoverSeries;
  3421. u = this.getHoverData(t, s, i.series, (!h || h.type !== "touchmove") && (!!u || s && s.directTouch && this.isDirectTouch), a, h), t = u.hoverPoint, s = u.hoverSeries;
  3422. var n = u.hoverPoints;
  3423. if (u = s && s.tooltipOptions.followPointer && !s.tooltipOptions.split, a = a && s && !s.noSharedTooltip, t && (t !== i.hoverPoint || c && c.isHidden)) {
  3424. if ((i.hoverPoints || []).forEach(function(P) {
  3425. n.indexOf(P) === -1 && P.setState();
  3426. }), i.hoverSeries !== s && s.onMouseOver(), this.applyInactiveState(n), (n || []).forEach(function(P) {
  3427. P.setState("hover");
  3428. }), i.hoverPoint && i.hoverPoint.firePointEvent("mouseOut"), !t.series)
  3429. return;
  3430. i.hoverPoints = n, i.hoverPoint = t, t.firePointEvent("mouseOver"), c && c.refresh(a ? n : t, h);
  3431. } else
  3432. u && c && !c.isHidden && (t = c.getAnchor([{}], h), i.isInsidePlot(t[0], t[1], { visiblePlotOnly: !0 }) && c.updatePosition({ plotX: t[0], plotY: t[1] }));
  3433. this.unDocMouseMove || (this.unDocMouseMove = R(i.container.ownerDocument, "mousemove", function(P) {
  3434. var _ = V[l.hoverChartIndex];
  3435. _ && _.pointer.onDocumentMouseMove(P);
  3436. }), this.eventsToUnbind.push(this.unDocMouseMove)), i.axes.forEach(function(P) {
  3437. var _ = w((P.crosshair || {}).snap, !0), I;
  3438. _ && ((I = i.hoverPoint) && I.series[P.coll] === P || (I = d(n, function(W) {
  3439. return W.series[P.coll] === P;
  3440. }))), I || !_ ? P.drawCrosshair(h, I) : P.hideCrosshair();
  3441. });
  3442. }, l.prototype.scaleGroups = function(h, u) {
  3443. var i = this.chart;
  3444. i.series.forEach(function(c) {
  3445. var a = h || c.getPlotBox();
  3446. && (c.xAxis && c.xAxis.zoomEnabled || i.mapView) && (, c.markerGroup && (c.markerGroup.attr(a), c.markerGroup.clip(u ? i.clipRect : null)), c.dataLabelsGroup && c.dataLabelsGroup.attr(a));
  3447. }), i.clipRect.attr(u || i.clipBox);
  3448. }, l.prototype.setDOMEvents = function() {
  3449. var h = this, u = this.chart.container, i = u.ownerDocument;
  3450. u.onmousedown = this.onContainerMouseDown.bind(this), u.onmousemove = this.onContainerMouseMove.bind(this), u.onclick = this.onContainerClick.bind(this), this.eventsToUnbind.push(R(u, "mouseenter", this.onContainerMouseEnter.bind(this))), this.eventsToUnbind.push(R(u, "mouseleave", this.onContainerMouseLeave.bind(this))), l.unbindDocumentMouseUp || (l.unbindDocumentMouseUp = R(i, "mouseup", this.onDocumentMouseUp.bind(this)));
  3451. for (var c = this.chart.renderTo.parentElement; c && c.tagName !== "BODY"; )
  3452. this.eventsToUnbind.push(R(c, "scroll", function() {
  3453. delete h.chartPosition;
  3454. })), c = c.parentElement;
  3455. N.hasTouch && (this.eventsToUnbind.push(R(u, "touchstart", this.onContainerTouchStart.bind(this), { passive: !1 })), this.eventsToUnbind.push(R(u, "touchmove", this.onContainerTouchMove.bind(this), { passive: !1 })), l.unbindDocumentTouchEnd || (l.unbindDocumentTouchEnd = R(i, "touchend", this.onDocumentTouchEnd.bind(this), { passive: !1 })));
  3456. }, l.prototype.setHoverChartIndex = function() {
  3457. var h = this.chart, u = N.charts[w(l.hoverChartIndex, -1)];
  3458. u && u !== h && u.pointer.onContainerMouseLeave({ relatedTarget: !0 }), u && u.mouseIsDown || (l.hoverChartIndex = h.index);
  3459. }, l.prototype.touch = function(h, u) {
  3460. var i = this.chart;
  3461. if (this.setHoverChartIndex(), h.touches.length === 1)
  3462. if (h = this.normalize(h), i.isInsidePlot(h.chartX - i.plotLeft, h.chartY - i.plotTop, { visiblePlotOnly: !0 }) && !i.openMenu) {
  3463. if (u && this.runPointActions(h), h.type === "touchmove") {
  3464. u = this.pinchDown;
  3465. var c = u[0] ? 4 <= Math.sqrt(Math.pow(u[0].chartX - h.chartX, 2) + Math.pow(u[0].chartY - h.chartY, 2)) : !1;
  3466. }
  3467. w(c, !0) && this.pinch(h);
  3468. } else
  3469. u && this.reset();
  3470. else
  3471. h.touches.length === 2 && this.pinch(h);
  3472. }, l.prototype.touchSelect = function(h) {
  3473. return !(!this.chart.options.chart.zoomBySingleTouch || !h.touches || h.touches.length !== 1);
  3474. }, l.prototype.zoomOption = function(h) {
  3475. var u = this.chart, i = u.options.chart;
  3476. u = u.inverted;
  3477. var c = i.zoomType || "";
  3478. /touch/.test(h.type) && (c = w(i.pinchType, c)), this.zoomX = h = /x/.test(c), this.zoomY = i = /y/.test(c), this.zoomHor = h && !u || i && u, this.zoomVert = i && !u || h && u, this.hasZoom = h || i;
  3479. }, l;
  3480. }(), y;
  3481. }), M(o, "Core/MSPointer.js", [o["Core/Globals.js"], o["Core/Pointer.js"], o["Core/Utilities.js"]], function(y, N, D) {
  3482. function U() {
  3483. var k = [];
  3484. return k.item = function(b) {
  3485. return this[b];
  3486. }, d(O, function(b) {
  3487. k.push({ pageX: b.pageX, pageY: b.pageY, target: });
  3488. }), k;
  3489. }
  3490. function H(k, b, w, v) {
  3491. var l = G[N.hoverChartIndex || NaN];
  3492. k.pointerType !== "touch" && k.pointerType !== k.MSPOINTER_TYPE_TOUCH || !l || (l = l.pointer, v(k), l[b]({ type: w, target: k.currentTarget, preventDefault: B, touches: U() }));
  3493. }
  3494. var V = this && this.__extends || function() {
  3495. var k = function(b, w) {
  3496. return k = Object.setPrototypeOf || { __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function(v, l) {
  3497. v.__proto__ = l;
  3498. } || function(v, l) {
  3499. for (var h in l)
  3500. l.hasOwnProperty(h) && (v[h] = l[h]);
  3501. }, k(b, w);
  3502. };
  3503. return function(b, w) {
  3504. function v() {
  3505. this.constructor = b;
  3506. }
  3507. k(b, w), b.prototype = w === null ? Object.create(w) : (v.prototype = w.prototype, new v());
  3508. };
  3509. }(), G = y.charts, R = y.doc, B = y.noop, S =, x = D.addEvent, f = D.css, d = D.objectEach, T = D.removeEvent, O = {}, j = !!S.PointerEvent;
  3510. return function(k) {
  3511. function b() {
  3512. return k !== null && k.apply(this, arguments) || this;
  3513. }
  3514. return V(b, k), b.isRequired = function() {
  3515. return !(y.hasTouch || !S.PointerEvent && !S.MSPointerEvent);
  3516. }, b.prototype.batchMSEvents = function(w) {
  3517. w(this.chart.container, j ? "pointerdown" : "MSPointerDown", this.onContainerPointerDown), w(this.chart.container, j ? "pointermove" : "MSPointerMove", this.onContainerPointerMove), w(R, j ? "pointerup" : "MSPointerUp", this.onDocumentPointerUp);
  3518. }, b.prototype.destroy = function() {
  3519. this.batchMSEvents(T),;
  3520. }, b.prototype.init = function(w, v) {
  3521., w, v), this.hasZoom && f(w.container, { "-ms-touch-action": "none", "touch-action": "none" });
  3522. }, b.prototype.onContainerPointerDown = function(w) {
  3523. H(w, "onContainerTouchStart", "touchstart", function(v) {
  3524. O[v.pointerId] = { pageX: v.pageX, pageY: v.pageY, target: v.currentTarget };
  3525. });
  3526. }, b.prototype.onContainerPointerMove = function(w) {
  3527. H(w, "onContainerTouchMove", "touchmove", function(v) {
  3528. O[v.pointerId] = {
  3529. pageX: v.pageX,
  3530. pageY: v.pageY
  3531. }, O[v.pointerId].target || (O[v.pointerId].target = v.currentTarget);
  3532. });
  3533. }, b.prototype.onDocumentPointerUp = function(w) {
  3534. H(w, "onDocumentTouchEnd", "touchend", function(v) {
  3535. delete O[v.pointerId];
  3536. });
  3537. }, b.prototype.setDOMEvents = function() {
  3538., (this.hasZoom || this.followTouchMove) && this.batchMSEvents(x);
  3539. }, b;
  3540. }(N);
  3541. }), M(o, "Core/Legend/Legend.js", [
  3542. o["Core/Animation/AnimationUtilities.js"],
  3543. o["Core/FormatUtilities.js"],
  3544. o["Core/Globals.js"],
  3545. o["Core/Series/Point.js"],
  3546. o["Core/Renderer/RendererUtilities.js"],
  3547. o["Core/Utilities.js"]
  3548. ], function(y, N, D, U, H, V) {
  3549. var G = y.animObject, R = y.setAnimation, B = N.format;
  3550. y = D.isFirefox;
  3551. var S = D.marginNames;
  3552. D =;
  3553. var x = H.distribute, f = V.addEvent, d = V.createElement, T = V.css, O = V.defined, j = V.discardElement, k = V.find, b = V.fireEvent, w = V.isNumber, v = V.merge, l = V.pick, h = V.relativeLength, u = V.stableSort, i = V.syncTimeout;
  3554. return H = V.wrap, V = function() {
  3555. function c(a, t) {
  3556. this.allItems = [], this.contentGroup = = void 0, this.display = !1, = void 0, this.offsetWidth = this.maxLegendWidth = this.maxItemWidth = this.legendWidth = this.legendHeight = this.lastLineHeight = this.lastItemY = this.itemY = this.itemX = this.itemMarginTop = this.itemMarginBottom = this.itemHeight = this.initialItemY = 0, this.options = {}, this.padding = 0, this.pages = [], this.proximate = !1, this.scrollGroup = void 0, this.widthOption = this.totalItemWidth = this.titleHeight = this.symbolWidth = this.symbolHeight = 0, this.chart = a, this.init(a, t);
  3557. }
  3558. return c.prototype.init = function(a, t) {
  3559. this.chart = a, this.setOptions(t), t.enabled && (this.render(), f(this.chart, "endResize", function() {
  3560. this.legend.positionCheckboxes();
  3561. }), this.proximate ? this.unchartrender = f(this.chart, "render", function() {
  3562. this.legend.proximatePositions(), this.legend.positionItems();
  3563. }) : this.unchartrender && this.unchartrender());
  3564. }, c.prototype.setOptions = function(a) {
  3565. var t = l(a.padding, 8);
  3566. this.options = a, this.chart.styledMode || (this.itemStyle = a.itemStyle, this.itemHiddenStyle = v(this.itemStyle, a.itemHiddenStyle)), this.itemMarginTop = a.itemMarginTop || 0, this.itemMarginBottom = a.itemMarginBottom || 0, this.padding = t, this.initialItemY = t - 5, this.symbolWidth = l(
  3567. a.symbolWidth,
  3568. 16
  3569. ), this.pages = [], this.proximate = a.layout === "proximate" && !this.chart.inverted, this.baseline = void 0;
  3570. }, c.prototype.update = function(a, t) {
  3571. var s = this.chart;
  3572. this.setOptions(v(!0, this.options, a)), this.destroy(), s.isDirtyLegend = s.isDirtyBox = !0, l(t, !0) && s.redraw(), b(this, "afterUpdate");
  3573. }, c.prototype.colorizeItem = function(a, t) {
  3574. if (a.legendGroup[t ? "removeClass" : "addClass"]("highcharts-legend-item-hidden"), !this.chart.styledMode) {
  3575. var s = this.options, n = a.legendItem, P = a.legendLine, _ = a.legendSymbol, I = this.itemHiddenStyle.color;
  3576. s = t ? s.itemStyle.color : I;
  3577. var W = t && a.color || I, E = a.options && a.options.marker, X = { fill: W };
  3578. n && n.css({ fill: s, color: s }), P && P.attr({ stroke: W }), _ && (E && _.isMarker && (X = a.pointAttribs(), t || (X.stroke = X.fill = I)), _.attr(X));
  3579. }
  3580. b(this, "afterColorizeItem", { item: a, visible: t });
  3581. }, c.prototype.positionItems = function() {
  3582. this.allItems.forEach(this.positionItem, this), this.chart.isResizing || this.positionCheckboxes();
  3583. }, c.prototype.positionItem = function(a) {
  3584. var t = this, s = this.options, n = s.symbolPadding, P = !s.rtl, _ = a._legendItemPos;
  3585. s = _[0], _ = _[1];
  3586. var I = a.checkbox, W = a.legendGroup;
  3587. W && W.element && (n = { translateX: P ? s : this.legendWidth - s - 2 * n - 4, translateY: _ }, P = function() {
  3588. b(t, "afterPositionItem", { item: a });
  3589. }, O(W.translateY) ? W.animate(n, void 0, P) : (W.attr(n), P())), I && (I.x = s, I.y = _);
  3590. }, c.prototype.destroyItem = function(a) {
  3591. var t = a.checkbox;
  3592. ["legendItem", "legendLine", "legendSymbol", "legendGroup"].forEach(function(s) {
  3593. a[s] && (a[s] = a[s].destroy());
  3594. }), t && j(a.checkbox);
  3595. }, c.prototype.destroy = function() {
  3596. function a(t) {
  3597. this[t] && (this[t] = this[t].destroy());
  3598. }
  3599. this.getAllItems().forEach(function(t) {
  3600. [
  3601. "legendItem",
  3602. "legendGroup"
  3603. ].forEach(a, t);
  3604. }), "clipRect up down pager nav box title group".split(" ").forEach(a, this), this.display = null;
  3605. }, c.prototype.positionCheckboxes = function() {
  3606. var a = &&, t = this.clipHeight || this.legendHeight, s = this.titleHeight;
  3607. if (a) {
  3608. var n = a.translateY;
  3609. this.allItems.forEach(function(P) {
  3610. var _ = P.checkbox;
  3611. if (_) {
  3612. var I = n + s + _.y + (this.scrollOffset || 0) + 3;
  3613. T(_, { left: a.translateX + P.checkboxOffset + _.x - 20 + "px", top: I + "px", display: this.proximate || I > n - 6 && I < n + t - 6 ? "" : "none" });
  3614. }
  3615. }, this);
  3616. }
  3617. }, c.prototype.renderTitle = function() {
  3618. var a = this.options, t = this.padding, s = a.title, n = 0;
  3619. s.text && (this.title || (this.title = this.chart.renderer.label(s.text, t - 3, t - 4, null, null, null, a.useHTML, null, "legend-title").attr({ zIndex: 1 }), this.chart.styledMode || this.title.css(, this.title.add(, s.width || this.title.css({ width: this.maxLegendWidth + "px" }), a = this.title.getBBox(), n = a.height, this.offsetWidth = a.width, this.contentGroup.attr({ translateY: n })), this.titleHeight = n;
  3620. }, c.prototype.setText = function(a) {
  3621. var t = this.options;
  3622. a.legendItem.attr({ text: t.labelFormat ? B(t.labelFormat, a, this.chart) : });
  3623. }, c.prototype.renderItem = function(a) {
  3624. var t = this.chart, s = t.renderer, n = this.options, P = this.symbolWidth, _ = n.symbolPadding || 0, I = this.itemStyle, W = this.itemHiddenStyle, E = n.layout === "horizontal" ? l(n.itemDistance, 20) : 0, X = !n.rtl, g = !a.series, m = !g && a.series.drawLegendSymbol ? a.series : a, L = m.options, z = this.createCheckboxForItem && L && L.showCheckbox, $ = n.useHTML, Q = a.options.className, A = a.legendItem;
  3625. L = P + _ + E + (z ? 20 : 0), A || (a.legendGroup = s.g("legend-item").addClass("highcharts-" + m.type + "-series highcharts-color-" + a.colorIndex + (Q ? " " + Q : "") + (g ? " highcharts-series-" + a.index : "")).attr({ zIndex: 1 }).add(this.scrollGroup), a.legendItem = A = s.text("", X ? P + _ : -_, this.baseline || 0, $), t.styledMode || A.css(v(a.visible ? I : W)), A.attr({ align: X ? "left" : "right", zIndex: 2 }).add(a.legendGroup), this.baseline || (this.fontMetrics = s.fontMetrics(t.styledMode ? 12 : I.fontSize, A), this.baseline = this.fontMetrics.f + 3 + this.itemMarginTop, A.attr("y", this.baseline), this.symbolHeight = n.symbolHeight || this.fontMetrics.f, n.squareSymbol && (this.symbolWidth = l(n.symbolWidth, Math.max(this.symbolHeight, 16)), L = this.symbolWidth + _ + E + (z ? 20 : 0), X && A.attr("x", this.symbolWidth + _))), m.drawLegendSymbol(this, a), this.setItemEvents && this.setItemEvents(a, A, $)), z && !a.checkbox && this.createCheckboxForItem && this.createCheckboxForItem(a), this.colorizeItem(a, a.visible), !t.styledMode && I.width || A.css({ width: (n.itemWidth || this.widthOption || t.spacingBox.width) - L + "px" }), this.setText(a), t = A.getBBox(), s = this.fontMetrics && this.fontMetrics.h || 0, a.itemWidth = a.checkboxOffset = n.itemWidth || a.legendItemWidth || t.width + L, this.maxItemWidth = Math.max(this.maxItemWidth, a.itemWidth), this.totalItemWidth += a.itemWidth, this.itemHeight = a.itemHeight = Math.round(a.legendItemHeight || (t.height > 1.5 * s ? t.height : s));
  3626. }, c.prototype.layoutItem = function(a) {
  3627. var t = this.options, s = this.padding, n = t.layout === "horizontal", P = a.itemHeight, _ = this.itemMarginBottom, I = this.itemMarginTop, W = n ? l(t.itemDistance, 20) : 0, E = this.maxLegendWidth;
  3628. t = t.alignColumns && this.totalItemWidth > E ? this.maxItemWidth : a.itemWidth, n && this.itemX - s + t > E && (this.itemX = s, this.lastLineHeight && (this.itemY += I + this.lastLineHeight + _), this.lastLineHeight = 0), this.lastItemY = I + this.itemY + _, this.lastLineHeight = Math.max(P, this.lastLineHeight), a._legendItemPos = [this.itemX, this.itemY], n ? this.itemX += t : (this.itemY += I + P + _, this.lastLineHeight = P), this.offsetWidth = this.widthOption || Math.max((n ? this.itemX - s - (a.checkbox ? 0 : W) : t) + s, this.offsetWidth);
  3629. }, c.prototype.getAllItems = function() {
  3630. var a = [];
  3631. return this.chart.series.forEach(function(t) {
  3632. var s = t && t.options;
  3633. t && l(s.showInLegend, O(s.linkedTo) ? !1 : void 0, !0) && (a = a.concat(t.legendItems || (s.legendType === "point" ? : t)));
  3634. }), b(this, "afterGetAllItems", { allItems: a }), a;
  3635. }, c.prototype.getAlignment = function() {
  3636. var a = this.options;
  3637. return this.proximate ? a.align.charAt(0) + "tv" : a.floating ? "" : a.align.charAt(0) + a.verticalAlign.charAt(0) + a.layout.charAt(0);
  3638. }, c.prototype.adjustMargins = function(a, t) {
  3639. var s = this.chart, n = this.options, P = this.getAlignment();
  3640. P && [/(lth|ct|rth)/, /(rtv|rm|rbv)/, /(rbh|cb|lbh)/, /(lbv|lm|ltv)/].forEach(function(_, I) {
  3641. _.test(P) && !O(a[I]) && (s[S[I]] = Math.max(s[S[I]], s.legend[(I + 1) % 2 ? "legendHeight" : "legendWidth"] + [1, -1, -1, 1][I] * n[I % 2 ? "x" : "y"] + l(n.margin, 12) + t[I] + (s.titleOffset[I] || 0)));
  3642. });
  3643. }, c.prototype.proximatePositions = function() {
  3644. var a = this.chart, t = [], s = this.options.align === "left";
  3645. this.allItems.forEach(function(n) {
  3646. var P, _ = s;
  3647. if (n.yAxis) {
  3648. n.xAxis.options.reversed && (_ = !_), n.points && (P = k(_ ? n.points : n.points.slice(0).reverse(), function(W) {
  3649. return w(W.plotY);
  3650. })), _ = this.itemMarginTop + n.legendItem.getBBox().height + this.itemMarginBottom;
  3651. var I = - a.plotTop;
  3652. n.visible ? (P = P ? P.plotY : n.yAxis.height, P += I - 0.3 * _) : P = I + n.yAxis.height, t.push({ target: P, size: _, item: n });
  3653. }
  3654. }, this), x(t, a.plotHeight).forEach(function(n) {
  3655. n.item._legendItemPos && (n.item._legendItemPos[1] = a.plotTop - a.spacing[0] + n.pos);
  3656. });
  3657. }, c.prototype.render = function() {
  3658. var a = this.chart, t = a.renderer, s = this.options, n = this.padding, P = this.getAllItems(), _ =, I =;
  3659. this.itemX = n, this.itemY = this.initialItemY, this.lastItemY = this.offsetWidth = 0, this.widthOption = h(s.width, a.spacingBox.width - n);
  3660. var W = a.spacingBox.width - 2 * n - s.x;
  3661. -1 < ["rm", "lm"].indexOf(this.getAlignment().substring(0, 2)) && (W /= 2), this.maxLegendWidth = this.widthOption || W, _ || ( = _ = t.g("legend").addClass(s.className || "").attr({ zIndex: 7 }).add(), this.contentGroup = t.g().attr({ zIndex: 1 }).add(_), this.scrollGroup = t.g().add(this.contentGroup)), this.renderTitle(), u(P, function(X, g) {
  3662. return (X.options && X.options.legendIndex || 0) - (g.options && g.options.legendIndex || 0);
  3663. }), s.reversed && P.reverse(), this.allItems = P, this.display = W = !!P.length, this.itemHeight = this.totalItemWidth = this.maxItemWidth = this.lastLineHeight = 0, P.forEach(this.renderItem, this), P.forEach(this.layoutItem, this), P = (this.widthOption || this.offsetWidth) + n;
  3664. var E = this.lastItemY + this.lastLineHeight + this.titleHeight;
  3665. E = this.handleOverflow(E), E += n, I || ( = I = t.rect().addClass("highcharts-legend-box").attr({ r: s.borderRadius }).add(_), I.isNew = !0), a.styledMode || I.attr({ stroke: s.borderColor, "stroke-width": s.borderWidth || 0, fill: s.backgroundColor || "none" }).shadow(s.shadow), 0 < P && 0 < E && (I[I.isNew ? "attr" : "animate"]({}, { x: 0, y: 0, width: P, height: E }, I.strokeWidth())), I.isNew = !1), I[W ? "show" : "hide"](), a.styledMode && _.getStyle("display") === "none" && (P = E = 0), this.legendWidth = P, this.legendHeight = E, W && this.align(), this.proximate || this.positionItems(), b(this, "afterRender");
  3666. }, c.prototype.align = function(a) {
  3667. a === void 0 && (a = this.chart.spacingBox);
  3668. var t = this.chart, s = this.options, n = a.y;
  3669. /(lth|ct|rth)/.test(this.getAlignment()) && 0 < t.titleOffset[0] ? n += t.titleOffset[0] : /(lbh|cb|rbh)/.test(this.getAlignment()) && 0 < t.titleOffset[2] && (n -= t.titleOffset[2]), n !== a.y && (a = v(a, { y: n })),, { width: this.legendWidth, height: this.legendHeight, verticalAlign: this.proximate ? "top" : s.verticalAlign }), !0, a);
  3670. }, c.prototype.handleOverflow = function(a) {
  3671. var t = this, s = this.chart, n = s.renderer, P = this.options, _ = P.y, I = P.verticalAlign === "top", W = this.padding, E = P.maxHeight, X = P.navigation, g = l(X.animation, !0), m = X.arrowSize || 12, L = this.pages, z = this.allItems, $ = function(q) {
  3672. typeof q == "number" ? Z.attr({ height: q }) : Z && (t.clipRect = Z.destroy(), t.contentGroup.clip()), t.contentGroup.div && ( = q ? "rect(" + W + "px,9999px," + (W + q) + "px,0)" : "auto");
  3673. }, Q = function(q) {
  3674. return t[q] =, 0, 1.3 * m).translate(m / 2, m / 2).add(Y), s.styledMode || t[q].attr("fill", "rgba(0,0,0,0.0001)"), t[q];
  3675. }, A, F;
  3676. _ = s.spacingBox.height + (I ? -_ : _) - W;
  3677. var Y = this.nav, Z = this.clipRect;
  3678. return P.layout !== "horizontal" || P.verticalAlign === "middle" || P.floating || (_ /= 2), E && (_ = Math.min(_, E)), L.length = 0, a && 0 < _ && a > _ && X.enabled !== !1 ? (this.clipHeight = A = Math.max(_ - 20 - this.titleHeight - W, 0), this.currentPage = l(this.currentPage, 1), this.fullHeight = a, z.forEach(function(q, it) {
  3679. var et = q._legendItemPos[1], nt = Math.round(q.legendItem.getBBox().height), rt = L.length;
  3680. (!rt || et - L[rt - 1] > A && (F || et) !== L[rt - 1]) && (L.push(F || et), rt++), q.pageIx = rt - 1, F && (z[it - 1].pageIx = rt - 1), it === z.length - 1 && et + nt - L[rt - 1] > A && nt <= A && (L.push(et), q.pageIx = rt), et !== F && (F = et);
  3681. }), Z || (Z = t.clipRect = n.clipRect(0, W, 9999, 0), t.contentGroup.clip(Z)), $(A), Y || (this.nav = Y = n.g().attr({ zIndex: 1 }).add(, this.up = n.symbol("triangle", 0, 0, m, m).add(Y), Q("upTracker").on(
  3682. "click",
  3683. function() {
  3684. t.scroll(-1, g);
  3685. }
  3686. ), this.pager = n.text("", 15, 10).addClass("highcharts-legend-navigation"), s.styledMode || this.pager.css(, this.pager.add(Y), this.down = n.symbol("triangle-down", 0, 0, m, m).add(Y), Q("downTracker").on("click", function() {
  3687. t.scroll(1, g);
  3688. })), t.scroll(0), a = _) : Y && ($(), this.nav = Y.destroy(), this.scrollGroup.attr({ translateY: 1 }), this.clipHeight = 0), a;
  3689. }, c.prototype.scroll = function(a, t) {
  3690. var s = this, n = this.chart, P = this.pages, _ = P.length, I = this.clipHeight, W = this.options.navigation, E = this.pager, X = this.padding, g = this.currentPage + a;
  3691. g > _ && (g = _), 0 < g && (typeof t < "u" && R(t, n), this.nav.attr({ translateX: X, translateY: I + this.padding + 7 + this.titleHeight, visibility: "visible" }), [this.up, this.upTracker].forEach(function(m) {
  3692. m.attr({ class: g === 1 ? "highcharts-legend-nav-inactive" : "highcharts-legend-nav-active" });
  3693. }), E.attr({ text: g + "/" + _ }), [this.down, this.downTracker].forEach(
  3694. function(m) {
  3695. m.attr({ x: 18 + this.pager.getBBox().width, class: g === _ ? "highcharts-legend-nav-inactive" : "highcharts-legend-nav-active" });
  3696. },
  3697. this
  3698. ), n.styledMode || (this.up.attr({ fill: g === 1 ? W.inactiveColor : W.activeColor }), this.upTracker.css({ cursor: g === 1 ? "default" : "pointer" }), this.down.attr({ fill: g === _ ? W.inactiveColor : W.activeColor }), this.downTracker.css({ cursor: g === _ ? "default" : "pointer" })), this.scrollOffset = -P[g - 1] + this.initialItemY, this.scrollGroup.animate({ translateY: this.scrollOffset }), this.currentPage = g, this.positionCheckboxes(), a = G(l(t, n.renderer.globalAnimation, !0)), i(function() {
  3699. b(s, "afterScroll", { currentPage: g });
  3700. }, a.duration));
  3701. }, c.prototype.setItemEvents = function(a, t, s) {
  3702. var n = this, P = n.chart.renderer.boxWrapper, _ = a instanceof U, I = "highcharts-legend-" + (_ ? "point" : "series") + "-active", W = n.chart.styledMode, E = function(X) {
  3703. n.allItems.forEach(function(g) {
  3704. a !== g && [g].concat(g.linkedSeries || []).forEach(function(m) {
  3705. m.setState(X, !_);
  3706. });
  3707. });
  3708. };
  3709. (s ? [t, a.legendSymbol] : [a.legendGroup]).forEach(function(X) {
  3710. X && X.on("mouseover", function() {
  3711. a.visible && E("inactive"), a.setState("hover"), a.visible && P.addClass(I), W || t.css(n.options.itemHoverStyle);
  3712. }).on("mouseout", function() {
  3713. n.chart.styledMode || t.css(v(a.visible ? n.itemStyle : n.itemHiddenStyle)), E(""), P.removeClass(I), a.setState();
  3714. }).on("click", function(g) {
  3715. var m = function() {
  3716. a.setVisible && a.setVisible(), E(a.visible ? "inactive" : "");
  3717. };
  3718. P.removeClass(I), g = { browserEvent: g }, a.firePointEvent ? a.firePointEvent("legendItemClick", g, m) : b(a, "legendItemClick", g, m);
  3719. });
  3720. });
  3721. }, c.prototype.createCheckboxForItem = function(a) {
  3722. a.checkbox = d(
  3723. "input",
  3724. { type: "checkbox", className: "highcharts-legend-checkbox", checked: a.selected, defaultChecked: a.selected },
  3725. this.options.itemCheckboxStyle,
  3726. this.chart.container
  3727. ), f(a.checkbox, "click", function(t) {
  3728. b(a.series || a, "checkboxClick", { checked:, item: a }, function() {
  3730. });
  3731. });
  3732. }, c;
  3733. }(), (/Trident\/7\.0/.test(D.navigator && D.navigator.userAgent) || y) && H(V.prototype, "positionItem", function(c, a) {
  3734. var t = this, s = function() {
  3735. a._legendItemPos &&, a);
  3736. };
  3737. s(), t.bubbleLegend || setTimeout(s);
  3738. }), V;
  3739. }), M(
  3740. o,
  3741. "Core/Series/SeriesRegistry.js",
  3742. [o["Core/Globals.js"], o["Core/DefaultOptions.js"], o["Core/Series/Point.js"], o["Core/Utilities.js"]],
  3743. function(y, N, D, U) {
  3744. var H = N.defaultOptions, V = U.error, G = U.extendClass, R = U.merge, B;
  3745. return function(S) {
  3746. function x(f, d) {
  3747. var T = H.plotOptions || {}, O = d.defaultOptions;
  3748. d.prototype.pointClass || (d.prototype.pointClass = D), d.prototype.type = f, O && (T[f] = O), S.seriesTypes[f] = d;
  3749. }
  3750. S.seriesTypes = y.seriesTypes, S.getSeries = function(f, d) {
  3751. d === void 0 && (d = {});
  3752. var T = f.options.chart;
  3753. T = d.type || T.type || T.defaultSeriesType || "";
  3754. var O = S.seriesTypes[T];
  3755. return S || V(17, !0, f, { missingModuleFor: T }), T = new O(), typeof T.init == "function" && T.init(f, d), T;
  3756. }, S.registerSeriesType = x, S.seriesType = function(f, d, T, O, j) {
  3757. var k = H.plotOptions || {};
  3758. return d = d || "", k[f] = R(k[d], T), x(f, G(S.seriesTypes[d] || function() {
  3759. }, O)), S.seriesTypes[f].prototype.type = f, j && (S.seriesTypes[f].prototype.pointClass = G(D, j)), S.seriesTypes[f];
  3760. };
  3761. }(B || (B = {})), B;
  3762. }
  3763. ), M(o, "Core/Chart/Chart.js", [
  3764. o["Core/Animation/AnimationUtilities.js"],
  3765. o["Core/Axis/Axis.js"],
  3766. o["Core/FormatUtilities.js"],
  3767. o["Core/Foundation.js"],
  3768. o["Core/Globals.js"],
  3769. o["Core/Legend/Legend.js"],
  3770. o["Core/MSPointer.js"],
  3771. o["Core/DefaultOptions.js"],
  3772. o["Core/Pointer.js"],
  3773. o["Core/Renderer/RendererRegistry.js"],
  3774. o["Core/Series/SeriesRegistry.js"],
  3775. o["Core/Renderer/SVG/SVGRenderer.js"],
  3776. o["Core/Time.js"],
  3777. o["Core/Utilities.js"],
  3778. o["Core/Renderer/HTML/AST.js"]
  3779. ], function(y, N, D, U, H, V, G, R, B, S, x, f, d, T, O) {
  3780. var j = y.animate, k = y.animObject, b = y.setAnimation, w = D.numberFormat, v = U.registerEventOptions, l = H.charts, h = H.doc, u = H.marginNames, i = H.svg, c =, a = R.defaultOptions, t = R.defaultTime, s = x.seriesTypes, n = T.addEvent, P = T.attr, _ = T.cleanRecursively, I = T.createElement, W = T.css, E = T.defined, X = T.discardElement, g = T.erase, m = T.error, L = T.extend, z = T.find, $ = T.fireEvent, Q = T.getStyle, A = T.isArray, F = T.isNumber, Y = T.isObject, Z = T.isString, q = T.merge, it = T.objectEach, et = T.pick, nt = T.pInt, rt = T.relativeLength, ct = T.removeEvent, gt = T.splat, dt = T.syncTimeout, ht = T.uniqueKey;
  3781. return y = function() {
  3782. function at(J, tt, ot) {
  3783. this.series = this.renderTo = this.renderer = this.pointer = this.pointCount = this.plotWidth = this.plotTop = this.plotLeft = this.plotHeight = this.plotBox = this.options = this.numberFormatter = this.margin = this.legend = this.labelCollectors = this.isResizing = this.index = this.eventOptions = this.container = this.colorCounter = this.clipBox = this.chartWidth = this.chartHeight = this.bounds = this.axisOffset = this.axes = void 0, this.sharedClips = {}, this.yAxis = this.xAxis = this.userOptions = this.titleOffset = this.time = this.symbolCounter = this.spacingBox = this.spacing = void 0, this.getArgs(J, tt, ot);
  3784. }
  3785. return at.chart = function(J, tt, ot) {
  3786. return new at(J, tt, ot);
  3787. }, at.prototype.getArgs = function(J, tt, ot) {
  3788. Z(J) || J.nodeName ? (this.renderTo = J, this.init(tt, ot)) : this.init(J, tt);
  3789. }, at.prototype.init = function(J, tt) {
  3790. var ot = J.plotOptions || {};
  3791. $(this, "init", { args: arguments }, function() {
  3792. var lt = q(a, J), pt = lt.chart;
  3793. it(lt.plotOptions, function(yt, vt) {
  3794. Y(yt) && (yt.tooltip = ot[vt] && q(ot[vt].tooltip) || void 0);
  3795. }), lt.tooltip.userOptions = J.chart && J.chart.forExport && J.tooltip.userOptions || J.tooltip, this.userOptions = J, this.margin = [], this.spacing = [], this.bounds = { h: {}, v: {} }, this.labelCollectors = [], this.callback = tt, this.isResizing = 0, this.options = lt, this.axes = [], this.series = [], this.time = J.time && Object.keys(J.time).length ? new d(J.time) : H.time, this.numberFormatter = pt.numberFormatter || w, this.styledMode = pt.styledMode, this.hasCartesianSeries = pt.showAxes, this.index = l.length, l.push(this), H.chartCount++, v(this, pt), this.xAxis = [], this.yAxis = [], this.pointCount = this.colorCounter = this.symbolCounter = 0, $(this, "afterInit"), this.firstRender();
  3796. });
  3797. }, at.prototype.initSeries = function(J) {
  3798. var tt = this.options.chart;
  3799. tt = J.type || tt.type || tt.defaultSeriesType;
  3800. var ot = s[tt];
  3801. return ot || m(17, !0, this, { missingModuleFor: tt }), tt = new ot(), typeof tt.init == "function" && tt.init(this, J), tt;
  3802. }, at.prototype.setSeriesData = function() {
  3803. this.getSeriesOrderByLinks().forEach(function(J) {
  3804. J.points || || !J.enabledDataSorting || J.setData(, !1);
  3805. });
  3806. }, at.prototype.getSeriesOrderByLinks = function() {
  3807. return this.series.concat().sort(function(J, tt) {
  3808. return J.linkedSeries.length || tt.linkedSeries.length ? tt.linkedSeries.length - J.linkedSeries.length : 0;
  3809. });
  3810. }, at.prototype.orderSeries = function(J) {
  3811. var tt = this.series;
  3812. J = J || 0;
  3813. for (var ot = tt.length; J < ot; ++J)
  3814. tt[J] && (tt[J].index = J, tt[J].name = tt[J].getName());
  3815. }, at.prototype.isInsidePlot = function(J, tt, ot) {
  3816. ot === void 0 && (ot = {});
  3817. var lt = this.inverted, pt = this.plotBox, yt = this.plotLeft, vt = this.plotTop, Mt = this.scrollablePlotBox, Pt = 0, At = 0;
  3818. ot.visiblePlotOnly && this.scrollingContainer && (At = this.scrollingContainer, Pt = At.scrollLeft, At = At.scrollTop);
  3819. var St = ot.series;
  3820. if (pt = ot.visiblePlotOnly && Mt || pt, Mt = ot.inverted ? tt : J, tt = ot.inverted ? J : tt, J = { x: Mt, y: tt, isInsidePlot: !0 }, !ot.ignoreX) {
  3821. var Dt = St && (lt ? St.yAxis : St.xAxis) || { pos: yt, len: 1 / 0 };
  3822. Mt = ot.paneCoordinates ? Dt.pos + Mt : yt + Mt, Mt >= Math.max(Pt + yt, Dt.pos) && Mt <= Math.min(Pt + yt + pt.width, Dt.pos + Dt.len) || (J.isInsidePlot = !1);
  3823. }
  3824. return !ot.ignoreY && J.isInsidePlot && (lt = St && (lt ? St.xAxis : St.yAxis) || { pos: vt, len: 1 / 0 }, ot = ot.paneCoordinates ? lt.pos + tt : vt + tt, ot >= Math.max(At + vt, lt.pos) && ot <= Math.min(At + vt + pt.height, lt.pos + lt.len) || (J.isInsidePlot = !1)), $(this, "afterIsInsidePlot", J), J.isInsidePlot;
  3825. }, at.prototype.redraw = function(J) {
  3826. $(this, "beforeRedraw");
  3827. var tt = this.hasCartesianSeries ? this.axes : this.colorAxis || [], ot = this.series, lt = this.pointer, pt = this.legend, yt = this.userOptions.legend, vt = this.renderer, Mt = vt.isHidden(), Pt = [], At = this.isDirtyBox, St = this.isDirtyLegend;
  3828. for (this.setResponsive && this.setResponsive(!1), b(this.hasRendered ? J : !1, this), Mt && this.temporaryDisplay(), this.layOutTitles(), J = ot.length; J--; ) {
  3829. var Dt = ot[J];
  3830. if (Dt.options.stacking || Dt.options.centerInCategory) {
  3831. var _t = !0;
  3832. if (Dt.isDirty) {
  3833. var Nt = !0;
  3834. break;
  3835. }
  3836. }
  3837. }
  3838. if (Nt)
  3839. for (J = ot.length; J--; )
  3840. Dt = ot[J], Dt.options.stacking && (Dt.isDirty = !0);
  3841. ot.forEach(function(Ot) {
  3842. Ot.isDirty && (Ot.options.legendType === "point" ? (typeof Ot.updateTotals == "function" && Ot.updateTotals(), St = !0) : yt && (yt.labelFormatter || yt.labelFormat) && (St = !0)), Ot.isDirtyData && $(Ot, "updatedData");
  3843. }), St && pt && pt.options.enabled && (pt.render(), this.isDirtyLegend = !1), _t && this.getStacks(), tt.forEach(function(Ot) {
  3844. Ot.updateNames(), Ot.setScale();
  3845. }), this.getMargins(), tt.forEach(function(Ot) {
  3846. Ot.isDirty && (At = !0);
  3847. }), tt.forEach(function(Ot) {
  3848. var Kt = Ot.min + "," + Ot.max;
  3849. Ot.extKey !== Kt && (Ot.extKey = Kt, Pt.push(function() {
  3850. $(Ot, "afterSetExtremes", L(Ot.eventArgs, Ot.getExtremes())), delete Ot.eventArgs;
  3851. })), (At || _t) && Ot.redraw();
  3852. }), At && this.drawChartBox(), $(this, "predraw"), ot.forEach(function(Ot) {
  3853. (At || Ot.isDirty) && Ot.visible && Ot.redraw(), Ot.isDirtyData = !1;
  3854. }), lt && lt.reset(!0), vt.draw(), $(this, "redraw"), $(this, "render"), Mt && this.temporaryDisplay(!0), Pt.forEach(function(Ot) {
  3856. });
  3857. }, at.prototype.get = function(J) {
  3858. function tt(yt) {
  3859. return === J || yt.options && === J;
  3860. }
  3861. for (var ot = this.series, lt = z(this.axes, tt) || z(this.series, tt), pt = 0; !lt && pt < ot.length; pt++)
  3862. lt = z(ot[pt].points || [], tt);
  3863. return lt;
  3864. }, at.prototype.getAxes = function() {
  3865. var J = this, tt = this.options, ot = tt.xAxis = gt(tt.xAxis || {});
  3866. tt = tt.yAxis = gt(tt.yAxis || {}), $(this, "getAxes"), ot.forEach(function(lt, pt) {
  3867. lt.index = pt, lt.isX = !0;
  3868. }), tt.forEach(function(lt, pt) {
  3869. lt.index = pt;
  3870. }), ot.concat(tt).forEach(function(lt) {
  3871. new N(J, lt);
  3872. }), $(this, "afterGetAxes");
  3873. }, at.prototype.getSelectedPoints = function() {
  3874. return this.series.reduce(function(J, tt) {
  3875. return tt.getPointsCollection().forEach(function(ot) {
  3876. et(ot.selectedStaging, ot.selected) && J.push(ot);
  3877. }), J;
  3878. }, []);
  3879. }, at.prototype.getSelectedSeries = function() {
  3880. return this.series.filter(function(J) {
  3881. return J.selected;
  3882. });
  3883. }, at.prototype.setTitle = function(J, tt, ot) {
  3884. this.applyDescription("title", J), this.applyDescription("subtitle", tt), this.applyDescription("caption", void 0), this.layOutTitles(ot);
  3885. }, at.prototype.applyDescription = function(J, tt) {
  3886. var ot = this, lt = J === "title" ? { color: "#333333", fontSize: this.options.isStock ? "16px" : "18px" } : { color: "#666666" };
  3887. lt = this.options[J] = q(!this.styledMode && { style: lt }, this.options[J], tt);
  3888. var pt = this[J];
  3889. pt && tt && (this[J] = pt = pt.destroy()), lt && !pt && (pt = this.renderer.text(lt.text, 0, 0, lt.useHTML).attr({ align: lt.align, class: "highcharts-" + J, zIndex: lt.zIndex || 4 }).add(), pt.update = function(yt) {
  3890. ot[{ title: "setTitle", subtitle: "setSubtitle", caption: "setCaption" }[J]](yt);
  3891. }, this.styledMode || pt.css(, this[J] = pt);
  3892. }, at.prototype.layOutTitles = function(J) {
  3893. var tt = [0, 0, 0], ot = this.renderer, lt = this.spacingBox;
  3894. ["title", "subtitle", "caption"].forEach(function(yt) {
  3895. var vt = this[yt], Mt = this.options[yt], Pt = Mt.verticalAlign || "top";
  3896. yt = yt === "title" ? Pt === "top" ? -3 : 0 : Pt === "top" ? tt[0] + 2 : 0;
  3897. var At;
  3898. if (vt) {
  3899. this.styledMode || (At = &&, At = ot.fontMetrics(At, vt).b, vt.css({ width: (Mt.width || lt.width + (Mt.widthAdjust || 0)) + "px" });
  3900. var St = Math.round(vt.getBBox(Mt.useHTML).height);
  3901. vt.align(
  3902. L({ y: Pt === "bottom" ? At : yt + At, height: St }, Mt),
  3903. !1,
  3904. "spacingBox"
  3905. ), Mt.floating || (Pt === "top" ? tt[0] = Math.ceil(tt[0] + St) : Pt === "bottom" && (tt[2] = Math.ceil(tt[2] + St)));
  3906. }
  3907. }, this), tt[0] && (this.options.title.verticalAlign || "top") === "top" && (tt[0] += this.options.title.margin), tt[2] && this.options.caption.verticalAlign === "bottom" && (tt[2] += this.options.caption.margin);
  3908. var pt = !this.titleOffset || this.titleOffset.join(",") !== tt.join(",");
  3909. this.titleOffset = tt, $(this, "afterLayOutTitles"), !this.isDirtyBox && pt && (this.isDirtyBox = this.isDirtyLegend = pt, this.hasRendered && et(J, !0) && this.isDirtyBox && this.redraw());
  3910. }, at.prototype.getChartSize = function() {
  3911. var J = this.options.chart, tt = J.width;
  3912. J = J.height;
  3913. var ot = this.renderTo;
  3914. E(tt) || (this.containerWidth = Q(ot, "width")), E(J) || (this.containerHeight = Q(ot, "height")), this.chartWidth = Math.max(0, tt || this.containerWidth || 600), this.chartHeight = Math.max(0, rt(J, this.chartWidth) || (1 < this.containerHeight ? this.containerHeight : 400));
  3915. }, at.prototype.temporaryDisplay = function(J) {
  3916. var tt = this.renderTo;
  3917. if (J)
  3918. for (; tt &&; )
  3919. tt.hcOrigStyle && (W(tt, tt.hcOrigStyle), delete tt.hcOrigStyle), tt.hcOrigDetached && (h.body.removeChild(tt), tt.hcOrigDetached = !1), tt = tt.parentNode;
  3920. else
  3921. for (; tt && && (h.body.contains(tt) || tt.parentNode || (tt.hcOrigDetached = !0, h.body.appendChild(tt)), (Q(tt, "display", !1) === "none" || tt.hcOricDetached) && (tt.hcOrigStyle = { display:, height:, overflow: }, J = { display: "block", overflow: "hidden" }, tt !== this.renderTo && (J.height = 0), W(tt, J), tt.offsetWidth ||"display", "block", "important")), tt = tt.parentNode, tt !== h.body); )
  3922. ;
  3923. }, at.prototype.setClassName = function(J) {
  3924. this.container.className = "highcharts-container " + (J || "");
  3925. }, at.prototype.getContainer = function() {
  3926. var J = this.options, tt = J.chart, ot = ht(), lt, pt = this.renderTo;
  3927. pt || (this.renderTo = pt = tt.renderTo), Z(pt) && (this.renderTo = pt = h.getElementById(pt)), pt || m(13, !0, this);
  3928. var yt = nt(P(pt, "data-highcharts-chart"));
  3929. F(yt) && l[yt] && l[yt].hasRendered && l[yt].destroy(), P(pt, "data-highcharts-chart", this.index), pt.innerHTML = O.emptyHTML, tt.skipClone || pt.offsetWidth || this.temporaryDisplay(), this.getChartSize(), yt = this.chartWidth;
  3930. var vt = this.chartHeight;
  3931. if (W(pt, { overflow: "hidden" }), this.styledMode || (lt = L({ position: "relative", overflow: "hidden", width: yt + "px", height: vt + "px", textAlign: "left", lineHeight: "normal", zIndex: 0, "-webkit-tap-highlight-color": "rgba(0,0,0,0)", userSelect: "none", "touch-action": "manipulation", outline: "none" }, || {})), this.container = ot = I("div", { id: ot }, lt, pt), this._cursor =, this.renderer = new (tt.renderer || !i ? S.getRendererType(tt.renderer) : f)(ot, yt, vt, void 0, tt.forExport, J.exporting && J.exporting.allowHTML, this.styledMode), b(
  3932. void 0,
  3933. this
  3934. ), this.setClassName(tt.className), this.styledMode)
  3935. for (var Mt in J.defs)
  3936. this.renderer.definition(J.defs[Mt]);
  3937. else
  3938. this.renderer.setStyle(;
  3939. this.renderer.chartIndex = this.index, $(this, "afterGetContainer");
  3940. }, at.prototype.getMargins = function(J) {
  3941. var tt = this.spacing, ot = this.margin, lt = this.titleOffset;
  3942. this.resetMargins(), lt[0] && !E(ot[0]) && (this.plotTop = Math.max(this.plotTop, lt[0] + tt[0])), lt[2] && !E(ot[2]) && (this.marginBottom = Math.max(this.marginBottom, lt[2] + tt[2])), this.legend && this.legend.display && this.legend.adjustMargins(
  3943. ot,
  3944. tt
  3945. ), $(this, "getMargins"), J || this.getAxisMargins();
  3946. }, at.prototype.getAxisMargins = function() {
  3947. var J = this, tt = J.axisOffset = [0, 0, 0, 0], ot = J.colorAxis, lt = J.margin, pt = function(yt) {
  3948. yt.forEach(function(vt) {
  3949. vt.visible && vt.getOffset();
  3950. });
  3951. };
  3952. J.hasCartesianSeries ? pt(J.axes) : ot && ot.length && pt(ot), u.forEach(function(yt, vt) {
  3953. E(lt[vt]) || (J[yt] += tt[vt]);
  3954. }), J.setChartSize();
  3955. }, at.prototype.reflow = function(J) {
  3956. var tt = this, ot = tt.options.chart, lt = tt.renderTo, pt = E(ot.width) && E(ot.height), yt = ot.width || Q(lt, "width");
  3957. ot = ot.height || Q(lt, "height"), lt = J ? : c, delete tt.pointer.chartPosition, !pt && !tt.isPrinting && yt && ot && (lt === c || lt === h) && ((yt !== tt.containerWidth || ot !== tt.containerHeight) && (T.clearTimeout(tt.reflowTimeout), tt.reflowTimeout = dt(function() {
  3958. tt.container && tt.setSize(void 0, void 0, !1);
  3959. }, J ? 100 : 0)), tt.containerWidth = yt, tt.containerHeight = ot);
  3960. }, at.prototype.setReflow = function(J) {
  3961. var tt = this;
  3962. J === !1 || this.unbindReflow ? J === !1 && this.unbindReflow && (this.unbindReflow = this.unbindReflow()) : (this.unbindReflow = n(c, "resize", function(ot) {
  3963. tt.options && tt.reflow(ot);
  3964. }), n(this, "destroy", this.unbindReflow));
  3965. }, at.prototype.setSize = function(J, tt, ot) {
  3966. var lt = this, pt = lt.renderer;
  3967. lt.isResizing += 1, b(ot, lt), ot = pt.globalAnimation, lt.oldChartHeight = lt.chartHeight, lt.oldChartWidth = lt.chartWidth, typeof J < "u" && (lt.options.chart.width = J), typeof tt < "u" && (lt.options.chart.height = tt), lt.getChartSize(), lt.styledMode || (ot ? j : W)(lt.container, { width: lt.chartWidth + "px", height: lt.chartHeight + "px" }, ot), lt.setChartSize(!0), pt.setSize(lt.chartWidth, lt.chartHeight, ot), lt.axes.forEach(function(yt) {
  3968. yt.isDirty = !0, yt.setScale();
  3969. }), lt.isDirtyLegend = !0, lt.isDirtyBox = !0, lt.layOutTitles(), lt.getMargins(), lt.redraw(ot), lt.oldChartHeight = null, $(lt, "resize"), dt(function() {
  3970. lt && $(lt, "endResize", null, function() {
  3971. --lt.isResizing;
  3972. });
  3973. }, k(ot).duration);
  3974. }, at.prototype.setChartSize = function(J) {
  3975. var tt = this.inverted, ot = this.renderer, lt = this.chartWidth, pt = this.chartHeight, yt = this.options.chart, vt = this.spacing, Mt = this.clipOffset, Pt, At, St, Dt;
  3976. this.plotLeft = Pt = Math.round(this.plotLeft), this.plotTop = At = Math.round(this.plotTop), this.plotWidth = St = Math.max(0, Math.round(lt - Pt - this.marginRight)), this.plotHeight = Dt = Math.max(0, Math.round(pt - At - this.marginBottom)), this.plotSizeX = tt ? Dt : St, this.plotSizeY = tt ? St : Dt, this.plotBorderWidth = yt.plotBorderWidth || 0, this.spacingBox = ot.spacingBox = { x: vt[3], y: vt[0], width: lt - vt[3] - vt[1], height: pt - vt[0] - vt[2] }, this.plotBox = ot.plotBox = { x: Pt, y: At, width: St, height: Dt }, tt = 2 * Math.floor(this.plotBorderWidth / 2), lt = Math.ceil(Math.max(tt, Mt[3]) / 2), pt = Math.ceil(Math.max(tt, Mt[0]) / 2), this.clipBox = { x: lt, y: pt, width: Math.floor(this.plotSizeX - Math.max(tt, Mt[1]) / 2 - lt), height: Math.max(0, Math.floor(this.plotSizeY - Math.max(tt, Mt[2]) / 2 - pt)) }, J || (this.axes.forEach(function(_t) {
  3977. _t.setAxisSize(), _t.setAxisTranslation();
  3978. }), ot.alignElements()), $(this, "afterSetChartSize", { skipAxes: J });
  3979. }, at.prototype.resetMargins = function() {
  3980. $(this, "resetMargins");
  3981. var J = this, tt = J.options.chart;
  3982. ["margin", "spacing"].forEach(function(ot) {
  3983. var lt = tt[ot], pt = Y(lt) ? lt : [lt, lt, lt, lt];
  3984. ["Top", "Right", "Bottom", "Left"].forEach(function(yt, vt) {
  3985. J[ot][vt] = et(tt[ot + yt], pt[vt]);
  3986. });
  3987. }), u.forEach(function(ot, lt) {
  3988. J[ot] = et(J.margin[lt], J.spacing[lt]);
  3989. }), J.axisOffset = [0, 0, 0, 0], J.clipOffset = [0, 0, 0, 0];
  3990. }, at.prototype.drawChartBox = function() {
  3991. var J = this.options.chart, tt = this.renderer, ot = this.chartWidth, lt = this.chartHeight, pt = this.styledMode, yt = this.plotBGImage, vt = J.backgroundColor, Mt = J.plotBackgroundColor, Pt = J.plotBackgroundImage, At = this.plotLeft, St = this.plotTop, Dt = this.plotWidth, _t = this.plotHeight, Nt = this.plotBox, Ot = this.clipRect, Kt = this.clipBox, Gt = this.chartBackground, Wt = this.plotBackground, Jt = this.plotBorder, be, Yt = "animate";
  3992. if (Gt || (this.chartBackground = Gt = tt.rect().addClass("highcharts-background").add(), Yt = "attr"), pt)
  3993. var Vt = be = Gt.strokeWidth();
  3994. else
  3995. Vt = J.borderWidth || 0, be = Vt + (J.shadow ? 8 : 0), vt = { fill: vt || "none" }, (Vt || Gt["stroke-width"]) && (vt.stroke = J.borderColor, vt["stroke-width"] = Vt), Gt.attr(vt).shadow(J.shadow);
  3996. Gt[Yt]({ x: be / 2, y: be / 2, width: ot - be - Vt % 2, height: lt - be - Vt % 2, r: J.borderRadius }), Yt = "animate", Wt || (Yt = "attr", this.plotBackground = Wt = tt.rect().addClass("highcharts-plot-background").add()), Wt[Yt](Nt), pt || (Wt.attr({ fill: Mt || "none" }).shadow(J.plotShadow), Pt && (yt ? (Pt !== yt.attr("href") && yt.attr("href", Pt), yt.animate(Nt)) : this.plotBGImage = tt.image(Pt, At, St, Dt, _t).add())), Ot ? Ot.animate({ width: Kt.width, height: Kt.height }) : this.clipRect = tt.clipRect(Kt), Yt = "animate", Jt || (Yt = "attr", this.plotBorder = Jt = tt.rect().addClass("highcharts-plot-border").attr({ zIndex: 1 }).add()), pt || Jt.attr({ stroke: J.plotBorderColor, "stroke-width": J.plotBorderWidth || 0, fill: "none" }), Jt[Yt](Jt.crisp({ x: At, y: St, width: Dt, height: _t }, -Jt.strokeWidth())), this.isDirtyBox = !1, $(this, "afterDrawChartBox");
  3997. }, at.prototype.propFromSeries = function() {
  3998. var J = this, tt = J.options.chart, ot = J.options.series, lt, pt, yt;
  3999. ["inverted", "angular", "polar"].forEach(function(vt) {
  4000. for (pt = s[tt.type || tt.defaultSeriesType], yt = tt[vt] || pt && pt.prototype[vt], lt = ot && ot.length; !yt && lt--; )
  4001. (pt = s[ot[lt].type]) && pt.prototype[vt] && (yt = !0);
  4002. J[vt] = yt;
  4003. });
  4004. }, at.prototype.linkSeries = function() {
  4005. var J = this, tt = J.series;
  4006. tt.forEach(function(ot) {
  4007. ot.linkedSeries.length = 0;
  4008. }), tt.forEach(function(ot) {
  4009. var lt = ot.options.linkedTo;
  4010. Z(lt) && (lt = lt === ":previous" ? J.series[ot.index - 1] : J.get(lt)) && lt.linkedParent !== ot && (lt.linkedSeries.push(ot), ot.linkedParent = lt, lt.enabledDataSorting && ot.setDataSortingOptions(), ot.visible = et(ot.options.visible, lt.options.visible, ot.visible));
  4011. }), $(this, "afterLinkSeries");
  4012. }, at.prototype.renderSeries = function() {
  4013. this.series.forEach(function(J) {
  4014. J.translate(), J.render();
  4015. });
  4016. }, at.prototype.renderLabels = function() {
  4017. var J = this, tt = J.options.labels;
  4018. tt.items && tt.items.forEach(function(ot) {
  4019. var lt = L(,, pt = nt(lt.left) + J.plotLeft, yt = nt( + J.plotTop + 12;
  4020. delete lt.left, delete, J.renderer.text(ot.html, pt, yt).attr({ zIndex: 2 }).css(lt).add();
  4021. });
  4022. }, at.prototype.render = function() {
  4023. var J = this.axes, tt = this.colorAxis, ot = this.renderer, lt = this.options, pt = function(At) {
  4024. At.forEach(function(St) {
  4025. St.visible && St.render();
  4026. });
  4027. }, yt = 0;
  4028. this.setTitle(), this.legend = new V(this, lt.legend), this.getStacks && this.getStacks(), this.getMargins(!0), this.setChartSize(), lt = this.plotWidth, J.some(function(At) {
  4029. if (At.horiz && At.visible && At.options.labels.enabled && At.series.length)
  4030. return yt = 21, !0;
  4031. });
  4032. var vt = this.plotHeight = Math.max(this.plotHeight - yt, 0);
  4033. J.forEach(function(At) {
  4034. At.setScale();
  4035. }), this.getAxisMargins();
  4036. var Mt = 1.1 < lt / this.plotWidth, Pt = 1.05 < vt / this.plotHeight;
  4037. (Mt || Pt) && (J.forEach(function(At) {
  4038. (At.horiz && Mt || !At.horiz && Pt) && At.setTickInterval(!0);
  4039. }), this.getMargins()), this.drawChartBox(), this.hasCartesianSeries ? pt(J) : tt && tt.length && pt(tt), this.seriesGroup || (this.seriesGroup = ot.g("series-group").attr({ zIndex: 3 }).add()), this.renderSeries(), this.renderLabels(), this.addCredits(), this.setResponsive && this.setResponsive(), this.hasRendered = !0;
  4040. }, at.prototype.addCredits = function(J) {
  4041. var tt = this, ot = q(!0, this.options.credits, J);
  4042. ot.enabled && !this.credits && (this.credits = this.renderer.text(ot.text + (this.mapCredits || ""), 0, 0).addClass("highcharts-credits").on("click", function() {
  4043. ot.href && (c.location.href = ot.href);
  4044. }).attr({ align: ot.position.align, zIndex: 8 }), tt.styledMode || this.credits.css(, this.credits.add().align(ot.position), this.credits.update = function(lt) {
  4045. tt.credits = tt.credits.destroy(), tt.addCredits(lt);
  4046. });
  4047. }, at.prototype.destroy = function() {
  4048. var J = this, tt = J.axes, ot = J.series, lt = J.container, pt = lt && lt.parentNode, yt;
  4049. for ($(J, "destroy"), J.renderer.forExport ? g(l, J) : l[J.index] = void 0, H.chartCount--, J.renderTo.removeAttribute("data-highcharts-chart"), ct(J), yt = tt.length; yt--; )
  4050. tt[yt] = tt[yt].destroy();
  4051. for (this.scroller && this.scroller.destroy && this.scroller.destroy(), yt = ot.length; yt--; )
  4052. ot[yt] = ot[yt].destroy();
  4053. "title subtitle chartBackground plotBackground plotBGImage plotBorder seriesGroup clipRect credits pointer rangeSelector legend resetZoomButton tooltip renderer".split(" ").forEach(function(vt) {
  4054. var Mt = J[vt];
  4055. Mt && Mt.destroy && (J[vt] = Mt.destroy());
  4056. }), lt && (lt.innerHTML = O.emptyHTML, ct(lt), pt && X(lt)), it(J, function(vt, Mt) {
  4057. delete J[Mt];
  4058. });
  4059. }, at.prototype.firstRender = function() {
  4060. var J = this, tt = J.options;
  4061. (!J.isReadyToRender || J.isReadyToRender()) && (J.getContainer(), J.resetMargins(), J.setChartSize(), J.propFromSeries(), J.getAxes(), (A(tt.series) ? tt.series : []).forEach(function(ot) {
  4062. J.initSeries(ot);
  4063. }), J.linkSeries(), J.setSeriesData(), $(J, "beforeRender"), B && (G.isRequired() ? J.pointer = new G(J, tt) : J.pointer = new B(J, tt)), J.render(), J.pointer.getChartPosition(), !J.renderer.imgCount && !J.hasLoaded && J.onload(), J.temporaryDisplay(!0));
  4064. }, at.prototype.onload = function() {
  4065. this.callbacks.concat([this.callback]).forEach(function(J) {
  4066. J && typeof this.index < "u" && J.apply(this, [this]);
  4067. }, this), $(this, "load"), $(this, "render"), E(this.index) && this.setReflow(this.options.chart.reflow), this.hasLoaded = !0;
  4068. }, at.prototype.addSeries = function(J, tt, ot) {
  4069. var lt = this, pt;
  4070. return J && (tt = et(tt, !0), $(lt, "addSeries", { options: J }, function() {
  4071. pt = lt.initSeries(J), lt.isDirtyLegend = !0, lt.linkSeries(), pt.enabledDataSorting && pt.setData(, !1), $(lt, "afterAddSeries", { series: pt }), tt && lt.redraw(ot);
  4072. })), pt;
  4073. }, at.prototype.addAxis = function(J, tt, ot, lt) {
  4074. return this.createAxis(tt ? "xAxis" : "yAxis", { axis: J, redraw: ot, animation: lt });
  4075. }, at.prototype.addColorAxis = function(J, tt, ot) {
  4076. return this.createAxis("colorAxis", { axis: J, redraw: tt, animation: ot });
  4077. }, at.prototype.createAxis = function(J, tt) {
  4078. return J = new N(this, q(tt.axis, { index: this[J].length, isX: J === "xAxis" })), et(tt.redraw, !0) && this.redraw(tt.animation), J;
  4079. }, at.prototype.showLoading = function(J) {
  4080. var tt = this, ot = tt.options, lt = ot.loading, pt = function() {
  4081. yt && W(yt, { left: tt.plotLeft + "px", top: tt.plotTop + "px", width: tt.plotWidth + "px", height: tt.plotHeight + "px" });
  4082. }, yt = tt.loadingDiv, vt = tt.loadingSpan;
  4083. yt || (tt.loadingDiv = yt = I("div", { className: "highcharts-loading highcharts-loading-hidden" }, null, tt.container)), vt || (tt.loadingSpan = vt = I(
  4084. "span",
  4085. { className: "highcharts-loading-inner" },
  4086. null,
  4087. yt
  4088. ), n(tt, "redraw", pt)), yt.className = "highcharts-loading", O.setElementHTML(vt, et(J, ot.lang.loading, "")), tt.styledMode || (W(yt, L(, { zIndex: 10 })), W(vt, lt.labelStyle), tt.loadingShown || (W(yt, { opacity: 0, display: "" }), j(yt, { opacity: || 0.5 }, { duration: lt.showDuration || 0 }))), tt.loadingShown = !0, pt();
  4089. }, at.prototype.hideLoading = function() {
  4090. var J = this.options, tt = this.loadingDiv;
  4091. tt && (tt.className = "highcharts-loading highcharts-loading-hidden", this.styledMode || j(tt, { opacity: 0 }, {
  4092. duration: J.loading.hideDuration || 100,
  4093. complete: function() {
  4094. W(tt, { display: "none" });
  4095. }
  4096. })), this.loadingShown = !1;
  4097. }, at.prototype.update = function(J, tt, ot, lt) {
  4098. var pt = this, yt = { credits: "addCredits", title: "setTitle", subtitle: "setSubtitle", caption: "setCaption" }, vt = J.isResponsiveOptions, Mt = [], Pt, At;
  4099. $(pt, "update", { options: J }), vt || pt.setResponsive(!1, !0), J = _(J, pt.options), pt.userOptions = q(pt.userOptions, J);
  4100. var St = J.chart;
  4101. if (St) {
  4102. if (q(!0, pt.options.chart, St), "className" in St && pt.setClassName(St.className), "reflow" in St && pt.setReflow(St.reflow), "inverted" in St || "polar" in St || "type" in St) {
  4103. pt.propFromSeries();
  4104. var Dt = !0;
  4105. }
  4106. "alignTicks" in St && (Dt = !0), "events" in St && v(this, St), it(St, function(_t, Nt) {
  4107. pt.propsRequireUpdateSeries.indexOf("chart." + Nt) !== -1 && (Pt = !0), pt.propsRequireDirtyBox.indexOf(Nt) !== -1 && (pt.isDirtyBox = !0), pt.propsRequireReflow.indexOf(Nt) !== -1 && (vt ? pt.isDirtyBox = !0 : At = !0);
  4108. }), !pt.styledMode && && pt.renderer.setStyle( || {});
  4109. }
  4110. !pt.styledMode && J.colors && (this.options.colors = J.colors), J.time && (this.time === t && (this.time = new d(J.time)), q(!0, pt.options.time, J.time)), it(J, function(_t, Nt) {
  4111. pt[Nt] && typeof pt[Nt].update == "function" ? pt[Nt].update(_t, !1) : typeof pt[yt[Nt]] == "function" ? pt[yt[Nt]](_t) : Nt !== "colors" && pt.collectionsWithUpdate.indexOf(Nt) === -1 && q(!0, pt.options[Nt], J[Nt]), Nt !== "chart" && pt.propsRequireUpdateSeries.indexOf(Nt) !== -1 && (Pt = !0);
  4112. }), this.collectionsWithUpdate.forEach(function(_t) {
  4113. if (J[_t]) {
  4114. var Nt = [];
  4115. pt[_t].forEach(function(Ot, Kt) {
  4116. Ot.options.isInternal || Nt.push(et(Ot.options.index, Kt));
  4117. }), gt(J[_t]).forEach(function(Ot, Kt) {
  4118. var Gt = E(, Wt;
  4119. Gt && (Wt = pt.get(, !Wt && pt[_t] && (Wt = pt[_t][Nt ? Nt[Kt] : Kt]) && Gt && E( && (Wt = void 0), Wt && Wt.coll === _t && (Wt.update(Ot, !1), ot && (Wt.touched = !0)), !Wt && ot && pt.collectionsWithInit[_t] && (pt.collectionsWithInit[_t][0].apply(pt, [Ot].concat(pt.collectionsWithInit[_t][1] || []).concat([!1])).touched = !0);
  4120. }), ot && pt[_t].forEach(function(Ot) {
  4121. Ot.touched || Ot.options.isInternal ? delete Ot.touched : Mt.push(Ot);
  4122. });
  4123. }
  4124. }), Mt.forEach(function(_t) {
  4125. _t.chart && _t.remove && _t.remove(!1);
  4126. }), Dt && pt.axes.forEach(function(_t) {
  4127. _t.update({}, !1);
  4128. }), Pt && pt.getSeriesOrderByLinks().forEach(function(_t) {
  4129. _t.chart && _t.update({}, !1);
  4130. }, this), Dt = St && St.width, St = St && (Z(St.height) ? rt(St.height, Dt || pt.chartWidth) : St.height), At || F(Dt) && Dt !== pt.chartWidth || F(St) && St !== pt.chartHeight ? pt.setSize(Dt, St, lt) : et(tt, !0) && pt.redraw(lt), $(pt, "afterUpdate", { options: J, redraw: tt, animation: lt });
  4131. }, at.prototype.setSubtitle = function(J, tt) {
  4132. this.applyDescription("subtitle", J), this.layOutTitles(tt);
  4133. }, at.prototype.setCaption = function(J, tt) {
  4134. this.applyDescription("caption", J), this.layOutTitles(tt);
  4135. }, at.prototype.showResetZoom = function() {
  4136. function J() {
  4137. tt.zoomOut();
  4138. }
  4139. var tt = this, ot = a.lang, lt = tt.options.chart.resetZoomButton, pt = lt.theme, yt = pt.states, vt = lt.relativeTo === "chart" || lt.relativeTo === "spacingBox" ? null : "scrollablePlotBox";
  4140. $(this, "beforeShowResetZoom", null, function() {
  4141. tt.resetZoomButton = tt.renderer.button(ot.resetZoom, null, null, J, pt, yt && yt.hover).attr({ align: lt.position.align, title: ot.resetZoomTitle }).addClass("highcharts-reset-zoom").add().align(lt.position, !1, vt);
  4142. }), $(this, "afterShowResetZoom");
  4143. }, at.prototype.zoomOut = function() {
  4144. $(this, "selection", { resetSelection: !0 }, this.zoom);
  4145. }, at.prototype.zoom = function(J) {
  4146. var tt = this, ot = tt.pointer, lt = tt.inverted ? ot.mouseDownX : ot.mouseDownY, pt = !1, yt;
  4147. !J || J.resetSelection ? (tt.axes.forEach(function(Mt) {
  4148. yt = Mt.zoom();
  4149. }), ot.initiated = !1) : J.xAxis.concat(J.yAxis).forEach(function(Mt) {
  4150. var Pt = Mt.axis, At = tt.inverted ? Pt.left :, St = tt.inverted ? At + Pt.width : At + Pt.height, Dt = Pt.isXAxis, _t = !1;
  4151. (!Dt && lt >= At && lt <= St || Dt || !E(lt)) && (_t = !0), ot[Dt ? "zoomX" : "zoomY"] && _t && (yt = Pt.zoom(Mt.min, Mt.max), Pt.displayBtn && (pt = !0));
  4152. });
  4153. var vt = tt.resetZoomButton;
  4154. pt && !vt ? tt.showResetZoom() : !pt && Y(vt) && (tt.resetZoomButton = vt.destroy()), yt && tt.redraw(et(
  4155. tt.options.chart.animation,
  4156. J && J.animation,
  4157. 100 > tt.pointCount
  4158. ));
  4159. }, at.prototype.pan = function(J, tt) {
  4160. var ot = this, lt = ot.hoverPoints;
  4161. tt = typeof tt == "object" ? tt : { enabled: tt, type: "x" };
  4162. var pt = ot.options.chart, yt = ot.options.mapNavigation && ot.options.mapNavigation.enabled;
  4163. pt && pt.panning && (pt.panning = tt);
  4164. var vt = tt.type, Mt;
  4165. $(this, "pan", { originalEvent: J }, function() {
  4166. lt && lt.forEach(function(St) {
  4167. St.setState();
  4168. });
  4169. var Pt = ot.xAxis;
  4170. vt === "xy" ? Pt = Pt.concat(ot.yAxis) : vt === "y" && (Pt = ot.yAxis);
  4171. var At = {};
  4172. Pt.forEach(function(St) {
  4173. if (St.options.panningEnabled && !St.options.isInternal) {
  4174. var Dt = St.horiz, _t = J[Dt ? "chartX" : "chartY"];
  4175. Dt = Dt ? "mouseDownX" : "mouseDownY";
  4176. var Nt = ot[Dt], Ot = St.minPointOffset || 0, Kt = St.reversed && !ot.inverted || !St.reversed && ot.inverted ? -1 : 1, Gt = St.getExtremes(), Wt = St.toValue(Nt - _t, !0) + Ot * Kt, Jt = St.toValue(Nt + St.len - _t, !0) - (Ot * Kt || St.isXAxis && St.pointRangePadding || 0), be = Jt < Wt;
  4177. Kt = St.hasVerticalPanning(), Nt = be ? Jt : Wt, Wt = be ? Wt : Jt;
  4178. var Yt = St.panningState;
  4179. !Kt || St.isXAxis || Yt && !Yt.isDirty || St.series.forEach(function(Vt) {
  4180. var Ce = Vt.getProcessedData(!0);
  4181. Ce = Vt.getExtremes(Ce.yData, !0), Yt || (Yt = { startMin: Number.MAX_VALUE, startMax: -Number.MAX_VALUE }), F(Ce.dataMin) && F(Ce.dataMax) && (Yt.startMin = Math.min(et(Vt.options.threshold, 1 / 0), Ce.dataMin, Yt.startMin), Yt.startMax = Math.max(et(Vt.options.threshold, -1 / 0), Ce.dataMax, Yt.startMax));
  4182. }), Kt = Math.min(et(Yt && Yt.startMin, Gt.dataMin), Ot ? Gt.min : St.toValue(St.toPixels(Gt.min) - St.minPixelPadding)), Jt = Math.max(et(Yt && Yt.startMax, Gt.dataMax), Ot ? Gt.max : St.toValue(St.toPixels(Gt.max) + St.minPixelPadding)), St.panningState = Yt, St.isOrdinal || (Ot = Kt - Nt, 0 < Ot && (Wt += Ot, Nt = Kt), Ot = Wt - Jt, 0 < Ot && (Wt = Jt, Nt -= Ot), St.series.length && Nt !== Gt.min && Wt !== Gt.max && Nt >= Kt && Wt <= Jt && (St.setExtremes(Nt, Wt, !1, !1, { trigger: "pan" }), ot.resetZoomButton || yt || Nt === Kt || Wt === Jt || !vt.match("y") || (ot.showResetZoom(), St.displayBtn = !1), Mt = !0), At[Dt] = _t);
  4183. }
  4184. }), it(At, function(St, Dt) {
  4185. ot[Dt] = St;
  4186. }), Mt && ot.redraw(!1), W(ot.container, { cursor: "move" });
  4187. });
  4188. }, at;
  4189. }(), L(y.prototype, {
  4190. callbacks: [],
  4191. collectionsWithInit: { xAxis: [y.prototype.addAxis, [!0]], yAxis: [y.prototype.addAxis, [!1]], series: [y.prototype.addSeries] },
  4192. collectionsWithUpdate: ["xAxis", "yAxis", "series"],
  4193. propsRequireDirtyBox: "backgroundColor borderColor borderWidth borderRadius plotBackgroundColor plotBackgroundImage plotBorderColor plotBorderWidth plotShadow shadow".split(" "),
  4194. propsRequireReflow: "margin marginTop marginRight marginBottom marginLeft spacing spacingTop spacingRight spacingBottom spacingLeft".split(" "),
  4195. propsRequireUpdateSeries: "chart.inverted chart.polar chart.ignoreHiddenSeries chart.type colors plotOptions time tooltip".split(" ")
  4196. }), y;
  4197. }), M(o, "Core/Legend/LegendSymbol.js", [o["Core/Utilities.js"]], function(y) {
  4198. var N = y.merge, D = y.pick, U;
  4199. return function(H) {
  4200. H.drawLineMarker = function(V) {
  4201. var G = this.options, R = V.symbolWidth, B = V.symbolHeight, S = B / 2, x = this.chart.renderer, f = this.legendGroup;
  4202. V = V.baseline - Math.round(0.3 * V.fontMetrics.b);
  4203. var d = {}, T = G.marker;
  4204. this.chart.styledMode || (d = { "stroke-width": G.lineWidth || 0 }, G.dashStyle && (d.dashstyle = G.dashStyle)), this.legendLine = x.path([["M", 0, V], ["L", R, V]]).addClass("highcharts-graph").attr(d).add(f), T && T.enabled !== !1 && R && (G = Math.min(D(T.radius, S), S), this.symbol.indexOf("url") === 0 && (T = N(T, { width: B, height: B }), G = 0), this.legendSymbol = R = x.symbol(this.symbol, R / 2 - G, V - G, 2 * G, 2 * G, T).addClass("highcharts-point").add(f), R.isMarker = !0);
  4205. }, H.drawRectangle = function(V, G) {
  4206. var R = V.symbolHeight, B = V.options.squareSymbol;
  4207. G.legendSymbol = this.chart.renderer.rect(B ? (V.symbolWidth - R) / 2 : 0, V.baseline - R + 1, B ? R : V.symbolWidth, R, D(V.options.symbolRadius, R / 2)).addClass("highcharts-point").attr({ zIndex: 3 }).add(G.legendGroup);
  4208. };
  4209. }(U || (U = {})), U;
  4210. }), M(o, "Core/Series/SeriesDefaults.js", [], function() {
  4211. return { lineWidth: 2, allowPointSelect: !1, crisp: !0, showCheckbox: !1, animation: { duration: 1e3 }, events: {}, marker: { enabledThreshold: 2, lineColor: "#ffffff", lineWidth: 0, radius: 4, states: {
  4212. normal: { animation: !0 },
  4213. hover: { animation: { duration: 50 }, enabled: !0, radiusPlus: 2, lineWidthPlus: 1 },
  4214. select: { fillColor: "#cccccc", lineColor: "#000000", lineWidth: 2 }
  4215. } }, point: { events: {} }, dataLabels: { animation: {}, align: "center", defer: !0, formatter: function() {
  4216. var y = this.series.chart.numberFormatter;
  4217. return typeof this.y != "number" ? "" : y(this.y, -1);
  4218. }, padding: 5, style: { fontSize: "11px", fontWeight: "bold", color: "contrast", textOutline: "1px contrast" }, verticalAlign: "bottom", x: 0, y: 0 }, cropThreshold: 300, opacity: 1, pointRange: 0, softThreshold: !0, states: {
  4219. normal: { animation: !0 },
  4220. hover: { animation: { duration: 50 }, lineWidthPlus: 1, marker: {}, halo: { size: 10, opacity: 0.25 } },
  4221. select: { animation: { duration: 0 } },
  4222. inactive: { animation: { duration: 50 }, opacity: 0.2 }
  4223. }, stickyTracking: !0, turboThreshold: 1e3, findNearestPointBy: "x" };
  4224. }), M(o, "Core/Series/Series.js", [
  4225. o["Core/Animation/AnimationUtilities.js"],
  4226. o["Core/DefaultOptions.js"],
  4227. o["Core/Foundation.js"],
  4228. o["Core/Globals.js"],
  4229. o["Core/Legend/LegendSymbol.js"],
  4230. o["Core/Series/Point.js"],
  4231. o["Core/Series/SeriesDefaults.js"],
  4232. o["Core/Series/SeriesRegistry.js"],
  4233. o["Core/Renderer/SVG/SVGElement.js"],
  4234. o["Core/Utilities.js"]
  4235. ], function(y, N, D, U, H, V, G, R, B, S) {
  4236. var x = y.animObject, f = y.setAnimation, d = N.defaultOptions, T = D.registerEventOptions, O = U.hasTouch, j = U.svg, k =, b = R.seriesTypes, w = S.addEvent, v = S.arrayMax, l = S.arrayMin, h = S.clamp, u = S.cleanRecursively, i = S.correctFloat, c = S.defined, a = S.erase, t = S.error, s = S.extend, n = S.find, P = S.fireEvent, _ = S.getNestedProperty, I = S.isArray, W = S.isNumber, E = S.isString, X = S.merge, g = S.objectEach, m = S.pick, L = S.removeEvent, z = S.splat, $ = S.syncTimeout;
  4237. return y = function() {
  4238. function Q() {
  4239. this.zones = this.yAxis = this.xAxis = this.userOptions = this.tooltipOptions = this.processedYData = this.processedXData = this.points = this.options = this.linkedSeries = this.index = this.eventsToUnbind = this.eventOptions = = this.chart = this._i = void 0;
  4240. }
  4241. return Q.prototype.init = function(A, F) {
  4242. P(this, "init", { options: F });
  4243. var Y = this, Z = A.series;
  4244. this.eventsToUnbind = [], Y.chart = A, Y.options = Y.setOptions(F), F = Y.options, Y.linkedSeries = [], Y.bindAxes(), s(Y, { name:, state: "", visible: F.visible !== !1, selected: F.selected === !0 }), T(this, F);
  4245. var q =;
  4246. (q && || F.point && && || F.allowPointSelect) && (A.runTrackerClick = !0), Y.getColor(), Y.getSymbol(), Y.parallelArrays.forEach(function(et) {
  4247. Y[et + "Data"] || (Y[et + "Data"] = []);
  4248. }), Y.isCartesian && (A.hasCartesianSeries = !0);
  4249. var it;
  4250. Z.length && (it = Z[Z.length - 1]), Y._i = m(it && it._i, -1) + 1, Y.opacity = Y.options.opacity, A.orderSeries(this.insert(Z)), F.dataSorting && F.dataSorting.enabled ? Y.setDataSortingOptions() : Y.points || || Y.setData(, !1), P(this, "afterInit");
  4251. }, = function(A) {
  4252. return b[A] && this instanceof b[A];
  4253. }, Q.prototype.insert = function(A) {
  4254. var F = this.options.index, Y;
  4255. if (W(F)) {
  4256. for (Y = A.length; Y--; )
  4257. if (F >= m(A[Y].options.index, A[Y]._i)) {
  4258. A.splice(Y + 1, 0, this);
  4259. break;
  4260. }
  4261. Y === -1 && A.unshift(this), Y += 1;
  4262. } else
  4263. A.push(this);
  4264. return m(Y, A.length - 1);
  4265. }, Q.prototype.bindAxes = function() {
  4266. var A = this, F = A.options, Y = A.chart, Z;
  4267. P(this, "bindAxes", null, function() {
  4268. (A.axisTypes || []).forEach(function(q) {
  4269. var it = 0;
  4270. Y[q].forEach(function(et) {
  4271. Z = et.options, (F[q] === it && !Z.isInternal || typeof F[q] < "u" && F[q] === || typeof F[q] > "u" && Z.index === 0) && (A.insert(et.series), A[q] = et, et.isDirty = !0), Z.isInternal || it++;
  4272. }), A[q] || A.optionalAxis === q || t(18, !0, Y);
  4273. });
  4274. }), P(this, "afterBindAxes");
  4275. }, Q.prototype.updateParallelArrays = function(A, F) {
  4276. var Y = A.series, Z = arguments, q = W(F) ? function(it) {
  4277. var et = it === "y" && Y.toYData ? Y.toYData(A) : A[it];
  4278. Y[it + "Data"][F] = et;
  4279. } : function(it) {
  4280. Array.prototype[F].apply(Y[it + "Data"],, 2));
  4281. };
  4282. Y.parallelArrays.forEach(q);
  4283. }, Q.prototype.hasData = function() {
  4284. return this.visible && typeof this.dataMax < "u" && typeof this.dataMin < "u" || this.visible && this.yData && 0 < this.yData.length;
  4285. }, Q.prototype.autoIncrement = function(A) {
  4286. var F = this.options, Y = F.pointIntervalUnit, Z = F.relativeXValue, q = this.chart.time, it = this.xIncrement, et;
  4287. return it = m(it, F.pointStart, 0), this.pointInterval = et = m(this.pointInterval, F.pointInterval, 1), Z && W(A) && (et *= A), Y && (F = new q.Date(it), Y === "day" ? q.set("Date", F, q.get("Date", F) + et) : Y === "month" ? q.set("Month", F, q.get("Month", F) + et) : Y === "year" && q.set("FullYear", F, q.get("FullYear", F) + et), et = F.getTime() - it), Z && W(A) ? it + et : (this.xIncrement = it + et, it);
  4288. }, Q.prototype.setDataSortingOptions = function() {
  4289. var A = this.options;
  4290. s(this, { requireSorting: !1, sorted: !1, enabledDataSorting: !0, allowDG: !1 }), c(A.pointRange) || (A.pointRange = 1);
  4291. }, Q.prototype.setOptions = function(A) {
  4292. var F = this.chart, Y = F.options, Z = Y.plotOptions, q = F.userOptions || {};
  4293. A = X(A), F = F.styledMode;
  4294. var it = { plotOptions: Z, userOptions: A };
  4295. P(this, "setOptions", it);
  4296. var et = it.plotOptions[this.type], nt = q.plotOptions || {};
  4297. return this.userOptions = it.userOptions, q = X(et, Z.series, q.plotOptions && q.plotOptions[this.type], A), this.tooltipOptions = X(d.tooltip, d.plotOptions.series && d.plotOptions.series.tooltip, d.plotOptions[this.type].tooltip, Y.tooltip.userOptions, Z.series && Z.series.tooltip, Z[this.type].tooltip, A.tooltip), this.stickyTracking = m(A.stickyTracking, nt[this.type] && nt[this.type].stickyTracking, nt.series && nt.series.stickyTracking, this.tooltipOptions.shared && !this.noSharedTooltip ? !0 : q.stickyTracking), et.marker === null && delete q.marker, this.zoneAxis = q.zoneAxis, Z = this.zones = (q.zones || []).slice(), !q.negativeColor && !q.negativeFillColor || q.zones || (Y = { value: q[this.zoneAxis + "Threshold"] || q.threshold || 0, className: "highcharts-negative" }, F || (Y.color = q.negativeColor, Y.fillColor = q.negativeFillColor), Z.push(Y)), Z.length && c(Z[Z.length - 1].value) && Z.push(F ? {} : { color: this.color, fillColor: this.fillColor }), P(this, "afterSetOptions", { options: q }), q;
  4298. }, Q.prototype.getName = function() {
  4299. return m(, "Series " + (this.index + 1));
  4300. }, Q.prototype.getCyclic = function(A, F, Y) {
  4301. var Z = this.chart, q = this.userOptions, it = A + "Index", et = A + "Counter", nt = Y ? Y.length : m(Z.options.chart[A + "Count"], Z[A + "Count"]);
  4302. if (!F) {
  4303. var rt = m(q[it], q["_" + it]);
  4304. c(rt) || (Z.series.length || (Z[et] = 0), q["_" + it] = rt = Z[et] % nt, Z[et] += 1), Y && (F = Y[rt]);
  4305. }
  4306. typeof rt < "u" && (this[it] = rt), this[A] = F;
  4307. }, Q.prototype.getColor = function() {
  4308. this.chart.styledMode ? this.getCyclic("color") : this.options.colorByPoint ? this.color = "#cccccc" : this.getCyclic("color", this.options.color || d.plotOptions[this.type].color, this.chart.options.colors);
  4309. }, Q.prototype.getPointsCollection = function() {
  4310. return (this.hasGroupedData ? this.points : || [];
  4311. }, Q.prototype.getSymbol = function() {
  4312. this.getCyclic("symbol", this.options.marker.symbol, this.chart.options.symbols);
  4313. }, Q.prototype.findPointIndex = function(A, F) {
  4314. var Y =, Z = A.x, q = this.points, it = this.options.dataSorting, et, nt;
  4315. if (Y)
  4316. it = this.chart.get(Y), it instanceof V && (et = it);
  4317. else if ((this.linkedParent || this.enabledDataSorting || this.options.relativeXValue) && (et = function(ct) {
  4318. return !ct.touched && ct.index === A.index;
  4319. }, it && it.matchByName ? et = function(ct) {
  4320. return !ct.touched && ===;
  4321. } : this.options.relativeXValue && (et = function(ct) {
  4322. return !ct.touched && ct.options.x === A.x;
  4323. }), et = n(q, et), !et))
  4324. return;
  4325. if (et) {
  4326. var rt = et && et.index;
  4327. typeof rt < "u" && (nt = !0);
  4328. }
  4329. return typeof rt > "u" && W(Z) && (rt = this.xData.indexOf(Z, F)), rt !== -1 && typeof rt < "u" && this.cropped && (rt = rt >= this.cropStart ? rt - this.cropStart : rt), !nt && W(rt) && q[rt] && q[rt].touched && (rt = void 0), rt;
  4330. }, Q.prototype.updateData = function(A, F) {
  4331. var Y = this.options, Z = Y.dataSorting, q = this.points, it = [], et = this.requireSorting, nt = A.length === q.length, rt, ct, gt, dt = !0;
  4332. if (this.xIncrement = null, A.forEach(function(ht, at) {
  4333. var J = c(ht) &&{ series: this }, ht) || {}, tt = J.x;
  4334. || W(tt) ? (J = this.findPointIndex(J, gt), J === -1 || typeof J > "u" ? it.push(ht) : q[J] && ht !==[J] ? (q[J].update(ht, !1, null, !1), q[J].touched = !0, et && (gt = J + 1)) : q[J] && (q[J].touched = !0), (!nt || at !== J || Z && Z.enabled || this.hasDerivedData) && (rt = !0)) : it.push(ht);
  4335. }, this), rt)
  4336. for (A = q.length; A--; )
  4337. (ct = q[A]) && !ct.touched && ct.remove && ct.remove(!1, F);
  4338. else
  4339. !nt || Z && Z.enabled ? dt = !1 : (A.forEach(function(ht, at) {
  4340. ht !== q[at].y && q[at].update && q[at].update(
  4341. ht,
  4342. !1,
  4343. null,
  4344. !1
  4345. );
  4346. }), it.length = 0);
  4347. return q.forEach(function(ht) {
  4348. ht && (ht.touched = !1);
  4349. }), dt ? (it.forEach(function(ht) {
  4350. this.addPoint(ht, !1, null, null, !1);
  4351. }, this), this.xIncrement === null && this.xData && this.xData.length && (this.xIncrement = v(this.xData), this.autoIncrement()), !0) : !1;
  4352. }, Q.prototype.setData = function(A, F, Y, Z) {
  4353. var q = this, it = q.points, et = it && it.length || 0, nt = q.options, rt = q.chart, ct = nt.dataSorting, gt = q.xAxis, dt = nt.turboThreshold, ht = this.xData, at = this.yData, J = q.pointArrayMap;
  4354. J = J && J.length;
  4355. var tt = nt.keys, ot, lt = 0, pt = 1, yt = null;
  4356. A = A || [];
  4357. var vt = A.length;
  4358. if (F = m(F, !0), ct && ct.enabled && (A = this.sortData(A)), Z !== !1 && vt && et && !q.cropped && !q.hasGroupedData && q.visible && !q.isSeriesBoosting && (ot = this.updateData(A, Y)), !ot) {
  4359. if (q.xIncrement = null, q.colorCounter = 0, this.parallelArrays.forEach(function(Mt) {
  4360. q[Mt + "Data"].length = 0;
  4361. }), dt && vt > dt)
  4362. if (yt = q.getFirstValidPoint(A), W(yt))
  4363. for (Y = 0; Y < vt; Y++)
  4364. ht[Y] = this.autoIncrement(), at[Y] = A[Y];
  4365. else if (I(yt))
  4366. if (J)
  4367. if (yt.length === J)
  4368. for (Y = 0; Y < vt; Y++)
  4369. ht[Y] = this.autoIncrement(), at[Y] = A[Y];
  4370. else
  4371. for (Y = 0; Y < vt; Y++)
  4372. Z = A[Y], ht[Y] = Z[0], at[Y] = Z.slice(
  4373. 1,
  4374. J + 1
  4375. );
  4376. else if (tt && (lt = tt.indexOf("x"), pt = tt.indexOf("y"), lt = 0 <= lt ? lt : 0, pt = 0 <= pt ? pt : 1), yt.length === 1 && (pt = 0), lt === pt)
  4377. for (Y = 0; Y < vt; Y++)
  4378. ht[Y] = this.autoIncrement(), at[Y] = A[Y][pt];
  4379. else
  4380. for (Y = 0; Y < vt; Y++)
  4381. Z = A[Y], ht[Y] = Z[lt], at[Y] = Z[pt];
  4382. else
  4383. t(12, !1, rt);
  4384. else
  4385. for (Y = 0; Y < vt; Y++)
  4386. typeof A[Y] < "u" && (Z = { series: q }, q.pointClass.prototype.applyOptions.apply(Z, [A[Y]]), q.updateParallelArrays(Z, Y));
  4387. for (at && E(at[0]) && t(14, !0, rt), = [], = = A, Y = et; Y--; )
  4388. it[Y] && it[Y].destroy && it[Y].destroy();
  4389. gt && (gt.minRange = gt.userMinRange), q.isDirty = rt.isDirtyBox = !0, q.isDirtyData = !!it, Y = !1;
  4390. }
  4391. nt.legendType === "point" && (this.processData(), this.generatePoints()), F && rt.redraw(Y);
  4392. }, Q.prototype.sortData = function(A) {
  4393. var F = this, Y = F.options.dataSorting.sortKey || "y", Z = function(q, it) {
  4394. return c(it) &&{ series: q }, it) || {};
  4395. };
  4396. return A.forEach(function(q, it) {
  4397. A[it] = Z(F, q), A[it].index = it;
  4398. }, this), A.concat().sort(function(q, it) {
  4399. return q = _(Y, q), it = _(Y, it), it < q ? -1 : it > q ? 1 : 0;
  4400. }).forEach(function(q, it) {
  4401. q.x = it;
  4402. }, this), F.linkedSeries && F.linkedSeries.forEach(function(q) {
  4403. var it = q.options, et =;
  4404. it.dataSorting && it.dataSorting.enabled || !et || (et.forEach(function(nt, rt) {
  4405. et[rt] = Z(q, nt), A[rt] && (et[rt].x = A[rt].x, et[rt].index = rt);
  4406. }), q.setData(et, !1));
  4407. }), A;
  4408. }, Q.prototype.getProcessedData = function(A) {
  4409. var F = this.xAxis, Y = this.options, Z = Y.cropThreshold, q = A || this.getExtremesFromAll || Y.getExtremesFromAll, it = this.isCartesian;
  4410. A = F && F.val2lin, Y = !(!F || !F.logarithmic);
  4411. var et = 0, nt = this.xData, rt = this.yData, ct = this.requireSorting, gt = !1, dt = nt.length;
  4412. if (F) {
  4413. gt = F.getExtremes();
  4414. var ht = gt.min, at = gt.max;
  4415. gt = F.categories && !F.names.length;
  4416. }
  4417. if (it && this.sorted && !q && (!Z || dt > Z || this.forceCrop)) {
  4418. if (nt[dt - 1] < ht || nt[0] > at)
  4419. nt = [], rt = [];
  4420. else if (this.yData && (nt[0] < ht || nt[dt - 1] > at)) {
  4421. var J = this.cropData(this.xData, this.yData, ht, at);
  4422. nt = J.xData, rt = J.yData, et = J.start, J = !0;
  4423. }
  4424. }
  4425. for (Z = nt.length || 1; --Z; )
  4426. if (F = Y ? A(nt[Z]) - A(nt[Z - 1]) : nt[Z] - nt[Z - 1], 0 < F && (typeof tt > "u" || F < tt))
  4427. var tt = F;
  4428. else
  4429. 0 > F && ct && !gt && (t(15, !1, this.chart), ct = !1);
  4430. return { xData: nt, yData: rt, cropped: J, cropStart: et, closestPointRange: tt };
  4431. }, Q.prototype.processData = function(A) {
  4432. var F = this.xAxis;
  4433. if (this.isCartesian && !this.isDirty && !F.isDirty && !this.yAxis.isDirty && !A)
  4434. return !1;
  4435. A = this.getProcessedData(), this.cropped = A.cropped, this.cropStart = A.cropStart, this.processedXData = A.xData, this.processedYData = A.yData, this.closestPointRange = this.basePointRange = A.closestPointRange, P(this, "afterProcessData");
  4436. }, Q.prototype.cropData = function(A, F, Y, Z, q) {
  4437. var it = A.length, et, nt = 0, rt = it;
  4438. for (q = m(q, this.cropShoulder), et = 0; et < it; et++)
  4439. if (A[et] >= Y) {
  4440. nt = Math.max(0, et - q);
  4441. break;
  4442. }
  4443. for (Y = et; Y < it; Y++)
  4444. if (A[Y] > Z) {
  4445. rt = Y + q;
  4446. break;
  4447. }
  4448. return { xData: A.slice(nt, rt), yData: F.slice(
  4449. nt,
  4450. rt
  4451. ), start: nt, end: rt };
  4452. }, Q.prototype.generatePoints = function() {
  4453. var A = this.options, F =, Y = this.processedXData, Z = this.processedYData, q = this.pointClass, it = Y.length, et = this.cropStart || 0, nt = this.hasGroupedData, rt = A.keys, ct = [];
  4454. A = A.dataGrouping && A.dataGrouping.groupAll ? et : 0;
  4455. var gt, dt, ht =;
  4456. if (!ht && !nt) {
  4457. var at = [];
  4458. at.length = F.length, ht = = at;
  4459. }
  4460. for (rt && nt && (this.options.keys = !1), dt = 0; dt < it; dt++) {
  4461. if (at = et + dt, nt) {
  4462. var J = new q().init(this, [Y[dt]].concat(z(Z[dt])));
  4463. J.dataGroup = this.groupMap[A + dt], J.dataGroup.options && (J.options = J.dataGroup.options, s(J, J.dataGroup.options), delete J.dataLabels);
  4464. } else
  4465. (J = ht[at]) || typeof F[at] > "u" || (ht[at] = J = new q().init(this, F[at], Y[dt]));
  4466. J && (J.index = nt ? A + dt : at, ct[dt] = J);
  4467. }
  4468. if (this.options.keys = rt, ht && (it !== (gt = ht.length) || nt))
  4469. for (dt = 0; dt < gt; dt++)
  4470. dt !== et || nt || (dt += it), ht[dt] && (ht[dt].destroyElements(), ht[dt].plotX = void 0);
  4471. = ht, this.points = ct, P(this, "afterGeneratePoints");
  4472. }, Q.prototype.getXExtremes = function(A) {
  4473. return { min: l(A), max: v(A) };
  4474. }, Q.prototype.getExtremes = function(A, F) {
  4475. var Y = this.xAxis, Z = this.yAxis, q = this.processedXData || this.xData, it = [], et = this.requireSorting ? this.cropShoulder : 0;
  4476. Z = Z ? Z.positiveValuesOnly : !1;
  4477. var nt, rt = 0, ct = 0, gt = 0;
  4478. A = A || this.stackedYData || this.processedYData || [];
  4479. var dt = A.length;
  4480. if (Y) {
  4481. var ht = Y.getExtremes();
  4482. rt = ht.min, ct = ht.max;
  4483. }
  4484. for (nt = 0; nt < dt; nt++) {
  4485. var at = q[nt];
  4486. ht = A[nt];
  4487. var J = (W(ht) || I(ht)) && (ht.length || 0 < ht || !Z);
  4488. if (at = F || this.getExtremesFromAll || this.options.getExtremesFromAll || this.cropped || !Y || (q[nt + et] || at) >= rt && (q[nt - et] || at) <= ct, J && at)
  4489. if (J = ht.length)
  4490. for (; J--; )
  4491. W(ht[J]) && (it[gt++] = ht[J]);
  4492. else
  4493. it[gt++] = ht;
  4494. }
  4495. return A = { activeYData: it, dataMin: l(it), dataMax: v(it) }, P(this, "afterGetExtremes", { dataExtremes: A }), A;
  4496. }, Q.prototype.applyExtremes = function() {
  4497. var A = this.getExtremes();
  4498. return this.dataMin = A.dataMin, this.dataMax = A.dataMax, A;
  4499. }, Q.prototype.getFirstValidPoint = function(A) {
  4500. for (var F = A.length, Y = 0, Z = null; Z === null && Y < F; )
  4501. Z = A[Y], Y++;
  4502. return Z;
  4503. }, Q.prototype.translate = function() {
  4504. this.processedXData || this.processData(), this.generatePoints();
  4505. var A = this.options, F = A.stacking, Y = this.xAxis, Z = Y.categories, q = this.enabledDataSorting, it = this.yAxis, et = this.points, nt = et.length, rt = this.pointPlacementToXValue(), ct = !!rt, gt = A.threshold, dt = A.startFromThreshold ? gt : 0, ht = this.zoneAxis || "y", at, J, tt = Number.MAX_VALUE;
  4506. for (at = 0; at < nt; at++) {
  4507. var ot = et[at], lt = ot.x, pt = void 0, yt = void 0, vt = ot.y, Mt = ot.low, Pt = F && it.stacking && it.stacking.stacks[(this.negStacks && vt < (dt ? 0 : gt) ? "-" : "") + this.stackKey];
  4508. if ((it.positiveValuesOnly && !it.validatePositiveValue(vt) || Y.positiveValuesOnly && !Y.validatePositiveValue(lt)) && (ot.isNull = !0), ot.plotX = J = i(h(Y.translate(lt, 0, 0, 0, 1, rt, this.type === "flags"), -1e5, 1e5)), F && this.visible && Pt && Pt[lt]) {
  4509. var At = this.getStackIndicator(
  4510. At,
  4511. lt,
  4512. this.index
  4513. );
  4514. ot.isNull || (pt = Pt[lt], yt = pt.points[At.key]);
  4515. }
  4516. if (I(yt) && (Mt = yt[0], vt = yt[1], Mt === dt && At.key === Pt[lt].base && (Mt = m(W(gt) && gt, it.min)), it.positiveValuesOnly && 0 >= Mt && (Mt = null), = ot.stackTotal =, ot.percentage = && ot.y / * 100, ot.stackY = vt, this.irregularWidths || pt.setOffset(this.pointXOffset || 0, this.barW || 0)), ot.yBottom = c(Mt) ? h(it.translate(Mt, 0, 1, 0, 1), -1e5, 1e5) : null, this.dataModify && (vt = this.dataModify.modifyValue(vt, at)), ot.plotY = void 0, W(vt) && (pt = it.translate(vt, !1, !0, !1, !0), typeof pt < "u" && (ot.plotY = h(
  4517. pt,
  4518. -1e5,
  4519. 1e5
  4520. ))), ot.isInside = this.isPointInside(ot), ot.clientX = ct ? i(Y.translate(lt, 0, 0, 0, 1, rt)) : J, ot.negative = ot[ht] < (A[ht + "Threshold"] || gt || 0), ot.category = Z && typeof Z[ot.x] < "u" ? Z[ot.x] : ot.x, !ot.isNull && ot.visible !== !1) {
  4521. typeof St < "u" && (tt = Math.min(tt, Math.abs(J - St)));
  4522. var St = J;
  4523. }
  4524. = this.zones.length ? ot.getZone() : void 0, !ot.graphic && && q && (ot.isNew = !0);
  4525. }
  4526. this.closestPointRangePx = tt, P(this, "afterTranslate");
  4527. }, Q.prototype.getValidPoints = function(A, F, Y) {
  4528. var Z = this.chart;
  4529. return (A || this.points || []).filter(function(q) {
  4530. return F && !Z.isInsidePlot(q.plotX, q.plotY, { inverted: Z.inverted }) ? !1 : q.visible !== !1 && (Y || !q.isNull);
  4531. });
  4532. }, Q.prototype.getClipBox = function() {
  4533. var A = this.chart, F = this.xAxis, Y = this.yAxis, Z = X(A.clipBox);
  4534. return F && F.len !== A.plotSizeX && (Z.width = F.len), Y && Y.len !== A.plotSizeY && (Z.height = Y.len), Z;
  4535. }, Q.prototype.getSharedClipKey = function() {
  4536. return this.sharedClipKey = (this.options.xAxis || 0) + "," + (this.options.yAxis || 0);
  4537. }, Q.prototype.setClip = function() {
  4538. var A = this.chart, F =, Y = this.markerGroup, Z = A.sharedClips;
  4539. A = A.renderer;
  4540. var q = this.getClipBox(), it = this.getSharedClipKey(), et = Z[it];
  4541. et ? et.animate(q) : Z[it] = et = A.clipRect(q), F && F.clip(this.options.clip === !1 ? void 0 : et), Y && Y.clip();
  4542. }, Q.prototype.animate = function(A) {
  4543. var F = this.chart, Y =, Z = this.markerGroup, q = F.inverted, it = x(this.options.animation), et = [this.getSharedClipKey(), it.duration, it.easing, it.defer].join(), nt = F.sharedClips[et], rt = F.sharedClips[et + "m"];
  4544. if (A && Y)
  4545. it = this.getClipBox(), nt ? nt.attr("height", it.height) : (it.width = 0, q && (it.x = F.plotHeight), nt = F.renderer.clipRect(it), F.sharedClips[et] = nt, rt = F.renderer.clipRect({ x: q ? (F.plotSizeX || 0) + 99 : -99, y: q ? -F.plotLeft : -F.plotTop, width: 99, height: q ? F.chartWidth : F.chartHeight }), F.sharedClips[et + "m"] = rt), Y.clip(nt), Z && Z.clip(rt);
  4546. else if (nt && !nt.hasClass("highcharts-animating")) {
  4547. F = this.getClipBox();
  4548. var ct = it.step;
  4549. Z && Z.element.childNodes.length && (it.step = function(gt, dt) {
  4550. ct && ct.apply(dt, arguments), rt && rt.element && rt.attr(dt.prop, dt.prop === "width" ? gt + 99 : gt);
  4551. }), nt.addClass("highcharts-animating").animate(F, it);
  4552. }
  4553. }, Q.prototype.afterAnimate = function() {
  4554. var A = this;
  4555. this.setClip(), g(
  4556. this.chart.sharedClips,
  4557. function(F, Y, Z) {
  4558. F && !A.chart.container.querySelector('[clip-path="url(#' + + ')"]') && (F.destroy(), delete Z[Y]);
  4559. }
  4560. ), this.finishedAnimating = !0, P(this, "afterAnimate");
  4561. }, Q.prototype.drawPoints = function() {
  4562. var A = this.points, F = this.chart, Y = this.options.marker, Z = this[this.specialGroup] || this.markerGroup, q = this.xAxis, it = m(Y.enabled, !q || q.isRadial ? !0 : null, this.closestPointRangePx >= Y.enabledThreshold * Y.radius), et, nt;
  4563. if (Y.enabled !== !1 || this._hasPointMarkers)
  4564. for (et = 0; et < A.length; et++) {
  4565. var rt = A[et], ct = (nt = rt.graphic) ? "animate" : "attr", gt = rt.marker || {}, dt = !!rt.marker;
  4566. if ((it && typeof gt.enabled > "u" || gt.enabled) && !rt.isNull && rt.visible !== !1) {
  4567. var ht = m(gt.symbol, this.symbol, "rect"), at = this.markerAttribs(rt, rt.selected && "select");
  4568. this.enabledDataSorting && (rt.startXPos = q.reversed ? -(at.width || 0) : q.width);
  4569. var J = rt.isInside !== !1;
  4570. nt ? nt[J ? "show" : "hide"](J).animate(at) : J && (0 < (at.width || 0) || rt.hasImage) && (rt.graphic = nt = F.renderer.symbol(ht, at.x, at.y, at.width, at.height, dt ? gt : Y).add(Z), this.enabledDataSorting && F.hasRendered && (nt.attr({ x: rt.startXPos }), ct = "animate")), nt && ct === "animate" && nt[J ? "show" : "hide"](J).animate(at), nt && !F.styledMode && nt[ct](this.pointAttribs(rt, rt.selected && "select")), nt && nt.addClass(rt.getClassName(), !0);
  4571. } else
  4572. nt && (rt.graphic = nt.destroy());
  4573. }
  4574. }, Q.prototype.markerAttribs = function(A, F) {
  4575. var Y = this.options, Z = Y.marker, q = A.marker || {}, it = q.symbol || Z.symbol, et = m(q.radius, Z.radius);
  4576. return F && (Z = Z.states[F], F = q.states && q.states[F], et = m(F && F.radius, Z && Z.radius, et + (Z && Z.radiusPlus || 0))), A.hasImage = it && it.indexOf("url") === 0, A.hasImage && (et = 0), A = { x: Y.crisp ? Math.floor(A.plotX - et) : A.plotX - et, y: A.plotY - et }, et && (A.width = A.height = 2 * et), A;
  4577. }, Q.prototype.pointAttribs = function(A, F) {
  4578. var Y = this.options.marker, Z = A && A.options, q = Z && Z.marker || {}, it = Z && Z.color, et = A && A.color, nt = A && &&, rt = this.color;
  4579. return A = m(q.lineWidth, Y.lineWidth), Z = 1, rt = it || nt || et || rt, it = q.fillColor || Y.fillColor || rt, et = q.lineColor || Y.lineColor || rt, F = F || "normal", Y = Y.states[F] || {}, F = q.states && q.states[F] || {}, A = m(F.lineWidth, Y.lineWidth, A + m(F.lineWidthPlus, Y.lineWidthPlus, 0)), it = F.fillColor || Y.fillColor || it, et = F.lineColor || Y.lineColor || et, Z = m(F.opacity, Y.opacity, Z), { stroke: et, "stroke-width": A, fill: it, opacity: Z };
  4580. }, Q.prototype.destroy = function(A) {
  4581. var F = this, Y = F.chart, Z = /AppleWebKit\/533/.test(k.navigator.userAgent), q = || [], it, et, nt, rt;
  4582. for (P(F, "destroy"), this.removeEvents(A), (F.axisTypes || []).forEach(function(ct) {
  4583. (rt = F[ct]) && rt.series && (a(rt.series, F), rt.isDirty = rt.forceRedraw = !0);
  4584. }), F.legendItem && F.chart.legend.destroyItem(F), et = q.length; et--; )
  4585. (nt = q[et]) && nt.destroy && nt.destroy();
  4586. F.clips && F.clips.forEach(function(ct) {
  4587. return ct.destroy();
  4588. }), S.clearTimeout(F.animationTimeout), g(F, function(ct, gt) {
  4589. ct instanceof B && !ct.survive && (it = Z && gt === "group" ? "hide" : "destroy", ct[it]());
  4590. }), Y.hoverSeries === F && (Y.hoverSeries = void 0), a(Y.series, F), Y.orderSeries(), g(F, function(ct, gt) {
  4591. A && gt === "hcEvents" || delete F[gt];
  4592. });
  4593. }, Q.prototype.applyZones = function() {
  4594. var A = this, F = this.chart, Y = F.renderer, Z = this.zones, q = this.clips || [], it = this.graph, et = this.area, nt = Math.max(F.chartWidth, F.chartHeight), rt = this[(this.zoneAxis || "y") + "Axis"], ct = F.inverted, gt, dt, ht, at, J, tt, ot, lt, pt = !1;
  4595. if (Z.length && (it || et) && rt && typeof rt.min < "u") {
  4596. var yt = rt.reversed, vt = rt.horiz;
  4597. it && !this.showLine && it.hide(), et && et.hide();
  4598. var Mt = rt.getExtremes();
  4599. Z.forEach(function(Pt, At) {
  4600. gt = yt ? vt ? F.plotWidth : 0 : vt ? 0 : rt.toPixels(Mt.min) || 0, gt = h(m(dt, gt), 0, nt), dt = h(Math.round(rt.toPixels(m(Pt.value, Mt.max), !0) || 0), 0, nt), pt && (gt = dt = rt.toPixels(Mt.max)), at = Math.abs(gt - dt), J = Math.min(gt, dt), tt = Math.max(gt, dt), rt.isXAxis ? (ht = { x: ct ? tt : J, y: 0, width: at, height: nt }, vt || (ht.x = F.plotHeight - ht.x)) : (ht = { x: 0, y: ct ? tt : J, width: nt, height: at }, vt && (ht.y = F.plotWidth - ht.y)), ct && Y.isVML && (ht = rt.isXAxis ? {
  4601. x: 0,
  4602. y: yt ? J : tt,
  4603. height: ht.width,
  4604. width: F.chartWidth
  4605. } : { x: ht.y - F.plotLeft - F.spacingBox.x, y: 0, width: ht.height, height: F.chartHeight }), q[At] ? q[At].animate(ht) : q[At] = Y.clipRect(ht), ot = A["zone-area-" + At], lt = A["zone-graph-" + At], it && lt && lt.clip(q[At]), et && ot && ot.clip(q[At]), pt = Pt.value > Mt.max, A.resetZones && dt === 0 && (dt = void 0);
  4606. }), this.clips = q;
  4607. } else
  4608. A.visible && (it &&!0), et &&!0));
  4609. }, Q.prototype.invertGroups = function(A) {
  4610. function F() {
  4611. ["group", "markerGroup"].forEach(function(q) {
  4612. Y[q] && (Z.renderer.isVML && Y[q].attr({ width: Y.yAxis.len, height: Y.xAxis.len }), Y[q].width = Y.yAxis.len, Y[q].height = Y.xAxis.len, Y[q].invert(Y.isRadialSeries ? !1 : A));
  4613. });
  4614. }
  4615. var Y = this, Z = Y.chart;
  4616. Y.xAxis && (Y.eventsToUnbind.push(w(Z, "resize", F)), F(), Y.invertGroups = F);
  4617. }, Q.prototype.plotGroup = function(A, F, Y, Z, q) {
  4618. var it = this[A], et = !it;
  4619. return Y = { visibility: Y, zIndex: Z || 0.1 }, typeof this.opacity > "u" || this.chart.styledMode || this.state === "inactive" || (Y.opacity = this.opacity), et && (this[A] = it = this.chart.renderer.g().add(q)), it.addClass("highcharts-" + F + " highcharts-series-" + this.index + " highcharts-" + this.type + "-series " + (c(this.colorIndex) ? "highcharts-color-" + this.colorIndex + " " : "") + (this.options.className || "") + (it.hasClass("highcharts-tracker") ? " highcharts-tracker" : ""), !0), it.attr(Y)[et ? "attr" : "animate"](this.getPlotBox()), it;
  4620. }, Q.prototype.getPlotBox = function() {
  4621. var A = this.chart, F = this.xAxis, Y = this.yAxis;
  4622. return A.inverted && (F = Y, Y = this.xAxis), { translateX: F ? F.left : A.plotLeft, translateY: Y ? : A.plotTop, scaleX: 1, scaleY: 1 };
  4623. }, Q.prototype.removeEvents = function(A) {
  4624. A || L(this), this.eventsToUnbind.length && (this.eventsToUnbind.forEach(function(F) {
  4625. F();
  4626. }), this.eventsToUnbind.length = 0);
  4627. }, Q.prototype.render = function() {
  4628. var A = this, F = A.chart, Y = A.options, Z = x(Y.animation), q = A.visible ? "inherit" : "hidden", it = Y.zIndex, et = A.hasRendered, nt = F.seriesGroup, rt = F.inverted;
  4629. F = !A.finishedAnimating && F.renderer.isSVG ? Z.duration : 0, P(this, "render");
  4630. var ct = A.plotGroup("group", "series", q, it, nt);
  4631. A.markerGroup = A.plotGroup("markerGroup", "markers", q, it, nt), Y.clip !== !1 && A.setClip(), A.animate && F && A.animate(!0), ct.inverted = m(A.invertible, A.isCartesian) ? rt : !1, A.drawGraph && (A.drawGraph(), A.applyZones()), A.visible && A.drawPoints(), A.drawDataLabels && A.drawDataLabels(), A.redrawPoints && A.redrawPoints(), A.drawTracker && A.options.enableMouseTracking !== !1 && A.drawTracker(), A.invertGroups(rt), A.animate && F && A.animate(), et || (F && Z.defer && (F += Z.defer), A.animationTimeout = $(function() {
  4632. A.afterAnimate();
  4633. }, F || 0)), A.isDirty = !1, A.hasRendered = !0, P(A, "afterRender");
  4634. }, Q.prototype.redraw = function() {
  4635. var A = this.chart, F = this.isDirty || this.isDirtyData, Y =, Z = this.xAxis, q = this.yAxis;
  4636. Y && (A.inverted && Y.attr({
  4637. width: A.plotWidth,
  4638. height: A.plotHeight
  4639. }), Y.animate({ translateX: m(Z && Z.left, A.plotLeft), translateY: m(q &&, A.plotTop) })), this.translate(), this.render(), F && delete this.kdTree;
  4640. }, Q.prototype.searchPoint = function(A, F) {
  4641. var Y = this.xAxis, Z = this.yAxis, q = this.chart.inverted;
  4642. return this.searchKDTree({ clientX: q ? Y.len - A.chartY + Y.pos : A.chartX - Y.pos, plotY: q ? Z.len - A.chartX + Z.pos : A.chartY - Z.pos }, F, A);
  4643. }, Q.prototype.buildKDTree = function(A) {
  4644. function F(q, it, et) {
  4645. var nt = q && q.length;
  4646. if (nt) {
  4647. var rt = Y.kdAxisArray[it % et];
  4648. return q.sort(function(ct, gt) {
  4649. return ct[rt] - gt[rt];
  4650. }), nt = Math.floor(nt / 2), { point: q[nt], left: F(q.slice(0, nt), it + 1, et), right: F(q.slice(nt + 1), it + 1, et) };
  4651. }
  4652. }
  4653. this.buildingKdTree = !0;
  4654. var Y = this, Z = -1 < Y.options.findNearestPointBy.indexOf("y") ? 2 : 1;
  4655. delete Y.kdTree, $(function() {
  4656. Y.kdTree = F(Y.getValidPoints(null, !Y.directTouch), Z, Z), Y.buildingKdTree = !1;
  4657. }, Y.options.kdNow || A && A.type === "touchstart" ? 0 : 1);
  4658. }, Q.prototype.searchKDTree = function(A, F, Y) {
  4659. function Z(rt, ct, gt, dt) {
  4660. var ht = ct.point, at = q.kdAxisArray[gt % dt], J = ht, tt = c(rt[it]) && c(ht[it]) ? Math.pow(rt[it] - ht[it], 2) : null, ot = c(rt[et]) && c(ht[et]) ? Math.pow(rt[et] - ht[et], 2) : null;
  4661. return ot = (tt || 0) + (ot || 0), ht.dist = c(ot) ? Math.sqrt(ot) : Number.MAX_VALUE, ht.distX = c(tt) ? Math.sqrt(tt) : Number.MAX_VALUE, at = rt[at] - ht[at], ot = 0 > at ? "left" : "right", tt = 0 > at ? "right" : "left", ct[ot] && (ot = Z(rt, ct[ot], gt + 1, dt), J = ot[nt] < J[nt] ? ot : ht), ct[tt] && Math.sqrt(at * at) < J[nt] && (rt = Z(rt, ct[tt], gt + 1, dt), J = rt[nt] < J[nt] ? rt : J), J;
  4662. }
  4663. var q = this, it = this.kdAxisArray[0], et = this.kdAxisArray[1], nt = F ? "distX" : "dist";
  4664. if (F = -1 < q.options.findNearestPointBy.indexOf("y") ? 2 : 1, this.kdTree || this.buildingKdTree || this.buildKDTree(Y), this.kdTree)
  4665. return Z(
  4666. A,
  4667. this.kdTree,
  4668. F,
  4669. F
  4670. );
  4671. }, Q.prototype.pointPlacementToXValue = function() {
  4672. var A = this.options, F = A.pointRange, Y = this.xAxis;
  4673. return A = A.pointPlacement, A === "between" && (A = Y.reversed ? -0.5 : 0.5), W(A) ? A * (F || Y.pointRange) : 0;
  4674. }, Q.prototype.isPointInside = function(A) {
  4675. var F = this.chart, Y = this.xAxis, Z = this.yAxis;
  4676. return typeof A.plotY < "u" && typeof A.plotX < "u" && 0 <= A.plotY && A.plotY <= (Z ? Z.len : F.plotHeight) && 0 <= A.plotX && A.plotX <= (Y ? Y.len : F.plotWidth);
  4677. }, Q.prototype.drawTracker = function() {
  4678. var A = this, F = A.options, Y = F.trackByArea, Z = [].concat(Y ? A.areaPath : A.graphPath), q = A.chart, it = q.pointer, et = q.renderer, nt = q.options.tooltip.snap, rt = A.tracker, ct = function(dt) {
  4679. q.hoverSeries !== A && A.onMouseOver();
  4680. }, gt = "rgba(192,192,192," + (j ? 1e-4 : 2e-3) + ")";
  4681. rt ? rt.attr({ d: Z }) : A.graph && (A.tracker = et.path(Z).attr({ visibility: A.visible ? "visible" : "hidden", zIndex: 2 }).addClass(Y ? "highcharts-tracker-area" : "highcharts-tracker-line").add(, q.styledMode || A.tracker.attr({ "stroke-linecap": "round", "stroke-linejoin": "round", stroke: gt, fill: Y ? gt : "none", "stroke-width": A.graph.strokeWidth() + (Y ? 0 : 2 * nt) }), [A.tracker, A.markerGroup, A.dataLabelsGroup].forEach(function(dt) {
  4682. dt && (dt.addClass("highcharts-tracker").on("mouseover", ct).on("mouseout", function(ht) {
  4683. it.onTrackerMouseOut(ht);
  4684. }), F.cursor && !q.styledMode && dt.css({ cursor: F.cursor }), O) && dt.on("touchstart", ct);
  4685. })), P(this, "afterDrawTracker");
  4686. }, Q.prototype.addPoint = function(A, F, Y, Z, q) {
  4687. var it = this.options, et =, nt = this.chart, rt = this.xAxis;
  4688. rt = rt && rt.hasNames && rt.names;
  4689. var ct =, gt = this.xData, dt;
  4690. F = m(F, !0);
  4691. var ht = { series: this };
  4692. this.pointClass.prototype.applyOptions.apply(
  4693. ht,
  4694. [A]
  4695. );
  4696. var at = ht.x, J = gt.length;
  4697. if (this.requireSorting && at < gt[J - 1])
  4698. for (dt = !0; J && gt[J - 1] > at; )
  4699. J--;
  4700. this.updateParallelArrays(ht, "splice", J, 0, 0), this.updateParallelArrays(ht, J), rt && && (rt[at] =, ct.splice(J, 0, A), dt && (, 0, null), this.processData()), it.legendType === "point" && this.generatePoints(), Y && (et[0] && et[0].remove ? et[0].remove(!1) : (et.shift(), this.updateParallelArrays(ht, "shift"), ct.shift())), q !== !1 && P(this, "addPoint", { point: ht }), this.isDirtyData = this.isDirty = !0, F && nt.redraw(Z);
  4701. }, Q.prototype.removePoint = function(A, F, Y) {
  4702. var Z = this, q =, it = q[A], et = Z.points, nt = Z.chart, rt = function() {
  4703. et && et.length === q.length && et.splice(A, 1), q.splice(A, 1),, 1), Z.updateParallelArrays(it || { series: Z }, "splice", A, 1), it && it.destroy(), Z.isDirty = !0, Z.isDirtyData = !0, F && nt.redraw();
  4704. };
  4705. f(Y, nt), F = m(F, !0), it ? it.firePointEvent("remove", null, rt) : rt();
  4706. }, Q.prototype.remove = function(A, F, Y, Z) {
  4707. function q() {
  4708. it.destroy(Z), et.isDirtyLegend = et.isDirtyBox = !0, et.linkSeries(), m(A, !0) && et.redraw(F);
  4709. }
  4710. var it = this, et = it.chart;
  4711. Y !== !1 ? P(
  4712. it,
  4713. "remove",
  4714. null,
  4715. q
  4716. ) : q();
  4717. }, Q.prototype.update = function(A, F) {
  4718. A = u(A, this.userOptions), P(this, "update", { options: A });
  4719. var Y = this, Z = Y.chart, q = Y.userOptions, it = Y.initialType || Y.type, et = Z.options.plotOptions, nt = b[it].prototype, rt = Y.finishedAnimating && { animation: !1 }, ct = {}, gt, dt = ["eventOptions", "navigatorSeries", "baseSeries"], ht = A.type || q.type || Z.options.chart.type, at = !(this.hasDerivedData || ht && ht !== this.type || typeof A.pointStart < "u" || typeof A.pointInterval < "u" || typeof A.relativeXValue < "u" || Y.hasOptionChanged("dataGrouping") || Y.hasOptionChanged("pointStart") || Y.hasOptionChanged("pointInterval") || Y.hasOptionChanged("pointIntervalUnit") || Y.hasOptionChanged("keys"));
  4720. if (ht = ht || it, at && (dt.push("data", "isDirtyData", "points", "processedXData", "processedYData", "xIncrement", "cropped", "_hasPointMarkers", "_hasPointLabels", "clips", "nodes", "layout", "mapMap", "mapData", "minY", "maxY", "minX", "maxX"), A.visible !== !1 && dt.push("area", "graph"), Y.parallelArrays.forEach(function(tt) {
  4721. dt.push(tt + "Data");
  4722. }), && (A.dataSorting && s(Y.options.dataSorting, A.dataSorting), this.setData(, !1))), A = X(q, rt, { index: typeof q.index > "u" ? Y.index : q.index, pointStart: m(et && et.series && et.series.pointStart, q.pointStart, Y.xData[0]) }, !at && { data: }, A), at && && ( =, dt = ["group", "markerGroup", "dataLabelsGroup", "transformGroup"].concat(dt), dt.forEach(function(tt) {
  4723. dt[tt] = Y[tt], delete Y[tt];
  4724. }), et = !1, b[ht]) {
  4725. if (et = ht !== Y.type, Y.remove(!1, !1, !1, !0), et)
  4726. if (Object.setPrototypeOf)
  4727. Object.setPrototypeOf(Y, b[ht].prototype);
  4728. else {
  4729. rt =, "hcEvents") && Y.hcEvents;
  4730. for (gt in nt)
  4731. Y[gt] = void 0;
  4732. s(Y, b[ht].prototype), rt ? Y.hcEvents = rt : delete Y.hcEvents;
  4733. }
  4734. } else
  4735. t(17, !0, Z, { missingModuleFor: ht });
  4736. if (dt.forEach(function(tt) {
  4737. Y[tt] = dt[tt];
  4738. }), Y.init(Z, A), at && this.points) {
  4739. var J = Y.options;
  4740. J.visible === !1 ? (ct.graphic = 1, ct.dataLabel = 1) : Y._hasPointLabels || (A = J.marker, nt = J.dataLabels, !A || A.enabled !== !1 && (q.marker && q.marker.symbol) === A.symbol || (ct.graphic = 1), nt && nt.enabled === !1 && (ct.dataLabel = 1)), this.points.forEach(function(tt) {
  4741. tt && tt.series && (tt.resolveColor(), Object.keys(ct).length && tt.destroyElements(ct), J.showInLegend === !1 && tt.legendItem && Z.legend.destroyItem(tt));
  4742. }, this);
  4743. }
  4744. Y.initialType = it, Z.linkSeries(), et && Y.linkedSeries.length && (Y.isDirtyData = !0), P(this, "afterUpdate"), m(F, !0) && Z.redraw(at ? void 0 : !1);
  4745. }, Q.prototype.setName = function(A) {
  4746. = = = A, this.chart.isDirtyLegend = !0;
  4747. }, Q.prototype.hasOptionChanged = function(A) {
  4748. var F = this.options[A], Y = this.chart.options.plotOptions, Z = this.userOptions[A];
  4749. return Z ? F !== Z : F !== m(
  4750. Y && Y[this.type] && Y[this.type][A],
  4751. Y && Y.series && Y.series[A],
  4752. F
  4753. );
  4754. }, Q.prototype.onMouseOver = function() {
  4755. var A = this.chart, F = A.hoverSeries;
  4756. A.pointer.setHoverChartIndex(), F && F !== this && F.onMouseOut(), && P(this, "mouseOver"), this.setState("hover"), A.hoverSeries = this;
  4757. }, Q.prototype.onMouseOut = function() {
  4758. var A = this.options, F = this.chart, Y = F.tooltip, Z = F.hoverPoint;
  4759. F.hoverSeries = null, Z && Z.onMouseOut(), this && && P(this, "mouseOut"), !Y || this.stickyTracking || Y.shared && !this.noSharedTooltip || Y.hide(), F.series.forEach(function(q) {
  4760. q.setState(
  4761. "",
  4762. !0
  4763. );
  4764. });
  4765. }, Q.prototype.setState = function(A, F) {
  4766. var Y = this, Z = Y.options, q = Y.graph, it = Z.inactiveOtherPoints, et = Z.states, nt = m(et[A || "normal"] && et[A || "normal"].animation, Y.chart.options.chart.animation), rt = Z.lineWidth, ct = 0, gt = Z.opacity;
  4767. if (A = A || "", Y.state !== A && ([, Y.markerGroup, Y.dataLabelsGroup].forEach(function(dt) {
  4768. dt && (Y.state && dt.removeClass("highcharts-series-" + Y.state), A && dt.addClass("highcharts-series-" + A));
  4769. }), Y.state = A, !Y.chart.styledMode)) {
  4770. if (et[A] && et[A].enabled === !1)
  4771. return;
  4772. if (A && (rt = et[A].lineWidth || rt + (et[A].lineWidthPlus || 0), gt = m(et[A].opacity, gt)), q && !q.dashstyle)
  4773. for (Z = { "stroke-width": rt }, q.animate(Z, nt); Y["zone-graph-" + ct]; )
  4774. Y["zone-graph-" + ct].animate(Z, nt), ct += 1;
  4775. it || [, Y.markerGroup, Y.dataLabelsGroup, Y.labelBySeries].forEach(function(dt) {
  4776. dt && dt.animate({ opacity: gt }, nt);
  4777. });
  4778. }
  4779. F && it && Y.points && Y.setAllPointsToState(A || void 0);
  4780. }, Q.prototype.setAllPointsToState = function(A) {
  4781. this.points.forEach(function(F) {
  4782. F.setState && F.setState(A);
  4783. });
  4784. }, Q.prototype.setVisible = function(A, F) {
  4785. var Y = this, Z = Y.chart, q = Y.legendItem, it = Z.options.chart.ignoreHiddenSeries, et = Y.visible, nt = (Y.visible = A = Y.options.visible = Y.userOptions.visible = typeof A > "u" ? !et : A) ? "show" : "hide";
  4786. ["group", "dataLabelsGroup", "markerGroup", "tracker", "tt"].forEach(function(rt) {
  4787. Y[rt] && Y[rt][nt]();
  4788. }), (Z.hoverSeries === Y || (Z.hoverPoint && Z.hoverPoint.series) === Y) && Y.onMouseOut(), q && Z.legend.colorizeItem(Y, A), Y.isDirty = !0, Y.options.stacking && Z.series.forEach(function(rt) {
  4789. rt.options.stacking && rt.visible && (rt.isDirty = !0);
  4790. }), Y.linkedSeries.forEach(function(rt) {
  4791. rt.setVisible(A, !1);
  4792. }), it && (Z.isDirtyBox = !0), P(Y, nt), F !== !1 && Z.redraw();
  4793. }, = function() {
  4794. this.setVisible(!0);
  4795. }, Q.prototype.hide = function() {
  4796. this.setVisible(!1);
  4797. }, = function(A) {
  4798. this.selected = A = this.options.selected = typeof A > "u" ? !this.selected : A, this.checkbox && (this.checkbox.checked = A), P(this, A ? "select" : "unselect");
  4799. }, Q.prototype.shouldShowTooltip = function(A, F, Y) {
  4800. return Y === void 0 && (Y = {}), Y.series = this, Y.visiblePlotOnly = !0, this.chart.isInsidePlot(A, F, Y);
  4801. }, Q.defaultOptions = G, Q;
  4802. }(), s(y.prototype, { axisTypes: [
  4803. "xAxis",
  4804. "yAxis"
  4805. ], coll: "series", colorCounter: 0, cropShoulder: 1, directTouch: !1, drawLegendSymbol: H.drawLineMarker, isCartesian: !0, kdAxisArray: ["clientX", "plotY"], parallelArrays: ["x", "y"], pointClass: V, requireSorting: !0, sorted: !0 }), R.series = y, y;
  4806. }), M(o, "Extensions/ScrollablePlotArea.js", [o["Core/Animation/AnimationUtilities.js"], o["Core/Axis/Axis.js"], o["Core/Chart/Chart.js"], o["Core/Series/Series.js"], o["Core/Renderer/RendererRegistry.js"], o["Core/Utilities.js"]], function(y, N, D, U, H, V) {
  4807. var G = y.stop, R = V.addEvent, B = V.createElement, S = V.merge, x = V.pick;
  4808. R(D, "afterSetChartSize", function(f) {
  4809. var d = this.options.chart.scrollablePlotArea, T = d && d.minWidth;
  4810. if (d = d && d.minHeight, !this.renderer.forExport) {
  4811. if (T) {
  4812. if (this.scrollablePixelsX = T = Math.max(0, T - this.chartWidth)) {
  4813. this.scrollablePlotBox = this.renderer.scrollablePlotBox = S(this.plotBox), this.plotBox.width = this.plotWidth += T, this.inverted ? this.clipBox.height += T : this.clipBox.width += T;
  4814. var O = { 1: { name: "right", value: T } };
  4815. }
  4816. } else
  4817. d && (this.scrollablePixelsY = T = Math.max(
  4818. 0,
  4819. d - this.chartHeight
  4820. )) && (this.scrollablePlotBox = this.renderer.scrollablePlotBox = S(this.plotBox), this.plotBox.height = this.plotHeight += T, this.inverted ? this.clipBox.width += T : this.clipBox.height += T, O = { 2: { name: "bottom", value: T } });
  4821. O && !f.skipAxes && this.axes.forEach(function(j) {
  4822. O[j.side] ? j.getPlotLinePath = function() {
  4823. var k = O[j.side].name, b = this[k];
  4824. this[k] = b - O[j.side].value;
  4825. var w = N.prototype.getPlotLinePath.apply(this, arguments);
  4826. return this[k] = b, w;
  4827. } : (j.setAxisSize(), j.setAxisTranslation());
  4828. });
  4829. }
  4830. }), R(D, "render", function() {
  4831. this.scrollablePixelsX || this.scrollablePixelsY ? (this.setUpScrolling && this.setUpScrolling(), this.applyFixed()) : this.fixedDiv && this.applyFixed();
  4832. }), D.prototype.setUpScrolling = function() {
  4833. var f = this, d = { WebkitOverflowScrolling: "touch", overflowX: "hidden", overflowY: "hidden" };
  4834. this.scrollablePixelsX && (d.overflowX = "auto"), this.scrollablePixelsY && (d.overflowY = "auto"), this.scrollingParent = B("div", { className: "highcharts-scrolling-parent" }, { position: "relative" }, this.renderTo), this.scrollingContainer = B(
  4835. "div",
  4836. { className: "highcharts-scrolling" },
  4837. d,
  4838. this.scrollingParent
  4839. ), R(this.scrollingContainer, "scroll", function() {
  4840. f.pointer && delete f.pointer.chartPosition;
  4841. }), this.innerContainer = B("div", { className: "highcharts-inner-container" }, null, this.scrollingContainer), this.innerContainer.appendChild(this.container), this.setUpScrolling = null;
  4842. }, D.prototype.moveFixedElements = function() {
  4843. var f = this.container, d = this.fixedRenderer, T = ".highcharts-contextbutton .highcharts-credits .highcharts-legend .highcharts-legend-checkbox .highcharts-navigator-series .highcharts-navigator-xaxis .highcharts-navigator-yaxis .highcharts-navigator .highcharts-reset-zoom .highcharts-drillup-button .highcharts-scrollbar .highcharts-subtitle .highcharts-title".split(" "), O;
  4844. this.scrollablePixelsX && !this.inverted ? O = ".highcharts-yaxis" : this.scrollablePixelsX && this.inverted || this.scrollablePixelsY && !this.inverted ? O = ".highcharts-xaxis" : this.scrollablePixelsY && this.inverted && (O = ".highcharts-yaxis"), O && T.push(O + ":not(.highcharts-radial-axis)", O + "-labels:not(.highcharts-radial-axis-labels)"), T.forEach(function(j) {
  4845. [], function(k) {
  4846. (k.namespaceURI === d.SVG_NS ? :, = "auto";
  4847. });
  4848. });
  4849. }, D.prototype.applyFixed = function() {
  4850. var f = !this.fixedDiv, d = this.options.chart, T = d.scrollablePlotArea, O = H.getRendererType();
  4851. f ? (this.fixedDiv = B("div", { className: "highcharts-fixed" }, { position: "absolute", overflow: "hidden", pointerEvents: "none", zIndex: ( && || 0) + 2, top: 0 }, null, !0), this.scrollingContainer && this.scrollingContainer.parentNode.insertBefore(this.fixedDiv, this.scrollingContainer), = "visible", this.fixedRenderer = d = new O(
  4852. this.fixedDiv,
  4853. this.chartWidth,
  4854. this.chartHeight,
  4856. ), this.scrollableMask = d.path().attr({ fill: this.options.chart.backgroundColor || "#fff", "fill-opacity": x(T.opacity, 0.85), zIndex: -1 }).addClass("highcharts-scrollable-mask").add(), R(this, "afterShowResetZoom", this.moveFixedElements), R(this, "afterDrilldown", this.moveFixedElements), R(this, "afterLayOutTitles", this.moveFixedElements)) : this.fixedRenderer.setSize(this.chartWidth, this.chartHeight), (this.scrollableDirty || f) && (this.scrollableDirty = !1, this.moveFixedElements()), d = this.chartWidth + (this.scrollablePixelsX || 0), O = this.chartHeight + (this.scrollablePixelsY || 0), G(this.container), = d + "px", = O + "px", this.renderer.boxWrapper.attr({ width: d, height: O, viewBox: [0, 0, d, O].join(" ") }), this.chartBackground.attr({ width: d, height: O }), = this.chartHeight + "px", f && (T.scrollPositionX && (this.scrollingContainer.scrollLeft = this.scrollablePixelsX * T.scrollPositionX), T.scrollPositionY && (this.scrollingContainer.scrollTop = this.scrollablePixelsY * T.scrollPositionY)), O = this.axisOffset, f = this.plotTop - O[0] - 1, T = this.plotLeft - O[3] - 1, d = this.plotTop + this.plotHeight + O[2] + 1, O = this.plotLeft + this.plotWidth + O[1] + 1;
  4857. var j = this.plotLeft + this.plotWidth - (this.scrollablePixelsX || 0), k = this.plotTop + this.plotHeight - (this.scrollablePixelsY || 0);
  4858. f = this.scrollablePixelsX ? [["M", 0, f], ["L", this.plotLeft - 1, f], ["L", this.plotLeft - 1, d], ["L", 0, d], ["Z"], ["M", j, f], ["L", this.chartWidth, f], ["L", this.chartWidth, d], ["L", j, d], ["Z"]] : this.scrollablePixelsY ? [["M", T, 0], ["L", T, this.plotTop - 1], ["L", O, this.plotTop - 1], ["L", O, 0], ["Z"], ["M", T, k], ["L", T, this.chartHeight], ["L", O, this.chartHeight], ["L", O, k], ["Z"]] : [["M", 0, 0]], this.redrawTrigger !== "adjustHeight" && this.scrollableMask.attr({ d: f });
  4859. }, R(N, "afterInit", function() {
  4860. this.chart.scrollableDirty = !0;
  4861. }), R(U, "show", function() {
  4862. this.chart.scrollableDirty = !0;
  4863. });
  4864. }), M(o, "Core/Axis/StackingAxis.js", [o["Core/Animation/AnimationUtilities.js"], o["Core/Axis/Axis.js"], o["Core/Utilities.js"]], function(y, N, D) {
  4865. var U = y.getDeferredAnimation, H = D.addEvent, V = D.destroyObjectProperties, G = D.fireEvent, R = D.isNumber, B = D.objectEach, S;
  4866. return function(x) {
  4867. function f() {
  4868. var j = this.stacking;
  4869. if (j) {
  4870. var k = j.stacks;
  4871. B(k, function(b, w) {
  4872. V(b), k[w] = null;
  4873. }), j && j.stackTotalGroup && j.stackTotalGroup.destroy();
  4874. }
  4875. }
  4876. function d() {
  4877. this.stacking || (this.stacking = new O(this));
  4878. }
  4879. var T = [];
  4880. x.compose = function(j) {
  4881. return T.indexOf(j) === -1 && (T.push(j), H(j, "init", d), H(j, "destroy", f)), j;
  4882. };
  4883. var O = function() {
  4884. function j(k) {
  4885. this.oldStacks = {}, this.stacks = {}, this.stacksTouched = 0, this.axis = k;
  4886. }
  4887. return j.prototype.buildStacks = function() {
  4888. var k = this.axis, b = k.series, w = k.options.reversedStacks, v = b.length, l;
  4889. if (!k.isXAxis) {
  4890. for (this.usePercentage = !1, l = v; l--; ) {
  4891. var h = b[w ? l : v - l - 1];
  4892. h.setStackedPoints(), h.setGroupedPoints();
  4893. }
  4894. for (l = 0; l < v; l++)
  4895. b[l].modifyStacks();
  4896. G(k, "afterBuildStacks");
  4897. }
  4898. }, j.prototype.cleanStacks = function() {
  4899. if (!this.axis.isXAxis) {
  4900. if (this.oldStacks)
  4901. var k = this.stacks = this.oldStacks;
  4902. B(k, function(b) {
  4903. B(b, function(w) {
  4904. w.cumulative =;
  4905. });
  4906. });
  4907. }
  4908. }, j.prototype.resetStacks = function() {
  4909. var k = this, b = k.stacks;
  4910. k.axis.isXAxis || B(b, function(w) {
  4911. B(
  4912. w,
  4913. function(v, l) {
  4914. R(v.touched) && v.touched < k.stacksTouched ? (v.destroy(), delete w[l]) : ( = null, v.cumulative = null);
  4915. }
  4916. );
  4917. });
  4918. }, j.prototype.renderStackTotals = function() {
  4919. var k = this.axis, b = k.chart, w = b.renderer, v = this.stacks;
  4920. k = U(b, k.options.stackLabels && k.options.stackLabels.animation || !1);
  4921. var l = this.stackTotalGroup = this.stackTotalGroup || w.g("stack-labels").attr({ visibility: "visible", zIndex: 6, opacity: 0 }).add();
  4922. l.translate(b.plotLeft, b.plotTop), B(v, function(h) {
  4923. B(h, function(u) {
  4924. u.render(l);
  4925. });
  4926. }), l.animate(
  4927. { opacity: 1 },
  4928. k
  4929. );
  4930. }, j;
  4931. }();
  4932. x.Additions = O;
  4933. }(S || (S = {})), S;
  4934. }), M(o, "Extensions/Stacking.js", [o["Core/Axis/Axis.js"], o["Core/Chart/Chart.js"], o["Core/FormatUtilities.js"], o["Core/Globals.js"], o["Core/Series/Series.js"], o["Core/Axis/StackingAxis.js"], o["Core/Utilities.js"]], function(y, N, D, U, H, V, G) {
  4935. var R = D.format, B = G.correctFloat, S = G.defined, x = G.destroyObjectProperties, f = G.isArray, d = G.isNumber, T = G.objectEach, O = G.pick, j = function() {
  4936. function k(b, w, v, l, h) {
  4937. var u = b.chart.inverted;
  4938. this.axis = b, this.isNegative = v, this.options = w = w || {}, this.x = l, = null, this.points = {}, this.hasValidPoints = !1, this.stack = h, this.rightCliff = this.leftCliff = 0, this.alignOptions = { align: w.align || (u ? v ? "left" : "right" : "center"), verticalAlign: w.verticalAlign || (u ? "middle" : v ? "bottom" : "top"), y: w.y, x: w.x }, this.textAlign = w.textAlign || (u ? v ? "right" : "left" : "center");
  4939. }
  4940. return k.prototype.destroy = function() {
  4941. x(this, this.axis);
  4942. }, k.prototype.render = function(b) {
  4943. var w = this.axis.chart, v = this.options, l = v.format;
  4944. l = l ? R(l, this, w) :, this.label ? this.label.attr({
  4945. text: l,
  4946. visibility: "hidden"
  4947. }) : (this.label = w.renderer.label(l, null, null, v.shape, null, null, v.useHTML, !1, "stack-labels"), l = { r: v.borderRadius || 0, text: l, rotation: v.rotation, padding: O(v.padding, 5), visibility: "hidden" }, w.styledMode || (l.fill = v.backgroundColor, l.stroke = v.borderColor, l["stroke-width"] = v.borderWidth, this.label.css(, this.label.attr(l), this.label.added || this.label.add(b)), this.label.labelrank = w.plotSizeY;
  4948. }, k.prototype.setOffset = function(b, w, v, l, h) {
  4949. var u = this.axis, i = u.chart;
  4950. l = u.translate(u.stacking.usePercentage ? 100 : l ||, 0, 0, 0, 1), v = u.translate(v || 0), v = S(l) && Math.abs(l - v), b = O(h, i.xAxis[0].translate(this.x)) + b, u = S(l) && this.getStackBox(i, this, b, l, w, v, u), w = this.label, v = this.isNegative, b = O(this.options.overflow, "justify") === "justify";
  4951. var c = this.textAlign;
  4952. w && u && (h = w.getBBox(), l = w.padding, c = c === "left" ? i.inverted ? -l : l : c === "right" ? h.width : i.inverted && c === "center" ? h.width / 2 : i.inverted ? v ? h.width + l : -l : h.width / 2, v = i.inverted ? h.height / 2 : v ? -l : h.height, this.alignOptions.x = O(this.options.x, 0), this.alignOptions.y = O(this.options.y, 0), u.x -= c, u.y -= v, w.align(this.alignOptions, null, u), i.isInsidePlot(w.alignAttr.x + c - this.alignOptions.x, w.alignAttr.y + v - this.alignOptions.y) ? : (w.alignAttr.y = -9999, b = !1), b &&, w, this.alignOptions, w.alignAttr, h, u), w.attr({ x: w.alignAttr.x, y: w.alignAttr.y }), O(!b && this.options.crop, !0) && ((i = d(w.x) && d(w.y) && i.isInsidePlot(w.x - l + w.width, w.y) && i.isInsidePlot(w.x + l, w.y)) || w.hide()));
  4953. }, k.prototype.getStackBox = function(b, w, v, l, h, u, i) {
  4954. var c = w.axis.reversed, a = b.inverted, t = i.height + i.pos - (a ? b.plotLeft : b.plotTop);
  4955. return w = w.isNegative && !c || !w.isNegative && c, { x: a ? w ? l - i.right : l - u + i.pos - b.plotLeft : v + b.xAxis[0].transB - b.plotLeft, y: a ? i.height - v - h : w ? t - l - u : t - l, width: a ? u : h, height: a ? h : u };
  4956. }, k;
  4957. }();
  4958. return N.prototype.getStacks = function() {
  4959. var k = this, b = k.inverted;
  4960. k.yAxis.forEach(function(w) {
  4961. w.stacking && w.stacking.stacks && w.hasVisibleSeries && (w.stacking.oldStacks = w.stacking.stacks);
  4962. }), k.series.forEach(function(w) {
  4963. var v = w.xAxis && w.xAxis.options || {};
  4964. !w.options.stacking || w.visible !== !0 && k.options.chart.ignoreHiddenSeries !== !1 || (w.stackKey = [w.type, O(w.options.stack, ""), b ? : v.left, b ? v.height : v.width].join());
  4965. });
  4966. }, V.compose(y), H.prototype.setGroupedPoints = function() {
  4967. var k = this.yAxis.stacking;
  4968. this.options.centerInCategory && ("column") ||"columnrange")) && !this.options.stacking && 1 < this.chart.series.length ?, "group") : k && T(k.stacks, function(b, w) {
  4969. w.slice(-5) === "group" && (T(b, function(v) {
  4970. return v.destroy();
  4971. }), delete k.stacks[w]);
  4972. });
  4973. }, H.prototype.setStackedPoints = function(k) {
  4974. var b = k || this.options.stacking;
  4975. if (b && (this.visible === !0 || this.chart.options.chart.ignoreHiddenSeries === !1)) {
  4976. var w = this.processedXData, v = this.processedYData, l = [], h = v.length, u = this.options, i = u.threshold, c = O(u.startFromThreshold && i, 0);
  4977. u = u.stack, k = k ? this.type + "," + b : this.stackKey;
  4978. var a = "-" + k, t = this.negStacks, s = this.yAxis, n = s.stacking.stacks, P = s.stacking.oldStacks, _, I;
  4979. for (s.stacking.stacksTouched += 1, I = 0; I < h; I++) {
  4980. var W = w[I], E = v[I], X = this.getStackIndicator(
  4981. X,
  4982. W,
  4983. this.index
  4984. ), g = X.key, m = (_ = t && E < (c ? 0 : i)) ? a : k;
  4985. n[m] || (n[m] = {}), n[m][W] || (P[m] && P[m][W] ? (n[m][W] = P[m][W], n[m][W].total = null) : n[m][W] = new j(s, s.options.stackLabels, _, W, u)), m = n[m][W], E !== null ? (m.points[g] = m.points[this.index] = [O(m.cumulative, c)], S(m.cumulative) || (m.base = g), m.touched = s.stacking.stacksTouched, 0 < X.index && this.singleStacks === !1 && (m.points[g][0] = m.points[this.index + "," + W + ",0"][0])) : m.points[g] = m.points[this.index] = null, b === "percent" ? (_ = _ ? k : a, t && n[_] && n[_][W] ? (_ = n[_][W], = = Math.max(, + Math.abs(E) || 0) : = B( + (Math.abs(E) || 0))) : b === "group" ? (f(E) && (E = E[0]), E !== null && ( = ( || 0) + 1)) : = B( + (E || 0)), m.cumulative = b === "group" ? ( || 1) - 1 : O(m.cumulative, c) + (E || 0), E !== null && (m.points[g].push(m.cumulative), l[I] = m.cumulative, m.hasValidPoints = !0);
  4986. }
  4987. b === "percent" && (s.stacking.usePercentage = !0), b !== "group" && (this.stackedYData = l), s.stacking.oldStacks = {};
  4988. }
  4989. }, H.prototype.modifyStacks = function() {
  4990. var k = this, b = k.stackKey, w = k.yAxis.stacking.stacks, v = k.processedXData, l, h = k.options.stacking;
  4991. k[h + "Stacker"] && [b, "-" + b].forEach(function(u) {
  4992. for (var i = v.length, c, a; i--; )
  4993. c = v[i], l = k.getStackIndicator(l, c, k.index, u), (a = (c = w[u] && w[u][c]) && c.points[l.key]) && k[h + "Stacker"](a, c, i);
  4994. });
  4995. }, H.prototype.percentStacker = function(k, b, w) {
  4996. b = ? 100 / : 0, k[0] = B(k[0] * b), k[1] = B(k[1] * b), this.stackedYData[w] = k[1];
  4997. }, H.prototype.getStackIndicator = function(k, b, w, v) {
  4998. return !S(k) || k.x !== b || v && k.key !== v ? k = { x: b, index: 0, key: v } : k.index++, k.key = [w, b, k.index].join(), k;
  4999. }, U.StackItem = j, U.StackItem;
  5000. }), M(o, "Series/Line/LineSeries.js", [o["Core/Series/Series.js"], o["Core/Series/SeriesRegistry.js"], o["Core/Utilities.js"]], function(y, N, D) {
  5001. var U = this && this.__extends || function() {
  5002. var G = function(R, B) {
  5003. return G = Object.setPrototypeOf || { __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function(S, x) {
  5004. S.__proto__ = x;
  5005. } || function(S, x) {
  5006. for (var f in x)
  5007. x.hasOwnProperty(f) && (S[f] = x[f]);
  5008. }, G(R, B);
  5009. };
  5010. return function(R, B) {
  5011. function S() {
  5012. this.constructor = R;
  5013. }
  5014. G(R, B), R.prototype = B === null ? Object.create(B) : (S.prototype = B.prototype, new S());
  5015. };
  5016. }(), H = D.defined, V = D.merge;
  5017. return D = function(G) {
  5018. function R() {
  5019. var B = G !== null && G.apply(this, arguments) || this;
  5020. return = void 0, B.options = void 0, B.points = void 0, B;
  5021. }
  5022. return U(R, G), R.prototype.drawGraph = function() {
  5023. var B = this, S = this.options, x = (this.gappedPath || this.getGraphPath).call(this), f = this.chart.styledMode, d = [["graph", "highcharts-graph"]];
  5024. f || d[0].push(S.lineColor || this.color || "#cccccc", S.dashStyle), d = B.getZonesGraphs(d), d.forEach(function(T, O) {
  5025. var j = T[0], k = B[j], b = k ? "animate" : "attr";
  5026. k ? (k.endX = B.preventGraphAnimation ? null : x.xMap, k.animate({ d: x })) : x.length && (B[j] = k = B.chart.renderer.path(x).addClass(T[1]).attr({ zIndex: 1 }).add(, k && !f && (j = { stroke: T[2], "stroke-width": S.lineWidth, fill: B.fillGraph && B.color || "none" }, T[3] ? j.dashstyle = T[3] : S.linecap !== "square" && (j["stroke-linecap"] = j["stroke-linejoin"] = "round"), k[b](j).shadow(2 > O && S.shadow)), k && (k.startX = x.xMap, k.isArea = x.isArea);
  5027. });
  5028. }, R.prototype.getGraphPath = function(B, S, x) {
  5029. var f = this, d = f.options, T = [], O = [], j, k = d.step;
  5030. B = B || f.points;
  5031. var b = B.reversed;
  5032. return b && B.reverse(), (k = { right: 1, center: 2 }[k] || k && 3) && b && (k = 4 - k), B = this.getValidPoints(B, !1, !(d.connectNulls && !S && !x)), B.forEach(function(w, v) {
  5033. var l = w.plotX, h = w.plotY, u = B[v - 1];
  5034. (w.leftCliff || u && u.rightCliff) && !x && (j = !0), w.isNull && !H(S) && 0 < v ? j = !d.connectNulls : w.isNull && !S ? j = !0 : (v === 0 || j ? v = [["M", w.plotX, w.plotY]] : f.getPointSpline ? v = [f.getPointSpline(B, w, v)] : k ? (v = k === 1 ? [["L", u.plotX, h]] : k === 2 ? [["L", (u.plotX + l) / 2, u.plotY], ["L", (u.plotX + l) / 2, h]] : [["L", l, u.plotY]], v.push(["L", l, h])) : v = [["L", l, h]], O.push(w.x), k && (O.push(w.x), k === 2 && O.push(w.x)), T.push.apply(T, v), j = !1);
  5035. }), T.xMap = O, f.graphPath = T;
  5036. }, R.prototype.getZonesGraphs = function(B) {
  5037. return this.zones.forEach(function(S, x) {
  5038. x = ["zone-graph-" + x, "highcharts-graph highcharts-zone-graph-" + x + " " + (S.className || "")], this.chart.styledMode || x.push(S.color || this.color, S.dashStyle || this.options.dashStyle), B.push(x);
  5039. }, this), B;
  5040. }, R.defaultOptions = V(y.defaultOptions, {}), R;
  5041. }(y), N.registerSeriesType("line", D), D;
  5042. }), M(o, "Series/Area/AreaSeries.js", [
  5043. o["Core/Color/Color.js"],
  5044. o["Core/Legend/LegendSymbol.js"],
  5045. o["Core/Series/SeriesRegistry.js"],
  5046. o["Core/Utilities.js"]
  5047. ], function(y, N, D, U) {
  5048. var H = this && this.__extends || function() {
  5049. var x = function(f, d) {
  5050. return x = Object.setPrototypeOf || { __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function(T, O) {
  5051. T.__proto__ = O;
  5052. } || function(T, O) {
  5053. for (var j in O)
  5054. O.hasOwnProperty(j) && (T[j] = O[j]);
  5055. }, x(f, d);
  5056. };
  5057. return function(f, d) {
  5058. function T() {
  5059. this.constructor = f;
  5060. }
  5061. x(f, d), f.prototype = d === null ? Object.create(d) : (T.prototype = d.prototype, new T());
  5062. };
  5063. }(), V = y.parse, G = D.seriesTypes.line;
  5064. y = U.extend;
  5065. var R = U.merge, B = U.objectEach, S = U.pick;
  5066. return U = function(x) {
  5067. function f() {
  5068. var d = x !== null && x.apply(this, arguments) || this;
  5069. return = void 0, d.options = void 0, d.points = void 0, d;
  5070. }
  5071. return H(f, x), f.prototype.drawGraph = function() {
  5072. this.areaPath = [], x.prototype.drawGraph.apply(this);
  5073. var d = this, T = this.areaPath, O = this.options, j = [["area", "highcharts-area", this.color, O.fillColor]];
  5074. this.zones.forEach(function(k, b) {
  5075. j.push(["zone-area-" + b, "highcharts-area highcharts-zone-area-" + b + " " + k.className, k.color || d.color, k.fillColor || O.fillColor]);
  5076. }), j.forEach(function(k) {
  5077. var b = k[0], w = d[b], v = w ? "animate" : "attr", l = {};
  5078. w ? (w.endX = d.preventGraphAnimation ? null : T.xMap, w.animate({ d: T })) : (l.zIndex = 0, w = d[b] = d.chart.renderer.path(T).addClass(k[1]).add(, w.isArea = !0), d.chart.styledMode || (l.fill = S(k[3], V(k[2]).setOpacity(S(O.fillOpacity, 0.75)).get())), w[v](l), w.startX = T.xMap, w.shiftUnit = O.step ? 2 : 1;
  5079. });
  5080. }, f.prototype.getGraphPath = function(d) {
  5081. var T = G.prototype.getGraphPath, O = this.options, j = O.stacking, k = this.yAxis, b, w = [], v = [], l = this.index, h = k.stacking.stacks[this.stackKey], u = O.threshold, i = Math.round(k.getThreshold(O.threshold));
  5082. O = S(O.connectNulls, j === "percent");
  5083. var c = function(n, P, _) {
  5084. var I = d[n];
  5085. n = j && h[I.x].points[l];
  5086. var W = I[_ + "Null"] || 0;
  5087. if (_ = I[_ + "Cliff"] || 0, I = !0, _ || W) {
  5088. var E = (W ? n[0] : n[1]) + _, X = n[0] + _;
  5089. I = !!W;
  5090. } else
  5091. !j && d[P] && d[P].isNull && (E = X = u);
  5092. typeof E < "u" && (v.push({ plotX: t, plotY: E === null ? i : k.getThreshold(E), isNull: I, isCliff: !0 }), w.push({ plotX: t, plotY: X === null ? i : k.getThreshold(X), doCurve: !1 }));
  5093. };
  5094. for (d = d || this.points, j && (d = this.getStackPoints(d)), b = 0; b < d.length; b++) {
  5095. j || (d[b].leftCliff = d[b].rightCliff = d[b].leftNull = d[b].rightNull = void 0);
  5096. var a = d[b].isNull, t = S(d[b].rectPlotX, d[b].plotX), s = j ? S(d[b].yBottom, i) : i;
  5097. (!a || O) && (O || c(b, b - 1, "left"), a && !j && O || (v.push(d[b]), w.push({ x: b, plotX: t, plotY: s })), O || c(b, b + 1, "right"));
  5098. }
  5099. return b =, v, !0, !0), w.reversed = !0, a =, w, !0, !0), (s = a[0]) && s[0] === "M" && (a[0] = ["L", s[1], s[2]]), a = b.concat(a), a.length && a.push(["Z"]), T =, v, !1, O), a.xMap = b.xMap, this.areaPath = a, T;
  5100. }, f.prototype.getStackPoints = function(d) {
  5101. var T = this, O = [], j = [], k = this.xAxis, b = this.yAxis, w = b.stacking.stacks[this.stackKey], v = {}, l = b.series, h = l.length, u = b.options.reversedStacks ? 1 : -1, i = l.indexOf(T);
  5102. if (d = d || this.points, this.options.stacking) {
  5103. for (var c = 0; c < d.length; c++)
  5104. d[c].leftNull = d[c].rightNull = void 0, v[d[c].x] = d[c];
  5105. B(w, function(t, s) {
  5106. !== null && j.push(s);
  5107. }), j.sort(function(t, s) {
  5108. return t - s;
  5109. });
  5110. var a = {
  5111. return t.visible;
  5112. });
  5113. j.forEach(function(t, s) {
  5114. var n = 0, P, _;
  5115. if (v[t] && !v[t].isNull)
  5116. O.push(v[t]), [-1, 1].forEach(function(W) {
  5117. var E = W === 1 ? "rightNull" : "leftNull", X = 0, g = w[j[s + W]];
  5118. if (g)
  5119. for (var m = i; 0 <= m && m < h; ) {
  5120. var L = l[m].index;
  5121. P = g.points[L], P || (L === T.index ? v[t][E] = !0 : a[m] && (_ = w[t].points[L]) && (X -= _[1] - _[0])), m += u;
  5122. }
  5123. v[t][W === 1 ? "rightCliff" : "leftCliff"] = X;
  5124. });
  5125. else {
  5126. for (var I = i; 0 <= I && I < h; ) {
  5127. if (P = w[t].points[l[I].index]) {
  5128. n = P[1];
  5129. break;
  5130. }
  5131. I += u;
  5132. }
  5133. n = S(n, 0), n = b.translate(n, 0, 1, 0, 1), O.push({ isNull: !0, plotX: k.translate(t, 0, 0, 0, 1), x: t, plotY: n, yBottom: n });
  5134. }
  5135. });
  5136. }
  5137. return O;
  5138. }, f.defaultOptions = R(G.defaultOptions, { threshold: 0 }), f;
  5139. }(G), y(U.prototype, {
  5140. singleStacks: !1,
  5141. drawLegendSymbol: N.drawRectangle
  5142. }), D.registerSeriesType("area", U), U;
  5143. }), M(o, "Series/Spline/SplineSeries.js", [o["Core/Series/SeriesRegistry.js"], o["Core/Utilities.js"]], function(y, N) {
  5144. var D = this && this.__extends || function() {
  5145. var G = function(R, B) {
  5146. return G = Object.setPrototypeOf || { __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function(S, x) {
  5147. S.__proto__ = x;
  5148. } || function(S, x) {
  5149. for (var f in x)
  5150. x.hasOwnProperty(f) && (S[f] = x[f]);
  5151. }, G(R, B);
  5152. };
  5153. return function(R, B) {
  5154. function S() {
  5155. this.constructor = R;
  5156. }
  5157. G(R, B), R.prototype = B === null ? Object.create(B) : (S.prototype = B.prototype, new S());
  5158. };
  5159. }(), U = y.seriesTypes.line, H = N.merge, V = N.pick;
  5160. return N = function(G) {
  5161. function R() {
  5162. var B = G !== null && G.apply(this, arguments) || this;
  5163. return = void 0, B.options = void 0, B.points = void 0, B;
  5164. }
  5165. return D(R, G), R.prototype.getPointSpline = function(B, S, x) {
  5166. var f = S.plotX || 0, d = S.plotY || 0, T = B[x - 1];
  5167. if (x = B[x + 1], T && !T.isNull && T.doCurve !== !1 && !S.isCliff && x && !x.isNull && x.doCurve !== !1 && !S.isCliff) {
  5168. B = T.plotY || 0;
  5169. var O = x.plotX || 0;
  5170. x = x.plotY || 0;
  5171. var j = 0, k = (1.5 * f + (T.plotX || 0)) / 2.5, b = (1.5 * d + B) / 2.5;
  5172. O = (1.5 * f + O) / 2.5;
  5173. var w = (1.5 * d + x) / 2.5;
  5174. O !== k && (j = (w - b) * (O - f) / (O - k) + d - w), b += j, w += j, b > B && b > d ? (b = Math.max(B, d), w = 2 * d - b) : b < B && b < d && (b = Math.min(B, d), w = 2 * d - b), w > x && w > d ? (w = Math.max(x, d), b = 2 * d - w) : w < x && w < d && (w = Math.min(x, d), b = 2 * d - w), S.rightContX = O, S.rightContY = w;
  5175. }
  5176. return S = ["C", V(T.rightContX, T.plotX, 0), V(T.rightContY, T.plotY, 0), V(k, f, 0), V(b, d, 0), f, d], T.rightContX = T.rightContY = void 0, S;
  5177. }, R.defaultOptions = H(U.defaultOptions), R;
  5178. }(U), y.registerSeriesType("spline", N), N;
  5179. }), M(
  5180. o,
  5181. "Series/AreaSpline/AreaSplineSeries.js",
  5182. [o["Series/Area/AreaSeries.js"], o["Series/Spline/SplineSeries.js"], o["Core/Legend/LegendSymbol.js"], o["Core/Series/SeriesRegistry.js"], o["Core/Utilities.js"]],
  5183. function(y, N, D, U, H) {
  5184. var V = this && this.__extends || function() {
  5185. var S = function(x, f) {
  5186. return S = Object.setPrototypeOf || { __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function(d, T) {
  5187. d.__proto__ = T;
  5188. } || function(d, T) {
  5189. for (var O in T)
  5190. T.hasOwnProperty(O) && (d[O] = T[O]);
  5191. }, S(x, f);
  5192. };
  5193. return function(x, f) {
  5194. function d() {
  5195. this.constructor = x;
  5196. }
  5197. S(x, f), x.prototype = f === null ? Object.create(f) : (d.prototype = f.prototype, new d());
  5198. };
  5199. }(), G = y.prototype, R = H.extend, B = H.merge;
  5200. return H = function(S) {
  5201. function x() {
  5202. var f = S !== null && S.apply(this, arguments) || this;
  5203. return = void 0, f.points = void 0, f.options = void 0, f;
  5204. }
  5205. return V(x, S), x.defaultOptions = B(N.defaultOptions, y.defaultOptions), x;
  5206. }(N), R(H.prototype, { getGraphPath: G.getGraphPath, getStackPoints: G.getStackPoints, drawGraph: G.drawGraph, drawLegendSymbol: D.drawRectangle }), U.registerSeriesType("areaspline", H), H;
  5207. }
  5208. ), M(o, "Series/Column/ColumnSeries.js", [
  5209. o["Core/Animation/AnimationUtilities.js"],
  5210. o["Core/Color/Color.js"],
  5211. o["Core/Globals.js"],
  5212. o["Core/Legend/LegendSymbol.js"],
  5213. o["Core/Series/Series.js"],
  5214. o["Core/Series/SeriesRegistry.js"],
  5215. o["Core/Utilities.js"]
  5216. ], function(y, N, D, U, H, V, G) {
  5217. var R = this && this.__extends || function() {
  5218. var h = function(u, i) {
  5219. return h = Object.setPrototypeOf || { __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function(c, a) {
  5220. c.__proto__ = a;
  5221. } || function(c, a) {
  5222. for (var t in a)
  5223. a.hasOwnProperty(t) && (c[t] = a[t]);
  5224. }, h(u, i);
  5225. };
  5226. return function(u, i) {
  5227. function c() {
  5228. this.constructor = u;
  5229. }
  5230. h(u, i), u.prototype = i === null ? Object.create(i) : (c.prototype = i.prototype, new c());
  5231. };
  5232. }(), B = y.animObject, S = N.parse, x = D.hasTouch;
  5233. y = D.noop;
  5234. var f = G.clamp, d = G.css, T = G.defined, O = G.extend, j = G.fireEvent, k = G.isArray, b = G.isNumber, w = G.merge, v = G.pick, l = G.objectEach;
  5235. return G = function(h) {
  5236. function u() {
  5237. var i = h !== null && h.apply(this, arguments) || this;
  5238. return i.borderWidth = void 0, = void 0, = void 0, i.options = void 0, i.points = void 0, i;
  5239. }
  5240. return R(u, h), u.prototype.animate = function(i) {
  5241. var c = this, a = this.yAxis, t = c.options, s = this.chart.inverted, n = {}, P = s ? "translateX" : "translateY";
  5242. if (i)
  5243. n.scaleY = 1e-3, i = f(a.toPixels(t.threshold), a.pos, a.pos + a.len), s ? n.translateX = i - a.len : n.translateY = i, c.clipBox && c.setClip(),;
  5244. else {
  5245. var _ = Number(;
  5246.{ scaleY: 1 }, O(B(c.options.animation), { step: function(I, W) {
  5247. && (n[P] = _ + W.pos * (a.pos - _),;
  5248. } }));
  5249. }
  5250. }, u.prototype.init = function(i, c) {
  5251. h.prototype.init.apply(this, arguments);
  5252. var a = this;
  5253. i = a.chart, i.hasRendered && i.series.forEach(function(t) {
  5254. t.type === a.type && (t.isDirty = !0);
  5255. });
  5256. }, u.prototype.getColumnMetrics = function() {
  5257. var i = this, c = i.options, a = i.xAxis, t = i.yAxis, s = a.options.reversedStacks;
  5258. s = a.reversed && !s || !a.reversed && s;
  5259. var n = {}, P, _ = 0;
  5260. c.grouping === !1 ? _ = 1 : i.chart.series.forEach(function(X) {
  5261. var g = X.yAxis, m = X.options;
  5262. if (X.type === i.type && (X.visible || !i.chart.options.chart.ignoreHiddenSeries) && t.len === g.len && t.pos === g.pos) {
  5263. if (m.stacking && m.stacking !== "group") {
  5264. P = X.stackKey, typeof n[P] > "u" && (n[P] = _++);
  5265. var L = n[P];
  5266. } else
  5267. m.grouping !== !1 && (L = _++);
  5268. X.columnIndex = L;
  5269. }
  5270. });
  5271. var I = Math.min(Math.abs(a.transA) * (a.ordinal && a.ordinal.slope || c.pointRange || a.closestPointRange || a.tickInterval || 1), a.len), W = I * c.groupPadding, E = (I - 2 * W) / (_ || 1);
  5272. return c = Math.min(c.maxPointWidth || a.len, v(c.pointWidth, E * (1 - 2 * c.pointPadding))), i.columnMetrics = { width: c, offset: (E - c) / 2 + (W + ((i.columnIndex || 0) + (s ? 1 : 0)) * E - I / 2) * (s ? -1 : 1), paddedWidth: E, columnCount: _ }, i.columnMetrics;
  5273. }, u.prototype.crispCol = function(i, c, a, t) {
  5274. var s = this.chart, n = this.borderWidth, P = -(n % 2 ? 0.5 : 0);
  5275. return n = n % 2 ? 0.5 : 1, s.inverted && s.renderer.isVML && (n += 1), this.options.crisp && (a = Math.round(i + a) + P, i = Math.round(i) + P, a -= i), t = Math.round(c + t) + n, P = 0.5 >= Math.abs(c) && 0.5 < t, c = Math.round(c) + n, t -= c, P && t && (--c, t += 1), { x: i, y: c, width: a, height: t };
  5276. }, u.prototype.adjustForMissingColumns = function(i, c, a, t) {
  5277. var s = this, n = this.options.stacking;
  5278. if (!a.isNull && 1 < t.columnCount) {
  5279. var P = 0, _ = 0;
  5280. l(this.yAxis.stacking && this.yAxis.stacking.stacks, function(I) {
  5281. if (typeof a.x == "number" && (I = I[a.x.toString()])) {
  5282. var W = I.points[s.index], E =;
  5283. n ? (W && (P = _), I.hasValidPoints && _++) : k(W) && (P = W[1], _ = E || 0);
  5284. }
  5285. }), i = (a.plotX || 0) + ((_ - 1) * t.paddedWidth + c) / 2 - c - P * t.paddedWidth;
  5286. }
  5287. return i;
  5288. }, u.prototype.translate = function() {
  5289. var i = this, c = i.chart, a = i.options, t = i.dense = 2 > i.closestPointRange * i.xAxis.transA;
  5290. t = i.borderWidth = v(a.borderWidth, t ? 0 : 1);
  5291. var s = i.xAxis, n = i.yAxis, P = a.threshold, _ = i.translatedThreshold = n.getThreshold(P), I = v(a.minPointLength, 5), W = i.getColumnMetrics(), E = W.width, X = i.pointXOffset = W.offset, g = i.dataMin, m = i.dataMax, L = i.barW = Math.max(E, 1 + 2 * t);
  5292. c.inverted && (_ -= 0.5), a.pointPadding && (L = Math.ceil(L)), H.prototype.translate.apply(i), i.points.forEach(function(z) {
  5293. var $ = v(z.yBottom, _), Q = 999 + Math.abs($), A = z.plotX || 0;
  5294. Q = f(z.plotY, -Q, n.len + Q);
  5295. var F = Math.min(Q, $), Y = Math.max(Q, $) - F, Z = E, q = A + X, it = L;
  5296. I && Math.abs(Y) < I && (Y = I, A = !n.reversed && !z.negative || n.reversed && z.negative, b(P) && b(m) && z.y === P && m <= P && (n.min || 0) < P && (g !== m || (n.max || 0) <= P) && (A = !A), F = Math.abs(F - _) > I ? $ - I : _ - (A ? I : 0)), T(z.options.pointWidth) && (Z = it = Math.ceil(z.options.pointWidth), q -= Math.round((Z - E) / 2)), a.centerInCategory && (q = i.adjustForMissingColumns(q, Z, z, W)), z.barX = q, z.pointWidth = Z, z.tooltipPos = c.inverted ? [f(n.len + n.pos - c.plotLeft - Q, n.pos - c.plotLeft, n.len + n.pos - c.plotLeft), s.len + s.pos - c.plotTop - q - it / 2, Y] : [s.left - c.plotLeft + q + it / 2, f(Q + n.pos - c.plotTop, n.pos - c.plotTop, n.len + n.pos - c.plotTop), Y], z.shapeType = i.pointClass.prototype.shapeType || "rect", z.shapeArgs = i.crispCol.apply(i, z.isNull ? [q, _, it, 0] : [q, F, it, Y]);
  5297. });
  5298. }, u.prototype.drawGraph = function() {
  5299.[this.dense ? "addClass" : "removeClass"]("highcharts-dense-data");
  5300. }, u.prototype.pointAttribs = function(i, c) {
  5301. var a = this.options, t = this.pointAttrToOptions || {}, s = t.stroke || "borderColor", n = t["stroke-width"] || "borderWidth", P = i && i.color || this.color, _ = i && i[s] || a[s] || P;
  5302. t = i && i.options.dashStyle || a.dashStyle;
  5303. var I = i && i[n] || a[n] || this[n] || 0, W = v(i && i.opacity, a.opacity, 1);
  5304. if (i && this.zones.length) {
  5305. var E = i.getZone();
  5306. P = i.options.color || E && (E.color || i.nonZonedColor) || this.color, E && (_ = E.borderColor || _, t = E.dashStyle || t, I = E.borderWidth || I);
  5307. }
  5308. return c && i && (i = w(a.states[c], i.options.states && i.options.states[c] || {}), c = i.brightness, P = i.color || typeof c < "u" && S(P).brighten(i.brightness).get() || P, _ = i[s] || _, I = i[n] || I, t = i.dashStyle || t, W = v(i.opacity, W)), s = { fill: P, stroke: _, "stroke-width": I, opacity: W }, t && (s.dashstyle = t), s;
  5309. }, u.prototype.drawPoints = function() {
  5310. var i = this, c = this.chart, a = i.options, t = c.renderer, s = a.animationLimit || 250, n;
  5311. i.points.forEach(function(P) {
  5312. var _ = P.graphic, I = !!_, W = _ && c.pointCount < s ? "animate" : "attr";
  5313. b(P.plotY) && P.y !== null ? (n = P.shapeArgs, _ && P.hasNewShapeType() && (_ = _.destroy()), i.enabledDataSorting && (P.startXPos = i.xAxis.reversed ? -(n && n.width || 0) : i.xAxis.width), _ || (P.graphic = _ = t[P.shapeType](n).add( || && i.enabledDataSorting && c.hasRendered && c.pointCount < s && (_.attr({ x: P.startXPos }), I = !0, W = "animate"), _ && I && _[W](w(n)), a.borderRadius && _[W]({ r: a.borderRadius }), c.styledMode || _[W](i.pointAttribs(P, P.selected && "select")).shadow(P.allowShadow !== !1 && a.shadow, null, a.stacking && !a.borderRadius), _ && (_.addClass(P.getClassName(), !0), _.attr({ visibility: P.visible ? "inherit" : "hidden" }))) : _ && (P.graphic = _.destroy());
  5314. });
  5315. }, u.prototype.drawTracker = function() {
  5316. var i = this, c = i.chart, a = c.pointer, t = function(n) {
  5317. var P = a.getPointFromEvent(n);
  5318. typeof P < "u" && (a.isDirectTouch = !0, P.onMouseOver(n));
  5319. }, s;
  5320. i.points.forEach(function(n) {
  5321. s = k(n.dataLabels) ? n.dataLabels : n.dataLabel ? [n.dataLabel] : [], n.graphic && (n.graphic.element.point = n), s.forEach(function(P) {
  5322. P.div ? P.div.point = n : P.element.point = n;
  5323. });
  5324. }), i._hasTracking || (i.trackerGroups.forEach(function(n) {
  5325. i[n] && (i[n].addClass("highcharts-tracker").on("mouseover", t).on("mouseout", function(P) {
  5326. a.onTrackerMouseOut(P);
  5327. }), x && i[n].on(
  5328. "touchstart",
  5329. t
  5330. ), !c.styledMode && i.options.cursor && i[n].css(d).css({ cursor: i.options.cursor }));
  5331. }), i._hasTracking = !0), j(this, "afterDrawTracker");
  5332. }, u.prototype.remove = function() {
  5333. var i = this, c = i.chart;
  5334. c.hasRendered && c.series.forEach(function(a) {
  5335. a.type === i.type && (a.isDirty = !0);
  5336. }), H.prototype.remove.apply(i, arguments);
  5337. }, u.defaultOptions = w(H.defaultOptions, { borderRadius: 0, centerInCategory: !1, groupPadding: 0.2, marker: null, pointPadding: 0.1, minPointLength: 0, cropThreshold: 50, pointRange: null, states: {
  5338. hover: { halo: !1, brightness: 0.1 },
  5339. select: { color: "#cccccc", borderColor: "#000000" }
  5340. }, dataLabels: { align: void 0, verticalAlign: void 0, y: void 0 }, startFromThreshold: !0, stickyTracking: !1, tooltip: { distance: 6 }, threshold: 0, borderColor: "#ffffff" }), u;
  5341. }(H), O(G.prototype, { cropShoulder: 0, directTouch: !0, drawLegendSymbol: U.drawRectangle, getSymbol: y, negStacks: !0, trackerGroups: ["group", "dataLabelsGroup"] }), V.registerSeriesType("column", G), G;
  5342. }), M(o, "Core/Series/DataLabel.js", [
  5343. o["Core/Animation/AnimationUtilities.js"],
  5344. o["Core/FormatUtilities.js"],
  5345. o["Core/Utilities.js"]
  5346. ], function(y, N, D) {
  5347. var U = y.getDeferredAnimation, H = N.format, V = D.defined, G = D.extend, R = D.fireEvent, B = D.isArray, S = D.merge, x = D.objectEach, f = D.pick, d = D.splat, T;
  5348. return function(O) {
  5349. function j(u, i, c, a, t) {
  5350. var s = this, n = this.chart, P = this.isCartesian && n.inverted, _ = this.enabledDataSorting, I = f(u.dlBox && u.dlBox.centerX, u.plotX, -9999), W = f(u.plotY, -9999), E = i.getBBox(), X = c.rotation, g = c.align, m = n.isInsidePlot(I, Math.round(W), { inverted: P, paneCoordinates: !0, series: s }), L = function(A) {
  5351. _ && s.xAxis && !z && s.setDataLabelStartPos(
  5352. u,
  5353. i,
  5354. t,
  5355. m,
  5356. A
  5357. );
  5358. }, z = f(c.overflow, _ ? "none" : "justify") === "justify", $ = this.visible && u.visible !== !1 && (u.series.forceDL || _ && !z || m || f(c.inside, !!this.options.stacking) && a && n.isInsidePlot(I, P ? a.x + 1 : a.y + a.height - 1, { inverted: P, paneCoordinates: !0, series: s }));
  5359. if ($) {
  5360. var Q = n.renderer.fontMetrics(n.styledMode ? void 0 :, i).b;
  5361. a = G({ x: P ? this.yAxis.len - W : I, y: Math.round(P ? this.xAxis.len - I : W), width: 0, height: 0 }, a), G(c, { width: E.width, height: E.height }), X ? (z = !1, I = n.renderer.rotCorr(Q, X), I = { x: a.x + (c.x || 0) + a.width / 2 + I.x, y: a.y + (c.y || 0) + { top: 0, middle: 0.5, bottom: 1 }[c.verticalAlign] * a.height }, L(I), i[t ? "attr" : "animate"](I).attr({ align: g }), L = (X + 720) % 360, L = 180 < L && 360 > L, g === "left" ? I.y -= L ? E.height : 0 : g === "center" ? (I.x -= E.width / 2, I.y -= E.height / 2) : g === "right" && (I.x -= E.width, I.y -= L ? 0 : E.height), i.placed = !0, i.alignAttr = I) : (L(a), i.align(c, void 0, a), I = i.alignAttr), z && 0 <= a.height ? this.justifyDataLabel(i, c, I, E, a, t) : f(c.crop, !0) && ($ = n.isInsidePlot(I.x, I.y, { paneCoordinates: !0, series: s }) && n.isInsidePlot(I.x + E.width, I.y + E.height, {
  5362. paneCoordinates: !0,
  5363. series: s
  5364. })), c.shape && !X && i[t ? "attr" : "animate"]({ anchorX: P ? n.plotWidth - u.plotY : u.plotX, anchorY: P ? n.plotHeight - u.plotX : u.plotY });
  5365. }
  5366. t && _ && (i.placed = !1), $ || _ && !z || (i.hide(!0), i.placed = !1);
  5367. }
  5368. function k(u, i) {
  5369. var c = i.filter;
  5370. return c ? (i = c.operator, u = u[], c = c.value, i === ">" && u > c || i === "<" && u < c || i === ">=" && u >= c || i === "<=" && u <= c || i === "==" && u == c || i === "===" && u === c) : !0;
  5371. }
  5372. function b() {
  5373. var u = this, i = u.chart, c = u.options, a = u.points, t = u.hasRendered || 0, s = i.renderer, n = c.dataLabels, P, _ = n.animation;
  5374. if (_ = n.defer ? U(
  5375. i,
  5376. _,
  5377. u
  5378. ) : { defer: 0, duration: 0 }, n = v(v(i.options.plotOptions && i.options.plotOptions.series && i.options.plotOptions.series.dataLabels, i.options.plotOptions && i.options.plotOptions[u.type] && i.options.plotOptions[u.type].dataLabels), n), R(this, "drawDataLabels"), B(n) || n.enabled || u._hasPointLabels) {
  5379. var I = u.plotGroup("dataLabelsGroup", "data-labels", t ? "inherit" : "hidden", n.zIndex || 6);
  5380. I.attr({ opacity: +t }), !t && (t = u.dataLabelsGroup) && (u.visible &&!0), t[c.animation ? "animate" : "attr"]({ opacity: 1 }, _)), a.forEach(function(W) {
  5381. P = d(v(n, W.dlOptions || W.options && W.options.dataLabels)), P.forEach(function(E, X) {
  5382. var g = E.enabled && (!W.isNull || W.dataLabelOnNull) && k(W, E), m = W.connectors ? W.connectors[X] : W.connector, L = W.dataLabels ? W.dataLabels[X] : W.dataLabel, z = f(E.distance, W.labelDistance), $ = !L;
  5383. if (g) {
  5384. var Q = W.getLabelConfig(), A = f(E[W.formatPrefix + "Format"], E.format);
  5385. Q = V(A) ? H(A, Q, i) : (E[W.formatPrefix + "Formatter"] || E.formatter).call(Q, E), A =;
  5386. var F = E.rotation;
  5387. i.styledMode || (A.color = f(E.color, A.color, u.color, "#000000"), A.color === "contrast" ? (W.contrastColor = s.getContrast(W.color || u.color), A.color = !V(z) && E.inside || 0 > z || c.stacking ? W.contrastColor : "#000000") : delete W.contrastColor, c.cursor && (A.cursor = c.cursor));
  5388. var Y = { r: E.borderRadius || 0, rotation: F, padding: E.padding, zIndex: 1 };
  5389. i.styledMode || (Y.fill = E.backgroundColor, Y.stroke = E.borderColor, Y["stroke-width"] = E.borderWidth), x(Y, function(Z, q) {
  5390. typeof Z > "u" && delete Y[q];
  5391. });
  5392. }
  5393. !L || g && V(Q) && !!L.div == !!E.useHTML || (W.dataLabel = L = W.dataLabel && W.dataLabel.destroy(), W.dataLabels && (W.dataLabels.length === 1 ? delete W.dataLabels : delete W.dataLabels[X]), X || delete W.dataLabel, m && (W.connector = W.connector.destroy(), W.connectors && (W.connectors.length === 1 ? delete W.connectors : delete W.connectors[X]))), g && V(Q) && (L ? Y.text = Q : (W.dataLabels = W.dataLabels || [], L = W.dataLabels[X] = F ? s.text(Q, 0, -9999, E.useHTML).addClass("highcharts-data-label") : s.label(Q, 0, -9999, E.shape, null, null, E.useHTML, null, "data-label"), X || (W.dataLabel = L), L.addClass(" highcharts-data-label-color-" + W.colorIndex + " " + (E.className || "") + (E.useHTML ? " highcharts-tracker" : ""))), L.options = E, L.attr(Y), i.styledMode || L.css(A).shadow(E.shadow), L.added || L.add(I), E.textPath && !E.useHTML && (L.setTextPath(W.getDataLabelPath && W.getDataLabelPath(L) || W.graphic, E.textPath), W.dataLabelPath && !E.textPath.enabled && (W.dataLabelPath = W.dataLabelPath.destroy())), u.alignDataLabel(W, L, E, null, $));
  5394. });
  5395. });
  5396. }
  5397. R(this, "afterDrawDataLabels");
  5398. }
  5399. function w(u, i, c, a, t, s) {
  5400. var n = this.chart, P = i.align, _ = i.verticalAlign, I = ? 0 : u.padding || 0, W = i.x;
  5401. W = W === void 0 ? 0 : W;
  5402. var E = i.y;
  5403. E = E === void 0 ? 0 : E;
  5404. var X = (c.x || 0) + I;
  5405. if (0 > X) {
  5406. P === "right" && 0 <= W ? (i.align = "left", i.inside = !0) : W -= X;
  5407. var g = !0;
  5408. }
  5409. return X = (c.x || 0) + a.width - I, X > n.plotWidth && (P === "left" && 0 >= W ? (i.align = "right", i.inside = !0) : W += n.plotWidth - X, g = !0), X = c.y + I, 0 > X && (_ === "bottom" && 0 <= E ? (i.verticalAlign = "top", i.inside = !0) : E -= X, g = !0), X = (c.y || 0) + a.height - I, X > n.plotHeight && (_ === "top" && 0 >= E ? (i.verticalAlign = "bottom", i.inside = !0) : E += n.plotHeight - X, g = !0), g && (i.x = W, i.y = E, u.placed = !s, u.align(i, void 0, t)), g;
  5410. }
  5411. function v(u, i) {
  5412. var c = [], a;
  5413. if (B(u) && !B(i))
  5414. c = {
  5415. return S(t, i);
  5416. });
  5417. else if (B(i) && !B(u))
  5418. c = {
  5419. return S(u, t);
  5420. });
  5421. else if (B(u) || B(i))
  5422. for (a = Math.max(u.length, i.length); a--; )
  5423. c[a] = S(u[a], i[a]);
  5424. else
  5425. c = S(u, i);
  5426. return c;
  5427. }
  5428. function l(u, i, c, a, t) {
  5429. var s = this.chart, n = s.inverted, P = this.xAxis, _ = P.reversed, I = n ? i.height / 2 : i.width / 2;
  5430. u = (u = u.pointWidth) ? u / 2 : 0, i.startXPos = n ? t.x : _ ? -I - u : P.width - I + u, i.startYPos = n ? _ ? this.yAxis.height - I + u : -I - u : t.y, a ? i.visibility === "hidden" && (, i.attr({ opacity: 0 }).animate({ opacity: 1 })) : i.attr({ opacity: 1 }).animate(
  5431. { opacity: 0 },
  5432. void 0,
  5433. i.hide
  5434. ), s.hasRendered && (c && i.attr({ x: i.startXPos, y: i.startYPos }), i.placed = !0);
  5435. }
  5436. var h = [];
  5437. O.compose = function(u) {
  5438. if (h.indexOf(u) === -1) {
  5439. var i = u.prototype;
  5440. h.push(u), i.alignDataLabel = j, i.drawDataLabels = b, i.justifyDataLabel = w, i.setDataLabelStartPos = l;
  5441. }
  5442. };
  5443. }(T || (T = {})), T;
  5444. }), M(o, "Series/Column/ColumnDataLabel.js", [o["Core/Series/DataLabel.js"], o["Core/Series/SeriesRegistry.js"], o["Core/Utilities.js"]], function(y, N, D) {
  5445. var U = N.series, H = D.merge, V = D.pick, G;
  5446. return function(R) {
  5447. function B(x, f, d, T, O) {
  5448. var j = this.chart.inverted, k = x.series, b = (k.xAxis ? k.xAxis.len : this.chart.plotSizeX) || 0;
  5449. k = (k.yAxis ? k.yAxis.len : this.chart.plotSizeY) || 0;
  5450. var w = x.dlBox || x.shapeArgs, v = V(x.below, x.plotY > V(this.translatedThreshold, k)), l = V(d.inside, !!this.options.stacking);
  5451. w && (T = H(w), 0 > T.y && (T.height += T.y, T.y = 0), w = T.y + T.height - k, 0 < w && w < T.height && (T.height -= w), j && (T = { x: k - T.y - T.height, y: b - T.x - T.width, width: T.height, height: T.width }), l || (j ? (T.x += v ? 0 : T.width, T.width = 0) : (T.y += v ? T.height : 0, T.height = 0))), d.align = V(d.align, !j || l ? "center" : v ? "right" : "left"), d.verticalAlign = V(d.verticalAlign, j || l ? "middle" : v ? "top" : "bottom"),, x, f, d, T, O), d.inside && x.contrastColor && f.css({ color: x.contrastColor });
  5452. }
  5453. var S = [];
  5454. R.compose = function(x) {
  5455. y.compose(U), S.indexOf(x) === -1 && (S.push(x), x.prototype.alignDataLabel = B);
  5456. };
  5457. }(G || (G = {})), G;
  5458. }), M(o, "Series/Bar/BarSeries.js", [o["Series/Column/ColumnSeries.js"], o["Core/Series/SeriesRegistry.js"], o["Core/Utilities.js"]], function(y, N, D) {
  5459. var U = this && this.__extends || function() {
  5460. var G = function(R, B) {
  5461. return G = Object.setPrototypeOf || { __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function(S, x) {
  5462. S.__proto__ = x;
  5463. } || function(S, x) {
  5464. for (var f in x)
  5465. x.hasOwnProperty(f) && (S[f] = x[f]);
  5466. }, G(R, B);
  5467. };
  5468. return function(R, B) {
  5469. function S() {
  5470. this.constructor = R;
  5471. }
  5472. G(R, B), R.prototype = B === null ? Object.create(B) : (S.prototype = B.prototype, new S());
  5473. };
  5474. }(), H = D.extend, V = D.merge;
  5475. return D = function(G) {
  5476. function R() {
  5477. var B = G !== null && G.apply(this, arguments) || this;
  5478. return = void 0, B.options = void 0, B.points = void 0, B;
  5479. }
  5480. return U(R, G), R.defaultOptions = V(
  5481. y.defaultOptions,
  5482. {}
  5483. ), R;
  5484. }(y), H(D.prototype, { inverted: !0 }), N.registerSeriesType("bar", D), D;
  5485. }), M(o, "Series/Scatter/ScatterSeries.js", [o["Series/Column/ColumnSeries.js"], o["Series/Line/LineSeries.js"], o["Core/Series/SeriesRegistry.js"], o["Core/Utilities.js"]], function(y, N, D, U) {
  5486. var H = this && this.__extends || function() {
  5487. var B = function(S, x) {
  5488. return B = Object.setPrototypeOf || { __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function(f, d) {
  5489. f.__proto__ = d;
  5490. } || function(f, d) {
  5491. for (var T in d)
  5492. d.hasOwnProperty(T) && (f[T] = d[T]);
  5493. }, B(S, x);
  5494. };
  5495. return function(S, x) {
  5496. function f() {
  5497. this.constructor = S;
  5498. }
  5499. B(S, x), S.prototype = x === null ? Object.create(x) : (f.prototype = x.prototype, new f());
  5500. };
  5501. }(), V = U.addEvent, G = U.extend, R = U.merge;
  5502. return U = function(B) {
  5503. function S() {
  5504. var x = B !== null && B.apply(this, arguments) || this;
  5505. return = void 0, x.options = void 0, x.points = void 0, x;
  5506. }
  5507. return H(S, B), S.prototype.applyJitter = function() {
  5508. var x = this, f = this.options.jitter, d = this.points.length;
  5509. f && this.points.forEach(function(T, O) {
  5510. ["x", "y"].forEach(function(j, k) {
  5511. var b = "plot" + j.toUpperCase();
  5512. if (f[j] && !T.isNull) {
  5513. var w = x[j + "Axis"], v = f[j] * w.transA;
  5514. if (w && !w.isLog) {
  5515. var l = Math.max(0, T[b] - v);
  5516. w = Math.min(w.len, T[b] + v), k = 1e4 * Math.sin(O + k * d), T[b] = l + (w - l) * (k - Math.floor(k)), j === "x" && (T.clientX = T.plotX);
  5517. }
  5518. }
  5519. });
  5520. });
  5521. }, S.prototype.drawGraph = function() {
  5522. this.options.lineWidth ? : this.graph && (this.graph = this.graph.destroy());
  5523. }, S.defaultOptions = R(N.defaultOptions, { lineWidth: 0, findNearestPointBy: "xy", jitter: { x: 0, y: 0 }, marker: { enabled: !0 }, tooltip: {
  5524. headerFormat: '<span style="color:{point.color}">●</span> <span style="font-size: 10px"> {}</span><br/>',
  5525. pointFormat: "x: <b>{point.x}</b><br/>y: <b>{point.y}</b><br/>"
  5526. } }), S;
  5527. }(N), G(U.prototype, { drawTracker: y.prototype.drawTracker, sorted: !1, requireSorting: !1, noSharedTooltip: !0, trackerGroups: ["group", "markerGroup", "dataLabelsGroup"], takeOrdinalPosition: !1 }), V(U, "afterTranslate", function() {
  5528. this.applyJitter();
  5529. }), D.registerSeriesType("scatter", U), U;
  5530. }), M(o, "Series/CenteredUtilities.js", [o["Core/Globals.js"], o["Core/Series/Series.js"], o["Core/Utilities.js"]], function(y, N, D) {
  5531. var U = y.deg2rad, H = D.isNumber, V = D.pick, G = D.relativeLength, R;
  5532. return function(B) {
  5533. B.getCenter = function() {
  5534. var S = this.options, x = this.chart, f = 2 * (S.slicedOffset || 0), d = x.plotWidth - 2 * f, T = x.plotHeight - 2 * f, O =, j = Math.min(d, T), k = S.size, b = S.innerSize || 0;
  5535. for (typeof k == "string" && (k = parseFloat(k)), typeof b == "string" && (b = parseFloat(b)), S = [V(O[0], "50%"), V(O[1], "50%"), V(k && 0 > k ? void 0 : S.size, "100%"), V(b && 0 > b ? void 0 : S.innerSize || 0, "0%")], !x.angular || this instanceof N || (S[3] = 0), O = 0; 4 > O; ++O)
  5536. k = S[O], x = 2 > O || O === 2 && /%$/.test(k), S[O] = G(k, [d, T, j, S[2]][O]) + (x ? f : 0);
  5537. return S[3] > S[2] && (S[3] = S[2]), S;
  5538. }, B.getStartAndEndRadians = function(S, x) {
  5539. return S = H(S) ? S : 0, x = H(x) && x > S && 360 > x - S ? x : S + 360, { start: U * (S + -90), end: U * (x + -90) };
  5540. };
  5541. }(R || (R = {})), R;
  5542. }), M(o, "Series/Pie/PiePoint.js", [o["Core/Animation/AnimationUtilities.js"], o["Core/Series/Point.js"], o["Core/Utilities.js"]], function(y, N, D) {
  5543. var U = this && this.__extends || function() {
  5544. var x = function(f, d) {
  5545. return x = Object.setPrototypeOf || { __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function(T, O) {
  5546. T.__proto__ = O;
  5547. } || function(T, O) {
  5548. for (var j in O)
  5549. O.hasOwnProperty(j) && (T[j] = O[j]);
  5550. }, x(f, d);
  5551. };
  5552. return function(f, d) {
  5553. function T() {
  5554. this.constructor = f;
  5555. }
  5556. x(f, d), f.prototype = d === null ? Object.create(d) : (T.prototype = d.prototype, new T());
  5557. };
  5558. }(), H = y.setAnimation, V = D.addEvent, G = D.defined;
  5559. y = D.extend;
  5560. var R = D.isNumber, B = D.pick, S = D.relativeLength;
  5561. return N = function(x) {
  5562. function f() {
  5563. var d = x !== null && x.apply(this, arguments) || this;
  5564. return d.labelDistance = void 0, d.options = void 0, d.series = void 0, d;
  5565. }
  5566. return U(f, x), f.prototype.getConnectorPath = function() {
  5567. var d = this.labelPosition, T = this.series.options.dataLabels, O = this.connectorShapes, j = T.connectorShape;
  5568. return O[j] && (j = O[j]),, { x:, y:, alignment: d.alignment }, d.connectorPosition, T);
  5569. }, f.prototype.getTranslate = function() {
  5570. return this.sliced ? this.slicedTranslation : { translateX: 0, translateY: 0 };
  5571. }, f.prototype.haloPath = function(d) {
  5572. var T = this.shapeArgs;
  5573. return this.sliced || !this.visible ? [] : this.series.chart.renderer.symbols.arc(T.x, T.y, T.r + d, T.r + d, { innerR: T.r - 1, start: T.start, end: T.end });
  5574. }, f.prototype.init = function() {
  5575. var d = this;
  5576. x.prototype.init.apply(
  5577. this,
  5578. arguments
  5579. ), = B(, "Slice");
  5580. var T = function(O) {
  5581. d.slice(O.type === "select");
  5582. };
  5583. return V(this, "select", T), V(this, "unselect", T), this;
  5584. }, f.prototype.isValid = function() {
  5585. return R(this.y) && 0 <= this.y;
  5586. }, f.prototype.setVisible = function(d, T) {
  5587. var O = this, j = this.series, k = j.chart, b = j.options.ignoreHiddenPoint;
  5588. T = B(T, b), d !== this.visible && (this.visible = this.options.visible = d = typeof d > "u" ? !this.visible : d,[] = this.options, ["graphic", "dataLabel", "connector", "shadowGroup"].forEach(function(w) {
  5589. O[w] && O[w][d ? "show" : "hide"](d);
  5590. }), this.legendItem && k.legend.colorizeItem(this, d), d || this.state !== "hover" || this.setState(""), b && (j.isDirty = !0), T && k.redraw());
  5591. }, f.prototype.slice = function(d, T, O) {
  5592. var j = this.series;
  5593. H(O, j.chart), B(T, !0), this.sliced = this.options.sliced = G(d) ? d : !this.sliced,[] = this.options, this.graphic && this.graphic.animate(this.getTranslate()), this.shadowGroup && this.shadowGroup.animate(this.getTranslate());
  5594. }, f;
  5595. }(N), y(N.prototype, { connectorShapes: { fixedOffset: function(x, f, d) {
  5596. var T = f.breakAt;
  5597. return f = f.touchingSliceAt, [["M", x.x, x.y], d.softConnector ? ["C", x.x + (x.alignment === "left" ? -5 : 5), x.y, 2 * T.x - f.x, 2 * T.y - f.y, T.x, T.y] : ["L", T.x, T.y], ["L", f.x, f.y]];
  5598. }, straight: function(x, f) {
  5599. return f = f.touchingSliceAt, [["M", x.x, x.y], ["L", f.x, f.y]];
  5600. }, crookedLine: function(x, f, d) {
  5601. f = f.touchingSliceAt;
  5602. var T = this.series, O =[0], j = T.chart.plotWidth, k = T.chart.plotLeft;
  5603. T = x.alignment;
  5604. var b = this.shapeArgs.r;
  5605. return d = S(d.crookDistance, 1), j = T === "left" ? O + b + (j + k - O - b) * (1 - d) : k + (O - b) * d, d = ["L", j, x.y], O = !0, (T === "left" ? j > x.x || j < f.x : j < x.x || j > f.x) && (O = !1), x = [["M", x.x, x.y]], O && x.push(d), x.push(["L", f.x, f.y]), x;
  5606. } } }), N;
  5607. }), M(o, "Series/Pie/PieSeries.js", [o["Series/CenteredUtilities.js"], o["Series/Column/ColumnSeries.js"], o["Core/Globals.js"], o["Core/Legend/LegendSymbol.js"], o["Series/Pie/PiePoint.js"], o["Core/Series/Series.js"], o["Core/Series/SeriesRegistry.js"], o["Core/Renderer/SVG/Symbols.js"], o["Core/Utilities.js"]], function(y, N, D, U, H, V, G, R, B) {
  5608. var S = this && this.__extends || function() {
  5609. var b = function(w, v) {
  5610. return b = Object.setPrototypeOf || { __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function(l, h) {
  5611. l.__proto__ = h;
  5612. } || function(l, h) {
  5613. for (var u in h)
  5614. h.hasOwnProperty(u) && (l[u] = h[u]);
  5615. }, b(w, v);
  5616. };
  5617. return function(w, v) {
  5618. function l() {
  5619. this.constructor = w;
  5620. }
  5621. b(w, v), w.prototype = v === null ? Object.create(v) : (l.prototype = v.prototype, new l());
  5622. };
  5623. }(), x = y.getStartAndEndRadians;
  5624. D = D.noop;
  5625. var f = B.clamp, d = B.extend, T = B.fireEvent, O = B.merge, j = B.pick, k = B.relativeLength;
  5626. return B = function(b) {
  5627. function w() {
  5628. var v = b !== null && b.apply(this, arguments) || this;
  5629. return = void 0, = void 0, v.maxLabelDistance = void 0, v.options = void 0, v.points = void 0, v;
  5630. }
  5631. return S(w, b), w.prototype.animate = function(v) {
  5632. var l = this, h = l.points, u = l.startAngleRad;
  5633. v || h.forEach(function(i) {
  5634. var c = i.graphic, a = i.shapeArgs;
  5635. c && a && (c.attr({ r: j(i.startR, &&[3] / 2), start: u, end: u }), c.animate({ r: a.r, start: a.start, end: a.end }, l.options.animation));
  5636. });
  5637. }, w.prototype.drawEmpty = function() {
  5638. var v = this.startAngleRad, l = this.endAngleRad, h = this.options;
  5639. if ( === 0 && {
  5640. var u =[0], i =[1];
  5641. this.graph || (this.graph = this.chart.renderer.arc(u, i,[1] / 2, 0, v, l).addClass("highcharts-empty-series").add(, this.graph.attr({ d: R.arc(u, i,[2] / 2, 0, { start: v, end: l, innerR:[3] / 2 }) }), this.chart.styledMode || this.graph.attr({ "stroke-width": h.borderWidth, fill: h.fillColor || "none", stroke: h.color || "#cccccc" });
  5642. } else
  5643. this.graph && (this.graph = this.graph.destroy());
  5644. }, w.prototype.drawPoints = function() {
  5645. var v = this.chart.renderer;
  5646. this.points.forEach(function(l) {
  5647. l.graphic && l.hasNewShapeType() && (l.graphic = l.graphic.destroy()), l.graphic || (l.graphic = v[l.shapeType](l.shapeArgs).add(, l.delayedRendering = !0);
  5648. });
  5649. }, w.prototype.generatePoints = function() {
  5650., this.updateTotals();
  5651. }, w.prototype.getX = function(v, l, h) {
  5652. var u =, i = this.radii ? this.radii[h.index] || 0 : u[2] / 2;
  5653. return v = Math.asin(f((v - u[1]) / (i + h.labelDistance), -1, 1)), u[0] + (l ? -1 : 1) * Math.cos(v) * (i + h.labelDistance) + (0 < h.labelDistance ? (l ? -1 : 1) * this.options.dataLabels.padding : 0);
  5654. }, w.prototype.hasData = function() {
  5655. return !!this.processedXData.length;
  5656. }, w.prototype.redrawPoints = function() {
  5657. var v = this, l = v.chart, h = l.renderer, u = v.options.shadow, i, c, a, t;
  5658. this.drawEmpty(), !u || v.shadowGroup || l.styledMode || (v.shadowGroup = h.g("shadow").attr({ zIndex: -1 }).add(, v.points.forEach(function(s) {
  5659. var n = {};
  5660. if (c = s.graphic, !s.isNull && c) {
  5661. var P = void 0;
  5662. t = s.shapeArgs, i = s.getTranslate(), l.styledMode || (P = s.shadowGroup, u && !P && (P = s.shadowGroup = h.g("shadow").add(v.shadowGroup)), P && P.attr(i), a = v.pointAttribs(s, s.selected && "select")), s.delayedRendering ? (c.setRadialReference(, l.styledMode || c.attr(a).attr({ "stroke-linejoin": "round" }).shadow(u, P), s.delayedRendering = !1) : (c.setRadialReference(, l.styledMode || O(!0, n, a), O(!0, n, t, i), c.animate(n)), c.attr({ visibility: s.visible ? "inherit" : "hidden" }), c.addClass(s.getClassName(), !0);
  5663. } else
  5664. c && (s.graphic = c.destroy());
  5665. });
  5666. }, w.prototype.sortByAngle = function(v, l) {
  5667. v.sort(function(h, u) {
  5668. return typeof h.angle < "u" && (u.angle - h.angle) * l;
  5669. });
  5670. }, w.prototype.translate = function(v) {
  5671. this.generatePoints();
  5672. var l = this.options, h = l.slicedOffset, u = h + (l.borderWidth || 0), i = x(l.startAngle, l.endAngle), c = this.startAngleRad = i.start;
  5673. i = (this.endAngleRad = i.end) - c;
  5674. var a = this.points, t = l.dataLabels.distance;
  5675. l = l.ignoreHiddenPoint;
  5676. var s = a.length, n, P = 0;
  5677. for (v || ( = v = this.getCenter()), n = 0; n < s; n++) {
  5678. var _ = a[n], I = c + P * i;
  5679. !_.isValid() || l && !_.visible || (P += _.percentage / 100);
  5680. var W = c + P * i, E = { x: v[0], y: v[1], r: v[2] / 2, innerR: v[3] / 2, start: Math.round(1e3 * I) / 1e3, end: Math.round(1e3 * W) / 1e3 };
  5681. _.shapeType = "arc", _.shapeArgs = E, _.labelDistance = j(_.options.dataLabels && _.options.dataLabels.distance, t), _.labelDistance = k(_.labelDistance, E.r), this.maxLabelDistance = Math.max(this.maxLabelDistance || 0, _.labelDistance), W = (W + I) / 2, W > 1.5 * Math.PI ? W -= 2 * Math.PI : W < -Math.PI / 2 && (W += 2 * Math.PI), _.slicedTranslation = { translateX: Math.round(Math.cos(W) * h), translateY: Math.round(Math.sin(W) * h) }, E = Math.cos(W) * v[2] / 2;
  5682. var X = Math.sin(W) * v[2] / 2;
  5683. _.tooltipPos = [v[0] + 0.7 * E, v[1] + 0.7 * X], _.half = W < -Math.PI / 2 || W > Math.PI / 2 ? 1 : 0, _.angle = W, I = Math.min(u, _.labelDistance / 5), _.labelPosition = { natural: { x: v[0] + E + Math.cos(W) * _.labelDistance, y: v[1] + X + Math.sin(W) * _.labelDistance }, final: {}, alignment: 0 > _.labelDistance ? "center" : _.half ? "right" : "left", connectorPosition: { breakAt: { x: v[0] + E + Math.cos(W) * I, y: v[1] + X + Math.sin(W) * I }, touchingSliceAt: { x: v[0] + E, y: v[1] + X } } };
  5684. }
  5685. T(this, "afterTranslate");
  5686. }, w.prototype.updateTotals = function() {
  5687. var v = this.points, l = v.length, h = this.options.ignoreHiddenPoint, u, i = 0;
  5688. for (u = 0; u < l; u++) {
  5689. var c = v[u];
  5690. !c.isValid() || h && !c.visible || (i += c.y);
  5691. }
  5692. for ( = i, u = 0; u < l; u++)
  5693. c = v[u], c.percentage = 0 < i && (c.visible || !h) ? c.y / i * 100 : 0, = i;
  5694. }, w.defaultOptions = O(V.defaultOptions, {
  5695. center: [null, null],
  5696. clip: !1,
  5697. colorByPoint: !0,
  5698. dataLabels: { allowOverlap: !0, connectorPadding: 5, connectorShape: "fixedOffset", crookDistance: "70%", distance: 30, enabled: !0, formatter: function() {
  5699. return this.point.isNull ? void 0 :;
  5700. }, softConnector: !0, x: 0 },
  5701. fillColor: void 0,
  5702. ignoreHiddenPoint: !0,
  5703. inactiveOtherPoints: !0,
  5704. legendType: "point",
  5705. marker: null,
  5706. size: null,
  5707. showInLegend: !1,
  5708. slicedOffset: 10,
  5709. stickyTracking: !1,
  5710. tooltip: { followPointer: !0 },
  5711. borderColor: "#ffffff",
  5712. borderWidth: 1,
  5713. lineWidth: void 0,
  5714. states: { hover: { brightness: 0.1 } }
  5715. }), w;
  5716. }(V), d(B.prototype, { axisTypes: [], directTouch: !0, drawGraph: void 0, drawLegendSymbol: U.drawRectangle, drawTracker: N.prototype.drawTracker, getCenter: y.getCenter, getSymbol: D, isCartesian: !1, noSharedTooltip: !0, pointAttribs: N.prototype.pointAttribs, pointClass: H, requireSorting: !1, searchPoint: D, trackerGroups: ["group", "dataLabelsGroup"] }), G.registerSeriesType("pie", B), B;
  5717. }), M(o, "Series/Pie/PieDataLabel.js", [
  5718. o["Core/Series/DataLabel.js"],
  5719. o["Core/Globals.js"],
  5720. o["Core/Renderer/RendererUtilities.js"],
  5721. o["Core/Series/SeriesRegistry.js"],
  5722. o["Core/Utilities.js"]
  5723. ], function(y, N, D, U, H) {
  5724. var V = N.noop, G = D.distribute, R = U.series, B = H.arrayMax, S = H.clamp, x = H.defined, f = H.merge, d = H.pick, T = H.relativeLength, O;
  5725. return function(j) {
  5726. function k() {
  5727. var h = this, u =, i = h.chart, c = h.options.dataLabels || {}, a = c.connectorPadding, t = i.plotWidth, s = i.plotHeight, n = i.plotLeft, P = Math.round(i.chartWidth / 3), _ =, I = _[2] / 2, W = _[1], E = [[], []], X = [0, 0, 0, 0], g = h.dataLabelPositioners, m, L, z, $, Q, A, F, Y, Z, q, it, et;
  5728. h.visible && (c.enabled || h._hasPointLabels) && (u.forEach(function(nt) {
  5729. nt.dataLabel && nt.visible && nt.dataLabel.shortened && (nt.dataLabel.attr({ width: "auto" }).css({ width: "auto", textOverflow: "clip" }), nt.dataLabel.shortened = !1);
  5730. }), R.prototype.drawDataLabels.apply(h), u.forEach(function(nt) {
  5731. nt.dataLabel && (nt.visible ? (E[nt.half].push(nt), nt.dataLabel._pos = null, !x( && !x(nt.options.dataLabels && && && nt.dataLabel.getBBox().width > P && (nt.dataLabel.css({ width: Math.round(0.7 * P) + "px" }), nt.dataLabel.shortened = !0)) : (nt.dataLabel = nt.dataLabel.destroy(), nt.dataLabels && nt.dataLabels.length === 1 && delete nt.dataLabels));
  5732. }), E.forEach(function(nt, rt) {
  5733. var ct = nt.length, gt = [], dt;
  5734. if (ct) {
  5735. if (h.sortByAngle(nt, rt - 0.5), 0 < h.maxLabelDistance) {
  5736. var ht = Math.max(0, W - I - h.maxLabelDistance), at = Math.min(W + I + h.maxLabelDistance, i.plotHeight);
  5737. nt.forEach(function(J) {
  5738. 0 < J.labelDistance && J.dataLabel && ( = Math.max(0, W - I - J.labelDistance), J.bottom = Math.min(W + I + J.labelDistance, i.plotHeight), dt = J.dataLabel.getBBox().height || 21, J.distributeBox = { target: J.labelPosition.natural.y - + dt / 2, size: dt, rank: J.y }, gt.push(J.distributeBox));
  5739. }), ht = at + dt - ht, G(gt, ht, ht / 5);
  5740. }
  5741. for (it = 0; it < ct; it++) {
  5742. if (m = nt[it], A = m.labelPosition, $ = m.dataLabel, q = m.visible === !1 ? "hidden" : "inherit", Z = ht = A.natural.y, gt && x(m.distributeBox) && (typeof m.distributeBox.pos > "u" ? q = "hidden" : (F = m.distributeBox.size, Z = g.radialDistributionY(m))), delete m.positionIndex, c.justify)
  5743. Y = g.justify(m, I, _);
  5744. else
  5745. switch (c.alignTo) {
  5746. case "connectors":
  5747. Y = g.alignToConnectors(nt, rt, t, n);
  5748. break;
  5749. case "plotEdges":
  5750. Y = g.alignToPlotEdges($, rt, t, n);
  5751. break;
  5752. default:
  5753. Y = g.radialDistributionX(h, m, Z, ht);
  5754. }
  5755. $._attr = { visibility: q, align: A.alignment }, et = m.options.dataLabels || {}, $._pos = { x: Y + d(et.x, c.x) + ({ left: a, right: -a }[A.alignment] || 0), y: Z + d(et.y, c.y) - 10 }, = Y, = Z, d(c.crop, !0) && (Q = $.getBBox().width, ht = null, Y - Q < a && rt === 1 ? (ht = Math.round(Q - Y + a), X[3] = Math.max(ht, X[3])) : Y + Q > t - a && rt === 0 && (ht = Math.round(Y + Q - t + a), X[1] = Math.max(ht, X[1])), 0 > Z - F / 2 ? X[0] = Math.max(Math.round(-Z + F / 2), X[0]) : Z + F / 2 > s && (X[2] = Math.max(Math.round(Z + F / 2 - s), X[2])), $.sideOverflow = ht);
  5756. }
  5757. }
  5758. }), B(X) === 0 || this.verifyDataLabelOverflow(X)) && (this.placeDataLabels(), this.points.forEach(function(nt) {
  5759. if (et = f(c, nt.options.dataLabels), L = d(et.connectorWidth, 1)) {
  5760. var rt;
  5761. z = nt.connector, ($ = nt.dataLabel) && $._pos && nt.visible && 0 < nt.labelDistance ? (q = $._attr.visibility, (rt = !z) && (nt.connector = z = i.renderer.path().addClass("highcharts-data-label-connector highcharts-color-" + nt.colorIndex + (nt.className ? " " + nt.className : "")).add(h.dataLabelsGroup), i.styledMode || z.attr({ "stroke-width": L, stroke: et.connectorColor || nt.color || "#666666" })), z[rt ? "attr" : "animate"]({ d: nt.getConnectorPath() }), z.attr("visibility", q)) : z && (nt.connector = z.destroy());
  5762. }
  5763. }));
  5764. }
  5765. function b() {
  5766. this.points.forEach(function(h) {
  5767. var u = h.dataLabel, i;
  5768. u && h.visible && ((i = u._pos) ? (u.sideOverflow && (u._attr.width = Math.max(u.getBBox().width - u.sideOverflow, 0), u.css({ width: u._attr.width + "px", textOverflow: ( || {}).textOverflow || "ellipsis" }), u.shortened = !0), u.attr(u._attr), u[u.moved ? "animate" : "attr"](i), u.moved = !0) : u && u.attr({ y: -9999 })), delete h.distributeBox;
  5769. }, this);
  5770. }
  5771. function w(h) {
  5772. var u =, i = this.options, c =, a = i.minSize || 80, t = i.size !== null;
  5773. if (!t) {
  5774. if (c[0] !== null)
  5775. var s = Math.max(u[2] - Math.max(h[1], h[3]), a);
  5776. else
  5777. s = Math.max(u[2] - h[1] - h[3], a), u[0] += (h[3] - h[1]) / 2;
  5778. c[1] !== null ? s = S(s, a, u[2] - Math.max(h[0], h[2])) : (s = S(s, a, u[2] - h[0] - h[2]), u[1] += (h[0] - h[2]) / 2), s < u[2] ? (u[2] = s, u[3] = Math.min(T(i.innerSize || 0, s), s), this.translate(u), this.drawDataLabels && this.drawDataLabels()) : t = !0;
  5779. }
  5780. return t;
  5781. }
  5782. var v = [], l = { radialDistributionY: function(h) {
  5783. return + h.distributeBox.pos;
  5784. }, radialDistributionX: function(h, u, i, c) {
  5785. return h.getX(i < + 2 || i > u.bottom - 2 ? c : i, u.half, u);
  5786. }, justify: function(h, u, i) {
  5787. return i[0] + (h.half ? -1 : 1) * (u + h.labelDistance);
  5788. }, alignToPlotEdges: function(h, u, i, c) {
  5789. return h = h.getBBox().width, u ? h + c : i - h - c;
  5790. }, alignToConnectors: function(h, u, i, c) {
  5791. var a = 0, t;
  5792. return h.forEach(function(s) {
  5793. t = s.dataLabel.getBBox().width, t > a && (a = t);
  5794. }), u ? a + c : i - a - c;
  5795. } };
  5796. j.compose = function(h) {
  5797. y.compose(R), v.indexOf(h) === -1 && (v.push(h), h = h.prototype, h.dataLabelPositioners = l, h.alignDataLabel = V, h.drawDataLabels = k, h.placeDataLabels = b, h.verifyDataLabelOverflow = w);
  5798. };
  5799. }(O || (O = {})), O;
  5800. }), M(o, "Extensions/OverlappingDataLabels.js", [o["Core/Chart/Chart.js"], o["Core/Utilities.js"]], function(y, N) {
  5801. function D(S, x) {
  5802. var f = !1;
  5803. if (S) {
  5804. var d = S.newOpacity;
  5805. S.oldOpacity !== d && (S.alignAttr && S.placed ? (S[d ? "removeClass" : "addClass"]("highcharts-data-label-hidden"), f = !0, S.alignAttr.opacity = d, S[S.isOld ? "animate" : "attr"](S.alignAttr, null, function() {
  5806. x.styledMode || S.css({ pointerEvents: d ? "auto" : "none" });
  5807. }), H(x, "afterHideOverlappingLabel")) : S.attr({ opacity: d })), S.isOld = !0;
  5808. }
  5809. return f;
  5810. }
  5811. var U = N.addEvent, H = N.fireEvent, V = N.isArray, G = N.isNumber, R = N.objectEach, B = N.pick;
  5812. U(y, "render", function() {
  5813. var S = this, x = [];
  5814. (this.labelCollectors || []).forEach(function(f) {
  5815. x = x.concat(f());
  5816. }), (this.yAxis || []).forEach(function(f) {
  5817. f.stacking && f.options.stackLabels && !f.options.stackLabels.allowOverlap && R(f.stacking.stacks, function(d) {
  5818. R(d, function(T) {
  5819. T.label && T.label.visibility !== "hidden" && x.push(T.label);
  5820. });
  5821. });
  5822. }), (this.series || []).forEach(function(f) {
  5823. var d = f.options.dataLabels;
  5824. f.visible && (d.enabled !== !1 || f._hasPointLabels) && (d = function(T) {
  5825. return T.forEach(function(O) {
  5826. O.visible && (V(O.dataLabels) ? O.dataLabels : O.dataLabel ? [O.dataLabel] : []).forEach(function(j) {
  5827. var k = j.options;
  5828. j.labelrank = B(k.labelrank, O.labelrank, O.shapeArgs && O.shapeArgs.height), k.allowOverlap ? (j.oldOpacity = j.opacity, j.newOpacity = 1, D(j, S)) : x.push(j);
  5829. });
  5830. });
  5831. }, d(f.nodes || []), d(f.points));
  5832. }), this.hideOverlappingLabels(x);
  5833. }), y.prototype.hideOverlappingLabels = function(S) {
  5834. var x = this, f = S.length, d = x.renderer, T, O, j, k = !1, b = function(l) {
  5835. var h, u = ? 0 : l.padding || 0, i = h = 0, c;
  5836. if (l && (!l.alignAttr || l.placed)) {
  5837. var a = l.alignAttr || { x: l.attr("x"), y: l.attr("y") }, t = l.parentGroup;
  5838. l.width || (h = l.getBBox(), l.width = h.width, l.height = h.height, h = d.fontMetrics(null, l.element).h);
  5839. var s = l.width - 2 * u;
  5840. return (c = { left: "0", center: "0.5", right: "1" }[l.alignValue]) ? i = +c * s : G(l.x) && Math.round(l.x) !== l.translateX && (i = l.x - l.translateX), { x: a.x + (t.translateX || 0) + u - (i || 0), y: a.y + (t.translateY || 0) + u - h, width: l.width - 2 * u, height: l.height - 2 * u };
  5841. }
  5842. };
  5843. for (O = 0; O < f; O++)
  5844. (T = S[O]) && (T.oldOpacity = T.opacity, T.newOpacity = 1, T.absoluteBox = b(T));
  5845. for (S.sort(function(l, h) {
  5846. return (h.labelrank || 0) - (l.labelrank || 0);
  5847. }), O = 0; O < f; O++) {
  5848. var w = (b = S[O]) && b.absoluteBox;
  5849. for (T = O + 1; T < f; ++T) {
  5850. var v = (j = S[T]) && j.absoluteBox;
  5851. !w || !v || b === j || b.newOpacity === 0 || j.newOpacity === 0 || v.x >= w.x + w.width || v.x + v.width <= w.x || v.y >= w.y + w.height || v.y + v.height <= w.y || ((b.labelrank < j.labelrank ? b : j).newOpacity = 0);
  5852. }
  5853. }
  5854. S.forEach(function(l) {
  5855. D(l, x) && (k = !0);
  5856. }), k && H(x, "afterHideAllOverlappingLabels");
  5857. };
  5858. }), M(
  5859. o,
  5860. "Core/Responsive.js",
  5861. [o["Core/Utilities.js"]],
  5862. function(y) {
  5863. var N = y.extend, D = y.find, U = y.isArray, H = y.isObject, V = y.merge, G = y.objectEach, R = y.pick, B = y.splat, S = y.uniqueKey, x;
  5864. return function(f) {
  5865. var d = [];
  5866. f.compose = function(O) {
  5867. return d.indexOf(O) === -1 && (d.push(O), N(O.prototype, T.prototype)), O;
  5868. };
  5869. var T = function() {
  5870. function O() {
  5871. }
  5872. return O.prototype.currentOptions = function(j) {
  5873. function k(v, l, h, u) {
  5874. var i;
  5875. G(v, function(c, a) {
  5876. if (!u && -1 < b.collectionsWithUpdate.indexOf(a) && l[a])
  5877. for (c = B(c), h[a] = [], i = 0; i < Math.max(c.length, l[a].length); i++)
  5878. l[a][i] && (c[i] === void 0 ? h[a][i] = l[a][i] : (h[a][i] = {}, k(c[i], l[a][i], h[a][i], u + 1)));
  5879. else
  5880. H(c) ? (h[a] = U(c) ? [] : {}, k(c, l[a] || {}, h[a], u + 1)) : h[a] = typeof l[a] > "u" ? null : l[a];
  5881. });
  5882. }
  5883. var b = this, w = {};
  5884. return k(j, this.options, w, 0), w;
  5885. }, O.prototype.matchResponsiveRule = function(j, k) {
  5886. var b = j.condition;
  5887. (b.callback || function() {
  5888. return this.chartWidth <= R(b.maxWidth, Number.MAX_VALUE) && this.chartHeight <= R(b.maxHeight, Number.MAX_VALUE) && this.chartWidth >= R(b.minWidth, 0) && this.chartHeight >= R(b.minHeight, 0);
  5889. }).call(this) && k.push(j._id);
  5890. }, O.prototype.setResponsive = function(j, k) {
  5891. var b = this, w = this.options.responsive, v = this.currentResponsive, l = [];
  5892. !k && w && w.rules && w.rules.forEach(function(h) {
  5893. typeof h._id > "u" && (h._id = S()), b.matchResponsiveRule(h, l);
  5894. }, this), k = V.apply(void 0, {
  5895. return D((w || {}).rules || [], function(u) {
  5896. return u._id === h;
  5897. });
  5898. }).map(function(h) {
  5899. return h && h.chartOptions;
  5900. })), k.isResponsiveOptions = !0, l = l.toString() || void 0, l !== (v && v.ruleIds) && (v && this.update(v.undoOptions, j, !0), l ? (v = this.currentOptions(k), v.isResponsiveOptions = !0, this.currentResponsive = { ruleIds: l, mergedOptions: k, undoOptions: v }, this.update(k, j, !0)) : this.currentResponsive = void 0);
  5901. }, O;
  5902. }();
  5903. }(x || (x = {})), x;
  5904. }
  5905. ), M(o, "masters/highcharts.src.js", [
  5906. o["Core/Globals.js"],
  5907. o["Core/Utilities.js"],
  5908. o["Core/DefaultOptions.js"],
  5909. o["Core/Animation/Fx.js"],
  5910. o["Core/Animation/AnimationUtilities.js"],
  5911. o["Core/Renderer/HTML/AST.js"],
  5912. o["Core/FormatUtilities.js"],
  5913. o["Core/Renderer/RendererUtilities.js"],
  5914. o["Core/Renderer/SVG/SVGElement.js"],
  5915. o["Core/Renderer/SVG/SVGRenderer.js"],
  5916. o["Core/Renderer/HTML/HTMLElement.js"],
  5917. o["Core/Renderer/HTML/HTMLRenderer.js"],
  5918. o["Core/Axis/Axis.js"],
  5919. o["Core/Axis/DateTimeAxis.js"],
  5920. o["Core/Axis/LogarithmicAxis.js"],
  5921. o["Core/Axis/PlotLineOrBand/PlotLineOrBand.js"],
  5922. o["Core/Axis/Tick.js"],
  5923. o["Core/Tooltip.js"],
  5924. o["Core/Series/Point.js"],
  5925. o["Core/Pointer.js"],
  5926. o["Core/MSPointer.js"],
  5927. o["Core/Legend/Legend.js"],
  5928. o["Core/Chart/Chart.js"],
  5929. o["Core/Series/Series.js"],
  5930. o["Core/Series/SeriesRegistry.js"],
  5931. o["Series/Column/ColumnSeries.js"],
  5932. o["Series/Column/ColumnDataLabel.js"],
  5933. o["Series/Pie/PieSeries.js"],
  5934. o["Series/Pie/PieDataLabel.js"],
  5935. o["Core/Series/DataLabel.js"],
  5936. o["Core/Responsive.js"],
  5937. o["Core/Color/Color.js"],
  5938. o["Core/Time.js"]
  5939. ], function(y, N, D, U, H, V, G, R, B, S, x, f, d, T, O, j, k, b, w, v, l, h, u, i, c, a, t, s, n, P, _, I, W) {
  5940. return y.animate = H.animate, y.animObject = H.animObject, y.getDeferredAnimation = H.getDeferredAnimation, y.setAnimation = H.setAnimation, y.stop = H.stop, y.timers = U.timers, y.AST = V, y.Axis = d, y.Chart = u, y.chart = u.chart, y.Fx = U, y.Legend = h, y.PlotLineOrBand = j, y.Point = w, y.Pointer = l.isRequired() ? l : v, y.Series = i, y.SVGElement = B, y.SVGRenderer = S, y.Tick = k, y.Time = W, y.Tooltip = b, y.Color = I, y.color = I.parse, f.compose(S), x.compose(B), y.defaultOptions = D.defaultOptions, y.getOptions = D.getOptions, y.time = D.defaultTime, y.setOptions = D.setOptions, y.dateFormat = G.dateFormat, y.format = G.format, y.numberFormat = G.numberFormat, y.addEvent = N.addEvent, y.arrayMax = N.arrayMax, y.arrayMin = N.arrayMin, y.attr = N.attr, y.clearTimeout = N.clearTimeout, y.correctFloat = N.correctFloat, y.createElement = N.createElement, y.css = N.css, y.defined = N.defined, y.destroyObjectProperties = N.destroyObjectProperties, y.discardElement = N.discardElement, y.distribute = R.distribute, y.erase = N.erase, y.error = N.error, y.extend = N.extend, y.extendClass = N.extendClass, y.find = N.find, y.fireEvent = N.fireEvent, y.getMagnitude = N.getMagnitude, y.getStyle = N.getStyle, y.inArray = N.inArray, y.isArray = N.isArray, y.isClass = N.isClass, y.isDOMElement = N.isDOMElement, y.isFunction = N.isFunction, y.isNumber = N.isNumber, y.isObject = N.isObject, y.isString = N.isString, y.keys = N.keys, y.merge = N.merge, y.normalizeTickInterval = N.normalizeTickInterval, y.objectEach = N.objectEach, y.offset = N.offset, y.pad = N.pad, y.pick = N.pick, y.pInt = N.pInt, y.relativeLength = N.relativeLength, y.removeEvent = N.removeEvent, y.seriesType = c.seriesType, y.splat = N.splat, y.stableSort = N.stableSort, y.syncTimeout = N.syncTimeout, y.timeUnits = N.timeUnits, y.uniqueKey = N.uniqueKey, y.useSerialIds = N.useSerialIds, y.wrap = N.wrap, t.compose(a), P.compose(i), T.compose(d), O.compose(d), n.compose(s), j.compose(d), _.compose(u), y;
  5941. }), M(o, "Core/Axis/OrdinalAxis.js", [
  5942. o["Core/Axis/Axis.js"],
  5943. o["Core/Globals.js"],
  5944. o["Core/Series/Series.js"],
  5945. o["Core/Utilities.js"]
  5946. ], function(y, N, D, U) {
  5947. var H = U.addEvent, V = U.correctFloat, G = U.css, R = U.defined, B = U.error, S = U.pick, x = U.timeUnits, f = [], d;
  5948. return function(T) {
  5949. function O(t, s, n, P, _, I, W) {
  5950. _ === void 0 && (_ = []), I === void 0 && (I = 0);
  5951. var E = {}, X = this.options.tickPixelInterval, g = this.chart.time, m = [], L, z, $ = 0, Q = [], A = -Number.MAX_VALUE;
  5952. if (!this.options.ordinal && !this.options.breaks || !_ || 3 > _.length || typeof s > "u")
  5953. return g.getTimeTicks.apply(g, arguments);
  5954. var F = _.length;
  5955. for (L = 0; L < F; L++) {
  5956. var Y = L && _[L - 1] > n;
  5957. if (_[L] < s && ($ = L), L === F - 1 || _[L + 1] - _[L] > 5 * I || Y) {
  5958. if (_[L] > A) {
  5959. for (z = g.getTimeTicks(t, _[$], _[L], P); z.length && z[0] <= A; )
  5960. z.shift();
  5961. z.length && (A = z[z.length - 1]), m.push(Q.length), Q = Q.concat(z);
  5962. }
  5963. $ = L + 1;
  5964. }
  5965. if (Y)
  5966. break;
  5967. }
  5968. if (z) {
  5969. if (z =, W && z.unitRange <= x.hour) {
  5970. for (L = Q.length - 1, $ = 1; $ < L; $++)
  5971. if (g.dateFormat("%d", Q[$]) !== g.dateFormat("%d", Q[$ - 1])) {
  5972. E[Q[$]] = "day";
  5973. var Z = !0;
  5974. }
  5975. Z && (E[Q[0]] = "day"), z.higherRanks = E;
  5976. }
  5977. z.segmentStarts = m, = z;
  5978. } else
  5979. B(12, !1, this.chart);
  5980. if (W && R(X)) {
  5981. for (z = Q.length, g = [], $ = [], L = void 0, Z = z; Z--; )
  5982. m = this.translate(Q[Z]), L && ($[Z] = L - m), g[Z] = L = m;
  5983. for ($.sort(), $ = $[Math.floor($.length / 2)], $ < 0.6 * X && ($ = null), Z = Q[z - 1] > n ? z - 1 : z, L = void 0; Z--; )
  5984. m = g[Z], z = Math.abs(L - m), L && z < 0.8 * X && ($ === null || z < 0.8 * $) ? (E[Q[Z]] && !E[Q[Z + 1]] ? (z = Z + 1, L = m) : z = Z, Q.splice(z, 1)) : L = m;
  5985. }
  5986. return Q;
  5987. }
  5988. function j(t) {
  5989. var s = this.ordinal.positions;
  5990. if (!s)
  5991. return t;
  5992. var n = s.length - 1;
  5993. if (0 > t)
  5994. t = s[0];
  5995. else if (t > n)
  5996. t = s[n];
  5997. else {
  5998. n = Math.floor(t);
  5999. var P = t - n;
  6000. }
  6001. return typeof P < "u" && typeof s[n] < "u" ? s[n] + (P ? P * (s[n + 1] - s[n]) : 0) : t;
  6002. }
  6003. function k(t) {
  6004. var s = this.ordinal, n = s.positions;
  6005. if (!n)
  6006. return t;
  6007. var P = (t - (this.old ? this.old.min : this.min)) * (this.old ? this.old.transA : this.transA) + this.minPixelPadding;
  6008. if (0 < P && P < this.left + this.len || (s.extendedOrdinalPositions || (s.extendedOrdinalPositions = s.getExtendedPositions()), n = s.extendedOrdinalPositions), n && n.length) {
  6009. if (t = s.getIndexOfPoint(P, n), s = V(t % 1), 0 <= t && t < n.length - 1)
  6010. return n[Math.floor(t)] + s * (n[Math.ceil(t)] - n[Math.floor(t)]);
  6011. s = n.length, P = n[0], n = n[s - 1];
  6012. var _ = (n - P) / (s - 1);
  6013. return 0 > t ? P + _ * t : n + _ * (t - s);
  6014. }
  6015. return t;
  6016. }
  6017. function b(t, s) {
  6018. var n = T.Additions.findIndexOf(t, s, !0);
  6019. return t[n] === s ? n : n + (s - t[n]) / (t[n + 1] - t[n]);
  6020. }
  6021. function w() {
  6022. this.ordinal || (this.ordinal = new T.Additions(this));
  6023. }
  6024. function v() {
  6025. this.isXAxis && R(this.options.overscroll) && this.max === this.dataMax && (!this.chart.mouseIsDown || this.isInternal) && (!this.eventArgs || this.eventArgs && this.eventArgs.trigger !== "navigator") && (this.max += this.options.overscroll, !this.isInternal && R(this.userMin) && (this.min += this.options.overscroll));
  6026. }
  6027. function l() {
  6028. this.horiz && !this.isDirty && (this.isDirty = this.isOrdinal && this.chart.navigator && !this.chart.navigator.adaptToUpdatedData);
  6029. }
  6030. function h() {
  6031. this.ordinal && (this.ordinal.beforeSetTickPositions(), this.tickInterval = this.ordinal.postProcessTickInterval(this.tickInterval));
  6032. }
  6033. function u(t) {
  6034. var s = this.xAxis[0], n = s.options.overscroll, P = t.originalEvent.chartX, _ = this.options.chart.panning, I = !1;
  6035. if (_ && _.type !== "y" && s.options.ordinal && s.series.length) {
  6036. var W = this.mouseDownX, E = s.getExtremes(), X = E.dataMax, g = E.min, m = E.max, L = this.hoverPoints, z = s.closestPointRange || s.ordinal && s.ordinal.overscrollPointsRange;
  6037. W = (W - P) / (s.translationSlope * (s.ordinal.slope || z)), z = { ordinal: { positions: s.ordinal.getExtendedPositions() } };
  6038. var $ = s.index2val, Q = s.val2lin, A = void 0, F = A = void 0, Y = void 0;
  6039. z.ordinal.positions ? 1 < Math.abs(W) && (L && L.forEach(function(Z) {
  6040. Z.setState();
  6041. }), 0 > W ? (F = z, Y = s.ordinal.positions ? s : z) : (F = s.ordinal.positions ? s : z, Y = z), A = Y.ordinal.positions, X > A[A.length - 1] && A.push(X), this.fixedRange = m - g, A = s.navigatorAxis.toFixedRange(void 0, void 0, $.apply(F, [Q.apply(F, [g, !0]) + W]), $.apply(Y, [Q.apply(Y, [m, !0]) + W])), A.min >= Math.min(
  6042. E.dataMin,
  6043. g
  6044. ) && A.max <= Math.max(X, m) + n && s.setExtremes(A.min, A.max, !0, !1, { trigger: "pan" }), this.mouseDownX = P, G(this.container, { cursor: "move" })) : I = !0;
  6045. } else
  6046. I = !0;
  6047. I || _ && /y/.test(_.type) ? n && (s.max = s.dataMax + n) : t.preventDefault();
  6048. }
  6049. function i() {
  6050. var t = this.xAxis;
  6051. t && t.options.ordinal && (delete t.ordinal.index, delete t.ordinal.extendedOrdinalPositions);
  6052. }
  6053. function c(t, s) {
  6054. var n = this.ordinal, P = n.positions, _ = n.slope, I = n.extendedOrdinalPositions;
  6055. if (!P)
  6056. return t;
  6057. var W = P.length;
  6058. if (P[0] <= t && P[W - 1] >= t)
  6059. t = b(P, t);
  6060. else {
  6061. if (I || (I = n.getExtendedPositions && n.getExtendedPositions(), n.extendedOrdinalPositions = I), !I || !I.length)
  6062. return t;
  6063. W = I.length, _ || (_ = (I[W - 1] - I[0]) / W), P = b(I, P[0]), t >= I[0] && t <= I[W - 1] ? t = b(I, t) - P : t < I[0] ? (t = I[0] - t, t = -P - t / _) : (t -= I[W - 1], t = t / _ + W - P);
  6064. }
  6065. return s ? t : _ * (t || 0) + n.offset;
  6066. }
  6067. T.compose = function(t, s, n) {
  6068. if (f.indexOf(t) === -1) {
  6069. f.push(t);
  6070. var P = t.prototype;
  6071. P.getTimeTicks = O, P.index2val = j, P.lin2val = k, P.val2lin = c, P.ordinal2lin = P.val2lin, H(t, "afterInit", w), H(t, "foundExtremes", v), H(t, "afterSetScale", l), H(t, "initialAxisTranslation", h);
  6072. }
  6073. return f.indexOf(n) === -1 && (f.push(n), H(n, "pan", u)), f.indexOf(s) === -1 && (f.push(s), H(s, "updatedData", i)), t;
  6074. };
  6075. var a = function() {
  6076. function t(s) {
  6077. this.index = {}, this.axis = s;
  6078. }
  6079. return t.prototype.beforeSetTickPositions = function() {
  6080. var s = this.axis, n = s.ordinal, P = s.getExtremes(), _ = P.min, I = P.max, W = s.isXAxis && !!s.options.breaks;
  6081. P = s.options.ordinal;
  6082. var E = s.chart.options.chart.ignoreHiddenSeries, X, g, m = [], L = Number.MAX_VALUE, z = !1;
  6083. if (P || W) {
  6084. s.series.forEach(function(A, F) {
  6085. if (X = [], !(E && A.visible === !1 || A.takeOrdinalPosition === !1 && !W) && (m = m.concat(A.processedXData), $ = m.length, m.sort(function(Y, Z) {
  6086. return Y - Z;
  6087. }), L = Math.min(L, S(A.closestPointRange, L)), $)) {
  6088. for (F = 0; F < $ - 1; )
  6089. m[F] !== m[F + 1] && X.push(m[F + 1]), F++;
  6090. X[0] !== m[0] && X.unshift(m[0]), m = X;
  6091. }
  6092. });
  6093. var $ = m.length;
  6094. if (2 < $) {
  6095. var Q = m[1] - m[0];
  6096. for (g = $ - 1; g-- && !z; )
  6097. m[g + 1] - m[g] !== Q && (z = !0);
  6098. !s.options.keepOrdinalPadding && (m[0] - _ > Q || I - m[m.length - 1] > Q) && (z = !0);
  6099. } else
  6100. s.options.overscroll && ($ === 2 ? L = m[1] - m[0] : $ === 1 ? (L = s.options.overscroll, m = [m[0], m[0] + L]) : L = n.overscrollPointsRange);
  6101. z || s.forceOrdinal ? (s.options.overscroll && (n.overscrollPointsRange = L, m = m.concat(n.getOverscrollPositions())), n.positions = m, Q = s.ordinal2lin(Math.max(_, m[0]), !0), g = Math.max(s.ordinal2lin(Math.min(I, m[m.length - 1]), !0), 1), n.slope = I = (I - _) / (g - Q), n.offset = _ - Q * I) : (n.overscrollPointsRange = S(s.closestPointRange, n.overscrollPointsRange), n.positions = s.ordinal.slope = n.offset = void 0);
  6102. }
  6103. s.isOrdinal = P && z, n.groupIntervalFactor = null;
  6104. }, t.findIndexOf = function(s, n, P) {
  6105. for (var _ = 0, I = s.length - 1, W; _ < I; )
  6106. W = Math.ceil((_ + I) / 2), s[W] <= n ? _ = W : I = W - 1;
  6107. return s[_] === n || P ? _ : -1;
  6108. }, t.prototype.getExtendedPositions = function() {
  6109. var s = this, n = s.axis, P = n.constructor.prototype, _ = n.chart, I = n.series[0].currentDataGrouping, W = I ? I.count + I.unitName : "raw", E = n.options.overscroll, X = n.getExtremes(), g = void 0, m = s.index;
  6110. if (m || (m = s.index = {}), !m[W]) {
  6111. var L = {
  6112. series: [],
  6113. chart: _,
  6114. forceOrdinal: !1,
  6115. getExtremes: function() {
  6116. return { min: X.dataMin, max: X.dataMax + E };
  6117. },
  6118. getGroupPixelWidth: P.getGroupPixelWidth,
  6119. getTimeTicks: P.getTimeTicks,
  6120. options: { ordinal: !0 },
  6121. ordinal: { getGroupIntervalFactor: this.getGroupIntervalFactor },
  6122. ordinal2lin: P.ordinal2lin,
  6123. getIndexOfPoint: P.getIndexOfPoint,
  6124. val2lin: P.val2lin
  6125. };
  6126. L.ordinal.axis = L, n.series.forEach(function(z) {
  6127. g = { xAxis: L, xData: z.xData.slice(), chart: _, destroyGroupedData: N.noop, getProcessedData: D.prototype.getProcessedData, applyGrouping: D.prototype.applyGrouping }, g.xData = g.xData.concat(s.getOverscrollPositions()), g.options = { dataGrouping: I ? { firstAnchor: "firstPoint", anchor: "middle", lastAnchor: "lastPoint", enabled: !0, forced: !0, approximation: "open", units: [[I.unitName, [I.count]]] } : { enabled: !1 } }, L.series.push(g), z.processData.apply(g);
  6128. }), g.closestPointRange !== g.basePointRange && g.currentDataGrouping && (L.forceOrdinal = !0), n.ordinal.beforeSetTickPositions.apply({ axis: L }), m[W] = L.ordinal.positions;
  6129. }
  6130. return m[W];
  6131. }, t.prototype.getGroupIntervalFactor = function(s, n, P) {
  6132. P = P.processedXData;
  6133. var _ = P.length, I = [], W = this.groupIntervalFactor;
  6134. if (!W) {
  6135. for (W = 0; W < _ - 1; W++)
  6136. I[W] = P[W + 1] - P[W];
  6137. I.sort(function(E, X) {
  6138. return E - X;
  6139. }), I = I[Math.floor(_ / 2)], s = Math.max(s, P[0]), n = Math.min(n, P[_ - 1]), this.groupIntervalFactor = W = _ * I / (n - s);
  6140. }
  6141. return W;
  6142. }, t.prototype.getIndexOfPoint = function(s, n) {
  6143. var P = this.axis, _ = this.positions ? this.positions[0] : 0, I = P.series[0].points && P.series[0].points[0] && P.series[0].points[0].plotX || P.minPixelPadding;
  6144. return 1 < P.series.length && P.series.forEach(function(W) {
  6145. W.points && R(W.points[0]) && R(W.points[0].plotX) && W.points[0].plotX < I && (I = W.points[0].plotX);
  6146. }), s = (s - I) / (P.translationSlope * (this.slope || P.closestPointRange || this.overscrollPointsRange)), t.findIndexOf(n, _) + s;
  6147. }, t.prototype.getOverscrollPositions = function() {
  6148. var s = this.axis, n = s.options.overscroll, P = this.overscrollPointsRange, _ = [], I = s.dataMax;
  6149. if (R(P))
  6150. for (; I <= s.dataMax + n; )
  6151. I += P, _.push(I);
  6152. return _;
  6153. }, t.prototype.postProcessTickInterval = function(s) {
  6154. var n = this.axis, P = this.slope;
  6155. return P ? n.options.breaks ? n.closestPointRange || s : s / (P / n.closestPointRange) : s;
  6156. }, t;
  6157. }();
  6158. T.Additions = a;
  6159. }(d || (d = {})), d;
  6160. }), M(o, "Series/DataModifyComposition.js", [o["Core/Axis/Axis.js"], o["Core/Series/Point.js"], o["Core/Series/Series.js"], o["Core/Utilities.js"]], function(y, N, D, U) {
  6161. var H = N.prototype.tooltipFormatter, V = U.addEvent, G = U.arrayMax, R = U.arrayMin, B = U.correctFloat, S = U.defined, x = U.isArray, f = U.isNumber, d = U.isString, T = U.pick, O;
  6162. return function(j) {
  6163. function k(s, n, P) {
  6164. this.isXAxis || (this.series.forEach(function(_) {
  6165. s === "compare" && typeof n != "boolean" ? _.setCompare(n, !1) : s !== "cumulative" || d(n) || _.setCumulative(n, !1);
  6166. }), T(P, !0) && this.chart.redraw());
  6167. }
  6168. function b(s) {
  6169. var n = this, P = n.series.chart.numberFormatter, _ = function(I) {
  6170. s = s.replace("{point." + I + "}", (0 < n[I] && I === "change" ? "+" : "") + P(n[I], T(n.series.tooltipOptions.changeDecimals, 2)));
  6171. };
  6172. return S(n.change) && _("change"), S(n.cumulativeSum) && _("cumulativeSum"), H.apply(this, [s]);
  6173. }
  6174. function w() {
  6175. var s =;
  6176. if (s === "percent" || s === "value" || this.options.cumulative) {
  6177. var n = new t(this);
  6178. s === "percent" || s === "value" ? n.initCompare(s) : n.initCumulative();
  6179. }
  6180. this.dataModify = n;
  6181. }
  6182. function v(s) {
  6183. s = s.dataExtremes;
  6184. var n = s.activeYData;
  6185. if (this.dataModify && s) {
  6186. var P = void 0;
  6187. ? P = [this.dataModify.modifyValue(s.dataMin), this.dataModify.modifyValue(s.dataMax)] : this.options.cumulative && x(n) && 2 <= n.length && (P = t.getCumulativeExtremes(n)), P && (s.dataMin = R(P), s.dataMax = G(P));
  6188. }
  6189. }
  6190. function l(s, n) {
  6191. = = s, this.update({}, T(n, !0)), !this.dataModify || s !== "value" && s !== "percent" ? this.points.forEach(function(P) {
  6192. delete P.change;
  6193. }) : this.dataModify.initCompare(s);
  6194. }
  6195. function h() {
  6196. if (this.xAxis && this.processedYData && this.dataModify) {
  6197. var s = this.processedXData, n = this.processedYData, P = n.length, _ = this.options.compareStart === !0 ? 0 : 1, I = -1, W;
  6198. for (this.pointArrayMap && (I = this.pointArrayMap.indexOf(this.options.pointValKey || this.pointValKey || "y")), W = 0; W < P - _; W++) {
  6199. var E = n[W] && -1 < I ? n[W][I] : n[W];
  6200. if (f(E) && E !== 0 && s[W + _] >= (this.xAxis.min || 0)) {
  6201. this.dataModify.compareValue = E;
  6202. break;
  6203. }
  6204. }
  6205. }
  6206. }
  6207. function u(s, n) {
  6208. this.setModifier("compare", s, n);
  6209. }
  6210. function i(s, n) {
  6211. s = T(s, !1), this.options.cumulative = this.userOptions.cumulative = s, this.update({}, T(n, !0)), this.dataModify ? this.dataModify.initCumulative() : this.points.forEach(function(P) {
  6212. delete P.cumulativeSum;
  6213. });
  6214. }
  6215. function c(s, n) {
  6216. this.setModifier("cumulative", s, n);
  6217. }
  6218. var a = [];
  6219. j.compose = function(s, n, P) {
  6220. if (a.indexOf(s) === -1) {
  6221. a.push(s);
  6222. var _ = s.prototype;
  6223. _.setCompare = l, _.setCumulative = i, V(s, "afterInit", w), V(s, "afterGetExtremes", v), V(s, "afterProcessData", h);
  6224. }
  6225. return a.indexOf(n) === -1 && (a.push(n), n = n.prototype, n.setCompare = u, n.setModifier = k, n.setCumulative = c), a.indexOf(P) === -1 && (a.push(P), P.prototype.tooltipFormatter = b), s;
  6226. };
  6227. var t = function() {
  6228. function s(n) {
  6229. this.series = n;
  6230. }
  6231. return s.prototype.modifyValue = function() {
  6232. return 0;
  6233. }, s.getCumulativeExtremes = function(n) {
  6234. var P = 1 / 0, _ = -1 / 0;
  6235. return n.reduce(function(I, W) {
  6236. return W = I + W, P = Math.min(P, W, I), _ = Math.max(
  6237. _,
  6238. W,
  6239. I
  6240. ), W;
  6241. }), [P, _];
  6242. }, s.prototype.initCompare = function(n) {
  6243. this.modifyValue = function(P, _) {
  6244. P === null && (P = 0);
  6245. var I = this.compareValue;
  6246. return typeof P < "u" && typeof I < "u" ? (P = n === "value" ? P - I : P / I * 100 - (this.series.options.compareBase === 100 ? 0 : 100), typeof _ < "u" && (_ = this.series.points[_]) && (_.change = P), P) : 0;
  6247. };
  6248. }, s.prototype.initCumulative = function() {
  6249. this.modifyValue = function(n, P) {
  6250. if (n === null && (n = 0), n !== void 0 && P !== void 0) {
  6251. var _ = 0 < P ? this.series.points[P - 1] : null;
  6252. return _ && _.cumulativeSum && (n = B(_.cumulativeSum + n)), (P = this.series.points[P]) && (P.cumulativeSum = n), n;
  6253. }
  6254. return 0;
  6255. };
  6256. }, s;
  6257. }();
  6258. j.Additions = t;
  6259. }(O || (O = {})), O;
  6260. }), M(o, "Core/Axis/BrokenAxis.js", [o["Extensions/Stacking.js"], o["Core/Utilities.js"]], function(y, N) {
  6261. var D = N.addEvent, U = N.find, H = N.fireEvent, V = N.isArray, G = N.isNumber, R = N.pick, B;
  6262. return function(S) {
  6263. function x() {
  6264. typeof this.brokenAxis < "u" && this.brokenAxis.setBreaks(this.options.breaks, !1);
  6265. }
  6266. function f() {
  6267. this.brokenAxis && this.brokenAxis.hasBreaks && (this.options.ordinal = !1);
  6268. }
  6269. function d() {
  6270. var l = this.brokenAxis;
  6271. if (l && l.hasBreaks) {
  6272. for (var h = this.tickPositions, u =, i = [], c = 0; c < h.length; c++)
  6273. l.isInAnyBreak(h[c]) || i.push(h[c]);
  6274. this.tickPositions = i, = u;
  6275. }
  6276. }
  6277. function T() {
  6278. this.brokenAxis || (this.brokenAxis = new v(this));
  6279. }
  6280. function O() {
  6281. var l = this.options.connectNulls, h = this.points, u = this.xAxis, i = this.yAxis;
  6282. if (this.isDirty)
  6283. for (var c = h.length; c--; ) {
  6284. var a = h[c], t = !(a.y === null && l === !1) && (u && u.brokenAxis && u.brokenAxis.isInAnyBreak(a.x, !0) || i && i.brokenAxis && i.brokenAxis.isInAnyBreak(a.y, !0));
  6285. a.visible = t ? !1 : a.options.visible !== !1;
  6286. }
  6287. }
  6288. function j() {
  6289. this.drawBreaks(this.xAxis, ["x"]), this.drawBreaks(this.yAxis, R(this.pointArrayMap, ["y"]));
  6290. }
  6291. function k(l, h) {
  6292. var u = this, i = u.points, c, a, t, s;
  6293. if (l && l.brokenAxis && l.brokenAxis.hasBreaks) {
  6294. var n = l.brokenAxis;
  6295. h.forEach(function(P) {
  6296. c = n && n.breakArray || [], a = l.isXAxis ? l.min : R(u.options.threshold, l.min), i.forEach(function(_) {
  6297. s = R(_["stack" + P.toUpperCase()], _[P]), c.forEach(function(I) {
  6298. G(a) && G(s) && (t = !1, a < I.from && s > || a > I.from && s < I.from ? t = "pointBreak" : (a < I.from && s > I.from && s < || a > I.from && s > && s < I.from) && (t = "pointInBreak"), t && H(l, t, { point: _, brk: I }));
  6299. });
  6300. });
  6301. });
  6302. }
  6303. }
  6304. function b() {
  6305. var l = this.currentDataGrouping, h = l && l.gapSize;
  6306. l = this.points.slice();
  6307. var u = this.yAxis, i = this.options.gapSize, c = l.length - 1, a;
  6308. if (i && 0 < c)
  6309. for (this.options.gapUnit !== "value" && (i *= this.basePointRange), h && h > i && h >= this.basePointRange && (i = h), a = void 0; c--; )
  6310. a && a.visible !== !1 || (a = l[c + 1]), h = l[c], a.visible !== !1 && h.visible !== !1 && (a.x - h.x > i && (a = (h.x + a.x) / 2, l.splice(c + 1, 0, { isNull: !0, x: a }), u.stacking && this.options.stacking && (a = u.stacking.stacks[this.stackKey][a] = new y(u, u.options.stackLabels, !1, a, this.stack), = 0)), a = h);
  6311. return this.getGraphPath(l);
  6312. }
  6313. var w = [];
  6314. S.compose = function(l, h) {
  6315. if (w.indexOf(l) === -1 && (w.push(l), l.keepProps.push("brokenAxis"), D(l, "init", T), D(l, "afterInit", x), D(l, "afterSetTickPositions", d), D(l, "afterSetOptions", f)), w.indexOf(h) === -1) {
  6316. w.push(h);
  6317. var u = h.prototype;
  6318. u.drawBreaks = k, u.gappedPath = b, D(h, "afterGeneratePoints", O), D(
  6319. h,
  6320. "afterRender",
  6321. j
  6322. );
  6323. }
  6324. return l;
  6325. };
  6326. var v = function() {
  6327. function l(h) {
  6328. this.hasBreaks = !1, this.axis = h;
  6329. }
  6330. return l.isInBreak = function(h, u) {
  6331. var i = h.repeat || 1 / 0, c = h.from, a = - h.from;
  6332. return u = u >= c ? (u - c) % i : i - (c - u) % i, h.inclusive ? u <= a : u < a && u !== 0;
  6333. }, l.lin2Val = function(h) {
  6334. var u = this.brokenAxis;
  6335. if (u = u && u.breakArray, !u || !G(h))
  6336. return h;
  6337. var i;
  6338. for (i = 0; i < u.length; i++) {
  6339. var c = u[i];
  6340. if (c.from >= h)
  6341. break;
  6342. ( < h || l.isInBreak(c, h)) && (h += c.len);
  6343. }
  6344. return h;
  6345. }, l.val2Lin = function(h) {
  6346. var u = this.brokenAxis;
  6347. if (u = u && u.breakArray, !u || !G(h))
  6348. return h;
  6349. var i = h, c;
  6350. for (c = 0; c < u.length; c++) {
  6351. var a = u[c];
  6352. if ( <= h)
  6353. i -= a.len;
  6354. else {
  6355. if (a.from >= h)
  6356. break;
  6357. if (l.isInBreak(a, h)) {
  6358. i -= h - a.from;
  6359. break;
  6360. }
  6361. }
  6362. }
  6363. return i;
  6364. }, l.prototype.findBreakAt = function(h, u) {
  6365. return U(u, function(i) {
  6366. return i.from < h && h <;
  6367. });
  6368. }, l.prototype.isInAnyBreak = function(h, u) {
  6369. var i = this.axis, c = i.options.breaks || [], a = c.length, t;
  6370. if (a && G(h)) {
  6371. for (; a--; )
  6372. if (l.isInBreak(c[a], h)) {
  6373. var s = !0;
  6374. t || (t = R(c[a].showPoints, !i.isXAxis));
  6375. }
  6376. var n = s && u ? s && !t : s;
  6377. }
  6378. return n;
  6379. }, l.prototype.setBreaks = function(h, u) {
  6380. var i = this, c = i.axis, a = V(h) && !!h.length;
  6381. c.isDirty = i.hasBreaks !== a, i.hasBreaks = a, c.options.breaks = c.userOptions.breaks = h, c.forceRedraw = !0, c.series.forEach(function(t) {
  6382. t.isDirty = !0;
  6383. }), a || c.val2lin !== l.val2Lin || (delete c.val2lin, delete c.lin2val), a && (c.userOptions.ordinal = !1, c.lin2val = l.lin2Val, c.val2lin = l.val2Lin, c.setExtremes = function(t, s, n, P, _) {
  6384. if (i.hasBreaks) {
  6385. for (var I = this.options.breaks || [], W; W = i.findBreakAt(t, I); )
  6386. t =;
  6387. for (; W = i.findBreakAt(s, I); )
  6388. s = W.from;
  6389. s < t && (s = t);
  6390. }
  6391., t, s, n, P, _);
  6392. }, c.setAxisTranslation = function() {
  6393. if (, i.unitLength = void 0, i.hasBreaks) {
  6394. var t = c.options.breaks || [], s = [], n = [], P = R(c.pointRangePadding, 0), _ = 0, I, W = c.userMin || c.min, E = c.userMax || c.max, X;
  6395. t.forEach(function(L) {
  6396. I = L.repeat || 1 / 0, G(W) && G(E) && (l.isInBreak(L, W) && (W += % I - W % I), l.isInBreak(L, E) && (E -= E % I - L.from % I));
  6397. }), t.forEach(function(L) {
  6398. if (m = L.from, I = L.repeat || 1 / 0, G(W) && G(E)) {
  6399. for (; m - I > W; )
  6400. m -= I;
  6401. for (; m < W; )
  6402. m += I;
  6403. for (X = m; X < E; X += I)
  6404. s.push({ value: X, move: "in" }), s.push({ value: X + - L.from, move: "out", size: L.breakSize });
  6405. }
  6406. }), s.sort(function(L, z) {
  6407. return L.value === z.value ? (L.move === "in" ? 0 : 1) - (z.move === "in" ? 0 : 1) : L.value - z.value;
  6408. });
  6409. var g = 0, m = W;
  6410. s.forEach(function(L) {
  6411. g += L.move === "in" ? 1 : -1, g === 1 && L.move === "in" && (m = L.value), g === 0 && G(m) && (n.push({ from: m, to: L.value, len: L.value - m - (L.size || 0) }), _ += L.value - m - (L.size || 0));
  6412. }), i.breakArray = n, G(W) && G(E) && G(c.min) && (i.unitLength = E - W - _ + P, H(c, "afterBreaks"), c.staticScale ? c.transA = c.staticScale : i.unitLength && (c.transA *= (E - c.min + P) / i.unitLength), P && (c.minPixelPadding = c.transA * (c.minPointOffset || 0)), c.min = W, c.max = E);
  6413. }
  6414. }), R(u, !0) && c.chart.redraw();
  6415. }, l;
  6416. }();
  6417. S.Additions = v;
  6418. }(B || (B = {})), B;
  6419. }), M(o, "masters/modules/broken-axis.src.js", [o["Core/Globals.js"], o["Core/Axis/BrokenAxis.js"]], function(y, N) {
  6420. N.compose(y.Axis, y.Series);
  6421. }), M(o, "Extensions/DataGrouping.js", [
  6422. o["Core/Axis/Axis.js"],
  6423. o["Core/Axis/DateTimeAxis.js"],
  6424. o["Core/FormatUtilities.js"],
  6425. o["Core/Globals.js"],
  6426. o["Core/Series/Point.js"],
  6427. o["Core/Series/Series.js"],
  6428. o["Core/Tooltip.js"],
  6429. o["Core/DefaultOptions.js"],
  6430. o["Core/Utilities.js"]
  6431. ], function(y, N, D, U, H, V, G, R, B) {
  6432. var S = D.format, x = V.prototype;
  6433. D = B.addEvent;
  6434. var f = B.arrayMax, d = B.arrayMin, T = B.correctFloat, O = B.defined, j = B.error, k = B.extend, b = B.isNumber, w = B.merge, v = B.pick, l = U.approximations = {
  6435. sum: function(t) {
  6436. var s = t.length;
  6437. if (!s && t.hasNulls)
  6438. var n = null;
  6439. else if (s)
  6440. for (n = 0; s--; )
  6441. n += t[s];
  6442. return n;
  6443. },
  6444. average: function(t) {
  6445. var s = t.length;
  6446. return t = l.sum(t), b(t) && s && (t = T(t / s)), t;
  6447. },
  6448. averages: function() {
  6449. var t = [];
  6450. return [], function(s) {
  6451. t.push(l.average(s));
  6452. }), typeof t[0] > "u" ? void 0 : t;
  6453. },
  6454. open: function(t) {
  6455. return t.length ? t[0] : t.hasNulls ? null : void 0;
  6456. },
  6457. high: function(t) {
  6458. return t.length ? f(t) : t.hasNulls ? null : void 0;
  6459. },
  6460. low: function(t) {
  6461. return t.length ? d(t) : t.hasNulls ? null : void 0;
  6462. },
  6463. close: function(t) {
  6464. return t.length ? t[t.length - 1] : t.hasNulls ? null : void 0;
  6465. },
  6466. hlc: function(t, s, n) {
  6467. if (t = l.high(t), s = l.low(s), n = l.close(n), b(t) || b(s) || b(n))
  6468. return [t, s, n];
  6469. },
  6470. ohlc: function(t, s, n, P) {
  6471. if (t =, s = l.high(s), n = l.low(n), P = l.close(P), b(t) || b(s) || b(n) || b(P))
  6472. return [t, s, n, P];
  6473. },
  6474. range: function(t, s) {
  6475. if (t = l.low(t), s = l.high(s), b(t) || b(s))
  6476. return [t, s];
  6477. if (t === null && s === null)
  6478. return null;
  6479. }
  6480. };
  6481. B = function(t, s, n, P) {
  6482. var _ = this, I =, W = _.options &&, E = [], X = [], g = [], m = t.length, L = !!s, z = [], $ = _.pointArrayMap, Q = $ && $.length, A = ["x"].concat($ || ["y"]), F = this.options.dataGrouping && this.options.dataGrouping.groupAll, Y = 0, Z = 0, q;
  6483. P = typeof P == "function" ? P : l[P] ? l[P] : l[_.getDGApproximation && _.getDGApproximation() || "average"], Q ? $.forEach(function() {
  6484. z.push([]);
  6485. }) : z.push([]);
  6486. var it = Q || 1;
  6487. for (q = 0; q <= m && !(t[q] >= n[0]); q++)
  6488. ;
  6489. for (q; q <= m; q++) {
  6490. for (; typeof n[Y + 1] < "u" && t[q] >= n[Y + 1] || q === m; ) {
  6491. var et = n[Y];
  6492. _.dataGroupInfo = { start: F ? Z : _.cropStart + Z, length: z[0].length };
  6493. var nt = P.apply(_, z);
  6494. for (_.pointClass && !O(_.dataGroupInfo.options) && (_.dataGroupInfo.options = w({ series: _ },[_.cropStart + Z])), A.forEach(function(ct) {
  6495. delete _.dataGroupInfo.options[ct];
  6496. })), typeof nt < "u" && (E.push(et), X.push(nt), g.push(_.dataGroupInfo)), Z = q, et = 0; et < it; et++)
  6497. z[et].length = 0, z[et].hasNulls = !1;
  6498. if (Y += 1, q === m)
  6499. break;
  6500. }
  6501. if (q === m)
  6502. break;
  6503. if ($) {
  6504. et = _.options.dataGrouping && _.options.dataGrouping.groupAll ? q : _.cropStart + q, nt = I && I[et] || _.pointClass.prototype.applyOptions.apply({ series: _ }, [W[et]]);
  6505. var rt = void 0;
  6506. for (et = 0; et < Q; et++)
  6507. rt = nt[$[et]], b(rt) ? z[et].push(rt) : rt === null && (z[et].hasNulls = !0);
  6508. } else
  6509. et = L ? s[q] : null, b(et) ? z[0].push(et) : et === null && (z[0].hasNulls = !0);
  6510. }
  6511. return { groupedXData: E, groupedYData: X, groupMap: g };
  6512. };
  6513. var h = { approximations: l, groupData: B }, u = x.generatePoints, i = { groupPixelWidth: 2, dateTimeLabelFormats: { millisecond: [
  6514. "%A, %b %e, %H:%M:%S.%L",
  6515. "%A, %b %e, %H:%M:%S.%L",
  6516. "-%H:%M:%S.%L"
  6517. ], second: ["%A, %b %e, %H:%M:%S", "%A, %b %e, %H:%M:%S", "-%H:%M:%S"], minute: ["%A, %b %e, %H:%M", "%A, %b %e, %H:%M", "-%H:%M"], hour: ["%A, %b %e, %H:%M", "%A, %b %e, %H:%M", "-%H:%M"], day: ["%A, %b %e, %Y", "%A, %b %e", "-%A, %b %e, %Y"], week: ["Week from %A, %b %e, %Y", "%A, %b %e", "-%A, %b %e, %Y"], month: ["%B %Y", "%B", "-%B %Y"], year: ["%Y", "%Y", "-%Y"] } }, c = {
  6518. line: {},
  6519. spline: {},
  6520. area: {},
  6521. areaspline: {},
  6522. arearange: {},
  6523. column: { groupPixelWidth: 10 },
  6524. columnrange: { groupPixelWidth: 10 },
  6525. candlestick: { groupPixelWidth: 10 },
  6526. ohlc: { groupPixelWidth: 5 },
  6527. hlc: { groupPixelWidth: 5 },
  6528. heikinashi: { groupPixelWidth: 10 }
  6529. }, a = U.defaultDataGroupingUnits = [["millisecond", [1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 25, 50, 100, 200, 500]], ["second", [1, 2, 5, 10, 15, 30]], ["minute", [1, 2, 5, 10, 15, 30]], ["hour", [1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12]], ["day", [1]], ["week", [1]], ["month", [1, 3, 6]], ["year", null]];
  6530. return x.getDGApproximation = function() {
  6531. return"arearange") ? "range" :"ohlc") ? "ohlc" :"hlc") ? "hlc" :"column") ? "sum" : "average";
  6532. }, x.groupData = B, x.applyGrouping = function(t) {
  6533. var s = this.chart, n = this.options.dataGrouping, P = this.allowDG !== !1 && n && v(n.enabled, s.options.isStock), _ = this.visible || !s.options.chart.ignoreHiddenSeries, I, W = this.currentDataGrouping, E = !1;
  6534. if (P && !this.requireSorting && (this.requireSorting = E = !0), t = !!(this.isCartesian && !this.isDirty && !this.xAxis.isDirty && !this.yAxis.isDirty && !t) || !P, E && (this.requireSorting = !1), !t) {
  6535. this.destroyGroupedData(), P = n.groupAll ? this.xData : this.processedXData;
  6536. var X = n.groupAll ? this.yData : this.processedYData;
  6537. t = s.plotSizeX, E = this.xAxis;
  6538. var g = E.options.ordinal, m = this.groupPixelWidth;
  6539. if (m && P && P.length) {
  6540. this.isDirty = I = !0, this.points = null;
  6541. var L = E.getExtremes(), z = L.min;
  6542. L = L.max, g = g && E.ordinal && E.ordinal.getGroupIntervalFactor(z, L, this) || 1, t = E.getTimeTicks(N.Additions.prototype.normalizeTimeTickInterval(m * (L - z) / t * g, n.units || a), Math.min(z, P[0]), Math.max(L, P[P.length - 1]), E.options.startOfWeek, P, this.closestPointRange), m = x.groupData.apply(this, [P, X, t, n.approximation]), P = m.groupedXData, X = m.groupedYData, g = 0, n && n.smoothed && P.length && (n.firstAnchor = "firstPoint", n.anchor = "middle", n.lastAnchor = "lastPoint", j(32, !1, s, { "dataGrouping.smoothed": "use dataGrouping.anchor" })), s = P;
  6543. var $ = this.options.dataGrouping;
  6544. if (z = this.currentDataGrouping && this.currentDataGrouping.gapSize, $ && this.xData && z && this.groupMap) {
  6545. var Q = s.length - 1, A = $.anchor, F = v($.firstAnchor, A);
  6546. if ($ = v($.lastAnchor, A), A && A !== "start") {
  6547. var Y = z * { middle: 0.5, end: 1 }[A];
  6548. for (A = s.length - 1; A-- && 0 < A; )
  6549. s[A] += Y;
  6550. }
  6551. if (F && F !== "start" && this.xData[0] >= s[0]) {
  6552. A = this.groupMap[0].start, Y = this.groupMap[0].length;
  6553. var Z = void 0;
  6554. b(A) && b(Y) && (Z = A + (Y - 1)), s[0] = { middle: s[0] + 0.5 * z, end: s[0] + z, firstPoint: this.xData[0], lastPoint: Z && this.xData[Z] }[F];
  6555. }
  6556. $ && $ !== "start" && z && s[Q] >= L - z && (L = this.groupMap[this.groupMap.length - 1].start, s[Q] = { middle: s[Q] + 0.5 * z, end: s[Q] + z, firstPoint: L && this.xData[L], lastPoint: this.xData[this.xData.length - 1] }[$]);
  6557. }
  6558. for (L = 1; L < t.length; L++)
  6559. && !== -1 || (g = Math.max(t[L] - t[L - 1], g));
  6560. L =, L.gapSize = g, this.closestPointRange =, this.groupMap = m.groupMap, _ && (_ = P, O(_[0]) && b(E.min) && b(E.dataMin) && _[0] < E.min && ((!O(E.options.min) && E.min <= E.dataMin || E.min === E.dataMin) && (E.min = Math.min(_[0], E.min)), E.dataMin = Math.min(_[0], E.dataMin)), O(_[_.length - 1]) && b(E.max) && b(E.dataMax) && _[_.length - 1] > E.max && ((!O(E.options.max) && b(E.dataMax) && E.max >= E.dataMax || E.max === E.dataMax) && (E.max = Math.max(_[_.length - 1], E.max)), E.dataMax = Math.max(_[_.length - 1], E.dataMax))), n.groupAll && (this.allGroupedData = X, n = this.cropData(P, X, E.min, E.max, 1), P = n.xData, X = n.yData, this.cropStart = n.start), this.processedXData = P, this.processedYData = X;
  6561. } else
  6562. this.groupMap = null;
  6563. this.hasGroupedData = I, this.currentDataGrouping = L, this.preventGraphAnimation = (W && W.totalRange) !== (L && L.totalRange);
  6564. }
  6565. }, x.destroyGroupedData = function() {
  6566. this.groupedData && (this.groupedData.forEach(function(t, s) {
  6567. t && (this.groupedData[s] = t.destroy ? t.destroy() : null);
  6568. }, this), this.groupedData.length = 0);
  6569. }, x.generatePoints = function() {
  6570. u.apply(this), this.destroyGroupedData(), this.groupedData = this.hasGroupedData ? this.points : null;
  6571. }, y.prototype.applyGrouping = function(t) {
  6572. var s = this;
  6573. s.series.forEach(function(n) {
  6574. n.groupPixelWidth = void 0, n.groupPixelWidth = s.getGroupPixelWidth && s.getGroupPixelWidth(), n.groupPixelWidth && (n.hasProcessed = !0), n.applyGrouping(!!t.hasExtemesChanged);
  6575. });
  6576. }, y.prototype.getGroupPixelWidth = function() {
  6577. var t = this.series, s = t.length, n, P = 0, _ = !1, I;
  6578. for (n = s; n--; )
  6579. (I = t[n].options.dataGrouping) && (P = Math.max(P, v(I.groupPixelWidth, i.groupPixelWidth)));
  6580. for (n = s; n--; )
  6581. (I = t[n].options.dataGrouping) && (s = (t[n].processedXData || t[n].data).length, (t[n].groupPixelWidth || s > this.chart.plotSizeX / P || s && I.forced) && (_ = !0));
  6582. return _ ? P : 0;
  6583. }, y.prototype.setDataGrouping = function(t, s) {
  6584. var n;
  6585. if (s = v(s, !0), t || (t = { forced: !1, units: null }), this instanceof y)
  6586. for (n = this.series.length; n--; )
  6587. this.series[n].update({ dataGrouping: t }, !1);
  6588. else
  6589. this.chart.options.series.forEach(function(P) {
  6590. P.dataGrouping = t;
  6591. }, !1);
  6592. this.ordinal && (this.ordinal.slope = void 0), s && this.chart.redraw();
  6593. }, D(y, "postProcessData", y.prototype.applyGrouping), D(H, "update", function() {
  6594. if (this.dataGroup)
  6595. return j(
  6596. 24,
  6597. !1,
  6598. this.series.chart
  6599. ), !1;
  6600. }), D(G, "headerFormatter", function(t) {
  6601. var s = this.chart, n = s.time, P = t.labelConfig, _ = P.series, I = _.tooltipOptions, W = _.options.dataGrouping, E = I.xDateFormat, X = _.xAxis, g = I[t.isFooter ? "footerFormat" : "headerFormat"];
  6602. if (X && X.options.type === "datetime" && W && b(P.key)) {
  6603. var m = _.currentDataGrouping;
  6604. if (W = W.dateTimeLabelFormats || i.dateTimeLabelFormats, m)
  6605. if (I = W[m.unitName], m.count === 1)
  6606. E = I[0];
  6607. else {
  6608. E = I[1];
  6609. var L = I[2];
  6610. }
  6611. else
  6612. !E && W && X.dateTime && (E = X.dateTime.getXDateFormat(P.x, I.dateTimeLabelFormats));
  6613. E = n.dateFormat(E, P.key), L && (E += n.dateFormat(L, P.key + m.totalRange - 1)), _.chart.styledMode && (g = this.styledModeFormat(g)), t.text = S(g, { point: k(P.point, { key: E }), series: _ }, s), t.preventDefault();
  6614. }
  6615. }), D(V, "destroy", x.destroyGroupedData), D(V, "afterSetOptions", function(t) {
  6616. t = t.options;
  6617. var s = this.type, n = this.chart.options.plotOptions, P = R.defaultOptions.plotOptions[s].dataGrouping, _ = this.useCommonDataGrouping && i;
  6618. if (n && (c[s] || _)) {
  6619. P || (P = w(i, c[s]));
  6620. var I = this.chart.rangeSelector;
  6621. t.dataGrouping = w(
  6622. _,
  6623. P,
  6624. n.series && n.series.dataGrouping,
  6625. n[s].dataGrouping,
  6626. this.userOptions.dataGrouping,
  6627. !t.isInternal && I && b(I.selected) && I.buttonOptions[I.selected].dataGrouping
  6628. );
  6629. }
  6630. }), D(y, "afterSetScale", function() {
  6631. this.series.forEach(function(t) {
  6632. t.hasProcessed = !1;
  6633. });
  6634. }), U.dataGrouping = h, h;
  6635. }), M(o, "Series/HLC/HLCPoint.js", [o["Core/Series/SeriesRegistry.js"]], function(y) {
  6636. var N = this && this.__extends || function() {
  6637. var D = function(U, H) {
  6638. return D = Object.setPrototypeOf || { __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function(V, G) {
  6639. V.__proto__ = G;
  6640. } || function(V, G) {
  6641. for (var R in G)
  6642. G.hasOwnProperty(R) && (V[R] = G[R]);
  6643. }, D(U, H);
  6644. };
  6645. return function(U, H) {
  6646. function V() {
  6647. this.constructor = U;
  6648. }
  6649. D(U, H), U.prototype = H === null ? Object.create(H) : (V.prototype = H.prototype, new V());
  6650. };
  6651. }();
  6652. return function(D) {
  6653. function U() {
  6654. var H = D !== null && D.apply(this, arguments) || this;
  6655. return H.close = void 0, H.high = void 0, H.low = void 0, H.options = void 0, H.plotClose = void 0, H.series = void 0, H;
  6656. }
  6657. return N(U, D), U;
  6658. }(y.seriesTypes.column.prototype.pointClass);
  6659. }), M(
  6660. o,
  6661. "Series/HLC/HLCSeries.js",
  6662. [o["Series/HLC/HLCPoint.js"], o["Core/Series/SeriesRegistry.js"], o["Core/Utilities.js"]],
  6663. function(y, N, D) {
  6664. var U = this && this.__extends || function() {
  6665. var R = function(B, S) {
  6666. return R = Object.setPrototypeOf || { __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function(x, f) {
  6667. x.__proto__ = f;
  6668. } || function(x, f) {
  6669. for (var d in f)
  6670. f.hasOwnProperty(d) && (x[d] = f[d]);
  6671. }, R(B, S);
  6672. };
  6673. return function(B, S) {
  6674. function x() {
  6675. this.constructor = B;
  6676. }
  6677. R(B, S), B.prototype = S === null ? Object.create(S) : (x.prototype = S.prototype, new x());
  6678. };
  6679. }(), H = N.seriesTypes.column, V = D.extend, G = D.merge;
  6680. return D = function(R) {
  6681. function B() {
  6682. var S = R !== null && R.apply(this, arguments) || this;
  6683. return = void 0, S.options = void 0, S.points = void 0, S.yData = void 0, S;
  6684. }
  6685. return U(B, R), B.prototype.extendStem = function(S, x, f) {
  6686. var d = S[0];
  6687. S = S[1], typeof d[2] == "number" && (d[2] = Math.max(f + x, d[2])), typeof S[2] == "number" && (S[2] = Math.min(f - x, S[2]));
  6688. }, B.prototype.getPointPath = function(S, x) {
  6689. x = x.strokeWidth();
  6690. var f = S.series, d = x % 2 / 2, T = Math.round(S.plotX) - d, O = Math.round(S.shapeArgs.width / 2), j = [["M", T, Math.round(S.yBottom)], ["L", T, Math.round(S.plotHigh)]];
  6691. return S.close !== null && (S = Math.round(S.plotClose) + d, j.push(["M", T, S], ["L", T + O, S]), f.extendStem(j, x / 2, S)), j;
  6692. }, B.prototype.drawSinglePoint = function(S) {
  6693. var x = S.series, f = x.chart, d = S.graphic, T = !d;
  6694. typeof S.plotY < "u" && (d || (S.graphic = d = f.renderer.path().add(, f.styledMode || d.attr(x.pointAttribs(S, S.selected && "select")), x = x.getPointPath(S, d), d[T ? "attr" : "animate"]({ d: x }).addClass(S.getClassName(), !0));
  6695. }, B.prototype.drawPoints = function() {
  6696. this.points.forEach(this.drawSinglePoint);
  6697. }, B.prototype.init = function() {
  6698. R.prototype.init.apply(this, arguments), this.options.stacking = void 0;
  6699. }, B.prototype.pointAttribs = function(S, x) {
  6700. return S =, S, x), delete S.fill, S;
  6701. }, B.prototype.toYData = function(S) {
  6702. return [S.high, S.low, S.close];
  6703. }, B.prototype.translate = function() {
  6704. var S = this, x = S.yAxis, f = this.pointArrayMap && this.pointArrayMap.slice() || [], d = {
  6705. return "plot" + (T.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + T.slice(1));
  6706. });
  6707. d.push("yBottom"), f.push("low"), R.prototype.translate.apply(S), S.points.forEach(function(T) {
  6708. f.forEach(function(O, j) {
  6709. O = T[O], O !== null && (S.dataModify && (O = S.dataModify.modifyValue(O)), T[d[j]] = x.toPixels(O, !0));
  6710. }), T.tooltipPos[1] = T.plotHigh + x.pos - S.chart.plotTop;
  6711. });
  6712. }, B.defaultOptions = G(H.defaultOptions, { lineWidth: 1, tooltip: { pointFormat: '<span style="color:{point.color}">●</span> <b> {}</b><br/>High: {point.high}<br/>Low: {point.low}<br/>Close: {point.close}<br/>' }, threshold: null, states: { hover: { lineWidth: 3 } }, stickyTracking: !0 }), B;
  6713. }(H), V(D.prototype, { animate: null, directTouch: !1, pointArrayMap: ["high", "low", "close"], pointAttrToOptions: {
  6714. stroke: "color",
  6715. "stroke-width": "lineWidth"
  6716. }, pointValKey: "close" }), D.prototype.pointClass = y, N.registerSeriesType("hlc", D), D;
  6717. }
  6718. ), M(o, "Series/OHLC/OHLCPoint.js", [o["Core/Series/SeriesRegistry.js"]], function(y) {
  6719. var N = this && this.__extends || function() {
  6720. var D = function(U, H) {
  6721. return D = Object.setPrototypeOf || { __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function(V, G) {
  6722. V.__proto__ = G;
  6723. } || function(V, G) {
  6724. for (var R in G)
  6725. G.hasOwnProperty(R) && (V[R] = G[R]);
  6726. }, D(U, H);
  6727. };
  6728. return function(U, H) {
  6729. function V() {
  6730. this.constructor = U;
  6731. }
  6732. D(U, H), U.prototype = H === null ? Object.create(H) : (V.prototype = H.prototype, new V());
  6733. };
  6734. }();
  6735. return function(D) {
  6736. function U() {
  6737. var H = D !== null && D.apply(this, arguments) || this;
  6738. return = void 0, H.options = void 0, H.plotOpen = void 0, H.series = void 0, H;
  6739. }
  6740. return N(U, D), U.prototype.getClassName = function() {
  6741. return + ( < this.close ? " highcharts-point-up" : " highcharts-point-down");
  6742. }, U.prototype.resolveUpColor = function() {
  6743. < this.close && !this.options.color && this.series.options.upColor && (this.color = this.series.options.upColor);
  6744. }, U.prototype.resolveColor = function() {
  6745., this.resolveUpColor();
  6746. }, U.prototype.getZone = function() {
  6747. var H =;
  6748. return this.resolveUpColor(), H;
  6749. }, U.prototype.applyOptions = function() {
  6750. return D.prototype.applyOptions.apply(this, arguments), this.resolveColor && this.resolveColor(), this;
  6751. }, U;
  6752. }(y.seriesTypes.hlc.prototype.pointClass);
  6753. }), M(
  6754. o,
  6755. "Series/OHLC/OHLCSeries.js",
  6756. [o["Series/OHLC/OHLCPoint.js"], o["Core/Series/SeriesRegistry.js"], o["Core/Utilities.js"]],
  6757. function(y, N, D) {
  6758. var U = this && this.__extends || function() {
  6759. var x = function(f, d) {
  6760. return x = Object.setPrototypeOf || { __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function(T, O) {
  6761. T.__proto__ = O;
  6762. } || function(T, O) {
  6763. for (var j in O)
  6764. O.hasOwnProperty(j) && (T[j] = O[j]);
  6765. }, x(f, d);
  6766. };
  6767. return function(f, d) {
  6768. function T() {
  6769. this.constructor = f;
  6770. }
  6771. x(f, d), f.prototype = d === null ? Object.create(d) : (T.prototype = d.prototype, new T());
  6772. };
  6773. }(), H = N.series, V = N.seriesTypes.hlc, G = D.addEvent, R = D.extend, B = D.merge, S = function(x) {
  6774. function f() {
  6775. var d = x !== null && x.apply(this, arguments) || this;
  6776. return = void 0, d.options = void 0, d.points = void 0, d;
  6777. }
  6778. return U(f, x), f.prototype.getPointPath = function(d, T) {
  6779. var O =, d, T);
  6780. T = T.strokeWidth();
  6781. var j = T % 2 / 2, k = Math.round(d.plotX) - j, b = Math.round(d.shapeArgs.width / 2);
  6782. return !== null && (d = Math.round(d.plotOpen) + j, O.push(["M", k, d], ["L", k - b, d]),, O, T / 2, d)), O;
  6783. }, f.prototype.pointAttribs = function(d, T) {
  6784. T =, d, T);
  6785. var O = this.options;
  6786. return delete T.fill, !d.options.color && O.upColor && < d.close && (T.stroke = O.upColor), T;
  6787. }, f.prototype.toYData = function(d) {
  6788. return [, d.high, d.low, d.close];
  6789. }, f.defaultOptions = B(V.defaultOptions, { tooltip: { pointFormat: '<span style="color:{point.color}">●</span> <b> {}</b><br/>Open: {}<br/>High: {point.high}<br/>Low: {point.low}<br/>Close: {point.close}<br/>' } }), f;
  6790. }(V);
  6791. return R(S.prototype, { pointArrayMap: ["open", "high", "low", "close"] }), S.prototype.pointClass = y, N.registerSeriesType("ohlc", S), G(H, "init", function(x) {
  6792. x = x.options, x.useOhlcData && !== "highcharts-navigator-series" && R(this, { pointValKey: S.prototype.pointValKey, pointArrayMap: S.prototype.pointArrayMap, toYData: S.prototype.toYData });
  6793. }), G(H, "afterSetOptions", function(x) {
  6794. x = x.options;
  6795. var f = x.dataGrouping;
  6796. f && x.useOhlcData && !== "highcharts-navigator-series" && (f.approximation = "ohlc");
  6797. }), S;
  6798. }
  6799. ), M(o, "Series/Candlestick/CandlestickSeries.js", [o["Core/DefaultOptions.js"], o["Core/Series/SeriesRegistry.js"], o["Core/Utilities.js"]], function(y, N, D) {
  6800. var U = this && this.__extends || function() {
  6801. var B = function(S, x) {
  6802. return B = Object.setPrototypeOf || { __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function(f, d) {
  6803. f.__proto__ = d;
  6804. } || function(f, d) {
  6805. for (var T in d)
  6806. d.hasOwnProperty(T) && (f[T] = d[T]);
  6807. }, B(S, x);
  6808. };
  6809. return function(S, x) {
  6810. function f() {
  6811. this.constructor = S;
  6812. }
  6813. B(S, x), S.prototype = x === null ? Object.create(x) : (f.prototype = x.prototype, new f());
  6814. };
  6815. }(), H = y.defaultOptions;
  6816. y = N.seriesTypes;
  6817. var V = y.column, G = y.ohlc, R = D.merge;
  6818. return D = function(B) {
  6819. function S() {
  6820. var x = B !== null && B.apply(this, arguments) || this;
  6821. return = void 0, x.options = void 0, x.points = void 0, x;
  6822. }
  6823. return U(S, B), S.prototype.pointAttribs = function(x, f) {
  6824. var d =, x, f), T = this.options, O = < x.close, j = T.lineColor || this.color, k = x.color || this.color;
  6825. return d["stroke-width"] = T.lineWidth, d.fill = x.options.color || O && T.upColor || k, d.stroke = x.options.lineColor || O && T.upLineColor || j, f && (x = T.states[f], d.fill = x.color || d.fill, d.stroke = x.lineColor || d.stroke, d["stroke-width"] = x.lineWidth || d["stroke-width"]), d;
  6826. }, S.prototype.drawPoints = function() {
  6827. var x = this, f = x.chart, d = x.yAxis.reversed;
  6828. x.points.forEach(function(T) {
  6829. var O = T.graphic, j = !O;
  6830. if (typeof T.plotY < "u") {
  6831. O || (T.graphic = O = f.renderer.path().add(, x.chart.styledMode || O.attr(x.pointAttribs(T, T.selected && "select")).shadow(x.options.shadow);
  6832. var k = O.strokeWidth() % 2 / 2, b = Math.round(T.plotX) - k, w = T.plotOpen, v = T.plotClose, l = Math.min(w, v);
  6833. w = Math.max(w, v);
  6834. var h = Math.round(T.shapeArgs.width / 2);
  6835. v = d ? w !== T.yBottom : Math.round(l) !== Math.round(T.plotHigh);
  6836. var u = d ? Math.round(l) !== Math.round(T.plotHigh) : w !== T.yBottom;
  6837. l = Math.round(l) + k, w = Math.round(w) + k, k = [], k.push(["M", b - h, w], ["L", b - h, l], ["L", b + h, l], ["L", b + h, w], ["Z"], ["M", b, l], ["L", b, v ? Math.round(d ? T.yBottom : T.plotHigh) : l], ["M", b, w], ["L", b, u ? Math.round(d ? T.plotHigh : T.yBottom) : w]), O[j ? "attr" : "animate"]({ d: k }).addClass(T.getClassName(), !0);
  6838. }
  6839. });
  6840. }, S.defaultOptions = R(G.defaultOptions, H.plotOptions, { states: { hover: { lineWidth: 2 } }, tooltip: H.plotOptions.ohlc.tooltip, threshold: null, lineColor: "#000000", lineWidth: 1, upColor: "#ffffff", stickyTracking: !0 }), S;
  6841. }(G), N.registerSeriesType("candlestick", D), D;
  6842. }), M(o, "Series/Flags/FlagsPoint.js", [o["Core/Series/SeriesRegistry.js"], o["Core/Utilities.js"]], function(y, N) {
  6843. var D = this && this.__extends || function() {
  6844. var H = function(V, G) {
  6845. return H = Object.setPrototypeOf || { __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function(R, B) {
  6846. R.__proto__ = B;
  6847. } || function(R, B) {
  6848. for (var S in B)
  6849. B.hasOwnProperty(S) && (R[S] = B[S]);
  6850. }, H(V, G);
  6851. };
  6852. return function(V, G) {
  6853. function R() {
  6854. this.constructor = V;
  6855. }
  6856. H(V, G), V.prototype = G === null ? Object.create(G) : (R.prototype = G.prototype, new R());
  6857. };
  6858. }(), U = N.isNumber;
  6859. return function(H) {
  6860. function V() {
  6861. var G = H !== null && H.apply(this, arguments) || this;
  6862. return G.options = void 0, G.series = void 0, G;
  6863. }
  6864. return D(V, H), V.prototype.isValid = function() {
  6865. return U(this.y) || typeof this.y > "u";
  6866. }, V.prototype.hasNewShapeType = function() {
  6867. var G = this.options.shape || this.series.options.shape;
  6868. return this.graphic && G && G !== this.graphic.symbolKey;
  6869. }, V;
  6870. }(y.seriesTypes.column.prototype.pointClass);
  6871. }), M(o, "Series/OnSeriesComposition.js", [
  6872. o["Series/Column/ColumnSeries.js"],
  6873. o["Core/Series/Series.js"],
  6874. o["Core/Utilities.js"]
  6875. ], function(y, N, D) {
  6876. var U = y.prototype, H = N.prototype, V = D.defined, G = D.stableSort, R;
  6877. return function(B) {
  6878. function S() {
  6879. return && this.chart.get(this.options.onSeries) || this);
  6880. }
  6881. function x() {
  6882. U.translate.apply(this);
  6883. var d = this, T = d.options, O = d.chart, j = d.points, k = T.onSeries, b = (k = k && O.get(k)) && k.options.step, w = k && k.points, v = O.inverted, l = d.xAxis, h = d.yAxis;
  6884. O = j.length - 1;
  6885. var u;
  6886. T = T.onKey || "y";
  6887. var i = w && w.length, c = 0, a;
  6888. if (k && k.visible && i) {
  6889. c = (k.pointXOffset || 0) + (k.barW || 0) / 2;
  6890. var t = k.currentDataGrouping, s = w[i - 1].x + (t ? t.totalRange : 0);
  6891. for (G(j, function(_, I) {
  6892. return _.x - I.x;
  6893. }), T = "plot" + T[0].toUpperCase() + T.substr(1); i-- && j[O]; ) {
  6894. var n = w[i];
  6895. if (t = j[O], t.y = n.y, n.x <= t.x && typeof n[T] < "u") {
  6896. if (t.x <= s && (t.plotY = n[T], n.x < t.x && !b && (a = w[i + 1]) && typeof a[T] < "u")) {
  6897. var P = (t.x - n.x) / (a.x - n.x);
  6898. t.plotY += P * (a[T] - n[T]), t.y += P * (a.y - n.y);
  6899. }
  6900. if (O--, i++, 0 > O)
  6901. break;
  6902. }
  6903. }
  6904. }
  6905. j.forEach(function(_, I) {
  6906. if (_.plotX += c, (typeof _.plotY > "u" || v) && (0 <= _.plotX && _.plotX <= l.len ? v ? (_.plotY = l.translate(_.x, 0, 1, 0, 1), _.plotX = V(_.y) ? h.translate(_.y, 0, 0, 0, 1) : 0) : _.plotY = (l.opposite ? 0 : d.yAxis.len) + l.offset : _.shapeArgs = {}), (u = j[I - 1]) && u.plotX === _.plotX) {
  6907. typeof u.stackIndex > "u" && (u.stackIndex = 0);
  6908. var W = u.stackIndex + 1;
  6909. }
  6910. _.stackIndex = W;
  6911. }), this.onSeries = k;
  6912. }
  6913. var f = [];
  6914. B.compose = function(d) {
  6915. if (f.indexOf(d) === -1) {
  6916. f.push(d);
  6917. var T = d.prototype;
  6918. T.getPlotBox = S, T.translate = x;
  6919. }
  6920. return d;
  6921. }, B.getPlotBox = S, B.translate = x;
  6922. }(R || (R = {})), R;
  6923. }), M(
  6924. o,
  6925. "Series/Flags/FlagsSymbols.js",
  6926. [o["Core/Renderer/RendererRegistry.js"], o["Core/Renderer/SVG/SVGRenderer.js"]],
  6927. function(y, N) {
  6928. function D(H) {
  6929. U[H + "pin"] = function(V, G, R, B, S) {
  6930. var x = S && S.anchorX;
  6931. S = S && S.anchorY, H === "circle" && B > R && (V -= Math.round((B - R) / 2), R = B);
  6932. var f = U[H](V, G, R, B);
  6933. if (x && S) {
  6934. var d = x;
  6935. H === "circle" ? d = V + R / 2 : (V = f[0], R = f[1], V[0] === "M" && R[0] === "L" && (d = (V[1] + R[1]) / 2)), f.push(["M", d, G > S ? G : G + B], ["L", x, S]), f = f.concat( - 1, S - 1, 2, 2));
  6936. }
  6937. return f;
  6938. };
  6939. }
  6940. var U = N.prototype.symbols;
  6941. return U.flag = function(H, V, G, R, B) {
  6942. var S = B && B.anchorX || H;
  6943. B = B && B.anchorY || V;
  6944. var x = - 1, B - 1, 2, 2);
  6945. return x.push(["M", S, B], ["L", H, V + R], ["L", H, V], ["L", H + G, V], ["L", H + G, V + R], ["L", H, V + R], ["Z"]), x;
  6946. }, D("circle"), D("square"), y = y.getRendererType(), y !== N && (y.prototype.symbols.circlepin = U.circlepin, y.prototype.symbols.flag = U.flag, y.prototype.symbols.squarepin = U.squarepin), U;
  6947. }
  6948. ), M(o, "Series/Flags/FlagsSeries.js", [
  6949. o["Series/Flags/FlagsPoint.js"],
  6950. o["Core/Globals.js"],
  6951. o["Series/OnSeriesComposition.js"],
  6952. o["Core/Renderer/RendererUtilities.js"],
  6953. o["Core/Series/SeriesRegistry.js"],
  6954. o["Core/Renderer/SVG/SVGElement.js"],
  6955. o["Core/Utilities.js"]
  6956. ], function(y, N, D, U, H, V, G) {
  6957. var R = this && this.__extends || function() {
  6958. var k = function(b, w) {
  6959. return k = Object.setPrototypeOf || { __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function(v, l) {
  6960. v.__proto__ = l;
  6961. } || function(v, l) {
  6962. for (var h in l)
  6963. l.hasOwnProperty(h) && (v[h] = l[h]);
  6964. }, k(b, w);
  6965. };
  6966. return function(b, w) {
  6967. function v() {
  6968. this.constructor = b;
  6969. }
  6970. k(b, w), b.prototype = w === null ? Object.create(w) : (v.prototype = w.prototype, new v());
  6971. };
  6972. }();
  6973. N = N.noop;
  6974. var B = U.distribute, S = H.series, x = H.seriesTypes.column, f = G.addEvent, d = G.defined;
  6975. U = G.extend;
  6976. var T = G.merge, O = G.objectEach, j = G.wrap;
  6977. return G = function(k) {
  6978. function b() {
  6979. var w = k !== null && k.apply(this, arguments) || this;
  6980. return = void 0, w.options = void 0, w.points = void 0, w;
  6981. }
  6982. return R(b, k), b.prototype.animate = function(w) {
  6983. w && this.setClip();
  6984. }, b.prototype.drawPoints = function() {
  6985. var w = this.points, v = this.chart, l = v.renderer, h = v.inverted, u = this.options, i = u.y, c, a = this.yAxis, t = {}, s = [];
  6986. for (c = w.length; c--; ) {
  6987. var n = w[c], P = (h ? n.plotY : n.plotX) > this.xAxis.len, _ = n.plotX, I = n.stackIndex, W = n.options.shape || u.shape, E = n.plotY;
  6988. typeof E < "u" && (E = n.plotY + i - (typeof I < "u" && I * u.stackDistance)), n.anchorX = I ? void 0 : n.plotX;
  6989. var X = I ? void 0 : n.plotY, g = W !== "flag";
  6990. I = n.graphic, typeof E < "u" && 0 <= _ && !P ? (I && n.hasNewShapeType() && (I = I.destroy()), I || (I = n.graphic = l.label("", null, null, W, null, null, u.useHTML).addClass("highcharts-point").add(this.markerGroup), n.graphic.div && (n.graphic.div.point = n), I.isNew = !0), I.attr({
  6991. align: g ? "center" : "left",
  6992. width: u.width,
  6993. height: u.height,
  6994. "text-align": u.textAlign
  6995. }), v.styledMode || I.attr(this.pointAttribs(n)).css(T(,, 0 < _ && (_ -= I.strokeWidth() % 2), W = { y: E, anchorY: X }, u.allowOverlapX && (W.x = _, W.anchorX = n.anchorX), I.attr({ text: n.options.title || u.title || "A" })[I.isNew ? "attr" : "animate"](W), u.allowOverlapX || (t[n.plotX] ? t[n.plotX].size = Math.max(t[n.plotX].size, I.width) : t[n.plotX] = { align: g ? 0.5 : 0, size: I.width, target: _, anchorX: _ }), n.tooltipPos = [_, E + a.pos - v.plotTop]) : I && (n.graphic = I.destroy());
  6996. }
  6997. if (!u.allowOverlapX) {
  6998. var m = 100;
  6999. O(t, function(L) {
  7000. L.plotX = L.anchorX, s.push(L), m = Math.max(L.size, m);
  7001. }), B(s, h ? a.len : this.xAxis.len, m), w.forEach(function(L) {
  7002. var z = L.graphic && t[L.plotX];
  7003. z && (L.graphic[L.graphic.isNew ? "attr" : "animate"]({ x: z.pos + z.align * z.size, anchorX: L.anchorX }), d(z.pos) ? L.graphic.isNew = !1 : (L.graphic.attr({ x: -9999, anchorX: -9999 }), L.graphic.isNew = !0));
  7004. });
  7005. }
  7006. u.useHTML && j(this.markerGroup, "on", function(L) {
  7007. return V.prototype.on.apply(L.apply(this, [], 1)), [], 1));
  7008. });
  7009. }, b.prototype.drawTracker = function() {
  7010. var w = this.points;
  7011., w.forEach(function(v) {
  7012. var l = v.graphic;
  7013. l && (v.unbindMouseOver && v.unbindMouseOver(), v.unbindMouseOver = f(l.element, "mouseover", function() {
  7014. 0 < v.stackIndex && !v.raised && (v._y = l.y, l.attr({ y: v._y - 8 }), v.raised = !0), w.forEach(function(h) {
  7015. h !== v && h.raised && h.graphic && (h.graphic.attr({ y: h._y }), h.raised = !1);
  7016. });
  7017. }));
  7018. });
  7019. }, b.prototype.pointAttribs = function(w, v) {
  7020. var l = this.options, h = w && w.color || this.color, u = l.lineColor, i = w && w.lineWidth;
  7021. return w = w && w.fillColor || l.fillColor, v && (w = l.states[v].fillColor, u = l.states[v].lineColor, i = l.states[v].lineWidth), { fill: w || h, stroke: u || h, "stroke-width": i || l.lineWidth || 0 };
  7022. }, b.prototype.setClip = function() {
  7023. S.prototype.setClip.apply(this, arguments), this.options.clip !== !1 && this.sharedClipKey && this.markerGroup && this.markerGroup.clip(this.chart.sharedClips[this.sharedClipKey]);
  7024. }, b.defaultOptions = T(x.defaultOptions, {
  7025. pointRange: 0,
  7026. allowOverlapX: !1,
  7027. shape: "flag",
  7028. stackDistance: 12,
  7029. textAlign: "center",
  7030. tooltip: { pointFormat: "{point.text}" },
  7031. threshold: null,
  7032. y: -30,
  7033. fillColor: "#ffffff",
  7034. lineWidth: 1,
  7035. states: { hover: { lineColor: "#000000", fillColor: "#ccd6eb" } },
  7036. style: { fontSize: "11px", fontWeight: "bold" }
  7037. }), b;
  7038. }(x), D.compose(G), U(G.prototype, { allowDG: !1, forceCrop: !0, invertible: !1, noSharedTooltip: !0, pointClass: y, sorted: !1, takeOrdinalPosition: !1, trackerGroups: ["markerGroup"], buildKDTree: N, init: S.prototype.init, invertGroups: N }), H.registerSeriesType("flags", G), G;
  7039. }), M(o, "Core/Axis/ScrollbarAxis.js", [o["Core/Utilities.js"]], function(y) {
  7040. var N = y.addEvent, D = y.defined, U = y.pick;
  7041. return function() {
  7042. function H() {
  7043. }
  7044. return H.compose = function(V, G) {
  7045. if (H.composed.indexOf(V) === -1)
  7046. H.composed.push(V);
  7047. else
  7048. return V;
  7049. var R = function(B) {
  7050. var S = U(B.options && B.options.min, B.min), x = U(B.options && B.options.max, B.max);
  7051. return { axisMin: S, axisMax: x, scrollMin: D(B.dataMin) ? Math.min(S, B.min, B.dataMin, U(B.threshold, 1 / 0)) : S, scrollMax: D(B.dataMax) ? Math.max(x, B.max, B.dataMax, U(B.threshold, -1 / 0)) : x };
  7052. };
  7053. return N(V, "afterInit", function() {
  7054. var B = this;
  7055. B.options && B.options.scrollbar && B.options.scrollbar.enabled && (B.options.scrollbar.vertical = !B.horiz, B.options.startOnTick = B.options.endOnTick = !1, B.scrollbar = new G(B.chart.renderer, B.options.scrollbar, B.chart), N(B.scrollbar, "changed", function(S) {
  7056. var x = R(B), f = x.axisMax, d = x.scrollMin, T = x.scrollMax - d;
  7057. D(x.axisMin) && D(f) && (B.horiz && !B.reversed || !B.horiz && B.reversed ? (x = d + T *, d += T * this.from) : (x = d + T * (1 - this.from), d += T * (1 -, this.shouldUpdateExtremes(S.DOMType) ? B.setExtremes(d, x, !0, S.DOMType !== "mousemove" && S.DOMType !== "touchmove", S) : this.setRange(
  7058. this.from,
  7060. ));
  7061. }));
  7062. }), N(V, "afterRender", function() {
  7063. var B = R(this), S = B.scrollMin, x = B.scrollMax;
  7064. B = this.scrollbar;
  7065. var f = this.axisTitleMargin + (this.titleOffset || 0), d = this.chart.scrollbarsOffsets, T = this.options.margin || 0;
  7066. B && (this.horiz ? (this.opposite || (d[1] += f), B.position(this.left, + this.height + 2 + d[1] - (this.opposite ? T : 0), this.width, this.height), this.opposite || (d[1] += T), f = 1) : (this.opposite && (d[0] += f), B.position(
  7067. B.options.opposite ? this.left + this.width + 2 + d[0] - (this.opposite ? 0 : T) : this.opposite ? 0 : T,
  7069. this.width,
  7070. this.height
  7071. ), this.opposite && (d[0] += T), f = 0), d[f] += B.size + B.options.margin, isNaN(S) || isNaN(x) || !D(this.min) || !D(this.max) || this.min === this.max ? B.setRange(0, 1) : (d = (this.min - S) / (x - S), S = (this.max - S) / (x - S), this.horiz && !this.reversed || !this.horiz && this.reversed ? B.setRange(d, S) : B.setRange(1 - S, 1 - d)));
  7072. }), N(V, "afterGetOffset", function() {
  7073. var B = this.scrollbar && !this.scrollbar.options.opposite;
  7074. B = this.horiz ? 2 : B ? 3 : 1;
  7075. var S = this.scrollbar;
  7076. S && (this.chart.scrollbarsOffsets = [0, 0], this.chart.axisOffset[B] += S.size + S.options.margin);
  7077. }), V;
  7078. }, H.composed = [], H;
  7079. }();
  7080. }), M(o, "Core/ScrollbarDefaults.js", [o["Core/Globals.js"]], function(y) {
  7081. return {
  7082. height: y.isTouchDevice ? 20 : 14,
  7083. barBorderRadius: 0,
  7084. buttonBorderRadius: 0,
  7085. liveRedraw: void 0,
  7086. margin: 10,
  7087. minWidth: 6,
  7088. opposite: !0,
  7089. step: 0.2,
  7090. zIndex: 3,
  7091. barBackgroundColor: "#cccccc",
  7092. barBorderWidth: 1,
  7093. barBorderColor: "#cccccc",
  7094. buttonArrowColor: "#333333",
  7095. buttonBackgroundColor: "#e6e6e6",
  7096. buttonBorderColor: "#cccccc",
  7097. buttonBorderWidth: 1,
  7098. rifleColor: "#333333",
  7099. trackBackgroundColor: "#f2f2f2",
  7100. trackBorderColor: "#f2f2f2",
  7101. trackBorderWidth: 1
  7102. };
  7103. }), M(o, "Core/Scrollbar.js", [o["Core/DefaultOptions.js"], o["Core/Globals.js"], o["Core/Axis/ScrollbarAxis.js"], o["Core/ScrollbarDefaults.js"], o["Core/Utilities.js"]], function(y, N, D, U, H) {
  7104. var V = y.defaultOptions, G = H.addEvent, R = H.correctFloat, B = H.defined, S = H.destroyObjectProperties, x = H.fireEvent, f = H.merge, d = H.pick, T = H.removeEvent;
  7105. return y = function() {
  7106. function O(j, k, b) {
  7107. this._events = [], this.chart = void 0, this.from = this.chartY = this.chartX = 0, this.scrollbar = this.renderer = this.options = = void 0, this.scrollbarButtons = [], this.scrollbarGroup = void 0, this.scrollbarLeft = 0, this.scrollbarRifles = void 0, this.scrollbarStrokeWidth = 1, = this.size = this.scrollbarTop = 0, this.track = void 0, this.trackBorderWidth = 1, this.userOptions = void 0, this.y = this.x = 0, this.init(j, k, b);
  7108. }
  7109. return O.compose = function(j) {
  7110. D.compose(j, O);
  7111. }, O.swapXY = function(j, k) {
  7112. return k && j.forEach(function(b) {
  7113. for (var w = b.length, v, l = 0; l < w; l += 2)
  7114. v = b[l + 1], typeof v == "number" && (b[l + 1] = b[l + 2], b[l + 2] = v);
  7115. }), j;
  7116. }, O.prototype.addEvents = function() {
  7117. var j = this.options.inverted ? [1, 0] : [0, 1], k = this.scrollbarButtons, b = this.scrollbarGroup.element, w = this.track.element, v = this.mouseDownHandler.bind(this), l = this.mouseMoveHandler.bind(this), h = this.mouseUpHandler.bind(this);
  7118. j = [[k[j[0]].element, "click", this.buttonToMinClick.bind(this)], [k[j[1]].element, "click", this.buttonToMaxClick.bind(this)], [w, "click", this.trackClick.bind(this)], [b, "mousedown", v], [b.ownerDocument, "mousemove", l], [b.ownerDocument, "mouseup", h]], N.hasTouch && j.push(
  7119. [b, "touchstart", v],
  7120. [b.ownerDocument, "touchmove", l],
  7121. [b.ownerDocument, "touchend", h]
  7122. ), j.forEach(function(u) {
  7123. G.apply(null, u);
  7124. }), this._events = j;
  7125. }, O.prototype.buttonToMaxClick = function(j) {
  7126. var k = ( - this.from) * d(this.options.step, 0.2);
  7127. this.updatePosition(this.from + k, + k), x(this, "changed", { from: this.from, to:, trigger: "scrollbar", DOMEvent: j });
  7128. }, O.prototype.buttonToMinClick = function(j) {
  7129. var k = R( - this.from) * d(this.options.step, 0.2);
  7130. this.updatePosition(R(this.from - k), R( - k)), x(this, "changed", {
  7131. from: this.from,
  7132. to:,
  7133. trigger: "scrollbar",
  7134. DOMEvent: j
  7135. });
  7136. }, O.prototype.cursorToScrollbarPosition = function(j) {
  7137. var k = this.options;
  7138. return k = k.minWidth > this.calculatedWidth ? k.minWidth : 0, { chartX: (j.chartX - this.x - this.xOffset) / (this.barWidth - k), chartY: (j.chartY - this.y - this.yOffset) / (this.barWidth - k) };
  7139. }, O.prototype.destroy = function() {
  7140. var j = this, k = j.chart.scroller;
  7141. j.removeEvents(), ["track", "scrollbarRifles", "scrollbar", "scrollbarGroup", "group"].forEach(function(b) {
  7142. j[b] && j[b].destroy && (j[b] = j[b].destroy());
  7143. }), k && j === k.scrollbar && (k.scrollbar = null, S(k.scrollbarButtons));
  7144. }, O.prototype.drawScrollbarButton = function(j) {
  7145. var k = this.renderer, b = this.scrollbarButtons, w = this.options, v = this.size, l = k.g().add(;
  7146. b.push(l), l = k.rect().addClass("highcharts-scrollbar-button").add(l), this.chart.styledMode || l.attr({ stroke: w.buttonBorderColor, "stroke-width": w.buttonBorderWidth, fill: w.buttonBackgroundColor }), l.attr(l.crisp({ x: -0.5, y: -0.5, width: v + 1, height: v + 1, r: w.buttonBorderRadius }, l.strokeWidth())), l = k.path(O.swapXY([["M", v / 2 + (j ? -1 : 1), v / 2 - 3], ["L", v / 2 + (j ? -1 : 1), v / 2 + 3], ["L", v / 2 + (j ? 2 : -2), v / 2]], w.vertical)).addClass("highcharts-scrollbar-arrow").add(b[j]), this.chart.styledMode || l.attr({ fill: w.buttonArrowColor });
  7147. }, O.prototype.init = function(j, k, b) {
  7148. this.scrollbarButtons = [], this.renderer = j, this.userOptions = k, this.options = f(U, V.scrollbar, k), this.chart = b, this.size = d(this.options.size, this.options.height), k.enabled && (this.render(), this.addEvents());
  7149. }, O.prototype.mouseDownHandler = function(j) {
  7150. j = this.chart.pointer.normalize(j), j = this.cursorToScrollbarPosition(j), this.chartX = j.chartX, this.chartY = j.chartY, this.initPositions = [this.from,], this.grabbedCenter = !0;
  7151. }, O.prototype.mouseMoveHandler = function(j) {
  7152. var k = this.chart.pointer.normalize(j), b = this.options.vertical ? "chartY" : "chartX", w = this.initPositions || [];
  7153. !this.grabbedCenter || j.touches && j.touches[0][b] === 0 || (k = this.cursorToScrollbarPosition(k)[b], b = this[b], b = k - b, this.hasDragged = !0, this.updatePosition(w[0] + b, w[1] + b), this.hasDragged && x(this, "changed", { from: this.from, to:, trigger: "scrollbar", DOMType: j.type, DOMEvent: j }));
  7154. }, O.prototype.mouseUpHandler = function(j) {
  7155. this.hasDragged && x(this, "changed", { from: this.from, to:, trigger: "scrollbar", DOMType: j.type, DOMEvent: j }), this.grabbedCenter = this.hasDragged = this.chartX = this.chartY = null;
  7156. }, O.prototype.position = function(j, k, b, w) {
  7157. var v = this.options.vertical, l = this.rendered ? "animate" : "attr", h = 0;
  7158. this.x = j, this.y = k + this.trackBorderWidth, this.width = b, this.xOffset = this.height = w, this.yOffset = h, v ? (this.width = this.yOffset = b = h = this.size, this.xOffset = k = 0, this.barWidth = w - 2 * b, this.x = j += this.options.margin) : (this.height = this.xOffset = w = k = this.size, this.barWidth = b - 2 * w, this.y += this.options.margin),[l]({ translateX: j, translateY: this.y }), this.track[l]({ width: b, height: w }), this.scrollbarButtons[1][l]({ translateX: v ? 0 : b - k, translateY: v ? w - h : 0 });
  7159. }, O.prototype.removeEvents = function() {
  7160. this._events.forEach(function(j) {
  7161. T.apply(null, j);
  7162. }), this._events.length = 0;
  7163. }, O.prototype.render = function() {
  7164. var j = this.renderer, k = this.options, b = this.size, w = this.chart.styledMode, v = j.g("scrollbar").attr({ zIndex: k.zIndex, translateY: -99999 }).add();
  7165. = v, this.track = j.rect().addClass("highcharts-scrollbar-track").attr({ x: 0, r: k.trackBorderRadius || 0, height: b, width: b }).add(v), w || this.track.attr({ fill: k.trackBackgroundColor, stroke: k.trackBorderColor, "stroke-width": k.trackBorderWidth }), this.trackBorderWidth = this.track.strokeWidth(), this.track.attr({ y: -this.trackBorderWidth % 2 / 2 }), this.scrollbarGroup = j.g().add(v), this.scrollbar = j.rect().addClass("highcharts-scrollbar-thumb").attr({ height: b, width: b, r: k.barBorderRadius || 0 }).add(this.scrollbarGroup), this.scrollbarRifles = j.path(O.swapXY([["M", -3, b / 4], ["L", -3, 2 * b / 3], ["M", 0, b / 4], ["L", 0, 2 * b / 3], ["M", 3, b / 4], ["L", 3, 2 * b / 3]], k.vertical)).addClass("highcharts-scrollbar-rifles").add(this.scrollbarGroup), w || (this.scrollbar.attr({ fill: k.barBackgroundColor, stroke: k.barBorderColor, "stroke-width": k.barBorderWidth }), this.scrollbarRifles.attr({ stroke: k.rifleColor, "stroke-width": 1 })), this.scrollbarStrokeWidth = this.scrollbar.strokeWidth(), this.scrollbarGroup.translate(-this.scrollbarStrokeWidth % 2 / 2, -this.scrollbarStrokeWidth % 2 / 2), this.drawScrollbarButton(0), this.drawScrollbarButton(1);
  7166. }, O.prototype.setRange = function(j, k) {
  7167. var b = this.options, w = b.vertical, v = b.minWidth, l = this.barWidth, h = !this.rendered || this.hasDragged || this.chart.navigator && this.chart.navigator.hasDragged ? "attr" : "animate";
  7168. if (B(l)) {
  7169. var u = l * Math.min(k, 1);
  7170. j = Math.max(j, 0);
  7171. var i = Math.ceil(l * j);
  7172. this.calculatedWidth = u = R(u - i), u < v && (i = (l - v + u) * j, u = v), v = Math.floor(i + this.xOffset + this.yOffset), l = u / 2 - 0.5, this.from = j, = k, w ? (this.scrollbarGroup[h]({ translateY: v }), this.scrollbar[h]({ height: u }), this.scrollbarRifles[h]({ translateY: l }), this.scrollbarTop = v, this.scrollbarLeft = 0) : (this.scrollbarGroup[h]({ translateX: v }), this.scrollbar[h]({ width: u }), this.scrollbarRifles[h]({ translateX: l }), this.scrollbarLeft = v, this.scrollbarTop = 0), 12 >= u ? this.scrollbarRifles.hide() :!0), b.showFull === !1 && (0 >= j && 1 <= k ? :, this.rendered = !0;
  7173. }
  7174. }, O.prototype.shouldUpdateExtremes = function(j) {
  7175. return d(this.options.liveRedraw, N.svg && !N.isTouchDevice && !this.chart.isBoosting) || j === "mouseup" || j === "touchend" || !B(j);
  7176. }, O.prototype.trackClick = function(j) {
  7177. var k = this.chart.pointer.normalize(j), b = - this.from, w = this.y + this.scrollbarTop, v = this.x + this.scrollbarLeft;
  7178. this.options.vertical && k.chartY > w || !this.options.vertical && k.chartX > v ? this.updatePosition(this.from + b, + b) : this.updatePosition(this.from - b, - b), x(this, "changed", { from: this.from, to:, trigger: "scrollbar", DOMEvent: j });
  7179. }, O.prototype.update = function(j) {
  7180. this.destroy(), this.init(this.chart.renderer, f(
  7181. !0,
  7182. this.options,
  7183. j
  7184. ), this.chart);
  7185. }, O.prototype.updatePosition = function(j, k) {
  7186. 1 < k && (j = R(1 - R(k - j)), k = 1), 0 > j && (k = R(k - j), j = 0), this.from = j, = k;
  7187. }, O.defaultOptions = U, O;
  7188. }(), V.scrollbar = f(!0, y.defaultOptions, V.scrollbar), y;
  7189. }), M(o, "Core/Axis/NavigatorAxis.js", [o["Core/Globals.js"], o["Core/Utilities.js"]], function(y, N) {
  7190. var D = y.isTouchDevice, U = N.addEvent, H = N.correctFloat, V = N.defined, G = N.isNumber, R = N.pick, B = function() {
  7191. function S(x) {
  7192. this.axis = x;
  7193. }
  7194. return S.prototype.destroy = function() {
  7195. this.axis = void 0;
  7196. }, S.prototype.toFixedRange = function(x, f, d, T) {
  7197. var O = this.axis, j = O.chart;
  7198. j = j && j.fixedRange;
  7199. var k = (O.pointRange || 0) / 2;
  7200. return x = R(d, O.translate(x, !0, !O.horiz)), f = R(T, O.translate(f, !0, !O.horiz)), O = j && (f - x) / j, V(d) || (x = H(x + k)), V(T) || (f = H(f - k)), 0.7 < O && 1.3 > O && (T ? x = f - j : f = x + j), G(x) && G(f) || (x = f = void 0), { min: x, max: f };
  7201. }, S;
  7202. }();
  7203. return function() {
  7204. function S() {
  7205. }
  7206. return S.compose = function(x) {
  7207. x.keepProps.push("navigatorAxis"), U(x, "init", function() {
  7208. this.navigatorAxis || (this.navigatorAxis = new B(this));
  7209. }), U(x, "zoom", function(f) {
  7210. var d = this.chart.options, T = d.navigator, O = this.navigatorAxis, j = d.chart.pinchType, k = d.rangeSelector;
  7211. d = d.chart.zoomType, this.isXAxis && (T && T.enabled || k && k.enabled) && (d === "y" ? f.zoomed = !1 : (!D && d === "xy" || D && j === "xy") && this.options.range && (T = O.previousZoom, V(f.newMin) ? O.previousZoom = [this.min, this.max] : T && (f.newMin = T[0], f.newMax = T[1], O.previousZoom = void 0))), typeof f.zoomed < "u" && f.preventDefault();
  7212. });
  7213. }, S.AdditionsClass = B, S;
  7214. }();
  7215. }), M(o, "Core/Navigator.js", [
  7216. o["Core/Axis/Axis.js"],
  7217. o["Core/Chart/Chart.js"],
  7218. o["Core/Color/Color.js"],
  7219. o["Core/Globals.js"],
  7220. o["Core/Axis/NavigatorAxis.js"],
  7221. o["Core/DefaultOptions.js"],
  7222. o["Core/Renderer/RendererRegistry.js"],
  7223. o["Core/Scrollbar.js"],
  7224. o["Core/Series/Series.js"],
  7225. o["Core/Series/SeriesRegistry.js"],
  7226. o["Core/Utilities.js"]
  7227. ], function(y, N, D, U, H, V, G, R, B, S, x) {
  7228. D = D.parse;
  7229. var f = U.hasTouch, d = U.isTouchDevice, T = V.defaultOptions, O = x.addEvent, j = x.clamp, k = x.correctFloat, b = x.defined, w = x.destroyObjectProperties, v = x.erase, l = x.extend, h = x.find, u = x.isArray, i = x.isNumber, c = x.merge, a = x.pick, t = x.removeEvent, s = x.splat, n = function(_) {
  7230. for (var I = [], W = 1; W < arguments.length; W++)
  7231. I[W - 1] = arguments[W];
  7232. if (I = [], i), I.length)
  7233. return Math[_].apply(0, I);
  7234. };
  7235. V = typeof S.seriesTypes.areaspline > "u" ? "line" : "areaspline", l(T, { navigator: { height: 40, margin: 25, maskInside: !0, handles: { width: 7, height: 15, symbols: ["navigator-handle", "navigator-handle"], enabled: !0, lineWidth: 1, backgroundColor: "#f2f2f2", borderColor: "#999999" }, maskFill: D("#6685c2").setOpacity(0.3).get(), outlineColor: "#cccccc", outlineWidth: 1, series: {
  7236. type: V,
  7237. fillOpacity: 0.05,
  7238. lineWidth: 1,
  7239. compare: null,
  7240. dataGrouping: { approximation: "average", enabled: !0, groupPixelWidth: 2, firstAnchor: "firstPoint", anchor: "middle", lastAnchor: "lastPoint", units: [["millisecond", [1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 25, 50, 100, 200, 500]], ["second", [1, 2, 5, 10, 15, 30]], ["minute", [1, 2, 5, 10, 15, 30]], ["hour", [1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12]], ["day", [1, 2, 3, 4]], ["week", [1, 2, 3]], ["month", [1, 3, 6]], ["year", null]] },
  7241. dataLabels: { enabled: !1, zIndex: 2 },
  7242. id: "highcharts-navigator-series",
  7243. className: "highcharts-navigator-series",
  7244. lineColor: null,
  7245. marker: { enabled: !1 },
  7246. threshold: null
  7247. }, xAxis: { overscroll: 0, className: "highcharts-navigator-xaxis", tickLength: 0, lineWidth: 0, gridLineColor: "#e6e6e6", gridLineWidth: 1, tickPixelInterval: 200, labels: { align: "left", style: { color: "#999999" }, x: 3, y: -4 }, crosshair: !1 }, yAxis: { className: "highcharts-navigator-yaxis", gridLineWidth: 0, startOnTick: !1, endOnTick: !1, minPadding: 0.1, maxPadding: 0.1, labels: { enabled: !1 }, crosshair: !1, title: { text: null }, tickLength: 0, tickWidth: 0 } } }), G.getRendererType().prototype.symbols["navigator-handle"] = function(_, I, W, E, X) {
  7248. return _ = (X && X.width || 0) / 2, I = Math.round(_ / 3) + 0.5, X = X && X.height || 0, [["M", -_ - 1, 0.5], ["L", _, 0.5], ["L", _, X + 0.5], ["L", -_ - 1, X + 0.5], ["L", -_ - 1, 0.5], ["M", -I, 4], ["L", -I, X - 3], ["M", I - 1, 4], ["L", I - 1, X - 3]];
  7249. };
  7250. var P = function() {
  7251. function _(I) {
  7252. this.zoomedMin = this.zoomedMax = this.yAxis = this.xAxis = = this.size = this.shades = this.rendered = this.range = this.outlineHeight = this.outline = this.opposite = this.navigatorSize = this.navigatorSeries = this.navigatorOptions = this.navigatorGroup = this.navigatorEnabled = this.left = this.height = this.handles = this.chart = this.baseSeries = void 0, this.init(I);
  7253. }
  7254. return _.prototype.drawHandle = function(I, W, E, X) {
  7255. var g = this.navigatorOptions.handles.height;
  7256. this.handles[W][X](E ? { translateX: Math.round(this.left + this.height / 2), translateY: Math.round( + parseInt(I, 10) + 0.5 - g) } : { translateX: Math.round(this.left + parseInt(I, 10)), translateY: Math.round( + this.height / 2 - g / 2 - 1) });
  7257. }, _.prototype.drawOutline = function(I, W, E, X) {
  7258. var g = this.navigatorOptions.maskInside, m = this.outline.strokeWidth(), L = m / 2, z = m % 2 / 2;
  7259. m = this.outlineHeight;
  7260. var $ = this.scrollbarHeight || 0, Q = this.size, A = this.left - $, F =;
  7261. E ? (A -= L, E = F + W + z, W = F + I + z, z = [["M", A + m, F - $ - z], ["L", A + m, E], ["L", A, E], ["L", A, W], ["L", A + m, W], ["L", A + m, F + Q + $]], g && z.push(["M", A + m, E - L], ["L", A + m, W + L])) : (I += A + $ - z, W += A + $ - z, F += L, z = [["M", A, F], ["L", I, F], ["L", I, F + m], ["L", W, F + m], ["L", W, F], ["L", A + Q + 2 * $, F]], g && z.push(["M", I - L, F], ["L", W + L, F])), this.outline[X]({ d: z });
  7262. }, _.prototype.drawMasks = function(I, W, E, X) {
  7263. var g = this.left, m =, L = this.height;
  7264. if (E)
  7265. var z = [g, g, g], $ = [m, m + I, m + W], Q = [L, L, L], A = [I, W - I, this.size - W];
  7266. else
  7267. z = [g, g + I, g + W], $ = [m, m, m], Q = [I, W - I, this.size - W], A = [L, L, L];
  7268. this.shades.forEach(function(F, Y) {
  7269. F[X]({ x: z[Y], y: $[Y], width: Q[Y], height: A[Y] });
  7270. });
  7271. }, _.prototype.renderElements = function() {
  7272. var I = this, W = I.navigatorOptions, E = W.maskInside, X = I.chart, g = X.renderer, m, L = { cursor: X.inverted ? "ns-resize" : "ew-resize" };
  7273. I.navigatorGroup = m = g.g("navigator").attr({ zIndex: 8, visibility: "hidden" }).add(), [!E, E, !E].forEach(function(z, $) {
  7274. I.shades[$] = g.rect().addClass("highcharts-navigator-mask" + ($ === 1 ? "-inside" : "-outside")).add(m), X.styledMode || I.shades[$].attr({ fill: z ? W.maskFill : "rgba(0,0,0,0)" }).css($ === 1 && L);
  7275. }), I.outline = g.path().addClass("highcharts-navigator-outline").add(m), X.styledMode || I.outline.attr({ "stroke-width": W.outlineWidth, stroke: W.outlineColor }), W.handles.enabled && [0, 1].forEach(function(z) {
  7276. if (W.handles.inverted = X.inverted, I.handles[z] = g.symbol(W.handles.symbols[z], -W.handles.width / 2 - 1, 0, W.handles.width, W.handles.height, W.handles), I.handles[z].attr({ zIndex: 7 - z }).addClass("highcharts-navigator-handle highcharts-navigator-handle-" + ["left", "right"][z]).add(m), !X.styledMode) {
  7277. var $ = W.handles;
  7278. I.handles[z].attr({ fill: $.backgroundColor, stroke: $.borderColor, "stroke-width": $.lineWidth }).css(L);
  7279. }
  7280. });
  7281. }, _.prototype.update = function(I) {
  7282. (this.series || []).forEach(function(W) {
  7283. W.baseSeries && delete W.baseSeries.navigatorSeries;
  7284. }), this.destroy(), c(!0, this.chart.options.navigator, this.options, I), this.init(this.chart);
  7285. }, _.prototype.render = function(I, W, E, X) {
  7286. var g = this.chart, m = this.scrollbarHeight, L, z = this.xAxis, $ = z.pointRange || 0, Q = z.navigatorAxis.fake ? g.xAxis[0] : z, A = this.navigatorEnabled, F, Y = this.rendered, Z = g.inverted, q = g.xAxis[0].minRange, it = g.xAxis[0].options.maxRange;
  7287. if (!this.hasDragged || b(E)) {
  7288. if (I = k(I - $ / 2), W = k(W + $ / 2), !i(I) || !i(W))
  7289. if (Y)
  7290. E = 0, X = a(z.width, Q.width);
  7291. else
  7292. return;
  7293. this.left = a(z.left, g.plotLeft + m + (Z ? g.plotWidth : 0)), this.size = F = L = a(z.len, (Z ? g.plotHeight : g.plotWidth) - 2 * m), g = Z ? m : L + 2 * m, E = a(E, z.toPixels(I, !0)), X = a(X, z.toPixels(W, !0)), i(E) && Math.abs(E) !== 1 / 0 || (E = 0, X = g), I = z.toValue(E, !0), W = z.toValue(X, !0);
  7294. var et = Math.abs(k(W - I));
  7295. et < q ? this.grabbedLeft ? E = z.toPixels(W - q - $, !0) : this.grabbedRight && (X = z.toPixels(I + q + $, !0)) : b(it) && k(et - $) > it && (this.grabbedLeft ? E = z.toPixels(W - it - $, !0) : this.grabbedRight && (X = z.toPixels(I + it + $, !0))), this.zoomedMax = j(Math.max(E, X), 0, F), this.zoomedMin = j(this.fixedWidth ? this.zoomedMax - this.fixedWidth : Math.min(E, X), 0, F), this.range = this.zoomedMax - this.zoomedMin, F = Math.round(this.zoomedMax), E = Math.round(this.zoomedMin), A && (this.navigatorGroup.attr({ visibility: "visible" }), Y = Y && !this.hasDragged ? "animate" : "attr", this.drawMasks(E, F, Z, Y), this.drawOutline(E, F, Z, Y), this.navigatorOptions.handles.enabled && (this.drawHandle(E, 0, Z, Y), this.drawHandle(F, 1, Z, Y))), this.scrollbar && (Z ? (Z = - m, Q = this.left - m + (A || !Q.opposite ? 0 : (Q.titleOffset || 0) + Q.axisTitleMargin), m = L + 2 * m) : (Z = + (A ? this.height : -m), Q = this.left - m), this.scrollbar.position(Q, Z, g, m), this.scrollbar.setRange(this.zoomedMin / (L || 1), this.zoomedMax / (L || 1))), this.rendered = !0;
  7296. }
  7297. }, _.prototype.addMouseEvents = function() {
  7298. var I = this, W = I.chart, E = W.container, X = [], g, m;
  7299. I.mouseMoveHandler = g = function(L) {
  7300. I.onMouseMove(L);
  7301. }, I.mouseUpHandler = m = function(L) {
  7302. I.onMouseUp(L);
  7303. }, X = I.getPartsEvents("mousedown"), X.push(O(W.renderTo, "mousemove", g), O(E.ownerDocument, "mouseup", m)), f && (X.push(O(W.renderTo, "touchmove", g), O(E.ownerDocument, "touchend", m)), X.concat(I.getPartsEvents("touchstart"))), I.eventsToUnbind = X, I.series && I.series[0] && X.push(O(I.series[0].xAxis, "foundExtremes", function() {
  7304. W.navigator.modifyNavigatorAxisExtremes();
  7305. }));
  7306. }, _.prototype.getPartsEvents = function(I) {
  7307. var W = this, E = [];
  7308. return ["shades", "handles"].forEach(function(X) {
  7309. W[X].forEach(function(g, m) {
  7310. E.push(O(g.element, I, function(L) {
  7311. W[X + "Mousedown"](L, m);
  7312. }));
  7313. });
  7314. }), E;
  7315. }, _.prototype.shadesMousedown = function(I, W) {
  7316. I = this.chart.pointer.normalize(I);
  7317. var E = this.chart, X = this.xAxis, g = this.zoomedMin, m = this.left, L = this.size, z = this.range, $ = I.chartX;
  7318. if (E.inverted && ($ = I.chartY, m =, W === 1)
  7319. this.grabbedCenter = $, this.fixedWidth = z, this.dragOffset = $ - g;
  7320. else {
  7321. if (I = $ - m - z / 2, W === 0)
  7322. I = Math.max(0, I);
  7323. else if (W === 2 && I + z >= L)
  7324. if (I = L - z, this.reversedExtremes) {
  7325. I -= z;
  7326. var Q = this.getUnionExtremes().dataMin;
  7327. } else
  7328. var A = this.getUnionExtremes().dataMax;
  7329. I !== g && (this.fixedWidth = z, W = X.navigatorAxis.toFixedRange(I, I + z, Q, A), b(W.min) && E.xAxis[0].setExtremes(Math.min(W.min, W.max), Math.max(W.min, W.max), !0, null, { trigger: "navigator" }));
  7330. }
  7331. }, _.prototype.handlesMousedown = function(I, W) {
  7332. this.chart.pointer.normalize(I), I = this.chart;
  7333. var E = I.xAxis[0], X = this.reversedExtremes;
  7334. W === 0 ? (this.grabbedLeft = !0, this.otherHandlePos = this.zoomedMax, this.fixedExtreme = X ? E.min : E.max) : (this.grabbedRight = !0, this.otherHandlePos = this.zoomedMin, this.fixedExtreme = X ? E.max : E.min), I.fixedRange = null;
  7335. }, _.prototype.onMouseMove = function(I) {
  7336. var W = this, E = W.chart, X = W.left, g = W.navigatorSize, m = W.range, L = W.dragOffset, z = E.inverted;
  7337. I.touches && I.touches[0].pageX === 0 || (I = E.pointer.normalize(I), E = I.chartX, z && (X =, E = I.chartY), W.grabbedLeft ? (W.hasDragged = !0, W.render(0, 0, E - X, W.otherHandlePos)) : W.grabbedRight ? (W.hasDragged = !0, W.render(0, 0, W.otherHandlePos, E - X)) : W.grabbedCenter && (W.hasDragged = !0, E < L ? E = L : E > g + L - m && (E = g + L - m), W.render(0, 0, E - L, E - L + m)), W.hasDragged && W.scrollbar && a(W.scrollbar.options.liveRedraw, U.svg && !d && !this.chart.isBoosting) && (I.DOMType = I.type, setTimeout(function() {
  7338. W.onMouseUp(I);
  7339. }, 0)));
  7340. }, _.prototype.onMouseUp = function(I) {
  7341. var W = this.chart, E = this.xAxis, X = this.scrollbar, g = I.DOMEvent || I, m = W.inverted, L = this.rendered && !this.hasDragged ? "animate" : "attr";
  7342. if (this.hasDragged && (!X || !X.hasDragged) || I.trigger === "scrollbar") {
  7343. if (X = this.getUnionExtremes(), this.zoomedMin === this.otherHandlePos)
  7344. var z = this.fixedExtreme;
  7345. else if (this.zoomedMax === this.otherHandlePos)
  7346. var $ = this.fixedExtreme;
  7347. this.zoomedMax === this.size && ($ = this.reversedExtremes ? X.dataMin : X.dataMax), this.zoomedMin === 0 && (z = this.reversedExtremes ? X.dataMax : X.dataMin), E = E.navigatorAxis.toFixedRange(this.zoomedMin, this.zoomedMax, z, $), b(E.min) && W.xAxis[0].setExtremes(Math.min(E.min, E.max), Math.max(E.min, E.max), !0, this.hasDragged ? !1 : null, { trigger: "navigator", triggerOp: "navigator-drag", DOMEvent: g });
  7348. }
  7349. I.DOMType !== "mousemove" && I.DOMType !== "touchmove" && (this.grabbedLeft = this.grabbedRight = this.grabbedCenter = this.fixedWidth = this.fixedExtreme = this.otherHandlePos = this.hasDragged = this.dragOffset = null), this.navigatorEnabled && i(this.zoomedMin) && i(this.zoomedMax) && (W = Math.round(this.zoomedMin), I = Math.round(this.zoomedMax), this.shades && this.drawMasks(W, I, m, L), this.outline && this.drawOutline(W, I, m, L), this.navigatorOptions.handles.enabled && Object.keys(this.handles).length === this.handles.length && (this.drawHandle(W, 0, m, L), this.drawHandle(I, 1, m, L)));
  7350. }, _.prototype.removeEvents = function() {
  7351. this.eventsToUnbind && (this.eventsToUnbind.forEach(function(I) {
  7352. I();
  7353. }), this.eventsToUnbind = void 0), this.removeBaseSeriesEvents();
  7354. }, _.prototype.removeBaseSeriesEvents = function() {
  7355. var I = this.baseSeries || [];
  7356. this.navigatorEnabled && I[0] && (this.navigatorOptions.adaptToUpdatedData !== !1 && I.forEach(function(W) {
  7357. t(W, "updatedData", this.updatedDataHandler);
  7358. }, this), I[0].xAxis && t(I[0].xAxis, "foundExtremes", this.modifyBaseAxisExtremes));
  7359. }, _.prototype.init = function(I) {
  7360. var W = I.options, E = W.navigator, X = E.enabled, g = W.scrollbar, m = g.enabled;
  7361. W = X ? E.height : 0;
  7362. var L = m ? g.height : 0;
  7363. this.handles = [], this.shades = [], this.chart = I, this.setBaseSeries(), this.height = W, this.scrollbarHeight = L, this.scrollbarEnabled = m, this.navigatorEnabled = X, this.navigatorOptions = E, this.scrollbarOptions = g, this.outlineHeight = W + L, this.opposite = a(E.opposite, !(X || !I.inverted));
  7364. var z = this;
  7365. X = z.baseSeries, g = I.xAxis.length, m = I.yAxis.length;
  7366. var $ = X && X[0] && X[0].xAxis || I.xAxis[0] || { options: {} };
  7367. I.isDirtyBox = !0, z.navigatorEnabled ? (z.xAxis = new y(I, c(
  7368. { breaks: $.options.breaks, ordinal: $.options.ordinal },
  7369. E.xAxis,
  7370. { id: "navigator-x-axis", yAxis: "navigator-y-axis", isX: !0, type: "datetime", index: g, isInternal: !0, offset: 0, keepOrdinalPadding: !0, startOnTick: !1, endOnTick: !1, minPadding: 0, maxPadding: 0, zoomEnabled: !1 },
  7371. I.inverted ? { offsets: [L, 0, -L, 0], width: W } : { offsets: [0, -L, 0, L], height: W }
  7372. )), z.yAxis = new y(I, c(E.yAxis, { id: "navigator-y-axis", alignTicks: !1, offset: 0, index: m, isInternal: !0, reversed: a(E.yAxis && E.yAxis.reversed, I.yAxis[0] && I.yAxis[0].reversed, !1), zoomEnabled: !1 }, I.inverted ? { width: W } : { height: W })), X || ? z.updateNavigatorSeries(!1) : I.series.length === 0 && (z.unbindRedraw = O(I, "beforeRedraw", function() {
  7373. 0 < I.series.length && !z.series && (z.setBaseSeries(), z.unbindRedraw());
  7374. })), z.reversedExtremes = I.inverted && !z.xAxis.reversed || !I.inverted && z.xAxis.reversed, z.renderElements(), z.addMouseEvents()) : (z.xAxis = {
  7375. chart: I,
  7376. navigatorAxis: { fake: !0 },
  7377. translate: function(Q, A) {
  7378. var F = I.xAxis[0], Y = F.getExtremes(), Z = F.len - 2 * L, q = n("min", F.options.min, Y.dataMin);
  7379. return F = n("max", F.options.max, Y.dataMax) - q, A ? Q * F / Z + q : Z * (Q - q) / F;
  7380. },
  7381. toPixels: function(Q) {
  7382. return this.translate(Q);
  7383. },
  7384. toValue: function(Q) {
  7385. return this.translate(Q, !0);
  7386. }
  7387. }, z.xAxis.navigatorAxis.axis = z.xAxis, z.xAxis.navigatorAxis.toFixedRange = H.AdditionsClass.prototype.toFixedRange.bind(z.xAxis.navigatorAxis)), I.options.scrollbar.enabled && (I.scrollbar = z.scrollbar = new R(I.renderer, c(I.options.scrollbar, { margin: z.navigatorEnabled ? 0 : 10, vertical: I.inverted }), I), O(z.scrollbar, "changed", function(Q) {
  7388. var A = z.size, F = A *;
  7389. A *= this.from, z.hasDragged = z.scrollbar.hasDragged, z.render(0, 0, A, F), this.shouldUpdateExtremes(Q.DOMType) && setTimeout(function() {
  7390. z.onMouseUp(Q);
  7391. });
  7392. })), z.addBaseSeriesEvents(), z.addChartEvents();
  7393. }, _.prototype.getUnionExtremes = function(I) {
  7394. var W = this.chart.xAxis[0], E = this.xAxis, X = E.options, g = W.options, m;
  7395. return I && W.dataMin === null || (m = { dataMin: a(X && X.min, n("min", g.min, W.dataMin, E.dataMin, E.min)), dataMax: a(X && X.max, n("max", g.max, W.dataMax, E.dataMax, E.max)) }), m;
  7396. }, _.prototype.setBaseSeries = function(I, W) {
  7397. var E = this.chart, X = this.baseSeries = [];
  7398. I = I || E.options && E.options.navigator.baseSeries || (E.series.length ? h(
  7399. E.series,
  7400. function(g) {
  7401. return !g.options.isInternal;
  7402. }
  7403. ).index : 0), (E.series || []).forEach(function(g, m) {
  7404. g.options.isInternal || !g.options.showInNavigator && (m !== I && !== I || g.options.showInNavigator === !1) || X.push(g);
  7405. }), this.xAxis && !this.xAxis.navigatorAxis.fake && this.updateNavigatorSeries(!0, W);
  7406. }, _.prototype.updateNavigatorSeries = function(I, W) {
  7407. var E = this, X = E.chart, g = E.baseSeries, m, L, z = E.navigatorOptions.series, $, Q = {
  7408. enableMouseTracking: !1,
  7409. index: null,
  7410. linkedTo: null,
  7411. group: "nav",
  7412. padXAxis: !1,
  7413. xAxis: "navigator-x-axis",
  7414. yAxis: "navigator-y-axis",
  7415. showInLegend: !1,
  7416. stacking: void 0,
  7417. isInternal: !0,
  7418. states: { inactive: { opacity: 1 } }
  7419. }, A = E.series = (E.series || []).filter(function(F) {
  7420. var Y = F.baseSeries;
  7421. return 0 > g.indexOf(Y) ? (Y && (t(Y, "updatedData", E.updatedDataHandler), delete Y.navigatorSeries), F.chart && F.destroy(), !1) : !0;
  7422. });
  7423. g && g.length && g.forEach(function(F) {
  7424. var Y = F.navigatorSeries, Z = l({ color: F.color, visible: F.visible }, u(z) ? T.navigator.series : z);
  7425. Y && E.navigatorOptions.adaptToUpdatedData === !1 || ( = "Navigator " + g.length, m = F.options || {}, $ = m.navigatorOptions || {}, Z.dataLabels = s(Z.dataLabels), L = c(m, Q, Z, $), L.pointRange = a(Z.pointRange, $.pointRange, T.plotOptions[L.type || "line"].pointRange), Z = $.data ||, E.hasNavigatorData = E.hasNavigatorData || !!Z, = Z || &&, Y && Y.options ? Y.update(L, W) : (F.navigatorSeries = X.initSeries(L), F.navigatorSeries.baseSeries = F, A.push(F.navigatorSeries)));
  7426. }), ( && (!g || !g.length) || u(z)) && (E.hasNavigatorData = !1, z = s(z), z.forEach(function(F, Y) {
  7427. = "Navigator " + (A.length + 1), L = c(
  7428. T.navigator.series,
  7429. { color: X.series[Y] && !X.series[Y].options.isInternal && X.series[Y].color || X.options.colors[Y] || X.options.colors[0] },
  7430. Q,
  7431. F
  7432. ), =, && (E.hasNavigatorData = !0, A.push(X.initSeries(L)));
  7433. })), I && this.addBaseSeriesEvents();
  7434. }, _.prototype.addBaseSeriesEvents = function() {
  7435. var I = this, W = I.baseSeries || [];
  7436. W[0] && W[0].xAxis && W[0].eventsToUnbind.push(O(W[0].xAxis, "foundExtremes", this.modifyBaseAxisExtremes)), W.forEach(function(E) {
  7437. E.eventsToUnbind.push(O(E, "show", function() {
  7438. this.navigatorSeries && this.navigatorSeries.setVisible(
  7439. !0,
  7440. !1
  7441. );
  7442. })), E.eventsToUnbind.push(O(E, "hide", function() {
  7443. this.navigatorSeries && this.navigatorSeries.setVisible(!1, !1);
  7444. })), this.navigatorOptions.adaptToUpdatedData !== !1 && E.xAxis && E.eventsToUnbind.push(O(E, "updatedData", this.updatedDataHandler)), E.eventsToUnbind.push(O(E, "remove", function() {
  7445. this.navigatorSeries && (v(I.series, this.navigatorSeries), b(this.navigatorSeries.options) && this.navigatorSeries.remove(!1), delete this.navigatorSeries);
  7446. }));
  7447. }, this);
  7448. }, _.prototype.getBaseSeriesMin = function(I) {
  7449. return this.baseSeries.reduce(function(W, E) {
  7450. return Math.min(W, E.xData ? E.xData[0] : W);
  7451. }, I);
  7452. }, _.prototype.modifyNavigatorAxisExtremes = function() {
  7453. var I = this.xAxis, W;
  7454. typeof I.getExtremes < "u" && (!(W = this.getUnionExtremes(!0)) || W.dataMin === I.min && W.dataMax === I.max || (I.min = W.dataMin, I.max = W.dataMax));
  7455. }, _.prototype.modifyBaseAxisExtremes = function() {
  7456. var I = this.chart.navigator, W = this.getExtremes(), E = W.dataMin, X = W.dataMax;
  7457. W = W.max - W.min;
  7458. var g = I.stickToMin, m = I.stickToMax, L = a(this.options.overscroll, 0), z = I.series && I.series[0], $ = !!this.setExtremes;
  7459. if (!this.eventArgs || this.eventArgs.trigger !== "rangeSelectorButton") {
  7460. if (g)
  7461. var Q = E, A = Q + W;
  7462. m && (A = X + L, g || (Q = Math.max(E, A - W, I.getBaseSeriesMin(z && z.xData ? z.xData[0] : -Number.MAX_VALUE)))), $ && (g || m) && i(Q) && (this.min = this.userMin = Q, this.max = this.userMax = A);
  7463. }
  7464. I.stickToMin = I.stickToMax = null;
  7465. }, _.prototype.updatedDataHandler = function() {
  7466. var I = this.chart.navigator, W = this.navigatorSeries;
  7467. I.stickToMax = I.reversedExtremes ? Math.round(I.zoomedMin) === 0 : Math.round(I.zoomedMax) >= Math.round(I.size), I.stickToMin = I.shouldStickToMin(
  7468. this,
  7469. I
  7470. ), W && !I.hasNavigatorData && (W.options.pointStart = this.xData[0], W.setData(, !1, null, !1));
  7471. }, _.prototype.shouldStickToMin = function(I, W) {
  7472. W = W.getBaseSeriesMin(I.xData[0]);
  7473. var E = I.xAxis;
  7474. I = E.max;
  7475. var X = E.min;
  7476. return E = E.options.range, i(I) && i(X) ? E && 0 < I - W ? I - W < E : X <= W : !1;
  7477. }, _.prototype.addChartEvents = function() {
  7478. this.eventsToUnbind || (this.eventsToUnbind = []), this.eventsToUnbind.push(O(this.chart, "redraw", function() {
  7479. var I = this.navigator, W = I && (I.baseSeries && I.baseSeries[0] && I.baseSeries[0].xAxis || this.xAxis[0]);
  7480. W && I.render(W.min, W.max);
  7481. }), O(this.chart, "getMargins", function() {
  7482. var I = this.navigator, W = I.opposite ? "plotTop" : "marginBottom";
  7483. this.inverted && (W = I.opposite ? "marginRight" : "plotLeft"), this[W] = (this[W] || 0) + (I.navigatorEnabled || !this.inverted ? I.outlineHeight : 0) + I.navigatorOptions.margin;
  7484. }));
  7485. }, _.prototype.destroy = function() {
  7486. this.removeEvents(), this.xAxis && (v(this.chart.xAxis, this.xAxis), v(this.chart.axes, this.xAxis)), this.yAxis && (v(this.chart.yAxis, this.yAxis), v(this.chart.axes, this.yAxis)), (this.series || []).forEach(function(I) {
  7487. I.destroy && I.destroy();
  7488. }), "series xAxis yAxis shades outline scrollbarTrack scrollbarRifles scrollbarGroup scrollbar navigatorGroup rendered".split(" ").forEach(function(I) {
  7489. this[I] && this[I].destroy && this[I].destroy(), this[I] = null;
  7490. }, this), [this.handles].forEach(function(I) {
  7491. w(I);
  7492. }, this);
  7493. }, _;
  7494. }();
  7495. return U.Navigator || (U.Navigator = P, H.compose(y), O(N, "beforeShowResetZoom", function() {
  7496. var _ = this.options, I = _.navigator, W = _.rangeSelector;
  7497. if ((I && I.enabled || W && W.enabled) && (!d && _.chart.zoomType === "x" || d && _.chart.pinchType === "x"))
  7498. return !1;
  7499. }), O(N, "beforeRender", function() {
  7500. var _ = this.options;
  7501. (_.navigator.enabled || _.scrollbar.enabled) && (this.scroller = this.navigator = new P(this));
  7502. }), O(N, "afterSetChartSize", function() {
  7503. var _ = this.legend, I = this.navigator;
  7504. if (I) {
  7505. var W = _ && _.options, E = I.xAxis, X = I.yAxis, g = I.scrollbarHeight;
  7506. this.inverted ? (I.left = I.opposite ? this.chartWidth - g - I.height : this.spacing[3] + g, = this.plotTop + g) : (I.left = a(E.left, this.plotLeft + g), = || this.chartHeight - I.height - g - this.spacing[2] - (this.rangeSelector && this.extraBottomMargin ? this.rangeSelector.getHeight() : 0) - (W && W.verticalAlign === "bottom" && W.layout !== "proximate" && W.enabled && !W.floating ? _.legendHeight + a(W.margin, 10) : 0) - (this.titleOffset ? this.titleOffset[2] : 0)), E && X && (this.inverted ? E.options.left = X.options.left = I.left : = =, E.setAxisSize(), X.setAxisSize());
  7507. }
  7508. }), O(N, "update", function(_) {
  7509. var I = _.options.navigator || {}, W = _.options.scrollbar || {};
  7510. this.navigator || this.scroller || !I.enabled && !W.enabled || (c(
  7511. !0,
  7512. this.options.navigator,
  7513. I
  7514. ), c(!0, this.options.scrollbar, W), delete _.options.navigator, delete _.options.scrollbar);
  7515. }), O(N, "afterUpdate", function(_) {
  7516. this.navigator || this.scroller || !this.options.navigator.enabled && !this.options.scrollbar.enabled || (this.scroller = this.navigator = new P(this), a(_.redraw, !0) && this.redraw(_.animation));
  7517. }), O(N, "afterAddSeries", function() {
  7518. this.navigator && this.navigator.setBaseSeries(null, !1);
  7519. }), O(B, "afterUpdate", function() {
  7520. this.chart.navigator && !this.options.isInternal && this.chart.navigator.setBaseSeries(
  7521. null,
  7522. !1
  7523. );
  7524. }), N.prototype.callbacks.push(function(_) {
  7525. var I = _.navigator;
  7526. I && _.xAxis[0] && (_ = _.xAxis[0].getExtremes(), I.render(_.min, _.max));
  7527. })), U.Navigator = P, U.Navigator;
  7528. }), M(o, "Extensions/RangeSelector.js", [o["Core/Axis/Axis.js"], o["Core/Chart/Chart.js"], o["Core/Globals.js"], o["Core/DefaultOptions.js"], o["Core/Renderer/SVG/SVGElement.js"], o["Core/Utilities.js"]], function(y, N, D, U, H, V) {
  7529. function G(s) {
  7530. if (s.indexOf("%L") !== -1)
  7531. return "text";
  7532. var n = "aAdewbBmoyY".split("").some(function(_) {
  7533. return s.indexOf("%" + _) !== -1;
  7534. }), P = "HkIlMS".split("").some(function(_) {
  7535. return s.indexOf("%" + _) !== -1;
  7536. });
  7537. return n && P ? "datetime-local" : n ? "date" : P ? "time" : "text";
  7538. }
  7539. var R = U.defaultOptions, B = V.addEvent, S = V.createElement, x = V.css, f = V.defined, d = V.destroyObjectProperties, T = V.discardElement, O = V.extend, j = V.find, k = V.fireEvent, b = V.isNumber, w = V.merge, v = V.objectEach, l = V.pad, h = V.pick, u = V.pInt, i = V.splat;
  7540. O(R, { rangeSelector: { allButtonsEnabled: !1, buttons: void 0, buttonSpacing: 5, dropdown: "responsive", enabled: void 0, verticalAlign: "top", buttonTheme: {
  7541. width: 28,
  7542. height: 18,
  7543. padding: 2,
  7544. zIndex: 7
  7545. }, floating: !1, x: 0, y: 0, height: void 0, inputBoxBorderColor: "none", inputBoxHeight: 17, inputBoxWidth: void 0, inputDateFormat: "%b %e, %Y", inputDateParser: void 0, inputEditDateFormat: "%Y-%m-%d", inputEnabled: !0, inputPosition: { align: "right", x: 0, y: 0 }, inputSpacing: 5, selected: void 0, buttonPosition: { align: "left", x: 0, y: 0 }, inputStyle: { color: "#335cad", cursor: "pointer" }, labelStyle: { color: "#666666" } } }), O(R.lang, { rangeSelectorZoom: "Zoom", rangeSelectorFrom: "", rangeSelectorTo: "→" });
  7546. var c = function() {
  7547. function s(n) {
  7548. this.buttons = void 0, this.buttonOptions = s.prototype.defaultButtons, this.initialButtonGroupWidth = 0, this.options = void 0, this.chart = n, this.init(n);
  7549. }
  7550. return s.prototype.clickButton = function(n, P) {
  7551. var _ = this.chart, I = this.buttonOptions[n], W = _.xAxis[0], E = _.scroller && _.scroller.getUnionExtremes() || W || {}, X = E.dataMin, g = E.dataMax, m = W && Math.round(Math.min(W.max, h(g, W.max))), L = I.type;
  7552. E = I._range;
  7553. var z, $ = I.dataGrouping;
  7554. if (X !== null && g !== null) {
  7555. if (_.fixedRange = E, this.setSelected(n), $ && (this.forcedDataGrouping = !0, || { chart: this.chart }, $, !1), this.frozenStates = I.preserveDataGrouping), L === "month" || L === "year")
  7556. if (W) {
  7557. L = { range: I, max: m, chart: _, dataMin: X, dataMax: g };
  7558. var Q =;
  7559. b(L.newMax) && (m = L.newMax);
  7560. } else
  7561. E = I;
  7562. else if (E)
  7563. Q = Math.max(m - E, X), m = Math.min(Q + E, g);
  7564. else if (L === "ytd")
  7565. if (W)
  7566. typeof g > "u" && (X = Number.MAX_VALUE, g = Number.MIN_VALUE, _.series.forEach(function(Z) {
  7567. Z = Z.xData, X = Math.min(Z[0], X), g = Math.max(Z[Z.length - 1], g);
  7568. }), P = !1), m = this.getYTDExtremes(
  7569. g,
  7570. X,
  7571. _.time.useUTC
  7572. ), Q = z = m.min, m = m.max;
  7573. else {
  7574. this.deferredYTDClick = n;
  7575. return;
  7576. }
  7577. else
  7578. L === "all" && W && (_.navigator && _.navigator.baseSeries[0] && (_.navigator.baseSeries[0].xAxis.options.range = void 0), Q = X, m = g);
  7579. if (f(Q) && (Q += I._offsetMin), f(m) && (m += I._offsetMax), this.dropdown && (this.dropdown.selectedIndex = n + 1), W)
  7580. W.setExtremes(Q, m, h(P, !0), void 0, { trigger: "rangeSelectorButton", rangeSelectorButton: I });
  7581. else {
  7582. var A = i(_.options.xAxis)[0], F = A.range;
  7583. A.range = E;
  7584. var Y = A.min;
  7585. A.min = z, B(_, "load", function() {
  7586. A.range = F, A.min = Y;
  7587. });
  7588. }
  7589. k(
  7590. this,
  7591. "afterBtnClick"
  7592. );
  7593. }
  7594. }, s.prototype.setSelected = function(n) {
  7595. this.selected = this.options.selected = n;
  7596. }, s.prototype.init = function(n) {
  7597. var P = this, _ = n.options.rangeSelector, I = _.buttons || P.defaultButtons.slice(), W = _.selected, E = function() {
  7598. var X = P.minInput, g = P.maxInput;
  7599. X && X.blur && k(X, "blur"), g && g.blur && k(g, "blur");
  7600. };
  7601. P.chart = n, P.options = _, P.buttons = [], P.buttonOptions = I, this.eventsToUnbind = [], this.eventsToUnbind.push(B(n.container, "mousedown", E)), this.eventsToUnbind.push(B(n, "resize", E)), I.forEach(P.computeButtonRange), typeof W < "u" && I[W] && this.clickButton(W, !1), this.eventsToUnbind.push(B(n, "load", function() {
  7602. n.xAxis && n.xAxis[0] && B(n.xAxis[0], "setExtremes", function(X) {
  7603. this.max - this.min !== n.fixedRange && X.trigger !== "rangeSelectorButton" && X.trigger !== "updatedData" && P.forcedDataGrouping && !P.frozenStates && this.setDataGrouping(!1, !1);
  7604. });
  7605. }));
  7606. }, s.prototype.updateButtonStates = function() {
  7607. var n = this, P = this.chart, _ = this.dropdown, I = P.xAxis[0], W = Math.round(I.max - I.min), E = !I.hasVisibleSeries, X = P.scroller && P.scroller.getUnionExtremes() || I, g = X.dataMin, m = X.dataMax;
  7608. P = n.getYTDExtremes(m, g, P.time.useUTC);
  7609. var L = P.min, z = P.max, $ = n.selected, Q = b($), A = n.options.allButtonsEnabled, F = n.buttons;
  7610. n.buttonOptions.forEach(function(Y, Z) {
  7611. var q = Y._range, it = Y.type, et = Y.count || 1, nt = F[Z], rt = 0, ct = Y._offsetMax - Y._offsetMin;
  7612. Y = Z === $;
  7613. var gt = q > m - g, dt = q < I.minRange, ht = !1, at = !1;
  7614. q = q === W, (it === "month" || it === "year") && W + 36e5 >= 864e5 * { month: 28, year: 365 }[it] * et - ct && W - 36e5 <= 864e5 * { month: 31, year: 366 }[it] * et + ct ? q = !0 : it === "ytd" ? (q = z - L + ct === W, ht = !Y) : it === "all" && (q = I.max - I.min >= m - g, at = !Y && Q && q), it = !A && (gt || dt || at || E), et = Y && q || q && !Q && !ht || Y && n.frozenStates, it ? rt = 3 : et && (Q = !0, rt = 2), nt.state !== rt && (nt.setState(rt), _ && (_.options[Z + 1].disabled = it, rt === 2 && (_.selectedIndex = Z + 1)), rt === 0 && $ === Z && n.setSelected());
  7615. });
  7616. }, s.prototype.computeButtonRange = function(n) {
  7617. var P = n.type, _ = n.count || 1, I = { millisecond: 1, second: 1e3, minute: 6e4, hour: 36e5, day: 864e5, week: 6048e5 };
  7618. I[P] ? n._range = I[P] * _ : (P === "month" || P === "year") && (n._range = 864e5 * { month: 30, year: 365 }[P] * _), n._offsetMin = h(n.offsetMin, 0), n._offsetMax = h(n.offsetMax, 0), n._range += n._offsetMax - n._offsetMin;
  7619. }, s.prototype.getInputValue = function(n) {
  7620. n = n === "min" ? this.minInput : this.maxInput;
  7621. var P = this.chart.options.rangeSelector, _ = this.chart.time;
  7622. return n ? (n.type === "text" && P.inputDateParser || this.defaultInputDateParser)(n.value, _.useUTC, _) : 0;
  7623. }, s.prototype.setInputValue = function(n, P) {
  7624. var _ = this.options, I = this.chart.time, W = n === "min" ? this.minInput : this.maxInput;
  7625. if (n = n === "min" ? this.minDateBox : this.maxDateBox, W) {
  7626. var E = W.getAttribute("data-hc-time");
  7627. E = f(E) ? Number(E) : void 0, f(P) && (f(E) && W.setAttribute("data-hc-time-previous", E), W.setAttribute("data-hc-time", P), E = P), W.value = I.dateFormat(this.inputTypeFormats[W.type] || _.inputEditDateFormat, E), n && n.attr({ text: I.dateFormat(_.inputDateFormat, E) });
  7628. }
  7629. }, s.prototype.setInputExtremes = function(n, P, _) {
  7630. if (n = n === "min" ? this.minInput : this.maxInput) {
  7631. var I = this.inputTypeFormats[n.type], W = this.chart.time;
  7632. I && (P = W.dateFormat(I, P), n.min !== P && (n.min = P), _ = W.dateFormat(I, _), n.max !== _ && (n.max = _));
  7633. }
  7634. }, s.prototype.showInput = function(n) {
  7635. var P = n === "min" ? this.minDateBox : this.maxDateBox;
  7636. if ((n = n === "min" ? this.minInput : this.maxInput) && P && this.inputGroup) {
  7637. var _ = n.type === "text", I = this.inputGroup, W = I.translateX;
  7638. I = I.translateY;
  7639. var E = this.options.inputBoxWidth;
  7640. x(n, { width: _ ? P.width + (E ? -2 : 20) + "px" : "auto", height: _ ? P.height - 2 + "px" : "auto", border: "2px solid silver" }), _ && E ? x(n, { left: W + P.x + "px", top: I + "px" }) : x(n, { left: Math.min(Math.round(P.x + W - (n.offsetWidth - P.width) / 2), this.chart.chartWidth - n.offsetWidth) + "px", top: I - (n.offsetHeight - P.height) / 2 + "px" });
  7641. }
  7642. }, s.prototype.hideInput = function(n) {
  7643. (n = n === "min" ? this.minInput : this.maxInput) && x(n, { top: "-9999em", border: 0, width: "1px", height: "1px" });
  7644. }, s.prototype.defaultInputDateParser = function(n, P, _) {
  7645. var I = n.split("/").join("-").split(" ").join("T");
  7646. if (I.indexOf("T") === -1 && (I += "T00:00"), P)
  7647. I += "Z";
  7648. else {
  7649. var W;
  7650. (W = D.isSafari) && (W = I, W = !(6 < W.length && (W.lastIndexOf("-") === W.length - 6 || W.lastIndexOf("+") === W.length - 6))), W && (W = new Date(I).getTimezoneOffset() / 60, I += 0 >= W ? "+" + l(-W) + ":00" : "-" + l(W) + ":00");
  7651. }
  7652. return I = Date.parse(I), b(I) || (n = n.split("-"), I = Date.UTC(u(n[0]), u(n[1]) - 1, u(n[2]))), _ && P && b(I) && (I += _.getTimezoneOffset(I)), I;
  7653. }, s.prototype.drawInput = function(n) {
  7654. function P() {
  7655. var A = E.getInputValue(n), F = _.xAxis[0], Y = _.scroller && _.scroller.xAxis ? _.scroller.xAxis : F, Z = Y.dataMin;
  7656. Y = Y.dataMax;
  7657. var q = E.maxInput, it = E.minInput;
  7658. A !== Number($.getAttribute("data-hc-time-previous")) && b(A) && ($.setAttribute("data-hc-time-previous", A), L && q && b(Z) ? A > Number(q.getAttribute("data-hc-time")) ? A = void 0 : A < Z && (A = Z) : it && b(Y) && (A < Number(it.getAttribute("data-hc-time")) ? A = void 0 : A > Y && (A = Y)), typeof A < "u" && F.setExtremes(L ? A : F.min, L ? F.max : A, void 0, void 0, { trigger: "rangeSelectorInput" }));
  7659. }
  7660. var _ = this.chart, I = this.div, W = this.inputGroup, E = this, X = || {}, g = _.renderer, m = _.options.rangeSelector, L = n === "min", z = R.lang[L ? "rangeSelectorFrom" : "rangeSelectorTo"] || "";
  7661. z = g.label(z, 0).addClass("highcharts-range-label").attr({ padding: z ? 2 : 0, height: z ? m.inputBoxHeight : 0 }).add(W), g = g.label("", 0).addClass("highcharts-range-input").attr({ padding: 2, width: m.inputBoxWidth, height: m.inputBoxHeight, "text-align": "center" }).on(
  7662. "click",
  7663. function() {
  7664. E.showInput(n), E[n + "Input"].focus();
  7665. }
  7666. ), _.styledMode || g.attr({ stroke: m.inputBoxBorderColor, "stroke-width": 1 }), g.add(W);
  7667. var $ = S("input", { name: n, className: "highcharts-range-selector" }, void 0, I);
  7668. $.setAttribute("type", G(m.inputDateFormat || "%b %e, %Y")), _.styledMode || (z.css(w(X, m.labelStyle)), g.css(w({ color: "#333333" }, X, m.inputStyle)), x($, O({
  7669. position: "absolute",
  7670. border: 0,
  7671. boxShadow: "0 0 15px rgba(0,0,0,0.3)",
  7672. width: "1px",
  7673. height: "1px",
  7674. padding: 0,
  7675. textAlign: "center",
  7676. fontSize: X.fontSize,
  7677. fontFamily: X.fontFamily,
  7678. top: "-9999em"
  7679. }, m.inputStyle))), $.onfocus = function() {
  7680. E.showInput(n);
  7681. }, $.onblur = function() {
  7682. $ === D.doc.activeElement && P(), E.hideInput(n), E.setInputValue(n), $.blur();
  7683. };
  7684. var Q = !1;
  7685. return $.onchange = function() {
  7686. Q || (P(), E.hideInput(n), $.blur());
  7687. }, $.onkeypress = function(A) {
  7688. A.keyCode === 13 && P();
  7689. }, $.onkeydown = function(A) {
  7690. Q = !0, A.keyCode !== 38 && A.keyCode !== 40 || P();
  7691. }, $.onkeyup = function() {
  7692. Q = !1;
  7693. }, { dateBox: g, input: $, label: z };
  7694. }, s.prototype.getPosition = function() {
  7695. var n = this.chart, P = n.options.rangeSelector;
  7696. return n = P.verticalAlign === "top" ? n.plotTop - n.axisOffset[0] : 0, { buttonTop: n + P.buttonPosition.y, inputTop: n + P.inputPosition.y - 10 };
  7697. }, s.prototype.getYTDExtremes = function(n, P, _) {
  7698. var I = this.chart.time, W = new I.Date(n), E = I.get("FullYear", W);
  7699. return _ = _ ? I.Date.UTC(E, 0, 1) : +new I.Date(E, 0, 1), P = Math.max(P, _), W = W.getTime(), { max: Math.min(n || W, W), min: P };
  7700. }, s.prototype.render = function(n, P) {
  7701. var _ = this.chart, I = _.renderer, W = _.container, E = _.options, X = E.rangeSelector, g = h( &&, 0) + 1;
  7702. if (E = X.inputEnabled, X.enabled !== !1) {
  7703. if (this.rendered || ( = I.g("range-selector-group").attr({ zIndex: 7 }).add(), this.div = S("div", void 0, { position: "relative", height: 0, zIndex: g }), this.buttonOptions.length && this.renderButtons(), W.parentNode && W.parentNode.insertBefore(this.div, W), E && (this.inputGroup = I.g("input-group").add(, I = this.drawInput("min"), this.minDateBox = I.dateBox, this.minLabel = I.label, this.minInput = I.input, I = this.drawInput("max"), this.maxDateBox = I.dateBox, this.maxLabel = I.label, this.maxInput = I.input)), E && (this.setInputValue(
  7704. "min",
  7705. n
  7706. ), this.setInputValue("max", P), n = _.scroller && _.scroller.getUnionExtremes() || _.xAxis[0] || {}, f(n.dataMin) && f(n.dataMax) && (_ = _.xAxis[0].minRange || 0, this.setInputExtremes("min", n.dataMin, Math.min(n.dataMax, this.getInputValue("max")) - _), this.setInputExtremes("max", Math.max(n.dataMin, this.getInputValue("min")) + _, n.dataMax)), this.inputGroup)) {
  7707. var m = 0;
  7708. [this.minLabel, this.minDateBox, this.maxLabel, this.maxDateBox].forEach(function(L) {
  7709. if (L) {
  7710. var z = L.getBBox().width;
  7711. z && (L.attr({ x: m }), m += z + X.inputSpacing);
  7712. }
  7713. });
  7714. }
  7715. this.alignElements(), this.rendered = !0;
  7716. }
  7717. }, s.prototype.renderButtons = function() {
  7718. var n = this, P = this.buttons, _ = this.options, I = R.lang, W = this.chart.renderer, E = w(_.buttonTheme), X = E && E.states, g = E.width || 28;
  7719. delete E.width, delete E.states, this.buttonGroup = W.g("range-selector-buttons").add(;
  7720. var m = this.dropdown = S("select", void 0, { position: "absolute", width: "1px", height: "1px", padding: 0, border: 0, top: "-9999em", cursor: "pointer", opacity: 1e-4 }, this.div);
  7721. B(m, "touchstart", function() {
  7722. = "16px";
  7723. }), [[D.isMS ? "mouseover" : "mouseenter"], [D.isMS ? "mouseout" : "mouseleave"], ["change", "click"]].forEach(function(L) {
  7724. var z = L[0], $ = L[1];
  7725. B(m, z, function() {
  7726. var Q = P[n.currentButtonIndex()];
  7727. Q && k(Q.element, $ || z);
  7728. });
  7729. }), this.zoomText = W.label(I && I.rangeSelectorZoom || "", 0).attr({ padding: _.buttonTheme.padding, height: _.buttonTheme.height, paddingLeft: 0, paddingRight: 0 }).add(this.buttonGroup), this.chart.styledMode || (this.zoomText.css(_.labelStyle), E["stroke-width"] = h(E["stroke-width"], 0)), S(
  7730. "option",
  7731. { textContent: this.zoomText.textStr, disabled: !0 },
  7732. void 0,
  7733. m
  7734. ), this.buttonOptions.forEach(function(L, z) {
  7735. S("option", { textContent: L.title || L.text }, void 0, m), P[z] = W.button(L.text, 0, 0, function($) {
  7736. var Q = &&, A;
  7737. Q && (A =, $)), A !== !1 && n.clickButton(z), n.isActive = !0;
  7738. }, E, X && X.hover, X &&, X && X.disabled).attr({ "text-align": "center", width: g }).add(n.buttonGroup), L.title && P[z].attr("title", L.title);
  7739. });
  7740. }, s.prototype.alignElements = function() {
  7741. var n = this, P = this.buttonGroup, _ = this.buttons, I = this.chart, W =, E = this.inputGroup, X = this.options, g = this.zoomText, m = I.options, L = m.exporting && m.exporting.enabled !== !1 && m.navigation && m.navigation.buttonOptions;
  7742. m = X.buttonPosition;
  7743. var z = X.inputPosition, $ = X.verticalAlign, Q = function(Z, q) {
  7744. return L && n.titleCollision(I) && $ === "top" && q.align === "right" && q.y - Z.getBBox().height - 12 < (L.y || 0) + (L.height || 0) + I.spacing[0] ? -40 : 0;
  7745. }, A = I.plotLeft;
  7746. if (W && m && z) {
  7747. var F = m.x - I.spacing[3];
  7748. if (P) {
  7749. if (this.positionButtons(), !this.initialButtonGroupWidth) {
  7750. var Y = 0;
  7751. g && (Y += g.getBBox().width + 5), _.forEach(function(Z, q) {
  7752. Y += Z.width, q !== _.length - 1 && (Y += X.buttonSpacing);
  7753. }), this.initialButtonGroupWidth = Y;
  7754. }
  7755. A -= I.spacing[3], this.updateButtonStates(), g = Q(P, m), this.alignButtonGroup(g), W.placed = P.placed = I.hasLoaded;
  7756. }
  7757. P = 0, E && (P = Q(E, z), z.align === "left" ? F = A : z.align === "right" && (F = -Math.max(I.axisOffset[1], -P)), E.align({ y: z.y, width: E.getBBox().width, align: z.align, x: z.x + F - 2 }, !0, I.spacingBox), E.placed = I.hasLoaded), this.handleCollision(P), W.align({ verticalAlign: $ }, !0, I.spacingBox), E = W.alignAttr.translateY, P = W.getBBox().height + 20, Q = 0, $ === "bottom" && (Q = (Q = I.legend && I.legend.options) && Q.verticalAlign === "bottom" && Q.enabled && !Q.floating ? I.legend.legendHeight + h(Q.margin, 10) : 0, P = P + Q - 20, Q = E - P - (X.floating ? 0 : X.y) - (I.titleOffset ? I.titleOffset[2] : 0) - 10), $ === "top" ? (X.floating && (Q = 0), I.titleOffset && I.titleOffset[0] && (Q = I.titleOffset[0]), Q += I.margin[0] - I.spacing[0] || 0) : $ === "middle" && (z.y === m.y ? Q = E : (z.y || m.y) && (Q = 0 > z.y || 0 > m.y ? Q - Math.min(z.y, m.y) : E - P)), W.translate(X.x, X.y + Math.floor(Q)), m = this.minInput, z = this.maxInput, E = this.dropdown, X.inputEnabled && m && z && ( = W.translateY + "px", = W.translateY + "px"), E && ( = W.translateY + "px");
  7758. }
  7759. }, s.prototype.alignButtonGroup = function(n, P) {
  7760. var _ = this.chart, I = this.buttonGroup, W = this.options.buttonPosition, E = _.plotLeft - _.spacing[3], X = W.x - _.spacing[3];
  7761. W.align === "right" ? X += n - E : W.align === "center" && (X -= E / 2), I && I.align({ y: W.y, width: h(P, this.initialButtonGroupWidth), align: W.align, x: X }, !0, _.spacingBox);
  7762. }, s.prototype.positionButtons = function() {
  7763. var n = this.buttons, P = this.chart, _ = this.options, I = this.zoomText, W = P.hasLoaded ? "animate" : "attr", E = _.buttonPosition, X = P.plotLeft, g = X;
  7764. I && I.visibility !== "hidden" && (I[W]({ x: h(X + E.x, X) }), g += E.x + I.getBBox().width + 5), this.buttonOptions.forEach(function(m, L) {
  7765. n[L].visibility !== "hidden" ? (n[L][W]({ x: g }), g += n[L].width + _.buttonSpacing) : n[L][W]({ x: X });
  7766. });
  7767. }, s.prototype.handleCollision = function(n) {
  7768. var P = this, _ = this.chart, I = this.buttonGroup, W = this.inputGroup, E = this.options, X = E.buttonPosition, g = E.dropdown, m = E.inputPosition;
  7769. E = function() {
  7770. var $ = 0;
  7771. return P.buttons.forEach(function(Q) {
  7772. Q = Q.getBBox(), Q.width > $ && ($ = Q.width);
  7773. }), $;
  7774. };
  7775. var L = function($) {
  7776. if (W && I) {
  7777. var Q = W.alignAttr.translateX + W.alignOptions.x - n + W.getBBox().x + 2, A = W.alignOptions.width, F = I.alignAttr.translateX + I.getBBox().x;
  7778. return F + $ > Q && Q + A > F && X.y < m.y + W.getBBox().height;
  7779. }
  7780. return !1;
  7781. }, z = function() {
  7782. W && I && W.attr({ translateX: W.alignAttr.translateX + (_.axisOffset[1] >= -n ? 0 : -n), translateY: W.alignAttr.translateY + I.getBBox().height + 10 });
  7783. };
  7784. if (I) {
  7785. if (g === "always") {
  7786. this.collapseButtons(n), L(E()) && z();
  7787. return;
  7788. }
  7789. g === "never" && this.expandButtons();
  7790. }
  7791. W && I ? m.align === X.align || L(this.initialButtonGroupWidth + 20) ? g === "responsive" ? (this.collapseButtons(n), L(E()) && z()) : z() : g === "responsive" && this.expandButtons() : I && g === "responsive" && (this.initialButtonGroupWidth > _.plotWidth ? this.collapseButtons(n) : this.expandButtons());
  7792. }, s.prototype.collapseButtons = function(n) {
  7793. var P = this.buttons, _ = this.buttonOptions, I = this.chart, W = this.dropdown, E = this.options, X = this.zoomText, g = I.userOptions.rangeSelector && I.userOptions.rangeSelector.buttonTheme || {}, m = function(z) {
  7794. return { text: z ? z + " ▾" : "▾", width: "auto", paddingLeft: h(E.buttonTheme.paddingLeft, g.padding, 8), paddingRight: h(E.buttonTheme.paddingRight, g.padding, 8) };
  7795. };
  7796. X && X.hide();
  7797. var L = !1;
  7798. _.forEach(function(z, $) {
  7799. $ = P[$], $.state !== 2 ? $.hide() : ($.show(), $.attr(m(z.text)), L = !0);
  7800. }), L || (W && (W.selectedIndex = 0), P[0].show(), P[0].attr(m(this.zoomText && this.zoomText.textStr))), _ = E.buttonPosition.align, this.positionButtons(), _ !== "right" && _ !== "center" || this.alignButtonGroup(n, P[this.currentButtonIndex()].getBBox().width), this.showDropdown();
  7801. }, s.prototype.expandButtons = function() {
  7802. var n = this.buttons, P = this.buttonOptions, _ = this.options, I = this.zoomText;
  7803. this.hideDropdown(), I &&, P.forEach(function(W, E) {
  7804. E = n[E],, E.attr({ text: W.text, width: _.buttonTheme.width || 28, paddingLeft: h(_.buttonTheme.paddingLeft, "unset"), paddingRight: h(_.buttonTheme.paddingRight, "unset") }), 2 > E.state && E.setState(0);
  7805. }), this.positionButtons();
  7806. }, s.prototype.currentButtonIndex = function() {
  7807. var n = this.dropdown;
  7808. return n && 0 < n.selectedIndex ? n.selectedIndex - 1 : 0;
  7809. }, s.prototype.showDropdown = function() {
  7810. var n = this.buttonGroup, P = this.buttons, _ = this.chart, I = this.dropdown;
  7811. if (n && I) {
  7812. var W = n.translateX;
  7813. n = n.translateY, P = P[this.currentButtonIndex()].getBBox(), x(I, { left: _.plotLeft + W + "px", top: n + 0.5 + "px", width: P.width + "px", height: P.height + "px" }), this.hasVisibleDropdown = !0;
  7814. }
  7815. }, s.prototype.hideDropdown = function() {
  7816. var n = this.dropdown;
  7817. n && (x(n, { top: "-9999em", width: "1px", height: "1px" }), this.hasVisibleDropdown = !1);
  7818. }, s.prototype.getHeight = function() {
  7819. var n = this.options, P =, _ = n.y, I = n.buttonPosition.y, W = n.inputPosition.y;
  7820. return n.height ? n.height : (this.alignElements(), n = P ? P.getBBox(!0).height + 13 + _ : 0, P = Math.min(W, I), (0 > W && 0 > I || 0 < W && 0 < I) && (n += Math.abs(P)), n);
  7821. }, s.prototype.titleCollision = function(n) {
  7822. return !(n.options.title.text || n.options.subtitle.text);
  7823. }, s.prototype.update = function(n) {
  7824. var P = this.chart;
  7825. w(!0, P.options.rangeSelector, n), this.destroy(), this.init(P), this.render();
  7826. }, s.prototype.destroy = function() {
  7827. var n = this, P = n.minInput, _ = n.maxInput;
  7828. n.eventsToUnbind && (n.eventsToUnbind.forEach(function(I) {
  7829. return I();
  7830. }), n.eventsToUnbind = void 0), d(n.buttons), P && (P.onfocus = P.onblur = P.onchange = null), _ && (_.onfocus = _.onblur = _.onchange = null), v(n, function(I, W) {
  7831. I && W !== "chart" && (I instanceof H ? I.destroy() : I instanceof window.HTMLElement && T(I)), I !== s.prototype[W] && (n[W] = null);
  7832. }, this);
  7833. }, s;
  7834. }();
  7835. if (c.prototype.defaultButtons = [
  7836. { type: "month", count: 1, text: "1m", title: "View 1 month" },
  7837. { type: "month", count: 3, text: "3m", title: "View 3 months" },
  7838. { type: "month", count: 6, text: "6m", title: "View 6 months" },
  7839. { type: "ytd", text: "YTD", title: "View year to date" },
  7840. { type: "year", count: 1, text: "1y", title: "View 1 year" },
  7841. { type: "all", text: "All", title: "View all" }
  7842. ], c.prototype.inputTypeFormats = { "datetime-local": "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S", date: "%Y-%m-%d", time: "%H:%M:%S" }, y.prototype.minFromRange = function() {
  7843. var s = this.range, n = s.type, P = this.max, _ = this.chart.time, I = function(g, m) {
  7844. var L = n === "year" ? "FullYear" : "Month", z = new _.Date(g), $ = _.get(L, z);
  7845. return _.set(L, z, $ + m), $ === _.get(L, z) && _.set("Date", z, 0), z.getTime() - g;
  7846. };
  7847. if (b(s))
  7848. var W = P - s, E = s;
  7849. else
  7850. W = P + I(P, -s.count), this.chart && (this.chart.fixedRange = P - W);
  7851. var X = h(this.dataMin, Number.MIN_VALUE);
  7852. return b(W) || (W = X), W <= X && (W = X, typeof E > "u" && (E = I(W, s.count)), this.newMax = Math.min(W + E, this.dataMax)), b(P) || (W = void 0), W;
  7853. }, !D.RangeSelector) {
  7854. var a = [], t = function(s) {
  7855. function n() {
  7856. _ && (P = s.xAxis[0].getExtremes(), I = s.legend, E = _ && _.options.verticalAlign, b(P.min) && _.render(P.min, P.max), I.display && E === "top" && E === I.options.verticalAlign && (W = w(s.spacingBox), W.y = I.options.layout === "vertical" ? s.plotTop : W.y + _.getHeight(), = !1, I.align(W)));
  7857. }
  7858. var P, _ = s.rangeSelector, I, W, E;
  7859. _ && (j(a, function(X) {
  7860. return X[0] === s;
  7861. }) || a.push([s, [B(s.xAxis[0], "afterSetExtremes", function(X) {
  7862. _ && _.render(X.min, X.max);
  7863. }), B(s, "redraw", n)]]), n());
  7864. };
  7865. B(N, "afterGetContainer", function() {
  7866. this.options.rangeSelector && this.options.rangeSelector.enabled && (this.rangeSelector = new c(this));
  7867. }), B(N, "beforeRender", function() {
  7868. var s = this.axes, n = this.rangeSelector;
  7869. n && (b(n.deferredYTDClick) && (n.clickButton(n.deferredYTDClick), delete n.deferredYTDClick), s.forEach(function(P) {
  7870. P.updateNames(), P.setScale();
  7871. }), this.getAxisMargins(), n.render(), s = n.options.verticalAlign, n.options.floating || (s === "bottom" ? this.extraBottomMargin = !0 : s !== "middle" && (this.extraTopMargin = !0)));
  7872. }), B(N, "update", function(s) {
  7873. var n = s.options.rangeSelector;
  7874. s = this.rangeSelector;
  7875. var P = this.extraBottomMargin, _ = this.extraTopMargin;
  7876. n && n.enabled && !f(s) && this.options.rangeSelector && (this.options.rangeSelector.enabled = !0, this.rangeSelector = s = new c(this)), this.extraTopMargin = this.extraBottomMargin = !1, s && (t(this), n = n && n.verticalAlign || s.options && s.options.verticalAlign, s.options.floating || (n === "bottom" ? this.extraBottomMargin = !0 : n !== "middle" && (this.extraTopMargin = !0)), this.extraBottomMargin !== P || this.extraTopMargin !== _) && (this.isDirtyBox = !0);
  7877. }), B(N, "render", function() {
  7878. var s = this.rangeSelector;
  7879. s && !s.options.floating && (s.render(), s = s.options.verticalAlign, s === "bottom" ? this.extraBottomMargin = !0 : s !== "middle" && (this.extraTopMargin = !0));
  7880. }), B(N, "getMargins", function() {
  7881. var s = this.rangeSelector;
  7882. s && (s = s.getHeight(), this.extraTopMargin && (this.plotTop += s), this.extraBottomMargin && (this.marginBottom += s));
  7883. }), N.prototype.callbacks.push(t), B(N, "destroy", function() {
  7884. for (var s = 0; s < a.length; s++) {
  7885. var n = a[s];
  7886. if (n[0] === this) {
  7887. n[1].forEach(function(P) {
  7888. return P();
  7889. }), a.splice(s, 1);
  7890. break;
  7891. }
  7892. }
  7893. }), D.RangeSelector = c;
  7894. }
  7895. return c;
  7896. }), M(
  7897. o,
  7898. "Core/Chart/StockChart.js",
  7899. [o["Core/Animation/AnimationUtilities.js"], o["Core/Axis/Axis.js"], o["Core/Chart/Chart.js"], o["Core/FormatUtilities.js"], o["Core/DefaultOptions.js"], o["Core/Series/Series.js"], o["Core/Renderer/SVG/SVGRenderer.js"], o["Core/Utilities.js"]],
  7900. function(y, N, D, U, H, V, G, R) {
  7901. function B(u, i) {
  7902. return u === "xAxis" ? { minPadding: 0, maxPadding: 0, overscroll: 0, ordinal: !0, title: { text: null }, labels: { overflow: "justify" }, showLastLabel: !0 } : u === "yAxis" ? { labels: { y: -2 }, opposite: l(i.opposite, !0), showLastLabel: !(!i.categories && i.type !== "category"), title: { text: null } } : {};
  7903. }
  7904. function S(u, i) {
  7905. if (u === "xAxis") {
  7906. u = d();
  7907. var c = { type: "datetime", categories: void 0 };
  7908. return l(i.navigator && i.navigator.enabled, u.navigator.enabled, !0) && (c.startOnTick = !1, c.endOnTick = !1), c;
  7909. }
  7910. return {};
  7911. }
  7912. var x = this && this.__extends || function() {
  7913. var u = function(i, c) {
  7914. return u = Object.setPrototypeOf || { __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function(a, t) {
  7915. a.__proto__ = t;
  7916. } || function(a, t) {
  7917. for (var s in t)
  7918. t.hasOwnProperty(s) && (a[s] = t[s]);
  7919. }, u(i, c);
  7920. };
  7921. return function(i, c) {
  7922. function a() {
  7923. this.constructor = i;
  7924. }
  7925. u(i, c), i.prototype = c === null ? Object.create(c) : (a.prototype = c.prototype, new a());
  7926. };
  7927. }(), f = U.format, d = H.getOptions;
  7928. y = R.addEvent;
  7929. var T = R.clamp, O = R.defined, j = R.extend, k = R.find, b = R.isNumber, w = R.isString, v = R.merge, l = R.pick, h = R.splat;
  7930. return R = function(u) {
  7931. function i() {
  7932. return u !== null && u.apply(this, arguments) || this;
  7933. }
  7934. return x(i, u), i.prototype.init = function(c, a) {
  7935. var t = d(), s = c.xAxis, n = c.yAxis, P = l(c.navigator && c.navigator.enabled, t.navigator.enabled, !0);
  7936. c.xAxis = c.yAxis = void 0, P = v({ chart: { panning: { enabled: !0, type: "x" }, pinchType: "x" }, navigator: { enabled: P }, scrollbar: { enabled: l(t.scrollbar && t.scrollbar.enabled, !0) }, rangeSelector: { enabled: l(t.rangeSelector.enabled, !0) }, title: { text: null }, tooltip: { split: l(t.tooltip.split, !0), crosshairs: !0 }, legend: { enabled: !1 } }, c, { isStock: !0 }), c.xAxis = s, c.yAxis = n, P.xAxis = h(c.xAxis || {}).map(function(_, I) {
  7937. return v(B("xAxis", _), t.xAxis, t.xAxis && t.xAxis[I], _, S("xAxis", c));
  7938. }), P.yAxis = h(c.yAxis || {}).map(function(_, I) {
  7939. return v(B("yAxis", _), t.yAxis, t.yAxis && t.yAxis[I], _);
  7940. }),, P, a);
  7941. }, i.prototype.createAxis = function(c, a) {
  7942. return a.axis = v(B(c, a.axis), a.axis, S(c, this.userOptions)),, c, a);
  7943. }, i;
  7944. }(D), function(u) {
  7945. u.stockChart = function(i, c, a) {
  7946. return new u(i, c, a);
  7947. };
  7948. }(R || (R = {})), y(V, "setOptions", function(u) {
  7949. var i;
  7950. this.chart.options.isStock && ("column") ||"columnrange") ? i = { borderWidth: 0, shadow: !1 } :"scatter") ||"sma") || (i = { marker: { enabled: !1, radius: 2 } }), i && (u.plotOptions[this.type] = v(u.plotOptions[this.type], i)));
  7951. }), y(N, "autoLabelAlign", function(u) {
  7952. var i = this.chart, c = this.options;
  7953. i = i._labelPanes = i._labelPanes || {};
  7954. var a = this.options.labels;
  7955. this.chart.options.isStock && this.coll === "yAxis" && (c = + "," + c.height, !i[c] && a.enabled && (a.x === 15 && (a.x = 0), typeof a.align > "u" && (a.align = "right"), i[c] = this, u.align = "right", u.preventDefault()));
  7956. }), y(N, "destroy", function() {
  7957. var u = this.chart, i = this.options && + "," + this.options.height;
  7958. i && u._labelPanes && u._labelPanes[i] === this && delete u._labelPanes[i];
  7959. }), y(N, "getPlotLinePath", function(u) {
  7960. function i(F) {
  7961. var Y = F === "xAxis" ? "yAxis" : "xAxis";
  7962. return F = c.options[Y], b(F) ? [t[Y][F]] : w(F) ? [t.get(F)] : {
  7963. return Z[Y];
  7964. });
  7965. }
  7966. var c = this, a = this.isLinked && !this.series ? this.linkedParent.series : this.series, t = c.chart, s = t.renderer, n = c.left, P =, _, I, W, E, X = [], g = [], m = u.translatedValue, L = u.value, z = u.force;
  7967. if (t.options.isStock && u.acrossPanes !== !1 && c.coll === "xAxis" || c.coll === "yAxis") {
  7968. u.preventDefault(), g = i(c.coll);
  7969. var $ = c.isXAxis ? t.yAxis : t.xAxis;
  7970. $.forEach(function(F) {
  7971. if (!O( ||"navigator") === -1) {
  7972. var Y = F.isXAxis ? "yAxis" : "xAxis";
  7973. Y = O(F.options[Y]) ? t[Y][F.options[Y]] : t[Y][0], c === Y && g.push(F);
  7974. }
  7975. });
  7976. var Q = g.length ? [] : [c.isXAxis ? t.yAxis[0] : t.xAxis[0]];
  7977. g.forEach(function(F) {
  7978. Q.indexOf(F) !== -1 || k(Q, function(Y) {
  7979. return Y.pos === F.pos && Y.len === F.len;
  7980. }) || Q.push(F);
  7981. });
  7982. var A = l(m, c.translate(L, null, null, u.old));
  7983. b(A) && (c.horiz ? Q.forEach(function(F) {
  7984. var Y;
  7985. I = F.pos, E = I + F.len, _ = W = Math.round(A + c.transB), z !== "pass" && (_ < n || _ > n + c.width) && (z ? _ = W = T(_, n, n + c.width) : Y = !0), Y || X.push(["M", _, I], ["L", W, E]);
  7986. }) : Q.forEach(function(F) {
  7987. var Y;
  7988. _ = F.pos, W = _ + F.len, I = E = Math.round(P + c.height - A), z !== "pass" && (I < P || I > P + c.height) && (z ? I = E = T(I, P, P + c.height) : Y = !0), Y || X.push(["M", _, I], ["L", W, E]);
  7989. })), u.path = 0 < X.length ? s.crispPolyLine(X, u.lineWidth || 1) : null;
  7990. }
  7991. }), G.prototype.crispPolyLine = function(u, i) {
  7992. for (var c = 0; c < u.length; c += 2) {
  7993. var a = u[c], t = u[c + 1];
  7994. a[1] === t[1] && (a[1] = t[1] = Math.round(a[1]) - i % 2 / 2), a[2] === t[2] && (a[2] = t[2] = Math.round(a[2]) + i % 2 / 2);
  7995. }
  7996. return u;
  7997. }, y(N, "afterHideCrosshair", function() {
  7998. this.crossLabel && (this.crossLabel = this.crossLabel.hide());
  7999. }), y(N, "afterDrawCrosshair", function(u) {
  8000. var i, c;
  8001. if (this.crosshair && this.crosshair.label && this.crosshair.label.enabled && this.cross && b(this.min) && b(this.max)) {
  8002. var a = this.chart, t = this.logarithmic, s = this.crosshair.label, n = this.horiz, P = this.opposite, _ = this.left, I =, W = this.crossLabel, E = s.format, X = "", g = this.options.tickPosition === "inside", m = this.crosshair.snap !== !1, L = 0, z = u.e || this.cross && this.cross.e;
  8003. u = u.point;
  8004. var $ = this.min, Q = this.max;
  8005. t && ($ = t.lin2log($), Q = t.lin2log(Q)), t = n ? "center" : P ? this.labelAlign === "right" ? "right" : "left" : this.labelAlign === "left" ? "left" : "center", W || (W = this.crossLabel = a.renderer.label("", 0, void 0, s.shape || "callout").addClass("highcharts-crosshair-label highcharts-color-" + (u ? u.series.colorIndex : this.series[0] && this.series[0].colorIndex)).attr({ align: s.align || t, padding: l(s.padding, 8), r: l(s.borderRadius, 3), zIndex: 2 }).add(this.labelGroup), a.styledMode || W.attr({ fill: s.backgroundColor || u && u.series && u.series.color || "#666666", stroke: s.borderColor || "", "stroke-width": s.borderWidth || 0 }).css(j({ color: "#ffffff", fontWeight: "normal", fontSize: "11px", textAlign: "center" }, || {}))), n ? (t = m ? (u.plotX || 0) + _ : z.chartX, I += P ? 0 : this.height) : (t = P ? this.width + _ : 0, I = m ? (u.plotY || 0) + I : z.chartY), E || s.formatter || (this.dateTime && (X = "%b %d, %Y"), E = "{value" + (X ? ":" + X : "") + "}"), X = m ? this.isXAxis ? u.x : u.y : this.toValue(n ? z.chartX : z.chartY), m = u ? u.series.isPointInside(u) : b(X) && X > $ && X < Q, z = "", E ? z = f(E, { value: X }, a) : s.formatter && b(X) && (z =, X)), W.attr({ text: z, x: t, y: I, visibility: m ? "visible" : "hidden" }), s = W.getBBox(), b(W.y) && (n ? (g && !P || !g && P) && (I = W.y - s.height) : I = W.y - s.height / 2), n ? (i = _ - s.x, c = _ + this.width - s.x) : (i = this.labelAlign === "left" ? _ : 0, c = this.labelAlign === "right" ? _ + this.width : a.chartWidth), W.translateX < i && (L = i - W.translateX), W.translateX + s.width >= c && (L = -(W.translateX + s.width - c)), W.attr({ x: t + L, y: I, anchorX: n ? t : this.opposite ? 0 : a.chartWidth, anchorY: n ? this.opposite ? a.chartHeight : 0 : I + s.height / 2 });
  8006. }
  8007. }), V.prototype.forceCropping = function() {
  8008. var u = this.chart, i = this.options.dataGrouping;
  8009. return this.allowDG !== !1 && i && l(i.enabled, u.options.isStock);
  8010. }, y(D, "update", function(u) {
  8011. u = u.options, "scrollbar" in u && this.navigator && (v(!0, this.options.scrollbar, u.scrollbar), this.navigator.update({}, !1), delete u.scrollbar);
  8012. }), R;
  8013. }
  8014. ), M(o, "masters/modules/stock.src.js", [
  8015. o["Core/Globals.js"],
  8016. o["Core/Axis/OrdinalAxis.js"],
  8017. o["Series/DataModifyComposition.js"],
  8018. o["Core/Scrollbar.js"],
  8019. o["Core/Chart/StockChart.js"]
  8020. ], function(y, N, D, U, H) {
  8021. y.Scrollbar = U, y.StockChart = y.stockChart = H.stockChart, U.compose(y.Axis), N.compose(y.Axis, y.Series, y.Chart), D.compose(y.Series, y.Axis, y.Point);
  8022. }), M(o, "masters/highstock.src.js", [o["masters/highcharts.src.js"]], function(y) {
  8023. return y.product = "Highstock", y;
  8024. }), o["masters/highstock.src.js"]._modules = o, o["masters/highstock.src.js"];
  8025. });
  8026. })(iu);
  8027. var U0 = iu.exports;
  8028. const Vr = /* @__PURE__ */ Cn(U0);
  8029. var ru = { exports: {} };
  8030. (function(r) {
  8031. (function(p, M) {
  8032. r.exports ? (M.default = M, r.exports = p.document ? M(p) : M) : (p.Highcharts && p.Highcharts.error(16, !0), p.Highcharts = M(p));
  8033. })(typeof window < "u" ? window : Gr, function(p) {
  8034. function M(y, N, D, U) {
  8035. y.hasOwnProperty(N) || (y[N] = U.apply(null, D));
  8036. }
  8037. var o = {};
  8038. return M(o, "Core/Globals.js", [], function() {
  8039. var y = typeof p < "u" ? p : typeof window < "u" ? window : {}, N;
  8040. return function(D) {
  8041. D.SVG_NS = "", D.product = "Highcharts", D.version = "9.3.3", = y, D.doc =, D.svg = D.doc && D.doc.createElementNS && !!D.doc.createElementNS(D.SVG_NS, "svg").createSVGRect, D.userAgent = && || "", D.isChrome = D.userAgent.indexOf("Chrome") !== -1, D.isFirefox = D.userAgent.indexOf("Firefox") !== -1, D.isMS = /(edge|msie|trident)/i.test(D.userAgent) && !, D.isSafari = !D.isChrome && D.userAgent.indexOf("Safari") !== -1, D.isTouchDevice = /(Mobile|Android|Windows Phone)/.test(D.userAgent), D.isWebKit = D.userAgent.indexOf("AppleWebKit") !== -1, D.deg2rad = 2 * Math.PI / 360, D.hasBidiBug = D.isFirefox && 4 > parseInt(D.userAgent.split("Firefox/")[1], 10), D.hasTouch = !!, D.marginNames = ["plotTop", "marginRight", "marginBottom", "plotLeft"], D.noop = function() {
  8042. }, D.supportsPassiveEvents = function() {
  8043. var U = !1;
  8044. if (!D.isMS) {
  8045. var H = Object.defineProperty({}, "passive", { get: function() {
  8046. U = !0;
  8047. } });
  8048. && && (
  8049. "testPassive",
  8050. D.noop,
  8051. H
  8052. ),"testPassive", D.noop, H));
  8053. }
  8054. return U;
  8055. }(), D.charts = [], D.dateFormats = {}, D.seriesTypes = {}, D.symbolSizes = {}, D.chartCount = 0;
  8056. }(N || (N = {})), N;
  8057. }), M(o, "Core/Utilities.js", [o["Core/Globals.js"]], function(y) {
  8058. function N(t, s, n, P) {
  8059. var _ = s ? "Highcharts error" : "Highcharts warning";
  8060. t === 32 && (t = _ + ": Deprecated member");
  8061. var I = S(t), W = I ? _ + " #" + t + ":" + t + "/" : t.toString();
  8062. if (typeof P < "u") {
  8063. var E = "";
  8064. I && (W += "?"), b(P, function(X, g) {
  8065. E += `
  8066. - ` + g + ": " + X, I && (W += encodeURI(g) + "=" + encodeURI(X));
  8067. }), W += E;
  8068. }
  8069. v(y, "displayError", { chart: n, code: t, message: W, params: P }, function() {
  8070. if (s)
  8071. throw Error(W);
  8072. u.console && N.messages.indexOf(W) === -1 && console.warn(W);
  8073. }), N.messages.push(W);
  8074. }
  8075. function D(t, s) {
  8076. var n = {};
  8077. return b(t, function(P, _) {
  8078. G(t[_], !0) && !t.nodeType && s[_] ? (P = D(t[_], s[_]), Object.keys(P).length && (n[_] = P)) : (G(t[_]) || t[_] !== s[_]) && (n[_] = t[_]);
  8079. }), n;
  8080. }
  8081. function U(t, s) {
  8082. return parseInt(t, s || 10);
  8083. }
  8084. function H(t) {
  8085. return typeof t == "string";
  8086. }
  8087. function V(t) {
  8088. return t =, t === "[object Array]" || t === "[object Array Iterator]";
  8089. }
  8090. function G(t, s) {
  8091. return !!t && typeof t == "object" && (!s || !V(t));
  8092. }
  8093. function R(t) {
  8094. return G(t) && typeof t.nodeType == "number";
  8095. }
  8096. function B(t) {
  8097. var s = t && t.constructor;
  8098. return !(!G(t, !0) || R(t) || !s || ! || === "Object");
  8099. }
  8100. function S(t) {
  8101. return typeof t == "number" && !isNaN(t) && 1 / 0 > t && -1 / 0 < t;
  8102. }
  8103. function x(t) {
  8104. return typeof t < "u" && t !== null;
  8105. }
  8106. function f(t, s, n) {
  8107. var P;
  8108. return H(s) ? x(n) ? t.setAttribute(s, n) : t && t.getAttribute && ((P = t.getAttribute(s)) || s !== "class" || (P = t.getAttribute(s + "Name"))) : b(s, function(_, I) {
  8109. x(_) ? t.setAttribute(I, _) : t.removeAttribute(I);
  8110. }), P;
  8111. }
  8112. function d(t, s) {
  8113. var n;
  8114. t || (t = {});
  8115. for (n in s)
  8116. t[n] = s[n];
  8117. return t;
  8118. }
  8119. function T() {
  8120. for (var t = arguments, s = t.length, n = 0; n < s; n++) {
  8121. var P = t[n];
  8122. if (typeof P < "u" && P !== null)
  8123. return P;
  8124. }
  8125. }
  8126. function O(t, s) {
  8127. y.isMS && !y.svg && s && typeof s.opacity < "u" && (s.filter = "alpha(opacity=" + 100 * s.opacity + ")"), d(, s);
  8128. }
  8129. function j(t, s) {
  8130. return 1e14 < t ? t : parseFloat(t.toPrecision(s || 14));
  8131. }
  8132. function k(t, s, n) {
  8133. var P = y.getStyle || k;
  8134. if (s === "width")
  8135. return s = Math.min(t.offsetWidth, t.scrollWidth), n = t.getBoundingClientRect && t.getBoundingClientRect().width, n < s && n >= s - 1 && (s = Math.floor(n)), Math.max(0, s - (P(t, "padding-left", !0) || 0) - (P(t, "padding-right", !0) || 0));
  8136. if (s === "height")
  8137. return Math.max(0, Math.min(t.offsetHeight, t.scrollHeight) - (P(t, "padding-top", !0) || 0) - (P(t, "padding-bottom", !0) || 0));
  8138. if (u.getComputedStyle || N(27, !0), t = u.getComputedStyle(t, void 0)) {
  8139. var _ = t.getPropertyValue(s);
  8140. T(n, s !== "opacity") && (_ = U(_));
  8141. }
  8142. return _;
  8143. }
  8144. function b(t, s, n) {
  8145. for (var P in t)
  8146., P) && || t[P], t[P], P, t);
  8147. }
  8148. function w(t, s, n) {
  8149. function P(E, X) {
  8150. var g = t.removeEventListener || y.removeEventListenerPolyfill;
  8151. g &&, E, X, !1);
  8152. }
  8153. function _(E) {
  8154. var X;
  8155. if (t.nodeName) {
  8156. if (s) {
  8157. var g = {};
  8158. g[s] = !0;
  8159. } else
  8160. g = E;
  8161. b(g, function(m, L) {
  8162. if (E[L])
  8163. for (X = E[L].length; X--; )
  8164. P(L, E[L][X].fn);
  8165. });
  8166. }
  8167. }
  8168. var I = typeof t == "function" && t.prototype || t;
  8169. if (, "hcEvents")) {
  8170. var W = I.hcEvents;
  8171. s ? (I = W[s] || [], n ? (W[s] = I.filter(function(E) {
  8172. return n !== E.fn;
  8173. }), P(s, n)) : (_(W), W[s] = [])) : (_(W), delete I.hcEvents);
  8174. }
  8175. }
  8176. function v(t, s, n, P) {
  8177. if (n = n || {}, h.createEvent && (t.dispatchEvent || t.fireEvent && t !== y)) {
  8178. var _ = h.createEvent("Events");
  8179. _.initEvent(s, !0, !0), n = d(_, n), t.dispatchEvent ? t.dispatchEvent(n) : t.fireEvent(s, n);
  8180. } else if (t.hcEvents) {
  8181. || d(n, { preventDefault: function() {
  8182. n.defaultPrevented = !0;
  8183. }, target: t, type: s }), _ = [];
  8184. for (var I = t, W = !1; I.hcEvents; )
  8185., "hcEvents") && I.hcEvents[s] && (_.length && (W = !0), _.unshift.apply(_, I.hcEvents[s])), I = Object.getPrototypeOf(I);
  8186. W && _.sort(function(E, X) {
  8187. return E.order - X.order;
  8188. }), _.forEach(function(E) {
  8189., n) === !1 && n.preventDefault();
  8190. });
  8191. }
  8192. P && !n.defaultPrevented &&, n);
  8193. }
  8194. var l = y.charts, h = y.doc, u =;
  8195. (N || (N = {})).messages = [], Math.easeInOutSine = function(t) {
  8196. return -0.5 * (Math.cos(Math.PI * t) - 1);
  8197. };
  8198. var i = Array.prototype.find ? function(t, s) {
  8199. return t.find(s);
  8200. } : function(t, s) {
  8201. var n, P = t.length;
  8202. for (n = 0; n < P; n++)
  8203. if (s(t[n], n))
  8204. return t[n];
  8205. };
  8206. b({ map: "map", each: "forEach", grep: "filter", reduce: "reduce", some: "some" }, function(t, s) {
  8207. y[s] = function(n) {
  8208. var P;
  8209. return N(32, !1, void 0, (P = {}, P["Highcharts." + s] = "use Array." + t, P)), Array.prototype[t].apply(n, [], 1));
  8210. };
  8211. });
  8212. var c, a = function() {
  8213. var t = Math.random().toString(36).substring(2, 9) + "-", s = 0;
  8214. return function() {
  8215. return "highcharts-" + (c ? "" : t) + s++;
  8216. };
  8217. }();
  8218. return u.jQuery && (u.jQuery.fn.highcharts = function() {
  8219. var t = [];
  8220. if (this[0])
  8221. return t[0] ? (new y[H(t[0]) ? t.shift() : "Chart"](this[0], t[0], t[1]), this) : l[f(this[0], "data-highcharts-chart")];
  8222. }), i = { addEvent: function(t, s, n, P) {
  8223. P === void 0 && (P = {});
  8224. var _ = typeof t == "function" && t.prototype || t;
  8225., "hcEvents") || (_.hcEvents = {}), _ = _.hcEvents, y.Point && t instanceof y.Point && t.series && t.series.chart && (t.series.chart.runTrackerClick = !0);
  8226. var I = t.addEventListener || y.addEventListenerPolyfill;
  8227. return I &&, s, n, y.supportsPassiveEvents ? { passive: P.passive === void 0 ? s.indexOf("touch") !== -1 : P.passive, capture: !1 } : !1), _[s] || (_[s] = []), _[s].push({ fn: n, order: typeof P.order == "number" ? P.order : 1 / 0 }), _[s].sort(function(W, E) {
  8228. return W.order - E.order;
  8229. }), function() {
  8230. w(t, s, n);
  8231. };
  8232. }, arrayMax: function(t) {
  8233. for (var s = t.length, n = t[0]; s--; )
  8234. t[s] > n && (n = t[s]);
  8235. return n;
  8236. }, arrayMin: function(t) {
  8237. for (var s = t.length, n = t[0]; s--; )
  8238. t[s] < n && (n = t[s]);
  8239. return n;
  8240. }, attr: f, clamp: function(t, s, n) {
  8241. return t > s ? t < n ? t : n : s;
  8242. }, cleanRecursively: D, clearTimeout: function(t) {
  8243. x(t) && clearTimeout(t);
  8244. }, correctFloat: j, createElement: function(t, s, n, P, _) {
  8245. return t = h.createElement(t), s && d(t, s), _ && O(t, { padding: "0", border: "none", margin: "0" }), n && O(t, n), P && P.appendChild(t), t;
  8246. }, css: O, defined: x, destroyObjectProperties: function(t, s) {
  8247. b(t, function(n, P) {
  8248. n && n !== s && n.destroy && n.destroy(), delete t[P];
  8249. });
  8250. }, discardElement: function(t) {
  8251. t && t.parentElement && t.parentElement.removeChild(t);
  8252. }, erase: function(t, s) {
  8253. for (var n = t.length; n--; )
  8254. if (t[n] === s) {
  8255. t.splice(n, 1);
  8256. break;
  8257. }
  8258. }, error: N, extend: d, extendClass: function(t, s) {
  8259. var n = function() {
  8260. };
  8261. return n.prototype = new t(), d(n.prototype, s), n;
  8262. }, find: i, fireEvent: v, getMagnitude: function(t) {
  8263. return Math.pow(10, Math.floor(Math.log(t) / Math.LN10));
  8264. }, getNestedProperty: function(t, s) {
  8265. for (t = t.split("."); t.length && x(s); ) {
  8266. var n = t.shift();
  8267. if (typeof n > "u" || n === "__proto__" || (s = s[n], !x(s) || typeof s == "function" || typeof s.nodeType == "number" || s === u))
  8268. return;
  8269. }
  8270. return s;
  8271. }, getStyle: k, inArray: function(t, s, n) {
  8272. return N(32, !1, void 0, { "Highcharts.inArray": "use Array.indexOf" }), s.indexOf(t, n);
  8273. }, isArray: V, isClass: B, isDOMElement: R, isFunction: function(t) {
  8274. return typeof t == "function";
  8275. }, isNumber: S, isObject: G, isString: H, keys: function(t) {
  8276. return N(32, !1, void 0, { "Highcharts.keys": "use Object.keys" }), Object.keys(t);
  8277. }, merge: function() {
  8278. var t, s = arguments, n = {}, P = function(I, W) {
  8279. return typeof I != "object" && (I = {}), b(W, function(E, X) {
  8280. X !== "__proto__" && X !== "constructor" && (!G(E, !0) || B(E) || R(E) ? I[X] = W[X] : I[X] = P(I[X] || {}, E));
  8281. }), I;
  8282. };
  8283. s[0] === !0 && (n = s[1], s =, 2));
  8284. var _ = s.length;
  8285. for (t = 0; t < _; t++)
  8286. n = P(n, s[t]);
  8287. return n;
  8288. }, normalizeTickInterval: function(t, s, n, P, _) {
  8289. var I = t;
  8290. n = T(n, 1);
  8291. var W = t / n;
  8292. for (s || (s = _ ? [1, 1.2, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10] : [1, 2, 2.5, 5, 10], P === !1 && (n === 1 ? s = s.filter(function(E) {
  8293. return E % 1 === 0;
  8294. }) : 0.1 >= n && (s = [1 / n]))), P = 0; P < s.length && (I = s[P], !(_ && I * n >= t || !_ && W <= (s[P] + (s[P + 1] || s[P])) / 2)); P++)
  8295. ;
  8296. return I = j(I * n, -Math.round(Math.log(1e-3) / Math.LN10));
  8297. }, objectEach: b, offset: function(t) {
  8298. var s = h.documentElement;
  8299. return t = t.parentElement || t.parentNode ? t.getBoundingClientRect() : { top: 0, left: 0, width: 0, height: 0 }, { top: + (u.pageYOffset || s.scrollTop) - (s.clientTop || 0), left: t.left + (u.pageXOffset || s.scrollLeft) - (s.clientLeft || 0), width: t.width, height: t.height };
  8300. }, pad: function(t, s, n) {
  8301. return Array((s || 2) + 1 - String(t).replace("-", "").length).join(n || "0") + t;
  8302. }, pick: T, pInt: U, relativeLength: function(t, s, n) {
  8303. return /%$/.test(t) ? s * parseFloat(t) / 100 + (n || 0) : parseFloat(t);
  8304. }, removeEvent: w, splat: function(t) {
  8305. return V(t) ? t : [t];
  8306. }, stableSort: function(t, s) {
  8307. var n = t.length, P, _;
  8308. for (_ = 0; _ < n; _++)
  8309. t[_].safeI = _;
  8310. for (t.sort(function(I, W) {
  8311. return P = s(I, W), P === 0 ? I.safeI - W.safeI : P;
  8312. }), _ = 0; _ < n; _++)
  8313. delete t[_].safeI;
  8314. }, syncTimeout: function(t, s, n) {
  8315. return 0 < s ? setTimeout(t, s, n) : (, n), -1);
  8316. }, timeUnits: {
  8317. millisecond: 1,
  8318. second: 1e3,
  8319. minute: 6e4,
  8320. hour: 36e5,
  8321. day: 864e5,
  8322. week: 6048e5,
  8323. month: 24192e5,
  8324. year: 314496e5
  8325. }, uniqueKey: a, useSerialIds: function(t) {
  8326. return c = T(t, c);
  8327. }, wrap: function(t, s, n) {
  8328. var P = t[s];
  8329. t[s] = function() {
  8330. var _ =, I = arguments, W = this;
  8331. return W.proceed = function() {
  8332. P.apply(W, arguments.length ? arguments : I);
  8333. }, _.unshift(P), _ = n.apply(this, _), W.proceed = null, _;
  8334. };
  8335. } }, i;
  8336. }), M(o, "Core/Chart/ChartDefaults.js", [], function() {
  8337. return { panning: { enabled: !1, type: "x" }, styledMode: !1, borderRadius: 0, colorCount: 10, defaultSeriesType: "line", ignoreHiddenSeries: !0, spacing: [
  8338. 10,
  8339. 10,
  8340. 15,
  8341. 10
  8342. ], resetZoomButton: { theme: { zIndex: 6 }, position: { align: "right", x: -10, y: 10 } }, zoomBySingleTouch: !1, width: null, height: null, borderColor: "#335cad", backgroundColor: "#ffffff", plotBorderColor: "#cccccc" };
  8343. }), M(o, "Core/Color/Color.js", [o["Core/Globals.js"], o["Core/Utilities.js"]], function(y, N) {
  8344. var D = N.isNumber, U = N.merge, H = N.pInt;
  8345. return N = function() {
  8346. function V(G) {
  8347. this.rgba = [NaN, NaN, NaN, NaN], this.input = G;
  8348. var R = y.Color;
  8349. if (R && R !== V)
  8350. return new R(G);
  8351. if (!(this instanceof V))
  8352. return new V(G);
  8353. this.init(G);
  8354. }
  8355. return V.parse = function(G) {
  8356. return G ? new V(G) : V.None;
  8357. }, V.prototype.init = function(G) {
  8358. var R;
  8359. if (typeof G == "object" && typeof G.stops < "u")
  8360. this.stops = {
  8361. return new V(f[1]);
  8362. });
  8363. else if (typeof G == "string") {
  8364. if (this.input = G = V.names[G.toLowerCase()] || G, G.charAt(0) === "#") {
  8365. var B = G.length, S = parseInt(G.substr(1), 16);
  8366. B === 7 ? R = [(S & 16711680) >> 16, (S & 65280) >> 8, S & 255, 1] : B === 4 && (R = [(S & 3840) >> 4 | (S & 3840) >> 8, (S & 240) >> 4 | S & 240, (S & 15) << 4 | S & 15, 1]);
  8367. }
  8368. if (!R)
  8369. for (S = V.parsers.length; S-- && !R; ) {
  8370. var x = V.parsers[S];
  8371. (B = x.regex.exec(G)) && (R = x.parse(B));
  8372. }
  8373. }
  8374. R && (this.rgba = R);
  8375. }, V.prototype.get = function(G) {
  8376. var R = this.input, B = this.rgba;
  8377. if (typeof R == "object" && typeof this.stops < "u") {
  8378. var S = U(R);
  8379. return S.stops = [], this.stops.forEach(function(x, f) {
  8380. S.stops[f] = [S.stops[f][0], x.get(G)];
  8381. }), S;
  8382. }
  8383. return B && D(B[0]) ? G === "rgb" || !G && B[3] === 1 ? "rgb(" + B[0] + "," + B[1] + "," + B[2] + ")" : G === "a" ? "" + B[3] : "rgba(" + B.join(",") + ")" : R;
  8384. }, V.prototype.brighten = function(G) {
  8385. var R = this.rgba;
  8386. if (this.stops)
  8387. this.stops.forEach(function(S) {
  8388. S.brighten(G);
  8389. });
  8390. else if (D(G) && G !== 0)
  8391. for (var B = 0; 3 > B; B++)
  8392. R[B] += H(255 * G), 0 > R[B] && (R[B] = 0), 255 < R[B] && (R[B] = 255);
  8393. return this;
  8394. }, V.prototype.setOpacity = function(G) {
  8395. return this.rgba[3] = G, this;
  8396. }, V.prototype.tweenTo = function(G, R) {
  8397. var B = this.rgba, S = G.rgba;
  8398. return !D(B[0]) || !D(S[0]) ? G.input || "none" : (G = S[3] !== 1 || B[3] !== 1, (G ? "rgba(" : "rgb(") + Math.round(S[0] + (B[0] - S[0]) * (1 - R)) + "," + Math.round(S[1] + (B[1] - S[1]) * (1 - R)) + "," + Math.round(S[2] + (B[2] - S[2]) * (1 - R)) + (G ? "," + (S[3] + (B[3] - S[3]) * (1 - R)) : "") + ")");
  8399. }, V.names = { white: "#ffffff", black: "#000000" }, V.parsers = [{
  8400. regex: /rgba\(\s*([0-9]{1,3})\s*,\s*([0-9]{1,3})\s*,\s*([0-9]{1,3})\s*,\s*([0-9]?(?:\.[0-9]+)?)\s*\)/,
  8401. parse: function(G) {
  8402. return [H(G[1]), H(G[2]), H(G[3]), parseFloat(G[4], 10)];
  8403. }
  8404. }, { regex: /rgb\(\s*([0-9]{1,3})\s*,\s*([0-9]{1,3})\s*,\s*([0-9]{1,3})\s*\)/, parse: function(G) {
  8405. return [H(G[1]), H(G[2]), H(G[3]), 1];
  8406. } }], V.None = new V(""), V;
  8407. }(), N;
  8408. }), M(o, "Core/Color/Palettes.js", [], function() {
  8409. return { colors: "#7cb5ec #434348 #90ed7d #f7a35c #8085e9 #f15c80 #e4d354 #2b908f #f45b5b #91e8e1".split(" ") };
  8410. }), M(o, "Core/Time.js", [o["Core/Globals.js"], o["Core/Utilities.js"]], function(y, N) {
  8411. var D =, U = N.defined, H = N.error, V = N.extend, G = N.isObject, R = N.merge, B = N.objectEach, S = N.pad, x = N.pick, f = N.splat, d = N.timeUnits, T = y.isSafari && D.Intl && D.Intl.DateTimeFormat.prototype.formatRange, O = y.isSafari && D.Intl && !D.Intl.DateTimeFormat.prototype.formatRange;
  8412. return N = function() {
  8413. function j(k) {
  8414. this.options = {}, this.variableTimezone = this.useUTC = !1, this.Date = D.Date, this.getTimezoneOffset = this.timezoneOffsetFunction(), this.update(k);
  8415. }
  8416. return j.prototype.get = function(k, b) {
  8417. if (this.variableTimezone || this.timezoneOffset) {
  8418. var w = b.getTime(), v = w - this.getTimezoneOffset(b);
  8419. return b.setTime(v), k = b["getUTC" + k](), b.setTime(w), k;
  8420. }
  8421. return this.useUTC ? b["getUTC" + k]() : b["get" + k]();
  8422. }, j.prototype.set = function(k, b, w) {
  8423. if (this.variableTimezone || this.timezoneOffset) {
  8424. if (k === "Milliseconds" || k === "Seconds" || k === "Minutes" && this.getTimezoneOffset(b) % 36e5 === 0)
  8425. return b["setUTC" + k](w);
  8426. var v = this.getTimezoneOffset(b);
  8427. return v = b.getTime() - v, b.setTime(v), b["setUTC" + k](w), k = this.getTimezoneOffset(b), v = b.getTime() + k, b.setTime(v);
  8428. }
  8429. return this.useUTC || T && k === "FullYear" ? b["setUTC" + k](w) : b["set" + k](w);
  8430. }, j.prototype.update = function(k) {
  8431. var b = x(k && k.useUTC, !0);
  8432. this.options = k = R(!0, this.options || {}, k), this.Date = k.Date || D.Date || Date, this.timezoneOffset = (this.useUTC = b) && k.timezoneOffset, this.getTimezoneOffset = this.timezoneOffsetFunction(), this.variableTimezone = b && !(!k.getTimezoneOffset && !k.timezone);
  8433. }, j.prototype.makeTime = function(k, b, w, v, l, h) {
  8434. if (this.useUTC) {
  8435. var u = this.Date.UTC.apply(0, arguments), i = this.getTimezoneOffset(u);
  8436. u += i;
  8437. var c = this.getTimezoneOffset(u);
  8438. i !== c ? u += c - i : i - 36e5 !== this.getTimezoneOffset(u - 36e5) || O || (u -= 36e5);
  8439. } else
  8440. u = new this.Date(k, b, x(w, 1), x(v, 0), x(l, 0), x(h, 0)).getTime();
  8441. return u;
  8442. }, j.prototype.timezoneOffsetFunction = function() {
  8443. var k = this, b = this.options, w = b.getTimezoneOffset, v = b.moment || D.moment;
  8444. if (!this.useUTC)
  8445. return function(l) {
  8446. return 6e4 * new Date(l.toString()).getTimezoneOffset();
  8447. };
  8448. if (b.timezone) {
  8449. if (v)
  8450. return function(l) {
  8451. return 6e4 *, b.timezone).utcOffset();
  8452. };
  8453. H(25);
  8454. }
  8455. return this.useUTC && w ? function(l) {
  8456. return 6e4 * w(l.valueOf());
  8457. } : function() {
  8458. return 6e4 * (k.timezoneOffset || 0);
  8459. };
  8460. }, j.prototype.dateFormat = function(k, b, w) {
  8461. if (!U(b) || isNaN(b))
  8462. return y.defaultOptions.lang && y.defaultOptions.lang.invalidDate || "";
  8463. k = x(k, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S");
  8464. var v = this, l = new this.Date(b), h = this.get("Hours", l), u = this.get("Day", l), i = this.get("Date", l), c = this.get("Month", l), a = this.get("FullYear", l), t = y.defaultOptions.lang, s = t && t.weekdays, n = t && t.shortWeekdays;
  8465. return l = V({ a: n ? n[u] : s[u].substr(0, 3), A: s[u], d: S(i), e: S(i, 2, " "), w: u, b: t.shortMonths[c], B: t.months[c], m: S(c + 1), o: c + 1, y: a.toString().substr(2, 2), Y: a, H: S(h), k: h, I: S(h % 12 || 12), l: h % 12 || 12, M: S(this.get("Minutes", l)), p: 12 > h ? "AM" : "PM", P: 12 > h ? "am" : "pm", S: S(l.getSeconds()), L: S(Math.floor(b % 1e3), 3) }, y.dateFormats), B(l, function(P, _) {
  8466. for (; k.indexOf("%" + _) !== -1; )
  8467. k = k.replace("%" + _, typeof P == "function" ?, b) : P);
  8468. }), w ? k.substr(0, 1).toUpperCase() + k.substr(1) : k;
  8469. }, j.prototype.resolveDTLFormat = function(k) {
  8470. return G(k, !0) ? k : (k = f(k), { main: k[0], from: k[1], to: k[2] });
  8471. }, j.prototype.getTimeTicks = function(k, b, w, v) {
  8472. var l = this, h = [], u = {}, i = new l.Date(b), c = k.unitRange, a = k.count || 1, t;
  8473. if (v = x(v, 1), U(b)) {
  8474. if (l.set(
  8475. "Milliseconds",
  8476. i,
  8477. c >= d.second ? 0 : a * Math.floor(l.get("Milliseconds", i) / a)
  8478. ), c >= d.second && l.set("Seconds", i, c >= d.minute ? 0 : a * Math.floor(l.get("Seconds", i) / a)), c >= d.minute && l.set("Minutes", i, c >= d.hour ? 0 : a * Math.floor(l.get("Minutes", i) / a)), c >= d.hour && l.set("Hours", i, c >= ? 0 : a * Math.floor(l.get("Hours", i) / a)), c >= && l.set("Date", i, c >= d.month ? 1 : Math.max(1, a * Math.floor(l.get("Date", i) / a))), c >= d.month) {
  8479. l.set("Month", i, c >= d.year ? 0 : a * Math.floor(l.get("Month", i) / a));
  8480. var s = l.get("FullYear", i);
  8481. }
  8482. c >= d.year && l.set(
  8483. "FullYear",
  8484. i,
  8485. s - s % a
  8486. ), c === d.week && (s = l.get("Day", i), l.set("Date", i, l.get("Date", i) - s + v + (s < v ? -7 : 0))), s = l.get("FullYear", i), v = l.get("Month", i);
  8487. var n = l.get("Date", i), P = l.get("Hours", i);
  8488. for (b = i.getTime(), !l.variableTimezone && l.useUTC || !U(w) || (t = w - b > 4 * d.month || l.getTimezoneOffset(b) !== l.getTimezoneOffset(w)), b = i.getTime(), i = 1; b < w; )
  8489. h.push(b), b = c === d.year ? l.makeTime(s + i * a, 0) : c === d.month ? l.makeTime(s, v + i * a) : !t || c !== && c !== d.week ? t && c === d.hour && 1 < a ? l.makeTime(s, v, n, P + i * a) : b + c * a : l.makeTime(s, v, n + i * a * (c === ? 1 : 7)), i++;
  8490. h.push(b), c <= d.hour && 1e4 > h.length && h.forEach(function(_) {
  8491. _ % 18e5 === 0 && l.dateFormat("%H%M%S%L", _) === "000000000" && (u[_] = "day");
  8492. });
  8493. }
  8494. return = V(k, { higherRanks: u, totalRange: c * a }), h;
  8495. }, j.prototype.getDateFormat = function(k, b, w, v) {
  8496. var l = this.dateFormat("%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%L", b), h = { millisecond: 15, second: 12, minute: 9, hour: 6, day: 3 }, u = "millisecond";
  8497. for (i in d) {
  8498. if (k === d.week && +this.dateFormat("%w", b) === w && l.substr(6) === "00:00:00.000") {
  8499. var i = "week";
  8500. break;
  8501. }
  8502. if (d[i] > k) {
  8503. i = u;
  8504. break;
  8505. }
  8506. if (h[i] && l.substr(h[i]) !== "01-01 00:00:00.000".substr(h[i]))
  8507. break;
  8508. i !== "week" && (u = i);
  8509. }
  8510. if (i)
  8511. var c = this.resolveDTLFormat(v[i]).main;
  8512. return c;
  8513. }, j;
  8514. }(), N;
  8515. }), M(o, "Core/DefaultOptions.js", [o["Core/Chart/ChartDefaults.js"], o["Core/Color/Color.js"], o["Core/Globals.js"], o["Core/Color/Palettes.js"], o["Core/Time.js"], o["Core/Utilities.js"]], function(y, N, D, U, H, V) {
  8516. N = N.parse;
  8517. var G = V.merge, R = {
  8518. colors: U.colors,
  8519. symbols: ["circle", "diamond", "square", "triangle", "triangle-down"],
  8520. lang: {
  8521. loading: "Loading...",
  8522. months: "January February March April May June July August September October November December".split(" "),
  8523. shortMonths: "Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec".split(" "),
  8524. weekdays: "Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday".split(" "),
  8525. decimalPoint: ".",
  8526. numericSymbols: "kMGTPE".split(""),
  8527. resetZoom: "Reset zoom",
  8528. resetZoomTitle: "Reset zoom level 1:1",
  8529. thousandsSep: " "
  8530. },
  8531. global: {},
  8532. time: { Date: void 0, getTimezoneOffset: void 0, timezone: void 0, timezoneOffset: 0, useUTC: !0 },
  8533. chart: y,
  8534. title: { text: "Chart title", align: "center", margin: 15, widthAdjust: -44 },
  8535. subtitle: { text: "", align: "center", widthAdjust: -44 },
  8536. caption: { margin: 15, text: "", align: "left", verticalAlign: "bottom" },
  8537. plotOptions: {},
  8538. labels: { style: { position: "absolute", color: "#333333" } },
  8539. legend: {
  8540. enabled: !0,
  8541. align: "center",
  8542. alignColumns: !0,
  8543. className: "highcharts-no-tooltip",
  8544. layout: "horizontal",
  8545. labelFormatter: function() {
  8546. return;
  8547. },
  8548. borderColor: "#999999",
  8549. borderRadius: 0,
  8550. navigation: { activeColor: "#003399", inactiveColor: "#cccccc" },
  8551. itemStyle: { color: "#333333", cursor: "pointer", fontSize: "12px", fontWeight: "bold", textOverflow: "ellipsis" },
  8552. itemHoverStyle: { color: "#000000" },
  8553. itemHiddenStyle: { color: "#cccccc" },
  8554. shadow: !1,
  8555. itemCheckboxStyle: { position: "absolute", width: "13px", height: "13px" },
  8556. squareSymbol: !0,
  8557. symbolPadding: 5,
  8558. verticalAlign: "bottom",
  8559. x: 0,
  8560. y: 0,
  8561. title: { style: { fontWeight: "bold" } }
  8562. },
  8563. loading: { labelStyle: { fontWeight: "bold", position: "relative", top: "45%" }, style: { position: "absolute", backgroundColor: "#ffffff", opacity: 0.5, textAlign: "center" } },
  8564. tooltip: {
  8565. enabled: !0,
  8566. animation: D.svg,
  8567. borderRadius: 3,
  8568. dateTimeLabelFormats: {
  8569. millisecond: "%A, %b %e, %H:%M:%S.%L",
  8570. second: "%A, %b %e, %H:%M:%S",
  8571. minute: "%A, %b %e, %H:%M",
  8572. hour: "%A, %b %e, %H:%M",
  8573. day: "%A, %b %e, %Y",
  8574. week: "Week from %A, %b %e, %Y",
  8575. month: "%B %Y",
  8576. year: "%Y"
  8577. },
  8578. footerFormat: "",
  8579. headerShape: "callout",
  8580. hideDelay: 500,
  8581. padding: 8,
  8582. shape: "callout",
  8583. shared: !1,
  8584. snap: D.isTouchDevice ? 25 : 10,
  8585. headerFormat: '<span style="font-size: 10px">{point.key}</span><br/>',
  8586. pointFormat: '<span style="color:{point.color}">●</span> {}: <b>{point.y}</b><br/>',
  8587. backgroundColor: N("#f7f7f7").setOpacity(0.85).get(),
  8588. borderWidth: 1,
  8589. shadow: !0,
  8590. stickOnContact: !1,
  8591. style: { color: "#333333", cursor: "default", fontSize: "12px", whiteSpace: "nowrap" },
  8592. useHTML: !1
  8593. },
  8594. credits: { enabled: !0, href: "", position: { align: "right", x: -10, verticalAlign: "bottom", y: -5 }, style: { cursor: "pointer", color: "#999999", fontSize: "9px" }, text: "" }
  8595. };
  8596. R.chart.styledMode = !1;
  8597. var B = new H(G(, R.time));
  8598. return y = { defaultOptions: R, defaultTime: B, getOptions: function() {
  8599. return R;
  8600. }, setOptions: function(S) {
  8601. return G(!0, R, S), (S.time || && (D.time ? D.time.update(G(
  8603. R.time,
  8605. S.time
  8606. )) : D.time = B), R;
  8607. } }, y;
  8608. }), M(o, "Core/Animation/Fx.js", [o["Core/Color/Color.js"], o["Core/Globals.js"], o["Core/Utilities.js"]], function(y, N, D) {
  8609. var U = y.parse, H =, V = D.isNumber, G = D.objectEach;
  8610. return function() {
  8611. function R(B, S, x) {
  8612. this.pos = NaN, this.options = S, this.elem = B, this.prop = x;
  8613. }
  8614. return R.prototype.dSetter = function() {
  8615. var B = this.paths, S = B && B[0];
  8616. B = B && B[1];
  8617. var x = || 0, f = [];
  8618. if (x !== 1 && S && B)
  8619. if (S.length === B.length && 1 > x)
  8620. for (var d = 0; d < B.length; d++) {
  8621. for (var T = S[d], O = B[d], j = [], k = 0; k < O.length; k++) {
  8622. var b = T[k], w = O[k];
  8623. V(b) && V(w) && (O[0] !== "A" || k !== 4 && k !== 5) ? j[k] = b + x * (w - b) : j[k] = w;
  8624. }
  8625. f.push(j);
  8626. }
  8627. else
  8628. f = B;
  8629. else
  8630. f = this.toD || [];
  8631. this.elem.attr("d", f, void 0, !0);
  8632. }, R.prototype.update = function() {
  8633. var B = this.elem, S = this.prop, x =, f = this.options.step;
  8634. this[S + "Setter"] ? this[S + "Setter"]() : B.attr ? B.element && B.attr(S, x, null, !0) :[S] = x + this.unit, f &&, x, this);
  8635. }, = function(B, S, x) {
  8636. var f = this, d = f.options, T = function(k) {
  8637. return T.stopped ? !1 : f.step(k);
  8638. }, O = H.requestAnimationFrame || function(k) {
  8639. setTimeout(
  8640. k,
  8641. 13
  8642. );
  8643. }, j = function() {
  8644. for (var k = 0; k < R.timers.length; k++)
  8645. R.timers[k]() || R.timers.splice(k--, 1);
  8646. R.timers.length && O(j);
  8647. };
  8648. B !== S || this.elem["forceAnimate:" + this.prop] ? (this.startTime = +/* @__PURE__ */ new Date(), this.start = B, this.end = S, this.unit = x, = this.start, this.pos = 0, T.elem = this.elem, T.prop = this.prop, T() && R.timers.push(T) === 1 && O(j)) : (delete d.curAnim[this.prop], d.complete && Object.keys(d.curAnim).length === 0 &&;
  8649. }, R.prototype.step = function(B) {
  8650. var S = +/* @__PURE__ */ new Date(), x = this.options, f = this.elem, d = x.complete, T = x.duration, O = x.curAnim;
  8651. if (f.attr && !f.element)
  8652. B = !1;
  8653. else if (B || S >= T + this.startTime) {
  8654. = this.end, this.pos = 1, this.update();
  8655. var j = O[this.prop] = !0;
  8656. G(O, function(k) {
  8657. k !== !0 && (j = !1);
  8658. }), j && d &&, B = !1;
  8659. } else
  8660. this.pos = x.easing((S - this.startTime) / T), = this.start + (this.end - this.start) * this.pos, this.update(), B = !0;
  8661. return B;
  8662. }, R.prototype.initPath = function(B, S, x) {
  8663. function f(l, h) {
  8664. for (; l.length < v; ) {
  8665. var u = l[0], i = h[v - l.length];
  8666. i && u[0] === "M" && (l[0] = i[0] === "C" ? ["C", u[1], u[2], u[1], u[2], u[1], u[2]] : [
  8667. "L",
  8668. u[1],
  8669. u[2]
  8670. ]), l.unshift(u), j && (u = l.pop(), l.push(l[l.length - 1], u));
  8671. }
  8672. }
  8673. function d(l, h) {
  8674. for (; l.length < v; )
  8675. if (h = l[Math.floor(l.length / k) - 1].slice(), h[0] === "C" && (h[1] = h[5], h[2] = h[6]), j) {
  8676. var u = l[Math.floor(l.length / k)].slice();
  8677. l.splice(l.length / 2, 0, h, u);
  8678. } else
  8679. l.push(h);
  8680. }
  8681. var T = B.startX, O = B.endX;
  8682. x = x.slice();
  8683. var j = B.isArea, k = j ? 2 : 1;
  8684. if (S = S && S.slice(), !S)
  8685. return [x, x];
  8686. if (T && O && O.length) {
  8687. for (B = 0; B < T.length; B++)
  8688. if (T[B] === O[0]) {
  8689. var b = B;
  8690. break;
  8691. } else if (T[0] === O[O.length - T.length + B]) {
  8692. b = B;
  8693. var w = !0;
  8694. break;
  8695. } else if (T[T.length - 1] === O[O.length - T.length + B]) {
  8696. b = T.length - B;
  8697. break;
  8698. }
  8699. typeof b > "u" && (S = []);
  8700. }
  8701. if (S.length && V(b)) {
  8702. var v = x.length + b * k;
  8703. w ? (f(S, x), d(x, S)) : (f(x, S), d(S, x));
  8704. }
  8705. return [S, x];
  8706. }, R.prototype.fillSetter = function() {
  8707. R.prototype.strokeSetter.apply(this, arguments);
  8708. }, R.prototype.strokeSetter = function() {
  8709. this.elem.attr(this.prop, U(this.start).tweenTo(U(this.end), this.pos), void 0, !0);
  8710. }, R.timers = [], R;
  8711. }();
  8712. }), M(o, "Core/Animation/AnimationUtilities.js", [o["Core/Animation/Fx.js"], o["Core/Utilities.js"]], function(y, N) {
  8713. function D(d) {
  8714. return B(d) ? S({ duration: 500, defer: 0 }, d) : { duration: d ? 500 : 0, defer: 0 };
  8715. }
  8716. function U(d, T) {
  8717. for (var O = y.timers.length; O--; )
  8718. y.timers[O].elem !== d || T && T !== y.timers[O].prop || (y.timers[O].stopped = !0);
  8719. }
  8720. var H = N.defined, V = N.getStyle, G = N.isArray, R = N.isNumber, B = N.isObject, S = N.merge, x = N.objectEach, f = N.pick;
  8721. return { animate: function(d, T, O) {
  8722. var j, k = "", b, w;
  8723. if (!B(O)) {
  8724. var v = arguments;
  8725. O = { duration: v[2], easing: v[3], complete: v[4] };
  8726. }
  8727. R(O.duration) || (O.duration = 400), O.easing = typeof O.easing == "function" ? O.easing : Math[O.easing] || Math.easeInOutSine, O.curAnim = S(T), x(T, function(l, h) {
  8728. U(d, h), w = new y(d, O, h), b = void 0, h === "d" && G(T.d) ? (w.paths = w.initPath(d, d.pathArray, T.d), w.toD = T.d, j = 0, b = 1) : d.attr ? j = d.attr(h) : (j = parseFloat(V(d, h)) || 0, h !== "opacity" && (k = "px")), b || (b = l), typeof b == "string" && b.match("px") && (b = b.replace(/px/g, "")),, b, k);
  8729. });
  8730. }, animObject: D, getDeferredAnimation: function(d, T, O) {
  8731. var j = D(T), k = 0, b = 0;
  8732. return (O ? [O] : d.series).forEach(function(w) {
  8733. w = D(w.options.animation), k = T && H(T.defer) ? j.defer : Math.max(k, w.duration + w.defer), b = Math.min(j.duration, w.duration);
  8734. }), d.renderer.forExport && (k = 0), { defer: Math.max(0, k - b), duration: Math.min(k, b) };
  8735. }, setAnimation: function(d, T) {
  8736. T.renderer.globalAnimation = f(d, T.options.chart.animation, !0);
  8737. }, stop: U };
  8738. }), M(o, "Core/Renderer/HTML/AST.js", [o["Core/Globals.js"], o["Core/Utilities.js"]], function(y, N) {
  8739. var D = y.SVG_NS, U = N.attr, H = N.createElement, V = N.error, G = N.isFunction, R = N.isString, B = N.objectEach, S = N.splat, x = (N = && G(N.createPolicy) && N.createPolicy("highcharts", { createHTML: function(T) {
  8740. return T;
  8741. } }), f = x ? x.createHTML("") : "";
  8742. try {
  8743. var d = !!new DOMParser().parseFromString(f, "text/html");
  8744. } catch {
  8745. d = !1;
  8746. }
  8747. return G = function() {
  8748. function T(O) {
  8749. this.nodes = typeof O == "string" ? this.parseMarkup(O) : O;
  8750. }
  8751. return T.filterUserAttributes = function(O) {
  8752. return B(O, function(j, k) {
  8753. var b = !0;
  8754. T.allowedAttributes.indexOf(k) === -1 && (b = !1), ["background", "dynsrc", "href", "lowsrc", "src"].indexOf(k) !== -1 && (b = R(j) && T.allowedReferences.some(function(w) {
  8755. return j.indexOf(w) === 0;
  8756. })), b || (V("Highcharts warning: Invalid attribute '" + k + "' in config"), delete O[k]);
  8757. }), O;
  8758. }, T.setElementHTML = function(O, j) {
  8759. O.innerHTML = T.emptyHTML, j && new T(j).addToDOM(O);
  8760. }, T.prototype.addToDOM = function(O) {
  8761. function j(k, b) {
  8762. var w;
  8763. return S(k).forEach(function(v) {
  8764. var l = v.tagName, h = v.textContent ? y.doc.createTextNode(v.textContent) : void 0;
  8765. if (l)
  8766. if (l === "#text")
  8767. var u = h;
  8768. else if (T.allowedTags.indexOf(l) !== -1) {
  8769. l = y.doc.createElementNS(l === "svg" ? D : b.namespaceURI || D, l);
  8770. var i = v.attributes || {};
  8771. B(v, function(c, a) {
  8772. a !== "tagName" && a !== "attributes" && a !== "children" && a !== "textContent" && (i[a] = c);
  8773. }), U(l, T.filterUserAttributes(i)), h && l.appendChild(h), j(v.children || [], l), u = l;
  8774. } else
  8775. V("Highcharts warning: Invalid tagName " + l + " in config");
  8776. u && b.appendChild(u), w = u;
  8777. }), w;
  8778. }
  8779. return j(this.nodes, O);
  8780. }, T.prototype.parseMarkup = function(O) {
  8781. var j = [];
  8782. if (O = O.trim(), d)
  8783. O = new DOMParser().parseFromString(x ? x.createHTML(O) : O, "text/html");
  8784. else {
  8785. var k = H("div");
  8786. k.innerHTML = O, O = { body: k };
  8787. }
  8788. var b = function(w, v) {
  8789. var l = w.nodeName.toLowerCase(), h = { tagName: l };
  8790. if (l === "#text" && (h.textContent = w.textContent || ""), l = w.attributes) {
  8791. var u = {};
  8792. [], function(c) {
  8793. u[] = c.value;
  8794. }), h.attributes = u;
  8795. }
  8796. if (w.childNodes.length) {
  8797. var i = [];
  8798. [], function(c) {
  8799. b(c, i);
  8800. }), i.length && (h.children = i);
  8801. }
  8802. v.push(h);
  8803. };
  8804. return [], function(w) {
  8805. return b(w, j);
  8806. }), j;
  8807. }, T.allowedAttributes = "aria-controls aria-describedby aria-expanded aria-haspopup aria-hidden aria-label aria-labelledby aria-live aria-pressed aria-readonly aria-roledescription aria-selected class clip-path color colspan cx cy d dx dy disabled fill height href id in markerHeight markerWidth offset opacity orient padding paddingLeft paddingRight patternUnits r refX refY role scope slope src startOffset stdDeviation stroke stroke-linecap stroke-width style tableValues result rowspan summary target tabindex text-align textAnchor textLength title type valign width x x1 x2 y y1 y2 zIndex".split(" "), T.allowedReferences = "https:// http:// mailto: / ../ ./ #".split(" "), T.allowedTags = "a abbr b br button caption circle clipPath code dd defs div dl dt em feComponentTransfer feFuncA feFuncB feFuncG feFuncR feGaussianBlur feOffset feMerge feMergeNode filter h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 hr i img li linearGradient marker ol p path pattern pre rect small span stop strong style sub sup svg table text thead tbody tspan td th tr u ul #text".split(" "), T.emptyHTML = f, T;
  8808. }(), G;
  8809. }), M(
  8810. o,
  8811. "Core/FormatUtilities.js",
  8812. [o["Core/DefaultOptions.js"], o["Core/Utilities.js"]],
  8813. function(y, N) {
  8814. function D(S, x, f, d) {
  8815. S = +S || 0, x = +x;
  8816. var T = U.lang, O = (S.toString().split(".")[1] || "").split("e")[0].length, j = S.toString().split("e"), k = x;
  8817. if (x === -1)
  8818. x = Math.min(O, 20);
  8819. else if (!G(x))
  8820. x = 2;
  8821. else if (x && j[1] && 0 > j[1]) {
  8822. var b = x + +j[1];
  8823. 0 <= b ? (j[0] = (+j[0]).toExponential(b).split("e")[0], x = b) : (j[0] = j[0].split(".")[0] || 0, S = 20 > x ? (j[0] * Math.pow(10, j[1])).toFixed(x) : 0, j[1] = 0);
  8824. }
  8825. b = (Math.abs(j[1] ? j[0] : S) + Math.pow(10, -Math.max(x, O) - 1)).toFixed(x), O = String(B(b));
  8826. var w = 3 < O.length ? O.length % 3 : 0;
  8827. return f = R(f, T.decimalPoint), d = R(d, T.thousandsSep), S = (0 > S ? "-" : "") + (w ? O.substr(0, w) + d : ""), S = 0 > +j[1] && !k ? "0" : S + O.substr(w).replace(/(\d{3})(?=\d)/g, "$1" + d), x && (S += f + b.slice(-x)), j[1] && +S != 0 && (S += "e" + j[1]), S;
  8828. }
  8829. var U = y.defaultOptions, H = y.defaultTime, V = N.getNestedProperty, G = N.isNumber, R = N.pick, B = N.pInt;
  8830. return { dateFormat: function(S, x, f) {
  8831. return H.dateFormat(S, x, f);
  8832. }, format: function(S, x, f) {
  8833. var d = "{", T = !1, O = /f$/, j = /\.([0-9])/, k = U.lang, b = f && f.time || H;
  8834. f = f && f.numberFormatter || D;
  8835. for (var w = []; S; ) {
  8836. var v = S.indexOf(d);
  8837. if (v === -1)
  8838. break;
  8839. var l = S.slice(0, v);
  8840. if (T) {
  8841. if (l = l.split(":"), d = V(l.shift() || "", x), l.length && typeof d == "number")
  8842. if (l = l.join(":"), O.test(l)) {
  8843. var h = parseInt((l.match(j) || ["", "-1"])[1], 10);
  8844. d !== null && (d = f(d, h, k.decimalPoint, -1 < l.indexOf(",") ? k.thousandsSep : ""));
  8845. } else
  8846. d = b.dateFormat(l, d);
  8847. w.push(d);
  8848. } else
  8849. w.push(l);
  8850. S = S.slice(v + 1), d = (T = !T) ? "}" : "{";
  8851. }
  8852. return w.push(S), w.join("");
  8853. }, numberFormat: D };
  8854. }
  8855. ), M(o, "Core/Renderer/RendererUtilities.js", [o["Core/Utilities.js"]], function(y) {
  8856. var N = y.clamp, D = y.pick, U = y.stableSort, H;
  8857. return function(V) {
  8858. function G(R, B, S) {
  8859. var x = R, f = x.reducedLen || B, d = function(w, v) {
  8860. return (v.rank || 0) - (w.rank || 0);
  8861. }, T = function(w, v) {
  8862. return -;
  8863. }, O, j = !0, k = [], b = 0;
  8864. for (O = R.length; O--; )
  8865. b += R[O].size;
  8866. if (b > f) {
  8867. for (U(R, d), b = O = 0; b <= f; )
  8868. b += R[O].size, O++;
  8869. k = R.splice(O - 1, R.length);
  8870. }
  8871. for (U(R, T), R = {
  8872. return { size: w.size, targets: [], align: D(w.align, 0.5) };
  8873. }); j; ) {
  8874. for (O = R.length; O--; )
  8875. f = R[O], d = (Math.min.apply(0, f.targets) + Math.max.apply(0, f.targets)) / 2, f.pos = N(
  8876. d - f.size * f.align,
  8877. 0,
  8878. B - f.size
  8879. );
  8880. for (O = R.length, j = !1; O--; )
  8881. 0 < O && R[O - 1].pos + R[O - 1].size > R[O].pos && (R[O - 1].size += R[O].size, R[O - 1].targets = R[O - 1].targets.concat(R[O].targets), R[O - 1].align = 0.5, R[O - 1].pos + R[O - 1].size > B && (R[O - 1].pos = B - R[O - 1].size), R.splice(O, 1), j = !0);
  8882. }
  8883. return x.push.apply(x, k), O = 0, R.some(function(w) {
  8884. var v = 0;
  8885. return (w.targets || []).some(function() {
  8886. return x[O].pos = w.pos + v, typeof S < "u" && Math.abs(x[O].pos - x[O].target) > S ? (x.slice(0, O + 1).forEach(function(l) {
  8887. return delete l.pos;
  8888. }), x.reducedLen = (x.reducedLen || B) - 0.1 * B, x.reducedLen > 0.1 * B && G(x, B, S), !0) : (v += x[O].size, O++, !1);
  8889. });
  8890. }), U(x, T), x;
  8891. }
  8892. V.distribute = G;
  8893. }(H || (H = {})), H;
  8894. }), M(o, "Core/Renderer/SVG/SVGElement.js", [o["Core/Animation/AnimationUtilities.js"], o["Core/Renderer/HTML/AST.js"], o["Core/Color/Color.js"], o["Core/Globals.js"], o["Core/Utilities.js"]], function(y, N, D, U, H) {
  8895. var V = y.animate, G = y.animObject, R = y.stop, B = U.deg2rad, S = U.doc, x = U.noop, f = U.svg, d = U.SVG_NS, T =, O = H.addEvent, j = H.attr, k = H.createElement, b = H.css, w = H.defined, v = H.erase, l = H.extend, h = H.fireEvent, u = H.isArray, i = H.isFunction, c = H.isNumber, a = H.isString, t = H.merge, s = H.objectEach, n = H.pick, P = H.pInt, _ = H.syncTimeout, I = H.uniqueKey;
  8896. return y = function() {
  8897. function W() {
  8898. this.element = void 0, this.onEvents = {}, this.opacity = 1, this.renderer = void 0, this.SVG_NS = d, this.symbolCustomAttribs = "x y width height r start end innerR anchorX anchorY rounded".split(" ");
  8899. }
  8900. return W.prototype._defaultGetter = function(E) {
  8901. return E = n(this[E + "Value"], this[E], this.element ? this.element.getAttribute(E) : null, 0), /^[\-0-9\.]+$/.test(E) && (E = parseFloat(E)), E;
  8902. }, W.prototype._defaultSetter = function(E, X, g) {
  8903. g.setAttribute(X, E);
  8904. }, W.prototype.add = function(E) {
  8905. var X = this.renderer, g = this.element;
  8906. if (E && (this.parentGroup = E), this.parentInverted = E && E.inverted, typeof this.textStr < "u" && this.element.nodeName === "text" && X.buildText(this), this.added = !0, !E || E.handleZ || this.zIndex)
  8907. var m = this.zIndexSetter();
  8908. return m || (E ? E.element :, this.onAdd && this.onAdd(), this;
  8909. }, W.prototype.addClass = function(E, X) {
  8910. var g = X ? "" : this.attr("class") || "";
  8911. return E = (E || "").split(/ /g).reduce(function(m, L) {
  8912. return g.indexOf(L) === -1 && m.push(L), m;
  8913. }, g ? [g] : []).join(" "), E !== g && this.attr("class", E), this;
  8914. }, W.prototype.afterSetters = function() {
  8915. this.doTransform && (this.updateTransform(), this.doTransform = !1);
  8916. }, W.prototype.align = function(E, X, g) {
  8917. var m = {}, L = this.renderer, z = L.alignedObjects, $, Q, A;
  8918. E ? (this.alignOptions = E, this.alignByTranslate = X, (!g || a(g)) && (this.alignTo = $ = g || "renderer", v(z, this), z.push(this), g = void 0)) : (E = this.alignOptions, X = this.alignByTranslate, $ = this.alignTo), g = n(g, L[$], $ === "scrollablePlotBox" ? L.plotBox : void 0, L), $ = E.align;
  8919. var F = E.verticalAlign;
  8920. return L = (g.x || 0) + (E.x || 0), z = (g.y || 0) + (E.y || 0), $ === "right" ? Q = 1 : $ === "center" && (Q = 2), Q && (L += (g.width - (E.width || 0)) / Q), m[X ? "translateX" : "x"] = Math.round(L), F === "bottom" ? A = 1 : F === "middle" && (A = 2), A && (z += (g.height - (E.height || 0)) / A), m[X ? "translateY" : "y"] = Math.round(z), this[this.placed ? "animate" : "attr"](m), this.placed = !0, this.alignAttr = m, this;
  8921. }, W.prototype.alignSetter = function(E) {
  8922. var X = { left: "start", center: "middle", right: "end" };
  8923. X[E] && (this.alignValue = E, this.element.setAttribute(
  8924. "text-anchor",
  8925. X[E]
  8926. ));
  8927. }, W.prototype.animate = function(E, X, g) {
  8928. var m = this, L = G(n(X, this.renderer.globalAnimation, !0));
  8929. return X = L.defer, n(S.hidden, S.msHidden, S.webkitHidden, !1) && (L.duration = 0), L.duration !== 0 ? (g && (L.complete = g), _(function() {
  8930. m.element && V(m, E, L);
  8931. }, X)) : (this.attr(E, void 0, g), s(E, function(z, $) {
  8932. L.step &&, z, { prop: $, pos: 1, elem: this });
  8933. }, this)), this;
  8934. }, W.prototype.applyTextOutline = function(E) {
  8935. var X = this.element;
  8936. E.indexOf("contrast") !== -1 && (E = E.replace(/contrast/g, this.renderer.getContrast(;
  8937. var g = E.split(" ");
  8938. if (E = g[g.length - 1], (g = g[0]) && g !== "none" && U.svg) {
  8939. this.fakeTS = !0, this.ySetter = this.xSetter, g = g.replace(/(^[\d\.]+)(.*?)$/g, function(z, $, Q) {
  8940. return 2 * Number($) + Q;
  8941. }), this.removeTextOutline();
  8942. var m = S.createElementNS(d, "tspan");
  8943. j(m, { class: "highcharts-text-outline", fill: E, stroke: E, "stroke-width": g, "stroke-linejoin": "round" }), [], function(z) {
  8944. var $ = z.cloneNode(!0);
  8945. $.removeAttribute && ["fill", "stroke", "stroke-width", "stroke"].forEach(function(Q) {
  8946. return $.removeAttribute(Q);
  8947. }), m.appendChild($);
  8948. });
  8949. var L = S.createElementNS(d, "tspan");
  8950. L.textContent = "​", ["x", "y"].forEach(function(z) {
  8951. var $ = X.getAttribute(z);
  8952. $ && L.setAttribute(z, $);
  8953. }), m.appendChild(L), X.insertBefore(m, X.firstChild);
  8954. }
  8955. }, W.prototype.attr = function(E, X, g, m) {
  8956. var L = this.element, z = this.symbolCustomAttribs, $, Q = this, A, F;
  8957. if (typeof E == "string" && typeof X < "u") {
  8958. var Y = E;
  8959. E = {}, E[Y] = X;
  8960. }
  8961. return typeof E == "string" ? Q = (this[E + "Getter"] || this._defaultGetter).call(this, E, L) : (s(E, function(Z, q) {
  8962. A = !1, m || R(this, q), this.symbolName && z.indexOf(q) !== -1 && ($ || (this.symbolAttr(E), $ = !0), A = !0), !this.rotation || q !== "x" && q !== "y" || (this.doTransform = !0), A || (F = this[q + "Setter"] || this._defaultSetter,, Z, q, L), !this.styledMode && this.shadows && /^(width|height|visibility|x|y|d|transform|cx|cy|r)$/.test(q) && this.updateShadows(q, Z, F));
  8963. }, this), this.afterSetters()), g &&, Q;
  8964. }, W.prototype.clip = function(E) {
  8965. return this.attr("clip-path", E ? "url(" + this.renderer.url + "#" + + ")" : "none");
  8966. }, W.prototype.crisp = function(E, X) {
  8967. X = X || E.strokeWidth || 0;
  8968. var g = Math.round(X) % 2 / 2;
  8969. return E.x = Math.floor(E.x || this.x || 0) + g, E.y = Math.floor(E.y || this.y || 0) + g, E.width = Math.floor((E.width || this.width || 0) - 2 * g), E.height = Math.floor((E.height || this.height || 0) - 2 * g), w(E.strokeWidth) && (E.strokeWidth = X), E;
  8970. }, W.prototype.complexColor = function(E, X, g) {
  8971. var m = this.renderer, L, z, $, Q, A, F, Y, Z, q, it, et = [], nt;
  8972. h(this.renderer, "complexColor", { args: arguments }, function() {
  8973. if (E.radialGradient ? z = "radialGradient" : E.linearGradient && (z = "linearGradient"), z) {
  8974. if ($ = E[z], A = m.gradients, F = E.stops, q = g.radialReference, u($) && (E[z] = $ = { x1: $[0], y1: $[1], x2: $[2], y2: $[3], gradientUnits: "userSpaceOnUse" }), z === "radialGradient" && q && !w($.gradientUnits) && (Q = $, $ = t($, m.getRadialAttr(q, Q), { gradientUnits: "userSpaceOnUse" })), s($, function(ct, gt) {
  8975. gt !== "id" && et.push(gt, ct);
  8976. }), s(F, function(ct) {
  8977. et.push(ct);
  8978. }), et = et.join(","), A[et])
  8979. it = A[et].attr("id");
  8980. else {
  8981. $.id = it = I();
  8982. var rt = A[et] = m.createElement(z).attr($).add(m.defs);
  8983. rt.radAttr = Q, rt.stops = [], F.forEach(function(ct) {
  8984. ct[1].indexOf("rgba") === 0 ? (L = D.parse(ct[1]), Y = L.get("rgb"), Z = L.get("a")) : (Y = ct[1], Z = 1), ct = m.createElement("stop").attr({
  8985. offset: ct[0],
  8986. "stop-color": Y,
  8987. "stop-opacity": Z
  8988. }).add(rt), rt.stops.push(ct);
  8989. });
  8990. }
  8991. nt = "url(" + m.url + "#" + it + ")", g.setAttribute(X, nt), g.gradient = et, E.toString = function() {
  8992. return nt;
  8993. };
  8994. }
  8995. });
  8996. }, W.prototype.css = function(E) {
  8997. var X = this.styles, g = {}, m = this.element, L = ["textOutline", "textOverflow", "width"], z = "", $ = !X;
  8998. if (E && E.color && (E.fill = E.color), X && s(E, function(F, Y) {
  8999. X && X[Y] !== F && (g[Y] = F, $ = !0);
  9000. }), $) {
  9001. if (X && (E = l(X, g)), E) {
  9002. if (E.width === null || E.width === "auto")
  9003. delete this.textWidth;
  9004. else if (m.nodeName.toLowerCase() === "text" && E.width)
  9005. var Q = this.textWidth = P(E.width);
  9006. }
  9007. if (this.styles = E, Q && !f && this.renderer.forExport && delete E.width, m.namespaceURI === this.SVG_NS) {
  9008. var A = function(F, Y) {
  9009. return "-" + Y.toLowerCase();
  9010. };
  9011. s(E, function(F, Y) {
  9012. L.indexOf(Y) === -1 && (z += Y.replace(/([A-Z])/g, A) + ":" + F + ";");
  9013. }), z && j(m, "style", z);
  9014. } else
  9015. b(m, E);
  9016. this.added && (this.element.nodeName === "text" && this.renderer.buildText(this), E && E.textOutline && this.applyTextOutline(E.textOutline));
  9017. }
  9018. return this;
  9019. }, W.prototype.dashstyleSetter = function(E) {
  9020. var X = this["stroke-width"];
  9021. if (X === "inherit" && (X = 1), E = E && E.toLowerCase()) {
  9022. var g = E.replace("shortdashdotdot", "3,1,1,1,1,1,").replace("shortdashdot", "3,1,1,1").replace("shortdot", "1,1,").replace("shortdash", "3,1,").replace("longdash", "8,3,").replace(/dot/g, "1,3,").replace("dash", "4,3,").replace(/,$/, "").split(",");
  9023. for (E = g.length; E--; )
  9024. g[E] = "" + P(g[E]) * n(X, NaN);
  9025. E = g.join(",").replace(/NaN/g, "none"), this.element.setAttribute("stroke-dasharray", E);
  9026. }
  9027. }, W.prototype.destroy = function() {
  9028. var E = this, X = E.element || {}, g = E.renderer, m = X.ownerSVGElement, L = g.isSVG && X.nodeName === "SPAN" && E.parentGroup || void 0;
  9029. if (X.onclick = X.onmouseout = X.onmouseover = X.onmousemove = X.point = null, R(E), E.clipPath && m) {
  9030. var z = E.clipPath;
  9031. []"[clip-path],[CLIP-PATH]"), function($) {
  9032. -1 < $.getAttribute("clip-path").indexOf( && $.removeAttribute("clip-path");
  9033. }), E.clipPath = z.destroy();
  9034. }
  9035. if (E.stops) {
  9036. for (m = 0; m < E.stops.length; m++)
  9037. E.stops[m].destroy();
  9038. E.stops.length = 0, E.stops = void 0;
  9039. }
  9040. for (E.safeRemoveChild(X), g.styledMode || E.destroyShadows(); L && L.div && L.div.childNodes.length === 0; )
  9041. X = L.parentGroup, E.safeRemoveChild(L.div), delete L.div, L = X;
  9042. E.alignTo && v(g.alignedObjects, E), s(E, function($, Q) {
  9043. E[Q] && E[Q].parentGroup === E && E[Q].destroy && E[Q].destroy(), delete E[Q];
  9044. });
  9045. }, W.prototype.destroyShadows = function() {
  9046. (this.shadows || []).forEach(function(E) {
  9047. this.safeRemoveChild(E);
  9048. }, this), this.shadows = void 0;
  9049. }, W.prototype.destroyTextPath = function(E, X) {
  9050. var g = E.getElementsByTagName("text")[0];
  9051. if (g) {
  9052. if (g.removeAttribute("dx"), g.removeAttribute("dy"), X.element.setAttribute("id", ""), this.textPathWrapper && g.getElementsByTagName("textPath").length) {
  9053. for (E = this.textPathWrapper.element.childNodes; E.length; )
  9054. g.appendChild(E[0]);
  9055. g.removeChild(this.textPathWrapper.element);
  9056. }
  9057. } else
  9058. (E.getAttribute("dx") || E.getAttribute("dy")) && (E.removeAttribute("dx"), E.removeAttribute("dy"));
  9059. this.textPathWrapper && (this.textPathWrapper = this.textPathWrapper.destroy());
  9060. }, W.prototype.dSetter = function(E, X, g) {
  9061. u(E) && (typeof E[0] == "string" && (E = this.renderer.pathToSegments(E)), this.pathArray = E, E = E.reduce(function(m, L, z) {
  9062. return L && L.join ? (z ? m + " " : "") + L.join(" ") : (L || "").toString();
  9063. }, "")), /(NaN| {2}|^$)/.test(E) && (E = "M 0 0"), this[X] !== E && (g.setAttribute(X, E), this[X] = E);
  9064. }, W.prototype.fadeOut = function(E) {
  9065. var X = this;
  9066. X.animate({ opacity: 0 }, { duration: n(E, 150), complete: function() {
  9067. X.attr({ y: -9999 }).hide();
  9068. } });
  9069. }, W.prototype.fillSetter = function(E, X, g) {
  9070. typeof E == "string" ? g.setAttribute(X, E) : E && this.complexColor(E, X, g);
  9071. }, W.prototype.getBBox = function(E, X) {
  9072. var g = this.renderer, m = this.element, L = this.styles, z = this.textStr, $ = g.cache, Q = g.cacheKeys, A = m.namespaceURI === this.SVG_NS;
  9073. X = n(X, this.rotation, 0);
  9074. var F = g.styledMode ? m &&, "font-size") : L && L.fontSize, Y;
  9075. if (w(z)) {
  9076. var Z = z.toString();
  9077. Z.indexOf("<") === -1 && (Z = Z.replace(/[0-9]/g, "0")), Z += ["", X, F, this.textWidth, L && L.textOverflow, L && L.fontWeight].join();
  9078. }
  9079. if (Z && !E && (Y = $[Z]), !Y) {
  9080. if (A || g.forExport) {
  9081. try {
  9082. var q = this.fakeTS && function(it) {
  9083. var et = m.querySelector(".highcharts-text-outline");
  9084. et && b(et, { display: it });
  9085. };
  9086. i(q) && q("none"), Y = m.getBBox ? l({}, m.getBBox()) : { width: m.offsetWidth, height: m.offsetHeight }, i(q) && q("");
  9087. } catch {
  9088. }
  9089. (!Y || 0 > Y.width) && (Y = {
  9090. width: 0,
  9091. height: 0
  9092. });
  9093. } else
  9094. Y = this.htmlGetBBox();
  9095. if (g.isSVG && (E = Y.width, g = Y.height, A && (Y.height = g = { "11px,17": 14, "13px,20": 16 }[(F || "") + "," + Math.round(g)] || g), X && (A = X * B, Y.width = Math.abs(g * Math.sin(A)) + Math.abs(E * Math.cos(A)), Y.height = Math.abs(g * Math.cos(A)) + Math.abs(E * Math.sin(A)))), Z && (z === "" || 0 < Y.height)) {
  9096. for (; 250 < Q.length; )
  9097. delete $[Q.shift()];
  9098. $[Z] || Q.push(Z), $[Z] = Y;
  9099. }
  9100. }
  9101. return Y;
  9102. }, W.prototype.getStyle = function(E) {
  9103. return T.getComputedStyle(this.element || this, "").getPropertyValue(E);
  9104. }, W.prototype.hasClass = function(E) {
  9105. return ("" + this.attr("class")).split(" ").indexOf(E) !== -1;
  9106. }, W.prototype.hide = function(E) {
  9107. return E ? this.attr({ y: -9999 }) : this.attr({ visibility: "hidden" }), this;
  9108. }, W.prototype.htmlGetBBox = function() {
  9109. return { height: 0, width: 0, x: 0, y: 0 };
  9110. }, W.prototype.init = function(E, X) {
  9111. this.element = X === "span" ? k(X) : S.createElementNS(this.SVG_NS, X), this.renderer = E, h(this, "afterInit");
  9112. }, W.prototype.invert = function(E) {
  9113. return this.inverted = E, this.updateTransform(), this;
  9114. }, W.prototype.on = function(E, X) {
  9115. var g = this.onEvents;
  9116. return g[E] && g[E](), g[E] = O(
  9117. this.element,
  9118. E,
  9119. X
  9120. ), this;
  9121. }, W.prototype.opacitySetter = function(E, X, g) {
  9122. this.opacity = E = Number(Number(E).toFixed(3)), g.setAttribute(X, E);
  9123. }, W.prototype.removeClass = function(E) {
  9124. return this.attr("class", ("" + this.attr("class")).replace(a(E) ? new RegExp("(^| )" + E + "( |$)") : E, " ").replace(/ +/g, " ").trim());
  9125. }, W.prototype.removeTextOutline = function() {
  9126. var E = this.element.querySelector("tspan.highcharts-text-outline");
  9127. E && this.safeRemoveChild(E);
  9128. }, W.prototype.safeRemoveChild = function(E) {
  9129. var X = E.parentNode;
  9130. X && X.removeChild(E);
  9131. }, W.prototype.setRadialReference = function(E) {
  9132. var X = this.element.gradient && this.renderer.gradients[this.element.gradient];
  9133. return this.element.radialReference = E, X && X.radAttr && X.animate(this.renderer.getRadialAttr(E, X.radAttr)), this;
  9134. }, W.prototype.setTextPath = function(E, X) {
  9135. var g = this.element, m = this.text ? this.text.element : g, L = { textAnchor: "text-anchor" }, z = !1, $ = this.textPathWrapper, Q = !$;
  9136. X = t(!0, { enabled: !0, attributes: { dy: -5, startOffset: "50%", textAnchor: "middle" } }, X);
  9137. var A = N.filterUserAttributes(X.attributes);
  9138. if (E && X && X.enabled) {
  9139. $ && $.element.parentNode === null ? (Q = !0, $ = $.destroy()) : $ &&$.parentGroup), this.options && this.options.padding && (A.dx = -this.options.padding), $ || (this.textPathWrapper = $ = this.renderer.createElement("textPath"), z = !0);
  9140. var F = $.element;
  9141. if ((X = E.element.getAttribute("id")) || E.element.setAttribute("id", X = I()), Q)
  9142. for (m.setAttribute("y", 0), c(A.dx) && m.setAttribute("x", -A.dx), E = [], Q = 0; Q < E.length; Q++) {
  9143. var Y = E[Q];
  9144. Y.nodeType !== T.Node.TEXT_NODE && Y.nodeName !== "tspan" || F.appendChild(Y);
  9145. }
  9146. z && $ && $.add({ element: m }), F.setAttributeNS("", "href", this.renderer.url + "#" + X), w(A.dy) && (F.parentNode.setAttribute("dy", A.dy), delete A.dy), w(A.dx) && (F.parentNode.setAttribute("dx", A.dx), delete A.dx), s(A, function(Z, q) {
  9147. F.setAttribute(L[q] || q, Z);
  9148. }), g.removeAttribute("transform"),$), this.text && !this.renderer.styledMode && this.attr({ fill: "none", "stroke-width": 0 }), this.applyTextOutline = this.updateTransform = x;
  9149. } else
  9150. $ && (delete this.updateTransform, delete this.applyTextOutline, this.destroyTextPath(g, E), this.updateTransform(), this.options && this.options.rotation && this.applyTextOutline(;
  9151. return this;
  9152. }, W.prototype.shadow = function(E, X, g) {
  9153. var m = [], L = this.element, z = this.oldShadowOptions, $ = { color: "#000000", offsetX: this.parentInverted ? -1 : 1, offsetY: this.parentInverted ? -1 : 1, opacity: 0.15, width: 3 }, Q = !1, A;
  9154. if (E === !0 ? A = $ : typeof E == "object" && (A = l($, E)), A && (A && z && s(A, function(it, et) {
  9155. it !== z[et] && (Q = !0);
  9156. }), Q && this.destroyShadows(), this.oldShadowOptions = A), !A)
  9157. this.destroyShadows();
  9158. else if (!this.shadows) {
  9159. var F = A.opacity / A.width, Y = this.parentInverted ? "translate(" + A.offsetY + ", " + A.offsetX + ")" : "translate(" + A.offsetX + ", " + A.offsetY + ")";
  9160. for ($ = 1; $ <= A.width; $++) {
  9161. var Z = L.cloneNode(!1), q = 2 * A.width + 1 - 2 * $;
  9162. j(Z, { stroke: E.color || "#000000", "stroke-opacity": F * $, "stroke-width": q, transform: Y, fill: "none" }), Z.setAttribute("class", (Z.getAttribute("class") || "") + " highcharts-shadow"), g && (j(Z, "height", Math.max(j(Z, "height") - q, 0)), Z.cutHeight = q), X ? X.element.appendChild(Z) : L.parentNode && L.parentNode.insertBefore(Z, L), m.push(Z);
  9163. }
  9164. this.shadows = m;
  9165. }
  9166. return this;
  9167. }, = function(E) {
  9168. return this.attr({ visibility: E ? "inherit" : "visible" });
  9169. }, W.prototype.strokeSetter = function(E, X, g) {
  9170. this[X] = E, this.stroke && this["stroke-width"] ? (, this.stroke, "stroke", g), g.setAttribute("stroke-width", this["stroke-width"]), this.hasStroke = !0) : X === "stroke-width" && E === 0 && this.hasStroke ? (g.removeAttribute("stroke"), this.hasStroke = !1) : this.renderer.styledMode && this["stroke-width"] && (g.setAttribute("stroke-width", this["stroke-width"]), this.hasStroke = !0);
  9171. }, W.prototype.strokeWidth = function() {
  9172. if (!this.renderer.styledMode)
  9173. return this["stroke-width"] || 0;
  9174. var E = this.getStyle("stroke-width"), X = 0;
  9175. if (E.indexOf("px") === E.length - 2)
  9176. X = P(E);
  9177. else if (E !== "") {
  9178. var g = S.createElementNS(d, "rect");
  9179. j(g, { width: E, "stroke-width": 0 }), this.element.parentNode.appendChild(g), X = g.getBBox().width, g.parentNode.removeChild(g);
  9180. }
  9181. return X;
  9182. }, W.prototype.symbolAttr = function(E) {
  9183. var X = this;
  9184. "x y r start end width height innerR anchorX anchorY clockwise".split(" ").forEach(function(g) {
  9185. X[g] = n(E[g], X[g]);
  9186. }), X.attr({ d: X.renderer.symbols[X.symbolName](X.x, X.y, X.width, X.height, X) });
  9187. }, W.prototype.textSetter = function(E) {
  9188. E !== this.textStr && (delete this.textPxLength, this.textStr = E, this.added && this.renderer.buildText(this));
  9189. }, W.prototype.titleSetter = function(E) {
  9190. var X = this.element, g = X.getElementsByTagName("title")[0] || S.createElementNS(this.SVG_NS, "title");
  9191. X.insertBefore ? X.insertBefore(g, X.firstChild) : X.appendChild(g), g.textContent = String(n(E, "")).replace(/<[^>]*>/g, "").replace(/&lt;/g, "<").replace(
  9192. /&gt;/g,
  9193. ">"
  9194. );
  9195. }, W.prototype.toFront = function() {
  9196. var E = this.element;
  9197. return E.parentNode.appendChild(E), this;
  9198. }, W.prototype.translate = function(E, X) {
  9199. return this.attr({ translateX: E, translateY: X });
  9200. }, W.prototype.updateShadows = function(E, X, g) {
  9201. var m = this.shadows;
  9202. if (m)
  9203. for (var L = m.length; L--; )
  9204.[L], E === "height" ? Math.max(X - (m[L].cutHeight || 0), 0) : E === "d" ? this.d : X, E, m[L]);
  9205. }, W.prototype.updateTransform = function() {
  9206. var E = this.scaleX, X = this.scaleY, g = this.inverted, m = this.rotation, L = this.matrix, z = this.element, $ = this.translateX || 0, Q = this.translateY || 0;
  9207. g && ($ += this.width, Q += this.height), $ = ["translate(" + $ + "," + Q + ")"], w(L) && $.push("matrix(" + L.join(",") + ")"), g ? $.push("rotate(90) scale(-1,1)") : m && $.push("rotate(" + m + " " + n(this.rotationOriginX, z.getAttribute("x"), 0) + " " + n(this.rotationOriginY, z.getAttribute("y") || 0) + ")"), (w(E) || w(X)) && $.push("scale(" + n(E, 1) + " " + n(X, 1) + ")"), $.length && z.setAttribute("transform", $.join(" "));
  9208. }, W.prototype.visibilitySetter = function(E, X, g) {
  9209. E === "inherit" ? g.removeAttribute(X) : this[X] !== E && g.setAttribute(
  9210. X,
  9211. E
  9212. ), this[X] = E;
  9213. }, W.prototype.xGetter = function(E) {
  9214. return this.element.nodeName === "circle" && (E === "x" ? E = "cx" : E === "y" && (E = "cy")), this._defaultGetter(E);
  9215. }, W.prototype.zIndexSetter = function(E, X) {
  9216. var g = this.renderer, m = this.parentGroup, L = (m || g).element ||, z = this.element;
  9217. g = L ===;
  9218. var $ = !1, Q = this.added, A;
  9219. if (w(E) ? (z.setAttribute("data-z-index", E), E = +E, this[X] === E && (Q = !1)) : w(this[X]) && z.removeAttribute("data-z-index"), this[X] = E, Q) {
  9220. for ((E = this.zIndex) && m && (m.handleZ = !0), X = L.childNodes, A = X.length - 1; 0 <= A && !$; A--) {
  9221. m = X[A], Q = m.getAttribute("data-z-index");
  9222. var F = !w(Q);
  9223. m !== z && (0 > E && F && !g && !A ? (L.insertBefore(z, X[A]), $ = !0) : (P(Q) <= E || F && (!w(E) || 0 <= E)) && (L.insertBefore(z, X[A + 1] || null), $ = !0));
  9224. }
  9225. $ || (L.insertBefore(z, X[g ? 3 : 0] || null), $ = !0);
  9226. }
  9227. return $;
  9228. }, W;
  9229. }(), y.prototype["stroke-widthSetter"] = y.prototype.strokeSetter, y.prototype.yGetter = y.prototype.xGetter, y.prototype.matrixSetter = y.prototype.rotationOriginXSetter = y.prototype.rotationOriginYSetter = y.prototype.rotationSetter = y.prototype.scaleXSetter = y.prototype.scaleYSetter = y.prototype.translateXSetter = y.prototype.translateYSetter = y.prototype.verticalAlignSetter = function(W, E) {
  9230. this[E] = W, this.doTransform = !0;
  9231. }, y;
  9232. }), M(o, "Core/Renderer/RendererRegistry.js", [o["Core/Globals.js"]], function(y) {
  9233. var N;
  9234. return function(D) {
  9235. D.rendererTypes = {};
  9236. var U;
  9237. D.getRendererType = function(H) {
  9238. return H === void 0 && (H = U), D.rendererTypes[H] || D.rendererTypes[U];
  9239. }, D.registerRendererType = function(H, V, G) {
  9240. D.rendererTypes[H] = V, (!U || G) && (U = H, y.Renderer = V);
  9241. };
  9242. }(N || (N = {})), N;
  9243. }), M(
  9244. o,
  9245. "Core/Renderer/SVG/SVGLabel.js",
  9246. [o["Core/Renderer/SVG/SVGElement.js"], o["Core/Utilities.js"]],
  9247. function(y, N) {
  9248. var D = this && this.__extends || function() {
  9249. var S = function(x, f) {
  9250. return S = Object.setPrototypeOf || { __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function(d, T) {
  9251. d.__proto__ = T;
  9252. } || function(d, T) {
  9253. for (var O in T)
  9254. T.hasOwnProperty(O) && (d[O] = T[O]);
  9255. }, S(x, f);
  9256. };
  9257. return function(x, f) {
  9258. function d() {
  9259. this.constructor = x;
  9260. }
  9261. S(x, f), x.prototype = f === null ? Object.create(f) : (d.prototype = f.prototype, new d());
  9262. };
  9263. }(), U = N.defined, H = N.extend, V = N.isNumber, G = N.merge, R = N.pick, B = N.removeEvent;
  9264. return function(S) {
  9265. function x(f, d, T, O, j, k, b, w, v, l) {
  9266. var h = || this;
  9267. h.paddingLeftSetter = h.paddingSetter, h.paddingRightSetter = h.paddingSetter, h.init(f, "g"), h.textStr = d, h.x = T, h.y = O, h.anchorX = k, h.anchorY = b, h.baseline = v, h.className = l, h.addClass(l === "button" ? "highcharts-no-tooltip" : "highcharts-label"), l && h.addClass("highcharts-" + l), h.text = f.text(void 0, 0, 0, w).attr({ zIndex: 1 });
  9268. var u;
  9269. return typeof j == "string" && ((u = /^url\((.*?)\)$/.test(j)) || h.renderer.symbols[j]) && (h.symbolKey = j), h.bBox = x.emptyBBox, h.padding = 3, h.baselineOffset = 0, h.needsBox = f.styledMode || u, h.deferredAttr = {}, h.alignFactor = 0, h;
  9270. }
  9271. return D(x, S), x.prototype.alignSetter = function(f) {
  9272. f = { left: 0, center: 0.5, right: 1 }[f], f !== this.alignFactor && (this.alignFactor = f, this.bBox && V(this.xSetting) && this.attr({ x: this.xSetting }));
  9273. }, x.prototype.anchorXSetter = function(f, d) {
  9274. this.anchorX = f, this.boxAttr(d, Math.round(f) - this.getCrispAdjust() - this.xSetting);
  9275. }, x.prototype.anchorYSetter = function(f, d) {
  9276. this.anchorY = f, this.boxAttr(d, f - this.ySetting);
  9277. }, x.prototype.boxAttr = function(f, d) {
  9278. ?, d) : this.deferredAttr[f] = d;
  9279. }, x.prototype.css = function(f) {
  9280. if (f) {
  9281. var d = {};
  9282. f = G(f), x.textProps.forEach(function(O) {
  9283. typeof f[O] < "u" && (d[O] = f[O], delete f[O]);
  9284. }), this.text.css(d);
  9285. var T = "width" in d;
  9286. "fontSize" in d || "fontWeight" in d ? this.updateTextPadding() : T && this.updateBoxSize();
  9287. }
  9288. return, f);
  9289. }, x.prototype.destroy = function() {
  9290. B(this.element, "mouseenter"), B(this.element, "mouseleave"), this.text && this.text.destroy(), && ( =,;
  9291. }, x.prototype.fillSetter = function(f, d) {
  9292. f && (this.needsBox = !0), this.fill = f, this.boxAttr(d, f);
  9293. }, x.prototype.getBBox = function() {
  9294. this.textStr && this.bBox.width === 0 && this.bBox.height === 0 && this.updateBoxSize();
  9295. var f = this.padding, d = R(this.paddingLeft, f);
  9296. return { width: this.width, height: this.height, x: this.bBox.x - d, y: this.bBox.y - f };
  9297. }, x.prototype.getCrispAdjust = function() {
  9298. return this.renderer.styledMode && ? % 2 / 2 : (this["stroke-width"] ? parseInt(
  9299. this["stroke-width"],
  9300. 10
  9301. ) : 0) % 2 / 2;
  9302. }, x.prototype.heightSetter = function(f) {
  9303. this.heightSetting = f;
  9304. }, x.prototype.onAdd = function() {
  9305. var f = this.textStr;
  9306. this.text.add(this), this.attr({ text: U(f) ? f : "", x: this.x, y: this.y }), && U(this.anchorX) && this.attr({ anchorX: this.anchorX, anchorY: this.anchorY });
  9307. }, x.prototype.paddingSetter = function(f, d) {
  9308. V(f) ? f !== this[d] && (this[d] = f, this.updateTextPadding()) : this[d] = void 0;
  9309. }, x.prototype.rSetter = function(f, d) {
  9310. this.boxAttr(d, f);
  9311. }, x.prototype.shadow = function(f) {
  9312. return f && !this.renderer.styledMode && (this.updateBoxSize(), &&, this;
  9313. }, x.prototype.strokeSetter = function(f, d) {
  9314. this.stroke = f, this.boxAttr(d, f);
  9315. }, x.prototype["stroke-widthSetter"] = function(f, d) {
  9316. f && (this.needsBox = !0), this["stroke-width"] = f, this.boxAttr(d, f);
  9317. }, x.prototype["text-alignSetter"] = function(f) {
  9318. this.textAlign = f;
  9319. }, x.prototype.textSetter = function(f) {
  9320. typeof f < "u" && this.text.attr({ text: f }), this.updateTextPadding();
  9321. }, x.prototype.updateBoxSize = function() {
  9322. var f =, d = {}, T = this.padding, O = this.bBox = V(this.widthSetting) && V(this.heightSetting) && !this.textAlign || !U(this.text.textStr) ? x.emptyBBox : this.text.getBBox();
  9323. this.width = this.getPaddedWidth(), this.height = (this.heightSetting || O.height || 0) + 2 * T, f = this.renderer.fontMetrics(f && f.fontSize, this.text), this.baselineOffset = T + Math.min((this.text.firstLineMetrics || f).b, O.height || 1 / 0), this.heightSetting && (this.baselineOffset += (this.heightSetting - f.h) / 2), this.needsBox && ( || (T = = this.symbolKey ? this.renderer.symbol(this.symbolKey) : this.renderer.rect(), T.addClass((this.className === "button" ? "" : "highcharts-label-box") + (this.className ? " highcharts-" + this.className + "-box" : "")), T.add(this)), T = this.getCrispAdjust(), d.x = T, d.y = (this.baseline ? -this.baselineOffset : 0) + T, d.width = Math.round(this.width), d.height = Math.round(this.height),, this.deferredAttr)), this.deferredAttr = {});
  9324. }, x.prototype.updateTextPadding = function() {
  9325. var f = this.text;
  9326. this.updateBoxSize();
  9327. var d = this.baseline ? 0 : this.baselineOffset, T = R(this.paddingLeft, this.padding);
  9328. U(this.widthSetting) && this.bBox && (this.textAlign === "center" || this.textAlign === "right") && (T += { center: 0.5, right: 1 }[this.textAlign] * (this.widthSetting - this.bBox.width)), (T !== f.x || d !== f.y) && (f.attr("x", T), f.hasBoxWidthChanged && (this.bBox = f.getBBox(!0)), typeof d < "u" && f.attr("y", d)), f.x = T, f.y = d;
  9329. }, x.prototype.widthSetter = function(f) {
  9330. this.widthSetting = V(f) ? f : void 0;
  9331. }, x.prototype.getPaddedWidth = function() {
  9332. var f = this.padding, d = R(this.paddingLeft, f);
  9333. return f = R(this.paddingRight, f), (this.widthSetting || this.bBox.width || 0) + d + f;
  9334. }, x.prototype.xSetter = function(f) {
  9335. this.x = f, this.alignFactor && (f -= this.alignFactor * this.getPaddedWidth(), this["forceAnimate:x"] = !0), this.xSetting = Math.round(f), this.attr("translateX", this.xSetting);
  9336. }, x.prototype.ySetter = function(f) {
  9337. this.ySetting = this.y = Math.round(f), this.attr("translateY", this.ySetting);
  9338. }, x.emptyBBox = { width: 0, height: 0, x: 0, y: 0 }, x.textProps = "color direction fontFamily fontSize fontStyle fontWeight lineHeight textAlign textDecoration textOutline textOverflow width".split(" "), x;
  9339. }(y);
  9340. }
  9341. ), M(
  9342. o,
  9343. "Core/Renderer/SVG/Symbols.js",
  9344. [o["Core/Utilities.js"]],
  9345. function(y) {
  9346. function N(R, B, S, x, f) {
  9347. var d = [];
  9348. if (f) {
  9349. var T = f.start || 0, O = G(f.r, S);
  9350. S = G(f.r, x || S);
  9351. var j = (f.end || 0) - 1e-3;
  9352. x = f.innerR;
  9353. var k = G(, 1e-3 > Math.abs((f.end || 0) - T - 2 * Math.PI)), b = Math.cos(T), w = Math.sin(T), v = Math.cos(j), l = Math.sin(j);
  9354. T = G(f.longArc, 1e-3 > j - T - Math.PI ? 0 : 1), d.push(["M", R + O * b, B + S * w], ["A", O, S, 0, T, G(f.clockwise, 1), R + O * v, B + S * l]), H(x) && d.push(k ? ["M", R + x * v, B + x * l] : ["L", R + x * v, B + x * l], ["A", x, x, 0, T, H(f.clockwise) ? 1 - f.clockwise : 0, R + x * b, B + x * w]), k || d.push(["Z"]);
  9355. }
  9356. return d;
  9357. }
  9358. function D(R, B, S, x, f) {
  9359. return f && f.r ? U(R, B, S, x, f) : [["M", R, B], ["L", R + S, B], ["L", R + S, B + x], ["L", R, B + x], ["Z"]];
  9360. }
  9361. function U(R, B, S, x, f) {
  9362. return f = f && f.r || 0, [["M", R + f, B], ["L", R + S - f, B], ["C", R + S, B, R + S, B, R + S, B + f], ["L", R + S, B + x - f], ["C", R + S, B + x, R + S, B + x, R + S - f, B + x], ["L", R + f, B + x], ["C", R, B + x, R, B + x, R, B + x - f], ["L", R, B + f], ["C", R, B, R, B, R + f, B]];
  9363. }
  9364. var H = y.defined, V = y.isNumber, G = y.pick;
  9365. return { arc: N, callout: function(R, B, S, x, f) {
  9366. var d = Math.min(f && f.r || 0, S, x), T = d + 6, O = f && f.anchorX;
  9367. f = f && f.anchorY || 0;
  9368. var j = U(R, B, S, x, { r: d });
  9369. return V(O) && (R + O >= S ? f > B + T && f < B + x - T ? j.splice(3, 1, ["L", R + S, f - 6], ["L", R + S + 6, f], ["L", R + S, f + 6], ["L", R + S, B + x - d]) : j.splice(3, 1, ["L", R + S, x / 2], ["L", O, f], ["L", R + S, x / 2], ["L", R + S, B + x - d]) : 0 >= R + O ? f > B + T && f < B + x - T ? j.splice(7, 1, ["L", R, f + 6], ["L", R - 6, f], ["L", R, f - 6], ["L", R, B + d]) : j.splice(7, 1, ["L", R, x / 2], ["L", O, f], ["L", R, x / 2], ["L", R, B + d]) : f && f > x && O > R + T && O < R + S - T ? j.splice(5, 1, ["L", O + 6, B + x], ["L", O, B + x + 6], ["L", O - 6, B + x], ["L", R + d, B + x]) : f && 0 > f && O > R + T && O < R + S - T && j.splice(1, 1, ["L", O - 6, B], ["L", O, B - 6], ["L", O + 6, B], ["L", S - d, B])), j;
  9370. }, circle: function(R, B, S, x) {
  9371. return N(R + S / 2, B + x / 2, S / 2, x / 2, { start: 0.5 * Math.PI, end: 2.5 * Math.PI, open: !1 });
  9372. }, diamond: function(R, B, S, x) {
  9373. return [["M", R + S / 2, B], ["L", R + S, B + x / 2], ["L", R + S / 2, B + x], ["L", R, B + x / 2], ["Z"]];
  9374. }, rect: D, roundedRect: U, square: D, triangle: function(R, B, S, x) {
  9375. return [["M", R + S / 2, B], ["L", R + S, B + x], ["L", R, B + x], ["Z"]];
  9376. }, "triangle-down": function(R, B, S, x) {
  9377. return [["M", R, B], ["L", R + S, B], ["L", R + S / 2, B + x], ["Z"]];
  9378. } };
  9379. }
  9380. ), M(o, "Core/Renderer/SVG/TextBuilder.js", [o["Core/Renderer/HTML/AST.js"], o["Core/Globals.js"], o["Core/Utilities.js"]], function(y, N, D) {
  9381. var U = N.doc, H = N.SVG_NS, V =, G = D.attr, R = D.isString, B = D.objectEach, S = D.pick;
  9382. return function() {
  9383. function x(f) {
  9384. var d = f.styles;
  9385. this.renderer = f.renderer, this.svgElement = f, this.width = f.textWidth, this.textLineHeight = d && d.lineHeight, this.textOutline = d && d.textOutline, this.ellipsis = !(!d || d.textOverflow !== "ellipsis"), this.noWrap = !(!d || d.whiteSpace !== "nowrap"), this.fontSize = d && d.fontSize;
  9386. }
  9387. return x.prototype.buildSVG = function() {
  9388. var f = this.svgElement, d = f.element, T = f.renderer, O = S(f.textStr, "").toString(), j = O.indexOf("<") !== -1, k = d.childNodes;
  9389. T = this.width && !f.added &&;
  9390. var b = /<br.*?>/g, w = [O, this.ellipsis, this.noWrap, this.textLineHeight, this.textOutline, this.fontSize, this.width].join();
  9391. if (w !== f.textCache) {
  9392. for (f.textCache = w, delete f.actualWidth, w = k.length; w--; )
  9393. d.removeChild(k[w]);
  9394. j || this.ellipsis || this.width || O.indexOf(" ") !== -1 && (!this.noWrap || b.test(O)) ? O !== "" && (T && T.appendChild(d), O = new y(O), this.modifyTree(O.nodes), O.addToDOM(f.element), this.modifyDOM(), this.ellipsis && (d.textContent || "").indexOf("…") !== -1 && f.attr(
  9395. "title",
  9396. this.unescapeEntities(f.textStr || "", ["&lt;", "&gt;"])
  9397. ), T && T.removeChild(d)) : d.appendChild(U.createTextNode(this.unescapeEntities(O))), R(this.textOutline) && f.applyTextOutline && f.applyTextOutline(this.textOutline);
  9398. }
  9399. }, x.prototype.modifyDOM = function() {
  9400. var f = this, d = this.svgElement, T = G(d.element, "x");
  9401. d.firstLineMetrics = void 0;
  9402. for (var O; (O = d.element.firstChild) && /^[\s\u200B]*$/.test(O.textContent || " "); )
  9403. d.element.removeChild(O);
  9404. []"tspan.highcharts-br"), function(w, v) {
  9405. w.nextSibling && w.previousSibling && (v === 0 && w.previousSibling.nodeType === 1 && (d.firstLineMetrics = d.renderer.fontMetrics(void 0, w.previousSibling)), G(w, { dy: f.getLineHeight(w.nextSibling), x: T }));
  9406. });
  9407. var j = this.width || 0;
  9408. if (j) {
  9409. var k = function(w, v) {
  9410. var l = w.textContent || "", h = l.replace(/([^\^])-/g, "$1- ").split(" "), u = !f.noWrap && (1 < h.length || 1 < d.element.childNodes.length), i = f.getLineHeight(v), c = 0, a = d.actualWidth;
  9411. if (f.ellipsis)
  9412. l && f.truncate(w, l, void 0, 0, Math.max(0, j - parseInt(f.fontSize || 12, 10)), function(t, s) {
  9413. return t.substring(
  9414. 0,
  9415. s
  9416. ) + "…";
  9417. });
  9418. else if (u) {
  9419. for (l = [], u = []; v.firstChild && v.firstChild !== w; )
  9420. u.push(v.firstChild), v.removeChild(v.firstChild);
  9421. for (; h.length; )
  9422. h.length && !f.noWrap && 0 < c && (l.push(w.textContent || ""), w.textContent = h.join(" ").replace(/- /g, "-")), f.truncate(w, void 0, h, c === 0 && a || 0, j, function(t, s) {
  9423. return h.slice(0, s).join(" ").replace(/- /g, "-");
  9424. }), a = d.actualWidth, c++;
  9425. u.forEach(function(t) {
  9426. v.insertBefore(t, w);
  9427. }), l.forEach(function(t) {
  9428. v.insertBefore(U.createTextNode(t), w), t = U.createElementNS(H, "tspan"), t.textContent = "​", G(t, { dy: i, x: T }), v.insertBefore(t, w);
  9429. });
  9430. }
  9431. }, b = function(w) {
  9432. [] {
  9433. v.nodeType === V.Node.TEXT_NODE ? k(v, w) : (v.className.baseVal.indexOf("highcharts-br") !== -1 && (d.actualWidth = 0), b(v));
  9434. });
  9435. };
  9436. b(d.element);
  9437. }
  9438. }, x.prototype.getLineHeight = function(f) {
  9439. var d;
  9440. return f = f.nodeType === V.Node.TEXT_NODE ? f.parentElement : f, this.renderer.styledMode || (d = f && /(px|em)$/.test( ? : this.fontSize || || 12), this.textLineHeight ? parseInt(
  9441. this.textLineHeight.toString(),
  9442. 10
  9443. ) : this.renderer.fontMetrics(d, f || this.svgElement.element).h;
  9444. }, x.prototype.modifyTree = function(f) {
  9445. var d = this, T = function(O, j) {
  9446. var k = O.attributes;
  9447. k = k === void 0 ? {} : k;
  9448. var b = O.children, w = O.tagName, v = d.renderer.styledMode;
  9449. w === "b" || w === "strong" ? v ? k.class = "highcharts-strong" : = "font-weight:bold;" + ( || "") : (w === "i" || w === "em") && (v ? k.class = "highcharts-emphasized" : = "font-style:italic;" + ( || "")), R( && ( =;| |^)color([ :])/, "$1fill$2")), w === "br" ? (k.class = "highcharts-br", O.textContent = "​", (j = f[j + 1]) && j.textContent && (j.textContent = j.textContent.replace(/^ +/gm, ""))) : w === "a" && b && b.some(function(l) {
  9450. return l.tagName === "#text";
  9451. }) && (O.children = [{ children: b, tagName: "tspan" }]), w !== "#text" && w !== "a" && (O.tagName = "tspan"), O.attributes = k, b && b.filter(function(l) {
  9452. return l.tagName !== "#text";
  9453. }).forEach(T);
  9454. };
  9455. f.forEach(T);
  9456. }, x.prototype.truncate = function(f, d, T, O, j, k) {
  9457. var b = this.svgElement, w = b.renderer, v = b.rotation, l = [], h = T ? 1 : 0, u = (d || T || "").length, i = u, c, a = function(s, n) {
  9458. n = n || s;
  9459. var P = f.parentNode;
  9460. if (P && typeof l[n] > "u")
  9461. if (P.getSubStringLength)
  9462. try {
  9463. l[n] = O + P.getSubStringLength(0, T ? n + 1 : n);
  9464. } catch {
  9465. }
  9466. else
  9467. w.getSpanWidth && (f.textContent = k(d || T, s), l[n] = O + w.getSpanWidth(b, f));
  9468. return l[n];
  9469. };
  9470. b.rotation = 0;
  9471. var t = a(f.textContent.length);
  9472. if (O + t > j) {
  9473. for (; h <= u; )
  9474. i = Math.ceil((h + u) / 2), T && (c = k(T, i)), t = a(i, c && c.length - 1), h === u ? h = u + 1 : t > j ? u = i - 1 : h = i;
  9475. u === 0 ? f.textContent = "" : d && u === d.length - 1 || (f.textContent = c || k(d || T, i));
  9476. }
  9477. T && T.splice(0, i), b.actualWidth = t, b.rotation = v;
  9478. }, x.prototype.unescapeEntities = function(f, d) {
  9479. return B(this.renderer.escapes, function(T, O) {
  9480. d && d.indexOf(T) !== -1 || (f = f.toString().replace(new RegExp(T, "g"), O));
  9481. }), f;
  9482. }, x;
  9483. }();
  9484. }), M(o, "Core/Renderer/SVG/SVGRenderer.js", [o["Core/Renderer/HTML/AST.js"], o["Core/Color/Color.js"], o["Core/Globals.js"], o["Core/Renderer/RendererRegistry.js"], o["Core/Renderer/SVG/SVGElement.js"], o["Core/Renderer/SVG/SVGLabel.js"], o["Core/Renderer/SVG/Symbols.js"], o["Core/Renderer/SVG/TextBuilder.js"], o["Core/Utilities.js"]], function(y, N, D, U, H, V, G, R, B) {
  9485. var S = D.charts, x = D.deg2rad, f = D.doc, d = D.isFirefox, T = D.isMS, O = D.isWebKit, j = D.noop, k = D.SVG_NS, b = D.symbolSizes, w =, v = B.addEvent, l = B.attr, h = B.createElement, u = B.css, i = B.defined, c = B.destroyObjectProperties, a = B.extend, t = B.isArray, s = B.isNumber, n = B.isObject, P = B.isString, _ = B.merge, I = B.pick, W = B.pInt, E = B.uniqueKey, X;
  9486. return D = function() {
  9487. function g(m, L, z, $, Q, A, F) {
  9488. this.width = this.url = = this.isSVG = this.imgCount = this.height = this.gradients = this.globalAnimation = this.defs = this.chartIndex = this.cacheKeys = this.cache = this.boxWrapper = = this.alignedObjects = void 0, this.init(m, L, z, $, Q, A, F);
  9489. }
  9490. return g.prototype.init = function(m, L, z, $, Q, A, F) {
  9491. var Y = this.createElement("svg").attr({ version: "1.1", class: "highcharts-root" }), Z = Y.element;
  9492. F || Y.css(this.getStyle($)), m.appendChild(Z), l(m, "dir", "ltr"), m.innerHTML.indexOf("xmlns") === -1 && l(Z, "xmlns", this.SVG_NS), this.isSVG = !0, = Z, this.boxWrapper = Y, this.alignedObjects = [], this.url = this.getReferenceURL(), this.createElement("desc").add().element.appendChild(f.createTextNode("Created with Highcharts 9.3.3")), this.defs = this.createElement("defs").add(), this.allowHTML = A, this.forExport = Q, this.styledMode = F, this.gradients = {}, this.cache = {}, this.cacheKeys = [], this.imgCount = 0, this.setSize(L, z, !1);
  9493. var q;
  9494. d && m.getBoundingClientRect && (L = function() {
  9495. u(m, { left: 0, top: 0 }), q = m.getBoundingClientRect(), u(m, { left: Math.ceil(q.left) - q.left + "px", top: Math.ceil( - + "px" });
  9496. }, L(), this.unSubPixelFix = v(w, "resize", L));
  9497. }, g.prototype.definition = function(m) {
  9498. return new y([m]).addToDOM(this.defs.element);
  9499. }, g.prototype.getReferenceURL = function() {
  9500. if ((d || O) && f.getElementsByTagName("base").length) {
  9501. if (!i(X)) {
  9502. var m = E();
  9503. m = new y([{ tagName: "svg", attributes: { width: 8, height: 8 }, children: [{ tagName: "defs", children: [{ tagName: "clipPath", attributes: { id: m }, children: [{ tagName: "rect", attributes: { width: 4, height: 4 } }] }] }, { tagName: "rect", attributes: { id: "hitme", width: 8, height: 8, "clip-path": "url(#" + m + ")", fill: "rgba(0,0,0,0.001)" } }] }]).addToDOM(f.body), u(m, { position: "fixed", top: 0, left: 0, zIndex: 9e5 });
  9504. var L = f.elementFromPoint(6, 6);
  9505. X = (L && === "hitme", f.body.removeChild(m);
  9506. }
  9507. if (X)
  9508. return w.location.href.split("#")[0].replace(/<[^>]*>/g, "").replace(/([\('\)])/g, "\\$1").replace(/ /g, "%20");
  9509. }
  9510. return "";
  9511. }, g.prototype.getStyle = function(m) {
  9512. return = a({ fontFamily: '"Lucida Grande", "Lucida Sans Unicode", Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif', fontSize: "12px" }, m);
  9513. }, g.prototype.setStyle = function(m) {
  9514. this.boxWrapper.css(this.getStyle(m));
  9515. }, g.prototype.isHidden = function() {
  9516. return !this.boxWrapper.getBBox().width;
  9517. }, g.prototype.destroy = function() {
  9518. var m = this.defs;
  9519. return = null, this.boxWrapper = this.boxWrapper.destroy(), c(this.gradients || {}), this.gradients = null, m && (this.defs = m.destroy()), this.unSubPixelFix && this.unSubPixelFix(), this.alignedObjects = null;
  9520. }, g.prototype.createElement = function(m) {
  9521. var L = new this.Element();
  9522. return L.init(this, m), L;
  9523. }, g.prototype.getRadialAttr = function(m, L) {
  9524. return { cx: m[0] - m[2] / 2 + ( || 0) * m[2], cy: m[1] - m[2] / 2 + ( || 0) * m[2], r: (L.r || 0) * m[2] };
  9525. }, g.prototype.buildText = function(m) {
  9526. new R(m).buildSVG();
  9527. }, g.prototype.getContrast = function(m) {
  9528. return m = N.parse(m).rgba, m[0] *= 1, m[1] *= 1.2, m[2] *= 0.5, 459 < m[0] + m[1] + m[2] ? "#000000" : "#FFFFFF";
  9529. }, g.prototype.button = function(m, L, z, $, Q, A, F, Y, Z, q) {
  9530. var it = this.label(m, L, z, Z, void 0, void 0, q, void 0, "button"), et = this.styledMode, nt = 0, rt = Q ? _(Q) : {};
  9531. if (m = rt && || {}, rt = y.filterUserAttributes(rt), it.attr(_({ padding: 8, r: 2 }, rt)), !et) {
  9532. rt = _({ fill: "#f7f7f7", stroke: "#cccccc", "stroke-width": 1, style: { color: "#333333", cursor: "pointer", fontWeight: "normal" } }, { style: m }, rt);
  9533. var ct =;
  9534. delete, A = _(rt, { fill: "#e6e6e6" }, y.filterUserAttributes(A || {}));
  9535. var gt =;
  9536. delete, F = _(rt, { fill: "#e6ebf5", style: { color: "#000000", fontWeight: "bold" } }, y.filterUserAttributes(F || {}));
  9537. var dt =;
  9538. delete, Y = _(rt, { style: { color: "#cccccc" } }, y.filterUserAttributes(Y || {}));
  9539. var ht =;
  9540. delete;
  9541. }
  9542. return v(it.element, T ? "mouseover" : "mouseenter", function() {
  9543. nt !== 3 && it.setState(1);
  9544. }), v(it.element, T ? "mouseout" : "mouseleave", function() {
  9545. nt !== 3 && it.setState(nt);
  9546. }), it.setState = function(at) {
  9547. at !== 1 && (it.state = nt = at), it.removeClass(/highcharts-button-(normal|hover|pressed|disabled)/).addClass("highcharts-button-" + ["normal", "hover", "pressed", "disabled"][at || 0]), et || it.attr([rt, A, F, Y][at || 0]).css([ct, gt, dt, ht][at || 0]);
  9548. }, et || it.attr(rt).css(a({ cursor: "default" }, ct)), it.on("touchstart", function(at) {
  9549. return at.stopPropagation();
  9550. }).on("click", function(at) {
  9551. nt !== 3 && $.call(it, at);
  9552. });
  9553. }, g.prototype.crispLine = function(m, L, z) {
  9554. z === void 0 && (z = "round");
  9555. var $ = m[0], Q = m[1];
  9556. return i($[1]) && $[1] === Q[1] && ($[1] = Q[1] = Math[z]($[1]) - L % 2 / 2), i($[2]) && $[2] === Q[2] && ($[2] = Q[2] = Math[z]($[2]) + L % 2 / 2), m;
  9557. }, g.prototype.path = function(m) {
  9558. var L = this.styledMode ? {} : { fill: "none" };
  9559. return t(m) ? L.d = m : n(m) && a(L, m), this.createElement("path").attr(L);
  9560. }, = function(m, L, z) {
  9561. return m = n(m) ? m : typeof m > "u" ? {} : { x: m, y: L, r: z }, L = this.createElement("circle"), L.xSetter = L.ySetter = function($, Q, A) {
  9562. A.setAttribute("c" + Q, $);
  9563. }, L.attr(m);
  9564. }, g.prototype.arc = function(m, L, z, $, Q, A) {
  9565. return n(m) ? ($ = m, L = $.y, z = $.r, m = $.x) : $ = { innerR: $, start: Q, end: A }, m = this.symbol("arc", m, L, z, z, $), m.r = z, m;
  9566. }, g.prototype.rect = function(m, L, z, $, Q, A) {
  9567. Q = n(m) ? m.r : Q;
  9568. var F = this.createElement("rect");
  9569. return m = n(m) ? m : typeof m > "u" ? {} : { x: m, y: L, width: Math.max(z, 0), height: Math.max($, 0) }, this.styledMode || (typeof A < "u" && (m["stroke-width"] = A, m = F.crisp(m)), m.fill = "none"), Q && (m.r = Q), F.rSetter = function(Y, Z, q) {
  9570. F.r = Y, l(q, { rx: Y, ry: Y });
  9571. }, F.rGetter = function() {
  9572. return F.r || 0;
  9573. }, F.attr(m);
  9574. }, g.prototype.setSize = function(m, L, z) {
  9575. this.width = m, this.height = L, this.boxWrapper.animate({ width: m, height: L }, { step: function() {
  9576. this.attr({ viewBox: "0 0 " + this.attr("width") + " " + this.attr("height") });
  9577. }, duration: I(
  9578. z,
  9579. !0
  9580. ) ? void 0 : 0 }), this.alignElements();
  9581. }, g.prototype.g = function(m) {
  9582. var L = this.createElement("g");
  9583. return m ? L.attr({ class: "highcharts-" + m }) : L;
  9584. }, g.prototype.image = function(m, L, z, $, Q, A) {
  9585. var F = { preserveAspectRatio: "none" }, Y = function(q, it) {
  9586. q.setAttributeNS ? q.setAttributeNS("", "href", it) : q.setAttribute("hc-svg-href", it);
  9587. };
  9588. s(L) && (F.x = L), s(z) && (F.y = z), s($) && (F.width = $), s(Q) && (F.height = Q);
  9589. var Z = this.createElement("image").attr(F);
  9590. return L = function(q) {
  9591. Y(Z.element, m),, q);
  9592. }, A ? (Y(
  9593. Z.element,
  9595. ), z = new w.Image(), v(z, "load", L), z.src = m, z.complete && L({})) : Y(Z.element, m), Z;
  9596. }, g.prototype.symbol = function(m, L, z, $, Q, A) {
  9597. var F = this, Y = /^url\((.*?)\)$/, Z = Y.test(m), q = !Z && (this.symbols[m] ? m : "circle"), it = q && this.symbols[q], et;
  9598. if (it) {
  9599. typeof L == "number" && (et =, Math.round(L || 0), Math.round(z || 0), $ || 0, Q || 0, A));
  9600. var nt = this.path(et);
  9601. F.styledMode || nt.attr("fill", "none"), a(nt, { symbolName: q || void 0, x: L, y: z, width: $, height: Q }), A && a(nt, A);
  9602. } else if (Z) {
  9603. var rt = m.match(Y)[1], ct = nt = this.image(rt);
  9604. ct.imgwidth = I(b[rt] && b[rt].width, A && A.width), ct.imgheight = I(b[rt] && b[rt].height, A && A.height);
  9605. var gt = function(dt) {
  9606. return dt.attr({ width: dt.width, height: dt.height });
  9607. };
  9608. ["width", "height"].forEach(function(dt) {
  9609. ct[dt + "Setter"] = function(ht, at) {
  9610. var J = this["img" + at];
  9611. this[at] = ht, i(J) && (A && A.backgroundSize === "within" && this.width && this.height && (J = Math.round(J * Math.min(this.width / this.imgwidth, this.height / this.imgheight))), this.element && this.element.setAttribute(at, J), this.alignByTranslate || (ht = ((this[at] || 0) - J) / 2, this.attr(at === "width" ? { translateX: ht } : { translateY: ht })));
  9612. };
  9613. }), i(L) && ct.attr({ x: L, y: z }), ct.isImg = !0, i(ct.imgwidth) && i(ct.imgheight) ? gt(ct) : (ct.attr({ width: 0, height: 0 }), h("img", { onload: function() {
  9614. var dt = S[F.chartIndex];
  9615. this.width === 0 && (u(this, { position: "absolute", top: "-999em" }), f.body.appendChild(this)), b[rt] = { width: this.width, height: this.height }, ct.imgwidth = this.width, ct.imgheight = this.height, ct.element && gt(ct), this.parentNode && this.parentNode.removeChild(this), F.imgCount--, !F.imgCount && dt && !dt.hasLoaded && dt.onload();
  9616. }, src: rt }), this.imgCount++);
  9617. }
  9618. return nt;
  9619. }, g.prototype.clipRect = function(m, L, z, $) {
  9620. var Q = E() + "-", A = this.createElement("clipPath").attr({ id: Q }).add(this.defs);
  9621. return m = this.rect(m, L, z, $, 0).add(A), = Q, m.clipPath = A, m.count = 0, m;
  9622. }, g.prototype.text = function(m, L, z, $) {
  9623. var Q = {};
  9624. return $ && (this.allowHTML || !this.forExport) ? this.html(m, L, z) : (Q.x = Math.round(L || 0), z && (Q.y = Math.round(z)), i(m) && (Q.text = m), m = this.createElement("text").attr(Q), (!$ || this.forExport && !this.allowHTML) && (m.xSetter = function(A, F, Y) {
  9625. for (var Z = Y.getElementsByTagName("tspan"), q = Y.getAttribute(F), it = 0, et; it < Z.length; it++)
  9626. et = Z[it], et.getAttribute(F) === q && et.setAttribute(F, A);
  9627. Y.setAttribute(F, A);
  9628. }), m);
  9629. }, g.prototype.fontMetrics = function(m, L) {
  9630. return m = !this.styledMode && /px/.test(m) || !w.getComputedStyle ? m || L && && || && : L &&, "font-size"), m = /px/.test(m) ? W(m) : 12, L = 24 > m ? m + 3 : Math.round(1.2 * m), { h: L, b: Math.round(0.8 * L), f: m };
  9631. }, g.prototype.rotCorr = function(m, L, z) {
  9632. var $ = m;
  9633. return L && z && ($ = Math.max($ * Math.cos(L * x), 4)), { x: -m / 3 * Math.sin(L * x), y: $ };
  9634. }, g.prototype.pathToSegments = function(m) {
  9635. for (var L = [], z = [], $ = { A: 8, C: 7, H: 2, L: 3, M: 3, Q: 5, S: 5, T: 3, V: 2 }, Q = 0; Q < m.length; Q++)
  9636. P(z[0]) && s(m[Q]) && z.length === $[z[0].toUpperCase()] && m.splice(Q, 0, z[0].replace("M", "L").replace("m", "l")), typeof m[Q] == "string" && (z.length && L.push(z.slice(0)), z.length = 0), z.push(m[Q]);
  9637. return L.push(z.slice(0)), L;
  9638. }, g.prototype.label = function(m, L, z, $, Q, A, F, Y, Z) {
  9639. return new V(this, m, L, z, $, Q, A, F, Y, Z);
  9640. }, g.prototype.alignElements = function() {
  9641. this.alignedObjects.forEach(function(m) {
  9642. return m.align();
  9643. });
  9644. }, g;
  9645. }(), a(D.prototype, { Element: H, SVG_NS: k, escapes: { "&": "&amp;", "<": "&lt;", ">": "&gt;", "'": "&#39;", '"': "&quot;" }, symbols: G, draw: j }), U.registerRendererType("svg", D, !0), D;
  9646. }), M(o, "Core/Renderer/HTML/HTMLElement.js", [o["Core/Globals.js"], o["Core/Renderer/SVG/SVGElement.js"], o["Core/Utilities.js"]], function(y, N, D) {
  9647. var U = this && this.__extends || function() {
  9648. var T = function(O, j) {
  9649. return T = Object.setPrototypeOf || { __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function(k, b) {
  9650. k.__proto__ = b;
  9651. } || function(k, b) {
  9652. for (var w in b)
  9653. b.hasOwnProperty(w) && (k[w] = b[w]);
  9654. }, T(O, j);
  9655. };
  9656. return function(O, j) {
  9657. function k() {
  9658. this.constructor = O;
  9659. }
  9660. T(O, j), O.prototype = j === null ? Object.create(j) : (k.prototype = j.prototype, new k());
  9661. };
  9662. }(), H = y.isFirefox, V = y.isMS, G = y.isWebKit, R =, B = D.css, S = D.defined, x = D.extend, f = D.pick, d = D.pInt;
  9663. return function(T) {
  9664. function O() {
  9665. return T !== null && T.apply(this, arguments) || this;
  9666. }
  9667. return U(O, T), O.compose = function(j) {
  9668. if (O.composedClasses.indexOf(j) === -1) {
  9669. O.composedClasses.push(j);
  9670. var k = O.prototype, b = j.prototype;
  9671. b.getSpanCorrection = k.getSpanCorrection, b.htmlCss = k.htmlCss, b.htmlGetBBox = k.htmlGetBBox, b.htmlUpdateTransform = k.htmlUpdateTransform, b.setSpanRotation = k.setSpanRotation;
  9672. }
  9673. return j;
  9674. }, O.prototype.getSpanCorrection = function(j, k, b) {
  9675. this.xCorr = -j * b, this.yCorr = -k;
  9676. }, O.prototype.htmlCss = function(j) {
  9677. var k = this.element.tagName === "SPAN" && j && "width" in j, b = f(k && j.width, void 0);
  9678. if (k) {
  9679. delete j.width, this.textWidth = b;
  9680. var w = !0;
  9681. }
  9682. return j && j.textOverflow === "ellipsis" && (j.whiteSpace = "nowrap", j.overflow = "hidden"), this.styles = x(this.styles, j), B(this.element, j), w && this.htmlUpdateTransform(), this;
  9683. }, O.prototype.htmlGetBBox = function() {
  9684. var j = this.element;
  9685. return { x: j.offsetLeft, y: j.offsetTop, width: j.offsetWidth, height: j.offsetHeight };
  9686. }, O.prototype.htmlUpdateTransform = function() {
  9687. if (this.added) {
  9688. var j = this.renderer, k = this.element, b = this.translateX || 0, w = this.translateY || 0, v = this.x || 0, l = this.y || 0, h = this.textAlign || "left", u = { left: 0, center: 0.5, right: 1 }[h], i = this.styles;
  9689. if (i = i && i.whiteSpace, B(k, { marginLeft: b, marginTop: w }), !j.styledMode && this.shadows && this.shadows.forEach(function(P) {
  9690. B(P, { marginLeft: b + 1, marginTop: w + 1 });
  9691. }), this.inverted && [], function(P) {
  9692. j.invertChild(P, k);
  9693. }), k.tagName === "SPAN") {
  9694. var c = this.rotation, a = this.textWidth && d(this.textWidth), t = [c, h, k.innerHTML, this.textWidth, this.textAlign].join(), s = void 0;
  9695. if (s = !1, a !== this.oldTextWidth) {
  9696. if (this.textPxLength)
  9697. var n = this.textPxLength;
  9698. else
  9699. B(k, { width: "", whiteSpace: i || "nowrap" }), n = k.offsetWidth;
  9700. (a > this.oldTextWidth || n > a) && (/[ \-]/.test(k.textContent || k.innerText) || === "ellipsis") && (B(k, { width: n > a || c ? a + "px" : "auto", display: "block", whiteSpace: i || "normal" }), this.oldTextWidth = a, s = !0);
  9701. }
  9702. this.hasBoxWidthChanged = s, t !== this.cTT && (s = j.fontMetrics(, k).b, !S(c) || c === (this.oldRotation || 0) && h === this.oldAlign || this.setSpanRotation(c, u, s), this.getSpanCorrection(!S(c) && this.textPxLength || k.offsetWidth, s, u, c, h)), B(k, { left: v + (this.xCorr || 0) + "px", top: l + (this.yCorr || 0) + "px" }), this.cTT = t, this.oldRotation = c, this.oldAlign = h;
  9703. }
  9704. } else
  9705. this.alignOnAdd = !0;
  9706. }, O.prototype.setSpanRotation = function(j, k, b) {
  9707. var w = {}, v = V && !/Edge/.test(R.navigator.userAgent) ? "-ms-transform" : G ? "-webkit-transform" : H ? "MozTransform" : R.opera ? "-o-transform" : void 0;
  9708. v && (w[v] = w.transform = "rotate(" + j + "deg)", w[v + (H ? "Origin" : "-origin")] = w.transformOrigin = 100 * k + "% " + b + "px", B(this.element, w));
  9709. }, O.composedClasses = [], O;
  9710. }(N);
  9711. }), M(
  9712. o,
  9713. "Core/Renderer/HTML/HTMLRenderer.js",
  9714. [o["Core/Renderer/HTML/AST.js"], o["Core/Renderer/SVG/SVGElement.js"], o["Core/Renderer/SVG/SVGRenderer.js"], o["Core/Utilities.js"]],
  9715. function(y, N, D, U) {
  9716. var H = this && this.__extends || function() {
  9717. var S = function(x, f) {
  9718. return S = Object.setPrototypeOf || { __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function(d, T) {
  9719. d.__proto__ = T;
  9720. } || function(d, T) {
  9721. for (var O in T)
  9722. T.hasOwnProperty(O) && (d[O] = T[O]);
  9723. }, S(x, f);
  9724. };
  9725. return function(x, f) {
  9726. function d() {
  9727. this.constructor = x;
  9728. }
  9729. S(x, f), x.prototype = f === null ? Object.create(f) : (d.prototype = f.prototype, new d());
  9730. };
  9731. }(), V = U.attr, G = U.createElement, R = U.extend, B = U.pick;
  9732. return function(S) {
  9733. function x() {
  9734. return S !== null && S.apply(this, arguments) || this;
  9735. }
  9736. return H(x, S), x.compose = function(f) {
  9737. return x.composedClasses.indexOf(f) === -1 && (x.composedClasses.push(f), f.prototype.html = x.prototype.html), f;
  9738. }, x.prototype.html = function(f, d, T) {
  9739. var O = this.createElement("span"), j = O.element, k = O.renderer, b = k.isSVG, w = function(v, l) {
  9740. ["opacity", "visibility"].forEach(function(h) {
  9741. v[h + "Setter"] = function(u, i, c) {
  9742. var a = v.div ? : l;
  9743. N.prototype[h + "Setter"].call(this, u, i, c), a && (a[i] = u);
  9744. };
  9745. }), v.addedSetters = !0;
  9746. };
  9747. return O.textSetter = function(v) {
  9748. v !== this.textStr && (delete this.bBox, delete this.oldTextWidth, y.setElementHTML(this.element, B(v, "")), this.textStr = v, O.doTransform = !0);
  9749. }, b && w(O,, O.xSetter = O.ySetter = O.alignSetter = O.rotationSetter = function(v, l) {
  9750. l === "align" ? O.alignValue = O.textAlign = v : O[l] = v, O.doTransform = !0;
  9751. }, O.afterSetters = function() {
  9752. this.doTransform && (this.htmlUpdateTransform(), this.doTransform = !1);
  9753. }, O.attr({ text: f, x: Math.round(d), y: Math.round(T) }).css({ position: "absolute" }), k.styledMode || O.css({ fontFamily:, fontSize: }), = "nowrap", O.css = O.htmlCss, b && (O.add = function(v) {
  9754. var l =, h = [];
  9755. if (this.parentGroup = v) {
  9756. var u = v.div;
  9757. if (!u) {
  9758. for (; v; )
  9759. h.push(v), v = v.parentGroup;
  9760. h.reverse().forEach(function(i) {
  9761. function c(n, P) {
  9762. i[P] = n, P === "translateX" ? s.left = n + "px" : = n + "px", i.doTransform = !0;
  9763. }
  9764. var a = V(i.element, "class"), t = i.styles || {};
  9765. u = i.div = i.div || G("div", a ? { className: a } : void 0, {
  9766. position: "absolute",
  9767. left: (i.translateX || 0) + "px",
  9768. top: (i.translateY || 0) + "px",
  9769. display: i.display,
  9770. opacity: i.opacity,
  9771. cursor: t.cursor,
  9772. pointerEvents: t.pointerEvents,
  9773. visibility: i.visibility
  9774. }, u || l);
  9775. var s =;
  9776. R(i, { classSetter: function(n) {
  9777. return function(P) {
  9778. this.element.setAttribute("class", P), n.className = P;
  9779. };
  9780. }(u), on: function() {
  9781. return h[0].div && O.on.apply({ element: h[0].div, onEvents: i.onEvents }, arguments), i;
  9782. }, translateXSetter: c, translateYSetter: c }), i.addedSetters || w(i);
  9783. });
  9784. }
  9785. } else
  9786. u = l;
  9787. return u.appendChild(j), O.added = !0, O.alignOnAdd && O.htmlUpdateTransform(), O;
  9788. }), O;
  9789. }, x.composedClasses = [], x;
  9790. }(D);
  9791. }
  9792. ), M(o, "Core/Axis/AxisDefaults.js", [], function() {
  9793. var y;
  9794. return function(N) {
  9795. N.defaultXAxisOptions = { alignTicks: !0, allowDecimals: void 0, panningEnabled: !0, zIndex: 2, zoomEnabled: !0, dateTimeLabelFormats: { millisecond: { main: "%H:%M:%S.%L", range: !1 }, second: { main: "%H:%M:%S", range: !1 }, minute: { main: "%H:%M", range: !1 }, hour: { main: "%H:%M", range: !1 }, day: { main: "%e. %b" }, week: { main: "%e. %b" }, month: { main: "%b '%y" }, year: { main: "%Y" } }, endOnTick: !1, gridLineDashStyle: "Solid", gridZIndex: 1, labels: {
  9796. autoRotation: void 0,
  9797. autoRotationLimit: 80,
  9798. distance: void 0,
  9799. enabled: !0,
  9800. indentation: 10,
  9801. overflow: "justify",
  9802. padding: 5,
  9803. reserveSpace: void 0,
  9804. rotation: void 0,
  9805. staggerLines: 0,
  9806. step: 0,
  9807. useHTML: !1,
  9808. x: 0,
  9809. zIndex: 7,
  9810. style: { color: "#666666", cursor: "default", fontSize: "11px" }
  9811. }, maxPadding: 0.01, minorGridLineDashStyle: "Solid", minorTickLength: 2, minorTickPosition: "outside", minPadding: 0.01, offset: void 0, opposite: !1, reversed: void 0, reversedStacks: !1, showEmpty: !0, showFirstLabel: !0, showLastLabel: !0, startOfWeek: 1, startOnTick: !1, tickLength: 10, tickPixelInterval: 100, tickmarkPlacement: "between", tickPosition: "outside", title: {
  9812. align: "middle",
  9813. rotation: 0,
  9814. useHTML: !1,
  9815. x: 0,
  9816. y: 0,
  9817. style: { color: "#666666" }
  9818. }, type: "linear", uniqueNames: !0, visible: !0, minorGridLineColor: "#f2f2f2", minorGridLineWidth: 1, minorTickColor: "#999999", lineColor: "#ccd6eb", lineWidth: 1, gridLineColor: "#e6e6e6", gridLineWidth: void 0, tickColor: "#ccd6eb" }, N.defaultYAxisOptions = { reversedStacks: !0, endOnTick: !0, maxPadding: 0.05, minPadding: 0.05, tickPixelInterval: 72, showLastLabel: !0, labels: { x: -8 }, startOnTick: !0, title: { rotation: 270, text: "Values" }, stackLabels: {
  9819. animation: {},
  9820. allowOverlap: !1,
  9821. enabled: !1,
  9822. crop: !0,
  9823. overflow: "justify",
  9824. formatter: function() {
  9825. var D = this.axis.chart.numberFormatter;
  9826. return D(, -1);
  9827. },
  9828. style: { color: "#000000", fontSize: "11px", fontWeight: "bold", textOutline: "1px contrast" }
  9829. }, gridLineWidth: 1, lineWidth: 0 }, N.defaultLeftAxisOptions = { labels: { x: -15 }, title: { rotation: 270 } }, N.defaultRightAxisOptions = { labels: { x: 15 }, title: { rotation: 90 } }, N.defaultBottomAxisOptions = { labels: { autoRotation: [-45], x: 0 }, margin: 15, title: { rotation: 0 } }, N.defaultTopAxisOptions = { labels: { autoRotation: [-45], x: 0 }, margin: 15, title: { rotation: 0 } };
  9830. }(y || (y = {})), y;
  9831. }), M(o, "Core/Foundation.js", [o["Core/Utilities.js"]], function(y) {
  9832. var N = y.addEvent, D = y.isFunction, U = y.objectEach, H = y.removeEvent, V;
  9833. return function(G) {
  9834. G.registerEventOptions = function(R, B) {
  9835. R.eventOptions = R.eventOptions || {}, U(, function(S, x) {
  9836. R.eventOptions[x] !== S && (R.eventOptions[x] && (H(R, x, R.eventOptions[x]), delete R.eventOptions[x]), D(S) && (R.eventOptions[x] = S, N(R, x, S)));
  9837. });
  9838. };
  9839. }(V || (V = {})), V;
  9840. }), M(
  9841. o,
  9842. "Core/Axis/Tick.js",
  9843. [o["Core/FormatUtilities.js"], o["Core/Globals.js"], o["Core/Utilities.js"]],
  9844. function(y, N, D) {
  9845. var U = N.deg2rad, H = D.clamp, V = D.correctFloat, G = D.defined, R = D.destroyObjectProperties, B = D.extend, S = D.fireEvent, x = D.isNumber, f = D.merge, d = D.objectEach, T = D.pick;
  9846. return N = function() {
  9847. function O(j, k, b, w, v) {
  9848. this.isNewLabel = this.isNew = !0, this.axis = j, this.pos = k, this.type = b || "", this.parameters = v || {}, this.tickmarkOffset = this.parameters.tickmarkOffset, this.options = this.parameters.options, S(this, "init"), b || w || this.addLabel();
  9849. }
  9850. return O.prototype.addLabel = function() {
  9851. var j = this, k = j.axis, b = k.options, w = k.chart, v = k.categories, l = k.logarithmic, h = k.names, u = j.pos, i = T(j.options && j.options.labels, b.labels), c = k.tickPositions, a = u === c[0], t = u === c[c.length - 1], s = (!i.step || i.step === 1) && k.tickInterval === 1;
  9852. c =;
  9853. var n = j.label, P;
  9854. if (v = this.parameters.category || (v ? T(v[u], h[u], u) : u), l && x(v) && (v = V(l.lin2log(v))), k.dateTime)
  9855. if (c)
  9856. var _ = w.time.resolveDTLFormat(b.dateTimeLabelFormats[!b.grid && c.higherRanks[u] || c.unitName]), I = _.main;
  9857. else
  9858. x(v) && (I = k.dateTime.getXDateFormat(v, b.dateTimeLabelFormats || {}));
  9859. j.isFirst = a, j.isLast = t;
  9860. var W = {
  9861. axis: k,
  9862. chart: w,
  9863. dateTimeLabelFormat: I,
  9864. isFirst: a,
  9865. isLast: t,
  9866. pos: u,
  9867. tick: j,
  9868. tickPositionInfo: c,
  9869. value: v
  9870. };
  9871. S(this, "labelFormat", W);
  9872. var E = function(g) {
  9873. return i.formatter ?, g) : i.format ? (g.text =, y.format(i.format, g, w)) :, g);
  9874. };
  9875. b =, W);
  9876. var X = _ && _.list;
  9877. j.shortenLabel = X ? function() {
  9878. for (P = 0; P < X.length; P++)
  9879. if (B(W, { dateTimeLabelFormat: X[P] }), n.attr({ text:, W) }), n.getBBox().width < k.getSlotWidth(j) - 2 * i.padding)
  9880. return;
  9881. n.attr({ text: "" });
  9882. } : void 0, s && k._addedPlotLB && j.moveLabel(b, i), G(n) || j.movedLabel ? n && n.textStr !== b && !s && (!n.textWidth || || n.styles.width || n.css({ width: null }), n.attr({ text: b }), n.textPxLength = n.getBBox().width) : (j.label = n = j.createLabel({ x: 0, y: 0 }, b, i), j.rotation = 0);
  9883. }, O.prototype.createLabel = function(j, k, b) {
  9884. var w = this.axis, v = w.chart;
  9885. return (j = G(k) && b.enabled ? v.renderer.text(k, j.x, j.y, b.useHTML).add(w.labelGroup) : null) && (v.styledMode || j.css(f(, j.textPxLength = j.getBBox().width), j;
  9886. }, O.prototype.destroy = function() {
  9887. R(
  9888. this,
  9889. this.axis
  9890. );
  9891. }, O.prototype.getPosition = function(j, k, b, w) {
  9892. var v = this.axis, l = v.chart, h = w && l.oldChartHeight || l.chartHeight;
  9893. return j = { x: j ? V(v.translate(k + b, null, null, w) + v.transB) : v.left + v.offset + (v.opposite ? (w && l.oldChartWidth || l.chartWidth) - v.right - v.left : 0), y: j ? h - v.bottom + v.offset - (v.opposite ? v.height : 0) : V(h - v.translate(k + b, null, null, w) - v.transB) }, j.y = H(j.y, -1e5, 1e5), S(this, "afterGetPosition", { pos: j }), j;
  9894. }, O.prototype.getLabelPosition = function(j, k, b, w, v, l, h, u) {
  9895. var i = this.axis, c = i.transA, a = i.isLinked && i.linkedParent ? i.linkedParent.reversed : i.reversed, t = i.staggerLines, s = i.tickRotCorr || { x: 0, y: 0 }, n = w || i.reserveSpaceDefault ? 0 : -i.labelOffset * (i.labelAlign === "center" ? 0.5 : 1), P = {}, _ = v.y;
  9896. return G(_) || (_ = i.side === 0 ? b.rotation ? -8 : -b.getBBox().height : i.side === 2 ? s.y + 8 : Math.cos(b.rotation * U) * (s.y - b.getBBox(!1, 0).height / 2)), j = j + v.x + n + s.x - (l && w ? l * c * (a ? -1 : 1) : 0), k = k + _ - (l && !w ? l * c * (a ? 1 : -1) : 0), t && (b = h / (u || 1) % t, i.opposite && (b = t - b - 1), k += i.labelOffset / t * b), P.x = j, P.y = Math.round(k), S(this, "afterGetLabelPosition", { pos: P, tickmarkOffset: l, index: h }), P;
  9897. }, O.prototype.getLabelSize = function() {
  9898. return this.label ? this.label.getBBox()[this.axis.horiz ? "height" : "width"] : 0;
  9899. }, O.prototype.getMarkPath = function(j, k, b, w, v, l) {
  9900. return l.crispLine([["M", j, k], ["L", j + (v ? 0 : -b), k + (v ? b : 0)]], w);
  9901. }, O.prototype.handleOverflow = function(j) {
  9902. var k = this.axis, b = k.options.labels, w = j.x, v = k.chart.chartWidth, l = k.chart.spacing, h = T(k.labelLeft, Math.min(k.pos, l[3]));
  9903. l = T(k.labelRight, Math.max(k.isRadial ? 0 : k.pos + k.len, v - l[1]));
  9904. var u = this.label, i = this.rotation, c = { left: 0, center: 0.5, right: 1 }[k.labelAlign || u.attr("align")], a = u.getBBox().width, t = k.getSlotWidth(this), s = {}, n = t, P = 1, _;
  9905. i || b.overflow !== "justify" ? 0 > i && w - c * a < h ? _ = Math.round(w / Math.cos(i * U) - h) : 0 < i && w + c * a > l && (_ = Math.round((v - w) / Math.cos(i * U))) : (v = w + (1 - c) * a, w - c * a < h ? n = j.x + n * (1 - c) - h : v > l && (n = l - j.x + n * c, P = -1), n = Math.min(t, n), n < t && k.labelAlign === "center" && (j.x += P * (t - n - c * (t - Math.min(a, n)))), (a > n || k.autoRotation && (u.styles || {}).width) && (_ = n)), _ && (this.shortenLabel ? this.shortenLabel() : (s.width = Math.floor(_) + "px", ( || {}).textOverflow || (s.textOverflow = "ellipsis"), u.css(s)));
  9906. }, O.prototype.moveLabel = function(j, k) {
  9907. var b = this, w = b.label, v = b.axis, l = v.reversed, h = !1;
  9908. if (w && w.textStr === j ? (b.movedLabel = w, h = !0, delete b.label) : d(v.ticks, function(i) {
  9909. h || i.isNew || i === b || !i.label || i.label.textStr !== j || (b.movedLabel = i.label, h = !0, i.labelPos = b.movedLabel.xy, delete i.label);
  9910. }), !h && (b.labelPos || w)) {
  9911. var u = b.labelPos || w.xy;
  9912. w = v.horiz ? l ? 0 : v.width + v.left : u.x, v = v.horiz ? u.y : l ? v.width + v.left : 0, b.movedLabel = b.createLabel({ x: w, y: v }, j, k), b.movedLabel && b.movedLabel.attr({ opacity: 0 });
  9913. }
  9914. }, O.prototype.render = function(j, k, b) {
  9915. var w = this.axis, v = w.horiz, l = this.pos, h = T(this.tickmarkOffset, w.tickmarkOffset);
  9916. l = this.getPosition(v, l, h, k), h = l.x;
  9917. var u = l.y;
  9918. w = v && h === w.pos + w.len || !v && u === w.pos ? -1 : 1, v = T(b, this.label && this.label.newOpacity, 1), b = T(b, 1), this.isActive = !0, this.renderGridLine(k, b, w), this.renderMark(l, b, w), this.renderLabel(l, k, v, j), this.isNew = !1, S(this, "afterRender");
  9919. }, O.prototype.renderGridLine = function(j, k, b) {
  9920. var w = this.axis, v = w.options, l = {}, h = this.pos, u = this.type, i = T(
  9921. this.tickmarkOffset,
  9922. w.tickmarkOffset
  9923. ), c = w.chart.renderer, a = this.gridLine, t = v.gridLineWidth, s = v.gridLineColor, n = v.gridLineDashStyle;
  9924. this.type === "minor" && (t = v.minorGridLineWidth, s = v.minorGridLineColor, n = v.minorGridLineDashStyle), a || (w.chart.styledMode || (l.stroke = s, l["stroke-width"] = t || 0, l.dashstyle = n), u || (l.zIndex = 1), j && (k = 0), this.gridLine = a = c.path().attr(l).addClass("highcharts-" + (u ? u + "-" : "") + "grid-line").add(w.gridGroup)), a && (b = w.getPlotLinePath({ value: h + i, lineWidth: a.strokeWidth() * b, force: "pass", old: j })) && a[j || this.isNew ? "attr" : "animate"]({ d: b, opacity: k });
  9925. }, O.prototype.renderMark = function(j, k, b) {
  9926. var w = this.axis, v = w.options, l = w.chart.renderer, h = this.type, u = w.tickSize(h ? h + "Tick" : "tick"), i = j.x;
  9927. j = j.y;
  9928. var c = T(v[h !== "minor" ? "tickWidth" : "minorTickWidth"], !h && w.isXAxis ? 1 : 0);
  9929. v = v[h !== "minor" ? "tickColor" : "minorTickColor"];
  9930. var a = this.mark, t = !a;
  9931. u && (w.opposite && (u[0] = -u[0]), a || (this.mark = a = l.path().addClass("highcharts-" + (h ? h + "-" : "") + "tick").add(w.axisGroup), w.chart.styledMode || a.attr({ stroke: v, "stroke-width": c })), a[t ? "attr" : "animate"]({ d: this.getMarkPath(
  9932. i,
  9933. j,
  9934. u[0],
  9935. a.strokeWidth() * b,
  9936. w.horiz,
  9937. l
  9938. ), opacity: k }));
  9939. }, O.prototype.renderLabel = function(j, k, b, w) {
  9940. var v = this.axis, l = v.horiz, h = v.options, u = this.label, i = h.labels, c = i.step;
  9941. v = T(this.tickmarkOffset, v.tickmarkOffset);
  9942. var a = j.x;
  9943. j = j.y;
  9944. var t = !0;
  9945. u && x(a) && (u.xy = j = this.getLabelPosition(a, j, u, l, i, v, w, c), this.isFirst && !this.isLast && !h.showFirstLabel || this.isLast && !this.isFirst && !h.showLastLabel ? t = !1 : !l || i.step || i.rotation || k || b === 0 || this.handleOverflow(j), c && w % c && (t = !1), t && x(j.y) ? (j.opacity = b, u[this.isNewLabel ? "attr" : "animate"](j), this.isNewLabel = !1) : (u.attr("y", -9999), this.isNewLabel = !0));
  9946. }, O.prototype.replaceMovedLabel = function() {
  9947. var j = this.label, k = this.axis, b = k.reversed;
  9948. if (j && !this.isNew) {
  9949. var w = k.horiz ? b ? k.left : k.width + k.left : j.xy.x;
  9950. b = k.horiz ? j.xy.y : b ? k.width + :, j.animate({ x: w, y: b, opacity: 0 }, void 0, j.destroy), delete this.label;
  9951. }
  9952. k.isDirty = !0, this.label = this.movedLabel, delete this.movedLabel;
  9953. }, O;
  9954. }(), N;
  9955. }
  9956. ), M(o, "Core/Axis/Axis.js", [
  9957. o["Core/Animation/AnimationUtilities.js"],
  9958. o["Core/Axis/AxisDefaults.js"],
  9959. o["Core/Color/Color.js"],
  9960. o["Core/DefaultOptions.js"],
  9961. o["Core/Foundation.js"],
  9962. o["Core/Globals.js"],
  9963. o["Core/Axis/Tick.js"],
  9964. o["Core/Utilities.js"]
  9965. ], function(y, N, D, U, H, V, G, R) {
  9966. var B = y.animObject, S = U.defaultOptions, x = H.registerEventOptions, f = V.deg2rad, d = R.arrayMax, T = R.arrayMin, O = R.clamp, j = R.correctFloat, k = R.defined, b = R.destroyObjectProperties, w = R.erase, v = R.error, l = R.extend, h = R.fireEvent, u = R.getMagnitude, i = R.isArray, c = R.isNumber, a = R.isString, t = R.merge, s = R.normalizeTickInterval, n = R.objectEach, P = R.pick, _ = R.relativeLength, I = R.removeEvent, W = R.splat, E = R.syncTimeout;
  9967. return y = function() {
  9968. function X(g, m) {
  9969. this.zoomEnabled = this.width = this.visible = this.userOptions = this.translationSlope = this.transB = this.transA = = this.ticks = this.tickRotCorr = this.tickPositions = this.tickmarkOffset = this.tickInterval = this.tickAmount = this.side = this.series = this.right = this.positiveValuesOnly = this.pos = this.pointRangePadding = this.pointRange = this.plotLinesAndBandsGroups = this.plotLinesAndBands = this.paddedTicks = this.overlap = this.options = this.offset = this.names = this.minPixelPadding = this.minorTicks = this.minorTickInterval = this.min = this.maxLabelLength = this.max = this.len = this.left = this.labelFormatter = this.labelEdge = this.isLinked = this.height = this.hasVisibleSeries = this.hasNames = this.eventOptions = this.coll = this.closestPointRange = this.chart = this.categories = this.bottom = this.alternateBands = void 0, this.init(g, m);
  9970. }
  9971. return X.prototype.init = function(g, m) {
  9972. var L = m.isX;
  9973. this.chart = g, this.horiz = g.inverted && !this.isZAxis ? !L : L, this.isXAxis = L, this.coll = this.coll || (L ? "xAxis" : "yAxis"), h(this, "init", { userOptions: m }), this.opposite = P(m.opposite, this.opposite), this.side = P(m.side, this.side, this.horiz ? this.opposite ? 0 : 2 : this.opposite ? 1 : 3), this.setOptions(m);
  9974. var z = this.options, $ = z.labels, Q = z.type;
  9975. this.userOptions = m, this.minPixelPadding = 0, this.reversed = P(z.reversed, this.reversed), this.visible = z.visible, this.zoomEnabled = z.zoomEnabled, this.hasNames = Q === "category" || z.categories === !0, this.categories = z.categories || this.hasNames, this.names || (this.names = [], this.names.keys = {}), this.plotLinesAndBandsGroups = {}, this.positiveValuesOnly = !!this.logarithmic, this.isLinked = k(z.linkedTo), this.ticks = {}, this.labelEdge = [], this.minorTicks = {}, this.plotLinesAndBands = [], this.alternateBands = {}, this.len = 0, this.minRange = this.userMinRange = z.minRange || z.maxZoom, this.range = z.range, this.offset = z.offset || 0, this.min = this.max = null, m = P(z.crosshair, W(g.options.tooltip.crosshairs)[L ? 0 : 1]), this.crosshair = m === !0 ? {} : m, g.axes.indexOf(this) === -1 && (L ? g.axes.splice(g.xAxis.length, 0, this) : g.axes.push(this), g[this.coll].push(this)), this.series = this.series || [], g.inverted && !this.isZAxis && L && typeof this.reversed > "u" && (this.reversed = !0), this.labelRotation = c($.rotation) ? $.rotation : void 0, x(this, z), h(this, "afterInit");
  9976. }, X.prototype.setOptions = function(g) {
  9977. this.options = t(N.defaultXAxisOptions, this.coll === "yAxis" && N.defaultYAxisOptions, [N.defaultTopAxisOptions, N.defaultRightAxisOptions, N.defaultBottomAxisOptions, N.defaultLeftAxisOptions][this.side], t(S[this.coll], g)), h(this, "afterSetOptions", { userOptions: g });
  9978. }, X.prototype.defaultLabelFormatter = function(g) {
  9979. var m = this.axis;
  9980. g = this.chart.numberFormatter;
  9981. var L = c(this.value) ? this.value : NaN, z = m.chart.time, $ = this.dateTimeLabelFormat, Q = S.lang, A = Q.numericSymbols;
  9982. Q = Q.numericSymbolMagnitude || 1e3;
  9983. var F = m.logarithmic ? Math.abs(L) : m.tickInterval, Y = A && A.length;
  9984. if (m.categories)
  9985. var Z = "" + this.value;
  9986. else if ($)
  9987. Z = z.dateFormat($, L);
  9988. else if (Y && 1e3 <= F)
  9989. for (; Y-- && typeof Z > "u"; )
  9990. m = Math.pow(Q, Y + 1), F >= m && 10 * L % m === 0 && A[Y] !== null && L !== 0 && (Z = g(L / m, -1) + A[Y]);
  9991. return typeof Z > "u" && (Z = 1e4 <= Math.abs(L) ? g(L, -1) : g(L, -1, void 0, "")), Z;
  9992. }, X.prototype.getSeriesExtremes = function() {
  9993. var g = this, m = g.chart, L;
  9994. h(this, "getSeriesExtremes", null, function() {
  9995. g.hasVisibleSeries = !1, g.dataMin = g.dataMax = g.threshold = null, g.softThreshold = !g.isXAxis, g.stacking && g.stacking.buildStacks(), g.series.forEach(function(z) {
  9996. if (z.visible || !m.options.chart.ignoreHiddenSeries) {
  9997. var $ = z.options, Q = $.threshold;
  9998. if (g.hasVisibleSeries = !0, g.positiveValuesOnly && 0 >= Q && (Q = null), g.isXAxis) {
  9999. if ($ = z.xData, $.length) {
  10000. $ = g.logarithmic ? $.filter(g.validatePositiveValue) : $, L = z.getXExtremes($);
  10001. var A = L.min, F = L.max;
  10002. c(A) || A instanceof Date || ($ = $.filter(c), L = z.getXExtremes($), A = L.min, F = L.max), $.length && (g.dataMin = Math.min(P(g.dataMin, A), A), g.dataMax = Math.max(P(g.dataMax, F), F));
  10003. }
  10004. } else
  10005. z = z.applyExtremes(), c(z.dataMin) && (A = z.dataMin, g.dataMin = Math.min(P(g.dataMin, A), A)), c(z.dataMax) && (F = z.dataMax, g.dataMax = Math.max(P(g.dataMax, F), F)), k(Q) && (g.threshold = Q), (!$.softThreshold || g.positiveValuesOnly) && (g.softThreshold = !1);
  10006. }
  10007. });
  10008. }), h(this, "afterGetSeriesExtremes");
  10009. }, X.prototype.translate = function(g, m, L, z, $, Q) {
  10010. var A = this.linkedParent || this, F = z && A.old ? A.old.min : A.min, Y = A.minPixelPadding;
  10011. $ = (A.isOrdinal || A.brokenAxis && A.brokenAxis.hasBreaks || A.logarithmic && $) && A.lin2val;
  10012. var Z = 1, q = 0;
  10013. return z = z && A.old ? A.old.transA : A.transA, z || (z = A.transA), L && (Z *= -1, q = A.len), A.reversed && (Z *= -1, q -= Z * (A.sector || A.len)), m ? (g = (g * Z + q - Y) / z + F, $ && (g = A.lin2val(g))) : ($ && (g = A.val2lin(g)), g = c(F) ? Z * (g - F) * z + q + Z * Y + (c(Q) ? z * Q : 0) : void 0), g;
  10014. }, X.prototype.toPixels = function(g, m) {
  10015. return this.translate(
  10016. g,
  10017. !1,
  10018. !this.horiz,
  10019. null,
  10020. !0
  10021. ) + (m ? 0 : this.pos);
  10022. }, X.prototype.toValue = function(g, m) {
  10023. return this.translate(g - (m ? 0 : this.pos), !0, !this.horiz, null, !0);
  10024. }, X.prototype.getPlotLinePath = function(g) {
  10025. function m(at, J, tt) {
  10026. return (nt !== "pass" && at < J || at > tt) && (nt ? at = O(at, J, tt) : ht = !0), at;
  10027. }
  10028. var L = this, z = L.chart, $ = L.left, Q =, A = g.old, F = g.value, Y = g.lineWidth, Z = A && z.oldChartHeight || z.chartHeight, q = A && z.oldChartWidth || z.chartWidth, it = L.transB, et = g.translatedValue, nt = g.force, rt, ct, gt, dt, ht;
  10029. return g = {
  10030. value: F,
  10031. lineWidth: Y,
  10032. old: A,
  10033. force: nt,
  10034. acrossPanes: g.acrossPanes,
  10035. translatedValue: et
  10036. }, h(this, "getPlotLinePath", g, function(at) {
  10037. et = P(et, L.translate(F, null, null, A)), et = O(et, -1e5, 1e5), rt = gt = Math.round(et + it), ct = dt = Math.round(Z - et - it), c(et) ? L.horiz ? (ct = Q, dt = Z - L.bottom, rt = gt = m(rt, $, $ + L.width)) : (rt = $, gt = q - L.right, ct = dt = m(ct, Q, Q + L.height)) : (ht = !0, nt = !1), at.path = ht && !nt ? null : z.renderer.crispLine([["M", rt, ct], ["L", gt, dt]], Y || 1);
  10038. }), g.path;
  10039. }, X.prototype.getLinearTickPositions = function(g, m, L) {
  10040. var z = j(Math.floor(m / g) * g);
  10041. L = j(Math.ceil(L / g) * g);
  10042. var $ = [], Q;
  10043. if (j(z + g) === z && (Q = 20), this.single)
  10044. return [m];
  10045. for (m = z; m <= L && ($.push(m), m = j(m + g, Q), m !== A); )
  10046. var A = m;
  10047. return $;
  10048. }, X.prototype.getMinorTickInterval = function() {
  10049. var g = this.options;
  10050. return g.minorTicks === !0 ? P(g.minorTickInterval, "auto") : g.minorTicks === !1 ? null : g.minorTickInterval;
  10051. }, X.prototype.getMinorTickPositions = function() {
  10052. var g = this.options, m = this.tickPositions, L = this.minorTickInterval, z = this.pointRangePadding || 0, $ = this.min - z;
  10053. z = this.max + z;
  10054. var Q = z - $, A = [];
  10055. if (Q && Q / L < this.len / 3) {
  10056. var F = this.logarithmic;
  10057. if (F)
  10058. this.paddedTicks.forEach(function(Y, Z, q) {
  10059. Z && A.push.apply(
  10060. A,
  10061. F.getLogTickPositions(L, q[Z - 1], q[Z], !0)
  10062. );
  10063. });
  10064. else if (this.dateTime && this.getMinorTickInterval() === "auto")
  10065. A = A.concat(this.getTimeTicks(this.dateTime.normalizeTimeTickInterval(L), $, z, g.startOfWeek));
  10066. else
  10067. for (g = $ + (m[0] - $) % L; g <= z && g !== A[0]; g += L)
  10068. A.push(g);
  10069. }
  10070. return A.length !== 0 && this.trimTicks(A), A;
  10071. }, X.prototype.adjustForMinRange = function() {
  10072. var g = this.options, m = this.logarithmic, L = this.min, z = this.max, $ = 0, Q, A, F, Y;
  10073. if (this.isXAxis && typeof this.minRange > "u" && !m && (k(g.min) || k(g.max) || k(g.floor) || k(g.ceiling) ? this.minRange = null : (this.series.forEach(function(et) {
  10074. if (F = et.xData, Y = et.xIncrement ? 1 : F.length - 1, 1 < F.length)
  10075. for (Q = Y; 0 < Q; Q--)
  10076. A = F[Q] - F[Q - 1], (!$ || A < $) && ($ = A);
  10077. }), this.minRange = Math.min(5 * $, this.dataMax - this.dataMin))), z - L < this.minRange) {
  10078. var Z = this.dataMax - this.dataMin >= this.minRange, q = this.minRange, it = (q - z + L) / 2;
  10079. it = [L - it, P(g.min, L - it)], Z && (it[2] = this.logarithmic ? this.logarithmic.log2lin(this.dataMin) : this.dataMin), L = d(it), z = [L + q, P(g.max, L + q)], Z && (z[2] = m ? m.log2lin(this.dataMax) : this.dataMax), z = T(z), z - L < q && (it[0] = z - q, it[1] = P(g.min, z - q), L = d(it));
  10080. }
  10081. this.min = L, this.max = z;
  10082. }, X.prototype.getClosest = function() {
  10083. var g;
  10084. return this.categories ? g = 1 : this.series.forEach(function(m) {
  10085. var L = m.closestPointRange, z = m.visible || !m.chart.options.chart.ignoreHiddenSeries;
  10086. !m.noSharedTooltip && k(L) && z && (g = k(g) ? Math.min(g, L) : L);
  10087. }), g;
  10088. }, X.prototype.nameToX = function(g) {
  10089. var m = i(this.categories), L = m ? this.categories : this.names, z = g.options.x;
  10090. if (g.series.requireSorting = !1, k(z) || (z = this.options.uniqueNames ? m ? L.indexOf( : P(L.keys[], -1) : g.series.autoIncrement()), z === -1) {
  10091. if (!m)
  10092. var $ = L.length;
  10093. } else
  10094. $ = z;
  10095. return typeof $ < "u" && (this.names[$] =, this.names.keys[] = $), $;
  10096. }, X.prototype.updateNames = function() {
  10097. var g = this, m = this.names;
  10098. 0 < m.length && (Object.keys(m.keys).forEach(function(L) {
  10099. delete m.keys[L];
  10100. }), m.length = 0, this.minRange = this.userMinRange, (this.series || []).forEach(function(L) {
  10101. L.xIncrement = null, (!L.points || L.isDirtyData) && (g.max = Math.max(g.max, L.xData.length - 1), L.processData(), L.generatePoints()),, $) {
  10102. if (z && z.options && typeof < "u") {
  10103. var Q = g.nameToX(z);
  10104. typeof Q < "u" && Q !== z.x && (z.x = Q, L.xData[$] = Q);
  10105. }
  10106. });
  10107. }));
  10108. }, X.prototype.setAxisTranslation = function() {
  10109. var g = this, m = g.max - g.min, L = g.linkedParent, z = !!g.categories, $ = g.isXAxis, Q = g.axisPointRange || 0, A = 0, F = 0, Y = g.transA;
  10110. if ($ || z || Q) {
  10111. var Z = g.getClosest();
  10112. L ? (A = L.minPointOffset, F = L.pointRangePadding) : g.series.forEach(function(q) {
  10113. var it = z ? 1 : $ ? P(q.options.pointRange, Z, 0) : g.axisPointRange || 0, et = q.options.pointPlacement;
  10114. Q = Math.max(Q, it), (!g.single || z) && (q ="xrange") ? !$ : $, A = Math.max(A, q && a(et) ? 0 : it / 2), F = Math.max(F, q && et === "on" ? 0 : it));
  10115. }), L = g.ordinal && g.ordinal.slope && Z ? g.ordinal.slope / Z : 1, g.minPointOffset = A *= L, g.pointRangePadding = F *= L, g.pointRange = Math.min(Q, g.single && z ? 1 : m), $ && (g.closestPointRange = Z);
  10116. }
  10117. g.translationSlope = g.transA = Y = g.staticScale || g.len / (m + F || 1), g.transB = g.horiz ? g.left : g.bottom, g.minPixelPadding = Y * A, h(this, "afterSetAxisTranslation");
  10118. }, X.prototype.minFromRange = function() {
  10119. return this.max - this.range;
  10120. }, X.prototype.setTickInterval = function(g) {
  10121. var m = this.chart, L = this.logarithmic, z = this.options, $ = this.isXAxis, Q = this.isLinked, A = z.tickPixelInterval, F = this.categories, Y = this.softThreshold, Z = z.maxPadding, q = z.minPadding, it = c(z.tickInterval) && 0 <= z.tickInterval ? z.tickInterval : void 0, et = c(this.threshold) ? this.threshold : null;
  10122. this.dateTime || F || Q || this.getTickAmount();
  10123. var nt = P(this.userMin, z.min), rt = P(this.userMax, z.max);
  10124. if (Q) {
  10125. this.linkedParent = m[this.coll][z.linkedTo];
  10126. var ct = this.linkedParent.getExtremes();
  10127. this.min = P(ct.min, ct.dataMin), this.max = P(ct.max, ct.dataMax), z.type !== this.linkedParent.options.type && v(11, 1, m);
  10128. } else {
  10129. if (Y && k(et)) {
  10130. if (this.dataMin >= et)
  10131. ct = et, q = 0;
  10132. else if (this.dataMax <= et) {
  10133. var gt = et;
  10134. Z = 0;
  10135. }
  10136. }
  10137. this.min = P(nt, ct, this.dataMin), this.max = P(rt, gt, this.dataMax);
  10138. }
  10139. if (L && (this.positiveValuesOnly && !g && 0 >= Math.min(this.min, P(this.dataMin, this.min)) && v(10, 1, m), this.min = j(L.log2lin(this.min), 16), this.max = j(L.log2lin(this.max), 16)), this.range && k(this.max) && (this.userMin = this.min = nt = Math.max(this.dataMin, this.minFromRange()), this.userMax = rt = this.max, this.range = null), h(this, "foundExtremes"), this.beforePadding && this.beforePadding(), this.adjustForMinRange(), !(F || this.axisPointRange || this.stacking && this.stacking.usePercentage || Q) && k(this.min) && k(this.max) && (m = this.max - this.min) && (!k(nt) && q && (this.min -= m * q), !k(rt) && Z && (this.max += m * Z)), c(this.userMin) || (c(z.softMin) && z.softMin < this.min && (this.min = nt = z.softMin), c(z.floor) && (this.min = Math.max(this.min, z.floor))), c(this.userMax) || (c(z.softMax) && z.softMax > this.max && (this.max = rt = z.softMax), c(z.ceiling) && (this.max = Math.min(this.max, z.ceiling))), Y && k(this.dataMin) && (et = et || 0, !k(nt) && this.min < et && this.dataMin >= et ? this.min = this.options.minRange ? Math.min(et, this.max - this.minRange) : et : !k(rt) && this.max > et && this.dataMax <= et && (this.max = this.options.minRange ? Math.max(et, this.min + this.minRange) : et)), c(this.min) && c(this.max) && !this.chart.polar && this.min > this.max && (k(this.options.min) ? this.max = this.min : k(this.options.max) && (this.min = this.max)), this.tickInterval = this.min === this.max || typeof this.min > "u" || typeof this.max > "u" ? 1 : Q && this.linkedParent && !it && A === this.linkedParent.options.tickPixelInterval ? it = this.linkedParent.tickInterval : P(it, this.tickAmount ? (this.max - this.min) / Math.max(this.tickAmount - 1, 1) : void 0, F ? 1 : (this.max - this.min) * A / Math.max(this.len, A)), $ && !g) {
  10140. var dt = this.min !== (this.old && this.old.min) || this.max !== (this.old && this.old.max);
  10141. this.series.forEach(function(ht) {
  10142. ht.forceCrop = ht.forceCropping && ht.forceCropping(), ht.processData(dt);
  10143. }), h(this, "postProcessData", { hasExtemesChanged: dt });
  10144. }
  10145. this.setAxisTranslation(), h(this, "initialAxisTranslation"), this.pointRange && !it && (this.tickInterval = Math.max(this.pointRange, this.tickInterval)), g = P(z.minTickInterval, this.dateTime && !this.series.some(function(ht) {
  10146. return ht.noSharedTooltip;
  10147. }) ? this.closestPointRange : 0), !it && this.tickInterval < g && (this.tickInterval = g), this.dateTime || this.logarithmic || it || (this.tickInterval = s(this.tickInterval, void 0, u(this.tickInterval), P(z.allowDecimals, 0.5 > this.tickInterval || this.tickAmount !== void 0), !!this.tickAmount)), this.tickAmount || (this.tickInterval = this.unsquish()), this.setTickPositions();
  10148. }, X.prototype.setTickPositions = function() {
  10149. var g = this.options, m = g.tickPositions, L = this.getMinorTickInterval(), z = this.hasVerticalPanning(), $ = this.coll === "colorAxis", Q = ($ || !z) && g.startOnTick;
  10150. z = ($ || !z) && g.endOnTick, $ = g.tickPositioner, this.tickmarkOffset = this.categories && g.tickmarkPlacement === "between" && this.tickInterval === 1 ? 0.5 : 0, this.minorTickInterval = L === "auto" && this.tickInterval ? this.tickInterval / 5 : L, this.single = this.min === this.max && k(this.min) && !this.tickAmount && (parseInt(this.min, 10) === this.min || g.allowDecimals !== !1), this.tickPositions = L = m && m.slice(), !L && (this.ordinal && this.ordinal.positions || !((this.max - this.min) / this.tickInterval > Math.max(2 * this.len, 200)) ? L = this.dateTime ? this.getTimeTicks(this.dateTime.normalizeTimeTickInterval(this.tickInterval, g.units), this.min, this.max, g.startOfWeek, this.ordinal && this.ordinal.positions, this.closestPointRange, !0) : this.logarithmic ? this.logarithmic.getLogTickPositions(this.tickInterval, this.min, this.max) : this.getLinearTickPositions(
  10151. this.tickInterval,
  10152. this.min,
  10153. this.max
  10154. ) : (L = [this.min, this.max], v(19, !1, this.chart)), L.length > this.len && (L = [L[0], L.pop()], L[0] === L[1] && (L.length = 1)), this.tickPositions = L, $ && ($ = $.apply(this, [this.min, this.max]))) && (this.tickPositions = L = $), this.paddedTicks = L.slice(0), this.trimTicks(L, Q, z), this.isLinked || (this.single && 2 > L.length && !this.categories && !this.series.some(function(A) {
  10155. return"heatmap") && A.options.pointPlacement === "between";
  10156. }) && (this.min -= 0.5, this.max += 0.5), m || $ || this.adjustTickAmount()), h(this, "afterSetTickPositions");
  10157. }, X.prototype.trimTicks = function(g, m, L) {
  10158. var z = g[0], $ = g[g.length - 1], Q = !this.isOrdinal && this.minPointOffset || 0;
  10159. if (h(this, "trimTicks"), !this.isLinked) {
  10160. if (m && z !== -1 / 0)
  10161. this.min = z;
  10162. else
  10163. for (; this.min - Q > g[0]; )
  10164. g.shift();
  10165. if (L)
  10166. this.max = $;
  10167. else
  10168. for (; this.max + Q < g[g.length - 1]; )
  10169. g.pop();
  10170. g.length === 0 && k(z) && !this.options.tickPositions && g.push(($ + z) / 2);
  10171. }
  10172. }, X.prototype.alignToOthers = function() {
  10173. var g = {}, m = this.options, L;
  10174. return this.chart.options.chart.alignTicks !== !1 && m.alignTicks && m.startOnTick !== !1 && m.endOnTick !== !1 && !this.logarithmic && this.chart[this.coll].forEach(function(z) {
  10175. var $ = z.options;
  10176. $ = [z.horiz ? $.left : $.top, $.width, $.height, $.pane].join(), z.series.length && (g[$] ? L = !0 : g[$] = 1);
  10177. }), L;
  10178. }, X.prototype.getTickAmount = function() {
  10179. var g = this.options, m = g.tickPixelInterval, L = g.tickAmount;
  10180. !k(g.tickInterval) && !L && this.len < m && !this.isRadial && !this.logarithmic && g.startOnTick && g.endOnTick && (L = 2), !L && this.alignToOthers() && (L = Math.ceil(this.len / m) + 1), 4 > L && (this.finalTickAmt = L, L = 5), this.tickAmount = L;
  10181. }, X.prototype.adjustTickAmount = function() {
  10182. var g = this.options, m = this.tickInterval, L = this.tickPositions, z = this.tickAmount, $ = this.finalTickAmt, Q = L && L.length, A = P(this.threshold, this.softThreshold ? 0 : null);
  10183. if (this.hasData() && c(this.min) && c(this.max)) {
  10184. if (Q < z) {
  10185. for (; L.length < z; )
  10186. L.length % 2 || this.min === A ? L.push(j(L[L.length - 1] + m)) : L.unshift(j(L[0] - m));
  10187. this.transA *= (Q - 1) / (z - 1), this.min = g.startOnTick ? L[0] : Math.min(this.min, L[0]), this.max = g.endOnTick ? L[L.length - 1] : Math.max(this.max, L[L.length - 1]);
  10188. } else
  10189. Q > z && (this.tickInterval *= 2, this.setTickPositions());
  10190. if (k($)) {
  10191. for (m = g = L.length; m--; )
  10192. ($ === 3 && m % 2 === 1 || 2 >= $ && 0 < m && m < g - 1) && L.splice(m, 1);
  10193. this.finalTickAmt = void 0;
  10194. }
  10195. }
  10196. }, X.prototype.setScale = function() {
  10197. var g = !1, m = !1;
  10198. this.series.forEach(function(z) {
  10199. g = g || z.isDirtyData || z.isDirty, m = m || z.xAxis && z.xAxis.isDirty || !1;
  10200. }), this.setAxisSize();
  10201. var L = this.len !== (this.old && this.old.len);
  10202. L || g || m || this.isLinked || this.forceRedraw || this.userMin !== (this.old && this.old.userMin) || this.userMax !== (this.old && this.old.userMax) || this.alignToOthers() ? (this.stacking && this.stacking.resetStacks(), this.forceRedraw = !1, this.getSeriesExtremes(), this.setTickInterval(), this.isDirty || (this.isDirty = L || this.min !== (this.old && this.old.min) || this.max !== (this.old && this.old.max))) : this.stacking && this.stacking.cleanStacks(), g && this.panningState && (this.panningState.isDirty = !0), h(this, "afterSetScale");
  10203. }, X.prototype.setExtremes = function(g, m, L, z, $) {
  10204. var Q = this, A = Q.chart;
  10205. L = P(L, !0), Q.series.forEach(function(F) {
  10206. delete F.kdTree;
  10207. }), $ = l($, { min: g, max: m }), h(Q, "setExtremes", $, function() {
  10208. Q.userMin = g, Q.userMax = m, Q.eventArgs = $, L && A.redraw(z);
  10209. });
  10210. }, X.prototype.zoom = function(g, m) {
  10211. var L = this, z = this.dataMin, $ = this.dataMax, Q = this.options, A = Math.min(z, P(Q.min, z)), F = Math.max($, P(Q.max, $));
  10212. return g = { newMin: g, newMax: m }, h(this, "zoom", g, function(Y) {
  10213. var Z = Y.newMin, q = Y.newMax;
  10214. (Z !== L.min || q !== L.max) && (L.allowZoomOutside || (k(z) && (Z < A && (Z = A), Z > F && (Z = F)), k($) && (q < A && (q = A), q > F && (q = F))), L.displayBtn = typeof Z < "u" || typeof q < "u", L.setExtremes(Z, q, !1, void 0, { trigger: "zoom" })), Y.zoomed = !0;
  10215. }), g.zoomed;
  10216. }, X.prototype.setAxisSize = function() {
  10217. var g = this.chart, m = this.options, L = m.offsets || [0, 0, 0, 0], z = this.horiz, $ = this.width = Math.round(_(P(m.width, g.plotWidth - L[3] + L[1]), g.plotWidth)), Q = this.height = Math.round(_(P(m.height, g.plotHeight - L[0] + L[2]), g.plotHeight)), A = = Math.round(_(P(, g.plotTop + L[0]), g.plotHeight, g.plotTop));
  10218. m = this.left = Math.round(_(P(m.left, g.plotLeft + L[3]), g.plotWidth, g.plotLeft)), this.bottom = g.chartHeight - Q - A, this.right = g.chartWidth - $ - m, this.len = Math.max(z ? $ : Q, 0), this.pos = z ? m : A;
  10219. }, X.prototype.getExtremes = function() {
  10220. var g = this.logarithmic;
  10221. return { min: g ? j(g.lin2log(this.min)) : this.min, max: g ? j(g.lin2log(this.max)) : this.max, dataMin: this.dataMin, dataMax: this.dataMax, userMin: this.userMin, userMax: this.userMax };
  10222. }, X.prototype.getThreshold = function(g) {
  10223. var m = this.logarithmic, L = m ? m.lin2log(this.min) : this.min;
  10224. return m = m ? m.lin2log(this.max) : this.max, g === null || g === -1 / 0 ? g = L : g === 1 / 0 ? g = m : L > g ? g = L : m < g && (g = m), this.translate(g, 0, 1, 0, 1);
  10225. }, X.prototype.autoLabelAlign = function(g) {
  10226. var m = (P(g, 0) - 90 * this.side + 720) % 360;
  10227. return g = { align: "center" }, h(
  10228. this,
  10229. "autoLabelAlign",
  10230. g,
  10231. function(L) {
  10232. 15 < m && 165 > m ? L.align = "right" : 195 < m && 345 > m && (L.align = "left");
  10233. }
  10234. ), g.align;
  10235. }, X.prototype.tickSize = function(g) {
  10236. var m = this.options, L = P(m[g === "tick" ? "tickWidth" : "minorTickWidth"], g === "tick" && this.isXAxis && !this.categories ? 1 : 0), z = m[g === "tick" ? "tickLength" : "minorTickLength"];
  10237. if (L && z) {
  10238. m[g + "Position"] === "inside" && (z = -z);
  10239. var $ = [z, L];
  10240. }
  10241. return g = { tickSize: $ }, h(this, "afterTickSize", g), g.tickSize;
  10242. }, X.prototype.labelMetrics = function() {
  10243. var g = this.tickPositions && this.tickPositions[0] || 0;
  10244. return this.chart.renderer.fontMetrics(
  10246. this.ticks[g] && this.ticks[g].label
  10247. );
  10248. }, X.prototype.unsquish = function() {
  10249. var g = this.options.labels, m = this.horiz, L = this.tickInterval, z = this.len / (((this.categories ? 1 : 0) + this.max - this.min) / L), $ = g.rotation, Q = this.labelMetrics(), A = Math.max(this.max - this.min, 0), F = function(nt) {
  10250. var rt = nt / (z || 1);
  10251. return rt = 1 < rt ? Math.ceil(rt) : 1, rt * L > A && nt !== 1 / 0 && z !== 1 / 0 && A && (rt = Math.ceil(A / L)), j(rt * L);
  10252. }, Y = L, Z, q, it = Number.MAX_VALUE;
  10253. if (m) {
  10254. if (!g.staggerLines && !g.step)
  10255. if (c($))
  10256. var et = [$];
  10257. else
  10258. z < g.autoRotationLimit && (et = g.autoRotation);
  10259. et && et.forEach(function(nt) {
  10260. if (nt === $ || nt && -90 <= nt && 90 >= nt) {
  10261. q = F(Math.abs(Q.h / Math.sin(f * nt)));
  10262. var rt = q + Math.abs(nt / 360);
  10263. rt < it && (it = rt, Z = nt, Y = q);
  10264. }
  10265. });
  10266. } else
  10267. g.step || (Y = F(Q.h));
  10268. return this.autoRotation = et, this.labelRotation = P(Z, c($) ? $ : 0), Y;
  10269. }, X.prototype.getSlotWidth = function(g) {
  10270. var m = this.chart, L = this.horiz, z = this.options.labels, $ = Math.max(this.tickPositions.length - (this.categories ? 0 : 1), 1), Q = m.margin[3];
  10271. if (g && c(g.slotWidth))
  10272. return g.slotWidth;
  10273. if (L && 2 > z.step)
  10274. return z.rotation ? 0 : (this.staggerLines || 1) * this.len / $;
  10275. if (!L) {
  10276. if (g =, g !== void 0)
  10277. return parseInt(String(g), 10);
  10278. if (Q)
  10279. return Q - m.spacing[3];
  10280. }
  10281. return 0.33 * m.chartWidth;
  10282. }, X.prototype.renderUnsquish = function() {
  10283. var g = this.chart, m = g.renderer, L = this.tickPositions, z = this.ticks, $ = this.options.labels, Q = $.style, A = this.horiz, F = this.getSlotWidth(), Y = Math.max(1, Math.round(F - 2 * $.padding)), Z = {}, q = this.labelMetrics(), it = Q.textOverflow, et = 0;
  10284. if (a($.rotation) || (Z.rotation = $.rotation || 0), L.forEach(function(gt) {
  10285. gt = z[gt], gt.movedLabel && gt.replaceMovedLabel(), gt && gt.label && gt.label.textPxLength > et && (et = gt.label.textPxLength);
  10286. }), this.maxLabelLength = et, this.autoRotation)
  10287. et > Y && et > q.h ? Z.rotation = this.labelRotation : this.labelRotation = 0;
  10288. else if (F) {
  10289. var nt = Y;
  10290. if (!it) {
  10291. var rt = "clip";
  10292. for (Y = L.length; !A && Y--; ) {
  10293. var ct = L[Y];
  10294. (ct = z[ct].label) && (ct.styles && ct.styles.textOverflow === "ellipsis" ? ct.css({ textOverflow: "clip" }) : ct.textPxLength > F && ct.css({ width: F + "px" }), ct.getBBox().height > this.len / L.length - (q.h - q.f) && (ct.specificTextOverflow = "ellipsis"));
  10295. }
  10296. }
  10297. }
  10298. Z.rotation && (nt = et > 0.5 * g.chartHeight ? 0.33 * g.chartHeight : et, it || (rt = "ellipsis")), (this.labelAlign = $.align || this.autoLabelAlign(this.labelRotation)) && (Z.align = this.labelAlign), L.forEach(function(gt) {
  10299. var dt = (gt = z[gt]) && gt.label, ht = Q.width, at = {};
  10300. dt && (dt.attr(Z), gt.shortenLabel ? gt.shortenLabel() : nt && !ht && Q.whiteSpace !== "nowrap" && (nt < dt.textPxLength || dt.element.tagName === "SPAN") ? (at.width = nt + "px", it || (at.textOverflow = dt.specificTextOverflow || rt), dt.css(at)) : dt.styles && dt.styles.width && !at.width && !ht && dt.css({ width: null }), delete dt.specificTextOverflow, gt.rotation = Z.rotation);
  10301. }, this), this.tickRotCorr = m.rotCorr(q.b, this.labelRotation || 0, this.side !== 0);
  10302. }, X.prototype.hasData = function() {
  10303. return this.series.some(function(g) {
  10304. return g.hasData();
  10305. }) || this.options.showEmpty && k(this.min) && k(this.max);
  10306. }, X.prototype.addTitle = function(g) {
  10307. var m = this.chart.renderer, L = this.horiz, z = this.opposite, $ = this.options.title, Q = this.chart.styledMode, A;
  10308. this.axisTitle || ((A = $.textAlign) || (A = (L ? { low: "left", middle: "center", high: "right" } : { low: z ? "right" : "left", middle: "center", high: z ? "left" : "right" })[$.align]), this.axisTitle = m.text($.text || "", 0, 0, $.useHTML).attr({ zIndex: 7, rotation: $.rotation, align: A }).addClass("highcharts-axis-title"), Q || this.axisTitle.css(t($.style)), this.axisTitle.add(this.axisGroup), this.axisTitle.isNew = !0), Q || $.style.width || this.isRadial || this.axisTitle.css({ width: this.len + "px" }), this.axisTitle[g ? "show" : "hide"](g);
  10309. }, X.prototype.generateTick = function(g) {
  10310. var m = this.ticks;
  10311. m[g] ? m[g].addLabel() : m[g] = new G(this, g);
  10312. }, X.prototype.getOffset = function() {
  10313. var g = this, m = this, L = m.chart, z = m.horiz, $ = m.options, Q = m.side, A = m.ticks, F = m.tickPositions, Y = m.coll, Z = m.axisParent, q = L.renderer, it = L.inverted && !m.isZAxis ? [1, 0, 3, 2][Q] : Q, et = m.hasData(), nt = $.title, rt = $.labels, ct = L.axisOffset;
  10314. L = L.clipOffset;
  10315. var gt = [
  10316. -1,
  10317. 1,
  10318. 1,
  10319. -1
  10320. ][Q], dt = $.className, ht, at = 0, J = 0, tt = 0;
  10321. if (m.showAxis = ht = et || $.showEmpty, m.staggerLines = m.horiz && rt.staggerLines || void 0, !m.axisGroup) {
  10322. var ot = function(pt, yt, vt) {
  10323. return q.g(pt).attr({ zIndex: vt }).addClass("highcharts-" + Y.toLowerCase() + yt + " " + (g.isRadial ? "highcharts-radial-axis" + yt + " " : "") + (dt || "")).add(Z);
  10324. };
  10325. m.gridGroup = ot("grid", "-grid", $.gridZIndex), m.axisGroup = ot("axis", "", $.zIndex), m.labelGroup = ot("axis-labels", "-labels", rt.zIndex);
  10326. }
  10327. if (et || m.isLinked ? (F.forEach(function(pt) {
  10328. m.generateTick(pt);
  10329. }), m.renderUnsquish(), m.reserveSpaceDefault = Q === 0 || Q === 2 || { 1: "left", 3: "right" }[Q] === m.labelAlign, P(rt.reserveSpace, m.labelAlign === "center" ? !0 : null, m.reserveSpaceDefault) && F.forEach(function(pt) {
  10330. tt = Math.max(A[pt].getLabelSize(), tt);
  10331. }), m.staggerLines && (tt *= m.staggerLines), m.labelOffset = tt * (m.opposite ? -1 : 1)) : n(A, function(pt, yt) {
  10332. pt.destroy(), delete A[yt];
  10333. }), nt && nt.text && nt.enabled !== !1 && (m.addTitle(ht), ht && nt.reserveSpace !== !1)) {
  10334. m.titleOffset = at = m.axisTitle.getBBox()[z ? "height" : "width"];
  10335. var lt = nt.offset;
  10336. J = k(lt) ? 0 : P(nt.margin, z ? 5 : 10);
  10337. }
  10338. m.renderLine(), m.offset = gt * P($.offset, ct[Q] ? ct[Q] + ($.margin || 0) : 0), m.tickRotCorr = m.tickRotCorr || { x: 0, y: 0 }, nt = Q === 0 ? -m.labelMetrics().h : Q === 2 ? m.tickRotCorr.y : 0, et = Math.abs(tt) + J, tt && (et = et - nt + gt * (z ? P(rt.y, m.tickRotCorr.y + 8 * gt) : rt.x)), m.axisTitleMargin = P(lt, et), m.getMaxLabelDimensions && (m.maxLabelDimensions = m.getMaxLabelDimensions(A, F)), Y !== "colorAxis" && (z = this.tickSize("tick"), ct[Q] = Math.max(ct[Q], (m.axisTitleMargin || 0) + at + gt * m.offset, et, F && F.length && z ? z[0] + gt * m.offset : 0), $ = !m.axisLine || $.offset ? 0 : 2 * Math.floor(m.axisLine.strokeWidth() / 2), L[it] = Math.max(L[it], $)), h(this, "afterGetOffset");
  10339. }, X.prototype.getLinePath = function(g) {
  10340. var m = this.chart, L = this.opposite, z = this.offset, $ = this.horiz, Q = this.left + (L ? this.width : 0) + z;
  10341. return z = m.chartHeight - this.bottom - (L ? this.height : 0) + z, L && (g *= -1), m.renderer.crispLine([["M", $ ? this.left : Q, $ ? z :], ["L", $ ? m.chartWidth - this.right : Q, $ ? z : m.chartHeight - this.bottom]], g);
  10342. }, X.prototype.renderLine = function() {
  10343. this.axisLine || (this.axisLine = this.chart.renderer.path().addClass("highcharts-axis-line").add(this.axisGroup), this.chart.styledMode || this.axisLine.attr({ stroke: this.options.lineColor, "stroke-width": this.options.lineWidth, zIndex: 7 }));
  10344. }, X.prototype.getTitlePosition = function() {
  10345. var g = this.horiz, m = this.left, L =, z = this.len, $ = this.options.title, Q = g ? m : L, A = this.opposite, F = this.offset, Y = $.x, Z = $.y, q = this.axisTitle, it = this.chart.renderer.fontMetrics($.style.fontSize, q);
  10346. return q = Math.max(q.getBBox(null, 0).height - it.h - 1, 0), z = { low: Q + (g ? 0 : z), middle: Q + z / 2, high: Q + (g ? z : 0) }[$.align], m = (g ? L + this.height : m) + (g ? 1 : -1) * (A ? -1 : 1) * this.axisTitleMargin + [-q, q, it.f, -q][this.side], g = { x: g ? z + Y : m + (A ? this.width : 0) + F + Y, y: g ? m + Z - (A ? this.height : 0) + F : z + Z }, h(this, "afterGetTitlePosition", { titlePosition: g }), g;
  10347. }, X.prototype.renderMinorTick = function(g, m) {
  10348. var L = this.minorTicks;
  10349. L[g] || (L[g] = new G(this, g, "minor")), m && L[g].isNew && L[g].render(null, !0), L[g].render(null, !1, 1);
  10350. }, X.prototype.renderTick = function(g, m, L) {
  10351. var z = this.ticks;
  10352. (!this.isLinked || g >= this.min && g <= this.max || this.grid && this.grid.isColumn) && (z[g] || (z[g] = new G(this, g)), L && z[g].isNew && z[g].render(
  10353. m,
  10354. !0,
  10355. -1
  10356. ), z[g].render(m));
  10357. }, X.prototype.render = function() {
  10358. var g = this, m = g.chart, L = g.logarithmic, z = g.options, $ = g.isLinked, Q = g.tickPositions, A = g.axisTitle, F = g.ticks, Y = g.minorTicks, Z = g.alternateBands, q = z.stackLabels, it = z.alternateGridColor, et = g.tickmarkOffset, nt = g.axisLine, rt = g.showAxis, ct = B(m.renderer.globalAnimation), gt, dt;
  10359. if (g.labelEdge.length = 0, g.overlap = !1, [F, Y, Z].forEach(function(at) {
  10360. n(at, function(J) {
  10361. J.isActive = !1;
  10362. });
  10363. }), g.hasData() || $) {
  10364. var ht = g.chart.hasRendered && g.old && c(g.old.min);
  10365. g.minorTickInterval && !g.categories && g.getMinorTickPositions().forEach(function(at) {
  10366. g.renderMinorTick(at, ht);
  10367. }), Q.length && (Q.forEach(function(at, J) {
  10368. g.renderTick(at, J, ht);
  10369. }), et && (g.min === 0 || g.single) && (F[-1] || (F[-1] = new G(g, -1, null, !0)), F[-1].render(-1))), it && Q.forEach(function(at, J) {
  10370. dt = typeof Q[J + 1] < "u" ? Q[J + 1] + et : g.max - et, J % 2 === 0 && at < g.max && dt <= g.max + (m.polar ? -et : et) && (Z[at] || (Z[at] = new V.PlotLineOrBand(g)), gt = at + et, Z[at].options = { from: L ? L.lin2log(gt) : gt, to: L ? L.lin2log(dt) : dt, color: it, className: "highcharts-alternate-grid" }, Z[at].render(), Z[at].isActive = !0);
  10371. }), g._addedPlotLB || (g._addedPlotLB = !0, (z.plotLines || []).concat(z.plotBands || []).forEach(function(at) {
  10372. g.addPlotBandOrLine(at);
  10373. }));
  10374. }
  10375. [F, Y, Z].forEach(function(at) {
  10376. var J = [], tt = ct.duration;
  10377. n(at, function(ot, lt) {
  10378. ot.isActive || (ot.render(lt, !1, 0), ot.isActive = !1, J.push(lt));
  10379. }), E(function() {
  10380. for (var ot = J.length; ot--; )
  10381. at[J[ot]] && !at[J[ot]].isActive && (at[J[ot]].destroy(), delete at[J[ot]]);
  10382. }, at !== Z && m.hasRendered && tt ? tt : 0);
  10383. }), nt && (nt[nt.isPlaced ? "animate" : "attr"]({ d: this.getLinePath(nt.strokeWidth()) }), nt.isPlaced = !0, nt[rt ? "show" : "hide"](rt)), A && rt && (z = g.getTitlePosition(), c(z.y) ? (A[A.isNew ? "attr" : "animate"](z), A.isNew = !1) : (A.attr("y", -9999), A.isNew = !0)), q && q.enabled && g.stacking && g.stacking.renderStackTotals(), g.old = { len: g.len, max: g.max, min: g.min, transA: g.transA, userMax: g.userMax, userMin: g.userMin }, g.isDirty = !1, h(this, "afterRender");
  10384. }, X.prototype.redraw = function() {
  10385. this.visible && (this.render(), this.plotLinesAndBands.forEach(function(g) {
  10386. g.render();
  10387. })), this.series.forEach(function(g) {
  10388. g.isDirty = !0;
  10389. });
  10390. }, X.prototype.getKeepProps = function() {
  10391. return this.keepProps || X.keepProps;
  10392. }, X.prototype.destroy = function(g) {
  10393. var m = this, L = m.plotLinesAndBands, z = this.eventOptions;
  10394. if (h(this, "destroy", { keepEvents: g }), g || I(m), [m.ticks, m.minorTicks, m.alternateBands].forEach(function(Q) {
  10395. b(Q);
  10396. }), L)
  10397. for (g = L.length; g--; )
  10398. L[g].destroy();
  10399. "axisLine axisTitle axisGroup gridGroup labelGroup cross scrollbar".split(" ").forEach(function(Q) {
  10400. m[Q] && (m[Q] = m[Q].destroy());
  10401. });
  10402. for (var $ in m.plotLinesAndBandsGroups)
  10403. m.plotLinesAndBandsGroups[$] = m.plotLinesAndBandsGroups[$].destroy();
  10404. n(m, function(Q, A) {
  10405. m.getKeepProps().indexOf(A) === -1 && delete m[A];
  10406. }), this.eventOptions = z;
  10407. }, X.prototype.drawCrosshair = function(g, m) {
  10408. var L = this.crosshair, z = P(L && L.snap, !0), $ = this.chart, Q, A = this.cross;
  10409. if (h(this, "drawCrosshair", { e: g, point: m }), g || (g = this.cross && this.cross.e), L && (k(m) || !z) !== !1) {
  10410. if (z ? k(m) && (Q = P(this.coll !== "colorAxis" ? m.crosshairPos : null, this.isXAxis ? m.plotX : this.len - m.plotY)) : Q = g && (this.horiz ? g.chartX - this.pos : this.len - g.chartY + this.pos), k(Q)) {
  10411. var F = { value: m && (this.isXAxis ? m.x : P(m.stackY, m.y)), translatedValue: Q };
  10412. $.polar && l(F, { isCrosshair: !0, chartX: g && g.chartX, chartY: g && g.chartY, point: m }), F = this.getPlotLinePath(F) || null;
  10413. }
  10414. if (!k(F)) {
  10415. this.hideCrosshair();
  10416. return;
  10417. }
  10418. z = this.categories && !this.isRadial, A || (this.cross = A = $.renderer.path().addClass("highcharts-crosshair highcharts-crosshair-" + (z ? "category " : "thin ") + (L.className || "")).attr({ zIndex: P(L.zIndex, 2) }).add(), $.styledMode || (A.attr({ stroke: L.color || (z ? D.parse("#ccd6eb").setOpacity(0.25).get() : "#cccccc"), "stroke-width": P(L.width, 1) }).css({ "pointer-events": "none" }), L.dashStyle && A.attr({ dashstyle: L.dashStyle }))),{ d: F }), z && !L.width && A.attr({ "stroke-width": this.transA }), this.cross.e = g;
  10419. } else
  10420. this.hideCrosshair();
  10421. h(this, "afterDrawCrosshair", { e: g, point: m });
  10422. }, X.prototype.hideCrosshair = function() {
  10423. this.cross && this.cross.hide(), h(this, "afterHideCrosshair");
  10424. }, X.prototype.hasVerticalPanning = function() {
  10425. var g = this.chart.options.chart.panning;
  10426. return !!(g && g.enabled && /y/.test(g.type));
  10427. }, X.prototype.validatePositiveValue = function(g) {
  10428. return c(g) && 0 < g;
  10429. }, X.prototype.update = function(g, m) {
  10430. var L = this.chart;
  10431. g = t(this.userOptions, g), this.destroy(!0), this.init(L, g), L.isDirtyBox = !0, P(m, !0) && L.redraw();
  10432. }, X.prototype.remove = function(g) {
  10433. for (var m = this.chart, L = this.coll, z = this.series, $ = z.length; $--; )
  10434. z[$] && z[$].remove(!1);
  10435. w(m.axes, this), w(m[L], this), m[L].forEach(function(Q, A) {
  10436. Q.options.index = Q.userOptions.index = A;
  10437. }), this.destroy(), m.isDirtyBox = !0, P(g, !0) && m.redraw();
  10438. }, X.prototype.setTitle = function(g, m) {
  10439. this.update({ title: g }, m);
  10440. }, X.prototype.setCategories = function(g, m) {
  10441. this.update(
  10442. { categories: g },
  10443. m
  10444. );
  10445. }, X.defaultOptions = N.defaultXAxisOptions, X.keepProps = "extKey hcEvents names series userMax userMin".split(" "), X;
  10446. }(), y;
  10447. }), M(o, "Core/Axis/DateTimeAxis.js", [o["Core/Utilities.js"]], function(y) {
  10448. var N = y.addEvent, D = y.getMagnitude, U = y.normalizeTickInterval, H = y.timeUnits, V;
  10449. return function(G) {
  10450. function R() {
  10451. return this.chart.time.getTimeTicks.apply(this.chart.time, arguments);
  10452. }
  10453. function B(f) {
  10454. f.userOptions.type !== "datetime" ? this.dateTime = void 0 : this.dateTime || (this.dateTime = new x(this));
  10455. }
  10456. var S = [];
  10457. G.compose = function(f) {
  10458. return S.indexOf(f) === -1 && (S.push(f), f.keepProps.push("dateTime"), f.prototype.getTimeTicks = R, N(f, "init", B)), f;
  10459. };
  10460. var x = function() {
  10461. function f(d) {
  10462. this.axis = d;
  10463. }
  10464. return f.prototype.normalizeTimeTickInterval = function(d, T) {
  10465. var O = T || [["millisecond", [1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 25, 50, 100, 200, 500]], ["second", [1, 2, 5, 10, 15, 30]], ["minute", [1, 2, 5, 10, 15, 30]], ["hour", [1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12]], ["day", [1, 2]], ["week", [1, 2]], ["month", [1, 2, 3, 4, 6]], ["year", null]];
  10466. T = O[O.length - 1];
  10467. var j = H[T[0]], k = T[1], b;
  10468. for (b = 0; b < O.length && (T = O[b], j = H[T[0]], k = T[1], !(O[b + 1] && d <= (j * k[k.length - 1] + H[O[b + 1][0]]) / 2)); b++)
  10469. ;
  10470. return j === H.year && d < 5 * j && (k = [1, 2, 5]), d = U(d / j, k, T[0] === "year" ? Math.max(D(d / j), 1) : 1), { unitRange: j, count: d, unitName: T[0] };
  10471. }, f.prototype.getXDateFormat = function(d, T) {
  10472. var O = this.axis;
  10473. return O.closestPointRange ? O.chart.time.getDateFormat(O.closestPointRange, d, O.options.startOfWeek, T) || T.year :;
  10474. }, f;
  10475. }();
  10476. G.Additions = x;
  10477. }(V || (V = {})), V;
  10478. }), M(o, "Core/Axis/LogarithmicAxis.js", [o["Core/Utilities.js"]], function(y) {
  10479. var N = y.addEvent, D = y.getMagnitude, U = y.normalizeTickInterval, H = y.pick, V;
  10480. return function(G) {
  10481. function R(f) {
  10482. var d = this.logarithmic;
  10483. f.userOptions.type !== "logarithmic" ? this.logarithmic = void 0 : d || (this.logarithmic = new x(this));
  10484. }
  10485. function B() {
  10486. var f = this.logarithmic;
  10487. f && (this.lin2val = function(d) {
  10488. return f.lin2log(d);
  10489. }, this.val2lin = function(d) {
  10490. return f.log2lin(d);
  10491. });
  10492. }
  10493. var S = [];
  10494. G.compose = function(f) {
  10495. return S.indexOf(f) === -1 && (S.push(f), f.keepProps.push("logarithmic"), N(f, "init", R), N(f, "afterInit", B)), f;
  10496. };
  10497. var x = function() {
  10498. function f(d) {
  10499. this.axis = d;
  10500. }
  10501. return f.prototype.getLogTickPositions = function(d, T, O, j) {
  10502. var k = this.axis, b = k.len, w = k.options, v = [];
  10503. if (j || (this.minorAutoInterval = void 0), 0.5 <= d)
  10504. d = Math.round(d), v = k.getLinearTickPositions(d, T, O);
  10505. else if (0.08 <= d) {
  10506. var l = Math.floor(T), h, u = w = void 0;
  10507. for (b = 0.3 < d ? [1, 2, 4] : 0.15 < d ? [1, 2, 4, 6, 8] : [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]; l < O + 1 && !u; l++) {
  10508. var i = b.length;
  10509. for (h = 0; h < i && !u; h++) {
  10510. var c = this.log2lin(this.lin2log(l) * b[h]);
  10511. c > T && (!j || w <= O) && typeof w < "u" && v.push(w), w > O && (u = !0), w = c;
  10512. }
  10513. }
  10514. } else
  10515. T = this.lin2log(T), O = this.lin2log(O), d = j ? k.getMinorTickInterval() : w.tickInterval, d = H(d === "auto" ? null : d, this.minorAutoInterval, w.tickPixelInterval / (j ? 5 : 1) * (O - T) / ((j ? b / k.tickPositions.length : b) || 1)), d = U(d, void 0, D(d)), v = k.getLinearTickPositions(d, T, O).map(this.log2lin), j || (this.minorAutoInterval = d / 5);
  10516. return j || (k.tickInterval = d), v;
  10517. }, f.prototype.lin2log = function(d) {
  10518. return Math.pow(10, d);
  10519. }, f.prototype.log2lin = function(d) {
  10520. return Math.log(d) / Math.LN10;
  10521. }, f;
  10522. }();
  10523. G.Additions = x;
  10524. }(V || (V = {})), V;
  10525. }), M(o, "Core/Axis/PlotLineOrBand/PlotLineOrBandAxis.js", [o["Core/Utilities.js"]], function(y) {
  10526. var N = y.erase, D = y.extend, U = y.isNumber, H;
  10527. return function(V) {
  10528. var G = [], R;
  10529. V.compose = function(S, x) {
  10530. return R || (R = S), G.indexOf(x) === -1 && (G.push(x), D(x.prototype, B.prototype)), x;
  10531. };
  10532. var B = function() {
  10533. function S() {
  10534. }
  10535. return S.prototype.getPlotBandPath = function(x, f, d) {
  10536. d === void 0 && (d = this.options);
  10537. var T = this.getPlotLinePath({ value: f, force: !0, acrossPanes: d.acrossPanes }), O = [], j = this.horiz;
  10538. if (f = !U(this.min) || !U(this.max) || x < this.min && f < this.min || x > this.max && f > this.max, x = this.getPlotLinePath({ value: x, force: !0, acrossPanes: d.acrossPanes }), d = 1, x && T) {
  10539. if (f) {
  10540. var k = x.toString() === T.toString();
  10541. d = 0;
  10542. }
  10543. for (f = 0; f < x.length; f += 2) {
  10544. var b = x[f], w = x[f + 1], v = T[f], l = T[f + 1];
  10545. b[0] !== "M" && b[0] !== "L" || w[0] !== "M" && w[0] !== "L" || v[0] !== "M" && v[0] !== "L" || l[0] !== "M" && l[0] !== "L" || (j && v[1] === b[1] ? (v[1] += d, l[1] += d) : j || v[2] !== b[2] || (v[2] += d, l[2] += d), O.push(["M", b[1], b[2]], ["L", w[1], w[2]], ["L", l[1], l[2]], ["L", v[1], v[2]], ["Z"])), O.isFlat = k;
  10546. }
  10547. }
  10548. return O;
  10549. }, S.prototype.addPlotBand = function(x) {
  10550. return this.addPlotBandOrLine(x, "plotBands");
  10551. }, S.prototype.addPlotLine = function(x) {
  10552. return this.addPlotBandOrLine(
  10553. x,
  10554. "plotLines"
  10555. );
  10556. }, S.prototype.addPlotBandOrLine = function(x, f) {
  10557. var d = this, T = this.userOptions, O = new R(this, x);
  10558. if (this.visible && (O = O.render()), O) {
  10559. if (this._addedPlotLB || (this._addedPlotLB = !0, (T.plotLines || []).concat(T.plotBands || []).forEach(function(k) {
  10560. d.addPlotBandOrLine(k);
  10561. })), f) {
  10562. var j = T[f] || [];
  10563. j.push(x), T[f] = j;
  10564. }
  10565. this.plotLinesAndBands.push(O);
  10566. }
  10567. return O;
  10568. }, S.prototype.removePlotBandOrLine = function(x) {
  10569. var f = this.plotLinesAndBands, d = this.options, T = this.userOptions;
  10570. if (f) {
  10571. for (var O = f.length; O--; )
  10572. f[O].id === x && f[O].destroy();
  10573. [d.plotLines || [], T.plotLines || [], d.plotBands || [], T.plotBands || []].forEach(function(j) {
  10574. for (O = j.length; O--; )
  10575. (j[O] || {}).id === x && N(j, j[O]);
  10576. });
  10577. }
  10578. }, S.prototype.removePlotBand = function(x) {
  10579. this.removePlotBandOrLine(x);
  10580. }, S.prototype.removePlotLine = function(x) {
  10581. this.removePlotBandOrLine(x);
  10582. }, S;
  10583. }();
  10584. }(H || (H = {})), H;
  10585. }), M(o, "Core/Axis/PlotLineOrBand/PlotLineOrBand.js", [o["Core/Axis/PlotLineOrBand/PlotLineOrBandAxis.js"], o["Core/Utilities.js"]], function(y, N) {
  10586. var D = N.arrayMax, U = N.arrayMin, H = N.defined, V = N.destroyObjectProperties, G = N.erase, R = N.fireEvent, B = N.merge, S = N.objectEach, x = N.pick;
  10587. return N = function() {
  10588. function f(d, T) {
  10589. this.axis = d, T && (this.options = T, =;
  10590. }
  10591. return f.compose = function(d) {
  10592. return y.compose(f, d);
  10593. }, f.prototype.render = function() {
  10594. R(this, "render");
  10595. var d = this, T = d.axis, O = T.horiz, j = T.logarithmic, k = d.options, b = k.color, w = x(k.zIndex, 0), v =, l = {}, h = T.chart.renderer, u = k.label, i = d.label, c =, a = k.from, t = k.value, s = d.svgElem, n = [], P = H(a) && H(c);
  10596. n = H(t);
  10597. var _ = !s, I = { class: "highcharts-plot-" + (P ? "band " : "line ") + (k.className || "") }, W = P ? "bands" : "lines";
  10598. if (j && (a = j.log2lin(a), c = j.log2lin(c), t = j.log2lin(t)), T.chart.styledMode || (n ? (I.stroke = b || "#999999", I["stroke-width"] = x(k.width, 1), k.dashStyle && (I.dashstyle = k.dashStyle)) : P && (I.fill = b || "#e6ebf5", k.borderWidth && (I.stroke = k.borderColor, I["stroke-width"] = k.borderWidth))), l.zIndex = w, W += "-" + w, (j = T.plotLinesAndBandsGroups[W]) || (T.plotLinesAndBandsGroups[W] = j = h.g("plot-" + W).attr(l).add()), _ && (d.svgElem = s = h.path().attr(I).add(j)), n)
  10599. n = T.getPlotLinePath({
  10600. value: t,
  10601. lineWidth: s.strokeWidth(),
  10602. acrossPanes: k.acrossPanes
  10603. });
  10604. else if (P)
  10605. n = T.getPlotBandPath(a, c, k);
  10606. else
  10607. return;
  10608. return !d.eventsAdded && v && (S(v, function(E, X) {
  10609. s.on(X, function(g) {
  10610. v[X].apply(d, [g]);
  10611. });
  10612. }), d.eventsAdded = !0), (_ || !s.d) && n && n.length ? s.attr({ d: n }) : s && (n ? (!0), s.animate({ d: n })) : s.d && (s.hide(), i && (d.label = i = i.destroy()))), u && (H(u.text) || H(u.formatter)) && n && n.length && 0 < T.width && 0 < T.height && !n.isFlat ? (u = B({ align: O && P && "center", x: O ? !P && 4 : 10, verticalAlign: !O && P && "middle", y: O ? P ? 16 : 10 : P ? 6 : -4, rotation: O && !P && 90 }, u), this.renderLabel(
  10613. u,
  10614. n,
  10615. P,
  10616. w
  10617. )) : i && i.hide(), d;
  10618. }, f.prototype.renderLabel = function(d, T, O, j) {
  10619. var k = this.axis, b = k.chart.renderer, w = this.label;
  10620. w || (this.label = w = b.text(this.getLabelText(d), 0, 0, d.useHTML).attr({ align: d.textAlign || d.align, rotation: d.rotation, class: "highcharts-plot-" + (O ? "band" : "line") + "-label " + (d.className || ""), zIndex: j }).add(), k.chart.styledMode || w.css(B({ textOverflow: "ellipsis" },, j = T.xBounds || [T[0][1], T[1][1], O ? T[2][1] : T[0][1]], T = T.yBounds || [T[0][2], T[1][2], O ? T[2][2] : T[0][2]], O = U(j), b = U(T), w.align(
  10621. d,
  10622. !1,
  10623. { x: O, y: b, width: D(j) - O, height: D(T) - b }
  10624. ), w.alignValue && w.alignValue !== "left" || w.css({ width: (w.rotation === 90 ? k.height - (w.alignAttr.y - : k.width - (w.alignAttr.x - k.left)) + "px" }),!0);
  10625. }, f.prototype.getLabelText = function(d) {
  10626. return H(d.formatter) ? : d.text;
  10627. }, f.prototype.destroy = function() {
  10628. G(this.axis.plotLinesAndBands, this), delete this.axis, V(this);
  10629. }, f;
  10630. }(), N;
  10631. }), M(o, "Core/Tooltip.js", [
  10632. o["Core/FormatUtilities.js"],
  10633. o["Core/Globals.js"],
  10634. o["Core/Renderer/RendererUtilities.js"],
  10635. o["Core/Renderer/RendererRegistry.js"],
  10636. o["Core/Utilities.js"]
  10637. ], function(y, N, D, U, H) {
  10638. var V = y.format, G = N.doc, R = D.distribute, B = H.addEvent, S = H.clamp, x = H.css, f = H.defined, d = H.discardElement, T = H.extend, O = H.fireEvent, j = H.isArray, k = H.isNumber, b = H.isString, w = H.merge, v = H.pick, l = H.splat, h = H.syncTimeout;
  10639. return y = function() {
  10640. function u(i, c) {
  10641. this.allowShared = !0, this.container = void 0, this.crosshairs = [], this.distance = 0, this.isHidden = !0, this.isSticky = !1, = {}, this.options = {}, this.outside = !1, this.chart = i, this.init(i, c);
  10642. }
  10643. return u.prototype.applyFilter = function() {
  10644. var i = this.chart;
  10645. i.renderer.definition({ tagName: "filter", attributes: { id: "drop-shadow-" + i.index, opacity: 0.5 }, children: [{ tagName: "feGaussianBlur", attributes: { in: "SourceAlpha", stdDeviation: 1 } }, { tagName: "feOffset", attributes: { dx: 1, dy: 1 } }, { tagName: "feComponentTransfer", children: [{ tagName: "feFuncA", attributes: { type: "linear", slope: 0.3 } }] }, { tagName: "feMerge", children: [{ tagName: "feMergeNode" }, { tagName: "feMergeNode", attributes: { in: "SourceGraphic" } }] }] });
  10646. }, u.prototype.bodyFormatter = function(i) {
  10647. return {
  10648. var a = c.series.tooltipOptions;
  10649. return (a[(c.point.formatPrefix || "point") + "Formatter"] || c.point.tooltipFormatter).call(c.point, a[(c.point.formatPrefix || "point") + "Format"] || "");
  10650. });
  10651. }, u.prototype.cleanSplit = function(i) {
  10652. this.chart.series.forEach(function(c) {
  10653. var a = c &&;
  10654. a && (!a.isActive || i ? = a.destroy() : a.isActive = !1);
  10655. });
  10656. }, u.prototype.defaultFormatter = function(i) {
  10657. var c = this.points || l(this), a = [i.tooltipFooterHeaderFormatter(c[0])];
  10658. return a = a.concat(i.bodyFormatter(c)), a.push(i.tooltipFooterHeaderFormatter(
  10659. c[0],
  10660. !0
  10661. )), a;
  10662. }, u.prototype.destroy = function() {
  10663. this.label && (this.label = this.label.destroy()), this.split && && (this.cleanSplit(!0), =, this.renderer && (this.renderer = this.renderer.destroy(), d(this.container)), H.clearTimeout(this.hideTimer), H.clearTimeout(this.tooltipTimeout);
  10664. }, u.prototype.getAnchor = function(i, c) {
  10665. var a = this.chart, t = a.pointer, s = a.inverted, n = a.plotTop, P = a.plotLeft, _, I, W = 0, E = 0;
  10666. return i = l(i), this.followPointer && c ? (typeof c.chartX > "u" && (c = t.normalize(c)), t = [c.chartX - P, c.chartY - n]) : i[0].tooltipPos ? t = i[0].tooltipPos : (i.forEach(function(X) {
  10667. _ = X.series.yAxis, I = X.series.xAxis, W += X.plotX || 0, E += X.plotLow ? (X.plotLow + (X.plotHigh || 0)) / 2 : X.plotY || 0, I && _ && (s ? (W += n + a.plotHeight - I.len - I.pos, E += P + a.plotWidth - _.len - _.pos) : (W += I.pos - P, E += _.pos - n));
  10668. }), W /= i.length, E /= i.length, t = [s ? a.plotWidth - E : W, s ? a.plotHeight - W : E], this.shared && 1 < i.length && c && (s ? t[0] = c.chartX - P : t[1] = c.chartY - n)),;
  10669. }, u.prototype.getLabel = function() {
  10670. var i = this, c = this.chart.styledMode, a = this.options, t = this.split && this.allowShared, s = "tooltip" + (f(a.className) ? " " + a.className : ""), n = || (!this.followPointer && a.stickOnContact ? "auto" : "none"), P = function() {
  10671. i.inContact = !0;
  10672. }, _ = function(z) {
  10673. var $ = i.chart.hoverSeries;
  10674. i.inContact = i.shouldStickOnContact() && i.chart.pointer.inClass(z.relatedTarget, "highcharts-tooltip"), !i.inContact && $ && $.onMouseOut && $.onMouseOut();
  10675. }, I, W = this.chart.renderer;
  10676. if (i.label) {
  10677. var E = !i.label.hasClass("highcharts-label");
  10678. (t && !E || !t && E) && i.destroy();
  10679. }
  10680. if (!this.label) {
  10681. if (this.outside) {
  10682. E =;
  10683. var X = U.getRendererType();
  10684. this.container = I = N.doc.createElement("div"), I.className = "highcharts-tooltip-container", x(I, { position: "absolute", top: "1px", pointerEvents: n, zIndex: Math.max( || 0, (E && E.zIndex || 0) + 3) }), B(I, "mouseenter", P), B(I, "mouseleave", _), N.doc.body.appendChild(I), this.renderer = W = new X(I, 0, 0, E, void 0, void 0, W.styledMode);
  10685. }
  10686. if (t ? this.label = W.g(s) : (this.label = W.label("", 0, 0, a.shape, void 0, void 0, a.useHTML, void 0, s).attr({ padding: a.padding, r: a.borderRadius }), c || this.label.attr({ fill: a.backgroundColor, "stroke-width": a.borderWidth }).css({ pointerEvents: n }).shadow(a.shadow)), c && a.shadow && (this.applyFilter(), this.label.attr({ filter: "url(#drop-shadow-" + this.chart.index + ")" })), i.outside && !i.split) {
  10687. var g = this.label, m = g.xSetter, L = g.ySetter;
  10688. g.xSetter = function(z) {
  10689., i.distance), = z + "px";
  10690. }, g.ySetter = function(z) {
  10691., i.distance), = z + "px";
  10692. };
  10693. }
  10694. this.label.on("mouseenter", P).on("mouseleave", _).attr({ zIndex: 8 }).add();
  10695. }
  10696. return this.label;
  10697. }, u.prototype.getPosition = function(i, c, a) {
  10698. var t = this.chart, s = this.distance, n = {}, P = t.inverted && a.h || 0, _ = this.outside, I = _ ? G.documentElement.clientWidth - 2 * s : t.chartWidth, W = _ ? Math.max(G.body.scrollHeight, G.documentElement.scrollHeight, G.body.offsetHeight, G.documentElement.offsetHeight, G.documentElement.clientHeight) : t.chartHeight, E = t.pointer.getChartPosition(), X = function(Y) {
  10699. var Z = Y === "x";
  10700. return [Y, Z ? I : W, Z ? i : c].concat(_ ? [Z ? i * E.scaleX : c * E.scaleY, Z ? E.left - s + (a.plotX + t.plotLeft) * E.scaleX : - s + (a.plotY + t.plotTop) * E.scaleY, 0, Z ? I : W] : [Z ? i : c, Z ? a.plotX + t.plotLeft : a.plotY + t.plotTop, Z ? t.plotLeft : t.plotTop, Z ? t.plotLeft + t.plotWidth : t.plotTop + t.plotHeight]);
  10701. }, g = X("y"), m = X("x"), L;
  10702. X = !!a.negative, !t.polar && t.hoverSeries && t.hoverSeries.yAxis && t.hoverSeries.yAxis.reversed && (X = !X);
  10703. var z = !this.followPointer && v(a.ttBelow, !t.inverted === X), $ = function(Y, Z, q, it, et, nt, rt) {
  10704. var ct = _ ? Y === "y" ? s * E.scaleY : s * E.scaleX : s, gt = (q - it) / 2, dt = it < et - s, ht = et + s + it < Z, at = et - ct - q + gt;
  10705. if (et = et + ct - gt, z && ht)
  10706. n[Y] = et;
  10707. else if (!z && dt)
  10708. n[Y] = at;
  10709. else if (dt)
  10710. n[Y] = Math.min(rt - it, 0 > at - P ? at : at - P);
  10711. else if (ht)
  10712. n[Y] = Math.max(nt, et + P + q > Z ? et : et + P);
  10713. else
  10714. return !1;
  10715. }, Q = function(Y, Z, q, it, et) {
  10716. var nt;
  10717. return et < s || et > Z - s ? nt = !1 : n[Y] = et < q / 2 ? 1 : et > Z - it / 2 ? Z - it - 2 : et - q / 2, nt;
  10718. }, A = function(Y) {
  10719. var Z = g;
  10720. g = m, m = Z, L = Y;
  10721. }, F = function() {
  10722. $.apply(0, g) !== !1 ? Q.apply(0, m) !== !1 || L || (A(!0), F()) : L ? n.x = n.y = 0 : (A(!0), F());
  10723. };
  10724. return (t.inverted || 1 < this.len) && A(), F(), n;
  10725. }, u.prototype.hide = function(i) {
  10726. var c = this;
  10727. H.clearTimeout(this.hideTimer), i = v(i, this.options.hideDelay), this.isHidden || (this.hideTimer = h(function() {
  10728. c.getLabel().fadeOut(i && void 0), c.isHidden = !0;
  10729. }, i));
  10730. }, u.prototype.init = function(i, c) {
  10731. this.chart = i, this.options = c, this.crosshairs = [], = { x: 0, y: 0 }, this.isHidden = !0, this.split = c.split && !i.inverted && !i.polar, this.shared = c.shared || this.split, this.outside = v(c.outside, !(!i.scrollablePixelsX && !i.scrollablePixelsY));
  10732. }, u.prototype.shouldStickOnContact = function() {
  10733. return !(this.followPointer || !this.options.stickOnContact);
  10734. }, u.prototype.isStickyOnContact = function() {
  10735. return !(!this.shouldStickOnContact() || !this.inContact);
  10736. }, u.prototype.move = function(i, c, a, t) {
  10737. var s = this, n =, P = s.options.animation !== !1 && !s.isHidden && (1 < Math.abs(i - n.x) || 1 < Math.abs(c - n.y)), _ = s.followPointer || 1 < s.len;
  10738. T(n, { x: P ? (2 * n.x + i) / 3 : i, y: P ? (n.y + c) / 2 : c, anchorX: _ ? void 0 : P ? (2 * n.anchorX + a) / 3 : a, anchorY: _ ? void 0 : P ? (n.anchorY + t) / 2 : t }), s.getLabel().attr(n), s.drawTracker(), P && (H.clearTimeout(this.tooltipTimeout), this.tooltipTimeout = setTimeout(function() {
  10739. s && s.move(i, c, a, t);
  10740. }, 32));
  10741. }, u.prototype.refresh = function(i, c) {
  10742. var a = this.chart, t = this.options, s = l(i), n = s[0], P = [], _ = t.formatter || this.defaultFormatter, I = this.shared, W = a.styledMode, E = {};
  10743. if (t.enabled) {
  10744. H.clearTimeout(this.hideTimer), this.allowShared = !(!j(i) && i.series && i.series.noSharedTooltip), this.followPointer = !this.split && n.series.tooltipOptions.followPointer, i = this.getAnchor(i, c);
  10745. var X = i[0], g = i[1];
  10746. if (I && this.allowShared ? (a.pointer.applyInactiveState(s), s.forEach(function(z) {
  10747. z.setState("hover"), P.push(z.getLabelConfig());
  10748. }), E = { x: n.category, y: n.y }, E.points = P) : E = n.getLabelConfig(), this.len = P.length, _ =, this), I = n.series, this.distance = v(
  10749. I.tooltipOptions.distance,
  10750. 16
  10751. ), _ === !1)
  10752. this.hide();
  10753. else {
  10754. if (this.split && this.allowShared)
  10755. this.renderSplit(_, s);
  10756. else {
  10757. var m = X, L = g;
  10758. if (c && a.pointer.isDirectTouch && (m = c.chartX - a.plotLeft, L = c.chartY - a.plotTop), a.polar || I.options.clip === !1 || s.some(function(z) {
  10759. return z.series.shouldShowTooltip(m, L);
  10760. }))
  10761. c = this.getLabel(), && !W || c.css({ width: this.chart.spacingBox.width + "px" }), c.attr({ text: _ && _.join ? _.join("") : _ }), c.removeClass(/highcharts-color-[\d]+/g).addClass("highcharts-color-" + v(n.colorIndex, I.colorIndex)), W || c.attr({ stroke: t.borderColor || n.color || I.color || "#666666" }), this.updatePosition({ plotX: X, plotY: g, negative: n.negative, ttBelow: n.ttBelow, h: i[2] || 0 });
  10762. else {
  10763. this.hide();
  10764. return;
  10765. }
  10766. }
  10767. this.isHidden && this.label && this.label.attr({ opacity: 1 }).show(), this.isHidden = !1;
  10768. }
  10769. O(this, "refresh");
  10770. }
  10771. }, u.prototype.renderSplit = function(i, c) {
  10772. function a(ht, at, J, tt, ot) {
  10773. return ot === void 0 && (ot = !0), J ? (at = it ? 0 : ct, ht = S(ht - tt / 2, Y.left, Y.right - tt - (t.outside ? et : 0))) : (at -= nt, ht = ot ? ht - tt - Q : ht + Q, ht = S(ht, ot ? ht : Y.left, Y.right)), { x: ht, y: at };
  10774. }
  10775. var t = this, s = t.chart, n = t.chart, P = n.chartWidth, _ = n.chartHeight, I = n.plotHeight, W = n.plotLeft, E = n.plotTop, X = n.pointer, g = n.scrollablePixelsY;
  10776. g = g === void 0 ? 0 : g;
  10777. var m = n.scrollablePixelsX, L = n.scrollingContainer;
  10778. L = L === void 0 ? { scrollLeft: 0, scrollTop: 0 } : L;
  10779. var z = L.scrollLeft;
  10780. L = L.scrollTop;
  10781. var $ = n.styledMode, Q = t.distance, A = t.options, F = t.options.positioner, Y = t.outside && typeof m != "number" ? G.documentElement.getBoundingClientRect() : { left: z, right: z + P, top: L, bottom: L + _ }, Z = t.getLabel(), q = this.renderer || s.renderer, it = !(!s.xAxis[0] || !s.xAxis[0].opposite);
  10782. s = X.getChartPosition();
  10783. var et = s.left;
  10784. s =;
  10785. var nt = E + L, rt = 0, ct = I - g;
  10786. b(i) && (i = [!1, i]), i = i.slice(0, c.length + 1).reduce(function(ht, at, J) {
  10787. if (at !== !1 && at !== "") {
  10788. J = c[J - 1] || { isHeader: !0, plotX: c[0].plotX, plotY: I, series: {} };
  10789. var tt = J.isHeader, ot = tt ? t : J.series;
  10790. at = at.toString();
  10791. var lt =, pt = J.isHeader, yt = J.series, vt = "highcharts-color-" + v(J.colorIndex, yt.colorIndex, "none");
  10792. if (lt || (lt = { padding: A.padding, r: A.borderRadius }, $ || (lt.fill = A.backgroundColor, lt["stroke-width"] = A.borderWidth), lt = q.label("", 0, 0, A[pt ? "headerShape" : "shape"], void 0, void 0, A.useHTML).addClass((pt ? "highcharts-tooltip-header " : "") + "highcharts-tooltip-box " + vt).attr(lt).add(Z)), lt.isActive = !0, lt.attr({ text: at }), $ || lt.css({ stroke: A.borderColor || J.color || yt.color || "#333333" }), ot = = lt, pt = ot.getBBox(), at = pt.width + ot.strokeWidth(), tt && (rt = pt.height, ct += rt, it && (nt -= rt)), yt = J.plotX, yt = yt === void 0 ? 0 : yt, vt = J.plotY, vt = vt === void 0 ? 0 : vt, lt = J.series, J.isHeader) {
  10793. yt = W + yt;
  10794. var Mt = E + I / 2;
  10795. } else {
  10796. var Pt = lt.xAxis, At = lt.yAxis;
  10797. yt = Pt.pos + S(yt, -Q, Pt.len + Q), lt.shouldShowTooltip(0, At.pos - E + vt, { ignoreX: !0 }) && (Mt = At.pos + vt);
  10798. }
  10799. yt = S(
  10800. yt,
  10801. Y.left - Q,
  10802. Y.right + Q
  10803. ), typeof Mt == "number" ? (pt = pt.height + 1, vt = F ?, at, pt, J) : a(yt, Mt, tt, at), ht.push({ align: F ? 0 : void 0, anchorX: yt, anchorY: Mt, boxWidth: at, point: J, rank: v(vt.rank, tt ? 1 : 0), size: pt, target: vt.y, tt: ot, x: vt.x })) : ot.isActive = !1;
  10804. }
  10805. return ht;
  10806. }, []), !F && i.some(function(ht) {
  10807. var at = (t.outside ? et : 0) + ht.anchorX;
  10808. return at < Y.left && at + ht.boxWidth < Y.right ? !0 : at < et - Y.left + ht.boxWidth && Y.right - at > at;
  10809. }) && (i = {
  10810. var at = a(ht.anchorX, ht.anchorY, ht.point.isHeader, ht.boxWidth, !1);
  10811. return T(ht, { target: at.y, x: at.x });
  10812. })), t.cleanSplit(), R(i, ct);
  10813. var gt = et, dt = et;
  10814. i.forEach(function(ht) {
  10815. var at = ht.x, J = ht.boxWidth;
  10816. ht = ht.isHeader, ht || (t.outside && et + at < gt && (gt = et + at), !ht && t.outside && gt + J > dt && (dt = et + at));
  10817. }), i.forEach(function(ht) {
  10818. var at = ht.x, J = ht.anchorX, tt = ht.pos, ot = ht.point.isHeader;
  10819. if (tt = { visibility: typeof tt > "u" ? "hidden" : "inherit", x: at, y: tt + nt, anchorX: J, anchorY: ht.anchorY }, t.outside && at < J) {
  10820. var lt = et - gt;
  10821. 0 < lt && (ot || (tt.x = at + lt, tt.anchorX = J + lt), ot && (tt.x = (dt - gt) / 2, tt.anchorX = J + lt));
  10822. }
  10824. }), i = t.container, g = t.renderer, t.outside && i && g && (n = Z.getBBox(), g.setSize(n.width + n.x, n.height + n.y, !1), = gt + "px", = s + "px");
  10825. }, u.prototype.drawTracker = function() {
  10826. if (this.followPointer || !this.options.stickOnContact)
  10827. this.tracker && this.tracker.destroy();
  10828. else {
  10829. var i = this.chart, c = this.label, a = this.shared ? i.hoverPoints : i.hoverPoint;
  10830. if (c && a) {
  10831. var t = { x: 0, y: 0, width: 0, height: 0 };
  10832. a = this.getAnchor(a);
  10833. var s = c.getBBox();
  10834. a[0] += i.plotLeft - c.translateX, a[1] += i.plotTop - c.translateY, t.x = Math.min(0, a[0]), t.y = Math.min(0, a[1]), t.width = 0 > a[0] ? Math.max(Math.abs(a[0]), s.width - a[0]) : Math.max(
  10835. Math.abs(a[0]),
  10836. s.width
  10837. ), t.height = 0 > a[1] ? Math.max(Math.abs(a[1]), s.height - Math.abs(a[1])) : Math.max(Math.abs(a[1]), s.height), this.tracker ? this.tracker.attr(t) : (this.tracker = c.renderer.rect(t).addClass("highcharts-tracker").add(c), i.styledMode || this.tracker.attr({ fill: "rgba(0,0,0,0)" }));
  10838. }
  10839. }
  10840. }, u.prototype.styledModeFormat = function(i) {
  10841. return i.replace('style="font-size: 10px"', 'class="highcharts-header"').replace(/style="color:{(point|series)\.color}"/g, 'class="highcharts-color-{$1.colorIndex}"');
  10842. }, u.prototype.tooltipFooterHeaderFormatter = function(i, c) {
  10843. var a = i.series, t = a.tooltipOptions, s = a.xAxis, n = s && s.dateTime;
  10844. s = { isFooter: c, labelConfig: i };
  10845. var P = t.xDateFormat, _ = t[c ? "footerFormat" : "headerFormat"];
  10846. return O(this, "headerFormatter", s, function(I) {
  10847. n && !P && k(i.key) && (P = n.getXDateFormat(i.key, t.dateTimeLabelFormats)), n && P && (i.point && i.point.tooltipDateKeys || ["key"]).forEach(function(W) {
  10848. _ = _.replace("{point." + W + "}", "{point." + W + ":" + P + "}");
  10849. }), a.chart.styledMode && (_ = this.styledModeFormat(_)), I.text = V(_, { point: i, series: a }, this.chart);
  10850. }), s.text;
  10851. }, u.prototype.update = function(i) {
  10852. this.destroy(), w(!0, this.chart.options.tooltip.userOptions, i), this.init(this.chart, w(!0, this.options, i));
  10853. }, u.prototype.updatePosition = function(i) {
  10854. var c = this.chart, a = this.options, t = c.pointer, s = this.getLabel();
  10855. t = t.getChartPosition();
  10856. var n = (a.positioner || this.getPosition).call(this, s.width, s.height, i), P = i.plotX + c.plotLeft;
  10857. i = i.plotY + c.plotTop, this.outside && (a = a.borderWidth + 2 * this.distance, this.renderer.setSize(s.width + a, s.height + a, !1), (t.scaleX !== 1 || t.scaleY !== 1) && (x(this.container, { transform: "scale(" + t.scaleX + ", " + t.scaleY + ")" }), P *= t.scaleX, i *= t.scaleY), P += t.left - n.x, i += - n.y), this.move(Math.round(n.x), Math.round(n.y || 0), P, i);
  10858. }, u;
  10859. }(), y;
  10860. }), M(o, "Core/Series/Point.js", [o["Core/Renderer/HTML/AST.js"], o["Core/Animation/AnimationUtilities.js"], o["Core/DefaultOptions.js"], o["Core/FormatUtilities.js"], o["Core/Utilities.js"]], function(y, N, D, U, H) {
  10861. var V = N.animObject, G = D.defaultOptions, R = U.format, B = H.addEvent, S = H.defined, x = H.erase, f = H.extend, d = H.fireEvent, T = H.getNestedProperty, O = H.isArray, j = H.isFunction, k = H.isNumber, b = H.isObject, w = H.merge, v = H.objectEach, l = H.pick, h = H.syncTimeout, u = H.removeEvent, i = H.uniqueKey;
  10862. return N = function() {
  10863. function c() {
  10864. this.colorIndex = this.category = void 0, this.formatPrefix = "point", = void 0, this.isNull = !1, this.percentage = this.options = = void 0, this.selected = !1, = this.series = void 0, this.visible = !0, this.x = void 0;
  10865. }
  10866. return c.prototype.animateBeforeDestroy = function() {
  10867. var a = this, t = { x: a.startXPos, opacity: 0 }, s = a.getGraphicalProps();
  10868. s.singular.forEach(function(n) {
  10869. a[n] = a[n].animate(n === "dataLabel" ? { x: a[n].startXPos, y: a[n].startYPos, opacity: 0 } : t);
  10870. }), s.plural.forEach(function(n) {
  10871. a[n].forEach(function(P) {
  10872. P.element && P.animate(f({ x: a.startXPos }, P.startYPos ? { x: P.startXPos, y: P.startYPos } : {}));
  10873. });
  10874. });
  10875. }, c.prototype.applyOptions = function(a, t) {
  10876. var s = this.series, n = s.options.pointValKey || s.pointValKey;
  10877. return a =, a), f(this, a), this.options = this.options ? f(this.options, a) : a, && delete, a.dataLabels && delete this.dataLabels, n && (this.y =
  10878. this,
  10879. n
  10880. )), this.formatPrefix = (this.isNull = l(this.isValid && !this.isValid(), this.x === null || !k(this.y))) ? "null" : "point", this.selected && (this.state = "select"), "name" in this && typeof t > "u" && s.xAxis && s.xAxis.hasNames && (this.x = s.xAxis.nameToX(this)), typeof this.x > "u" && s ? this.x = typeof t > "u" ? s.autoIncrement() : t : k(a.x) && s.options.relativeXValue && (this.x = s.autoIncrement(a.x)), this;
  10881. }, c.prototype.destroy = function() {
  10882. function a() {
  10883. (t.graphic || t.dataLabel || t.dataLabels) && (u(t), t.destroyElements());
  10884. for (I in t)
  10885. t[I] = null;
  10886. }
  10887. var t = this, s = t.series, n = s.chart;
  10888. s = s.options.dataSorting;
  10889. var P = n.hoverPoints, _ = V(t.series.chart.renderer.globalAnimation), I;
  10890. t.legendItem && n.legend.destroyItem(t), P && (t.setState(), x(P, t), P.length || (n.hoverPoints = null)), t === n.hoverPoint && t.onMouseOut(), s && s.enabled ? (this.animateBeforeDestroy(), h(a, _.duration)) : a(), n.pointCount--;
  10891. }, c.prototype.destroyElements = function(a) {
  10892. var t = this;
  10893. a = t.getGraphicalProps(a), a.singular.forEach(function(s) {
  10894. t[s] = t[s].destroy();
  10895. }), a.plural.forEach(function(s) {
  10896. t[s].forEach(function(n) {
  10897. n.element && n.destroy();
  10898. }), delete t[s];
  10899. });
  10900. }, c.prototype.firePointEvent = function(a, t, s) {
  10901. var n = this, P = this.series.options;
  10902. ([a] || n.options && &&[a]) && n.importEvents(), a === "click" && P.allowPointSelect && (s = function(_) {
  10903. &&, _.ctrlKey || _.metaKey || _.shiftKey);
  10904. }), d(n, a, t, s);
  10905. }, c.prototype.getClassName = function() {
  10906. return "highcharts-point" + (this.selected ? " highcharts-point-select" : "") + (this.negative ? " highcharts-negative" : "") + (this.isNull ? " highcharts-null-point" : "") + (typeof this.colorIndex < "u" ? " highcharts-color-" + this.colorIndex : "") + (this.options.className ? " " + this.options.className : "") + ( && ? " " +"highcharts-negative", "") : "");
  10907. }, c.prototype.getGraphicalProps = function(a) {
  10908. var t = this, s = [], n = { singular: [], plural: [] }, P;
  10909. for (a = a || { graphic: 1, dataLabel: 1 }, a.graphic && s.push("graphic", "upperGraphic", "shadowGroup"), a.dataLabel && s.push("dataLabel", "dataLabelUpper", "connector"), P = s.length; P--; ) {
  10910. var _ = s[P];
  10911. t[_] && n.singular.push(_);
  10912. }
  10913. return ["dataLabel", "connector"].forEach(function(I) {
  10914. var W = I + "s";
  10915. a[I] && t[W] && n.plural.push(W);
  10916. }), n;
  10917. }, c.prototype.getLabelConfig = function() {
  10918. return { x: this.category, y: this.y, color: this.color, colorIndex: this.colorIndex, key: || this.category, series: this.series, point: this, percentage: this.percentage, total: || this.stackTotal };
  10919. }, c.prototype.getNestedProperty = function(a) {
  10920. if (a)
  10921. return a.indexOf("custom.") === 0 ? T(a, this.options) : this[a];
  10922. }, c.prototype.getZone = function() {
  10923. var a = this.series, t = a.zones;
  10924. a = a.zoneAxis || "y";
  10925. var s, n = 0;
  10926. for (s = t[n]; this[a] >= s.value; )
  10927. s = t[++n];
  10928. return this.nonZonedColor || (this.nonZonedColor = this.color), this.color = s && s.color && !this.options.color ? s.color : this.nonZonedColor, s;
  10929. }, c.prototype.hasNewShapeType = function() {
  10930. return (this.graphic && (this.graphic.symbolName || this.graphic.element.nodeName)) !== this.shapeType;
  10931. }, c.prototype.init = function(a, t, s) {
  10932. return this.series = a, this.applyOptions(t, s), = S( ? : i(), this.resolveColor(), a.chart.pointCount++, d(this, "afterInit"), this;
  10933. }, c.prototype.optionsToObject = function(a) {
  10934. var t = this.series, s = t.options.keys, n = s || t.pointArrayMap || ["y"], P = n.length, _ = {}, I = 0, W = 0;
  10935. if (k(a) || a === null)
  10936. _[n[0]] = a;
  10937. else if (O(a))
  10938. for (!s && a.length > P && (t = typeof a[0], t === "string" ? = a[0] : t === "number" && (_.x = a[0]), I++); W < P; )
  10939. s && typeof a[I] > "u" || (0 < n[W].indexOf(".") ? c.prototype.setNestedProperty(_, a[I], n[W]) : _[n[W]] = a[I]), I++, W++;
  10940. else
  10941. typeof a == "object" && (_ = a, a.dataLabels && (t._hasPointLabels = !0), a.marker && (t._hasPointMarkers = !0));
  10942. return _;
  10943. }, c.prototype.resolveColor = function() {
  10944. var a = this.series, t = a.chart.styledMode, s = a.chart.options.chart.colorCount;
  10945. if (delete this.nonZonedColor, a.options.colorByPoint) {
  10946. if (!t) {
  10947. s = a.options.colors || a.chart.options.colors;
  10948. var n = s[a.colorCounter];
  10949. s = s.length;
  10950. }
  10951. t = a.colorCounter, a.colorCounter++, a.colorCounter === s && (a.colorCounter = 0);
  10952. } else
  10953. t || (n = a.color), t = a.colorIndex;
  10954. this.colorIndex = l(this.options.colorIndex, t), this.color = l(this.options.color, n);
  10955. }, c.prototype.setNestedProperty = function(a, t, s) {
  10956. return s.split(".").reduce(function(n, P, _, I) {
  10957. return n[P] = I.length - 1 === _ ? t : b(n[P], !0) ? n[P] : {}, n[P];
  10958. }, a), a;
  10959. }, c.prototype.tooltipFormatter = function(a) {
  10960. var t = this.series, s = t.tooltipOptions, n = l(s.valueDecimals, ""), P = s.valuePrefix || "", _ = s.valueSuffix || "";
  10961. return t.chart.styledMode && (a = t.chart.tooltip.styledModeFormat(a)), (t.pointArrayMap || ["y"]).forEach(function(I) {
  10962. I = "{point." + I, (P || _) && (a = a.replace(RegExp(I + "}", "g"), P + I + "}" + _)), a = a.replace(RegExp(I + "}", "g"), I + ":,." + n + "f}");
  10963. }), R(a, { point: this, series: this.series }, t.chart);
  10964. }, c.prototype.update = function(a, t, s, n) {
  10965. function P() {
  10966. _.applyOptions(a);
  10967. var m = W && _.hasDummyGraphic;
  10968. m = _.y === null ? !m : m, W && m && (_.graphic = W.destroy(), delete _.hasDummyGraphic), b(a, !0) && (W && W.element && a && a.marker && typeof a.marker.symbol < "u" && (_.graphic = W.destroy()), a && a.dataLabels && _.dataLabel && (_.dataLabel = _.dataLabel.destroy()), _.connector && (_.connector = _.connector.destroy())), g = _.index, I.updateParallelArrays(_, g),[g] = b([g], !0) || b(a, !0) ? _.options : l(a,[g]), I.isDirty = I.isDirtyData = !0, !I.fixedBox && I.hasCartesianSeries && (E.isDirtyBox = !0), X.legendType === "point" && (E.isDirtyLegend = !0), t && E.redraw(s);
  10969. }
  10970. var _ = this, I = _.series, W = _.graphic, E = I.chart, X = I.options, g;
  10971. t = l(t, !0), n === !1 ? P() : _.firePointEvent("update", { options: a }, P);
  10972. }, c.prototype.remove = function(a, t) {
  10973. this.series.removePoint(, a, t);
  10974. }, = function(a, t) {
  10975. var s = this, n = s.series, P = n.chart;
  10976. this.selectedStaging = a = l(a, !s.selected), s.firePointEvent(a ? "select" : "unselect", { accumulate: t }, function() {
  10977. s.selected = s.options.selected = a,[] = s.options, s.setState(a && "select"), t || P.getSelectedPoints().forEach(function(_) {
  10978. var I = _.series;
  10979. _.selected && _ !== s && (_.selected = _.options.selected = !1,[] = _.options, _.setState(P.hoverPoints && I.options.inactiveOtherPoints ? "inactive" : ""), _.firePointEvent("unselect"));
  10980. });
  10981. }), delete this.selectedStaging;
  10982. }, c.prototype.onMouseOver = function(a) {
  10983. var t = this.series.chart, s = t.pointer;
  10984. a = a ? s.normalize(a) : s.getChartCoordinatesFromPoint(this, t.inverted), s.runPointActions(
  10985. a,
  10986. this
  10987. );
  10988. }, c.prototype.onMouseOut = function() {
  10989. var a = this.series.chart;
  10990. this.firePointEvent("mouseOut"), this.series.options.inactiveOtherPoints || (a.hoverPoints || []).forEach(function(t) {
  10991. t.setState();
  10992. }), a.hoverPoints = a.hoverPoint = null;
  10993. }, c.prototype.importEvents = function() {
  10994. if (!this.hasImportedEvents) {
  10995. var a = this, t = w(a.series.options.point, a.options).events;
  10996. = t, v(t, function(s, n) {
  10997. j(s) && B(a, n, s);
  10998. }), this.hasImportedEvents = !0;
  10999. }
  11000. }, c.prototype.setState = function(a, t) {
  11001. var s = this.series, n = this.state, P = s.options.states[a || "normal"] || {}, _ = G.plotOptions[s.type].marker && s.options.marker, I = _ && _.enabled === !1, W = _ && _.states && _.states[a || "normal"] || {}, E = W.enabled === !1, X = this.marker || {}, g = s.chart, m = _ && s.markerAttribs, L = s.halo, z, $ = s.stateMarkerGraphic;
  11002. if (a = a || "", !(a === this.state && !t || this.selected && a !== "select" || P.enabled === !1 || a && (E || I && W.enabled === !1) || a && X.states && X.states[a] && X.states[a].enabled === !1)) {
  11003. if (this.state = a, m && (z = s.markerAttribs(this, a)), this.graphic && !this.hasDummyGraphic) {
  11004. if (n && this.graphic.removeClass("highcharts-point-" + n), a && this.graphic.addClass("highcharts-point-" + a), !g.styledMode) {
  11005. var Q = s.pointAttribs(this, a), A = l(g.options.chart.animation, P.animation);
  11006. s.options.inactiveOtherPoints && k(Q.opacity) && ((this.dataLabels || []).forEach(function(F) {
  11007. F && F.animate({ opacity: Q.opacity }, A);
  11008. }), this.connector && this.connector.animate({ opacity: Q.opacity }, A)), this.graphic.animate(Q, A);
  11009. }
  11010. z && this.graphic.animate(z, l(g.options.chart.animation, W.animation, _.animation)), $ && $.hide();
  11011. } else
  11012. a && W && (n = X.symbol || s.symbol, $ && $.currentSymbol !== n && ($ = $.destroy()), z && ($ ? $[t ? "animate" : "attr"]({ x: z.x, y: z.y }) : n && (s.stateMarkerGraphic = $ = g.renderer.symbol(n, z.x, z.y, z.width, z.height).add(s.markerGroup), $.currentSymbol = n)), !g.styledMode && $ && this.state !== "inactive" && $.attr(s.pointAttribs(this, a))), $ && ($[a && this.isInside ? "show" : "hide"](), $.element.point = this, $.addClass(this.getClassName(), !0));
  11013. P = P.halo, z = ($ = this.graphic || $) && $.visibility || "inherit", P && P.size && $ && z !== "hidden" && !this.isCluster ? (L || (s.halo = L = g.renderer.path().add($.parentGroup)),[t ? "animate" : "attr"]({ d: this.haloPath(P.size) }), L.attr({ class: "highcharts-halo highcharts-color-" + l(this.colorIndex, s.colorIndex) + (this.className ? " " + this.className : ""), visibility: z, zIndex: -1 }), L.point = this, g.styledMode || L.attr(f({ fill: this.color || s.color, "fill-opacity": P.opacity }, y.filterUserAttributes(P.attributes || {})))) : L && L.point && L.point.haloPath && L.animate({ d: L.point.haloPath(0) }, null, L.hide), d(this, "afterSetState", { state: a });
  11014. }
  11015. }, c.prototype.haloPath = function(a) {
  11016. return - a, this.plotY - a, 2 * a, 2 * a);
  11017. }, c;
  11018. }(), N;
  11019. }), M(o, "Core/Pointer.js", [o["Core/Color/Color.js"], o["Core/Globals.js"], o["Core/Tooltip.js"], o["Core/Utilities.js"]], function(y, N, D, U) {
  11020. var H = y.parse, V = N.charts, G = N.noop, R = U.addEvent, B = U.attr, S = U.css, x = U.defined, f = U.extend, d = U.find, T = U.fireEvent, O = U.isNumber, j = U.isObject, k = U.objectEach, b = U.offset, w = U.pick, v = U.splat;
  11021. return y = function() {
  11022. function l(h, u) {
  11023. this.lastValidTouch = {}, this.pinchDown = [], this.runChartClick = !1, this.eventsToUnbind = [], this.chart = h, this.hasDragged = !1, this.options = u, this.init(h, u);
  11024. }
  11025. return l.prototype.applyInactiveState = function(h) {
  11026. var u = [], i;
  11027. (h || []).forEach(function(c) {
  11028. i = c.series, u.push(i), i.linkedParent && u.push(i.linkedParent), i.linkedSeries && (u = u.concat(i.linkedSeries)), i.navigatorSeries && u.push(i.navigatorSeries);
  11029. }), this.chart.series.forEach(function(c) {
  11030. u.indexOf(c) === -1 ? c.setState("inactive", !0) : c.options.inactiveOtherPoints && c.setAllPointsToState("inactive");
  11031. });
  11032. }, l.prototype.destroy = function() {
  11033. var h = this;
  11034. this.eventsToUnbind.forEach(function(u) {
  11035. return u();
  11036. }), this.eventsToUnbind = [], N.chartCount || (l.unbindDocumentMouseUp && (l.unbindDocumentMouseUp = l.unbindDocumentMouseUp()), l.unbindDocumentTouchEnd && (l.unbindDocumentTouchEnd = l.unbindDocumentTouchEnd())), clearInterval(h.tooltipTimeout), k(h, function(u, i) {
  11037. h[i] = void 0;
  11038. });
  11039. }, l.prototype.drag = function(h) {
  11040. var u = this.chart, i = u.options.chart, c = this.zoomHor, a = this.zoomVert, t = u.plotLeft, s = u.plotTop, n = u.plotWidth, P = u.plotHeight, _ = this.mouseDownX || 0, I = this.mouseDownY || 0, W = j(i.panning) ? i.panning && i.panning.enabled : i.panning, E = i.panKey && h[i.panKey + "Key"], X = h.chartX, g = h.chartY, m = this.selectionMarker;
  11041. if ((!m || !m.touch) && (X < t ? X = t : X > t + n && (X = t + n), g < s ? g = s : g > s + P && (g = s + P), this.hasDragged = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_ - X, 2) + Math.pow(I - g, 2)), 10 < this.hasDragged)) {
  11042. var L = u.isInsidePlot(_ - t, I - s, { visiblePlotOnly: !0 });
  11043. !u.hasCartesianSeries && !u.mapView || !this.zoomX && !this.zoomY || !L || E || m || (this.selectionMarker = m = u.renderer.rect(t, s, c ? 1 : n, a ? 1 : P, 0).attr({ class: "highcharts-selection-marker", zIndex: 7 }).add(), u.styledMode || m.attr({ fill: i.selectionMarkerFill || H("#335cad").setOpacity(0.25).get() })), m && c && (c = X - _, m.attr({ width: Math.abs(c), x: (0 < c ? 0 : c) + _ })), m && a && (c = g - I, m.attr({ height: Math.abs(c), y: (0 < c ? 0 : c) + I })), L && !m && W && u.pan(h, i.panning);
  11044. }
  11045. }, l.prototype.dragStart = function(h) {
  11046. var u = this.chart;
  11047. u.mouseIsDown = h.type, u.cancelClick = !1, u.mouseDownX = this.mouseDownX = h.chartX, u.mouseDownY = this.mouseDownY = h.chartY;
  11048. }, l.prototype.drop = function(h) {
  11049. var u = this, i = this.chart, c = this.hasPinched;
  11050. if (this.selectionMarker) {
  11051. var a = this.selectionMarker, t = a.attr ? a.attr("x") : a.x, s = a.attr ? a.attr("y") : a.y, n = a.attr ? a.attr("width") : a.width, P = a.attr ? a.attr("height") : a.height, _ = { originalEvent: h, xAxis: [], yAxis: [], x: t, y: s, width: n, height: P }, I = !!i.mapView;
  11052. (this.hasDragged || c) && (i.axes.forEach(function(W) {
  11053. if (W.zoomEnabled && x(W.min) && (c || u[{ xAxis: "zoomX", yAxis: "zoomY" }[W.coll]]) && O(t) && O(s)) {
  11054. var E = W.horiz, X = h.type === "touchend" ? W.minPixelPadding : 0, g = W.toValue((E ? t : s) + X);
  11055. E = W.toValue((E ? t + n : s + P) - X), _[W.coll].push({ axis: W, min: Math.min(g, E), max: Math.max(g, E) }), I = !0;
  11056. }
  11057. }), I && T(i, "selection", _, function(W) {
  11058. i.zoom(f(
  11059. W,
  11060. c ? { animation: !1 } : null
  11061. ));
  11062. })), O(i.index) && (this.selectionMarker = this.selectionMarker.destroy()), c && this.scaleGroups();
  11063. }
  11064. i && O(i.index) && (S(i.container, { cursor: i._cursor }), i.cancelClick = 10 < this.hasDragged, i.mouseIsDown = this.hasDragged = this.hasPinched = !1, this.pinchDown = []);
  11065. }, l.prototype.findNearestKDPoint = function(h, u, i) {
  11066. var c = this.chart, a = c.hoverPoint;
  11067. if (c = c.tooltip, a && c && c.isStickyOnContact())
  11068. return a;
  11069. var t;
  11070. return h.forEach(function(s) {
  11071. var n = !(s.noSharedTooltip && u) && 0 > s.options.findNearestPointBy.indexOf("y");
  11072. if (s = s.searchPoint(i, n), (n = j(s, !0) && s.series) && !(n = !j(t, !0))) {
  11073. n = t.distX - s.distX;
  11074. var P = t.dist - s.dist, _ = ( && - ( &&;
  11075. n = 0 < (n !== 0 && u ? n : P !== 0 ? P : _ !== 0 ? _ : t.series.index > s.series.index ? -1 : 1);
  11076. }
  11077. n && (t = s);
  11078. }), t;
  11079. }, l.prototype.getChartCoordinatesFromPoint = function(h, u) {
  11080. var i = h.series, c = i.xAxis;
  11081. i = i.yAxis;
  11082. var a = h.shapeArgs;
  11083. if (c && i) {
  11084. var t = w(h.clientX, h.plotX), s = h.plotY || 0;
  11085. return h.isNode && a && O(a.x) && O(a.y) && (t = a.x, s = a.y), u ? { chartX: i.len + i.pos - s, chartY: c.len + c.pos - t } : { chartX: t + c.pos, chartY: s + i.pos };
  11086. }
  11087. if (a && a.x && a.y)
  11088. return { chartX: a.x, chartY: a.y };
  11089. }, l.prototype.getChartPosition = function() {
  11090. if (this.chartPosition)
  11091. return this.chartPosition;
  11092. var h = this.chart.container, u = b(h);
  11093. this.chartPosition = { left: u.left, top:, scaleX: 1, scaleY: 1 };
  11094. var i = h.offsetWidth;
  11095. return h = h.offsetHeight, 2 < i && 2 < h && (this.chartPosition.scaleX = u.width / i, this.chartPosition.scaleY = u.height / h), this.chartPosition;
  11096. }, l.prototype.getCoordinates = function(h) {
  11097. var u = { xAxis: [], yAxis: [] };
  11098. return this.chart.axes.forEach(function(i) {
  11099. u[i.isXAxis ? "xAxis" : "yAxis"].push({ axis: i, value: i.toValue(h[i.horiz ? "chartX" : "chartY"]) });
  11100. }), u;
  11101. }, l.prototype.getHoverData = function(h, u, i, c, a, t) {
  11102. var s = [];
  11103. c = !(!c || !h);
  11104. var n = { chartX: t ? t.chartX : void 0, chartY: t ? t.chartY : void 0, shared: a };
  11105. T(this, "beforeGetHoverData", n);
  11106. var P = u && !u.stickyTracking ? [u] : i.filter(function(I) {
  11107. return n.filter ? n.filter(I) : I.visible && !(!a && I.directTouch) && w(I.options.enableMouseTracking, !0) && I.stickyTracking;
  11108. }), _ = c || !t ? h : this.findNearestKDPoint(P, a, t);
  11109. return u = _ && _.series, _ && (a && !u.noSharedTooltip ? (P = i.filter(function(I) {
  11110. return n.filter ? n.filter(I) : I.visible && !(!a && I.directTouch) && w(I.options.enableMouseTracking, !0) && !I.noSharedTooltip;
  11111. }), P.forEach(function(I) {
  11112. var W = d(I.points, function(E) {
  11113. return E.x === _.x && !E.isNull;
  11114. });
  11115. j(W) && (I.chart.isBoosting && (W = I.getPoint(W)), s.push(W));
  11116. })) : s.push(_)), n = { hoverPoint: _ }, T(this, "afterGetHoverData", n), { hoverPoint: n.hoverPoint, hoverSeries: u, hoverPoints: s };
  11117. }, l.prototype.getPointFromEvent = function(h) {
  11118. h =;
  11119. for (var u; h && !u; )
  11120. u = h.point, h = h.parentNode;
  11121. return u;
  11122. }, l.prototype.onTrackerMouseOut = function(h) {
  11123. h = h.relatedTarget || h.toElement;
  11124. var u = this.chart.hoverSeries;
  11125. this.isDirectTouch = !1, !u || !h || u.stickyTracking || this.inClass(h, "highcharts-tooltip") || this.inClass(h, "highcharts-series-" + u.index) && this.inClass(h, "highcharts-tracker") || u.onMouseOut();
  11126. }, l.prototype.inClass = function(h, u) {
  11127. for (var i; h; ) {
  11128. if (i = B(h, "class")) {
  11129. if (i.indexOf(u) !== -1)
  11130. return !0;
  11131. if (i.indexOf("highcharts-container") !== -1)
  11132. return !1;
  11133. }
  11134. h = h.parentNode;
  11135. }
  11136. }, l.prototype.init = function(h, u) {
  11137. this.options = u, this.chart = h, this.runChartClick = !(! || !, this.pinchDown = [], this.lastValidTouch = {}, D && (h.tooltip = new D(h, u.tooltip), this.followTouchMove = w(u.tooltip.followTouchMove, !0)), this.setDOMEvents();
  11138. }, l.prototype.normalize = function(h, u) {
  11139. var i = h.touches, c = i ? i.length ? i.item(0) : w(i.changedTouches, h.changedTouches)[0] : h;
  11140. return u || (u = this.getChartPosition()), i = c.pageX - u.left, c = c.pageY -, i /= u.scaleX, c /= u.scaleY, f(h, { chartX: Math.round(i), chartY: Math.round(c) });
  11141. }, l.prototype.onContainerClick = function(h) {
  11142. var u = this.chart, i = u.hoverPoint;
  11143. h = this.normalize(h);
  11144. var c = u.plotLeft, a = u.plotTop;
  11145. u.cancelClick || (i && this.inClass(, "highcharts-tracker") ? (T(i.series, "click", f(h, { point: i })), u.hoverPoint && i.firePointEvent("click", h)) : (f(h, this.getCoordinates(h)), u.isInsidePlot(h.chartX - c, h.chartY - a, { visiblePlotOnly: !0 }) && T(u, "click", h)));
  11146. }, l.prototype.onContainerMouseDown = function(h) {
  11147. var u = ((h.buttons || h.button) & 1) === 1;
  11148. h = this.normalize(h), N.isFirefox && h.button !== 0 && this.onContainerMouseMove(h), (typeof h.button > "u" || u) && (this.zoomOption(h), u && h.preventDefault && h.preventDefault(), this.dragStart(h));
  11149. }, l.prototype.onContainerMouseLeave = function(h) {
  11150. var u = V[w(l.hoverChartIndex, -1)], i = this.chart.tooltip;
  11151. i && i.shouldStickOnContact() && this.inClass(h.relatedTarget, "highcharts-tooltip-container") || (h = this.normalize(h), u && (h.relatedTarget || h.toElement) && (u.pointer.reset(), u.pointer.chartPosition = void 0), i && !i.isHidden && this.reset());
  11152. }, l.prototype.onContainerMouseEnter = function(h) {
  11153. delete this.chartPosition;
  11154. }, l.prototype.onContainerMouseMove = function(h) {
  11155. var u = this.chart;
  11156. h = this.normalize(h), this.setHoverChartIndex(), h.preventDefault || (h.returnValue = !1), (u.mouseIsDown === "mousedown" || this.touchSelect(h)) && this.drag(h), u.openMenu || !this.inClass(, "highcharts-tracker") && !u.isInsidePlot(h.chartX - u.plotLeft, h.chartY - u.plotTop, { visiblePlotOnly: !0 }) || (this.inClass(, "highcharts-no-tooltip") ? this.reset(!1, 0) : this.runPointActions(h));
  11157. }, l.prototype.onDocumentTouchEnd = function(h) {
  11158. var u = V[w(
  11159. l.hoverChartIndex,
  11160. -1
  11161. )];
  11162. u && u.pointer.drop(h);
  11163. }, l.prototype.onContainerTouchMove = function(h) {
  11164. this.touchSelect(h) ? this.onContainerMouseMove(h) : this.touch(h);
  11165. }, l.prototype.onContainerTouchStart = function(h) {
  11166. this.touchSelect(h) ? this.onContainerMouseDown(h) : (this.zoomOption(h), this.touch(h, !0));
  11167. }, l.prototype.onDocumentMouseMove = function(h) {
  11168. var u = this.chart, i = this.chartPosition;
  11169. h = this.normalize(h, i);
  11170. var c = u.tooltip;
  11171. !i || c && c.isStickyOnContact() || u.isInsidePlot(h.chartX - u.plotLeft, h.chartY - u.plotTop, { visiblePlotOnly: !0 }) || this.inClass(, "highcharts-tracker") || this.reset();
  11172. }, l.prototype.onDocumentMouseUp = function(h) {
  11173. var u = V[w(l.hoverChartIndex, -1)];
  11174. u && u.pointer.drop(h);
  11175. }, l.prototype.pinch = function(h) {
  11176. var u = this, i = u.chart, c = u.pinchDown, a = h.touches || [], t = a.length, s = u.lastValidTouch, n = u.hasZoom, P = {}, _ = t === 1 && (u.inClass(, "highcharts-tracker") && i.runTrackerClick || u.runChartClick), I = {}, W = u.selectionMarker;
  11177. 1 < t ? u.initiated = !0 : t === 1 && this.followTouchMove && (u.initiated = !1), n && u.initiated && !_ && h.cancelable !== !1 && h.preventDefault(), [], function(E) {
  11178. return u.normalize(E);
  11179. }), h.type === "touchstart" ? ([], function(E, X) {
  11180. c[X] = { chartX: E.chartX, chartY: E.chartY };
  11181. }), s.x = [c[0].chartX, c[1] && c[1].chartX], s.y = [c[0].chartY, c[1] && c[1].chartY], i.axes.forEach(function(E) {
  11182. if (E.zoomEnabled) {
  11183. var X = i.bounds[E.horiz ? "h" : "v"], g = E.minPixelPadding, m = E.toPixels(Math.min(w(E.options.min, E.dataMin), E.dataMin)), L = E.toPixels(Math.max(w(E.options.max, E.dataMax), E.dataMax)), z = Math.max(m, L);
  11184. X.min = Math.min(E.pos, Math.min(
  11185. m,
  11186. L
  11187. ) - g), X.max = Math.max(E.pos + E.len, z + g);
  11188. }
  11189. }), u.res = !0) : u.followTouchMove && t === 1 ? this.runPointActions(u.normalize(h)) : c.length && (T(i, "touchpan", { originalEvent: h }, function() {
  11190. W || (u.selectionMarker = W = f({ destroy: G, touch: !0 }, i.plotBox)), u.pinchTranslate(c, a, P, W, I, s), u.hasPinched = n, u.scaleGroups(P, I);
  11191. }), u.res && (u.res = !1, this.reset(!1, 0)));
  11192. }, l.prototype.pinchTranslate = function(h, u, i, c, a, t) {
  11193. this.zoomHor && this.pinchTranslateDirection(!0, h, u, i, c, a, t), this.zoomVert && this.pinchTranslateDirection(!1, h, u, i, c, a, t);
  11194. }, l.prototype.pinchTranslateDirection = function(h, u, i, c, a, t, s, n) {
  11195. var P = this.chart, _ = h ? "x" : "y", I = h ? "X" : "Y", W = "chart" + I, E = h ? "width" : "height", X = P["plot" + (h ? "Left" : "Top")], g = P.inverted, m = P.bounds[h ? "h" : "v"], L = u.length === 1, z = u[0][W], $ = !L && u[1][W];
  11196. u = function() {
  11197. typeof Z == "number" && 20 < Math.abs(z - $) && (F = n || Math.abs(Y - Z) / Math.abs(z - $)), A = (X - Y) / F + z, Q = P["plot" + (h ? "Width" : "Height")] / F;
  11198. };
  11199. var Q, A, F = n || 1, Y = i[0][W], Z = !L && i[1][W];
  11200. if (u(), i = A, i < m.min) {
  11201. i = m.min;
  11202. var q = !0;
  11203. } else
  11204. i + Q > m.max && (i = m.max - Q, q = !0);
  11205. q ? (Y -= 0.8 * (Y - s[_][0]), typeof Z == "number" && (Z -= 0.8 * (Z - s[_][1])), u()) : s[_] = [Y, Z], g || (t[_] = A - X, t[E] = Q), t = g ? 1 / F : F, a[E] = Q, a[_] = i, c[g ? h ? "scaleY" : "scaleX" : "scale" + I] = F, c["translate" + I] = t * X + (Y - t * z);
  11206. }, l.prototype.reset = function(h, u) {
  11207. var i = this.chart, c = i.hoverSeries, a = i.hoverPoint, t = i.hoverPoints, s = i.tooltip, n = s && s.shared ? t : a;
  11208. h && n && v(n).forEach(function(P) {
  11209. P.series.isCartesian && typeof P.plotX > "u" && (h = !1);
  11210. }), h ? s && n && v(n).length && (s.refresh(n), s.shared && t ? t.forEach(function(P) {
  11211. P.setState(P.state, !0), P.series.isCartesian && (P.series.xAxis.crosshair && P.series.xAxis.drawCrosshair(
  11212. null,
  11213. P
  11214. ), P.series.yAxis.crosshair && P.series.yAxis.drawCrosshair(null, P));
  11215. }) : a && (a.setState(a.state, !0), i.axes.forEach(function(P) {
  11216. P.crosshair && a.series[P.coll] === P && P.drawCrosshair(null, a);
  11217. }))) : (a && a.onMouseOut(), t && t.forEach(function(P) {
  11218. P.setState();
  11219. }), c && c.onMouseOut(), s && s.hide(u), this.unDocMouseMove && (this.unDocMouseMove = this.unDocMouseMove()), i.axes.forEach(function(P) {
  11220. P.hideCrosshair();
  11221. }), this.hoverX = i.hoverPoints = i.hoverPoint = null);
  11222. }, l.prototype.runPointActions = function(h, u) {
  11223. var i = this.chart, c = i.tooltip && i.tooltip.options.enabled ? i.tooltip : void 0, a = c ? c.shared : !1, t = u || i.hoverPoint, s = t && t.series || i.hoverSeries;
  11224. u = this.getHoverData(t, s, i.series, (!h || h.type !== "touchmove") && (!!u || s && s.directTouch && this.isDirectTouch), a, h), t = u.hoverPoint, s = u.hoverSeries;
  11225. var n = u.hoverPoints;
  11226. if (u = s && s.tooltipOptions.followPointer && !s.tooltipOptions.split, a = a && s && !s.noSharedTooltip, t && (t !== i.hoverPoint || c && c.isHidden)) {
  11227. if ((i.hoverPoints || []).forEach(function(P) {
  11228. n.indexOf(P) === -1 && P.setState();
  11229. }), i.hoverSeries !== s && s.onMouseOver(), this.applyInactiveState(n), (n || []).forEach(function(P) {
  11230. P.setState("hover");
  11231. }), i.hoverPoint && i.hoverPoint.firePointEvent("mouseOut"), !t.series)
  11232. return;
  11233. i.hoverPoints = n, i.hoverPoint = t, t.firePointEvent("mouseOver"), c && c.refresh(a ? n : t, h);
  11234. } else
  11235. u && c && !c.isHidden && (t = c.getAnchor([{}], h), i.isInsidePlot(t[0], t[1], { visiblePlotOnly: !0 }) && c.updatePosition({ plotX: t[0], plotY: t[1] }));
  11236. this.unDocMouseMove || (this.unDocMouseMove = R(i.container.ownerDocument, "mousemove", function(P) {
  11237. var _ = V[l.hoverChartIndex];
  11238. _ && _.pointer.onDocumentMouseMove(P);
  11239. }), this.eventsToUnbind.push(this.unDocMouseMove)), i.axes.forEach(function(P) {
  11240. var _ = w((P.crosshair || {}).snap, !0), I;
  11241. _ && ((I = i.hoverPoint) && I.series[P.coll] === P || (I = d(n, function(W) {
  11242. return W.series[P.coll] === P;
  11243. }))), I || !_ ? P.drawCrosshair(h, I) : P.hideCrosshair();
  11244. });
  11245. }, l.prototype.scaleGroups = function(h, u) {
  11246. var i = this.chart;
  11247. i.series.forEach(function(c) {
  11248. var a = h || c.getPlotBox();
  11249. && (c.xAxis && c.xAxis.zoomEnabled || i.mapView) && (, c.markerGroup && (c.markerGroup.attr(a), c.markerGroup.clip(u ? i.clipRect : null)), c.dataLabelsGroup && c.dataLabelsGroup.attr(a));
  11250. }), i.clipRect.attr(u || i.clipBox);
  11251. }, l.prototype.setDOMEvents = function() {
  11252. var h = this, u = this.chart.container, i = u.ownerDocument;
  11253. u.onmousedown = this.onContainerMouseDown.bind(this), u.onmousemove = this.onContainerMouseMove.bind(this), u.onclick = this.onContainerClick.bind(this), this.eventsToUnbind.push(R(u, "mouseenter", this.onContainerMouseEnter.bind(this))), this.eventsToUnbind.push(R(u, "mouseleave", this.onContainerMouseLeave.bind(this))), l.unbindDocumentMouseUp || (l.unbindDocumentMouseUp = R(i, "mouseup", this.onDocumentMouseUp.bind(this)));
  11254. for (var c = this.chart.renderTo.parentElement; c && c.tagName !== "BODY"; )
  11255. this.eventsToUnbind.push(R(c, "scroll", function() {
  11256. delete h.chartPosition;
  11257. })), c = c.parentElement;
  11258. N.hasTouch && (this.eventsToUnbind.push(R(u, "touchstart", this.onContainerTouchStart.bind(this), { passive: !1 })), this.eventsToUnbind.push(R(u, "touchmove", this.onContainerTouchMove.bind(this), { passive: !1 })), l.unbindDocumentTouchEnd || (l.unbindDocumentTouchEnd = R(i, "touchend", this.onDocumentTouchEnd.bind(this), { passive: !1 })));
  11259. }, l.prototype.setHoverChartIndex = function() {
  11260. var h = this.chart, u = N.charts[w(l.hoverChartIndex, -1)];
  11261. u && u !== h && u.pointer.onContainerMouseLeave({ relatedTarget: !0 }), u && u.mouseIsDown || (l.hoverChartIndex = h.index);
  11262. }, l.prototype.touch = function(h, u) {
  11263. var i = this.chart;
  11264. if (this.setHoverChartIndex(), h.touches.length === 1)
  11265. if (h = this.normalize(h), i.isInsidePlot(h.chartX - i.plotLeft, h.chartY - i.plotTop, { visiblePlotOnly: !0 }) && !i.openMenu) {
  11266. if (u && this.runPointActions(h), h.type === "touchmove") {
  11267. u = this.pinchDown;
  11268. var c = u[0] ? 4 <= Math.sqrt(Math.pow(u[0].chartX - h.chartX, 2) + Math.pow(u[0].chartY - h.chartY, 2)) : !1;
  11269. }
  11270. w(c, !0) && this.pinch(h);
  11271. } else
  11272. u && this.reset();
  11273. else
  11274. h.touches.length === 2 && this.pinch(h);
  11275. }, l.prototype.touchSelect = function(h) {
  11276. return !(!this.chart.options.chart.zoomBySingleTouch || !h.touches || h.touches.length !== 1);
  11277. }, l.prototype.zoomOption = function(h) {
  11278. var u = this.chart, i = u.options.chart;
  11279. u = u.inverted;
  11280. var c = i.zoomType || "";
  11281. /touch/.test(h.type) && (c = w(i.pinchType, c)), this.zoomX = h = /x/.test(c), this.zoomY = i = /y/.test(c), this.zoomHor = h && !u || i && u, this.zoomVert = i && !u || h && u, this.hasZoom = h || i;
  11282. }, l;
  11283. }(), y;
  11284. }), M(o, "Core/MSPointer.js", [o["Core/Globals.js"], o["Core/Pointer.js"], o["Core/Utilities.js"]], function(y, N, D) {
  11285. function U() {
  11286. var k = [];
  11287. return k.item = function(b) {
  11288. return this[b];
  11289. }, d(O, function(b) {
  11290. k.push({ pageX: b.pageX, pageY: b.pageY, target: });
  11291. }), k;
  11292. }
  11293. function H(k, b, w, v) {
  11294. var l = G[N.hoverChartIndex || NaN];
  11295. k.pointerType !== "touch" && k.pointerType !== k.MSPOINTER_TYPE_TOUCH || !l || (l = l.pointer, v(k), l[b]({ type: w, target: k.currentTarget, preventDefault: B, touches: U() }));
  11296. }
  11297. var V = this && this.__extends || function() {
  11298. var k = function(b, w) {
  11299. return k = Object.setPrototypeOf || { __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function(v, l) {
  11300. v.__proto__ = l;
  11301. } || function(v, l) {
  11302. for (var h in l)
  11303. l.hasOwnProperty(h) && (v[h] = l[h]);
  11304. }, k(b, w);
  11305. };
  11306. return function(b, w) {
  11307. function v() {
  11308. this.constructor = b;
  11309. }
  11310. k(b, w), b.prototype = w === null ? Object.create(w) : (v.prototype = w.prototype, new v());
  11311. };
  11312. }(), G = y.charts, R = y.doc, B = y.noop, S =, x = D.addEvent, f = D.css, d = D.objectEach, T = D.removeEvent, O = {}, j = !!S.PointerEvent;
  11313. return function(k) {
  11314. function b() {
  11315. return k !== null && k.apply(this, arguments) || this;
  11316. }
  11317. return V(b, k), b.isRequired = function() {
  11318. return !(y.hasTouch || !S.PointerEvent && !S.MSPointerEvent);
  11319. }, b.prototype.batchMSEvents = function(w) {
  11320. w(this.chart.container, j ? "pointerdown" : "MSPointerDown", this.onContainerPointerDown), w(this.chart.container, j ? "pointermove" : "MSPointerMove", this.onContainerPointerMove), w(R, j ? "pointerup" : "MSPointerUp", this.onDocumentPointerUp);
  11321. }, b.prototype.destroy = function() {
  11322. this.batchMSEvents(T),;
  11323. }, b.prototype.init = function(w, v) {
  11324., w, v), this.hasZoom && f(w.container, { "-ms-touch-action": "none", "touch-action": "none" });
  11325. }, b.prototype.onContainerPointerDown = function(w) {
  11326. H(w, "onContainerTouchStart", "touchstart", function(v) {
  11327. O[v.pointerId] = { pageX: v.pageX, pageY: v.pageY, target: v.currentTarget };
  11328. });
  11329. }, b.prototype.onContainerPointerMove = function(w) {
  11330. H(w, "onContainerTouchMove", "touchmove", function(v) {
  11331. O[v.pointerId] = {
  11332. pageX: v.pageX,
  11333. pageY: v.pageY
  11334. }, O[v.pointerId].target || (O[v.pointerId].target = v.currentTarget);
  11335. });
  11336. }, b.prototype.onDocumentPointerUp = function(w) {
  11337. H(w, "onDocumentTouchEnd", "touchend", function(v) {
  11338. delete O[v.pointerId];
  11339. });
  11340. }, b.prototype.setDOMEvents = function() {
  11341., (this.hasZoom || this.followTouchMove) && this.batchMSEvents(x);
  11342. }, b;
  11343. }(N);
  11344. }), M(o, "Core/Legend/Legend.js", [
  11345. o["Core/Animation/AnimationUtilities.js"],
  11346. o["Core/FormatUtilities.js"],
  11347. o["Core/Globals.js"],
  11348. o["Core/Series/Point.js"],
  11349. o["Core/Renderer/RendererUtilities.js"],
  11350. o["Core/Utilities.js"]
  11351. ], function(y, N, D, U, H, V) {
  11352. var G = y.animObject, R = y.setAnimation, B = N.format;
  11353. y = D.isFirefox;
  11354. var S = D.marginNames;
  11355. D =;
  11356. var x = H.distribute, f = V.addEvent, d = V.createElement, T = V.css, O = V.defined, j = V.discardElement, k = V.find, b = V.fireEvent, w = V.isNumber, v = V.merge, l = V.pick, h = V.relativeLength, u = V.stableSort, i = V.syncTimeout;
  11357. return H = V.wrap, V = function() {
  11358. function c(a, t) {
  11359. this.allItems = [], this.contentGroup = = void 0, this.display = !1, = void 0, this.offsetWidth = this.maxLegendWidth = this.maxItemWidth = this.legendWidth = this.legendHeight = this.lastLineHeight = this.lastItemY = this.itemY = this.itemX = this.itemMarginTop = this.itemMarginBottom = this.itemHeight = this.initialItemY = 0, this.options = {}, this.padding = 0, this.pages = [], this.proximate = !1, this.scrollGroup = void 0, this.widthOption = this.totalItemWidth = this.titleHeight = this.symbolWidth = this.symbolHeight = 0, this.chart = a, this.init(a, t);
  11360. }
  11361. return c.prototype.init = function(a, t) {
  11362. this.chart = a, this.setOptions(t), t.enabled && (this.render(), f(this.chart, "endResize", function() {
  11363. this.legend.positionCheckboxes();
  11364. }), this.proximate ? this.unchartrender = f(this.chart, "render", function() {
  11365. this.legend.proximatePositions(), this.legend.positionItems();
  11366. }) : this.unchartrender && this.unchartrender());
  11367. }, c.prototype.setOptions = function(a) {
  11368. var t = l(a.padding, 8);
  11369. this.options = a, this.chart.styledMode || (this.itemStyle = a.itemStyle, this.itemHiddenStyle = v(this.itemStyle, a.itemHiddenStyle)), this.itemMarginTop = a.itemMarginTop || 0, this.itemMarginBottom = a.itemMarginBottom || 0, this.padding = t, this.initialItemY = t - 5, this.symbolWidth = l(
  11370. a.symbolWidth,
  11371. 16
  11372. ), this.pages = [], this.proximate = a.layout === "proximate" && !this.chart.inverted, this.baseline = void 0;
  11373. }, c.prototype.update = function(a, t) {
  11374. var s = this.chart;
  11375. this.setOptions(v(!0, this.options, a)), this.destroy(), s.isDirtyLegend = s.isDirtyBox = !0, l(t, !0) && s.redraw(), b(this, "afterUpdate");
  11376. }, c.prototype.colorizeItem = function(a, t) {
  11377. if (a.legendGroup[t ? "removeClass" : "addClass"]("highcharts-legend-item-hidden"), !this.chart.styledMode) {
  11378. var s = this.options, n = a.legendItem, P = a.legendLine, _ = a.legendSymbol, I = this.itemHiddenStyle.color;
  11379. s = t ? s.itemStyle.color : I;
  11380. var W = t && a.color || I, E = a.options && a.options.marker, X = { fill: W };
  11381. n && n.css({ fill: s, color: s }), P && P.attr({ stroke: W }), _ && (E && _.isMarker && (X = a.pointAttribs(), t || (X.stroke = X.fill = I)), _.attr(X));
  11382. }
  11383. b(this, "afterColorizeItem", { item: a, visible: t });
  11384. }, c.prototype.positionItems = function() {
  11385. this.allItems.forEach(this.positionItem, this), this.chart.isResizing || this.positionCheckboxes();
  11386. }, c.prototype.positionItem = function(a) {
  11387. var t = this, s = this.options, n = s.symbolPadding, P = !s.rtl, _ = a._legendItemPos;
  11388. s = _[0], _ = _[1];
  11389. var I = a.checkbox, W = a.legendGroup;
  11390. W && W.element && (n = { translateX: P ? s : this.legendWidth - s - 2 * n - 4, translateY: _ }, P = function() {
  11391. b(t, "afterPositionItem", { item: a });
  11392. }, O(W.translateY) ? W.animate(n, void 0, P) : (W.attr(n), P())), I && (I.x = s, I.y = _);
  11393. }, c.prototype.destroyItem = function(a) {
  11394. var t = a.checkbox;
  11395. ["legendItem", "legendLine", "legendSymbol", "legendGroup"].forEach(function(s) {
  11396. a[s] && (a[s] = a[s].destroy());
  11397. }), t && j(a.checkbox);
  11398. }, c.prototype.destroy = function() {
  11399. function a(t) {
  11400. this[t] && (this[t] = this[t].destroy());
  11401. }
  11402. this.getAllItems().forEach(function(t) {
  11403. [
  11404. "legendItem",
  11405. "legendGroup"
  11406. ].forEach(a, t);
  11407. }), "clipRect up down pager nav box title group".split(" ").forEach(a, this), this.display = null;
  11408. }, c.prototype.positionCheckboxes = function() {
  11409. var a = &&, t = this.clipHeight || this.legendHeight, s = this.titleHeight;
  11410. if (a) {
  11411. var n = a.translateY;
  11412. this.allItems.forEach(function(P) {
  11413. var _ = P.checkbox;
  11414. if (_) {
  11415. var I = n + s + _.y + (this.scrollOffset || 0) + 3;
  11416. T(_, { left: a.translateX + P.checkboxOffset + _.x - 20 + "px", top: I + "px", display: this.proximate || I > n - 6 && I < n + t - 6 ? "" : "none" });
  11417. }
  11418. }, this);
  11419. }
  11420. }, c.prototype.renderTitle = function() {
  11421. var a = this.options, t = this.padding, s = a.title, n = 0;
  11422. s.text && (this.title || (this.title = this.chart.renderer.label(s.text, t - 3, t - 4, null, null, null, a.useHTML, null, "legend-title").attr({ zIndex: 1 }), this.chart.styledMode || this.title.css(, this.title.add(, s.width || this.title.css({ width: this.maxLegendWidth + "px" }), a = this.title.getBBox(), n = a.height, this.offsetWidth = a.width, this.contentGroup.attr({ translateY: n })), this.titleHeight = n;
  11423. }, c.prototype.setText = function(a) {
  11424. var t = this.options;
  11425. a.legendItem.attr({ text: t.labelFormat ? B(t.labelFormat, a, this.chart) : });
  11426. }, c.prototype.renderItem = function(a) {
  11427. var t = this.chart, s = t.renderer, n = this.options, P = this.symbolWidth, _ = n.symbolPadding || 0, I = this.itemStyle, W = this.itemHiddenStyle, E = n.layout === "horizontal" ? l(n.itemDistance, 20) : 0, X = !n.rtl, g = !a.series, m = !g && a.series.drawLegendSymbol ? a.series : a, L = m.options, z = this.createCheckboxForItem && L && L.showCheckbox, $ = n.useHTML, Q = a.options.className, A = a.legendItem;
  11428. L = P + _ + E + (z ? 20 : 0), A || (a.legendGroup = s.g("legend-item").addClass("highcharts-" + m.type + "-series highcharts-color-" + a.colorIndex + (Q ? " " + Q : "") + (g ? " highcharts-series-" + a.index : "")).attr({ zIndex: 1 }).add(this.scrollGroup), a.legendItem = A = s.text("", X ? P + _ : -_, this.baseline || 0, $), t.styledMode || A.css(v(a.visible ? I : W)), A.attr({ align: X ? "left" : "right", zIndex: 2 }).add(a.legendGroup), this.baseline || (this.fontMetrics = s.fontMetrics(t.styledMode ? 12 : I.fontSize, A), this.baseline = this.fontMetrics.f + 3 + this.itemMarginTop, A.attr("y", this.baseline), this.symbolHeight = n.symbolHeight || this.fontMetrics.f, n.squareSymbol && (this.symbolWidth = l(n.symbolWidth, Math.max(this.symbolHeight, 16)), L = this.symbolWidth + _ + E + (z ? 20 : 0), X && A.attr("x", this.symbolWidth + _))), m.drawLegendSymbol(this, a), this.setItemEvents && this.setItemEvents(a, A, $)), z && !a.checkbox && this.createCheckboxForItem && this.createCheckboxForItem(a), this.colorizeItem(a, a.visible), !t.styledMode && I.width || A.css({ width: (n.itemWidth || this.widthOption || t.spacingBox.width) - L + "px" }), this.setText(a), t = A.getBBox(), s = this.fontMetrics && this.fontMetrics.h || 0, a.itemWidth = a.checkboxOffset = n.itemWidth || a.legendItemWidth || t.width + L, this.maxItemWidth = Math.max(this.maxItemWidth, a.itemWidth), this.totalItemWidth += a.itemWidth, this.itemHeight = a.itemHeight = Math.round(a.legendItemHeight || (t.height > 1.5 * s ? t.height : s));
  11429. }, c.prototype.layoutItem = function(a) {
  11430. var t = this.options, s = this.padding, n = t.layout === "horizontal", P = a.itemHeight, _ = this.itemMarginBottom, I = this.itemMarginTop, W = n ? l(t.itemDistance, 20) : 0, E = this.maxLegendWidth;
  11431. t = t.alignColumns && this.totalItemWidth > E ? this.maxItemWidth : a.itemWidth, n && this.itemX - s + t > E && (this.itemX = s, this.lastLineHeight && (this.itemY += I + this.lastLineHeight + _), this.lastLineHeight = 0), this.lastItemY = I + this.itemY + _, this.lastLineHeight = Math.max(P, this.lastLineHeight), a._legendItemPos = [this.itemX, this.itemY], n ? this.itemX += t : (this.itemY += I + P + _, this.lastLineHeight = P), this.offsetWidth = this.widthOption || Math.max((n ? this.itemX - s - (a.checkbox ? 0 : W) : t) + s, this.offsetWidth);
  11432. }, c.prototype.getAllItems = function() {
  11433. var a = [];
  11434. return this.chart.series.forEach(function(t) {
  11435. var s = t && t.options;
  11436. t && l(s.showInLegend, O(s.linkedTo) ? !1 : void 0, !0) && (a = a.concat(t.legendItems || (s.legendType === "point" ? : t)));
  11437. }), b(this, "afterGetAllItems", { allItems: a }), a;
  11438. }, c.prototype.getAlignment = function() {
  11439. var a = this.options;
  11440. return this.proximate ? a.align.charAt(0) + "tv" : a.floating ? "" : a.align.charAt(0) + a.verticalAlign.charAt(0) + a.layout.charAt(0);
  11441. }, c.prototype.adjustMargins = function(a, t) {
  11442. var s = this.chart, n = this.options, P = this.getAlignment();
  11443. P && [/(lth|ct|rth)/, /(rtv|rm|rbv)/, /(rbh|cb|lbh)/, /(lbv|lm|ltv)/].forEach(function(_, I) {
  11444. _.test(P) && !O(a[I]) && (s[S[I]] = Math.max(s[S[I]], s.legend[(I + 1) % 2 ? "legendHeight" : "legendWidth"] + [1, -1, -1, 1][I] * n[I % 2 ? "x" : "y"] + l(n.margin, 12) + t[I] + (s.titleOffset[I] || 0)));
  11445. });
  11446. }, c.prototype.proximatePositions = function() {
  11447. var a = this.chart, t = [], s = this.options.align === "left";
  11448. this.allItems.forEach(function(n) {
  11449. var P, _ = s;
  11450. if (n.yAxis) {
  11451. n.xAxis.options.reversed && (_ = !_), n.points && (P = k(_ ? n.points : n.points.slice(0).reverse(), function(W) {
  11452. return w(W.plotY);
  11453. })), _ = this.itemMarginTop + n.legendItem.getBBox().height + this.itemMarginBottom;
  11454. var I = - a.plotTop;
  11455. n.visible ? (P = P ? P.plotY : n.yAxis.height, P += I - 0.3 * _) : P = I + n.yAxis.height, t.push({ target: P, size: _, item: n });
  11456. }
  11457. }, this), x(t, a.plotHeight).forEach(function(n) {
  11458. n.item._legendItemPos && (n.item._legendItemPos[1] = a.plotTop - a.spacing[0] + n.pos);
  11459. });
  11460. }, c.prototype.render = function() {
  11461. var a = this.chart, t = a.renderer, s = this.options, n = this.padding, P = this.getAllItems(), _ =, I =;
  11462. this.itemX = n, this.itemY = this.initialItemY, this.lastItemY = this.offsetWidth = 0, this.widthOption = h(s.width, a.spacingBox.width - n);
  11463. var W = a.spacingBox.width - 2 * n - s.x;
  11464. -1 < ["rm", "lm"].indexOf(this.getAlignment().substring(0, 2)) && (W /= 2), this.maxLegendWidth = this.widthOption || W, _ || ( = _ = t.g("legend").addClass(s.className || "").attr({ zIndex: 7 }).add(), this.contentGroup = t.g().attr({ zIndex: 1 }).add(_), this.scrollGroup = t.g().add(this.contentGroup)), this.renderTitle(), u(P, function(X, g) {
  11465. return (X.options && X.options.legendIndex || 0) - (g.options && g.options.legendIndex || 0);
  11466. }), s.reversed && P.reverse(), this.allItems = P, this.display = W = !!P.length, this.itemHeight = this.totalItemWidth = this.maxItemWidth = this.lastLineHeight = 0, P.forEach(this.renderItem, this), P.forEach(this.layoutItem, this), P = (this.widthOption || this.offsetWidth) + n;
  11467. var E = this.lastItemY + this.lastLineHeight + this.titleHeight;
  11468. E = this.handleOverflow(E), E += n, I || ( = I = t.rect().addClass("highcharts-legend-box").attr({ r: s.borderRadius }).add(_), I.isNew = !0), a.styledMode || I.attr({ stroke: s.borderColor, "stroke-width": s.borderWidth || 0, fill: s.backgroundColor || "none" }).shadow(s.shadow), 0 < P && 0 < E && (I[I.isNew ? "attr" : "animate"]({}, { x: 0, y: 0, width: P, height: E }, I.strokeWidth())), I.isNew = !1), I[W ? "show" : "hide"](), a.styledMode && _.getStyle("display") === "none" && (P = E = 0), this.legendWidth = P, this.legendHeight = E, W && this.align(), this.proximate || this.positionItems(), b(this, "afterRender");
  11469. }, c.prototype.align = function(a) {
  11470. a === void 0 && (a = this.chart.spacingBox);
  11471. var t = this.chart, s = this.options, n = a.y;
  11472. /(lth|ct|rth)/.test(this.getAlignment()) && 0 < t.titleOffset[0] ? n += t.titleOffset[0] : /(lbh|cb|rbh)/.test(this.getAlignment()) && 0 < t.titleOffset[2] && (n -= t.titleOffset[2]), n !== a.y && (a = v(a, { y: n })),, { width: this.legendWidth, height: this.legendHeight, verticalAlign: this.proximate ? "top" : s.verticalAlign }), !0, a);
  11473. }, c.prototype.handleOverflow = function(a) {
  11474. var t = this, s = this.chart, n = s.renderer, P = this.options, _ = P.y, I = P.verticalAlign === "top", W = this.padding, E = P.maxHeight, X = P.navigation, g = l(X.animation, !0), m = X.arrowSize || 12, L = this.pages, z = this.allItems, $ = function(q) {
  11475. typeof q == "number" ? Z.attr({ height: q }) : Z && (t.clipRect = Z.destroy(), t.contentGroup.clip()), t.contentGroup.div && ( = q ? "rect(" + W + "px,9999px," + (W + q) + "px,0)" : "auto");
  11476. }, Q = function(q) {
  11477. return t[q] =, 0, 1.3 * m).translate(m / 2, m / 2).add(Y), s.styledMode || t[q].attr("fill", "rgba(0,0,0,0.0001)"), t[q];
  11478. }, A, F;
  11479. _ = s.spacingBox.height + (I ? -_ : _) - W;
  11480. var Y = this.nav, Z = this.clipRect;
  11481. return P.layout !== "horizontal" || P.verticalAlign === "middle" || P.floating || (_ /= 2), E && (_ = Math.min(_, E)), L.length = 0, a && 0 < _ && a > _ && X.enabled !== !1 ? (this.clipHeight = A = Math.max(_ - 20 - this.titleHeight - W, 0), this.currentPage = l(this.currentPage, 1), this.fullHeight = a, z.forEach(function(q, it) {
  11482. var et = q._legendItemPos[1], nt = Math.round(q.legendItem.getBBox().height), rt = L.length;
  11483. (!rt || et - L[rt - 1] > A && (F || et) !== L[rt - 1]) && (L.push(F || et), rt++), q.pageIx = rt - 1, F && (z[it - 1].pageIx = rt - 1), it === z.length - 1 && et + nt - L[rt - 1] > A && nt <= A && (L.push(et), q.pageIx = rt), et !== F && (F = et);
  11484. }), Z || (Z = t.clipRect = n.clipRect(0, W, 9999, 0), t.contentGroup.clip(Z)), $(A), Y || (this.nav = Y = n.g().attr({ zIndex: 1 }).add(, this.up = n.symbol("triangle", 0, 0, m, m).add(Y), Q("upTracker").on(
  11485. "click",
  11486. function() {
  11487. t.scroll(-1, g);
  11488. }
  11489. ), this.pager = n.text("", 15, 10).addClass("highcharts-legend-navigation"), s.styledMode || this.pager.css(, this.pager.add(Y), this.down = n.symbol("triangle-down", 0, 0, m, m).add(Y), Q("downTracker").on("click", function() {
  11490. t.scroll(1, g);
  11491. })), t.scroll(0), a = _) : Y && ($(), this.nav = Y.destroy(), this.scrollGroup.attr({ translateY: 1 }), this.clipHeight = 0), a;
  11492. }, c.prototype.scroll = function(a, t) {
  11493. var s = this, n = this.chart, P = this.pages, _ = P.length, I = this.clipHeight, W = this.options.navigation, E = this.pager, X = this.padding, g = this.currentPage + a;
  11494. g > _ && (g = _), 0 < g && (typeof t < "u" && R(t, n), this.nav.attr({ translateX: X, translateY: I + this.padding + 7 + this.titleHeight, visibility: "visible" }), [this.up, this.upTracker].forEach(function(m) {
  11495. m.attr({ class: g === 1 ? "highcharts-legend-nav-inactive" : "highcharts-legend-nav-active" });
  11496. }), E.attr({ text: g + "/" + _ }), [this.down, this.downTracker].forEach(
  11497. function(m) {
  11498. m.attr({ x: 18 + this.pager.getBBox().width, class: g === _ ? "highcharts-legend-nav-inactive" : "highcharts-legend-nav-active" });
  11499. },
  11500. this
  11501. ), n.styledMode || (this.up.attr({ fill: g === 1 ? W.inactiveColor : W.activeColor }), this.upTracker.css({ cursor: g === 1 ? "default" : "pointer" }), this.down.attr({ fill: g === _ ? W.inactiveColor : W.activeColor }), this.downTracker.css({ cursor: g === _ ? "default" : "pointer" })), this.scrollOffset = -P[g - 1] + this.initialItemY, this.scrollGroup.animate({ translateY: this.scrollOffset }), this.currentPage = g, this.positionCheckboxes(), a = G(l(t, n.renderer.globalAnimation, !0)), i(function() {
  11502. b(s, "afterScroll", { currentPage: g });
  11503. }, a.duration));
  11504. }, c.prototype.setItemEvents = function(a, t, s) {
  11505. var n = this, P = n.chart.renderer.boxWrapper, _ = a instanceof U, I = "highcharts-legend-" + (_ ? "point" : "series") + "-active", W = n.chart.styledMode, E = function(X) {
  11506. n.allItems.forEach(function(g) {
  11507. a !== g && [g].concat(g.linkedSeries || []).forEach(function(m) {
  11508. m.setState(X, !_);
  11509. });
  11510. });
  11511. };
  11512. (s ? [t, a.legendSymbol] : [a.legendGroup]).forEach(function(X) {
  11513. X && X.on("mouseover", function() {
  11514. a.visible && E("inactive"), a.setState("hover"), a.visible && P.addClass(I), W || t.css(n.options.itemHoverStyle);
  11515. }).on("mouseout", function() {
  11516. n.chart.styledMode || t.css(v(a.visible ? n.itemStyle : n.itemHiddenStyle)), E(""), P.removeClass(I), a.setState();
  11517. }).on("click", function(g) {
  11518. var m = function() {
  11519. a.setVisible && a.setVisible(), E(a.visible ? "inactive" : "");
  11520. };
  11521. P.removeClass(I), g = { browserEvent: g }, a.firePointEvent ? a.firePointEvent("legendItemClick", g, m) : b(a, "legendItemClick", g, m);
  11522. });
  11523. });
  11524. }, c.prototype.createCheckboxForItem = function(a) {
  11525. a.checkbox = d(
  11526. "input",
  11527. { type: "checkbox", className: "highcharts-legend-checkbox", checked: a.selected, defaultChecked: a.selected },
  11528. this.options.itemCheckboxStyle,
  11529. this.chart.container
  11530. ), f(a.checkbox, "click", function(t) {
  11531. b(a.series || a, "checkboxClick", { checked:, item: a }, function() {
  11533. });
  11534. });
  11535. }, c;
  11536. }(), (/Trident\/7\.0/.test(D.navigator && D.navigator.userAgent) || y) && H(V.prototype, "positionItem", function(c, a) {
  11537. var t = this, s = function() {
  11538. a._legendItemPos &&, a);
  11539. };
  11540. s(), t.bubbleLegend || setTimeout(s);
  11541. }), V;
  11542. }), M(
  11543. o,
  11544. "Core/Series/SeriesRegistry.js",
  11545. [o["Core/Globals.js"], o["Core/DefaultOptions.js"], o["Core/Series/Point.js"], o["Core/Utilities.js"]],
  11546. function(y, N, D, U) {
  11547. var H = N.defaultOptions, V = U.error, G = U.extendClass, R = U.merge, B;
  11548. return function(S) {
  11549. function x(f, d) {
  11550. var T = H.plotOptions || {}, O = d.defaultOptions;
  11551. d.prototype.pointClass || (d.prototype.pointClass = D), d.prototype.type = f, O && (T[f] = O), S.seriesTypes[f] = d;
  11552. }
  11553. S.seriesTypes = y.seriesTypes, S.getSeries = function(f, d) {
  11554. d === void 0 && (d = {});
  11555. var T = f.options.chart;
  11556. T = d.type || T.type || T.defaultSeriesType || "";
  11557. var O = S.seriesTypes[T];
  11558. return S || V(17, !0, f, { missingModuleFor: T }), T = new O(), typeof T.init == "function" && T.init(f, d), T;
  11559. }, S.registerSeriesType = x, S.seriesType = function(f, d, T, O, j) {
  11560. var k = H.plotOptions || {};
  11561. return d = d || "", k[f] = R(k[d], T), x(f, G(S.seriesTypes[d] || function() {
  11562. }, O)), S.seriesTypes[f].prototype.type = f, j && (S.seriesTypes[f].prototype.pointClass = G(D, j)), S.seriesTypes[f];
  11563. };
  11564. }(B || (B = {})), B;
  11565. }
  11566. ), M(o, "Core/Chart/Chart.js", [
  11567. o["Core/Animation/AnimationUtilities.js"],
  11568. o["Core/Axis/Axis.js"],
  11569. o["Core/FormatUtilities.js"],
  11570. o["Core/Foundation.js"],
  11571. o["Core/Globals.js"],
  11572. o["Core/Legend/Legend.js"],
  11573. o["Core/MSPointer.js"],
  11574. o["Core/DefaultOptions.js"],
  11575. o["Core/Pointer.js"],
  11576. o["Core/Renderer/RendererRegistry.js"],
  11577. o["Core/Series/SeriesRegistry.js"],
  11578. o["Core/Renderer/SVG/SVGRenderer.js"],
  11579. o["Core/Time.js"],
  11580. o["Core/Utilities.js"],
  11581. o["Core/Renderer/HTML/AST.js"]
  11582. ], function(y, N, D, U, H, V, G, R, B, S, x, f, d, T, O) {
  11583. var j = y.animate, k = y.animObject, b = y.setAnimation, w = D.numberFormat, v = U.registerEventOptions, l = H.charts, h = H.doc, u = H.marginNames, i = H.svg, c =, a = R.defaultOptions, t = R.defaultTime, s = x.seriesTypes, n = T.addEvent, P = T.attr, _ = T.cleanRecursively, I = T.createElement, W = T.css, E = T.defined, X = T.discardElement, g = T.erase, m = T.error, L = T.extend, z = T.find, $ = T.fireEvent, Q = T.getStyle, A = T.isArray, F = T.isNumber, Y = T.isObject, Z = T.isString, q = T.merge, it = T.objectEach, et = T.pick, nt = T.pInt, rt = T.relativeLength, ct = T.removeEvent, gt = T.splat, dt = T.syncTimeout, ht = T.uniqueKey;
  11584. return y = function() {
  11585. function at(J, tt, ot) {
  11586. this.series = this.renderTo = this.renderer = this.pointer = this.pointCount = this.plotWidth = this.plotTop = this.plotLeft = this.plotHeight = this.plotBox = this.options = this.numberFormatter = this.margin = this.legend = this.labelCollectors = this.isResizing = this.index = this.eventOptions = this.container = this.colorCounter = this.clipBox = this.chartWidth = this.chartHeight = this.bounds = this.axisOffset = this.axes = void 0, this.sharedClips = {}, this.yAxis = this.xAxis = this.userOptions = this.titleOffset = this.time = this.symbolCounter = this.spacingBox = this.spacing = void 0, this.getArgs(J, tt, ot);
  11587. }
  11588. return at.chart = function(J, tt, ot) {
  11589. return new at(J, tt, ot);
  11590. }, at.prototype.getArgs = function(J, tt, ot) {
  11591. Z(J) || J.nodeName ? (this.renderTo = J, this.init(tt, ot)) : this.init(J, tt);
  11592. }, at.prototype.init = function(J, tt) {
  11593. var ot = J.plotOptions || {};
  11594. $(this, "init", { args: arguments }, function() {
  11595. var lt = q(a, J), pt = lt.chart;
  11596. it(lt.plotOptions, function(yt, vt) {
  11597. Y(yt) && (yt.tooltip = ot[vt] && q(ot[vt].tooltip) || void 0);
  11598. }), lt.tooltip.userOptions = J.chart && J.chart.forExport && J.tooltip.userOptions || J.tooltip, this.userOptions = J, this.margin = [], this.spacing = [], this.bounds = { h: {}, v: {} }, this.labelCollectors = [], this.callback = tt, this.isResizing = 0, this.options = lt, this.axes = [], this.series = [], this.time = J.time && Object.keys(J.time).length ? new d(J.time) : H.time, this.numberFormatter = pt.numberFormatter || w, this.styledMode = pt.styledMode, this.hasCartesianSeries = pt.showAxes, this.index = l.length, l.push(this), H.chartCount++, v(this, pt), this.xAxis = [], this.yAxis = [], this.pointCount = this.colorCounter = this.symbolCounter = 0, $(this, "afterInit"), this.firstRender();
  11599. });
  11600. }, at.prototype.initSeries = function(J) {
  11601. var tt = this.options.chart;
  11602. tt = J.type || tt.type || tt.defaultSeriesType;
  11603. var ot = s[tt];
  11604. return ot || m(17, !0, this, { missingModuleFor: tt }), tt = new ot(), typeof tt.init == "function" && tt.init(this, J), tt;
  11605. }, at.prototype.setSeriesData = function() {
  11606. this.getSeriesOrderByLinks().forEach(function(J) {
  11607. J.points || || !J.enabledDataSorting || J.setData(, !1);
  11608. });
  11609. }, at.prototype.getSeriesOrderByLinks = function() {
  11610. return this.series.concat().sort(function(J, tt) {
  11611. return J.linkedSeries.length || tt.linkedSeries.length ? tt.linkedSeries.length - J.linkedSeries.length : 0;
  11612. });
  11613. }, at.prototype.orderSeries = function(J) {
  11614. var tt = this.series;
  11615. J = J || 0;
  11616. for (var ot = tt.length; J < ot; ++J)
  11617. tt[J] && (tt[J].index = J, tt[J].name = tt[J].getName());
  11618. }, at.prototype.isInsidePlot = function(J, tt, ot) {
  11619. ot === void 0 && (ot = {});
  11620. var lt = this.inverted, pt = this.plotBox, yt = this.plotLeft, vt = this.plotTop, Mt = this.scrollablePlotBox, Pt = 0, At = 0;
  11621. ot.visiblePlotOnly && this.scrollingContainer && (At = this.scrollingContainer, Pt = At.scrollLeft, At = At.scrollTop);
  11622. var St = ot.series;
  11623. if (pt = ot.visiblePlotOnly && Mt || pt, Mt = ot.inverted ? tt : J, tt = ot.inverted ? J : tt, J = { x: Mt, y: tt, isInsidePlot: !0 }, !ot.ignoreX) {
  11624. var Dt = St && (lt ? St.yAxis : St.xAxis) || { pos: yt, len: 1 / 0 };
  11625. Mt = ot.paneCoordinates ? Dt.pos + Mt : yt + Mt, Mt >= Math.max(Pt + yt, Dt.pos) && Mt <= Math.min(Pt + yt + pt.width, Dt.pos + Dt.len) || (J.isInsidePlot = !1);
  11626. }
  11627. return !ot.ignoreY && J.isInsidePlot && (lt = St && (lt ? St.xAxis : St.yAxis) || { pos: vt, len: 1 / 0 }, ot = ot.paneCoordinates ? lt.pos + tt : vt + tt, ot >= Math.max(At + vt, lt.pos) && ot <= Math.min(At + vt + pt.height, lt.pos + lt.len) || (J.isInsidePlot = !1)), $(this, "afterIsInsidePlot", J), J.isInsidePlot;
  11628. }, at.prototype.redraw = function(J) {
  11629. $(this, "beforeRedraw");
  11630. var tt = this.hasCartesianSeries ? this.axes : this.colorAxis || [], ot = this.series, lt = this.pointer, pt = this.legend, yt = this.userOptions.legend, vt = this.renderer, Mt = vt.isHidden(), Pt = [], At = this.isDirtyBox, St = this.isDirtyLegend;
  11631. for (this.setResponsive && this.setResponsive(!1), b(this.hasRendered ? J : !1, this), Mt && this.temporaryDisplay(), this.layOutTitles(), J = ot.length; J--; ) {
  11632. var Dt = ot[J];
  11633. if (Dt.options.stacking || Dt.options.centerInCategory) {
  11634. var _t = !0;
  11635. if (Dt.isDirty) {
  11636. var Nt = !0;
  11637. break;
  11638. }
  11639. }
  11640. }
  11641. if (Nt)
  11642. for (J = ot.length; J--; )
  11643. Dt = ot[J], Dt.options.stacking && (Dt.isDirty = !0);
  11644. ot.forEach(function(Ot) {
  11645. Ot.isDirty && (Ot.options.legendType === "point" ? (typeof Ot.updateTotals == "function" && Ot.updateTotals(), St = !0) : yt && (yt.labelFormatter || yt.labelFormat) && (St = !0)), Ot.isDirtyData && $(Ot, "updatedData");
  11646. }), St && pt && pt.options.enabled && (pt.render(), this.isDirtyLegend = !1), _t && this.getStacks(), tt.forEach(function(Ot) {
  11647. Ot.updateNames(), Ot.setScale();
  11648. }), this.getMargins(), tt.forEach(function(Ot) {
  11649. Ot.isDirty && (At = !0);
  11650. }), tt.forEach(function(Ot) {
  11651. var Kt = Ot.min + "," + Ot.max;
  11652. Ot.extKey !== Kt && (Ot.extKey = Kt, Pt.push(function() {
  11653. $(Ot, "afterSetExtremes", L(Ot.eventArgs, Ot.getExtremes())), delete Ot.eventArgs;
  11654. })), (At || _t) && Ot.redraw();
  11655. }), At && this.drawChartBox(), $(this, "predraw"), ot.forEach(function(Ot) {
  11656. (At || Ot.isDirty) && Ot.visible && Ot.redraw(), Ot.isDirtyData = !1;
  11657. }), lt && lt.reset(!0), vt.draw(), $(this, "redraw"), $(this, "render"), Mt && this.temporaryDisplay(!0), Pt.forEach(function(Ot) {
  11659. });
  11660. }, at.prototype.get = function(J) {
  11661. function tt(yt) {
  11662. return === J || yt.options && === J;
  11663. }
  11664. for (var ot = this.series, lt = z(this.axes, tt) || z(this.series, tt), pt = 0; !lt && pt < ot.length; pt++)
  11665. lt = z(ot[pt].points || [], tt);
  11666. return lt;
  11667. }, at.prototype.getAxes = function() {
  11668. var J = this, tt = this.options, ot = tt.xAxis = gt(tt.xAxis || {});
  11669. tt = tt.yAxis = gt(tt.yAxis || {}), $(this, "getAxes"), ot.forEach(function(lt, pt) {
  11670. lt.index = pt, lt.isX = !0;
  11671. }), tt.forEach(function(lt, pt) {
  11672. lt.index = pt;
  11673. }), ot.concat(tt).forEach(function(lt) {
  11674. new N(J, lt);
  11675. }), $(this, "afterGetAxes");
  11676. }, at.prototype.getSelectedPoints = function() {
  11677. return this.series.reduce(function(J, tt) {
  11678. return tt.getPointsCollection().forEach(function(ot) {
  11679. et(ot.selectedStaging, ot.selected) && J.push(ot);
  11680. }), J;
  11681. }, []);
  11682. }, at.prototype.getSelectedSeries = function() {
  11683. return this.series.filter(function(J) {
  11684. return J.selected;
  11685. });
  11686. }, at.prototype.setTitle = function(J, tt, ot) {
  11687. this.applyDescription("title", J), this.applyDescription("subtitle", tt), this.applyDescription(
  11688. "caption",
  11689. void 0
  11690. ), this.layOutTitles(ot);
  11691. }, at.prototype.applyDescription = function(J, tt) {
  11692. var ot = this, lt = J === "title" ? { color: "#333333", fontSize: this.options.isStock ? "16px" : "18px" } : { color: "#666666" };
  11693. lt = this.options[J] = q(!this.styledMode && { style: lt }, this.options[J], tt);
  11694. var pt = this[J];
  11695. pt && tt && (this[J] = pt = pt.destroy()), lt && !pt && (pt = this.renderer.text(lt.text, 0, 0, lt.useHTML).attr({ align: lt.align, class: "highcharts-" + J, zIndex: lt.zIndex || 4 }).add(), pt.update = function(yt) {
  11696. ot[{ title: "setTitle", subtitle: "setSubtitle", caption: "setCaption" }[J]](yt);
  11697. }, this.styledMode || pt.css(, this[J] = pt);
  11698. }, at.prototype.layOutTitles = function(J) {
  11699. var tt = [0, 0, 0], ot = this.renderer, lt = this.spacingBox;
  11700. ["title", "subtitle", "caption"].forEach(function(yt) {
  11701. var vt = this[yt], Mt = this.options[yt], Pt = Mt.verticalAlign || "top";
  11702. yt = yt === "title" ? Pt === "top" ? -3 : 0 : Pt === "top" ? tt[0] + 2 : 0;
  11703. var At;
  11704. if (vt) {
  11705. this.styledMode || (At = &&, At = ot.fontMetrics(At, vt).b, vt.css({ width: (Mt.width || lt.width + (Mt.widthAdjust || 0)) + "px" });
  11706. var St = Math.round(vt.getBBox(Mt.useHTML).height);
  11707. vt.align(L({ y: Pt === "bottom" ? At : yt + At, height: St }, Mt), !1, "spacingBox"), Mt.floating || (Pt === "top" ? tt[0] = Math.ceil(tt[0] + St) : Pt === "bottom" && (tt[2] = Math.ceil(tt[2] + St)));
  11708. }
  11709. }, this), tt[0] && (this.options.title.verticalAlign || "top") === "top" && (tt[0] += this.options.title.margin), tt[2] && this.options.caption.verticalAlign === "bottom" && (tt[2] += this.options.caption.margin);
  11710. var pt = !this.titleOffset || this.titleOffset.join(",") !== tt.join(",");
  11711. this.titleOffset = tt, $(this, "afterLayOutTitles"), !this.isDirtyBox && pt && (this.isDirtyBox = this.isDirtyLegend = pt, this.hasRendered && et(J, !0) && this.isDirtyBox && this.redraw());
  11712. }, at.prototype.getChartSize = function() {
  11713. var J = this.options.chart, tt = J.width;
  11714. J = J.height;
  11715. var ot = this.renderTo;
  11716. E(tt) || (this.containerWidth = Q(ot, "width")), E(J) || (this.containerHeight = Q(ot, "height")), this.chartWidth = Math.max(0, tt || this.containerWidth || 600), this.chartHeight = Math.max(0, rt(J, this.chartWidth) || (1 < this.containerHeight ? this.containerHeight : 400));
  11717. }, at.prototype.temporaryDisplay = function(J) {
  11718. var tt = this.renderTo;
  11719. if (J)
  11720. for (; tt &&; )
  11721. tt.hcOrigStyle && (W(tt, tt.hcOrigStyle), delete tt.hcOrigStyle), tt.hcOrigDetached && (h.body.removeChild(tt), tt.hcOrigDetached = !1), tt = tt.parentNode;
  11722. else
  11723. for (; tt && && (h.body.contains(tt) || tt.parentNode || (tt.hcOrigDetached = !0, h.body.appendChild(tt)), (Q(tt, "display", !1) === "none" || tt.hcOricDetached) && (tt.hcOrigStyle = { display:, height:, overflow: }, J = { display: "block", overflow: "hidden" }, tt !== this.renderTo && (J.height = 0), W(tt, J), tt.offsetWidth ||"display", "block", "important")), tt = tt.parentNode, tt !== h.body); )
  11724. ;
  11725. }, at.prototype.setClassName = function(J) {
  11726. this.container.className = "highcharts-container " + (J || "");
  11727. }, at.prototype.getContainer = function() {
  11728. var J = this.options, tt = J.chart, ot = ht(), lt, pt = this.renderTo;
  11729. pt || (this.renderTo = pt = tt.renderTo), Z(pt) && (this.renderTo = pt = h.getElementById(pt)), pt || m(13, !0, this);
  11730. var yt = nt(P(pt, "data-highcharts-chart"));
  11731. F(yt) && l[yt] && l[yt].hasRendered && l[yt].destroy(), P(pt, "data-highcharts-chart", this.index), pt.innerHTML = O.emptyHTML, tt.skipClone || pt.offsetWidth || this.temporaryDisplay(), this.getChartSize(), yt = this.chartWidth;
  11732. var vt = this.chartHeight;
  11733. if (W(pt, { overflow: "hidden" }), this.styledMode || (lt = L({ position: "relative", overflow: "hidden", width: yt + "px", height: vt + "px", textAlign: "left", lineHeight: "normal", zIndex: 0, "-webkit-tap-highlight-color": "rgba(0,0,0,0)", userSelect: "none", "touch-action": "manipulation", outline: "none" }, || {})), this.container = ot = I("div", { id: ot }, lt, pt), this._cursor =, this.renderer = new (tt.renderer || !i ? S.getRendererType(tt.renderer) : f)(ot, yt, vt, void 0, tt.forExport, J.exporting && J.exporting.allowHTML, this.styledMode), b(
  11734. void 0,
  11735. this
  11736. ), this.setClassName(tt.className), this.styledMode)
  11737. for (var Mt in J.defs)
  11738. this.renderer.definition(J.defs[Mt]);
  11739. else
  11740. this.renderer.setStyle(;
  11741. this.renderer.chartIndex = this.index, $(this, "afterGetContainer");
  11742. }, at.prototype.getMargins = function(J) {
  11743. var tt = this.spacing, ot = this.margin, lt = this.titleOffset;
  11744. this.resetMargins(), lt[0] && !E(ot[0]) && (this.plotTop = Math.max(this.plotTop, lt[0] + tt[0])), lt[2] && !E(ot[2]) && (this.marginBottom = Math.max(this.marginBottom, lt[2] + tt[2])), this.legend && this.legend.display && this.legend.adjustMargins(
  11745. ot,
  11746. tt
  11747. ), $(this, "getMargins"), J || this.getAxisMargins();
  11748. }, at.prototype.getAxisMargins = function() {
  11749. var J = this, tt = J.axisOffset = [0, 0, 0, 0], ot = J.colorAxis, lt = J.margin, pt = function(yt) {
  11750. yt.forEach(function(vt) {
  11751. vt.visible && vt.getOffset();
  11752. });
  11753. };
  11754. J.hasCartesianSeries ? pt(J.axes) : ot && ot.length && pt(ot), u.forEach(function(yt, vt) {
  11755. E(lt[vt]) || (J[yt] += tt[vt]);
  11756. }), J.setChartSize();
  11757. }, at.prototype.reflow = function(J) {
  11758. var tt = this, ot = tt.options.chart, lt = tt.renderTo, pt = E(ot.width) && E(ot.height), yt = ot.width || Q(lt, "width");
  11759. ot = ot.height || Q(lt, "height"), lt = J ? : c, delete tt.pointer.chartPosition, !pt && !tt.isPrinting && yt && ot && (lt === c || lt === h) && ((yt !== tt.containerWidth || ot !== tt.containerHeight) && (T.clearTimeout(tt.reflowTimeout), tt.reflowTimeout = dt(function() {
  11760. tt.container && tt.setSize(void 0, void 0, !1);
  11761. }, J ? 100 : 0)), tt.containerWidth = yt, tt.containerHeight = ot);
  11762. }, at.prototype.setReflow = function(J) {
  11763. var tt = this;
  11764. J === !1 || this.unbindReflow ? J === !1 && this.unbindReflow && (this.unbindReflow = this.unbindReflow()) : (this.unbindReflow = n(c, "resize", function(ot) {
  11765. tt.options && tt.reflow(ot);
  11766. }), n(this, "destroy", this.unbindReflow));
  11767. }, at.prototype.setSize = function(J, tt, ot) {
  11768. var lt = this, pt = lt.renderer;
  11769. lt.isResizing += 1, b(ot, lt), ot = pt.globalAnimation, lt.oldChartHeight = lt.chartHeight, lt.oldChartWidth = lt.chartWidth, typeof J < "u" && (lt.options.chart.width = J), typeof tt < "u" && (lt.options.chart.height = tt), lt.getChartSize(), lt.styledMode || (ot ? j : W)(lt.container, { width: lt.chartWidth + "px", height: lt.chartHeight + "px" }, ot), lt.setChartSize(!0), pt.setSize(lt.chartWidth, lt.chartHeight, ot), lt.axes.forEach(function(yt) {
  11770. yt.isDirty = !0, yt.setScale();
  11771. }), lt.isDirtyLegend = !0, lt.isDirtyBox = !0, lt.layOutTitles(), lt.getMargins(), lt.redraw(ot), lt.oldChartHeight = null, $(lt, "resize"), dt(function() {
  11772. lt && $(lt, "endResize", null, function() {
  11773. --lt.isResizing;
  11774. });
  11775. }, k(ot).duration);
  11776. }, at.prototype.setChartSize = function(J) {
  11777. var tt = this.inverted, ot = this.renderer, lt = this.chartWidth, pt = this.chartHeight, yt = this.options.chart, vt = this.spacing, Mt = this.clipOffset, Pt, At, St, Dt;
  11778. this.plotLeft = Pt = Math.round(this.plotLeft), this.plotTop = At = Math.round(this.plotTop), this.plotWidth = St = Math.max(0, Math.round(lt - Pt - this.marginRight)), this.plotHeight = Dt = Math.max(0, Math.round(pt - At - this.marginBottom)), this.plotSizeX = tt ? Dt : St, this.plotSizeY = tt ? St : Dt, this.plotBorderWidth = yt.plotBorderWidth || 0, this.spacingBox = ot.spacingBox = { x: vt[3], y: vt[0], width: lt - vt[3] - vt[1], height: pt - vt[0] - vt[2] }, this.plotBox = ot.plotBox = { x: Pt, y: At, width: St, height: Dt }, tt = 2 * Math.floor(this.plotBorderWidth / 2), lt = Math.ceil(Math.max(tt, Mt[3]) / 2), pt = Math.ceil(Math.max(tt, Mt[0]) / 2), this.clipBox = { x: lt, y: pt, width: Math.floor(this.plotSizeX - Math.max(tt, Mt[1]) / 2 - lt), height: Math.max(0, Math.floor(this.plotSizeY - Math.max(tt, Mt[2]) / 2 - pt)) }, J || (this.axes.forEach(function(_t) {
  11779. _t.setAxisSize(), _t.setAxisTranslation();
  11780. }), ot.alignElements()), $(this, "afterSetChartSize", { skipAxes: J });
  11781. }, at.prototype.resetMargins = function() {
  11782. $(this, "resetMargins");
  11783. var J = this, tt = J.options.chart;
  11784. ["margin", "spacing"].forEach(function(ot) {
  11785. var lt = tt[ot], pt = Y(lt) ? lt : [lt, lt, lt, lt];
  11786. ["Top", "Right", "Bottom", "Left"].forEach(function(yt, vt) {
  11787. J[ot][vt] = et(tt[ot + yt], pt[vt]);
  11788. });
  11789. }), u.forEach(function(ot, lt) {
  11790. J[ot] = et(J.margin[lt], J.spacing[lt]);
  11791. }), J.axisOffset = [0, 0, 0, 0], J.clipOffset = [0, 0, 0, 0];
  11792. }, at.prototype.drawChartBox = function() {
  11793. var J = this.options.chart, tt = this.renderer, ot = this.chartWidth, lt = this.chartHeight, pt = this.styledMode, yt = this.plotBGImage, vt = J.backgroundColor, Mt = J.plotBackgroundColor, Pt = J.plotBackgroundImage, At = this.plotLeft, St = this.plotTop, Dt = this.plotWidth, _t = this.plotHeight, Nt = this.plotBox, Ot = this.clipRect, Kt = this.clipBox, Gt = this.chartBackground, Wt = this.plotBackground, Jt = this.plotBorder, be, Yt = "animate";
  11794. if (Gt || (this.chartBackground = Gt = tt.rect().addClass("highcharts-background").add(), Yt = "attr"), pt)
  11795. var Vt = be = Gt.strokeWidth();
  11796. else
  11797. Vt = J.borderWidth || 0, be = Vt + (J.shadow ? 8 : 0), vt = { fill: vt || "none" }, (Vt || Gt["stroke-width"]) && (vt.stroke = J.borderColor, vt["stroke-width"] = Vt), Gt.attr(vt).shadow(J.shadow);
  11798. Gt[Yt]({ x: be / 2, y: be / 2, width: ot - be - Vt % 2, height: lt - be - Vt % 2, r: J.borderRadius }), Yt = "animate", Wt || (Yt = "attr", this.plotBackground = Wt = tt.rect().addClass("highcharts-plot-background").add()), Wt[Yt](Nt), pt || (Wt.attr({ fill: Mt || "none" }).shadow(J.plotShadow), Pt && (yt ? (Pt !== yt.attr("href") && yt.attr("href", Pt), yt.animate(Nt)) : this.plotBGImage = tt.image(Pt, At, St, Dt, _t).add())), Ot ? Ot.animate({ width: Kt.width, height: Kt.height }) : this.clipRect = tt.clipRect(Kt), Yt = "animate", Jt || (Yt = "attr", this.plotBorder = Jt = tt.rect().addClass("highcharts-plot-border").attr({ zIndex: 1 }).add()), pt || Jt.attr({ stroke: J.plotBorderColor, "stroke-width": J.plotBorderWidth || 0, fill: "none" }), Jt[Yt](Jt.crisp({ x: At, y: St, width: Dt, height: _t }, -Jt.strokeWidth())), this.isDirtyBox = !1, $(this, "afterDrawChartBox");
  11799. }, at.prototype.propFromSeries = function() {
  11800. var J = this, tt = J.options.chart, ot = J.options.series, lt, pt, yt;
  11801. ["inverted", "angular", "polar"].forEach(function(vt) {
  11802. for (pt = s[tt.type || tt.defaultSeriesType], yt = tt[vt] || pt && pt.prototype[vt], lt = ot && ot.length; !yt && lt--; )
  11803. (pt = s[ot[lt].type]) && pt.prototype[vt] && (yt = !0);
  11804. J[vt] = yt;
  11805. });
  11806. }, at.prototype.linkSeries = function() {
  11807. var J = this, tt = J.series;
  11808. tt.forEach(function(ot) {
  11809. ot.linkedSeries.length = 0;
  11810. }), tt.forEach(function(ot) {
  11811. var lt = ot.options.linkedTo;
  11812. Z(lt) && (lt = lt === ":previous" ? J.series[ot.index - 1] : J.get(lt)) && lt.linkedParent !== ot && (lt.linkedSeries.push(ot), ot.linkedParent = lt, lt.enabledDataSorting && ot.setDataSortingOptions(), ot.visible = et(ot.options.visible, lt.options.visible, ot.visible));
  11813. }), $(this, "afterLinkSeries");
  11814. }, at.prototype.renderSeries = function() {
  11815. this.series.forEach(function(J) {
  11816. J.translate(), J.render();
  11817. });
  11818. }, at.prototype.renderLabels = function() {
  11819. var J = this, tt = J.options.labels;
  11820. tt.items && tt.items.forEach(function(ot) {
  11821. var lt = L(,, pt = nt(lt.left) + J.plotLeft, yt = nt( + J.plotTop + 12;
  11822. delete lt.left, delete, J.renderer.text(ot.html, pt, yt).attr({ zIndex: 2 }).css(lt).add();
  11823. });
  11824. }, at.prototype.render = function() {
  11825. var J = this.axes, tt = this.colorAxis, ot = this.renderer, lt = this.options, pt = function(At) {
  11826. At.forEach(function(St) {
  11827. St.visible && St.render();
  11828. });
  11829. }, yt = 0;
  11830. this.setTitle(), this.legend = new V(this, lt.legend), this.getStacks && this.getStacks(), this.getMargins(!0), this.setChartSize(), lt = this.plotWidth, J.some(function(At) {
  11831. if (At.horiz && At.visible && At.options.labels.enabled && At.series.length)
  11832. return yt = 21, !0;
  11833. });
  11834. var vt = this.plotHeight = Math.max(this.plotHeight - yt, 0);
  11835. J.forEach(function(At) {
  11836. At.setScale();
  11837. }), this.getAxisMargins();
  11838. var Mt = 1.1 < lt / this.plotWidth, Pt = 1.05 < vt / this.plotHeight;
  11839. (Mt || Pt) && (J.forEach(function(At) {
  11840. (At.horiz && Mt || !At.horiz && Pt) && At.setTickInterval(!0);
  11841. }), this.getMargins()), this.drawChartBox(), this.hasCartesianSeries ? pt(J) : tt && tt.length && pt(tt), this.seriesGroup || (this.seriesGroup = ot.g("series-group").attr({ zIndex: 3 }).add()), this.renderSeries(), this.renderLabels(), this.addCredits(), this.setResponsive && this.setResponsive(), this.hasRendered = !0;
  11842. }, at.prototype.addCredits = function(J) {
  11843. var tt = this, ot = q(!0, this.options.credits, J);
  11844. ot.enabled && !this.credits && (this.credits = this.renderer.text(ot.text + (this.mapCredits || ""), 0, 0).addClass("highcharts-credits").on("click", function() {
  11845. ot.href && (c.location.href = ot.href);
  11846. }).attr({ align: ot.position.align, zIndex: 8 }), tt.styledMode || this.credits.css(, this.credits.add().align(ot.position), this.credits.update = function(lt) {
  11847. tt.credits = tt.credits.destroy(), tt.addCredits(lt);
  11848. });
  11849. }, at.prototype.destroy = function() {
  11850. var J = this, tt = J.axes, ot = J.series, lt = J.container, pt = lt && lt.parentNode, yt;
  11851. for ($(J, "destroy"), J.renderer.forExport ? g(l, J) : l[J.index] = void 0, H.chartCount--, J.renderTo.removeAttribute("data-highcharts-chart"), ct(J), yt = tt.length; yt--; )
  11852. tt[yt] = tt[yt].destroy();
  11853. for (this.scroller && this.scroller.destroy && this.scroller.destroy(), yt = ot.length; yt--; )
  11854. ot[yt] = ot[yt].destroy();
  11855. "title subtitle chartBackground plotBackground plotBGImage plotBorder seriesGroup clipRect credits pointer rangeSelector legend resetZoomButton tooltip renderer".split(" ").forEach(function(vt) {
  11856. var Mt = J[vt];
  11857. Mt && Mt.destroy && (J[vt] = Mt.destroy());
  11858. }), lt && (lt.innerHTML = O.emptyHTML, ct(lt), pt && X(lt)), it(J, function(vt, Mt) {
  11859. delete J[Mt];
  11860. });
  11861. }, at.prototype.firstRender = function() {
  11862. var J = this, tt = J.options;
  11863. (!J.isReadyToRender || J.isReadyToRender()) && (J.getContainer(), J.resetMargins(), J.setChartSize(), J.propFromSeries(), J.getAxes(), (A(tt.series) ? tt.series : []).forEach(function(ot) {
  11864. J.initSeries(ot);
  11865. }), J.linkSeries(), J.setSeriesData(), $(J, "beforeRender"), B && (G.isRequired() ? J.pointer = new G(J, tt) : J.pointer = new B(J, tt)), J.render(), J.pointer.getChartPosition(), !J.renderer.imgCount && !J.hasLoaded && J.onload(), J.temporaryDisplay(!0));
  11866. }, at.prototype.onload = function() {
  11867. this.callbacks.concat([this.callback]).forEach(function(J) {
  11868. J && typeof this.index < "u" && J.apply(this, [this]);
  11869. }, this), $(this, "load"), $(this, "render"), E(this.index) && this.setReflow(this.options.chart.reflow), this.hasLoaded = !0;
  11870. }, at.prototype.addSeries = function(J, tt, ot) {
  11871. var lt = this, pt;
  11872. return J && (tt = et(tt, !0), $(lt, "addSeries", { options: J }, function() {
  11873. pt = lt.initSeries(J), lt.isDirtyLegend = !0, lt.linkSeries(), pt.enabledDataSorting && pt.setData(, !1), $(lt, "afterAddSeries", { series: pt }), tt && lt.redraw(ot);
  11874. })), pt;
  11875. }, at.prototype.addAxis = function(J, tt, ot, lt) {
  11876. return this.createAxis(tt ? "xAxis" : "yAxis", { axis: J, redraw: ot, animation: lt });
  11877. }, at.prototype.addColorAxis = function(J, tt, ot) {
  11878. return this.createAxis(
  11879. "colorAxis",
  11880. { axis: J, redraw: tt, animation: ot }
  11881. );
  11882. }, at.prototype.createAxis = function(J, tt) {
  11883. return J = new N(this, q(tt.axis, { index: this[J].length, isX: J === "xAxis" })), et(tt.redraw, !0) && this.redraw(tt.animation), J;
  11884. }, at.prototype.showLoading = function(J) {
  11885. var tt = this, ot = tt.options, lt = ot.loading, pt = function() {
  11886. yt && W(yt, { left: tt.plotLeft + "px", top: tt.plotTop + "px", width: tt.plotWidth + "px", height: tt.plotHeight + "px" });
  11887. }, yt = tt.loadingDiv, vt = tt.loadingSpan;
  11888. yt || (tt.loadingDiv = yt = I("div", { className: "highcharts-loading highcharts-loading-hidden" }, null, tt.container)), vt || (tt.loadingSpan = vt = I("span", { className: "highcharts-loading-inner" }, null, yt), n(tt, "redraw", pt)), yt.className = "highcharts-loading", O.setElementHTML(vt, et(J, ot.lang.loading, "")), tt.styledMode || (W(yt, L(, { zIndex: 10 })), W(vt, lt.labelStyle), tt.loadingShown || (W(yt, { opacity: 0, display: "" }), j(yt, { opacity: || 0.5 }, { duration: lt.showDuration || 0 }))), tt.loadingShown = !0, pt();
  11889. }, at.prototype.hideLoading = function() {
  11890. var J = this.options, tt = this.loadingDiv;
  11891. tt && (tt.className = "highcharts-loading highcharts-loading-hidden", this.styledMode || j(tt, { opacity: 0 }, { duration: J.loading.hideDuration || 100, complete: function() {
  11892. W(tt, { display: "none" });
  11893. } })), this.loadingShown = !1;
  11894. }, at.prototype.update = function(J, tt, ot, lt) {
  11895. var pt = this, yt = { credits: "addCredits", title: "setTitle", subtitle: "setSubtitle", caption: "setCaption" }, vt = J.isResponsiveOptions, Mt = [], Pt, At;
  11896. $(pt, "update", { options: J }), vt || pt.setResponsive(!1, !0), J = _(J, pt.options), pt.userOptions = q(pt.userOptions, J);
  11897. var St = J.chart;
  11898. if (St) {
  11899. if (q(!0, pt.options.chart, St), "className" in St && pt.setClassName(St.className), "reflow" in St && pt.setReflow(St.reflow), "inverted" in St || "polar" in St || "type" in St) {
  11900. pt.propFromSeries();
  11901. var Dt = !0;
  11902. }
  11903. "alignTicks" in St && (Dt = !0), "events" in St && v(this, St), it(St, function(_t, Nt) {
  11904. pt.propsRequireUpdateSeries.indexOf("chart." + Nt) !== -1 && (Pt = !0), pt.propsRequireDirtyBox.indexOf(Nt) !== -1 && (pt.isDirtyBox = !0), pt.propsRequireReflow.indexOf(Nt) !== -1 && (vt ? pt.isDirtyBox = !0 : At = !0);
  11905. }), !pt.styledMode && && pt.renderer.setStyle( || {});
  11906. }
  11907. !pt.styledMode && J.colors && (this.options.colors = J.colors), J.time && (this.time === t && (this.time = new d(J.time)), q(
  11908. !0,
  11909. pt.options.time,
  11910. J.time
  11911. )), it(J, function(_t, Nt) {
  11912. pt[Nt] && typeof pt[Nt].update == "function" ? pt[Nt].update(_t, !1) : typeof pt[yt[Nt]] == "function" ? pt[yt[Nt]](_t) : Nt !== "colors" && pt.collectionsWithUpdate.indexOf(Nt) === -1 && q(!0, pt.options[Nt], J[Nt]), Nt !== "chart" && pt.propsRequireUpdateSeries.indexOf(Nt) !== -1 && (Pt = !0);
  11913. }), this.collectionsWithUpdate.forEach(function(_t) {
  11914. if (J[_t]) {
  11915. var Nt = [];
  11916. pt[_t].forEach(function(Ot, Kt) {
  11917. Ot.options.isInternal || Nt.push(et(Ot.options.index, Kt));
  11918. }), gt(J[_t]).forEach(function(Ot, Kt) {
  11919. var Gt = E(, Wt;
  11920. Gt && (Wt = pt.get(, !Wt && pt[_t] && (Wt = pt[_t][Nt ? Nt[Kt] : Kt]) && Gt && E( && (Wt = void 0), Wt && Wt.coll === _t && (Wt.update(Ot, !1), ot && (Wt.touched = !0)), !Wt && ot && pt.collectionsWithInit[_t] && (pt.collectionsWithInit[_t][0].apply(pt, [Ot].concat(pt.collectionsWithInit[_t][1] || []).concat([!1])).touched = !0);
  11921. }), ot && pt[_t].forEach(function(Ot) {
  11922. Ot.touched || Ot.options.isInternal ? delete Ot.touched : Mt.push(Ot);
  11923. });
  11924. }
  11925. }), Mt.forEach(function(_t) {
  11926. _t.chart && _t.remove && _t.remove(!1);
  11927. }), Dt && pt.axes.forEach(function(_t) {
  11928. _t.update({}, !1);
  11929. }), Pt && pt.getSeriesOrderByLinks().forEach(function(_t) {
  11930. _t.chart && _t.update({}, !1);
  11931. }, this), Dt = St && St.width, St = St && (Z(St.height) ? rt(St.height, Dt || pt.chartWidth) : St.height), At || F(Dt) && Dt !== pt.chartWidth || F(St) && St !== pt.chartHeight ? pt.setSize(Dt, St, lt) : et(tt, !0) && pt.redraw(lt), $(pt, "afterUpdate", { options: J, redraw: tt, animation: lt });
  11932. }, at.prototype.setSubtitle = function(J, tt) {
  11933. this.applyDescription("subtitle", J), this.layOutTitles(tt);
  11934. }, at.prototype.setCaption = function(J, tt) {
  11935. this.applyDescription("caption", J), this.layOutTitles(tt);
  11936. }, at.prototype.showResetZoom = function() {
  11937. function J() {
  11938. tt.zoomOut();
  11939. }
  11940. var tt = this, ot = a.lang, lt = tt.options.chart.resetZoomButton, pt = lt.theme, yt = pt.states, vt = lt.relativeTo === "chart" || lt.relativeTo === "spacingBox" ? null : "scrollablePlotBox";
  11941. $(this, "beforeShowResetZoom", null, function() {
  11942. tt.resetZoomButton = tt.renderer.button(ot.resetZoom, null, null, J, pt, yt && yt.hover).attr({ align: lt.position.align, title: ot.resetZoomTitle }).addClass("highcharts-reset-zoom").add().align(lt.position, !1, vt);
  11943. }), $(this, "afterShowResetZoom");
  11944. }, at.prototype.zoomOut = function() {
  11945. $(this, "selection", { resetSelection: !0 }, this.zoom);
  11946. }, at.prototype.zoom = function(J) {
  11947. var tt = this, ot = tt.pointer, lt = tt.inverted ? ot.mouseDownX : ot.mouseDownY, pt = !1, yt;
  11948. !J || J.resetSelection ? (tt.axes.forEach(function(Mt) {
  11949. yt = Mt.zoom();
  11950. }), ot.initiated = !1) : J.xAxis.concat(J.yAxis).forEach(function(Mt) {
  11951. var Pt = Mt.axis, At = tt.inverted ? Pt.left :, St = tt.inverted ? At + Pt.width : At + Pt.height, Dt = Pt.isXAxis, _t = !1;
  11952. (!Dt && lt >= At && lt <= St || Dt || !E(lt)) && (_t = !0), ot[Dt ? "zoomX" : "zoomY"] && _t && (yt = Pt.zoom(Mt.min, Mt.max), Pt.displayBtn && (pt = !0));
  11953. });
  11954. var vt = tt.resetZoomButton;
  11955. pt && !vt ? tt.showResetZoom() : !pt && Y(vt) && (tt.resetZoomButton = vt.destroy()), yt && tt.redraw(et(
  11956. tt.options.chart.animation,
  11957. J && J.animation,
  11958. 100 > tt.pointCount
  11959. ));
  11960. }, at.prototype.pan = function(J, tt) {
  11961. var ot = this, lt = ot.hoverPoints;
  11962. tt = typeof tt == "object" ? tt : { enabled: tt, type: "x" };
  11963. var pt = ot.options.chart, yt = ot.options.mapNavigation && ot.options.mapNavigation.enabled;
  11964. pt && pt.panning && (pt.panning = tt);
  11965. var vt = tt.type, Mt;
  11966. $(this, "pan", { originalEvent: J }, function() {
  11967. lt && lt.forEach(function(St) {
  11968. St.setState();
  11969. });
  11970. var Pt = ot.xAxis;
  11971. vt === "xy" ? Pt = Pt.concat(ot.yAxis) : vt === "y" && (Pt = ot.yAxis);
  11972. var At = {};
  11973. Pt.forEach(function(St) {
  11974. if (St.options.panningEnabled && !St.options.isInternal) {
  11975. var Dt = St.horiz, _t = J[Dt ? "chartX" : "chartY"];
  11976. Dt = Dt ? "mouseDownX" : "mouseDownY";
  11977. var Nt = ot[Dt], Ot = St.minPointOffset || 0, Kt = St.reversed && !ot.inverted || !St.reversed && ot.inverted ? -1 : 1, Gt = St.getExtremes(), Wt = St.toValue(Nt - _t, !0) + Ot * Kt, Jt = St.toValue(Nt + St.len - _t, !0) - (Ot * Kt || St.isXAxis && St.pointRangePadding || 0), be = Jt < Wt;
  11978. Kt = St.hasVerticalPanning(), Nt = be ? Jt : Wt, Wt = be ? Wt : Jt;
  11979. var Yt = St.panningState;
  11980. !Kt || St.isXAxis || Yt && !Yt.isDirty || St.series.forEach(function(Vt) {
  11981. var Ce = Vt.getProcessedData(!0);
  11982. Ce = Vt.getExtremes(Ce.yData, !0), Yt || (Yt = { startMin: Number.MAX_VALUE, startMax: -Number.MAX_VALUE }), F(Ce.dataMin) && F(Ce.dataMax) && (Yt.startMin = Math.min(et(Vt.options.threshold, 1 / 0), Ce.dataMin, Yt.startMin), Yt.startMax = Math.max(et(Vt.options.threshold, -1 / 0), Ce.dataMax, Yt.startMax));
  11983. }), Kt = Math.min(et(Yt && Yt.startMin, Gt.dataMin), Ot ? Gt.min : St.toValue(St.toPixels(Gt.min) - St.minPixelPadding)), Jt = Math.max(et(Yt && Yt.startMax, Gt.dataMax), Ot ? Gt.max : St.toValue(St.toPixels(Gt.max) + St.minPixelPadding)), St.panningState = Yt, St.isOrdinal || (Ot = Kt - Nt, 0 < Ot && (Wt += Ot, Nt = Kt), Ot = Wt - Jt, 0 < Ot && (Wt = Jt, Nt -= Ot), St.series.length && Nt !== Gt.min && Wt !== Gt.max && Nt >= Kt && Wt <= Jt && (St.setExtremes(
  11984. Nt,
  11985. Wt,
  11986. !1,
  11987. !1,
  11988. { trigger: "pan" }
  11989. ), ot.resetZoomButton || yt || Nt === Kt || Wt === Jt || !vt.match("y") || (ot.showResetZoom(), St.displayBtn = !1), Mt = !0), At[Dt] = _t);
  11990. }
  11991. }), it(At, function(St, Dt) {
  11992. ot[Dt] = St;
  11993. }), Mt && ot.redraw(!1), W(ot.container, { cursor: "move" });
  11994. });
  11995. }, at;
  11996. }(), L(y.prototype, {
  11997. callbacks: [],
  11998. collectionsWithInit: { xAxis: [y.prototype.addAxis, [!0]], yAxis: [y.prototype.addAxis, [!1]], series: [y.prototype.addSeries] },
  11999. collectionsWithUpdate: ["xAxis", "yAxis", "series"],
  12000. propsRequireDirtyBox: "backgroundColor borderColor borderWidth borderRadius plotBackgroundColor plotBackgroundImage plotBorderColor plotBorderWidth plotShadow shadow".split(" "),
  12001. propsRequireReflow: "margin marginTop marginRight marginBottom marginLeft spacing spacingTop spacingRight spacingBottom spacingLeft".split(" "),
  12002. propsRequireUpdateSeries: "chart.inverted chart.polar chart.ignoreHiddenSeries chart.type colors plotOptions time tooltip".split(" ")
  12003. }), y;
  12004. }), M(o, "Core/Legend/LegendSymbol.js", [o["Core/Utilities.js"]], function(y) {
  12005. var N = y.merge, D = y.pick, U;
  12006. return function(H) {
  12007. H.drawLineMarker = function(V) {
  12008. var G = this.options, R = V.symbolWidth, B = V.symbolHeight, S = B / 2, x = this.chart.renderer, f = this.legendGroup;
  12009. V = V.baseline - Math.round(0.3 * V.fontMetrics.b);
  12010. var d = {}, T = G.marker;
  12011. this.chart.styledMode || (d = { "stroke-width": G.lineWidth || 0 }, G.dashStyle && (d.dashstyle = G.dashStyle)), this.legendLine = x.path([["M", 0, V], ["L", R, V]]).addClass("highcharts-graph").attr(d).add(f), T && T.enabled !== !1 && R && (G = Math.min(D(T.radius, S), S), this.symbol.indexOf("url") === 0 && (T = N(T, { width: B, height: B }), G = 0), this.legendSymbol = R = x.symbol(this.symbol, R / 2 - G, V - G, 2 * G, 2 * G, T).addClass("highcharts-point").add(f), R.isMarker = !0);
  12012. }, H.drawRectangle = function(V, G) {
  12013. var R = V.symbolHeight, B = V.options.squareSymbol;
  12014. G.legendSymbol = this.chart.renderer.rect(B ? (V.symbolWidth - R) / 2 : 0, V.baseline - R + 1, B ? R : V.symbolWidth, R, D(V.options.symbolRadius, R / 2)).addClass("highcharts-point").attr({ zIndex: 3 }).add(G.legendGroup);
  12015. };
  12016. }(U || (U = {})), U;
  12017. }), M(o, "Core/Series/SeriesDefaults.js", [], function() {
  12018. return { lineWidth: 2, allowPointSelect: !1, crisp: !0, showCheckbox: !1, animation: { duration: 1e3 }, events: {}, marker: { enabledThreshold: 2, lineColor: "#ffffff", lineWidth: 0, radius: 4, states: {
  12019. normal: { animation: !0 },
  12020. hover: { animation: { duration: 50 }, enabled: !0, radiusPlus: 2, lineWidthPlus: 1 },
  12021. select: { fillColor: "#cccccc", lineColor: "#000000", lineWidth: 2 }
  12022. } }, point: { events: {} }, dataLabels: { animation: {}, align: "center", defer: !0, formatter: function() {
  12023. var y = this.series.chart.numberFormatter;
  12024. return typeof this.y != "number" ? "" : y(this.y, -1);
  12025. }, padding: 5, style: { fontSize: "11px", fontWeight: "bold", color: "contrast", textOutline: "1px contrast" }, verticalAlign: "bottom", x: 0, y: 0 }, cropThreshold: 300, opacity: 1, pointRange: 0, softThreshold: !0, states: {
  12026. normal: { animation: !0 },
  12027. hover: { animation: { duration: 50 }, lineWidthPlus: 1, marker: {}, halo: { size: 10, opacity: 0.25 } },
  12028. select: { animation: { duration: 0 } },
  12029. inactive: { animation: { duration: 50 }, opacity: 0.2 }
  12030. }, stickyTracking: !0, turboThreshold: 1e3, findNearestPointBy: "x" };
  12031. }), M(o, "Core/Series/Series.js", [
  12032. o["Core/Animation/AnimationUtilities.js"],
  12033. o["Core/DefaultOptions.js"],
  12034. o["Core/Foundation.js"],
  12035. o["Core/Globals.js"],
  12036. o["Core/Legend/LegendSymbol.js"],
  12037. o["Core/Series/Point.js"],
  12038. o["Core/Series/SeriesDefaults.js"],
  12039. o["Core/Series/SeriesRegistry.js"],
  12040. o["Core/Renderer/SVG/SVGElement.js"],
  12041. o["Core/Utilities.js"]
  12042. ], function(y, N, D, U, H, V, G, R, B, S) {
  12043. var x = y.animObject, f = y.setAnimation, d = N.defaultOptions, T = D.registerEventOptions, O = U.hasTouch, j = U.svg, k =, b = R.seriesTypes, w = S.addEvent, v = S.arrayMax, l = S.arrayMin, h = S.clamp, u = S.cleanRecursively, i = S.correctFloat, c = S.defined, a = S.erase, t = S.error, s = S.extend, n = S.find, P = S.fireEvent, _ = S.getNestedProperty, I = S.isArray, W = S.isNumber, E = S.isString, X = S.merge, g = S.objectEach, m = S.pick, L = S.removeEvent, z = S.splat, $ = S.syncTimeout;
  12044. return y = function() {
  12045. function Q() {
  12046. this.zones = this.yAxis = this.xAxis = this.userOptions = this.tooltipOptions = this.processedYData = this.processedXData = this.points = this.options = this.linkedSeries = this.index = this.eventsToUnbind = this.eventOptions = = this.chart = this._i = void 0;
  12047. }
  12048. return Q.prototype.init = function(A, F) {
  12049. P(this, "init", { options: F });
  12050. var Y = this, Z = A.series;
  12051. this.eventsToUnbind = [], Y.chart = A, Y.options = Y.setOptions(F), F = Y.options, Y.linkedSeries = [], Y.bindAxes(), s(Y, { name:, state: "", visible: F.visible !== !1, selected: F.selected === !0 }), T(this, F);
  12052. var q =;
  12053. (q && || F.point && && || F.allowPointSelect) && (A.runTrackerClick = !0), Y.getColor(), Y.getSymbol(), Y.parallelArrays.forEach(function(et) {
  12054. Y[et + "Data"] || (Y[et + "Data"] = []);
  12055. }), Y.isCartesian && (A.hasCartesianSeries = !0);
  12056. var it;
  12057. Z.length && (it = Z[Z.length - 1]), Y._i = m(it && it._i, -1) + 1, Y.opacity = Y.options.opacity, A.orderSeries(this.insert(Z)), F.dataSorting && F.dataSorting.enabled ? Y.setDataSortingOptions() : Y.points || || Y.setData(, !1), P(this, "afterInit");
  12058. }, = function(A) {
  12059. return b[A] && this instanceof b[A];
  12060. }, Q.prototype.insert = function(A) {
  12061. var F = this.options.index, Y;
  12062. if (W(F)) {
  12063. for (Y = A.length; Y--; )
  12064. if (F >= m(A[Y].options.index, A[Y]._i)) {
  12065. A.splice(Y + 1, 0, this);
  12066. break;
  12067. }
  12068. Y === -1 && A.unshift(this), Y += 1;
  12069. } else
  12070. A.push(this);
  12071. return m(Y, A.length - 1);
  12072. }, Q.prototype.bindAxes = function() {
  12073. var A = this, F = A.options, Y = A.chart, Z;
  12074. P(this, "bindAxes", null, function() {
  12075. (A.axisTypes || []).forEach(function(q) {
  12076. var it = 0;
  12077. Y[q].forEach(function(et) {
  12078. Z = et.options, (F[q] === it && !Z.isInternal || typeof F[q] < "u" && F[q] === || typeof F[q] > "u" && Z.index === 0) && (A.insert(et.series), A[q] = et, et.isDirty = !0), Z.isInternal || it++;
  12079. }), A[q] || A.optionalAxis === q || t(18, !0, Y);
  12080. });
  12081. }), P(this, "afterBindAxes");
  12082. }, Q.prototype.updateParallelArrays = function(A, F) {
  12083. var Y = A.series, Z = arguments, q = W(F) ? function(it) {
  12084. var et = it === "y" && Y.toYData ? Y.toYData(A) : A[it];
  12085. Y[it + "Data"][F] = et;
  12086. } : function(it) {
  12087. Array.prototype[F].apply(Y[it + "Data"],, 2));
  12088. };
  12089. Y.parallelArrays.forEach(q);
  12090. }, Q.prototype.hasData = function() {
  12091. return this.visible && typeof this.dataMax < "u" && typeof this.dataMin < "u" || this.visible && this.yData && 0 < this.yData.length;
  12092. }, Q.prototype.autoIncrement = function(A) {
  12093. var F = this.options, Y = F.pointIntervalUnit, Z = F.relativeXValue, q = this.chart.time, it = this.xIncrement, et;
  12094. return it = m(it, F.pointStart, 0), this.pointInterval = et = m(this.pointInterval, F.pointInterval, 1), Z && W(A) && (et *= A), Y && (F = new q.Date(it), Y === "day" ? q.set("Date", F, q.get("Date", F) + et) : Y === "month" ? q.set("Month", F, q.get("Month", F) + et) : Y === "year" && q.set("FullYear", F, q.get("FullYear", F) + et), et = F.getTime() - it), Z && W(A) ? it + et : (this.xIncrement = it + et, it);
  12095. }, Q.prototype.setDataSortingOptions = function() {
  12096. var A = this.options;
  12097. s(this, { requireSorting: !1, sorted: !1, enabledDataSorting: !0, allowDG: !1 }), c(A.pointRange) || (A.pointRange = 1);
  12098. }, Q.prototype.setOptions = function(A) {
  12099. var F = this.chart, Y = F.options, Z = Y.plotOptions, q = F.userOptions || {};
  12100. A = X(A), F = F.styledMode;
  12101. var it = { plotOptions: Z, userOptions: A };
  12102. P(this, "setOptions", it);
  12103. var et = it.plotOptions[this.type], nt = q.plotOptions || {};
  12104. return this.userOptions = it.userOptions, q = X(et, Z.series, q.plotOptions && q.plotOptions[this.type], A), this.tooltipOptions = X(d.tooltip, d.plotOptions.series && d.plotOptions.series.tooltip, d.plotOptions[this.type].tooltip, Y.tooltip.userOptions, Z.series && Z.series.tooltip, Z[this.type].tooltip, A.tooltip), this.stickyTracking = m(A.stickyTracking, nt[this.type] && nt[this.type].stickyTracking, nt.series && nt.series.stickyTracking, this.tooltipOptions.shared && !this.noSharedTooltip ? !0 : q.stickyTracking), et.marker === null && delete q.marker, this.zoneAxis = q.zoneAxis, Z = this.zones = (q.zones || []).slice(), !q.negativeColor && !q.negativeFillColor || q.zones || (Y = { value: q[this.zoneAxis + "Threshold"] || q.threshold || 0, className: "highcharts-negative" }, F || (Y.color = q.negativeColor, Y.fillColor = q.negativeFillColor), Z.push(Y)), Z.length && c(Z[Z.length - 1].value) && Z.push(F ? {} : { color: this.color, fillColor: this.fillColor }), P(this, "afterSetOptions", { options: q }), q;
  12105. }, Q.prototype.getName = function() {
  12106. return m(, "Series " + (this.index + 1));
  12107. }, Q.prototype.getCyclic = function(A, F, Y) {
  12108. var Z = this.chart, q = this.userOptions, it = A + "Index", et = A + "Counter", nt = Y ? Y.length : m(Z.options.chart[A + "Count"], Z[A + "Count"]);
  12109. if (!F) {
  12110. var rt = m(q[it], q["_" + it]);
  12111. c(rt) || (Z.series.length || (Z[et] = 0), q["_" + it] = rt = Z[et] % nt, Z[et] += 1), Y && (F = Y[rt]);
  12112. }
  12113. typeof rt < "u" && (this[it] = rt), this[A] = F;
  12114. }, Q.prototype.getColor = function() {
  12115. this.chart.styledMode ? this.getCyclic("color") : this.options.colorByPoint ? this.color = "#cccccc" : this.getCyclic("color", this.options.color || d.plotOptions[this.type].color, this.chart.options.colors);
  12116. }, Q.prototype.getPointsCollection = function() {
  12117. return (this.hasGroupedData ? this.points : || [];
  12118. }, Q.prototype.getSymbol = function() {
  12119. this.getCyclic("symbol", this.options.marker.symbol, this.chart.options.symbols);
  12120. }, Q.prototype.findPointIndex = function(A, F) {
  12121. var Y =, Z = A.x, q = this.points, it = this.options.dataSorting, et, nt;
  12122. if (Y)
  12123. it = this.chart.get(Y), it instanceof V && (et = it);
  12124. else if ((this.linkedParent || this.enabledDataSorting || this.options.relativeXValue) && (et = function(ct) {
  12125. return !ct.touched && ct.index === A.index;
  12126. }, it && it.matchByName ? et = function(ct) {
  12127. return !ct.touched && ===;
  12128. } : this.options.relativeXValue && (et = function(ct) {
  12129. return !ct.touched && ct.options.x === A.x;
  12130. }), et = n(q, et), !et))
  12131. return;
  12132. if (et) {
  12133. var rt = et && et.index;
  12134. typeof rt < "u" && (nt = !0);
  12135. }
  12136. return typeof rt > "u" && W(Z) && (rt = this.xData.indexOf(Z, F)), rt !== -1 && typeof rt < "u" && this.cropped && (rt = rt >= this.cropStart ? rt - this.cropStart : rt), !nt && W(rt) && q[rt] && q[rt].touched && (rt = void 0), rt;
  12137. }, Q.prototype.updateData = function(A, F) {
  12138. var Y = this.options, Z = Y.dataSorting, q = this.points, it = [], et = this.requireSorting, nt = A.length === q.length, rt, ct, gt, dt = !0;
  12139. if (this.xIncrement = null, A.forEach(function(ht, at) {
  12140. var J = c(ht) &&{ series: this }, ht) || {}, tt = J.x;
  12141. || W(tt) ? (J = this.findPointIndex(J, gt), J === -1 || typeof J > "u" ? it.push(ht) : q[J] && ht !==[J] ? (q[J].update(ht, !1, null, !1), q[J].touched = !0, et && (gt = J + 1)) : q[J] && (q[J].touched = !0), (!nt || at !== J || Z && Z.enabled || this.hasDerivedData) && (rt = !0)) : it.push(ht);
  12142. }, this), rt)
  12143. for (A = q.length; A--; )
  12144. (ct = q[A]) && !ct.touched && ct.remove && ct.remove(!1, F);
  12145. else
  12146. !nt || Z && Z.enabled ? dt = !1 : (A.forEach(function(ht, at) {
  12147. ht !== q[at].y && q[at].update && q[at].update(
  12148. ht,
  12149. !1,
  12150. null,
  12151. !1
  12152. );
  12153. }), it.length = 0);
  12154. return q.forEach(function(ht) {
  12155. ht && (ht.touched = !1);
  12156. }), dt ? (it.forEach(function(ht) {
  12157. this.addPoint(ht, !1, null, null, !1);
  12158. }, this), this.xIncrement === null && this.xData && this.xData.length && (this.xIncrement = v(this.xData), this.autoIncrement()), !0) : !1;
  12159. }, Q.prototype.setData = function(A, F, Y, Z) {
  12160. var q = this, it = q.points, et = it && it.length || 0, nt = q.options, rt = q.chart, ct = nt.dataSorting, gt = q.xAxis, dt = nt.turboThreshold, ht = this.xData, at = this.yData, J = q.pointArrayMap;
  12161. J = J && J.length;
  12162. var tt = nt.keys, ot, lt = 0, pt = 1, yt = null;
  12163. A = A || [];
  12164. var vt = A.length;
  12165. if (F = m(F, !0), ct && ct.enabled && (A = this.sortData(A)), Z !== !1 && vt && et && !q.cropped && !q.hasGroupedData && q.visible && !q.isSeriesBoosting && (ot = this.updateData(A, Y)), !ot) {
  12166. if (q.xIncrement = null, q.colorCounter = 0, this.parallelArrays.forEach(function(Mt) {
  12167. q[Mt + "Data"].length = 0;
  12168. }), dt && vt > dt)
  12169. if (yt = q.getFirstValidPoint(A), W(yt))
  12170. for (Y = 0; Y < vt; Y++)
  12171. ht[Y] = this.autoIncrement(), at[Y] = A[Y];
  12172. else if (I(yt))
  12173. if (J)
  12174. if (yt.length === J)
  12175. for (Y = 0; Y < vt; Y++)
  12176. ht[Y] = this.autoIncrement(), at[Y] = A[Y];
  12177. else
  12178. for (Y = 0; Y < vt; Y++)
  12179. Z = A[Y], ht[Y] = Z[0], at[Y] = Z.slice(
  12180. 1,
  12181. J + 1
  12182. );
  12183. else if (tt && (lt = tt.indexOf("x"), pt = tt.indexOf("y"), lt = 0 <= lt ? lt : 0, pt = 0 <= pt ? pt : 1), yt.length === 1 && (pt = 0), lt === pt)
  12184. for (Y = 0; Y < vt; Y++)
  12185. ht[Y] = this.autoIncrement(), at[Y] = A[Y][pt];
  12186. else
  12187. for (Y = 0; Y < vt; Y++)
  12188. Z = A[Y], ht[Y] = Z[lt], at[Y] = Z[pt];
  12189. else
  12190. t(12, !1, rt);
  12191. else
  12192. for (Y = 0; Y < vt; Y++)
  12193. typeof A[Y] < "u" && (Z = { series: q }, q.pointClass.prototype.applyOptions.apply(Z, [A[Y]]), q.updateParallelArrays(Z, Y));
  12194. for (at && E(at[0]) && t(14, !0, rt), = [], = = A, Y = et; Y--; )
  12195. it[Y] && it[Y].destroy && it[Y].destroy();
  12196. gt && (gt.minRange = gt.userMinRange), q.isDirty = rt.isDirtyBox = !0, q.isDirtyData = !!it, Y = !1;
  12197. }
  12198. nt.legendType === "point" && (this.processData(), this.generatePoints()), F && rt.redraw(Y);
  12199. }, Q.prototype.sortData = function(A) {
  12200. var F = this, Y = F.options.dataSorting.sortKey || "y", Z = function(q, it) {
  12201. return c(it) &&{ series: q }, it) || {};
  12202. };
  12203. return A.forEach(function(q, it) {
  12204. A[it] = Z(F, q), A[it].index = it;
  12205. }, this), A.concat().sort(function(q, it) {
  12206. return q = _(Y, q), it = _(Y, it), it < q ? -1 : it > q ? 1 : 0;
  12207. }).forEach(function(q, it) {
  12208. q.x = it;
  12209. }, this), F.linkedSeries && F.linkedSeries.forEach(function(q) {
  12210. var it = q.options, et =;
  12211. it.dataSorting && it.dataSorting.enabled || !et || (et.forEach(function(nt, rt) {
  12212. et[rt] = Z(q, nt), A[rt] && (et[rt].x = A[rt].x, et[rt].index = rt);
  12213. }), q.setData(et, !1));
  12214. }), A;
  12215. }, Q.prototype.getProcessedData = function(A) {
  12216. var F = this.xAxis, Y = this.options, Z = Y.cropThreshold, q = A || this.getExtremesFromAll || Y.getExtremesFromAll, it = this.isCartesian;
  12217. A = F && F.val2lin, Y = !(!F || !F.logarithmic);
  12218. var et = 0, nt = this.xData, rt = this.yData, ct = this.requireSorting, gt = !1, dt = nt.length;
  12219. if (F) {
  12220. gt = F.getExtremes();
  12221. var ht = gt.min, at = gt.max;
  12222. gt = F.categories && !F.names.length;
  12223. }
  12224. if (it && this.sorted && !q && (!Z || dt > Z || this.forceCrop)) {
  12225. if (nt[dt - 1] < ht || nt[0] > at)
  12226. nt = [], rt = [];
  12227. else if (this.yData && (nt[0] < ht || nt[dt - 1] > at)) {
  12228. var J = this.cropData(this.xData, this.yData, ht, at);
  12229. nt = J.xData, rt = J.yData, et = J.start, J = !0;
  12230. }
  12231. }
  12232. for (Z = nt.length || 1; --Z; )
  12233. if (F = Y ? A(nt[Z]) - A(nt[Z - 1]) : nt[Z] - nt[Z - 1], 0 < F && (typeof tt > "u" || F < tt))
  12234. var tt = F;
  12235. else
  12236. 0 > F && ct && !gt && (t(15, !1, this.chart), ct = !1);
  12237. return { xData: nt, yData: rt, cropped: J, cropStart: et, closestPointRange: tt };
  12238. }, Q.prototype.processData = function(A) {
  12239. var F = this.xAxis;
  12240. if (this.isCartesian && !this.isDirty && !F.isDirty && !this.yAxis.isDirty && !A)
  12241. return !1;
  12242. A = this.getProcessedData(), this.cropped = A.cropped, this.cropStart = A.cropStart, this.processedXData = A.xData, this.processedYData = A.yData, this.closestPointRange = this.basePointRange = A.closestPointRange, P(this, "afterProcessData");
  12243. }, Q.prototype.cropData = function(A, F, Y, Z, q) {
  12244. var it = A.length, et, nt = 0, rt = it;
  12245. for (q = m(q, this.cropShoulder), et = 0; et < it; et++)
  12246. if (A[et] >= Y) {
  12247. nt = Math.max(0, et - q);
  12248. break;
  12249. }
  12250. for (Y = et; Y < it; Y++)
  12251. if (A[Y] > Z) {
  12252. rt = Y + q;
  12253. break;
  12254. }
  12255. return { xData: A.slice(nt, rt), yData: F.slice(
  12256. nt,
  12257. rt
  12258. ), start: nt, end: rt };
  12259. }, Q.prototype.generatePoints = function() {
  12260. var A = this.options, F =, Y = this.processedXData, Z = this.processedYData, q = this.pointClass, it = Y.length, et = this.cropStart || 0, nt = this.hasGroupedData, rt = A.keys, ct = [];
  12261. A = A.dataGrouping && A.dataGrouping.groupAll ? et : 0;
  12262. var gt, dt, ht =;
  12263. if (!ht && !nt) {
  12264. var at = [];
  12265. at.length = F.length, ht = = at;
  12266. }
  12267. for (rt && nt && (this.options.keys = !1), dt = 0; dt < it; dt++) {
  12268. if (at = et + dt, nt) {
  12269. var J = new q().init(this, [Y[dt]].concat(z(Z[dt])));
  12270. J.dataGroup = this.groupMap[A + dt], J.dataGroup.options && (J.options = J.dataGroup.options, s(J, J.dataGroup.options), delete J.dataLabels);
  12271. } else
  12272. (J = ht[at]) || typeof F[at] > "u" || (ht[at] = J = new q().init(this, F[at], Y[dt]));
  12273. J && (J.index = nt ? A + dt : at, ct[dt] = J);
  12274. }
  12275. if (this.options.keys = rt, ht && (it !== (gt = ht.length) || nt))
  12276. for (dt = 0; dt < gt; dt++)
  12277. dt !== et || nt || (dt += it), ht[dt] && (ht[dt].destroyElements(), ht[dt].plotX = void 0);
  12278. = ht, this.points = ct, P(this, "afterGeneratePoints");
  12279. }, Q.prototype.getXExtremes = function(A) {
  12280. return { min: l(A), max: v(A) };
  12281. }, Q.prototype.getExtremes = function(A, F) {
  12282. var Y = this.xAxis, Z = this.yAxis, q = this.processedXData || this.xData, it = [], et = this.requireSorting ? this.cropShoulder : 0;
  12283. Z = Z ? Z.positiveValuesOnly : !1;
  12284. var nt, rt = 0, ct = 0, gt = 0;
  12285. A = A || this.stackedYData || this.processedYData || [];
  12286. var dt = A.length;
  12287. if (Y) {
  12288. var ht = Y.getExtremes();
  12289. rt = ht.min, ct = ht.max;
  12290. }
  12291. for (nt = 0; nt < dt; nt++) {
  12292. var at = q[nt];
  12293. ht = A[nt];
  12294. var J = (W(ht) || I(ht)) && (ht.length || 0 < ht || !Z);
  12295. if (at = F || this.getExtremesFromAll || this.options.getExtremesFromAll || this.cropped || !Y || (q[nt + et] || at) >= rt && (q[nt - et] || at) <= ct, J && at)
  12296. if (J = ht.length)
  12297. for (; J--; )
  12298. W(ht[J]) && (it[gt++] = ht[J]);
  12299. else
  12300. it[gt++] = ht;
  12301. }
  12302. return A = { activeYData: it, dataMin: l(it), dataMax: v(it) }, P(this, "afterGetExtremes", { dataExtremes: A }), A;
  12303. }, Q.prototype.applyExtremes = function() {
  12304. var A = this.getExtremes();
  12305. return this.dataMin = A.dataMin, this.dataMax = A.dataMax, A;
  12306. }, Q.prototype.getFirstValidPoint = function(A) {
  12307. for (var F = A.length, Y = 0, Z = null; Z === null && Y < F; )
  12308. Z = A[Y], Y++;
  12309. return Z;
  12310. }, Q.prototype.translate = function() {
  12311. this.processedXData || this.processData(), this.generatePoints();
  12312. var A = this.options, F = A.stacking, Y = this.xAxis, Z = Y.categories, q = this.enabledDataSorting, it = this.yAxis, et = this.points, nt = et.length, rt = this.pointPlacementToXValue(), ct = !!rt, gt = A.threshold, dt = A.startFromThreshold ? gt : 0, ht = this.zoneAxis || "y", at, J, tt = Number.MAX_VALUE;
  12313. for (at = 0; at < nt; at++) {
  12314. var ot = et[at], lt = ot.x, pt = void 0, yt = void 0, vt = ot.y, Mt = ot.low, Pt = F && it.stacking && it.stacking.stacks[(this.negStacks && vt < (dt ? 0 : gt) ? "-" : "") + this.stackKey];
  12315. if ((it.positiveValuesOnly && !it.validatePositiveValue(vt) || Y.positiveValuesOnly && !Y.validatePositiveValue(lt)) && (ot.isNull = !0), ot.plotX = J = i(h(Y.translate(lt, 0, 0, 0, 1, rt, this.type === "flags"), -1e5, 1e5)), F && this.visible && Pt && Pt[lt]) {
  12316. var At = this.getStackIndicator(
  12317. At,
  12318. lt,
  12319. this.index
  12320. );
  12321. ot.isNull || (pt = Pt[lt], yt = pt.points[At.key]);
  12322. }
  12323. if (I(yt) && (Mt = yt[0], vt = yt[1], Mt === dt && At.key === Pt[lt].base && (Mt = m(W(gt) && gt, it.min)), it.positiveValuesOnly && 0 >= Mt && (Mt = null), = ot.stackTotal =, ot.percentage = && ot.y / * 100, ot.stackY = vt, this.irregularWidths || pt.setOffset(this.pointXOffset || 0, this.barW || 0)), ot.yBottom = c(Mt) ? h(it.translate(Mt, 0, 1, 0, 1), -1e5, 1e5) : null, this.dataModify && (vt = this.dataModify.modifyValue(vt, at)), ot.plotY = void 0, W(vt) && (pt = it.translate(vt, !1, !0, !1, !0), typeof pt < "u" && (ot.plotY = h(
  12324. pt,
  12325. -1e5,
  12326. 1e5
  12327. ))), ot.isInside = this.isPointInside(ot), ot.clientX = ct ? i(Y.translate(lt, 0, 0, 0, 1, rt)) : J, ot.negative = ot[ht] < (A[ht + "Threshold"] || gt || 0), ot.category = Z && typeof Z[ot.x] < "u" ? Z[ot.x] : ot.x, !ot.isNull && ot.visible !== !1) {
  12328. typeof St < "u" && (tt = Math.min(tt, Math.abs(J - St)));
  12329. var St = J;
  12330. }
  12331. = this.zones.length ? ot.getZone() : void 0, !ot.graphic && && q && (ot.isNew = !0);
  12332. }
  12333. this.closestPointRangePx = tt, P(this, "afterTranslate");
  12334. }, Q.prototype.getValidPoints = function(A, F, Y) {
  12335. var Z = this.chart;
  12336. return (A || this.points || []).filter(function(q) {
  12337. return F && !Z.isInsidePlot(q.plotX, q.plotY, { inverted: Z.inverted }) ? !1 : q.visible !== !1 && (Y || !q.isNull);
  12338. });
  12339. }, Q.prototype.getClipBox = function() {
  12340. var A = this.chart, F = this.xAxis, Y = this.yAxis, Z = X(A.clipBox);
  12341. return F && F.len !== A.plotSizeX && (Z.width = F.len), Y && Y.len !== A.plotSizeY && (Z.height = Y.len), Z;
  12342. }, Q.prototype.getSharedClipKey = function() {
  12343. return this.sharedClipKey = (this.options.xAxis || 0) + "," + (this.options.yAxis || 0);
  12344. }, Q.prototype.setClip = function() {
  12345. var A = this.chart, F =, Y = this.markerGroup, Z = A.sharedClips;
  12346. A = A.renderer;
  12347. var q = this.getClipBox(), it = this.getSharedClipKey(), et = Z[it];
  12348. et ? et.animate(q) : Z[it] = et = A.clipRect(q), F && F.clip(this.options.clip === !1 ? void 0 : et), Y && Y.clip();
  12349. }, Q.prototype.animate = function(A) {
  12350. var F = this.chart, Y =, Z = this.markerGroup, q = F.inverted, it = x(this.options.animation), et = [this.getSharedClipKey(), it.duration, it.easing, it.defer].join(), nt = F.sharedClips[et], rt = F.sharedClips[et + "m"];
  12351. if (A && Y)
  12352. it = this.getClipBox(), nt ? nt.attr("height", it.height) : (it.width = 0, q && (it.x = F.plotHeight), nt = F.renderer.clipRect(it), F.sharedClips[et] = nt, rt = F.renderer.clipRect({ x: q ? (F.plotSizeX || 0) + 99 : -99, y: q ? -F.plotLeft : -F.plotTop, width: 99, height: q ? F.chartWidth : F.chartHeight }), F.sharedClips[et + "m"] = rt), Y.clip(nt), Z && Z.clip(rt);
  12353. else if (nt && !nt.hasClass("highcharts-animating")) {
  12354. F = this.getClipBox();
  12355. var ct = it.step;
  12356. Z && Z.element.childNodes.length && (it.step = function(gt, dt) {
  12357. ct && ct.apply(dt, arguments), rt && rt.element && rt.attr(dt.prop, dt.prop === "width" ? gt + 99 : gt);
  12358. }), nt.addClass("highcharts-animating").animate(F, it);
  12359. }
  12360. }, Q.prototype.afterAnimate = function() {
  12361. var A = this;
  12362. this.setClip(), g(
  12363. this.chart.sharedClips,
  12364. function(F, Y, Z) {
  12365. F && !A.chart.container.querySelector('[clip-path="url(#' + + ')"]') && (F.destroy(), delete Z[Y]);
  12366. }
  12367. ), this.finishedAnimating = !0, P(this, "afterAnimate");
  12368. }, Q.prototype.drawPoints = function() {
  12369. var A = this.points, F = this.chart, Y = this.options.marker, Z = this[this.specialGroup] || this.markerGroup, q = this.xAxis, it = m(Y.enabled, !q || q.isRadial ? !0 : null, this.closestPointRangePx >= Y.enabledThreshold * Y.radius), et, nt;
  12370. if (Y.enabled !== !1 || this._hasPointMarkers)
  12371. for (et = 0; et < A.length; et++) {
  12372. var rt = A[et], ct = (nt = rt.graphic) ? "animate" : "attr", gt = rt.marker || {}, dt = !!rt.marker;
  12373. if ((it && typeof gt.enabled > "u" || gt.enabled) && !rt.isNull && rt.visible !== !1) {
  12374. var ht = m(gt.symbol, this.symbol, "rect"), at = this.markerAttribs(rt, rt.selected && "select");
  12375. this.enabledDataSorting && (rt.startXPos = q.reversed ? -(at.width || 0) : q.width);
  12376. var J = rt.isInside !== !1;
  12377. nt ? nt[J ? "show" : "hide"](J).animate(at) : J && (0 < (at.width || 0) || rt.hasImage) && (rt.graphic = nt = F.renderer.symbol(ht, at.x, at.y, at.width, at.height, dt ? gt : Y).add(Z), this.enabledDataSorting && F.hasRendered && (nt.attr({ x: rt.startXPos }), ct = "animate")), nt && ct === "animate" && nt[J ? "show" : "hide"](J).animate(at), nt && !F.styledMode && nt[ct](this.pointAttribs(rt, rt.selected && "select")), nt && nt.addClass(rt.getClassName(), !0);
  12378. } else
  12379. nt && (rt.graphic = nt.destroy());
  12380. }
  12381. }, Q.prototype.markerAttribs = function(A, F) {
  12382. var Y = this.options, Z = Y.marker, q = A.marker || {}, it = q.symbol || Z.symbol, et = m(q.radius, Z.radius);
  12383. return F && (Z = Z.states[F], F = q.states && q.states[F], et = m(F && F.radius, Z && Z.radius, et + (Z && Z.radiusPlus || 0))), A.hasImage = it && it.indexOf("url") === 0, A.hasImage && (et = 0), A = { x: Y.crisp ? Math.floor(A.plotX - et) : A.plotX - et, y: A.plotY - et }, et && (A.width = A.height = 2 * et), A;
  12384. }, Q.prototype.pointAttribs = function(A, F) {
  12385. var Y = this.options.marker, Z = A && A.options, q = Z && Z.marker || {}, it = Z && Z.color, et = A && A.color, nt = A && &&, rt = this.color;
  12386. return A = m(q.lineWidth, Y.lineWidth), Z = 1, rt = it || nt || et || rt, it = q.fillColor || Y.fillColor || rt, et = q.lineColor || Y.lineColor || rt, F = F || "normal", Y = Y.states[F] || {}, F = q.states && q.states[F] || {}, A = m(F.lineWidth, Y.lineWidth, A + m(F.lineWidthPlus, Y.lineWidthPlus, 0)), it = F.fillColor || Y.fillColor || it, et = F.lineColor || Y.lineColor || et, Z = m(F.opacity, Y.opacity, Z), { stroke: et, "stroke-width": A, fill: it, opacity: Z };
  12387. }, Q.prototype.destroy = function(A) {
  12388. var F = this, Y = F.chart, Z = /AppleWebKit\/533/.test(k.navigator.userAgent), q = || [], it, et, nt, rt;
  12389. for (P(F, "destroy"), this.removeEvents(A), (F.axisTypes || []).forEach(function(ct) {
  12390. (rt = F[ct]) && rt.series && (a(rt.series, F), rt.isDirty = rt.forceRedraw = !0);
  12391. }), F.legendItem && F.chart.legend.destroyItem(F), et = q.length; et--; )
  12392. (nt = q[et]) && nt.destroy && nt.destroy();
  12393. F.clips && F.clips.forEach(function(ct) {
  12394. return ct.destroy();
  12395. }), S.clearTimeout(F.animationTimeout), g(F, function(ct, gt) {
  12396. ct instanceof B && !ct.survive && (it = Z && gt === "group" ? "hide" : "destroy", ct[it]());
  12397. }), Y.hoverSeries === F && (Y.hoverSeries = void 0), a(Y.series, F), Y.orderSeries(), g(F, function(ct, gt) {
  12398. A && gt === "hcEvents" || delete F[gt];
  12399. });
  12400. }, Q.prototype.applyZones = function() {
  12401. var A = this, F = this.chart, Y = F.renderer, Z = this.zones, q = this.clips || [], it = this.graph, et = this.area, nt = Math.max(F.chartWidth, F.chartHeight), rt = this[(this.zoneAxis || "y") + "Axis"], ct = F.inverted, gt, dt, ht, at, J, tt, ot, lt, pt = !1;
  12402. if (Z.length && (it || et) && rt && typeof rt.min < "u") {
  12403. var yt = rt.reversed, vt = rt.horiz;
  12404. it && !this.showLine && it.hide(), et && et.hide();
  12405. var Mt = rt.getExtremes();
  12406. Z.forEach(function(Pt, At) {
  12407. gt = yt ? vt ? F.plotWidth : 0 : vt ? 0 : rt.toPixels(Mt.min) || 0, gt = h(m(dt, gt), 0, nt), dt = h(Math.round(rt.toPixels(m(Pt.value, Mt.max), !0) || 0), 0, nt), pt && (gt = dt = rt.toPixels(Mt.max)), at = Math.abs(gt - dt), J = Math.min(gt, dt), tt = Math.max(gt, dt), rt.isXAxis ? (ht = { x: ct ? tt : J, y: 0, width: at, height: nt }, vt || (ht.x = F.plotHeight - ht.x)) : (ht = { x: 0, y: ct ? tt : J, width: nt, height: at }, vt && (ht.y = F.plotWidth - ht.y)), ct && Y.isVML && (ht = rt.isXAxis ? {
  12408. x: 0,
  12409. y: yt ? J : tt,
  12410. height: ht.width,
  12411. width: F.chartWidth
  12412. } : { x: ht.y - F.plotLeft - F.spacingBox.x, y: 0, width: ht.height, height: F.chartHeight }), q[At] ? q[At].animate(ht) : q[At] = Y.clipRect(ht), ot = A["zone-area-" + At], lt = A["zone-graph-" + At], it && lt && lt.clip(q[At]), et && ot && ot.clip(q[At]), pt = Pt.value > Mt.max, A.resetZones && dt === 0 && (dt = void 0);
  12413. }), this.clips = q;
  12414. } else
  12415. A.visible && (it &&!0), et &&!0));
  12416. }, Q.prototype.invertGroups = function(A) {
  12417. function F() {
  12418. ["group", "markerGroup"].forEach(function(q) {
  12419. Y[q] && (Z.renderer.isVML && Y[q].attr({ width: Y.yAxis.len, height: Y.xAxis.len }), Y[q].width = Y.yAxis.len, Y[q].height = Y.xAxis.len, Y[q].invert(Y.isRadialSeries ? !1 : A));
  12420. });
  12421. }
  12422. var Y = this, Z = Y.chart;
  12423. Y.xAxis && (Y.eventsToUnbind.push(w(Z, "resize", F)), F(), Y.invertGroups = F);
  12424. }, Q.prototype.plotGroup = function(A, F, Y, Z, q) {
  12425. var it = this[A], et = !it;
  12426. return Y = { visibility: Y, zIndex: Z || 0.1 }, typeof this.opacity > "u" || this.chart.styledMode || this.state === "inactive" || (Y.opacity = this.opacity), et && (this[A] = it = this.chart.renderer.g().add(q)), it.addClass("highcharts-" + F + " highcharts-series-" + this.index + " highcharts-" + this.type + "-series " + (c(this.colorIndex) ? "highcharts-color-" + this.colorIndex + " " : "") + (this.options.className || "") + (it.hasClass("highcharts-tracker") ? " highcharts-tracker" : ""), !0), it.attr(Y)[et ? "attr" : "animate"](this.getPlotBox()), it;
  12427. }, Q.prototype.getPlotBox = function() {
  12428. var A = this.chart, F = this.xAxis, Y = this.yAxis;
  12429. return A.inverted && (F = Y, Y = this.xAxis), { translateX: F ? F.left : A.plotLeft, translateY: Y ? : A.plotTop, scaleX: 1, scaleY: 1 };
  12430. }, Q.prototype.removeEvents = function(A) {
  12431. A || L(this), this.eventsToUnbind.length && (this.eventsToUnbind.forEach(function(F) {
  12432. F();
  12433. }), this.eventsToUnbind.length = 0);
  12434. }, Q.prototype.render = function() {
  12435. var A = this, F = A.chart, Y = A.options, Z = x(Y.animation), q = A.visible ? "inherit" : "hidden", it = Y.zIndex, et = A.hasRendered, nt = F.seriesGroup, rt = F.inverted;
  12436. F = !A.finishedAnimating && F.renderer.isSVG ? Z.duration : 0, P(this, "render");
  12437. var ct = A.plotGroup("group", "series", q, it, nt);
  12438. A.markerGroup = A.plotGroup("markerGroup", "markers", q, it, nt), Y.clip !== !1 && A.setClip(), A.animate && F && A.animate(!0), ct.inverted = m(A.invertible, A.isCartesian) ? rt : !1, A.drawGraph && (A.drawGraph(), A.applyZones()), A.visible && A.drawPoints(), A.drawDataLabels && A.drawDataLabels(), A.redrawPoints && A.redrawPoints(), A.drawTracker && A.options.enableMouseTracking !== !1 && A.drawTracker(), A.invertGroups(rt), A.animate && F && A.animate(), et || (F && Z.defer && (F += Z.defer), A.animationTimeout = $(function() {
  12439. A.afterAnimate();
  12440. }, F || 0)), A.isDirty = !1, A.hasRendered = !0, P(A, "afterRender");
  12441. }, Q.prototype.redraw = function() {
  12442. var A = this.chart, F = this.isDirty || this.isDirtyData, Y =, Z = this.xAxis, q = this.yAxis;
  12443. Y && (A.inverted && Y.attr({
  12444. width: A.plotWidth,
  12445. height: A.plotHeight
  12446. }), Y.animate({ translateX: m(Z && Z.left, A.plotLeft), translateY: m(q &&, A.plotTop) })), this.translate(), this.render(), F && delete this.kdTree;
  12447. }, Q.prototype.searchPoint = function(A, F) {
  12448. var Y = this.xAxis, Z = this.yAxis, q = this.chart.inverted;
  12449. return this.searchKDTree({ clientX: q ? Y.len - A.chartY + Y.pos : A.chartX - Y.pos, plotY: q ? Z.len - A.chartX + Z.pos : A.chartY - Z.pos }, F, A);
  12450. }, Q.prototype.buildKDTree = function(A) {
  12451. function F(q, it, et) {
  12452. var nt = q && q.length;
  12453. if (nt) {
  12454. var rt = Y.kdAxisArray[it % et];
  12455. return q.sort(function(ct, gt) {
  12456. return ct[rt] - gt[rt];
  12457. }), nt = Math.floor(nt / 2), { point: q[nt], left: F(q.slice(0, nt), it + 1, et), right: F(q.slice(nt + 1), it + 1, et) };
  12458. }
  12459. }
  12460. this.buildingKdTree = !0;
  12461. var Y = this, Z = -1 < Y.options.findNearestPointBy.indexOf("y") ? 2 : 1;
  12462. delete Y.kdTree, $(function() {
  12463. Y.kdTree = F(Y.getValidPoints(null, !Y.directTouch), Z, Z), Y.buildingKdTree = !1;
  12464. }, Y.options.kdNow || A && A.type === "touchstart" ? 0 : 1);
  12465. }, Q.prototype.searchKDTree = function(A, F, Y) {
  12466. function Z(rt, ct, gt, dt) {
  12467. var ht = ct.point, at = q.kdAxisArray[gt % dt], J = ht, tt = c(rt[it]) && c(ht[it]) ? Math.pow(rt[it] - ht[it], 2) : null, ot = c(rt[et]) && c(ht[et]) ? Math.pow(rt[et] - ht[et], 2) : null;
  12468. return ot = (tt || 0) + (ot || 0), ht.dist = c(ot) ? Math.sqrt(ot) : Number.MAX_VALUE, ht.distX = c(tt) ? Math.sqrt(tt) : Number.MAX_VALUE, at = rt[at] - ht[at], ot = 0 > at ? "left" : "right", tt = 0 > at ? "right" : "left", ct[ot] && (ot = Z(rt, ct[ot], gt + 1, dt), J = ot[nt] < J[nt] ? ot : ht), ct[tt] && Math.sqrt(at * at) < J[nt] && (rt = Z(rt, ct[tt], gt + 1, dt), J = rt[nt] < J[nt] ? rt : J), J;
  12469. }
  12470. var q = this, it = this.kdAxisArray[0], et = this.kdAxisArray[1], nt = F ? "distX" : "dist";
  12471. if (F = -1 < q.options.findNearestPointBy.indexOf("y") ? 2 : 1, this.kdTree || this.buildingKdTree || this.buildKDTree(Y), this.kdTree)
  12472. return Z(
  12473. A,
  12474. this.kdTree,
  12475. F,
  12476. F
  12477. );
  12478. }, Q.prototype.pointPlacementToXValue = function() {
  12479. var A = this.options, F = A.pointRange, Y = this.xAxis;
  12480. return A = A.pointPlacement, A === "between" && (A = Y.reversed ? -0.5 : 0.5), W(A) ? A * (F || Y.pointRange) : 0;
  12481. }, Q.prototype.isPointInside = function(A) {
  12482. var F = this.chart, Y = this.xAxis, Z = this.yAxis;
  12483. return typeof A.plotY < "u" && typeof A.plotX < "u" && 0 <= A.plotY && A.plotY <= (Z ? Z.len : F.plotHeight) && 0 <= A.plotX && A.plotX <= (Y ? Y.len : F.plotWidth);
  12484. }, Q.prototype.drawTracker = function() {
  12485. var A = this, F = A.options, Y = F.trackByArea, Z = [].concat(Y ? A.areaPath : A.graphPath), q = A.chart, it = q.pointer, et = q.renderer, nt = q.options.tooltip.snap, rt = A.tracker, ct = function(dt) {
  12486. q.hoverSeries !== A && A.onMouseOver();
  12487. }, gt = "rgba(192,192,192," + (j ? 1e-4 : 2e-3) + ")";
  12488. rt ? rt.attr({ d: Z }) : A.graph && (A.tracker = et.path(Z).attr({ visibility: A.visible ? "visible" : "hidden", zIndex: 2 }).addClass(Y ? "highcharts-tracker-area" : "highcharts-tracker-line").add(, q.styledMode || A.tracker.attr({ "stroke-linecap": "round", "stroke-linejoin": "round", stroke: gt, fill: Y ? gt : "none", "stroke-width": A.graph.strokeWidth() + (Y ? 0 : 2 * nt) }), [A.tracker, A.markerGroup, A.dataLabelsGroup].forEach(function(dt) {
  12489. dt && (dt.addClass("highcharts-tracker").on("mouseover", ct).on("mouseout", function(ht) {
  12490. it.onTrackerMouseOut(ht);
  12491. }), F.cursor && !q.styledMode && dt.css({ cursor: F.cursor }), O) && dt.on("touchstart", ct);
  12492. })), P(this, "afterDrawTracker");
  12493. }, Q.prototype.addPoint = function(A, F, Y, Z, q) {
  12494. var it = this.options, et =, nt = this.chart, rt = this.xAxis;
  12495. rt = rt && rt.hasNames && rt.names;
  12496. var ct =, gt = this.xData, dt;
  12497. F = m(F, !0);
  12498. var ht = { series: this };
  12499. this.pointClass.prototype.applyOptions.apply(
  12500. ht,
  12501. [A]
  12502. );
  12503. var at = ht.x, J = gt.length;
  12504. if (this.requireSorting && at < gt[J - 1])
  12505. for (dt = !0; J && gt[J - 1] > at; )
  12506. J--;
  12507. this.updateParallelArrays(ht, "splice", J, 0, 0), this.updateParallelArrays(ht, J), rt && && (rt[at] =, ct.splice(J, 0, A), dt && (, 0, null), this.processData()), it.legendType === "point" && this.generatePoints(), Y && (et[0] && et[0].remove ? et[0].remove(!1) : (et.shift(), this.updateParallelArrays(ht, "shift"), ct.shift())), q !== !1 && P(this, "addPoint", { point: ht }), this.isDirtyData = this.isDirty = !0, F && nt.redraw(Z);
  12508. }, Q.prototype.removePoint = function(A, F, Y) {
  12509. var Z = this, q =, it = q[A], et = Z.points, nt = Z.chart, rt = function() {
  12510. et && et.length === q.length && et.splice(A, 1), q.splice(A, 1),, 1), Z.updateParallelArrays(it || { series: Z }, "splice", A, 1), it && it.destroy(), Z.isDirty = !0, Z.isDirtyData = !0, F && nt.redraw();
  12511. };
  12512. f(Y, nt), F = m(F, !0), it ? it.firePointEvent("remove", null, rt) : rt();
  12513. }, Q.prototype.remove = function(A, F, Y, Z) {
  12514. function q() {
  12515. it.destroy(Z), et.isDirtyLegend = et.isDirtyBox = !0, et.linkSeries(), m(A, !0) && et.redraw(F);
  12516. }
  12517. var it = this, et = it.chart;
  12518. Y !== !1 ? P(
  12519. it,
  12520. "remove",
  12521. null,
  12522. q
  12523. ) : q();
  12524. }, Q.prototype.update = function(A, F) {
  12525. A = u(A, this.userOptions), P(this, "update", { options: A });
  12526. var Y = this, Z = Y.chart, q = Y.userOptions, it = Y.initialType || Y.type, et = Z.options.plotOptions, nt = b[it].prototype, rt = Y.finishedAnimating && { animation: !1 }, ct = {}, gt, dt = ["eventOptions", "navigatorSeries", "baseSeries"], ht = A.type || q.type || Z.options.chart.type, at = !(this.hasDerivedData || ht && ht !== this.type || typeof A.pointStart < "u" || typeof A.pointInterval < "u" || typeof A.relativeXValue < "u" || Y.hasOptionChanged("dataGrouping") || Y.hasOptionChanged("pointStart") || Y.hasOptionChanged("pointInterval") || Y.hasOptionChanged("pointIntervalUnit") || Y.hasOptionChanged("keys"));
  12527. if (ht = ht || it, at && (dt.push("data", "isDirtyData", "points", "processedXData", "processedYData", "xIncrement", "cropped", "_hasPointMarkers", "_hasPointLabels", "clips", "nodes", "layout", "mapMap", "mapData", "minY", "maxY", "minX", "maxX"), A.visible !== !1 && dt.push("area", "graph"), Y.parallelArrays.forEach(function(tt) {
  12528. dt.push(tt + "Data");
  12529. }), && (A.dataSorting && s(Y.options.dataSorting, A.dataSorting), this.setData(, !1))), A = X(q, rt, { index: typeof q.index > "u" ? Y.index : q.index, pointStart: m(et && et.series && et.series.pointStart, q.pointStart, Y.xData[0]) }, !at && { data: }, A), at && && ( =, dt = ["group", "markerGroup", "dataLabelsGroup", "transformGroup"].concat(dt), dt.forEach(function(tt) {
  12530. dt[tt] = Y[tt], delete Y[tt];
  12531. }), et = !1, b[ht]) {
  12532. if (et = ht !== Y.type, Y.remove(!1, !1, !1, !0), et)
  12533. if (Object.setPrototypeOf)
  12534. Object.setPrototypeOf(Y, b[ht].prototype);
  12535. else {
  12536. rt =, "hcEvents") && Y.hcEvents;
  12537. for (gt in nt)
  12538. Y[gt] = void 0;
  12539. s(Y, b[ht].prototype), rt ? Y.hcEvents = rt : delete Y.hcEvents;
  12540. }
  12541. } else
  12542. t(17, !0, Z, { missingModuleFor: ht });
  12543. if (dt.forEach(function(tt) {
  12544. Y[tt] = dt[tt];
  12545. }), Y.init(Z, A), at && this.points) {
  12546. var J = Y.options;
  12547. J.visible === !1 ? (ct.graphic = 1, ct.dataLabel = 1) : Y._hasPointLabels || (A = J.marker, nt = J.dataLabels, !A || A.enabled !== !1 && (q.marker && q.marker.symbol) === A.symbol || (ct.graphic = 1), nt && nt.enabled === !1 && (ct.dataLabel = 1)), this.points.forEach(function(tt) {
  12548. tt && tt.series && (tt.resolveColor(), Object.keys(ct).length && tt.destroyElements(ct), J.showInLegend === !1 && tt.legendItem && Z.legend.destroyItem(tt));
  12549. }, this);
  12550. }
  12551. Y.initialType = it, Z.linkSeries(), et && Y.linkedSeries.length && (Y.isDirtyData = !0), P(this, "afterUpdate"), m(F, !0) && Z.redraw(at ? void 0 : !1);
  12552. }, Q.prototype.setName = function(A) {
  12553. = = = A, this.chart.isDirtyLegend = !0;
  12554. }, Q.prototype.hasOptionChanged = function(A) {
  12555. var F = this.options[A], Y = this.chart.options.plotOptions, Z = this.userOptions[A];
  12556. return Z ? F !== Z : F !== m(
  12557. Y && Y[this.type] && Y[this.type][A],
  12558. Y && Y.series && Y.series[A],
  12559. F
  12560. );
  12561. }, Q.prototype.onMouseOver = function() {
  12562. var A = this.chart, F = A.hoverSeries;
  12563. A.pointer.setHoverChartIndex(), F && F !== this && F.onMouseOut(), && P(this, "mouseOver"), this.setState("hover"), A.hoverSeries = this;
  12564. }, Q.prototype.onMouseOut = function() {
  12565. var A = this.options, F = this.chart, Y = F.tooltip, Z = F.hoverPoint;
  12566. F.hoverSeries = null, Z && Z.onMouseOut(), this && && P(this, "mouseOut"), !Y || this.stickyTracking || Y.shared && !this.noSharedTooltip || Y.hide(), F.series.forEach(function(q) {
  12567. q.setState(
  12568. "",
  12569. !0
  12570. );
  12571. });
  12572. }, Q.prototype.setState = function(A, F) {
  12573. var Y = this, Z = Y.options, q = Y.graph, it = Z.inactiveOtherPoints, et = Z.states, nt = m(et[A || "normal"] && et[A || "normal"].animation, Y.chart.options.chart.animation), rt = Z.lineWidth, ct = 0, gt = Z.opacity;
  12574. if (A = A || "", Y.state !== A && ([, Y.markerGroup, Y.dataLabelsGroup].forEach(function(dt) {
  12575. dt && (Y.state && dt.removeClass("highcharts-series-" + Y.state), A && dt.addClass("highcharts-series-" + A));
  12576. }), Y.state = A, !Y.chart.styledMode)) {
  12577. if (et[A] && et[A].enabled === !1)
  12578. return;
  12579. if (A && (rt = et[A].lineWidth || rt + (et[A].lineWidthPlus || 0), gt = m(et[A].opacity, gt)), q && !q.dashstyle)
  12580. for (Z = { "stroke-width": rt }, q.animate(Z, nt); Y["zone-graph-" + ct]; )
  12581. Y["zone-graph-" + ct].animate(Z, nt), ct += 1;
  12582. it || [, Y.markerGroup, Y.dataLabelsGroup, Y.labelBySeries].forEach(function(dt) {
  12583. dt && dt.animate({ opacity: gt }, nt);
  12584. });
  12585. }
  12586. F && it && Y.points && Y.setAllPointsToState(A || void 0);
  12587. }, Q.prototype.setAllPointsToState = function(A) {
  12588. this.points.forEach(function(F) {
  12589. F.setState && F.setState(A);
  12590. });
  12591. }, Q.prototype.setVisible = function(A, F) {
  12592. var Y = this, Z = Y.chart, q = Y.legendItem, it = Z.options.chart.ignoreHiddenSeries, et = Y.visible, nt = (Y.visible = A = Y.options.visible = Y.userOptions.visible = typeof A > "u" ? !et : A) ? "show" : "hide";
  12593. ["group", "dataLabelsGroup", "markerGroup", "tracker", "tt"].forEach(function(rt) {
  12594. Y[rt] && Y[rt][nt]();
  12595. }), (Z.hoverSeries === Y || (Z.hoverPoint && Z.hoverPoint.series) === Y) && Y.onMouseOut(), q && Z.legend.colorizeItem(Y, A), Y.isDirty = !0, Y.options.stacking && Z.series.forEach(function(rt) {
  12596. rt.options.stacking && rt.visible && (rt.isDirty = !0);
  12597. }), Y.linkedSeries.forEach(function(rt) {
  12598. rt.setVisible(A, !1);
  12599. }), it && (Z.isDirtyBox = !0), P(Y, nt), F !== !1 && Z.redraw();
  12600. }, = function() {
  12601. this.setVisible(!0);
  12602. }, Q.prototype.hide = function() {
  12603. this.setVisible(!1);
  12604. }, = function(A) {
  12605. this.selected = A = this.options.selected = typeof A > "u" ? !this.selected : A, this.checkbox && (this.checkbox.checked = A), P(this, A ? "select" : "unselect");
  12606. }, Q.prototype.shouldShowTooltip = function(A, F, Y) {
  12607. return Y === void 0 && (Y = {}), Y.series = this, Y.visiblePlotOnly = !0, this.chart.isInsidePlot(A, F, Y);
  12608. }, Q.defaultOptions = G, Q;
  12609. }(), s(y.prototype, { axisTypes: [
  12610. "xAxis",
  12611. "yAxis"
  12612. ], coll: "series", colorCounter: 0, cropShoulder: 1, directTouch: !1, drawLegendSymbol: H.drawLineMarker, isCartesian: !0, kdAxisArray: ["clientX", "plotY"], parallelArrays: ["x", "y"], pointClass: V, requireSorting: !0, sorted: !0 }), R.series = y, y;
  12613. }), M(o, "Extensions/ScrollablePlotArea.js", [o["Core/Animation/AnimationUtilities.js"], o["Core/Axis/Axis.js"], o["Core/Chart/Chart.js"], o["Core/Series/Series.js"], o["Core/Renderer/RendererRegistry.js"], o["Core/Utilities.js"]], function(y, N, D, U, H, V) {
  12614. var G = y.stop, R = V.addEvent, B = V.createElement, S = V.merge, x = V.pick;
  12615. R(D, "afterSetChartSize", function(f) {
  12616. var d = this.options.chart.scrollablePlotArea, T = d && d.minWidth;
  12617. if (d = d && d.minHeight, !this.renderer.forExport) {
  12618. if (T) {
  12619. if (this.scrollablePixelsX = T = Math.max(0, T - this.chartWidth)) {
  12620. this.scrollablePlotBox = this.renderer.scrollablePlotBox = S(this.plotBox), this.plotBox.width = this.plotWidth += T, this.inverted ? this.clipBox.height += T : this.clipBox.width += T;
  12621. var O = { 1: { name: "right", value: T } };
  12622. }
  12623. } else
  12624. d && (this.scrollablePixelsY = T = Math.max(
  12625. 0,
  12626. d - this.chartHeight
  12627. )) && (this.scrollablePlotBox = this.renderer.scrollablePlotBox = S(this.plotBox), this.plotBox.height = this.plotHeight += T, this.inverted ? this.clipBox.width += T : this.clipBox.height += T, O = { 2: { name: "bottom", value: T } });
  12628. O && !f.skipAxes && this.axes.forEach(function(j) {
  12629. O[j.side] ? j.getPlotLinePath = function() {
  12630. var k = O[j.side].name, b = this[k];
  12631. this[k] = b - O[j.side].value;
  12632. var w = N.prototype.getPlotLinePath.apply(this, arguments);
  12633. return this[k] = b, w;
  12634. } : (j.setAxisSize(), j.setAxisTranslation());
  12635. });
  12636. }
  12637. }), R(D, "render", function() {
  12638. this.scrollablePixelsX || this.scrollablePixelsY ? (this.setUpScrolling && this.setUpScrolling(), this.applyFixed()) : this.fixedDiv && this.applyFixed();
  12639. }), D.prototype.setUpScrolling = function() {
  12640. var f = this, d = { WebkitOverflowScrolling: "touch", overflowX: "hidden", overflowY: "hidden" };
  12641. this.scrollablePixelsX && (d.overflowX = "auto"), this.scrollablePixelsY && (d.overflowY = "auto"), this.scrollingParent = B("div", { className: "highcharts-scrolling-parent" }, { position: "relative" }, this.renderTo), this.scrollingContainer = B(
  12642. "div",
  12643. { className: "highcharts-scrolling" },
  12644. d,
  12645. this.scrollingParent
  12646. ), R(this.scrollingContainer, "scroll", function() {
  12647. f.pointer && delete f.pointer.chartPosition;
  12648. }), this.innerContainer = B("div", { className: "highcharts-inner-container" }, null, this.scrollingContainer), this.innerContainer.appendChild(this.container), this.setUpScrolling = null;
  12649. }, D.prototype.moveFixedElements = function() {
  12650. var f = this.container, d = this.fixedRenderer, T = ".highcharts-contextbutton .highcharts-credits .highcharts-legend .highcharts-legend-checkbox .highcharts-navigator-series .highcharts-navigator-xaxis .highcharts-navigator-yaxis .highcharts-navigator .highcharts-reset-zoom .highcharts-drillup-button .highcharts-scrollbar .highcharts-subtitle .highcharts-title".split(" "), O;
  12651. this.scrollablePixelsX && !this.inverted ? O = ".highcharts-yaxis" : this.scrollablePixelsX && this.inverted || this.scrollablePixelsY && !this.inverted ? O = ".highcharts-xaxis" : this.scrollablePixelsY && this.inverted && (O = ".highcharts-yaxis"), O && T.push(O + ":not(.highcharts-radial-axis)", O + "-labels:not(.highcharts-radial-axis-labels)"), T.forEach(function(j) {
  12652. [], function(k) {
  12653. (k.namespaceURI === d.SVG_NS ? :, = "auto";
  12654. });
  12655. });
  12656. }, D.prototype.applyFixed = function() {
  12657. var f = !this.fixedDiv, d = this.options.chart, T = d.scrollablePlotArea, O = H.getRendererType();
  12658. f ? (this.fixedDiv = B("div", { className: "highcharts-fixed" }, { position: "absolute", overflow: "hidden", pointerEvents: "none", zIndex: ( && || 0) + 2, top: 0 }, null, !0), this.scrollingContainer && this.scrollingContainer.parentNode.insertBefore(this.fixedDiv, this.scrollingContainer), = "visible", this.fixedRenderer = d = new O(
  12659. this.fixedDiv,
  12660. this.chartWidth,
  12661. this.chartHeight,
  12663. ), this.scrollableMask = d.path().attr({ fill: this.options.chart.backgroundColor || "#fff", "fill-opacity": x(T.opacity, 0.85), zIndex: -1 }).addClass("highcharts-scrollable-mask").add(), R(this, "afterShowResetZoom", this.moveFixedElements), R(this, "afterDrilldown", this.moveFixedElements), R(this, "afterLayOutTitles", this.moveFixedElements)) : this.fixedRenderer.setSize(this.chartWidth, this.chartHeight), (this.scrollableDirty || f) && (this.scrollableDirty = !1, this.moveFixedElements()), d = this.chartWidth + (this.scrollablePixelsX || 0), O = this.chartHeight + (this.scrollablePixelsY || 0), G(this.container), = d + "px", = O + "px", this.renderer.boxWrapper.attr({ width: d, height: O, viewBox: [0, 0, d, O].join(" ") }), this.chartBackground.attr({ width: d, height: O }), = this.chartHeight + "px", f && (T.scrollPositionX && (this.scrollingContainer.scrollLeft = this.scrollablePixelsX * T.scrollPositionX), T.scrollPositionY && (this.scrollingContainer.scrollTop = this.scrollablePixelsY * T.scrollPositionY)), O = this.axisOffset, f = this.plotTop - O[0] - 1, T = this.plotLeft - O[3] - 1, d = this.plotTop + this.plotHeight + O[2] + 1, O = this.plotLeft + this.plotWidth + O[1] + 1;
  12664. var j = this.plotLeft + this.plotWidth - (this.scrollablePixelsX || 0), k = this.plotTop + this.plotHeight - (this.scrollablePixelsY || 0);
  12665. f = this.scrollablePixelsX ? [["M", 0, f], ["L", this.plotLeft - 1, f], ["L", this.plotLeft - 1, d], ["L", 0, d], ["Z"], ["M", j, f], ["L", this.chartWidth, f], ["L", this.chartWidth, d], ["L", j, d], ["Z"]] : this.scrollablePixelsY ? [["M", T, 0], ["L", T, this.plotTop - 1], ["L", O, this.plotTop - 1], ["L", O, 0], ["Z"], ["M", T, k], ["L", T, this.chartHeight], ["L", O, this.chartHeight], ["L", O, k], ["Z"]] : [["M", 0, 0]], this.redrawTrigger !== "adjustHeight" && this.scrollableMask.attr({ d: f });
  12666. }, R(N, "afterInit", function() {
  12667. this.chart.scrollableDirty = !0;
  12668. }), R(U, "show", function() {
  12669. this.chart.scrollableDirty = !0;
  12670. });
  12671. }), M(o, "Core/Axis/StackingAxis.js", [o["Core/Animation/AnimationUtilities.js"], o["Core/Axis/Axis.js"], o["Core/Utilities.js"]], function(y, N, D) {
  12672. var U = y.getDeferredAnimation, H = D.addEvent, V = D.destroyObjectProperties, G = D.fireEvent, R = D.isNumber, B = D.objectEach, S;
  12673. return function(x) {
  12674. function f() {
  12675. var j = this.stacking;
  12676. if (j) {
  12677. var k = j.stacks;
  12678. B(k, function(b, w) {
  12679. V(b), k[w] = null;
  12680. }), j && j.stackTotalGroup && j.stackTotalGroup.destroy();
  12681. }
  12682. }
  12683. function d() {
  12684. this.stacking || (this.stacking = new O(this));
  12685. }
  12686. var T = [];
  12687. x.compose = function(j) {
  12688. return T.indexOf(j) === -1 && (T.push(j), H(j, "init", d), H(j, "destroy", f)), j;
  12689. };
  12690. var O = function() {
  12691. function j(k) {
  12692. this.oldStacks = {}, this.stacks = {}, this.stacksTouched = 0, this.axis = k;
  12693. }
  12694. return j.prototype.buildStacks = function() {
  12695. var k = this.axis, b = k.series, w = k.options.reversedStacks, v = b.length, l;
  12696. if (!k.isXAxis) {
  12697. for (this.usePercentage = !1, l = v; l--; ) {
  12698. var h = b[w ? l : v - l - 1];
  12699. h.setStackedPoints(), h.setGroupedPoints();
  12700. }
  12701. for (l = 0; l < v; l++)
  12702. b[l].modifyStacks();
  12703. G(k, "afterBuildStacks");
  12704. }
  12705. }, j.prototype.cleanStacks = function() {
  12706. if (!this.axis.isXAxis) {
  12707. if (this.oldStacks)
  12708. var k = this.stacks = this.oldStacks;
  12709. B(k, function(b) {
  12710. B(b, function(w) {
  12711. w.cumulative =;
  12712. });
  12713. });
  12714. }
  12715. }, j.prototype.resetStacks = function() {
  12716. var k = this, b = k.stacks;
  12717. k.axis.isXAxis || B(b, function(w) {
  12718. B(
  12719. w,
  12720. function(v, l) {
  12721. R(v.touched) && v.touched < k.stacksTouched ? (v.destroy(), delete w[l]) : ( = null, v.cumulative = null);
  12722. }
  12723. );
  12724. });
  12725. }, j.prototype.renderStackTotals = function() {
  12726. var k = this.axis, b = k.chart, w = b.renderer, v = this.stacks;
  12727. k = U(b, k.options.stackLabels && k.options.stackLabels.animation || !1);
  12728. var l = this.stackTotalGroup = this.stackTotalGroup || w.g("stack-labels").attr({ visibility: "visible", zIndex: 6, opacity: 0 }).add();
  12729. l.translate(b.plotLeft, b.plotTop), B(v, function(h) {
  12730. B(h, function(u) {
  12731. u.render(l);
  12732. });
  12733. }), l.animate(
  12734. { opacity: 1 },
  12735. k
  12736. );
  12737. }, j;
  12738. }();
  12739. x.Additions = O;
  12740. }(S || (S = {})), S;
  12741. }), M(o, "Extensions/Stacking.js", [o["Core/Axis/Axis.js"], o["Core/Chart/Chart.js"], o["Core/FormatUtilities.js"], o["Core/Globals.js"], o["Core/Series/Series.js"], o["Core/Axis/StackingAxis.js"], o["Core/Utilities.js"]], function(y, N, D, U, H, V, G) {
  12742. var R = D.format, B = G.correctFloat, S = G.defined, x = G.destroyObjectProperties, f = G.isArray, d = G.isNumber, T = G.objectEach, O = G.pick, j = function() {
  12743. function k(b, w, v, l, h) {
  12744. var u = b.chart.inverted;
  12745. this.axis = b, this.isNegative = v, this.options = w = w || {}, this.x = l, = null, this.points = {}, this.hasValidPoints = !1, this.stack = h, this.rightCliff = this.leftCliff = 0, this.alignOptions = { align: w.align || (u ? v ? "left" : "right" : "center"), verticalAlign: w.verticalAlign || (u ? "middle" : v ? "bottom" : "top"), y: w.y, x: w.x }, this.textAlign = w.textAlign || (u ? v ? "right" : "left" : "center");
  12746. }
  12747. return k.prototype.destroy = function() {
  12748. x(this, this.axis);
  12749. }, k.prototype.render = function(b) {
  12750. var w = this.axis.chart, v = this.options, l = v.format;
  12751. l = l ? R(l, this, w) :, this.label ? this.label.attr({
  12752. text: l,
  12753. visibility: "hidden"
  12754. }) : (this.label = w.renderer.label(l, null, null, v.shape, null, null, v.useHTML, !1, "stack-labels"), l = { r: v.borderRadius || 0, text: l, rotation: v.rotation, padding: O(v.padding, 5), visibility: "hidden" }, w.styledMode || (l.fill = v.backgroundColor, l.stroke = v.borderColor, l["stroke-width"] = v.borderWidth, this.label.css(, this.label.attr(l), this.label.added || this.label.add(b)), this.label.labelrank = w.plotSizeY;
  12755. }, k.prototype.setOffset = function(b, w, v, l, h) {
  12756. var u = this.axis, i = u.chart;
  12757. l = u.translate(u.stacking.usePercentage ? 100 : l ||, 0, 0, 0, 1), v = u.translate(v || 0), v = S(l) && Math.abs(l - v), b = O(h, i.xAxis[0].translate(this.x)) + b, u = S(l) && this.getStackBox(i, this, b, l, w, v, u), w = this.label, v = this.isNegative, b = O(this.options.overflow, "justify") === "justify";
  12758. var c = this.textAlign;
  12759. w && u && (h = w.getBBox(), l = w.padding, c = c === "left" ? i.inverted ? -l : l : c === "right" ? h.width : i.inverted && c === "center" ? h.width / 2 : i.inverted ? v ? h.width + l : -l : h.width / 2, v = i.inverted ? h.height / 2 : v ? -l : h.height, this.alignOptions.x = O(this.options.x, 0), this.alignOptions.y = O(this.options.y, 0), u.x -= c, u.y -= v, w.align(this.alignOptions, null, u), i.isInsidePlot(w.alignAttr.x + c - this.alignOptions.x, w.alignAttr.y + v - this.alignOptions.y) ? : (w.alignAttr.y = -9999, b = !1), b &&, w, this.alignOptions, w.alignAttr, h, u), w.attr({ x: w.alignAttr.x, y: w.alignAttr.y }), O(!b && this.options.crop, !0) && ((i = d(w.x) && d(w.y) && i.isInsidePlot(w.x - l + w.width, w.y) && i.isInsidePlot(w.x + l, w.y)) || w.hide()));
  12760. }, k.prototype.getStackBox = function(b, w, v, l, h, u, i) {
  12761. var c = w.axis.reversed, a = b.inverted, t = i.height + i.pos - (a ? b.plotLeft : b.plotTop);
  12762. return w = w.isNegative && !c || !w.isNegative && c, { x: a ? w ? l - i.right : l - u + i.pos - b.plotLeft : v + b.xAxis[0].transB - b.plotLeft, y: a ? i.height - v - h : w ? t - l - u : t - l, width: a ? u : h, height: a ? h : u };
  12763. }, k;
  12764. }();
  12765. return N.prototype.getStacks = function() {
  12766. var k = this, b = k.inverted;
  12767. k.yAxis.forEach(function(w) {
  12768. w.stacking && w.stacking.stacks && w.hasVisibleSeries && (w.stacking.oldStacks = w.stacking.stacks);
  12769. }), k.series.forEach(function(w) {
  12770. var v = w.xAxis && w.xAxis.options || {};
  12771. !w.options.stacking || w.visible !== !0 && k.options.chart.ignoreHiddenSeries !== !1 || (w.stackKey = [w.type, O(w.options.stack, ""), b ? : v.left, b ? v.height : v.width].join());
  12772. });
  12773. }, V.compose(y), H.prototype.setGroupedPoints = function() {
  12774. var k = this.yAxis.stacking;
  12775. this.options.centerInCategory && ("column") ||"columnrange")) && !this.options.stacking && 1 < this.chart.series.length ?, "group") : k && T(k.stacks, function(b, w) {
  12776. w.slice(-5) === "group" && (T(b, function(v) {
  12777. return v.destroy();
  12778. }), delete k.stacks[w]);
  12779. });
  12780. }, H.prototype.setStackedPoints = function(k) {
  12781. var b = k || this.options.stacking;
  12782. if (b && (this.visible === !0 || this.chart.options.chart.ignoreHiddenSeries === !1)) {
  12783. var w = this.processedXData, v = this.processedYData, l = [], h = v.length, u = this.options, i = u.threshold, c = O(u.startFromThreshold && i, 0);
  12784. u = u.stack, k = k ? this.type + "," + b : this.stackKey;
  12785. var a = "-" + k, t = this.negStacks, s = this.yAxis, n = s.stacking.stacks, P = s.stacking.oldStacks, _, I;
  12786. for (s.stacking.stacksTouched += 1, I = 0; I < h; I++) {
  12787. var W = w[I], E = v[I], X = this.getStackIndicator(
  12788. X,
  12789. W,
  12790. this.index
  12791. ), g = X.key, m = (_ = t && E < (c ? 0 : i)) ? a : k;
  12792. n[m] || (n[m] = {}), n[m][W] || (P[m] && P[m][W] ? (n[m][W] = P[m][W], n[m][W].total = null) : n[m][W] = new j(s, s.options.stackLabels, _, W, u)), m = n[m][W], E !== null ? (m.points[g] = m.points[this.index] = [O(m.cumulative, c)], S(m.cumulative) || (m.base = g), m.touched = s.stacking.stacksTouched, 0 < X.index && this.singleStacks === !1 && (m.points[g][0] = m.points[this.index + "," + W + ",0"][0])) : m.points[g] = m.points[this.index] = null, b === "percent" ? (_ = _ ? k : a, t && n[_] && n[_][W] ? (_ = n[_][W], = = Math.max(, + Math.abs(E) || 0) : = B( + (Math.abs(E) || 0))) : b === "group" ? (f(E) && (E = E[0]), E !== null && ( = ( || 0) + 1)) : = B( + (E || 0)), m.cumulative = b === "group" ? ( || 1) - 1 : O(m.cumulative, c) + (E || 0), E !== null && (m.points[g].push(m.cumulative), l[I] = m.cumulative, m.hasValidPoints = !0);
  12793. }
  12794. b === "percent" && (s.stacking.usePercentage = !0), b !== "group" && (this.stackedYData = l), s.stacking.oldStacks = {};
  12795. }
  12796. }, H.prototype.modifyStacks = function() {
  12797. var k = this, b = k.stackKey, w = k.yAxis.stacking.stacks, v = k.processedXData, l, h = k.options.stacking;
  12798. k[h + "Stacker"] && [b, "-" + b].forEach(function(u) {
  12799. for (var i = v.length, c, a; i--; )
  12800. c = v[i], l = k.getStackIndicator(l, c, k.index, u), (a = (c = w[u] && w[u][c]) && c.points[l.key]) && k[h + "Stacker"](a, c, i);
  12801. });
  12802. }, H.prototype.percentStacker = function(k, b, w) {
  12803. b = ? 100 / : 0, k[0] = B(k[0] * b), k[1] = B(k[1] * b), this.stackedYData[w] = k[1];
  12804. }, H.prototype.getStackIndicator = function(k, b, w, v) {
  12805. return !S(k) || k.x !== b || v && k.key !== v ? k = { x: b, index: 0, key: v } : k.index++, k.key = [w, b, k.index].join(), k;
  12806. }, U.StackItem = j, U.StackItem;
  12807. }), M(o, "Series/Line/LineSeries.js", [o["Core/Series/Series.js"], o["Core/Series/SeriesRegistry.js"], o["Core/Utilities.js"]], function(y, N, D) {
  12808. var U = this && this.__extends || function() {
  12809. var G = function(R, B) {
  12810. return G = Object.setPrototypeOf || { __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function(S, x) {
  12811. S.__proto__ = x;
  12812. } || function(S, x) {
  12813. for (var f in x)
  12814. x.hasOwnProperty(f) && (S[f] = x[f]);
  12815. }, G(R, B);
  12816. };
  12817. return function(R, B) {
  12818. function S() {
  12819. this.constructor = R;
  12820. }
  12821. G(R, B), R.prototype = B === null ? Object.create(B) : (S.prototype = B.prototype, new S());
  12822. };
  12823. }(), H = D.defined, V = D.merge;
  12824. return D = function(G) {
  12825. function R() {
  12826. var B = G !== null && G.apply(this, arguments) || this;
  12827. return = void 0, B.options = void 0, B.points = void 0, B;
  12828. }
  12829. return U(R, G), R.prototype.drawGraph = function() {
  12830. var B = this, S = this.options, x = (this.gappedPath || this.getGraphPath).call(this), f = this.chart.styledMode, d = [["graph", "highcharts-graph"]];
  12831. f || d[0].push(S.lineColor || this.color || "#cccccc", S.dashStyle), d = B.getZonesGraphs(d), d.forEach(function(T, O) {
  12832. var j = T[0], k = B[j], b = k ? "animate" : "attr";
  12833. k ? (k.endX = B.preventGraphAnimation ? null : x.xMap, k.animate({ d: x })) : x.length && (B[j] = k = B.chart.renderer.path(x).addClass(T[1]).attr({ zIndex: 1 }).add(, k && !f && (j = { stroke: T[2], "stroke-width": S.lineWidth, fill: B.fillGraph && B.color || "none" }, T[3] ? j.dashstyle = T[3] : S.linecap !== "square" && (j["stroke-linecap"] = j["stroke-linejoin"] = "round"), k[b](j).shadow(2 > O && S.shadow)), k && (k.startX = x.xMap, k.isArea = x.isArea);
  12834. });
  12835. }, R.prototype.getGraphPath = function(B, S, x) {
  12836. var f = this, d = f.options, T = [], O = [], j, k = d.step;
  12837. B = B || f.points;
  12838. var b = B.reversed;
  12839. return b && B.reverse(), (k = { right: 1, center: 2 }[k] || k && 3) && b && (k = 4 - k), B = this.getValidPoints(B, !1, !(d.connectNulls && !S && !x)), B.forEach(function(w, v) {
  12840. var l = w.plotX, h = w.plotY, u = B[v - 1];
  12841. (w.leftCliff || u && u.rightCliff) && !x && (j = !0), w.isNull && !H(S) && 0 < v ? j = !d.connectNulls : w.isNull && !S ? j = !0 : (v === 0 || j ? v = [["M", w.plotX, w.plotY]] : f.getPointSpline ? v = [f.getPointSpline(B, w, v)] : k ? (v = k === 1 ? [["L", u.plotX, h]] : k === 2 ? [["L", (u.plotX + l) / 2, u.plotY], ["L", (u.plotX + l) / 2, h]] : [["L", l, u.plotY]], v.push(["L", l, h])) : v = [["L", l, h]], O.push(w.x), k && (O.push(w.x), k === 2 && O.push(w.x)), T.push.apply(T, v), j = !1);
  12842. }), T.xMap = O, f.graphPath = T;
  12843. }, R.prototype.getZonesGraphs = function(B) {
  12844. return this.zones.forEach(function(S, x) {
  12845. x = ["zone-graph-" + x, "highcharts-graph highcharts-zone-graph-" + x + " " + (S.className || "")], this.chart.styledMode || x.push(S.color || this.color, S.dashStyle || this.options.dashStyle), B.push(x);
  12846. }, this), B;
  12847. }, R.defaultOptions = V(y.defaultOptions, {}), R;
  12848. }(y), N.registerSeriesType("line", D), D;
  12849. }), M(o, "Series/Area/AreaSeries.js", [
  12850. o["Core/Color/Color.js"],
  12851. o["Core/Legend/LegendSymbol.js"],
  12852. o["Core/Series/SeriesRegistry.js"],
  12853. o["Core/Utilities.js"]
  12854. ], function(y, N, D, U) {
  12855. var H = this && this.__extends || function() {
  12856. var x = function(f, d) {
  12857. return x = Object.setPrototypeOf || { __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function(T, O) {
  12858. T.__proto__ = O;
  12859. } || function(T, O) {
  12860. for (var j in O)
  12861. O.hasOwnProperty(j) && (T[j] = O[j]);
  12862. }, x(f, d);
  12863. };
  12864. return function(f, d) {
  12865. function T() {
  12866. this.constructor = f;
  12867. }
  12868. x(f, d), f.prototype = d === null ? Object.create(d) : (T.prototype = d.prototype, new T());
  12869. };
  12870. }(), V = y.parse, G = D.seriesTypes.line;
  12871. y = U.extend;
  12872. var R = U.merge, B = U.objectEach, S = U.pick;
  12873. return U = function(x) {
  12874. function f() {
  12875. var d = x !== null && x.apply(this, arguments) || this;
  12876. return = void 0, d.options = void 0, d.points = void 0, d;
  12877. }
  12878. return H(f, x), f.prototype.drawGraph = function() {
  12879. this.areaPath = [], x.prototype.drawGraph.apply(this);
  12880. var d = this, T = this.areaPath, O = this.options, j = [["area", "highcharts-area", this.color, O.fillColor]];
  12881. this.zones.forEach(function(k, b) {
  12882. j.push(["zone-area-" + b, "highcharts-area highcharts-zone-area-" + b + " " + k.className, k.color || d.color, k.fillColor || O.fillColor]);
  12883. }), j.forEach(function(k) {
  12884. var b = k[0], w = d[b], v = w ? "animate" : "attr", l = {};
  12885. w ? (w.endX = d.preventGraphAnimation ? null : T.xMap, w.animate({ d: T })) : (l.zIndex = 0, w = d[b] = d.chart.renderer.path(T).addClass(k[1]).add(, w.isArea = !0), d.chart.styledMode || (l.fill = S(k[3], V(k[2]).setOpacity(S(O.fillOpacity, 0.75)).get())), w[v](l), w.startX = T.xMap, w.shiftUnit = O.step ? 2 : 1;
  12886. });
  12887. }, f.prototype.getGraphPath = function(d) {
  12888. var T = G.prototype.getGraphPath, O = this.options, j = O.stacking, k = this.yAxis, b, w = [], v = [], l = this.index, h = k.stacking.stacks[this.stackKey], u = O.threshold, i = Math.round(k.getThreshold(O.threshold));
  12889. O = S(O.connectNulls, j === "percent");
  12890. var c = function(n, P, _) {
  12891. var I = d[n];
  12892. n = j && h[I.x].points[l];
  12893. var W = I[_ + "Null"] || 0;
  12894. if (_ = I[_ + "Cliff"] || 0, I = !0, _ || W) {
  12895. var E = (W ? n[0] : n[1]) + _, X = n[0] + _;
  12896. I = !!W;
  12897. } else
  12898. !j && d[P] && d[P].isNull && (E = X = u);
  12899. typeof E < "u" && (v.push({ plotX: t, plotY: E === null ? i : k.getThreshold(E), isNull: I, isCliff: !0 }), w.push({ plotX: t, plotY: X === null ? i : k.getThreshold(X), doCurve: !1 }));
  12900. };
  12901. for (d = d || this.points, j && (d = this.getStackPoints(d)), b = 0; b < d.length; b++) {
  12902. j || (d[b].leftCliff = d[b].rightCliff = d[b].leftNull = d[b].rightNull = void 0);
  12903. var a = d[b].isNull, t = S(d[b].rectPlotX, d[b].plotX), s = j ? S(d[b].yBottom, i) : i;
  12904. (!a || O) && (O || c(b, b - 1, "left"), a && !j && O || (v.push(d[b]), w.push({ x: b, plotX: t, plotY: s })), O || c(b, b + 1, "right"));
  12905. }
  12906. return b =, v, !0, !0), w.reversed = !0, a =, w, !0, !0), (s = a[0]) && s[0] === "M" && (a[0] = ["L", s[1], s[2]]), a = b.concat(a), a.length && a.push(["Z"]), T =, v, !1, O), a.xMap = b.xMap, this.areaPath = a, T;
  12907. }, f.prototype.getStackPoints = function(d) {
  12908. var T = this, O = [], j = [], k = this.xAxis, b = this.yAxis, w = b.stacking.stacks[this.stackKey], v = {}, l = b.series, h = l.length, u = b.options.reversedStacks ? 1 : -1, i = l.indexOf(T);
  12909. if (d = d || this.points, this.options.stacking) {
  12910. for (var c = 0; c < d.length; c++)
  12911. d[c].leftNull = d[c].rightNull = void 0, v[d[c].x] = d[c];
  12912. B(w, function(t, s) {
  12913. !== null && j.push(s);
  12914. }), j.sort(function(t, s) {
  12915. return t - s;
  12916. });
  12917. var a = {
  12918. return t.visible;
  12919. });
  12920. j.forEach(function(t, s) {
  12921. var n = 0, P, _;
  12922. if (v[t] && !v[t].isNull)
  12923. O.push(v[t]), [-1, 1].forEach(function(W) {
  12924. var E = W === 1 ? "rightNull" : "leftNull", X = 0, g = w[j[s + W]];
  12925. if (g)
  12926. for (var m = i; 0 <= m && m < h; ) {
  12927. var L = l[m].index;
  12928. P = g.points[L], P || (L === T.index ? v[t][E] = !0 : a[m] && (_ = w[t].points[L]) && (X -= _[1] - _[0])), m += u;
  12929. }
  12930. v[t][W === 1 ? "rightCliff" : "leftCliff"] = X;
  12931. });
  12932. else {
  12933. for (var I = i; 0 <= I && I < h; ) {
  12934. if (P = w[t].points[l[I].index]) {
  12935. n = P[1];
  12936. break;
  12937. }
  12938. I += u;
  12939. }
  12940. n = S(n, 0), n = b.translate(n, 0, 1, 0, 1), O.push({ isNull: !0, plotX: k.translate(t, 0, 0, 0, 1), x: t, plotY: n, yBottom: n });
  12941. }
  12942. });
  12943. }
  12944. return O;
  12945. }, f.defaultOptions = R(G.defaultOptions, { threshold: 0 }), f;
  12946. }(G), y(U.prototype, {
  12947. singleStacks: !1,
  12948. drawLegendSymbol: N.drawRectangle
  12949. }), D.registerSeriesType("area", U), U;
  12950. }), M(o, "Series/Spline/SplineSeries.js", [o["Core/Series/SeriesRegistry.js"], o["Core/Utilities.js"]], function(y, N) {
  12951. var D = this && this.__extends || function() {
  12952. var G = function(R, B) {
  12953. return G = Object.setPrototypeOf || { __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function(S, x) {
  12954. S.__proto__ = x;
  12955. } || function(S, x) {
  12956. for (var f in x)
  12957. x.hasOwnProperty(f) && (S[f] = x[f]);
  12958. }, G(R, B);
  12959. };
  12960. return function(R, B) {
  12961. function S() {
  12962. this.constructor = R;
  12963. }
  12964. G(R, B), R.prototype = B === null ? Object.create(B) : (S.prototype = B.prototype, new S());
  12965. };
  12966. }(), U = y.seriesTypes.line, H = N.merge, V = N.pick;
  12967. return N = function(G) {
  12968. function R() {
  12969. var B = G !== null && G.apply(this, arguments) || this;
  12970. return = void 0, B.options = void 0, B.points = void 0, B;
  12971. }
  12972. return D(R, G), R.prototype.getPointSpline = function(B, S, x) {
  12973. var f = S.plotX || 0, d = S.plotY || 0, T = B[x - 1];
  12974. if (x = B[x + 1], T && !T.isNull && T.doCurve !== !1 && !S.isCliff && x && !x.isNull && x.doCurve !== !1 && !S.isCliff) {
  12975. B = T.plotY || 0;
  12976. var O = x.plotX || 0;
  12977. x = x.plotY || 0;
  12978. var j = 0, k = (1.5 * f + (T.plotX || 0)) / 2.5, b = (1.5 * d + B) / 2.5;
  12979. O = (1.5 * f + O) / 2.5;
  12980. var w = (1.5 * d + x) / 2.5;
  12981. O !== k && (j = (w - b) * (O - f) / (O - k) + d - w), b += j, w += j, b > B && b > d ? (b = Math.max(B, d), w = 2 * d - b) : b < B && b < d && (b = Math.min(B, d), w = 2 * d - b), w > x && w > d ? (w = Math.max(x, d), b = 2 * d - w) : w < x && w < d && (w = Math.min(x, d), b = 2 * d - w), S.rightContX = O, S.rightContY = w;
  12982. }
  12983. return S = ["C", V(T.rightContX, T.plotX, 0), V(T.rightContY, T.plotY, 0), V(k, f, 0), V(b, d, 0), f, d], T.rightContX = T.rightContY = void 0, S;
  12984. }, R.defaultOptions = H(U.defaultOptions), R;
  12985. }(U), y.registerSeriesType("spline", N), N;
  12986. }), M(
  12987. o,
  12988. "Series/AreaSpline/AreaSplineSeries.js",
  12989. [o["Series/Area/AreaSeries.js"], o["Series/Spline/SplineSeries.js"], o["Core/Legend/LegendSymbol.js"], o["Core/Series/SeriesRegistry.js"], o["Core/Utilities.js"]],
  12990. function(y, N, D, U, H) {
  12991. var V = this && this.__extends || function() {
  12992. var S = function(x, f) {
  12993. return S = Object.setPrototypeOf || { __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function(d, T) {
  12994. d.__proto__ = T;
  12995. } || function(d, T) {
  12996. for (var O in T)
  12997. T.hasOwnProperty(O) && (d[O] = T[O]);
  12998. }, S(x, f);
  12999. };
  13000. return function(x, f) {
  13001. function d() {
  13002. this.constructor = x;
  13003. }
  13004. S(x, f), x.prototype = f === null ? Object.create(f) : (d.prototype = f.prototype, new d());
  13005. };
  13006. }(), G = y.prototype, R = H.extend, B = H.merge;
  13007. return H = function(S) {
  13008. function x() {
  13009. var f = S !== null && S.apply(this, arguments) || this;
  13010. return = void 0, f.points = void 0, f.options = void 0, f;
  13011. }
  13012. return V(x, S), x.defaultOptions = B(N.defaultOptions, y.defaultOptions), x;
  13013. }(N), R(H.prototype, { getGraphPath: G.getGraphPath, getStackPoints: G.getStackPoints, drawGraph: G.drawGraph, drawLegendSymbol: D.drawRectangle }), U.registerSeriesType("areaspline", H), H;
  13014. }
  13015. ), M(o, "Series/Column/ColumnSeries.js", [
  13016. o["Core/Animation/AnimationUtilities.js"],
  13017. o["Core/Color/Color.js"],
  13018. o["Core/Globals.js"],
  13019. o["Core/Legend/LegendSymbol.js"],
  13020. o["Core/Series/Series.js"],
  13021. o["Core/Series/SeriesRegistry.js"],
  13022. o["Core/Utilities.js"]
  13023. ], function(y, N, D, U, H, V, G) {
  13024. var R = this && this.__extends || function() {
  13025. var h = function(u, i) {
  13026. return h = Object.setPrototypeOf || { __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function(c, a) {
  13027. c.__proto__ = a;
  13028. } || function(c, a) {
  13029. for (var t in a)
  13030. a.hasOwnProperty(t) && (c[t] = a[t]);
  13031. }, h(u, i);
  13032. };
  13033. return function(u, i) {
  13034. function c() {
  13035. this.constructor = u;
  13036. }
  13037. h(u, i), u.prototype = i === null ? Object.create(i) : (c.prototype = i.prototype, new c());
  13038. };
  13039. }(), B = y.animObject, S = N.parse, x = D.hasTouch;
  13040. y = D.noop;
  13041. var f = G.clamp, d = G.css, T = G.defined, O = G.extend, j = G.fireEvent, k = G.isArray, b = G.isNumber, w = G.merge, v = G.pick, l = G.objectEach;
  13042. return G = function(h) {
  13043. function u() {
  13044. var i = h !== null && h.apply(this, arguments) || this;
  13045. return i.borderWidth = void 0, = void 0, = void 0, i.options = void 0, i.points = void 0, i;
  13046. }
  13047. return R(u, h), u.prototype.animate = function(i) {
  13048. var c = this, a = this.yAxis, t = c.options, s = this.chart.inverted, n = {}, P = s ? "translateX" : "translateY";
  13049. if (i)
  13050. n.scaleY = 1e-3, i = f(a.toPixels(t.threshold), a.pos, a.pos + a.len), s ? n.translateX = i - a.len : n.translateY = i, c.clipBox && c.setClip(),;
  13051. else {
  13052. var _ = Number(;
  13053.{ scaleY: 1 }, O(B(c.options.animation), { step: function(I, W) {
  13054. && (n[P] = _ + W.pos * (a.pos - _),;
  13055. } }));
  13056. }
  13057. }, u.prototype.init = function(i, c) {
  13058. h.prototype.init.apply(this, arguments);
  13059. var a = this;
  13060. i = a.chart, i.hasRendered && i.series.forEach(function(t) {
  13061. t.type === a.type && (t.isDirty = !0);
  13062. });
  13063. }, u.prototype.getColumnMetrics = function() {
  13064. var i = this, c = i.options, a = i.xAxis, t = i.yAxis, s = a.options.reversedStacks;
  13065. s = a.reversed && !s || !a.reversed && s;
  13066. var n = {}, P, _ = 0;
  13067. c.grouping === !1 ? _ = 1 : i.chart.series.forEach(function(X) {
  13068. var g = X.yAxis, m = X.options;
  13069. if (X.type === i.type && (X.visible || !i.chart.options.chart.ignoreHiddenSeries) && t.len === g.len && t.pos === g.pos) {
  13070. if (m.stacking && m.stacking !== "group") {
  13071. P = X.stackKey, typeof n[P] > "u" && (n[P] = _++);
  13072. var L = n[P];
  13073. } else
  13074. m.grouping !== !1 && (L = _++);
  13075. X.columnIndex = L;
  13076. }
  13077. });
  13078. var I = Math.min(Math.abs(a.transA) * (a.ordinal && a.ordinal.slope || c.pointRange || a.closestPointRange || a.tickInterval || 1), a.len), W = I * c.groupPadding, E = (I - 2 * W) / (_ || 1);
  13079. return c = Math.min(c.maxPointWidth || a.len, v(c.pointWidth, E * (1 - 2 * c.pointPadding))), i.columnMetrics = { width: c, offset: (E - c) / 2 + (W + ((i.columnIndex || 0) + (s ? 1 : 0)) * E - I / 2) * (s ? -1 : 1), paddedWidth: E, columnCount: _ }, i.columnMetrics;
  13080. }, u.prototype.crispCol = function(i, c, a, t) {
  13081. var s = this.chart, n = this.borderWidth, P = -(n % 2 ? 0.5 : 0);
  13082. return n = n % 2 ? 0.5 : 1, s.inverted && s.renderer.isVML && (n += 1), this.options.crisp && (a = Math.round(i + a) + P, i = Math.round(i) + P, a -= i), t = Math.round(c + t) + n, P = 0.5 >= Math.abs(c) && 0.5 < t, c = Math.round(c) + n, t -= c, P && t && (--c, t += 1), { x: i, y: c, width: a, height: t };
  13083. }, u.prototype.adjustForMissingColumns = function(i, c, a, t) {
  13084. var s = this, n = this.options.stacking;
  13085. if (!a.isNull && 1 < t.columnCount) {
  13086. var P = 0, _ = 0;
  13087. l(this.yAxis.stacking && this.yAxis.stacking.stacks, function(I) {
  13088. if (typeof a.x == "number" && (I = I[a.x.toString()])) {
  13089. var W = I.points[s.index], E =;
  13090. n ? (W && (P = _), I.hasValidPoints && _++) : k(W) && (P = W[1], _ = E || 0);
  13091. }
  13092. }), i = (a.plotX || 0) + ((_ - 1) * t.paddedWidth + c) / 2 - c - P * t.paddedWidth;
  13093. }
  13094. return i;
  13095. }, u.prototype.translate = function() {
  13096. var i = this, c = i.chart, a = i.options, t = i.dense = 2 > i.closestPointRange * i.xAxis.transA;
  13097. t = i.borderWidth = v(a.borderWidth, t ? 0 : 1);
  13098. var s = i.xAxis, n = i.yAxis, P = a.threshold, _ = i.translatedThreshold = n.getThreshold(P), I = v(a.minPointLength, 5), W = i.getColumnMetrics(), E = W.width, X = i.pointXOffset = W.offset, g = i.dataMin, m = i.dataMax, L = i.barW = Math.max(E, 1 + 2 * t);
  13099. c.inverted && (_ -= 0.5), a.pointPadding && (L = Math.ceil(L)), H.prototype.translate.apply(i), i.points.forEach(function(z) {
  13100. var $ = v(z.yBottom, _), Q = 999 + Math.abs($), A = z.plotX || 0;
  13101. Q = f(z.plotY, -Q, n.len + Q);
  13102. var F = Math.min(Q, $), Y = Math.max(Q, $) - F, Z = E, q = A + X, it = L;
  13103. I && Math.abs(Y) < I && (Y = I, A = !n.reversed && !z.negative || n.reversed && z.negative, b(P) && b(m) && z.y === P && m <= P && (n.min || 0) < P && (g !== m || (n.max || 0) <= P) && (A = !A), F = Math.abs(F - _) > I ? $ - I : _ - (A ? I : 0)), T(z.options.pointWidth) && (Z = it = Math.ceil(z.options.pointWidth), q -= Math.round((Z - E) / 2)), a.centerInCategory && (q = i.adjustForMissingColumns(q, Z, z, W)), z.barX = q, z.pointWidth = Z, z.tooltipPos = c.inverted ? [f(n.len + n.pos - c.plotLeft - Q, n.pos - c.plotLeft, n.len + n.pos - c.plotLeft), s.len + s.pos - c.plotTop - q - it / 2, Y] : [s.left - c.plotLeft + q + it / 2, f(Q + n.pos - c.plotTop, n.pos - c.plotTop, n.len + n.pos - c.plotTop), Y], z.shapeType = i.pointClass.prototype.shapeType || "rect", z.shapeArgs = i.crispCol.apply(i, z.isNull ? [q, _, it, 0] : [q, F, it, Y]);
  13104. });
  13105. }, u.prototype.drawGraph = function() {
  13106.[this.dense ? "addClass" : "removeClass"]("highcharts-dense-data");
  13107. }, u.prototype.pointAttribs = function(i, c) {
  13108. var a = this.options, t = this.pointAttrToOptions || {}, s = t.stroke || "borderColor", n = t["stroke-width"] || "borderWidth", P = i && i.color || this.color, _ = i && i[s] || a[s] || P;
  13109. t = i && i.options.dashStyle || a.dashStyle;
  13110. var I = i && i[n] || a[n] || this[n] || 0, W = v(i && i.opacity, a.opacity, 1);
  13111. if (i && this.zones.length) {
  13112. var E = i.getZone();
  13113. P = i.options.color || E && (E.color || i.nonZonedColor) || this.color, E && (_ = E.borderColor || _, t = E.dashStyle || t, I = E.borderWidth || I);
  13114. }
  13115. return c && i && (i = w(a.states[c], i.options.states && i.options.states[c] || {}), c = i.brightness, P = i.color || typeof c < "u" && S(P).brighten(i.brightness).get() || P, _ = i[s] || _, I = i[n] || I, t = i.dashStyle || t, W = v(i.opacity, W)), s = { fill: P, stroke: _, "stroke-width": I, opacity: W }, t && (s.dashstyle = t), s;
  13116. }, u.prototype.drawPoints = function() {
  13117. var i = this, c = this.chart, a = i.options, t = c.renderer, s = a.animationLimit || 250, n;
  13118. i.points.forEach(function(P) {
  13119. var _ = P.graphic, I = !!_, W = _ && c.pointCount < s ? "animate" : "attr";
  13120. b(P.plotY) && P.y !== null ? (n = P.shapeArgs, _ && P.hasNewShapeType() && (_ = _.destroy()), i.enabledDataSorting && (P.startXPos = i.xAxis.reversed ? -(n && n.width || 0) : i.xAxis.width), _ || (P.graphic = _ = t[P.shapeType](n).add( || && i.enabledDataSorting && c.hasRendered && c.pointCount < s && (_.attr({ x: P.startXPos }), I = !0, W = "animate"), _ && I && _[W](w(n)), a.borderRadius && _[W]({ r: a.borderRadius }), c.styledMode || _[W](i.pointAttribs(P, P.selected && "select")).shadow(P.allowShadow !== !1 && a.shadow, null, a.stacking && !a.borderRadius), _ && (_.addClass(P.getClassName(), !0), _.attr({ visibility: P.visible ? "inherit" : "hidden" }))) : _ && (P.graphic = _.destroy());
  13121. });
  13122. }, u.prototype.drawTracker = function() {
  13123. var i = this, c = i.chart, a = c.pointer, t = function(n) {
  13124. var P = a.getPointFromEvent(n);
  13125. typeof P < "u" && (a.isDirectTouch = !0, P.onMouseOver(n));
  13126. }, s;
  13127. i.points.forEach(function(n) {
  13128. s = k(n.dataLabels) ? n.dataLabels : n.dataLabel ? [n.dataLabel] : [], n.graphic && (n.graphic.element.point = n), s.forEach(function(P) {
  13129. P.div ? P.div.point = n : P.element.point = n;
  13130. });
  13131. }), i._hasTracking || (i.trackerGroups.forEach(function(n) {
  13132. i[n] && (i[n].addClass("highcharts-tracker").on("mouseover", t).on("mouseout", function(P) {
  13133. a.onTrackerMouseOut(P);
  13134. }), x && i[n].on(
  13135. "touchstart",
  13136. t
  13137. ), !c.styledMode && i.options.cursor && i[n].css(d).css({ cursor: i.options.cursor }));
  13138. }), i._hasTracking = !0), j(this, "afterDrawTracker");
  13139. }, u.prototype.remove = function() {
  13140. var i = this, c = i.chart;
  13141. c.hasRendered && c.series.forEach(function(a) {
  13142. a.type === i.type && (a.isDirty = !0);
  13143. }), H.prototype.remove.apply(i, arguments);
  13144. }, u.defaultOptions = w(H.defaultOptions, { borderRadius: 0, centerInCategory: !1, groupPadding: 0.2, marker: null, pointPadding: 0.1, minPointLength: 0, cropThreshold: 50, pointRange: null, states: {
  13145. hover: { halo: !1, brightness: 0.1 },
  13146. select: { color: "#cccccc", borderColor: "#000000" }
  13147. }, dataLabels: { align: void 0, verticalAlign: void 0, y: void 0 }, startFromThreshold: !0, stickyTracking: !1, tooltip: { distance: 6 }, threshold: 0, borderColor: "#ffffff" }), u;
  13148. }(H), O(G.prototype, { cropShoulder: 0, directTouch: !0, drawLegendSymbol: U.drawRectangle, getSymbol: y, negStacks: !0, trackerGroups: ["group", "dataLabelsGroup"] }), V.registerSeriesType("column", G), G;
  13149. }), M(o, "Core/Series/DataLabel.js", [
  13150. o["Core/Animation/AnimationUtilities.js"],
  13151. o["Core/FormatUtilities.js"],
  13152. o["Core/Utilities.js"]
  13153. ], function(y, N, D) {
  13154. var U = y.getDeferredAnimation, H = N.format, V = D.defined, G = D.extend, R = D.fireEvent, B = D.isArray, S = D.merge, x = D.objectEach, f = D.pick, d = D.splat, T;
  13155. return function(O) {
  13156. function j(u, i, c, a, t) {
  13157. var s = this, n = this.chart, P = this.isCartesian && n.inverted, _ = this.enabledDataSorting, I = f(u.dlBox && u.dlBox.centerX, u.plotX, -9999), W = f(u.plotY, -9999), E = i.getBBox(), X = c.rotation, g = c.align, m = n.isInsidePlot(I, Math.round(W), { inverted: P, paneCoordinates: !0, series: s }), L = function(A) {
  13158. _ && s.xAxis && !z && s.setDataLabelStartPos(
  13159. u,
  13160. i,
  13161. t,
  13162. m,
  13163. A
  13164. );
  13165. }, z = f(c.overflow, _ ? "none" : "justify") === "justify", $ = this.visible && u.visible !== !1 && (u.series.forceDL || _ && !z || m || f(c.inside, !!this.options.stacking) && a && n.isInsidePlot(I, P ? a.x + 1 : a.y + a.height - 1, { inverted: P, paneCoordinates: !0, series: s }));
  13166. if ($) {
  13167. var Q = n.renderer.fontMetrics(n.styledMode ? void 0 :, i).b;
  13168. a = G({ x: P ? this.yAxis.len - W : I, y: Math.round(P ? this.xAxis.len - I : W), width: 0, height: 0 }, a), G(c, { width: E.width, height: E.height }), X ? (z = !1, I = n.renderer.rotCorr(Q, X), I = { x: a.x + (c.x || 0) + a.width / 2 + I.x, y: a.y + (c.y || 0) + { top: 0, middle: 0.5, bottom: 1 }[c.verticalAlign] * a.height }, L(I), i[t ? "attr" : "animate"](I).attr({ align: g }), L = (X + 720) % 360, L = 180 < L && 360 > L, g === "left" ? I.y -= L ? E.height : 0 : g === "center" ? (I.x -= E.width / 2, I.y -= E.height / 2) : g === "right" && (I.x -= E.width, I.y -= L ? 0 : E.height), i.placed = !0, i.alignAttr = I) : (L(a), i.align(c, void 0, a), I = i.alignAttr), z && 0 <= a.height ? this.justifyDataLabel(i, c, I, E, a, t) : f(c.crop, !0) && ($ = n.isInsidePlot(I.x, I.y, { paneCoordinates: !0, series: s }) && n.isInsidePlot(I.x + E.width, I.y + E.height, {
  13169. paneCoordinates: !0,
  13170. series: s
  13171. })), c.shape && !X && i[t ? "attr" : "animate"]({ anchorX: P ? n.plotWidth - u.plotY : u.plotX, anchorY: P ? n.plotHeight - u.plotX : u.plotY });
  13172. }
  13173. t && _ && (i.placed = !1), $ || _ && !z || (i.hide(!0), i.placed = !1);
  13174. }
  13175. function k(u, i) {
  13176. var c = i.filter;
  13177. return c ? (i = c.operator, u = u[], c = c.value, i === ">" && u > c || i === "<" && u < c || i === ">=" && u >= c || i === "<=" && u <= c || i === "==" && u == c || i === "===" && u === c) : !0;
  13178. }
  13179. function b() {
  13180. var u = this, i = u.chart, c = u.options, a = u.points, t = u.hasRendered || 0, s = i.renderer, n = c.dataLabels, P, _ = n.animation;
  13181. if (_ = n.defer ? U(
  13182. i,
  13183. _,
  13184. u
  13185. ) : { defer: 0, duration: 0 }, n = v(v(i.options.plotOptions && i.options.plotOptions.series && i.options.plotOptions.series.dataLabels, i.options.plotOptions && i.options.plotOptions[u.type] && i.options.plotOptions[u.type].dataLabels), n), R(this, "drawDataLabels"), B(n) || n.enabled || u._hasPointLabels) {
  13186. var I = u.plotGroup("dataLabelsGroup", "data-labels", t ? "inherit" : "hidden", n.zIndex || 6);
  13187. I.attr({ opacity: +t }), !t && (t = u.dataLabelsGroup) && (u.visible &&!0), t[c.animation ? "animate" : "attr"]({ opacity: 1 }, _)), a.forEach(function(W) {
  13188. P = d(v(n, W.dlOptions || W.options && W.options.dataLabels)), P.forEach(function(E, X) {
  13189. var g = E.enabled && (!W.isNull || W.dataLabelOnNull) && k(W, E), m = W.connectors ? W.connectors[X] : W.connector, L = W.dataLabels ? W.dataLabels[X] : W.dataLabel, z = f(E.distance, W.labelDistance), $ = !L;
  13190. if (g) {
  13191. var Q = W.getLabelConfig(), A = f(E[W.formatPrefix + "Format"], E.format);
  13192. Q = V(A) ? H(A, Q, i) : (E[W.formatPrefix + "Formatter"] || E.formatter).call(Q, E), A =;
  13193. var F = E.rotation;
  13194. i.styledMode || (A.color = f(E.color, A.color, u.color, "#000000"), A.color === "contrast" ? (W.contrastColor = s.getContrast(W.color || u.color), A.color = !V(z) && E.inside || 0 > z || c.stacking ? W.contrastColor : "#000000") : delete W.contrastColor, c.cursor && (A.cursor = c.cursor));
  13195. var Y = { r: E.borderRadius || 0, rotation: F, padding: E.padding, zIndex: 1 };
  13196. i.styledMode || (Y.fill = E.backgroundColor, Y.stroke = E.borderColor, Y["stroke-width"] = E.borderWidth), x(Y, function(Z, q) {
  13197. typeof Z > "u" && delete Y[q];
  13198. });
  13199. }
  13200. !L || g && V(Q) && !!L.div == !!E.useHTML || (W.dataLabel = L = W.dataLabel && W.dataLabel.destroy(), W.dataLabels && (W.dataLabels.length === 1 ? delete W.dataLabels : delete W.dataLabels[X]), X || delete W.dataLabel, m && (W.connector = W.connector.destroy(), W.connectors && (W.connectors.length === 1 ? delete W.connectors : delete W.connectors[X]))), g && V(Q) && (L ? Y.text = Q : (W.dataLabels = W.dataLabels || [], L = W.dataLabels[X] = F ? s.text(Q, 0, -9999, E.useHTML).addClass("highcharts-data-label") : s.label(Q, 0, -9999, E.shape, null, null, E.useHTML, null, "data-label"), X || (W.dataLabel = L), L.addClass(" highcharts-data-label-color-" + W.colorIndex + " " + (E.className || "") + (E.useHTML ? " highcharts-tracker" : ""))), L.options = E, L.attr(Y), i.styledMode || L.css(A).shadow(E.shadow), L.added || L.add(I), E.textPath && !E.useHTML && (L.setTextPath(W.getDataLabelPath && W.getDataLabelPath(L) || W.graphic, E.textPath), W.dataLabelPath && !E.textPath.enabled && (W.dataLabelPath = W.dataLabelPath.destroy())), u.alignDataLabel(W, L, E, null, $));
  13201. });
  13202. });
  13203. }
  13204. R(this, "afterDrawDataLabels");
  13205. }
  13206. function w(u, i, c, a, t, s) {
  13207. var n = this.chart, P = i.align, _ = i.verticalAlign, I = ? 0 : u.padding || 0, W = i.x;
  13208. W = W === void 0 ? 0 : W;
  13209. var E = i.y;
  13210. E = E === void 0 ? 0 : E;
  13211. var X = (c.x || 0) + I;
  13212. if (0 > X) {
  13213. P === "right" && 0 <= W ? (i.align = "left", i.inside = !0) : W -= X;
  13214. var g = !0;
  13215. }
  13216. return X = (c.x || 0) + a.width - I, X > n.plotWidth && (P === "left" && 0 >= W ? (i.align = "right", i.inside = !0) : W += n.plotWidth - X, g = !0), X = c.y + I, 0 > X && (_ === "bottom" && 0 <= E ? (i.verticalAlign = "top", i.inside = !0) : E -= X, g = !0), X = (c.y || 0) + a.height - I, X > n.plotHeight && (_ === "top" && 0 >= E ? (i.verticalAlign = "bottom", i.inside = !0) : E += n.plotHeight - X, g = !0), g && (i.x = W, i.y = E, u.placed = !s, u.align(i, void 0, t)), g;
  13217. }
  13218. function v(u, i) {
  13219. var c = [], a;
  13220. if (B(u) && !B(i))
  13221. c = {
  13222. return S(t, i);
  13223. });
  13224. else if (B(i) && !B(u))
  13225. c = {
  13226. return S(u, t);
  13227. });
  13228. else if (B(u) || B(i))
  13229. for (a = Math.max(u.length, i.length); a--; )
  13230. c[a] = S(u[a], i[a]);
  13231. else
  13232. c = S(u, i);
  13233. return c;
  13234. }
  13235. function l(u, i, c, a, t) {
  13236. var s = this.chart, n = s.inverted, P = this.xAxis, _ = P.reversed, I = n ? i.height / 2 : i.width / 2;
  13237. u = (u = u.pointWidth) ? u / 2 : 0, i.startXPos = n ? t.x : _ ? -I - u : P.width - I + u, i.startYPos = n ? _ ? this.yAxis.height - I + u : -I - u : t.y, a ? i.visibility === "hidden" && (, i.attr({ opacity: 0 }).animate({ opacity: 1 })) : i.attr({ opacity: 1 }).animate(
  13238. { opacity: 0 },
  13239. void 0,
  13240. i.hide
  13241. ), s.hasRendered && (c && i.attr({ x: i.startXPos, y: i.startYPos }), i.placed = !0);
  13242. }
  13243. var h = [];
  13244. O.compose = function(u) {
  13245. if (h.indexOf(u) === -1) {
  13246. var i = u.prototype;
  13247. h.push(u), i.alignDataLabel = j, i.drawDataLabels = b, i.justifyDataLabel = w, i.setDataLabelStartPos = l;
  13248. }
  13249. };
  13250. }(T || (T = {})), T;
  13251. }), M(o, "Series/Column/ColumnDataLabel.js", [o["Core/Series/DataLabel.js"], o["Core/Series/SeriesRegistry.js"], o["Core/Utilities.js"]], function(y, N, D) {
  13252. var U = N.series, H = D.merge, V = D.pick, G;
  13253. return function(R) {
  13254. function B(x, f, d, T, O) {
  13255. var j = this.chart.inverted, k = x.series, b = (k.xAxis ? k.xAxis.len : this.chart.plotSizeX) || 0;
  13256. k = (k.yAxis ? k.yAxis.len : this.chart.plotSizeY) || 0;
  13257. var w = x.dlBox || x.shapeArgs, v = V(x.below, x.plotY > V(this.translatedThreshold, k)), l = V(d.inside, !!this.options.stacking);
  13258. w && (T = H(w), 0 > T.y && (T.height += T.y, T.y = 0), w = T.y + T.height - k, 0 < w && w < T.height && (T.height -= w), j && (T = { x: k - T.y - T.height, y: b - T.x - T.width, width: T.height, height: T.width }), l || (j ? (T.x += v ? 0 : T.width, T.width = 0) : (T.y += v ? T.height : 0, T.height = 0))), d.align = V(d.align, !j || l ? "center" : v ? "right" : "left"), d.verticalAlign = V(d.verticalAlign, j || l ? "middle" : v ? "top" : "bottom"),, x, f, d, T, O), d.inside && x.contrastColor && f.css({ color: x.contrastColor });
  13259. }
  13260. var S = [];
  13261. R.compose = function(x) {
  13262. y.compose(U), S.indexOf(x) === -1 && (S.push(x), x.prototype.alignDataLabel = B);
  13263. };
  13264. }(G || (G = {})), G;
  13265. }), M(o, "Series/Bar/BarSeries.js", [o["Series/Column/ColumnSeries.js"], o["Core/Series/SeriesRegistry.js"], o["Core/Utilities.js"]], function(y, N, D) {
  13266. var U = this && this.__extends || function() {
  13267. var G = function(R, B) {
  13268. return G = Object.setPrototypeOf || { __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function(S, x) {
  13269. S.__proto__ = x;
  13270. } || function(S, x) {
  13271. for (var f in x)
  13272. x.hasOwnProperty(f) && (S[f] = x[f]);
  13273. }, G(R, B);
  13274. };
  13275. return function(R, B) {
  13276. function S() {
  13277. this.constructor = R;
  13278. }
  13279. G(R, B), R.prototype = B === null ? Object.create(B) : (S.prototype = B.prototype, new S());
  13280. };
  13281. }(), H = D.extend, V = D.merge;
  13282. return D = function(G) {
  13283. function R() {
  13284. var B = G !== null && G.apply(this, arguments) || this;
  13285. return = void 0, B.options = void 0, B.points = void 0, B;
  13286. }
  13287. return U(R, G), R.defaultOptions = V(
  13288. y.defaultOptions,
  13289. {}
  13290. ), R;
  13291. }(y), H(D.prototype, { inverted: !0 }), N.registerSeriesType("bar", D), D;
  13292. }), M(o, "Series/Scatter/ScatterSeries.js", [o["Series/Column/ColumnSeries.js"], o["Series/Line/LineSeries.js"], o["Core/Series/SeriesRegistry.js"], o["Core/Utilities.js"]], function(y, N, D, U) {
  13293. var H = this && this.__extends || function() {
  13294. var B = function(S, x) {
  13295. return B = Object.setPrototypeOf || { __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function(f, d) {
  13296. f.__proto__ = d;
  13297. } || function(f, d) {
  13298. for (var T in d)
  13299. d.hasOwnProperty(T) && (f[T] = d[T]);
  13300. }, B(S, x);
  13301. };
  13302. return function(S, x) {
  13303. function f() {
  13304. this.constructor = S;
  13305. }
  13306. B(S, x), S.prototype = x === null ? Object.create(x) : (f.prototype = x.prototype, new f());
  13307. };
  13308. }(), V = U.addEvent, G = U.extend, R = U.merge;
  13309. return U = function(B) {
  13310. function S() {
  13311. var x = B !== null && B.apply(this, arguments) || this;
  13312. return = void 0, x.options = void 0, x.points = void 0, x;
  13313. }
  13314. return H(S, B), S.prototype.applyJitter = function() {
  13315. var x = this, f = this.options.jitter, d = this.points.length;
  13316. f && this.points.forEach(function(T, O) {
  13317. ["x", "y"].forEach(function(j, k) {
  13318. var b = "plot" + j.toUpperCase();
  13319. if (f[j] && !T.isNull) {
  13320. var w = x[j + "Axis"], v = f[j] * w.transA;
  13321. if (w && !w.isLog) {
  13322. var l = Math.max(0, T[b] - v);
  13323. w = Math.min(w.len, T[b] + v), k = 1e4 * Math.sin(O + k * d), T[b] = l + (w - l) * (k - Math.floor(k)), j === "x" && (T.clientX = T.plotX);
  13324. }
  13325. }
  13326. });
  13327. });
  13328. }, S.prototype.drawGraph = function() {
  13329. this.options.lineWidth ? : this.graph && (this.graph = this.graph.destroy());
  13330. }, S.defaultOptions = R(N.defaultOptions, { lineWidth: 0, findNearestPointBy: "xy", jitter: { x: 0, y: 0 }, marker: { enabled: !0 }, tooltip: {
  13331. headerFormat: '<span style="color:{point.color}">●</span> <span style="font-size: 10px"> {}</span><br/>',
  13332. pointFormat: "x: <b>{point.x}</b><br/>y: <b>{point.y}</b><br/>"
  13333. } }), S;
  13334. }(N), G(U.prototype, { drawTracker: y.prototype.drawTracker, sorted: !1, requireSorting: !1, noSharedTooltip: !0, trackerGroups: ["group", "markerGroup", "dataLabelsGroup"], takeOrdinalPosition: !1 }), V(U, "afterTranslate", function() {
  13335. this.applyJitter();
  13336. }), D.registerSeriesType("scatter", U), U;
  13337. }), M(o, "Series/CenteredUtilities.js", [o["Core/Globals.js"], o["Core/Series/Series.js"], o["Core/Utilities.js"]], function(y, N, D) {
  13338. var U = y.deg2rad, H = D.isNumber, V = D.pick, G = D.relativeLength, R;
  13339. return function(B) {
  13340. B.getCenter = function() {
  13341. var S = this.options, x = this.chart, f = 2 * (S.slicedOffset || 0), d = x.plotWidth - 2 * f, T = x.plotHeight - 2 * f, O =, j = Math.min(d, T), k = S.size, b = S.innerSize || 0;
  13342. for (typeof k == "string" && (k = parseFloat(k)), typeof b == "string" && (b = parseFloat(b)), S = [V(O[0], "50%"), V(O[1], "50%"), V(k && 0 > k ? void 0 : S.size, "100%"), V(b && 0 > b ? void 0 : S.innerSize || 0, "0%")], !x.angular || this instanceof N || (S[3] = 0), O = 0; 4 > O; ++O)
  13343. k = S[O], x = 2 > O || O === 2 && /%$/.test(k), S[O] = G(k, [d, T, j, S[2]][O]) + (x ? f : 0);
  13344. return S[3] > S[2] && (S[3] = S[2]), S;
  13345. }, B.getStartAndEndRadians = function(S, x) {
  13346. return S = H(S) ? S : 0, x = H(x) && x > S && 360 > x - S ? x : S + 360, { start: U * (S + -90), end: U * (x + -90) };
  13347. };
  13348. }(R || (R = {})), R;
  13349. }), M(o, "Series/Pie/PiePoint.js", [o["Core/Animation/AnimationUtilities.js"], o["Core/Series/Point.js"], o["Core/Utilities.js"]], function(y, N, D) {
  13350. var U = this && this.__extends || function() {
  13351. var x = function(f, d) {
  13352. return x = Object.setPrototypeOf || { __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function(T, O) {
  13353. T.__proto__ = O;
  13354. } || function(T, O) {
  13355. for (var j in O)
  13356. O.hasOwnProperty(j) && (T[j] = O[j]);
  13357. }, x(f, d);
  13358. };
  13359. return function(f, d) {
  13360. function T() {
  13361. this.constructor = f;
  13362. }
  13363. x(f, d), f.prototype = d === null ? Object.create(d) : (T.prototype = d.prototype, new T());
  13364. };
  13365. }(), H = y.setAnimation, V = D.addEvent, G = D.defined;
  13366. y = D.extend;
  13367. var R = D.isNumber, B = D.pick, S = D.relativeLength;
  13368. return N = function(x) {
  13369. function f() {
  13370. var d = x !== null && x.apply(this, arguments) || this;
  13371. return d.labelDistance = void 0, d.options = void 0, d.series = void 0, d;
  13372. }
  13373. return U(f, x), f.prototype.getConnectorPath = function() {
  13374. var d = this.labelPosition, T = this.series.options.dataLabels, O = this.connectorShapes, j = T.connectorShape;
  13375. return O[j] && (j = O[j]),, { x:, y:, alignment: d.alignment }, d.connectorPosition, T);
  13376. }, f.prototype.getTranslate = function() {
  13377. return this.sliced ? this.slicedTranslation : { translateX: 0, translateY: 0 };
  13378. }, f.prototype.haloPath = function(d) {
  13379. var T = this.shapeArgs;
  13380. return this.sliced || !this.visible ? [] : this.series.chart.renderer.symbols.arc(T.x, T.y, T.r + d, T.r + d, { innerR: T.r - 1, start: T.start, end: T.end });
  13381. }, f.prototype.init = function() {
  13382. var d = this;
  13383. x.prototype.init.apply(
  13384. this,
  13385. arguments
  13386. ), = B(, "Slice");
  13387. var T = function(O) {
  13388. d.slice(O.type === "select");
  13389. };
  13390. return V(this, "select", T), V(this, "unselect", T), this;
  13391. }, f.prototype.isValid = function() {
  13392. return R(this.y) && 0 <= this.y;
  13393. }, f.prototype.setVisible = function(d, T) {
  13394. var O = this, j = this.series, k = j.chart, b = j.options.ignoreHiddenPoint;
  13395. T = B(T, b), d !== this.visible && (this.visible = this.options.visible = d = typeof d > "u" ? !this.visible : d,[] = this.options, ["graphic", "dataLabel", "connector", "shadowGroup"].forEach(function(w) {
  13396. O[w] && O[w][d ? "show" : "hide"](d);
  13397. }), this.legendItem && k.legend.colorizeItem(this, d), d || this.state !== "hover" || this.setState(""), b && (j.isDirty = !0), T && k.redraw());
  13398. }, f.prototype.slice = function(d, T, O) {
  13399. var j = this.series;
  13400. H(O, j.chart), B(T, !0), this.sliced = this.options.sliced = G(d) ? d : !this.sliced,[] = this.options, this.graphic && this.graphic.animate(this.getTranslate()), this.shadowGroup && this.shadowGroup.animate(this.getTranslate());
  13401. }, f;
  13402. }(N), y(N.prototype, { connectorShapes: { fixedOffset: function(x, f, d) {
  13403. var T = f.breakAt;
  13404. return f = f.touchingSliceAt, [["M", x.x, x.y], d.softConnector ? ["C", x.x + (x.alignment === "left" ? -5 : 5), x.y, 2 * T.x - f.x, 2 * T.y - f.y, T.x, T.y] : ["L", T.x, T.y], ["L", f.x, f.y]];
  13405. }, straight: function(x, f) {
  13406. return f = f.touchingSliceAt, [["M", x.x, x.y], ["L", f.x, f.y]];
  13407. }, crookedLine: function(x, f, d) {
  13408. f = f.touchingSliceAt;
  13409. var T = this.series, O =[0], j = T.chart.plotWidth, k = T.chart.plotLeft;
  13410. T = x.alignment;
  13411. var b = this.shapeArgs.r;
  13412. return d = S(d.crookDistance, 1), j = T === "left" ? O + b + (j + k - O - b) * (1 - d) : k + (O - b) * d, d = ["L", j, x.y], O = !0, (T === "left" ? j > x.x || j < f.x : j < x.x || j > f.x) && (O = !1), x = [["M", x.x, x.y]], O && x.push(d), x.push(["L", f.x, f.y]), x;
  13413. } } }), N;
  13414. }), M(o, "Series/Pie/PieSeries.js", [o["Series/CenteredUtilities.js"], o["Series/Column/ColumnSeries.js"], o["Core/Globals.js"], o["Core/Legend/LegendSymbol.js"], o["Series/Pie/PiePoint.js"], o["Core/Series/Series.js"], o["Core/Series/SeriesRegistry.js"], o["Core/Renderer/SVG/Symbols.js"], o["Core/Utilities.js"]], function(y, N, D, U, H, V, G, R, B) {
  13415. var S = this && this.__extends || function() {
  13416. var b = function(w, v) {
  13417. return b = Object.setPrototypeOf || { __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function(l, h) {
  13418. l.__proto__ = h;
  13419. } || function(l, h) {
  13420. for (var u in h)
  13421. h.hasOwnProperty(u) && (l[u] = h[u]);
  13422. }, b(w, v);
  13423. };
  13424. return function(w, v) {
  13425. function l() {
  13426. this.constructor = w;
  13427. }
  13428. b(w, v), w.prototype = v === null ? Object.create(v) : (l.prototype = v.prototype, new l());
  13429. };
  13430. }(), x = y.getStartAndEndRadians;
  13431. D = D.noop;
  13432. var f = B.clamp, d = B.extend, T = B.fireEvent, O = B.merge, j = B.pick, k = B.relativeLength;
  13433. return B = function(b) {
  13434. function w() {
  13435. var v = b !== null && b.apply(this, arguments) || this;
  13436. return = void 0, = void 0, v.maxLabelDistance = void 0, v.options = void 0, v.points = void 0, v;
  13437. }
  13438. return S(w, b), w.prototype.animate = function(v) {
  13439. var l = this, h = l.points, u = l.startAngleRad;
  13440. v || h.forEach(function(i) {
  13441. var c = i.graphic, a = i.shapeArgs;
  13442. c && a && (c.attr({ r: j(i.startR, &&[3] / 2), start: u, end: u }), c.animate({ r: a.r, start: a.start, end: a.end }, l.options.animation));
  13443. });
  13444. }, w.prototype.drawEmpty = function() {
  13445. var v = this.startAngleRad, l = this.endAngleRad, h = this.options;
  13446. if ( === 0 && {
  13447. var u =[0], i =[1];
  13448. this.graph || (this.graph = this.chart.renderer.arc(u, i,[1] / 2, 0, v, l).addClass("highcharts-empty-series").add(, this.graph.attr({ d: R.arc(u, i,[2] / 2, 0, { start: v, end: l, innerR:[3] / 2 }) }), this.chart.styledMode || this.graph.attr({ "stroke-width": h.borderWidth, fill: h.fillColor || "none", stroke: h.color || "#cccccc" });
  13449. } else
  13450. this.graph && (this.graph = this.graph.destroy());
  13451. }, w.prototype.drawPoints = function() {
  13452. var v = this.chart.renderer;
  13453. this.points.forEach(function(l) {
  13454. l.graphic && l.hasNewShapeType() && (l.graphic = l.graphic.destroy()), l.graphic || (l.graphic = v[l.shapeType](l.shapeArgs).add(, l.delayedRendering = !0);
  13455. });
  13456. }, w.prototype.generatePoints = function() {
  13457., this.updateTotals();
  13458. }, w.prototype.getX = function(v, l, h) {
  13459. var u =, i = this.radii ? this.radii[h.index] || 0 : u[2] / 2;
  13460. return v = Math.asin(f((v - u[1]) / (i + h.labelDistance), -1, 1)), u[0] + (l ? -1 : 1) * Math.cos(v) * (i + h.labelDistance) + (0 < h.labelDistance ? (l ? -1 : 1) * this.options.dataLabels.padding : 0);
  13461. }, w.prototype.hasData = function() {
  13462. return !!this.processedXData.length;
  13463. }, w.prototype.redrawPoints = function() {
  13464. var v = this, l = v.chart, h = l.renderer, u = v.options.shadow, i, c, a, t;
  13465. this.drawEmpty(), !u || v.shadowGroup || l.styledMode || (v.shadowGroup = h.g("shadow").attr({ zIndex: -1 }).add(, v.points.forEach(function(s) {
  13466. var n = {};
  13467. if (c = s.graphic, !s.isNull && c) {
  13468. var P = void 0;
  13469. t = s.shapeArgs, i = s.getTranslate(), l.styledMode || (P = s.shadowGroup, u && !P && (P = s.shadowGroup = h.g("shadow").add(v.shadowGroup)), P && P.attr(i), a = v.pointAttribs(s, s.selected && "select")), s.delayedRendering ? (c.setRadialReference(, l.styledMode || c.attr(a).attr({ "stroke-linejoin": "round" }).shadow(u, P), s.delayedRendering = !1) : (c.setRadialReference(, l.styledMode || O(!0, n, a), O(!0, n, t, i), c.animate(n)), c.attr({ visibility: s.visible ? "inherit" : "hidden" }), c.addClass(s.getClassName(), !0);
  13470. } else
  13471. c && (s.graphic = c.destroy());
  13472. });
  13473. }, w.prototype.sortByAngle = function(v, l) {
  13474. v.sort(function(h, u) {
  13475. return typeof h.angle < "u" && (u.angle - h.angle) * l;
  13476. });
  13477. }, w.prototype.translate = function(v) {
  13478. this.generatePoints();
  13479. var l = this.options, h = l.slicedOffset, u = h + (l.borderWidth || 0), i = x(l.startAngle, l.endAngle), c = this.startAngleRad = i.start;
  13480. i = (this.endAngleRad = i.end) - c;
  13481. var a = this.points, t = l.dataLabels.distance;
  13482. l = l.ignoreHiddenPoint;
  13483. var s = a.length, n, P = 0;
  13484. for (v || ( = v = this.getCenter()), n = 0; n < s; n++) {
  13485. var _ = a[n], I = c + P * i;
  13486. !_.isValid() || l && !_.visible || (P += _.percentage / 100);
  13487. var W = c + P * i, E = { x: v[0], y: v[1], r: v[2] / 2, innerR: v[3] / 2, start: Math.round(1e3 * I) / 1e3, end: Math.round(1e3 * W) / 1e3 };
  13488. _.shapeType = "arc", _.shapeArgs = E, _.labelDistance = j(_.options.dataLabels && _.options.dataLabels.distance, t), _.labelDistance = k(_.labelDistance, E.r), this.maxLabelDistance = Math.max(this.maxLabelDistance || 0, _.labelDistance), W = (W + I) / 2, W > 1.5 * Math.PI ? W -= 2 * Math.PI : W < -Math.PI / 2 && (W += 2 * Math.PI), _.slicedTranslation = { translateX: Math.round(Math.cos(W) * h), translateY: Math.round(Math.sin(W) * h) }, E = Math.cos(W) * v[2] / 2;
  13489. var X = Math.sin(W) * v[2] / 2;
  13490. _.tooltipPos = [v[0] + 0.7 * E, v[1] + 0.7 * X], _.half = W < -Math.PI / 2 || W > Math.PI / 2 ? 1 : 0, _.angle = W, I = Math.min(u, _.labelDistance / 5), _.labelPosition = { natural: { x: v[0] + E + Math.cos(W) * _.labelDistance, y: v[1] + X + Math.sin(W) * _.labelDistance }, final: {}, alignment: 0 > _.labelDistance ? "center" : _.half ? "right" : "left", connectorPosition: { breakAt: { x: v[0] + E + Math.cos(W) * I, y: v[1] + X + Math.sin(W) * I }, touchingSliceAt: { x: v[0] + E, y: v[1] + X } } };
  13491. }
  13492. T(this, "afterTranslate");
  13493. }, w.prototype.updateTotals = function() {
  13494. var v = this.points, l = v.length, h = this.options.ignoreHiddenPoint, u, i = 0;
  13495. for (u = 0; u < l; u++) {
  13496. var c = v[u];
  13497. !c.isValid() || h && !c.visible || (i += c.y);
  13498. }
  13499. for ( = i, u = 0; u < l; u++)
  13500. c = v[u], c.percentage = 0 < i && (c.visible || !h) ? c.y / i * 100 : 0, = i;
  13501. }, w.defaultOptions = O(V.defaultOptions, {
  13502. center: [null, null],
  13503. clip: !1,
  13504. colorByPoint: !0,
  13505. dataLabels: { allowOverlap: !0, connectorPadding: 5, connectorShape: "fixedOffset", crookDistance: "70%", distance: 30, enabled: !0, formatter: function() {
  13506. return this.point.isNull ? void 0 :;
  13507. }, softConnector: !0, x: 0 },
  13508. fillColor: void 0,
  13509. ignoreHiddenPoint: !0,
  13510. inactiveOtherPoints: !0,
  13511. legendType: "point",
  13512. marker: null,
  13513. size: null,
  13514. showInLegend: !1,
  13515. slicedOffset: 10,
  13516. stickyTracking: !1,
  13517. tooltip: { followPointer: !0 },
  13518. borderColor: "#ffffff",
  13519. borderWidth: 1,
  13520. lineWidth: void 0,
  13521. states: { hover: { brightness: 0.1 } }
  13522. }), w;
  13523. }(V), d(B.prototype, { axisTypes: [], directTouch: !0, drawGraph: void 0, drawLegendSymbol: U.drawRectangle, drawTracker: N.prototype.drawTracker, getCenter: y.getCenter, getSymbol: D, isCartesian: !1, noSharedTooltip: !0, pointAttribs: N.prototype.pointAttribs, pointClass: H, requireSorting: !1, searchPoint: D, trackerGroups: ["group", "dataLabelsGroup"] }), G.registerSeriesType("pie", B), B;
  13524. }), M(o, "Series/Pie/PieDataLabel.js", [
  13525. o["Core/Series/DataLabel.js"],
  13526. o["Core/Globals.js"],
  13527. o["Core/Renderer/RendererUtilities.js"],
  13528. o["Core/Series/SeriesRegistry.js"],
  13529. o["Core/Utilities.js"]
  13530. ], function(y, N, D, U, H) {
  13531. var V = N.noop, G = D.distribute, R = U.series, B = H.arrayMax, S = H.clamp, x = H.defined, f = H.merge, d = H.pick, T = H.relativeLength, O;
  13532. return function(j) {
  13533. function k() {
  13534. var h = this, u =, i = h.chart, c = h.options.dataLabels || {}, a = c.connectorPadding, t = i.plotWidth, s = i.plotHeight, n = i.plotLeft, P = Math.round(i.chartWidth / 3), _ =, I = _[2] / 2, W = _[1], E = [[], []], X = [0, 0, 0, 0], g = h.dataLabelPositioners, m, L, z, $, Q, A, F, Y, Z, q, it, et;
  13535. h.visible && (c.enabled || h._hasPointLabels) && (u.forEach(function(nt) {
  13536. nt.dataLabel && nt.visible && nt.dataLabel.shortened && (nt.dataLabel.attr({ width: "auto" }).css({ width: "auto", textOverflow: "clip" }), nt.dataLabel.shortened = !1);
  13537. }), R.prototype.drawDataLabels.apply(h), u.forEach(function(nt) {
  13538. nt.dataLabel && (nt.visible ? (E[nt.half].push(nt), nt.dataLabel._pos = null, !x( && !x(nt.options.dataLabels && && && nt.dataLabel.getBBox().width > P && (nt.dataLabel.css({ width: Math.round(0.7 * P) + "px" }), nt.dataLabel.shortened = !0)) : (nt.dataLabel = nt.dataLabel.destroy(), nt.dataLabels && nt.dataLabels.length === 1 && delete nt.dataLabels));
  13539. }), E.forEach(function(nt, rt) {
  13540. var ct = nt.length, gt = [], dt;
  13541. if (ct) {
  13542. if (h.sortByAngle(nt, rt - 0.5), 0 < h.maxLabelDistance) {
  13543. var ht = Math.max(0, W - I - h.maxLabelDistance), at = Math.min(W + I + h.maxLabelDistance, i.plotHeight);
  13544. nt.forEach(function(J) {
  13545. 0 < J.labelDistance && J.dataLabel && ( = Math.max(0, W - I - J.labelDistance), J.bottom = Math.min(W + I + J.labelDistance, i.plotHeight), dt = J.dataLabel.getBBox().height || 21, J.distributeBox = { target: J.labelPosition.natural.y - + dt / 2, size: dt, rank: J.y }, gt.push(J.distributeBox));
  13546. }), ht = at + dt - ht, G(gt, ht, ht / 5);
  13547. }
  13548. for (it = 0; it < ct; it++) {
  13549. if (m = nt[it], A = m.labelPosition, $ = m.dataLabel, q = m.visible === !1 ? "hidden" : "inherit", Z = ht = A.natural.y, gt && x(m.distributeBox) && (typeof m.distributeBox.pos > "u" ? q = "hidden" : (F = m.distributeBox.size, Z = g.radialDistributionY(m))), delete m.positionIndex, c.justify)
  13550. Y = g.justify(m, I, _);
  13551. else
  13552. switch (c.alignTo) {
  13553. case "connectors":
  13554. Y = g.alignToConnectors(nt, rt, t, n);
  13555. break;
  13556. case "plotEdges":
  13557. Y = g.alignToPlotEdges($, rt, t, n);
  13558. break;
  13559. default:
  13560. Y = g.radialDistributionX(h, m, Z, ht);
  13561. }
  13562. $._attr = { visibility: q, align: A.alignment }, et = m.options.dataLabels || {}, $._pos = { x: Y + d(et.x, c.x) + ({ left: a, right: -a }[A.alignment] || 0), y: Z + d(et.y, c.y) - 10 }, = Y, = Z, d(c.crop, !0) && (Q = $.getBBox().width, ht = null, Y - Q < a && rt === 1 ? (ht = Math.round(Q - Y + a), X[3] = Math.max(ht, X[3])) : Y + Q > t - a && rt === 0 && (ht = Math.round(Y + Q - t + a), X[1] = Math.max(ht, X[1])), 0 > Z - F / 2 ? X[0] = Math.max(Math.round(-Z + F / 2), X[0]) : Z + F / 2 > s && (X[2] = Math.max(Math.round(Z + F / 2 - s), X[2])), $.sideOverflow = ht);
  13563. }
  13564. }
  13565. }), B(X) === 0 || this.verifyDataLabelOverflow(X)) && (this.placeDataLabels(), this.points.forEach(function(nt) {
  13566. if (et = f(c, nt.options.dataLabels), L = d(et.connectorWidth, 1)) {
  13567. var rt;
  13568. z = nt.connector, ($ = nt.dataLabel) && $._pos && nt.visible && 0 < nt.labelDistance ? (q = $._attr.visibility, (rt = !z) && (nt.connector = z = i.renderer.path().addClass("highcharts-data-label-connector highcharts-color-" + nt.colorIndex + (nt.className ? " " + nt.className : "")).add(h.dataLabelsGroup), i.styledMode || z.attr({ "stroke-width": L, stroke: et.connectorColor || nt.color || "#666666" })), z[rt ? "attr" : "animate"]({ d: nt.getConnectorPath() }), z.attr("visibility", q)) : z && (nt.connector = z.destroy());
  13569. }
  13570. }));
  13571. }
  13572. function b() {
  13573. this.points.forEach(function(h) {
  13574. var u = h.dataLabel, i;
  13575. u && h.visible && ((i = u._pos) ? (u.sideOverflow && (u._attr.width = Math.max(u.getBBox().width - u.sideOverflow, 0), u.css({ width: u._attr.width + "px", textOverflow: ( || {}).textOverflow || "ellipsis" }), u.shortened = !0), u.attr(u._attr), u[u.moved ? "animate" : "attr"](i), u.moved = !0) : u && u.attr({ y: -9999 })), delete h.distributeBox;
  13576. }, this);
  13577. }
  13578. function w(h) {
  13579. var u =, i = this.options, c =, a = i.minSize || 80, t = i.size !== null;
  13580. if (!t) {
  13581. if (c[0] !== null)
  13582. var s = Math.max(u[2] - Math.max(h[1], h[3]), a);
  13583. else
  13584. s = Math.max(u[2] - h[1] - h[3], a), u[0] += (h[3] - h[1]) / 2;
  13585. c[1] !== null ? s = S(s, a, u[2] - Math.max(h[0], h[2])) : (s = S(s, a, u[2] - h[0] - h[2]), u[1] += (h[0] - h[2]) / 2), s < u[2] ? (u[2] = s, u[3] = Math.min(T(i.innerSize || 0, s), s), this.translate(u), this.drawDataLabels && this.drawDataLabels()) : t = !0;
  13586. }
  13587. return t;
  13588. }
  13589. var v = [], l = { radialDistributionY: function(h) {
  13590. return + h.distributeBox.pos;
  13591. }, radialDistributionX: function(h, u, i, c) {
  13592. return h.getX(i < + 2 || i > u.bottom - 2 ? c : i, u.half, u);
  13593. }, justify: function(h, u, i) {
  13594. return i[0] + (h.half ? -1 : 1) * (u + h.labelDistance);
  13595. }, alignToPlotEdges: function(h, u, i, c) {
  13596. return h = h.getBBox().width, u ? h + c : i - h - c;
  13597. }, alignToConnectors: function(h, u, i, c) {
  13598. var a = 0, t;
  13599. return h.forEach(function(s) {
  13600. t = s.dataLabel.getBBox().width, t > a && (a = t);
  13601. }), u ? a + c : i - a - c;
  13602. } };
  13603. j.compose = function(h) {
  13604. y.compose(R), v.indexOf(h) === -1 && (v.push(h), h = h.prototype, h.dataLabelPositioners = l, h.alignDataLabel = V, h.drawDataLabels = k, h.placeDataLabels = b, h.verifyDataLabelOverflow = w);
  13605. };
  13606. }(O || (O = {})), O;
  13607. }), M(o, "Extensions/OverlappingDataLabels.js", [o["Core/Chart/Chart.js"], o["Core/Utilities.js"]], function(y, N) {
  13608. function D(S, x) {
  13609. var f = !1;
  13610. if (S) {
  13611. var d = S.newOpacity;
  13612. S.oldOpacity !== d && (S.alignAttr && S.placed ? (S[d ? "removeClass" : "addClass"]("highcharts-data-label-hidden"), f = !0, S.alignAttr.opacity = d, S[S.isOld ? "animate" : "attr"](S.alignAttr, null, function() {
  13613. x.styledMode || S.css({ pointerEvents: d ? "auto" : "none" });
  13614. }), H(x, "afterHideOverlappingLabel")) : S.attr({ opacity: d })), S.isOld = !0;
  13615. }
  13616. return f;
  13617. }
  13618. var U = N.addEvent, H = N.fireEvent, V = N.isArray, G = N.isNumber, R = N.objectEach, B = N.pick;
  13619. U(y, "render", function() {
  13620. var S = this, x = [];
  13621. (this.labelCollectors || []).forEach(function(f) {
  13622. x = x.concat(f());
  13623. }), (this.yAxis || []).forEach(function(f) {
  13624. f.stacking && f.options.stackLabels && !f.options.stackLabels.allowOverlap && R(f.stacking.stacks, function(d) {
  13625. R(d, function(T) {
  13626. T.label && T.label.visibility !== "hidden" && x.push(T.label);
  13627. });
  13628. });
  13629. }), (this.series || []).forEach(function(f) {
  13630. var d = f.options.dataLabels;
  13631. f.visible && (d.enabled !== !1 || f._hasPointLabels) && (d = function(T) {
  13632. return T.forEach(function(O) {
  13633. O.visible && (V(O.dataLabels) ? O.dataLabels : O.dataLabel ? [O.dataLabel] : []).forEach(function(j) {
  13634. var k = j.options;
  13635. j.labelrank = B(k.labelrank, O.labelrank, O.shapeArgs && O.shapeArgs.height), k.allowOverlap ? (j.oldOpacity = j.opacity, j.newOpacity = 1, D(j, S)) : x.push(j);
  13636. });
  13637. });
  13638. }, d(f.nodes || []), d(f.points));
  13639. }), this.hideOverlappingLabels(x);
  13640. }), y.prototype.hideOverlappingLabels = function(S) {
  13641. var x = this, f = S.length, d = x.renderer, T, O, j, k = !1, b = function(l) {
  13642. var h, u = ? 0 : l.padding || 0, i = h = 0, c;
  13643. if (l && (!l.alignAttr || l.placed)) {
  13644. var a = l.alignAttr || { x: l.attr("x"), y: l.attr("y") }, t = l.parentGroup;
  13645. l.width || (h = l.getBBox(), l.width = h.width, l.height = h.height, h = d.fontMetrics(null, l.element).h);
  13646. var s = l.width - 2 * u;
  13647. return (c = { left: "0", center: "0.5", right: "1" }[l.alignValue]) ? i = +c * s : G(l.x) && Math.round(l.x) !== l.translateX && (i = l.x - l.translateX), { x: a.x + (t.translateX || 0) + u - (i || 0), y: a.y + (t.translateY || 0) + u - h, width: l.width - 2 * u, height: l.height - 2 * u };
  13648. }
  13649. };
  13650. for (O = 0; O < f; O++)
  13651. (T = S[O]) && (T.oldOpacity = T.opacity, T.newOpacity = 1, T.absoluteBox = b(T));
  13652. for (S.sort(function(l, h) {
  13653. return (h.labelrank || 0) - (l.labelrank || 0);
  13654. }), O = 0; O < f; O++) {
  13655. var w = (b = S[O]) && b.absoluteBox;
  13656. for (T = O + 1; T < f; ++T) {
  13657. var v = (j = S[T]) && j.absoluteBox;
  13658. !w || !v || b === j || b.newOpacity === 0 || j.newOpacity === 0 || v.x >= w.x + w.width || v.x + v.width <= w.x || v.y >= w.y + w.height || v.y + v.height <= w.y || ((b.labelrank < j.labelrank ? b : j).newOpacity = 0);
  13659. }
  13660. }
  13661. S.forEach(function(l) {
  13662. D(l, x) && (k = !0);
  13663. }), k && H(x, "afterHideAllOverlappingLabels");
  13664. };
  13665. }), M(
  13666. o,
  13667. "Core/Responsive.js",
  13668. [o["Core/Utilities.js"]],
  13669. function(y) {
  13670. var N = y.extend, D = y.find, U = y.isArray, H = y.isObject, V = y.merge, G = y.objectEach, R = y.pick, B = y.splat, S = y.uniqueKey, x;
  13671. return function(f) {
  13672. var d = [];
  13673. f.compose = function(O) {
  13674. return d.indexOf(O) === -1 && (d.push(O), N(O.prototype, T.prototype)), O;
  13675. };
  13676. var T = function() {
  13677. function O() {
  13678. }
  13679. return O.prototype.currentOptions = function(j) {
  13680. function k(v, l, h, u) {
  13681. var i;
  13682. G(v, function(c, a) {
  13683. if (!u && -1 < b.collectionsWithUpdate.indexOf(a) && l[a])
  13684. for (c = B(c), h[a] = [], i = 0; i < Math.max(c.length, l[a].length); i++)
  13685. l[a][i] && (c[i] === void 0 ? h[a][i] = l[a][i] : (h[a][i] = {}, k(c[i], l[a][i], h[a][i], u + 1)));
  13686. else
  13687. H(c) ? (h[a] = U(c) ? [] : {}, k(c, l[a] || {}, h[a], u + 1)) : h[a] = typeof l[a] > "u" ? null : l[a];
  13688. });
  13689. }
  13690. var b = this, w = {};
  13691. return k(j, this.options, w, 0), w;
  13692. }, O.prototype.matchResponsiveRule = function(j, k) {
  13693. var b = j.condition;
  13694. (b.callback || function() {
  13695. return this.chartWidth <= R(b.maxWidth, Number.MAX_VALUE) && this.chartHeight <= R(b.maxHeight, Number.MAX_VALUE) && this.chartWidth >= R(b.minWidth, 0) && this.chartHeight >= R(b.minHeight, 0);
  13696. }).call(this) && k.push(j._id);
  13697. }, O.prototype.setResponsive = function(j, k) {
  13698. var b = this, w = this.options.responsive, v = this.currentResponsive, l = [];
  13699. !k && w && w.rules && w.rules.forEach(function(h) {
  13700. typeof h._id > "u" && (h._id = S()), b.matchResponsiveRule(h, l);
  13701. }, this), k = V.apply(void 0, {
  13702. return D((w || {}).rules || [], function(u) {
  13703. return u._id === h;
  13704. });
  13705. }).map(function(h) {
  13706. return h && h.chartOptions;
  13707. })), k.isResponsiveOptions = !0, l = l.toString() || void 0, l !== (v && v.ruleIds) && (v && this.update(v.undoOptions, j, !0), l ? (v = this.currentOptions(k), v.isResponsiveOptions = !0, this.currentResponsive = { ruleIds: l, mergedOptions: k, undoOptions: v }, this.update(k, j, !0)) : this.currentResponsive = void 0);
  13708. }, O;
  13709. }();
  13710. }(x || (x = {})), x;
  13711. }
  13712. ), M(o, "masters/highcharts.src.js", [
  13713. o["Core/Globals.js"],
  13714. o["Core/Utilities.js"],
  13715. o["Core/DefaultOptions.js"],
  13716. o["Core/Animation/Fx.js"],
  13717. o["Core/Animation/AnimationUtilities.js"],
  13718. o["Core/Renderer/HTML/AST.js"],
  13719. o["Core/FormatUtilities.js"],
  13720. o["Core/Renderer/RendererUtilities.js"],
  13721. o["Core/Renderer/SVG/SVGElement.js"],
  13722. o["Core/Renderer/SVG/SVGRenderer.js"],
  13723. o["Core/Renderer/HTML/HTMLElement.js"],
  13724. o["Core/Renderer/HTML/HTMLRenderer.js"],
  13725. o["Core/Axis/Axis.js"],
  13726. o["Core/Axis/DateTimeAxis.js"],
  13727. o["Core/Axis/LogarithmicAxis.js"],
  13728. o["Core/Axis/PlotLineOrBand/PlotLineOrBand.js"],
  13729. o["Core/Axis/Tick.js"],
  13730. o["Core/Tooltip.js"],
  13731. o["Core/Series/Point.js"],
  13732. o["Core/Pointer.js"],
  13733. o["Core/MSPointer.js"],
  13734. o["Core/Legend/Legend.js"],
  13735. o["Core/Chart/Chart.js"],
  13736. o["Core/Series/Series.js"],
  13737. o["Core/Series/SeriesRegistry.js"],
  13738. o["Series/Column/ColumnSeries.js"],
  13739. o["Series/Column/ColumnDataLabel.js"],
  13740. o["Series/Pie/PieSeries.js"],
  13741. o["Series/Pie/PieDataLabel.js"],
  13742. o["Core/Series/DataLabel.js"],
  13743. o["Core/Responsive.js"],
  13744. o["Core/Color/Color.js"],
  13745. o["Core/Time.js"]
  13746. ], function(y, N, D, U, H, V, G, R, B, S, x, f, d, T, O, j, k, b, w, v, l, h, u, i, c, a, t, s, n, P, _, I, W) {
  13747. return y.animate = H.animate, y.animObject = H.animObject, y.getDeferredAnimation = H.getDeferredAnimation, y.setAnimation = H.setAnimation, y.stop = H.stop, y.timers = U.timers, y.AST = V, y.Axis = d, y.Chart = u, y.chart = u.chart, y.Fx = U, y.Legend = h, y.PlotLineOrBand = j, y.Point = w, y.Pointer = l.isRequired() ? l : v, y.Series = i, y.SVGElement = B, y.SVGRenderer = S, y.Tick = k, y.Time = W, y.Tooltip = b, y.Color = I, y.color = I.parse, f.compose(S), x.compose(B), y.defaultOptions = D.defaultOptions, y.getOptions = D.getOptions, y.time = D.defaultTime, y.setOptions = D.setOptions, y.dateFormat = G.dateFormat, y.format = G.format, y.numberFormat = G.numberFormat, y.addEvent = N.addEvent, y.arrayMax = N.arrayMax, y.arrayMin = N.arrayMin, y.attr = N.attr, y.clearTimeout = N.clearTimeout, y.correctFloat = N.correctFloat, y.createElement = N.createElement, y.css = N.css, y.defined = N.defined, y.destroyObjectProperties = N.destroyObjectProperties, y.discardElement = N.discardElement, y.distribute = R.distribute, y.erase = N.erase, y.error = N.error, y.extend = N.extend, y.extendClass = N.extendClass, y.find = N.find, y.fireEvent = N.fireEvent, y.getMagnitude = N.getMagnitude, y.getStyle = N.getStyle, y.inArray = N.inArray, y.isArray = N.isArray, y.isClass = N.isClass, y.isDOMElement = N.isDOMElement, y.isFunction = N.isFunction, y.isNumber = N.isNumber, y.isObject = N.isObject, y.isString = N.isString, y.keys = N.keys, y.merge = N.merge, y.normalizeTickInterval = N.normalizeTickInterval, y.objectEach = N.objectEach, y.offset = N.offset, y.pad = N.pad, y.pick = N.pick, y.pInt = N.pInt, y.relativeLength = N.relativeLength, y.removeEvent = N.removeEvent, y.seriesType = c.seriesType, y.splat = N.splat, y.stableSort = N.stableSort, y.syncTimeout = N.syncTimeout, y.timeUnits = N.timeUnits, y.uniqueKey = N.uniqueKey, y.useSerialIds = N.useSerialIds, y.wrap = N.wrap, t.compose(a), P.compose(i), T.compose(d), O.compose(d), n.compose(s), j.compose(d), _.compose(u), y;
  13748. }), o["masters/highcharts.src.js"]._modules = o, o["masters/highcharts.src.js"];
  13749. });
  13750. })(ru);
  13751. var V0 = ru.exports;
  13752. const ts = /* @__PURE__ */ Cn(V0);
  13753. var nu = { exports: {} };
  13754. (function(r) {
  13755. (function(p) {
  13756. r.exports ? (p.default = p, r.exports = p) : p(typeof Highcharts < "u" ? Highcharts : void 0);
  13757. })(function(p) {
  13758. function M(o, y, N, D) {
  13759. o.hasOwnProperty(y) || (o[y] = D.apply(null, N));
  13760. }
  13761. p = p ? p._modules : {}, M(p, "Extensions/Pane.js", [
  13762. p["Core/Chart/Chart.js"],
  13763. p["Series/CenteredUtilities.js"],
  13764. p["Core/Globals.js"],
  13765. p["Core/Pointer.js"],
  13766. p["Core/Utilities.js"]
  13767. ], function(o, y, N, D, U) {
  13768. function H(x, f, d) {
  13769. return Math.sqrt(Math.pow(x - d[0], 2) + Math.pow(f - d[1], 2)) <= d[2] / 2;
  13770. }
  13771. var V = U.addEvent, G = U.extend, R = U.merge, B = U.pick, S = U.splat;
  13772. return o.prototype.collectionsWithUpdate.push("pane"), U = function() {
  13773. function x(f, d) {
  13774. this.options = this.chart = = this.background = void 0, this.coll = "pane", this.defaultOptions = { center: ["50%", "50%"], size: "85%", innerSize: "0%", startAngle: 0 }, this.defaultBackgroundOptions = { shape: "circle", borderWidth: 1, borderColor: "#cccccc", backgroundColor: { linearGradient: {
  13775. x1: 0,
  13776. y1: 0,
  13777. x2: 0,
  13778. y2: 1
  13779. }, stops: [[0, "#ffffff"], [1, "#e6e6e6"]] }, from: -Number.MAX_VALUE, innerRadius: 0, to: Number.MAX_VALUE, outerRadius: "105%" }, this.init(f, d);
  13780. }
  13781. return x.prototype.init = function(f, d) {
  13782. this.chart = d, this.background = [], d.pane.push(this), this.setOptions(f);
  13783. }, x.prototype.setOptions = function(f) {
  13784. this.options = R(this.defaultOptions, this.chart.angular ? { background: {} } : void 0, f);
  13785. }, x.prototype.render = function() {
  13786. var f = this.options, d = this.options.background, T = this.chart.renderer;
  13787. if ( || ( = T.g("pane-group").attr({ zIndex: f.zIndex || 0 }).add()), this.updateCenter(), d)
  13788. for (d = S(d), f = Math.max(d.length, this.background.length || 0), T = 0; T < f; T++)
  13789. d[T] && this.axis ? this.renderBackground(R(this.defaultBackgroundOptions, d[T]), T) : this.background[T] && (this.background[T] = this.background[T].destroy(), this.background.splice(T, 1));
  13790. }, x.prototype.renderBackground = function(f, d) {
  13791. var T = "animate", O = { class: "highcharts-pane " + (f.className || "") };
  13792. this.chart.styledMode || G(O, { fill: f.backgroundColor, stroke: f.borderColor, "stroke-width": f.borderWidth }), this.background[d] || (this.background[d] = this.chart.renderer.path().add(, T = "attr"), this.background[d][T]({ d: this.axis.getPlotBandPath(f.from,, f) }).attr(O);
  13793. }, x.prototype.updateCenter = function(f) {
  13794. = (f || this.axis || {}).center =;
  13795. }, x.prototype.update = function(f, d) {
  13796. R(!0, this.options, f), this.setOptions(this.options), this.render(), this.chart.axes.forEach(function(T) {
  13797. T.pane === this && (T.pane = null, T.update({}, d));
  13798. }, this);
  13799. }, x;
  13800. }(), o.prototype.getHoverPane = function(x) {
  13801. var f = this, d;
  13802. return x && f.pane.forEach(function(T) {
  13803. var O = x.chartX - f.plotLeft, j = x.chartY - f.plotTop;
  13804. H(f.inverted ? j : O, f.inverted ? O : j, && (d = T);
  13805. }), d;
  13806. }, V(o, "afterIsInsidePlot", function(x) {
  13807. this.polar && (x.isInsidePlot = this.pane.some(function(f) {
  13808. return H(x.x, x.y,;
  13809. }));
  13810. }), V(D, "beforeGetHoverData", function(x) {
  13811. var f = this.chart;
  13812. f.polar ? (f.hoverPane = f.getHoverPane(x), x.filter = function(d) {
  13813. return d.visible && !(!x.shared && d.directTouch) && B(d.options.enableMouseTracking, !0) && (!f.hoverPane || d.xAxis.pane === f.hoverPane);
  13814. }) : f.hoverPane = void 0;
  13815. }), V(
  13816. D,
  13817. "afterGetHoverData",
  13818. function(x) {
  13819. var f = this.chart;
  13820. x.hoverPoint && x.hoverPoint.plotX && x.hoverPoint.plotY && f.hoverPane && !H(x.hoverPoint.plotX, x.hoverPoint.plotY, && (x.hoverPoint = void 0);
  13821. }
  13822. ), N.Pane = U, N.Pane;
  13823. }), M(p, "Core/Axis/RadialAxis.js", [p["Core/Axis/AxisDefaults.js"], p["Core/DefaultOptions.js"], p["Core/Globals.js"], p["Core/Utilities.js"]], function(o, y, N, D) {
  13824. var U = y.defaultOptions, H = N.noop, V = D.addEvent, G = D.correctFloat, R = D.defined, B = D.extend, S = D.fireEvent, x = D.merge, f = D.pick, d = D.relativeLength, T = D.wrap, O;
  13825. return function(j) {
  13826. function k() {
  13827. this.autoConnect = this.isCircular && typeof f(this.userMax, this.options.max) > "u" && G(this.endAngleRad - this.startAngleRad) === G(2 * Math.PI), !this.isCircular && this.chart.inverted && this.max++, this.autoConnect && (this.max += this.categories && 1 || this.pointRange || this.closestPointRange || 0);
  13828. }
  13829. function b() {
  13830. var Z = this;
  13831. return function() {
  13832. if (Z.isRadial && Z.tickPositions && Z.options.labels && Z.options.labels.allowOverlap !== !0)
  13833. return {
  13834. return Z.ticks[q] && Z.ticks[q].label;
  13835. }).filter(function(q) {
  13836. return !!q;
  13837. });
  13838. };
  13839. }
  13840. function w() {
  13841. return H;
  13842. }
  13843. function v(Z, q, it) {
  13844. var et =, nt = Z.value;
  13845. if (this.isCircular) {
  13846. if (R(nt))
  13847. Z.point && (rt = Z.point.shapeArgs || {}, rt.start && (nt = this.chart.inverted ? this.translate(Z.point.rectPlotY, !0) : Z.point.x));
  13848. else {
  13849. var rt = Z.chartX || 0, ct = Z.chartY || 0;
  13850. nt = this.translate(Math.atan2(ct - it, rt - q) - this.startAngleRad, !0);
  13851. }
  13852. Z = this.getPosition(nt), rt = Z.x, ct = Z.y;
  13853. } else
  13854. R(nt) || (rt = Z.chartX, ct = Z.chartY), R(rt) && R(ct) && (it = et[1] + this.chart.plotTop, nt = this.translate(Math.min(Math.sqrt(Math.pow(rt - q, 2) + Math.pow(ct - it, 2)), et[2] / 2) - et[3] / 2, !0));
  13855. return [nt, rt || 0, ct || 0];
  13856. }
  13857. function l(Z, q, it) {
  13858. Z =;
  13859. var et = this.chart, nt = this.left || 0, rt = || 0, ct = f(q, Z[2] / 2 - this.offset);
  13860. return typeof it > "u" && (it = this.horiz ? 0 : &&[3] / 2), it && (ct += it), this.isCircular || typeof q < "u" ? (q = this.chart.renderer.symbols.arc(nt + Z[0], rt + Z[1], ct, ct, { start: this.startAngleRad, end: this.endAngleRad, open: !0, innerR: 0 }), q.xBounds = [nt + Z[0]], q.yBounds = [rt + Z[1] - ct]) : (q = this.postTranslate(this.angleRad, ct), q = [["M",[0] + et.plotLeft,[1] + et.plotTop], ["L", q.x, q.y]]), q;
  13861. }
  13862. function h() {
  13863., this.chart.axisOffset[this.side] = 0;
  13864. }
  13865. function u(Z, q, it) {
  13866. var et = this.chart, nt = function(yt) {
  13867. if (typeof yt == "string") {
  13868. var vt = parseInt(yt, 10);
  13869. return J.test(yt) && (vt = vt * gt / 100), vt;
  13870. }
  13871. return yt;
  13872. }, rt =, ct = this.startAngleRad, gt = rt[2] / 2, dt = Math.min(this.offset, 0), ht = this.left || 0, at = || 0, J = /%$/, tt = this.isCircular, ot = f(nt(it.outerRadius), gt), lt = nt(it.innerRadius);
  13873. if (nt = f(nt(it.thickness), 10), this.options.gridLineInterpolation === "polygon")
  13874. dt = this.getPlotLinePath({ value: Z }).concat(this.getPlotLinePath({ value: q, reverse: !0 }));
  13875. else {
  13876. if (Z = Math.max(Z, this.min), q = Math.min(q, this.max), Z = this.translate(Z), q = this.translate(q), tt || (ot = Z || 0, lt = q || 0), it.shape !== "circle" && tt)
  13877. it = ct + (Z || 0), ct += q || 0;
  13878. else {
  13879. it = -Math.PI / 2, ct = 1.5 * Math.PI;
  13880. var pt = !0;
  13881. }
  13882. ot -= dt, dt = et.renderer.symbols.arc(ht + rt[0], at + rt[1], ot, ot, { start: Math.min(it, ct), end: Math.max(it, ct), innerR: f(lt, ot - (nt - dt)), open: pt }), tt && (tt = (ct + it) / 2, ht = ht + rt[0] + rt[2] / 2 * Math.cos(tt), dt.xBounds = tt > -Math.PI / 2 && tt < Math.PI / 2 ? [ht, et.plotWidth] : [0, ht], dt.yBounds = [at + rt[1] + rt[2] / 2 * Math.sin(tt)], dt.yBounds[0] += tt > -Math.PI && 0 > tt || tt > Math.PI ? -10 : 10);
  13883. }
  13884. return dt;
  13885. }
  13886. function i(Z) {
  13887. var q = this, it =, et = this.chart, nt = et.inverted, rt = Z.reverse, ct = this.pane.options.background ? this.pane.options.background[0] || this.pane.options.background : {}, gt = ct.innerRadius || "0%", dt = ct.outerRadius || "100%", ht = it[0] + et.plotLeft, at = it[1] + et.plotTop, J = this.height, tt = Z.isCrosshair;
  13888. ct = it[3] / 2;
  13889. var ot = Z.value, lt, pt = this.getPosition(ot), yt = pt.x;
  13890. if (pt = pt.y, tt && (pt = this.getCrosshairPosition(Z, ht, at), ot = pt[0], yt = pt[1], pt = pt[2]), this.isCircular)
  13891. ot = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(yt - ht, 2) + Math.pow(pt - at, 2)), rt = typeof gt == "string" ? d(gt, 1) : gt / ot, et = typeof dt == "string" ? d(dt, 1) : dt / ot, it && ct && (ct /= ot, rt < ct && (rt = ct), et < ct && (et = ct)), it = [["M", ht + rt * (yt - ht), at - rt * (at - pt)], ["L", yt - (1 - et) * (yt - ht), pt + (1 - et) * (at - pt)]];
  13892. else if ((ot = this.translate(ot)) && (0 > ot || ot > J) && (ot = 0), this.options.gridLineInterpolation === "circle")
  13893. it = this.getLinePath(0, ot, ct);
  13894. else if (it = [], et[nt ? "yAxis" : "xAxis"].forEach(function(vt) {
  13895. vt.pane === q.pane && (lt = vt);
  13896. }), lt)
  13897. for (ht = lt.tickPositions, lt.autoConnect && (ht = ht.concat([ht[0]])), rt && (ht = ht.slice().reverse()), ot && (ot += ct), at = 0; at < ht.length; at++)
  13898. ct = lt.getPosition(ht[at], ot), it.push(at ? ["L", ct.x, ct.y] : ["M", ct.x, ct.y]);
  13899. return it;
  13900. }
  13901. function c(Z, q) {
  13902. return Z = this.translate(Z), this.postTranslate(this.isCircular ? Z : this.angleRad, f(this.isCircular ? q : 0 > Z ? 0 : Z,[2] / 2) - this.offset);
  13903. }
  13904. function a() {
  13905. var Z =, q = this.chart, it = this.options.title;
  13906. return { x: q.plotLeft + Z[0] + (it.x || 0), y: q.plotTop + Z[1] - { high: 0.5, middle: 0.25, low: 0 }[it.align] * Z[2] + (it.y || 0) };
  13907. }
  13908. function t(Z) {
  13909. Z.beforeSetTickPositions = k, Z.createLabelCollector = b, Z.getCrosshairPosition = v, Z.getLinePath = l, Z.getOffset = h, Z.getPlotBandPath = u, Z.getPlotLinePath = i, Z.getPosition = c, Z.getTitlePosition = a, Z.postTranslate = X, Z.setAxisSize = m, Z.setAxisTranslation = L, Z.setOptions = z;
  13910. }
  13911. function s() {
  13912. var Z = this.chart, q = this.options, it = this.pane, et = it && it.options;
  13913. Z.angular && this.isXAxis || !it || !Z.angular && !Z.polar || (this.angleRad = (q.angle || 0) * Math.PI / 180, this.startAngleRad = (et.startAngle - 90) * Math.PI / 180, this.endAngleRad = (f(et.endAngle, et.startAngle + 360) - 90) * Math.PI / 180, this.offset = q.offset || 0);
  13914. }
  13915. function n(Z) {
  13916. this.isRadial && (Z.align = void 0, Z.preventDefault());
  13917. }
  13918. function P() {
  13919. if (this.chart && this.chart.labelCollectors) {
  13920. var Z = this.labelCollector ? this.chart.labelCollectors.indexOf(this.labelCollector) : -1;
  13921. 0 <= Z && this.chart.labelCollectors.splice(Z, 1);
  13922. }
  13923. }
  13924. function _(Z) {
  13925. var q = this.chart, it = q.inverted, et = q.angular, nt = q.polar, rt = this.isXAxis, ct = this.coll, gt = et && rt, dt = q.options;
  13926. Z = Z.userOptions.pane || 0, Z = this.pane = q.pane && q.pane[Z];
  13927. var ht;
  13928. ct === "colorAxis" ? this.isRadial = !1 : (et ? (gt ? (this.isHidden = !0, this.createLabelCollector = w, this.getOffset = H, this.render = this.redraw = g, this.setTitle = this.setCategories = this.setScale = H) : t(this), (ht = !rt) && (this.defaultPolarOptions = F)) : nt && (t(this), this.defaultPolarOptions = (ht = this.horiz) ? A : x(ct === "xAxis" ? o.defaultXAxisOptions : o.defaultYAxisOptions, Y), it && ct === "yAxis" && (this.defaultPolarOptions.stackLabels = o.defaultYAxisOptions.stackLabels, this.defaultPolarOptions.reversedStacks = !0)), et || nt ? (this.isRadial = !0, dt.chart.zoomType = null, this.labelCollector || (this.labelCollector = this.createLabelCollector()), this.labelCollector && q.labelCollectors.push(this.labelCollector)) : this.isRadial = !1, Z && ht && (Z.axis = this), this.isCircular = ht);
  13929. }
  13930. function I() {
  13931. this.isRadial && this.beforeSetTickPositions();
  13932. }
  13933. function W(Z) {
  13934. var q = this.label;
  13935. if (q) {
  13936. var it = this.axis, et = q.getBBox(), nt = it.options.labels, rt = (it.translate(this.pos) + it.startAngleRad + Math.PI / 2) / Math.PI * 180 % 360, ct = Math.round(rt), gt = R(nt.y) ? 0 : 0.3 * -et.height, dt = nt.y, ht = 20, at = nt.align, J = "end", tt = 0 > ct ? ct + 360 : ct, ot = tt, lt = 0, pt = 0;
  13937. if (it.isRadial) {
  13938. var yt = it.getPosition(this.pos,[2] / 2 + d(f(nt.distance, -25),[2] / 2,[2] / 2));
  13939. nt.rotation === "auto" ? q.attr({ rotation: rt }) : R(dt) || (dt = it.chart.renderer.fontMetrics(q.styles && q.styles.fontSize).b - et.height / 2), R(at) || (it.isCircular ? (et.width > it.len * it.tickInterval / (it.max - it.min) && (ht = 0), at = rt > ht && rt < 180 - ht ? "left" : rt > 180 + ht && rt < 360 - ht ? "right" : "center") : at = "center", q.attr({ align: at })), at === "auto" && it.tickPositions.length === 2 && it.isCircular && (90 < tt && 180 > tt ? tt = 180 - tt : 270 < tt && 360 >= tt && (tt = 540 - tt), 180 < ot && 360 >= ot && (ot = 360 - ot), (it.pane.options.startAngle === ct || it.pane.options.startAngle === ct + 360 || it.pane.options.startAngle === ct - 360) && (J = "start"), at = -90 <= ct && 90 >= ct || -360 <= ct && -270 >= ct || 270 <= ct && 360 >= ct ? J === "start" ? "right" : "left" : J === "start" ? "left" : "right", 70 < ot && 110 > ot && (at = "center"), 15 > tt || 180 <= tt && 195 > tt ? lt = 0.3 * et.height : 15 <= tt && 35 >= tt ? lt = J === "start" ? 0 : 0.75 * et.height : 195 <= tt && 215 >= tt ? lt = J === "start" ? 0.75 * et.height : 0 : 35 < tt && 90 >= tt ? lt = J === "start" ? 0.25 * -et.height : et.height : 215 < tt && 270 >= tt && (lt = J === "start" ? et.height : 0.25 * -et.height), 15 > ot ? pt = J === "start" ? 0.15 * -et.height : 0.15 * et.height : 165 < ot && 180 >= ot && (pt = J === "start" ? 0.15 * et.height : 0.15 * -et.height), q.attr({ align: at }), q.translate(
  13940. pt,
  13941. lt + gt
  13942. )), Z.pos.x = yt.x + (nt.x || 0), Z.pos.y = yt.y + (dt || 0);
  13943. }
  13944. }
  13945. }
  13946. function E(Z) {
  13947. this.axis.getPosition && B(Z.pos, this.axis.getPosition(this.pos));
  13948. }
  13949. function X(Z, q) {
  13950. var it = this.chart, et =;
  13951. return Z = this.startAngleRad + Z, { x: it.plotLeft + et[0] + Math.cos(Z) * q, y: it.plotTop + et[1] + Math.sin(Z) * q };
  13952. }
  13953. function g() {
  13954. this.isDirty = !1;
  13955. }
  13956. function m() {
  13957. if (, this.isRadial) {
  13958. this.pane.updateCenter(this);
  13959. var Z = =;
  13960. if (this.isCircular)
  13961. this.sector = this.endAngleRad - this.startAngleRad;
  13962. else {
  13963. var q = this.postTranslate(this.angleRad, Z[3] / 2);
  13964. Z[0] = q.x - this.chart.plotLeft, Z[1] = q.y - this.chart.plotTop;
  13965. }
  13966. this.len = this.width = this.height = (Z[2] - Z[3]) * f(this.sector, 1) / 2;
  13967. }
  13968. }
  13969. function L() {
  13970., && (this.transA = this.isCircular ? (this.endAngleRad - this.startAngleRad) / (this.max - this.min || 1) : ([2] -[3]) / 2 / (this.max - this.min || 1), this.minPixelPadding = this.isXAxis ? this.transA * this.minPointOffset : 0);
  13971. }
  13972. function z(Z) {
  13973. Z = this.options = x(this.constructor.defaultOptions, this.defaultPolarOptions, U[this.coll], Z), Z.plotBands || (Z.plotBands = []), S(this, "afterSetOptions");
  13974. }
  13975. function $(Z, q, it, et, nt, rt, ct) {
  13976. var gt = this.axis;
  13977. return gt.isRadial ? (Z = gt.getPosition(this.pos,[2] / 2 + et), q = ["M", q, it, "L", Z.x, Z.y]) : q =, q, it, et, nt, rt, ct), q;
  13978. }
  13979. var Q = [], A = { gridLineWidth: 1, labels: { align: void 0, distance: 15, x: 0, y: void 0, style: { textOverflow: "none" } }, maxPadding: 0, minPadding: 0, showLastLabel: !1, tickLength: 0 }, F = {
  13980. labels: { align: "center", x: 0, y: void 0 },
  13981. minorGridLineWidth: 0,
  13982. minorTickInterval: "auto",
  13983. minorTickLength: 10,
  13984. minorTickPosition: "inside",
  13985. minorTickWidth: 1,
  13986. tickLength: 10,
  13987. tickPosition: "inside",
  13988. tickWidth: 2,
  13989. title: { rotation: 0 },
  13990. zIndex: 2
  13991. }, Y = { gridLineInterpolation: "circle", gridLineWidth: 1, labels: { align: "right", x: -3, y: -2 }, showLastLabel: !1, title: { x: 4, text: null, rotation: 90 } };
  13992. j.compose = function(Z, q) {
  13993. return Q.indexOf(Z) === -1 && (Q.push(Z), V(Z, "afterInit", s), V(Z, "autoLabelAlign", n), V(Z, "destroy", P), V(Z, "init", _), V(Z, "initialAxisTranslation", I)), Q.indexOf(q) === -1 && (Q.push(q), V(
  13994. q,
  13995. "afterGetLabelPosition",
  13996. W
  13997. ), V(q, "afterGetPosition", E), T(q.prototype, "getMarkPath", $)), Z;
  13998. };
  13999. }(O || (O = {})), O;
  14000. }), M(p, "Series/AreaRange/AreaRangePoint.js", [p["Series/Area/AreaSeries.js"], p["Core/Series/Point.js"], p["Core/Utilities.js"]], function(o, y, N) {
  14001. var D = this && this.__extends || function() {
  14002. var G = function(R, B) {
  14003. return G = Object.setPrototypeOf || { __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function(S, x) {
  14004. S.__proto__ = x;
  14005. } || function(S, x) {
  14006. for (var f in x)
  14007. x.hasOwnProperty(f) && (S[f] = x[f]);
  14008. }, G(R, B);
  14009. };
  14010. return function(R, B) {
  14011. function S() {
  14012. this.constructor = R;
  14013. }
  14014. G(R, B), R.prototype = B === null ? Object.create(B) : (S.prototype = B.prototype, new S());
  14015. };
  14016. }(), U = y.prototype, H = N.defined, V = N.isNumber;
  14017. return function(G) {
  14018. function R() {
  14019. var B = G !== null && G.apply(this, arguments) || this;
  14020. return B.high = void 0, B.low = void 0, B.options = void 0, B.plotHigh = void 0, B.plotLow = void 0, B.plotHighX = void 0, B.plotLowX = void 0, B.plotX = void 0, B.series = void 0, B;
  14021. }
  14022. return D(R, G), R.prototype.setState = function() {
  14023. var B = this.state, S = this.series, x = S.chart.polar;
  14024. H(this.plotHigh) || (this.plotHigh = S.yAxis.toPixels(
  14025. this.high,
  14026. !0
  14027. )), H(this.plotLow) || (this.plotLow = this.plotY = S.yAxis.toPixels(this.low, !0)), S.stateMarkerGraphic && (S.lowerStateMarkerGraphic = S.stateMarkerGraphic, S.stateMarkerGraphic = S.upperStateMarkerGraphic), this.graphic = this.upperGraphic, this.plotY = this.plotHigh, x && (this.plotX = this.plotHighX), U.setState.apply(this, arguments), this.state = B, this.plotY = this.plotLow, this.graphic = this.lowerGraphic, x && (this.plotX = this.plotLowX), S.stateMarkerGraphic && (S.upperStateMarkerGraphic = S.stateMarkerGraphic, S.stateMarkerGraphic = S.lowerStateMarkerGraphic, S.lowerStateMarkerGraphic = void 0), U.setState.apply(this, arguments);
  14028. }, R.prototype.haloPath = function() {
  14029. var B = this.series.chart.polar, S = [];
  14030. return this.plotY = this.plotLow, B && (this.plotX = this.plotLowX), this.isInside && (S = U.haloPath.apply(this, arguments)), this.plotY = this.plotHigh, B && (this.plotX = this.plotHighX), this.isTopInside && (S = S.concat(U.haloPath.apply(this, arguments))), S;
  14031. }, R.prototype.isValid = function() {
  14032. return V(this.low) && V(this.high);
  14033. }, R;
  14034. }(o.prototype.pointClass);
  14035. }), M(
  14036. p,
  14037. "Series/AreaRange/AreaRangeSeries.js",
  14038. [p["Series/AreaRange/AreaRangePoint.js"], p["Series/Area/AreaSeries.js"], p["Series/Column/ColumnSeries.js"], p["Core/Globals.js"], p["Core/Series/Series.js"], p["Core/Series/SeriesRegistry.js"], p["Core/Utilities.js"]],
  14039. function(o, y, N, D, U, H, V) {
  14040. var G = this && this.__extends || function() {
  14041. var j = function(k, b) {
  14042. return j = Object.setPrototypeOf || { __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function(w, v) {
  14043. w.__proto__ = v;
  14044. } || function(w, v) {
  14045. for (var l in v)
  14046. v.hasOwnProperty(l) && (w[l] = v[l]);
  14047. }, j(k, b);
  14048. };
  14049. return function(k, b) {
  14050. function w() {
  14051. this.constructor = k;
  14052. }
  14053. j(k, b), k.prototype = b === null ? Object.create(b) : (w.prototype = b.prototype, new w());
  14054. };
  14055. }(), R = y.prototype, B = N.prototype;
  14056. N = D.noop;
  14057. var S = U.prototype, x = V.defined, f = V.extend, d = V.isArray, T = V.pick, O = V.merge;
  14058. return U = function(j) {
  14059. function k() {
  14060. var b = j !== null && j.apply(this, arguments) || this;
  14061. return = void 0, b.options = void 0, b.points = void 0, b.lowerStateMarkerGraphic = void 0, b.xAxis = void 0, b;
  14062. }
  14063. return G(k, j), k.prototype.toYData = function(b) {
  14064. return [b.low, b.high];
  14065. }, k.prototype.highToXY = function(b) {
  14066. var w = this.chart, v = this.xAxis.postTranslate(b.rectPlotX || 0, this.yAxis.len - b.plotHigh);
  14067. b.plotHighX = v.x - w.plotLeft, b.plotHigh = v.y - w.plotTop, b.plotLowX = b.plotX;
  14068. }, k.prototype.translate = function() {
  14069. var b = this, w = b.yAxis;
  14070. R.translate.apply(b), b.points.forEach(function(v) {
  14071. var l = v.high, h = v.plotY;
  14072. v.isNull ? v.plotY = null : (v.plotLow = h, v.plotHigh = w.translate(b.dataModify ? b.dataModify.modifyValue(l) : l, 0, 1, 0, 1), b.dataModify && (v.yBottom = v.plotHigh));
  14073. }), this.chart.polar && this.points.forEach(function(v) {
  14074. b.highToXY(v), v.tooltipPos = [(v.plotHighX + v.plotLowX) / 2, (v.plotHigh + v.plotLow) / 2];
  14075. });
  14076. }, k.prototype.getGraphPath = function(b) {
  14077. var w = [], v = [], l, h = R.getGraphPath, u = this.options, i = this.chart.polar, c = i && u.connectEnds !== !1, a = u.connectNulls, t = u.step;
  14078. for (b = b || this.points, l = b.length; l--; ) {
  14079. var s = b[l], n = i ? { plotX: s.rectPlotX, plotY: s.yBottom, doCurve: !1 } : { plotX: s.plotX, plotY: s.plotY, doCurve: !1 };
  14080. s.isNull || c || a || b[l + 1] && !b[l + 1].isNull || v.push(n);
  14081. var P = { polarPlotY: s.polarPlotY, rectPlotX: s.rectPlotX, yBottom: s.yBottom, plotX: T(
  14082. s.plotHighX,
  14083. s.plotX
  14084. ), plotY: s.plotHigh, isNull: s.isNull };
  14085. v.push(P), w.push(P), s.isNull || c || a || b[l - 1] && !b[l - 1].isNull || v.push(n);
  14086. }
  14087. return b =, b), t && (t === !0 && (t = "left"), u.step = { left: "right", center: "center", right: "left" }[t]), w =, w), v =, v), u.step = t, u = [].concat(b, w), !this.chart.polar && v[0] && v[0][0] === "M" && (v[0] = ["L", v[0][1], v[0][2]]), this.graphPath = u, this.areaPath = b.concat(v), u.isArea = !0, u.xMap = b.xMap, this.areaPath.xMap = b.xMap, u;
  14088. }, k.prototype.drawDataLabels = function() {
  14089. var b = this.points, w = b.length, v, l = [], h = this.options.dataLabels, u, i = this.chart.inverted;
  14090. if (h) {
  14091. if (d(h))
  14092. var c = h[0] || { enabled: !1 }, a = h[1] || { enabled: !1 };
  14093. else
  14094. c = f({}, h), c.x = h.xHigh, c.y = h.yHigh, a = f({}, h), a.x = h.xLow, a.y = h.yLow;
  14095. if (c.enabled || this._hasPointLabels) {
  14096. for (v = w; v--; )
  14097. if (u = b[v]) {
  14098. var t = c.inside ? u.plotHigh < u.plotLow : u.plotHigh > u.plotLow;
  14099. u.y = u.high, u._plotY = u.plotY, u.plotY = u.plotHigh, l[v] = u.dataLabel, u.dataLabel = u.dataLabelUpper, u.below = t, i ? c.align || (c.align = t ? "right" : "left") : c.verticalAlign || (c.verticalAlign = t ? "top" : "bottom");
  14100. }
  14101. for (this.options.dataLabels = c, S.drawDataLabels && S.drawDataLabels.apply(this, arguments), v = w; v--; )
  14102. (u = b[v]) && (u.dataLabelUpper = u.dataLabel, u.dataLabel = l[v], delete u.dataLabels, u.y = u.low, u.plotY = u._plotY);
  14103. }
  14104. if (a.enabled || this._hasPointLabels) {
  14105. for (v = w; v--; )
  14106. (u = b[v]) && (t = a.inside ? u.plotHigh < u.plotLow : u.plotHigh > u.plotLow, u.below = !t, i ? a.align || (a.align = t ? "left" : "right") : a.verticalAlign || (a.verticalAlign = t ? "bottom" : "top"));
  14107. this.options.dataLabels = a, S.drawDataLabels && S.drawDataLabels.apply(this, arguments);
  14108. }
  14109. if (c.enabled)
  14110. for (v = w; v--; )
  14111. (u = b[v]) && (u.dataLabels = [u.dataLabelUpper, u.dataLabel].filter(function(s) {
  14112. return !!s;
  14113. }));
  14114. this.options.dataLabels = h;
  14115. }
  14116. }, k.prototype.alignDataLabel = function() {
  14117. B.alignDataLabel.apply(this, arguments);
  14118. }, k.prototype.drawPoints = function() {
  14119. var b = this.points.length, w;
  14120. for (S.drawPoints.apply(this, arguments), w = 0; w < b; ) {
  14121. var v = this.points[w];
  14122. v.origProps = { plotY: v.plotY, plotX: v.plotX, isInside: v.isInside, negative: v.negative, zone:, y: v.y }, v.lowerGraphic = v.graphic, v.graphic = v.upperGraphic, v.plotY = v.plotHigh, x(v.plotHighX) && (v.plotX = v.plotHighX), v.y = T(v.high, v.origProps.y), v.negative = v.y < (this.options.threshold || 0), this.zones.length && ( = v.getZone()), this.chart.polar || (v.isInside = v.isTopInside = typeof v.plotY < "u" && 0 <= v.plotY && v.plotY <= this.yAxis.len && 0 <= v.plotX && v.plotX <= this.xAxis.len), w++;
  14123. }
  14124. for (S.drawPoints.apply(this, arguments), w = 0; w < b; )
  14125. v = this.points[w], v.upperGraphic = v.graphic, v.graphic = v.lowerGraphic, v.origProps && (f(v, v.origProps), delete v.origProps), w++;
  14126. }, k.defaultOptions = O(y.defaultOptions, {
  14127. lineWidth: 1,
  14128. threshold: null,
  14129. tooltip: { pointFormat: '<span style="color:{series.color}">●</span> {}: <b>{point.low}</b> - <b>{point.high}</b><br/>' },
  14130. trackByArea: !0,
  14131. dataLabels: { align: void 0, verticalAlign: void 0, xLow: 0, xHigh: 0, yLow: 0, yHigh: 0 }
  14132. }), k;
  14133. }(y), f(U.prototype, { pointArrayMap: ["low", "high"], pointValKey: "low", deferTranslatePolar: !0, pointClass: o, setStackedPoints: N }), H.registerSeriesType("arearange", U), U;
  14134. }
  14135. ), M(p, "Series/AreaSplineRange/AreaSplineRangeSeries.js", [
  14136. p["Series/AreaRange/AreaRangeSeries.js"],
  14137. p["Core/Series/SeriesRegistry.js"],
  14138. p["Core/Utilities.js"]
  14139. ], function(o, y, N) {
  14140. var D = this && this.__extends || function() {
  14141. var G = function(R, B) {
  14142. return G = Object.setPrototypeOf || { __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function(S, x) {
  14143. S.__proto__ = x;
  14144. } || function(S, x) {
  14145. for (var f in x)
  14146. x.hasOwnProperty(f) && (S[f] = x[f]);
  14147. }, G(R, B);
  14148. };
  14149. return function(R, B) {
  14150. function S() {
  14151. this.constructor = R;
  14152. }
  14153. G(R, B), R.prototype = B === null ? Object.create(B) : (S.prototype = B.prototype, new S());
  14154. };
  14155. }(), U = y.seriesTypes.spline, H = N.merge;
  14156. N = N.extend;
  14157. var V = function(G) {
  14158. function R() {
  14159. var B = G !== null && G.apply(this, arguments) || this;
  14160. return B.options = void 0, = void 0, B.points = void 0, B;
  14161. }
  14162. return D(R, G), R.defaultOptions = H(o.defaultOptions), R;
  14163. }(o);
  14164. return N(V.prototype, { getPointSpline: U.prototype.getPointSpline }), y.registerSeriesType("areasplinerange", V), V;
  14165. }), M(p, "Series/BoxPlot/BoxPlotSeries.js", [p["Series/Column/ColumnSeries.js"], p["Core/Globals.js"], p["Core/Series/SeriesRegistry.js"], p["Core/Utilities.js"]], function(o, y, N, D) {
  14166. var U = this && this.__extends || function() {
  14167. var R = function(B, S) {
  14168. return R = Object.setPrototypeOf || { __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function(x, f) {
  14169. x.__proto__ = f;
  14170. } || function(x, f) {
  14171. for (var d in f)
  14172. f.hasOwnProperty(d) && (x[d] = f[d]);
  14173. }, R(B, S);
  14174. };
  14175. return function(B, S) {
  14176. function x() {
  14177. this.constructor = B;
  14178. }
  14179. R(B, S), B.prototype = S === null ? Object.create(S) : (x.prototype = S.prototype, new x());
  14180. };
  14181. }();
  14182. y = y.noop;
  14183. var H = D.extend, V = D.merge, G = D.pick;
  14184. return D = function(R) {
  14185. function B() {
  14186. var S = R !== null && R.apply(this, arguments) || this;
  14187. return = void 0, S.options = void 0, S.points = void 0, S;
  14188. }
  14189. return U(B, R), B.prototype.pointAttribs = function() {
  14190. return {};
  14191. }, B.prototype.translate = function() {
  14192. var S = this.yAxis, x = this.pointArrayMap;
  14193. R.prototype.translate.apply(this), this.points.forEach(function(f) {
  14194. x.forEach(function(d) {
  14195. f[d] !== null && (f[d + "Plot"] = S.translate(f[d], 0, 1, 0, 1));
  14196. }), f.plotHigh = f.highPlot;
  14197. });
  14198. }, B.prototype.drawPoints = function() {
  14199. var S = this, x = S.options, f = S.chart, d = f.renderer, T, O, j, k, b, w, v = 0, l, h, u, i, c = S.doQuartiles !== !1, a, t = S.options.whiskerLength;
  14200. S.points.forEach(function(s) {
  14201. var n = s.graphic, P = n ? "animate" : "attr", _ = s.shapeArgs, I = {}, W = {}, E = {}, X = {}, g = s.color || S.color;
  14202. typeof s.plotY < "u" && (l = Math.round(_.width), h = Math.floor(_.x), u = h + l, i = Math.round(l / 2), T = Math.floor(c ? s.q1Plot : s.lowPlot), O = Math.floor(c ? s.q3Plot : s.lowPlot), j = Math.floor(s.highPlot), k = Math.floor(s.lowPlot), n || (s.graphic = n = d.g("point").add(, s.stem = d.path().addClass("highcharts-boxplot-stem").add(n), t && (s.whiskers = d.path().addClass("highcharts-boxplot-whisker").add(n)), c && ( = d.path(void 0).addClass("highcharts-boxplot-box").add(n)), s.medianShape = d.path(void 0).addClass("highcharts-boxplot-median").add(n)), f.styledMode || (W.stroke = s.stemColor || x.stemColor || g, W["stroke-width"] = G(s.stemWidth, x.stemWidth, x.lineWidth), W.dashstyle = s.stemDashStyle || x.stemDashStyle || x.dashStyle, s.stem.attr(W), t && (E.stroke = s.whiskerColor || x.whiskerColor || g, E["stroke-width"] = G(s.whiskerWidth, x.whiskerWidth, x.lineWidth), E.dashstyle = s.whiskerDashStyle || x.whiskerDashStyle || x.dashStyle, s.whiskers.attr(E)), c && (I.fill = s.fillColor || x.fillColor || g, I.stroke = x.lineColor || g, I["stroke-width"] = x.lineWidth || 0, I.dashstyle = s.boxDashStyle || x.boxDashStyle || x.dashStyle,, X.stroke = s.medianColor || x.medianColor || g, X["stroke-width"] = G(s.medianWidth, x.medianWidth, x.lineWidth), X.dashstyle = s.medianDashStyle || x.medianDashStyle || x.dashStyle, s.medianShape.attr(X)), w = s.stem.strokeWidth() % 2 / 2, v = h + i + w, n = [["M", v, O], ["L", v, j], ["M", v, T], ["L", v, k]], s.stem[P]({ d: n }), c && (w = % 2 / 2, T = Math.floor(T) + w, O = Math.floor(O) + w, h += w, u += w, n = [["M", h, O], ["L", h, T], ["L", u, T], ["L", u, O], ["L", h, O], ["Z"]],[P]({ d: n })), t && (w = s.whiskers.strokeWidth() % 2 / 2, j += w, k += w, a = /%$/.test(t) ? i * parseFloat(t) / 100 : t / 2, n = [["M", v - a, j], ["L", v + a, j], ["M", v - a, k], ["L", v + a, k]], s.whiskers[P]({ d: n })), b = Math.round(s.medianPlot), w = s.medianShape.strokeWidth() % 2 / 2, b += w, n = [["M", h, b], ["L", u, b]], s.medianShape[P]({ d: n }));
  14203. });
  14204. }, B.prototype.toYData = function(S) {
  14205. return [S.low, S.q1, S.median, S.q3, S.high];
  14206. }, B.defaultOptions = V(o.defaultOptions, {
  14207. threshold: null,
  14208. tooltip: { pointFormat: '<span style="color:{point.color}">●</span> <b> {}</b><br/>Maximum: {point.high}<br/>Upper quartile: {point.q3}<br/>Median: {point.median}<br/>Lower quartile: {point.q1}<br/>Minimum: {point.low}<br/>' },
  14209. whiskerLength: "50%",
  14210. fillColor: "#ffffff",
  14211. lineWidth: 1,
  14212. medianWidth: 2,
  14213. whiskerWidth: 2
  14214. }), B;
  14215. }(o), H(D.prototype, { pointArrayMap: ["low", "q1", "median", "q3", "high"], pointValKey: "high", drawDataLabels: y, setStackedPoints: y }), N.registerSeriesType("boxplot", D), D;
  14216. }), M(p, "Series/Bubble/BubbleLegendDefaults.js", [], function() {
  14217. return { borderColor: void 0, borderWidth: 2, className: void 0, color: void 0, connectorClassName: void 0, connectorColor: void 0, connectorDistance: 60, connectorWidth: 1, enabled: !1, labels: {
  14218. className: void 0,
  14219. allowOverlap: !1,
  14220. format: "",
  14221. formatter: void 0,
  14222. align: "right",
  14223. style: { fontSize: "10px", color: "#000000" },
  14224. x: 0,
  14225. y: 0
  14226. }, maxSize: 60, minSize: 10, legendIndex: 0, ranges: { value: void 0, borderColor: void 0, color: void 0, connectorColor: void 0 }, sizeBy: "area", sizeByAbsoluteValue: !1, zIndex: 1, zThreshold: 0 };
  14227. }), M(p, "Series/Bubble/BubbleLegendItem.js", [p["Core/Color/Color.js"], p["Core/FormatUtilities.js"], p["Core/Globals.js"], p["Core/Utilities.js"]], function(o, y, N, D) {
  14228. var U = o.parse, H = N.noop, V = D.arrayMax, G = D.arrayMin, R = D.isNumber, B = D.merge, S = D.pick, x = D.stableSort;
  14229. return function() {
  14230. function f(d, T) {
  14231. this.options = this.symbols = this.visible = this.selected = this.ranges = this.movementX = this.maxLabel = this.legendSymbol = this.legendItemWidth = this.legendItemHeight = this.legendItem = this.legendGroup = this.legend = this.fontMetrics = this.chart = void 0, this.setState = H, this.init(d, T);
  14232. }
  14233. return f.prototype.init = function(d, T) {
  14234. this.options = d, this.visible = !0, this.chart = T.chart, this.legend = T;
  14235. }, f.prototype.addToLegend = function(d) {
  14236. d.splice(
  14237. this.options.legendIndex,
  14238. 0,
  14239. this
  14240. );
  14241. }, f.prototype.drawLegendSymbol = function(d) {
  14242. var T = this.chart, O = this.options, j = S(d.options.itemDistance, 20), k = O.ranges, b = O.connectorDistance;
  14243. this.fontMetrics = T.renderer.fontMetrics(, k && k.length && R(k[0].value) ? (x(k, function(w, v) {
  14244. return v.value - w.value;
  14245. }), this.ranges = k, this.setOptions(), this.render(), d = this.getMaxLabelSize(), k = this.ranges[0].radius, T = 2 * k, b = b - k + d.width, b = 0 < b ? b : 0, this.maxLabel = d, this.movementX = O.labels.align === "left" ? b : 0, this.legendItemWidth = T + b + j, this.legendItemHeight = T + this.fontMetrics.h / 2) : d.options.bubbleLegend.autoRanges = !0;
  14246. }, f.prototype.setOptions = function() {
  14247. var d = this.ranges, T = this.options, O = this.chart.series[T.seriesIndex], j = this.legend.baseline, k = { zIndex: T.zIndex, "stroke-width": T.borderWidth }, b = { zIndex: T.zIndex, "stroke-width": T.connectorWidth }, w = { align: this.legend.options.rtl || T.labels.align === "left" ? "right" : "left", zIndex: T.zIndex }, v = O.options.marker.fillOpacity, l = this.chart.styledMode;
  14248. d.forEach(function(h, u) {
  14249. l || (k.stroke = S(h.borderColor, T.borderColor, O.color), k.fill = S(h.color, T.color, v !== 1 ? U(O.color).setOpacity(v).get("rgba") : O.color), b.stroke = S(h.connectorColor, T.connectorColor, O.color)), d[u].radius = this.getRangeRadius(h.value), d[u] = B(d[u], { center: d[0].radius - d[u].radius + j }), l || B(!0, d[u], { bubbleAttribs: B(k), connectorAttribs: B(b), labelAttribs: w });
  14250. }, this);
  14251. }, f.prototype.getRangeRadius = function(d) {
  14252. var T = this.options;
  14253. return this.chart.series[this.options.seriesIndex]
  14254. this,
  14255. T.ranges[T.ranges.length - 1].value,
  14256. T.ranges[0].value,
  14257. T.minSize,
  14258. T.maxSize,
  14259. d
  14260. );
  14261. }, f.prototype.render = function() {
  14262. var d = this.chart.renderer, T = this.options.zThreshold;
  14263. this.symbols || (this.symbols = { connectors: [], bubbleItems: [], labels: [] }), this.legendSymbol = d.g("bubble-legend"), this.legendItem = d.g("bubble-legend-item"), this.legendSymbol.translateX = 0, this.legendSymbol.translateY = 0, this.ranges.forEach(function(O) {
  14264. O.value >= T && this.renderRange(O);
  14265. }, this), this.legendSymbol.add(this.legendItem), this.legendItem.add(this.legendGroup), this.hideOverlappingLabels();
  14266. }, f.prototype.renderRange = function(d) {
  14267. var T = this.options, O = T.labels, j = this.chart, k = j.series[T.seriesIndex], b = j.renderer, w = this.symbols;
  14268. j = w.labels;
  14269. var v =, l = Math.abs(d.radius), h = T.connectorDistance || 0, u = O.align, i = T.connectorWidth, c = this.ranges[0].radius || 0, a = v - l - T.borderWidth / 2 + i / 2, t = this.fontMetrics;
  14270. t = t.f / 2 - (t.h - t.f) / 2;
  14271. var s = b.styledMode;
  14272. h = this.legend.options.rtl || u === "left" ? -h : h, u === "center" && (h = 0, T.connectorDistance = 0, d.labelAttribs.align = "center"), u = a + T.labels.y;
  14273. var n = c + h + T.labels.x;
  14274. w.bubbleItems.push(
  14275. c,
  14276. v + ((a % 1 ? 1 : 0.5) - (i % 2 ? 0 : 0.5)),
  14277. l
  14278. ).attr(s ? {} : d.bubbleAttribs).addClass((s ? "highcharts-color-" + k.colorIndex + " " : "") + "highcharts-bubble-legend-symbol " + (T.className || "")).add(this.legendSymbol)), w.connectors.push(b.path(b.crispLine([["M", c, a], ["L", c + h, a]], T.connectorWidth)).attr(s ? {} : d.connectorAttribs).addClass((s ? "highcharts-color-" + this.options.seriesIndex + " " : "") + "highcharts-bubble-legend-connectors " + (T.connectorClassName || "")).add(this.legendSymbol)), d = b.text(this.formatLabel(d), n, u + t).attr(s ? {} : d.labelAttribs).css(s ? {} :"highcharts-bubble-legend-labels " + (T.labels.className || "")).add(this.legendSymbol), j.push(d), d.placed = !0, d.alignAttr = { x: n, y: u + t };
  14279. }, f.prototype.getMaxLabelSize = function() {
  14280. var d, T;
  14281. return this.symbols.labels.forEach(function(O) {
  14282. T = O.getBBox(!0), d = d ? T.width > d.width ? T : d : T;
  14283. }), d || {};
  14284. }, f.prototype.formatLabel = function(d) {
  14285. var T = this.options, O = T.labels.formatter;
  14286. T = T.labels.format;
  14287. var j = this.chart.numberFormatter;
  14288. return T ? y.format(T, d) : O ? : j(d.value, 1);
  14289. }, f.prototype.hideOverlappingLabels = function() {
  14290. var d = this.chart, T = this.symbols;
  14291. !this.options.labels.allowOverlap && T && (d.hideOverlappingLabels(T.labels), T.labels.forEach(function(O, j) {
  14292. O.newOpacity ? O.newOpacity !== O.oldOpacity && T.connectors[j].show() : T.connectors[j].hide();
  14293. }));
  14294. }, f.prototype.getRanges = function() {
  14295. var d = this.legend.bubbleLegend, T = d.options.ranges, O, j = Number.MAX_VALUE, k = -Number.MAX_VALUE;
  14296. d.chart.series.forEach(function(w) {
  14297. w.isBubble && !w.ignoreSeries && (O = w.zData.filter(R), O.length && (j = S(w.options.zMin, Math.min(j, Math.max(
  14298. G(O),
  14299. w.options.displayNegative === !1 ? w.options.zThreshold : -Number.MAX_VALUE
  14300. ))), k = S(w.options.zMax, Math.max(k, V(O)))));
  14301. });
  14302. var b = j === k ? [{ value: k }] : [{ value: j }, { value: (j + k) / 2 }, { value: k, autoRanges: !0 }];
  14303. return T.length && T[0].radius && b.reverse(), b.forEach(function(w, v) {
  14304. T && T[v] && (b[v] = B(T[v], w));
  14305. }), b;
  14306. }, f.prototype.predictBubbleSizes = function() {
  14307. var d = this.chart, T = this.fontMetrics, O = d.legend.options, j = O.floating, k = (O = O.layout === "horizontal") ? d.legend.lastLineHeight : 0, b = d.plotSizeX, w = d.plotSizeY, v = d.series[this.options.seriesIndex], l = v.getPxExtremes();
  14308. d = Math.ceil(l.minPxSize), l = Math.ceil(l.maxPxSize);
  14309. var h = Math.min(w, b);
  14310. return v = v.options.maxSize, j || !/%$/.test(v) ? T = l : (v = parseFloat(v), T = (h + k - T.h / 2) * v / 100 / (v / 100 + 1), (O && w - T >= b || !O && b - T >= w) && (T = l)), [d, Math.ceil(T)];
  14311. }, f.prototype.updateRanges = function(d, T) {
  14312. var O = this.legend.options.bubbleLegend;
  14313. O.minSize = d, O.maxSize = T, O.ranges = this.getRanges();
  14314. }, f.prototype.correctSizes = function() {
  14315. var d = this.legend, T = this.chart.series[this.options.seriesIndex].getPxExtremes();
  14316. 1 < Math.abs(Math.ceil(T.maxPxSize) - this.options.maxSize) && (this.updateRanges(this.options.minSize, T.maxPxSize), d.render());
  14317. }, f;
  14318. }();
  14319. }), M(p, "Series/Bubble/BubbleLegendComposition.js", [p["Series/Bubble/BubbleLegendDefaults.js"], p["Series/Bubble/BubbleLegendItem.js"], p["Core/DefaultOptions.js"], p["Core/Utilities.js"]], function(o, y, N, D) {
  14320. var U = N.setOptions, H = D.addEvent, V = D.objectEach, G = D.wrap, R;
  14321. return function(B) {
  14322. function S(k, b, w) {
  14323. var v = this.legend, l = 0 <= x(this);
  14324. if (v && v.options.enabled && v.bubbleLegend && v.options.bubbleLegend.autoRanges && l) {
  14325. var h = v.bubbleLegend.options;
  14326. l = v.bubbleLegend.predictBubbleSizes(), v.bubbleLegend.updateRanges(l[0], l[1]), h.placed || ( = !1, v.allItems.forEach(function(u) {
  14327. u.legendGroup.translateY = null;
  14328. })), v.render(), this.getMargins(), this.axes.forEach(function(u) {
  14329. u.visible && u.render(), h.placed || (u.setScale(), u.updateNames(), V(u.ticks, function(i) {
  14330. i.isNew = !0, i.isNewLabel = !0;
  14331. }));
  14332. }), h.placed = !0, this.getMargins(),, b, w), v.bubbleLegend.correctSizes(), O(v, f(v));
  14333. } else
  14334., b, w), v && v.options.enabled && v.bubbleLegend && (v.render(), O(v, f(v)));
  14335. }
  14336. function x(k) {
  14337. k = k.series;
  14338. for (var b = 0; b < k.length; ) {
  14339. if (k[b] && k[b].isBubble && k[b].visible && k[b].zData.length)
  14340. return b;
  14341. b++;
  14342. }
  14343. return -1;
  14344. }
  14345. function f(k) {
  14346. k = k.allItems;
  14347. var b = [], w = k.length, v, l = 0;
  14348. for (v = 0; v < w; v++)
  14349. if (k[v].legendItemHeight && (k[v].itemHeight = k[v].legendItemHeight), k[v] === k[w - 1] || k[v + 1] && k[v]._legendItemPos[1] !== k[v + 1]._legendItemPos[1]) {
  14350. b.push({ height: 0 });
  14351. var h = b[b.length - 1];
  14352. for (l; l <= v; l++)
  14353. k[l].itemHeight > h.height && (h.height = k[l].itemHeight);
  14354. h.step = v;
  14355. }
  14356. return b;
  14357. }
  14358. function d(k) {
  14359. var b = this.bubbleLegend, w = this.options, v = w.bubbleLegend, l = x(this.chart);
  14360. b && b.ranges && b.ranges.length && (v.ranges.length && (v.autoRanges = !!v.ranges[0].autoRanges), this.destroyItem(b)), 0 <= l && w.enabled && v.enabled && (v.seriesIndex = l, this.bubbleLegend = new y(v, this), this.bubbleLegend.addToLegend(k.allItems));
  14361. }
  14362. function T() {
  14363. var k = this.chart, b = this.visible, w = this.chart.legend;
  14364. w && w.bubbleLegend && (this.visible = !b, this.ignoreSeries = b, k = 0 <= x(k), w.bubbleLegend.visible !== k && (w.update({ bubbleLegend: { enabled: k } }), w.bubbleLegend.visible = k), this.visible = b);
  14365. }
  14366. function O(k, b) {
  14367. var w = k.options.rtl, v, l, h, u = 0;
  14368. k.allItems.forEach(function(i, c) {
  14369. v = i.legendGroup.translateX, l = i._legendItemPos[1], ((h = i.movementX) || w && i.ranges) && (h = w ? v - i.options.maxSize / 2 : v + h, i.legendGroup.attr({ translateX: h })), c > b[u].step && u++, i.legendGroup.attr({ translateY: Math.round(l + b[u].height / 2) }), i._legendItemPos[1] = l + b[u].height / 2;
  14370. });
  14371. }
  14372. var j = [];
  14373. B.compose = function(k, b, w) {
  14374. j.indexOf(k) === -1 && (j.push(k), U({ legend: { bubbleLegend: o } }), G(k.prototype, "drawChartBox", S)), j.indexOf(b) === -1 && (j.push(b), H(b, "afterGetAllItems", d)), j.indexOf(w) === -1 && (j.push(w), H(w, "legendItemClick", T));
  14375. };
  14376. }(R || (R = {})), R;
  14377. }), M(p, "Series/Bubble/BubblePoint.js", [p["Core/Series/Point.js"], p["Core/Series/SeriesRegistry.js"], p["Core/Utilities.js"]], function(o, y, N) {
  14378. var D = this && this.__extends || function() {
  14379. var U = function(H, V) {
  14380. return U = Object.setPrototypeOf || { __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function(G, R) {
  14381. G.__proto__ = R;
  14382. } || function(G, R) {
  14383. for (var B in R)
  14384. R.hasOwnProperty(B) && (G[B] = R[B]);
  14385. }, U(H, V);
  14386. };
  14387. return function(H, V) {
  14388. function G() {
  14389. this.constructor = H;
  14390. }
  14391. U(H, V), H.prototype = V === null ? Object.create(V) : (G.prototype = V.prototype, new G());
  14392. };
  14393. }();
  14394. return N = N.extend, y = function(U) {
  14395. function H() {
  14396. var V = U !== null && U.apply(this, arguments) || this;
  14397. return V.options = void 0, V.series = void 0, V;
  14398. }
  14399. return D(H, U), H.prototype.haloPath = function(V) {
  14400. return, V === 0 ? 0 : (this.marker && this.marker.radius || 0) + V);
  14401. }, H;
  14402. }(y.seriesTypes.scatter.prototype.pointClass), N(y.prototype, { ttBelow: !1 }), y;
  14403. }), M(p, "Series/Bubble/BubbleSeries.js", [
  14404. p["Core/Axis/Axis.js"],
  14405. p["Series/Bubble/BubbleLegendComposition.js"],
  14406. p["Series/Bubble/BubblePoint.js"],
  14407. p["Core/Color/Color.js"],
  14408. p["Core/Globals.js"],
  14409. p["Core/Series/Series.js"],
  14410. p["Core/Series/SeriesRegistry.js"],
  14411. p["Core/Utilities.js"]
  14412. ], function(o, y, N, D, U, H, V, G) {
  14413. var R = this && this.__extends || function() {
  14414. var w = function(v, l) {
  14415. return w = Object.setPrototypeOf || { __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function(h, u) {
  14416. h.__proto__ = u;
  14417. } || function(h, u) {
  14418. for (var i in u)
  14419. u.hasOwnProperty(i) && (h[i] = u[i]);
  14420. }, w(v, l);
  14421. };
  14422. return function(v, l) {
  14423. function h() {
  14424. this.constructor = v;
  14425. }
  14426. w(v, l), v.prototype = l === null ? Object.create(l) : (h.prototype = l.prototype, new h());
  14427. };
  14428. }(), B = D.parse;
  14429. D = U.noop;
  14430. var S = V.seriesTypes;
  14431. U = S.column;
  14432. var x = S.scatter;
  14433. S = G.addEvent;
  14434. var f = G.arrayMax, d = G.arrayMin, T = G.clamp, O = G.extend, j = G.isNumber, k = G.merge, b = G.pick;
  14435. return G = function(w) {
  14436. function v() {
  14437. var l = w !== null && w.apply(this, arguments) || this;
  14438. return = void 0, l.maxPxSize = void 0, l.minPxSize = void 0, l.options = void 0, l.points = void 0, l.radii = void 0, l.yData = void 0, l.zData = void 0, l;
  14439. }
  14440. return R(v, w), v.prototype.animate = function(l) {
  14441. !l && this.points.length < this.options.animationLimit && this.points.forEach(function(h) {
  14442. var u = h.graphic;
  14443. u && u.width && (this.hasRendered || u.attr({ x: h.plotX, y: h.plotY, width: 1, height: 1 }), u.animate(this.markerAttribs(h), this.options.animation));
  14444. }, this);
  14445. }, v.prototype.getRadii = function() {
  14446. var l = this, h = this.zData, u = this.yData, i = [], c = this.chart.bubbleZExtremes, a = this.getPxExtremes(), t = a.minPxSize, s = a.maxPxSize;
  14447. if (!c) {
  14448. var n = Number.MAX_VALUE, P = -Number.MAX_VALUE, _;
  14449. this.chart.series.forEach(function(E) {
  14450. E.bubblePadding && (E.visible || !l.chart.options.chart.ignoreHiddenSeries) && (E = E.getZExtremes()) && (n = Math.min(n || E.zMin, E.zMin), P = Math.max(P || E.zMax, E.zMax), _ = !0);
  14451. }), _ ? (c = { zMin: n, zMax: P }, this.chart.bubbleZExtremes = c) : c = { zMin: 0, zMax: 0 };
  14452. }
  14453. var I = 0;
  14454. for (a = h.length; I < a; I++) {
  14455. var W = h[I];
  14456. i.push(this.getRadius(c.zMin, c.zMax, t, s, W, u[I]));
  14457. }
  14458. this.radii = i;
  14459. }, v.prototype.getRadius = function(l, h, u, i, c, a) {
  14460. var t = this.options, s = t.sizeBy !== "width", n = t.zThreshold, P = h - l, _ = 0.5;
  14461. if (a === null || c === null)
  14462. return null;
  14463. if (j(c)) {
  14464. if (t.sizeByAbsoluteValue && (c = Math.abs(c - n), P = Math.max(h - n, Math.abs(l - n)), l = 0), c < l)
  14465. return u / 2 - 1;
  14466. 0 < P && (_ = (c - l) / P);
  14467. }
  14468. return s && 0 <= _ && (_ = Math.sqrt(_)), Math.ceil(u + _ * (i - u)) / 2;
  14469. }, v.prototype.hasData = function() {
  14470. return !!this.processedXData.length;
  14471. }, v.prototype.pointAttribs = function(l, h) {
  14472. var u = this.options.marker.fillOpacity;
  14473. return l =, l, h), u !== 1 && (l.fill = B(l.fill).setOpacity(u).get("rgba")), l;
  14474. }, v.prototype.translate = function() {
  14475., this.getRadii(), this.translateBubble();
  14476. }, v.prototype.translateBubble = function() {
  14477. for (var l =, h = this.radii, u = this.getPxExtremes().minPxSize, i = l.length; i--; ) {
  14478. var c = l[i], a = h ? h[i] : 0;
  14479. j(a) && a >= u / 2 ? (c.marker = O(c.marker, { radius: a, width: 2 * a, height: 2 * a }), c.dlBox = { x: c.plotX - a, y: c.plotY - a, width: 2 * a, height: 2 * a }) : c.shapeArgs = c.plotY = c.dlBox = void 0;
  14480. }
  14481. }, v.prototype.getPxExtremes = function() {
  14482. var l = Math.min(this.chart.plotWidth, this.chart.plotHeight), h = function(i) {
  14483. if (typeof i == "string") {
  14484. var c = /%$/.test(i);
  14485. i = parseInt(i, 10);
  14486. }
  14487. return c ? l * i / 100 : i;
  14488. }, u = h(b(this.options.minSize, 8));
  14489. return h = Math.max(h(b(this.options.maxSize, "20%")), u), {
  14490. minPxSize: u,
  14491. maxPxSize: h
  14492. };
  14493. }, v.prototype.getZExtremes = function() {
  14494. var l = this.options, h = (this.zData || []).filter(j);
  14495. if (h.length) {
  14496. var u = b(l.zMin, T(d(h), l.displayNegative === !1 ? l.zThreshold || 0 : -Number.MAX_VALUE, Number.MAX_VALUE));
  14497. if (l = b(l.zMax, f(h)), j(u) && j(l))
  14498. return { zMin: u, zMax: l };
  14499. }
  14500. }, v.compose = y.compose, v.defaultOptions = k(x.defaultOptions, { dataLabels: { formatter: function() {
  14501. var l = this.series.chart.numberFormatter, h = this.point.z;
  14502. return j(h) ? l(h, -1) : "";
  14503. }, inside: !0, verticalAlign: "middle" }, animationLimit: 250, marker: {
  14504. lineColor: null,
  14505. lineWidth: 1,
  14506. fillOpacity: 0.5,
  14507. radius: null,
  14508. states: { hover: { radiusPlus: 0 } },
  14509. symbol: "circle"
  14510. }, minSize: 8, maxSize: "20%", softThreshold: !1, states: { hover: { halo: { size: 5 } } }, tooltip: { pointFormat: "({point.x}, {point.y}), Size: {point.z}" }, turboThreshold: 0, zThreshold: 0, zoneAxis: "z" }), v;
  14511. }(x), O(G.prototype, {
  14512. alignDataLabel: U.prototype.alignDataLabel,
  14513. applyZones: D,
  14514. bubblePadding: !0,
  14515. buildKDTree: D,
  14516. directTouch: !0,
  14517. isBubble: !0,
  14518. pointArrayMap: ["y", "z"],
  14519. pointClass: N,
  14520. parallelArrays: ["x", "y", "z"],
  14521. trackerGroups: ["group", "dataLabelsGroup"],
  14522. specialGroup: "group",
  14523. zoneAxis: "z"
  14524. }), S(G, "updatedData", function(w) {
  14525. delete;
  14526. }), o.prototype.beforePadding = function() {
  14527. var w = this, v = this.len, l = this.chart, h = 0, u = v, i = this.isXAxis, c = i ? "xData" : "yData", a = this.min, t = this.max - a, s = v / t, n;
  14528. this.series.forEach(function(P) {
  14529. if (P.bubblePadding && (P.visible || !l.options.chart.ignoreHiddenSeries)) {
  14530. n = w.allowZoomOutside = !0;
  14531. var _ = P[c];
  14532. if (i && P.getRadii(0, 0, P), 0 < t) {
  14533. for (var I = _.length; I--; )
  14534. if (j(_[I]) && w.dataMin <= _[I] && _[I] <= w.max) {
  14535. var W = P.radii && P.radii[I] || 0;
  14536. h = Math.min((_[I] - a) * s - W, h), u = Math.max((_[I] - a) * s + W, u);
  14537. }
  14538. }
  14539. }
  14540. }), n && 0 < t && !this.logarithmic && (u -= v, s *= (v + Math.max(0, h) - Math.min(u, v)) / v, [["min", "userMin", h], ["max", "userMax", u]].forEach(function(P) {
  14541. typeof b(w.options[P[0]], w[P[1]]) > "u" && (w[P[0]] += P[2] / s);
  14542. }));
  14543. }, V.registerSeriesType("bubble", G), G;
  14544. }), M(p, "Series/ColumnRange/ColumnRangePoint.js", [p["Core/Series/SeriesRegistry.js"], p["Core/Utilities.js"]], function(o, y) {
  14545. var N = this && this.__extends || function() {
  14546. var V = function(G, R) {
  14547. return V = Object.setPrototypeOf || { __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function(B, S) {
  14548. B.__proto__ = S;
  14549. } || function(B, S) {
  14550. for (var x in S)
  14551. S.hasOwnProperty(x) && (B[x] = S[x]);
  14552. }, V(G, R);
  14553. };
  14554. return function(G, R) {
  14555. function B() {
  14556. this.constructor = G;
  14557. }
  14558. V(G, R), G.prototype = R === null ? Object.create(R) : (B.prototype = R.prototype, new B());
  14559. };
  14560. }(), D = o.seriesTypes;
  14561. o = D.column.prototype.pointClass;
  14562. var U = y.extend, H = y.isNumber;
  14563. return y = function(V) {
  14564. function G() {
  14565. var R = V !== null && V.apply(this, arguments) || this;
  14566. return R.series = void 0, R.options = void 0, R.barX = void 0, R.pointWidth = void 0, R.shapeType = void 0, R;
  14567. }
  14568. return N(G, V), G.prototype.isValid = function() {
  14569. return H(this.low);
  14570. }, G;
  14571. }(D.arearange.prototype.pointClass), U(y.prototype, { setState: o.prototype.setState }), y;
  14572. }), M(p, "Series/ColumnRange/ColumnRangeSeries.js", [p["Series/ColumnRange/ColumnRangePoint.js"], p["Core/Globals.js"], p["Core/Series/SeriesRegistry.js"], p["Core/Utilities.js"]], function(o, y, N, D) {
  14573. var U = this && this.__extends || function() {
  14574. var T = function(O, j) {
  14575. return T = Object.setPrototypeOf || { __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function(k, b) {
  14576. k.__proto__ = b;
  14577. } || function(k, b) {
  14578. for (var w in b)
  14579. b.hasOwnProperty(w) && (k[w] = b[w]);
  14580. }, T(O, j);
  14581. };
  14582. return function(O, j) {
  14583. function k() {
  14584. this.constructor = O;
  14585. }
  14586. T(O, j), O.prototype = j === null ? Object.create(j) : (k.prototype = j.prototype, new k());
  14587. };
  14588. }();
  14589. y = y.noop;
  14590. var H = N.seriesTypes, V = H.arearange, G = H.column, R = G.prototype, B = V.prototype, S = D.clamp, x = D.merge, f = D.pick;
  14591. D = D.extend;
  14592. var d = { pointRange: null, marker: null, states: { hover: { halo: !1 } } };
  14593. return H = function(T) {
  14594. function O() {
  14595. var j = T !== null && T.apply(this, arguments) || this;
  14596. return = void 0, j.points = void 0, j.options = void 0, j;
  14597. }
  14598. return U(O, T), O.prototype.setOptions = function() {
  14599. return x(!0, arguments[0], { stacking: void 0 }), B.setOptions.apply(this, arguments);
  14600. }, O.prototype.translate = function() {
  14601. var j = this, k = j.yAxis, b = j.xAxis, w = b.startAngleRad, v, l = j.chart, h = j.xAxis.isRadial, u = Math.max(l.chartWidth, l.chartHeight) + 999, i;
  14602. R.translate.apply(j), j.points.forEach(function(c) {
  14603. var a = c.shapeArgs || {}, t = j.options.minPointLength;
  14604. c.plotHigh = i = S(k.translate(c.high, 0, 1, 0, 1), -u, u), c.plotLow = S(c.plotY, -u, u);
  14605. var s = i, n = f(
  14606. c.rectPlotY,
  14607. c.plotY
  14608. ) - i;
  14609. Math.abs(n) < t ? (t -= n, n += t, s -= t / 2) : 0 > n && (n *= -1, s -= n), h ? (v = c.barX + w, c.shapeType = "arc", c.shapeArgs = j.polarArc(s + n, s, v, v + c.pointWidth)) : (a.height = n, a.y = s, t = a.x, t = t === void 0 ? 0 : t, a = a.width, a = a === void 0 ? 0 : a, c.tooltipPos = l.inverted ? [k.len + k.pos - l.plotLeft - s - n / 2, b.len + b.pos - l.plotTop - t - a / 2, n] : [b.left - l.plotLeft + t + a / 2, k.pos - l.plotTop + s + n / 2, n]);
  14610. });
  14611. }, O.prototype.crispCol = function() {
  14612. return R.crispCol.apply(this, arguments);
  14613. }, O.prototype.drawPoints = function() {
  14614. return R.drawPoints.apply(this, arguments);
  14615. }, O.prototype.drawTracker = function() {
  14616. return R.drawTracker.apply(this, arguments);
  14617. }, O.prototype.getColumnMetrics = function() {
  14618. return R.getColumnMetrics.apply(this, arguments);
  14619. }, O.prototype.pointAttribs = function() {
  14620. return R.pointAttribs.apply(this, arguments);
  14621. }, O.prototype.adjustForMissingColumns = function() {
  14622. return R.adjustForMissingColumns.apply(this, arguments);
  14623. }, O.prototype.animate = function() {
  14624. return R.animate.apply(this, arguments);
  14625. }, O.prototype.translate3dPoints = function() {
  14626. return R.translate3dPoints.apply(this, arguments);
  14627. }, O.prototype.translate3dShapes = function() {
  14628. return R.translate3dShapes.apply(this, arguments);
  14629. }, O.defaultOptions = x(G.defaultOptions, V.defaultOptions, d), O;
  14630. }(V), D(H.prototype, { directTouch: !0, trackerGroups: ["group", "dataLabelsGroup"], drawGraph: y, getSymbol: y, polarArc: function() {
  14631. return R.polarArc.apply(this, arguments);
  14632. }, pointClass: o }), N.registerSeriesType("columnrange", H), H;
  14633. }), M(p, "Series/ColumnPyramid/ColumnPyramidSeries.js", [p["Series/Column/ColumnSeries.js"], p["Core/Series/SeriesRegistry.js"], p["Core/Utilities.js"]], function(o, y, N) {
  14634. var D = this && this.__extends || function() {
  14635. var R = function(B, S) {
  14636. return R = Object.setPrototypeOf || { __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function(x, f) {
  14637. x.__proto__ = f;
  14638. } || function(x, f) {
  14639. for (var d in f)
  14640. f.hasOwnProperty(d) && (x[d] = f[d]);
  14641. }, R(B, S);
  14642. };
  14643. return function(B, S) {
  14644. function x() {
  14645. this.constructor = B;
  14646. }
  14647. R(B, S), B.prototype = S === null ? Object.create(S) : (x.prototype = S.prototype, new x());
  14648. };
  14649. }(), U = o.prototype, H = N.clamp, V = N.merge, G = N.pick;
  14650. return N = function(R) {
  14651. function B() {
  14652. var S = R !== null && R.apply(this, arguments) || this;
  14653. return = void 0, S.options = void 0, S.points = void 0, S;
  14654. }
  14655. return D(B, R), B.prototype.translate = function() {
  14656. var S = this, x = S.chart, f = S.options, d = S.dense = 2 > S.closestPointRange * S.xAxis.transA;
  14657. d = S.borderWidth = G(f.borderWidth, d ? 0 : 1);
  14658. var T = S.yAxis, O = f.threshold, j = S.translatedThreshold = T.getThreshold(O), k = G(f.minPointLength, 5), b = S.getColumnMetrics(), w = b.width, v = S.barW = Math.max(w, 1 + 2 * d), l = S.pointXOffset = b.offset;
  14659. x.inverted && (j -= 0.5), f.pointPadding && (v = Math.ceil(v)), U.translate.apply(S), S.points.forEach(function(h) {
  14660. var u = G(h.yBottom, j), i = 999 + Math.abs(u), c = H(h.plotY, -i, T.len + i);
  14661. i = h.plotX + l;
  14662. var a = v / 2, t = Math.min(c, u);
  14663. u = Math.max(c, u) - t;
  14664. var s;
  14665. h.barX = i, h.pointWidth = w, h.tooltipPos = x.inverted ? [T.len + T.pos - x.plotLeft - c, S.xAxis.len - i - a, u] : [i + a, c + T.pos - x.plotTop, u], c = O + ( || h.y), f.stacking === "percent" && (c = O + (0 > h.y) ? -100 : 100), c = T.toPixels(c, !0);
  14666. var n = (s = x.plotHeight - c - (x.plotHeight - j)) ? a * (t - c) / s : 0, P = s ? a * (t + u - c) / s : 0;
  14667. s = i - n + a, n = i + n + a;
  14668. var _ = i + P + a;
  14669. P = i - P + a;
  14670. var I = t - k, W = t + u;
  14671. 0 > h.y && (I = t, W = t + u + k), x.inverted && (_ = T.width - t, s = c - (T.width - j), n = a * (c - _) / s, P = a * (c - (_ - u)) / s, s = i + a + n, n = s - 2 * n, _ = i - P + a, P = i + P + a, I = t, W = t + u - k, 0 > h.y && (W = t + u + k)), h.shapeType = "path", h.shapeArgs = { x: s, y: I, width: n - s, height: u, d: [["M", s, I], ["L", n, I], ["L", _, W], ["L", P, W], ["Z"]] };
  14672. });
  14673. }, B.defaultOptions = V(o.defaultOptions, {}), B;
  14674. }(o), y.registerSeriesType("columnpyramid", N), N;
  14675. }), M(p, "Series/ErrorBar/ErrorBarSeries.js", [p["Series/BoxPlot/BoxPlotSeries.js"], p["Series/Column/ColumnSeries.js"], p["Core/Series/SeriesRegistry.js"], p["Core/Utilities.js"]], function(o, y, N, D) {
  14676. var U = this && this.__extends || function() {
  14677. var R = function(B, S) {
  14678. return R = Object.setPrototypeOf || { __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function(x, f) {
  14679. x.__proto__ = f;
  14680. } || function(x, f) {
  14681. for (var d in f)
  14682. f.hasOwnProperty(d) && (x[d] = f[d]);
  14683. }, R(B, S);
  14684. };
  14685. return function(B, S) {
  14686. function x() {
  14687. this.constructor = B;
  14688. }
  14689. R(B, S), B.prototype = S === null ? Object.create(S) : (x.prototype = S.prototype, new x());
  14690. };
  14691. }(), H = N.seriesTypes.arearange, V = D.merge;
  14692. D = D.extend;
  14693. var G = function(R) {
  14694. function B() {
  14695. var S = R !== null && R.apply(this, arguments) || this;
  14696. return = void 0, S.options = void 0, S.points = void 0, S;
  14697. }
  14698. return U(B, R), B.prototype.getColumnMetrics = function() {
  14699. return this.linkedParent && this.linkedParent.columnMetrics ||;
  14700. }, B.prototype.drawDataLabels = function() {
  14701. var S = this.pointValKey;
  14702. H && (, {
  14703. x.y = x[S];
  14704. }));
  14705. }, B.prototype.toYData = function(S) {
  14706. return [S.low, S.high];
  14707. }, B.defaultOptions = V(o.defaultOptions, {
  14708. color: "#000000",
  14709. grouping: !1,
  14710. linkedTo: ":previous",
  14711. tooltip: { pointFormat: '<span style="color:{point.color}">●</span> {}: <b>{point.low}</b> - <b>{point.high}</b><br/>' },
  14712. whiskerWidth: null
  14713. }), B;
  14714. }(o);
  14715. return D(G.prototype, { pointArrayMap: ["low", "high"], pointValKey: "high", doQuartiles: !1 }), N.registerSeriesType("errorbar", G), G;
  14716. }), M(p, "Series/Gauge/GaugePoint.js", [p["Core/Series/SeriesRegistry.js"]], function(o) {
  14717. var y = this && this.__extends || function() {
  14718. var N = function(D, U) {
  14719. return N = Object.setPrototypeOf || { __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function(H, V) {
  14720. H.__proto__ = V;
  14721. } || function(H, V) {
  14722. for (var G in V)
  14723. V.hasOwnProperty(G) && (H[G] = V[G]);
  14724. }, N(D, U);
  14725. };
  14726. return function(D, U) {
  14727. function H() {
  14728. this.constructor = D;
  14729. }
  14730. N(D, U), D.prototype = U === null ? Object.create(U) : (H.prototype = U.prototype, new H());
  14731. };
  14732. }();
  14733. return function(N) {
  14734. function D() {
  14735. var U = N !== null && N.apply(this, arguments) || this;
  14736. return U.options = void 0, U.series = void 0, U.shapeArgs = void 0, U;
  14737. }
  14738. return y(D, N), D.prototype.setState = function(U) {
  14739. this.state = U;
  14740. }, D;
  14741. }(o.series.prototype.pointClass);
  14742. }), M(p, "Series/Gauge/GaugeSeries.js", [p["Series/Gauge/GaugePoint.js"], p["Core/Globals.js"], p["Core/Series/SeriesRegistry.js"], p["Core/Utilities.js"]], function(o, y, N, D) {
  14743. var U = this && this.__extends || function() {
  14744. var d = function(T, O) {
  14745. return d = Object.setPrototypeOf || { __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function(j, k) {
  14746. j.__proto__ = k;
  14747. } || function(j, k) {
  14748. for (var b in k)
  14749. k.hasOwnProperty(b) && (j[b] = k[b]);
  14750. }, d(T, O);
  14751. };
  14752. return function(T, O) {
  14753. function j() {
  14754. this.constructor = T;
  14755. }
  14756. d(T, O), T.prototype = O === null ? Object.create(O) : (j.prototype = O.prototype, new j());
  14757. };
  14758. }();
  14759. y = y.noop;
  14760. var H = N.series, V = N.seriesTypes.column, G = D.clamp, R = D.isNumber, B = D.extend, S = D.merge, x = D.pick, f = D.pInt;
  14761. return D = function(d) {
  14762. function T() {
  14763. var O = d !== null && d.apply(this, arguments) || this;
  14764. return = void 0, O.points = void 0, O.options = void 0, O.yAxis = void 0, O;
  14765. }
  14766. return U(T, d), T.prototype.translate = function() {
  14767. var O = this.yAxis, j = this.options, k =;
  14768. this.generatePoints(), this.points.forEach(function(b) {
  14769. var w = S(j.dial, b.dial), v = f(x(w.radius, "80%")) * k[2] / 200, l = f(x(w.baseLength, "70%")) * v / 100, h = f(x(w.rearLength, "10%")) * v / 100, u = w.baseWidth || 3, i = w.topWidth || 1, c = j.overshoot, a = O.startAngleRad + O.translate(b.y, null, null, null, !0);
  14770. (R(c) || j.wrap === !1) && (c = R(c) ? c / 180 * Math.PI : 0, a = G(
  14771. a,
  14772. O.startAngleRad - c,
  14773. O.endAngleRad + c
  14774. )), a = 180 * a / Math.PI, b.shapeType = "path", b.shapeArgs = { d: w.path || [["M", -h, -u / 2], ["L", l, -u / 2], ["L", v, -i / 2], ["L", v, i / 2], ["L", l, u / 2], ["L", -h, u / 2], ["Z"]], translateX: k[0], translateY: k[1], rotation: a }, b.plotX = k[0], b.plotY = k[1];
  14775. });
  14776. }, T.prototype.drawPoints = function() {
  14777. var O = this, j = O.chart, k =, b = O.pivot, w = O.options, v = w.pivot, l = j.renderer;
  14778. O.points.forEach(function(h) {
  14779. var u = h.graphic, i = h.shapeArgs, c = i.d, a = S(w.dial, h.dial);
  14780. u ? (u.animate(i), i.d = c) : h.graphic = l[h.shapeType](i).attr({
  14781. rotation: i.rotation,
  14782. zIndex: 1
  14783. }).addClass("highcharts-dial").add(, j.styledMode || h.graphic[u ? "animate" : "attr"]({ stroke: a.borderColor || "none", "stroke-width": a.borderWidth || 0, fill: a.backgroundColor || "#000000" });
  14784. }), b ? b.animate({ translateX: k[0], translateY: k[1] }) : (O.pivot =, 0, x(v.radius, 5)).attr({ zIndex: 2 }).addClass("highcharts-pivot").translate(k[0], k[1]).add(, j.styledMode || O.pivot.attr({ "stroke-width": v.borderWidth || 0, stroke: v.borderColor || "#cccccc", fill: v.backgroundColor || "#000000" }));
  14785. }, T.prototype.animate = function(O) {
  14786. var j = this;
  14787. O || j.points.forEach(function(k) {
  14788. var b = k.graphic;
  14789. b && (b.attr({ rotation: 180 * j.yAxis.startAngleRad / Math.PI }), b.animate({ rotation: k.shapeArgs.rotation }, j.options.animation));
  14790. });
  14791. }, T.prototype.render = function() {
  14792. = this.plotGroup("group", "series", this.visible ? "visible" : "hidden", this.options.zIndex, this.chart.seriesGroup),,;
  14793. }, T.prototype.setData = function(O, j) {
  14794., O, !1), this.processData(), this.generatePoints(), x(j, !0) && this.chart.redraw();
  14795. }, T.prototype.hasData = function() {
  14796. return !!this.points.length;
  14797. }, T.defaultOptions = S(H.defaultOptions, { dataLabels: { borderColor: "#cccccc", borderRadius: 3, borderWidth: 1, crop: !1, defer: !1, enabled: !0, verticalAlign: "top", y: 15, zIndex: 2 }, dial: {}, pivot: {}, tooltip: { headerFormat: "" }, showInLegend: !1 }), T;
  14798. }(H), B(D.prototype, { angular: !0, directTouch: !0, drawGraph: y, drawTracker: V.prototype.drawTracker, fixedBox: !0, forceDL: !0, noSharedTooltip: !0, pointClass: o, trackerGroups: [
  14799. "group",
  14800. "dataLabelsGroup"
  14801. ] }), N.registerSeriesType("gauge", D), D;
  14802. }), M(p, "Series/PackedBubble/PackedBubblePoint.js", [p["Core/Chart/Chart.js"], p["Core/Series/Point.js"], p["Core/Series/SeriesRegistry.js"]], function(o, y, N) {
  14803. var D = this && this.__extends || function() {
  14804. var U = function(H, V) {
  14805. return U = Object.setPrototypeOf || { __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function(G, R) {
  14806. G.__proto__ = R;
  14807. } || function(G, R) {
  14808. for (var B in R)
  14809. R.hasOwnProperty(B) && (G[B] = R[B]);
  14810. }, U(H, V);
  14811. };
  14812. return function(H, V) {
  14813. function G() {
  14814. this.constructor = H;
  14815. }
  14816. U(H, V), H.prototype = V === null ? Object.create(V) : (G.prototype = V.prototype, new G());
  14817. };
  14818. }();
  14819. return function(U) {
  14820. function H() {
  14821. var V = U !== null && U.apply(this, arguments) || this;
  14822. return = NaN, V.mass = NaN, V.radius = NaN, V.options = void 0, V.series = void 0, V.value = null, V;
  14823. }
  14824. return D(H, U), H.prototype.destroy = function() {
  14825. return this.series.layout && this.series.layout.removeElementFromCollection(this, this.series.layout.nodes), y.prototype.destroy.apply(this, arguments);
  14826. }, H.prototype.firePointEvent = function() {
  14827. var V = this.series.options;
  14828. if (this.isParentNode && V.parentNode) {
  14829. var G = V.allowPointSelect;
  14830. V.allowPointSelect = V.parentNode.allowPointSelect, y.prototype.firePointEvent.apply(this, arguments), V.allowPointSelect = G;
  14831. } else
  14832. y.prototype.firePointEvent.apply(this, arguments);
  14833. }, = function() {
  14834. var V = this.series.chart;
  14835. this.isParentNode ? (V.getSelectedPoints = V.getSelectedParentNodes,, arguments), V.getSelectedPoints = o.prototype.getSelectedPoints) :, arguments);
  14836. }, H;
  14837. }(N.seriesTypes.bubble.prototype.pointClass);
  14838. }), M(p, "Series/Networkgraph/DraggableNodes.js", [p["Core/Chart/Chart.js"], p["Core/Globals.js"], p["Core/Utilities.js"]], function(o, y, N) {
  14839. var D = N.addEvent;
  14840. y.dragNodesMixin = { onMouseDown: function(U, H) {
  14841. H = this.chart.pointer.normalize(H), U.fixedPosition = { chartX: H.chartX, chartY: H.chartY, plotX: U.plotX, plotY: U.plotY }, U.inDragMode = !0;
  14842. }, onMouseMove: function(U, H) {
  14843. if (U.fixedPosition && U.inDragMode) {
  14844. var V = this.chart, G = V.pointer.normalize(H);
  14845. H = U.fixedPosition.chartX - G.chartX, G = U.fixedPosition.chartY - G.chartY;
  14846. var R = void 0, B = void 0, S = V.graphLayoutsLookup;
  14847. (5 < Math.abs(H) || 5 < Math.abs(G)) && (R = U.fixedPosition.plotX - H, B = U.fixedPosition.plotY - G, V.isInsidePlot(R, B) && (U.plotX = R, U.plotY = B, U.hasDragged = !0, this.redrawHalo(U), S.forEach(function(x) {
  14848. x.restartSimulation();
  14849. })));
  14850. }
  14851. }, onMouseUp: function(U, H) {
  14852. U.fixedPosition && (U.hasDragged && (this.layout.enableSimulation ? this.layout.start() : this.chart.redraw()), U.inDragMode = U.hasDragged = !1, this.options.fixedDraggable || delete U.fixedPosition);
  14853. }, redrawHalo: function(U) {
  14854. U && this.halo && this.halo.attr({ d: U.haloPath(this.options.states.hover.halo.size) });
  14855. } }, D(o, "load", function() {
  14856. var U = this, H, V, G;
  14857. U.container && (H = D(U.container, "mousedown", function(R) {
  14858. var B = U.hoverPoint;
  14859. B && B.series && B.series.hasDraggableNodes && B.series.options.draggable && (B.series.onMouseDown(B, R), V = D(U.container, "mousemove", function(S) {
  14860. return B && B.series && B.series.onMouseMove(B, S);
  14861. }), G = D(U.container.ownerDocument, "mouseup", function(S) {
  14862. return V(), G(), B && B.series && B.series.onMouseUp(B, S);
  14863. }));
  14864. })), D(U, "destroy", function() {
  14865. H();
  14866. });
  14867. });
  14868. }), M(
  14869. p,
  14870. "Series/Networkgraph/Integrations.js",
  14871. [p["Core/Globals.js"]],
  14872. function(o) {
  14873. o.networkgraphIntegrations = { verlet: { attractiveForceFunction: function(y, N) {
  14874. return (N - y) / y;
  14875. }, repulsiveForceFunction: function(y, N) {
  14876. return (N - y) / y * (N > y ? 1 : 0);
  14877. }, barycenter: function() {
  14878. var y = this.options.gravitationalConstant, N = this.barycenter.xFactor, D = this.barycenter.yFactor;
  14879. N = (N - ( + / 2) * y, D = (D - ( + / 2) * y, this.nodes.forEach(function(U) {
  14880. U.fixedPosition || (U.plotX -= N / U.mass /, U.plotY -= D / U.mass /;
  14881. });
  14882. }, repulsive: function(y, N, D) {
  14883. N = N * this.diffTemperature / y.mass /, y.fixedPosition || (y.plotX += D.x * N, y.plotY += D.y * N);
  14884. }, attractive: function(y, N, D) {
  14885. var U = y.getMass(), H = -D.x * N * this.diffTemperature;
  14886. N = -D.y * N * this.diffTemperature, y.fromNode.fixedPosition || (y.fromNode.plotX -= H * U.fromNode /, y.fromNode.plotY -= N * U.fromNode /, y.toNode.fixedPosition || (y.toNode.plotX += H * U.toNode /, y.toNode.plotY += N * U.toNode /;
  14887. }, integrate: function(y, N) {
  14888. var D = -y.options.friction, U = y.options.maxSpeed, H = (N.plotX + N.dispX - N.prevX) * D;
  14889. D *= N.plotY + N.dispY - N.prevY;
  14890. var V = Math.abs, G = V(H) / (H || 1);
  14891. V = V(D) / (D || 1), H = G * Math.min(U, Math.abs(H)), D = V * Math.min(U, Math.abs(D)), N.prevX = N.plotX + N.dispX, N.prevY = N.plotY + N.dispY, N.plotX += H, N.plotY += D, N.temperature = y.vectorLength({ x: H, y: D });
  14892. }, getK: function(y) {
  14893. return Math.pow( * / y.nodes.length, 0.5);
  14894. } }, euler: { attractiveForceFunction: function(y, N) {
  14895. return y * y / N;
  14896. }, repulsiveForceFunction: function(y, N) {
  14897. return N * N / y;
  14898. }, barycenter: function() {
  14899. var y = this.options.gravitationalConstant, N = this.barycenter.xFactor, D = this.barycenter.yFactor;
  14900. this.nodes.forEach(function(U) {
  14901. if (!U.fixedPosition) {
  14902. var H = U.getDegree();
  14903. H *= 1 + H / 2, U.dispX += (N - U.plotX) * y * H /, U.dispY += (D - U.plotY) * y * H /;
  14904. }
  14905. });
  14906. }, repulsive: function(y, N, D, U) {
  14907. y.dispX += D.x / U * N /, y.dispY += D.y / U * N /;
  14908. }, attractive: function(y, N, D, U) {
  14909. var H = y.getMass(), V = D.x / U * N;
  14910. N *= D.y / U, y.fromNode.fixedPosition || (y.fromNode.dispX -= V * H.fromNode /, y.fromNode.dispY -= N * H.fromNode /, y.toNode.fixedPosition || (y.toNode.dispX += V * H.toNode /, y.toNode.dispY += N * H.toNode /;
  14911. }, integrate: function(y, N) {
  14912. N.dispX += N.dispX * y.options.friction, N.dispY += N.dispY * y.options.friction;
  14913. var D = N.temperature = y.vectorLength({ x: N.dispX, y: N.dispY });
  14914. D !== 0 && (N.plotX += N.dispX / D * Math.min(Math.abs(N.dispX), y.temperature), N.plotY += N.dispY / D * Math.min(Math.abs(N.dispY), y.temperature));
  14915. }, getK: function(y) {
  14916. return Math.pow( * / y.nodes.length, 0.3);
  14917. } } };
  14918. }
  14919. ), M(
  14920. p,
  14921. "Series/Networkgraph/QuadTree.js",
  14922. [p["Core/Globals.js"], p["Core/Utilities.js"]],
  14923. function(o, y) {
  14924. y = y.extend;
  14925. var N = o.QuadTreeNode = function(D) {
  14926. = D, this.boxSize = Math.min(D.width, D.height), this.nodes = [], this.body = this.isInternal = !1, this.isEmpty = !0;
  14927. };
  14928. y(N.prototype, { insert: function(D, U) {
  14929. this.isInternal ? this.nodes[this.getBoxPosition(D)].insert(D, U - 1) : (this.isEmpty = !1, this.body ? U ? (this.isInternal = !0, this.divideBox(), this.body !== !0 && (this.nodes[this.getBoxPosition(this.body)].insert(this.body, U - 1), this.body = !0), this.nodes[this.getBoxPosition(D)].insert(D, U - 1)) : (U = new N({
  14930. top: D.plotX,
  14931. left: D.plotY,
  14932. width: 0.1,
  14933. height: 0.1
  14934. }), U.body = D, U.isInternal = !1, this.nodes.push(U)) : (this.isInternal = !1, this.body = D));
  14935. }, updateMassAndCenter: function() {
  14936. var D = 0, U = 0, H = 0;
  14937. this.isInternal ? (this.nodes.forEach(function(V) {
  14938. V.isEmpty || (D += V.mass, U += V.plotX * V.mass, H += V.plotY * V.mass);
  14939. }), U /= D, H /= D) : this.body && (D = this.body.mass, U = this.body.plotX, H = this.body.plotY), this.mass = D, this.plotX = U, this.plotY = H;
  14940. }, divideBox: function() {
  14941. var D = / 2, U = / 2;
  14942. this.nodes[0] = new N({
  14943. left:,
  14944. top:,
  14945. width: D,
  14946. height: U
  14947. }), this.nodes[1] = new N({ left: + D, top:, width: D, height: U }), this.nodes[2] = new N({ left: + D, top: + U, width: D, height: U }), this.nodes[3] = new N({ left:, top: + U, width: D, height: U });
  14948. }, getBoxPosition: function(D) {
  14949. var U = D.plotY < + / 2;
  14950. return D.plotX < + / 2 ? U ? 0 : 3 : U ? 1 : 2;
  14951. } }), o = o.QuadTree = function(D, U, H, V) {
  14952. = { left: D, top: U, width: H, height: V }, this.maxDepth = 25, this.root = new N(
  14954. "0"
  14955. ), this.root.isInternal = !0, this.root.isRoot = !0, this.root.divideBox();
  14956. }, y(o.prototype, { insertNodes: function(D) {
  14957. D.forEach(function(U) {
  14958. this.root.insert(U, this.maxDepth);
  14959. }, this);
  14960. }, visitNodeRecursive: function(D, U, H) {
  14961. var V;
  14962. D || (D = this.root), D === this.root && U && (V = U(D)), V !== !1 && (D.nodes.forEach(function(G) {
  14963. if (G.isInternal) {
  14964. if (U && (V = U(G)), V === !1)
  14965. return;
  14966. this.visitNodeRecursive(G, U, H);
  14967. } else
  14968. G.body && U && U(G.body);
  14969. H && H(G);
  14970. }, this), D === this.root && H && H(D));
  14971. }, calculateMassAndCenter: function() {
  14972. this.visitNodeRecursive(
  14973. null,
  14974. null,
  14975. function(D) {
  14976. D.updateMassAndCenter();
  14977. }
  14978. );
  14979. } });
  14980. }
  14981. ), M(p, "Series/Networkgraph/Layouts.js", [p["Core/Chart/Chart.js"], p["Core/Animation/AnimationUtilities.js"], p["Core/Globals.js"], p["Core/Utilities.js"]], function(o, y, N, D) {
  14982. var U = y.setAnimation;
  14983. y = D.addEvent;
  14984. var H = D.clamp, V = D.defined, G = D.extend, R = D.isFunction, B = D.pick;
  14985. N.layouts = { "reingold-fruchterman": function() {
  14986. } }, G(N.layouts["reingold-fruchterman"].prototype, {
  14987. init: function(S) {
  14988. this.options = S, this.nodes = [], this.links = [], this.series = [], = {
  14989. x: 0,
  14990. y: 0,
  14991. width: 0,
  14992. height: 0
  14993. }, this.setInitialRendering(!0), this.integration = N.networkgraphIntegrations[S.integration], this.enableSimulation = S.enableSimulation, this.attractiveForce = B(S.attractiveForce, this.integration.attractiveForceFunction), this.repulsiveForce = B(S.repulsiveForce, this.integration.repulsiveForceFunction), this.approximation = S.approximation;
  14994. },
  14995. updateSimulation: function(S) {
  14996. this.enableSimulation = B(S, this.options.enableSimulation);
  14997. },
  14998. start: function() {
  14999. var S = this.series, x = this.options;
  15000. this.currentStep = 0, this.forces = S[0] && S[0].forces || [], this.chart = S[0] && S[0].chart, this.initialRendering && (this.initPositions(), S.forEach(function(f) {
  15001. f.finishedAnimating = !0, f.render();
  15002. })), this.setK(), this.resetSimulation(x), this.enableSimulation && this.step();
  15003. },
  15004. step: function() {
  15005. var S = this, x = this.series;
  15006. S.currentStep++, S.approximation === "barnes-hut" && (S.createQuadTree(), S.quadTree.calculateMassAndCenter()), S.forces.forEach(function(f) {
  15007. S[f + "Forces"](S.temperature);
  15008. }), S.applyLimits(S.temperature), S.temperature = S.coolDown(
  15009. S.startTemperature,
  15010. S.diffTemperature,
  15011. S.currentStep
  15012. ), S.prevSystemTemperature = S.systemTemperature, S.systemTemperature = S.getSystemTemperature(), S.enableSimulation && (x.forEach(function(f) {
  15013. f.chart && f.render();
  15014. }), S.maxIterations-- && isFinite(S.temperature) && !S.isStable() ? (S.simulation &&, S.simulation = {
  15015. S.step();
  15016. })) : S.simulation = !1);
  15017. },
  15018. stop: function() {
  15019. this.simulation &&;
  15020. },
  15021. setArea: function(S, x, f, d) {
  15022. = {
  15023. left: S,
  15024. top: x,
  15025. width: f,
  15026. height: d
  15027. };
  15028. },
  15029. setK: function() {
  15030. this.k = this.options.linkLength || this.integration.getK(this);
  15031. },
  15032. addElementsToCollection: function(S, x) {
  15033. S.forEach(function(f) {
  15034. x.indexOf(f) === -1 && x.push(f);
  15035. });
  15036. },
  15037. removeElementFromCollection: function(S, x) {
  15038. S = x.indexOf(S), S !== -1 && x.splice(S, 1);
  15039. },
  15040. clear: function() {
  15041. this.nodes.length = 0, this.links.length = 0, this.series.length = 0, this.resetSimulation();
  15042. },
  15043. resetSimulation: function() {
  15044. this.forcedStop = !1, this.systemTemperature = 0, this.setMaxIterations(), this.setTemperature(), this.setDiffTemperature();
  15045. },
  15046. restartSimulation: function() {
  15047. this.simulation ? this.resetSimulation() : (this.setInitialRendering(!1), this.enableSimulation ? this.start() : this.setMaxIterations(1), this.chart && this.chart.redraw(), this.setInitialRendering(!0));
  15048. },
  15049. setMaxIterations: function(S) {
  15050. this.maxIterations = B(S, this.options.maxIterations);
  15051. },
  15052. setTemperature: function() {
  15053. this.temperature = this.startTemperature = Math.sqrt(this.nodes.length);
  15054. },
  15055. setDiffTemperature: function() {
  15056. this.diffTemperature = this.startTemperature / (this.options.maxIterations + 1);
  15057. },
  15058. setInitialRendering: function(S) {
  15059. this.initialRendering = S;
  15060. },
  15061. createQuadTree: function() {
  15062. this.quadTree = new N.QuadTree(,,,, this.quadTree.insertNodes(this.nodes);
  15063. },
  15064. initPositions: function() {
  15065. var S = this.options.initialPositions;
  15066. R(S) ? (, this.nodes.forEach(function(x) {
  15067. V(x.prevX) || (x.prevX = x.plotX), V(x.prevY) || (x.prevY = x.plotY), x.dispX = 0, x.dispY = 0;
  15068. })) : S === "circle" ? this.setCircularPositions() : this.setRandomPositions();
  15069. },
  15070. setCircularPositions: function() {
  15071. function S(b) {
  15072. b.linksFrom.forEach(function(w) {
  15073. j[] || (j[] = !0, O.push(w.toNode), S(w.toNode));
  15074. });
  15075. }
  15076. var x =, f = this.nodes, d = 2 * Math.PI / (f.length + 1), T = f.filter(function(b) {
  15077. return b.linksTo.length === 0;
  15078. }), O = [], j = {}, k = this.options.initialPositionRadius;
  15079. T.forEach(function(b) {
  15080. O.push(b), S(b);
  15081. }), O.length ? f.forEach(function(b) {
  15082. O.indexOf(b) === -1 && O.push(b);
  15083. }) : O = f, O.forEach(function(b, w) {
  15084. b.plotX = b.prevX = B(b.plotX, x.width / 2 + k * Math.cos(w * d)), b.plotY = b.prevY = B(b.plotY, x.height / 2 + k * Math.sin(w * d)), b.dispX = 0, b.dispY = 0;
  15085. });
  15086. },
  15087. setRandomPositions: function() {
  15088. function S(T) {
  15089. return T = T * T / Math.PI, T -= Math.floor(T);
  15090. }
  15091. var x =, f = this.nodes, d = f.length + 1;
  15092. f.forEach(function(T, O) {
  15093. T.plotX = T.prevX = B(T.plotX, x.width * S(O)), T.plotY = T.prevY = B(T.plotY, x.height * S(d + O)), T.dispX = 0, T.dispY = 0;
  15094. });
  15095. },
  15096. force: function(S) {
  15097. this.integration[S].apply(this,, 1));
  15098. },
  15099. barycenterForces: function() {
  15100. this.getBarycenter(), this.force("barycenter");
  15101. },
  15102. getBarycenter: function() {
  15103. var S = 0, x = 0, f = 0;
  15104. return this.nodes.forEach(function(d) {
  15105. x += d.plotX * d.mass, f += d.plotY * d.mass, S += d.mass;
  15106. }), this.barycenter = { x, y: f, xFactor: x / S, yFactor: f / S };
  15107. },
  15108. barnesHutApproximation: function(S, x) {
  15109. var f = this.getDistXY(S, x), d = this.vectorLength(f);
  15110. if (S !== x && d !== 0)
  15111. if (x.isInternal)
  15112. if (x.boxSize / d < this.options.theta && d !== 0) {
  15113. var T = this.repulsiveForce(d, this.k);
  15114. this.force("repulsive", S, T * x.mass, f, d);
  15115. var O = !1;
  15116. } else
  15117. O = !0;
  15118. else
  15119. T = this.repulsiveForce(d, this.k), this.force("repulsive", S, T * x.mass, f, d);
  15120. return O;
  15121. },
  15122. repulsiveForces: function() {
  15123. var S = this;
  15124. S.approximation === "barnes-hut" ? S.nodes.forEach(function(x) {
  15125. S.quadTree.visitNodeRecursive(
  15126. null,
  15127. function(f) {
  15128. return S.barnesHutApproximation(x, f);
  15129. }
  15130. );
  15131. }) : S.nodes.forEach(function(x) {
  15132. S.nodes.forEach(function(f) {
  15133. if (x !== f && !x.fixedPosition) {
  15134. var d = S.getDistXY(x, f), T = S.vectorLength(d);
  15135. if (T !== 0) {
  15136. var O = S.repulsiveForce(T, S.k);
  15137. S.force("repulsive", x, O * f.mass, d, T);
  15138. }
  15139. }
  15140. });
  15141. });
  15142. },
  15143. attractiveForces: function() {
  15144. var S = this, x, f, d;
  15145. S.links.forEach(function(T) {
  15146. T.fromNode && T.toNode && (x = S.getDistXY(T.fromNode, T.toNode), f = S.vectorLength(x), f !== 0 && (d = S.attractiveForce(f, S.k), S.force("attractive", T, d, x, f)));
  15147. });
  15148. },
  15149. applyLimits: function() {
  15150. var S = this;
  15151. S.nodes.forEach(function(x) {
  15152. x.fixedPosition || (S.integration.integrate(S, x), S.applyLimitBox(x,, x.dispX = 0, x.dispY = 0);
  15153. });
  15154. },
  15155. applyLimitBox: function(S, x) {
  15156. var f = S.radius;
  15157. S.plotX = H(S.plotX, x.left + f, x.width - f), S.plotY = H(S.plotY, + f, x.height - f);
  15158. },
  15159. coolDown: function(S, x, f) {
  15160. return S - x * f;
  15161. },
  15162. isStable: function() {
  15163. return 1e-5 > Math.abs(this.systemTemperature - this.prevSystemTemperature) || 0 >= this.temperature;
  15164. },
  15165. getSystemTemperature: function() {
  15166. return this.nodes.reduce(function(S, x) {
  15167. return S + x.temperature;
  15168. }, 0);
  15169. },
  15170. vectorLength: function(S) {
  15171. return Math.sqrt(S.x * S.x + S.y * S.y);
  15172. },
  15173. getDistR: function(S, x) {
  15174. return S = this.getDistXY(S, x), this.vectorLength(S);
  15175. },
  15176. getDistXY: function(S, x) {
  15177. var f = S.plotX - x.plotX;
  15178. return S = S.plotY - x.plotY, { x: f, y: S, absX: Math.abs(f), absY: Math.abs(S) };
  15179. }
  15180. }), y(o, "predraw", function() {
  15181. this.graphLayoutsLookup && this.graphLayoutsLookup.forEach(function(S) {
  15182. S.stop();
  15183. });
  15184. }), y(o, "render", function() {
  15185. function S(d) {
  15186. d.maxIterations-- && isFinite(d.temperature) && !d.isStable() && !d.enableSimulation && (d.beforeStep && d.beforeStep(), d.step(), f = !1, x = !0);
  15187. }
  15188. var x = !1;
  15189. if (this.graphLayoutsLookup) {
  15190. for (U(!1, this), this.graphLayoutsLookup.forEach(function(d) {
  15191. d.start();
  15192. }); !f; ) {
  15193. var f = !0;
  15194. this.graphLayoutsLookup.forEach(S);
  15195. }
  15196. x && this.series.forEach(function(d) {
  15197. d && d.layout && d.render();
  15198. });
  15199. }
  15200. }), y(o, "beforePrint", function() {
  15201. this.graphLayoutsLookup && (this.graphLayoutsLookup.forEach(function(S) {
  15202. S.updateSimulation(!1);
  15203. }), this.redraw());
  15204. }), y(o, "afterPrint", function() {
  15205. this.graphLayoutsLookup && this.graphLayoutsLookup.forEach(function(S) {
  15206. S.updateSimulation();
  15207. }), this.redraw();
  15208. });
  15209. }), M(p, "Series/PackedBubble/PackedBubbleComposition.js", [p["Core/Chart/Chart.js"], p["Core/Globals.js"], p["Core/Utilities.js"]], function(o, y, N) {
  15210. var D = y.layouts["reingold-fruchterman"], U = N.addEvent, H = N.extendClass, V = N.pick;
  15211. o.prototype.getSelectedParentNodes = function() {
  15212. var G = [];
  15213. return this.series.forEach(function(R) {
  15214. R.parentNode && R.parentNode.selected && G.push(R.parentNode);
  15215. }), G;
  15216. }, y.networkgraphIntegrations.packedbubble = { repulsiveForceFunction: function(G, R, B, S) {
  15217. return Math.min(G, (B.marker.radius + S.marker.radius) / 2);
  15218. }, barycenter: function() {
  15219. var G = this, R = G.options.gravitationalConstant, B =, S = G.nodes, x, f;
  15220. S.forEach(function(d) {
  15221. G.options.splitSeries && !d.isParentNode ? (x = d.series.parentNode.plotX, f = d.series.parentNode.plotY) : (x = B.width / 2, f = B.height / 2), d.fixedPosition || (d.plotX -= (d.plotX - x) * R / (d.mass * Math.sqrt(S.length)), d.plotY -= (d.plotY - f) * R / (d.mass * Math.sqrt(S.length)));
  15222. });
  15223. }, repulsive: function(G, R, B, S) {
  15224. var x = R * this.diffTemperature / G.mass /;
  15225. R = B.x * x, B = B.y * x, G.fixedPosition || (G.plotX += R, G.plotY += B), S.fixedPosition || (S.plotX -= R, S.plotY -= B);
  15226. }, integrate: y.networkgraphIntegrations.verlet.integrate, getK: y.noop }, y.layouts.packedbubble = H(D, { beforeStep: function() {
  15227. this.options.marker && this.series.forEach(function(G) {
  15228. G && G.calculateParentRadius();
  15229. });
  15230. }, isStable: function() {
  15231. var G = Math.abs(this.prevSystemTemperature - this.systemTemperature);
  15232. return 1 > Math.abs(10 * this.systemTemperature / Math.sqrt(this.nodes.length)) && 1e-5 > G || 0 >= this.temperature;
  15233. }, setCircularPositions: function() {
  15234. var G = this, R =, B = G.nodes, S = 2 * Math.PI / (B.length + 1), x, f, d = G.options.initialPositionRadius;
  15235. B.forEach(function(T, O) {
  15236. G.options.splitSeries && !T.isParentNode ? (x = T.series.parentNode.plotX, f = T.series.parentNode.plotY) : (x = R.width / 2, f = R.height / 2), T.plotX = T.prevX = V(T.plotX, x + d * Math.cos(T.index || O * S)), T.plotY = T.prevY = V(T.plotY, f + d * Math.sin(T.index || O * S)), T.dispX = 0, T.dispY = 0;
  15237. });
  15238. }, repulsiveForces: function() {
  15239. var G = this, R, B, S, x = G.options.bubblePadding;
  15240. G.nodes.forEach(function(f) {
  15241. = f.mass, f.neighbours = 0, G.nodes.forEach(function(d) {
  15242. R = 0, f === d || f.fixedPosition || !G.options.seriesInteraction && f.series !== d.series || (S = G.getDistXY(f, d), B = G.vectorLength(S) - (f.marker.radius + d.marker.radius + x), 0 > B && ( += 0.01, f.neighbours++, R = G.repulsiveForce(-B / Math.sqrt(f.neighbours), G.k, f, d)), G.force("repulsive", f, R * d.mass, S, d, B));
  15243. });
  15244. });
  15245. }, applyLimitBox: function(G) {
  15246. if (this.options.splitSeries && !G.isParentNode && this.options.parentNodeLimit) {
  15247. var R = this.getDistXY(G, G.series.parentNode), B = G.series.parentNodeRadius - G.marker.radius - this.vectorLength(R);
  15248. 0 > B && B > -2 * G.marker.radius && (G.plotX -= 0.01 * R.x, G.plotY -= 0.01 * R.y);
  15249. }
  15250. D.prototype.applyLimitBox.apply(this, arguments);
  15251. } }), U(o, "beforeRedraw", function() {
  15252. this.allDataPoints && delete this.allDataPoints;
  15253. });
  15254. }), M(p, "Series/PackedBubble/PackedBubbleSeries.js", [p["Core/Color/Color.js"], p["Core/Globals.js"], p["Series/PackedBubble/PackedBubblePoint.js"], p["Core/Series/SeriesRegistry.js"], p["Core/Utilities.js"]], function(o, y, N, D, U) {
  15255. var H = this && this.__extends || function() {
  15256. var w = function(v, l) {
  15257. return w = Object.setPrototypeOf || { __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function(h, u) {
  15258. h.__proto__ = u;
  15259. } || function(h, u) {
  15260. for (var i in u)
  15261. u.hasOwnProperty(i) && (h[i] = u[i]);
  15262. }, w(v, l);
  15263. };
  15264. return function(v, l) {
  15265. function h() {
  15266. this.constructor = v;
  15267. }
  15268. w(v, l), v.prototype = l === null ? Object.create(l) : (h.prototype = l.prototype, new h());
  15269. };
  15270. }(), V = o.parse, G = D.series, R = D.seriesTypes.bubble, B = U.addEvent, S = U.clamp, x = U.defined, f = U.extend, d = U.fireEvent, T = U.isArray, O = U.isNumber, j = U.merge, k = U.pick, b = y.dragNodesMixin;
  15271. return o = function(w) {
  15272. function v() {
  15273. var l = w !== null && w.apply(this, arguments) || this;
  15274. return l.chart = void 0, = void 0, l.layout = void 0, l.options = void 0, l.points = void 0, l.xData = void 0, l;
  15275. }
  15276. return H(v, w), v.prototype.accumulateAllPoints = function(l) {
  15277. var h = l.chart, u = [], i, c;
  15278. for (i = 0; i < h.series.length; i++)
  15279. if (l = h.series[i],"packedbubble") && l.visible || !h.options.chart.ignoreHiddenSeries)
  15280. for (c = 0; c < l.yData.length; c++)
  15281. u.push([null, null, l.yData[c], l.index, c, { id: c, marker: { radius: 0 } }]);
  15282. return u;
  15283. }, v.prototype.addLayout = function() {
  15284. var l = this.options.layoutAlgorithm, h = this.chart.graphLayoutsStorage, u = this.chart.graphLayoutsLookup, i = this.chart.options.chart;
  15285. h || (this.chart.graphLayoutsStorage = h = {}, this.chart.graphLayoutsLookup = u = []);
  15286. var c = h[l.type];
  15287. c || (l.enableSimulation = x(i.forExport) ? !i.forExport : l.enableSimulation, h[l.type] = c = new y.layouts[l.type](), c.init(l), u.splice(c.index, 0, c)), this.layout = c, this.points.forEach(function(a) {
  15288. a.mass = 2, = 1, a.collisionNmb = 1;
  15289. }), c.setArea(0, 0, this.chart.plotWidth, this.chart.plotHeight), c.addElementsToCollection([this], c.series), c.addElementsToCollection(this.points, c.nodes);
  15290. }, v.prototype.addSeriesLayout = function() {
  15291. var l = this.options.layoutAlgorithm, h = this.chart.graphLayoutsStorage, u = this.chart.graphLayoutsLookup, i = j(l, l.parentNodeOptions, { enableSimulation: this.layout.options.enableSimulation }), c = h[l.type + "-series"];
  15292. c || (h[l.type + "-series"] = c = new y.layouts[l.type](), c.init(i), u.splice(c.index, 0, c)), this.parentNodeLayout = c, this.createParentNodes();
  15293. }, v.prototype.calculateParentRadius = function() {
  15294. var l = this.seriesBox();
  15295. this.parentNodeRadius = S(Math.sqrt(2 * this.parentNodeMass / Math.PI) + 20, 20, l ? Math.max(Math.sqrt(Math.pow(
  15296. l.width,
  15297. 2
  15298. ) + Math.pow(l.height, 2)) / 2 + 20, 20) : Math.sqrt(2 * this.parentNodeMass / Math.PI) + 20), this.parentNode && (this.parentNode.marker.radius = this.parentNode.radius = this.parentNodeRadius);
  15299. }, v.prototype.calculateZExtremes = function() {
  15300. var l = this.options.zMin, h = this.options.zMax, u = 1 / 0, i = -1 / 0;
  15301. return l && h ? [l, h] : (this.chart.series.forEach(function(c) {
  15302. c.yData.forEach(function(a) {
  15303. x(a) && (a > i && (i = a), a < u && (u = a));
  15304. });
  15305. }), l = k(l, u), h = k(h, i), [l, h]);
  15306. }, v.prototype.checkOverlap = function(l, h) {
  15307. var u = l[0] - h[0], i = l[1] - h[1];
  15308. return -1e-3 > Math.sqrt(u * u + i * i) - Math.abs(l[2] + h[2]);
  15309. }, v.prototype.createParentNodes = function() {
  15310. var l = this, h = l.chart, u = l.parentNodeLayout, i, c = l.parentNode, a = l.pointClass, t = l.layout.options, s = { radius: l.parentNodeRadius, lineColor: l.color, fillColor: V(l.color).brighten(0.4).get() };
  15311. t.parentNodeOptions && (s = j(t.parentNodeOptions.marker || {}, s)), l.parentNodeMass = 0, l.points.forEach(function(n) {
  15312. l.parentNodeMass += Math.PI * Math.pow(n.marker.radius, 2);
  15313. }), l.calculateParentRadius(), u.nodes.forEach(function(n) {
  15314. n.seriesIndex === l.index && (i = !0);
  15315. }), u.setArea(0, 0, h.plotWidth, h.plotHeight), i || (c || (c = new a().init(this, { mass: l.parentNodeRadius / 2, marker: s, dataLabels: { inside: !1 }, states: { normal: { marker: s }, hover: { marker: s } }, dataLabelOnNull: !0, degree: l.parentNodeRadius, isParentNode: !0, seriesIndex: l.index })), l.parentNode && (c.plotX = l.parentNode.plotX, c.plotY = l.parentNode.plotY), l.parentNode = c, u.addElementsToCollection([l], u.series), u.addElementsToCollection([c], u.nodes));
  15316. }, v.prototype.deferLayout = function() {
  15317. var l = this.options.layoutAlgorithm;
  15318. this.visible && (this.addLayout(), l.splitSeries && this.addSeriesLayout());
  15319. }, v.prototype.destroy = function() {
  15320. this.chart.graphLayoutsLookup && this.chart.graphLayoutsLookup.forEach(function(l) {
  15321. l.removeElementFromCollection(this, l.series);
  15322. }, this), this.parentNode && this.parentNodeLayout && (this.parentNodeLayout.removeElementFromCollection(this.parentNode, this.parentNodeLayout.nodes), this.parentNode.dataLabel && (this.parentNode.dataLabel = this.parentNode.dataLabel.destroy())), G.prototype.destroy.apply(this, arguments);
  15323. }, v.prototype.drawDataLabels = function() {
  15324. var l = this.options.dataLabels.textPath, h = this.points;
  15325. G.prototype.drawDataLabels.apply(this, arguments), this.parentNode && (this.parentNode.formatPrefix = "parentNode", this.points = [this.parentNode], this.options.dataLabels.textPath = this.options.dataLabels.parentNodeTextPath, G.prototype.drawDataLabels.apply(this, arguments), this.points = h, this.options.dataLabels.textPath = l);
  15326. }, v.prototype.drawGraph = function() {
  15327. if (this.layout && this.layout.options.splitSeries) {
  15328. var l = this.chart, h = this.layout.options.parentNodeOptions.marker, u = { fill: h.fillColor || V(this.color).brighten(0.4).get(), opacity: h.fillOpacity, stroke: h.lineColor || this.color, "stroke-width": k(h.lineWidth, this.options.lineWidth) };
  15329. this.parentNodesGroup || (this.parentNodesGroup = this.plotGroup("parentNodesGroup", "parentNode", this.visible ? "inherit" : "hidden", 0.1, l.seriesGroup),{ zIndex: 2 })), this.calculateParentRadius(), h = j({
  15330. x: this.parentNode.plotX - this.parentNodeRadius,
  15331. y: this.parentNode.plotY - this.parentNodeRadius,
  15332. width: 2 * this.parentNodeRadius,
  15333. height: 2 * this.parentNodeRadius
  15334. }, u), this.parentNode.graphic || (this.graph = this.parentNode.graphic = l.renderer.symbol(u.symbol).add(this.parentNodesGroup)), this.parentNode.graphic.attr(h);
  15335. }
  15336. }, v.prototype.drawTracker = function() {
  15337. var l = this.parentNode;
  15338. if (, l) {
  15339. var h = T(l.dataLabels) ? l.dataLabels : l.dataLabel ? [l.dataLabel] : [];
  15340. l.graphic && (l.graphic.element.point = l), h.forEach(function(u) {
  15341. u.div ? u.div.point = l : u.element.point = l;
  15342. });
  15343. }
  15344. }, v.prototype.getPointRadius = function() {
  15345. var l = this, h = l.chart, u = l.options, i = u.useSimulation, c = Math.min(h.plotWidth, h.plotHeight), a = {}, t = [], s = h.allDataPoints, n, P, _, I;
  15346. ["minSize", "maxSize"].forEach(function(E) {
  15347. var X = parseInt(u[E], 10), g = /%$/.test(u[E]);
  15348. a[E] = g ? c * X / 100 : X * Math.sqrt(s.length);
  15349. }), h.minRadius = n = a.minSize / Math.sqrt(s.length), h.maxRadius = P = a.maxSize / Math.sqrt(s.length);
  15350. var W = i ? l.calculateZExtremes() : [n, P];
  15351. (s || []).forEach(function(E, X) {
  15352. _ = i ? S(E[2], W[0], W[1]) : E[2], I = l.getRadius(W[0], W[1], n, P, _), I === 0 && (I = null), s[X][2] = I, t.push(I);
  15353. }), l.radii = t;
  15354. }, v.prototype.init = function() {
  15355. return G.prototype.init.apply(this, arguments), this.eventsToUnbind.push(B(this, "updatedData", function() {
  15356. this.chart.series.forEach(function(l) {
  15357. l.type === this.type && (l.isDirty = !0);
  15358. }, this);
  15359. })), this;
  15360. }, v.prototype.onMouseUp = function(l) {
  15361. if (l.fixedPosition && !l.removed) {
  15362. var h, u, i = this.layout, c = this.parentNodeLayout;
  15363. c && i.options.dragBetweenSeries && c.nodes.forEach(function(a) {
  15364. l && l.marker && a !== l.series.parentNode && (h = i.getDistXY(l, a), u = i.vectorLength(h) - a.marker.radius - l.marker.radius, 0 > u && (a.series.addPoint(j(l.options, { plotX: l.plotX, plotY: l.plotY }), !1), i.removeElementFromCollection(l, i.nodes), l.remove()));
  15365. }), b.onMouseUp.apply(this, arguments);
  15366. }
  15367. }, v.prototype.placeBubbles = function(l) {
  15368. var h = this.checkOverlap, u = this.positionBubble, i = [], c = 1, a = 0, t = 0, s = [], n;
  15369. if (l = l.sort(function(P, _) {
  15370. return _[2] - P[2];
  15371. }), l.length) {
  15372. if (i.push([[0, 0, l[0][2], l[0][3], l[0][4]]]), 1 < l.length)
  15373. for (i.push([[0, 0 - l[1][2] - l[0][2], l[1][2], l[1][3], l[1][4]]]), n = 2; n < l.length; n++)
  15374. l[n][2] = l[n][2] || 1, s = u(i[c][a], i[c - 1][t], l[n]), h(s, i[c][0]) ? (i.push([]), t = 0, i[c + 1].push(u(i[c][a], i[c][0], l[n])), c++, a = 0) : 1 < c && i[c - 1][t + 1] && h(s, i[c - 1][t + 1]) ? (t++, i[c].push(u(i[c][a], i[c - 1][t], l[n])), a++) : (a++, i[c].push(s));
  15375. this.chart.stages = i, this.chart.rawPositions = [].concat.apply([], i), this.resizeRadius(), s = this.chart.rawPositions;
  15376. }
  15377. return s;
  15378. }, v.prototype.pointAttribs = function(l, h) {
  15379. var u = this.options, i = u.marker;
  15380. return l && l.isParentNode && u.layoutAlgorithm && u.layoutAlgorithm.parentNodeOptions && (i = u.layoutAlgorithm.parentNodeOptions.marker), u = i.fillOpacity, l =, l, h), u !== 1 && (l["fill-opacity"] = u), l;
  15381. }, v.prototype.positionBubble = function(l, h, u) {
  15382. var i = Math.sqrt, c = Math.asin, a = Math.acos, t = Math.pow, s = Math.abs;
  15383. return i = i(t(l[0] - h[0], 2) + t(l[1] - h[1], 2)), a = a((t(i, 2) + t(u[2] + h[2], 2) - t(u[2] + l[2], 2)) / (2 * (u[2] + h[2]) * i)), c = c(s(l[0] - h[0]) / i), l = (0 > l[1] - h[1] ? 0 : Math.PI) + a + c * (0 > (l[0] - h[0]) * (l[1] - h[1]) ? 1 : -1), [h[0] + (h[2] + u[2]) * Math.sin(l), h[1] - (h[2] + u[2]) * Math.cos(l), u[2], u[3], u[4]];
  15384. }, v.prototype.render = function() {
  15385. var l = [];
  15386. G.prototype.render.apply(this, arguments), this.options.dataLabels.allowOverlap || ( {
  15387. T(h.dataLabels) && h.dataLabels.forEach(function(u) {
  15388. l.push(u);
  15389. });
  15390. }), this.options.useSimulation && this.chart.hideOverlappingLabels(l));
  15391. }, v.prototype.resizeRadius = function() {
  15392. var l = this.chart, h = l.rawPositions, u = Math.min, i = Math.max, c = l.plotLeft, a = l.plotTop, t = l.plotHeight, s = l.plotWidth, n, P, _, I = n = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY, W = P = Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
  15393. for (_ = 0; _ < h.length; _++) {
  15394. var E = h[_][2];
  15395. I = u(
  15396. I,
  15397. h[_][0] - E
  15398. ), W = i(W, h[_][0] + E), n = u(n, h[_][1] - E), P = i(P, h[_][1] + E);
  15399. }
  15400. if (_ = [W - I, P - n], u = u.apply([], [(s - c) / _[0], (t - a) / _[1]]), 1e-10 < Math.abs(u - 1)) {
  15401. for (_ = 0; _ < h.length; _++)
  15402. h[_][2] *= u;
  15403. this.placeBubbles(h);
  15404. } else
  15405. l.diffY = t / 2 + a - n - (P - n) / 2, l.diffX = s / 2 + c - I - (W - I) / 2;
  15406. }, v.prototype.seriesBox = function() {
  15407. var l = this.chart, h = Math.max, u = Math.min, i, c = [l.plotLeft, l.plotLeft + l.plotWidth, l.plotTop, l.plotTop + l.plotHeight];
  15408. return {
  15409. x(a.plotX) && x(a.plotY) && a.marker.radius && (i = a.marker.radius, c[0] = u(c[0], a.plotX - i), c[1] = h(c[1], a.plotX + i), c[2] = u(c[2], a.plotY - i), c[3] = h(c[3], a.plotY + i));
  15410. }), O(c.width / c.height) ? c : null;
  15411. }, v.prototype.setVisible = function() {
  15412. var l = this;
  15413. G.prototype.setVisible.apply(l, arguments), l.parentNodeLayout && l.graph ? l.visible ? (, l.parentNode.dataLabel && : (l.graph.hide(), l.parentNodeLayout.removeElementFromCollection(l.parentNode, l.parentNodeLayout.nodes), l.parentNode.dataLabel && l.parentNode.dataLabel.hide()) : l.layout && (l.visible ? l.layout.addElementsToCollection(
  15414. l.points,
  15415. l.layout.nodes
  15416. ) : l.points.forEach(function(h) {
  15417. l.layout.removeElementFromCollection(h, l.layout.nodes);
  15418. }));
  15419. }, v.prototype.translate = function() {
  15420. var l = this.chart, h =, u = this.index, i, c = this.options.useSimulation;
  15421. if (this.processedXData = this.xData, this.generatePoints(), x(l.allDataPoints) || (l.allDataPoints = this.accumulateAllPoints(this), this.getPointRadius()), c)
  15422. var a = l.allDataPoints;
  15423. else
  15424. a = this.placeBubbles(l.allDataPoints), this.options.draggable = !1;
  15425. for (i = 0; i < a.length; i++)
  15426. if (a[i][3] === u) {
  15427. var t = h[a[i][4]], s = k(a[i][2], void 0);
  15428. c || (t.plotX = a[i][0] - l.plotLeft + l.diffX, t.plotY = a[i][1] - l.plotTop + l.diffY), O(s) && (t.marker = f(t.marker, { radius: s, width: 2 * s, height: 2 * s }), t.radius = s);
  15429. }
  15430. c && this.deferLayout(), d(this, "afterTranslate");
  15431. }, v.defaultOptions = j(R.defaultOptions, { minSize: "10%", maxSize: "50%", sizeBy: "area", zoneAxis: "y", crisp: !1, tooltip: { pointFormat: "Value: {point.value}" }, draggable: !0, useSimulation: !0, parentNode: { allowPointSelect: !1 }, dataLabels: { formatter: function() {
  15432. var l = this.series.chart.numberFormatter, h = this.point.value;
  15433. return O(h) ? l(h, -1) : "";
  15434. }, parentNodeFormatter: function() {
  15435. return;
  15436. }, parentNodeTextPath: { enabled: !0 }, padding: 0, style: { transition: "opacity 2000ms" } }, layoutAlgorithm: { initialPositions: "circle", initialPositionRadius: 20, bubblePadding: 5, parentNodeLimit: !1, seriesInteraction: !0, dragBetweenSeries: !1, parentNodeOptions: { maxIterations: 400, gravitationalConstant: 0.03, maxSpeed: 50, initialPositionRadius: 100, seriesInteraction: !0, marker: {
  15437. fillColor: null,
  15438. fillOpacity: 1,
  15439. lineWidth: null,
  15440. lineColor: null,
  15441. symbol: "circle"
  15442. } }, enableSimulation: !0, type: "packedbubble", integration: "packedbubble", maxIterations: 1e3, splitSeries: !1, maxSpeed: 5, gravitationalConstant: 0.01, friction: -0.981 } }), v;
  15443. }(R), f(o.prototype, {
  15444. alignDataLabel: G.prototype.alignDataLabel,
  15445. axisTypes: [],
  15446. directTouch: !0,
  15447. forces: ["barycenter", "repulsive"],
  15448. hasDraggableNodes: !0,
  15449. isCartesian: !1,
  15450. noSharedTooltip: !0,
  15451. onMouseDown: b.onMouseDown,
  15452. onMouseMove: b.onMouseMove,
  15453. pointArrayMap: ["value"],
  15454. pointClass: N,
  15455. pointValKey: "value",
  15456. redrawHalo: b.redrawHalo,
  15457. requireSorting: !1,
  15458. searchPoint: y.noop,
  15459. trackerGroups: ["group", "dataLabelsGroup", "parentNodesGroup"]
  15460. }), D.registerSeriesType("packedbubble", o), o;
  15461. }), M(p, "Series/Polygon/PolygonSeries.js", [p["Core/Globals.js"], p["Core/Legend/LegendSymbol.js"], p["Core/Series/SeriesRegistry.js"], p["Core/Utilities.js"]], function(o, y, N, D) {
  15462. var U = this && this.__extends || function() {
  15463. var x = function(f, d) {
  15464. return x = Object.setPrototypeOf || { __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function(T, O) {
  15465. T.__proto__ = O;
  15466. } || function(T, O) {
  15467. for (var j in O)
  15468. O.hasOwnProperty(j) && (T[j] = O[j]);
  15469. }, x(f, d);
  15470. };
  15471. return function(f, d) {
  15472. function T() {
  15473. this.constructor = f;
  15474. }
  15475. x(f, d), f.prototype = d === null ? Object.create(d) : (T.prototype = d.prototype, new T());
  15476. };
  15477. }();
  15478. o = o.noop;
  15479. var H = N.series, V = N.seriesTypes, G = V.area, R = V.line, B = V.scatter;
  15480. V = D.extend;
  15481. var S = D.merge;
  15482. return D = function(x) {
  15483. function f() {
  15484. var d = x !== null && x.apply(this, arguments) || this;
  15485. return = void 0, d.options = void 0, d.points = void 0, d;
  15486. }
  15487. return U(f, x), f.prototype.getGraphPath = function() {
  15488. for (var d =, T = d.length + 1; T--; )
  15489. (T === d.length || d[T][0] === "M") && 0 < T && d.splice(T, 0, ["Z"]);
  15490. return this.areaPath = d;
  15491. }, f.prototype.drawGraph = function() {
  15492. this.options.fillColor = this.color,;
  15493. }, f.defaultOptions = S(B.defaultOptions, { marker: { enabled: !1, states: { hover: { enabled: !1 } } }, stickyTracking: !1, tooltip: { followPointer: !0, pointFormat: "" }, trackByArea: !0 }), f;
  15494. }(B), V(D.prototype, { type: "polygon", drawLegendSymbol: y.drawRectangle, drawTracker: H.prototype.drawTracker, setStackedPoints: o }), N.registerSeriesType("polygon", D), D;
  15495. }), M(p, "Core/Axis/WaterfallAxis.js", [p["Extensions/Stacking.js"], p["Core/Utilities.js"]], function(o, y) {
  15496. var N = y.addEvent, D = y.objectEach, U;
  15497. return function(H) {
  15498. function V() {
  15499. var x = this.waterfall.stacks;
  15500. x && (x.changed = !1, delete x.alreadyChanged);
  15501. }
  15502. function G() {
  15503. var x = this.options.stackLabels;
  15504. x && x.enabled && this.waterfall.stacks && this.waterfall.renderStackTotals();
  15505. }
  15506. function R() {
  15507. for (var x = this.axes, f = this.series, d = f.length; d--; )
  15508. f[d].options.stacking && (x.forEach(function(T) {
  15509. T.isXAxis || (T.waterfall.stacks.changed = !0);
  15510. }), d = 0);
  15511. }
  15512. function B() {
  15513. this.waterfall || (this.waterfall = new S(this));
  15514. }
  15515. var S = function() {
  15516. function x(f) {
  15517. this.axis = f, this.stacks = { changed: !1 };
  15518. }
  15519. return x.prototype.renderStackTotals = function() {
  15520. var f = this.axis, d = f.waterfall.stacks, T = f.stacking && f.stacking.stackTotalGroup, O = new o(f, f.options.stackLabels, !1, 0, void 0);
  15521. this.dummyStackItem = O, D(d, function(j) {
  15522. D(j, function(k) {
  15523. = k.stackTotal, k.label && (O.label = k.label),, T), k.label = O.label, delete O.label;
  15524. });
  15525. }), = null;
  15526. }, x;
  15527. }();
  15528. H.Composition = S, H.compose = function(x, f) {
  15529. N(x, "init", B), N(x, "afterBuildStacks", V), N(x, "afterRender", G), N(f, "beforeRedraw", R);
  15530. };
  15531. }(U || (U = {})), U;
  15532. }), M(p, "Series/Waterfall/WaterfallPoint.js", [p["Series/Column/ColumnSeries.js"], p["Core/Series/Point.js"], p["Core/Utilities.js"]], function(o, y, N) {
  15533. var D = this && this.__extends || function() {
  15534. var H = function(V, G) {
  15535. return H = Object.setPrototypeOf || { __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function(R, B) {
  15536. R.__proto__ = B;
  15537. } || function(R, B) {
  15538. for (var S in B)
  15539. B.hasOwnProperty(S) && (R[S] = B[S]);
  15540. }, H(V, G);
  15541. };
  15542. return function(V, G) {
  15543. function R() {
  15544. this.constructor = V;
  15545. }
  15546. H(V, G), V.prototype = G === null ? Object.create(G) : (R.prototype = G.prototype, new R());
  15547. };
  15548. }(), U = N.isNumber;
  15549. return function(H) {
  15550. function V() {
  15551. var G = H !== null && H.apply(this, arguments) || this;
  15552. return G.options = void 0, G.series = void 0, G;
  15553. }
  15554. return D(V, H), V.prototype.getClassName = function() {
  15555. var G =;
  15556. return this.isSum ? G += " highcharts-sum" : this.isIntermediateSum && (G += " highcharts-intermediate-sum"), G;
  15557. }, V.prototype.isValid = function() {
  15558. return U(this.y) || this.isSum || !!this.isIntermediateSum;
  15559. }, V;
  15560. }(o.prototype.pointClass);
  15561. }), M(p, "Series/Waterfall/WaterfallSeries.js", [p["Core/Axis/Axis.js"], p["Core/Chart/Chart.js"], p["Core/Series/SeriesRegistry.js"], p["Core/Utilities.js"], p["Core/Axis/WaterfallAxis.js"], p["Series/Waterfall/WaterfallPoint.js"]], function(o, y, N, D, U, H) {
  15562. var V = this && this.__extends || function() {
  15563. var k = function(b, w) {
  15564. return k = Object.setPrototypeOf || { __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function(v, l) {
  15565. v.__proto__ = l;
  15566. } || function(v, l) {
  15567. for (var h in l)
  15568. l.hasOwnProperty(h) && (v[h] = l[h]);
  15569. }, k(b, w);
  15570. };
  15571. return function(b, w) {
  15572. function v() {
  15573. this.constructor = b;
  15574. }
  15575. k(b, w), b.prototype = w === null ? Object.create(w) : (v.prototype = w.prototype, new v());
  15576. };
  15577. }(), G = N.seriesTypes, R = G.column, B = G.line, S = D.arrayMax, x = D.arrayMin, f = D.correctFloat;
  15578. G = D.extend;
  15579. var d = D.isNumber, T = D.merge, O = D.objectEach, j = D.pick;
  15580. return D = function(k) {
  15581. function b() {
  15582. var w = k !== null && k.apply(this, arguments) || this;
  15583. return w.chart = void 0, = void 0, w.options = void 0, w.points = void 0, w.stackedYNeg = void 0, w.stackedYPos = void 0, w.stackKey = void 0, w.xData = void 0, w.yAxis = void 0, w.yData = void 0, w;
  15584. }
  15585. return V(b, k), b.prototype.generatePoints = function() {
  15586. var w;
  15587. R.prototype.generatePoints.apply(this);
  15588. var v = 0;
  15589. for (w = this.points.length; v < w; v++) {
  15590. var l = this.points[v], h = this.processedYData[v];
  15591. (l.isIntermediateSum || l.isSum) && (l.y = f(h));
  15592. }
  15593. }, b.prototype.translate = function() {
  15594. var w = this.options, v = this.yAxis, l = j(w.minPointLength, 5), h = l / 2, u = w.threshold || 0, i = u, c = u;
  15595. w = w.stacking;
  15596. var a = v.waterfall.stacks[this.stackKey];
  15597. R.prototype.translate.apply(this);
  15598. for (var t = this.points, s = 0; s < t.length; s++) {
  15599. var n = t[s], P = this.processedYData[s], _ = n.shapeArgs;
  15600. if (_ && d(P)) {
  15601. var I = [0, P], W = n.y;
  15602. if (w) {
  15603. if (a) {
  15604. if (I = a[s], w === "overlap") {
  15605. var E = I.stackState[I.stateIndex--];
  15606. E = 0 <= W ? E : E - W,, "absolutePos") && delete I.absolutePos,, "absoluteNeg") && delete I.absoluteNeg;
  15607. } else
  15608. 0 <= W ? (E = I.threshold + I.posTotal, I.posTotal -= W) : (E = I.threshold + I.negTotal, I.negTotal -= W, E -= W), !I.posTotal &&, "absolutePos") && (I.posTotal = I.absolutePos, delete I.absolutePos), !I.negTotal &&, "absoluteNeg") && (I.negTotal = I.absoluteNeg, delete I.absoluteNeg);
  15609. n.isSum || (I.connectorThreshold = I.threshold + I.stackTotal), v.reversed ? (P = 0 <= W ? E - W : E + W, W = E) : (P = E, W = E - W), n.below = P <= u, _.y = v.translate(P, !1, !0, !1, !0) || 0, _.height = Math.abs(_.y - (v.translate(W, !1, !0, !1, !0) || 0)), (W = v.waterfall.dummyStackItem) && (W.x = s, W.label = a[s].label, W.setOffset(this.pointXOffset || 0, this.barW || 0, this.stackedYNeg[s], this.stackedYPos[s]));
  15610. }
  15611. } else
  15612. E = Math.max(i, i + W) + I[0], _.y = v.translate(
  15613. E,
  15614. !1,
  15615. !0,
  15616. !1,
  15617. !0
  15618. ) || 0, n.isSum ? (_.y = v.translate(I[1], !1, !0, !1, !0) || 0, _.height = Math.min(v.translate(I[0], !1, !0, !1, !0) || 0, v.len) - _.y, n.below = I[1] <= u) : n.isIntermediateSum ? (0 <= W ? (P = I[1] + c, W = c) : (P = c, W = I[1] + c), v.reversed && (P ^= W, W ^= P, P ^= W), _.y = v.translate(P, !1, !0, !1, !0) || 0, _.height = Math.abs(_.y - Math.min(v.translate(W, !1, !0, !1, !0) || 0, v.len)), c += I[1], n.below = P <= u) : (_.height = 0 < P ? (v.translate(i, !1, !0, !1, !0) || 0) - _.y : (v.translate(i, !1, !0, !1, !0) || 0) - (v.translate(i - P, !1, !0, !1, !0) || 0), i += P, n.below = i < u), 0 > _.height && (_.y += _.height, _.height *= -1);
  15619. n.plotY = _.y = Math.round(_.y || 0) - this.borderWidth % 2 / 2, _.height = Math.max(Math.round(_.height || 0), 1e-3), n.yBottom = _.y + _.height, _.height <= l && !n.isNull ? (_.height = l, _.y -= h, n.plotY = _.y, n.minPointLengthOffset = 0 > n.y ? -h : h) : (n.isNull && (_.width = 0), n.minPointLengthOffset = 0), W = n.plotY + (n.negative ? _.height : 0), n.below && (n.plotY += _.height), n.tooltipPos && (this.chart.inverted ? n.tooltipPos[0] = v.len - W : n.tooltipPos[1] = W);
  15620. }
  15621. }
  15622. }, b.prototype.processData = function(w) {
  15623. var v = this.options, l = this.yData, h =, u = l.length, i = v.threshold || 0, c, a, t, s, n;
  15624. for (n = a = c = t = s = 0; n < u; n++) {
  15625. var P = l[n], _ = h && h[n] ? h[n] : {};
  15626. P === "sum" || _.isSum ? l[n] = f(a) : P === "intermediateSum" || _.isIntermediateSum ? (l[n] = f(c), c = 0) : (a += P, c += P), t = Math.min(a, t), s = Math.max(a, s);
  15627. }
  15628., w), v.stacking || (this.dataMin = t + i, this.dataMax = s);
  15629. }, b.prototype.toYData = function(w) {
  15630. return w.isSum ? "sum" : w.isIntermediateSum ? "intermediateSum" : w.y;
  15631. }, b.prototype.updateParallelArrays = function(w, v) {
  15632., w, v), (this.yData[0] === "sum" || this.yData[0] === "intermediateSum") && (this.yData[0] = null);
  15633. }, b.prototype.pointAttribs = function(w, v) {
  15634. var l = this.options.upColor;
  15635. return l && !w.options.color && (w.color = 0 < w.y ? l : null), w =, w, v), delete w.dashstyle, w;
  15636. }, b.prototype.getGraphPath = function() {
  15637. return [["M", 0, 0]];
  15638. }, b.prototype.getCrispPath = function() {
  15639. var w =, v = this.yAxis, l = w.length, h = Math.round(this.graph.strokeWidth()) % 2 / 2, u = Math.round(this.borderWidth) % 2 / 2, i = this.xAxis.reversed, c = this.yAxis.reversed, a = this.options.stacking, t = [], s;
  15640. for (s = 1; s < l; s++) {
  15641. var n = w[s].shapeArgs, P = w[s - 1], _ = w[s - 1].shapeArgs, I = v.waterfall.stacks[this.stackKey], W = 0 < P.y ? -_.height : 0;
  15642. I && _ && n && (I = I[s - 1], a ? (I = I.connectorThreshold, W = Math.round(v.translate(I, 0, 1, 0, 1) + (c ? W : 0)) - h) : W = _.y + P.minPointLengthOffset + u - h, t.push(["M", (_.x || 0) + (i ? 0 : _.width || 0), W], ["L", (n.x || 0) + (i && n.width || 0), W])), _ && t.length && (!a && 0 > P.y && !c || 0 < P.y && c) && ((P = t[t.length - 2]) && typeof P[2] == "number" && (P[2] += _.height || 0), (P = t[t.length - 1]) && typeof P[2] == "number" && (P[2] += _.height || 0));
  15643. }
  15644. return t;
  15645. }, b.prototype.drawGraph = function() {
  15646., this.graph.attr({ d: this.getCrispPath() });
  15647. }, b.prototype.setStackedPoints = function() {
  15648. function w($, Q, A, F) {
  15649. if (z)
  15650. for (A; A < z; A++)
  15651. X.stackState[A] += F;
  15652. else
  15653. X.stackState[0] = $, z = X.stackState.length;
  15654. X.stackState.push(X.stackState[z - 1] + Q);
  15655. }
  15656. var v = this.options, l = this.yAxis.waterfall.stacks, h = v.threshold, u = h || 0, i = u, c = this.stackKey, a = this.xData, t = a.length, s, n, P;
  15657. this.yAxis.stacking.usePercentage = !1;
  15658. var _ = n = P = u;
  15659. if (this.visible || !this.chart.options.chart.ignoreHiddenSeries) {
  15660. var I = l.changed;
  15661. (s = l.alreadyChanged) && 0 > s.indexOf(c) && (I = !0), l[c] || (l[c] = {}), s = l[c];
  15662. for (var W = 0; W < t; W++) {
  15663. var E = a[W];
  15664. (!s[E] || I) && (s[E] = { negTotal: 0, posTotal: 0, stackTotal: 0, threshold: 0, stateIndex: 0, stackState: [], label: I && s[E] ? s[E].label : void 0 });
  15665. var X = s[E], g = this.yData[W];
  15666. 0 <= g ? X.posTotal += g : X.negTotal += g;
  15667. var m =[W];
  15668. E = X.absolutePos = X.posTotal;
  15669. var L = X.absoluteNeg = X.negTotal;
  15670. X.stackTotal = E + L;
  15671. var z = X.stackState.length;
  15672. m && m.isIntermediateSum ? (w(P, n, 0, P), P = n, n = h, u ^= i, i ^= u, u ^= i) : m && m.isSum ? (w(h, _, z), u = h) : (w(u, g, 0, _), m && (_ += g, n += g)), X.stateIndex++, X.threshold = u, u += X.stackTotal;
  15673. }
  15674. l.changed = !1, l.alreadyChanged || (l.alreadyChanged = []), l.alreadyChanged.push(c);
  15675. }
  15676. }, b.prototype.getExtremes = function() {
  15677. var w = this.options.stacking;
  15678. if (w) {
  15679. var v = this.yAxis;
  15680. v = v.waterfall.stacks;
  15681. var l = this.stackedYNeg = [], h = this.stackedYPos = [];
  15682. return w === "overlap" ? O(v[this.stackKey], function(u) {
  15683. l.push(x(u.stackState)), h.push(S(u.stackState));
  15684. }) : O(v[this.stackKey], function(u) {
  15685. l.push(u.negTotal + u.threshold), h.push(u.posTotal + u.threshold);
  15686. }), { dataMin: x(l), dataMax: S(h) };
  15687. }
  15688. return { dataMin: this.dataMin, dataMax: this.dataMax };
  15689. }, b.defaultOptions = T(R.defaultOptions, { dataLabels: { inside: !0 }, lineWidth: 1, lineColor: "#333333", dashStyle: "Dot", borderColor: "#333333", states: { hover: { lineWidthPlus: 0 } } }), b;
  15690. }(R), G(D.prototype, { getZonesGraphs: B.prototype.getZonesGraphs, pointValKey: "y", showLine: !0, pointClass: H }), N.registerSeriesType("waterfall", D), U.compose(o, y), D;
  15691. }), M(p, "Extensions/Polar.js", [
  15692. p["Core/Animation/AnimationUtilities.js"],
  15693. p["Core/Chart/Chart.js"],
  15694. p["Core/Globals.js"],
  15695. p["Extensions/Pane.js"],
  15696. p["Core/Pointer.js"],
  15697. p["Core/Series/Series.js"],
  15698. p["Core/Series/SeriesRegistry.js"],
  15699. p["Core/Renderer/SVG/SVGRenderer.js"],
  15700. p["Core/Utilities.js"]
  15701. ], function(o, y, N, D, U, H, V, G, R) {
  15702. var B = o.animObject;
  15703. V = V.seriesTypes;
  15704. var S = R.addEvent, x = R.defined, f = R.find, d = R.isNumber, T = R.pick, O = R.splat, j = R.uniqueKey;
  15705. o = R.wrap;
  15706. var k = H.prototype;
  15707. U = U.prototype, k.searchPointByAngle = function(v) {
  15708. var l = this.chart, h =;
  15709. return this.searchKDTree({ clientX: 180 + -180 / Math.PI * Math.atan2(v.chartX - h[0] - l.plotLeft, v.chartY - h[1] - l.plotTop) });
  15710. }, k.getConnectors = function(v, l, h, u) {
  15711. var i = u ? 1 : 0, c = 0 <= l && l <= v.length - 1 ? l : 0 > l ? v.length - 1 + l : 0;
  15712. l = 0 > c - 1 ? v.length - (1 + i) : c - 1, i = c + 1 > v.length - 1 ? i : c + 1;
  15713. var a = v[l];
  15714. i = v[i];
  15715. var t = a.plotX;
  15716. a = a.plotY;
  15717. var s = i.plotX, n = i.plotY;
  15718. i = v[c].plotX, c = v[c].plotY, t = (1.5 * i + t) / 2.5, a = (1.5 * c + a) / 2.5, s = (1.5 * i + s) / 2.5;
  15719. var P = (1.5 * c + n) / 2.5;
  15720. n = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(t - i, 2) + Math.pow(a - c, 2));
  15721. var _ = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(s - i, 2) + Math.pow(P - c, 2));
  15722. return t = Math.atan2(a - c, t - i), P = Math.PI / 2 + (t + Math.atan2(P - c, s - i)) / 2, Math.abs(t - P) > Math.PI / 2 && (P -= Math.PI), t = i + Math.cos(P) * n, a = c + Math.sin(P) * n, s = i + Math.cos(Math.PI + P) * _, P = c + Math.sin(Math.PI + P) * _, i = { rightContX: s, rightContY: P, leftContX: t, leftContY: a, plotX: i, plotY: c }, h && (i.prevPointCont = this.getConnectors(v, l, !1, u)), i;
  15723. }, k.toXY = function(v) {
  15724. var l = this.chart, h = this.xAxis, u = this.yAxis, i = v.plotX, c = v.plotY, a = v.series, t = l.inverted, s = v.y, n = t ? i : u.len - c;
  15725. t && a && !a.isRadialBar && (v.plotY = c = typeof s == "number" && u.translate(s) || 0), v.rectPlotX = i, v.rectPlotY = c, && (n +=[3] / 2), d(c) && (u = t ? u.postTranslate(c, n) : h.postTranslate(i, n), v.plotX = v.polarPlotX = u.x - l.plotLeft, v.plotY = v.polarPlotY = u.y - l.plotTop), this.kdByAngle ? (l = (i / Math.PI * 180 + h.pane.options.startAngle) % 360, 0 > l && (l += 360), v.clientX = l) : v.clientX = v.plotX;
  15726. }, V.spline && (o(V.spline.prototype, "getPointSpline", function(v, l, h, u) {
  15727. return this.chart.polar ? u ? (v = this.getConnectors(l, u, !0, this.connectEnds), l = v.prevPointCont && v.prevPointCont.rightContX, h = v.prevPointCont && v.prevPointCont.rightContY, v = ["C", d(l) ? l : v.plotX, d(h) ? h : v.plotY, d(v.leftContX) ? v.leftContX : v.plotX, d(v.leftContY) ? v.leftContY : v.plotY, v.plotX, v.plotY]) : v = ["M", h.plotX, h.plotY] : v =, l, h, u), v;
  15728. }), V.areasplinerange && (V.areasplinerange.prototype.getPointSpline = V.spline.prototype.getPointSpline)), S(H, "afterTranslate", function() {
  15729. var v = this.chart;
  15730. if (v.polar && this.xAxis) {
  15731. if ((this.kdByAngle = v.tooltip && v.tooltip.shared) ? this.searchPoint = this.searchPointByAngle : this.options.findNearestPointBy = "xy", !this.preventPostTranslate)
  15732. for (var l = this.points, h = l.length; h--; )
  15733. this.toXY(l[h]), !v.hasParallelCoordinates && !this.yAxis.reversed && l[h].y < this.yAxis.min && (l[h].isNull = !0);
  15734. this.hasClipCircleSetter || (this.hasClipCircleSetter = !!this.eventsToUnbind.push(S(this, "afterRender", function() {
  15735. if (v.polar) {
  15736. var u =;
  15737. this.clipCircle ? this.clipCircle.animate({ x: u[0], y: u[1], r: u[2] / 2, innerR: u[3] / 2 }) : this.clipCircle = v.renderer.clipCircle(u[0], u[1], u[2] / 2, u[3] / 2),, this.setClip = N.noop;
  15738. }
  15739. })));
  15740. }
  15741. }, { order: 2 }), o(
  15742. V.line.prototype,
  15743. "getGraphPath",
  15744. function(v, l) {
  15745. var h = this, u;
  15746. if (this.chart.polar) {
  15747. for (l = l || this.points, u = 0; u < l.length; u++)
  15748. if (!l[u].isNull) {
  15749. var i = u;
  15750. break;
  15751. }
  15752. if (this.options.connectEnds !== !1 && typeof i < "u") {
  15753. this.connectEnds = !0, l.splice(l.length, 0, l[i]);
  15754. var c = !0;
  15755. }
  15756. l.forEach(function(a) {
  15757. typeof a.polarPlotY > "u" && h.toXY(a);
  15758. });
  15759. }
  15760. return u = v.apply(this, [], 1)), c && l.pop(), u;
  15761. }
  15762. );
  15763. var b = function(v, l) {
  15764. var h = this, u = this.chart, i = this.options.animation, c =, a = this.markerGroup, t = this.xAxis &&, s = u.plotLeft, n = u.plotTop, P, _, I, W;
  15765. if (u.polar) {
  15766. if (h.isRadialBar)
  15767. l || (h.startAngleRad = T(h.translatedThreshold, h.xAxis.startAngleRad),, l));
  15768. else if (u.renderer.isSVG)
  15769. if (i = B(i),"column")) {
  15770. if (!l) {
  15771. var E = t[3] / 2;
  15772. h.points.forEach(function(X) {
  15773. P = X.graphic, I = (_ = X.shapeArgs) && _.r, W = _ && _.innerR, P && _ && (P.attr({ r: E, innerR: E }), P.animate({ r: I, innerR: W }, h.options.animation));
  15774. });
  15775. }
  15776. } else
  15777. l ? (v = { translateX: t[0] + s, translateY: t[1] + n, scaleX: 1e-3, scaleY: 1e-3 }, c.attr(v), a && a.attr(v)) : (v = { translateX: s, translateY: n, scaleX: 1, scaleY: 1 }, c.animate(v, i), a && a.animate(v, i));
  15778. } else
  15779., l);
  15780. };
  15781. if (o(k, "animate", b), V.column) {
  15782. var w = V.arearange.prototype;
  15783. V = V.column.prototype, V.polarArc = function(v, l, h, u) {
  15784. var i =, c = this.yAxis.len, a = i[3] / 2;
  15785. return l = c - l + a, v = c - T(v, c) + a, this.yAxis.reversed && (0 > l && (l = a), 0 > v && (v = a)), { x: i[0], y: i[1], r: l, innerR: v, start: h, end: u };
  15786. }, o(V, "animate", b), o(V, "translate", function(v) {
  15787. var l = this.options, h = l.stacking, u = this.chart, i = this.xAxis, c = this.yAxis, a = c.reversed, t =, s = i.startAngleRad, n = i.endAngleRad - s;
  15788. if (this.preventPostTranslate = !0,, i.isRadial) {
  15789. v = this.points, i = v.length;
  15790. var P = c.translate(c.min), _ = c.translate(c.max);
  15791. if (l = l.threshold || 0, u.inverted && d(l)) {
  15792. var I = c.translate(l);
  15793. x(I) && (0 > I ? I = 0 : I > n && (I = n), this.translatedThreshold = I + s);
  15794. }
  15795. for (; i--; ) {
  15796. l = v[i];
  15797. var W = l.barX, E = l.x, X = l.y;
  15798. if (l.shapeType = "arc", u.inverted) {
  15799. if (l.plotY = c.translate(X), h && c.stacking) {
  15800. if (X = c.stacking.stacks[(0 > X ? "-" : "") + this.stackKey], this.visible && X && X[E] && !l.isNull) {
  15801. var g = X[E].points[this.getStackIndicator(void 0, E, this.index).key], m = c.translate(g[0]);
  15802. g = c.translate(g[1]), x(m) && (m = R.clamp(m, 0, n));
  15803. }
  15804. } else
  15805. m = I, g = l.plotY;
  15806. m > g && (g = [m, m = g][0]), a ? g > P ? g = P : m < _ ? m = _ : (m > P || g < _) && (m = g = n) : m < P ? m = P : g > _ ? g = _ : (g < P || m > _) && (m = g = 0), c.min > c.max && (m = g = a ? n : 0), m += s, g += s, t && (l.barX = W += t[3] / 2), E = Math.max(W, 0), X = Math.max(W + l.pointWidth, 0), l.shapeArgs = { x: t && t[0], y: t && t[1], r: X, innerR: E, start: m, end: g }, l.opacity = m === g ? 0 : void 0, l.plotY = (x(this.translatedThreshold) && (m < this.translatedThreshold ? m : g)) - s;
  15807. } else
  15808. m = W + s, l.shapeArgs = this.polarArc(l.yBottom, l.plotY, m, m + l.pointWidth);
  15809. this.toXY(l), u.inverted ? (W = c.postTranslate(l.rectPlotY, W + l.pointWidth / 2), l.tooltipPos = [W.x - u.plotLeft, W.y - u.plotTop]) : l.tooltipPos = [l.plotX, l.plotY], t && (l.ttBelow = l.plotY > t[1]);
  15810. }
  15811. }
  15812. }), V.findAlignments = function(v, l) {
  15813. return l.align === null && (l.align = 20 < v && 160 > v ? "left" : 200 < v && 340 > v ? "right" : "center"), l.verticalAlign === null && (l.verticalAlign = 45 > v || 315 < v ? "bottom" : 135 < v && 225 > v ? "top" : "middle"), l;
  15814. }, w && (w.findAlignments = V.findAlignments), o(V, "alignDataLabel", function(v, l, h, u, i, c) {
  15815. var a = this.chart, t = T(u.inside, !!this.options.stacking);
  15816. a.polar ? (v = l.rectPlotX / Math.PI * 180, a.inverted ? (this.forceDL = a.isInsidePlot(l.plotX, Math.round(l.plotY)), t && l.shapeArgs ? (i = l.shapeArgs, i = this.yAxis.postTranslate(((i.start || 0) + (i.end || 0)) / 2 - this.xAxis.startAngleRad, l.barX + l.pointWidth / 2), i = { x: i.x - a.plotLeft, y: i.y - a.plotTop }) : l.tooltipPos && (i = { x: l.tooltipPos[0], y: l.tooltipPos[1] }), u.align = T(u.align, "center"), u.verticalAlign = T(
  15817. u.verticalAlign,
  15818. "middle"
  15819. )) : this.findAlignments && (u = this.findAlignments(v, u)),, l, h, u, i, c), this.isRadialBar && l.shapeArgs && l.shapeArgs.start === l.shapeArgs.end && h.hide(!0)) :, l, h, u, i, c);
  15820. });
  15821. }
  15822. o(U, "getCoordinates", function(v, l) {
  15823. var h = this.chart, u = { xAxis: [], yAxis: [] };
  15824. return h.polar ? h.axes.forEach(function(i) {
  15825. var c = i.isXAxis, a =;
  15826. if (i.coll !== "colorAxis") {
  15827. var t = l.chartX - a[0] - h.plotLeft;
  15828. a = l.chartY - a[1] - h.plotTop, u[c ? "xAxis" : "yAxis"].push({ axis: i, value: i.translate(c ? Math.PI - Math.atan2(t, a) : Math.sqrt(Math.pow(
  15829. t,
  15830. 2
  15831. ) + Math.pow(a, 2)), !0) });
  15832. }
  15833. }) : u =, l), u;
  15834. }), G.prototype.clipCircle = function(v, l, h, u) {
  15835. var i = j(), c = this.createElement("clipPath").attr({ id: i }).add(this.defs);
  15836. return v = u ? this.arc(v, l, h, u, 0, 2 * Math.PI).add(c) :, l, h).add(c), = i, v.clipPath = c, v;
  15837. }, S(y, "getAxes", function() {
  15838. this.pane || (this.pane = []), this.options.pane = O(this.options.pane), this.options.pane.forEach(function(v) {
  15839. new D(v, this);
  15840. }, this);
  15841. }), S(y, "afterDrawChartBox", function() {
  15842. this.pane.forEach(function(v) {
  15843. v.render();
  15844. });
  15845. }), S(
  15846. H,
  15847. "afterInit",
  15848. function() {
  15849. var v = this.chart;
  15850. v.inverted && v.polar && (this.isRadialSeries = !0,"column") && (this.isRadialBar = !0));
  15851. }
  15852. ), o(y.prototype, "get", function(v, l) {
  15853. return f(this.pane || [], function(h) {
  15854. return === l;
  15855. }) ||, l);
  15856. });
  15857. }), M(p, "masters/highcharts-more.src.js", [p["Core/Globals.js"], p["Core/Axis/RadialAxis.js"], p["Series/Bubble/BubbleSeries.js"]], function(o, y, N) {
  15858. y.compose(o.Axis, o.Tick), N.compose(o.Chart, o.Legend, o.Series);
  15859. });
  15860. });
  15861. })(nu);
  15862. var $0 = nu.exports;
  15863. const Z0 = /* @__PURE__ */ Cn($0);
  15864. var su = { exports: {} };
  15865. (function(r) {
  15866. (function(p) {
  15867. r.exports ? (p.default = p, r.exports = p) : p(typeof Highcharts < "u" ? Highcharts : void 0);
  15868. })(function(p) {
  15869. function M(o, y, N, D) {
  15870. o.hasOwnProperty(y) || (o[y] = D.apply(null, N));
  15871. }
  15872. p = p ? p._modules : {}, M(
  15873. p,
  15874. "Extensions/FullScreen.js",
  15875. [p["Core/Chart/Chart.js"], p["Core/Globals.js"], p["Core/Renderer/HTML/AST.js"], p["Core/Utilities.js"]],
  15876. function(o, y, N, D) {
  15877. var U = D.addEvent;
  15878. return D = function() {
  15879. function H(V) {
  15880. this.chart = V, this.isOpen = !1, V = V.renderTo, this.browserProps || (typeof V.requestFullscreen == "function" ? this.browserProps = { fullscreenChange: "fullscreenchange", requestFullscreen: "requestFullscreen", exitFullscreen: "exitFullscreen" } : V.mozRequestFullScreen ? this.browserProps = { fullscreenChange: "mozfullscreenchange", requestFullscreen: "mozRequestFullScreen", exitFullscreen: "mozCancelFullScreen" } : V.webkitRequestFullScreen ? this.browserProps = {
  15881. fullscreenChange: "webkitfullscreenchange",
  15882. requestFullscreen: "webkitRequestFullScreen",
  15883. exitFullscreen: "webkitExitFullscreen"
  15884. } : V.msRequestFullscreen && (this.browserProps = { fullscreenChange: "MSFullscreenChange", requestFullscreen: "msRequestFullscreen", exitFullscreen: "msExitFullscreen" }));
  15885. }
  15886. return H.prototype.close = function() {
  15887. var V = this.chart, G = V.options.chart;
  15888. this.isOpen && this.browserProps && V.container.ownerDocument instanceof Document && V.container.ownerDocument[this.browserProps.exitFullscreen](), this.unbindFullscreenEvent && (this.unbindFullscreenEvent = this.unbindFullscreenEvent()), V.setSize(this.origWidth, this.origHeight, !1), this.origHeight = this.origWidth = void 0, G.width = this.origWidthOption, G.height = this.origHeightOption, this.origHeightOption = this.origWidthOption = void 0, this.isOpen = !1, this.setButtonText();
  15889. }, = function() {
  15890. var V = this, G = V.chart, R = G.options.chart;
  15891. if (R && (V.origWidthOption = R.width, V.origHeightOption = R.height), V.origWidth = G.chartWidth, V.origHeight = G.chartHeight, V.browserProps) {
  15892. var B = U(
  15893. G.container.ownerDocument,
  15894. V.browserProps.fullscreenChange,
  15895. function() {
  15896. V.isOpen ? (V.isOpen = !1, V.close()) : (G.setSize(null, null, !1), V.isOpen = !0, V.setButtonText());
  15897. }
  15898. ), S = U(G, "destroy", B);
  15899. V.unbindFullscreenEvent = function() {
  15900. B(), S();
  15901. }, (R = G.renderTo[V.browserProps.requestFullscreen]()) && R.catch(function() {
  15902. alert("Full screen is not supported inside a frame.");
  15903. });
  15904. }
  15905. }, H.prototype.setButtonText = function() {
  15906. var V = this.chart, G = V.exportDivElements, R = V.options.exporting, B = R && R.buttons && R.buttons.contextButton.menuItems;
  15907. V = V.options.lang, R && R.menuItemDefinitions && V && V.exitFullscreen && V.viewFullscreen && B && G && (G = G[B.indexOf("viewFullscreen")]) && N.setElementHTML(G, this.isOpen ? V.exitFullscreen : R.menuItemDefinitions.viewFullscreen.text || V.viewFullscreen);
  15908. }, H.prototype.toggle = function() {
  15909. this.isOpen ? this.close() :;
  15910. }, H;
  15911. }(), y.Fullscreen = D, U(o, "beforeRender", function() {
  15912. this.fullscreen = new y.Fullscreen(this);
  15913. }), y.Fullscreen;
  15914. }
  15915. ), M(p, "Core/Chart/ChartNavigationComposition.js", [], function() {
  15916. var o;
  15917. return function(y) {
  15918. y.compose = function(D) {
  15919. return D.navigation || (D.navigation = new N(D)), D;
  15920. };
  15921. var N = function() {
  15922. function D(U) {
  15923. this.updates = [], this.chart = U;
  15924. }
  15925. return D.prototype.addUpdate = function(U) {
  15926. this.chart.navigation.updates.push(U);
  15927. }, D.prototype.update = function(U, H) {
  15928. var V = this;
  15929. this.updates.forEach(function(G) {
  15930., U, H);
  15931. });
  15932. }, D;
  15933. }();
  15934. y.Additions = N;
  15935. }(o || (o = {})), o;
  15936. }), M(p, "Extensions/Exporting/ExportingDefaults.js", [p["Core/Globals.js"]], function(o) {
  15937. return { exporting: { type: "image/png", url: "", printMaxWidth: 780, scale: 2, buttons: { contextButton: {
  15938. className: "highcharts-contextbutton",
  15939. menuClassName: "highcharts-contextmenu",
  15940. symbol: "menu",
  15941. titleKey: "contextButtonTitle",
  15942. menuItems: "viewFullscreen printChart separator downloadPNG downloadJPEG downloadPDF downloadSVG".split(" ")
  15943. } }, menuItemDefinitions: { viewFullscreen: { textKey: "viewFullscreen", onclick: function() {
  15944. this.fullscreen.toggle();
  15945. } }, printChart: { textKey: "printChart", onclick: function() {
  15946. this.print();
  15947. } }, separator: { separator: !0 }, downloadPNG: { textKey: "downloadPNG", onclick: function() {
  15948. this.exportChart();
  15949. } }, downloadJPEG: {
  15950. textKey: "downloadJPEG",
  15951. onclick: function() {
  15952. this.exportChart({ type: "image/jpeg" });
  15953. }
  15954. }, downloadPDF: { textKey: "downloadPDF", onclick: function() {
  15955. this.exportChart({ type: "application/pdf" });
  15956. } }, downloadSVG: { textKey: "downloadSVG", onclick: function() {
  15957. this.exportChart({ type: "image/svg+xml" });
  15958. } } } }, lang: {
  15959. viewFullscreen: "View in full screen",
  15960. exitFullscreen: "Exit from full screen",
  15961. printChart: "Print chart",
  15962. downloadPNG: "Download PNG image",
  15963. downloadJPEG: "Download JPEG image",
  15964. downloadPDF: "Download PDF document",
  15965. downloadSVG: "Download SVG vector image",
  15966. contextButtonTitle: "Chart context menu"
  15967. }, navigation: { buttonOptions: { symbolSize: 14, symbolX: 12.5, symbolY: 10.5, align: "right", buttonSpacing: 3, height: 22, verticalAlign: "top", width: 24, symbolFill: "#666666", symbolStroke: "#666666", symbolStrokeWidth: 3, theme: { padding: 5 } }, menuStyle: { border: "1px solid #999999", background: "#ffffff", padding: "5px 0" }, menuItemStyle: { padding: "0.5em 1em", color: "#333333", background: "none", fontSize: o.isTouchDevice ? "14px" : "11px", transition: "background 250ms, color 250ms" }, menuItemHoverStyle: {
  15968. background: "#335cad",
  15969. color: "#ffffff"
  15970. } } };
  15971. }), M(p, "Extensions/Exporting/ExportingSymbols.js", [], function() {
  15972. var o;
  15973. return function(y) {
  15974. function N(H, V, G, R) {
  15975. return [["M", H, V + 2.5], ["L", H + G, V + 2.5], ["M", H, V + R / 2 + 0.5], ["L", H + G, V + R / 2 + 0.5], ["M", H, V + R - 1.5], ["L", H + G, V + R - 1.5]];
  15976. }
  15977. function D(H, V, G, R) {
  15978. return H = R / 3 - 2, R = [], R = R.concat( - H, V, H, H), - H, V + H + 4, H, H), - H, V + 2 * (H + 4), H, H));
  15979. }
  15980. var U = [];
  15981. y.compose = function(H) {
  15982. U.indexOf(H) === -1 && (U.push(H), H = H.prototype.symbols, = N, H.menuball = D.bind(H));
  15983. };
  15984. }(o || (o = {})), o;
  15985. }), M(p, "Core/HttpUtilities.js", [p["Core/Globals.js"], p["Core/Utilities.js"]], function(o, y) {
  15986. var N = o.doc, D = y.createElement, U = y.discardElement, H = y.merge, V = y.objectEach, G = { ajax: function(R) {
  15987. var B = H(!0, { url: !1, type: "get", dataType: "json", success: !1, error: !1, data: !1, headers: {} }, R);
  15988. R = { json: "application/json", xml: "application/xml", text: "text/plain", octet: "application/octet-stream" };
  15989. var S = new XMLHttpRequest();
  15990. if (!B.url)
  15991. return !1;
  15992., B.url, !0), B.headers["Content-Type"] || S.setRequestHeader(
  15993. "Content-Type",
  15994. R[B.dataType] || R.text
  15995. ), V(B.headers, function(x, f) {
  15996. S.setRequestHeader(f, x);
  15997. }), S.onreadystatechange = function() {
  15998. if (S.readyState === 4) {
  15999. if (S.status === 200) {
  16000. var x = S.responseText;
  16001. if (B.dataType === "json")
  16002. try {
  16003. x = JSON.parse(x);
  16004. } catch (f) {
  16005. B.error && B.error(S, f);
  16006. return;
  16007. }
  16008. return B.success && B.success(x);
  16009. }
  16010. B.error && B.error(S, S.responseText);
  16011. }
  16012. };
  16013. try {
  16014. = JSON.stringify(;
  16015. } catch {
  16016. }
  16017. S.send( || !0);
  16018. }, getJSON: function(R, B) {
  16019. G.ajax({ url: R, success: B, dataType: "json", headers: { "Content-Type": "text/plain" } });
  16020. }, post: function(R, B, S) {
  16021. var x = D("form", H({ method: "post", action: R, enctype: "multipart/form-data" }, S), { display: "none" }, N.body);
  16022. V(B, function(f, d) {
  16023. D("input", { type: "hidden", name: d, value: f }, null, x);
  16024. }), x.submit(), U(x);
  16025. } };
  16026. return G;
  16027. }), M(p, "Extensions/Exporting/Exporting.js", [
  16028. p["Core/Renderer/HTML/AST.js"],
  16029. p["Core/Chart/Chart.js"],
  16030. p["Core/Chart/ChartNavigationComposition.js"],
  16031. p["Core/DefaultOptions.js"],
  16032. p["Extensions/Exporting/ExportingDefaults.js"],
  16033. p["Extensions/Exporting/ExportingSymbols.js"],
  16034. p["Core/Globals.js"],
  16035. p["Core/HttpUtilities.js"],
  16036. p["Core/Utilities.js"]
  16037. ], function(o, y, N, D, U, H, V, G, R) {
  16038. y = D.defaultOptions;
  16039. var B = V.doc, S =, x = R.addEvent, f = R.css, d = R.createElement, T = R.discardElement, O = R.extend, j = R.find, k = R.fireEvent, b = R.isObject, w = R.merge, v = R.objectEach, l = R.pick, h = R.removeEvent, u = R.uniqueKey, i;
  16040. return function(c) {
  16041. function a(nt) {
  16042. var rt = this, ct = rt.renderer, gt = w(rt.options.navigation.buttonOptions, nt), dt = gt.onclick, ht = gt.menuItems, at = gt.symbolSize || 12;
  16043. if (rt.btnCount || (rt.btnCount = 0), rt.exportDivElements || (rt.exportDivElements = [], rt.exportSVGElements = []), gt.enabled !== !1 && gt.theme) {
  16044. var J = gt.theme, tt = J.states, ot = tt && tt.hover;
  16045. tt = tt &&;
  16046. var lt;
  16047. rt.styledMode || (J.fill = l(J.fill, "#ffffff"), J.stroke = l(J.stroke, "none")), delete J.states, dt ? lt = function(vt) {
  16048. vt && vt.stopPropagation(),, vt);
  16049. } : ht && (lt = function(vt) {
  16050. vt && vt.stopPropagation(), rt.contextMenu(pt.menuClassName, ht, pt.translateX, pt.translateY, pt.width, pt.height, pt), pt.setState(2);
  16051. }), gt.text && gt.symbol ? J.paddingLeft = l(J.paddingLeft, 30) : gt.text || O(J, { width: gt.width, height: gt.height, padding: 0 }), rt.styledMode || (J["stroke-linecap"] = "round", J.fill = l(J.fill, "#ffffff"), J.stroke = l(J.stroke, "none"));
  16052. var pt = ct.button(gt.text, 0, 0, lt, J, ot, tt).addClass(nt.className).attr({ title: l(rt.options.lang[gt._titleKey || gt.titleKey], "") });
  16053. if (pt.menuClassName = nt.menuClassName || "highcharts-menu-" + rt.btnCount++, gt.symbol) {
  16054. var yt = ct.symbol(gt.symbol, gt.symbolX - at / 2, gt.symbolY - at / 2, at, at, { width: at, height: at }).addClass("highcharts-button-symbol").attr({ zIndex: 1 }).add(pt);
  16055. rt.styledMode || yt.attr({ stroke: gt.symbolStroke, fill: gt.symbolFill, "stroke-width": gt.symbolStrokeWidth || 1 });
  16056. }
  16057. pt.add(rt.exportingGroup).align(O(
  16058. gt,
  16059. { width: pt.width, x: l(gt.x, rt.buttonOffset) }
  16060. ), !0, "spacingBox"), rt.buttonOffset += (pt.width + gt.buttonSpacing) * (gt.align === "right" ? -1 : 1), rt.exportSVGElements.push(pt, yt);
  16061. }
  16062. }
  16063. function t() {
  16064. if (this.printReverseInfo) {
  16065. var nt = this.printReverseInfo, rt = nt.childNodes, ct = nt.origDisplay;
  16066. nt = nt.resetParams, this.moveContainers(this.renderTo), [], function(gt, dt) {
  16067. gt.nodeType === 1 && ( = ct[dt] || "");
  16068. }), this.isPrinting = !1, nt && this.setSize.apply(this, nt), delete this.printReverseInfo, et = void 0, k(this, "afterPrint");
  16069. }
  16070. }
  16071. function s() {
  16072. var nt = B.body, rt = this.options.exporting.printMaxWidth, ct = { childNodes: nt.childNodes, origDisplay: [], resetParams: void 0 };
  16073. this.isPrinting = !0, this.pointer.reset(null, 0), k(this, "beforePrint"), rt && this.chartWidth > rt && (ct.resetParams = [this.options.chart.width, void 0, !1], this.setSize(rt, void 0, !1)), [], function(gt, dt) {
  16074. gt.nodeType === 1 && (ct.origDisplay[dt] =, = "none");
  16075. }), this.moveContainers(nt), this.printReverseInfo = ct;
  16076. }
  16077. function n(nt) {
  16078. nt.renderExporting(), x(nt, "redraw", nt.renderExporting), x(nt, "destroy", nt.destroyExport);
  16079. }
  16080. function P(nt, rt, ct, gt, dt, ht, at) {
  16081. var J = this, tt = J.options.navigation, ot = J.chartWidth, lt = J.chartHeight, pt = "cache-" + nt, yt = Math.max(dt, ht), vt = J[pt];
  16082. if (!vt) {
  16083. J.exportContextMenu = J[pt] = vt = d("div", { className: nt }, { position: "absolute", zIndex: 1e3, padding: yt + "px", pointerEvents: "auto" }, J.fixedDiv || J.container);
  16084. var Mt = d("ul", { className: "highcharts-menu" }, { listStyle: "none", margin: 0, padding: 0 }, vt);
  16085. J.styledMode || f(Mt, O(
  16086. { MozBoxShadow: "3px 3px 10px #888", WebkitBoxShadow: "3px 3px 10px #888", boxShadow: "3px 3px 10px #888" },
  16087. tt.menuStyle
  16088. )), vt.hideMenu = function() {
  16089. f(vt, { display: "none" }), at && at.setState(0), J.openMenu = !1, f(J.renderTo, { overflow: "hidden" }), f(J.container, { overflow: "hidden" }), R.clearTimeout(vt.hideTimer), k(J, "exportMenuHidden");
  16090. }, J.exportEvents.push(x(vt, "mouseleave", function() {
  16091. vt.hideTimer = S.setTimeout(vt.hideMenu, 500);
  16092. }), x(vt, "mouseenter", function() {
  16093. R.clearTimeout(vt.hideTimer);
  16094. }), x(B, "mouseup", function(Pt) {
  16095. J.pointer.inClass(, nt) || vt.hideMenu();
  16096. }), x(vt, "click", function() {
  16097. J.openMenu && vt.hideMenu();
  16098. })), rt.forEach(function(Pt) {
  16099. if (typeof Pt == "string" && (Pt = J.options.exporting.menuItemDefinitions[Pt]), b(Pt, !0)) {
  16100. var At = void 0;
  16101. Pt.separator ? At = d("hr", void 0, void 0, Mt) : (Pt.textKey === "viewData" && J.isDataTableVisible && (Pt.textKey = "hideData"), At = d("li", { className: "highcharts-menu-item", onclick: function(St) {
  16102. St && St.stopPropagation(), vt.hideMenu(), Pt.onclick && Pt.onclick.apply(J, arguments);
  16103. } }, void 0, Mt), o.setElementHTML(At, Pt.text || J.options.lang[Pt.textKey]), J.styledMode || (At.onmouseover = function() {
  16104. f(this, tt.menuItemHoverStyle);
  16105. }, At.onmouseout = function() {
  16106. f(this, tt.menuItemStyle);
  16107. }, f(At, O({ cursor: "pointer" }, tt.menuItemStyle)))), J.exportDivElements.push(At);
  16108. }
  16109. }), J.exportDivElements.push(Mt, vt), J.exportMenuWidth = vt.offsetWidth, J.exportMenuHeight = vt.offsetHeight;
  16110. }
  16111. rt = { display: "block" }, ct + J.exportMenuWidth > ot ? rt.right = ot - ct - dt - yt + "px" : rt.left = ct - yt + "px", gt + ht + J.exportMenuHeight > lt && at.alignOptions.verticalAlign !== "top" ? rt.bottom = lt - gt - yt + "px" : = gt + ht - yt + "px", f(vt, rt), f(J.renderTo, { overflow: "" }), f(J.container, { overflow: "" }), J.openMenu = !0, k(J, "exportMenuShown");
  16112. }
  16113. function _(nt) {
  16114. var rt = nt ? : this, ct = rt.exportSVGElements, gt = rt.exportDivElements;
  16115. nt = rt.exportEvents;
  16116. var dt;
  16117. ct && (ct.forEach(function(ht, at) {
  16118. ht && (ht.onclick = ht.ontouchstart = null, dt = "cache-" + ht.menuClassName, rt[dt] && delete rt[dt], ct[at] = ht.destroy());
  16119. }), ct.length = 0), rt.exportingGroup && (rt.exportingGroup.destroy(), delete rt.exportingGroup), gt && (gt.forEach(function(ht, at) {
  16120. ht && (R.clearTimeout(ht.hideTimer), h(ht, "mouseleave"), gt[at] = ht.onmouseout = ht.onmouseover = ht.ontouchstart = ht.onclick = null, T(ht));
  16121. }), gt.length = 0), nt && (nt.forEach(function(ht) {
  16122. ht();
  16123. }), nt.length = 0);
  16124. }
  16125. function I(nt, rt) {
  16126. rt = this.getSVGForExport(nt, rt), nt = w(this.options.exporting, nt),, { filename: nt.filename ? nt.filename.replace(/\//g, "-") : this.getFilename(), type: nt.type, width: nt.width || 0, scale: nt.scale, svg: rt }, nt.formAttributes);
  16127. }
  16128. function W() {
  16129. return this.styledMode && this.inlineStyles(), this.container.innerHTML;
  16130. }
  16131. function E() {
  16132. var nt = this.userOptions.title && this.userOptions.title.text, rt = this.options.exporting.filename;
  16133. return rt ? rt.replace(/\//g, "-") : (typeof nt == "string" && (rt = nt.toLowerCase().replace(/<\/?[^>]+(>|$)/g, "").replace(/[\s_]+/g, "-").replace(
  16134. /[^a-z0-9\-]/g,
  16135. ""
  16136. ).replace(/^[\-]+/g, "").replace(/[\-]+/g, "-").substr(0, 24).replace(/[\-]+$/g, "")), (!rt || 5 > rt.length) && (rt = "chart"), rt);
  16137. }
  16138. function X(nt) {
  16139. var rt, ct = w(this.options, nt);
  16140. ct.plotOptions = w(this.userOptions.plotOptions, nt && nt.plotOptions), ct.time = w(this.userOptions.time, nt && nt.time);
  16141. var gt = d("div", null, { position: "absolute", top: "-9999em", width: this.chartWidth + "px", height: this.chartHeight + "px" }, B.body), dt =, ht =;
  16142. dt = ct.exporting.sourceWidth || ct.chart.width || /px$/.test(dt) && parseInt(dt, 10) || (ct.isGantt ? 800 : 600), ht = ct.exporting.sourceHeight || ct.chart.height || /px$/.test(ht) && parseInt(ht, 10) || 400, O(ct.chart, { animation: !1, renderTo: gt, forExport: !0, renderer: "SVGRenderer", width: dt, height: ht }), ct.exporting.enabled = !1, delete, ct.series = [], this.series.forEach(function(tt) {
  16143. rt = w(tt.userOptions, { animation: !1, enableMouseTracking: !1, showCheckbox: !1, visible: tt.visible }), rt.isInternal || ct.series.push(rt);
  16144. });
  16145. var at = {};
  16146. this.axes.forEach(function(tt) {
  16147. tt.userOptions.internalKey || (tt.userOptions.internalKey = u()), tt.options.isInternal || (at[tt.coll] || (at[tt.coll] = !0, ct[tt.coll] = []), ct[tt.coll].push(w(tt.userOptions, { visible: tt.visible })));
  16148. });
  16149. var J = new this.constructor(ct, this.callback);
  16150. return nt && ["xAxis", "yAxis", "series"].forEach(function(tt) {
  16151. var ot = {};
  16152. nt[tt] && (ot[tt] = nt[tt], J.update(ot));
  16153. }), this.axes.forEach(function(tt) {
  16154. var ot = j(J.axes, function(yt) {
  16155. return yt.options.internalKey === tt.userOptions.internalKey;
  16156. }), lt = tt.getExtremes(), pt = lt.userMin;
  16157. lt = lt.userMax, ot && (typeof pt < "u" && pt !== ot.min || typeof lt < "u" && lt !== ot.max) && ot.setExtremes(
  16158. pt,
  16159. lt,
  16160. !0,
  16161. !1
  16162. );
  16163. }), ht = J.getChartHTML(), k(this, "getSVG", { chartCopy: J }), ht = this.sanitizeSVG(ht, ct), ct = null, J.destroy(), T(gt), ht;
  16164. }
  16165. function g(nt, rt) {
  16166. var ct = this.options.exporting;
  16167. return this.getSVG(w({ chart: { borderRadius: 0 } }, ct.chartOptions, rt, { exporting: { sourceWidth: nt && nt.sourceWidth || ct.sourceWidth, sourceHeight: nt && nt.sourceHeight || ct.sourceHeight } }));
  16168. }
  16169. function m(nt) {
  16170. return nt.replace(/([A-Z])/g, function(rt, ct) {
  16171. return "-" + ct.toLowerCase();
  16172. });
  16173. }
  16174. function L() {
  16175. function nt(J) {
  16176. function tt(St, Dt) {
  16177. if (lt = pt = !1, ct.length) {
  16178. for (yt = ct.length; yt-- && !pt; )
  16179. pt = ct[yt].test(Dt);
  16180. lt = !pt;
  16181. }
  16182. for (Dt === "transform" && St === "none" && (lt = !0), yt = rt.length; yt-- && !lt; )
  16183. lt = rt[yt].test(Dt) || typeof St == "function";
  16184. lt || Mt[Dt] === St && J.nodeName !== "svg" || gt[J.nodeName][Dt] === St || (q && q.indexOf(Dt) === -1 ? ot += m(Dt) + ":" + St + ";" : St && J.setAttribute(m(Dt), St));
  16185. }
  16186. var ot = "", lt, pt, yt;
  16187. if (J.nodeType === 1 && it.indexOf(J.nodeName) === -1) {
  16188. var vt = S.getComputedStyle(J, null), Mt = J.nodeName === "svg" ? {} : S.getComputedStyle(J.parentNode, null);
  16189. if (!gt[J.nodeName]) {
  16190. dt = at.getElementsByTagName("svg")[0];
  16191. var Pt = at.createElementNS(J.namespaceURI, J.nodeName);
  16192. dt.appendChild(Pt), gt[J.nodeName] = w(S.getComputedStyle(Pt, null)), J.nodeName === "text" && delete gt.text.fill, dt.removeChild(Pt);
  16193. }
  16194. if (V.isFirefox || V.isMS)
  16195. for (var At in vt)
  16196. tt(vt[At], At);
  16197. else
  16198. v(vt, tt);
  16199. ot && (vt = J.getAttribute("style"), J.setAttribute("style", (vt ? vt + ";" : "") + ot)), J.nodeName === "svg" && J.setAttribute("stroke-width", "1px"), J.nodeName !== "text" && [] || J.childNodes, nt);
  16200. }
  16201. }
  16202. var rt = Z, ct = c.inlineWhitelist, gt = {}, dt, ht = B.createElement("iframe");
  16203. f(ht, { width: "1px", height: "1px", visibility: "hidden" }), B.body.appendChild(ht);
  16204. var at = ht.contentWindow.document;
  16205., at.write('<svg xmlns=""></svg>'), at.close(), nt(this.container.querySelector("svg")), dt.parentNode.removeChild(dt), ht.parentNode.removeChild(ht);
  16206. }
  16207. function z(nt) {
  16208. (this.fixedDiv ? [this.fixedDiv, this.scrollingContainer] : [this.container]).forEach(function(rt) {
  16209. nt.appendChild(rt);
  16210. });
  16211. }
  16212. function $() {
  16213. var nt = this;
  16214. nt.exporting = { update: function(rt, ct) {
  16215. nt.isDirtyExporting = !0, w(!0, nt.options.exporting, rt), l(ct, !0) && nt.redraw();
  16216. } }, N.compose(nt).navigation.addUpdate(function(rt, ct) {
  16217. nt.isDirtyExporting = !0, w(!0, nt.options.navigation, rt), l(ct, !0) && nt.redraw();
  16218. });
  16219. }
  16220. function Q() {
  16221. var nt = this;
  16222. nt.isPrinting || (et = nt, V.isSafari || nt.beforePrint(), setTimeout(function() {
  16223. S.focus(), S.print(), V.isSafari || setTimeout(function() {
  16224. nt.afterPrint();
  16225. }, 1e3);
  16226. }, 1));
  16227. }
  16228. function A() {
  16229. var nt = this, rt = nt.options.exporting, ct = rt.buttons, gt = nt.isDirtyExporting || !nt.exportSVGElements;
  16230. nt.buttonOffset = 0, nt.isDirtyExporting && nt.destroyExport(), gt && rt.enabled !== !1 && (nt.exportEvents = [], nt.exportingGroup = nt.exportingGroup || nt.renderer.g("exporting-group").attr({ zIndex: 3 }).add(), v(ct, function(dt) {
  16231. nt.addButton(dt);
  16232. }), nt.isDirtyExporting = !1);
  16233. }
  16234. function F(nt, rt) {
  16235. var ct = nt.indexOf("</svg>") + 6, gt = nt.substr(ct);
  16236. return nt = nt.substr(0, ct), rt && rt.exporting && rt.exporting.allowHTML && gt && (gt = '<foreignObject x="0" y="0" width="' + rt.chart.width + '" height="' + rt.chart.height + '"><body xmlns="">' + gt.replace(/(<(?:img|br).*?(?=>))>/g, "$1 />") + "</body></foreignObject>", nt = nt.replace("</svg>", gt + "</svg>")), nt = nt.replace(/zIndex="[^"]+"/g, "").replace(/symbolName="[^"]+"/g, "").replace(
  16237. /jQuery[0-9]+="[^"]+"/g,
  16238. ""
  16239. ).replace(/url\(("|&quot;)(.*?)("|&quot;);?\)/g, "url($2)").replace(/url\([^#]+#/g, "url(#").replace(/<svg /, '<svg xmlns:xlink="" ').replace(/ (|NS[0-9]+:)href=/g, " xlink:href=").replace(/\n/, " ").replace(/(fill|stroke)="rgba\(([ 0-9]+,[ 0-9]+,[ 0-9]+),([ 0-9\.]+)\)"/g, '$1="rgb($2)" $1-opacity="$3"').replace(/&nbsp;/g, " ").replace(/&shy;/g, "­"), this.ieSanitizeSVG && (nt = this.ieSanitizeSVG(nt)), nt;
  16240. }
  16241. var Y = [], Z = [
  16242. /-/,
  16243. /^(clipPath|cssText|d|height|width)$/,
  16244. /^font$/,
  16245. /[lL]ogical(Width|Height)$/,
  16246. /perspective/,
  16247. /TapHighlightColor/,
  16248. /^transition/,
  16249. /^length$/
  16250. ], q = "fill stroke strokeLinecap strokeLinejoin strokeWidth textAnchor x y".split(" ");
  16251. c.inlineWhitelist = [];
  16252. var it = ["clipPath", "defs", "desc"], et;
  16253. c.compose = function(nt, rt) {
  16254. H.compose(rt), Y.indexOf(nt) === -1 && (Y.push(nt), rt = nt.prototype, rt.afterPrint = t, rt.exportChart = I, rt.inlineStyles = L, rt.print = Q, rt.sanitizeSVG = F, rt.getChartHTML = W, rt.getSVG = X, rt.getSVGForExport = g, rt.getFilename = E, rt.moveContainers = z, rt.beforePrint = s, rt.contextMenu = P, rt.addButton = a, rt.destroyExport = _, rt.renderExporting = A, rt.callbacks.push(n), x(nt, "init", $), V.isSafari &&"print").addListener(function(ct) {
  16255. et && (ct.matches ? et.beforePrint() : et.afterPrint());
  16256. }));
  16257. };
  16258. }(i || (i = {})), y.exporting = w(U.exporting, y.exporting), y.lang = w(U.lang, y.lang), y.navigation = w(U.navigation, y.navigation), i;
  16259. }), M(p, "masters/modules/exporting.src.js", [p["Core/Globals.js"], p["Extensions/Exporting/Exporting.js"], p["Core/HttpUtilities.js"]], function(o, y, N) {
  16260. o.HttpUtilities = N, o.ajax = N.ajax, o.getJSON = N.getJSON, =, y.compose(o.Chart, o.Renderer);
  16261. });
  16262. });
  16263. })(su);
  16264. var K0 = su.exports;
  16265. const J0 = /* @__PURE__ */ Cn(K0);
  16266. var ou = { exports: {} };
  16267. (function(r) {
  16268. (function(p) {
  16269. r.exports ? (p.default = p, r.exports = p) : p(typeof Highcharts < "u" ? Highcharts : void 0);
  16270. })(function(p) {
  16271. function M(o, y, N, D) {
  16272. o.hasOwnProperty(y) || (o[y] = D.apply(null, N));
  16273. }
  16274. p = p ? p._modules : {}, M(p, "Extensions/Boost/Boostables.js", [], function() {
  16275. return "area arearange column columnrange bar line scatter heatmap bubble treemap".split(" ");
  16276. }), M(p, "Extensions/Boost/BoostableMap.js", [p["Extensions/Boost/Boostables.js"]], function(o) {
  16277. var y = {};
  16278. return o.forEach(function(N) {
  16279. y[N] = 1;
  16280. }), y;
  16281. }), M(p, "Extensions/Boost/WGLShader.js", [p["Core/Utilities.js"]], function(o) {
  16282. var y = o.clamp, N = o.error, D = o.pick;
  16283. return function(U) {
  16284. function H() {
  16285. v.length && N("[highcharts boost] shader error - " + v.join(`
  16286. `));
  16287. }
  16288. function V(h, u) {
  16289. var i = U.createShader(u === "vertex" ? U.VERTEX_SHADER : U.FRAGMENT_SHADER);
  16290. return U.shaderSource(i, h), U.compileShader(i), U.getShaderParameter(i, U.COMPILE_STATUS) ? i : (v.push("when compiling " + u + ` shader:
  16291. ` + U.getShaderInfoLog(i)), !1);
  16292. }
  16293. function G() {
  16294. function h(c) {
  16295. return U.getUniformLocation(S, c);
  16296. }
  16297. var u = V(
  16298. `#version 100
  16299. #define LN10 2.302585092994046
  16300. precision highp float;
  16301. attribute vec4 aVertexPosition;
  16302. attribute vec4 aColor;
  16303. varying highp vec2 position;
  16304. varying highp vec4 vColor;
  16305. uniform mat4 uPMatrix;
  16306. uniform float pSize;
  16307. uniform float translatedThreshold;
  16308. uniform bool hasThreshold;
  16309. uniform bool skipTranslation;
  16310. uniform float xAxisTrans;
  16311. uniform float xAxisMin;
  16312. uniform float xAxisMinPad;
  16313. uniform float xAxisPointRange;
  16314. uniform float xAxisLen;
  16315. uniform bool xAxisPostTranslate;
  16316. uniform float xAxisOrdinalSlope;
  16317. uniform float xAxisOrdinalOffset;
  16318. uniform float xAxisPos;
  16319. uniform bool xAxisCVSCoord;
  16320. uniform bool xAxisIsLog;
  16321. uniform bool xAxisReversed;
  16322. uniform float yAxisTrans;
  16323. uniform float yAxisMin;
  16324. uniform float yAxisMinPad;
  16325. uniform float yAxisPointRange;
  16326. uniform float yAxisLen;
  16327. uniform bool yAxisPostTranslate;
  16328. uniform float yAxisOrdinalSlope;
  16329. uniform float yAxisOrdinalOffset;
  16330. uniform float yAxisPos;
  16331. uniform bool yAxisCVSCoord;
  16332. uniform bool yAxisIsLog;
  16333. uniform bool yAxisReversed;
  16334. uniform bool isBubble;
  16335. uniform bool bubbleSizeByArea;
  16336. uniform float bubbleZMin;
  16337. uniform float bubbleZMax;
  16338. uniform float bubbleZThreshold;
  16339. uniform float bubbleMinSize;
  16340. uniform float bubbleMaxSize;
  16341. uniform bool bubbleSizeAbs;
  16342. uniform bool isInverted;
  16343. float bubbleRadius(){
  16344. float value = aVertexPosition.w;
  16345. float zMax = bubbleZMax;
  16346. float zMin = bubbleZMin;
  16347. float radius = 0.0;
  16348. float pos = 0.0;
  16349. float zRange = zMax - zMin;
  16350. if (bubbleSizeAbs){
  16351. value = value - bubbleZThreshold;
  16352. zMax = max(zMax - bubbleZThreshold, zMin - bubbleZThreshold);
  16353. zMin = 0.0;
  16354. }
  16355. if (value < zMin){
  16356. radius = bubbleZMin / 2.0 - 1.0;
  16357. } else {
  16358. pos = zRange > 0.0 ? (value - zMin) / zRange : 0.5;
  16359. if (bubbleSizeByArea && pos > 0.0){
  16360. pos = sqrt(pos);
  16361. }
  16362. radius = ceil(bubbleMinSize + pos * (bubbleMaxSize - bubbleMinSize)) / 2.0;
  16363. }
  16364. return radius * 2.0;
  16365. }
  16366. float translate(float val,
  16367. float pointPlacement,
  16368. float localA,
  16369. float localMin,
  16370. float minPixelPadding,
  16371. float pointRange,
  16372. float len,
  16373. bool cvsCoord,
  16374. bool isLog,
  16375. bool reversed
  16376. ){
  16377. float sign = 1.0;
  16378. float cvsOffset = 0.0;
  16379. if (cvsCoord) {
  16380. sign *= -1.0;
  16381. cvsOffset = len;
  16382. }
  16383. if (isLog) {
  16384. val = log(val) / LN10;
  16385. }
  16386. if (reversed) {
  16387. sign *= -1.0;
  16388. cvsOffset -= sign * len;
  16389. }
  16390. return sign * (val - localMin) * localA + cvsOffset +
  16391. (sign * minPixelPadding);
  16392. }
  16393. float xToPixels(float value) {
  16394. if (skipTranslation){
  16395. return value;// + xAxisPos;
  16396. }
  16397. return translate(value, 0.0, xAxisTrans, xAxisMin, xAxisMinPad, xAxisPointRange, xAxisLen, xAxisCVSCoord, xAxisIsLog, xAxisReversed);// + xAxisPos;
  16398. }
  16399. float yToPixels(float value, float checkTreshold) {
  16400. float v;
  16401. if (skipTranslation){
  16402. v = value;// + yAxisPos;
  16403. } else {
  16404. v = translate(value, 0.0, yAxisTrans, yAxisMin, yAxisMinPad, yAxisPointRange, yAxisLen, yAxisCVSCoord, yAxisIsLog, yAxisReversed);// + yAxisPos;
  16405. if (v > yAxisLen) {
  16406. v = yAxisLen;
  16407. }
  16408. }
  16409. if (checkTreshold > 0.0 && hasThreshold) {
  16410. v = min(v, translatedThreshold);
  16411. }
  16412. return v;
  16413. }
  16414. void main(void) {
  16415. if (isBubble){
  16416. gl_PointSize = bubbleRadius();
  16417. } else {
  16418. gl_PointSize = pSize;
  16419. }
  16420. vColor = aColor;
  16421. if (skipTranslation && isInverted) {
  16422. gl_Position = uPMatrix * vec4(aVertexPosition.y + yAxisPos, aVertexPosition.x + xAxisPos, 0.0, 1.0);
  16423. } else if (isInverted) {
  16424. gl_Position = uPMatrix * vec4(yToPixels(aVertexPosition.y, aVertexPosition.z) + yAxisPos, xToPixels(aVertexPosition.x) + xAxisPos, 0.0, 1.0);
  16425. } else {
  16426. gl_Position = uPMatrix * vec4(xToPixels(aVertexPosition.x) + xAxisPos, yToPixels(aVertexPosition.y, aVertexPosition.z) + yAxisPos, 0.0, 1.0);
  16427. }
  16428. }`,
  16429. "vertex"
  16430. ), i = V(`precision highp float;
  16431. uniform vec4 fillColor;
  16432. varying highp vec2 position;
  16433. varying highp vec4 vColor;
  16434. uniform sampler2D uSampler;
  16435. uniform bool isCircle;
  16436. uniform bool hasColor;
  16437. void main(void) {
  16438. vec4 col = fillColor;
  16439. vec4 tcol = texture2D(uSampler,;
  16440. if (hasColor) {
  16441. col = vColor;
  16442. }
  16443. if (isCircle) {
  16444. col *= tcol;
  16445. if (tcol.r < 0.0) {
  16446. discard;
  16447. } else {
  16448. gl_FragColor = col;
  16449. }
  16450. } else {
  16451. gl_FragColor = col;
  16452. }
  16453. }`, "fragment");
  16454. return !u || !i ? (S = !1, H(), !1) : (S = U.createProgram(), U.attachShader(S, u), U.attachShader(S, i), U.linkProgram(S), U.getProgramParameter(S, U.LINK_STATUS) ? (U.useProgram(S), U.bindAttribLocation(S, 0, "aVertexPosition"), x = h("uPMatrix"), f = h("pSize"), d = h("fillColor"), T = h("isBubble"), O = h("bubbleSizeAbs"), j = h("bubbleSizeByArea"), l = h("uSampler"), k = h("skipTranslation"), b = h("isCircle"), w = h("isInverted"), !0) : (v.push(U.getProgramInfoLog(S)), H(), S = !1));
  16455. }
  16456. function R(h, u) {
  16457. U && S && (h = B[h] = B[h] || U.getUniformLocation(S, h), U.uniform1f(h, u));
  16458. }
  16459. var B = {}, S, x, f, d, T, O, j, k, b, w, v = [], l;
  16460. return U && !G() ? !1 : { psUniform: function() {
  16461. return f;
  16462. }, pUniform: function() {
  16463. return x;
  16464. }, fillColorUniform: function() {
  16465. return d;
  16466. }, setBubbleUniforms: function(h, u, i) {
  16467. var c = h.options, a = Number.MAX_VALUE, t = -Number.MAX_VALUE;
  16468. if (U && S &&"bubble")) {
  16469. var s = h.getPxExtremes();
  16470. a = D(c.zMin, y(u, c.displayNegative === !1 ? c.zThreshold : -Number.MAX_VALUE, a)), t = D(c.zMax, Math.max(t, i)), U.uniform1i(T, 1), U.uniform1i(b, 1), U.uniform1i(j, h.options.sizeBy !== "width"), U.uniform1i(O, h.options.sizeByAbsoluteValue), R("bubbleZMin", a), R("bubbleZMax", t), R("bubbleZThreshold", h.options.zThreshold), R("bubbleMinSize", s.minPxSize), R("bubbleMaxSize", s.maxPxSize);
  16471. }
  16472. }, bind: function() {
  16473. U && S && U.useProgram(S);
  16474. }, program: function() {
  16475. return S;
  16476. }, create: G, setUniform: R, setPMatrix: function(h) {
  16477. U && S && U.uniformMatrix4fv(x, !1, h);
  16478. }, setColor: function(h) {
  16479. U && S && U.uniform4f(d, h[0] / 255, h[1] / 255, h[2] / 255, h[3]);
  16480. }, setPointSize: function(h) {
  16481. U && S && U.uniform1f(f, h);
  16482. }, setSkipTranslation: function(h) {
  16483. U && S && U.uniform1i(k, h === !0 ? 1 : 0);
  16484. }, setTexture: function(h) {
  16485. U && S && U.uniform1i(l, h);
  16486. }, setDrawAsCircle: function(h) {
  16487. U && S && U.uniform1i(b, h ? 1 : 0);
  16488. }, reset: function() {
  16489. U && S && (U.uniform1i(T, 0), U.uniform1i(b, 0));
  16490. }, setInverted: function(h) {
  16491. U && S && U.uniform1i(w, h);
  16492. }, destroy: function() {
  16493. U && S && (U.deleteProgram(S), S = !1);
  16494. } };
  16495. };
  16496. }), M(p, "Extensions/Boost/WGLVBuffer.js", [], function() {
  16497. return function(o, y, N) {
  16498. function D() {
  16499. U && (o.deleteBuffer(U), H = U = !1), R = 0, V = N || 2, B = [];
  16500. }
  16501. var U = !1, H = !1, V = N || 2, G = !1, R = 0, B;
  16502. return {
  16503. destroy: D,
  16504. bind: function() {
  16505. if (!U)
  16506. return !1;
  16507. o.vertexAttribPointer(H, V, o.FLOAT, !1, 0, 0);
  16508. },
  16509. data: B,
  16510. build: function(S, x, f) {
  16511. var d;
  16512. return B = S || [], B && B.length !== 0 || G ? (V = f || V, U && o.deleteBuffer(U), G || (d = new Float32Array(B)), U = o.createBuffer(), o.bindBuffer(o.ARRAY_BUFFER, U), o.bufferData(o.ARRAY_BUFFER, G || d, o.STATIC_DRAW), H = o.getAttribLocation(y.program(), x), o.enableVertexAttribArray(H), !0) : (D(), !1);
  16513. },
  16514. render: function(S, x, f) {
  16515. var d = G ? G.length : B.length;
  16516. return !U || !d || ((!S || S > d || 0 > S) && (S = 0), (!x || x > d) && (x = d), S >= x) ? !1 : (o.drawArrays(o[(f || "points").toUpperCase()], S / V, (x - S) / V), !0);
  16517. },
  16518. allocate: function(S) {
  16519. R = -1, G = new Float32Array(4 * S);
  16520. },
  16521. push: function(S, x, f, d) {
  16522. G && (G[++R] = S, G[++R] = x, G[++R] = f, G[++R] = d);
  16523. }
  16524. };
  16525. };
  16526. }), M(p, "Extensions/Boost/WGLRenderer.js", [p["Core/Color/Color.js"], p["Extensions/Boost/WGLShader.js"], p["Extensions/Boost/WGLVBuffer.js"], p["Core/Globals.js"], p["Core/Utilities.js"]], function(o, y, N, D, U) {
  16527. var H = o.parse, V = D.doc, G = U.isNumber, R = U.isObject, B = U.merge, S = U.objectEach, x = U.pick;
  16528. return function(f) {
  16529. function d(m) {
  16530. if (m.isSeriesBoosting) {
  16531. var L = !!m.options.stacking, z = m.xData || m.options.xData || m.processedXData;
  16532. return L = (L ? : z ||, m.type === "treemap" ? L *= 12 : m.type === "heatmap" ? L *= 6 : E[m.type] && (L *= 2), L;
  16533. }
  16534. return 0;
  16535. }
  16536. function T() {
  16537. c.clear(c.COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | c.DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT);
  16538. }
  16539. function O(m, L) {
  16540. function z($t) {
  16541. $t && (L.colorData.push($t[0]), L.colorData.push($t[1]), L.colorData.push($t[2]), L.colorData.push($t[3]));
  16542. }
  16543. function $($t, de, ge, Re, De) {
  16544. z(De), g.usePreallocated ? (u.push($t, de, ge ? 1 : 0, Re || 1), i += 4) : (s.push($t), s.push(de), s.push(ge ? 1 : 0), s.push(Re || 1));
  16545. }
  16546. function Q() {
  16547. L.segments.length && (L.segments[L.segments.length - 1].to = s.length || i);
  16548. }
  16549. function A() {
  16550. L.segments.length && L.segments[L.segments.length - 1].from === (s.length || i) || (Q(), L.segments.push({ from: s.length || i }));
  16551. }
  16552. function F($t, de, ge, Re, De) {
  16553. z(De), $($t + ge, de), z(De), $($t, de), z(De), $($t, de + Re), z(De), $($t, de + Re), z(De), $($t + ge, de + Re), z(De), $($t + ge, de);
  16554. }
  16555. function Y($t, de) {
  16556. g.useGPUTranslations || (L.skipTranslation = !0, $t.x = lt.toPixels($t.x, !0), $t.y = ot.toPixels($t.y, !0)), de ? s = [$t.x, $t.y, 0, 2].concat(s) : $($t.x, $t.y, 0, 2);
  16557. }
  16558. var Z = m.pointArrayMap && m.pointArrayMap.join(",") === "low,high", q = m.chart, it = m.options, et = !!it.stacking, nt =, rt = m.xAxis.getExtremes(), ct = rt.min, gt = rt.max;
  16559. rt = m.yAxis.getExtremes();
  16560. var dt = rt.min, ht = rt.max, at = m.xData || it.xData || m.processedXData, J = m.yData || it.yData || m.processedYData, tt = m.zData || it.zData || m.processedZData, ot = m.yAxis, lt = m.xAxis, pt = m.chart.plotWidth, yt = !at || at.length === 0, vt = it.connectNulls;
  16561. rt = m.points || !1;
  16562. var Mt = !1, Pt = !1, At, St, Dt = et ? : at || nt, _t = { x: Number.MAX_VALUE, y: 0 }, Nt = { x: -Number.MAX_VALUE, y: 0 }, Ot = 0, Kt = !1, Gt, Wt, Jt, be, Yt = -1, Vt = !1, Ce = !1, Or, us = typeof q.index > "u", En = !1, On = !1, $e = !1, Ln = E[m.type], _n = !1, Jr = !0, ds = !0, Fo = it.zoneAxis || "y", Lr = it.zones || !1, Xi = !1, fs = it.threshold, Dn = !1;
  16563. if (!(it.boostData && 0 < it.boostData.length)) {
  16564. if (it.gapSize && (Dn = it.gapUnit !== "value" ? it.gapSize * m.closestPointRange : it.gapSize), Lr) {
  16565. var _r = [];
  16566. Lr.forEach(function($t, de) {
  16567. if ($t.color) {
  16568. var ge = H($t.color).rgba;
  16569. ge[0] /= 255, ge[1] /= 255, ge[2] /= 255, _r[de] = ge, Xi || typeof $t.value < "u" || (Xi = ge);
  16570. }
  16571. }), Xi || (at = m.pointAttribs && m.pointAttribs().fill || m.color, Xi = H(at).rgba, Xi[0] /= 255, Xi[1] /= 255, Xi[2] /= 255);
  16572. }
  16573. if (q.inverted && (pt = m.chart.plotHeight), m.closestPointRangePx = Number.MAX_VALUE, A(), rt && 0 < rt.length)
  16574. L.skipTranslation = !0, L.drawMode = "triangles", rt[0].node && rt[0].node.levelDynamic && rt.sort(function($t, de) {
  16575. if ($t.node) {
  16576. if ($t.node.levelDynamic > de.node.levelDynamic)
  16577. return 1;
  16578. if ($t.node.levelDynamic < de.node.levelDynamic)
  16579. return -1;
  16580. }
  16581. return 0;
  16582. }), rt.forEach(function($t) {
  16583. var de = $t.plotY;
  16584. if (typeof de < "u" && !isNaN(de) && $t.y !== null && $t.shapeArgs) {
  16585. var ge = $t.shapeArgs;
  16586. de = ge.x, de = de === void 0 ? 0 : de;
  16587. var Re = ge.y;
  16588. Re = Re === void 0 ? 0 : Re;
  16589. var De = ge.width;
  16590. De = De === void 0 ? 0 : De, ge = ge.height, ge = ge === void 0 ? 0 : ge;
  16591. var qr = q.styledMode ? $t.series.colorAttribs($t) : qr = $t.series.pointAttribs($t);
  16592. $t = qr["stroke-width"] || 0, $e = H(qr.fill).rgba, $e[0] /= 255, $e[1] /= 255, $e[2] /= 255, m.type === "treemap" && ($t = $t || 1, St = H(qr.stroke).rgba, St[0] /= 255, St[1] /= 255, St[2] /= 255, F(de, Re, De, ge, St), $t /= 2), m.type === "heatmap" && q.inverted && (de = lt.len - de, Re = ot.len - Re, De = -De, ge = -ge), F(de + $t, Re + $t, De - 2 * $t, ge - 2 * $t, $e);
  16593. }
  16594. });
  16595. else {
  16596. for (rt = function() {
  16597. if (Jt = Dt[++Yt], typeof Jt > "u")
  16598. return "continue";
  16599. if (us)
  16600. return "break";
  16601. var $t = nt && nt[Yt];
  16602. if (!yt && R($t, !0) && $t.color && ($e = H($t.color).rgba, $e[0] /= 255, $e[1] /= 255, $e[2] /= 255), yt ? (Gt = Jt[0], Wt = Jt[1], Dt[Yt + 1] && (Ce = Dt[Yt + 1][0]), Dt[Yt - 1] && (Vt = Dt[Yt - 1][0]), 3 <= Jt.length && (be = Jt[2], Jt[2] > L.zMax && (L.zMax = Jt[2]), Jt[2] < L.zMin && (L.zMin = Jt[2]))) : (Gt = Jt, Wt = J[Yt], Dt[Yt + 1] && (Ce = Dt[Yt + 1]), Dt[Yt - 1] && (Vt = Dt[Yt - 1]), tt && tt.length && (be = tt[Yt], tt[Yt] > L.zMax && (L.zMax = tt[Yt]), tt[Yt] < L.zMin && (L.zMin = tt[Yt]))), !vt && (Gt === null || Wt === null))
  16603. return A(), "continue";
  16604. if (Ce && Ce >= ct && Ce <= gt && (En = !0), Vt && Vt >= ct && Vt <= gt && (On = !0), Z ? (yt && (Wt = Jt.slice(1, 3)), Or = Wt[0], Wt = Wt[1]) : et && (Gt = Jt.x, Wt = Jt.stackY, Or = Wt - Jt.y), dt !== null && typeof dt < "u" && ht !== null && typeof ht < "u" && (Jr = Wt >= dt && Wt <= ht), Gt > gt && Nt.x < gt && (Nt.x = Gt, Nt.y = Wt), Gt < ct && _t.x > ct && (_t.x = Gt, _t.y = Wt), Wt === null && vt)
  16605. return "continue";
  16606. if (Wt === null || !Jr && !En && !On)
  16607. return A(), "continue";
  16608. if ((Ce >= ct || Gt >= ct) && (Vt <= gt || Gt <= gt) && (_n = !0), !_n && !En && !On)
  16609. return "continue";
  16610. if (Dn && Gt - Vt > Dn && A(), Lr) {
  16611. var de;
  16612. Lr.some(function(ge, Re) {
  16613. var De = Lr[Re - 1];
  16614. return Fo === "x" ? typeof ge.value < "u" && Gt <= ge.value ? (_r[Re] && (!De || Gt >= De.value) && (de = _r[Re]), !0) : !1 : typeof ge.value < "u" && Wt <= ge.value ? (_r[Re] && (!De || Wt >= De.value) && (de = _r[Re]), !0) : !1;
  16615. }), $e = de || Xi || $e;
  16616. }
  16617. if (!g.useGPUTranslations && (L.skipTranslation = !0, Gt = lt.toPixels(Gt, !0), Wt = ot.toPixels(Wt, !0), Gt > pt && L.drawMode === "points"))
  16618. return "continue";
  16619. if (L.hasMarkers && _n && Mt !== !1 && (m.closestPointRangePx = Math.min(m.closestPointRangePx, Math.abs(Gt - Mt))), !g.useGPUTranslations && !g.usePreallocated && Mt && 1 > Math.abs(Gt - Mt) && Pt && 1 > Math.abs(Wt - Pt))
  16620. return g.debug.showSkipSummary && ++Ot, "continue";
  16621. Ln && (At = Or, (Or === !1 || typeof Or > "u") && (At = 0 > Wt ? Wt : 0), Z || et || (At = Math.max(fs === null ? dt : fs, dt)), g.useGPUTranslations || (At = ot.toPixels(At, !0)), $(Gt, At, 0, 0, $e)), it.step && !ds && $(Gt, Pt, 0, 2, $e), $(Gt, Wt, 0, m.type === "bubble" ? be || 1 : 2, $e), Mt = Gt, Pt = Wt, Kt = !0, ds = !1;
  16622. }; Yt < Dt.length - 1 && rt() !== "break"; )
  16623. ;
  16624. g.debug.showSkipSummary && console.log("skipped points:", Ot), Kt || vt === !1 || m.drawMode !== "line_strip" || (_t.x < Number.MAX_VALUE && Y(_t, !0), Nt.x > -Number.MAX_VALUE && Y(Nt));
  16625. }
  16626. Q();
  16627. }
  16628. }
  16629. function j() {
  16630. I = [], = s = [], n = [], u && u.destroy();
  16631. }
  16632. function k(m) {
  16633. h && (h.setUniform("xAxisTrans", m.transA), h.setUniform("xAxisMin", m.min), h.setUniform("xAxisMinPad", m.minPixelPadding), h.setUniform("xAxisPointRange", m.pointRange), h.setUniform("xAxisLen", m.len), h.setUniform(
  16634. "xAxisPos",
  16635. m.pos
  16636. ), h.setUniform("xAxisCVSCoord", !m.horiz), h.setUniform("xAxisIsLog", !!m.logarithmic), h.setUniform("xAxisReversed", !!m.reversed));
  16637. }
  16638. function b(m) {
  16639. h && (h.setUniform("yAxisTrans", m.transA), h.setUniform("yAxisMin", m.min), h.setUniform("yAxisMinPad", m.minPixelPadding), h.setUniform("yAxisPointRange", m.pointRange), h.setUniform("yAxisLen", m.len), h.setUniform("yAxisPos", m.pos), h.setUniform("yAxisCVSCoord", !m.horiz), h.setUniform("yAxisIsLog", !!m.logarithmic), h.setUniform("yAxisReversed", !!m.reversed));
  16640. }
  16641. function w(m, L) {
  16642. h.setUniform("hasThreshold", m), h.setUniform("translatedThreshold", L);
  16643. }
  16644. function v(m) {
  16645. if (m)
  16646. a = m.chartWidth || 800, t = m.chartHeight || 400;
  16647. else
  16648. return !1;
  16649. if (!(c && a && t && h))
  16650. return !1;
  16651. g.debug.timeRendering && console.time("gl rendering"), c.canvas.width = a, c.canvas.height = t, h.bind(), c.viewport(0, 0, a, t), h.setPMatrix([2 / a, 0, 0, 0, 0, -(2 / t), 0, 0, 0, 0, -2, 0, -1, 1, -1, 1]), 1 < g.lineWidth && !D.isMS && c.lineWidth(g.lineWidth),, "aVertexPosition", 4), u.bind(), h.setInverted(m.inverted), I.forEach(function(L, z) {
  16652. var $ = L.series.options, Q = $.marker, A = typeof $.lineWidth < "u" ? $.lineWidth : 1, F = $.threshold, Y = G(F), Z = L.series.yAxis.getThreshold(F);
  16653. if (F = x($.marker ? $.marker.enabled : null, L.series.xAxis.isRadial ? !0 : null, L.series.closestPointRangePx > 2 * (($.marker ? $.marker.radius : 10) || 10)), Q = W[Q && Q.symbol || L.series.symbol] ||, L.segments.length !== 0 && L.segments[0].from !== L.segments[0].to) {
  16654. if (Q.isReady && (c.bindTexture(c.TEXTURE_2D, Q.handle), h.setTexture(Q.handle)), m.styledMode ? Q = L.series.markerGroup && L.series.markerGroup.getStyle("fill") : (Q = L.drawMode === "points" && L.series.pointAttribs && L.series.pointAttribs().fill || L.series.color, $.colorByPoint && (Q = L.series.chart.options.colors[z])), L.series.fillOpacity && $.fillOpacity && (Q = new o(Q).setOpacity(x($.fillOpacity, 1)).get()), Q = H(Q).rgba, g.useAlpha || (Q[3] = 1), L.drawMode === "lines" && g.useAlpha && 1 > Q[3] && (Q[3] /= 10), $.boostBlending === "add" ? (c.blendFunc(c.SRC_ALPHA, c.ONE), c.blendEquation(c.FUNC_ADD)) : $.boostBlending === "mult" || $.boostBlending === "multiply" ? c.blendFunc(c.DST_COLOR, c.ZERO) : $.boostBlending === "darken" ? (c.blendFunc(c.ONE, c.ONE), c.blendEquation(c.FUNC_MIN)) : c.blendFuncSeparate(c.SRC_ALPHA, c.ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA, c.ONE, c.ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA), h.reset(), 0 < L.colorData.length ? (h.setUniform("hasColor", 1), z = N(c, h),, "aColor", 4), z.bind()) : c.disableVertexAttribArray(c.getAttribLocation(h.program(), "aColor")), h.setColor(Q), k(L.series.xAxis), b(L.series.yAxis), w(Y, Z), L.drawMode === "points" && ($.marker && G($.marker.radius) ? h.setPointSize(2 * $.marker.radius) : h.setPointSize(1)), h.setSkipTranslation(L.skipTranslation), L.series.type === "bubble" && h.setBubbleUniforms(L.series, L.zMin, L.zMax), h.setDrawAsCircle(X[L.series.type] || !1), 0 < A || L.drawMode !== "line_strip")
  16655. for (A = 0; A < L.segments.length; A++)
  16656. u.render(L.segments[A].from, L.segments[A].to, L.drawMode);
  16657. if (L.hasMarkers && F)
  16658. for ($.marker && G($.marker.radius) ? h.setPointSize(2 * $.marker.radius) : h.setPointSize(10), h.setDrawAsCircle(!0), A = 0; A < L.segments.length; A++)
  16659. u.render(L.segments[A].from, L.segments[A].to, "POINTS");
  16660. }
  16661. }), g.debug.timeRendering && console.timeEnd("gl rendering"), f && f(), j();
  16662. }
  16663. function l(m) {
  16664. if (T(), m.renderer.forExport)
  16665. return v(m);
  16666. _ ? v(m) : setTimeout(function() {
  16667. l(m);
  16668. }, 1);
  16669. }
  16670. var h = !1, u = !1, i = 0, c = !1, a = 0, t = 0, s = !1, n = !1, P = {}, _ = !1, I = [], W = {}, E = { column: !0, columnrange: !0, bar: !0, area: !0, arearange: !0 }, X = { scatter: !0, bubble: !0 }, g = { pointSize: 1, lineWidth: 1, fillColor: "#AA00AA", useAlpha: !0, usePreallocated: !1, useGPUTranslations: !1, debug: { timeRendering: !1, timeSeriesProcessing: !1, timeSetup: !1, timeBufferCopy: !1, timeKDTree: !1, showSkipSummary: !1 } };
  16671. return P = { allocateBufferForSingleSeries: function(m) {
  16672. var L = 0;
  16673. g.usePreallocated && (m.isSeriesBoosting && (L = d(m)), u.allocate(L));
  16674. }, pushSeries: function(m) {
  16675. 0 < I.length && I[I.length - 1].hasMarkers && (I[I.length - 1].markerTo = n.length), g.debug.timeSeriesProcessing && console.time("building " + m.type + " series");
  16676. var L = { segments: [], markerFrom: n.length, colorData: [], series: m, zMin: Number.MAX_VALUE, zMax: -Number.MAX_VALUE, hasMarkers: m.options.marker ? m.options.marker.enabled !== !1 : !1, showMarkers: !0, drawMode: {
  16677. area: "lines",
  16678. arearange: "lines",
  16679. areaspline: "line_strip",
  16680. column: "lines",
  16681. columnrange: "lines",
  16682. bar: "lines",
  16683. line: "line_strip",
  16684. scatter: "points",
  16685. heatmap: "triangles",
  16686. treemap: "triangles",
  16687. bubble: "points"
  16688. }[m.type] || "line_strip" };
  16689. m.index >= I.length ? I.push(L) : I[m.index] = L, O(m, L), g.debug.timeSeriesProcessing && console.timeEnd("building " + m.type + " series");
  16690. }, setSize: function(m, L) {
  16691. a === m && t === L || !h || (a = m, t = L, h.bind(), h.setPMatrix([2 / a, 0, 0, 0, 0, -(2 / t), 0, 0, 0, 0, -2, 0, -1, 1, -1, 1]));
  16692. }, inited: function() {
  16693. return _;
  16694. }, setThreshold: w, init: function(m, L) {
  16695. function z(A, F) {
  16696. var Y = { isReady: !1, texture: V.createElement("canvas"), handle: c.createTexture() }, Z = Y.texture.getContext("2d");
  16697. W[A] = Y, Y.texture.width = 512, Y.texture.height = 512, Z.mozImageSmoothingEnabled = !1, Z.webkitImageSmoothingEnabled = !1, Z.msImageSmoothingEnabled = !1, Z.imageSmoothingEnabled = !1, Z.strokeStyle = "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)", Z.fillStyle = "#FFF", F(Z);
  16698. try {
  16699. c.activeTexture(c.TEXTURE0), c.bindTexture(c.TEXTURE_2D, Y.handle), c.texImage2D(c.TEXTURE_2D, 0, c.RGBA, c.RGBA, c.UNSIGNED_BYTE, Y.texture), c.texParameteri(c.TEXTURE_2D, c.TEXTURE_WRAP_S, c.CLAMP_TO_EDGE), c.texParameteri(
  16700. c.TEXTURE_2D,
  16701. c.TEXTURE_WRAP_T,
  16702. c.CLAMP_TO_EDGE
  16703. ), c.texParameteri(c.TEXTURE_2D, c.TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, c.LINEAR), c.texParameteri(c.TEXTURE_2D, c.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, c.LINEAR), c.bindTexture(c.TEXTURE_2D, null), Y.isReady = !0;
  16704. } catch {
  16705. }
  16706. }
  16707. var $ = 0, Q = ["webgl", "experimental-webgl", "moz-webgl", "webkit-3d"];
  16708. if (_ = !1, !m)
  16709. return !1;
  16710. for (g.debug.timeSetup && console.time("gl setup"); $ < Q.length && !(c = m.getContext(Q[$], {})); $++)
  16711. ;
  16712. if (c)
  16713. L || j();
  16714. else
  16715. return !1;
  16716. return c.enable(c.BLEND), c.blendFunc(c.SRC_ALPHA, c.ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA), c.disable(c.DEPTH_TEST), c.depthFunc(c.LESS), h = y(c), h ? (u = N(c, h), z("circle", function(A) {
  16717. A.beginPath(), A.arc(256, 256, 256, 0, 2 * Math.PI), A.stroke(), A.fill();
  16718. }), z("square", function(A) {
  16719. A.fillRect(0, 0, 512, 512);
  16720. }), z("diamond", function(A) {
  16721. A.beginPath(), A.moveTo(256, 0), A.lineTo(512, 256), A.lineTo(256, 512), A.lineTo(0, 256), A.lineTo(256, 0), A.fill();
  16722. }), z("triangle", function(A) {
  16723. A.beginPath(), A.moveTo(0, 512), A.lineTo(256, 0), A.lineTo(512, 512), A.lineTo(0, 512), A.fill();
  16724. }), z("triangle-down", function(A) {
  16725. A.beginPath(), A.moveTo(0, 0), A.lineTo(256, 512), A.lineTo(
  16726. 512,
  16727. 0
  16728. ), A.lineTo(0, 0), A.fill();
  16729. }), _ = !0, g.debug.timeSetup && console.timeEnd("gl setup"), !0) : !1;
  16730. }, render: l, settings: g, valid: function() {
  16731. return c !== !1;
  16732. }, clear: T, flush: j, setXAxis: k, setYAxis: b, data: s, gl: function() {
  16733. return c;
  16734. }, allocateBuffer: function(m) {
  16735. var L = 0;
  16736. g.usePreallocated && (m.series.forEach(function(z) {
  16737. z.isSeriesBoosting && (L += d(z));
  16738. }), u.allocate(L));
  16739. }, destroy: function() {
  16740. j(), u.destroy(), h.destroy(), c && (S(W, function(m) {
  16741. m.handle && c.deleteTexture(m.handle);
  16742. }), c.canvas.width = 1, c.canvas.height = 1);
  16743. }, setOptions: function(m) {
  16744. B(
  16745. !0,
  16746. g,
  16747. m
  16748. );
  16749. } };
  16750. };
  16751. }), M(p, "Extensions/Boost/BoostAttach.js", [p["Core/Chart/Chart.js"], p["Extensions/Boost/WGLRenderer.js"], p["Core/Globals.js"], p["Core/Utilities.js"]], function(o, y, N, D) {
  16752. var U = N.doc, H = D.error, V;
  16753. return function(G, R) {
  16754. var B = G.chartWidth, S = G.chartHeight, x = G, f = G.seriesGroup ||, d = U.implementation.hasFeature("www.", "1.1");
  16755. return x = G.isChartSeriesBoosting() ? G : R, d = !1, V || (V = U.createElement("canvas")), x.renderTarget || (x.canvas = V, G.renderer.forExport || !d ? (x.renderTarget = G.renderer.image("", 0, 0, B, S).addClass("highcharts-boost-canvas").add(f), x.boostClear = function() {
  16756. x.renderTarget.attr({ href: "" });
  16757. }, x.boostCopy = function() {
  16758. x.boostResizeTarget(), x.renderTarget.attr({ href: x.canvas.toDataURL("image/png") });
  16759. }) : (x.renderTargetFo = G.renderer.createElement("foreignObject").add(f), x.renderTarget = U.createElement("canvas"), x.renderTargetCtx = x.renderTarget.getContext("2d"), x.renderTargetFo.element.appendChild(x.renderTarget), x.boostClear = function() {
  16760. x.renderTarget.width = x.canvas.width, x.renderTarget.height = x.canvas.height;
  16761. }, x.boostCopy = function() {
  16762. x.renderTarget.width = x.canvas.width, x.renderTarget.height = x.canvas.height, x.renderTargetCtx.drawImage(x.canvas, 0, 0);
  16763. }), x.boostResizeTarget = function() {
  16764. B = G.chartWidth, S = G.chartHeight, (x.renderTargetFo || x.renderTarget).attr({ x: 0, y: 0, width: B, height: S }).css({ pointerEvents: "none", mixedBlendMode: "normal", opacity: 1 }), x instanceof o && x.markerGroup.translate(G.plotLeft, G.plotTop);
  16765. }, x.boostClipRect = G.renderer.clipRect(), (x.renderTargetFo || x.renderTarget).clip(x.boostClipRect), x instanceof o && (x.markerGroup = x.renderer.g().add(f), x.markerGroup.translate(R.xAxis.pos, R.yAxis.pos))), x.canvas.width = B, x.canvas.height = S, x.boostClipRect.attr(G.getBoostClipRect(x)), x.boostResizeTarget(), x.boostClear(), x.ogl || (x.ogl = y(function() {
  16766. x.ogl.settings.debug.timeBufferCopy && console.time("buffer copy"), x.boostCopy(), x.ogl.settings.debug.timeBufferCopy && console.timeEnd("buffer copy");
  16767. }), x.ogl.init(x.canvas) || H("[highcharts boost] - unable to init WebGL renderer"), x.ogl.setOptions(G.options.boost || {}), x instanceof o && x.ogl.allocateBuffer(G)), x.ogl.setSize(B, S), x.ogl;
  16768. };
  16769. }), M(p, "Extensions/Boost/BoostUtils.js", [p["Core/Globals.js"], p["Extensions/Boost/BoostableMap.js"], p["Extensions/Boost/BoostAttach.js"], p["Core/Utilities.js"]], function(o, y, N, D) {
  16770. function U() {
  16771. for (var f = [], d = 0; d < arguments.length; d++)
  16772. f[d] = arguments[d];
  16773. var T = -Number.MAX_VALUE;
  16774. return f.forEach(function(O) {
  16775. if (typeof O < "u" && O !== null && typeof O.length < "u" && 0 < O.length)
  16776. return T = O.length, !0;
  16777. }), T;
  16778. }
  16779. function H(f, d, T) {
  16780. f && d.renderTarget && d.canvas && !(T || d.chart).isChartSeriesBoosting() && f.render(T || d.chart);
  16781. }
  16782. function V(f, d) {
  16783. f && d.renderTarget && d.canvas && !d.chart.isChartSeriesBoosting() && f.allocateBufferForSingleSeries(d);
  16784. }
  16785. function G(f, d, T, O, j, k) {
  16786. j = j || 0, O = O || 3e3;
  16787. for (var b = j + O, w = !0; w && j < b && j < f.length; )
  16788. w = d(f[j], j), ++j;
  16789. w && (j < f.length ? k ? G(f, d, T, O, j, k) : B.requestAnimationFrame ? B.requestAnimationFrame(function() {
  16790. G(f, d, T, O, j);
  16791. }) : setTimeout(function() {
  16792. G(f, d, T, O, j);
  16793. }) : T && T());
  16794. }
  16795. function R() {
  16796. var f = 0, d, T = [
  16797. "webgl",
  16798. "experimental-webgl",
  16799. "moz-webgl",
  16800. "webkit-3d"
  16801. ], O = !1;
  16802. if (typeof B.WebGLRenderingContext < "u")
  16803. for (d = S.createElement("canvas"); f < T.length; f++)
  16804. try {
  16805. if (O = d.getContext(T[f]), typeof O < "u" && O !== null)
  16806. return !0;
  16807. } catch {
  16808. }
  16809. return !1;
  16810. }
  16811. var B =, S = o.doc, x = D.pick;
  16812. return D = { patientMax: U, boostEnabled: function(f) {
  16813. return x(f && f.options && f.options.boost && f.options.boost.enabled, !0);
  16814. }, shouldForceChartSeriesBoosting: function(f) {
  16815. var d = 0, T = 0, O = x(f.options.boost && f.options.boost.allowForce, !0);
  16816. if (typeof f.boostForceChartBoost < "u")
  16817. return f.boostForceChartBoost;
  16818. if (1 < f.series.length)
  16819. for (var j = 0; j < f.series.length; j++) {
  16820. var k = f.series[j];
  16821. k.options.boostThreshold !== 0 && k.visible !== !1 && k.type !== "heatmap" && (y[k.type] && ++T, U(k.processedXData,, k.points) >= (k.options.boostThreshold || Number.MAX_VALUE) && ++d);
  16822. }
  16823. return f.boostForceChartBoost = O && (T === f.series.length && 0 < d || 5 < d), f.boostForceChartBoost;
  16824. }, renderIfNotSeriesBoosting: H, allocateIfNotSeriesBoosting: V, eachAsync: G, hasWebGLSupport: R, pointDrawHandler: function(f) {
  16825. var d = !0;
  16826. if (this.chart.options && this.chart.options.boost && (d = typeof this.chart.options.boost.enabled > "u" ? !0 : this.chart.options.boost.enabled), !d || !this.isSeriesBoosting)
  16827. return;
  16828. this.chart.isBoosting = !0, (f = N(this.chart, this)) && (V(f, this), f.pushSeries(this)), H(f, this);
  16829. } }, o.hasWebGLSupport = R, D;
  16830. }), M(
  16831. p,
  16832. "Extensions/Boost/BoostInit.js",
  16833. [p["Core/Chart/Chart.js"], p["Core/Globals.js"], p["Core/Series/Series.js"], p["Core/Series/SeriesRegistry.js"], p["Core/Utilities.js"], p["Extensions/Boost/BoostUtils.js"], p["Extensions/Boost/BoostAttach.js"]],
  16834. function(o, y, N, D, U, H, V) {
  16835. var G = y.noop, R = D.seriesTypes, B = U.addEvent, S = U.extend, x = U.fireEvent, f = U.wrap, d = H.eachAsync, T = H.pointDrawHandler, O = H.allocateIfNotSeriesBoosting, j = H.renderIfNotSeriesBoosting, k = H.shouldForceChartSeriesBoosting, b;
  16836. return function() {
  16837. S(N.prototype, { renderCanvas: function() {
  16838. function w(dt, ht) {
  16839. var at = !1, J = typeof i.index > "u", tt = !0;
  16840. if (typeof dt > "u")
  16841. return !0;
  16842. if (!J) {
  16843. if (F)
  16844. var ot = dt[0], lt = dt[1];
  16845. else
  16846. ot = dt, lt = s[ht];
  16847. z ? (F && (lt = dt.slice(1, 3)), at = lt[0], lt = lt[1]) : $ && (ot = dt.x, lt = dt.stackY, at = lt - dt.y), A || (tt = lt >= I && lt <= W), lt !== null && ot >= P && ot <= _ && tt && (dt = c.toPixels(ot, !0), g ? ((typeof q > "u" || dt === X) && (z || (at = lt), (typeof it > "u" || lt > Z) && (Z = lt, it = ht), (typeof q > "u" || at < Y) && (Y = at, q = ht)), dt !== X && (typeof q < "u" && (lt = a.toPixels(Z, !0), L = a.toPixels(Y, !0), rt(dt, lt, it), L !== lt && rt(dt, L, q)), q = it = void 0, X = dt)) : (lt = Math.ceil(a.toPixels(lt, !0)), rt(dt, lt, ht)));
  16848. }
  16849. return !J;
  16850. }
  16851. function v() {
  16852. x(l, "renderedCanvas"), delete l.buildKDTree, l.buildKDTree(), ct.debug.timeKDTree && console.timeEnd("kd tree building");
  16853. }
  16854. var l = this, h = l.options || {}, u = !1, i = l.chart, c = this.xAxis, a = this.yAxis, t = h.xData || l.processedXData, s = h.yData || l.processedYData, n =;
  16855. u = c.getExtremes();
  16856. var P = u.min, _ = u.max;
  16857. u = a.getExtremes();
  16858. var I = u.min, W = u.max, E = {}, X, g = !!l.sampling, m = h.enableMouseTracking !== !1, L = a.getThreshold(h.threshold), z = l.pointArrayMap && l.pointArrayMap.join(",") === "low,high", $ = !!h.stacking, Q = l.cropStart || 0, A = l.requireSorting, F = !t, Y, Z, q, it, et = h.findNearestPointBy === "x", nt = this.xData || this.options.xData || this.processedXData || !1, rt = function(dt, ht, at) {
  16859. dt = Math.ceil(dt), b = et ? dt : dt + "," + ht, m && !E[b] && (E[b] = !0, i.inverted && (dt = c.len - dt, ht = a.len - ht), gt.push({ x: nt ? nt[Q + at] : !1, clientX: dt, plotX: dt, plotY: ht, i: Q + at }));
  16860. };
  16861. u = V(i, l), i.isBoosting = !0;
  16862. var ct = u.settings;
  16863. if (this.visible) {
  16864. (this.points || this.graph) && this.destroyGraphics(), i.isChartSeriesBoosting() ? (this.markerGroup && this.markerGroup !== i.markerGroup && this.markerGroup.destroy(), this.markerGroup = i.markerGroup, this.renderTarget && (this.renderTarget = this.renderTarget.destroy())) : (this.markerGroup === i.markerGroup && (this.markerGroup = void 0), this.markerGroup = l.plotGroup("markerGroup", "markers", !0, 1, i.seriesGroup));
  16865. var gt = this.points = [];
  16866. l.buildKDTree = G, u && (O(u, this), u.pushSeries(l), j(u, this, i)), i.renderer.forExport || (ct.debug.timeKDTree && console.time("kd tree building"), d($ ? : t || n, w, v));
  16867. }
  16868. } }), ["heatmap", "treemap"].forEach(function(w) {
  16869. R[w] && f(R[w].prototype, "drawPoints", T);
  16870. }), R.bubble && (delete R.bubble.prototype.buildKDTree, f(R.bubble.prototype, "markerAttribs", function(w) {
  16871. return this.isSeriesBoosting ? !1 : w.apply(this, [], 1));
  16872. })), R.scatter.prototype.fill = !0, S(R.area.prototype, { fill: !0, fillOpacity: !0, sampling: !0 }), S(R.column.prototype, { fill: !0, sampling: !0 }), o.prototype.propsRequireUpdateSeries.push("boost"), o.prototype.callbacks.push(function(w) {
  16873. B(w, "predraw", function() {
  16874. w.boostForceChartBoost = void 0, w.boostForceChartBoost = k(w), w.isBoosting = !1, !w.isChartSeriesBoosting() && w.didBoost && (w.didBoost = !1), w.boostClear && w.boostClear(), w.canvas && w.ogl && w.isChartSeriesBoosting() && (w.didBoost = !0, w.ogl.allocateBuffer(w)), w.markerGroup && w.xAxis && 0 < w.xAxis.length && w.yAxis && 0 < w.yAxis.length && w.markerGroup.translate(w.xAxis[0].pos, w.yAxis[0].pos);
  16875. }), B(w, "render", function() {
  16876. w.ogl && w.isChartSeriesBoosting() && w.ogl.render(w);
  16877. });
  16878. var v = -1, l = -1;
  16879. B(w.pointer, "afterGetHoverData", function() {
  16880. var h = w.hoverSeries;
  16881. if (w.markerGroup && h) {
  16882. var u = w.inverted ? h.yAxis : h.xAxis;
  16883. h = w.inverted ? h.xAxis : h.yAxis, (u && u.pos !== v || h && h.pos !== l) && (w.markerGroup.translate(u.pos, h.pos), v = u.pos, l = h.pos);
  16884. }
  16885. });
  16886. });
  16887. };
  16888. }
  16889. ), M(
  16890. p,
  16891. "Extensions/BoostCanvas.js",
  16892. [p["Core/Chart/Chart.js"], p["Core/Color/Color.js"], p["Core/Globals.js"], p["Core/Series/Series.js"], p["Core/Series/SeriesRegistry.js"], p["Core/Utilities.js"]],
  16893. function(o, y, N, D, U, H) {
  16894. var V = y.parse, G = N.doc, R = N.noop, B = U.seriesTypes, S = H.addEvent, x = H.extend, f = H.fireEvent, d = H.isNumber, T = H.merge, O = H.pick, j = H.wrap, k;
  16895. return function() {
  16896. N.seriesTypes.heatmap && j(N.seriesTypes.heatmap.prototype, "drawPoints", function() {
  16897. var b = this.chart, w = this.getContext(), v = this.chart.inverted, l = this.xAxis, h = this.yAxis;
  16898. w ? (this.points.forEach(function(u) {
  16899. var i = u.plotY;
  16900. if (typeof i < "u" && !isNaN(i) && u.y !== null && w) {
  16901. var c = u.shapeArgs || {};
  16902. i = c.x, i = i === void 0 ? 0 : i;
  16903. var a = c.y;
  16904. a = a === void 0 ? 0 : a;
  16905. var t = c.width;
  16906. t = t === void 0 ? 0 : t, c = c.height, c = c === void 0 ? 0 : c, u = b.styledMode ? u.series.colorAttribs(u) : u.series.pointAttribs(u), w.fillStyle = u.fill, v ? w.fillRect(h.len - a + l.left, l.len - i +, -c, -t) : w.fillRect(i + l.left, a +, t, c);
  16907. }
  16908. }), this.canvasToSVG()) : this.chart.showLoading("Your browser doesn't support HTML5 canvas, <br>please use a modern browser");
  16909. }), x(D.prototype, { getContext: function() {
  16910. var b = this.chart, w = b.chartWidth, v = b.chartHeight, l = b.seriesGroup ||, h = this, u = function(c, a, t, s, n, P, _) {
  16911., t, a, s, n, P, _);
  16912. };
  16913. b.isChartSeriesBoosting() && (h = b, l = b.seriesGroup);
  16914. var i = h.ctx;
  16915. return h.canvas || (h.canvas = G.createElement("canvas"), h.renderTarget = b.renderer.image("", 0, 0, w, v).addClass("highcharts-boost-canvas").add(l), h.ctx = i = h.canvas.getContext("2d"), b.inverted && ["moveTo", "lineTo", "rect", "arc"].forEach(function(c) {
  16916. j(i, c, u);
  16917. }), h.boostCopy = function() {
  16918. h.renderTarget.attr({ href: h.canvas.toDataURL("image/png") });
  16919. }, h.boostClear = function() {
  16920. i.clearRect(0, 0, h.canvas.width, h.canvas.height), h === this && h.renderTarget.attr({ href: "" });
  16921. }, h.boostClipRect = b.renderer.clipRect(), h.renderTarget.clip(h.boostClipRect)), h.canvas.width !== w && (h.canvas.width = w), h.canvas.height !== v && (h.canvas.height = v), h.renderTarget.attr({ x: 0, y: 0, width: w, height: v, style: "pointer-events: none", href: "" }), h.boostClipRect.attr(b.getBoostClipRect(h)), i;
  16922. }, canvasToSVG: function() {
  16923. this.chart.isChartSeriesBoosting() ? this.boostClear && this.boostClear() : (this.boostCopy || this.chart.boostCopy) && (this.boostCopy || this.chart.boostCopy)();
  16924. }, cvsLineTo: function(b, w, v) {
  16925. b.lineTo(w, v);
  16926. }, renderCanvas: function() {
  16927. var b = this, w = b.options, v = b.chart, l = this.xAxis, h = this.yAxis, u = (v.options.boost || {}).timeRendering || !1, i = 0, c = b.processedXData, a = b.processedYData, t =, s = l.getExtremes(), n = s.min, P = s.max;
  16928. s = h.getExtremes();
  16929. var _ = s.min, I = s.max, W = {}, E, X = !!b.sampling, g = w.marker && w.marker.radius, m = this.cvsDrawPoint, L = w.lineWidth ? this.cvsLineTo : void 0, z = g && 1 >= g ? this.cvsMarkerSquare : this.cvsMarkerCircle, $ = this.cvsStrokeBatch || 1e3, Q = w.enableMouseTracking !== !1, A;
  16930. s = w.threshold;
  16931. var F = h.getThreshold(s), Y = d(s), Z = F, q = this.fill, it = b.pointArrayMap && b.pointArrayMap.join(",") === "low,high", et = !!w.stacking, nt = b.cropStart || 0;
  16932. s = v.options.loading;
  16933. var rt = b.requireSorting, ct, gt = w.connectNulls, dt = !c, ht, at, J, tt, ot, lt = et ? : c || t, pt = b.fillOpacity ? y.parse(b.color).setOpacity(O(w.fillOpacity, 0.75)).get() : b.color, yt = function() {
  16934. q ? (Dt.fillStyle = pt, Dt.fill()) : (Dt.strokeStyle = b.color, Dt.lineWidth = w.lineWidth, Dt.stroke());
  16935. }, vt = function(_t, Nt, Ot, Kt) {
  16936. i === 0 && (Dt.beginPath(), L && (Dt.lineJoin = "round")), v.scroller && b.options.className === "highcharts-navigator-series" ? (Nt +=, Ot && (Ot += : Nt += v.plotTop, _t += v.plotLeft, ct ? Dt.moveTo(_t, Nt) : m ? m(Dt, _t, Nt, Ot, A) : L ? L(Dt, _t, Nt) : z &&, Dt, _t, Nt, g, Kt), i += 1, i === $ && (yt(), i = 0), A = { clientX: _t, plotY: Nt, yBottom: Ot };
  16937. }, Mt = w.findNearestPointBy === "x", Pt = this.xData || this.options.xData || this.processedXData || !1, At = function(_t, Nt, Ot) {
  16938. ot = Mt ? _t : _t + "," + Nt, Q && !W[ot] && (W[ot] = !0, v.inverted && (_t = l.len - _t, Nt = h.len - Nt), St.push({ x: Pt ? Pt[nt + Ot] : !1, clientX: _t, plotX: _t, plotY: Nt, i: nt + Ot }));
  16939. };
  16940. this.renderTarget && this.renderTarget.attr({ href: "" }), (this.points || this.graph) && this.destroyGraphics(), b.plotGroup("group", "series", b.visible ? "visible" : "hidden", w.zIndex, v.seriesGroup), b.markerGroup =, S(b, "destroy", function() {
  16941. b.markerGroup = null;
  16942. });
  16943. var St = this.points = [], Dt = this.getContext();
  16944. b.buildKDTree = R, this.boostClear && this.boostClear(), this.visible && (99999 < t.length && (v.options.loading = T(s, { labelStyle: {
  16945. backgroundColor: V("#ffffff").setOpacity(0.75).get(),
  16946. padding: "1em",
  16947. borderRadius: "0.5em"
  16948. }, style: { backgroundColor: "none", opacity: 1 } }), H.clearTimeout(k), v.showLoading("Drawing..."), v.options.loading = s), u && console.time("canvas rendering"), N.eachAsync(lt, function(_t, Nt) {
  16949. var Ot = !1, Kt = !1, Gt = !1, Wt = !1, Jt = typeof v.index > "u", be = !0;
  16950. if (!Jt) {
  16951. if (dt) {
  16952. var Yt = _t[0], Vt = _t[1];
  16953. lt[Nt + 1] && (Gt = lt[Nt + 1][0]), lt[Nt - 1] && (Wt = lt[Nt - 1][0]);
  16954. } else
  16955. Yt = _t, Vt = a[Nt], lt[Nt + 1] && (Gt = lt[Nt + 1]), lt[Nt - 1] && (Wt = lt[Nt - 1]);
  16956. if (Gt && Gt >= n && Gt <= P && (Ot = !0), Wt && Wt >= n && Wt <= P && (Kt = !0), it) {
  16957. dt && (Vt = _t.slice(1, 3));
  16958. var Ce = Vt[0];
  16959. Vt = Vt[1];
  16960. } else
  16961. et && (Yt = _t.x, Vt = _t.stackY, Ce = Vt - _t.y);
  16962. _t = Vt === null, rt || (be = Vt >= _ && Vt <= I), !_t && (Yt >= n && Yt <= P && be || Ot || Kt) && (Yt = Math.round(l.toPixels(Yt, !0)), X ? ((typeof J > "u" || Yt === E) && (it || (Ce = Vt), (typeof tt > "u" || Vt > at) && (at = Vt, tt = Nt), (typeof J > "u" || Ce < ht) && (ht = Ce, J = Nt)), Yt !== E && (typeof J < "u" && (Vt = h.toPixels(at, !0), F = h.toPixels(ht, !0), vt(Yt, Y ? Math.min(Vt, Z) : Vt, Y ? Math.max(F, Z) : F, Nt), At(Yt, Vt, tt), F !== Vt && At(Yt, F, J)), J = tt = void 0, E = Yt)) : (Vt = Math.round(h.toPixels(Vt, !0)), vt(Yt, Vt, F, Nt), At(Yt, Vt, Nt))), ct = _t && !gt, Nt % 5e4 === 0 && (b.boostCopy || b.chart.boostCopy) && (b.boostCopy || b.chart.boostCopy)();
  16963. }
  16964. return !Jt;
  16965. }, function() {
  16966. var _t = v.loadingDiv, Nt = v.loadingShown;
  16967. yt(), b.canvasToSVG(), u && console.timeEnd("canvas rendering"), f(b, "renderedCanvas"), Nt && (x(, { transition: "opacity 250ms", opacity: 0 }), v.loadingShown = !1, k = setTimeout(function() {
  16968. _t.parentNode && _t.parentNode.removeChild(_t), v.loadingDiv = v.loadingSpan = null;
  16969. }, 250)), delete b.buildKDTree, b.buildKDTree();
  16970. }, v.renderer.forExport ? Number.MAX_VALUE : void 0));
  16971. } }), B.scatter.prototype.cvsMarkerCircle = function(b, w, v, l) {
  16972. b.moveTo(w, v), b.arc(w, v, l, 0, 2 * Math.PI, !1);
  16973. }, B.scatter.prototype.cvsMarkerSquare = function(b, w, v, l) {
  16974. b.rect(w - l, v - l, 2 * l, 2 * l);
  16975. }, B.scatter.prototype.fill = !0, B.bubble && (B.bubble.prototype.cvsMarkerCircle = function(b, w, v, l, h) {
  16976. b.moveTo(w, v), b.arc(w, v, this.radii && this.radii[h], 0, 2 * Math.PI, !1);
  16977. }, B.bubble.prototype.cvsStrokeBatch = 1), x(B.area.prototype, {
  16978. cvsDrawPoint: function(b, w, v, l, h) {
  16979. h && w !== h.clientX && (b.moveTo(h.clientX, h.yBottom), b.lineTo(h.clientX, h.plotY), b.lineTo(w, v), b.lineTo(w, l));
  16980. },
  16981. fill: !0,
  16982. fillOpacity: !0,
  16983. sampling: !0
  16984. }), x(B.column.prototype, { cvsDrawPoint: function(b, w, v, l) {
  16985. b.rect(w - 1, v, 1, l - v);
  16986. }, fill: !0, sampling: !0 }), o.prototype.callbacks.push(function(b) {
  16987. S(b, "predraw", function() {
  16988. b.renderTarget && b.renderTarget.attr({ href: "" }), b.canvas && b.canvas.getContext("2d").clearRect(0, 0, b.canvas.width, b.canvas.height);
  16989. }), S(b, "render", function() {
  16990. b.boostCopy && b.boostCopy();
  16991. });
  16992. });
  16993. };
  16994. }
  16995. ), M(p, "Extensions/Boost/BoostOverrides.js", [
  16996. p["Core/Chart/Chart.js"],
  16997. p["Core/DefaultOptions.js"],
  16998. p["Core/Series/Point.js"],
  16999. p["Core/Series/Series.js"],
  17000. p["Core/Series/SeriesRegistry.js"],
  17001. p["Core/Utilities.js"],
  17002. p["Extensions/Boost/BoostUtils.js"],
  17003. p["Extensions/Boost/Boostables.js"],
  17004. p["Extensions/Boost/BoostableMap.js"]
  17005. ], function(o, y, N, D, U, H, V, G, R) {
  17006. y = y.getOptions;
  17007. var B = U.seriesTypes;
  17008. U = H.addEvent;
  17009. var S = H.error, x = H.isArray, f = H.isNumber, d = H.pick, T = H.wrap, O = V.boostEnabled, j = V.shouldForceChartSeriesBoosting, k = y().plotOptions;
  17010. o.prototype.isChartSeriesBoosting = function() {
  17011. return d(this.options.boost && this.options.boost.seriesThreshold, 50) <= this.series.length || j(this);
  17012. }, o.prototype.getBoostClipRect = function(b) {
  17013. var w = { x: this.plotLeft, y: this.plotTop, width: this.plotWidth, height: this.plotHeight };
  17014. return b === this && (b = this.inverted ? this.xAxis : this.yAxis, 1 >= b.length ? (w.y = Math.min(b[0].pos, w.y), w.height = b[0].pos - this.plotTop + b[0].len) : w.height = this.plotHeight), w;
  17015. }, D.prototype.getPoint = function(b) {
  17016. var w = b, v = this.xData || this.options.xData || this.processedXData || !1;
  17017. return !b || b instanceof this.pointClass || (w = new this.pointClass().init(this,[b.i], v ? v[b.i] : void 0), w.category = d(this.xAxis.categories ? this.xAxis.categories[w.x] : w.x, w.x), w.dist = b.dist, w.distX = b.distX, w.plotX = b.plotX, w.plotY = b.plotY, w.index = b.i, w.isInside = this.isPointInside(b)), w;
  17018. }, T(D.prototype, "searchPoint", function(b) {
  17019. return this.getPoint(b.apply(this, [], 1)));
  17020. }), T(N.prototype, "haloPath", function(b) {
  17021. var w = this.series, v = this.plotX, l = this.plotY, h = w.chart.inverted;
  17022. w.isSeriesBoosting && h && (this.plotX = w.yAxis.len - l, this.plotY = w.xAxis.len - v);
  17023. var u = b.apply(this,
  17024. arguments,
  17025. 1
  17026. ));
  17027. return w.isSeriesBoosting && h && (this.plotX = v, this.plotY = l), u;
  17028. }), T(D.prototype, "markerAttribs", function(b, w) {
  17029. var v = w.plotX, l = w.plotY, h = this.chart.inverted;
  17030. this.isSeriesBoosting && h && (w.plotX = this.yAxis.len - l, w.plotY = this.xAxis.len - v);
  17031. var u = b.apply(this,, 1));
  17032. return this.isSeriesBoosting && h && (w.plotX = v, w.plotY = l), u;
  17033. }), U(D, "destroy", function() {
  17034. var b = this, w = b.chart;
  17035. w.markerGroup === b.markerGroup && (b.markerGroup = null), w.hoverPoints && (w.hoverPoints = w.hoverPoints.filter(function(v) {
  17036. return v.series === b;
  17037. })), w.hoverPoint && w.hoverPoint.series === b && (w.hoverPoint = null);
  17038. }), T(D.prototype, "getExtremes", function(b) {
  17039. return this.isSeriesBoosting && this.hasExtremes && this.hasExtremes() ? {} : b.apply(this,, 1));
  17040. }), ["translate", "generatePoints", "drawTracker", "drawPoints", "render"].forEach(function(b) {
  17041. function w(v) {
  17042. var l = this.options.stacking && (b === "translate" || b === "generatePoints");
  17043. !this.isSeriesBoosting || l || !O(this.chart) || this.type === "heatmap" || this.type === "treemap" || !R[this.type] || this.options.boostThreshold === 0 ? : this[b + "Canvas"] && this[b + "Canvas"]();
  17044. }
  17045. T(D.prototype, b, w), b === "translate" && "column bar arearange columnrange heatmap treemap".split(" ").forEach(function(v) {
  17046. B[v] && T(B[v].prototype, b, w);
  17047. });
  17048. }), T(D.prototype, "processData", function(b) {
  17049. function w(h) {
  17050. return v.forceCrop ? !1 : v.chart.isChartSeriesBoosting() || (h ? h.length : 0) >= (v.options.boostThreshold || Number.MAX_VALUE);
  17051. }
  17052. var v = this, l =;
  17053. O(this.chart) && R[this.type] ? (w(l) && this.type !== "heatmap" && this.type !== "treemap" && !this.options.stacking && this.hasExtremes && this.hasExtremes(!0) || (b.apply(this,, 1)), l = this.processedXData), (this.isSeriesBoosting = w(l)) ? (l = void 0, && && (l = this.getFirstValidPoint(, f(l) || x(l) || S(12, !1, this.chart)), this.enterBoost()) : this.exitBoost && this.exitBoost()) : b.apply(this,, 1));
  17054. }), U(D, "hide", function() {
  17055. this.canvas && this.renderTarget && (this.ogl && this.ogl.clear(), this.boostClear());
  17056. }), D.prototype.enterBoost = function() {
  17057. this.alteredByBoost = [], ["allowDG", "directTouch", "stickyTracking"].forEach(function(b) {
  17058. this.alteredByBoost.push({ prop: b, val: this[b], own:, b) });
  17059. }, this), this.directTouch = this.allowDG = !1, this.finishedAnimating = this.stickyTracking = !0, this.labelBySeries && (this.labelBySeries = this.labelBySeries.destroy());
  17060. }, D.prototype.exitBoost = function() {
  17061. (this.alteredByBoost || []).forEach(
  17062. function(b) {
  17063. b.own ? this[b.prop] = b.val : delete this[b.prop];
  17064. },
  17065. this
  17066. ), this.boostClear && this.boostClear();
  17067. }, D.prototype.hasExtremes = function(b) {
  17068. var w = this.options, v = this.xAxis && this.xAxis.options, l = this.yAxis && this.yAxis.options, h = this.colorAxis && this.colorAxis.options;
  17069. return > (w.boostThreshold || Number.MAX_VALUE) && f(l.min) && f(l.max) && (!b || f(v.min) && f(v.max)) && (!h || f(h.min) && f(h.max));
  17070. }, D.prototype.destroyGraphics = function() {
  17071. var b = this, w = this, v = this.points, l, h;
  17072. if (v)
  17073. for (h = 0; h < v.length; h += 1)
  17074. (l = v[h]) && l.destroyElements && l.destroyElements();
  17075. [
  17076. "graph",
  17077. "area",
  17078. "tracker"
  17079. ].forEach(function(u) {
  17080. w[u] && (w[u] = w[u].destroy());
  17081. }), this.getZonesGraphs && this.getZonesGraphs([["graph", "highcharts-graph"]]).forEach(function(u) {
  17082. var i = b[u[0]];
  17083. i && (b[u[0]] = i.destroy());
  17084. });
  17085. }, G.forEach(function(b) {
  17086. k[b] && (k[b].boostThreshold = 5e3, k[b].boostData = [], B[b].prototype.fillOpacity = !0);
  17087. });
  17088. }), M(p, "Extensions/Boost/NamedColors.js", [p["Core/Color/Color.js"]], function(o) {
  17089. var y = {
  17090. aliceblue: "#f0f8ff",
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  17145. hotpink: "#ff69b4",
  17146. indianred: "#cd5c5c",
  17147. indigo: "#4b0082",
  17148. ivory: "#fffff0",
  17149. khaki: "#f0e68c",
  17150. lavender: "#e6e6fa",
  17151. lavenderblush: "#fff0f5",
  17152. lawngreen: "#7cfc00",
  17153. lemonchiffon: "#fffacd",
  17154. lightblue: "#add8e6",
  17155. lightcoral: "#f08080",
  17156. lightcyan: "#e0ffff",
  17157. lightgoldenrodyellow: "#fafad2",
  17158. lightgrey: "#d3d3d3",
  17159. lightgreen: "#90ee90",
  17160. lightpink: "#ffb6c1",
  17161. lightsalmon: "#ffa07a",
  17162. lightseagreen: "#20b2aa",
  17163. lightskyblue: "#87cefa",
  17164. lightslateblue: "#8470ff",
  17165. lightslategray: "#778899",
  17166. lightsteelblue: "#b0c4de",
  17167. lightyellow: "#ffffe0",
  17168. lime: "#00ff00",
  17169. limegreen: "#32cd32",
  17170. linen: "#faf0e6",
  17171. magenta: "#ff00ff",
  17172. maroon: "#800000",
  17173. mediumaquamarine: "#66cdaa",
  17174. mediumblue: "#0000cd",
  17175. mediumorchid: "#ba55d3",
  17176. mediumpurple: "#9370d8",
  17177. mediumseagreen: "#3cb371",
  17178. mediumslateblue: "#7b68ee",
  17179. mediumspringgreen: "#00fa9a",
  17180. mediumturquoise: "#48d1cc",
  17181. mediumvioletred: "#c71585",
  17182. midnightblue: "#191970",
  17183. mintcream: "#f5fffa",
  17184. mistyrose: "#ffe4e1",
  17185. moccasin: "#ffe4b5",
  17186. navajowhite: "#ffdead",
  17187. navy: "#000080",
  17188. oldlace: "#fdf5e6",
  17189. olive: "#808000",
  17190. olivedrab: "#6b8e23",
  17191. orange: "#ffa500",
  17192. orangered: "#ff4500",
  17193. orchid: "#da70d6",
  17194. palegoldenrod: "#eee8aa",
  17195. palegreen: "#98fb98",
  17196. paleturquoise: "#afeeee",
  17197. palevioletred: "#d87093",
  17198. papayawhip: "#ffefd5",
  17199. peachpuff: "#ffdab9",
  17200. peru: "#cd853f",
  17201. pink: "#ffc0cb",
  17202. plum: "#dda0dd",
  17203. powderblue: "#b0e0e6",
  17204. purple: "#800080",
  17205. red: "#ff0000",
  17206. rosybrown: "#bc8f8f",
  17207. royalblue: "#4169e1",
  17208. saddlebrown: "#8b4513",
  17209. salmon: "#fa8072",
  17210. sandybrown: "#f4a460",
  17211. seagreen: "#2e8b57",
  17212. seashell: "#fff5ee",
  17213. sienna: "#a0522d",
  17214. silver: "#c0c0c0",
  17215. skyblue: "#87ceeb",
  17216. slateblue: "#6a5acd",
  17217. slategray: "#708090",
  17218. snow: "#fffafa",
  17219. springgreen: "#00ff7f",
  17220. steelblue: "#4682b4",
  17221. tan: "#d2b48c",
  17222. teal: "#008080",
  17223. thistle: "#d8bfd8",
  17224. tomato: "#ff6347",
  17225. turquoise: "#40e0d0",
  17226. violet: "#ee82ee",
  17227. violetred: "#d02090",
  17228. wheat: "#f5deb3",
  17229. white: "#ffffff",
  17230. whitesmoke: "#f5f5f5",
  17231. yellow: "#ffff00",
  17232. yellowgreen: "#9acd32"
  17233. };
  17234. return o.names = y;
  17235. }), M(p, "Extensions/Boost/Boost.js", [p["Extensions/Boost/BoostUtils.js"], p["Extensions/Boost/BoostInit.js"], p["Extensions/BoostCanvas.js"], p["Core/Utilities.js"]], function(o, y, N, D) {
  17236. D = D.error, o = o.hasWebGLSupport, o() ? y() : typeof N < "u" ? N() : D(26);
  17237. }), M(p, "masters/modules/boost.src.js", [], function() {
  17238. });
  17239. });
  17240. })(ou);
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  17458. //! moment.js
  17459. //! version : 2.30.1
  17460. //! authors : Tim Wood, Iskren Chernev, Moment.js contributors
  17461. //! license : MIT
  17462. //!
  17463. var au;
  17464. function Xt() {
  17465. return au.apply(null, arguments);
  17466. }
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  17468. au = r;
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  17474. return r != null && === "[object Object]";
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  17476. function me(r, p) {
  17477. return, p);
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  17481. return Object.getOwnPropertyNames(r).length === 0;
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  17484. if (me(r, p))
  17485. return !1;
  17486. return !0;
  17487. }
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  17489. return r === void 0;
  17490. }
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  17492. return typeof r == "number" || === "[object Number]";
  17493. }
  17494. function as(r) {
  17495. return r instanceof Date || === "[object Date]";
  17496. }
  17497. function lu(r, p) {
  17498. var M = [], o, y = r.length;
  17499. for (o = 0; o < y; ++o)
  17500. M.push(p(r[o], o));
  17501. return M;
  17502. }
  17503. function Tr(r, p) {
  17504. for (var M in p)
  17505. me(p, M) && (r[M] = p[M]);
  17506. return me(p, "toString") && (r.toString = p.toString), me(p, "valueOf") && (r.valueOf = p.valueOf), r;
  17507. }
  17508. function Zi(r, p, M, o) {
  17509. return Lu(r, p, M, o, !0).utc();
  17510. }
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  17512. return {
  17513. empty: !1,
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  17515. unusedInput: [],
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  17520. invalidMonth: null,
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  17523. iso: !1,
  17524. parsedDateParts: [],
  17525. era: null,
  17526. meridiem: null,
  17527. rfc2822: !1,
  17528. weekdayMismatch: !1
  17529. };
  17530. }
  17531. function oe(r) {
  17532. return r._pf == null && (r._pf = i1()), r._pf;
  17533. }
  17534. var gl;
  17535. Array.prototype.some ? gl = Array.prototype.some : gl = function(r) {
  17536. var p = Object(this), M = p.length >>> 0, o;
  17537. for (o = 0; o < M; o++)
  17538. if (o in p &&, p[o], o, p))
  17539. return !0;
  17540. return !1;
  17541. };
  17542. function El(r) {
  17543. var p = null, M = !1, o = r._d && !isNaN(r._d.getTime());
  17544. if (o && (p = oe(r), M =, function(y) {
  17545. return y != null;
  17546. }), o = p.overflow < 0 && !p.empty && !p.invalidEra && !p.invalidMonth && !p.invalidWeekday && !p.weekdayMismatch && !p.nullInput && !p.invalidFormat && !p.userInvalidated && (!p.meridiem || p.meridiem && M), r._strict && (o = o && p.charsLeftOver === 0 && p.unusedTokens.length === 0 && p.bigHour === void 0)), Object.isFrozen == null || !Object.isFrozen(r))
  17547. r._isValid = o;
  17548. else
  17549. return o;
  17550. return r._isValid;
  17551. }
  17552. function To(r) {
  17553. var p = Zi(NaN);
  17554. return r != null ? Tr(oe(p), r) : oe(p).userInvalidated = !0, p;
  17555. }
  17556. var _p = Xt.momentProperties = [], nl = !1;
  17557. function Ol(r, p) {
  17558. var M, o, y, N = _p.length;
  17559. if (li(p._isAMomentObject) || (r._isAMomentObject = p._isAMomentObject), li(p._i) || (r._i = p._i), li(p._f) || (r._f = p._f), li(p._l) || (r._l = p._l), li(p._strict) || (r._strict = p._strict), li(p._tzm) || (r._tzm = p._tzm), li(p._isUTC) || (r._isUTC = p._isUTC), li(p._offset) || (r._offset = p._offset), li(p._pf) || (r._pf = oe(p)), li(p._locale) || (r._locale = p._locale), N > 0)
  17560. for (M = 0; M < N; M++)
  17561. o = _p[M], y = p[o], li(y) || (r[o] = y);
  17562. return r;
  17563. }
  17564. function ls(r) {
  17565. Ol(this, r), this._d = new Date(r._d != null ? r._d.getTime() : NaN), this.isValid() || (this._d = /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(NaN)), nl === !1 && (nl = !0, Xt.updateOffset(this), nl = !1);
  17566. }
  17567. function Wi(r) {
  17568. return r instanceof ls || r != null && r._isAMomentObject != null;
  17569. }
  17570. function hu(r) {
  17571. Xt.suppressDeprecationWarnings === !1 && typeof console < "u" && console.warn && console.warn("Deprecation warning: " + r);
  17572. }
  17573. function Ei(r, p) {
  17574. var M = !0;
  17575. return Tr(function() {
  17576. if (Xt.deprecationHandler != null && Xt.deprecationHandler(null, r), M) {
  17577. var o = [], y, N, D, U = arguments.length;
  17578. for (N = 0; N < U; N++) {
  17579. if (y = "", typeof arguments[N] == "object") {
  17580. y += `
  17581. [` + N + "] ";
  17582. for (D in arguments[0])
  17583. me(arguments[0], D) && (y += D + ": " + arguments[0][D] + ", ");
  17584. y = y.slice(0, -2);
  17585. } else
  17586. y = arguments[N];
  17587. o.push(y);
  17588. }
  17589. hu(
  17590. r + `
  17591. Arguments: ` +"") + `
  17592. ` + new Error().stack
  17593. ), M = !1;
  17594. }
  17595. return p.apply(this, arguments);
  17596. }, p);
  17597. }
  17598. var Dp = {};
  17599. function cu(r, p) {
  17600. Xt.deprecationHandler != null && Xt.deprecationHandler(r, p), Dp[r] || (hu(p), Dp[r] = !0);
  17601. }
  17602. Xt.suppressDeprecationWarnings = !1;
  17603. Xt.deprecationHandler = null;
  17604. function Ki(r) {
  17605. return typeof Function < "u" && r instanceof Function || === "[object Function]";
  17606. }
  17607. function r1(r) {
  17608. var p, M;
  17609. for (M in r)
  17610. me(r, M) && (p = r[M], Ki(p) ? this[M] = p : this["_" + M] = p);
  17611. this._config = r, this._dayOfMonthOrdinalParseLenient = new RegExp(
  17612. (this._dayOfMonthOrdinalParse.source || this._ordinalParse.source) + "|" + /\d{1,2}/.source
  17613. );
  17614. }
  17615. function ml(r, p) {
  17616. var M = Tr({}, r), o;
  17617. for (o in p)
  17618. me(p, o) && ($r(r[o]) && $r(p[o]) ? (M[o] = {}, Tr(M[o], r[o]), Tr(M[o], p[o])) : p[o] != null ? M[o] = p[o] : delete M[o]);
  17619. for (o in r)
  17620. me(r, o) && !me(p, o) && $r(r[o]) && (M[o] = Tr({}, M[o]));
  17621. return M;
  17622. }
  17623. function Ll(r) {
  17624. r != null && this.set(r);
  17625. }
  17626. var yl;
  17627. Object.keys ? yl = Object.keys : yl = function(r) {
  17628. var p, M = [];
  17629. for (p in r)
  17630. me(r, p) && M.push(p);
  17631. return M;
  17632. };
  17633. var n1 = {
  17634. sameDay: "[Today at] LT",
  17635. nextDay: "[Tomorrow at] LT",
  17636. nextWeek: "dddd [at] LT",
  17637. lastDay: "[Yesterday at] LT",
  17638. lastWeek: "[Last] dddd [at] LT",
  17639. sameElse: "L"
  17640. };
  17641. function s1(r, p, M) {
  17642. var o = this._calendar[r] || this._calendar.sameElse;
  17643. return Ki(o) ?, M) : o;
  17644. }
  17645. function $i(r, p, M) {
  17646. var o = "" + Math.abs(r), y = p - o.length, N = r >= 0;
  17647. return (N ? M ? "+" : "" : "-") + Math.pow(10, Math.max(0, y)).toString().substr(1) + o;
  17648. }
  17649. var _l = /(\[[^\[]*\])|(\\)?([Hh]mm(ss)?|Mo|MM?M?M?|Do|DDDo|DD?D?D?|ddd?d?|do?|w[o|w]?|W[o|W]?|Qo?|N{1,5}|YYYYYY|YYYYY|YYYY|YY|y{2,4}|yo?|gg(ggg?)?|GG(GGG?)?|e|E|a|A|hh?|HH?|kk?|mm?|ss?|S{1,9}|x|X|zz?|ZZ?|.)/g, ro = /(\[[^\[]*\])|(\\)?(LTS|LT|LL?L?L?|l{1,4})/g, sl = {}, vn = {};
  17650. function Zt(r, p, M, o) {
  17651. var y = o;
  17652. typeof o == "string" && (y = function() {
  17653. return this[o]();
  17654. }), r && (vn[r] = y), p && (vn[p[0]] = function() {
  17655. return $i(y.apply(this, arguments), p[1], p[2]);
  17656. }), M && (vn[M] = function() {
  17657. return this.localeData().ordinal(
  17658. y.apply(this, arguments),
  17659. r
  17660. );
  17661. });
  17662. }
  17663. function o1(r) {
  17664. return r.match(/\[[\s\S]/) ? r.replace(/^\[|\]$/g, "") : r.replace(/\\/g, "");
  17665. }
  17666. function a1(r) {
  17667. var p = r.match(_l), M, o;
  17668. for (M = 0, o = p.length; M < o; M++)
  17669. vn[p[M]] ? p[M] = vn[p[M]] : p[M] = o1(p[M]);
  17670. return function(y) {
  17671. var N = "", D;
  17672. for (D = 0; D < o; D++)
  17673. N += Ki(p[D]) ? p[D].call(y, r) : p[D];
  17674. return N;
  17675. };
  17676. }
  17677. function oo(r, p) {
  17678. return r.isValid() ? (p = pu(p, r.localeData()), sl[p] = sl[p] || a1(p), sl[p](r)) : r.localeData().invalidDate();
  17679. }
  17680. function pu(r, p) {
  17681. var M = 5;
  17682. function o(y) {
  17683. return p.longDateFormat(y) || y;
  17684. }
  17685. for (ro.lastIndex = 0; M >= 0 && ro.test(r); )
  17686. r = r.replace(
  17687. ro,
  17688. o
  17689. ), ro.lastIndex = 0, M -= 1;
  17690. return r;
  17691. }
  17692. var l1 = {
  17693. LTS: "h:mm:ss A",
  17694. LT: "h:mm A",
  17695. L: "MM/DD/YYYY",
  17696. LL: "MMMM D, YYYY",
  17697. LLL: "MMMM D, YYYY h:mm A",
  17698. LLLL: "dddd, MMMM D, YYYY h:mm A"
  17699. };
  17700. function h1(r) {
  17701. var p = this._longDateFormat[r], M = this._longDateFormat[r.toUpperCase()];
  17702. return p || !M ? p : (this._longDateFormat[r] = M.match(_l).map(function(o) {
  17703. return o === "MMMM" || o === "MM" || o === "DD" || o === "dddd" ? o.slice(1) : o;
  17704. }).join(""), this._longDateFormat[r]);
  17705. }
  17706. var c1 = "Invalid date";
  17707. function p1() {
  17708. return this._invalidDate;
  17709. }
  17710. var u1 = "%d", d1 = /\d{1,2}/;
  17711. function f1(r) {
  17712. return this._ordinal.replace("%d", r);
  17713. }
  17714. var g1 = {
  17715. future: "in %s",
  17716. past: "%s ago",
  17717. s: "a few seconds",
  17718. ss: "%d seconds",
  17719. m: "a minute",
  17720. mm: "%d minutes",
  17721. h: "an hour",
  17722. hh: "%d hours",
  17723. d: "a day",
  17724. dd: "%d days",
  17725. w: "a week",
  17726. ww: "%d weeks",
  17727. M: "a month",
  17728. MM: "%d months",
  17729. y: "a year",
  17730. yy: "%d years"
  17731. };
  17732. function m1(r, p, M, o) {
  17733. var y = this._relativeTime[M];
  17734. return Ki(y) ? y(r, p, M, o) : y.replace(/%d/i, r);
  17735. }
  17736. function y1(r, p) {
  17737. var M = this._relativeTime[r > 0 ? "future" : "past"];
  17738. return Ki(M) ? M(p) : M.replace(/%s/i, p);
  17739. }
  17740. var Ip = {
  17741. D: "date",
  17742. dates: "date",
  17743. date: "date",
  17744. d: "day",
  17745. days: "day",
  17746. day: "day",
  17747. e: "weekday",
  17748. weekdays: "weekday",
  17749. weekday: "weekday",
  17750. E: "isoWeekday",
  17751. isoweekdays: "isoWeekday",
  17752. isoweekday: "isoWeekday",
  17753. DDD: "dayOfYear",
  17754. dayofyears: "dayOfYear",
  17755. dayofyear: "dayOfYear",
  17756. h: "hour",
  17757. hours: "hour",
  17758. hour: "hour",
  17759. ms: "millisecond",
  17760. milliseconds: "millisecond",
  17761. millisecond: "millisecond",
  17762. m: "minute",
  17763. minutes: "minute",
  17764. minute: "minute",
  17765. M: "month",
  17766. months: "month",
  17767. month: "month",
  17768. Q: "quarter",
  17769. quarters: "quarter",
  17770. quarter: "quarter",
  17771. s: "second",
  17772. seconds: "second",
  17773. second: "second",
  17774. gg: "weekYear",
  17775. weekyears: "weekYear",
  17776. weekyear: "weekYear",
  17777. GG: "isoWeekYear",
  17778. isoweekyears: "isoWeekYear",
  17779. isoweekyear: "isoWeekYear",
  17780. w: "week",
  17781. weeks: "week",
  17782. week: "week",
  17783. W: "isoWeek",
  17784. isoweeks: "isoWeek",
  17785. isoweek: "isoWeek",
  17786. y: "year",
  17787. years: "year",
  17788. year: "year"
  17789. };
  17790. function Oi(r) {
  17791. return typeof r == "string" ? Ip[r] || Ip[r.toLowerCase()] : void 0;
  17792. }
  17793. function Dl(r) {
  17794. var p = {}, M, o;
  17795. for (o in r)
  17796. me(r, o) && (M = Oi(o), M && (p[M] = r[o]));
  17797. return p;
  17798. }
  17799. var v1 = {
  17800. date: 9,
  17801. day: 11,
  17802. weekday: 11,
  17803. isoWeekday: 11,
  17804. dayOfYear: 4,
  17805. hour: 13,
  17806. millisecond: 16,
  17807. minute: 14,
  17808. month: 8,
  17809. quarter: 7,
  17810. second: 15,
  17811. weekYear: 1,
  17812. isoWeekYear: 1,
  17813. week: 5,
  17814. isoWeek: 5,
  17815. year: 1
  17816. };
  17817. function x1(r) {
  17818. var p = [], M;
  17819. for (M in r)
  17820. me(r, M) && p.push({ unit: M, priority: v1[M] });
  17821. return p.sort(function(o, y) {
  17822. return o.priority - y.priority;
  17823. }), p;
  17824. }
  17825. var uu = /\d/, yi = /\d\d/, du = /\d{3}/, Il = /\d{4}/, Po = /[+-]?\d{6}/, Pe = /\d\d?/, fu = /\d\d\d\d?/, gu = /\d\d\d\d\d\d?/, Eo = /\d{1,3}/, Rl = /\d{1,4}/, Oo = /[+-]?\d{1,6}/, Mn = /\d+/, Lo = /[+-]?\d+/, b1 = /Z|[+-]\d\d:?\d\d/gi, _o = /Z|[+-]\d\d(?::?\d\d)?/gi, S1 = /[+-]?\d+(\.\d{1,3})?/, hs = /[0-9]{0,256}['a-z\u00A0-\u05FF\u0700-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFF07\uFF10-\uFFEF]{1,256}|[\u0600-\u06FF\/]{1,256}(\s*?[\u0600-\u06FF]{1,256}){1,2}/i, kn = /^[1-9]\d?/, Nl = /^([1-9]\d|\d)/, yo;
  17826. yo = {};
  17827. function Ft(r, p, M) {
  17828. yo[r] = Ki(p) ? p : function(o, y) {
  17829. return o && M ? M : p;
  17830. };
  17831. }
  17832. function w1(r, p) {
  17833. return me(yo, r) ? yo[r](p._strict, p._locale) : new RegExp(C1(r));
  17834. }
  17835. function C1(r) {
  17836. return ur(
  17837. r.replace("\\", "").replace(
  17838. /\\(\[)|\\(\])|\[([^\]\[]*)\]|\\(.)/g,
  17839. function(p, M, o, y, N) {
  17840. return M || o || y || N;
  17841. }
  17842. )
  17843. );
  17844. }
  17845. function ur(r) {
  17846. return r.replace(/[-\/\\^$*+?.()|[\]{}]/g, "\\$&");
  17847. }
  17848. function Ai(r) {
  17849. return r < 0 ? Math.ceil(r) || 0 : Math.floor(r);
  17850. }
  17851. function pe(r) {
  17852. var p = +r, M = 0;
  17853. return p !== 0 && isFinite(p) && (M = Ai(p)), M;
  17854. }
  17855. var vl = {};
  17856. function we(r, p) {
  17857. var M, o = p, y;
  17858. for (typeof r == "string" && (r = [r]), fr(p) && (o = function(N, D) {
  17859. D[p] = pe(N);
  17860. }), y = r.length, M = 0; M < y; M++)
  17861. vl[r[M]] = o;
  17862. }
  17863. function cs(r, p) {
  17864. we(r, function(M, o, y, N) {
  17865. y._w = y._w || {}, p(M, y._w, y, N);
  17866. });
  17867. }
  17868. function M1(r, p, M) {
  17869. p != null && me(vl, r) && vl[r](p, M._a, M, r);
  17870. }
  17871. function Do(r) {
  17872. return r % 4 === 0 && r % 100 !== 0 || r % 400 === 0;
  17873. }
  17874. var ti = 0, cr = 1, Vi = 2, Ge = 3, Ni = 4, pr = 5, Hr = 6, k1 = 7, A1 = 8;
  17875. Zt("Y", 0, 0, function() {
  17876. var r = this.year();
  17877. return r <= 9999 ? $i(r, 4) : "+" + r;
  17878. });
  17879. Zt(0, ["YY", 2], 0, function() {
  17880. return this.year() % 100;
  17881. });
  17882. Zt(0, ["YYYY", 4], 0, "year");
  17883. Zt(0, ["YYYYY", 5], 0, "year");
  17884. Zt(0, ["YYYYYY", 6, !0], 0, "year");
  17885. Ft("Y", Lo);
  17886. Ft("YY", Pe, yi);
  17887. Ft("YYYY", Rl, Il);
  17888. Ft("YYYYY", Oo, Po);
  17889. Ft("YYYYYY", Oo, Po);
  17890. we(["YYYYY", "YYYYYY"], ti);
  17891. we("YYYY", function(r, p) {
  17892. p[ti] = r.length === 2 ? Xt.parseTwoDigitYear(r) : pe(r);
  17893. });
  17894. we("YY", function(r, p) {
  17895. p[ti] = Xt.parseTwoDigitYear(r);
  17896. });
  17897. we("Y", function(r, p) {
  17898. p[ti] = parseInt(r, 10);
  17899. });
  17900. function Qn(r) {
  17901. return Do(r) ? 366 : 365;
  17902. }
  17903. Xt.parseTwoDigitYear = function(r) {
  17904. return pe(r) + (pe(r) > 68 ? 1900 : 2e3);
  17905. };
  17906. var mu = An("FullYear", !0);
  17907. function T1() {
  17908. return Do(this.year());
  17909. }
  17910. function An(r, p) {
  17911. return function(M) {
  17912. return M != null ? (yu(this, r, M), Xt.updateOffset(this, p), this) : es(this, r);
  17913. };
  17914. }
  17915. function es(r, p) {
  17916. if (!r.isValid())
  17917. return NaN;
  17918. var M = r._d, o = r._isUTC;
  17919. switch (p) {
  17920. case "Milliseconds":
  17921. return o ? M.getUTCMilliseconds() : M.getMilliseconds();
  17922. case "Seconds":
  17923. return o ? M.getUTCSeconds() : M.getSeconds();
  17924. case "Minutes":
  17925. return o ? M.getUTCMinutes() : M.getMinutes();
  17926. case "Hours":
  17927. return o ? M.getUTCHours() : M.getHours();
  17928. case "Date":
  17929. return o ? M.getUTCDate() : M.getDate();
  17930. case "Day":
  17931. return o ? M.getUTCDay() : M.getDay();
  17932. case "Month":
  17933. return o ? M.getUTCMonth() : M.getMonth();
  17934. case "FullYear":
  17935. return o ? M.getUTCFullYear() : M.getFullYear();
  17936. default:
  17937. return NaN;
  17938. }
  17939. }
  17940. function yu(r, p, M) {
  17941. var o, y, N, D, U;
  17942. if (!(!r.isValid() || isNaN(M))) {
  17943. switch (o = r._d, y = r._isUTC, p) {
  17944. case "Milliseconds":
  17945. return void (y ? o.setUTCMilliseconds(M) : o.setMilliseconds(M));
  17946. case "Seconds":
  17947. return void (y ? o.setUTCSeconds(M) : o.setSeconds(M));
  17948. case "Minutes":
  17949. return void (y ? o.setUTCMinutes(M) : o.setMinutes(M));
  17950. case "Hours":
  17951. return void (y ? o.setUTCHours(M) : o.setHours(M));
  17952. case "Date":
  17953. return void (y ? o.setUTCDate(M) : o.setDate(M));
  17954. case "FullYear":
  17955. break;
  17956. default:
  17957. return;
  17958. }
  17959. N = M, D = r.month(), U =, U = U === 29 && D === 1 && !Do(N) ? 28 : U, y ? o.setUTCFullYear(N, D, U) : o.setFullYear(N, D, U);
  17960. }
  17961. }
  17962. function P1(r) {
  17963. return r = Oi(r), Ki(this[r]) ? this[r]() : this;
  17964. }
  17965. function E1(r, p) {
  17966. if (typeof r == "object") {
  17967. r = Dl(r);
  17968. var M = x1(r), o, y = M.length;
  17969. for (o = 0; o < y; o++)
  17970. this[M[o].unit](r[M[o].unit]);
  17971. } else if (r = Oi(r), Ki(this[r]))
  17972. return this[r](p);
  17973. return this;
  17974. }
  17975. function O1(r, p) {
  17976. return (r % p + p) % p;
  17977. }
  17978. var We;
  17979. Array.prototype.indexOf ? We = Array.prototype.indexOf : We = function(r) {
  17980. var p;
  17981. for (p = 0; p < this.length; ++p)
  17982. if (this[p] === r)
  17983. return p;
  17984. return -1;
  17985. };
  17986. function Bl(r, p) {
  17987. if (isNaN(r) || isNaN(p))
  17988. return NaN;
  17989. var M = O1(p, 12);
  17990. return r += (p - M) / 12, M === 1 ? Do(r) ? 29 : 28 : 31 - M % 7 % 2;
  17991. }
  17992. Zt("M", ["MM", 2], "Mo", function() {
  17993. return this.month() + 1;
  17994. });
  17995. Zt("MMM", 0, 0, function(r) {
  17996. return this.localeData().monthsShort(this, r);
  17997. });
  17998. Zt("MMMM", 0, 0, function(r) {
  17999. return this.localeData().months(this, r);
  18000. });
  18001. Ft("M", Pe, kn);
  18002. Ft("MM", Pe, yi);
  18003. Ft("MMM", function(r, p) {
  18004. return p.monthsShortRegex(r);
  18005. });
  18006. Ft("MMMM", function(r, p) {
  18007. return p.monthsRegex(r);
  18008. });
  18009. we(["M", "MM"], function(r, p) {
  18010. p[cr] = pe(r) - 1;
  18011. });
  18012. we(["MMM", "MMMM"], function(r, p, M, o) {
  18013. var y = M._locale.monthsParse(r, o, M._strict);
  18014. y != null ? p[cr] = y : oe(M).invalidMonth = r;
  18015. });
  18016. var L1 = "January_February_March_April_May_June_July_August_September_October_November_December".split(
  18017. "_"
  18018. ), vu = "Jan_Feb_Mar_Apr_May_Jun_Jul_Aug_Sep_Oct_Nov_Dec".split("_"), xu = /D[oD]?(\[[^\[\]]*\]|\s)+MMMM?/, _1 = hs, D1 = hs;
  18019. function I1(r, p) {
  18020. return r ? ji(this._months) ? this._months[r.month()] : this._months[(this._months.isFormat || xu).test(p) ? "format" : "standalone"][r.month()] : ji(this._months) ? this._months : this._months.standalone;
  18021. }
  18022. function R1(r, p) {
  18023. return r ? ji(this._monthsShort) ? this._monthsShort[r.month()] : this._monthsShort[xu.test(p) ? "format" : "standalone"][r.month()] : ji(this._monthsShort) ? this._monthsShort : this._monthsShort.standalone;
  18024. }
  18025. function N1(r, p, M) {
  18026. var o, y, N, D = r.toLocaleLowerCase();
  18027. if (!this._monthsParse)
  18028. for (this._monthsParse = [], this._longMonthsParse = [], this._shortMonthsParse = [], o = 0; o < 12; ++o)
  18029. N = Zi([2e3, o]), this._shortMonthsParse[o] = this.monthsShort(
  18030. N,
  18031. ""
  18032. ).toLocaleLowerCase(), this._longMonthsParse[o] = this.months(N, "").toLocaleLowerCase();
  18033. return M ? p === "MMM" ? (y =, D), y !== -1 ? y : null) : (y =, D), y !== -1 ? y : null) : p === "MMM" ? (y =, D), y !== -1 ? y : (y =, D), y !== -1 ? y : null)) : (y =, D), y !== -1 ? y : (y =, D), y !== -1 ? y : null));
  18034. }
  18035. function B1(r, p, M) {
  18036. var o, y, N;
  18037. if (this._monthsParseExact)
  18038. return, r, p, M);
  18039. for (this._monthsParse || (this._monthsParse = [], this._longMonthsParse = [], this._shortMonthsParse = []), o = 0; o < 12; o++) {
  18040. if (y = Zi([2e3, o]), M && !this._longMonthsParse[o] && (this._longMonthsParse[o] = new RegExp(
  18041. "^" + this.months(y, "").replace(".", "") + "$",
  18042. "i"
  18043. ), this._shortMonthsParse[o] = new RegExp(
  18044. "^" + this.monthsShort(y, "").replace(".", "") + "$",
  18045. "i"
  18046. )), !M && !this._monthsParse[o] && (N = "^" + this.months(y, "") + "|^" + this.monthsShort(y, ""), this._monthsParse[o] = new RegExp(N.replace(".", ""), "i")), M && p === "MMMM" && this._longMonthsParse[o].test(r))
  18047. return o;
  18048. if (M && p === "MMM" && this._shortMonthsParse[o].test(r))
  18049. return o;
  18050. if (!M && this._monthsParse[o].test(r))
  18051. return o;
  18052. }
  18053. }
  18054. function bu(r, p) {
  18055. if (!r.isValid())
  18056. return r;
  18057. if (typeof p == "string") {
  18058. if (/^\d+$/.test(p))
  18059. p = pe(p);
  18060. else if (p = r.localeData().monthsParse(p), !fr(p))
  18061. return r;
  18062. }
  18063. var M = p, o =;
  18064. return o = o < 29 ? o : Math.min(o, Bl(r.year(), M)), r._isUTC ? r._d.setUTCMonth(M, o) : r._d.setMonth(M, o), r;
  18065. }
  18066. function Su(r) {
  18067. return r != null ? (bu(this, r), Xt.updateOffset(this, !0), this) : es(this, "Month");
  18068. }
  18069. function j1() {
  18070. return Bl(this.year(), this.month());
  18071. }
  18072. function W1(r) {
  18073. return this._monthsParseExact ? (me(this, "_monthsRegex") ||, r ? this._monthsShortStrictRegex : this._monthsShortRegex) : (me(this, "_monthsShortRegex") || (this._monthsShortRegex = _1), this._monthsShortStrictRegex && r ? this._monthsShortStrictRegex : this._monthsShortRegex);
  18074. }
  18075. function Y1(r) {
  18076. return this._monthsParseExact ? (me(this, "_monthsRegex") ||, r ? this._monthsStrictRegex : this._monthsRegex) : (me(this, "_monthsRegex") || (this._monthsRegex = D1), this._monthsStrictRegex && r ? this._monthsStrictRegex : this._monthsRegex);
  18077. }
  18078. function wu() {
  18079. function r(H, V) {
  18080. return V.length - H.length;
  18081. }
  18082. var p = [], M = [], o = [], y, N, D, U;
  18083. for (y = 0; y < 12; y++)
  18084. N = Zi([2e3, y]), D = ur(this.monthsShort(N, "")), U = ur(this.months(N, "")), p.push(D), M.push(U), o.push(U), o.push(D);
  18085. p.sort(r), M.sort(r), o.sort(r), this._monthsRegex = new RegExp("^(" + o.join("|") + ")", "i"), this._monthsShortRegex = this._monthsRegex, this._monthsStrictRegex = new RegExp(
  18086. "^(" + M.join("|") + ")",
  18087. "i"
  18088. ), this._monthsShortStrictRegex = new RegExp(
  18089. "^(" + p.join("|") + ")",
  18090. "i"
  18091. );
  18092. }
  18093. function z1(r, p, M, o, y, N, D) {
  18094. var U;
  18095. return r < 100 && r >= 0 ? (U = new Date(r + 400, p, M, o, y, N, D), isFinite(U.getFullYear()) && U.setFullYear(r)) : U = new Date(r, p, M, o, y, N, D), U;
  18096. }
  18097. function is(r) {
  18098. var p, M;
  18099. return r < 100 && r >= 0 ? (M =, M[0] = r + 400, p = new Date(Date.UTC.apply(null, M)), isFinite(p.getUTCFullYear()) && p.setUTCFullYear(r)) : p = new Date(Date.UTC.apply(null, arguments)), p;
  18100. }
  18101. function vo(r, p, M) {
  18102. var o = 7 + p - M, y = (7 + is(r, 0, o).getUTCDay() - p) % 7;
  18103. return -y + o - 1;
  18104. }
  18105. function Cu(r, p, M, o, y) {
  18106. var N = (7 + M - o) % 7, D = vo(r, o, y), U = 1 + 7 * (p - 1) + N + D, H, V;
  18107. return U <= 0 ? (H = r - 1, V = Qn(H) + U) : U > Qn(r) ? (H = r + 1, V = U - Qn(r)) : (H = r, V = U), {
  18108. year: H,
  18109. dayOfYear: V
  18110. };
  18111. }
  18112. function rs(r, p, M) {
  18113. var o = vo(r.year(), p, M), y = Math.floor((r.dayOfYear() - o - 1) / 7) + 1, N, D;
  18114. return y < 1 ? (D = r.year() - 1, N = y + dr(D, p, M)) : y > dr(r.year(), p, M) ? (N = y - dr(r.year(), p, M), D = r.year() + 1) : (D = r.year(), N = y), {
  18115. week: N,
  18116. year: D
  18117. };
  18118. }
  18119. function dr(r, p, M) {
  18120. var o = vo(r, p, M), y = vo(r + 1, p, M);
  18121. return (Qn(r) - o + y) / 7;
  18122. }
  18123. Zt("w", ["ww", 2], "wo", "week");
  18124. Zt("W", ["WW", 2], "Wo", "isoWeek");
  18125. Ft("w", Pe, kn);
  18126. Ft("ww", Pe, yi);
  18127. Ft("W", Pe, kn);
  18128. Ft("WW", Pe, yi);
  18129. cs(
  18130. ["w", "ww", "W", "WW"],
  18131. function(r, p, M, o) {
  18132. p[o.substr(0, 1)] = pe(r);
  18133. }
  18134. );
  18135. function X1(r) {
  18136. return rs(r, this._week.dow, this._week.doy).week;
  18137. }
  18138. var G1 = {
  18139. dow: 0,
  18140. // Sunday is the first day of the week.
  18141. doy: 6
  18142. // The week that contains Jan 6th is the first week of the year.
  18143. };
  18144. function H1() {
  18145. return this._week.dow;
  18146. }
  18147. function F1() {
  18148. return this._week.doy;
  18149. }
  18150. function U1(r) {
  18151. var p = this.localeData().week(this);
  18152. return r == null ? p : this.add((r - p) * 7, "d");
  18153. }
  18154. function V1(r) {
  18155. var p = rs(this, 1, 4).week;
  18156. return r == null ? p : this.add((r - p) * 7, "d");
  18157. }
  18158. Zt("d", 0, "do", "day");
  18159. Zt("dd", 0, 0, function(r) {
  18160. return this.localeData().weekdaysMin(this, r);
  18161. });
  18162. Zt("ddd", 0, 0, function(r) {
  18163. return this.localeData().weekdaysShort(this, r);
  18164. });
  18165. Zt("dddd", 0, 0, function(r) {
  18166. return this.localeData().weekdays(this, r);
  18167. });
  18168. Zt("e", 0, 0, "weekday");
  18169. Zt("E", 0, 0, "isoWeekday");
  18170. Ft("d", Pe);
  18171. Ft("e", Pe);
  18172. Ft("E", Pe);
  18173. Ft("dd", function(r, p) {
  18174. return p.weekdaysMinRegex(r);
  18175. });
  18176. Ft("ddd", function(r, p) {
  18177. return p.weekdaysShortRegex(r);
  18178. });
  18179. Ft("dddd", function(r, p) {
  18180. return p.weekdaysRegex(r);
  18181. });
  18182. cs(["dd", "ddd", "dddd"], function(r, p, M, o) {
  18183. var y = M._locale.weekdaysParse(r, o, M._strict);
  18184. y != null ? p.d = y : oe(M).invalidWeekday = r;
  18185. });
  18186. cs(["d", "e", "E"], function(r, p, M, o) {
  18187. p[o] = pe(r);
  18188. });
  18189. function $1(r, p) {
  18190. return typeof r != "string" ? r : isNaN(r) ? (r = p.weekdaysParse(r), typeof r == "number" ? r : null) : parseInt(r, 10);
  18191. }
  18192. function Z1(r, p) {
  18193. return typeof r == "string" ? p.weekdaysParse(r) % 7 || 7 : isNaN(r) ? null : r;
  18194. }
  18195. function jl(r, p) {
  18196. return r.slice(p, 7).concat(r.slice(0, p));
  18197. }
  18198. var K1 = "Sunday_Monday_Tuesday_Wednesday_Thursday_Friday_Saturday".split("_"), Mu = "Sun_Mon_Tue_Wed_Thu_Fri_Sat".split("_"), J1 = "Su_Mo_Tu_We_Th_Fr_Sa".split("_"), q1 = hs, Q1 = hs, tb = hs;
  18199. function eb(r, p) {
  18200. var M = ji(this._weekdays) ? this._weekdays : this._weekdays[r && r !== !0 && this._weekdays.isFormat.test(p) ? "format" : "standalone"];
  18201. return r === !0 ? jl(M, this._week.dow) : r ? M[] : M;
  18202. }
  18203. function ib(r) {
  18204. return r === !0 ? jl(this._weekdaysShort, this._week.dow) : r ? this._weekdaysShort[] : this._weekdaysShort;
  18205. }
  18206. function rb(r) {
  18207. return r === !0 ? jl(this._weekdaysMin, this._week.dow) : r ? this._weekdaysMin[] : this._weekdaysMin;
  18208. }
  18209. function nb(r, p, M) {
  18210. var o, y, N, D = r.toLocaleLowerCase();
  18211. if (!this._weekdaysParse)
  18212. for (this._weekdaysParse = [], this._shortWeekdaysParse = [], this._minWeekdaysParse = [], o = 0; o < 7; ++o)
  18213. N = Zi([2e3, 1]).day(o), this._minWeekdaysParse[o] = this.weekdaysMin(
  18214. N,
  18215. ""
  18216. ).toLocaleLowerCase(), this._shortWeekdaysParse[o] = this.weekdaysShort(
  18217. N,
  18218. ""
  18219. ).toLocaleLowerCase(), this._weekdaysParse[o] = this.weekdays(N, "").toLocaleLowerCase();
  18220. return M ? p === "dddd" ? (y =, D), y !== -1 ? y : null) : p === "ddd" ? (y =, D), y !== -1 ? y : null) : (y =, D), y !== -1 ? y : null) : p === "dddd" ? (y =, D), y !== -1 || (y =, D), y !== -1) ? y : (y =, D), y !== -1 ? y : null)) : p === "ddd" ? (y =, D), y !== -1 || (y =, D), y !== -1) ? y : (y =, D), y !== -1 ? y : null)) : (y =, D), y !== -1 || (y =, D), y !== -1) ? y : (y =, D), y !== -1 ? y : null));
  18221. }
  18222. function sb(r, p, M) {
  18223. var o, y, N;
  18224. if (this._weekdaysParseExact)
  18225. return, r, p, M);
  18226. for (this._weekdaysParse || (this._weekdaysParse = [], this._minWeekdaysParse = [], this._shortWeekdaysParse = [], this._fullWeekdaysParse = []), o = 0; o < 7; o++) {
  18227. if (y = Zi([2e3, 1]).day(o), M && !this._fullWeekdaysParse[o] && (this._fullWeekdaysParse[o] = new RegExp(
  18228. "^" + this.weekdays(y, "").replace(".", "\\.?") + "$",
  18229. "i"
  18230. ), this._shortWeekdaysParse[o] = new RegExp(
  18231. "^" + this.weekdaysShort(y, "").replace(".", "\\.?") + "$",
  18232. "i"
  18233. ), this._minWeekdaysParse[o] = new RegExp(
  18234. "^" + this.weekdaysMin(y, "").replace(".", "\\.?") + "$",
  18235. "i"
  18236. )), this._weekdaysParse[o] || (N = "^" + this.weekdays(y, "") + "|^" + this.weekdaysShort(y, "") + "|^" + this.weekdaysMin(y, ""), this._weekdaysParse[o] = new RegExp(N.replace(".", ""), "i")), M && p === "dddd" && this._fullWeekdaysParse[o].test(r))
  18237. return o;
  18238. if (M && p === "ddd" && this._shortWeekdaysParse[o].test(r))
  18239. return o;
  18240. if (M && p === "dd" && this._minWeekdaysParse[o].test(r))
  18241. return o;
  18242. if (!M && this._weekdaysParse[o].test(r))
  18243. return o;
  18244. }
  18245. }
  18246. function ob(r) {
  18247. if (!this.isValid())
  18248. return r != null ? this : NaN;
  18249. var p = es(this, "Day");
  18250. return r != null ? (r = $1(r, this.localeData()), this.add(r - p, "d")) : p;
  18251. }
  18252. function ab(r) {
  18253. if (!this.isValid())
  18254. return r != null ? this : NaN;
  18255. var p = ( + 7 - this.localeData()._week.dow) % 7;
  18256. return r == null ? p : this.add(r - p, "d");
  18257. }
  18258. function lb(r) {
  18259. if (!this.isValid())
  18260. return r != null ? this : NaN;
  18261. if (r != null) {
  18262. var p = Z1(r, this.localeData());
  18263. return % 7 ? p : p - 7);
  18264. } else
  18265. return || 7;
  18266. }
  18267. function hb(r) {
  18268. return this._weekdaysParseExact ? (me(this, "_weekdaysRegex") ||, r ? this._weekdaysStrictRegex : this._weekdaysRegex) : (me(this, "_weekdaysRegex") || (this._weekdaysRegex = q1), this._weekdaysStrictRegex && r ? this._weekdaysStrictRegex : this._weekdaysRegex);
  18269. }
  18270. function cb(r) {
  18271. return this._weekdaysParseExact ? (me(this, "_weekdaysRegex") ||, r ? this._weekdaysShortStrictRegex : this._weekdaysShortRegex) : (me(this, "_weekdaysShortRegex") || (this._weekdaysShortRegex = Q1), this._weekdaysShortStrictRegex && r ? this._weekdaysShortStrictRegex : this._weekdaysShortRegex);
  18272. }
  18273. function pb(r) {
  18274. return this._weekdaysParseExact ? (me(this, "_weekdaysRegex") ||, r ? this._weekdaysMinStrictRegex : this._weekdaysMinRegex) : (me(this, "_weekdaysMinRegex") || (this._weekdaysMinRegex = tb), this._weekdaysMinStrictRegex && r ? this._weekdaysMinStrictRegex : this._weekdaysMinRegex);
  18275. }
  18276. function Wl() {
  18277. function r(G, R) {
  18278. return R.length - G.length;
  18279. }
  18280. var p = [], M = [], o = [], y = [], N, D, U, H, V;
  18281. for (N = 0; N < 7; N++)
  18282. D = Zi([2e3, 1]).day(N), U = ur(this.weekdaysMin(D, "")), H = ur(this.weekdaysShort(D, "")), V = ur(this.weekdays(D, "")), p.push(U), M.push(H), o.push(V), y.push(U), y.push(H), y.push(V);
  18283. p.sort(r), M.sort(r), o.sort(r), y.sort(r), this._weekdaysRegex = new RegExp("^(" + y.join("|") + ")", "i"), this._weekdaysShortRegex = this._weekdaysRegex, this._weekdaysMinRegex = this._weekdaysRegex, this._weekdaysStrictRegex = new RegExp(
  18284. "^(" + o.join("|") + ")",
  18285. "i"
  18286. ), this._weekdaysShortStrictRegex = new RegExp(
  18287. "^(" + M.join("|") + ")",
  18288. "i"
  18289. ), this._weekdaysMinStrictRegex = new RegExp(
  18290. "^(" + p.join("|") + ")",
  18291. "i"
  18292. );
  18293. }
  18294. function Yl() {
  18295. return this.hours() % 12 || 12;
  18296. }
  18297. function ub() {
  18298. return this.hours() || 24;
  18299. }
  18300. Zt("H", ["HH", 2], 0, "hour");
  18301. Zt("h", ["hh", 2], 0, Yl);
  18302. Zt("k", ["kk", 2], 0, ub);
  18303. Zt("hmm", 0, 0, function() {
  18304. return "" + Yl.apply(this) + $i(this.minutes(), 2);
  18305. });
  18306. Zt("hmmss", 0, 0, function() {
  18307. return "" + Yl.apply(this) + $i(this.minutes(), 2) + $i(this.seconds(), 2);
  18308. });
  18309. Zt("Hmm", 0, 0, function() {
  18310. return "" + this.hours() + $i(this.minutes(), 2);
  18311. });
  18312. Zt("Hmmss", 0, 0, function() {
  18313. return "" + this.hours() + $i(this.minutes(), 2) + $i(this.seconds(), 2);
  18314. });
  18315. function ku(r, p) {
  18316. Zt(r, 0, 0, function() {
  18317. return this.localeData().meridiem(
  18318. this.hours(),
  18319. this.minutes(),
  18320. p
  18321. );
  18322. });
  18323. }
  18324. ku("a", !0);
  18325. ku("A", !1);
  18326. function Au(r, p) {
  18327. return p._meridiemParse;
  18328. }
  18329. Ft("a", Au);
  18330. Ft("A", Au);
  18331. Ft("H", Pe, Nl);
  18332. Ft("h", Pe, kn);
  18333. Ft("k", Pe, kn);
  18334. Ft("HH", Pe, yi);
  18335. Ft("hh", Pe, yi);
  18336. Ft("kk", Pe, yi);
  18337. Ft("hmm", fu);
  18338. Ft("hmmss", gu);
  18339. Ft("Hmm", fu);
  18340. Ft("Hmmss", gu);
  18341. we(["H", "HH"], Ge);
  18342. we(["k", "kk"], function(r, p, M) {
  18343. var o = pe(r);
  18344. p[Ge] = o === 24 ? 0 : o;
  18345. });
  18346. we(["a", "A"], function(r, p, M) {
  18347. M._isPm = M._locale.isPM(r), M._meridiem = r;
  18348. });
  18349. we(["h", "hh"], function(r, p, M) {
  18350. p[Ge] = pe(r), oe(M).bigHour = !0;
  18351. });
  18352. we("hmm", function(r, p, M) {
  18353. var o = r.length - 2;
  18354. p[Ge] = pe(r.substr(0, o)), p[Ni] = pe(r.substr(o)), oe(M).bigHour = !0;
  18355. });
  18356. we("hmmss", function(r, p, M) {
  18357. var o = r.length - 4, y = r.length - 2;
  18358. p[Ge] = pe(r.substr(0, o)), p[Ni] = pe(r.substr(o, 2)), p[pr] = pe(r.substr(y)), oe(M).bigHour = !0;
  18359. });
  18360. we("Hmm", function(r, p, M) {
  18361. var o = r.length - 2;
  18362. p[Ge] = pe(r.substr(0, o)), p[Ni] = pe(r.substr(o));
  18363. });
  18364. we("Hmmss", function(r, p, M) {
  18365. var o = r.length - 4, y = r.length - 2;
  18366. p[Ge] = pe(r.substr(0, o)), p[Ni] = pe(r.substr(o, 2)), p[pr] = pe(r.substr(y));
  18367. });
  18368. function db(r) {
  18369. return (r + "").toLowerCase().charAt(0) === "p";
  18370. }
  18371. var fb = /[ap]\.?m?\.?/i, gb = An("Hours", !0);
  18372. function mb(r, p, M) {
  18373. return r > 11 ? M ? "pm" : "PM" : M ? "am" : "AM";
  18374. }
  18375. var Tu = {
  18376. calendar: n1,
  18377. longDateFormat: l1,
  18378. invalidDate: c1,
  18379. ordinal: u1,
  18380. dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: d1,
  18381. relativeTime: g1,
  18382. months: L1,
  18383. monthsShort: vu,
  18384. week: G1,
  18385. weekdays: K1,
  18386. weekdaysMin: J1,
  18387. weekdaysShort: Mu,
  18388. meridiemParse: fb
  18389. }, Oe = {}, Zn = {}, ns;
  18390. function yb(r, p) {
  18391. var M, o = Math.min(r.length, p.length);
  18392. for (M = 0; M < o; M += 1)
  18393. if (r[M] !== p[M])
  18394. return M;
  18395. return o;
  18396. }
  18397. function Rp(r) {
  18398. return r && r.toLowerCase().replace("_", "-");
  18399. }
  18400. function vb(r) {
  18401. for (var p = 0, M, o, y, N; p < r.length; ) {
  18402. for (N = Rp(r[p]).split("-"), M = N.length, o = Rp(r[p + 1]), o = o ? o.split("-") : null; M > 0; ) {
  18403. if (y = Io(N.slice(0, M).join("-")), y)
  18404. return y;
  18405. if (o && o.length >= M && yb(N, o) >= M - 1)
  18406. break;
  18407. M--;
  18408. }
  18409. p++;
  18410. }
  18411. return ns;
  18412. }
  18413. function xb(r) {
  18414. return !!(r && r.match("^[^/\\\\]*$"));
  18415. }
  18416. function Io(r) {
  18417. var p = null, M;
  18418. if (Oe[r] === void 0 && typeof module < "u" && module && module.exports && xb(r))
  18419. try {
  18420. p = ns._abbr, M = require, M("./locale/" + r), Er(p);
  18421. } catch {
  18422. Oe[r] = null;
  18423. }
  18424. return Oe[r];
  18425. }
  18426. function Er(r, p) {
  18427. var M;
  18428. return r && (li(p) ? M = mr(r) : M = zl(r, p), M ? ns = M : typeof console < "u" && console.warn && console.warn(
  18429. "Locale " + r + " not found. Did you forget to load it?"
  18430. )), ns._abbr;
  18431. }
  18432. function zl(r, p) {
  18433. if (p !== null) {
  18434. var M, o = Tu;
  18435. if (p.abbr = r, Oe[r] != null)
  18436. cu(
  18437. "defineLocaleOverride",
  18438. "use moment.updateLocale(localeName, config) to change an existing locale. moment.defineLocale(localeName, config) should only be used for creating a new locale See for more info."
  18439. ), o = Oe[r]._config;
  18440. else if (p.parentLocale != null)
  18441. if (Oe[p.parentLocale] != null)
  18442. o = Oe[p.parentLocale]._config;
  18443. else if (M = Io(p.parentLocale), M != null)
  18444. o = M._config;
  18445. else
  18446. return Zn[p.parentLocale] || (Zn[p.parentLocale] = []), Zn[p.parentLocale].push({
  18447. name: r,
  18448. config: p
  18449. }), null;
  18450. return Oe[r] = new Ll(ml(o, p)), Zn[r] && Zn[r].forEach(function(y) {
  18451. zl(, y.config);
  18452. }), Er(r), Oe[r];
  18453. } else
  18454. return delete Oe[r], null;
  18455. }
  18456. function bb(r, p) {
  18457. if (p != null) {
  18458. var M, o, y = Tu;
  18459. Oe[r] != null && Oe[r].parentLocale != null ? Oe[r].set(ml(Oe[r]._config, p)) : (o = Io(r), o != null && (y = o._config), p = ml(y, p), o == null && (p.abbr = r), M = new Ll(p), M.parentLocale = Oe[r], Oe[r] = M), Er(r);
  18460. } else
  18461. Oe[r] != null && (Oe[r].parentLocale != null ? (Oe[r] = Oe[r].parentLocale, r === Er() && Er(r)) : Oe[r] != null && delete Oe[r]);
  18462. return Oe[r];
  18463. }
  18464. function mr(r) {
  18465. var p;
  18466. if (r && r._locale && r._locale._abbr && (r = r._locale._abbr), !r)
  18467. return ns;
  18468. if (!ji(r)) {
  18469. if (p = Io(r), p)
  18470. return p;
  18471. r = [r];
  18472. }
  18473. return vb(r);
  18474. }
  18475. function Sb() {
  18476. return yl(Oe);
  18477. }
  18478. function Xl(r) {
  18479. var p, M = r._a;
  18480. return M && oe(r).overflow === -2 && (p = M[cr] < 0 || M[cr] > 11 ? cr : M[Vi] < 1 || M[Vi] > Bl(M[ti], M[cr]) ? Vi : M[Ge] < 0 || M[Ge] > 24 || M[Ge] === 24 && (M[Ni] !== 0 || M[pr] !== 0 || M[Hr] !== 0) ? Ge : M[Ni] < 0 || M[Ni] > 59 ? Ni : M[pr] < 0 || M[pr] > 59 ? pr : M[Hr] < 0 || M[Hr] > 999 ? Hr : -1, oe(r)._overflowDayOfYear && (p < ti || p > Vi) && (p = Vi), oe(r)._overflowWeeks && p === -1 && (p = k1), oe(r)._overflowWeekday && p === -1 && (p = A1), oe(r).overflow = p), r;
  18481. }
  18482. var wb = /^\s*((?:[+-]\d{6}|\d{4})-(?:\d\d-\d\d|W\d\d-\d|W\d\d|\d\d\d|\d\d))(?:(T| )(\d\d(?::\d\d(?::\d\d(?:[.,]\d+)?)?)?)([+-]\d\d(?::?\d\d)?|\s*Z)?)?$/, Cb = /^\s*((?:[+-]\d{6}|\d{4})(?:\d\d\d\d|W\d\d\d|W\d\d|\d\d\d|\d\d|))(?:(T| )(\d\d(?:\d\d(?:\d\d(?:[.,]\d+)?)?)?)([+-]\d\d(?::?\d\d)?|\s*Z)?)?$/, Mb = /Z|[+-]\d\d(?::?\d\d)?/, no = [
  18483. ["YYYYYY-MM-DD", /[+-]\d{6}-\d\d-\d\d/],
  18484. ["YYYY-MM-DD", /\d{4}-\d\d-\d\d/],
  18485. ["GGGG-[W]WW-E", /\d{4}-W\d\d-\d/],
  18486. ["GGGG-[W]WW", /\d{4}-W\d\d/, !1],
  18487. ["YYYY-DDD", /\d{4}-\d{3}/],
  18488. ["YYYY-MM", /\d{4}-\d\d/, !1],
  18489. ["YYYYYYMMDD", /[+-]\d{10}/],
  18490. ["YYYYMMDD", /\d{8}/],
  18491. ["GGGG[W]WWE", /\d{4}W\d{3}/],
  18492. ["GGGG[W]WW", /\d{4}W\d{2}/, !1],
  18493. ["YYYYDDD", /\d{7}/],
  18494. ["YYYYMM", /\d{6}/, !1],
  18495. ["YYYY", /\d{4}/, !1]
  18496. ], ol = [
  18497. ["HH:mm:ss.SSSS", /\d\d:\d\d:\d\d\.\d+/],
  18498. ["HH:mm:ss,SSSS", /\d\d:\d\d:\d\d,\d+/],
  18499. ["HH:mm:ss", /\d\d:\d\d:\d\d/],
  18500. ["HH:mm", /\d\d:\d\d/],
  18501. ["HHmmss.SSSS", /\d\d\d\d\d\d\.\d+/],
  18502. ["HHmmss,SSSS", /\d\d\d\d\d\d,\d+/],
  18503. ["HHmmss", /\d\d\d\d\d\d/],
  18504. ["HHmm", /\d\d\d\d/],
  18505. ["HH", /\d\d/]
  18506. ], kb = /^\/?Date\((-?\d+)/i, Ab = /^(?:(Mon|Tue|Wed|Thu|Fri|Sat|Sun),?\s)?(\d{1,2})\s(Jan|Feb|Mar|Apr|May|Jun|Jul|Aug|Sep|Oct|Nov|Dec)\s(\d{2,4})\s(\d\d):(\d\d)(?::(\d\d))?\s(?:(UT|GMT|[ECMP][SD]T)|([Zz])|([+-]\d{4}))$/, Tb = {
  18507. UT: 0,
  18508. GMT: 0,
  18509. EDT: -4 * 60,
  18510. EST: -5 * 60,
  18511. CDT: -5 * 60,
  18512. CST: -6 * 60,
  18513. MDT: -6 * 60,
  18514. MST: -7 * 60,
  18515. PDT: -7 * 60,
  18516. PST: -8 * 60
  18517. };
  18518. function Pu(r) {
  18519. var p, M, o = r._i, y = wb.exec(o) || Cb.exec(o), N, D, U, H, V = no.length, G = ol.length;
  18520. if (y) {
  18521. for (oe(r).iso = !0, p = 0, M = V; p < M; p++)
  18522. if (no[p][1].exec(y[1])) {
  18523. D = no[p][0], N = no[p][2] !== !1;
  18524. break;
  18525. }
  18526. if (D == null) {
  18527. r._isValid = !1;
  18528. return;
  18529. }
  18530. if (y[3]) {
  18531. for (p = 0, M = G; p < M; p++)
  18532. if (ol[p][1].exec(y[3])) {
  18533. U = (y[2] || " ") + ol[p][0];
  18534. break;
  18535. }
  18536. if (U == null) {
  18537. r._isValid = !1;
  18538. return;
  18539. }
  18540. }
  18541. if (!N && U != null) {
  18542. r._isValid = !1;
  18543. return;
  18544. }
  18545. if (y[4])
  18546. if (Mb.exec(y[4]))
  18547. H = "Z";
  18548. else {
  18549. r._isValid = !1;
  18550. return;
  18551. }
  18552. r._f = D + (U || "") + (H || ""), Hl(r);
  18553. } else
  18554. r._isValid = !1;
  18555. }
  18556. function Pb(r, p, M, o, y, N) {
  18557. var D = [
  18558. Eb(r),
  18559. vu.indexOf(p),
  18560. parseInt(M, 10),
  18561. parseInt(o, 10),
  18562. parseInt(y, 10)
  18563. ];
  18564. return N && D.push(parseInt(N, 10)), D;
  18565. }
  18566. function Eb(r) {
  18567. var p = parseInt(r, 10);
  18568. return p <= 49 ? 2e3 + p : p <= 999 ? 1900 + p : p;
  18569. }
  18570. function Ob(r) {
  18571. return r.replace(/\([^()]*\)|[\n\t]/g, " ").replace(/(\s\s+)/g, " ").replace(/^\s\s*/, "").replace(/\s\s*$/, "");
  18572. }
  18573. function Lb(r, p, M) {
  18574. if (r) {
  18575. var o = Mu.indexOf(r), y = new Date(
  18576. p[0],
  18577. p[1],
  18578. p[2]
  18579. ).getDay();
  18580. if (o !== y)
  18581. return oe(M).weekdayMismatch = !0, M._isValid = !1, !1;
  18582. }
  18583. return !0;
  18584. }
  18585. function _b(r, p, M) {
  18586. if (r)
  18587. return Tb[r];
  18588. if (p)
  18589. return 0;
  18590. var o = parseInt(M, 10), y = o % 100, N = (o - y) / 100;
  18591. return N * 60 + y;
  18592. }
  18593. function Eu(r) {
  18594. var p = Ab.exec(Ob(r._i)), M;
  18595. if (p) {
  18596. if (M = Pb(
  18597. p[4],
  18598. p[3],
  18599. p[2],
  18600. p[5],
  18601. p[6],
  18602. p[7]
  18603. ), !Lb(p[1], M, r))
  18604. return;
  18605. r._a = M, r._tzm = _b(p[8], p[9], p[10]), r._d = is.apply(null, r._a), r._d.setUTCMinutes(r._d.getUTCMinutes() - r._tzm), oe(r).rfc2822 = !0;
  18606. } else
  18607. r._isValid = !1;
  18608. }
  18609. function Db(r) {
  18610. var p = kb.exec(r._i);
  18611. if (p !== null) {
  18612. r._d = /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(+p[1]);
  18613. return;
  18614. }
  18615. if (Pu(r), r._isValid === !1)
  18616. delete r._isValid;
  18617. else
  18618. return;
  18619. if (Eu(r), r._isValid === !1)
  18620. delete r._isValid;
  18621. else
  18622. return;
  18623. r._strict ? r._isValid = !1 : Xt.createFromInputFallback(r);
  18624. }
  18625. Xt.createFromInputFallback = Ei(
  18626. "value provided is not in a recognized RFC2822 or ISO format. moment construction falls back to js Date(), which is not reliable across all browsers and versions. Non RFC2822/ISO date formats are discouraged. Please refer to for more info.",
  18627. function(r) {
  18628. r._d = /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(r._i + (r._useUTC ? " UTC" : ""));
  18629. }
  18630. );
  18631. function gn(r, p, M) {
  18632. return r ?? p ?? M;
  18633. }
  18634. function Ib(r) {
  18635. var p = new Date(;
  18636. return r._useUTC ? [
  18637. p.getUTCFullYear(),
  18638. p.getUTCMonth(),
  18639. p.getUTCDate()
  18640. ] : [p.getFullYear(), p.getMonth(), p.getDate()];
  18641. }
  18642. function Gl(r) {
  18643. var p, M, o = [], y, N, D;
  18644. if (!r._d) {
  18645. for (y = Ib(r), r._w && r._a[Vi] == null && r._a[cr] == null && Rb(r), r._dayOfYear != null && (D = gn(r._a[ti], y[ti]), (r._dayOfYear > Qn(D) || r._dayOfYear === 0) && (oe(r)._overflowDayOfYear = !0), M = is(D, 0, r._dayOfYear), r._a[cr] = M.getUTCMonth(), r._a[Vi] = M.getUTCDate()), p = 0; p < 3 && r._a[p] == null; ++p)
  18646. r._a[p] = o[p] = y[p];
  18647. for (; p < 7; p++)
  18648. r._a[p] = o[p] = r._a[p] == null ? p === 2 ? 1 : 0 : r._a[p];
  18649. r._a[Ge] === 24 && r._a[Ni] === 0 && r._a[pr] === 0 && r._a[Hr] === 0 && (r._nextDay = !0, r._a[Ge] = 0), r._d = (r._useUTC ? is : z1).apply(
  18650. null,
  18651. o
  18652. ), N = r._useUTC ? r._d.getUTCDay() : r._d.getDay(), r._tzm != null && r._d.setUTCMinutes(r._d.getUTCMinutes() - r._tzm), r._nextDay && (r._a[Ge] = 24), r._w && typeof r._w.d < "u" && r._w.d !== N && (oe(r).weekdayMismatch = !0);
  18653. }
  18654. }
  18655. function Rb(r) {
  18656. var p, M, o, y, N, D, U, H, V;
  18657. p = r._w, p.GG != null || p.W != null || p.E != null ? (N = 1, D = 4, M = gn(
  18658. p.GG,
  18659. r._a[ti],
  18660. rs(Te(), 1, 4).year
  18661. ), o = gn(p.W, 1), y = gn(p.E, 1), (y < 1 || y > 7) && (H = !0)) : (N = r._locale._week.dow, D = r._locale._week.doy, V = rs(Te(), N, D), M = gn(, r._a[ti], V.year), o = gn(p.w, V.week), p.d != null ? (y = p.d, (y < 0 || y > 6) && (H = !0)) : p.e != null ? (y = p.e + N, (p.e < 0 || p.e > 6) && (H = !0)) : y = N), o < 1 || o > dr(M, N, D) ? oe(r)._overflowWeeks = !0 : H != null ? oe(r)._overflowWeekday = !0 : (U = Cu(M, o, y, N, D), r._a[ti] = U.year, r._dayOfYear = U.dayOfYear);
  18662. }
  18663. Xt.ISO_8601 = function() {
  18664. };
  18665. Xt.RFC_2822 = function() {
  18666. };
  18667. function Hl(r) {
  18668. if (r._f === Xt.ISO_8601) {
  18669. Pu(r);
  18670. return;
  18671. }
  18672. if (r._f === Xt.RFC_2822) {
  18673. Eu(r);
  18674. return;
  18675. }
  18676. r._a = [], oe(r).empty = !0;
  18677. var p = "" + r._i, M, o, y, N, D, U = p.length, H = 0, V, G;
  18678. for (y = pu(r._f, r._locale).match(_l) || [], G = y.length, M = 0; M < G; M++)
  18679. N = y[M], o = (p.match(w1(N, r)) || [])[0], o && (D = p.substr(0, p.indexOf(o)), D.length > 0 && oe(r).unusedInput.push(D), p = p.slice(
  18680. p.indexOf(o) + o.length
  18681. ), H += o.length), vn[N] ? (o ? oe(r).empty = !1 : oe(r).unusedTokens.push(N), M1(N, o, r)) : r._strict && !o && oe(r).unusedTokens.push(N);
  18682. oe(r).charsLeftOver = U - H, p.length > 0 && oe(r).unusedInput.push(p), r._a[Ge] <= 12 && oe(r).bigHour === !0 && r._a[Ge] > 0 && (oe(r).bigHour = void 0), oe(r).parsedDateParts = r._a.slice(0), oe(r).meridiem = r._meridiem, r._a[Ge] = Nb(
  18683. r._locale,
  18684. r._a[Ge],
  18685. r._meridiem
  18686. ), V = oe(r).era, V !== null && (r._a[ti] = r._locale.erasConvertYear(V, r._a[ti])), Gl(r), Xl(r);
  18687. }
  18688. function Nb(r, p, M) {
  18689. var o;
  18690. return M == null ? p : r.meridiemHour != null ? r.meridiemHour(p, M) : (r.isPM != null && (o = r.isPM(M), o && p < 12 && (p += 12), !o && p === 12 && (p = 0)), p);
  18691. }
  18692. function Bb(r) {
  18693. var p, M, o, y, N, D, U = !1, H = r._f.length;
  18694. if (H === 0) {
  18695. oe(r).invalidFormat = !0, r._d = /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(NaN);
  18696. return;
  18697. }
  18698. for (y = 0; y < H; y++)
  18699. N = 0, D = !1, p = Ol({}, r), r._useUTC != null && (p._useUTC = r._useUTC), p._f = r._f[y], Hl(p), El(p) && (D = !0), N += oe(p).charsLeftOver, N += oe(p).unusedTokens.length * 10, oe(p).score = N, U ? N < o && (o = N, M = p) : (o == null || N < o || D) && (o = N, M = p, D && (U = !0));
  18700. Tr(r, M || p);
  18701. }
  18702. function jb(r) {
  18703. if (!r._d) {
  18704. var p = Dl(r._i), M = === void 0 ? :;
  18705. r._a = lu(
  18706. [p.year, p.month, M, p.hour, p.minute, p.second, p.millisecond],
  18707. function(o) {
  18708. return o && parseInt(o, 10);
  18709. }
  18710. ), Gl(r);
  18711. }
  18712. }
  18713. function Wb(r) {
  18714. var p = new ls(Xl(Ou(r)));
  18715. return p._nextDay && (p.add(1, "d"), p._nextDay = void 0), p;
  18716. }
  18717. function Ou(r) {
  18718. var p = r._i, M = r._f;
  18719. return r._locale = r._locale || mr(r._l), p === null || M === void 0 && p === "" ? To({ nullInput: !0 }) : (typeof p == "string" && (r._i = p = r._locale.preparse(p)), Wi(p) ? new ls(Xl(p)) : (as(p) ? r._d = p : ji(M) ? Bb(r) : M ? Hl(r) : Yb(r), El(r) || (r._d = null), r));
  18720. }
  18721. function Yb(r) {
  18722. var p = r._i;
  18723. li(p) ? r._d = new Date( : as(p) ? r._d = new Date(p.valueOf()) : typeof p == "string" ? Db(r) : ji(p) ? (r._a = lu(p.slice(0), function(M) {
  18724. return parseInt(M, 10);
  18725. }), Gl(r)) : $r(p) ? jb(r) : fr(p) ? r._d = new Date(p) : Xt.createFromInputFallback(r);
  18726. }
  18727. function Lu(r, p, M, o, y) {
  18728. var N = {};
  18729. return (p === !0 || p === !1) && (o = p, p = void 0), (M === !0 || M === !1) && (o = M, M = void 0), ($r(r) && Pl(r) || ji(r) && r.length === 0) && (r = void 0), N._isAMomentObject = !0, N._useUTC = N._isUTC = y, N._l = M, N._i = r, N._f = p, N._strict = o, Wb(N);
  18730. }
  18731. function Te(r, p, M, o) {
  18732. return Lu(r, p, M, o, !1);
  18733. }
  18734. var zb = Ei(
  18735. "moment().min is deprecated, use moment.max instead.",
  18736. function() {
  18737. var r = Te.apply(null, arguments);
  18738. return this.isValid() && r.isValid() ? r < this ? this : r : To();
  18739. }
  18740. ), Xb = Ei(
  18741. "moment().max is deprecated, use moment.min instead.",
  18742. function() {
  18743. var r = Te.apply(null, arguments);
  18744. return this.isValid() && r.isValid() ? r > this ? this : r : To();
  18745. }
  18746. );
  18747. function _u(r, p) {
  18748. var M, o;
  18749. if (p.length === 1 && ji(p[0]) && (p = p[0]), !p.length)
  18750. return Te();
  18751. for (M = p[0], o = 1; o < p.length; ++o)
  18752. (!p[o].isValid() || p[o][r](M)) && (M = p[o]);
  18753. return M;
  18754. }
  18755. function Gb() {
  18756. var r = [], 0);
  18757. return _u("isBefore", r);
  18758. }
  18759. function Hb() {
  18760. var r = [], 0);
  18761. return _u("isAfter", r);
  18762. }
  18763. var Fb = function() {
  18764. return ? : +/* @__PURE__ */ new Date();
  18765. }, Kn = [
  18766. "year",
  18767. "quarter",
  18768. "month",
  18769. "week",
  18770. "day",
  18771. "hour",
  18772. "minute",
  18773. "second",
  18774. "millisecond"
  18775. ];
  18776. function Ub(r) {
  18777. var p, M = !1, o, y = Kn.length;
  18778. for (p in r)
  18779. if (me(r, p) && !(, p) !== -1 && (r[p] == null || !isNaN(r[p]))))
  18780. return !1;
  18781. for (o = 0; o < y; ++o)
  18782. if (r[Kn[o]]) {
  18783. if (M)
  18784. return !1;
  18785. parseFloat(r[Kn[o]]) !== pe(r[Kn[o]]) && (M = !0);
  18786. }
  18787. return !0;
  18788. }
  18789. function Vb() {
  18790. return this._isValid;
  18791. }
  18792. function $b() {
  18793. return Yi(NaN);
  18794. }
  18795. function Ro(r) {
  18796. var p = Dl(r), M = p.year || 0, o = p.quarter || 0, y = p.month || 0, N = p.week || p.isoWeek || 0, D = || 0, U = p.hour || 0, H = p.minute || 0, V = p.second || 0, G = p.millisecond || 0;
  18797. this._isValid = Ub(p), this._milliseconds = +G + V * 1e3 + // 1000
  18798. H * 6e4 + // 1000 * 60
  18799. U * 1e3 * 60 * 60, this._days = +D + N * 7, this._months = +y + o * 3 + M * 12, this._data = {}, this._locale = mr(), this._bubble();
  18800. }
  18801. function ao(r) {
  18802. return r instanceof Ro;
  18803. }
  18804. function xl(r) {
  18805. return r < 0 ? Math.round(-1 * r) * -1 : Math.round(r);
  18806. }
  18807. function Zb(r, p, M) {
  18808. var o = Math.min(r.length, p.length), y = Math.abs(r.length - p.length), N = 0, D;
  18809. for (D = 0; D < o; D++)
  18810. (M && r[D] !== p[D] || !M && pe(r[D]) !== pe(p[D])) && N++;
  18811. return N + y;
  18812. }
  18813. function Du(r, p) {
  18814. Zt(r, 0, 0, function() {
  18815. var M = this.utcOffset(), o = "+";
  18816. return M < 0 && (M = -M, o = "-"), o + $i(~~(M / 60), 2) + p + $i(~~M % 60, 2);
  18817. });
  18818. }
  18819. Du("Z", ":");
  18820. Du("ZZ", "");
  18821. Ft("Z", _o);
  18822. Ft("ZZ", _o);
  18823. we(["Z", "ZZ"], function(r, p, M) {
  18824. M._useUTC = !0, M._tzm = Fl(_o, r);
  18825. });
  18826. var Kb = /([\+\-]|\d\d)/gi;
  18827. function Fl(r, p) {
  18828. var M = (p || "").match(r), o, y, N;
  18829. return M === null ? null : (o = M[M.length - 1] || [], y = (o + "").match(Kb) || ["-", 0, 0], N = +(y[1] * 60) + pe(y[2]), N === 0 ? 0 : y[0] === "+" ? N : -N);
  18830. }
  18831. function Ul(r, p) {
  18832. var M, o;
  18833. return p._isUTC ? (M = p.clone(), o = (Wi(r) || as(r) ? r.valueOf() : Te(r).valueOf()) - M.valueOf(), M._d.setTime(M._d.valueOf() + o), Xt.updateOffset(M, !1), M) : Te(r).local();
  18834. }
  18835. function bl(r) {
  18836. return -Math.round(r._d.getTimezoneOffset());
  18837. }
  18838. Xt.updateOffset = function() {
  18839. };
  18840. function Jb(r, p, M) {
  18841. var o = this._offset || 0, y;
  18842. if (!this.isValid())
  18843. return r != null ? this : NaN;
  18844. if (r != null) {
  18845. if (typeof r == "string") {
  18846. if (r = Fl(_o, r), r === null)
  18847. return this;
  18848. } else
  18849. Math.abs(r) < 16 && !M && (r = r * 60);
  18850. return !this._isUTC && p && (y = bl(this)), this._offset = r, this._isUTC = !0, y != null && this.add(y, "m"), o !== r && (!p || this._changeInProgress ? Nu(
  18851. this,
  18852. Yi(r - o, "m"),
  18853. 1,
  18854. !1
  18855. ) : this._changeInProgress || (this._changeInProgress = !0, Xt.updateOffset(this, !0), this._changeInProgress = null)), this;
  18856. } else
  18857. return this._isUTC ? o : bl(this);
  18858. }
  18859. function qb(r, p) {
  18860. return r != null ? (typeof r != "string" && (r = -r), this.utcOffset(r, p), this) : -this.utcOffset();
  18861. }
  18862. function Qb(r) {
  18863. return this.utcOffset(0, r);
  18864. }
  18865. function tS(r) {
  18866. return this._isUTC && (this.utcOffset(0, r), this._isUTC = !1, r && this.subtract(bl(this), "m")), this;
  18867. }
  18868. function eS() {
  18869. if (this._tzm != null)
  18870. this.utcOffset(this._tzm, !1, !0);
  18871. else if (typeof this._i == "string") {
  18872. var r = Fl(b1, this._i);
  18873. r != null ? this.utcOffset(r) : this.utcOffset(0, !0);
  18874. }
  18875. return this;
  18876. }
  18877. function iS(r) {
  18878. return this.isValid() ? (r = r ? Te(r).utcOffset() : 0, (this.utcOffset() - r) % 60 === 0) : !1;
  18879. }
  18880. function rS() {
  18881. return this.utcOffset() > this.clone().month(0).utcOffset() || this.utcOffset() > this.clone().month(5).utcOffset();
  18882. }
  18883. function nS() {
  18884. if (!li(this._isDSTShifted))
  18885. return this._isDSTShifted;
  18886. var r = {}, p;
  18887. return Ol(r, this), r = Ou(r), r._a ? (p = r._isUTC ? Zi(r._a) : Te(r._a), this._isDSTShifted = this.isValid() && Zb(r._a, p.toArray()) > 0) : this._isDSTShifted = !1, this._isDSTShifted;
  18888. }
  18889. function sS() {
  18890. return this.isValid() ? !this._isUTC : !1;
  18891. }
  18892. function oS() {
  18893. return this.isValid() ? this._isUTC : !1;
  18894. }
  18895. function Iu() {
  18896. return this.isValid() ? this._isUTC && this._offset === 0 : !1;
  18897. }
  18898. var aS = /^(-|\+)?(?:(\d*)[. ])?(\d+):(\d+)(?::(\d+)(\.\d*)?)?$/, lS = /^(-|\+)?P(?:([-+]?[0-9,.]*)Y)?(?:([-+]?[0-9,.]*)M)?(?:([-+]?[0-9,.]*)W)?(?:([-+]?[0-9,.]*)D)?(?:T(?:([-+]?[0-9,.]*)H)?(?:([-+]?[0-9,.]*)M)?(?:([-+]?[0-9,.]*)S)?)?$/;
  18899. function Yi(r, p) {
  18900. var M = r, o = null, y, N, D;
  18901. return ao(r) ? M = {
  18902. ms: r._milliseconds,
  18903. d: r._days,
  18904. M: r._months
  18905. } : fr(r) || !isNaN(+r) ? (M = {}, p ? M[p] = +r : M.milliseconds = +r) : (o = aS.exec(r)) ? (y = o[1] === "-" ? -1 : 1, M = {
  18906. y: 0,
  18907. d: pe(o[Vi]) * y,
  18908. h: pe(o[Ge]) * y,
  18909. m: pe(o[Ni]) * y,
  18910. s: pe(o[pr]) * y,
  18911. ms: pe(xl(o[Hr] * 1e3)) * y
  18912. // the millisecond decimal point is included in the match
  18913. }) : (o = lS.exec(r)) ? (y = o[1] === "-" ? -1 : 1, M = {
  18914. y: Xr(o[2], y),
  18915. M: Xr(o[3], y),
  18916. w: Xr(o[4], y),
  18917. d: Xr(o[5], y),
  18918. h: Xr(o[6], y),
  18919. m: Xr(o[7], y),
  18920. s: Xr(o[8], y)
  18921. }) : M == null ? M = {} : typeof M == "object" && ("from" in M || "to" in M) && (D = hS(
  18922. Te(M.from),
  18923. Te(
  18924. ), M = {}, = D.milliseconds, M.M = D.months), N = new Ro(M), ao(r) && me(r, "_locale") && (N._locale = r._locale), ao(r) && me(r, "_isValid") && (N._isValid = r._isValid), N;
  18925. }
  18926. Yi.fn = Ro.prototype;
  18927. Yi.invalid = $b;
  18928. function Xr(r, p) {
  18929. var M = r && parseFloat(r.replace(",", "."));
  18930. return (isNaN(M) ? 0 : M) * p;
  18931. }
  18932. function Np(r, p) {
  18933. var M = {};
  18934. return M.months = p.month() - r.month() + (p.year() - r.year()) * 12, r.clone().add(M.months, "M").isAfter(p) && --M.months, M.milliseconds = +p - +r.clone().add(M.months, "M"), M;
  18935. }
  18936. function hS(r, p) {
  18937. var M;
  18938. return r.isValid() && p.isValid() ? (p = Ul(p, r), r.isBefore(p) ? M = Np(r, p) : (M = Np(p, r), M.milliseconds = -M.milliseconds, M.months = -M.months), M) : { milliseconds: 0, months: 0 };
  18939. }
  18940. function Ru(r, p) {
  18941. return function(M, o) {
  18942. var y, N;
  18943. return o !== null && !isNaN(+o) && (cu(
  18944. p,
  18945. "moment()." + p + "(period, number) is deprecated. Please use moment()." + p + "(number, period). See for more info."
  18946. ), N = M, M = o, o = N), y = Yi(M, o), Nu(this, y, r), this;
  18947. };
  18948. }
  18949. function Nu(r, p, M, o) {
  18950. var y = p._milliseconds, N = xl(p._days), D = xl(p._months);
  18951. r.isValid() && (o = o ?? !0, D && bu(r, es(r, "Month") + D * M), N && yu(r, "Date", es(r, "Date") + N * M), y && r._d.setTime(r._d.valueOf() + y * M), o && Xt.updateOffset(r, N || D));
  18952. }
  18953. var cS = Ru(1, "add"), pS = Ru(-1, "subtract");
  18954. function Bu(r) {
  18955. return typeof r == "string" || r instanceof String;
  18956. }
  18957. function uS(r) {
  18958. return Wi(r) || as(r) || Bu(r) || fr(r) || fS(r) || dS(r) || r === null || r === void 0;
  18959. }
  18960. function dS(r) {
  18961. var p = $r(r) && !Pl(r), M = !1, o = [
  18962. "years",
  18963. "year",
  18964. "y",
  18965. "months",
  18966. "month",
  18967. "M",
  18968. "days",
  18969. "day",
  18970. "d",
  18971. "dates",
  18972. "date",
  18973. "D",
  18974. "hours",
  18975. "hour",
  18976. "h",
  18977. "minutes",
  18978. "minute",
  18979. "m",
  18980. "seconds",
  18981. "second",
  18982. "s",
  18983. "milliseconds",
  18984. "millisecond",
  18985. "ms"
  18986. ], y, N, D = o.length;
  18987. for (y = 0; y < D; y += 1)
  18988. N = o[y], M = M || me(r, N);
  18989. return p && M;
  18990. }
  18991. function fS(r) {
  18992. var p = ji(r), M = !1;
  18993. return p && (M = r.filter(function(o) {
  18994. return !fr(o) && Bu(r);
  18995. }).length === 0), p && M;
  18996. }
  18997. function gS(r) {
  18998. var p = $r(r) && !Pl(r), M = !1, o = [
  18999. "sameDay",
  19000. "nextDay",
  19001. "lastDay",
  19002. "nextWeek",
  19003. "lastWeek",
  19004. "sameElse"
  19005. ], y, N;
  19006. for (y = 0; y < o.length; y += 1)
  19007. N = o[y], M = M || me(r, N);
  19008. return p && M;
  19009. }
  19010. function mS(r, p) {
  19011. var M = r.diff(p, "days", !0);
  19012. return M < -6 ? "sameElse" : M < -1 ? "lastWeek" : M < 0 ? "lastDay" : M < 1 ? "sameDay" : M < 2 ? "nextDay" : M < 7 ? "nextWeek" : "sameElse";
  19013. }
  19014. function yS(r, p) {
  19015. arguments.length === 1 && (arguments[0] ? uS(arguments[0]) ? (r = arguments[0], p = void 0) : gS(arguments[0]) && (p = arguments[0], r = void 0) : (r = void 0, p = void 0));
  19016. var M = r || Te(), o = Ul(M, this).startOf("day"), y = Xt.calendarFormat(this, o) || "sameElse", N = p && (Ki(p[y]) ? p[y].call(this, M) : p[y]);
  19017. return this.format(
  19018. N || this.localeData().calendar(y, this, Te(M))
  19019. );
  19020. }
  19021. function vS() {
  19022. return new ls(this);
  19023. }
  19024. function xS(r, p) {
  19025. var M = Wi(r) ? r : Te(r);
  19026. return this.isValid() && M.isValid() ? (p = Oi(p) || "millisecond", p === "millisecond" ? this.valueOf() > M.valueOf() : M.valueOf() < this.clone().startOf(p).valueOf()) : !1;
  19027. }
  19028. function bS(r, p) {
  19029. var M = Wi(r) ? r : Te(r);
  19030. return this.isValid() && M.isValid() ? (p = Oi(p) || "millisecond", p === "millisecond" ? this.valueOf() < M.valueOf() : this.clone().endOf(p).valueOf() < M.valueOf()) : !1;
  19031. }
  19032. function SS(r, p, M, o) {
  19033. var y = Wi(r) ? r : Te(r), N = Wi(p) ? p : Te(p);
  19034. return this.isValid() && y.isValid() && N.isValid() ? (o = o || "()", (o[0] === "(" ? this.isAfter(y, M) : !this.isBefore(y, M)) && (o[1] === ")" ? this.isBefore(N, M) : !this.isAfter(N, M))) : !1;
  19035. }
  19036. function wS(r, p) {
  19037. var M = Wi(r) ? r : Te(r), o;
  19038. return this.isValid() && M.isValid() ? (p = Oi(p) || "millisecond", p === "millisecond" ? this.valueOf() === M.valueOf() : (o = M.valueOf(), this.clone().startOf(p).valueOf() <= o && o <= this.clone().endOf(p).valueOf())) : !1;
  19039. }
  19040. function CS(r, p) {
  19041. return this.isSame(r, p) || this.isAfter(r, p);
  19042. }
  19043. function MS(r, p) {
  19044. return this.isSame(r, p) || this.isBefore(r, p);
  19045. }
  19046. function kS(r, p, M) {
  19047. var o, y, N;
  19048. if (!this.isValid())
  19049. return NaN;
  19050. if (o = Ul(r, this), !o.isValid())
  19051. return NaN;
  19052. switch (y = (o.utcOffset() - this.utcOffset()) * 6e4, p = Oi(p), p) {
  19053. case "year":
  19054. N = lo(this, o) / 12;
  19055. break;
  19056. case "month":
  19057. N = lo(this, o);
  19058. break;
  19059. case "quarter":
  19060. N = lo(this, o) / 3;
  19061. break;
  19062. case "second":
  19063. N = (this - o) / 1e3;
  19064. break;
  19065. case "minute":
  19066. N = (this - o) / 6e4;
  19067. break;
  19068. case "hour":
  19069. N = (this - o) / 36e5;
  19070. break;
  19071. case "day":
  19072. N = (this - o - y) / 864e5;
  19073. break;
  19074. case "week":
  19075. N = (this - o - y) / 6048e5;
  19076. break;
  19077. default:
  19078. N = this - o;
  19079. }
  19080. return M ? N : Ai(N);
  19081. }
  19082. function lo(r, p) {
  19083. if ( <
  19084. return -lo(p, r);
  19085. var M = (p.year() - r.year()) * 12 + (p.month() - r.month()), o = r.clone().add(M, "months"), y, N;
  19086. return p - o < 0 ? (y = r.clone().add(M - 1, "months"), N = (p - o) / (o - y)) : (y = r.clone().add(M + 1, "months"), N = (p - o) / (y - o)), -(M + N) || 0;
  19087. }
  19088. Xt.defaultFormat = "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssZ";
  19089. Xt.defaultFormatUtc = "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss[Z]";
  19090. function AS() {
  19091. return this.clone().locale("en").format("ddd MMM DD YYYY HH:mm:ss [GMT]ZZ");
  19092. }
  19093. function TS(r) {
  19094. if (!this.isValid())
  19095. return null;
  19096. var p = r !== !0, M = p ? this.clone().utc() : this;
  19097. return M.year() < 0 || M.year() > 9999 ? oo(
  19098. M,
  19099. p ? "YYYYYY-MM-DD[T]HH:mm:ss.SSS[Z]" : "YYYYYY-MM-DD[T]HH:mm:ss.SSSZ"
  19100. ) : Ki(Date.prototype.toISOString) ? p ? this.toDate().toISOString() : new Date(this.valueOf() + this.utcOffset() * 60 * 1e3).toISOString().replace("Z", oo(M, "Z")) : oo(
  19101. M,
  19102. p ? "YYYY-MM-DD[T]HH:mm:ss.SSS[Z]" : "YYYY-MM-DD[T]HH:mm:ss.SSSZ"
  19103. );
  19104. }
  19105. function PS() {
  19106. if (!this.isValid())
  19107. return "moment.invalid(/* " + this._i + " */)";
  19108. var r = "moment", p = "", M, o, y, N;
  19109. return this.isLocal() || (r = this.utcOffset() === 0 ? "moment.utc" : "moment.parseZone", p = "Z"), M = "[" + r + '("]', o = 0 <= this.year() && this.year() <= 9999 ? "YYYY" : "YYYYYY", y = "-MM-DD[T]HH:mm:ss.SSS", N = p + '[")]', this.format(M + o + y + N);
  19110. }
  19111. function ES(r) {
  19112. r || (r = this.isUtc() ? Xt.defaultFormatUtc : Xt.defaultFormat);
  19113. var p = oo(this, r);
  19114. return this.localeData().postformat(p);
  19115. }
  19116. function OS(r, p) {
  19117. return this.isValid() && (Wi(r) && r.isValid() || Te(r).isValid()) ? Yi({ to: this, from: r }).locale(this.locale()).humanize(!p) : this.localeData().invalidDate();
  19118. }
  19119. function LS(r) {
  19120. return this.from(Te(), r);
  19121. }
  19122. function _S(r, p) {
  19123. return this.isValid() && (Wi(r) && r.isValid() || Te(r).isValid()) ? Yi({ from: this, to: r }).locale(this.locale()).humanize(!p) : this.localeData().invalidDate();
  19124. }
  19125. function DS(r) {
  19126. return, r);
  19127. }
  19128. function ju(r) {
  19129. var p;
  19130. return r === void 0 ? this._locale._abbr : (p = mr(r), p != null && (this._locale = p), this);
  19131. }
  19132. var Wu = Ei(
  19133. "moment().lang() is deprecated. Instead, use moment().localeData() to get the language configuration. Use moment().locale() to change languages.",
  19134. function(r) {
  19135. return r === void 0 ? this.localeData() : this.locale(r);
  19136. }
  19137. );
  19138. function Yu() {
  19139. return this._locale;
  19140. }
  19141. var xo = 1e3, xn = 60 * xo, bo = 60 * xn, zu = (365 * 400 + 97) * 24 * bo;
  19142. function bn(r, p) {
  19143. return (r % p + p) % p;
  19144. }
  19145. function Xu(r, p, M) {
  19146. return r < 100 && r >= 0 ? new Date(r + 400, p, M) - zu : new Date(r, p, M).valueOf();
  19147. }
  19148. function Gu(r, p, M) {
  19149. return r < 100 && r >= 0 ? Date.UTC(r + 400, p, M) - zu : Date.UTC(r, p, M);
  19150. }
  19151. function IS(r) {
  19152. var p, M;
  19153. if (r = Oi(r), r === void 0 || r === "millisecond" || !this.isValid())
  19154. return this;
  19155. switch (M = this._isUTC ? Gu : Xu, r) {
  19156. case "year":
  19157. p = M(this.year(), 0, 1);
  19158. break;
  19159. case "quarter":
  19160. p = M(
  19161. this.year(),
  19162. this.month() - this.month() % 3,
  19163. 1
  19164. );
  19165. break;
  19166. case "month":
  19167. p = M(this.year(), this.month(), 1);
  19168. break;
  19169. case "week":
  19170. p = M(
  19171. this.year(),
  19172. this.month(),
  19173. - this.weekday()
  19174. );
  19175. break;
  19176. case "isoWeek":
  19177. p = M(
  19178. this.year(),
  19179. this.month(),
  19180. - (this.isoWeekday() - 1)
  19181. );
  19182. break;
  19183. case "day":
  19184. case "date":
  19185. p = M(this.year(), this.month(),;
  19186. break;
  19187. case "hour":
  19188. p = this._d.valueOf(), p -= bn(
  19189. p + (this._isUTC ? 0 : this.utcOffset() * xn),
  19190. bo
  19191. );
  19192. break;
  19193. case "minute":
  19194. p = this._d.valueOf(), p -= bn(p, xn);
  19195. break;
  19196. case "second":
  19197. p = this._d.valueOf(), p -= bn(p, xo);
  19198. break;
  19199. }
  19200. return this._d.setTime(p), Xt.updateOffset(this, !0), this;
  19201. }
  19202. function RS(r) {
  19203. var p, M;
  19204. if (r = Oi(r), r === void 0 || r === "millisecond" || !this.isValid())
  19205. return this;
  19206. switch (M = this._isUTC ? Gu : Xu, r) {
  19207. case "year":
  19208. p = M(this.year() + 1, 0, 1) - 1;
  19209. break;
  19210. case "quarter":
  19211. p = M(
  19212. this.year(),
  19213. this.month() - this.month() % 3 + 3,
  19214. 1
  19215. ) - 1;
  19216. break;
  19217. case "month":
  19218. p = M(this.year(), this.month() + 1, 1) - 1;
  19219. break;
  19220. case "week":
  19221. p = M(
  19222. this.year(),
  19223. this.month(),
  19224. - this.weekday() + 7
  19225. ) - 1;
  19226. break;
  19227. case "isoWeek":
  19228. p = M(
  19229. this.year(),
  19230. this.month(),
  19231. - (this.isoWeekday() - 1) + 7
  19232. ) - 1;
  19233. break;
  19234. case "day":
  19235. case "date":
  19236. p = M(this.year(), this.month(), + 1) - 1;
  19237. break;
  19238. case "hour":
  19239. p = this._d.valueOf(), p += bo - bn(
  19240. p + (this._isUTC ? 0 : this.utcOffset() * xn),
  19241. bo
  19242. ) - 1;
  19243. break;
  19244. case "minute":
  19245. p = this._d.valueOf(), p += xn - bn(p, xn) - 1;
  19246. break;
  19247. case "second":
  19248. p = this._d.valueOf(), p += xo - bn(p, xo) - 1;
  19249. break;
  19250. }
  19251. return this._d.setTime(p), Xt.updateOffset(this, !0), this;
  19252. }
  19253. function NS() {
  19254. return this._d.valueOf() - (this._offset || 0) * 6e4;
  19255. }
  19256. function BS() {
  19257. return Math.floor(this.valueOf() / 1e3);
  19258. }
  19259. function jS() {
  19260. return new Date(this.valueOf());
  19261. }
  19262. function WS() {
  19263. var r = this;
  19264. return [
  19265. r.year(),
  19266. r.month(),
  19268. r.hour(),
  19269. r.minute(),
  19270. r.second(),
  19271. r.millisecond()
  19272. ];
  19273. }
  19274. function YS() {
  19275. var r = this;
  19276. return {
  19277. years: r.year(),
  19278. months: r.month(),
  19279. date:,
  19280. hours: r.hours(),
  19281. minutes: r.minutes(),
  19282. seconds: r.seconds(),
  19283. milliseconds: r.milliseconds()
  19284. };
  19285. }
  19286. function zS() {
  19287. return this.isValid() ? this.toISOString() : null;
  19288. }
  19289. function XS() {
  19290. return El(this);
  19291. }
  19292. function GS() {
  19293. return Tr({}, oe(this));
  19294. }
  19295. function HS() {
  19296. return oe(this).overflow;
  19297. }
  19298. function FS() {
  19299. return {
  19300. input: this._i,
  19301. format: this._f,
  19302. locale: this._locale,
  19303. isUTC: this._isUTC,
  19304. strict: this._strict
  19305. };
  19306. }
  19307. Zt("N", 0, 0, "eraAbbr");
  19308. Zt("NN", 0, 0, "eraAbbr");
  19309. Zt("NNN", 0, 0, "eraAbbr");
  19310. Zt("NNNN", 0, 0, "eraName");
  19311. Zt("NNNNN", 0, 0, "eraNarrow");
  19312. Zt("y", ["y", 1], "yo", "eraYear");
  19313. Zt("y", ["yy", 2], 0, "eraYear");
  19314. Zt("y", ["yyy", 3], 0, "eraYear");
  19315. Zt("y", ["yyyy", 4], 0, "eraYear");
  19316. Ft("N", Vl);
  19317. Ft("NN", Vl);
  19318. Ft("NNN", Vl);
  19319. Ft("NNNN", iw);
  19320. Ft("NNNNN", rw);
  19321. we(
  19322. ["N", "NN", "NNN", "NNNN", "NNNNN"],
  19323. function(r, p, M, o) {
  19324. var y = M._locale.erasParse(r, o, M._strict);
  19325. y ? oe(M).era = y : oe(M).invalidEra = r;
  19326. }
  19327. );
  19328. Ft("y", Mn);
  19329. Ft("yy", Mn);
  19330. Ft("yyy", Mn);
  19331. Ft("yyyy", Mn);
  19332. Ft("yo", nw);
  19333. we(["y", "yy", "yyy", "yyyy"], ti);
  19334. we(["yo"], function(r, p, M, o) {
  19335. var y;
  19336. M._locale._eraYearOrdinalRegex && (y = r.match(M._locale._eraYearOrdinalRegex)), M._locale.eraYearOrdinalParse ? p[ti] = M._locale.eraYearOrdinalParse(r, y) : p[ti] = parseInt(r, 10);
  19337. });
  19338. function US(r, p) {
  19339. var M, o, y, N = this._eras || mr("en")._eras;
  19340. for (M = 0, o = N.length; M < o; ++M) {
  19341. switch (typeof N[M].since) {
  19342. case "string":
  19343. y = Xt(N[M].since).startOf("day"), N[M].since = y.valueOf();
  19344. break;
  19345. }
  19346. switch (typeof N[M].until) {
  19347. case "undefined":
  19348. N[M].until = 1 / 0;
  19349. break;
  19350. case "string":
  19351. y = Xt(N[M].until).startOf("day").valueOf(), N[M].until = y.valueOf();
  19352. break;
  19353. }
  19354. }
  19355. return N;
  19356. }
  19357. function VS(r, p, M) {
  19358. var o, y, N = this.eras(), D, U, H;
  19359. for (r = r.toUpperCase(), o = 0, y = N.length; o < y; ++o)
  19360. if (D = N[o].name.toUpperCase(), U = N[o].abbr.toUpperCase(), H = N[o].narrow.toUpperCase(), M)
  19361. switch (p) {
  19362. case "N":
  19363. case "NN":
  19364. case "NNN":
  19365. if (U === r)
  19366. return N[o];
  19367. break;
  19368. case "NNNN":
  19369. if (D === r)
  19370. return N[o];
  19371. break;
  19372. case "NNNNN":
  19373. if (H === r)
  19374. return N[o];
  19375. break;
  19376. }
  19377. else if ([D, U, H].indexOf(r) >= 0)
  19378. return N[o];
  19379. }
  19380. function $S(r, p) {
  19381. var M = r.since <= r.until ? 1 : -1;
  19382. return p === void 0 ? Xt(r.since).year() : Xt(r.since).year() + (p - r.offset) * M;
  19383. }
  19384. function ZS() {
  19385. var r, p, M, o = this.localeData().eras();
  19386. for (r = 0, p = o.length; r < p; ++r)
  19387. if (M = this.clone().startOf("day").valueOf(), o[r].since <= M && M <= o[r].until || o[r].until <= M && M <= o[r].since)
  19388. return o[r].name;
  19389. return "";
  19390. }
  19391. function KS() {
  19392. var r, p, M, o = this.localeData().eras();
  19393. for (r = 0, p = o.length; r < p; ++r)
  19394. if (M = this.clone().startOf("day").valueOf(), o[r].since <= M && M <= o[r].until || o[r].until <= M && M <= o[r].since)
  19395. return o[r].narrow;
  19396. return "";
  19397. }
  19398. function JS() {
  19399. var r, p, M, o = this.localeData().eras();
  19400. for (r = 0, p = o.length; r < p; ++r)
  19401. if (M = this.clone().startOf("day").valueOf(), o[r].since <= M && M <= o[r].until || o[r].until <= M && M <= o[r].since)
  19402. return o[r].abbr;
  19403. return "";
  19404. }
  19405. function qS() {
  19406. var r, p, M, o, y = this.localeData().eras();
  19407. for (r = 0, p = y.length; r < p; ++r)
  19408. if (M = y[r].since <= y[r].until ? 1 : -1, o = this.clone().startOf("day").valueOf(), y[r].since <= o && o <= y[r].until || y[r].until <= o && o <= y[r].since)
  19409. return (this.year() - Xt(y[r].since).year()) * M + y[r].offset;
  19410. return this.year();
  19411. }
  19412. function QS(r) {
  19413. return me(this, "_erasNameRegex") || $, r ? this._erasNameRegex : this._erasRegex;
  19414. }
  19415. function tw(r) {
  19416. return me(this, "_erasAbbrRegex") || $, r ? this._erasAbbrRegex : this._erasRegex;
  19417. }
  19418. function ew(r) {
  19419. return me(this, "_erasNarrowRegex") || $, r ? this._erasNarrowRegex : this._erasRegex;
  19420. }
  19421. function Vl(r, p) {
  19422. return p.erasAbbrRegex(r);
  19423. }
  19424. function iw(r, p) {
  19425. return p.erasNameRegex(r);
  19426. }
  19427. function rw(r, p) {
  19428. return p.erasNarrowRegex(r);
  19429. }
  19430. function nw(r, p) {
  19431. return p._eraYearOrdinalRegex || Mn;
  19432. }
  19433. function $l() {
  19434. var r = [], p = [], M = [], o = [], y, N, D, U, H, V = this.eras();
  19435. for (y = 0, N = V.length; y < N; ++y)
  19436. D = ur(V[y].name), U = ur(V[y].abbr), H = ur(V[y].narrow), p.push(D), r.push(U), M.push(H), o.push(D), o.push(U), o.push(H);
  19437. this._erasRegex = new RegExp("^(" + o.join("|") + ")", "i"), this._erasNameRegex = new RegExp("^(" + p.join("|") + ")", "i"), this._erasAbbrRegex = new RegExp("^(" + r.join("|") + ")", "i"), this._erasNarrowRegex = new RegExp(
  19438. "^(" + M.join("|") + ")",
  19439. "i"
  19440. );
  19441. }
  19442. Zt(0, ["gg", 2], 0, function() {
  19443. return this.weekYear() % 100;
  19444. });
  19445. Zt(0, ["GG", 2], 0, function() {
  19446. return this.isoWeekYear() % 100;
  19447. });
  19448. function No(r, p) {
  19449. Zt(0, [r, r.length], 0, p);
  19450. }
  19451. No("gggg", "weekYear");
  19452. No("ggggg", "weekYear");
  19453. No("GGGG", "isoWeekYear");
  19454. No("GGGGG", "isoWeekYear");
  19455. Ft("G", Lo);
  19456. Ft("g", Lo);
  19457. Ft("GG", Pe, yi);
  19458. Ft("gg", Pe, yi);
  19459. Ft("GGGG", Rl, Il);
  19460. Ft("gggg", Rl, Il);
  19461. Ft("GGGGG", Oo, Po);
  19462. Ft("ggggg", Oo, Po);
  19463. cs(
  19464. ["gggg", "ggggg", "GGGG", "GGGGG"],
  19465. function(r, p, M, o) {
  19466. p[o.substr(0, 2)] = pe(r);
  19467. }
  19468. );
  19469. cs(["gg", "GG"], function(r, p, M, o) {
  19470. p[o] = Xt.parseTwoDigitYear(r);
  19471. });
  19472. function sw(r) {
  19473. return
  19474. this,
  19475. r,
  19476. this.week(),
  19477. this.weekday() + this.localeData()._week.dow,
  19478. this.localeData()._week.dow,
  19479. this.localeData()._week.doy
  19480. );
  19481. }
  19482. function ow(r) {
  19483. return
  19484. this,
  19485. r,
  19486. this.isoWeek(),
  19487. this.isoWeekday(),
  19488. 1,
  19489. 4
  19490. );
  19491. }
  19492. function aw() {
  19493. return dr(this.year(), 1, 4);
  19494. }
  19495. function lw() {
  19496. return dr(this.isoWeekYear(), 1, 4);
  19497. }
  19498. function hw() {
  19499. var r = this.localeData()._week;
  19500. return dr(this.year(), r.dow, r.doy);
  19501. }
  19502. function cw() {
  19503. var r = this.localeData()._week;
  19504. return dr(this.weekYear(), r.dow, r.doy);
  19505. }
  19506. function Hu(r, p, M, o, y) {
  19507. var N;
  19508. return r == null ? rs(this, o, y).year : (N = dr(r, o, y), p > N && (p = N),, r, p, M, o, y));
  19509. }
  19510. function pw(r, p, M, o, y) {
  19511. var N = Cu(r, p, M, o, y), D = is(N.year, 0, N.dayOfYear);
  19512. return this.year(D.getUTCFullYear()), this.month(D.getUTCMonth()),, this;
  19513. }
  19514. Zt("Q", 0, "Qo", "quarter");
  19515. Ft("Q", uu);
  19516. we("Q", function(r, p) {
  19517. p[cr] = (pe(r) - 1) * 3;
  19518. });
  19519. function uw(r) {
  19520. return r == null ? Math.ceil((this.month() + 1) / 3) : this.month((r - 1) * 3 + this.month() % 3);
  19521. }
  19522. Zt("D", ["DD", 2], "Do", "date");
  19523. Ft("D", Pe, kn);
  19524. Ft("DD", Pe, yi);
  19525. Ft("Do", function(r, p) {
  19526. return r ? p._dayOfMonthOrdinalParse || p._ordinalParse : p._dayOfMonthOrdinalParseLenient;
  19527. });
  19528. we(["D", "DD"], Vi);
  19529. we("Do", function(r, p) {
  19530. p[Vi] = pe(r.match(Pe)[0]);
  19531. });
  19532. var Fu = An("Date", !0);
  19533. Zt("DDD", ["DDDD", 3], "DDDo", "dayOfYear");
  19534. Ft("DDD", Eo);
  19535. Ft("DDDD", du);
  19536. we(["DDD", "DDDD"], function(r, p, M) {
  19537. M._dayOfYear = pe(r);
  19538. });
  19539. function dw(r) {
  19540. var p = Math.round(
  19541. (this.clone().startOf("day") - this.clone().startOf("year")) / 864e5
  19542. ) + 1;
  19543. return r == null ? p : this.add(r - p, "d");
  19544. }
  19545. Zt("m", ["mm", 2], 0, "minute");
  19546. Ft("m", Pe, Nl);
  19547. Ft("mm", Pe, yi);
  19548. we(["m", "mm"], Ni);
  19549. var fw = An("Minutes", !1);
  19550. Zt("s", ["ss", 2], 0, "second");
  19551. Ft("s", Pe, Nl);
  19552. Ft("ss", Pe, yi);
  19553. we(["s", "ss"], pr);
  19554. var gw = An("Seconds", !1);
  19555. Zt("S", 0, 0, function() {
  19556. return ~~(this.millisecond() / 100);
  19557. });
  19558. Zt(0, ["SS", 2], 0, function() {
  19559. return ~~(this.millisecond() / 10);
  19560. });
  19561. Zt(0, ["SSS", 3], 0, "millisecond");
  19562. Zt(0, ["SSSS", 4], 0, function() {
  19563. return this.millisecond() * 10;
  19564. });
  19565. Zt(0, ["SSSSS", 5], 0, function() {
  19566. return this.millisecond() * 100;
  19567. });
  19568. Zt(0, ["SSSSSS", 6], 0, function() {
  19569. return this.millisecond() * 1e3;
  19570. });
  19571. Zt(0, ["SSSSSSS", 7], 0, function() {
  19572. return this.millisecond() * 1e4;
  19573. });
  19574. Zt(0, ["SSSSSSSS", 8], 0, function() {
  19575. return this.millisecond() * 1e5;
  19576. });
  19577. Zt(0, ["SSSSSSSSS", 9], 0, function() {
  19578. return this.millisecond() * 1e6;
  19579. });
  19580. Ft("S", Eo, uu);
  19581. Ft("SS", Eo, yi);
  19582. Ft("SSS", Eo, du);
  19583. var Pr, Uu;
  19584. for (Pr = "SSSS"; Pr.length <= 9; Pr += "S")
  19585. Ft(Pr, Mn);
  19586. function mw(r, p) {
  19587. p[Hr] = pe(("0." + r) * 1e3);
  19588. }
  19589. for (Pr = "S"; Pr.length <= 9; Pr += "S")
  19590. we(Pr, mw);
  19591. Uu = An("Milliseconds", !1);
  19592. Zt("z", 0, 0, "zoneAbbr");
  19593. Zt("zz", 0, 0, "zoneName");
  19594. function yw() {
  19595. return this._isUTC ? "UTC" : "";
  19596. }
  19597. function vw() {
  19598. return this._isUTC ? "Coordinated Universal Time" : "";
  19599. }
  19600. var jt = ls.prototype;
  19601. jt.add = cS;
  19602. jt.calendar = yS;
  19603. jt.clone = vS;
  19604. jt.diff = kS;
  19605. jt.endOf = RS;
  19606. jt.format = ES;
  19607. jt.from = OS;
  19608. jt.fromNow = LS;
  19609. = _S;
  19610. jt.toNow = DS;
  19611. jt.get = P1;
  19612. jt.invalidAt = HS;
  19613. jt.isAfter = xS;
  19614. jt.isBefore = bS;
  19615. jt.isBetween = SS;
  19616. jt.isSame = wS;
  19617. jt.isSameOrAfter = CS;
  19618. jt.isSameOrBefore = MS;
  19619. jt.isValid = XS;
  19620. jt.lang = Wu;
  19621. jt.locale = ju;
  19622. jt.localeData = Yu;
  19623. jt.max = Xb;
  19624. jt.min = zb;
  19625. jt.parsingFlags = GS;
  19626. jt.set = E1;
  19627. jt.startOf = IS;
  19628. jt.subtract = pS;
  19629. jt.toArray = WS;
  19630. jt.toObject = YS;
  19631. jt.toDate = jS;
  19632. jt.toISOString = TS;
  19633. jt.inspect = PS;
  19634. typeof Symbol < "u" && Symbol.for != null && (jt[Symbol.for("nodejs.util.inspect.custom")] = function() {
  19635. return "Moment<" + this.format() + ">";
  19636. });
  19637. jt.toJSON = zS;
  19638. jt.toString = AS;
  19639. jt.unix = BS;
  19640. jt.valueOf = NS;
  19641. jt.creationData = FS;
  19642. jt.eraName = ZS;
  19643. jt.eraNarrow = KS;
  19644. jt.eraAbbr = JS;
  19645. jt.eraYear = qS;
  19646. jt.year = mu;
  19647. jt.isLeapYear = T1;
  19648. jt.weekYear = sw;
  19649. jt.isoWeekYear = ow;
  19650. jt.quarter = jt.quarters = uw;
  19651. jt.month = Su;
  19652. jt.daysInMonth = j1;
  19653. jt.week = jt.weeks = U1;
  19654. jt.isoWeek = jt.isoWeeks = V1;
  19655. jt.weeksInYear = hw;
  19656. jt.weeksInWeekYear = cw;
  19657. jt.isoWeeksInYear = aw;
  19658. jt.isoWeeksInISOWeekYear = lw;
  19659. = Fu;
  19660. = jt.days = ob;
  19661. jt.weekday = ab;
  19662. jt.isoWeekday = lb;
  19663. jt.dayOfYear = dw;
  19664. jt.hour = jt.hours = gb;
  19665. jt.minute = jt.minutes = fw;
  19666. jt.second = jt.seconds = gw;
  19667. jt.millisecond = jt.milliseconds = Uu;
  19668. jt.utcOffset = Jb;
  19669. jt.utc = Qb;
  19670. jt.local = tS;
  19671. jt.parseZone = eS;
  19672. jt.hasAlignedHourOffset = iS;
  19673. jt.isDST = rS;
  19674. jt.isLocal = sS;
  19675. jt.isUtcOffset = oS;
  19676. jt.isUtc = Iu;
  19677. jt.isUTC = Iu;
  19678. jt.zoneAbbr = yw;
  19679. jt.zoneName = vw;
  19680. jt.dates = Ei(
  19681. "dates accessor is deprecated. Use date instead.",
  19682. Fu
  19683. );
  19684. jt.months = Ei(
  19685. "months accessor is deprecated. Use month instead",
  19686. Su
  19687. );
  19688. jt.years = Ei(
  19689. "years accessor is deprecated. Use year instead",
  19690. mu
  19691. );
  19692. = Ei(
  19693. "moment().zone is deprecated, use moment().utcOffset instead.",
  19694. qb
  19695. );
  19696. jt.isDSTShifted = Ei(
  19697. "isDSTShifted is deprecated. See for more information",
  19698. nS
  19699. );
  19700. function xw(r) {
  19701. return Te(r * 1e3);
  19702. }
  19703. function bw() {
  19704. return Te.apply(null, arguments).parseZone();
  19705. }
  19706. function Vu(r) {
  19707. return r;
  19708. }
  19709. var ye = Ll.prototype;
  19710. ye.calendar = s1;
  19711. ye.longDateFormat = h1;
  19712. ye.invalidDate = p1;
  19713. ye.ordinal = f1;
  19714. ye.preparse = Vu;
  19715. ye.postformat = Vu;
  19716. ye.relativeTime = m1;
  19717. ye.pastFuture = y1;
  19718. ye.set = r1;
  19719. ye.eras = US;
  19720. ye.erasParse = VS;
  19721. ye.erasConvertYear = $S;
  19722. ye.erasAbbrRegex = tw;
  19723. ye.erasNameRegex = QS;
  19724. ye.erasNarrowRegex = ew;
  19725. ye.months = I1;
  19726. ye.monthsShort = R1;
  19727. ye.monthsParse = B1;
  19728. ye.monthsRegex = Y1;
  19729. ye.monthsShortRegex = W1;
  19730. ye.week = X1;
  19731. ye.firstDayOfYear = F1;
  19732. ye.firstDayOfWeek = H1;
  19733. ye.weekdays = eb;
  19734. ye.weekdaysMin = rb;
  19735. ye.weekdaysShort = ib;
  19736. ye.weekdaysParse = sb;
  19737. ye.weekdaysRegex = hb;
  19738. ye.weekdaysShortRegex = cb;
  19739. ye.weekdaysMinRegex = pb;
  19740. ye.isPM = db;
  19741. ye.meridiem = mb;
  19742. function So(r, p, M, o) {
  19743. var y = mr(), N = Zi().set(o, p);
  19744. return y[M](N, r);
  19745. }
  19746. function $u(r, p, M) {
  19747. if (fr(r) && (p = r, r = void 0), r = r || "", p != null)
  19748. return So(r, p, M, "month");
  19749. var o, y = [];
  19750. for (o = 0; o < 12; o++)
  19751. y[o] = So(r, o, M, "month");
  19752. return y;
  19753. }
  19754. function Zl(r, p, M, o) {
  19755. typeof r == "boolean" ? (fr(p) && (M = p, p = void 0), p = p || "") : (p = r, M = p, r = !1, fr(p) && (M = p, p = void 0), p = p || "");
  19756. var y = mr(), N = r ? y._week.dow : 0, D, U = [];
  19757. if (M != null)
  19758. return So(p, (M + N) % 7, o, "day");
  19759. for (D = 0; D < 7; D++)
  19760. U[D] = So(p, (D + N) % 7, o, "day");
  19761. return U;
  19762. }
  19763. function Sw(r, p) {
  19764. return $u(r, p, "months");
  19765. }
  19766. function ww(r, p) {
  19767. return $u(r, p, "monthsShort");
  19768. }
  19769. function Cw(r, p, M) {
  19770. return Zl(r, p, M, "weekdays");
  19771. }
  19772. function Mw(r, p, M) {
  19773. return Zl(r, p, M, "weekdaysShort");
  19774. }
  19775. function kw(r, p, M) {
  19776. return Zl(r, p, M, "weekdaysMin");
  19777. }
  19778. Er("en", {
  19779. eras: [
  19780. {
  19781. since: "0001-01-01",
  19782. until: 1 / 0,
  19783. offset: 1,
  19784. name: "Anno Domini",
  19785. narrow: "AD",
  19786. abbr: "AD"
  19787. },
  19788. {
  19789. since: "0000-12-31",
  19790. until: -1 / 0,
  19791. offset: 1,
  19792. name: "Before Christ",
  19793. narrow: "BC",
  19794. abbr: "BC"
  19795. }
  19796. ],
  19797. dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}(th|st|nd|rd)/,
  19798. ordinal: function(r) {
  19799. var p = r % 10, M = pe(r % 100 / 10) === 1 ? "th" : p === 1 ? "st" : p === 2 ? "nd" : p === 3 ? "rd" : "th";
  19800. return r + M;
  19801. }
  19802. });
  19803. Xt.lang = Ei(
  19804. "moment.lang is deprecated. Use moment.locale instead.",
  19805. Er
  19806. );
  19807. Xt.langData = Ei(
  19808. "moment.langData is deprecated. Use moment.localeData instead.",
  19809. mr
  19810. );
  19811. var or = Math.abs;
  19812. function Aw() {
  19813. var r = this._data;
  19814. return this._milliseconds = or(this._milliseconds), this._days = or(this._days), this._months = or(this._months), r.milliseconds = or(r.milliseconds), r.seconds = or(r.seconds), r.minutes = or(r.minutes), r.hours = or(r.hours), r.months = or(r.months), r.years = or(r.years), this;
  19815. }
  19816. function Zu(r, p, M, o) {
  19817. var y = Yi(p, M);
  19818. return r._milliseconds += o * y._milliseconds, r._days += o * y._days, r._months += o * y._months, r._bubble();
  19819. }
  19820. function Tw(r, p) {
  19821. return Zu(this, r, p, 1);
  19822. }
  19823. function Pw(r, p) {
  19824. return Zu(this, r, p, -1);
  19825. }
  19826. function Bp(r) {
  19827. return r < 0 ? Math.floor(r) : Math.ceil(r);
  19828. }
  19829. function Ew() {
  19830. var r = this._milliseconds, p = this._days, M = this._months, o = this._data, y, N, D, U, H;
  19831. return r >= 0 && p >= 0 && M >= 0 || r <= 0 && p <= 0 && M <= 0 || (r += Bp(Sl(M) + p) * 864e5, p = 0, M = 0), o.milliseconds = r % 1e3, y = Ai(r / 1e3), o.seconds = y % 60, N = Ai(y / 60), o.minutes = N % 60, D = Ai(N / 60), o.hours = D % 24, p += Ai(D / 24), H = Ai(Ku(p)), M += H, p -= Bp(Sl(H)), U = Ai(M / 12), M %= 12, o.days = p, o.months = M, o.years = U, this;
  19832. }
  19833. function Ku(r) {
  19834. return r * 4800 / 146097;
  19835. }
  19836. function Sl(r) {
  19837. return r * 146097 / 4800;
  19838. }
  19839. function Ow(r) {
  19840. if (!this.isValid())
  19841. return NaN;
  19842. var p, M, o = this._milliseconds;
  19843. if (r = Oi(r), r === "month" || r === "quarter" || r === "year")
  19844. switch (p = this._days + o / 864e5, M = this._months + Ku(p), r) {
  19845. case "month":
  19846. return M;
  19847. case "quarter":
  19848. return M / 3;
  19849. case "year":
  19850. return M / 12;
  19851. }
  19852. else
  19853. switch (p = this._days + Math.round(Sl(this._months)), r) {
  19854. case "week":
  19855. return p / 7 + o / 6048e5;
  19856. case "day":
  19857. return p + o / 864e5;
  19858. case "hour":
  19859. return p * 24 + o / 36e5;
  19860. case "minute":
  19861. return p * 1440 + o / 6e4;
  19862. case "second":
  19863. return p * 86400 + o / 1e3;
  19864. case "millisecond":
  19865. return Math.floor(p * 864e5) + o;
  19866. default:
  19867. throw new Error("Unknown unit " + r);
  19868. }
  19869. }
  19870. function yr(r) {
  19871. return function() {
  19872. return;
  19873. };
  19874. }
  19875. var Ju = yr("ms"), Lw = yr("s"), _w = yr("m"), Dw = yr("h"), Iw = yr("d"), Rw = yr("w"), Nw = yr("M"), Bw = yr("Q"), jw = yr("y"), Ww = Ju;
  19876. function Yw() {
  19877. return Yi(this);
  19878. }
  19879. function zw(r) {
  19880. return r = Oi(r), this.isValid() ? this[r + "s"]() : NaN;
  19881. }
  19882. function Kr(r) {
  19883. return function() {
  19884. return this.isValid() ? this._data[r] : NaN;
  19885. };
  19886. }
  19887. var Xw = Kr("milliseconds"), Gw = Kr("seconds"), Hw = Kr("minutes"), Fw = Kr("hours"), Uw = Kr("days"), Vw = Kr("months"), $w = Kr("years");
  19888. function Zw() {
  19889. return Ai(this.days() / 7);
  19890. }
  19891. var ar = Math.round, mn = {
  19892. ss: 44,
  19893. // a few seconds to seconds
  19894. s: 45,
  19895. // seconds to minute
  19896. m: 45,
  19897. // minutes to hour
  19898. h: 22,
  19899. // hours to day
  19900. d: 26,
  19901. // days to month/week
  19902. w: null,
  19903. // weeks to month
  19904. M: 11
  19905. // months to year
  19906. };
  19907. function Kw(r, p, M, o, y) {
  19908. return y.relativeTime(p || 1, !!M, r, o);
  19909. }
  19910. function Jw(r, p, M, o) {
  19911. var y = Yi(r).abs(), N = ar("s")), D = ar("m")), U = ar("h")), H = ar("d")), V = ar("M")), G = ar("w")), R = ar("y")), B = N <= && ["s", N] || N < M.s && ["ss", N] || D <= 1 && ["m"] || D < M.m && ["mm", D] || U <= 1 && ["h"] || U < M.h && ["hh", U] || H <= 1 && ["d"] || H < M.d && ["dd", H];
  19912. return M.w != null && (B = B || G <= 1 && ["w"] || G < M.w && ["ww", G]), B = B || V <= 1 && ["M"] || V < M.M && ["MM", V] || R <= 1 && ["y"] || ["yy", R], B[2] = p, B[3] = +r > 0, B[4] = o, Kw.apply(null, B);
  19913. }
  19914. function qw(r) {
  19915. return r === void 0 ? ar : typeof r == "function" ? (ar = r, !0) : !1;
  19916. }
  19917. function Qw(r, p) {
  19918. return mn[r] === void 0 ? !1 : p === void 0 ? mn[r] : (mn[r] = p, r === "s" && ( = p - 1), !0);
  19919. }
  19920. function tC(r, p) {
  19921. if (!this.isValid())
  19922. return this.localeData().invalidDate();
  19923. var M = !1, o = mn, y, N;
  19924. return typeof r == "object" && (p = r, r = !1), typeof r == "boolean" && (M = r), typeof p == "object" && (o = Object.assign({}, mn, p), p.s != null && == null && ( = p.s - 1)), y = this.localeData(), N = Jw(this, !M, o, y), M && (N = y.pastFuture(+this, N)), y.postformat(N);
  19925. }
  19926. var al = Math.abs;
  19927. function fn(r) {
  19928. return (r > 0) - (r < 0) || +r;
  19929. }
  19930. function Bo() {
  19931. if (!this.isValid())
  19932. return this.localeData().invalidDate();
  19933. var r = al(this._milliseconds) / 1e3, p = al(this._days), M = al(this._months), o, y, N, D, U = this.asSeconds(), H, V, G, R;
  19934. return U ? (o = Ai(r / 60), y = Ai(o / 60), r %= 60, o %= 60, N = Ai(M / 12), M %= 12, D = r ? r.toFixed(3).replace(/\.?0+$/, "") : "", H = U < 0 ? "-" : "", V = fn(this._months) !== fn(U) ? "-" : "", G = fn(this._days) !== fn(U) ? "-" : "", R = fn(this._milliseconds) !== fn(U) ? "-" : "", H + "P" + (N ? V + N + "Y" : "") + (M ? V + M + "M" : "") + (p ? G + p + "D" : "") + (y || o || r ? "T" : "") + (y ? R + y + "H" : "") + (o ? R + o + "M" : "") + (r ? R + D + "S" : "")) : "P0D";
  19935. }
  19936. var fe = Ro.prototype;
  19937. fe.isValid = Vb;
  19938. fe.abs = Aw;
  19939. fe.add = Tw;
  19940. fe.subtract = Pw;
  19941. = Ow;
  19942. fe.asMilliseconds = Ju;
  19943. fe.asSeconds = Lw;
  19944. fe.asMinutes = _w;
  19945. fe.asHours = Dw;
  19946. fe.asDays = Iw;
  19947. fe.asWeeks = Rw;
  19948. fe.asMonths = Nw;
  19949. fe.asQuarters = Bw;
  19950. fe.asYears = jw;
  19951. fe.valueOf = Ww;
  19952. fe._bubble = Ew;
  19953. fe.clone = Yw;
  19954. fe.get = zw;
  19955. fe.milliseconds = Xw;
  19956. fe.seconds = Gw;
  19957. fe.minutes = Hw;
  19958. fe.hours = Fw;
  19959. fe.days = Uw;
  19960. fe.weeks = Zw;
  19961. fe.months = Vw;
  19962. fe.years = $w;
  19963. fe.humanize = tC;
  19964. fe.toISOString = Bo;
  19965. fe.toString = Bo;
  19966. fe.toJSON = Bo;
  19967. fe.locale = ju;
  19968. fe.localeData = Yu;
  19969. fe.toIsoString = Ei(
  19970. "toIsoString() is deprecated. Please use toISOString() instead (notice the capitals)",
  19971. Bo
  19972. );
  19973. fe.lang = Wu;
  19974. Zt("X", 0, 0, "unix");
  19975. Zt("x", 0, 0, "valueOf");
  19976. Ft("x", Lo);
  19977. Ft("X", S1);
  19978. we("X", function(r, p, M) {
  19979. M._d = new Date(parseFloat(r) * 1e3);
  19980. });
  19981. we("x", function(r, p, M) {
  19982. M._d = new Date(pe(r));
  19983. });
  19984. //! moment.js
  19985. Xt.version = "2.30.1";
  19986. e1(Te);
  19987. Xt.fn = jt;
  19988. Xt.min = Gb;
  19989. Xt.max = Hb;
  19990. = Fb;
  19991. Xt.utc = Zi;
  19992. Xt.unix = xw;
  19993. Xt.months = Sw;
  19994. Xt.isDate = as;
  19995. Xt.locale = Er;
  19996. Xt.invalid = To;
  19997. Xt.duration = Yi;
  19998. Xt.isMoment = Wi;
  19999. Xt.weekdays = Cw;
  20000. Xt.parseZone = bw;
  20001. Xt.localeData = mr;
  20002. Xt.isDuration = ao;
  20003. Xt.monthsShort = ww;
  20004. Xt.weekdaysMin = kw;
  20005. Xt.defineLocale = zl;
  20006. Xt.updateLocale = bb;
  20007. Xt.locales = Sb;
  20008. Xt.weekdaysShort = Mw;
  20009. Xt.normalizeUnits = Oi;
  20010. Xt.relativeTimeRounding = qw;
  20011. Xt.relativeTimeThreshold = Qw;
  20012. Xt.calendarFormat = mS;
  20013. Xt.prototype = jt;
  20014. Xt.HTML5_FMT = {
  20016. // <input type="datetime-local" />
  20018. // <input type="datetime-local" step="1" />
  20020. // <input type="datetime-local" step="0.001" />
  20021. DATE: "YYYY-MM-DD",
  20022. // <input type="date" />
  20023. TIME: "HH:mm",
  20024. // <input type="time" />
  20025. TIME_SECONDS: "HH:mm:ss",
  20026. // <input type="time" step="1" />
  20027. TIME_MS: "HH:mm:ss.SSS",
  20028. // <input type="time" step="0.001" />
  20029. WEEK: "GGGG-[W]WW",
  20030. // <input type="week" />
  20031. MONTH: "YYYY-MM"
  20032. // <input type="month" />
  20033. };
  20034. var wo = { exports: {} };
  20035. /**
  20036. * @license
  20037. * Lodash <>
  20038. * Copyright OpenJS Foundation and other contributors <>
  20039. * Released under MIT license <>
  20040. * Based on Underscore.js 1.8.3 <>
  20041. * Copyright Jeremy Ashkenas, DocumentCloud and Investigative Reporters & Editors
  20042. */
  20043. wo.exports;
  20044. (function(r, p) {
  20045. (function() {
  20046. var M, o = "4.17.21", y = 200, N = "Unsupported core-js use. Try", D = "Expected a function", U = "Invalid `variable` option passed into `_.template`", H = "__lodash_hash_undefined__", V = 500, G = "__lodash_placeholder__", R = 1, B = 2, S = 4, x = 1, f = 2, d = 1, T = 2, O = 4, j = 8, k = 16, b = 32, w = 64, v = 128, l = 256, h = 512, u = 30, i = "...", c = 800, a = 16, t = 1, s = 2, n = 3, P = 1 / 0, _ = 9007199254740991, I = 17976931348623157e292, W = 0 / 0, E = 4294967295, X = E - 1, g = E >>> 1, m = [
  20047. ["ary", v],
  20048. ["bind", d],
  20049. ["bindKey", T],
  20050. ["curry", j],
  20051. ["curryRight", k],
  20052. ["flip", h],
  20053. ["partial", b],
  20054. ["partialRight", w],
  20055. ["rearg", l]
  20056. ], L = "[object Arguments]", z = "[object Array]", $ = "[object AsyncFunction]", Q = "[object Boolean]", A = "[object Date]", F = "[object DOMException]", Y = "[object Error]", Z = "[object Function]", q = "[object GeneratorFunction]", it = "[object Map]", et = "[object Number]", nt = "[object Null]", rt = "[object Object]", ct = "[object Promise]", gt = "[object Proxy]", dt = "[object RegExp]", ht = "[object Set]", at = "[object String]", J = "[object Symbol]", tt = "[object Undefined]", ot = "[object WeakMap]", lt = "[object WeakSet]", pt = "[object ArrayBuffer]", yt = "[object DataView]", vt = "[object Float32Array]", Mt = "[object Float64Array]", Pt = "[object Int8Array]", At = "[object Int16Array]", St = "[object Int32Array]", Dt = "[object Uint8Array]", _t = "[object Uint8ClampedArray]", Nt = "[object Uint16Array]", Ot = "[object Uint32Array]", Kt = /\b__p \+= '';/g, Gt = /\b(__p \+=) '' \+/g, Wt = /(__e\(.*?\)|\b__t\)) \+\n'';/g, Jt = /&(?:amp|lt|gt|quot|#39);/g, be = /[&<>"']/g, Yt = RegExp(Jt.source), Vt = RegExp(be.source), Ce = /<%-([\s\S]+?)%>/g, Or = /<%([\s\S]+?)%>/g, us = /<%=([\s\S]+?)%>/g, En = /\.|\[(?:[^[\]]*|(["'])(?:(?!\1)[^\\]|\\.)*?\1)\]/, On = /^\w*$/, $e = /[^.[\]]+|\[(?:(-?\d+(?:\.\d+)?)|(["'])((?:(?!\2)[^\\]|\\.)*?)\2)\]|(?=(?:\.|\[\])(?:\.|\[\]|$))/g, Ln = /[\\^$.*+?()[\]{}|]/g, _n = RegExp(Ln.source), Jr = /^\s+/, ds = /\s/, Fo = /\{(?:\n\/\* \[wrapped with .+\] \*\/)?\n?/, Lr = /\{\n\/\* \[wrapped with (.+)\] \*/, Xi = /,? & /, fs = /[^\x00-\x2f\x3a-\x40\x5b-\x60\x7b-\x7f]+/g, Dn = /[()=,{}\[\]\/\s]/, _r = /\\(\\)?/g, $t = /\$\{([^\\}]*(?:\\.[^\\}]*)*)\}/g, de = /\w*$/, ge = /^[-+]0x[0-9a-f]+$/i, Re = /^0b[01]+$/i, De = /^\[object .+?Constructor\]$/, qr = /^0o[0-7]+$/i, Od = /^(?:0|[1-9]\d*)$/, Ld = /[\xc0-\xd6\xd8-\xf6\xf8-\xff\u0100-\u017f]/g, gs = /($^)/, _d = /['\n\r\u2028\u2029\\]/g, ms = "\\ud800-\\udfff", Dd = "\\u0300-\\u036f", Id = "\\ufe20-\\ufe2f", Rd = "\\u20d0-\\u20ff", oh = Dd + Id + Rd, ah = "\\u2700-\\u27bf", lh = "a-z\\xdf-\\xf6\\xf8-\\xff", Nd = "\\xac\\xb1\\xd7\\xf7", Bd = "\\x00-\\x2f\\x3a-\\x40\\x5b-\\x60\\x7b-\\xbf", jd = "\\u2000-\\u206f", Wd = " \\t\\x0b\\f\\xa0\\ufeff\\n\\r\\u2028\\u2029\\u1680\\u180e\\u2000\\u2001\\u2002\\u2003\\u2004\\u2005\\u2006\\u2007\\u2008\\u2009\\u200a\\u202f\\u205f\\u3000", hh = "A-Z\\xc0-\\xd6\\xd8-\\xde", ch = "\\ufe0e\\ufe0f", ph = Nd + Bd + jd + Wd, Uo = "['’]", Yd = "[" + ms + "]", uh = "[" + ph + "]", ys = "[" + oh + "]", dh = "\\d+", zd = "[" + ah + "]", fh = "[" + lh + "]", gh = "[^" + ms + ph + dh + ah + lh + hh + "]", Vo = "\\ud83c[\\udffb-\\udfff]", Xd = "(?:" + ys + "|" + Vo + ")", mh = "[^" + ms + "]", $o = "(?:\\ud83c[\\udde6-\\uddff]){2}", Zo = "[\\ud800-\\udbff][\\udc00-\\udfff]", Qr = "[" + hh + "]", yh = "\\u200d", vh = "(?:" + fh + "|" + gh + ")", Gd = "(?:" + Qr + "|" + gh + ")", xh = "(?:" + Uo + "(?:d|ll|m|re|s|t|ve))?", bh = "(?:" + Uo + "(?:D|LL|M|RE|S|T|VE))?", Sh = Xd + "?", wh = "[" + ch + "]?", Hd = "(?:" + yh + "(?:" + [mh, $o, Zo].join("|") + ")" + wh + Sh + ")*", Fd = "\\d*(?:1st|2nd|3rd|(?![123])\\dth)(?=\\b|[A-Z_])", Ud = "\\d*(?:1ST|2ND|3RD|(?![123])\\dTH)(?=\\b|[a-z_])", Ch = wh + Sh + Hd, Vd = "(?:" + [zd, $o, Zo].join("|") + ")" + Ch, $d = "(?:" + [mh + ys + "?", ys, $o, Zo, Yd].join("|") + ")", Zd = RegExp(Uo, "g"), Kd = RegExp(ys, "g"), Ko = RegExp(Vo + "(?=" + Vo + ")|" + $d + Ch, "g"), Jd = RegExp([
  20057. Qr + "?" + fh + "+" + xh + "(?=" + [uh, Qr, "$"].join("|") + ")",
  20058. Gd + "+" + bh + "(?=" + [uh, Qr + vh, "$"].join("|") + ")",
  20059. Qr + "?" + vh + "+" + xh,
  20060. Qr + "+" + bh,
  20061. Ud,
  20062. Fd,
  20063. dh,
  20064. Vd
  20065. ].join("|"), "g"), qd = RegExp("[" + yh + ms + oh + ch + "]"), Qd = /[a-z][A-Z]|[A-Z]{2}[a-z]|[0-9][a-zA-Z]|[a-zA-Z][0-9]|[^a-zA-Z0-9 ]/, tf = [
  20066. "Array",
  20067. "Buffer",
  20068. "DataView",
  20069. "Date",
  20070. "Error",
  20071. "Float32Array",
  20072. "Float64Array",
  20073. "Function",
  20074. "Int8Array",
  20075. "Int16Array",
  20076. "Int32Array",
  20077. "Map",
  20078. "Math",
  20079. "Object",
  20080. "Promise",
  20081. "RegExp",
  20082. "Set",
  20083. "String",
  20084. "Symbol",
  20085. "TypeError",
  20086. "Uint8Array",
  20087. "Uint8ClampedArray",
  20088. "Uint16Array",
  20089. "Uint32Array",
  20090. "WeakMap",
  20091. "_",
  20092. "clearTimeout",
  20093. "isFinite",
  20094. "parseInt",
  20095. "setTimeout"
  20096. ], ef = -1, Ae = {};
  20097. Ae[vt] = Ae[Mt] = Ae[Pt] = Ae[At] = Ae[St] = Ae[Dt] = Ae[_t] = Ae[Nt] = Ae[Ot] = !0, Ae[L] = Ae[z] = Ae[pt] = Ae[Q] = Ae[yt] = Ae[A] = Ae[Y] = Ae[Z] = Ae[it] = Ae[et] = Ae[rt] = Ae[dt] = Ae[ht] = Ae[at] = Ae[ot] = !1;
  20098. var ke = {};
  20099. ke[L] = ke[z] = ke[pt] = ke[yt] = ke[Q] = ke[A] = ke[vt] = ke[Mt] = ke[Pt] = ke[At] = ke[St] = ke[it] = ke[et] = ke[rt] = ke[dt] = ke[ht] = ke[at] = ke[J] = ke[Dt] = ke[_t] = ke[Nt] = ke[Ot] = !0, ke[Y] = ke[Z] = ke[ot] = !1;
  20100. var rf = {
  20101. // Latin-1 Supplement block.
  20102. À: "A",
  20103. Á: "A",
  20104. Â: "A",
  20105. Ã: "A",
  20106. Ä: "A",
  20107. Å: "A",
  20108. à: "a",
  20109. á: "a",
  20110. â: "a",
  20111. ã: "a",
  20112. ä: "a",
  20113. å: "a",
  20114. Ç: "C",
  20115. ç: "c",
  20116. Ð: "D",
  20117. ð: "d",
  20118. È: "E",
  20119. É: "E",
  20120. Ê: "E",
  20121. Ë: "E",
  20122. è: "e",
  20123. é: "e",
  20124. ê: "e",
  20125. ë: "e",
  20126. Ì: "I",
  20127. Í: "I",
  20128. Î: "I",
  20129. Ï: "I",
  20130. ì: "i",
  20131. í: "i",
  20132. î: "i",
  20133. ï: "i",
  20134. Ñ: "N",
  20135. ñ: "n",
  20136. Ò: "O",
  20137. Ó: "O",
  20138. Ô: "O",
  20139. Õ: "O",
  20140. Ö: "O",
  20141. Ø: "O",
  20142. ò: "o",
  20143. ó: "o",
  20144. ô: "o",
  20145. õ: "o",
  20146. ö: "o",
  20147. ø: "o",
  20148. Ù: "U",
  20149. Ú: "U",
  20150. Û: "U",
  20151. Ü: "U",
  20152. ù: "u",
  20153. ú: "u",
  20154. û: "u",
  20155. ü: "u",
  20156. Ý: "Y",
  20157. ý: "y",
  20158. ÿ: "y",
  20159. Æ: "Ae",
  20160. æ: "ae",
  20161. Þ: "Th",
  20162. þ: "th",
  20163. ß: "ss",
  20164. // Latin Extended-A block.
  20165. Ā: "A",
  20166. Ă: "A",
  20167. Ą: "A",
  20168. ā: "a",
  20169. ă: "a",
  20170. ą: "a",
  20171. Ć: "C",
  20172. Ĉ: "C",
  20173. Ċ: "C",
  20174. Č: "C",
  20175. ć: "c",
  20176. ĉ: "c",
  20177. ċ: "c",
  20178. č: "c",
  20179. Ď: "D",
  20180. Đ: "D",
  20181. ď: "d",
  20182. đ: "d",
  20183. Ē: "E",
  20184. Ĕ: "E",
  20185. Ė: "E",
  20186. Ę: "E",
  20187. Ě: "E",
  20188. ē: "e",
  20189. ĕ: "e",
  20190. ė: "e",
  20191. ę: "e",
  20192. ě: "e",
  20193. Ĝ: "G",
  20194. Ğ: "G",
  20195. Ġ: "G",
  20196. Ģ: "G",
  20197. ĝ: "g",
  20198. ğ: "g",
  20199. ġ: "g",
  20200. ģ: "g",
  20201. Ĥ: "H",
  20202. Ħ: "H",
  20203. ĥ: "h",
  20204. ħ: "h",
  20205. Ĩ: "I",
  20206. Ī: "I",
  20207. Ĭ: "I",
  20208. Į: "I",
  20209. İ: "I",
  20210. ĩ: "i",
  20211. ī: "i",
  20212. ĭ: "i",
  20213. į: "i",
  20214. ı: "i",
  20215. Ĵ: "J",
  20216. ĵ: "j",
  20217. Ķ: "K",
  20218. ķ: "k",
  20219. ĸ: "k",
  20220. Ĺ: "L",
  20221. Ļ: "L",
  20222. Ľ: "L",
  20223. Ŀ: "L",
  20224. Ł: "L",
  20225. ĺ: "l",
  20226. ļ: "l",
  20227. ľ: "l",
  20228. ŀ: "l",
  20229. ł: "l",
  20230. Ń: "N",
  20231. Ņ: "N",
  20232. Ň: "N",
  20233. Ŋ: "N",
  20234. ń: "n",
  20235. ņ: "n",
  20236. ň: "n",
  20237. ŋ: "n",
  20238. Ō: "O",
  20239. Ŏ: "O",
  20240. Ő: "O",
  20241. ō: "o",
  20242. ŏ: "o",
  20243. ő: "o",
  20244. Ŕ: "R",
  20245. Ŗ: "R",
  20246. Ř: "R",
  20247. ŕ: "r",
  20248. ŗ: "r",
  20249. ř: "r",
  20250. Ś: "S",
  20251. Ŝ: "S",
  20252. Ş: "S",
  20253. Š: "S",
  20254. ś: "s",
  20255. ŝ: "s",
  20256. ş: "s",
  20257. š: "s",
  20258. Ţ: "T",
  20259. Ť: "T",
  20260. Ŧ: "T",
  20261. ţ: "t",
  20262. ť: "t",
  20263. ŧ: "t",
  20264. Ũ: "U",
  20265. Ū: "U",
  20266. Ŭ: "U",
  20267. Ů: "U",
  20268. Ű: "U",
  20269. Ų: "U",
  20270. ũ: "u",
  20271. ū: "u",
  20272. ŭ: "u",
  20273. ů: "u",
  20274. ű: "u",
  20275. ų: "u",
  20276. Ŵ: "W",
  20277. ŵ: "w",
  20278. Ŷ: "Y",
  20279. ŷ: "y",
  20280. Ÿ: "Y",
  20281. Ź: "Z",
  20282. Ż: "Z",
  20283. Ž: "Z",
  20284. ź: "z",
  20285. ż: "z",
  20286. ž: "z",
  20287. IJ: "IJ",
  20288. ij: "ij",
  20289. Œ: "Oe",
  20290. œ: "oe",
  20291. ʼn: "'n",
  20292. ſ: "s"
  20293. }, nf = {
  20294. "&": "&amp;",
  20295. "<": "&lt;",
  20296. ">": "&gt;",
  20297. '"': "&quot;",
  20298. "'": "&#39;"
  20299. }, sf = {
  20300. "&amp;": "&",
  20301. "&lt;": "<",
  20302. "&gt;": ">",
  20303. "&quot;": '"',
  20304. "&#39;": "'"
  20305. }, of = {
  20306. "\\": "\\",
  20307. "'": "'",
  20308. "\n": "n",
  20309. "\r": "r",
  20310. "\u2028": "u2028",
  20311. "\u2029": "u2029"
  20312. }, af = parseFloat, lf = parseInt, Mh = typeof Gr == "object" && Gr && Gr.Object === Object && Gr, hf = typeof self == "object" && self && self.Object === Object && self, Ue = Mh || hf || Function("return this")(), Jo = p && !p.nodeType && p, Dr = Jo && !0 && r && !r.nodeType && r, kh = Dr && Dr.exports === Jo, qo = kh && Mh.process, vi = function() {
  20313. try {
  20314. var wt = Dr && Dr.require && Dr.require("util").types;
  20315. return wt || qo && qo.binding && qo.binding("util");
  20316. } catch {
  20317. }
  20318. }(), Ah = vi && vi.isArrayBuffer, Th = vi && vi.isDate, Ph = vi && vi.isMap, Eh = vi && vi.isRegExp, Oh = vi && vi.isSet, Lh = vi && vi.isTypedArray;
  20319. function ci(wt, Lt, Tt) {
  20320. switch (Tt.length) {
  20321. case 0:
  20322. return;
  20323. case 1:
  20324. return, Tt[0]);
  20325. case 2:
  20326. return, Tt[0], Tt[1]);
  20327. case 3:
  20328. return, Tt[0], Tt[1], Tt[2]);
  20329. }
  20330. return wt.apply(Lt, Tt);
  20331. }
  20332. function cf(wt, Lt, Tt, Ht) {
  20333. for (var ee = -1, ve = wt == null ? 0 : wt.length; ++ee < ve; ) {
  20334. var ze = wt[ee];
  20335. Lt(Ht, ze, Tt(ze), wt);
  20336. }
  20337. return Ht;
  20338. }
  20339. function xi(wt, Lt) {
  20340. for (var Tt = -1, Ht = wt == null ? 0 : wt.length; ++Tt < Ht && Lt(wt[Tt], Tt, wt) !== !1; )
  20341. ;
  20342. return wt;
  20343. }
  20344. function pf(wt, Lt) {
  20345. for (var Tt = wt == null ? 0 : wt.length; Tt-- && Lt(wt[Tt], Tt, wt) !== !1; )
  20346. ;
  20347. return wt;
  20348. }
  20349. function _h(wt, Lt) {
  20350. for (var Tt = -1, Ht = wt == null ? 0 : wt.length; ++Tt < Ht; )
  20351. if (!Lt(wt[Tt], Tt, wt))
  20352. return !1;
  20353. return !0;
  20354. }
  20355. function vr(wt, Lt) {
  20356. for (var Tt = -1, Ht = wt == null ? 0 : wt.length, ee = 0, ve = []; ++Tt < Ht; ) {
  20357. var ze = wt[Tt];
  20358. Lt(ze, Tt, wt) && (ve[ee++] = ze);
  20359. }
  20360. return ve;
  20361. }
  20362. function vs(wt, Lt) {
  20363. var Tt = wt == null ? 0 : wt.length;
  20364. return !!Tt && tn(wt, Lt, 0) > -1;
  20365. }
  20366. function Qo(wt, Lt, Tt) {
  20367. for (var Ht = -1, ee = wt == null ? 0 : wt.length; ++Ht < ee; )
  20368. if (Tt(Lt, wt[Ht]))
  20369. return !0;
  20370. return !1;
  20371. }
  20372. function Ee(wt, Lt) {
  20373. for (var Tt = -1, Ht = wt == null ? 0 : wt.length, ee = Array(Ht); ++Tt < Ht; )
  20374. ee[Tt] = Lt(wt[Tt], Tt, wt);
  20375. return ee;
  20376. }
  20377. function xr(wt, Lt) {
  20378. for (var Tt = -1, Ht = Lt.length, ee = wt.length; ++Tt < Ht; )
  20379. wt[ee + Tt] = Lt[Tt];
  20380. return wt;
  20381. }
  20382. function ta(wt, Lt, Tt, Ht) {
  20383. var ee = -1, ve = wt == null ? 0 : wt.length;
  20384. for (Ht && ve && (Tt = wt[++ee]); ++ee < ve; )
  20385. Tt = Lt(Tt, wt[ee], ee, wt);
  20386. return Tt;
  20387. }
  20388. function uf(wt, Lt, Tt, Ht) {
  20389. var ee = wt == null ? 0 : wt.length;
  20390. for (Ht && ee && (Tt = wt[--ee]); ee--; )
  20391. Tt = Lt(Tt, wt[ee], ee, wt);
  20392. return Tt;
  20393. }
  20394. function ea(wt, Lt) {
  20395. for (var Tt = -1, Ht = wt == null ? 0 : wt.length; ++Tt < Ht; )
  20396. if (Lt(wt[Tt], Tt, wt))
  20397. return !0;
  20398. return !1;
  20399. }
  20400. var df = ia("length");
  20401. function ff(wt) {
  20402. return wt.split("");
  20403. }
  20404. function gf(wt) {
  20405. return wt.match(fs) || [];
  20406. }
  20407. function Dh(wt, Lt, Tt) {
  20408. var Ht;
  20409. return Tt(wt, function(ee, ve, ze) {
  20410. if (Lt(ee, ve, ze))
  20411. return Ht = ve, !1;
  20412. }), Ht;
  20413. }
  20414. function xs(wt, Lt, Tt, Ht) {
  20415. for (var ee = wt.length, ve = Tt + (Ht ? 1 : -1); Ht ? ve-- : ++ve < ee; )
  20416. if (Lt(wt[ve], ve, wt))
  20417. return ve;
  20418. return -1;
  20419. }
  20420. function tn(wt, Lt, Tt) {
  20421. return Lt === Lt ? Tf(wt, Lt, Tt) : xs(wt, Ih, Tt);
  20422. }
  20423. function mf(wt, Lt, Tt, Ht) {
  20424. for (var ee = Tt - 1, ve = wt.length; ++ee < ve; )
  20425. if (Ht(wt[ee], Lt))
  20426. return ee;
  20427. return -1;
  20428. }
  20429. function Ih(wt) {
  20430. return wt !== wt;
  20431. }
  20432. function Rh(wt, Lt) {
  20433. var Tt = wt == null ? 0 : wt.length;
  20434. return Tt ? na(wt, Lt) / Tt : W;
  20435. }
  20436. function ia(wt) {
  20437. return function(Lt) {
  20438. return Lt == null ? M : Lt[wt];
  20439. };
  20440. }
  20441. function ra(wt) {
  20442. return function(Lt) {
  20443. return wt == null ? M : wt[Lt];
  20444. };
  20445. }
  20446. function Nh(wt, Lt, Tt, Ht, ee) {
  20447. return ee(wt, function(ve, ze, Me) {
  20448. Tt = Ht ? (Ht = !1, ve) : Lt(Tt, ve, ze, Me);
  20449. }), Tt;
  20450. }
  20451. function yf(wt, Lt) {
  20452. var Tt = wt.length;
  20453. for (wt.sort(Lt); Tt--; )
  20454. wt[Tt] = wt[Tt].value;
  20455. return wt;
  20456. }
  20457. function na(wt, Lt) {
  20458. for (var Tt, Ht = -1, ee = wt.length; ++Ht < ee; ) {
  20459. var ve = Lt(wt[Ht]);
  20460. ve !== M && (Tt = Tt === M ? ve : Tt + ve);
  20461. }
  20462. return Tt;
  20463. }
  20464. function sa(wt, Lt) {
  20465. for (var Tt = -1, Ht = Array(wt); ++Tt < wt; )
  20466. Ht[Tt] = Lt(Tt);
  20467. return Ht;
  20468. }
  20469. function vf(wt, Lt) {
  20470. return Ee(Lt, function(Tt) {
  20471. return [Tt, wt[Tt]];
  20472. });
  20473. }
  20474. function Bh(wt) {
  20475. return wt && wt.slice(0, zh(wt) + 1).replace(Jr, "");
  20476. }
  20477. function pi(wt) {
  20478. return function(Lt) {
  20479. return wt(Lt);
  20480. };
  20481. }
  20482. function oa(wt, Lt) {
  20483. return Ee(Lt, function(Tt) {
  20484. return wt[Tt];
  20485. });
  20486. }
  20487. function In(wt, Lt) {
  20488. return wt.has(Lt);
  20489. }
  20490. function jh(wt, Lt) {
  20491. for (var Tt = -1, Ht = wt.length; ++Tt < Ht && tn(Lt, wt[Tt], 0) > -1; )
  20492. ;
  20493. return Tt;
  20494. }
  20495. function Wh(wt, Lt) {
  20496. for (var Tt = wt.length; Tt-- && tn(Lt, wt[Tt], 0) > -1; )
  20497. ;
  20498. return Tt;
  20499. }
  20500. function xf(wt, Lt) {
  20501. for (var Tt = wt.length, Ht = 0; Tt--; )
  20502. wt[Tt] === Lt && ++Ht;
  20503. return Ht;
  20504. }
  20505. var bf = ra(rf), Sf = ra(nf);
  20506. function wf(wt) {
  20507. return "\\" + of[wt];
  20508. }
  20509. function Cf(wt, Lt) {
  20510. return wt == null ? M : wt[Lt];
  20511. }
  20512. function en(wt) {
  20513. return qd.test(wt);
  20514. }
  20515. function Mf(wt) {
  20516. return Qd.test(wt);
  20517. }
  20518. function kf(wt) {
  20519. for (var Lt, Tt = []; !(Lt =; )
  20520. Tt.push(Lt.value);
  20521. return Tt;
  20522. }
  20523. function aa(wt) {
  20524. var Lt = -1, Tt = Array(wt.size);
  20525. return wt.forEach(function(Ht, ee) {
  20526. Tt[++Lt] = [ee, Ht];
  20527. }), Tt;
  20528. }
  20529. function Yh(wt, Lt) {
  20530. return function(Tt) {
  20531. return wt(Lt(Tt));
  20532. };
  20533. }
  20534. function br(wt, Lt) {
  20535. for (var Tt = -1, Ht = wt.length, ee = 0, ve = []; ++Tt < Ht; ) {
  20536. var ze = wt[Tt];
  20537. (ze === Lt || ze === G) && (wt[Tt] = G, ve[ee++] = Tt);
  20538. }
  20539. return ve;
  20540. }
  20541. function bs(wt) {
  20542. var Lt = -1, Tt = Array(wt.size);
  20543. return wt.forEach(function(Ht) {
  20544. Tt[++Lt] = Ht;
  20545. }), Tt;
  20546. }
  20547. function Af(wt) {
  20548. var Lt = -1, Tt = Array(wt.size);
  20549. return wt.forEach(function(Ht) {
  20550. Tt[++Lt] = [Ht, Ht];
  20551. }), Tt;
  20552. }
  20553. function Tf(wt, Lt, Tt) {
  20554. for (var Ht = Tt - 1, ee = wt.length; ++Ht < ee; )
  20555. if (wt[Ht] === Lt)
  20556. return Ht;
  20557. return -1;
  20558. }
  20559. function Pf(wt, Lt, Tt) {
  20560. for (var Ht = Tt + 1; Ht--; )
  20561. if (wt[Ht] === Lt)
  20562. return Ht;
  20563. return Ht;
  20564. }
  20565. function rn(wt) {
  20566. return en(wt) ? Of(wt) : df(wt);
  20567. }
  20568. function Li(wt) {
  20569. return en(wt) ? Lf(wt) : ff(wt);
  20570. }
  20571. function zh(wt) {
  20572. for (var Lt = wt.length; Lt-- && ds.test(wt.charAt(Lt)); )
  20573. ;
  20574. return Lt;
  20575. }
  20576. var Ef = ra(sf);
  20577. function Of(wt) {
  20578. for (var Lt = Ko.lastIndex = 0; Ko.test(wt); )
  20579. ++Lt;
  20580. return Lt;
  20581. }
  20582. function Lf(wt) {
  20583. return wt.match(Ko) || [];
  20584. }
  20585. function _f(wt) {
  20586. return wt.match(Jd) || [];
  20587. }
  20588. var Df = function wt(Lt) {
  20589. Lt = Lt == null ? Ue : nn.defaults(Ue.Object(), Lt, nn.pick(Ue, tf));
  20590. var Tt = Lt.Array, Ht = Lt.Date, ee = Lt.Error, ve = Lt.Function, ze = Lt.Math, Me = Lt.Object, la = Lt.RegExp, If = Lt.String, bi = Lt.TypeError, Ss = Tt.prototype, Rf = ve.prototype, sn = Me.prototype, ws = Lt["__core-js_shared__"], Cs = Rf.toString, Se = sn.hasOwnProperty, Nf = 0, Xh = function() {
  20591. var e = /[^.]+$/.exec(ws && ws.keys && ws.keys.IE_PROTO || "");
  20592. return e ? "Symbol(src)_1." + e : "";
  20593. }(), Ms = sn.toString, Bf =, jf = Ue._, Wf = la(
  20594. "^" +, "\\$&").replace(/hasOwnProperty|(function).*?(?=\\\()| for .+?(?=\\\])/g, "$1.*?") + "$"
  20595. ), ks = kh ? Lt.Buffer : M, Sr = Lt.Symbol, As = Lt.Uint8Array, Gh = ks ? ks.allocUnsafe : M, Ts = Yh(Me.getPrototypeOf, Me), Hh = Me.create, Fh = sn.propertyIsEnumerable, Ps = Ss.splice, Uh = Sr ? Sr.isConcatSpreadable : M, Rn = Sr ? Sr.iterator : M, Ir = Sr ? Sr.toStringTag : M, Es = function() {
  20596. try {
  20597. var e = Wr(Me, "defineProperty");
  20598. return e({}, "", {}), e;
  20599. } catch {
  20600. }
  20601. }(), Yf = Lt.clearTimeout !== Ue.clearTimeout && Lt.clearTimeout, zf = Ht && !== &&, Xf = Lt.setTimeout !== Ue.setTimeout && Lt.setTimeout, Os = ze.ceil, Ls = ze.floor, ha = Me.getOwnPropertySymbols, Gf = ks ? ks.isBuffer : M, Vh = Lt.isFinite, Hf = Ss.join, Ff = Yh(Me.keys, Me), Xe = ze.max, Ze = ze.min, Uf =, Vf = Lt.parseInt, $h = ze.random, $f = Ss.reverse, ca = Wr(Lt, "DataView"), Nn = Wr(Lt, "Map"), pa = Wr(Lt, "Promise"), on = Wr(Lt, "Set"), Bn = Wr(Lt, "WeakMap"), jn = Wr(Me, "create"), _s = Bn && new Bn(), an = {}, Zf = Yr(ca), Kf = Yr(Nn), Jf = Yr(pa), qf = Yr(on), Qf = Yr(Bn), Ds = Sr ? Sr.prototype : M, Wn = Ds ? Ds.valueOf : M, Zh = Ds ? Ds.toString : M;
  20602. function ft(e) {
  20603. if (Ne(e) && !ie(e) && !(e instanceof ce)) {
  20604. if (e instanceof Si)
  20605. return e;
  20606. if (, "__wrapped__"))
  20607. return Kc(e);
  20608. }
  20609. return new Si(e);
  20610. }
  20611. var ln = function() {
  20612. function e() {
  20613. }
  20614. return function(C) {
  20615. if (!Ie(C))
  20616. return {};
  20617. if (Hh)
  20618. return Hh(C);
  20619. e.prototype = C;
  20620. var K = new e();
  20621. return e.prototype = M, K;
  20622. };
  20623. }();
  20624. function Is() {
  20625. }
  20626. function Si(e, C) {
  20627. this.__wrapped__ = e, this.__actions__ = [], this.__chain__ = !!C, this.__index__ = 0, this.__values__ = M;
  20628. }
  20629. ft.templateSettings = {
  20630. /**
  20631. * Used to detect `data` property values to be HTML-escaped.
  20632. *
  20633. * @memberOf _.templateSettings
  20634. * @type {RegExp}
  20635. */
  20636. escape: Ce,
  20637. /**
  20638. * Used to detect code to be evaluated.
  20639. *
  20640. * @memberOf _.templateSettings
  20641. * @type {RegExp}
  20642. */
  20643. evaluate: Or,
  20644. /**
  20645. * Used to detect `data` property values to inject.
  20646. *
  20647. * @memberOf _.templateSettings
  20648. * @type {RegExp}
  20649. */
  20650. interpolate: us,
  20651. /**
  20652. * Used to reference the data object in the template text.
  20653. *
  20654. * @memberOf _.templateSettings
  20655. * @type {string}
  20656. */
  20657. variable: "",
  20658. /**
  20659. * Used to import variables into the compiled template.
  20660. *
  20661. * @memberOf _.templateSettings
  20662. * @type {Object}
  20663. */
  20664. imports: {
  20665. /**
  20666. * A reference to the `lodash` function.
  20667. *
  20668. * @memberOf _.templateSettings.imports
  20669. * @type {Function}
  20670. */
  20671. _: ft
  20672. }
  20673. }, ft.prototype = Is.prototype, ft.prototype.constructor = ft, Si.prototype = ln(Is.prototype), Si.prototype.constructor = Si;
  20674. function ce(e) {
  20675. this.__wrapped__ = e, this.__actions__ = [], this.__dir__ = 1, this.__filtered__ = !1, this.__iteratees__ = [], this.__takeCount__ = E, this.__views__ = [];
  20676. }
  20677. function tg() {
  20678. var e = new ce(this.__wrapped__);
  20679. return e.__actions__ = ni(this.__actions__), e.__dir__ = this.__dir__, e.__filtered__ = this.__filtered__, e.__iteratees__ = ni(this.__iteratees__), e.__takeCount__ = this.__takeCount__, e.__views__ = ni(this.__views__), e;
  20680. }
  20681. function eg() {
  20682. if (this.__filtered__) {
  20683. var e = new ce(this);
  20684. e.__dir__ = -1, e.__filtered__ = !0;
  20685. } else
  20686. e = this.clone(), e.__dir__ *= -1;
  20687. return e;
  20688. }
  20689. function ig() {
  20690. var e = this.__wrapped__.value(), C = this.__dir__, K = ie(e), st = C < 0, ut = K ? e.length : 0, mt = fm(0, ut, this.__views__), xt = mt.start, bt = mt.end, Ct = bt - xt, It = st ? bt : xt - 1, Rt = this.__iteratees__, Bt = Rt.length, zt = 0, Ut = Ze(Ct, this.__takeCount__);
  20691. if (!K || !st && ut == Ct && Ut == Ct)
  20692. return xc(e, this.__actions__);
  20693. var Qt = [];
  20694. t:
  20695. for (; Ct-- && zt < Ut; ) {
  20696. It += C;
  20697. for (var ae = -1, te = e[It]; ++ae < Bt; ) {
  20698. var he = Rt[ae], ue = he.iteratee, fi = he.type, ri = ue(te);
  20699. if (fi == s)
  20700. te = ri;
  20701. else if (!ri) {
  20702. if (fi == t)
  20703. continue t;
  20704. break t;
  20705. }
  20706. }
  20707. Qt[zt++] = te;
  20708. }
  20709. return Qt;
  20710. }
  20711. ce.prototype = ln(Is.prototype), ce.prototype.constructor = ce;
  20712. function Rr(e) {
  20713. var C = -1, K = e == null ? 0 : e.length;
  20714. for (this.clear(); ++C < K; ) {
  20715. var st = e[C];
  20716. this.set(st[0], st[1]);
  20717. }
  20718. }
  20719. function rg() {
  20720. this.__data__ = jn ? jn(null) : {}, this.size = 0;
  20721. }
  20722. function ng(e) {
  20723. var C = this.has(e) && delete this.__data__[e];
  20724. return this.size -= C ? 1 : 0, C;
  20725. }
  20726. function sg(e) {
  20727. var C = this.__data__;
  20728. if (jn) {
  20729. var K = C[e];
  20730. return K === H ? M : K;
  20731. }
  20732. return, e) ? C[e] : M;
  20733. }
  20734. function og(e) {
  20735. var C = this.__data__;
  20736. return jn ? C[e] !== M :, e);
  20737. }
  20738. function ag(e, C) {
  20739. var K = this.__data__;
  20740. return this.size += this.has(e) ? 0 : 1, K[e] = jn && C === M ? H : C, this;
  20741. }
  20742. Rr.prototype.clear = rg, Rr.prototype.delete = ng, Rr.prototype.get = sg, Rr.prototype.has = og, Rr.prototype.set = ag;
  20743. function Ji(e) {
  20744. var C = -1, K = e == null ? 0 : e.length;
  20745. for (this.clear(); ++C < K; ) {
  20746. var st = e[C];
  20747. this.set(st[0], st[1]);
  20748. }
  20749. }
  20750. function lg() {
  20751. this.__data__ = [], this.size = 0;
  20752. }
  20753. function hg(e) {
  20754. var C = this.__data__, K = Rs(C, e);
  20755. if (K < 0)
  20756. return !1;
  20757. var st = C.length - 1;
  20758. return K == st ? C.pop() :, K, 1), --this.size, !0;
  20759. }
  20760. function cg(e) {
  20761. var C = this.__data__, K = Rs(C, e);
  20762. return K < 0 ? M : C[K][1];
  20763. }
  20764. function pg(e) {
  20765. return Rs(this.__data__, e) > -1;
  20766. }
  20767. function ug(e, C) {
  20768. var K = this.__data__, st = Rs(K, e);
  20769. return st < 0 ? (++this.size, K.push([e, C])) : K[st][1] = C, this;
  20770. }
  20771. Ji.prototype.clear = lg, Ji.prototype.delete = hg, Ji.prototype.get = cg, Ji.prototype.has = pg, Ji.prototype.set = ug;
  20772. function qi(e) {
  20773. var C = -1, K = e == null ? 0 : e.length;
  20774. for (this.clear(); ++C < K; ) {
  20775. var st = e[C];
  20776. this.set(st[0], st[1]);
  20777. }
  20778. }
  20779. function dg() {
  20780. this.size = 0, this.__data__ = {
  20781. hash: new Rr(),
  20782. map: new (Nn || Ji)(),
  20783. string: new Rr()
  20784. };
  20785. }
  20786. function fg(e) {
  20787. var C = Vs(this, e).delete(e);
  20788. return this.size -= C ? 1 : 0, C;
  20789. }
  20790. function gg(e) {
  20791. return Vs(this, e).get(e);
  20792. }
  20793. function mg(e) {
  20794. return Vs(this, e).has(e);
  20795. }
  20796. function yg(e, C) {
  20797. var K = Vs(this, e), st = K.size;
  20798. return K.set(e, C), this.size += K.size == st ? 0 : 1, this;
  20799. }
  20800. qi.prototype.clear = dg, qi.prototype.delete = fg, qi.prototype.get = gg, qi.prototype.has = mg, qi.prototype.set = yg;
  20801. function Nr(e) {
  20802. var C = -1, K = e == null ? 0 : e.length;
  20803. for (this.__data__ = new qi(); ++C < K; )
  20804. this.add(e[C]);
  20805. }
  20806. function vg(e) {
  20807. return this.__data__.set(e, H), this;
  20808. }
  20809. function xg(e) {
  20810. return this.__data__.has(e);
  20811. }
  20812. Nr.prototype.add = Nr.prototype.push = vg, Nr.prototype.has = xg;
  20813. function _i(e) {
  20814. var C = this.__data__ = new Ji(e);
  20815. this.size = C.size;
  20816. }
  20817. function bg() {
  20818. this.__data__ = new Ji(), this.size = 0;
  20819. }
  20820. function Sg(e) {
  20821. var C = this.__data__, K = C.delete(e);
  20822. return this.size = C.size, K;
  20823. }
  20824. function wg(e) {
  20825. return this.__data__.get(e);
  20826. }
  20827. function Cg(e) {
  20828. return this.__data__.has(e);
  20829. }
  20830. function Mg(e, C) {
  20831. var K = this.__data__;
  20832. if (K instanceof Ji) {
  20833. var st = K.__data__;
  20834. if (!Nn || st.length < y - 1)
  20835. return st.push([e, C]), this.size = ++K.size, this;
  20836. K = this.__data__ = new qi(st);
  20837. }
  20838. return K.set(e, C), this.size = K.size, this;
  20839. }
  20840. _i.prototype.clear = bg, _i.prototype.delete = Sg, _i.prototype.get = wg, _i.prototype.has = Cg, _i.prototype.set = Mg;
  20841. function Kh(e, C) {
  20842. var K = ie(e), st = !K && zr(e), ut = !K && !st && Ar(e), mt = !K && !st && !ut && un(e), xt = K || st || ut || mt, bt = xt ? sa(e.length, If) : [], Ct = bt.length;
  20843. for (var It in e)
  20844. (C ||, It)) && !(xt && // Safari 9 has enumerable `arguments.length` in strict mode.
  20845. (It == "length" || // Node.js 0.10 has enumerable non-index properties on buffers.
  20846. ut && (It == "offset" || It == "parent") || // PhantomJS 2 has enumerable non-index properties on typed arrays.
  20847. mt && (It == "buffer" || It == "byteLength" || It == "byteOffset") || // Skip index properties.
  20848. ir(It, Ct))) && bt.push(It);
  20849. return bt;
  20850. }
  20851. function Jh(e) {
  20852. var C = e.length;
  20853. return C ? e[wa(0, C - 1)] : M;
  20854. }
  20855. function kg(e, C) {
  20856. return $s(ni(e), Br(C, 0, e.length));
  20857. }
  20858. function Ag(e) {
  20859. return $s(ni(e));
  20860. }
  20861. function ua(e, C, K) {
  20862. (K !== M && !Di(e[C], K) || K === M && !(C in e)) && Qi(e, C, K);
  20863. }
  20864. function Yn(e, C, K) {
  20865. var st = e[C];
  20866. (!(, C) && Di(st, K)) || K === M && !(C in e)) && Qi(e, C, K);
  20867. }
  20868. function Rs(e, C) {
  20869. for (var K = e.length; K--; )
  20870. if (Di(e[K][0], C))
  20871. return K;
  20872. return -1;
  20873. }
  20874. function Tg(e, C, K, st) {
  20875. return wr(e, function(ut, mt, xt) {
  20876. C(st, ut, K(ut), xt);
  20877. }), st;
  20878. }
  20879. function qh(e, C) {
  20880. return e && Hi(C, He(C), e);
  20881. }
  20882. function Pg(e, C) {
  20883. return e && Hi(C, oi(C), e);
  20884. }
  20885. function Qi(e, C, K) {
  20886. C == "__proto__" && Es ? Es(e, C, {
  20887. configurable: !0,
  20888. enumerable: !0,
  20889. value: K,
  20890. writable: !0
  20891. }) : e[C] = K;
  20892. }
  20893. function da(e, C) {
  20894. for (var K = -1, st = C.length, ut = Tt(st), mt = e == null; ++K < st; )
  20895. ut[K] = mt ? M : Va(e, C[K]);
  20896. return ut;
  20897. }
  20898. function Br(e, C, K) {
  20899. return e === e && (K !== M && (e = e <= K ? e : K), C !== M && (e = e >= C ? e : C)), e;
  20900. }
  20901. function wi(e, C, K, st, ut, mt) {
  20902. var xt, bt = C & R, Ct = C & B, It = C & S;
  20903. if (K && (xt = ut ? K(e, st, ut, mt) : K(e)), xt !== M)
  20904. return xt;
  20905. if (!Ie(e))
  20906. return e;
  20907. var Rt = ie(e);
  20908. if (Rt) {
  20909. if (xt = mm(e), !bt)
  20910. return ni(e, xt);
  20911. } else {
  20912. var Bt = Ke(e), zt = Bt == Z || Bt == q;
  20913. if (Ar(e))
  20914. return wc(e, bt);
  20915. if (Bt == rt || Bt == L || zt && !ut) {
  20916. if (xt = Ct || zt ? {} : zc(e), !bt)
  20917. return Ct ? sm(e, Pg(xt, e)) : nm(e, qh(xt, e));
  20918. } else {
  20919. if (!ke[Bt])
  20920. return ut ? e : {};
  20921. xt = ym(e, Bt, bt);
  20922. }
  20923. }
  20924. mt || (mt = new _i());
  20925. var Ut = mt.get(e);
  20926. if (Ut)
  20927. return Ut;
  20928. mt.set(e, xt), mp(e) ? e.forEach(function(te) {
  20929. xt.add(wi(te, C, K, te, e, mt));
  20930. }) : fp(e) && e.forEach(function(te, he) {
  20931. xt.set(he, wi(te, C, K, he, e, mt));
  20932. });
  20933. var Qt = It ? Ct ? Da : _a : Ct ? oi : He, ae = Rt ? M : Qt(e);
  20934. return xi(ae || e, function(te, he) {
  20935. ae && (he = te, te = e[he]), Yn(xt, he, wi(te, C, K, he, e, mt));
  20936. }), xt;
  20937. }
  20938. function Eg(e) {
  20939. var C = He(e);
  20940. return function(K) {
  20941. return Qh(K, e, C);
  20942. };
  20943. }
  20944. function Qh(e, C, K) {
  20945. var st = K.length;
  20946. if (e == null)
  20947. return !st;
  20948. for (e = Me(e); st--; ) {
  20949. var ut = K[st], mt = C[ut], xt = e[ut];
  20950. if (xt === M && !(ut in e) || !mt(xt))
  20951. return !1;
  20952. }
  20953. return !0;
  20954. }
  20955. function tc(e, C, K) {
  20956. if (typeof e != "function")
  20957. throw new bi(D);
  20958. return Vn(function() {
  20959. e.apply(M, K);
  20960. }, C);
  20961. }
  20962. function zn(e, C, K, st) {
  20963. var ut = -1, mt = vs, xt = !0, bt = e.length, Ct = [], It = C.length;
  20964. if (!bt)
  20965. return Ct;
  20966. K && (C = Ee(C, pi(K))), st ? (mt = Qo, xt = !1) : C.length >= y && (mt = In, xt = !1, C = new Nr(C));
  20967. t:
  20968. for (; ++ut < bt; ) {
  20969. var Rt = e[ut], Bt = K == null ? Rt : K(Rt);
  20970. if (Rt = st || Rt !== 0 ? Rt : 0, xt && Bt === Bt) {
  20971. for (var zt = It; zt--; )
  20972. if (C[zt] === Bt)
  20973. continue t;
  20974. Ct.push(Rt);
  20975. } else
  20976. mt(C, Bt, st) || Ct.push(Rt);
  20977. }
  20978. return Ct;
  20979. }
  20980. var wr = Tc(Gi), ec = Tc(ga, !0);
  20981. function Og(e, C) {
  20982. var K = !0;
  20983. return wr(e, function(st, ut, mt) {
  20984. return K = !!C(st, ut, mt), K;
  20985. }), K;
  20986. }
  20987. function Ns(e, C, K) {
  20988. for (var st = -1, ut = e.length; ++st < ut; ) {
  20989. var mt = e[st], xt = C(mt);
  20990. if (xt != null && (bt === M ? xt === xt && !di(xt) : K(xt, bt)))
  20991. var bt = xt, Ct = mt;
  20992. }
  20993. return Ct;
  20994. }
  20995. function Lg(e, C, K, st) {
  20996. var ut = e.length;
  20997. for (K = se(K), K < 0 && (K = -K > ut ? 0 : ut + K), st = st === M || st > ut ? ut : se(st), st < 0 && (st += ut), st = K > st ? 0 : vp(st); K < st; )
  20998. e[K++] = C;
  20999. return e;
  21000. }
  21001. function ic(e, C) {
  21002. var K = [];
  21003. return wr(e, function(st, ut, mt) {
  21004. C(st, ut, mt) && K.push(st);
  21005. }), K;
  21006. }
  21007. function Ve(e, C, K, st, ut) {
  21008. var mt = -1, xt = e.length;
  21009. for (K || (K = xm), ut || (ut = []); ++mt < xt; ) {
  21010. var bt = e[mt];
  21011. C > 0 && K(bt) ? C > 1 ? Ve(bt, C - 1, K, st, ut) : xr(ut, bt) : st || (ut[ut.length] = bt);
  21012. }
  21013. return ut;
  21014. }
  21015. var fa = Pc(), rc = Pc(!0);
  21016. function Gi(e, C) {
  21017. return e && fa(e, C, He);
  21018. }
  21019. function ga(e, C) {
  21020. return e && rc(e, C, He);
  21021. }
  21022. function Bs(e, C) {
  21023. return vr(C, function(K) {
  21024. return rr(e[K]);
  21025. });
  21026. }
  21027. function jr(e, C) {
  21028. C = Mr(C, e);
  21029. for (var K = 0, st = C.length; e != null && K < st; )
  21030. e = e[Fi(C[K++])];
  21031. return K && K == st ? e : M;
  21032. }
  21033. function nc(e, C, K) {
  21034. var st = C(e);
  21035. return ie(e) ? st : xr(st, K(e));
  21036. }
  21037. function ei(e) {
  21038. return e == null ? e === M ? tt : nt : Ir && Ir in Me(e) ? dm(e) : Am(e);
  21039. }
  21040. function ma(e, C) {
  21041. return e > C;
  21042. }
  21043. function _g(e, C) {
  21044. return e != null &&, C);
  21045. }
  21046. function Dg(e, C) {
  21047. return e != null && C in Me(e);
  21048. }
  21049. function Ig(e, C, K) {
  21050. return e >= Ze(C, K) && e < Xe(C, K);
  21051. }
  21052. function ya(e, C, K) {
  21053. for (var st = K ? Qo : vs, ut = e[0].length, mt = e.length, xt = mt, bt = Tt(mt), Ct = 1 / 0, It = []; xt--; ) {
  21054. var Rt = e[xt];
  21055. xt && C && (Rt = Ee(Rt, pi(C))), Ct = Ze(Rt.length, Ct), bt[xt] = !K && (C || ut >= 120 && Rt.length >= 120) ? new Nr(xt && Rt) : M;
  21056. }
  21057. Rt = e[0];
  21058. var Bt = -1, zt = bt[0];
  21059. t:
  21060. for (; ++Bt < ut && It.length < Ct; ) {
  21061. var Ut = Rt[Bt], Qt = C ? C(Ut) : Ut;
  21062. if (Ut = K || Ut !== 0 ? Ut : 0, !(zt ? In(zt, Qt) : st(It, Qt, K))) {
  21063. for (xt = mt; --xt; ) {
  21064. var ae = bt[xt];
  21065. if (!(ae ? In(ae, Qt) : st(e[xt], Qt, K)))
  21066. continue t;
  21067. }
  21068. zt && zt.push(Qt), It.push(Ut);
  21069. }
  21070. }
  21071. return It;
  21072. }
  21073. function Rg(e, C, K, st) {
  21074. return Gi(e, function(ut, mt, xt) {
  21075. C(st, K(ut), mt, xt);
  21076. }), st;
  21077. }
  21078. function Xn(e, C, K) {
  21079. C = Mr(C, e), e = Fc(e, C);
  21080. var st = e == null ? e : e[Fi(Mi(C))];
  21081. return st == null ? M : ci(st, e, K);
  21082. }
  21083. function sc(e) {
  21084. return Ne(e) && ei(e) == L;
  21085. }
  21086. function Ng(e) {
  21087. return Ne(e) && ei(e) == pt;
  21088. }
  21089. function Bg(e) {
  21090. return Ne(e) && ei(e) == A;
  21091. }
  21092. function Gn(e, C, K, st, ut) {
  21093. return e === C ? !0 : e == null || C == null || !Ne(e) && !Ne(C) ? e !== e && C !== C : jg(e, C, K, st, Gn, ut);
  21094. }
  21095. function jg(e, C, K, st, ut, mt) {
  21096. var xt = ie(e), bt = ie(C), Ct = xt ? z : Ke(e), It = bt ? z : Ke(C);
  21097. Ct = Ct == L ? rt : Ct, It = It == L ? rt : It;
  21098. var Rt = Ct == rt, Bt = It == rt, zt = Ct == It;
  21099. if (zt && Ar(e)) {
  21100. if (!Ar(C))
  21101. return !1;
  21102. xt = !0, Rt = !1;
  21103. }
  21104. if (zt && !Rt)
  21105. return mt || (mt = new _i()), xt || un(e) ? jc(e, C, K, st, ut, mt) : pm(e, C, Ct, K, st, ut, mt);
  21106. if (!(K & x)) {
  21107. var Ut = Rt &&, "__wrapped__"), Qt = Bt &&, "__wrapped__");
  21108. if (Ut || Qt) {
  21109. var ae = Ut ? e.value() : e, te = Qt ? C.value() : C;
  21110. return mt || (mt = new _i()), ut(ae, te, K, st, mt);
  21111. }
  21112. }
  21113. return zt ? (mt || (mt = new _i()), um(e, C, K, st, ut, mt)) : !1;
  21114. }
  21115. function Wg(e) {
  21116. return Ne(e) && Ke(e) == it;
  21117. }
  21118. function va(e, C, K, st) {
  21119. var ut = K.length, mt = ut, xt = !st;
  21120. if (e == null)
  21121. return !mt;
  21122. for (e = Me(e); ut--; ) {
  21123. var bt = K[ut];
  21124. if (xt && bt[2] ? bt[1] !== e[bt[0]] : !(bt[0] in e))
  21125. return !1;
  21126. }
  21127. for (; ++ut < mt; ) {
  21128. bt = K[ut];
  21129. var Ct = bt[0], It = e[Ct], Rt = bt[1];
  21130. if (xt && bt[2]) {
  21131. if (It === M && !(Ct in e))
  21132. return !1;
  21133. } else {
  21134. var Bt = new _i();
  21135. if (st)
  21136. var zt = st(It, Rt, Ct, e, C, Bt);
  21137. if (!(zt === M ? Gn(Rt, It, x | f, st, Bt) : zt))
  21138. return !1;
  21139. }
  21140. }
  21141. return !0;
  21142. }
  21143. function oc(e) {
  21144. if (!Ie(e) || Sm(e))
  21145. return !1;
  21146. var C = rr(e) ? Wf : De;
  21147. return C.test(Yr(e));
  21148. }
  21149. function Yg(e) {
  21150. return Ne(e) && ei(e) == dt;
  21151. }
  21152. function zg(e) {
  21153. return Ne(e) && Ke(e) == ht;
  21154. }
  21155. function Xg(e) {
  21156. return Ne(e) && to(e.length) && !!Ae[ei(e)];
  21157. }
  21158. function ac(e) {
  21159. return typeof e == "function" ? e : e == null ? ai : typeof e == "object" ? ie(e) ? cc(e[0], e[1]) : hc(e) : Ep(e);
  21160. }
  21161. function xa(e) {
  21162. if (!Un(e))
  21163. return Ff(e);
  21164. var C = [];
  21165. for (var K in Me(e))
  21166., K) && K != "constructor" && C.push(K);
  21167. return C;
  21168. }
  21169. function Gg(e) {
  21170. if (!Ie(e))
  21171. return km(e);
  21172. var C = Un(e), K = [];
  21173. for (var st in e)
  21174. st == "constructor" && (C || !, st)) || K.push(st);
  21175. return K;
  21176. }
  21177. function ba(e, C) {
  21178. return e < C;
  21179. }
  21180. function lc(e, C) {
  21181. var K = -1, st = si(e) ? Tt(e.length) : [];
  21182. return wr(e, function(ut, mt, xt) {
  21183. st[++K] = C(ut, mt, xt);
  21184. }), st;
  21185. }
  21186. function hc(e) {
  21187. var C = Ra(e);
  21188. return C.length == 1 && C[0][2] ? Gc(C[0][0], C[0][1]) : function(K) {
  21189. return K === e || va(K, e, C);
  21190. };
  21191. }
  21192. function cc(e, C) {
  21193. return Ba(e) && Xc(C) ? Gc(Fi(e), C) : function(K) {
  21194. var st = Va(K, e);
  21195. return st === M && st === C ? $a(K, e) : Gn(C, st, x | f);
  21196. };
  21197. }
  21198. function js(e, C, K, st, ut) {
  21199. e !== C && fa(C, function(mt, xt) {
  21200. if (ut || (ut = new _i()), Ie(mt))
  21201. Hg(e, C, xt, K, js, st, ut);
  21202. else {
  21203. var bt = st ? st(Wa(e, xt), mt, xt + "", e, C, ut) : M;
  21204. bt === M && (bt = mt), ua(e, xt, bt);
  21205. }
  21206. }, oi);
  21207. }
  21208. function Hg(e, C, K, st, ut, mt, xt) {
  21209. var bt = Wa(e, K), Ct = Wa(C, K), It = xt.get(Ct);
  21210. if (It) {
  21211. ua(e, K, It);
  21212. return;
  21213. }
  21214. var Rt = mt ? mt(bt, Ct, K + "", e, C, xt) : M, Bt = Rt === M;
  21215. if (Bt) {
  21216. var zt = ie(Ct), Ut = !zt && Ar(Ct), Qt = !zt && !Ut && un(Ct);
  21217. Rt = Ct, zt || Ut || Qt ? ie(bt) ? Rt = bt : Be(bt) ? Rt = ni(bt) : Ut ? (Bt = !1, Rt = wc(Ct, !0)) : Qt ? (Bt = !1, Rt = Cc(Ct, !0)) : Rt = [] : $n(Ct) || zr(Ct) ? (Rt = bt, zr(bt) ? Rt = xp(bt) : (!Ie(bt) || rr(bt)) && (Rt = zc(Ct))) : Bt = !1;
  21218. }
  21219. Bt && (xt.set(Ct, Rt), ut(Rt, Ct, st, mt, xt), xt.delete(Ct)), ua(e, K, Rt);
  21220. }
  21221. function pc(e, C) {
  21222. var K = e.length;
  21223. if (K)
  21224. return C += C < 0 ? K : 0, ir(C, K) ? e[C] : M;
  21225. }
  21226. function uc(e, C, K) {
  21227. C.length ? C = Ee(C, function(mt) {
  21228. return ie(mt) ? function(xt) {
  21229. return jr(xt, mt.length === 1 ? mt[0] : mt);
  21230. } : mt;
  21231. }) : C = [ai];
  21232. var st = -1;
  21233. C = Ee(C, pi(qt()));
  21234. var ut = lc(e, function(mt, xt, bt) {
  21235. var Ct = Ee(C, function(It) {
  21236. return It(mt);
  21237. });
  21238. return { criteria: Ct, index: ++st, value: mt };
  21239. });
  21240. return yf(ut, function(mt, xt) {
  21241. return rm(mt, xt, K);
  21242. });
  21243. }
  21244. function Fg(e, C) {
  21245. return dc(e, C, function(K, st) {
  21246. return $a(e, st);
  21247. });
  21248. }
  21249. function dc(e, C, K) {
  21250. for (var st = -1, ut = C.length, mt = {}; ++st < ut; ) {
  21251. var xt = C[st], bt = jr(e, xt);
  21252. K(bt, xt) && Hn(mt, Mr(xt, e), bt);
  21253. }
  21254. return mt;
  21255. }
  21256. function Ug(e) {
  21257. return function(C) {
  21258. return jr(C, e);
  21259. };
  21260. }
  21261. function Sa(e, C, K, st) {
  21262. var ut = st ? mf : tn, mt = -1, xt = C.length, bt = e;
  21263. for (e === C && (C = ni(C)), K && (bt = Ee(e, pi(K))); ++mt < xt; )
  21264. for (var Ct = 0, It = C[mt], Rt = K ? K(It) : It; (Ct = ut(bt, Rt, Ct, st)) > -1; )
  21265. bt !== e &&, Ct, 1),, Ct, 1);
  21266. return e;
  21267. }
  21268. function fc(e, C) {
  21269. for (var K = e ? C.length : 0, st = K - 1; K--; ) {
  21270. var ut = C[K];
  21271. if (K == st || ut !== mt) {
  21272. var mt = ut;
  21273. ir(ut) ?, ut, 1) : ka(e, ut);
  21274. }
  21275. }
  21276. return e;
  21277. }
  21278. function wa(e, C) {
  21279. return e + Ls($h() * (C - e + 1));
  21280. }
  21281. function Vg(e, C, K, st) {
  21282. for (var ut = -1, mt = Xe(Os((C - e) / (K || 1)), 0), xt = Tt(mt); mt--; )
  21283. xt[st ? mt : ++ut] = e, e += K;
  21284. return xt;
  21285. }
  21286. function Ca(e, C) {
  21287. var K = "";
  21288. if (!e || C < 1 || C > _)
  21289. return K;
  21290. do
  21291. C % 2 && (K += e), C = Ls(C / 2), C && (e += e);
  21292. while (C);
  21293. return K;
  21294. }
  21295. function le(e, C) {
  21296. return Ya(Hc(e, C, ai), e + "");
  21297. }
  21298. function $g(e) {
  21299. return Jh(dn(e));
  21300. }
  21301. function Zg(e, C) {
  21302. var K = dn(e);
  21303. return $s(K, Br(C, 0, K.length));
  21304. }
  21305. function Hn(e, C, K, st) {
  21306. if (!Ie(e))
  21307. return e;
  21308. C = Mr(C, e);
  21309. for (var ut = -1, mt = C.length, xt = mt - 1, bt = e; bt != null && ++ut < mt; ) {
  21310. var Ct = Fi(C[ut]), It = K;
  21311. if (Ct === "__proto__" || Ct === "constructor" || Ct === "prototype")
  21312. return e;
  21313. if (ut != xt) {
  21314. var Rt = bt[Ct];
  21315. It = st ? st(Rt, Ct, bt) : M, It === M && (It = Ie(Rt) ? Rt : ir(C[ut + 1]) ? [] : {});
  21316. }
  21317. Yn(bt, Ct, It), bt = bt[Ct];
  21318. }
  21319. return e;
  21320. }
  21321. var gc = _s ? function(e, C) {
  21322. return _s.set(e, C), e;
  21323. } : ai, Kg = Es ? function(e, C) {
  21324. return Es(e, "toString", {
  21325. configurable: !0,
  21326. enumerable: !1,
  21327. value: Ka(C),
  21328. writable: !0
  21329. });
  21330. } : ai;
  21331. function Jg(e) {
  21332. return $s(dn(e));
  21333. }
  21334. function Ci(e, C, K) {
  21335. var st = -1, ut = e.length;
  21336. C < 0 && (C = -C > ut ? 0 : ut + C), K = K > ut ? ut : K, K < 0 && (K += ut), ut = C > K ? 0 : K - C >>> 0, C >>>= 0;
  21337. for (var mt = Tt(ut); ++st < ut; )
  21338. mt[st] = e[st + C];
  21339. return mt;
  21340. }
  21341. function qg(e, C) {
  21342. var K;
  21343. return wr(e, function(st, ut, mt) {
  21344. return K = C(st, ut, mt), !K;
  21345. }), !!K;
  21346. }
  21347. function Ws(e, C, K) {
  21348. var st = 0, ut = e == null ? st : e.length;
  21349. if (typeof C == "number" && C === C && ut <= g) {
  21350. for (; st < ut; ) {
  21351. var mt = st + ut >>> 1, xt = e[mt];
  21352. xt !== null && !di(xt) && (K ? xt <= C : xt < C) ? st = mt + 1 : ut = mt;
  21353. }
  21354. return ut;
  21355. }
  21356. return Ma(e, C, ai, K);
  21357. }
  21358. function Ma(e, C, K, st) {
  21359. var ut = 0, mt = e == null ? 0 : e.length;
  21360. if (mt === 0)
  21361. return 0;
  21362. C = K(C);
  21363. for (var xt = C !== C, bt = C === null, Ct = di(C), It = C === M; ut < mt; ) {
  21364. var Rt = Ls((ut + mt) / 2), Bt = K(e[Rt]), zt = Bt !== M, Ut = Bt === null, Qt = Bt === Bt, ae = di(Bt);
  21365. if (xt)
  21366. var te = st || Qt;
  21367. else
  21368. It ? te = Qt && (st || zt) : bt ? te = Qt && zt && (st || !Ut) : Ct ? te = Qt && zt && !Ut && (st || !ae) : Ut || ae ? te = !1 : te = st ? Bt <= C : Bt < C;
  21369. te ? ut = Rt + 1 : mt = Rt;
  21370. }
  21371. return Ze(mt, X);
  21372. }
  21373. function mc(e, C) {
  21374. for (var K = -1, st = e.length, ut = 0, mt = []; ++K < st; ) {
  21375. var xt = e[K], bt = C ? C(xt) : xt;
  21376. if (!K || !Di(bt, Ct)) {
  21377. var Ct = bt;
  21378. mt[ut++] = xt === 0 ? 0 : xt;
  21379. }
  21380. }
  21381. return mt;
  21382. }
  21383. function yc(e) {
  21384. return typeof e == "number" ? e : di(e) ? W : +e;
  21385. }
  21386. function ui(e) {
  21387. if (typeof e == "string")
  21388. return e;
  21389. if (ie(e))
  21390. return Ee(e, ui) + "";
  21391. if (di(e))
  21392. return Zh ? : "";
  21393. var C = e + "";
  21394. return C == "0" && 1 / e == -P ? "-0" : C;
  21395. }
  21396. function Cr(e, C, K) {
  21397. var st = -1, ut = vs, mt = e.length, xt = !0, bt = [], Ct = bt;
  21398. if (K)
  21399. xt = !1, ut = Qo;
  21400. else if (mt >= y) {
  21401. var It = C ? null : hm(e);
  21402. if (It)
  21403. return bs(It);
  21404. xt = !1, ut = In, Ct = new Nr();
  21405. } else
  21406. Ct = C ? [] : bt;
  21407. t:
  21408. for (; ++st < mt; ) {
  21409. var Rt = e[st], Bt = C ? C(Rt) : Rt;
  21410. if (Rt = K || Rt !== 0 ? Rt : 0, xt && Bt === Bt) {
  21411. for (var zt = Ct.length; zt--; )
  21412. if (Ct[zt] === Bt)
  21413. continue t;
  21414. C && Ct.push(Bt), bt.push(Rt);
  21415. } else
  21416. ut(Ct, Bt, K) || (Ct !== bt && Ct.push(Bt), bt.push(Rt));
  21417. }
  21418. return bt;
  21419. }
  21420. function ka(e, C) {
  21421. return C = Mr(C, e), e = Fc(e, C), e == null || delete e[Fi(Mi(C))];
  21422. }
  21423. function vc(e, C, K, st) {
  21424. return Hn(e, C, K(jr(e, C)), st);
  21425. }
  21426. function Ys(e, C, K, st) {
  21427. for (var ut = e.length, mt = st ? ut : -1; (st ? mt-- : ++mt < ut) && C(e[mt], mt, e); )
  21428. ;
  21429. return K ? Ci(e, st ? 0 : mt, st ? mt + 1 : ut) : Ci(e, st ? mt + 1 : 0, st ? ut : mt);
  21430. }
  21431. function xc(e, C) {
  21432. var K = e;
  21433. return K instanceof ce && (K = K.value()), ta(C, function(st, ut) {
  21434. return ut.func.apply(ut.thisArg, xr([st], ut.args));
  21435. }, K);
  21436. }
  21437. function Aa(e, C, K) {
  21438. var st = e.length;
  21439. if (st < 2)
  21440. return st ? Cr(e[0]) : [];
  21441. for (var ut = -1, mt = Tt(st); ++ut < st; )
  21442. for (var xt = e[ut], bt = -1; ++bt < st; )
  21443. bt != ut && (mt[ut] = zn(mt[ut] || xt, e[bt], C, K));
  21444. return Cr(Ve(mt, 1), C, K);
  21445. }
  21446. function bc(e, C, K) {
  21447. for (var st = -1, ut = e.length, mt = C.length, xt = {}; ++st < ut; ) {
  21448. var bt = st < mt ? C[st] : M;
  21449. K(xt, e[st], bt);
  21450. }
  21451. return xt;
  21452. }
  21453. function Ta(e) {
  21454. return Be(e) ? e : [];
  21455. }
  21456. function Pa(e) {
  21457. return typeof e == "function" ? e : ai;
  21458. }
  21459. function Mr(e, C) {
  21460. return ie(e) ? e : Ba(e, C) ? [e] : Zc(xe(e));
  21461. }
  21462. var Qg = le;
  21463. function kr(e, C, K) {
  21464. var st = e.length;
  21465. return K = K === M ? st : K, !C && K >= st ? e : Ci(e, C, K);
  21466. }
  21467. var Sc = Yf || function(e) {
  21468. return Ue.clearTimeout(e);
  21469. };
  21470. function wc(e, C) {
  21471. if (C)
  21472. return e.slice();
  21473. var K = e.length, st = Gh ? Gh(K) : new e.constructor(K);
  21474. return e.copy(st), st;
  21475. }
  21476. function Ea(e) {
  21477. var C = new e.constructor(e.byteLength);
  21478. return new As(C).set(new As(e)), C;
  21479. }
  21480. function tm(e, C) {
  21481. var K = C ? Ea(e.buffer) : e.buffer;
  21482. return new e.constructor(K, e.byteOffset, e.byteLength);
  21483. }
  21484. function em(e) {
  21485. var C = new e.constructor(e.source, de.exec(e));
  21486. return C.lastIndex = e.lastIndex, C;
  21487. }
  21488. function im(e) {
  21489. return Wn ? Me( : {};
  21490. }
  21491. function Cc(e, C) {
  21492. var K = C ? Ea(e.buffer) : e.buffer;
  21493. return new e.constructor(K, e.byteOffset, e.length);
  21494. }
  21495. function Mc(e, C) {
  21496. if (e !== C) {
  21497. var K = e !== M, st = e === null, ut = e === e, mt = di(e), xt = C !== M, bt = C === null, Ct = C === C, It = di(C);
  21498. if (!bt && !It && !mt && e > C || mt && xt && Ct && !bt && !It || st && xt && Ct || !K && Ct || !ut)
  21499. return 1;
  21500. if (!st && !mt && !It && e < C || It && K && ut && !st && !mt || bt && K && ut || !xt && ut || !Ct)
  21501. return -1;
  21502. }
  21503. return 0;
  21504. }
  21505. function rm(e, C, K) {
  21506. for (var st = -1, ut = e.criteria, mt = C.criteria, xt = ut.length, bt = K.length; ++st < xt; ) {
  21507. var Ct = Mc(ut[st], mt[st]);
  21508. if (Ct) {
  21509. if (st >= bt)
  21510. return Ct;
  21511. var It = K[st];
  21512. return Ct * (It == "desc" ? -1 : 1);
  21513. }
  21514. }
  21515. return e.index - C.index;
  21516. }
  21517. function kc(e, C, K, st) {
  21518. for (var ut = -1, mt = e.length, xt = K.length, bt = -1, Ct = C.length, It = Xe(mt - xt, 0), Rt = Tt(Ct + It), Bt = !st; ++bt < Ct; )
  21519. Rt[bt] = C[bt];
  21520. for (; ++ut < xt; )
  21521. (Bt || ut < mt) && (Rt[K[ut]] = e[ut]);
  21522. for (; It--; )
  21523. Rt[bt++] = e[ut++];
  21524. return Rt;
  21525. }
  21526. function Ac(e, C, K, st) {
  21527. for (var ut = -1, mt = e.length, xt = -1, bt = K.length, Ct = -1, It = C.length, Rt = Xe(mt - bt, 0), Bt = Tt(Rt + It), zt = !st; ++ut < Rt; )
  21528. Bt[ut] = e[ut];
  21529. for (var Ut = ut; ++Ct < It; )
  21530. Bt[Ut + Ct] = C[Ct];
  21531. for (; ++xt < bt; )
  21532. (zt || ut < mt) && (Bt[Ut + K[xt]] = e[ut++]);
  21533. return Bt;
  21534. }
  21535. function ni(e, C) {
  21536. var K = -1, st = e.length;
  21537. for (C || (C = Tt(st)); ++K < st; )
  21538. C[K] = e[K];
  21539. return C;
  21540. }
  21541. function Hi(e, C, K, st) {
  21542. var ut = !K;
  21543. K || (K = {});
  21544. for (var mt = -1, xt = C.length; ++mt < xt; ) {
  21545. var bt = C[mt], Ct = st ? st(K[bt], e[bt], bt, K, e) : M;
  21546. Ct === M && (Ct = e[bt]), ut ? Qi(K, bt, Ct) : Yn(K, bt, Ct);
  21547. }
  21548. return K;
  21549. }
  21550. function nm(e, C) {
  21551. return Hi(e, Na(e), C);
  21552. }
  21553. function sm(e, C) {
  21554. return Hi(e, Wc(e), C);
  21555. }
  21556. function zs(e, C) {
  21557. return function(K, st) {
  21558. var ut = ie(K) ? cf : Tg, mt = C ? C() : {};
  21559. return ut(K, e, qt(st, 2), mt);
  21560. };
  21561. }
  21562. function hn(e) {
  21563. return le(function(C, K) {
  21564. var st = -1, ut = K.length, mt = ut > 1 ? K[ut - 1] : M, xt = ut > 2 ? K[2] : M;
  21565. for (mt = e.length > 3 && typeof mt == "function" ? (ut--, mt) : M, xt && ii(K[0], K[1], xt) && (mt = ut < 3 ? M : mt, ut = 1), C = Me(C); ++st < ut; ) {
  21566. var bt = K[st];
  21567. bt && e(C, bt, st, mt);
  21568. }
  21569. return C;
  21570. });
  21571. }
  21572. function Tc(e, C) {
  21573. return function(K, st) {
  21574. if (K == null)
  21575. return K;
  21576. if (!si(K))
  21577. return e(K, st);
  21578. for (var ut = K.length, mt = C ? ut : -1, xt = Me(K); (C ? mt-- : ++mt < ut) && st(xt[mt], mt, xt) !== !1; )
  21579. ;
  21580. return K;
  21581. };
  21582. }
  21583. function Pc(e) {
  21584. return function(C, K, st) {
  21585. for (var ut = -1, mt = Me(C), xt = st(C), bt = xt.length; bt--; ) {
  21586. var Ct = xt[e ? bt : ++ut];
  21587. if (K(mt[Ct], Ct, mt) === !1)
  21588. break;
  21589. }
  21590. return C;
  21591. };
  21592. }
  21593. function om(e, C, K) {
  21594. var st = C & d, ut = Fn(e);
  21595. function mt() {
  21596. var xt = this && this !== Ue && this instanceof mt ? ut : e;
  21597. return xt.apply(st ? K : this, arguments);
  21598. }
  21599. return mt;
  21600. }
  21601. function Ec(e) {
  21602. return function(C) {
  21603. C = xe(C);
  21604. var K = en(C) ? Li(C) : M, st = K ? K[0] : C.charAt(0), ut = K ? kr(K, 1).join("") : C.slice(1);
  21605. return st[e]() + ut;
  21606. };
  21607. }
  21608. function cn(e) {
  21609. return function(C) {
  21610. return ta(Tp(Ap(C).replace(Zd, "")), e, "");
  21611. };
  21612. }
  21613. function Fn(e) {
  21614. return function() {
  21615. var C = arguments;
  21616. switch (C.length) {
  21617. case 0:
  21618. return new e();
  21619. case 1:
  21620. return new e(C[0]);
  21621. case 2:
  21622. return new e(C[0], C[1]);
  21623. case 3:
  21624. return new e(C[0], C[1], C[2]);
  21625. case 4:
  21626. return new e(C[0], C[1], C[2], C[3]);
  21627. case 5:
  21628. return new e(C[0], C[1], C[2], C[3], C[4]);
  21629. case 6:
  21630. return new e(C[0], C[1], C[2], C[3], C[4], C[5]);
  21631. case 7:
  21632. return new e(C[0], C[1], C[2], C[3], C[4], C[5], C[6]);
  21633. }
  21634. var K = ln(e.prototype), st = e.apply(K, C);
  21635. return Ie(st) ? st : K;
  21636. };
  21637. }
  21638. function am(e, C, K) {
  21639. var st = Fn(e);
  21640. function ut() {
  21641. for (var mt = arguments.length, xt = Tt(mt), bt = mt, Ct = pn(ut); bt--; )
  21642. xt[bt] = arguments[bt];
  21643. var It = mt < 3 && xt[0] !== Ct && xt[mt - 1] !== Ct ? [] : br(xt, Ct);
  21644. if (mt -= It.length, mt < K)
  21645. return Ic(
  21646. e,
  21647. C,
  21648. Xs,
  21649. ut.placeholder,
  21650. M,
  21651. xt,
  21652. It,
  21653. M,
  21654. M,
  21655. K - mt
  21656. );
  21657. var Rt = this && this !== Ue && this instanceof ut ? st : e;
  21658. return ci(Rt, this, xt);
  21659. }
  21660. return ut;
  21661. }
  21662. function Oc(e) {
  21663. return function(C, K, st) {
  21664. var ut = Me(C);
  21665. if (!si(C)) {
  21666. var mt = qt(K, 3);
  21667. C = He(C), K = function(bt) {
  21668. return mt(ut[bt], bt, ut);
  21669. };
  21670. }
  21671. var xt = e(C, K, st);
  21672. return xt > -1 ? ut[mt ? C[xt] : xt] : M;
  21673. };
  21674. }
  21675. function Lc(e) {
  21676. return er(function(C) {
  21677. var K = C.length, st = K, ut = Si.prototype.thru;
  21678. for (e && C.reverse(); st--; ) {
  21679. var mt = C[st];
  21680. if (typeof mt != "function")
  21681. throw new bi(D);
  21682. if (ut && !xt && Us(mt) == "wrapper")
  21683. var xt = new Si([], !0);
  21684. }
  21685. for (st = xt ? st : K; ++st < K; ) {
  21686. mt = C[st];
  21687. var bt = Us(mt), Ct = bt == "wrapper" ? Ia(mt) : M;
  21688. Ct && ja(Ct[0]) && Ct[1] == (v | j | b | l) && !Ct[4].length && Ct[9] == 1 ? xt = xt[Us(Ct[0])].apply(xt, Ct[3]) : xt = mt.length == 1 && ja(mt) ? xt[bt]() : xt.thru(mt);
  21689. }
  21690. return function() {
  21691. var It = arguments, Rt = It[0];
  21692. if (xt && It.length == 1 && ie(Rt))
  21693. return xt.plant(Rt).value();
  21694. for (var Bt = 0, zt = K ? C[Bt].apply(this, It) : Rt; ++Bt < K; )
  21695. zt = C[Bt].call(this, zt);
  21696. return zt;
  21697. };
  21698. });
  21699. }
  21700. function Xs(e, C, K, st, ut, mt, xt, bt, Ct, It) {
  21701. var Rt = C & v, Bt = C & d, zt = C & T, Ut = C & (j | k), Qt = C & h, ae = zt ? M : Fn(e);
  21702. function te() {
  21703. for (var he = arguments.length, ue = Tt(he), fi = he; fi--; )
  21704. ue[fi] = arguments[fi];
  21705. if (Ut)
  21706. var ri = pn(te), gi = xf(ue, ri);
  21707. if (st && (ue = kc(ue, st, ut, Ut)), mt && (ue = Ac(ue, mt, xt, Ut)), he -= gi, Ut && he < It) {
  21708. var je = br(ue, ri);
  21709. return Ic(
  21710. e,
  21711. C,
  21712. Xs,
  21713. te.placeholder,
  21714. K,
  21715. ue,
  21716. je,
  21717. bt,
  21718. Ct,
  21719. It - he
  21720. );
  21721. }
  21722. var Ii = Bt ? K : this, sr = zt ? Ii[e] : e;
  21723. return he = ue.length, bt ? ue = Tm(ue, bt) : Qt && he > 1 && ue.reverse(), Rt && Ct < he && (ue.length = Ct), this && this !== Ue && this instanceof te && (sr = ae || Fn(sr)), sr.apply(Ii, ue);
  21724. }
  21725. return te;
  21726. }
  21727. function _c(e, C) {
  21728. return function(K, st) {
  21729. return Rg(K, e, C(st), {});
  21730. };
  21731. }
  21732. function Gs(e, C) {
  21733. return function(K, st) {
  21734. var ut;
  21735. if (K === M && st === M)
  21736. return C;
  21737. if (K !== M && (ut = K), st !== M) {
  21738. if (ut === M)
  21739. return st;
  21740. typeof K == "string" || typeof st == "string" ? (K = ui(K), st = ui(st)) : (K = yc(K), st = yc(st)), ut = e(K, st);
  21741. }
  21742. return ut;
  21743. };
  21744. }
  21745. function Oa(e) {
  21746. return er(function(C) {
  21747. return C = Ee(C, pi(qt())), le(function(K) {
  21748. var st = this;
  21749. return e(C, function(ut) {
  21750. return ci(ut, st, K);
  21751. });
  21752. });
  21753. });
  21754. }
  21755. function Hs(e, C) {
  21756. C = C === M ? " " : ui(C);
  21757. var K = C.length;
  21758. if (K < 2)
  21759. return K ? Ca(C, e) : C;
  21760. var st = Ca(C, Os(e / rn(C)));
  21761. return en(C) ? kr(Li(st), 0, e).join("") : st.slice(0, e);
  21762. }
  21763. function lm(e, C, K, st) {
  21764. var ut = C & d, mt = Fn(e);
  21765. function xt() {
  21766. for (var bt = -1, Ct = arguments.length, It = -1, Rt = st.length, Bt = Tt(Rt + Ct), zt = this && this !== Ue && this instanceof xt ? mt : e; ++It < Rt; )
  21767. Bt[It] = st[It];
  21768. for (; Ct--; )
  21769. Bt[It++] = arguments[++bt];
  21770. return ci(zt, ut ? K : this, Bt);
  21771. }
  21772. return xt;
  21773. }
  21774. function Dc(e) {
  21775. return function(C, K, st) {
  21776. return st && typeof st != "number" && ii(C, K, st) && (K = st = M), C = nr(C), K === M ? (K = C, C = 0) : K = nr(K), st = st === M ? C < K ? 1 : -1 : nr(st), Vg(C, K, st, e);
  21777. };
  21778. }
  21779. function Fs(e) {
  21780. return function(C, K) {
  21781. return typeof C == "string" && typeof K == "string" || (C = ki(C), K = ki(K)), e(C, K);
  21782. };
  21783. }
  21784. function Ic(e, C, K, st, ut, mt, xt, bt, Ct, It) {
  21785. var Rt = C & j, Bt = Rt ? xt : M, zt = Rt ? M : xt, Ut = Rt ? mt : M, Qt = Rt ? M : mt;
  21786. C |= Rt ? b : w, C &= ~(Rt ? w : b), C & O || (C &= ~(d | T));
  21787. var ae = [
  21788. e,
  21789. C,
  21790. ut,
  21791. Ut,
  21792. Bt,
  21793. Qt,
  21794. zt,
  21795. bt,
  21796. Ct,
  21797. It
  21798. ], te = K.apply(M, ae);
  21799. return ja(e) && Uc(te, ae), te.placeholder = st, Vc(te, e, C);
  21800. }
  21801. function La(e) {
  21802. var C = ze[e];
  21803. return function(K, st) {
  21804. if (K = ki(K), st = st == null ? 0 : Ze(se(st), 292), st && Vh(K)) {
  21805. var ut = (xe(K) + "e").split("e"), mt = C(ut[0] + "e" + (+ut[1] + st));
  21806. return ut = (xe(mt) + "e").split("e"), +(ut[0] + "e" + (+ut[1] - st));
  21807. }
  21808. return C(K);
  21809. };
  21810. }
  21811. var hm = on && 1 / bs(new on([, -0]))[1] == P ? function(e) {
  21812. return new on(e);
  21813. } : Qa;
  21814. function Rc(e) {
  21815. return function(C) {
  21816. var K = Ke(C);
  21817. return K == it ? aa(C) : K == ht ? Af(C) : vf(C, e(C));
  21818. };
  21819. }
  21820. function tr(e, C, K, st, ut, mt, xt, bt) {
  21821. var Ct = C & T;
  21822. if (!Ct && typeof e != "function")
  21823. throw new bi(D);
  21824. var It = st ? st.length : 0;
  21825. if (It || (C &= ~(b | w), st = ut = M), xt = xt === M ? xt : Xe(se(xt), 0), bt = bt === M ? bt : se(bt), It -= ut ? ut.length : 0, C & w) {
  21826. var Rt = st, Bt = ut;
  21827. st = ut = M;
  21828. }
  21829. var zt = Ct ? M : Ia(e), Ut = [
  21830. e,
  21831. C,
  21832. K,
  21833. st,
  21834. ut,
  21835. Rt,
  21836. Bt,
  21837. mt,
  21838. xt,
  21839. bt
  21840. ];
  21841. if (zt && Mm(Ut, zt), e = Ut[0], C = Ut[1], K = Ut[2], st = Ut[3], ut = Ut[4], bt = Ut[9] = Ut[9] === M ? Ct ? 0 : e.length : Xe(Ut[9] - It, 0), !bt && C & (j | k) && (C &= ~(j | k)), !C || C == d)
  21842. var Qt = om(e, C, K);
  21843. else
  21844. C == j || C == k ? Qt = am(e, C, bt) : (C == b || C == (d | b)) && !ut.length ? Qt = lm(e, C, K, st) : Qt = Xs.apply(M, Ut);
  21845. var ae = zt ? gc : Uc;
  21846. return Vc(ae(Qt, Ut), e, C);
  21847. }
  21848. function Nc(e, C, K, st) {
  21849. return e === M || Di(e, sn[K]) && !, K) ? C : e;
  21850. }
  21851. function Bc(e, C, K, st, ut, mt) {
  21852. return Ie(e) && Ie(C) && (mt.set(C, e), js(e, C, M, Bc, mt), mt.delete(C)), e;
  21853. }
  21854. function cm(e) {
  21855. return $n(e) ? M : e;
  21856. }
  21857. function jc(e, C, K, st, ut, mt) {
  21858. var xt = K & x, bt = e.length, Ct = C.length;
  21859. if (bt != Ct && !(xt && Ct > bt))
  21860. return !1;
  21861. var It = mt.get(e), Rt = mt.get(C);
  21862. if (It && Rt)
  21863. return It == C && Rt == e;
  21864. var Bt = -1, zt = !0, Ut = K & f ? new Nr() : M;
  21865. for (mt.set(e, C), mt.set(C, e); ++Bt < bt; ) {
  21866. var Qt = e[Bt], ae = C[Bt];
  21867. if (st)
  21868. var te = xt ? st(ae, Qt, Bt, C, e, mt) : st(Qt, ae, Bt, e, C, mt);
  21869. if (te !== M) {
  21870. if (te)
  21871. continue;
  21872. zt = !1;
  21873. break;
  21874. }
  21875. if (Ut) {
  21876. if (!ea(C, function(he, ue) {
  21877. if (!In(Ut, ue) && (Qt === he || ut(Qt, he, K, st, mt)))
  21878. return Ut.push(ue);
  21879. })) {
  21880. zt = !1;
  21881. break;
  21882. }
  21883. } else if (!(Qt === ae || ut(Qt, ae, K, st, mt))) {
  21884. zt = !1;
  21885. break;
  21886. }
  21887. }
  21888. return mt.delete(e), mt.delete(C), zt;
  21889. }
  21890. function pm(e, C, K, st, ut, mt, xt) {
  21891. switch (K) {
  21892. case yt:
  21893. if (e.byteLength != C.byteLength || e.byteOffset != C.byteOffset)
  21894. return !1;
  21895. e = e.buffer, C = C.buffer;
  21896. case pt:
  21897. return !(e.byteLength != C.byteLength || !mt(new As(e), new As(C)));
  21898. case Q:
  21899. case A:
  21900. case et:
  21901. return Di(+e, +C);
  21902. case Y:
  21903. return == && e.message == C.message;
  21904. case dt:
  21905. case at:
  21906. return e == C + "";
  21907. case it:
  21908. var bt = aa;
  21909. case ht:
  21910. var Ct = st & x;
  21911. if (bt || (bt = bs), e.size != C.size && !Ct)
  21912. return !1;
  21913. var It = xt.get(e);
  21914. if (It)
  21915. return It == C;
  21916. st |= f, xt.set(e, C);
  21917. var Rt = jc(bt(e), bt(C), st, ut, mt, xt);
  21918. return xt.delete(e), Rt;
  21919. case J:
  21920. if (Wn)
  21921. return ==;
  21922. }
  21923. return !1;
  21924. }
  21925. function um(e, C, K, st, ut, mt) {
  21926. var xt = K & x, bt = _a(e), Ct = bt.length, It = _a(C), Rt = It.length;
  21927. if (Ct != Rt && !xt)
  21928. return !1;
  21929. for (var Bt = Ct; Bt--; ) {
  21930. var zt = bt[Bt];
  21931. if (!(xt ? zt in C :, zt)))
  21932. return !1;
  21933. }
  21934. var Ut = mt.get(e), Qt = mt.get(C);
  21935. if (Ut && Qt)
  21936. return Ut == C && Qt == e;
  21937. var ae = !0;
  21938. mt.set(e, C), mt.set(C, e);
  21939. for (var te = xt; ++Bt < Ct; ) {
  21940. zt = bt[Bt];
  21941. var he = e[zt], ue = C[zt];
  21942. if (st)
  21943. var fi = xt ? st(ue, he, zt, C, e, mt) : st(he, ue, zt, e, C, mt);
  21944. if (!(fi === M ? he === ue || ut(he, ue, K, st, mt) : fi)) {
  21945. ae = !1;
  21946. break;
  21947. }
  21948. te || (te = zt == "constructor");
  21949. }
  21950. if (ae && !te) {
  21951. var ri = e.constructor, gi = C.constructor;
  21952. ri != gi && "constructor" in e && "constructor" in C && !(typeof ri == "function" && ri instanceof ri && typeof gi == "function" && gi instanceof gi) && (ae = !1);
  21953. }
  21954. return mt.delete(e), mt.delete(C), ae;
  21955. }
  21956. function er(e) {
  21957. return Ya(Hc(e, M, Qc), e + "");
  21958. }
  21959. function _a(e) {
  21960. return nc(e, He, Na);
  21961. }
  21962. function Da(e) {
  21963. return nc(e, oi, Wc);
  21964. }
  21965. var Ia = _s ? function(e) {
  21966. return _s.get(e);
  21967. } : Qa;
  21968. function Us(e) {
  21969. for (var C = + "", K = an[C], st =, C) ? K.length : 0; st--; ) {
  21970. var ut = K[st], mt = ut.func;
  21971. if (mt == null || mt == e)
  21972. return;
  21973. }
  21974. return C;
  21975. }
  21976. function pn(e) {
  21977. var C =, "placeholder") ? ft : e;
  21978. return C.placeholder;
  21979. }
  21980. function qt() {
  21981. var e = ft.iteratee || Ja;
  21982. return e = e === Ja ? ac : e, arguments.length ? e(arguments[0], arguments[1]) : e;
  21983. }
  21984. function Vs(e, C) {
  21985. var K = e.__data__;
  21986. return bm(C) ? K[typeof C == "string" ? "string" : "hash"] :;
  21987. }
  21988. function Ra(e) {
  21989. for (var C = He(e), K = C.length; K--; ) {
  21990. var st = C[K], ut = e[st];
  21991. C[K] = [st, ut, Xc(ut)];
  21992. }
  21993. return C;
  21994. }
  21995. function Wr(e, C) {
  21996. var K = Cf(e, C);
  21997. return oc(K) ? K : M;
  21998. }
  21999. function dm(e) {
  22000. var C =, Ir), K = e[Ir];
  22001. try {
  22002. e[Ir] = M;
  22003. var st = !0;
  22004. } catch {
  22005. }
  22006. var ut =;
  22007. return st && (C ? e[Ir] = K : delete e[Ir]), ut;
  22008. }
  22009. var Na = ha ? function(e) {
  22010. return e == null ? [] : (e = Me(e), vr(ha(e), function(C) {
  22011. return, C);
  22012. }));
  22013. } : tl, Wc = ha ? function(e) {
  22014. for (var C = []; e; )
  22015. xr(C, Na(e)), e = Ts(e);
  22016. return C;
  22017. } : tl, Ke = ei;
  22018. (ca && Ke(new ca(new ArrayBuffer(1))) != yt || Nn && Ke(new Nn()) != it || pa && Ke(pa.resolve()) != ct || on && Ke(new on()) != ht || Bn && Ke(new Bn()) != ot) && (Ke = function(e) {
  22019. var C = ei(e), K = C == rt ? e.constructor : M, st = K ? Yr(K) : "";
  22020. if (st)
  22021. switch (st) {
  22022. case Zf:
  22023. return yt;
  22024. case Kf:
  22025. return it;
  22026. case Jf:
  22027. return ct;
  22028. case qf:
  22029. return ht;
  22030. case Qf:
  22031. return ot;
  22032. }
  22033. return C;
  22034. });
  22035. function fm(e, C, K) {
  22036. for (var st = -1, ut = K.length; ++st < ut; ) {
  22037. var mt = K[st], xt = mt.size;
  22038. switch (mt.type) {
  22039. case "drop":
  22040. e += xt;
  22041. break;
  22042. case "dropRight":
  22043. C -= xt;
  22044. break;
  22045. case "take":
  22046. C = Ze(C, e + xt);
  22047. break;
  22048. case "takeRight":
  22049. e = Xe(e, C - xt);
  22050. break;
  22051. }
  22052. }
  22053. return { start: e, end: C };
  22054. }
  22055. function gm(e) {
  22056. var C = e.match(Lr);
  22057. return C ? C[1].split(Xi) : [];
  22058. }
  22059. function Yc(e, C, K) {
  22060. C = Mr(C, e);
  22061. for (var st = -1, ut = C.length, mt = !1; ++st < ut; ) {
  22062. var xt = Fi(C[st]);
  22063. if (!(mt = e != null && K(e, xt)))
  22064. break;
  22065. e = e[xt];
  22066. }
  22067. return mt || ++st != ut ? mt : (ut = e == null ? 0 : e.length, !!ut && to(ut) && ir(xt, ut) && (ie(e) || zr(e)));
  22068. }
  22069. function mm(e) {
  22070. var C = e.length, K = new e.constructor(C);
  22071. return C && typeof e[0] == "string" &&, "index") && (K.index = e.index, K.input = e.input), K;
  22072. }
  22073. function zc(e) {
  22074. return typeof e.constructor == "function" && !Un(e) ? ln(Ts(e)) : {};
  22075. }
  22076. function ym(e, C, K) {
  22077. var st = e.constructor;
  22078. switch (C) {
  22079. case pt:
  22080. return Ea(e);
  22081. case Q:
  22082. case A:
  22083. return new st(+e);
  22084. case yt:
  22085. return tm(e, K);
  22086. case vt:
  22087. case Mt:
  22088. case Pt:
  22089. case At:
  22090. case St:
  22091. case Dt:
  22092. case _t:
  22093. case Nt:
  22094. case Ot:
  22095. return Cc(e, K);
  22096. case it:
  22097. return new st();
  22098. case et:
  22099. case at:
  22100. return new st(e);
  22101. case dt:
  22102. return em(e);
  22103. case ht:
  22104. return new st();
  22105. case J:
  22106. return im(e);
  22107. }
  22108. }
  22109. function vm(e, C) {
  22110. var K = C.length;
  22111. if (!K)
  22112. return e;
  22113. var st = K - 1;
  22114. return C[st] = (K > 1 ? "& " : "") + C[st], C = C.join(K > 2 ? ", " : " "), e.replace(Fo, `{
  22115. /* [wrapped with ` + C + `] */
  22116. `);
  22117. }
  22118. function xm(e) {
  22119. return ie(e) || zr(e) || !!(Uh && e && e[Uh]);
  22120. }
  22121. function ir(e, C) {
  22122. var K = typeof e;
  22123. return C = C ?? _, !!C && (K == "number" || K != "symbol" && Od.test(e)) && e > -1 && e % 1 == 0 && e < C;
  22124. }
  22125. function ii(e, C, K) {
  22126. if (!Ie(K))
  22127. return !1;
  22128. var st = typeof C;
  22129. return (st == "number" ? si(K) && ir(C, K.length) : st == "string" && C in K) ? Di(K[C], e) : !1;
  22130. }
  22131. function Ba(e, C) {
  22132. if (ie(e))
  22133. return !1;
  22134. var K = typeof e;
  22135. return K == "number" || K == "symbol" || K == "boolean" || e == null || di(e) ? !0 : On.test(e) || !En.test(e) || C != null && e in Me(C);
  22136. }
  22137. function bm(e) {
  22138. var C = typeof e;
  22139. return C == "string" || C == "number" || C == "symbol" || C == "boolean" ? e !== "__proto__" : e === null;
  22140. }
  22141. function ja(e) {
  22142. var C = Us(e), K = ft[C];
  22143. if (typeof K != "function" || !(C in ce.prototype))
  22144. return !1;
  22145. if (e === K)
  22146. return !0;
  22147. var st = Ia(K);
  22148. return !!st && e === st[0];
  22149. }
  22150. function Sm(e) {
  22151. return !!Xh && Xh in e;
  22152. }
  22153. var wm = ws ? rr : el;
  22154. function Un(e) {
  22155. var C = e && e.constructor, K = typeof C == "function" && C.prototype || sn;
  22156. return e === K;
  22157. }
  22158. function Xc(e) {
  22159. return e === e && !Ie(e);
  22160. }
  22161. function Gc(e, C) {
  22162. return function(K) {
  22163. return K == null ? !1 : K[e] === C && (C !== M || e in Me(K));
  22164. };
  22165. }
  22166. function Cm(e) {
  22167. var C = qs(e, function(st) {
  22168. return K.size === V && K.clear(), st;
  22169. }), K = C.cache;
  22170. return C;
  22171. }
  22172. function Mm(e, C) {
  22173. var K = e[1], st = C[1], ut = K | st, mt = ut < (d | T | v), xt = st == v && K == j || st == v && K == l && e[7].length <= C[8] || st == (v | l) && C[7].length <= C[8] && K == j;
  22174. if (!(mt || xt))
  22175. return e;
  22176. st & d && (e[2] = C[2], ut |= K & d ? 0 : O);
  22177. var bt = C[3];
  22178. if (bt) {
  22179. var Ct = e[3];
  22180. e[3] = Ct ? kc(Ct, bt, C[4]) : bt, e[4] = Ct ? br(e[3], G) : C[4];
  22181. }
  22182. return bt = C[5], bt && (Ct = e[5], e[5] = Ct ? Ac(Ct, bt, C[6]) : bt, e[6] = Ct ? br(e[5], G) : C[6]), bt = C[7], bt && (e[7] = bt), st & v && (e[8] = e[8] == null ? C[8] : Ze(e[8], C[8])), e[9] == null && (e[9] = C[9]), e[0] = C[0], e[1] = ut, e;
  22183. }
  22184. function km(e) {
  22185. var C = [];
  22186. if (e != null)
  22187. for (var K in Me(e))
  22188. C.push(K);
  22189. return C;
  22190. }
  22191. function Am(e) {
  22192. return;
  22193. }
  22194. function Hc(e, C, K) {
  22195. return C = Xe(C === M ? e.length - 1 : C, 0), function() {
  22196. for (var st = arguments, ut = -1, mt = Xe(st.length - C, 0), xt = Tt(mt); ++ut < mt; )
  22197. xt[ut] = st[C + ut];
  22198. ut = -1;
  22199. for (var bt = Tt(C + 1); ++ut < C; )
  22200. bt[ut] = st[ut];
  22201. return bt[C] = K(xt), ci(e, this, bt);
  22202. };
  22203. }
  22204. function Fc(e, C) {
  22205. return C.length < 2 ? e : jr(e, Ci(C, 0, -1));
  22206. }
  22207. function Tm(e, C) {
  22208. for (var K = e.length, st = Ze(C.length, K), ut = ni(e); st--; ) {
  22209. var mt = C[st];
  22210. e[st] = ir(mt, K) ? ut[mt] : M;
  22211. }
  22212. return e;
  22213. }
  22214. function Wa(e, C) {
  22215. if (!(C === "constructor" && typeof e[C] == "function") && C != "__proto__")
  22216. return e[C];
  22217. }
  22218. var Uc = $c(gc), Vn = Xf || function(e, C) {
  22219. return Ue.setTimeout(e, C);
  22220. }, Ya = $c(Kg);
  22221. function Vc(e, C, K) {
  22222. var st = C + "";
  22223. return Ya(e, vm(st, Pm(gm(st), K)));
  22224. }
  22225. function $c(e) {
  22226. var C = 0, K = 0;
  22227. return function() {
  22228. var st = Uf(), ut = a - (st - K);
  22229. if (K = st, ut > 0) {
  22230. if (++C >= c)
  22231. return arguments[0];
  22232. } else
  22233. C = 0;
  22234. return e.apply(M, arguments);
  22235. };
  22236. }
  22237. function $s(e, C) {
  22238. var K = -1, st = e.length, ut = st - 1;
  22239. for (C = C === M ? st : C; ++K < C; ) {
  22240. var mt = wa(K, ut), xt = e[mt];
  22241. e[mt] = e[K], e[K] = xt;
  22242. }
  22243. return e.length = C, e;
  22244. }
  22245. var Zc = Cm(function(e) {
  22246. var C = [];
  22247. return e.charCodeAt(0) === 46 && C.push(""), e.replace($e, function(K, st, ut, mt) {
  22248. C.push(ut ? mt.replace(_r, "$1") : st || K);
  22249. }), C;
  22250. });
  22251. function Fi(e) {
  22252. if (typeof e == "string" || di(e))
  22253. return e;
  22254. var C = e + "";
  22255. return C == "0" && 1 / e == -P ? "-0" : C;
  22256. }
  22257. function Yr(e) {
  22258. if (e != null) {
  22259. try {
  22260. return;
  22261. } catch {
  22262. }
  22263. try {
  22264. return e + "";
  22265. } catch {
  22266. }
  22267. }
  22268. return "";
  22269. }
  22270. function Pm(e, C) {
  22271. return xi(m, function(K) {
  22272. var st = "_." + K[0];
  22273. C & K[1] && !vs(e, st) && e.push(st);
  22274. }), e.sort();
  22275. }
  22276. function Kc(e) {
  22277. if (e instanceof ce)
  22278. return e.clone();
  22279. var C = new Si(e.__wrapped__, e.__chain__);
  22280. return C.__actions__ = ni(e.__actions__), C.__index__ = e.__index__, C.__values__ = e.__values__, C;
  22281. }
  22282. function Em(e, C, K) {
  22283. (K ? ii(e, C, K) : C === M) ? C = 1 : C = Xe(se(C), 0);
  22284. var st = e == null ? 0 : e.length;
  22285. if (!st || C < 1)
  22286. return [];
  22287. for (var ut = 0, mt = 0, xt = Tt(Os(st / C)); ut < st; )
  22288. xt[mt++] = Ci(e, ut, ut += C);
  22289. return xt;
  22290. }
  22291. function Om(e) {
  22292. for (var C = -1, K = e == null ? 0 : e.length, st = 0, ut = []; ++C < K; ) {
  22293. var mt = e[C];
  22294. mt && (ut[st++] = mt);
  22295. }
  22296. return ut;
  22297. }
  22298. function Lm() {
  22299. var e = arguments.length;
  22300. if (!e)
  22301. return [];
  22302. for (var C = Tt(e - 1), K = arguments[0], st = e; st--; )
  22303. C[st - 1] = arguments[st];
  22304. return xr(ie(K) ? ni(K) : [K], Ve(C, 1));
  22305. }
  22306. var _m = le(function(e, C) {
  22307. return Be(e) ? zn(e, Ve(C, 1, Be, !0)) : [];
  22308. }), Dm = le(function(e, C) {
  22309. var K = Mi(C);
  22310. return Be(K) && (K = M), Be(e) ? zn(e, Ve(C, 1, Be, !0), qt(K, 2)) : [];
  22311. }), Im = le(function(e, C) {
  22312. var K = Mi(C);
  22313. return Be(K) && (K = M), Be(e) ? zn(e, Ve(C, 1, Be, !0), M, K) : [];
  22314. });
  22315. function Rm(e, C, K) {
  22316. var st = e == null ? 0 : e.length;
  22317. return st ? (C = K || C === M ? 1 : se(C), Ci(e, C < 0 ? 0 : C, st)) : [];
  22318. }
  22319. function Nm(e, C, K) {
  22320. var st = e == null ? 0 : e.length;
  22321. return st ? (C = K || C === M ? 1 : se(C), C = st - C, Ci(e, 0, C < 0 ? 0 : C)) : [];
  22322. }
  22323. function Bm(e, C) {
  22324. return e && e.length ? Ys(e, qt(C, 3), !0, !0) : [];
  22325. }
  22326. function jm(e, C) {
  22327. return e && e.length ? Ys(e, qt(C, 3), !0) : [];
  22328. }
  22329. function Wm(e, C, K, st) {
  22330. var ut = e == null ? 0 : e.length;
  22331. return ut ? (K && typeof K != "number" && ii(e, C, K) && (K = 0, st = ut), Lg(e, C, K, st)) : [];
  22332. }
  22333. function Jc(e, C, K) {
  22334. var st = e == null ? 0 : e.length;
  22335. if (!st)
  22336. return -1;
  22337. var ut = K == null ? 0 : se(K);
  22338. return ut < 0 && (ut = Xe(st + ut, 0)), xs(e, qt(C, 3), ut);
  22339. }
  22340. function qc(e, C, K) {
  22341. var st = e == null ? 0 : e.length;
  22342. if (!st)
  22343. return -1;
  22344. var ut = st - 1;
  22345. return K !== M && (ut = se(K), ut = K < 0 ? Xe(st + ut, 0) : Ze(ut, st - 1)), xs(e, qt(C, 3), ut, !0);
  22346. }
  22347. function Qc(e) {
  22348. var C = e == null ? 0 : e.length;
  22349. return C ? Ve(e, 1) : [];
  22350. }
  22351. function Ym(e) {
  22352. var C = e == null ? 0 : e.length;
  22353. return C ? Ve(e, P) : [];
  22354. }
  22355. function zm(e, C) {
  22356. var K = e == null ? 0 : e.length;
  22357. return K ? (C = C === M ? 1 : se(C), Ve(e, C)) : [];
  22358. }
  22359. function Xm(e) {
  22360. for (var C = -1, K = e == null ? 0 : e.length, st = {}; ++C < K; ) {
  22361. var ut = e[C];
  22362. st[ut[0]] = ut[1];
  22363. }
  22364. return st;
  22365. }
  22366. function tp(e) {
  22367. return e && e.length ? e[0] : M;
  22368. }
  22369. function Gm(e, C, K) {
  22370. var st = e == null ? 0 : e.length;
  22371. if (!st)
  22372. return -1;
  22373. var ut = K == null ? 0 : se(K);
  22374. return ut < 0 && (ut = Xe(st + ut, 0)), tn(e, C, ut);
  22375. }
  22376. function Hm(e) {
  22377. var C = e == null ? 0 : e.length;
  22378. return C ? Ci(e, 0, -1) : [];
  22379. }
  22380. var Fm = le(function(e) {
  22381. var C = Ee(e, Ta);
  22382. return C.length && C[0] === e[0] ? ya(C) : [];
  22383. }), Um = le(function(e) {
  22384. var C = Mi(e), K = Ee(e, Ta);
  22385. return C === Mi(K) ? C = M : K.pop(), K.length && K[0] === e[0] ? ya(K, qt(C, 2)) : [];
  22386. }), Vm = le(function(e) {
  22387. var C = Mi(e), K = Ee(e, Ta);
  22388. return C = typeof C == "function" ? C : M, C && K.pop(), K.length && K[0] === e[0] ? ya(K, M, C) : [];
  22389. });
  22390. function $m(e, C) {
  22391. return e == null ? "" :, C);
  22392. }
  22393. function Mi(e) {
  22394. var C = e == null ? 0 : e.length;
  22395. return C ? e[C - 1] : M;
  22396. }
  22397. function Zm(e, C, K) {
  22398. var st = e == null ? 0 : e.length;
  22399. if (!st)
  22400. return -1;
  22401. var ut = st;
  22402. return K !== M && (ut = se(K), ut = ut < 0 ? Xe(st + ut, 0) : Ze(ut, st - 1)), C === C ? Pf(e, C, ut) : xs(e, Ih, ut, !0);
  22403. }
  22404. function Km(e, C) {
  22405. return e && e.length ? pc(e, se(C)) : M;
  22406. }
  22407. var Jm = le(ep);
  22408. function ep(e, C) {
  22409. return e && e.length && C && C.length ? Sa(e, C) : e;
  22410. }
  22411. function qm(e, C, K) {
  22412. return e && e.length && C && C.length ? Sa(e, C, qt(K, 2)) : e;
  22413. }
  22414. function Qm(e, C, K) {
  22415. return e && e.length && C && C.length ? Sa(e, C, M, K) : e;
  22416. }
  22417. var ty = er(function(e, C) {
  22418. var K = e == null ? 0 : e.length, st = da(e, C);
  22419. return fc(e, Ee(C, function(ut) {
  22420. return ir(ut, K) ? +ut : ut;
  22421. }).sort(Mc)), st;
  22422. });
  22423. function ey(e, C) {
  22424. var K = [];
  22425. if (!(e && e.length))
  22426. return K;
  22427. var st = -1, ut = [], mt = e.length;
  22428. for (C = qt(C, 3); ++st < mt; ) {
  22429. var xt = e[st];
  22430. C(xt, st, e) && (K.push(xt), ut.push(st));
  22431. }
  22432. return fc(e, ut), K;
  22433. }
  22434. function za(e) {
  22435. return e == null ? e : $;
  22436. }
  22437. function iy(e, C, K) {
  22438. var st = e == null ? 0 : e.length;
  22439. return st ? (K && typeof K != "number" && ii(e, C, K) ? (C = 0, K = st) : (C = C == null ? 0 : se(C), K = K === M ? st : se(K)), Ci(e, C, K)) : [];
  22440. }
  22441. function ry(e, C) {
  22442. return Ws(e, C);
  22443. }
  22444. function ny(e, C, K) {
  22445. return Ma(e, C, qt(K, 2));
  22446. }
  22447. function sy(e, C) {
  22448. var K = e == null ? 0 : e.length;
  22449. if (K) {
  22450. var st = Ws(e, C);
  22451. if (st < K && Di(e[st], C))
  22452. return st;
  22453. }
  22454. return -1;
  22455. }
  22456. function oy(e, C) {
  22457. return Ws(e, C, !0);
  22458. }
  22459. function ay(e, C, K) {
  22460. return Ma(e, C, qt(K, 2), !0);
  22461. }
  22462. function ly(e, C) {
  22463. var K = e == null ? 0 : e.length;
  22464. if (K) {
  22465. var st = Ws(e, C, !0) - 1;
  22466. if (Di(e[st], C))
  22467. return st;
  22468. }
  22469. return -1;
  22470. }
  22471. function hy(e) {
  22472. return e && e.length ? mc(e) : [];
  22473. }
  22474. function cy(e, C) {
  22475. return e && e.length ? mc(e, qt(C, 2)) : [];
  22476. }
  22477. function py(e) {
  22478. var C = e == null ? 0 : e.length;
  22479. return C ? Ci(e, 1, C) : [];
  22480. }
  22481. function uy(e, C, K) {
  22482. return e && e.length ? (C = K || C === M ? 1 : se(C), Ci(e, 0, C < 0 ? 0 : C)) : [];
  22483. }
  22484. function dy(e, C, K) {
  22485. var st = e == null ? 0 : e.length;
  22486. return st ? (C = K || C === M ? 1 : se(C), C = st - C, Ci(e, C < 0 ? 0 : C, st)) : [];
  22487. }
  22488. function fy(e, C) {
  22489. return e && e.length ? Ys(e, qt(C, 3), !1, !0) : [];
  22490. }
  22491. function gy(e, C) {
  22492. return e && e.length ? Ys(e, qt(C, 3)) : [];
  22493. }
  22494. var my = le(function(e) {
  22495. return Cr(Ve(e, 1, Be, !0));
  22496. }), yy = le(function(e) {
  22497. var C = Mi(e);
  22498. return Be(C) && (C = M), Cr(Ve(e, 1, Be, !0), qt(C, 2));
  22499. }), vy = le(function(e) {
  22500. var C = Mi(e);
  22501. return C = typeof C == "function" ? C : M, Cr(Ve(e, 1, Be, !0), M, C);
  22502. });
  22503. function xy(e) {
  22504. return e && e.length ? Cr(e) : [];
  22505. }
  22506. function by(e, C) {
  22507. return e && e.length ? Cr(e, qt(C, 2)) : [];
  22508. }
  22509. function Sy(e, C) {
  22510. return C = typeof C == "function" ? C : M, e && e.length ? Cr(e, M, C) : [];
  22511. }
  22512. function Xa(e) {
  22513. if (!(e && e.length))
  22514. return [];
  22515. var C = 0;
  22516. return e = vr(e, function(K) {
  22517. if (Be(K))
  22518. return C = Xe(K.length, C), !0;
  22519. }), sa(C, function(K) {
  22520. return Ee(e, ia(K));
  22521. });
  22522. }
  22523. function ip(e, C) {
  22524. if (!(e && e.length))
  22525. return [];
  22526. var K = Xa(e);
  22527. return C == null ? K : Ee(K, function(st) {
  22528. return ci(C, M, st);
  22529. });
  22530. }
  22531. var wy = le(function(e, C) {
  22532. return Be(e) ? zn(e, C) : [];
  22533. }), Cy = le(function(e) {
  22534. return Aa(vr(e, Be));
  22535. }), My = le(function(e) {
  22536. var C = Mi(e);
  22537. return Be(C) && (C = M), Aa(vr(e, Be), qt(C, 2));
  22538. }), ky = le(function(e) {
  22539. var C = Mi(e);
  22540. return C = typeof C == "function" ? C : M, Aa(vr(e, Be), M, C);
  22541. }), Ay = le(Xa);
  22542. function Ty(e, C) {
  22543. return bc(e || [], C || [], Yn);
  22544. }
  22545. function Py(e, C) {
  22546. return bc(e || [], C || [], Hn);
  22547. }
  22548. var Ey = le(function(e) {
  22549. var C = e.length, K = C > 1 ? e[C - 1] : M;
  22550. return K = typeof K == "function" ? (e.pop(), K) : M, ip(e, K);
  22551. });
  22552. function rp(e) {
  22553. var C = ft(e);
  22554. return C.__chain__ = !0, C;
  22555. }
  22556. function Oy(e, C) {
  22557. return C(e), e;
  22558. }
  22559. function Zs(e, C) {
  22560. return C(e);
  22561. }
  22562. var Ly = er(function(e) {
  22563. var C = e.length, K = C ? e[0] : 0, st = this.__wrapped__, ut = function(mt) {
  22564. return da(mt, e);
  22565. };
  22566. return C > 1 || this.__actions__.length || !(st instanceof ce) || !ir(K) ? this.thru(ut) : (st = st.slice(K, +K + (C ? 1 : 0)), st.__actions__.push({
  22567. func: Zs,
  22568. args: [ut],
  22569. thisArg: M
  22570. }), new Si(st, this.__chain__).thru(function(mt) {
  22571. return C && !mt.length && mt.push(M), mt;
  22572. }));
  22573. });
  22574. function _y() {
  22575. return rp(this);
  22576. }
  22577. function Dy() {
  22578. return new Si(this.value(), this.__chain__);
  22579. }
  22580. function Iy() {
  22581. this.__values__ === M && (this.__values__ = yp(this.value()));
  22582. var e = this.__index__ >= this.__values__.length, C = e ? M : this.__values__[this.__index__++];
  22583. return { done: e, value: C };
  22584. }
  22585. function Ry() {
  22586. return this;
  22587. }
  22588. function Ny(e) {
  22589. for (var C, K = this; K instanceof Is; ) {
  22590. var st = Kc(K);
  22591. st.__index__ = 0, st.__values__ = M, C ? ut.__wrapped__ = st : C = st;
  22592. var ut = st;
  22593. K = K.__wrapped__;
  22594. }
  22595. return ut.__wrapped__ = e, C;
  22596. }
  22597. function By() {
  22598. var e = this.__wrapped__;
  22599. if (e instanceof ce) {
  22600. var C = e;
  22601. return this.__actions__.length && (C = new ce(this)), C = C.reverse(), C.__actions__.push({
  22602. func: Zs,
  22603. args: [za],
  22604. thisArg: M
  22605. }), new Si(C, this.__chain__);
  22606. }
  22607. return this.thru(za);
  22608. }
  22609. function jy() {
  22610. return xc(this.__wrapped__, this.__actions__);
  22611. }
  22612. var Wy = zs(function(e, C, K) {
  22613., K) ? ++e[K] : Qi(e, K, 1);
  22614. });
  22615. function Yy(e, C, K) {
  22616. var st = ie(e) ? _h : Og;
  22617. return K && ii(e, C, K) && (C = M), st(e, qt(C, 3));
  22618. }
  22619. function zy(e, C) {
  22620. var K = ie(e) ? vr : ic;
  22621. return K(e, qt(C, 3));
  22622. }
  22623. var Xy = Oc(Jc), Gy = Oc(qc);
  22624. function Hy(e, C) {
  22625. return Ve(Ks(e, C), 1);
  22626. }
  22627. function Fy(e, C) {
  22628. return Ve(Ks(e, C), P);
  22629. }
  22630. function Uy(e, C, K) {
  22631. return K = K === M ? 1 : se(K), Ve(Ks(e, C), K);
  22632. }
  22633. function np(e, C) {
  22634. var K = ie(e) ? xi : wr;
  22635. return K(e, qt(C, 3));
  22636. }
  22637. function sp(e, C) {
  22638. var K = ie(e) ? pf : ec;
  22639. return K(e, qt(C, 3));
  22640. }
  22641. var Vy = zs(function(e, C, K) {
  22642., K) ? e[K].push(C) : Qi(e, K, [C]);
  22643. });
  22644. function $y(e, C, K, st) {
  22645. e = si(e) ? e : dn(e), K = K && !st ? se(K) : 0;
  22646. var ut = e.length;
  22647. return K < 0 && (K = Xe(ut + K, 0)), eo(e) ? K <= ut && e.indexOf(C, K) > -1 : !!ut && tn(e, C, K) > -1;
  22648. }
  22649. var Zy = le(function(e, C, K) {
  22650. var st = -1, ut = typeof C == "function", mt = si(e) ? Tt(e.length) : [];
  22651. return wr(e, function(xt) {
  22652. mt[++st] = ut ? ci(C, xt, K) : Xn(xt, C, K);
  22653. }), mt;
  22654. }), Ky = zs(function(e, C, K) {
  22655. Qi(e, K, C);
  22656. });
  22657. function Ks(e, C) {
  22658. var K = ie(e) ? Ee : lc;
  22659. return K(e, qt(C, 3));
  22660. }
  22661. function Jy(e, C, K, st) {
  22662. return e == null ? [] : (ie(C) || (C = C == null ? [] : [C]), K = st ? M : K, ie(K) || (K = K == null ? [] : [K]), uc(e, C, K));
  22663. }
  22664. var qy = zs(function(e, C, K) {
  22665. e[K ? 0 : 1].push(C);
  22666. }, function() {
  22667. return [[], []];
  22668. });
  22669. function Qy(e, C, K) {
  22670. var st = ie(e) ? ta : Nh, ut = arguments.length < 3;
  22671. return st(e, qt(C, 4), K, ut, wr);
  22672. }
  22673. function tv(e, C, K) {
  22674. var st = ie(e) ? uf : Nh, ut = arguments.length < 3;
  22675. return st(e, qt(C, 4), K, ut, ec);
  22676. }
  22677. function ev(e, C) {
  22678. var K = ie(e) ? vr : ic;
  22679. return K(e, Qs(qt(C, 3)));
  22680. }
  22681. function iv(e) {
  22682. var C = ie(e) ? Jh : $g;
  22683. return C(e);
  22684. }
  22685. function rv(e, C, K) {
  22686. (K ? ii(e, C, K) : C === M) ? C = 1 : C = se(C);
  22687. var st = ie(e) ? kg : Zg;
  22688. return st(e, C);
  22689. }
  22690. function nv(e) {
  22691. var C = ie(e) ? Ag : Jg;
  22692. return C(e);
  22693. }
  22694. function sv(e) {
  22695. if (e == null)
  22696. return 0;
  22697. if (si(e))
  22698. return eo(e) ? rn(e) : e.length;
  22699. var C = Ke(e);
  22700. return C == it || C == ht ? e.size : xa(e).length;
  22701. }
  22702. function ov(e, C, K) {
  22703. var st = ie(e) ? ea : qg;
  22704. return K && ii(e, C, K) && (C = M), st(e, qt(C, 3));
  22705. }
  22706. var av = le(function(e, C) {
  22707. if (e == null)
  22708. return [];
  22709. var K = C.length;
  22710. return K > 1 && ii(e, C[0], C[1]) ? C = [] : K > 2 && ii(C[0], C[1], C[2]) && (C = [C[0]]), uc(e, Ve(C, 1), []);
  22711. }), Js = zf || function() {
  22712. return;
  22713. };
  22714. function lv(e, C) {
  22715. if (typeof C != "function")
  22716. throw new bi(D);
  22717. return e = se(e), function() {
  22718. if (--e < 1)
  22719. return C.apply(this, arguments);
  22720. };
  22721. }
  22722. function op(e, C, K) {
  22723. return C = K ? M : C, C = e && C == null ? e.length : C, tr(e, v, M, M, M, M, C);
  22724. }
  22725. function ap(e, C) {
  22726. var K;
  22727. if (typeof C != "function")
  22728. throw new bi(D);
  22729. return e = se(e), function() {
  22730. return --e > 0 && (K = C.apply(this, arguments)), e <= 1 && (C = M), K;
  22731. };
  22732. }
  22733. var Ga = le(function(e, C, K) {
  22734. var st = d;
  22735. if (K.length) {
  22736. var ut = br(K, pn(Ga));
  22737. st |= b;
  22738. }
  22739. return tr(e, st, C, K, ut);
  22740. }), lp = le(function(e, C, K) {
  22741. var st = d | T;
  22742. if (K.length) {
  22743. var ut = br(K, pn(lp));
  22744. st |= b;
  22745. }
  22746. return tr(C, st, e, K, ut);
  22747. });
  22748. function hp(e, C, K) {
  22749. C = K ? M : C;
  22750. var st = tr(e, j, M, M, M, M, M, C);
  22751. return st.placeholder = hp.placeholder, st;
  22752. }
  22753. function cp(e, C, K) {
  22754. C = K ? M : C;
  22755. var st = tr(e, k, M, M, M, M, M, C);
  22756. return st.placeholder = cp.placeholder, st;
  22757. }
  22758. function pp(e, C, K) {
  22759. var st, ut, mt, xt, bt, Ct, It = 0, Rt = !1, Bt = !1, zt = !0;
  22760. if (typeof e != "function")
  22761. throw new bi(D);
  22762. C = ki(C) || 0, Ie(K) && (Rt = !!K.leading, Bt = "maxWait" in K, mt = Bt ? Xe(ki(K.maxWait) || 0, C) : mt, zt = "trailing" in K ? !!K.trailing : zt);
  22763. function Ut(je) {
  22764. var Ii = st, sr = ut;
  22765. return st = ut = M, It = je, xt = e.apply(sr, Ii), xt;
  22766. }
  22767. function Qt(je) {
  22768. return It = je, bt = Vn(he, C), Rt ? Ut(je) : xt;
  22769. }
  22770. function ae(je) {
  22771. var Ii = je - Ct, sr = je - It, Op = C - Ii;
  22772. return Bt ? Ze(Op, mt - sr) : Op;
  22773. }
  22774. function te(je) {
  22775. var Ii = je - Ct, sr = je - It;
  22776. return Ct === M || Ii >= C || Ii < 0 || Bt && sr >= mt;
  22777. }
  22778. function he() {
  22779. var je = Js();
  22780. if (te(je))
  22781. return ue(je);
  22782. bt = Vn(he, ae(je));
  22783. }
  22784. function ue(je) {
  22785. return bt = M, zt && st ? Ut(je) : (st = ut = M, xt);
  22786. }
  22787. function fi() {
  22788. bt !== M && Sc(bt), It = 0, st = Ct = ut = bt = M;
  22789. }
  22790. function ri() {
  22791. return bt === M ? xt : ue(Js());
  22792. }
  22793. function gi() {
  22794. var je = Js(), Ii = te(je);
  22795. if (st = arguments, ut = this, Ct = je, Ii) {
  22796. if (bt === M)
  22797. return Qt(Ct);
  22798. if (Bt)
  22799. return Sc(bt), bt = Vn(he, C), Ut(Ct);
  22800. }
  22801. return bt === M && (bt = Vn(he, C)), xt;
  22802. }
  22803. return gi.cancel = fi, gi.flush = ri, gi;
  22804. }
  22805. var hv = le(function(e, C) {
  22806. return tc(e, 1, C);
  22807. }), cv = le(function(e, C, K) {
  22808. return tc(e, ki(C) || 0, K);
  22809. });
  22810. function pv(e) {
  22811. return tr(e, h);
  22812. }
  22813. function qs(e, C) {
  22814. if (typeof e != "function" || C != null && typeof C != "function")
  22815. throw new bi(D);
  22816. var K = function() {
  22817. var st = arguments, ut = C ? C.apply(this, st) : st[0], mt = K.cache;
  22818. if (mt.has(ut))
  22819. return mt.get(ut);
  22820. var xt = e.apply(this, st);
  22821. return K.cache = mt.set(ut, xt) || mt, xt;
  22822. };
  22823. return K.cache = new (qs.Cache || qi)(), K;
  22824. }
  22825. qs.Cache = qi;
  22826. function Qs(e) {
  22827. if (typeof e != "function")
  22828. throw new bi(D);
  22829. return function() {
  22830. var C = arguments;
  22831. switch (C.length) {
  22832. case 0:
  22833. return !;
  22834. case 1:
  22835. return !, C[0]);
  22836. case 2:
  22837. return !, C[0], C[1]);
  22838. case 3:
  22839. return !, C[0], C[1], C[2]);
  22840. }
  22841. return !e.apply(this, C);
  22842. };
  22843. }
  22844. function uv(e) {
  22845. return ap(2, e);
  22846. }
  22847. var dv = Qg(function(e, C) {
  22848. C = C.length == 1 && ie(C[0]) ? Ee(C[0], pi(qt())) : Ee(Ve(C, 1), pi(qt()));
  22849. var K = C.length;
  22850. return le(function(st) {
  22851. for (var ut = -1, mt = Ze(st.length, K); ++ut < mt; )
  22852. st[ut] = C[ut].call(this, st[ut]);
  22853. return ci(e, this, st);
  22854. });
  22855. }), Ha = le(function(e, C) {
  22856. var K = br(C, pn(Ha));
  22857. return tr(e, b, M, C, K);
  22858. }), up = le(function(e, C) {
  22859. var K = br(C, pn(up));
  22860. return tr(e, w, M, C, K);
  22861. }), fv = er(function(e, C) {
  22862. return tr(e, l, M, M, M, C);
  22863. });
  22864. function gv(e, C) {
  22865. if (typeof e != "function")
  22866. throw new bi(D);
  22867. return C = C === M ? C : se(C), le(e, C);
  22868. }
  22869. function mv(e, C) {
  22870. if (typeof e != "function")
  22871. throw new bi(D);
  22872. return C = C == null ? 0 : Xe(se(C), 0), le(function(K) {
  22873. var st = K[C], ut = kr(K, 0, C);
  22874. return st && xr(ut, st), ci(e, this, ut);
  22875. });
  22876. }
  22877. function yv(e, C, K) {
  22878. var st = !0, ut = !0;
  22879. if (typeof e != "function")
  22880. throw new bi(D);
  22881. return Ie(K) && (st = "leading" in K ? !!K.leading : st, ut = "trailing" in K ? !!K.trailing : ut), pp(e, C, {
  22882. leading: st,
  22883. maxWait: C,
  22884. trailing: ut
  22885. });
  22886. }
  22887. function vv(e) {
  22888. return op(e, 1);
  22889. }
  22890. function xv(e, C) {
  22891. return Ha(Pa(C), e);
  22892. }
  22893. function bv() {
  22894. if (!arguments.length)
  22895. return [];
  22896. var e = arguments[0];
  22897. return ie(e) ? e : [e];
  22898. }
  22899. function Sv(e) {
  22900. return wi(e, S);
  22901. }
  22902. function wv(e, C) {
  22903. return C = typeof C == "function" ? C : M, wi(e, S, C);
  22904. }
  22905. function Cv(e) {
  22906. return wi(e, R | S);
  22907. }
  22908. function Mv(e, C) {
  22909. return C = typeof C == "function" ? C : M, wi(e, R | S, C);
  22910. }
  22911. function kv(e, C) {
  22912. return C == null || Qh(e, C, He(C));
  22913. }
  22914. function Di(e, C) {
  22915. return e === C || e !== e && C !== C;
  22916. }
  22917. var Av = Fs(ma), Tv = Fs(function(e, C) {
  22918. return e >= C;
  22919. }), zr = sc(function() {
  22920. return arguments;
  22921. }()) ? sc : function(e) {
  22922. return Ne(e) &&, "callee") && !, "callee");
  22923. }, ie = Tt.isArray, Pv = Ah ? pi(Ah) : Ng;
  22924. function si(e) {
  22925. return e != null && to(e.length) && !rr(e);
  22926. }
  22927. function Be(e) {
  22928. return Ne(e) && si(e);
  22929. }
  22930. function Ev(e) {
  22931. return e === !0 || e === !1 || Ne(e) && ei(e) == Q;
  22932. }
  22933. var Ar = Gf || el, Ov = Th ? pi(Th) : Bg;
  22934. function Lv(e) {
  22935. return Ne(e) && e.nodeType === 1 && !$n(e);
  22936. }
  22937. function _v(e) {
  22938. if (e == null)
  22939. return !0;
  22940. if (si(e) && (ie(e) || typeof e == "string" || typeof e.splice == "function" || Ar(e) || un(e) || zr(e)))
  22941. return !e.length;
  22942. var C = Ke(e);
  22943. if (C == it || C == ht)
  22944. return !e.size;
  22945. if (Un(e))
  22946. return !xa(e).length;
  22947. for (var K in e)
  22948. if (, K))
  22949. return !1;
  22950. return !0;
  22951. }
  22952. function Dv(e, C) {
  22953. return Gn(e, C);
  22954. }
  22955. function Iv(e, C, K) {
  22956. K = typeof K == "function" ? K : M;
  22957. var st = K ? K(e, C) : M;
  22958. return st === M ? Gn(e, C, M, K) : !!st;
  22959. }
  22960. function Fa(e) {
  22961. if (!Ne(e))
  22962. return !1;
  22963. var C = ei(e);
  22964. return C == Y || C == F || typeof e.message == "string" && typeof == "string" && !$n(e);
  22965. }
  22966. function Rv(e) {
  22967. return typeof e == "number" && Vh(e);
  22968. }
  22969. function rr(e) {
  22970. if (!Ie(e))
  22971. return !1;
  22972. var C = ei(e);
  22973. return C == Z || C == q || C == $ || C == gt;
  22974. }
  22975. function dp(e) {
  22976. return typeof e == "number" && e == se(e);
  22977. }
  22978. function to(e) {
  22979. return typeof e == "number" && e > -1 && e % 1 == 0 && e <= _;
  22980. }
  22981. function Ie(e) {
  22982. var C = typeof e;
  22983. return e != null && (C == "object" || C == "function");
  22984. }
  22985. function Ne(e) {
  22986. return e != null && typeof e == "object";
  22987. }
  22988. var fp = Ph ? pi(Ph) : Wg;
  22989. function Nv(e, C) {
  22990. return e === C || va(e, C, Ra(C));
  22991. }
  22992. function Bv(e, C, K) {
  22993. return K = typeof K == "function" ? K : M, va(e, C, Ra(C), K);
  22994. }
  22995. function jv(e) {
  22996. return gp(e) && e != +e;
  22997. }
  22998. function Wv(e) {
  22999. if (wm(e))
  23000. throw new ee(N);
  23001. return oc(e);
  23002. }
  23003. function Yv(e) {
  23004. return e === null;
  23005. }
  23006. function zv(e) {
  23007. return e == null;
  23008. }
  23009. function gp(e) {
  23010. return typeof e == "number" || Ne(e) && ei(e) == et;
  23011. }
  23012. function $n(e) {
  23013. if (!Ne(e) || ei(e) != rt)
  23014. return !1;
  23015. var C = Ts(e);
  23016. if (C === null)
  23017. return !0;
  23018. var K =, "constructor") && C.constructor;
  23019. return typeof K == "function" && K instanceof K && == Bf;
  23020. }
  23021. var Ua = Eh ? pi(Eh) : Yg;
  23022. function Xv(e) {
  23023. return dp(e) && e >= -_ && e <= _;
  23024. }
  23025. var mp = Oh ? pi(Oh) : zg;
  23026. function eo(e) {
  23027. return typeof e == "string" || !ie(e) && Ne(e) && ei(e) == at;
  23028. }
  23029. function di(e) {
  23030. return typeof e == "symbol" || Ne(e) && ei(e) == J;
  23031. }
  23032. var un = Lh ? pi(Lh) : Xg;
  23033. function Gv(e) {
  23034. return e === M;
  23035. }
  23036. function Hv(e) {
  23037. return Ne(e) && Ke(e) == ot;
  23038. }
  23039. function Fv(e) {
  23040. return Ne(e) && ei(e) == lt;
  23041. }
  23042. var Uv = Fs(ba), Vv = Fs(function(e, C) {
  23043. return e <= C;
  23044. });
  23045. function yp(e) {
  23046. if (!e)
  23047. return [];
  23048. if (si(e))
  23049. return eo(e) ? Li(e) : ni(e);
  23050. if (Rn && e[Rn])
  23051. return kf(e[Rn]());
  23052. var C = Ke(e), K = C == it ? aa : C == ht ? bs : dn;
  23053. return K(e);
  23054. }
  23055. function nr(e) {
  23056. if (!e)
  23057. return e === 0 ? e : 0;
  23058. if (e = ki(e), e === P || e === -P) {
  23059. var C = e < 0 ? -1 : 1;
  23060. return C * I;
  23061. }
  23062. return e === e ? e : 0;
  23063. }
  23064. function se(e) {
  23065. var C = nr(e), K = C % 1;
  23066. return C === C ? K ? C - K : C : 0;
  23067. }
  23068. function vp(e) {
  23069. return e ? Br(se(e), 0, E) : 0;
  23070. }
  23071. function ki(e) {
  23072. if (typeof e == "number")
  23073. return e;
  23074. if (di(e))
  23075. return W;
  23076. if (Ie(e)) {
  23077. var C = typeof e.valueOf == "function" ? e.valueOf() : e;
  23078. e = Ie(C) ? C + "" : C;
  23079. }
  23080. if (typeof e != "string")
  23081. return e === 0 ? e : +e;
  23082. e = Bh(e);
  23083. var K = Re.test(e);
  23084. return K || qr.test(e) ? lf(e.slice(2), K ? 2 : 8) : ge.test(e) ? W : +e;
  23085. }
  23086. function xp(e) {
  23087. return Hi(e, oi(e));
  23088. }
  23089. function $v(e) {
  23090. return e ? Br(se(e), -_, _) : e === 0 ? e : 0;
  23091. }
  23092. function xe(e) {
  23093. return e == null ? "" : ui(e);
  23094. }
  23095. var Zv = hn(function(e, C) {
  23096. if (Un(C) || si(C)) {
  23097. Hi(C, He(C), e);
  23098. return;
  23099. }
  23100. for (var K in C)
  23101., K) && Yn(e, K, C[K]);
  23102. }), bp = hn(function(e, C) {
  23103. Hi(C, oi(C), e);
  23104. }), io = hn(function(e, C, K, st) {
  23105. Hi(C, oi(C), e, st);
  23106. }), Kv = hn(function(e, C, K, st) {
  23107. Hi(C, He(C), e, st);
  23108. }), Jv = er(da);
  23109. function qv(e, C) {
  23110. var K = ln(e);
  23111. return C == null ? K : qh(K, C);
  23112. }
  23113. var Qv = le(function(e, C) {
  23114. e = Me(e);
  23115. var K = -1, st = C.length, ut = st > 2 ? C[2] : M;
  23116. for (ut && ii(C[0], C[1], ut) && (st = 1); ++K < st; )
  23117. for (var mt = C[K], xt = oi(mt), bt = -1, Ct = xt.length; ++bt < Ct; ) {
  23118. var It = xt[bt], Rt = e[It];
  23119. (Rt === M || Di(Rt, sn[It]) && !, It)) && (e[It] = mt[It]);
  23120. }
  23121. return e;
  23122. }), tx = le(function(e) {
  23123. return e.push(M, Bc), ci(Sp, M, e);
  23124. });
  23125. function ex(e, C) {
  23126. return Dh(e, qt(C, 3), Gi);
  23127. }
  23128. function ix(e, C) {
  23129. return Dh(e, qt(C, 3), ga);
  23130. }
  23131. function rx(e, C) {
  23132. return e == null ? e : fa(e, qt(C, 3), oi);
  23133. }
  23134. function nx(e, C) {
  23135. return e == null ? e : rc(e, qt(C, 3), oi);
  23136. }
  23137. function sx(e, C) {
  23138. return e && Gi(e, qt(C, 3));
  23139. }
  23140. function ox(e, C) {
  23141. return e && ga(e, qt(C, 3));
  23142. }
  23143. function ax(e) {
  23144. return e == null ? [] : Bs(e, He(e));
  23145. }
  23146. function lx(e) {
  23147. return e == null ? [] : Bs(e, oi(e));
  23148. }
  23149. function Va(e, C, K) {
  23150. var st = e == null ? M : jr(e, C);
  23151. return st === M ? K : st;
  23152. }
  23153. function hx(e, C) {
  23154. return e != null && Yc(e, C, _g);
  23155. }
  23156. function $a(e, C) {
  23157. return e != null && Yc(e, C, Dg);
  23158. }
  23159. var cx = _c(function(e, C, K) {
  23160. C != null && typeof C.toString != "function" && (C =, e[C] = K;
  23161. }, Ka(ai)), px = _c(function(e, C, K) {
  23162. C != null && typeof C.toString != "function" && (C =,, C) ? e[C].push(K) : e[C] = [K];
  23163. }, qt), ux = le(Xn);
  23164. function He(e) {
  23165. return si(e) ? Kh(e) : xa(e);
  23166. }
  23167. function oi(e) {
  23168. return si(e) ? Kh(e, !0) : Gg(e);
  23169. }
  23170. function dx(e, C) {
  23171. var K = {};
  23172. return C = qt(C, 3), Gi(e, function(st, ut, mt) {
  23173. Qi(K, C(st, ut, mt), st);
  23174. }), K;
  23175. }
  23176. function fx(e, C) {
  23177. var K = {};
  23178. return C = qt(C, 3), Gi(e, function(st, ut, mt) {
  23179. Qi(K, ut, C(st, ut, mt));
  23180. }), K;
  23181. }
  23182. var gx = hn(function(e, C, K) {
  23183. js(e, C, K);
  23184. }), Sp = hn(function(e, C, K, st) {
  23185. js(e, C, K, st);
  23186. }), mx = er(function(e, C) {
  23187. var K = {};
  23188. if (e == null)
  23189. return K;
  23190. var st = !1;
  23191. C = Ee(C, function(mt) {
  23192. return mt = Mr(mt, e), st || (st = mt.length > 1), mt;
  23193. }), Hi(e, Da(e), K), st && (K = wi(K, R | B | S, cm));
  23194. for (var ut = C.length; ut--; )
  23195. ka(K, C[ut]);
  23196. return K;
  23197. });
  23198. function yx(e, C) {
  23199. return wp(e, Qs(qt(C)));
  23200. }
  23201. var vx = er(function(e, C) {
  23202. return e == null ? {} : Fg(e, C);
  23203. });
  23204. function wp(e, C) {
  23205. if (e == null)
  23206. return {};
  23207. var K = Ee(Da(e), function(st) {
  23208. return [st];
  23209. });
  23210. return C = qt(C), dc(e, K, function(st, ut) {
  23211. return C(st, ut[0]);
  23212. });
  23213. }
  23214. function xx(e, C, K) {
  23215. C = Mr(C, e);
  23216. var st = -1, ut = C.length;
  23217. for (ut || (ut = 1, e = M); ++st < ut; ) {
  23218. var mt = e == null ? M : e[Fi(C[st])];
  23219. mt === M && (st = ut, mt = K), e = rr(mt) ? : mt;
  23220. }
  23221. return e;
  23222. }
  23223. function bx(e, C, K) {
  23224. return e == null ? e : Hn(e, C, K);
  23225. }
  23226. function Sx(e, C, K, st) {
  23227. return st = typeof st == "function" ? st : M, e == null ? e : Hn(e, C, K, st);
  23228. }
  23229. var Cp = Rc(He), Mp = Rc(oi);
  23230. function wx(e, C, K) {
  23231. var st = ie(e), ut = st || Ar(e) || un(e);
  23232. if (C = qt(C, 4), K == null) {
  23233. var mt = e && e.constructor;
  23234. ut ? K = st ? new mt() : [] : Ie(e) ? K = rr(mt) ? ln(Ts(e)) : {} : K = {};
  23235. }
  23236. return (ut ? xi : Gi)(e, function(xt, bt, Ct) {
  23237. return C(K, xt, bt, Ct);
  23238. }), K;
  23239. }
  23240. function Cx(e, C) {
  23241. return e == null ? !0 : ka(e, C);
  23242. }
  23243. function Mx(e, C, K) {
  23244. return e == null ? e : vc(e, C, Pa(K));
  23245. }
  23246. function kx(e, C, K, st) {
  23247. return st = typeof st == "function" ? st : M, e == null ? e : vc(e, C, Pa(K), st);
  23248. }
  23249. function dn(e) {
  23250. return e == null ? [] : oa(e, He(e));
  23251. }
  23252. function Ax(e) {
  23253. return e == null ? [] : oa(e, oi(e));
  23254. }
  23255. function Tx(e, C, K) {
  23256. return K === M && (K = C, C = M), K !== M && (K = ki(K), K = K === K ? K : 0), C !== M && (C = ki(C), C = C === C ? C : 0), Br(ki(e), C, K);
  23257. }
  23258. function Px(e, C, K) {
  23259. return C = nr(C), K === M ? (K = C, C = 0) : K = nr(K), e = ki(e), Ig(e, C, K);
  23260. }
  23261. function Ex(e, C, K) {
  23262. if (K && typeof K != "boolean" && ii(e, C, K) && (C = K = M), K === M && (typeof C == "boolean" ? (K = C, C = M) : typeof e == "boolean" && (K = e, e = M)), e === M && C === M ? (e = 0, C = 1) : (e = nr(e), C === M ? (C = e, e = 0) : C = nr(C)), e > C) {
  23263. var st = e;
  23264. e = C, C = st;
  23265. }
  23266. if (K || e % 1 || C % 1) {
  23267. var ut = $h();
  23268. return Ze(e + ut * (C - e + af("1e-" + ((ut + "").length - 1))), C);
  23269. }
  23270. return wa(e, C);
  23271. }
  23272. var Ox = cn(function(e, C, K) {
  23273. return C = C.toLowerCase(), e + (K ? kp(C) : C);
  23274. });
  23275. function kp(e) {
  23276. return Za(xe(e).toLowerCase());
  23277. }
  23278. function Ap(e) {
  23279. return e = xe(e), e && e.replace(Ld, bf).replace(Kd, "");
  23280. }
  23281. function Lx(e, C, K) {
  23282. e = xe(e), C = ui(C);
  23283. var st = e.length;
  23284. K = K === M ? st : Br(se(K), 0, st);
  23285. var ut = K;
  23286. return K -= C.length, K >= 0 && e.slice(K, ut) == C;
  23287. }
  23288. function _x(e) {
  23289. return e = xe(e), e && Vt.test(e) ? e.replace(be, Sf) : e;
  23290. }
  23291. function Dx(e) {
  23292. return e = xe(e), e && _n.test(e) ? e.replace(Ln, "\\$&") : e;
  23293. }
  23294. var Ix = cn(function(e, C, K) {
  23295. return e + (K ? "-" : "") + C.toLowerCase();
  23296. }), Rx = cn(function(e, C, K) {
  23297. return e + (K ? " " : "") + C.toLowerCase();
  23298. }), Nx = Ec("toLowerCase");
  23299. function Bx(e, C, K) {
  23300. e = xe(e), C = se(C);
  23301. var st = C ? rn(e) : 0;
  23302. if (!C || st >= C)
  23303. return e;
  23304. var ut = (C - st) / 2;
  23305. return Hs(Ls(ut), K) + e + Hs(Os(ut), K);
  23306. }
  23307. function jx(e, C, K) {
  23308. e = xe(e), C = se(C);
  23309. var st = C ? rn(e) : 0;
  23310. return C && st < C ? e + Hs(C - st, K) : e;
  23311. }
  23312. function Wx(e, C, K) {
  23313. e = xe(e), C = se(C);
  23314. var st = C ? rn(e) : 0;
  23315. return C && st < C ? Hs(C - st, K) + e : e;
  23316. }
  23317. function Yx(e, C, K) {
  23318. return K || C == null ? C = 0 : C && (C = +C), Vf(xe(e).replace(Jr, ""), C || 0);
  23319. }
  23320. function zx(e, C, K) {
  23321. return (K ? ii(e, C, K) : C === M) ? C = 1 : C = se(C), Ca(xe(e), C);
  23322. }
  23323. function Xx() {
  23324. var e = arguments, C = xe(e[0]);
  23325. return e.length < 3 ? C : C.replace(e[1], e[2]);
  23326. }
  23327. var Gx = cn(function(e, C, K) {
  23328. return e + (K ? "_" : "") + C.toLowerCase();
  23329. });
  23330. function Hx(e, C, K) {
  23331. return K && typeof K != "number" && ii(e, C, K) && (C = K = M), K = K === M ? E : K >>> 0, K ? (e = xe(e), e && (typeof C == "string" || C != null && !Ua(C)) && (C = ui(C), !C && en(e)) ? kr(Li(e), 0, K) : e.split(C, K)) : [];
  23332. }
  23333. var Fx = cn(function(e, C, K) {
  23334. return e + (K ? " " : "") + Za(C);
  23335. });
  23336. function Ux(e, C, K) {
  23337. return e = xe(e), K = K == null ? 0 : Br(se(K), 0, e.length), C = ui(C), e.slice(K, K + C.length) == C;
  23338. }
  23339. function Vx(e, C, K) {
  23340. var st = ft.templateSettings;
  23341. K && ii(e, C, K) && (C = M), e = xe(e), C = io({}, C, st, Nc);
  23342. var ut = io({}, C.imports, st.imports, Nc), mt = He(ut), xt = oa(ut, mt), bt, Ct, It = 0, Rt = C.interpolate || gs, Bt = "__p += '", zt = la(
  23343. (C.escape || gs).source + "|" + Rt.source + "|" + (Rt === us ? $t : gs).source + "|" + (C.evaluate || gs).source + "|$",
  23344. "g"
  23345. ), Ut = "//# sourceURL=" + (, "sourceURL") ? (C.sourceURL + "").replace(/\s/g, " ") : "lodash.templateSources[" + ++ef + "]") + `
  23346. `;
  23347. e.replace(zt, function(te, he, ue, fi, ri, gi) {
  23348. return ue || (ue = fi), Bt += e.slice(It, gi).replace(_d, wf), he && (bt = !0, Bt += `' +
  23349. __e(` + he + `) +
  23350. '`), ri && (Ct = !0, Bt += `';
  23351. ` + ri + `;
  23352. __p += '`), ue && (Bt += `' +
  23353. ((__t = (` + ue + `)) == null ? '' : __t) +
  23354. '`), It = gi + te.length, te;
  23355. }), Bt += `';
  23356. `;
  23357. var Qt =, "variable") && C.variable;
  23358. if (!Qt)
  23359. Bt = `with (obj) {
  23360. ` + Bt + `
  23361. }
  23362. `;
  23363. else if (Dn.test(Qt))
  23364. throw new ee(U);
  23365. Bt = (Ct ? Bt.replace(Kt, "") : Bt).replace(Gt, "$1").replace(Wt, "$1;"), Bt = "function(" + (Qt || "obj") + `) {
  23366. ` + (Qt ? "" : `obj || (obj = {});
  23367. `) + "var __t, __p = ''" + (bt ? ", __e = _.escape" : "") + (Ct ? `, __j = Array.prototype.join;
  23368. function print() { __p +=, '') }
  23369. ` : `;
  23370. `) + Bt + `return __p
  23371. }`;
  23372. var ae = Pp(function() {
  23373. return ve(mt, Ut + "return " + Bt).apply(M, xt);
  23374. });
  23375. if (ae.source = Bt, Fa(ae))
  23376. throw ae;
  23377. return ae;
  23378. }
  23379. function $x(e) {
  23380. return xe(e).toLowerCase();
  23381. }
  23382. function Zx(e) {
  23383. return xe(e).toUpperCase();
  23384. }
  23385. function Kx(e, C, K) {
  23386. if (e = xe(e), e && (K || C === M))
  23387. return Bh(e);
  23388. if (!e || !(C = ui(C)))
  23389. return e;
  23390. var st = Li(e), ut = Li(C), mt = jh(st, ut), xt = Wh(st, ut) + 1;
  23391. return kr(st, mt, xt).join("");
  23392. }
  23393. function Jx(e, C, K) {
  23394. if (e = xe(e), e && (K || C === M))
  23395. return e.slice(0, zh(e) + 1);
  23396. if (!e || !(C = ui(C)))
  23397. return e;
  23398. var st = Li(e), ut = Wh(st, Li(C)) + 1;
  23399. return kr(st, 0, ut).join("");
  23400. }
  23401. function qx(e, C, K) {
  23402. if (e = xe(e), e && (K || C === M))
  23403. return e.replace(Jr, "");
  23404. if (!e || !(C = ui(C)))
  23405. return e;
  23406. var st = Li(e), ut = jh(st, Li(C));
  23407. return kr(st, ut).join("");
  23408. }
  23409. function Qx(e, C) {
  23410. var K = u, st = i;
  23411. if (Ie(C)) {
  23412. var ut = "separator" in C ? C.separator : ut;
  23413. K = "length" in C ? se(C.length) : K, st = "omission" in C ? ui(C.omission) : st;
  23414. }
  23415. e = xe(e);
  23416. var mt = e.length;
  23417. if (en(e)) {
  23418. var xt = Li(e);
  23419. mt = xt.length;
  23420. }
  23421. if (K >= mt)
  23422. return e;
  23423. var bt = K - rn(st);
  23424. if (bt < 1)
  23425. return st;
  23426. var Ct = xt ? kr(xt, 0, bt).join("") : e.slice(0, bt);
  23427. if (ut === M)
  23428. return Ct + st;
  23429. if (xt && (bt += Ct.length - bt), Ua(ut)) {
  23430. if (e.slice(bt).search(ut)) {
  23431. var It, Rt = Ct;
  23432. for ( || (ut = la(ut.source, xe(de.exec(ut)) + "g")), ut.lastIndex = 0; It = ut.exec(Rt); )
  23433. var Bt = It.index;
  23434. Ct = Ct.slice(0, Bt === M ? bt : Bt);
  23435. }
  23436. } else if (e.indexOf(ui(ut), bt) != bt) {
  23437. var zt = Ct.lastIndexOf(ut);
  23438. zt > -1 && (Ct = Ct.slice(0, zt));
  23439. }
  23440. return Ct + st;
  23441. }
  23442. function t0(e) {
  23443. return e = xe(e), e && Yt.test(e) ? e.replace(Jt, Ef) : e;
  23444. }
  23445. var e0 = cn(function(e, C, K) {
  23446. return e + (K ? " " : "") + C.toUpperCase();
  23447. }), Za = Ec("toUpperCase");
  23448. function Tp(e, C, K) {
  23449. return e = xe(e), C = K ? M : C, C === M ? Mf(e) ? _f(e) : gf(e) : e.match(C) || [];
  23450. }
  23451. var Pp = le(function(e, C) {
  23452. try {
  23453. return ci(e, M, C);
  23454. } catch (K) {
  23455. return Fa(K) ? K : new ee(K);
  23456. }
  23457. }), i0 = er(function(e, C) {
  23458. return xi(C, function(K) {
  23459. K = Fi(K), Qi(e, K, Ga(e[K], e));
  23460. }), e;
  23461. });
  23462. function r0(e) {
  23463. var C = e == null ? 0 : e.length, K = qt();
  23464. return e = C ? Ee(e, function(st) {
  23465. if (typeof st[1] != "function")
  23466. throw new bi(D);
  23467. return [K(st[0]), st[1]];
  23468. }) : [], le(function(st) {
  23469. for (var ut = -1; ++ut < C; ) {
  23470. var mt = e[ut];
  23471. if (ci(mt[0], this, st))
  23472. return ci(mt[1], this, st);
  23473. }
  23474. });
  23475. }
  23476. function n0(e) {
  23477. return Eg(wi(e, R));
  23478. }
  23479. function Ka(e) {
  23480. return function() {
  23481. return e;
  23482. };
  23483. }
  23484. function s0(e, C) {
  23485. return e == null || e !== e ? C : e;
  23486. }
  23487. var o0 = Lc(), a0 = Lc(!0);
  23488. function ai(e) {
  23489. return e;
  23490. }
  23491. function Ja(e) {
  23492. return ac(typeof e == "function" ? e : wi(e, R));
  23493. }
  23494. function l0(e) {
  23495. return hc(wi(e, R));
  23496. }
  23497. function h0(e, C) {
  23498. return cc(e, wi(C, R));
  23499. }
  23500. var c0 = le(function(e, C) {
  23501. return function(K) {
  23502. return Xn(K, e, C);
  23503. };
  23504. }), p0 = le(function(e, C) {
  23505. return function(K) {
  23506. return Xn(e, K, C);
  23507. };
  23508. });
  23509. function qa(e, C, K) {
  23510. var st = He(C), ut = Bs(C, st);
  23511. K == null && !(Ie(C) && (ut.length || !st.length)) && (K = C, C = e, e = this, ut = Bs(C, He(C)));
  23512. var mt = !(Ie(K) && "chain" in K) || !!K.chain, xt = rr(e);
  23513. return xi(ut, function(bt) {
  23514. var Ct = C[bt];
  23515. e[bt] = Ct, xt && (e.prototype[bt] = function() {
  23516. var It = this.__chain__;
  23517. if (mt || It) {
  23518. var Rt = e(this.__wrapped__), Bt = Rt.__actions__ = ni(this.__actions__);
  23519. return Bt.push({ func: Ct, args: arguments, thisArg: e }), Rt.__chain__ = It, Rt;
  23520. }
  23521. return Ct.apply(e, xr([this.value()], arguments));
  23522. });
  23523. }), e;
  23524. }
  23525. function u0() {
  23526. return Ue._ === this && (Ue._ = jf), this;
  23527. }
  23528. function Qa() {
  23529. }
  23530. function d0(e) {
  23531. return e = se(e), le(function(C) {
  23532. return pc(C, e);
  23533. });
  23534. }
  23535. var f0 = Oa(Ee), g0 = Oa(_h), m0 = Oa(ea);
  23536. function Ep(e) {
  23537. return Ba(e) ? ia(Fi(e)) : Ug(e);
  23538. }
  23539. function y0(e) {
  23540. return function(C) {
  23541. return e == null ? M : jr(e, C);
  23542. };
  23543. }
  23544. var v0 = Dc(), x0 = Dc(!0);
  23545. function tl() {
  23546. return [];
  23547. }
  23548. function el() {
  23549. return !1;
  23550. }
  23551. function b0() {
  23552. return {};
  23553. }
  23554. function S0() {
  23555. return "";
  23556. }
  23557. function w0() {
  23558. return !0;
  23559. }
  23560. function C0(e, C) {
  23561. if (e = se(e), e < 1 || e > _)
  23562. return [];
  23563. var K = E, st = Ze(e, E);
  23564. C = qt(C), e -= E;
  23565. for (var ut = sa(st, C); ++K < e; )
  23566. C(K);
  23567. return ut;
  23568. }
  23569. function M0(e) {
  23570. return ie(e) ? Ee(e, Fi) : di(e) ? [e] : ni(Zc(xe(e)));
  23571. }
  23572. function k0(e) {
  23573. var C = ++Nf;
  23574. return xe(e) + C;
  23575. }
  23576. var A0 = Gs(function(e, C) {
  23577. return e + C;
  23578. }, 0), T0 = La("ceil"), P0 = Gs(function(e, C) {
  23579. return e / C;
  23580. }, 1), E0 = La("floor");
  23581. function O0(e) {
  23582. return e && e.length ? Ns(e, ai, ma) : M;
  23583. }
  23584. function L0(e, C) {
  23585. return e && e.length ? Ns(e, qt(C, 2), ma) : M;
  23586. }
  23587. function _0(e) {
  23588. return Rh(e, ai);
  23589. }
  23590. function D0(e, C) {
  23591. return Rh(e, qt(C, 2));
  23592. }
  23593. function I0(e) {
  23594. return e && e.length ? Ns(e, ai, ba) : M;
  23595. }
  23596. function R0(e, C) {
  23597. return e && e.length ? Ns(e, qt(C, 2), ba) : M;
  23598. }
  23599. var N0 = Gs(function(e, C) {
  23600. return e * C;
  23601. }, 1), B0 = La("round"), j0 = Gs(function(e, C) {
  23602. return e - C;
  23603. }, 0);
  23604. function W0(e) {
  23605. return e && e.length ? na(e, ai) : 0;
  23606. }
  23607. function Y0(e, C) {
  23608. return e && e.length ? na(e, qt(C, 2)) : 0;
  23609. }
  23610. return ft.after = lv, ft.ary = op, ft.assign = Zv, ft.assignIn = bp, ft.assignInWith = io, ft.assignWith = Kv, = Jv, ft.before = ap, ft.bind = Ga, ft.bindAll = i0, ft.bindKey = lp, ft.castArray = bv, ft.chain = rp, ft.chunk = Em, ft.compact = Om, ft.concat = Lm, ft.cond = r0, ft.conforms = n0, ft.constant = Ka, ft.countBy = Wy, ft.create = qv, ft.curry = hp, ft.curryRight = cp, ft.debounce = pp, ft.defaults = Qv, ft.defaultsDeep = tx, ft.defer = hv, ft.delay = cv, ft.difference = _m, ft.differenceBy = Dm, ft.differenceWith = Im, ft.drop = Rm, ft.dropRight = Nm, ft.dropRightWhile = Bm, ft.dropWhile = jm, ft.fill = Wm, ft.filter = zy, ft.flatMap = Hy, ft.flatMapDeep = Fy, ft.flatMapDepth = Uy, ft.flatten = Qc, ft.flattenDeep = Ym, ft.flattenDepth = zm, ft.flip = pv, ft.flow = o0, ft.flowRight = a0, ft.fromPairs = Xm, ft.functions = ax, ft.functionsIn = lx, ft.groupBy = Vy, ft.initial = Hm, ft.intersection = Fm, ft.intersectionBy = Um, ft.intersectionWith = Vm, ft.invert = cx, ft.invertBy = px, ft.invokeMap = Zy, ft.iteratee = Ja, ft.keyBy = Ky, ft.keys = He, ft.keysIn = oi, = Ks, ft.mapKeys = dx, ft.mapValues = fx, ft.matches = l0, ft.matchesProperty = h0, ft.memoize = qs, ft.merge = gx, ft.mergeWith = Sp, ft.method = c0, ft.methodOf = p0, ft.mixin = qa, ft.negate = Qs, ft.nthArg = d0, ft.omit = mx, ft.omitBy = yx, ft.once = uv, ft.orderBy = Jy, ft.over = f0, ft.overArgs = dv, ft.overEvery = g0, ft.overSome = m0, ft.partial = Ha, ft.partialRight = up, ft.partition = qy, ft.pick = vx, ft.pickBy = wp, = Ep, ft.propertyOf = y0, ft.pull = Jm, ft.pullAll = ep, ft.pullAllBy = qm, ft.pullAllWith = Qm, ft.pullAt = ty, ft.range = v0, ft.rangeRight = x0, ft.rearg = fv, ft.reject = ev, ft.remove = ey, = gv, ft.reverse = za, ft.sampleSize = rv, ft.set = bx, ft.setWith = Sx, ft.shuffle = nv, ft.slice = iy, ft.sortBy = av, ft.sortedUniq = hy, ft.sortedUniqBy = cy, ft.split = Hx, ft.spread = mv, ft.tail = py, ft.take = uy, ft.takeRight = dy, ft.takeRightWhile = fy, ft.takeWhile = gy, ft.tap = Oy, ft.throttle = yv, ft.thru = Zs, ft.toArray = yp, ft.toPairs = Cp, ft.toPairsIn = Mp, ft.toPath = M0, ft.toPlainObject = xp, ft.transform = wx, ft.unary = vv, ft.union = my, ft.unionBy = yy, ft.unionWith = vy, ft.uniq = xy, ft.uniqBy = by, ft.uniqWith = Sy, ft.unset = Cx, ft.unzip = Xa, ft.unzipWith = ip, ft.update = Mx, ft.updateWith = kx, ft.values = dn, ft.valuesIn = Ax, ft.without = wy, ft.words = Tp, ft.wrap = xv, ft.xor = Cy, ft.xorBy = My, ft.xorWith = ky, = Ay, ft.zipObject = Ty, ft.zipObjectDeep = Py, ft.zipWith = Ey, ft.entries = Cp, ft.entriesIn = Mp, ft.extend = bp, ft.extendWith = io, qa(ft, ft), ft.add = A0, ft.attempt = Pp, ft.camelCase = Ox, ft.capitalize = kp, ft.ceil = T0, ft.clamp = Tx, ft.clone = Sv, ft.cloneDeep = Cv, ft.cloneDeepWith = Mv, ft.cloneWith = wv, ft.conformsTo = kv, ft.deburr = Ap, ft.defaultTo = s0, ft.divide = P0, ft.endsWith = Lx, ft.eq = Di, ft.escape = _x, ft.escapeRegExp = Dx, ft.every = Yy, ft.find = Xy, ft.findIndex = Jc, ft.findKey = ex, ft.findLast = Gy, ft.findLastIndex = qc, ft.findLastKey = ix, ft.floor = E0, ft.forEach = np, ft.forEachRight = sp, ft.forIn = rx, ft.forInRight = nx, ft.forOwn = sx, ft.forOwnRight = ox, ft.get = Va, = Av, ft.gte = Tv, ft.has = hx, ft.hasIn = $a, ft.head = tp, ft.identity = ai, ft.includes = $y, ft.indexOf = Gm, ft.inRange = Px, ft.invoke = ux, ft.isArguments = zr, ft.isArray = ie, ft.isArrayBuffer = Pv, ft.isArrayLike = si, ft.isArrayLikeObject = Be, ft.isBoolean = Ev, ft.isBuffer = Ar, ft.isDate = Ov, ft.isElement = Lv, ft.isEmpty = _v, ft.isEqual = Dv, ft.isEqualWith = Iv, ft.isError = Fa, ft.isFinite = Rv, ft.isFunction = rr, ft.isInteger = dp, ft.isLength = to, ft.isMap = fp, ft.isMatch = Nv, ft.isMatchWith = Bv, ft.isNaN = jv, ft.isNative = Wv, ft.isNil = zv, ft.isNull = Yv, ft.isNumber = gp, ft.isObject = Ie, ft.isObjectLike = Ne, ft.isPlainObject = $n, ft.isRegExp = Ua, ft.isSafeInteger = Xv, ft.isSet = mp, ft.isString = eo, ft.isSymbol = di, ft.isTypedArray = un, ft.isUndefined = Gv, ft.isWeakMap = Hv, ft.isWeakSet = Fv, ft.join = $m, ft.kebabCase = Ix, ft.last = Mi, ft.lastIndexOf = Zm, ft.lowerCase = Rx, ft.lowerFirst = Nx, = Uv, ft.lte = Vv, ft.max = O0, ft.maxBy = L0, ft.mean = _0, ft.meanBy = D0, ft.min = I0, ft.minBy = R0, ft.stubArray = tl, ft.stubFalse = el, ft.stubObject = b0, ft.stubString = S0, ft.stubTrue = w0, ft.multiply = N0, ft.nth = Km, ft.noConflict = u0, ft.noop = Qa, = Js, ft.pad = Bx, ft.padEnd = jx, ft.padStart = Wx, ft.parseInt = Yx, ft.random = Ex, ft.reduce = Qy, ft.reduceRight = tv, ft.repeat = zx, ft.replace = Xx, ft.result = xx, ft.round = B0, ft.runInContext = wt, ft.sample = iv, ft.size = sv, ft.snakeCase = Gx, ft.some = ov, ft.sortedIndex = ry, ft.sortedIndexBy = ny, ft.sortedIndexOf = sy, ft.sortedLastIndex = oy, ft.sortedLastIndexBy = ay, ft.sortedLastIndexOf = ly, ft.startCase = Fx, ft.startsWith = Ux, ft.subtract = j0, ft.sum = W0, ft.sumBy = Y0, ft.template = Vx, ft.times = C0, ft.toFinite = nr, ft.toInteger = se, ft.toLength = vp, ft.toLower = $x, ft.toNumber = ki, ft.toSafeInteger = $v, ft.toString = xe, ft.toUpper = Zx, ft.trim = Kx, ft.trimEnd = Jx, ft.trimStart = qx, ft.truncate = Qx, ft.unescape = t0, ft.uniqueId = k0, ft.upperCase = e0, ft.upperFirst = Za, ft.each = np, ft.eachRight = sp, ft.first = tp, qa(ft, function() {
  23611. var e = {};
  23612. return Gi(ft, function(C, K) {
  23613., K) || (e[K] = C);
  23614. }), e;
  23615. }(), { chain: !1 }), ft.VERSION = o, xi(["bind", "bindKey", "curry", "curryRight", "partial", "partialRight"], function(e) {
  23616. ft[e].placeholder = ft;
  23617. }), xi(["drop", "take"], function(e, C) {
  23618. ce.prototype[e] = function(K) {
  23619. K = K === M ? 1 : Xe(se(K), 0);
  23620. var st = this.__filtered__ && !C ? new ce(this) : this.clone();
  23621. return st.__filtered__ ? st.__takeCount__ = Ze(K, st.__takeCount__) : st.__views__.push({
  23622. size: Ze(K, E),
  23623. type: e + (st.__dir__ < 0 ? "Right" : "")
  23624. }), st;
  23625. }, ce.prototype[e + "Right"] = function(K) {
  23626. return this.reverse()[e](K).reverse();
  23627. };
  23628. }), xi(["filter", "map", "takeWhile"], function(e, C) {
  23629. var K = C + 1, st = K == t || K == n;
  23630. ce.prototype[e] = function(ut) {
  23631. var mt = this.clone();
  23632. return mt.__iteratees__.push({
  23633. iteratee: qt(ut, 3),
  23634. type: K
  23635. }), mt.__filtered__ = mt.__filtered__ || st, mt;
  23636. };
  23637. }), xi(["head", "last"], function(e, C) {
  23638. var K = "take" + (C ? "Right" : "");
  23639. ce.prototype[e] = function() {
  23640. return this[K](1).value()[0];
  23641. };
  23642. }), xi(["initial", "tail"], function(e, C) {
  23643. var K = "drop" + (C ? "" : "Right");
  23644. ce.prototype[e] = function() {
  23645. return this.__filtered__ ? new ce(this) : this[K](1);
  23646. };
  23647. }), ce.prototype.compact = function() {
  23648. return this.filter(ai);
  23649. }, ce.prototype.find = function(e) {
  23650. return this.filter(e).head();
  23651. }, ce.prototype.findLast = function(e) {
  23652. return this.reverse().find(e);
  23653. }, ce.prototype.invokeMap = le(function(e, C) {
  23654. return typeof e == "function" ? new ce(this) : {
  23655. return Xn(K, e, C);
  23656. });
  23657. }), ce.prototype.reject = function(e) {
  23658. return this.filter(Qs(qt(e)));
  23659. }, ce.prototype.slice = function(e, C) {
  23660. e = se(e);
  23661. var K = this;
  23662. return K.__filtered__ && (e > 0 || C < 0) ? new ce(K) : (e < 0 ? K = K.takeRight(-e) : e && (K = K.drop(e)), C !== M && (C = se(C), K = C < 0 ? K.dropRight(-C) : K.take(C - e)), K);
  23663. }, ce.prototype.takeRightWhile = function(e) {
  23664. return this.reverse().takeWhile(e).reverse();
  23665. }, ce.prototype.toArray = function() {
  23666. return this.take(E);
  23667. }, Gi(ce.prototype, function(e, C) {
  23668. var K = /^(?:filter|find|map|reject)|While$/.test(C), st = /^(?:head|last)$/.test(C), ut = ft[st ? "take" + (C == "last" ? "Right" : "") : C], mt = st || /^find/.test(C);
  23669. ut && (ft.prototype[C] = function() {
  23670. var xt = this.__wrapped__, bt = st ? [1] : arguments, Ct = xt instanceof ce, It = bt[0], Rt = Ct || ie(xt), Bt = function(he) {
  23671. var ue = ut.apply(ft, xr([he], bt));
  23672. return st && zt ? ue[0] : ue;
  23673. };
  23674. Rt && K && typeof It == "function" && It.length != 1 && (Ct = Rt = !1);
  23675. var zt = this.__chain__, Ut = !!this.__actions__.length, Qt = mt && !zt, ae = Ct && !Ut;
  23676. if (!mt && Rt) {
  23677. xt = ae ? xt : new ce(this);
  23678. var te = e.apply(xt, bt);
  23679. return te.__actions__.push({ func: Zs, args: [Bt], thisArg: M }), new Si(te, zt);
  23680. }
  23681. return Qt && ae ? e.apply(this, bt) : (te = this.thru(Bt), Qt ? st ? te.value()[0] : te.value() : te);
  23682. });
  23683. }), xi(["pop", "push", "shift", "sort", "splice", "unshift"], function(e) {
  23684. var C = Ss[e], K = /^(?:push|sort|unshift)$/.test(e) ? "tap" : "thru", st = /^(?:pop|shift)$/.test(e);
  23685. ft.prototype[e] = function() {
  23686. var ut = arguments;
  23687. if (st && !this.__chain__) {
  23688. var mt = this.value();
  23689. return C.apply(ie(mt) ? mt : [], ut);
  23690. }
  23691. return this[K](function(xt) {
  23692. return C.apply(ie(xt) ? xt : [], ut);
  23693. });
  23694. };
  23695. }), Gi(ce.prototype, function(e, C) {
  23696. var K = ft[C];
  23697. if (K) {
  23698. var st = + "";
  23699., st) || (an[st] = []), an[st].push({ name: C, func: K });
  23700. }
  23701. }), an[Xs(M, T).name] = [{
  23702. name: "wrapper",
  23703. func: M
  23704. }], ce.prototype.clone = tg, ce.prototype.reverse = eg, ce.prototype.value = ig, = Ly, ft.prototype.chain = _y, ft.prototype.commit = Dy, = Iy, ft.prototype.plant = Ny, ft.prototype.reverse = By, ft.prototype.toJSON = ft.prototype.valueOf = ft.prototype.value = jy, ft.prototype.first = ft.prototype.head, Rn && (ft.prototype[Rn] = Ry), ft;
  23705. }, nn = Df();
  23706. Dr ? ((Dr.exports = nn)._ = nn, Jo._ = nn) : Ue._ = nn;
  23707. }).call(Gr);
  23708. })(wo, wo.exports);
  23709. var eC = wo.exports;
  23710. const ss = /* @__PURE__ */ Cn(eC);
  23711. t1(Vr);
  23712. J0(Vr);
  23713. Z0(Vr);
  23714. Q0(Vr);
  23715. let ho = null, _e = Le(null), Fe = Le("zh"), ll = Le(""), re = Le(null);
  23716. const kt = z0({
  23717. //极值数据
  23718. leftIndex: -1,
  23719. //左侧上下限对应下标
  23720. rightIndex: -1,
  23721. //右侧上下限对应下标
  23722. rightTwoIndex: -1,
  23723. //右2上下限对应下标
  23724. hasLeftAxis: !1,
  23725. hasRightAxis: !1,
  23726. hasRightTwoAxis: !1,
  23727. hasXAxis: !1,
  23728. leftMin: 0,
  23729. leftMax: 0,
  23730. rightMin: 0,
  23731. rightMax: 0,
  23732. rightTwoMin: 0,
  23733. rightTwoMax: 0,
  23734. xMin: 0,
  23735. xMax: 0
  23736. });
  23737. let hi = !1, qu = Le(!1);
  23738. const Kl = Le(document.body.clientWidth < 1200 ? "phone" : "pc");
  23739. function iC() {
  23740. return {
  23741. options: re,
  23742. axisLimitState: kt,
  23743. chartRender: rC,
  23744. setLimitData: MC,
  23745. isUseSelfLimit: qu
  23746. };
  23747. }
  23748. function rC({ data: r, renderId: p, lang: M = "zh", changeLangIsCheck: o, showChartTitle: y = !0, shouldUseSelfLimit: N = !1 }) {
  23749. kt.leftIndex = -1, kt.rightIndex = -1, kt.rightTwoIndex = -1, kt.hasLeftAxis = !1, kt.hasRightAxis = !1, kt.hasRightTwoAxis = !1, kt.hasXAxis = !1, qu.value || (kt.leftMin = 0, kt.leftMax = 0, kt.rightMin = 0, kt.rightMax = 0, kt.rightTwoMin = 0, kt.rightTwoMax = 0, kt.xMin = 0, kt.xMax = 0);
  23750. let D = {};
  23751. Fe.value = M, ll.value = p, _e.value = r, hi = N, [1, 11, 12].includes(r.ChartInfo.Source) ? D = {
  23752. 1: jp,
  23753. 2: pC,
  23754. 3: cl,
  23755. 4: cl,
  23756. 5: uC,
  23757. 6: cl,
  23758. 7: gC,
  23759. 10: bC,
  23760. 11: wC,
  23761. 14: hC
  23762. }[r.ChartInfo.ChartType](r) : [2, 5].includes(r.ChartInfo.Source) ? D = vC(r) : [3].includes(r.ChartInfo.Source) ? D = xC(r) : [4, 6, 7, 8].includes(r.ChartInfo.Source) ? D = jp(r) : [9].includes(r.ChartInfo.Source) ? D = cC(r) : r.ChartInfo.Source === 10 && (kt.hasLeftAxis = !0, kt.leftMin = r.ChartInfo.LeftMin ? Number(r.ChartInfo.LeftMin) : Number(r.DataResp.YMinValue), kt.leftMax = r.ChartInfo.LeftMax ? Number(r.ChartInfo.LeftMax) : Number(r.DataResp.YMaxValue), kt.hasXAxis = !0, kt.xMin = r.ChartInfo.XMin ? Number(r.ChartInfo.XMin) : Number(r.DataResp.XMinValue), kt.xMax = r.ChartInfo.XMax ? Number(r.ChartInfo.XMax) : Number(r.DataResp.XMaxValue), D = SC(r));
  23763. let U = nC();
  23764. return re.value = {, ...U, ...D }, lC(y), aC(o), Vr.setOptions({ global: { useUTC: r.ChartInfo.ChartType == 2 } }), (D.series ? D.series.some((V) => V.chartType === "linear") : !1) ? ho = Vr.chart(ll.value, re.value) : ho = Vr.stockChart(ll.value, re.value), ho;
  23765. }
  23766. function nC() {
  23767. if (!_e.value.ChartInfo.ChartThemeStyle)
  23768. return {};
  23769. let r = JSON.parse(_e.value.ChartInfo.ChartThemeStyle);
  23770. return {
  23771. legend: {
  23773. ...r.legendOptions
  23774. },
  23775. chart: {
  23777. ...r.drawOption
  23778. },
  23779. colors: r.colorsOptions
  23780. };
  23781. }
  23782. function Ti(r, p) {
  23783. const { MarkersLines: M, ChartType: o } = _e.value.ChartInfo, { EdbInfoList: y } = _e.value;
  23784. return M ? JSON.parse(M).filter((H) => H.isShow && H.axis === r).map((H) => {
  23785. let V = r === 3 && p === "datetime", G;
  23786. if (V) {
  23787. let R = o === 2 ? new Date(y[0].DataList[1].DataList[0].DataTimestamp).getFullYear() : "";
  23788. G = o === 2 ? (/* @__PURE__ */ new Date(`${R}-${H.value}`)).getTime() : new Date(H.value).getTime();
  23789. } else
  23790. G = Number(H.value);
  23791. return {
  23792. value: G,
  23793. dashStyle: H.dashStyle,
  23794. width: Number(H.lineWidth),
  23795. color: H.color,
  23796. label: {
  23797. text: H.text || "",
  23798. verticalAlign: H.textPosition,
  23799. style: {
  23800. color: H.textColor,
  23801. fontSize: H.textFontSize
  23802. }
  23803. }
  23804. };
  23805. }) : [];
  23806. }
  23807. function Pi(r, p) {
  23808. const { MarkersAreas: M, ChartType: o } = _e.value.ChartInfo, { EdbInfoList: y } = _e.value;
  23809. return M ? JSON.parse(M).filter((H) => H.isShow && H.axis === r).map((H) => {
  23810. let V = r === 3 && p === "datetime", G, R;
  23811. if (V) {
  23812. let S = o === 2 ? new Date(y[0].DataList[1].DataList[0].DataTimestamp).getFullYear() : "";
  23813. G = o === 2 ? (/* @__PURE__ */ new Date(`${S}-${H.fromValue}`)).getTime() : new Date(H.fromValue).getTime(), R = o === 2 ? (/* @__PURE__ */ new Date(`${S}-${H.toValue}`)).getTime() : new Date(H.toValue).getTime();
  23814. } else
  23815. G = Number(H.fromValue), R = Number(H.toValue);
  23816. let B = {
  23817. top: 12,
  23818. middle: 0,
  23819. bottom: -10
  23820. };
  23821. return {
  23822. from: G,
  23823. to: R,
  23824. color: H.color,
  23825. label: {
  23826. text: H.text || "",
  23827. verticalAlign: H.textPosition,
  23828. y: B[H.textPosition],
  23829. style: {
  23830. color: H.textColor,
  23831. fontSize: H.textFontSize
  23832. }
  23833. }
  23834. };
  23835. }) : [];
  23836. }
  23837. function Qu({ LatestDate: r, PredictChartColor: p }) {
  23838. return {
  23839. zoneAxis: "x",
  23840. zones: [{
  23841. value: new Date(r).getTime() + 1
  23842. }, {
  23843. dashStyle: "ShortDot",
  23844. color: p
  23845. }]
  23846. };
  23847. }
  23848. function sC(r) {
  23849. return r ? {
  23850. zoneAxis: "x",
  23851. zones: [{
  23852. value: new Date(r).getTime() + 1
  23853. }, {
  23854. dashStyle: "ShortDot"
  23855. }]
  23856. } : {};
  23857. }
  23858. function td(r, p, M) {
  23859. let o = Xt(p).diff(Xt(r), "years", !0);
  23860. return !!([5, 6].includes(M) && o <= 1);
  23861. }
  23862. function hl(r, p) {
  23863. const { IsAxis: M, IsOrder: o, EdbInfoType: y, LeadValue: N, LeadUnit: D } = r, U = p == "zh" ? {
  23864. 0: "右轴",
  23865. 2: "右2轴"
  23866. } : {
  23867. 0: "RHS",
  23868. 2: "2-RHS"
  23869. }, H = p == "zh" ? {
  23870. 1: "逆序"
  23871. } : {
  23872. 1: "REV"
  23873. }, V = p == "zh" ? {
  23874. 0: "领先"
  23875. } : {
  23876. 0: "Lead"
  23877. }, G = p === "zh" ? D : F0[D];
  23878. let R = U[M] || "", B = H[Number(o)] ? `${R ? "," : ""}${H[Number(o)]}` : "", S = V[y] ? `${R || B ? "," : ""}${V[y]}${N}${G}` : "";
  23879. return R || B || S ? `(${R}${B}${S})` : "";
  23880. }
  23881. function Co(r, p, M = "zh") {
  23882. let o = "";
  23883. const y = r.EdbNameEn ? `${r.EdbNameEn}${hl(r, "en")}` : "", N = p.length > 1 ? `${r.EdbAliasName || r.EdbName}(${r.SourceName})${hl(r, "zh")}` : `${r.EdbAliasName || r.EdbName}${hl(r, "zh")}`;
  23884. if (o = M == "zh" ? N : y || N, o.length > 20) {
  23885. let D = [];
  23886. for (let U = 0; U < o.length / 20; U++)
  23887. D.push(o.slice(U * 20, U * 20 + 20));
  23888. o = D.join("<br>");
  23889. }
  23890. return o;
  23891. }
  23892. function Jl(r) {
  23893. let p = r.filter((y) => y.IsAxis === 1), M = r.filter((y) => !y.IsAxis), o = r.filter((y) => y.IsAxis === 2);
  23894. return [p, M, o].flat(1 / 0);
  23895. }
  23896. function oC() {
  23897. let r = !0;
  23898. return _e.value.ChartInfo.ChartNameEn || (r = !1), _e.value.EdbInfoList.forEach((p) => {
  23899. p.EdbNameEn || (r = !1), _e.value.ChartInfo.ChartType !== 10 && p.Unit && !p.UnitEn && (r = !1);
  23900. }), r;
  23901. }
  23902. function aC(r) {
  23903. if (r && !oC())
  23904. return;
  23905. const { ChartType: p, Source: M } = _e.value.ChartInfo;
  23906. M == 1 && (p == 5 ? (re.value.yAxis.title.text = Fe.value == "zh" ? re.value.yAxis.title.textZh : re.value.yAxis.title.textEn, re.value.xAxis.title.text = Fe.value == "zh" ? re.value.xAxis.title.textZh : re.value.xAxis.title.textEn, re.value.series.forEach((o) => {
  23907. = Fe.value == "zh" ? o.nameZh : o.nameEn;
  23908. }), re.value.tooltip.formatter = Fe.value == "zh" ? re.value.tooltip.formatterZh : re.value.tooltip.formatterEn) : (re.value.yAxis.forEach((o) => {
  23909. o.title.text = Fe.value == "zh" ? o.title.textZh : o.title.textEn;
  23910. }), p != 2 && re.value.series.forEach((o) => {
  23911. = Fe.value == "zh" ? o.nameZh : o.nameEn != "无英文名称" ? o.nameEn : `<span style="color:#999">${o.nameEn}</span>`;
  23912. }), p === 10 && (re.value.xAxis.title.text = Fe.value == "zh" ? re.value.xAxis.title.textZh : re.value.xAxis.title.textEn, re.value.tooltip.formatter = Fe.value == "zh" ? re.value.tooltip.formatterCh : re.value.tooltip.formatterEn, re.value.series.forEach((o) => {
  23913. o.linkedTo || => {
  23914. y.dataLabels.format = Fe.value == "zh" ? y.dataLabels.formatZh : y.dataLabels.formatEn || "无英文标签", y.dataLabels.color = Fe.value === "en" && !y.dataLabels.formatEn ? "#999" : "#333";
  23915. });
  23916. })), [7, 11].includes(p) && (re.value.xAxis.categories = => Fe.value == "zh" ? _e.value.EdbInfoList.find((y) => y.EdbInfoId === o).EdbAliasName || _e.value.EdbInfoList.find((y) => y.EdbInfoId === o).EdbName : _e.value.EdbInfoList.find((y) => y.EdbInfoId === o).EdbNameEn)))), [2, 3, 4].includes(M) && (re.value.yAxis.forEach((o) => {
  23917. o.title.text = Fe.value == "zh" ? o.title.textZh : o.title.textEn || o.title.textZh;
  23918. }), re.value.series.forEach((o) => {
  23919. = Fe.value == "en" && o.nameEn || o.nameZh;
  23920. }), re.value.tooltip.formatter = Fe.value == "en" ? re.value.tooltip.formatterEn : re.value.tooltip.formatterZh, M == 2 && (re.value.xAxis.categories = Fr.value.filter((o) => o.IsHide === 0).map((o) => Fe.value == "en" ? o.NameEn : o.Name)), [3].includes(M) && (re.value.xAxis.title.text = Fe.value == "en" && re.value.xAxis.title.textEn || re.value.xAxis.title.textZh));
  23921. }
  23922. function lC(r) {
  23923. if (r) {
  23924. const p = _e.value.ChartInfo;
  23925. re.value.title.textZh = p.ChartName, re.value.title.textEn = p.ChartNameEn, re.value.title.text = Fe.value == "zh" ? re.value.title.textZh : re.value.title.textEn || re.value.title.textZh;
  23926. } else
  23927. re.value.title.text = "";
  23928. }
  23929. function hC(r) {
  23930. const p = r.ChartInfo.ChartThemeStyle ? JSON.parse(r.ChartInfo.ChartThemeStyle) : null, { XDataList: M, UnitList: o, SeriesList: y, IsHeap: N } = r.DataResp;
  23931. kt.leftIndex = y.findIndex((R) => R.IsAxis === 1), kt.rightIndex = y.findIndex((R) => !R.IsAxis), kt.rightTwoIndex = y.findIndex((R) => R.IsAxis === 2), kt.leftIndex != -1 && (kt.hasLeftAxis = !0), kt.rightIndex != -1 && (kt.hasRightAxis = !0), kt.rightTwoIndex != -1 && (kt.hasRightTwoAxis = !0);
  23932. const D = {
  23933. categories: => this.currentLang == "en" ? R.NameEn : R.Name),
  23934. tickWidth: 1,
  23935. labels: {
  23936. style: {
  23937. ...p &&
  23938. }
  23939. },
  23940. plotBands: Pi(3),
  23941. plotLines: Ti(3)
  23942. };
  23943. let U = [], H = [];
  23944. const V = y.some((R) => R.IsAxis === 2) ? Jl(y) : ss.cloneDeep(y);
  23945. return V.forEach((R, B) => {
  23946. const S = V.findIndex(
  23947. (v) => v.IsAxis === R.IsAxis
  23948. ), x = {
  23949. 1: ["LeftName", "LeftNameEn"],
  23950. 0: ["RightName", "RightNameEn"],
  23951. 2: ["RightTwoName", "RightTwoNameEn"]
  23952. };
  23953. let f = 0, d = 0;
  23954. const T = {
  23955. 0: ["rightMin", "rightMax"],
  23956. 1: ["leftMin", "leftMax"],
  23957. 2: ["rightTwoMin", "rightTwoMax"]
  23958. };
  23959. T[R.IsAxis] && (f = kt[`${T[R.IsAxis][0]}`] || 0, d = kt[`${T[R.IsAxis][1]}`] || 0);
  23960. let O = {
  23962. title: {
  23963. text: o[x[R.IsAxis][0]],
  23964. textCh: o[x[R.IsAxis][0]],
  23965. // 中文
  23966. // 中文不存在,无论英文有无都显示空
  23967. textEn: o[x[R.IsAxis][0]] ? o[x[R.IsAxis][1]] : "",
  23968. // 英文
  23969. style: {
  23970. ...p &&
  23971. },
  23972. align: "high",
  23973. rotation: 0,
  23974. y: -12,
  23975. // x: (item.IsAxis===0 && this.rightTwoIndex>-1) ? -chartData[this.rightTwoIndex].Unit.length*12 : 0,
  23976. textAlign: R.IsAxis === 1 ? "left" : "right",
  23977. reserveSpace: !1
  23978. },
  23979. labels: {
  23980. formatter: function(v) {
  23981. return v.value;
  23982. },
  23983. align: "center",
  23984. x: [0, 2].includes(R.IsAxis) ? 5 : -5,
  23985. style: {
  23986. ...p &&
  23987. }
  23988. },
  23989. opposite: [0, 2].includes(R.IsAxis),
  23990. min: Number(f),
  23991. max: Number(d),
  23992. tickWidth: 1,
  23993. visible: S === B,
  23994. plotBands: Pi(R.IsAxis),
  23995. plotLines: Ti(R.IsAxis)
  23996. }, j = B;
  23997. N == 1 && (j = 0);
  23998. let k = R.DataList || [];
  23999. k.forEach((v, l) => {
  24000. R.NoDataEdbIndex.includes(l) && (k[l] = null);
  24001. });
  24002. const b = p ? B % p.lineOptionList.length : B;
  24003. let w = {
  24004. data: k,
  24005. type: R.ChartStyle || "",
  24006. dashStyle: p && p.lineOptionList[b].dashStyle || "Solid",
  24007. chartType: "linear",
  24008. yAxis: j,
  24009. name: R.SeriesName,
  24010. nameZh: R.SeriesName,
  24011. nameEn: R.SeriesNameEn,
  24012. unitName: o[x[R.IsAxis][0]],
  24013. unitNameCh: o[x[R.IsAxis][0]],
  24014. unitNameEn: o[x[R.IsAxis][0]] ? o[x[R.IsAxis][1]] : "",
  24015. color: R.ChartColor,
  24016. lineWidth: Number(R.ChartWidth) || p && p.lineOptionList[b].lineWidth,
  24017. borderWidth: 1,
  24018. borderColor: R.ChartColor,
  24019. marker: {
  24020. //展示数据点
  24021. enabled: !!(R.ChartStyle != "column" && R.IsPoint),
  24022. radius: p && p.lineOptionList[b].radius || 5
  24023. },
  24024. dataLabels: {
  24025. //展示数值
  24026. enabled: !!R.IsNumber,
  24027. align: R.ChartStyle == "column" ? "center" : void 0,
  24028. y: R.ChartStyle == "column" ? -20 : 0,
  24029. inside: R.ChartStyle == "column" ? !1 : void 0,
  24030. crop: R.ChartStyle != "column"
  24031. },
  24032. stacking: N == 1 ? "normal" : void 0,
  24033. zIndex: ["line", "spline"].includes(R.ChartStyle) ? 1 : 0
  24034. //防止组合图曲线被遮住
  24035. };
  24036. U.push(O), H.push(w);
  24037. }), {
  24038. title: {
  24039. text: ""
  24040. },
  24041. tooltip: {
  24042. formatter: function() {
  24043. let R = `<b>${this.points[0].x}</b>`;
  24044. return this.points.forEach((B) => {
  24045. const S = H.find((x) => ===;
  24046. R = R + `<br><span style="color:${B.color}">●</span>${}:${B.y} ${S.unitNameCh}`;
  24047. }), R;
  24048. },
  24049. formatterCh: function() {
  24050. let R = `<b>${this.points[0].x}</b>`;
  24051. return this.points.forEach((B) => {
  24052. const S = H.find((x) => ===;
  24053. R = R + `<br><span style="color:${B.color}">●</span>${S.nameCh}:${B.y} ${S.unitNameCh}`;
  24054. }), R;
  24055. },
  24056. formatterEn: function() {
  24057. let R = `<b>${this.points[0].x}</b>`;
  24058. return this.points.forEach((B) => {
  24059. const S = H.find((x) => ===;
  24060. R = R + `<br><span style="color:${B.color}">●</span>${S.nameEn}:${B.y} ${S.unitNameEn}`;
  24061. }), R;
  24062. },
  24063. shared: !0
  24064. },
  24065. series: H,
  24066. yAxis: U,
  24067. xAxis: D
  24068. };
  24069. }
  24070. function cC(r) {
  24071. kt.leftIndex = -1, kt.rightIndex = -1, kt.rightTwoIndex = -1;
  24072. const p = r.ChartInfo.ChartThemeStyle ? JSON.parse(r.ChartInfo.ChartThemeStyle) : null, { DataList: M, LeftMaxValue: o, LeftMinValue: y, RightMaxValue: N, RightMinValue: D } = r.DataResp, U = {
  24073. ...wn,
  24074. tickWidth: 1,
  24075. labels: {
  24076. style: {
  24077. ...p &&
  24078. }
  24079. }
  24080. };
  24081. let H = [], V = [];
  24082. return M.forEach((R, B) => {
  24083. let S = {
  24085. title: {
  24086. text: R.Unit,
  24087. textCh: R.Unit,
  24088. // 中文
  24089. textEn: R.UnitEn || R.Unit,
  24090. align: "high",
  24091. rotation: 0,
  24092. y: -15,
  24093. reserveSpace: !1,
  24094. style: {
  24095. ...p &&
  24096. }
  24097. },
  24098. labels: {
  24099. style: {
  24100. ...p &&
  24101. }
  24102. },
  24103. opposite: R.IsAxis !== 1,
  24104. min: Number(B === 0 ? y : D),
  24105. max: Number(B === 0 ? o : N),
  24106. tickWidth: 1
  24107. };
  24108. const x = p ? B % p.lineOptionList.length : B;
  24109. let f = {
  24110. data: => [d.X, d.Y]),
  24111. dashStyle: p && p.lineOptionList[x].dashStyle || "Solid",
  24112. type: p && p.lineOptionList[x].lineType || "spline",
  24113. yAxis: B,
  24114. name: R.Name,
  24115. nameZh: R.Name,
  24116. nameEn: R.NameEn || R.Name,
  24117. color: R.Color,
  24118. lineWidth: p && p.lineOptionList[x].lineWidth || 3,
  24119. chartType: "linear",
  24120. zIndex: 1
  24121. };
  24122. V.push(f), H.push(S);
  24123. }), {
  24124. title: {
  24125. text: ""
  24126. },
  24127. tooltip: {
  24128. formatter: function() {
  24129. let R = M[0] => f.X), B = R[1] - R[0], x = `<b>${`[${this.x},${this.x + B}]`}</b>`;
  24130. return this.points.forEach((f) => {
  24131. x += `<br><span style="color:${f.color}">●</span>${}: ${f.y}%<br>`;
  24132. }), x;
  24133. },
  24134. shared: !0
  24135. },
  24136. series: V,
  24137. yAxis: H,
  24138. xAxis: U
  24139. };
  24140. }
  24141. function jp(r) {
  24142. const p = r.ChartInfo.Source === 1, M = [4, 6, 7, 8].includes(r.ChartInfo.Source) ? [r.DataResp] : r.EdbInfoList;
  24143. let o = [], y = [], N = {}, D = M.findIndex((f) => f.IsAxis === 1), U = M.findIndex((f) => !f.IsAxis), H = M.findIndex((f) => f.IsAxis === 2);
  24144. kt.leftIndex = D, kt.rightIndex = U, kt.rightTwoIndex = H;
  24145. const V = r.ChartInfo.ChartThemeStyle ? JSON.parse(r.ChartInfo.ChartThemeStyle) : null;
  24146. let G = [], R = M.some((f) => f.IsAxis === 2) ? Jl(M) : M;
  24147. R.forEach((f, d) => {
  24148. let T = R.findIndex((t) => t.IsAxis === f.IsAxis), O = f.EdbName, j = R.filter(
  24149. (t) => O === t.EdbName
  24150. ), k = Co(f, j, "zh"), b = Co(f, j, "en"), w = f.EdbInfoCategoryType === 1 ? Qu(f) : {};
  24151. const v = V ? d % V.lineOptionList.length : d;
  24152. let l = {
  24153. data: [],
  24154. dataGrouping: {
  24155. enabled: !1
  24156. },
  24157. type: V && V.lineOptionList[v].lineType || "spline",
  24158. dashStyle: V && V.lineOptionList[v].dashStyle || "Solid",
  24159. yAxis: d,
  24160. name: k,
  24161. nameZh: k,
  24162. nameEn: b,
  24163. color: f.ChartColor,
  24164. lineWidth: Number(f.ChartWidth) || V && V.lineOptionList[v].lineWidth || 1,
  24165. visible: !0,
  24166. LatestDate: f.LatestDate,
  24167. LatestValue: f.LatestValue,
  24168. marker: V && V.lineOptionList[v].dataMark && V.lineOptionList[v].dataMark != "none" ? {
  24169. enabled: !0,
  24170. symbol: V.lineOptionList[v].markType || "circle",
  24171. fillColor: V.lineOptionList[v].markColor,
  24172. radius: V.lineOptionList[v].markSize
  24173. } : {},
  24174. ...w
  24175. };
  24176. f.DataList = f.DataList || [];
  24177. for (let t of f.DataList)
  24178.[t.DataTimestamp, t.Value]);
  24179. o.push(l), f.IsAxis, console.log("useSelfLimit", hi);
  24180. let h = 0, u = 0;
  24181. if ((!hi || !p) && (h = f.MinData, u = f.MaxData), hi && p) {
  24182. const t = {
  24183. 0: ["rightMin", "rightMax"],
  24184. 1: ["leftMin", "leftMax"],
  24185. 2: ["rightTwoMin", "rightTwoMax"]
  24186. };
  24187. t[f.IsAxis] && (h = kt[`${t[f.IsAxis][0]}`] || 0, u = kt[`${t[f.IsAxis][1]}`] || 0);
  24188. }
  24189. const i = r.ChartInfo.Source === 12 ? f.ConvertUnit : f.ConvertUnit || f.Unit, c = r.ChartInfo.Source === 12 ? f.ConvertEnUnit : f.ConvertEnUnit || f.UnitEn || f.ConvertUnit || f.Unit;
  24190. let a = {
  24192. IsAxis: f.IsAxis,
  24193. labels: {
  24194. formatter: function(t) {
  24195. return T !== d ? "" : t.value;
  24196. },
  24197. align: "center",
  24198. x: [0, 2].includes(f.IsAxis) ? 5 : -5,
  24199. style: {
  24200. ...V &&
  24201. }
  24202. },
  24203. tickWidth: T !== d ? 0 : 1,
  24204. title: {
  24205. text: T !== d ? "" : `${i}`,
  24206. textZh: i,
  24207. //中文单位
  24208. textEn: i ? c : "",
  24209. //英文单位,但如果无中文单位则不显示
  24210. align: "high",
  24211. rotation: 0,
  24212. y: -15,
  24213. x: f.IsAxis === 0 && H > -1 ? -R[H].Unit.length * 12 : 0,
  24214. textAlign: f.IsAxis === 1 ? "left" : "right",
  24215. reserveSpace: !1,
  24216. style: {
  24217. ...V &&
  24218. }
  24219. },
  24220. opposite: [0, 2].includes(f.IsAxis),
  24221. reversed: f.IsOrder,
  24222. min: Number(h),
  24223. max: Number(u),
  24224. visible: T === d,
  24225. chartEdbInfo: f,
  24226. //指标数据用于在保存时读取指标数据
  24227. plotBands: Pi(f.IsAxis),
  24228. plotLines: Ti(f.IsAxis)
  24229. };
  24230. y.push(a), f.DataList.length > 0 && (G.push(f.DataList[0].DataTimestamp), G.push(f.DataList[f.DataList.length - 1].DataTimestamp));
  24231. });
  24232. let B = Math.min.apply(null, G), S = Math.max.apply(null, G);
  24233. const x = td(B, S, r.ChartInfo.DateType);
  24234. return N = {
  24236. labels: {
  24237. formatter: function(f) {
  24238. return x ? ts.dateFormat("%m/%d", f.value) : ts.dateFormat("%y/%m", f.value);
  24239. },
  24240. style: {
  24241. ...V &&
  24242. }
  24243. },
  24244. tickInterval: Kl.value === "phone" ? (S - B) / 6 / (24 * 3600 * 1e3) > 30 ? (S - B) / 6 : 24 * 3600 * 1e3 * 30 : void 0,
  24245. plotBands: Pi(3, "datetime"),
  24246. plotLines: Ti(3, "datetime")
  24247. }, y.forEach((f) => {
  24248. f.IsAxis === 1 ? (kt.hasLeftAxis = !0, (!hi || !p) && (kt.leftMin = M[D].MinData, kt.leftMax = M[D].MaxData, f.min = M[D].MinData, f.max = M[D].MaxData)) : f.IsAxis === 2 ? (kt.hasRightTwoAxis = !0, (!hi || !p) && (kt.rightTwoMin = M[H].MinData, kt.rightTwoMax = M[H].MaxData, f.min = M[H].MinData, f.max = M[H].MaxData)) : (kt.hasRightAxis = !0, (!hi || !p) && (kt.rightMin = M[U].MinData, kt.rightMax = M[U].MaxData, f.min = M[U].MinData, f.max = M[U].MaxData));
  24249. }), {
  24250. series: o,
  24251. xAxis: [N],
  24252. yAxis: y,
  24253. rangeSelector: { enabled: !1 }
  24254. };
  24255. }
  24256. function pC(r) {
  24257. var b;
  24258. kt.leftIndex = 0;
  24259. const { RightAxis: p = {} } = r.DataResp || {};
  24260. kt.rightIndex = p.IsShow ? 1 : -1, kt.rightTwoIndex = -1;
  24261. const M = r.ChartInfo.ChartThemeStyle ? JSON.parse(r.ChartInfo.ChartThemeStyle) : null;
  24262. let o = {};
  24263. const y = r.EdbInfoList[0], N = r.ChartInfo.Calendar || "公历", D = M && M.colorsOptions.reverse();
  24264. let U = [], H = [];
  24265. const V = N === "农历" ? y.DataList.filter((w, v) => v > 0) : y.DataList;
  24266. M && (M.lineOptionList = M.lineOptionList.reverse().slice(-V.length));
  24267. let G = 0;
  24268. V.forEach((w, v) => {
  24269. let l = y.EdbInfoCategoryType === 1 ? sC(w.CuttingDataTimestamp) : {};
  24270. const h = M ? v % M.lineOptionList.length : v;
  24271. let u = {
  24272. data: [],
  24273. dataGrouping: {
  24274. enabled: !1
  24275. },
  24276. type: M && M.lineOptionList[h].lineType || y.ChartStyle,
  24277. dashStyle: M && M.lineOptionList[h].dashStyle || "Solid",
  24278. yAxis: 0,
  24279. name: w.ChartLegend,
  24280. lineWidth: M && M.lineOptionList[h].lineWidth || 1,
  24281. // color:colorsArr.slice(-chartDataHandle.length)[lineIndex], //与PC端的配置不同步,导致两边 十条之后的线条颜色不对应
  24282. visible: !0,
  24283. marker: M && M.lineOptionList[h].dataMark && M.lineOptionList[h].dataMark != "none" ? {
  24284. enabled: !0,
  24285. symbol: M.lineOptionList[h].markType || "circle",
  24286. fillColor: M.lineOptionList[h].markColor,
  24287. radius: M.lineOptionList[h].markSize
  24288. } : {},
  24289. ...l
  24290. };
  24291. if (w.DataList = w.DataList || [], (w.DataList || []).length > 0) {
  24292. let c = w.DataList[w.DataList.length - 1].DataTimestamp - w.DataList[0].DataTimestamp;
  24293. G = Math.max(G, c);
  24294. }
  24295. for (let c of w.DataList)
  24296.[c.DataTimestamp, c.Value]);
  24297. U.push(u);
  24298. }), o.colors = D.slice(-V.length);
  24299. const { MaxMinLimits: R = {}, SamePeriodAverage: B = {}, SamePeriodStandardDeviation: S = {} } = r.DataResp || {};
  24300. if (R.IsShow && R.List && R.List.length) {
  24301. let w = {
  24302. type: "arearange",
  24303. //上下限是一个范围
  24304. data: [],
  24305. name: R.Legend || "同期上下限",
  24306. color: R.Color || "#075EEE",
  24307. fillOpacity: so(R.Color || "") > 0.75 ? 0.75 : so(R.Color || "")
  24308. //透明度最高0.75
  24309. };
  24310. R.List.forEach((v) => {
  24311.[v.DataTimestamp, v.MinValue, v.MaxValue]);
  24312. }), U.push(w);
  24313. }
  24314. if (B.IsShow && B.List) {
  24315. let w = {
  24316. type: "line",
  24317. data: [],
  24318. lineWidth: B.LineWidth,
  24319. dashStyle: B.LineType,
  24320. name: B.Legend || "同期均值",
  24321. color: B.Color || "#075EEE"
  24322. };
  24323. B.List.forEach((v) => {
  24324.[v.DataTimestamp, v.Value]);
  24325. }), U.push(w);
  24326. }
  24327. if (S.IsShow && S.List) {
  24328. let w = {
  24329. type: "arearange",
  24330. //标准差也是一个范围
  24331. data: [],
  24332. name: S.Legend || "同期标准差",
  24333. color: S.Color || "#075EEE",
  24334. fillOpacity: so(S.Color || "") > 0.75 ? 0.75 : so(S.Color || "")
  24335. };
  24336. S.List.forEach((v) => {
  24337.[v.DataTimestamp, v.MinValue, v.MaxValue]);
  24338. }), U.push(w);
  24339. }
  24340. if (p.IsShow) {
  24341. let v = {
  24342. ...p.Style === "column" ? {
  24343. //柱形
  24344. type: "column",
  24345. color: p.ChartColor
  24346. } : {
  24347. //标记点
  24348. type: "spline",
  24349. lineWidth: p.LineWidth,
  24350. dashStyle: p.LineStyle,
  24351. color: p.IsConnected ? p.LineColor : "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)",
  24352. //没有连线颜色设置为透明
  24353. marker: {
  24354. enabled: !0,
  24355. symbol: p.Shape,
  24356. fillColor: p.ChartColor,
  24357. radius: p.Size
  24358. }
  24359. },
  24360. name: p.Legend || "",
  24361. data: [],
  24362. yAxis: 1
  24363. };
  24364. ((p.IndicatorType === 1 ? p.EdbInfoList[0].DataList : (b = r.EdbInfoList[1]) == null ? void 0 : b.DataList) || []).forEach((h) => {
  24365.[h.DataTimestamp, h.Value]);
  24366. }), U.push(v);
  24367. }
  24368. let x = 0, f = 0, d = 0, T = 0;
  24369. hi ? (x = kt.leftMin || 0, f = kt.leftMax || 0, kt.rightIndex !== -1 && (d = kt.rightMin || 0, T = kt.rightMax || 0)) : (x = y.MinData, f = y.MaxData);
  24370. const O = y.ConvertUnit || y.Unit, j = y.ConvertEnUnit || y.UnitEn || y.ConvertUnit || y.Unit;
  24371. if (H = [{
  24372. IsAxis: y.IsAxis,
  24373. labels: {
  24374. align: "center",
  24375. y: 5,
  24376. style: {
  24377. ...M &&
  24378. }
  24379. },
  24380. title: {
  24381. text: `${O}`,
  24382. textZh: O,
  24383. // 中文
  24384. // 中文不存在,无论英文有无都显示空
  24385. textEn: O ? j || "英文单位" : "",
  24386. // 英文
  24387. align: "high",
  24388. rotation: 0,
  24389. y: -5,
  24390. x: 0,
  24391. textAlign: "left",
  24392. reserveSpace: !1,
  24393. style: {
  24394. ...M &&
  24395. }
  24396. },
  24397. max: Number(f),
  24398. min: Number(x),
  24399. plotBands: Pi(1),
  24400. plotLines: Ti(1),
  24401. lineWidth: 1,
  24402. lineColor: "#bfbfbf",
  24403. tickColor: "#bfbfbf",
  24404. offset: 0,
  24405. opposite: !1,
  24406. reversed: !1,
  24407. visible: !0,
  24408. gridLineWidth: 0,
  24409. tickWidth: 1,
  24410. tickLength: 5,
  24411. tickPosition: "inside",
  24412. endOnTick: !1,
  24413. startOnTick: !1,
  24414. showLastLabel: !0,
  24415. //显示最后刻度值
  24416. tickPixelInterval: 50
  24417. // chartEdbInfo:item//指标数据
  24418. }], p.IsShow) {
  24419. const w = (p.IndicatorType === 1 ? p.EdbInfoList[0] : r.EdbInfoList[1]) || { Unit: "" };
  24420. p.IndicatorType === 1 ? w.Unit = p.NumFormat === 1 ? "%" : "" : w.Unit = r.EdbInfoList[1] && (r.EdbInfoList[1].ConvertUnit || r.EdbInfoList[1].Unit) || "", H.push({
  24421. ...H0.yAxis,
  24422. opposite: !0,
  24423. //右轴
  24424. labels: {
  24425. align: "center",
  24426. y: 5,
  24427. style: {
  24428. ...M &&
  24429. }
  24430. },
  24431. title: {
  24432. text: w.Unit || "",
  24433. style: {
  24434. ...M &&
  24435. },
  24436. align: "high",
  24437. rotation: 0,
  24438. y: -5,
  24439. x: 0,
  24440. textAlign: "right",
  24441. reserveSpace: !1
  24442. },
  24443. max: Number(T),
  24444. min: Number(d)
  24445. });
  24446. }
  24447. o.series = U, o.yAxis = H, kt.hasLeftAxis = !0, hi || (kt.leftMin = Number(y.MinData), kt.leftMax = Number(y.MaxData));
  24448. let k = {
  24449. tickPosition: "inside",
  24450. lineColor: "#bfbfbf",
  24451. tickColor: "#bfbfbf",
  24452. tickLength: 5,
  24453. type: "datetime",
  24454. ordinal: !1,
  24455. dateTimeLabelFormats: {
  24456. day: "%y/%m",
  24457. week: "%y/%m",
  24458. month: "%y/%m",
  24459. year: "%y/%m"
  24460. },
  24461. labels: {
  24462. formatter: (w) => ts.dateFormat("%m/%d", w.value),
  24463. style: {
  24464. ...M &&
  24465. }
  24466. },
  24467. tickInterval: Kl.value === "phone" ? G / 6 : void 0,
  24468. //季节图
  24469. plotBands: Pi(3, "datetime"),
  24470. plotLines: Ti(3, "datetime")
  24471. };
  24472. return o.xAxis = [k], o.tooltip = {
  24473. split: !1,
  24474. shared: !0,
  24475. dateTimeLabelFormats: {
  24476. // 时间格式化字符
  24477. day: "%m/%d",
  24478. week: "%m/%d",
  24479. month: "%m/%d",
  24480. year: "%m/%d"
  24481. },
  24482. xDateFormat: "%m/%d"
  24483. }, {
  24484. ...o
  24485. // title: {
  24486. // enabled: true,
  24487. // text:e.ChartInfo.ChartName
  24488. // },
  24489. // legend:{
  24490. // enabled:true,
  24491. // verticalAlign: 'top',
  24492. // y:-10,
  24493. // x:(10 * data.Unit.length)/2
  24494. // }
  24495. };
  24496. }
  24497. function cl(r) {
  24498. const p = r.EdbInfoList;
  24499. let o = {
  24500. 3: "areaspline",
  24501. 4: "column",
  24502. 6: ""
  24503. }[r.ChartInfo.ChartType];
  24504. const y = r.ChartInfo.ChartThemeStyle ? JSON.parse(r.ChartInfo.ChartThemeStyle) : null;
  24505. let N = [], D = [], U = {}, H = {}, V, G, R, B = [], S = p.some((O) => O.IsAxis === 2) ? Jl(p) : p;
  24506. r.ChartInfo.ChartType === 3 && r.ChartInfo.ExtraConfig && (H = JSON.parse(r.ChartInfo.ExtraConfig)), S.forEach((O, j) => {
  24507. let k = S.findIndex((_) => _.IsAxis === O.IsAxis), b = j;
  24508. [4].includes(r.ChartInfo.ChartType) || r.ChartInfo.ChartType === 3 && H.IsHeap == 1 ? b = 0 : r.ChartInfo.ChartType === 6 && ["areaspline", "column"].includes(O.ChartStyle) && (b = S.findIndex((_) => _.ChartStyle === O.ChartStyle)), O.IsAxis = b === j ? O.IsAxis : S[b].IsAxis, O.IsOrder = b === j ? O.IsOrder : S[b].IsOrder, V = [4].includes(r.ChartInfo.ChartType) ? S[b].IsAxis ? b : -1 : p.findIndex((_) => _.IsAxis === 1), G = [4].includes(r.ChartInfo.ChartType) ? S[b].IsAxis ? -1 : b : p.findIndex((_) => !_.IsAxis), R = [4].includes(r.ChartInfo.ChartType) ? -1 : p.findIndex((_) => _.IsAxis === 2), kt.leftIndex = V, kt.rightIndex = G, kt.rightTwoIndex = R;
  24509. let w = O.EdbName, v = S.filter(
  24510. (_) => w === _.EdbName
  24511. ), l = Co(O, v, "zh"), h = Co(O, v, "en"), u = O.EdbInfoCategoryType === 1 ? Qu(O) : {};
  24512. const i = y ? j % y.lineOptionList.length : j;
  24513. let c = {
  24514. data: [],
  24515. dataGrouping: {
  24516. enabled: !1
  24517. },
  24518. type: r.ChartInfo.ChartType !== 3 ? o || O.ChartStyle : H.IsHeap == 1 ? "area" : y && y.lineOptionList[i].lineType || O.ChartStyle,
  24519. yAxis: b,
  24520. name: l,
  24521. nameZh: l,
  24522. nameEn: h,
  24523. color: O.ChartColor,
  24524. lineWidth: Number(O.ChartWidth) || y && y.lineOptionList[i].lineWidth || 1,
  24525. fillColor: r.ChartInfo.ChartType === 3 || r.ChartInfo.ChartType === 6 && O.ChartStyle === "areaspline" ? O.ChartColor : void 0,
  24526. visible: !0,
  24527. LatestDate: O.LatestDate,
  24528. LatestValue: O.LatestValue,
  24529. ...u,
  24530. stacking: r.ChartInfo.ChartType == 6 ? r.DataResp.IsHeap ? "normal" : void 0 : r.ChartInfo.ChartType == 3 && H.IsHeap == 1 ? H.HeapWay == 1 ? "normal" : "percent" : void 0,
  24531. threshold: r.ChartInfo.ChartType == 3 ? O.ChartScale ? Number(O.ChartScale) : 0 : null
  24532. };
  24533. O.DataList = O.DataList || [];
  24534. for (let _ of O.DataList)
  24535.[_.DataTimestamp, _.Value]);
  24536. N.push(c);
  24537. let a = 0, t = 0;
  24538. if (!hi)
  24539. a = S[k].MinData, t = S[k].MaxData;
  24540. else {
  24541. const _ = {
  24542. 0: ["rightMin", "rightMax"],
  24543. 1: ["leftMin", "leftMax"],
  24544. 2: ["rightTwoMin", "rightTwoMax"]
  24545. };
  24546. _[O.IsAxis] && (a = kt[`${_[O.IsAxis][0]}`] || 0, t = kt[`${_[O.IsAxis][1]}`] || 0);
  24547. }
  24548. O.IsAxis;
  24549. const s = O.ConvertUnit || O.Unit, n = O.ConvertEnUnit || O.UnitEn || O.ConvertUnit || O.Unit;
  24550. let P = {
  24552. IsAxis: O.IsAxis,
  24553. labels: {
  24554. formatter: (_) => k !== j ? "" : r.ChartInfo.ChartType === 3 && H.HeapWay == 2 ? _.value + "%" : _.value,
  24555. align: "center",
  24556. x: [0, 2].includes(O.IsAxis) ? 5 : -5,
  24557. style: {
  24558. ...y &&
  24559. }
  24560. },
  24561. title: {
  24562. // text: sameSideIndex !== index ? '' : `${item.Unit}`,
  24563. text: s,
  24564. textZh: s,
  24565. // 中文
  24566. // 中文不存在,无论英文有无都显示空
  24567. textEn: s ? n || "英文单位" : "",
  24568. // 英文
  24569. align: "high",
  24570. rotation: 0,
  24571. y: -15,
  24572. x: O.IsAxis === 0 && R > -1 ? -S[R].Unit.length * 12 : 0,
  24573. textAlign: O.IsAxis === 1 ? "left" : "right",
  24574. reserveSpace: !1,
  24575. style: {
  24576. ...y &&
  24577. }
  24578. },
  24579. opposite: [0, 2].includes(O.IsAxis),
  24580. reversed: O.IsOrder,
  24581. min: r.ChartInfo.ChartType === 3 && H.HeapWay == 2 ? null : Number(a),
  24582. max: r.ChartInfo.ChartType === 3 && H.HeapWay == 2 ? null : Number(t),
  24583. tickWidth: k !== j ? 0 : 1,
  24584. visible: b === j && k === j,
  24585. plotBands: Pi(O.IsAxis),
  24586. plotLines: Ti(O.IsAxis),
  24587. chartEdbInfo: O
  24588. //指标数据用于在保存时读取指标数据
  24589. };
  24590. D.push(P), O.DataList.length > 0 && (B.push(O.DataList[0].DataTimestamp), B.push(O.DataList[O.DataList.length - 1].DataTimestamp));
  24591. });
  24592. let x = Math.min.apply(null, B), f = Math.max.apply(null, B);
  24593. const d = td(x, f, r.ChartInfo.DateType);
  24594. U = {
  24596. labels: {
  24597. formatter: function(O) {
  24598. return d ? ts.dateFormat("%m/%d", O.value) : ts.dateFormat("%y/%m", O.value);
  24599. },
  24600. style: {
  24601. ...y &&
  24602. }
  24603. },
  24604. tickInterval: Kl.value === "phone" ? (f - x) / 6 / (24 * 3600 * 1e3) > 30 ? (f - x) / 6 : 24 * 3600 * 1e3 * 30 : void 0,
  24605. plotBands: Pi(3, "datetime"),
  24606. plotLines: Ti(3, "datetime")
  24607. }, D.forEach((O) => {
  24608. O.IsAxis === 1 ? (kt.hasLeftAxis = !0, hi || (kt.leftMin = p[V].MinData, kt.leftMax = p[V].MaxData, O.min = p[V].MinData, O.max = p[V].MaxData)) : O.IsAxis === 2 ? (kt.hasRightTwoAxis = !0, hi || (kt.rightTwoMin = p[R].MinData, kt.rightTwoMax = p[R].MaxData, O.min = p[R].MinData, O.max = p[R].MaxData)) : (kt.hasRightAxis = !0, hi || (kt.rightMin = p[G].MinData, kt.rightMax = p[G].MaxData, O.min = p[G].MinData, O.max = p[G].MaxData));
  24609. });
  24610. let T = {
  24611. series: N,
  24612. xAxis: U,
  24613. yAxis: D,
  24614. rangeSelector: { enabled: !1 }
  24615. };
  24616. return r.ChartInfo.ChartType === 3 && H.HeapWay == 2 && (T.tooltip = {
  24617. split: !1,
  24618. shared: !0,
  24619. dateTimeLabelFormats: {
  24620. // 时间格式化字符
  24621. day: "%Y/%m/%d",
  24622. week: "%Y/%m",
  24623. month: "%Y/%m",
  24624. year: "%Y/%m"
  24625. },
  24626. xDateFormat: "%Y/%m/%d",
  24627. className: "chart-tooltips-box",
  24628. pointFormat: '<span style="color:{point.color}">●</span><span>{}</span>:<b>{point.percentage:.1f}%</b> ({point.y:,.1f})<br/>'
  24629. }), T;
  24630. }
  24631. function uC(r) {
  24632. kt.leftIndex = 1, kt.rightIndex = -1, kt.rightTwoIndex = -1;
  24633. const p = r.EdbInfoList, { ChartInfo: M } = r, o = M.ChartThemeStyle ? JSON.parse(M.ChartThemeStyle) : null;
  24634. kt.hasLeftAxis = !0;
  24635. const y = [];
  24636. let N = {}, D = ss.cloneDeep(p)[0].DataList || [], U = ss.cloneDeep(p)[1].DataList || [];
  24637. D.forEach((j) => {
  24638. U.forEach((k) => {
  24639. if (j.DataTimestamp === k.DataTimestamp) {
  24640. let b = j.Value + "_" + k.Value;
  24641. N[b] ? N[b].push(Xt(j.DataTimestamp).format("YYYY/MM/DD")) : N[b] = [Xt(j.DataTimestamp).format("YYYY/MM/DD")], y.push({
  24642. x: j.Value,
  24643. y: k.Value
  24644. });
  24645. }
  24646. });
  24647. }), y.sort((j, k) => j - k);
  24648. let H = {
  24649. formatter: function() {
  24650. return `<strong>${N[this.x + "_" + this.y].length > 4 ? N[this.x + "_" + this.y].slice(0, 4).join() + "..." : N[this.x + "_" + this.y].join()}</strong><br>
  24651. ${p[0].EdbName}: <span style="font-weight: 600"> ${this.x}</span><br>
  24652. ${p[1].EdbName}: <span style="font-weight: 600"> ${this.y}</span>
  24653. `;
  24654. },
  24655. // 中文
  24656. formatterCh: function() {
  24657. return `<strong>${N[this.x + "_" + this.y].length > 4 ? N[this.x + "_" + this.y].slice(0, 4).join() + "..." : N[this.x + "_" + this.y].join()}</strong><br>
  24658. ${p[0].EdbName}: <span style="font-weight: 600"> ${this.x}</span><br>
  24659. ${p[1].EdbName}: <span style="font-weight: 600"> ${this.y}</span>
  24660. `;
  24661. },
  24662. // 英文
  24663. formatterEn: function() {
  24664. let j = `${p[0].EdbNameEn}`, k = `${p[1].EdbNameEn}`;
  24665. return `<strong>${N[this.x + "_" + this.y].length > 4 ? N[this.x + "_" + this.y].slice(0, 4).join() + "..." : N[this.x + "_" + this.y].join()}</strong><br>
  24666. ${j}: <span style="font-weight: 600"> ${this.x}</span><br>
  24667. ${k}: <span style="font-weight: 600"> ${this.y}</span>
  24668. `;
  24669. }
  24670. };
  24671. const { IsOrder: V, ChartColor: G } = p[0];
  24672. let R = 0, B = 0;
  24673. hi ? (R = kt.leftMin || 0, B = kt.leftMax || 0) : (R = r.ChartInfo.LeftMin || 0, B = r.ChartInfo.LeftMax || 0), console.log("check limit", R, B);
  24674. const S = p[1].ConvertUnit || p[1].Unit, x = p[1].ConvertEnUnit || p[1].UnitEn || p[1].ConvertUnit || p[1].Unit;
  24675. let f = {
  24676. title: {
  24677. text: `${S}`,
  24678. textZh: S,
  24679. textEn: S ? x : "",
  24680. align: "high",
  24681. rotation: 0,
  24682. y: -15,
  24683. x: 0,
  24684. textAlign: "left",
  24685. reserveSpace: !1,
  24686. style: {
  24687. ...o &&
  24688. }
  24689. },
  24690. labels: {
  24691. formatter: function(j) {
  24692. return j.value;
  24693. },
  24694. align: "center",
  24695. style: {
  24696. ...o &&
  24697. }
  24698. },
  24699. opposite: !1,
  24700. reversed: V,
  24701. min: Number(R),
  24702. max: Number(B),
  24703. tickWidth: 1,
  24704. tickLength: 5,
  24705. lineWidth: 1,
  24706. lineColor: "#bfbfbf",
  24707. tickColor: "#bfbfbf",
  24708. offset: 0,
  24709. visible: !0,
  24710. gridLineWidth: 0,
  24711. tickPosition: "inside",
  24712. endOnTick: !1,
  24713. startOnTick: !1,
  24714. showLastLabel: !0,
  24715. tickPixelInterval: 50,
  24716. plotBands: Pi(1),
  24717. plotLines: Ti(1)
  24718. }, d = {
  24719. data: [],
  24720. type: "scatter",
  24721. name: `${M.ChartName}${V ? "(逆序)" : ""}`,
  24722. nameZh: `${M.ChartName}${V ? "(逆序)" : ""}`,
  24723. nameEn: M.ChartNameEn ? `${M.ChartNameEn}${V ? "(reverse)" : ""}` : "",
  24724. color: G,
  24725. visible: !0,
  24726. chartType: "linear",
  24727. marker: {
  24728. radius: o && o.lineOptionList[0].radius || 5
  24729. }
  24730. };
  24731. y.forEach((j) => {
  24732.[j.x, j.y]);
  24733. });
  24734. const T = p[0].ConvertUnit || p[0].Unit, O = p[0].ConvertEnUnit || p[0].UnitEn || p[0].ConvertUnit || p[0].Unit;
  24735. return {
  24736. title: {
  24737. text: ""
  24738. },
  24739. series: [d],
  24740. yAxis: f,
  24741. xAxis: {
  24742. ...wn,
  24743. title: {
  24744. text: `${T}`,
  24745. textZh: T,
  24746. textEn: T ? O : "",
  24747. align: "high",
  24748. rotation: 0,
  24749. x: 0,
  24750. offset: 20,
  24751. style: {
  24752. ...o &&
  24753. }
  24754. },
  24755. labels: {
  24756. style: {
  24757. ...o &&
  24758. }
  24759. }
  24760. },
  24761. tooltip: H
  24762. };
  24763. }
  24764. const ed = Le([]), id = Le([]), dC = Le([]);
  24765. function fC(r) {
  24766. var G, R, B;
  24767. let p = [];
  24768. const M = ss.cloneDeep(ed.value), o = r.ChartInfo.ChartThemeStyle ? JSON.parse(r.ChartInfo.ChartThemeStyle) : null;
  24769. let y = {
  24770. ...wn,
  24771. categories: id.value,
  24772. tickWidth: 1,
  24773. labels: {
  24774. style: {
  24775. ...o &&
  24776. }
  24777. }
  24778. };
  24779. const { leftMin: N, leftMax: D } = kt, U = (G = r.ChartInfo) == null ? void 0 : G.Unit, H = ((R = r.ChartInfo) == null ? void 0 : R.UnitEn) || ((B = r.ChartInfo) == null ? void 0 : B.Unit);
  24780. let V = {
  24782. title: {
  24783. text: U,
  24784. textZh: U,
  24785. textEn: H,
  24786. align: "high",
  24787. rotation: 0,
  24788. y: -12,
  24789. x: 0,
  24790. textAlign: "left",
  24791. reserveSpace: !1,
  24792. style: {
  24793. ...o &&
  24794. }
  24795. },
  24796. labels: {
  24797. formatter: function(S) {
  24798. return S.value;
  24799. },
  24800. align: "center",
  24801. style: {
  24802. ...o &&
  24803. }
  24804. },
  24805. min: Number(N),
  24806. max: Number(D),
  24807. opposite: !1,
  24808. tickWidth: 1,
  24809. plotBands: Pi(1),
  24810. plotLines: Ti(1)
  24811. };
  24812. return M.forEach((S) => {
  24813. let x = {
  24814. data: S.Value,
  24815. type: "column",
  24816. yAxis: 0,
  24817. name: S.Name || S.Date,
  24818. nameZh: S.Name || S.Date,
  24819. nameEn: S.Date,
  24820. color: S.Color,
  24821. chartType: "linear",
  24822. visible: !0
  24823. };
  24824. p.push(x);
  24825. }), {
  24826. title: {
  24827. text: ""
  24828. },
  24829. plotOptions: {
  24830. column: {
  24831. stacking: null
  24832. }
  24833. },
  24834. series: p,
  24835. yAxis: [V],
  24836. xAxis: y
  24837. };
  24838. }
  24839. function gC(r) {
  24840. const { XEdbIdValue: p, YDataList: M, EdbInfoList: o, ChartInfo: y } = r;
  24841. let N = => o.find((U) => U.EdbInfoId === D).EdbAliasName);
  24842. return kt.leftIndex = -1, kt.rightIndex = -1, kt.rightTwoIndex = -1, ed.value = M, id.value = N, dC.value = o, kt.hasLeftAxis = !0, kt.leftMin = Number(y.LeftMin), kt.leftMax = Number(y.LeftMax), fC(r);
  24843. }
  24844. const rd = Le([]), Fr = Le([]), Ri = Le([]), mC = (r, p) => {
  24845. kt.leftIndex = -1, kt.rightIndex = -1, kt.rightTwoIndex = -1;
  24846. const M = _e.value.ChartInfo.ChartThemeStyle ? JSON.parse(_e.value.ChartInfo.ChartThemeStyle) : null;
  24847. let o = [];
  24848. const y = ss.cloneDeep(rd.value);
  24849. console.log(y);
  24850. let N = {
  24851. ...wn,
  24852. categories: Fr.value.filter((H) => H.IsHide === 0).map((H) => H.Name),
  24853. tickWidth: 1,
  24854. labels: {
  24855. style: {
  24856. ...M &&
  24857. }
  24858. }
  24859. }, D = {
  24861. title: {
  24862. text: Ri.value[0].Unit,
  24863. textZh: Ri.value[0].Unit,
  24864. textEn: Ri.value[0].Unit ? Ri.value[0].UnitEn || "英文单位" : "",
  24865. align: "high",
  24866. rotation: 0,
  24867. y: -15,
  24868. textAlign: "left",
  24869. reserveSpace: !1,
  24870. style: {
  24871. ...M &&
  24872. }
  24873. },
  24874. labels: {
  24875. formatter: function(H) {
  24876. return H.value;
  24877. },
  24878. align: "center",
  24879. style: {
  24880. ...M &&
  24881. }
  24882. },
  24883. min: Number(r),
  24884. max: Number(p),
  24885. opposite: !1,
  24886. tickWidth: 1
  24887. };
  24888. return y.forEach((H, V) => {
  24889. let G = yC(H);
  24890. const R = M ? V % M.lineOptionList.length : V;
  24891. let B = {
  24892. data: G,
  24893. type: M && M.lineOptionList[R].lineType || "spline",
  24894. dashStyle: M && M.lineOptionList[R].dashStyle || "Solid",
  24895. yAxis: 0,
  24896. name: H.Name,
  24897. nameZh: H.Name,
  24898. nameEn: H.NameEn,
  24899. color: H.Color,
  24900. chartType: "linear",
  24901. lineWidth: M && M.lineOptionList[R].lineWidth || 3,
  24902. visible: !0,
  24903. marker: {
  24904. enabled: !1
  24905. }
  24906. };
  24907. o.push(B);
  24908. }), {
  24909. title: {
  24910. text: ""
  24911. },
  24912. series: o,
  24913. yAxis: [D],
  24914. xAxis: N,
  24915. tooltip: {
  24916. formatter: function() {
  24917. const H = this;
  24918. let V = "";
  24919. return H.points.forEach((G) => {
  24920. let R = y.find((x) => x.Name ===, B = Fr.value.findIndex((x) => x.Name === H.x);
  24921. const S = R.XEdbInfoIdList[B];
  24922. if (S) {
  24923. const x = Ri.value.some((d) => d.EdbInfoId === S);
  24924. let f = _e.value.ChartInfo.Source === 5 ? x ? R.NameList[B] : `${_e.value.DataResp.ProfitName}(${R.NameList[B]})` : Ri.value.find((d) => d.EdbInfoId === R.XEdbInfoIdList[B]).EdbName;
  24925. V += `<b>${f}</b>`, R.NoDataEdbList.includes(R.XEdbInfoIdList[B]) ? V += `<br><span style="color:${G.color}">●</span>${R.Date}: 无<br>` : V += `<br><span style="color:${G.color}">●</span>${R.Date}: ${G.y}<br>`;
  24926. }
  24927. }), V || "无合约";
  24928. },
  24929. formatterCh: function() {
  24930. const H = this;
  24931. let V = "";
  24932. return H.points.forEach((G) => {
  24933. let R = y.find((x) => x.Name ===, B = Fr.value.findIndex((x) => x.Name === H.x);
  24934. const S = R.XEdbInfoIdList[B];
  24935. if (S) {
  24936. const x = Ri.value.some((d) => d.EdbInfoId === S);
  24937. let f = _e.value.ChartInfo.Source === 5 ? x ? R.NameList[B] : `${_e.value.DataResp.ProfitName}(${R.NameList[B]})` : Ri.value.find((d) => d.EdbInfoId === R.XEdbInfoIdList[B]).EdbName;
  24938. V += `<b>${f}</b>`, R.NoDataEdbList.includes(R.XEdbInfoIdList[B]) ? V += `<br><span style="color:${G.color}">●</span>${R.Date}: 无<br>` : V += `<br><span style="color:${G.color}">●</span>${R.Date}: ${G.y}<br>`;
  24939. }
  24940. }), V || "无合约";
  24941. },
  24942. formatterEn: function() {
  24943. const H = this;
  24944. let V = "";
  24945. return H.points.forEach((G) => {
  24946. let R = y.find((x) => x.NameEn ===, B = Fr.value.findIndex((x) => x.NameEn === H.x);
  24947. const S = R.XEdbInfoIdList[B];
  24948. if (S) {
  24949. const x = Ri.value.some((d) => d.EdbInfoId === S);
  24950. let f = _e.value.ChartInfo.Source === 5 ? x ? R.NameList[B] : `${_e.value.DataResp.ProfitNameEn}(${R.NameList[B]})` : Ri.value.find((d) => d.EdbInfoId === R.XEdbInfoIdList[B]).EdbNameEn;
  24951. V += `<b>${f}</b>`, R.NoDataEdbList.includes(R.XEdbInfoIdList[B]) ? V += `<br><span style="color:${G.color}">●</span>${R.Date}: 无<br>` : V += `<br><span style="color:${G.color}">●</span>${R.Date}: ${G.y}<br>`;
  24952. }
  24953. }), V || "无合约";
  24954. },
  24955. shared: !0
  24956. }
  24957. };
  24958. };
  24959. function yC(r) {
  24960. let p = r.XEdbInfoIdList.filter((D) => !r.NoDataEdbList.includes(D)), M = r.XEdbInfoIdList.findIndex((D) => D === p[0]), o = r.XEdbInfoIdList.findIndex((D) => D === p[p.length - 1]), y =, U) => U < M || U > o ? null : D), N = [];
  24961. return Fr.value.forEach((D, U) => {
  24962. D.IsHide !== 1 && N.push(y[U]);
  24963. }), N;
  24964. }
  24965. function vC(r) {
  24966. const { XDataList: p, YDataList: M, EdbInfoList: o, ChartInfo: y, DataResp: N } = r;
  24967. return Ri.value = o, rd.value = y.Source === 5 ? N.YDataList : M, Fr.value = y.Source === 5 ? N.XDataList : p, kt.hasLeftAxis = !0, kt.leftMin = Number(y.LeftMin), kt.leftMax = Number(y.LeftMax), mC(y.LeftMin, y.LeftMax);
  24968. }
  24969. function xC(r) {
  24970. const p = r.ChartInfo.ChartThemeStyle ? JSON.parse(r.ChartInfo.ChartThemeStyle) : null;
  24971. kt.leftIndex = -1, kt.rightIndex = -1, kt.rightTwoIndex = -1;
  24972. let M = {
  24973. categories: r.ChartInfo.Source === 3 ? r.XEdbIdValue : r.DataResp.XDateTimeValue,
  24974. tickWidth: 1,
  24975. title: {
  24976. text: r.ChartInfo.Source === 3 ? `期数(${r.CorrelationChartInfo.LeadUnit})` : null,
  24977. textZh: r.ChartInfo.Source === 3 ? `期数(${r.CorrelationChartInfo.LeadUnit})` : null,
  24978. textEn: r.ChartInfo.Source === 3 ? `stage(${Lp[r.CorrelationChartInfo.LeadUnit]})` : null,
  24979. align: "high",
  24980. rotation: 0,
  24981. x: 0,
  24982. y: 10,
  24983. offset: 20,
  24984. style: {
  24985. ...p &&
  24986. }
  24987. },
  24988. labels: {
  24989. style: {
  24990. ...p &&
  24991. }
  24992. },
  24993. tickInterval: 1,
  24994. offset: 0,
  24995. tickmarkPlacement: "on"
  24996. }, o = {
  24998. title: {
  24999. text: "相关性系数",
  25000. textZh: "相关性系数",
  25001. textEn: "Correlation coefficient",
  25002. align: "high",
  25003. rotation: 0,
  25004. y: -15,
  25005. textAlign: "left",
  25006. reserveSpace: !1,
  25007. style: {
  25008. ...p &&
  25009. }
  25010. },
  25011. labels: {
  25012. formatter: function(V) {
  25013. return V.value;
  25014. },
  25015. align: "center",
  25016. style: {
  25017. ...p &&
  25018. }
  25019. },
  25020. opposite: !1,
  25021. tickWidth: 1
  25022. }, y = [];
  25023. r.YDataList.forEach((V, G) => {
  25024. const R = p ? G % p.lineOptionList.length : G;
  25025. let B = {
  25026. data: V.Value,
  25027. type: p && p.lineOptionList[R].lineType || "spline",
  25028. dashStyle: p && p.lineOptionList[R].dashStyle || "Solid",
  25029. yAxis: 0,
  25030. name: V.Name || r.ChartInfo.ChartName,
  25031. nameZh: V.Name || r.ChartInfo.ChartName,
  25032. nameEn: V.NameEn || r.ChartInfo.ChartNameEn,
  25033. color: V.Color,
  25034. chartType: "linear",
  25035. lineWidth: p && p.lineOptionList[R].lineWidth || 3,
  25036. visible: !0,
  25037. marker: {
  25038. enabled: !1
  25039. }
  25040. };
  25041. y.push(B);
  25042. });
  25043. const { LeadValue: N, LeadUnit: D } = r.CorrelationChartInfo, { Source: U } = r.ChartInfo;
  25044. let H = {
  25045. formatter: function() {
  25046. return `<p>相关性系数:${this.y.toFixed(4)}</p><br><p>领先${U === 3 ? this.x + "期" : N + D}</p>`;
  25047. },
  25048. formatterCh: function() {
  25049. return `<p>相关性系数:${this.y.toFixed(4)}</p><br><p>领先${U === 3 ? this.x + "期" : N + D}</p>`;
  25050. },
  25051. formatterEn: function() {
  25052. return `<p>Correlation coefficient:${this.y.toFixed(4)}</p><br><p>lead${U === 3 ? this.x + "stage" : N + Lp[D]}</p>`;
  25053. }
  25054. };
  25055. return go(() => {
  25056. re.value = {
  25057. isRelevanceChart: r.ChartInfo.Source === 3,
  25058. title: {
  25059. text: ""
  25060. },
  25061. series: y,
  25062. yAxis: [o],
  25063. xAxis: M,
  25064. tooltip: H
  25065. }, ho.update(re.value, !0);
  25066. }), {
  25067. isRelevanceChart: !0,
  25068. title: {
  25069. text: ""
  25070. },
  25071. series: y,
  25072. yAxis: [o],
  25073. xAxis: M,
  25074. tooltip: H
  25075. };
  25076. }
  25077. function bC({ DataResp: r, ChartInfo: p }) {
  25078. kt.leftIndex = -1, kt.rightIndex = -1, kt.rightTwoIndex = -1;
  25079. const M = p.ChartThemeStyle ? JSON.parse(p.ChartThemeStyle) : null, { DataList: o, XName: y, XNameEn: N, XUnitName: D, XUnitNameEn: U, YName: H, YNameEn: V, YUnitName: G, YUnitNameEn: R } = r, B = Number(r.YMinValue), S = Number(r.YMaxValue), x = Number(r.XMinValue), f = Number(r.XMaxValue);
  25080. kt.hasLeftAxis = !0, kt.hasXAxis = !0, kt.leftMin = B, kt.leftMax = S, kt.xMin = x, kt.xMax = f;
  25081. let d = {
  25083. title: {
  25084. text: H,
  25085. textZh: H,
  25086. // 中文
  25087. textEn: V || "",
  25088. style: {
  25089. ...M &&
  25090. },
  25091. align: "middle"
  25092. },
  25093. labels: {
  25094. style: {
  25095. ...M &&
  25096. }
  25097. },
  25098. opposite: !1,
  25099. reversed: !1,
  25100. min: Number(B),
  25101. max: Number(S),
  25102. tickWidth: 1,
  25103. plotBands: Pi(1),
  25104. plotLines: Ti(1)
  25105. }, T = {
  25106. ...wn,
  25107. title: {
  25108. text: y,
  25109. textZh: y,
  25110. // 中文
  25111. textEn: N || "",
  25112. style: {
  25113. ...M &&
  25114. },
  25115. align: "middle"
  25116. },
  25117. labels: {
  25118. style: {
  25119. ...M &&
  25120. }
  25121. },
  25122. min: Number(x),
  25123. max: Number(f),
  25124. plotBands: Pi(3),
  25125. plotLines: Ti(3)
  25126. }, O = [];
  25127. return o.forEach((k, b) => {
  25128. const w = M ? b % M.lineOptionList.length : b;
  25129. let v = {
  25130. data: [],
  25131. type: "scatter",
  25132. name: k.Name,
  25133. nameZh: k.Name,
  25134. nameEn: k.NameEn,
  25135. color: k.Color,
  25136. lineWidth: 0,
  25137. chartType: "linear",
  25138. zIndex: 1,
  25139. visible: !0,
  25140. marker: {
  25141. radius: M && M.lineOptionList[w].radius || 5
  25142. }
  25143. };
  25144. if (k.EdbInfoList.forEach((l) => {
  25146. x: l.XValue,
  25147. y: l.YValue,
  25148. dataLabels: {
  25149. enabled: l.IsShow,
  25150. allowOverlap: !0,
  25151. align: "left",
  25152. format: l.Name,
  25153. formatZh: l.Name,
  25154. formatEn: l.NameEn
  25155. }
  25156. });
  25157. }), O.push(v), k.ShowTrendLine) {
  25158. let h = {
  25159. data:, i) => i === k.TrendLimitData.length - 1 ? {
  25160. x: u.X,
  25161. y: u.Y,
  25162. dataLabels: {
  25163. enabled: k.ShowRSquare || k.ShowFitEquation,
  25164. align: "left",
  25165. color: k.Color,
  25166. x: 20,
  25167. y: 30,
  25168. zIndex: 9,
  25169. allowOverlap: !0,
  25170. formatter: function() {
  25171. let c = "";
  25172. return k.ShowRSquare && k.ShowFitEquation ? c = `<span>${k.TrendLine}</span><br><span>R²=${k.RSquare}</span>` : k.ShowRSquare && !k.ShowFitEquation ? c = `<span>R²=${k.RSquare}</span>` : k.ShowFitEquation && !k.ShowRSquare && (c = `<span>${k.TrendLine}</span>`), c;
  25173. }
  25174. }
  25175. } : {
  25176. x: u.X,
  25177. y: u.Y
  25178. }),
  25179. type: "spline",
  25180. linkedTo: ":previous",
  25181. color: k.Color,
  25182. lineWidth: 1,
  25183. chartType: "linear",
  25184. enableMouseTracking: !1,
  25185. dashStyle: "Dash",
  25186. zIndex: 2,
  25187. visible: !0,
  25188. marker: {
  25189. enabled: !1
  25190. }
  25191. };
  25192. O.push(h);
  25193. }
  25194. }), {
  25195. title: {
  25196. text: ""
  25197. },
  25198. series: O,
  25199. yAxis: [d],
  25200. xAxis: T,
  25201. tooltip: {
  25202. formatter: function() {
  25203. let b = o.find((v) => v.Name === => v.XValue === this.x && v.YValue === this.y), w = `<b>${b.Name}</b>`;
  25204. return w += `<br><span style="color:${this.color}">●</span>${b.XName}: ${this.x} ${b.XDate}<br>`, w += `<span style="color:${this.color}">●</span>${b.YName}: ${this.y} (${b.YDate})`, w;
  25205. },
  25206. formatterCh: function() {
  25207. let b = o.find((v) => v.Name === => v.XValue === this.x && v.YValue === this.y), w = `<b>${b.Name}</b>`;
  25208. return w += `<br><span style="color:${this.color}">●</span>${b.XName}: ${this.x} ${b.XDate}<br>`, w += `<span style="color:${this.color}">●</span>${b.YName}: ${this.y} (${b.YDate})`, w;
  25209. },
  25210. formatterEn: function() {
  25211. let b = o.find((v) => v.NameEn === => v.XValue === this.x && v.YValue === this.y), w = `<b>${b.NameEn}</b>`;
  25212. return w += `<br><span style="color:${this.color}">●</span>${b.XNameEn}: ${this.x} ${b.XDate}<br>`, w += `<span style="color:${this.color}">●</span>${b.YNameEn}: ${this.y} ${b.YDate}`, w;
  25213. }
  25214. }
  25215. };
  25216. }
  25217. function SC({ DataResp: r, EdbInfoList: p, ChartInfo: M }) {
  25218. kt.leftIndex = -1, kt.rightIndex = -1, kt.rightTwoIndex = -1;
  25219. const o = M.ChartThemeStyle ? JSON.parse(M.ChartThemeStyle) : null, { DataList: y, XName: N, YName: D, XNameEn: U, YNameEn: H, XMaxValue: V, XMinValue: G, YMaxValue: R, YMinValue: B } = r, { leftMin: S, leftMax: x, xMin: f, xMax: d } = kt;
  25220. let T = {
  25222. title: {
  25223. text: D,
  25224. textCh: D,
  25225. // 中文
  25226. textEn: H || D,
  25227. align: "middle",
  25228. style: {
  25229. ...o &&
  25230. }
  25231. },
  25232. labels: {
  25233. style: {
  25234. ...o &&
  25235. }
  25236. },
  25237. opposite: !1,
  25238. reversed: !1,
  25239. min: Number(S),
  25240. max: Number(x),
  25241. tickWidth: 1
  25242. }, O = {
  25243. ...wn,
  25244. title: {
  25245. text: N,
  25246. textCh: N,
  25247. // 中文
  25248. textEn: U || N,
  25249. align: "middle",
  25250. style: {
  25251. ...o &&
  25252. }
  25253. },
  25254. labels: {
  25255. style: {
  25256. ...o &&
  25257. }
  25258. },
  25259. min: Number(f),
  25260. max: Number(d)
  25261. }, j = [];
  25262. const k = {
  25263. //标签对应文字
  25264. 1: "最新",
  25265. 3: "Fix"
  25266. };
  25267. return y.forEach((w) => {
  25268. let v = {
  25269. data: [],
  25270. type: "scatter",
  25271. name: w.Name,
  25272. nameZh: w.Name,
  25273. nameEn: w.NameEn || w.Name,
  25274. color: w.Color,
  25275. lineWidth: 0,
  25276. chartType: "linear",
  25277. zIndex: 1
  25278. };
  25279. w.CoordinatePointData.forEach((l) => {
  25281. x: l.X,
  25282. y: l.Y,
  25283. dataLabels: {
  25284. enabled: l.ShowTips === 1,
  25285. allowOverlap: !0,
  25286. align: "left",
  25287. format: k[l.DateType] || `-${l.DaysAgo}D`
  25288. }
  25289. });
  25290. }), j.push(v);
  25291. }), {
  25292. title: {
  25293. text: ""
  25294. },
  25295. series: j,
  25296. yAxis: [T],
  25297. xAxis: O,
  25298. tooltip: {
  25299. formatter: function() {
  25300. let v = y.find((i) => i.Name === => i.X === this.x && i.Y === this.y), l = p.find((i) => i.EdbInfoId === v.XEdbInfoId), h = p.find((i) => i.EdbInfoId === v.YEdbInfoId), u = `<b>${}</b>`;
  25301. return u += `<br><span style="color:${this.color}">●</span>${l.EdbName}: ${this.x} ${v.XDate}<br>`, u += `<span style="color:${this.color}">●</span>${h.EdbName}: ${this.y} ${v.YDate}`, u;
  25302. },
  25303. formatterCh: function() {
  25304. let v = y.find((i) => i.Name === => i.X === this.x && i.Y === this.y), l = p.find((i) => i.EdbInfoId === v.XEdbInfoId), h = p.find((i) => i.EdbInfoId === v.YEdbInfoId), u = `<b>${}</b>`;
  25305. return u += `<br><span style="color:${this.color}">●</span>${l.EdbName}: ${this.x} ${v.XDate}<br>`, u += `<span style="color:${this.color}">●</span>${h.EdbName}: ${this.y} ${v.YDate}`, u;
  25306. },
  25307. formatterEn: function() {
  25308. let v = y.find((i) => i.NameEn === => i.X === this.x && i.Y === this.y), l = p.find((i) => i.EdbInfoId === v.XEdbInfoId), h = p.find((i) => i.EdbInfoId === v.YEdbInfoId), u = `<b>${}</b>`;
  25309. return u += `<br><span style="color:${this.color}">●</span>${l.EdbNameEn}: ${this.x} ${v.XDate}<br>`, u += `<span style="color:${this.color}">●</span>${h.EdbNameEn}: ${this.y} ${v.YDate}`, u;
  25310. }
  25311. }
  25312. };
  25313. }
  25314. function wC({ DataResp: r, EdbInfoList: p, ChartInfo: M }) {
  25315. kt.leftIndex = -1, kt.rightIndex = -1, kt.rightTwoIndex = -1;
  25316. const { YDataList: o, XEdbIdValue: y } = r;
  25317. let N = p.filter((G) => y.includes(G.EdbInfoId));
  25318. kt.hasLeftAxis = !0, kt.leftMin = Number(M.LeftMin), kt.leftMax = Number(M.LeftMax);
  25319. const D = M.ChartThemeStyle ? JSON.parse(M.ChartThemeStyle) : null;
  25320. let U = {
  25321. lineWidth: 0,
  25322. tickLength: 0,
  25323. tickmarkPlacement: "on",
  25324. categories: => G.EdbAliasName || G.EdbName),
  25325. labels: {
  25326. allowOverlap: !0,
  25327. autoRotationLimit: 40,
  25328. style: {
  25329. ...D &&
  25330. }
  25331. }
  25332. }, H = [{
  25333. gridLineInterpolation: "polygon",
  25334. gridLineWidth: 1,
  25335. lineWidth: 0,
  25336. endOnTick: !1,
  25337. startOnTick: !1,
  25338. showLastLabel: !0,
  25339. // tickAmount:4,
  25340. title: {
  25341. text: M.Unit,
  25342. textCh: M.Unit,
  25343. textEn: M.UnitEn,
  25344. align: "high",
  25345. rotation: 0,
  25346. y: 5,
  25347. x: 10,
  25348. textAlign: "left",
  25349. reserveSpace: !1,
  25350. style: {
  25351. ...D &&
  25352. }
  25353. },
  25354. labels: {
  25355. allowOverlap: !0,
  25356. style: {
  25357. ...D &&
  25358. }
  25359. },
  25360. min: Number(M.LeftMin),
  25361. max: Number(M.LeftMax)
  25362. }], V = [];
  25363. return o.forEach((G, R) => {
  25364. const B = D ? R % D.lineOptionList.length : R;
  25365. let S = {
  25366. name: G.Name || G.Date,
  25367. nameZh: G.Name || G.Date,
  25368. nameEn: G.Date,
  25369. data: G.Value,
  25370. pointPlacement: "on",
  25371. type: D && D.lineOptionList[B].lineType || "line",
  25372. dashStyle: D && D.lineOptionList[B].dashStyle || "Solid",
  25373. yAxis: 0,
  25374. color: G.Color,
  25375. lineWidth: D && D.lineOptionList[B].lineWidth || 1,
  25376. chartType: "linear"
  25377. };
  25378. V.push(S);
  25379. }), {
  25380. chart: {
  25382. ...D == null ? void 0 : D.drawOption,
  25383. spacing: [2, 10, 2, 10],
  25384. polar: !0
  25385. },
  25386. title: {
  25387. text: ""
  25388. },
  25389. pane: {
  25390. size: "85%"
  25391. },
  25392. series: V,
  25393. yAxis: H,
  25394. xAxis: U
  25395. };
  25396. }
  25397. function so(r = "rgba(51, 51, 51, 1)") {
  25398. const p = r.match(/(\d(\.\d+)?)+/g) || ["", "", "", 1];
  25399. return parseFloat(p[3] || 1);
  25400. }
  25401. function CC(r = [], p, M = {}) {
  25402. if (p.ChartType === 5) {
  25403. r[1] && (kt.leftMin = r[1].MinData, kt.leftMax = r[1].MaxData);
  25404. return;
  25405. }
  25406. const o = r.filter((D) => D.IsAxis === 1).map((D) => [Number(D.MinData), Number(D.MaxData)]), y = r.filter((D) => !D.IsAxis).map((D) => [Number(D.MinData), Number(D.MaxData)]), N = r.filter((D) => D.IsAxis === 2).map((D) => [Number(D.MinData), Number(D.MaxData)]);
  25407. if (o.length) {
  25408. const {
  25409. Max: D,
  25410. Min: U
  25411. } = Sn(o.flat());
  25412. kt.leftMin = U, kt.leftMax = D;
  25413. }
  25414. if (y.length) {
  25415. const {
  25416. Max: D,
  25417. Min: U
  25418. } = Sn(y.flat());
  25419. kt.rightMin = U, kt.rightMax = D;
  25420. }
  25421. if (N.length) {
  25422. const {
  25423. Max: D,
  25424. Min: U
  25425. } = Sn(N.flat());
  25426. kt.rightTwoMin = U, kt.rightTwoMax = D;
  25427. }
  25428. p.ChartType === 2 && M.RightAxis && M.RightAxis.IsAdd && M.RightAxis.IsShow && (M.RightAxis.IndicatorType === 1 ? (kt.rightMin = M.RightAxis.EdbInfoList[0].MinData || 0, kt.rightMax = M.RightAxis.EdbInfoList[0].MaxData || 0) : (kt.rightMin = r[1].MinData || 0, kt.rightMax = r[1].MaxData || 0));
  25429. }
  25430. function Sn(r) {
  25431. return {
  25432. Max: Math.max(...r),
  25433. Min: Math.min(...r)
  25434. };
  25435. }
  25436. function MC({ EdbInfoList: r, ChartInfo: p, DataResp: M }) {
  25437. const {
  25438. //左右轴极值字段
  25439. LeftMin: o = 0,
  25440. LeftMax: y = 0,
  25441. RightMin: N = 0,
  25442. RightMax: D = 0,
  25443. Right2Min: U = 0,
  25444. Right2Max: H = 0,
  25445. MinMaxSave: V
  25446. } = p;
  25447. V ? (kt.leftMin = Number(o), kt.leftMax = Number(y), kt.rightMin = Number(N), kt.rightMax = Number(D), kt.rightTwoMin = Number(U), kt.rightTwoMax = Number(H), kC(r, p), console.log("check", kt.leftMin, kt.leftMax)) : CC(r, p, M || {});
  25448. }
  25449. function kC(r = [], p) {
  25450. if (p.ChartType === 5) {
  25451. r[1] && Number(kt.leftMin) === 0 && Number(kt.leftMax) === 0 && (kt.leftMin = r[1].MinData, kt.leftMax = r[1].MaxData);
  25452. return;
  25453. }
  25454. if (Number(kt.leftMin) === 0 && Number(kt.leftMax) === 0) {
  25455. const M = r.filter((o) => o.IsAxis === 1).map((o) => [Number(o.MinData), Number(o.MaxData)]);
  25456. if (M.length) {
  25457. const { Max: o, Min: y } = Sn(M.flat());
  25458. kt.leftMin = y, kt.leftMax = o;
  25459. }
  25460. }
  25461. if (Number(kt.rightMin) === 0 && Number(kt.rightMax) === 0) {
  25462. const M = r.filter((o) => !o.IsAxis).map((o) => [Number(o.MinData), Number(o.MaxData)]);
  25463. if (M.length) {
  25464. const { Max: o, Min: y } = Sn(M.flat());
  25465. kt.rightMin = y, kt.rightMax = o;
  25466. }
  25467. }
  25468. if (Number(kt.rightTwoMin) === 0 && Number(kt.rightTwoMax) === 0) {
  25469. const M = r.filter((o) => o.IsAxis === 2).map((o) => [Number(o.MinData), Number(o.MaxData)]);
  25470. if (M.length) {
  25471. const { Max: o, Min: y } = Sn(M.flat());
  25472. kt.rightTwoMin = y, kt.rightTwoMax = o;
  25473. }
  25474. }
  25475. }
  25476. function nd(r, p) {
  25477. return function() {
  25478. return r.apply(p, arguments);
  25479. };
  25480. }
  25481. const { toString: AC } = Object.prototype, { getPrototypeOf: ql } = Object, jo = ((r) => (p) => {
  25482. const M =;
  25483. return r[M] || (r[M] = M.slice(8, -1).toLowerCase());
  25484. })(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null)), zi = (r) => (r = r.toLowerCase(), (p) => jo(p) === r), Wo = (r) => (p) => typeof p === r, { isArray: Tn } = Array, os = Wo("undefined");
  25485. function TC(r) {
  25486. return r !== null && !os(r) && r.constructor !== null && !os(r.constructor) && mi(r.constructor.isBuffer) && r.constructor.isBuffer(r);
  25487. }
  25488. const sd = zi("ArrayBuffer");
  25489. function PC(r) {
  25490. let p;
  25491. return typeof ArrayBuffer < "u" && ArrayBuffer.isView ? p = ArrayBuffer.isView(r) : p = r && r.buffer && sd(r.buffer), p;
  25492. }
  25493. const EC = Wo("string"), mi = Wo("function"), od = Wo("number"), Yo = (r) => r !== null && typeof r == "object", OC = (r) => r === !0 || r === !1, co = (r) => {
  25494. if (jo(r) !== "object")
  25495. return !1;
  25496. const p = ql(r);
  25497. return (p === null || p === Object.prototype || Object.getPrototypeOf(p) === null) && !(Symbol.toStringTag in r) && !(Symbol.iterator in r);
  25498. }, LC = zi("Date"), _C = zi("File"), DC = zi("Blob"), IC = zi("FileList"), RC = (r) => Yo(r) && mi(r.pipe), NC = (r) => {
  25499. let p;
  25500. return r && (typeof FormData == "function" && r instanceof FormData || mi(r.append) && ((p = jo(r)) === "formdata" || // detect form-data instance
  25501. p === "object" && mi(r.toString) && r.toString() === "[object FormData]"));
  25502. }, BC = zi("URLSearchParams"), [jC, WC, YC, zC] = ["ReadableStream", "Request", "Response", "Headers"].map(zi), XC = (r) => r.trim ? r.trim() : r.replace(/^[\s\uFEFF\xA0]+|[\s\uFEFF\xA0]+$/g, "");
  25503. function ps(r, p, { allOwnKeys: M = !1 } = {}) {
  25504. if (r === null || typeof r > "u")
  25505. return;
  25506. let o, y;
  25507. if (typeof r != "object" && (r = [r]), Tn(r))
  25508. for (o = 0, y = r.length; o < y; o++)
  25509., r[o], o, r);
  25510. else {
  25511. const N = M ? Object.getOwnPropertyNames(r) : Object.keys(r), D = N.length;
  25512. let U;
  25513. for (o = 0; o < D; o++)
  25514. U = N[o],, r[U], U, r);
  25515. }
  25516. }
  25517. function ad(r, p) {
  25518. p = p.toLowerCase();
  25519. const M = Object.keys(r);
  25520. let o = M.length, y;
  25521. for (; o-- > 0; )
  25522. if (y = M[o], p === y.toLowerCase())
  25523. return y;
  25524. return null;
  25525. }
  25526. const Ur = (() => typeof globalThis < "u" ? globalThis : typeof self < "u" ? self : typeof window < "u" ? window : global)(), ld = (r) => !os(r) && r !== Ur;
  25527. function wl() {
  25528. const { caseless: r } = ld(this) && this || {}, p = {}, M = (o, y) => {
  25529. const N = r && ad(p, y) || y;
  25530. co(p[N]) && co(o) ? p[N] = wl(p[N], o) : co(o) ? p[N] = wl({}, o) : Tn(o) ? p[N] = o.slice() : p[N] = o;
  25531. };
  25532. for (let o = 0, y = arguments.length; o < y; o++)
  25533. arguments[o] && ps(arguments[o], M);
  25534. return p;
  25535. }
  25536. const GC = (r, p, M, { allOwnKeys: o } = {}) => (ps(p, (y, N) => {
  25537. M && mi(y) ? r[N] = nd(y, M) : r[N] = y;
  25538. }, { allOwnKeys: o }), r), HC = (r) => (r.charCodeAt(0) === 65279 && (r = r.slice(1)), r), FC = (r, p, M, o) => {
  25539. r.prototype = Object.create(p.prototype, o), r.prototype.constructor = r, Object.defineProperty(r, "super", {
  25540. value: p.prototype
  25541. }), M && Object.assign(r.prototype, M);
  25542. }, UC = (r, p, M, o) => {
  25543. let y, N, D;
  25544. const U = {};
  25545. if (p = p || {}, r == null)
  25546. return p;
  25547. do {
  25548. for (y = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(r), N = y.length; N-- > 0; )
  25549. D = y[N], (!o || o(D, r, p)) && !U[D] && (p[D] = r[D], U[D] = !0);
  25550. r = M !== !1 && ql(r);
  25551. } while (r && (!M || M(r, p)) && r !== Object.prototype);
  25552. return p;
  25553. }, VC = (r, p, M) => {
  25554. r = String(r), (M === void 0 || M > r.length) && (M = r.length), M -= p.length;
  25555. const o = r.indexOf(p, M);
  25556. return o !== -1 && o === M;
  25557. }, $C = (r) => {
  25558. if (!r)
  25559. return null;
  25560. if (Tn(r))
  25561. return r;
  25562. let p = r.length;
  25563. if (!od(p))
  25564. return null;
  25565. const M = new Array(p);
  25566. for (; p-- > 0; )
  25567. M[p] = r[p];
  25568. return M;
  25569. }, ZC = ((r) => (p) => r && p instanceof r)(typeof Uint8Array < "u" && ql(Uint8Array)), KC = (r, p) => {
  25570. const o = (r && r[Symbol.iterator]).call(r);
  25571. let y;
  25572. for (; (y = && !y.done; ) {
  25573. const N = y.value;
  25574., N[0], N[1]);
  25575. }
  25576. }, JC = (r, p) => {
  25577. let M;
  25578. const o = [];
  25579. for (; (M = r.exec(p)) !== null; )
  25580. o.push(M);
  25581. return o;
  25582. }, qC = zi("HTMLFormElement"), QC = (r) => r.toLowerCase().replace(
  25583. /[-_\s]([a-z\d])(\w*)/g,
  25584. function(M, o, y) {
  25585. return o.toUpperCase() + y;
  25586. }
  25587. ), Wp = (({ hasOwnProperty: r }) => (p, M) =>, M))(Object.prototype), tM = zi("RegExp"), hd = (r, p) => {
  25588. const M = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(r), o = {};
  25589. ps(M, (y, N) => {
  25590. let D;
  25591. (D = p(y, N, r)) !== !1 && (o[N] = D || y);
  25592. }), Object.defineProperties(r, o);
  25593. }, eM = (r) => {
  25594. hd(r, (p, M) => {
  25595. if (mi(r) && ["arguments", "caller", "callee"].indexOf(M) !== -1)
  25596. return !1;
  25597. const o = r[M];
  25598. if (mi(o)) {
  25599. if (p.enumerable = !1, "writable" in p) {
  25600. p.writable = !1;
  25601. return;
  25602. }
  25603. p.set || (p.set = () => {
  25604. throw Error("Can not rewrite read-only method '" + M + "'");
  25605. });
  25606. }
  25607. });
  25608. }, iM = (r, p) => {
  25609. const M = {}, o = (y) => {
  25610. y.forEach((N) => {
  25611. M[N] = !0;
  25612. });
  25613. };
  25614. return Tn(r) ? o(r) : o(String(r).split(p)), M;
  25615. }, rM = () => {
  25616. }, nM = (r, p) => r != null && Number.isFinite(r = +r) ? r : p, pl = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", Yp = "0123456789", cd = {
  25617. DIGIT: Yp,
  25618. ALPHA: pl,
  25619. ALPHA_DIGIT: pl + pl.toUpperCase() + Yp
  25620. }, sM = (r = 16, p = cd.ALPHA_DIGIT) => {
  25621. let M = "";
  25622. const { length: o } = p;
  25623. for (; r--; )
  25624. M += p[Math.random() * o | 0];
  25625. return M;
  25626. };
  25627. function oM(r) {
  25628. return !!(r && mi(r.append) && r[Symbol.toStringTag] === "FormData" && r[Symbol.iterator]);
  25629. }
  25630. const aM = (r) => {
  25631. const p = new Array(10), M = (o, y) => {
  25632. if (Yo(o)) {
  25633. if (p.indexOf(o) >= 0)
  25634. return;
  25635. if (!("toJSON" in o)) {
  25636. p[y] = o;
  25637. const N = Tn(o) ? [] : {};
  25638. return ps(o, (D, U) => {
  25639. const H = M(D, y + 1);
  25640. !os(H) && (N[U] = H);
  25641. }), p[y] = void 0, N;
  25642. }
  25643. }
  25644. return o;
  25645. };
  25646. return M(r, 0);
  25647. }, lM = zi("AsyncFunction"), hM = (r) => r && (Yo(r) || mi(r)) && mi(r.then) && mi(r.catch), pd = ((r, p) => r ? setImmediate : p ? ((M, o) => (Ur.addEventListener("message", ({ source: y, data: N }) => {
  25648. y === Ur && N === M && o.length && o.shift()();
  25649. }, !1), (y) => {
  25650. o.push(y), Ur.postMessage(M, "*");
  25651. }))(`axios@${Math.random()}`, []) : (M) => setTimeout(M))(
  25652. typeof setImmediate == "function",
  25653. mi(Ur.postMessage)
  25654. ), cM = typeof queueMicrotask < "u" ? queueMicrotask.bind(Ur) : typeof process < "u" && process.nextTick || pd, Et = {
  25655. isArray: Tn,
  25656. isArrayBuffer: sd,
  25657. isBuffer: TC,
  25658. isFormData: NC,
  25659. isArrayBufferView: PC,
  25660. isString: EC,
  25661. isNumber: od,
  25662. isBoolean: OC,
  25663. isObject: Yo,
  25664. isPlainObject: co,
  25665. isReadableStream: jC,
  25666. isRequest: WC,
  25667. isResponse: YC,
  25668. isHeaders: zC,
  25669. isUndefined: os,
  25670. isDate: LC,
  25671. isFile: _C,
  25672. isBlob: DC,
  25673. isRegExp: tM,
  25674. isFunction: mi,
  25675. isStream: RC,
  25676. isURLSearchParams: BC,
  25677. isTypedArray: ZC,
  25678. isFileList: IC,
  25679. forEach: ps,
  25680. merge: wl,
  25681. extend: GC,
  25682. trim: XC,
  25683. stripBOM: HC,
  25684. inherits: FC,
  25685. toFlatObject: UC,
  25686. kindOf: jo,
  25687. kindOfTest: zi,
  25688. endsWith: VC,
  25689. toArray: $C,
  25690. forEachEntry: KC,
  25691. matchAll: JC,
  25692. isHTMLForm: qC,
  25693. hasOwnProperty: Wp,
  25694. hasOwnProp: Wp,
  25695. // an alias to avoid ESLint no-prototype-builtins detection
  25696. reduceDescriptors: hd,
  25697. freezeMethods: eM,
  25698. toObjectSet: iM,
  25699. toCamelCase: QC,
  25700. noop: rM,
  25701. toFiniteNumber: nM,
  25702. findKey: ad,
  25703. global: Ur,
  25704. isContextDefined: ld,
  25705. ALPHABET: cd,
  25706. generateString: sM,
  25707. isSpecCompliantForm: oM,
  25708. toJSONObject: aM,
  25709. isAsyncFn: lM,
  25710. isThenable: hM,
  25711. setImmediate: pd,
  25712. asap: cM
  25713. };
  25714. function ne(r, p, M, o, y) {
  25715., Error.captureStackTrace ? Error.captureStackTrace(this, this.constructor) : this.stack = new Error().stack, this.message = r, = "AxiosError", p && (this.code = p), M && (this.config = M), o && (this.request = o), y && (this.response = y, this.status = y.status ? y.status : null);
  25716. }
  25717. Et.inherits(ne, Error, {
  25718. toJSON: function() {
  25719. return {
  25720. // Standard
  25721. message: this.message,
  25722. name:,
  25723. // Microsoft
  25724. description: this.description,
  25725. number: this.number,
  25726. // Mozilla
  25727. fileName: this.fileName,
  25728. lineNumber: this.lineNumber,
  25729. columnNumber: this.columnNumber,
  25730. stack: this.stack,
  25731. // Axios
  25732. config: Et.toJSONObject(this.config),
  25733. code: this.code,
  25734. status: this.status
  25735. };
  25736. }
  25737. });
  25738. const ud = ne.prototype, dd = {};
  25739. [
  25741. "ERR_BAD_OPTION",
  25742. "ECONNABORTED",
  25743. "ETIMEDOUT",
  25744. "ERR_NETWORK",
  25746. "ERR_DEPRECATED",
  25747. "ERR_BAD_RESPONSE",
  25748. "ERR_BAD_REQUEST",
  25749. "ERR_CANCELED",
  25750. "ERR_NOT_SUPPORT",
  25751. "ERR_INVALID_URL"
  25752. // eslint-disable-next-line func-names
  25753. ].forEach((r) => {
  25754. dd[r] = { value: r };
  25755. });
  25756. Object.defineProperties(ne, dd);
  25757. Object.defineProperty(ud, "isAxiosError", { value: !0 });
  25758. ne.from = (r, p, M, o, y, N) => {
  25759. const D = Object.create(ud);
  25760. return Et.toFlatObject(r, D, function(H) {
  25761. return H !== Error.prototype;
  25762. }, (U) => U !== "isAxiosError"),, r.message, p, M, o, y), D.cause = r, =, N && Object.assign(D, N), D;
  25763. };
  25764. const pM = null;
  25765. function Cl(r) {
  25766. return Et.isPlainObject(r) || Et.isArray(r);
  25767. }
  25768. function fd(r) {
  25769. return Et.endsWith(r, "[]") ? r.slice(0, -2) : r;
  25770. }
  25771. function zp(r, p, M) {
  25772. return r ? r.concat(p).map(function(y, N) {
  25773. return y = fd(y), !M && N ? "[" + y + "]" : y;
  25774. }).join(M ? "." : "") : p;
  25775. }
  25776. function uM(r) {
  25777. return Et.isArray(r) && !r.some(Cl);
  25778. }
  25779. const dM = Et.toFlatObject(Et, {}, null, function(p) {
  25780. return /^is[A-Z]/.test(p);
  25781. });
  25782. function zo(r, p, M) {
  25783. if (!Et.isObject(r))
  25784. throw new TypeError("target must be an object");
  25785. p = p || new FormData(), M = Et.toFlatObject(M, {
  25786. metaTokens: !0,
  25787. dots: !1,
  25788. indexes: !1
  25789. }, !1, function(f, d) {
  25790. return !Et.isUndefined(d[f]);
  25791. });
  25792. const o = M.metaTokens, y = M.visitor || G, N = M.dots, D = M.indexes, H = (M.Blob || typeof Blob < "u" && Blob) && Et.isSpecCompliantForm(p);
  25793. if (!Et.isFunction(y))
  25794. throw new TypeError("visitor must be a function");
  25795. function V(x) {
  25796. if (x === null)
  25797. return "";
  25798. if (Et.isDate(x))
  25799. return x.toISOString();
  25800. if (!H && Et.isBlob(x))
  25801. throw new ne("Blob is not supported. Use a Buffer instead.");
  25802. return Et.isArrayBuffer(x) || Et.isTypedArray(x) ? H && typeof Blob == "function" ? new Blob([x]) : Buffer.from(x) : x;
  25803. }
  25804. function G(x, f, d) {
  25805. let T = x;
  25806. if (x && !d && typeof x == "object") {
  25807. if (Et.endsWith(f, "{}"))
  25808. f = o ? f : f.slice(0, -2), x = JSON.stringify(x);
  25809. else if (Et.isArray(x) && uM(x) || (Et.isFileList(x) || Et.endsWith(f, "[]")) && (T = Et.toArray(x)))
  25810. return f = fd(f), T.forEach(function(j, k) {
  25811. !(Et.isUndefined(j) || j === null) && p.append(
  25812. // eslint-disable-next-line no-nested-ternary
  25813. D === !0 ? zp([f], k, N) : D === null ? f : f + "[]",
  25814. V(j)
  25815. );
  25816. }), !1;
  25817. }
  25818. return Cl(x) ? !0 : (p.append(zp(d, f, N), V(x)), !1);
  25819. }
  25820. const R = [], B = Object.assign(dM, {
  25821. defaultVisitor: G,
  25822. convertValue: V,
  25823. isVisitable: Cl
  25824. });
  25825. function S(x, f) {
  25826. if (!Et.isUndefined(x)) {
  25827. if (R.indexOf(x) !== -1)
  25828. throw Error("Circular reference detected in " + f.join("."));
  25829. R.push(x), Et.forEach(x, function(T, O) {
  25830. (!(Et.isUndefined(T) || T === null) &&
  25831. p,
  25832. T,
  25833. Et.isString(O) ? O.trim() : O,
  25834. f,
  25835. B
  25836. )) === !0 && S(T, f ? f.concat(O) : [O]);
  25837. }), R.pop();
  25838. }
  25839. }
  25840. if (!Et.isObject(r))
  25841. throw new TypeError("data must be an object");
  25842. return S(r), p;
  25843. }
  25844. function Xp(r) {
  25845. const p = {
  25846. "!": "%21",
  25847. "'": "%27",
  25848. "(": "%28",
  25849. ")": "%29",
  25850. "~": "%7E",
  25851. "%20": "+",
  25852. "%00": "\0"
  25853. };
  25854. return encodeURIComponent(r).replace(/[!'()~]|%20|%00/g, function(o) {
  25855. return p[o];
  25856. });
  25857. }
  25858. function Ql(r, p) {
  25859. this._pairs = [], r && zo(r, this, p);
  25860. }
  25861. const gd = Ql.prototype;
  25862. gd.append = function(p, M) {
  25863. this._pairs.push([p, M]);
  25864. };
  25865. gd.toString = function(p) {
  25866. const M = p ? function(o) {
  25867. return, o, Xp);
  25868. } : Xp;
  25869. return {
  25870. return M(y[0]) + "=" + M(y[1]);
  25871. }, "").join("&");
  25872. };
  25873. function fM(r) {
  25874. return encodeURIComponent(r).replace(/%3A/gi, ":").replace(/%24/g, "$").replace(/%2C/gi, ",").replace(/%20/g, "+").replace(/%5B/gi, "[").replace(/%5D/gi, "]");
  25875. }
  25876. function md(r, p, M) {
  25877. if (!p)
  25878. return r;
  25879. const o = M && M.encode || fM;
  25880. Et.isFunction(M) && (M = {
  25881. serialize: M
  25882. });
  25883. const y = M && M.serialize;
  25884. let N;
  25885. if (y ? N = y(p, M) : N = Et.isURLSearchParams(p) ? p.toString() : new Ql(p, M).toString(o), N) {
  25886. const D = r.indexOf("#");
  25887. D !== -1 && (r = r.slice(0, D)), r += (r.indexOf("?") === -1 ? "?" : "&") + N;
  25888. }
  25889. return r;
  25890. }
  25891. class gM {
  25892. constructor() {
  25893. this.handlers = [];
  25894. }
  25895. /**
  25896. * Add a new interceptor to the stack
  25897. *
  25898. * @param {Function} fulfilled The function to handle `then` for a `Promise`
  25899. * @param {Function} rejected The function to handle `reject` for a `Promise`
  25900. *
  25901. * @return {Number} An ID used to remove interceptor later
  25902. */
  25903. use(p, M, o) {
  25904. return this.handlers.push({
  25905. fulfilled: p,
  25906. rejected: M,
  25907. synchronous: o ? o.synchronous : !1,
  25908. runWhen: o ? o.runWhen : null
  25909. }), this.handlers.length - 1;
  25910. }
  25911. /**
  25912. * Remove an interceptor from the stack
  25913. *
  25914. * @param {Number} id The ID that was returned by `use`
  25915. *
  25916. * @returns {Boolean} `true` if the interceptor was removed, `false` otherwise
  25917. */
  25918. eject(p) {
  25919. this.handlers[p] && (this.handlers[p] = null);
  25920. }
  25921. /**
  25922. * Clear all interceptors from the stack
  25923. *
  25924. * @returns {void}
  25925. */
  25926. clear() {
  25927. this.handlers && (this.handlers = []);
  25928. }
  25929. /**
  25930. * Iterate over all the registered interceptors
  25931. *
  25932. * This method is particularly useful for skipping over any
  25933. * interceptors that may have become `null` calling `eject`.
  25934. *
  25935. * @param {Function} fn The function to call for each interceptor
  25936. *
  25937. * @returns {void}
  25938. */
  25939. forEach(p) {
  25940. Et.forEach(this.handlers, function(o) {
  25941. o !== null && p(o);
  25942. });
  25943. }
  25944. }
  25945. const Gp = gM, yd = {
  25946. silentJSONParsing: !0,
  25947. forcedJSONParsing: !0,
  25948. clarifyTimeoutError: !1
  25949. }, mM = typeof URLSearchParams < "u" ? URLSearchParams : Ql, yM = typeof FormData < "u" ? FormData : null, vM = typeof Blob < "u" ? Blob : null, xM = {
  25950. isBrowser: !0,
  25951. classes: {
  25952. URLSearchParams: mM,
  25953. FormData: yM,
  25954. Blob: vM
  25955. },
  25956. protocols: ["http", "https", "file", "blob", "url", "data"]
  25957. }, th = typeof window < "u" && typeof document < "u", Ml = typeof navigator == "object" && navigator || void 0, bM = th && (!Ml || ["ReactNative", "NativeScript", "NS"].indexOf(Ml.product) < 0), SM = (() => typeof WorkerGlobalScope < "u" && // eslint-disable-next-line no-undef
  25958. self instanceof WorkerGlobalScope && typeof self.importScripts == "function")(), wM = th && window.location.href || "http://localhost", CM = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({
  25959. __proto__: null,
  25960. hasBrowserEnv: th,
  25961. hasStandardBrowserEnv: bM,
  25962. hasStandardBrowserWebWorkerEnv: SM,
  25963. navigator: Ml,
  25964. origin: wM
  25965. }, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), Qe = {
  25966. ...CM,
  25967. ...xM
  25968. };
  25969. function MM(r, p) {
  25970. return zo(r, new Qe.classes.URLSearchParams(), Object.assign({
  25971. visitor: function(M, o, y, N) {
  25972. return Qe.isNode && Et.isBuffer(M) ? (this.append(o, M.toString("base64")), !1) : N.defaultVisitor.apply(this, arguments);
  25973. }
  25974. }, p));
  25975. }
  25976. function kM(r) {
  25977. return Et.matchAll(/\w+|\[(\w*)]/g, r).map((p) => p[0] === "[]" ? "" : p[1] || p[0]);
  25978. }
  25979. function AM(r) {
  25980. const p = {}, M = Object.keys(r);
  25981. let o;
  25982. const y = M.length;
  25983. let N;
  25984. for (o = 0; o < y; o++)
  25985. N = M[o], p[N] = r[N];
  25986. return p;
  25987. }
  25988. function vd(r) {
  25989. function p(M, o, y, N) {
  25990. let D = M[N++];
  25991. if (D === "__proto__")
  25992. return !0;
  25993. const U = Number.isFinite(+D), H = N >= M.length;
  25994. return D = !D && Et.isArray(y) ? y.length : D, H ? (Et.hasOwnProp(y, D) ? y[D] = [y[D], o] : y[D] = o, !U) : ((!y[D] || !Et.isObject(y[D])) && (y[D] = []), p(M, o, y[D], N) && Et.isArray(y[D]) && (y[D] = AM(y[D])), !U);
  25995. }
  25996. if (Et.isFormData(r) && Et.isFunction(r.entries)) {
  25997. const M = {};
  25998. return Et.forEachEntry(r, (o, y) => {
  25999. p(kM(o), y, M, 0);
  26000. }), M;
  26001. }
  26002. return null;
  26003. }
  26004. function TM(r, p, M) {
  26005. if (Et.isString(r))
  26006. try {
  26007. return (p || JSON.parse)(r), Et.trim(r);
  26008. } catch (o) {
  26009. if ( !== "SyntaxError")
  26010. throw o;
  26011. }
  26012. return (M || JSON.stringify)(r);
  26013. }
  26014. const eh = {
  26015. transitional: yd,
  26016. adapter: ["xhr", "http", "fetch"],
  26017. transformRequest: [function(p, M) {
  26018. const o = M.getContentType() || "", y = o.indexOf("application/json") > -1, N = Et.isObject(p);
  26019. if (N && Et.isHTMLForm(p) && (p = new FormData(p)), Et.isFormData(p))
  26020. return y ? JSON.stringify(vd(p)) : p;
  26021. if (Et.isArrayBuffer(p) || Et.isBuffer(p) || Et.isStream(p) || Et.isFile(p) || Et.isBlob(p) || Et.isReadableStream(p))
  26022. return p;
  26023. if (Et.isArrayBufferView(p))
  26024. return p.buffer;
  26025. if (Et.isURLSearchParams(p))
  26026. return M.setContentType("application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=utf-8", !1), p.toString();
  26027. let U;
  26028. if (N) {
  26029. if (o.indexOf("application/x-www-form-urlencoded") > -1)
  26030. return MM(p, this.formSerializer).toString();
  26031. if ((U = Et.isFileList(p)) || o.indexOf("multipart/form-data") > -1) {
  26032. const H = this.env && this.env.FormData;
  26033. return zo(
  26034. U ? { "files[]": p } : p,
  26035. H && new H(),
  26036. this.formSerializer
  26037. );
  26038. }
  26039. }
  26040. return N || y ? (M.setContentType("application/json", !1), TM(p)) : p;
  26041. }],
  26042. transformResponse: [function(p) {
  26043. const M = this.transitional || eh.transitional, o = M && M.forcedJSONParsing, y = this.responseType === "json";
  26044. if (Et.isResponse(p) || Et.isReadableStream(p))
  26045. return p;
  26046. if (p && Et.isString(p) && (o && !this.responseType || y)) {
  26047. const D = !(M && M.silentJSONParsing) && y;
  26048. try {
  26049. return JSON.parse(p);
  26050. } catch (U) {
  26051. if (D)
  26052. throw === "SyntaxError" ? ne.from(U, ne.ERR_BAD_RESPONSE, this, null, this.response) : U;
  26053. }
  26054. }
  26055. return p;
  26056. }],
  26057. /**
  26058. * A timeout in milliseconds to abort a request. If set to 0 (default) a
  26059. * timeout is not created.
  26060. */
  26061. timeout: 0,
  26062. xsrfCookieName: "XSRF-TOKEN",
  26063. xsrfHeaderName: "X-XSRF-TOKEN",
  26064. maxContentLength: -1,
  26065. maxBodyLength: -1,
  26066. env: {
  26067. FormData: Qe.classes.FormData,
  26068. Blob: Qe.classes.Blob
  26069. },
  26070. validateStatus: function(p) {
  26071. return p >= 200 && p < 300;
  26072. },
  26073. headers: {
  26074. common: {
  26075. Accept: "application/json, text/plain, */*",
  26076. "Content-Type": void 0
  26077. }
  26078. }
  26079. };
  26080. Et.forEach(["delete", "get", "head", "post", "put", "patch"], (r) => {
  26081. eh.headers[r] = {};
  26082. });
  26083. const ih = eh, PM = Et.toObjectSet([
  26084. "age",
  26085. "authorization",
  26086. "content-length",
  26087. "content-type",
  26088. "etag",
  26089. "expires",
  26090. "from",
  26091. "host",
  26092. "if-modified-since",
  26093. "if-unmodified-since",
  26094. "last-modified",
  26095. "location",
  26096. "max-forwards",
  26097. "proxy-authorization",
  26098. "referer",
  26099. "retry-after",
  26100. "user-agent"
  26101. ]), EM = (r) => {
  26102. const p = {};
  26103. let M, o, y;
  26104. return r && r.split(`
  26105. `).forEach(function(D) {
  26106. y = D.indexOf(":"), M = D.substring(0, y).trim().toLowerCase(), o = D.substring(y + 1).trim(), !(!M || p[M] && PM[M]) && (M === "set-cookie" ? p[M] ? p[M].push(o) : p[M] = [o] : p[M] = p[M] ? p[M] + ", " + o : o);
  26107. }), p;
  26108. }, Hp = Symbol("internals");
  26109. function Jn(r) {
  26110. return r && String(r).trim().toLowerCase();
  26111. }
  26112. function po(r) {
  26113. return r === !1 || r == null ? r : Et.isArray(r) ? : String(r);
  26114. }
  26115. function OM(r) {
  26116. const p = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null), M = /([^\s,;=]+)\s*(?:=\s*([^,;]+))?/g;
  26117. let o;
  26118. for (; o = M.exec(r); )
  26119. p[o[1]] = o[2];
  26120. return p;
  26121. }
  26122. const LM = (r) => /^[-_a-zA-Z0-9^`|~,!#$%&'*+.]+$/.test(r.trim());
  26123. function ul(r, p, M, o, y) {
  26124. if (Et.isFunction(o))
  26125. return, p, M);
  26126. if (y && (p = M), !!Et.isString(p)) {
  26127. if (Et.isString(o))
  26128. return p.indexOf(o) !== -1;
  26129. if (Et.isRegExp(o))
  26130. return o.test(p);
  26131. }
  26132. }
  26133. function _M(r) {
  26134. return r.trim().toLowerCase().replace(/([a-z\d])(\w*)/g, (p, M, o) => M.toUpperCase() + o);
  26135. }
  26136. function DM(r, p) {
  26137. const M = Et.toCamelCase(" " + p);
  26138. ["get", "set", "has"].forEach((o) => {
  26139. Object.defineProperty(r, o + M, {
  26140. value: function(y, N, D) {
  26141. return this[o].call(this, p, y, N, D);
  26142. },
  26143. configurable: !0
  26144. });
  26145. });
  26146. }
  26147. class Xo {
  26148. constructor(p) {
  26149. p && this.set(p);
  26150. }
  26151. set(p, M, o) {
  26152. const y = this;
  26153. function N(U, H, V) {
  26154. const G = Jn(H);
  26155. if (!G)
  26156. throw new Error("header name must be a non-empty string");
  26157. const R = Et.findKey(y, G);
  26158. (!R || y[R] === void 0 || V === !0 || V === void 0 && y[R] !== !1) && (y[R || H] = po(U));
  26159. }
  26160. const D = (U, H) => Et.forEach(U, (V, G) => N(V, G, H));
  26161. if (Et.isPlainObject(p) || p instanceof this.constructor)
  26162. D(p, M);
  26163. else if (Et.isString(p) && (p = p.trim()) && !LM(p))
  26164. D(EM(p), M);
  26165. else if (Et.isHeaders(p))
  26166. for (const [U, H] of p.entries())
  26167. N(H, U, o);
  26168. else
  26169. p != null && N(M, p, o);
  26170. return this;
  26171. }
  26172. get(p, M) {
  26173. if (p = Jn(p), p) {
  26174. const o = Et.findKey(this, p);
  26175. if (o) {
  26176. const y = this[o];
  26177. if (!M)
  26178. return y;
  26179. if (M === !0)
  26180. return OM(y);
  26181. if (Et.isFunction(M))
  26182. return, y, o);
  26183. if (Et.isRegExp(M))
  26184. return M.exec(y);
  26185. throw new TypeError("parser must be boolean|regexp|function");
  26186. }
  26187. }
  26188. }
  26189. has(p, M) {
  26190. if (p = Jn(p), p) {
  26191. const o = Et.findKey(this, p);
  26192. return !!(o && this[o] !== void 0 && (!M || ul(this, this[o], o, M)));
  26193. }
  26194. return !1;
  26195. }
  26196. delete(p, M) {
  26197. const o = this;
  26198. let y = !1;
  26199. function N(D) {
  26200. if (D = Jn(D), D) {
  26201. const U = Et.findKey(o, D);
  26202. U && (!M || ul(o, o[U], U, M)) && (delete o[U], y = !0);
  26203. }
  26204. }
  26205. return Et.isArray(p) ? p.forEach(N) : N(p), y;
  26206. }
  26207. clear(p) {
  26208. const M = Object.keys(this);
  26209. let o = M.length, y = !1;
  26210. for (; o--; ) {
  26211. const N = M[o];
  26212. (!p || ul(this, this[N], N, p, !0)) && (delete this[N], y = !0);
  26213. }
  26214. return y;
  26215. }
  26216. normalize(p) {
  26217. const M = this, o = {};
  26218. return Et.forEach(this, (y, N) => {
  26219. const D = Et.findKey(o, N);
  26220. if (D) {
  26221. M[D] = po(y), delete M[N];
  26222. return;
  26223. }
  26224. const U = p ? _M(N) : String(N).trim();
  26225. U !== N && delete M[N], M[U] = po(y), o[U] = !0;
  26226. }), this;
  26227. }
  26228. concat(...p) {
  26229. return this.constructor.concat(this, ...p);
  26230. }
  26231. toJSON(p) {
  26232. const M = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null);
  26233. return Et.forEach(this, (o, y) => {
  26234. o != null && o !== !1 && (M[y] = p && Et.isArray(o) ? o.join(", ") : o);
  26235. }), M;
  26236. }
  26237. [Symbol.iterator]() {
  26238. return Object.entries(this.toJSON())[Symbol.iterator]();
  26239. }
  26240. toString() {
  26241. return Object.entries(this.toJSON()).map(([p, M]) => p + ": " + M).join(`
  26242. `);
  26243. }
  26244. get [Symbol.toStringTag]() {
  26245. return "AxiosHeaders";
  26246. }
  26247. static from(p) {
  26248. return p instanceof this ? p : new this(p);
  26249. }
  26250. static concat(p, ...M) {
  26251. const o = new this(p);
  26252. return M.forEach((y) => o.set(y)), o;
  26253. }
  26254. static accessor(p) {
  26255. const o = (this[Hp] = this[Hp] = {
  26256. accessors: {}
  26257. }).accessors, y = this.prototype;
  26258. function N(D) {
  26259. const U = Jn(D);
  26260. o[U] || (DM(y, D), o[U] = !0);
  26261. }
  26262. return Et.isArray(p) ? p.forEach(N) : N(p), this;
  26263. }
  26264. }
  26265. Xo.accessor(["Content-Type", "Content-Length", "Accept", "Accept-Encoding", "User-Agent", "Authorization"]);
  26266. Et.reduceDescriptors(Xo.prototype, ({ value: r }, p) => {
  26267. let M = p[0].toUpperCase() + p.slice(1);
  26268. return {
  26269. get: () => r,
  26270. set(o) {
  26271. this[M] = o;
  26272. }
  26273. };
  26274. });
  26275. Et.freezeMethods(Xo);
  26276. const Bi = Xo;
  26277. function dl(r, p) {
  26278. const M = this || ih, o = p || M, y = Bi.from(o.headers);
  26279. let N =;
  26280. return Et.forEach(r, function(U) {
  26281. N =, N, y.normalize(), p ? p.status : void 0);
  26282. }), y.normalize(), N;
  26283. }
  26284. function xd(r) {
  26285. return !!(r && r.__CANCEL__);
  26286. }
  26287. function Pn(r, p, M) {
  26288., r ?? "canceled", ne.ERR_CANCELED, p, M), = "CanceledError";
  26289. }
  26290. Et.inherits(Pn, ne, {
  26291. __CANCEL__: !0
  26292. });
  26293. function bd(r, p, M) {
  26294. const o = M.config.validateStatus;
  26295. !M.status || !o || o(M.status) ? r(M) : p(new ne(
  26296. "Request failed with status code " + M.status,
  26297. [ne.ERR_BAD_REQUEST, ne.ERR_BAD_RESPONSE][Math.floor(M.status / 100) - 4],
  26298. M.config,
  26299. M.request,
  26300. M
  26301. ));
  26302. }
  26303. function IM(r) {
  26304. const p = /^([-+\w]{1,25})(:?\/\/|:)/.exec(r);
  26305. return p && p[1] || "";
  26306. }
  26307. function RM(r, p) {
  26308. r = r || 10;
  26309. const M = new Array(r), o = new Array(r);
  26310. let y = 0, N = 0, D;
  26311. return p = p !== void 0 ? p : 1e3, function(H) {
  26312. const V =, G = o[N];
  26313. D || (D = V), M[y] = H, o[y] = V;
  26314. let R = N, B = 0;
  26315. for (; R !== y; )
  26316. B += M[R++], R = R % r;
  26317. if (y = (y + 1) % r, y === N && (N = (N + 1) % r), V - D < p)
  26318. return;
  26319. const S = G && V - G;
  26320. return S ? Math.round(B * 1e3 / S) : void 0;
  26321. };
  26322. }
  26323. function NM(r, p) {
  26324. let M = 0, o = 1e3 / p, y, N;
  26325. const D = (V, G = => {
  26326. M = G, y = null, N && (clearTimeout(N), N = null), r.apply(null, V);
  26327. };
  26328. return [(...V) => {
  26329. const G =, R = G - M;
  26330. R >= o ? D(V, G) : (y = V, N || (N = setTimeout(() => {
  26331. N = null, D(y);
  26332. }, o - R)));
  26333. }, () => y && D(y)];
  26334. }
  26335. const Mo = (r, p, M = 3) => {
  26336. let o = 0;
  26337. const y = RM(50, 250);
  26338. return NM((N) => {
  26339. const D = N.loaded, U = N.lengthComputable ? : void 0, H = D - o, V = y(H), G = D <= U;
  26340. o = D;
  26341. const R = {
  26342. loaded: D,
  26343. total: U,
  26344. progress: U ? D / U : void 0,
  26345. bytes: H,
  26346. rate: V || void 0,
  26347. estimated: V && U && G ? (U - D) / V : void 0,
  26348. event: N,
  26349. lengthComputable: U != null,
  26350. [p ? "download" : "upload"]: !0
  26351. };
  26352. r(R);
  26353. }, M);
  26354. }, Fp = (r, p) => {
  26355. const M = r != null;
  26356. return [(o) => p[0]({
  26357. lengthComputable: M,
  26358. total: r,
  26359. loaded: o
  26360. }), p[1]];
  26361. }, Up = (r) => (...p) => Et.asap(() => r(...p)), BM = Qe.hasStandardBrowserEnv ? ((r, p) => (M) => (M = new URL(M, Qe.origin), r.protocol === M.protocol && === && (p || r.port === M.port)))(
  26362. new URL(Qe.origin),
  26363. Qe.navigator && /(msie|trident)/i.test(Qe.navigator.userAgent)
  26364. ) : () => !0, jM = Qe.hasStandardBrowserEnv ? (
  26365. // Standard browser envs support document.cookie
  26366. {
  26367. write(r, p, M, o, y, N) {
  26368. const D = [r + "=" + encodeURIComponent(p)];
  26369. Et.isNumber(M) && D.push("expires=" + new Date(M).toGMTString()), Et.isString(o) && D.push("path=" + o), Et.isString(y) && D.push("domain=" + y), N === !0 && D.push("secure"), document.cookie = D.join("; ");
  26370. },
  26371. read(r) {
  26372. const p = document.cookie.match(new RegExp("(^|;\\s*)(" + r + ")=([^;]*)"));
  26373. return p ? decodeURIComponent(p[3]) : null;
  26374. },
  26375. remove(r) {
  26376. this.write(r, "", - 864e5);
  26377. }
  26378. }
  26379. ) : (
  26380. // Non-standard browser env (web workers, react-native) lack needed support.
  26381. {
  26382. write() {
  26383. },
  26384. read() {
  26385. return null;
  26386. },
  26387. remove() {
  26388. }
  26389. }
  26390. );
  26391. function WM(r) {
  26392. return /^([a-z][a-z\d+\-.]*:)?\/\//i.test(r);
  26393. }
  26394. function YM(r, p) {
  26395. return p ? r.replace(/\/?\/$/, "") + "/" + p.replace(/^\/+/, "") : r;
  26396. }
  26397. function Sd(r, p) {
  26398. return r && !WM(p) ? YM(r, p) : p;
  26399. }
  26400. const Vp = (r) => r instanceof Bi ? { ...r } : r;
  26401. function Zr(r, p) {
  26402. p = p || {};
  26403. const M = {};
  26404. function o(V, G, R, B) {
  26405. return Et.isPlainObject(V) && Et.isPlainObject(G) ?{ caseless: B }, V, G) : Et.isPlainObject(G) ? Et.merge({}, G) : Et.isArray(G) ? G.slice() : G;
  26406. }
  26407. function y(V, G, R, B) {
  26408. if (Et.isUndefined(G)) {
  26409. if (!Et.isUndefined(V))
  26410. return o(void 0, V, R, B);
  26411. } else
  26412. return o(V, G, R, B);
  26413. }
  26414. function N(V, G) {
  26415. if (!Et.isUndefined(G))
  26416. return o(void 0, G);
  26417. }
  26418. function D(V, G) {
  26419. if (Et.isUndefined(G)) {
  26420. if (!Et.isUndefined(V))
  26421. return o(void 0, V);
  26422. } else
  26423. return o(void 0, G);
  26424. }
  26425. function U(V, G, R) {
  26426. if (R in p)
  26427. return o(V, G);
  26428. if (R in r)
  26429. return o(void 0, V);
  26430. }
  26431. const H = {
  26432. url: N,
  26433. method: N,
  26434. data: N,
  26435. baseURL: D,
  26436. transformRequest: D,
  26437. transformResponse: D,
  26438. paramsSerializer: D,
  26439. timeout: D,
  26440. timeoutMessage: D,
  26441. withCredentials: D,
  26442. withXSRFToken: D,
  26443. adapter: D,
  26444. responseType: D,
  26445. xsrfCookieName: D,
  26446. xsrfHeaderName: D,
  26447. onUploadProgress: D,
  26448. onDownloadProgress: D,
  26449. decompress: D,
  26450. maxContentLength: D,
  26451. maxBodyLength: D,
  26452. beforeRedirect: D,
  26453. transport: D,
  26454. httpAgent: D,
  26455. httpsAgent: D,
  26456. cancelToken: D,
  26457. socketPath: D,
  26458. responseEncoding: D,
  26459. validateStatus: U,
  26460. headers: (V, G, R) => y(Vp(V), Vp(G), R, !0)
  26461. };
  26462. return Et.forEach(Object.keys(Object.assign({}, r, p)), function(G) {
  26463. const R = H[G] || y, B = R(r[G], p[G], G);
  26464. Et.isUndefined(B) && R !== U || (M[G] = B);
  26465. }), M;
  26466. }
  26467. const wd = (r) => {
  26468. const p = Zr({}, r);
  26469. let { data: M, withXSRFToken: o, xsrfHeaderName: y, xsrfCookieName: N, headers: D, auth: U } = p;
  26470. p.headers = D = Bi.from(D), p.url = md(Sd(p.baseURL, p.url), r.params, r.paramsSerializer), U && D.set(
  26471. "Authorization",
  26472. "Basic " + btoa((U.username || "") + ":" + (U.password ? unescape(encodeURIComponent(U.password)) : ""))
  26473. );
  26474. let H;
  26475. if (Et.isFormData(M)) {
  26476. if (Qe.hasStandardBrowserEnv || Qe.hasStandardBrowserWebWorkerEnv)
  26477. D.setContentType(void 0);
  26478. else if ((H = D.getContentType()) !== !1) {
  26479. const [V, ...G] = H ? H.split(";").map((R) => R.trim()).filter(Boolean) : [];
  26480. D.setContentType([V || "multipart/form-data", ...G].join("; "));
  26481. }
  26482. }
  26483. if (Qe.hasStandardBrowserEnv && (o && Et.isFunction(o) && (o = o(p)), o || o !== !1 && BM(p.url))) {
  26484. const V = y && N &&;
  26485. V && D.set(y, V);
  26486. }
  26487. return p;
  26488. }, zM = typeof XMLHttpRequest < "u", XM = zM && function(r) {
  26489. return new Promise(function(M, o) {
  26490. const y = wd(r);
  26491. let N =;
  26492. const D = Bi.from(y.headers).normalize();
  26493. let { responseType: U, onUploadProgress: H, onDownloadProgress: V } = y, G, R, B, S, x;
  26494. function f() {
  26495. S && S(), x && x(), y.cancelToken && y.cancelToken.unsubscribe(G), y.signal && y.signal.removeEventListener("abort", G);
  26496. }
  26497. let d = new XMLHttpRequest();
  26498., y.url, !0), d.timeout = y.timeout;
  26499. function T() {
  26500. if (!d)
  26501. return;
  26502. const j = Bi.from(
  26503. "getAllResponseHeaders" in d && d.getAllResponseHeaders()
  26504. ), b = {
  26505. data: !U || U === "text" || U === "json" ? d.responseText : d.response,
  26506. status: d.status,
  26507. statusText: d.statusText,
  26508. headers: j,
  26509. config: r,
  26510. request: d
  26511. };
  26512. bd(function(v) {
  26513. M(v), f();
  26514. }, function(v) {
  26515. o(v), f();
  26516. }, b), d = null;
  26517. }
  26518. "onloadend" in d ? d.onloadend = T : d.onreadystatechange = function() {
  26519. !d || d.readyState !== 4 || d.status === 0 && !(d.responseURL && d.responseURL.indexOf("file:") === 0) || setTimeout(T);
  26520. }, d.onabort = function() {
  26521. d && (o(new ne("Request aborted", ne.ECONNABORTED, r, d)), d = null);
  26522. }, d.onerror = function() {
  26523. o(new ne("Network Error", ne.ERR_NETWORK, r, d)), d = null;
  26524. }, d.ontimeout = function() {
  26525. let k = y.timeout ? "timeout of " + y.timeout + "ms exceeded" : "timeout exceeded";
  26526. const b = y.transitional || yd;
  26527. y.timeoutErrorMessage && (k = y.timeoutErrorMessage), o(new ne(
  26528. k,
  26529. b.clarifyTimeoutError ? ne.ETIMEDOUT : ne.ECONNABORTED,
  26530. r,
  26531. d
  26532. )), d = null;
  26533. }, N === void 0 && D.setContentType(null), "setRequestHeader" in d && Et.forEach(D.toJSON(), function(k, b) {
  26534. d.setRequestHeader(b, k);
  26535. }), Et.isUndefined(y.withCredentials) || (d.withCredentials = !!y.withCredentials), U && U !== "json" && (d.responseType = y.responseType), V && ([B, x] = Mo(V, !0), d.addEventListener("progress", B)), H && d.upload && ([R, S] = Mo(H), d.upload.addEventListener("progress", R), d.upload.addEventListener("loadend", S)), (y.cancelToken || y.signal) && (G = (j) => {
  26536. d && (o(!j || j.type ? new Pn(null, r, d) : j), d.abort(), d = null);
  26537. }, y.cancelToken && y.cancelToken.subscribe(G), y.signal && (y.signal.aborted ? G() : y.signal.addEventListener("abort", G)));
  26538. const O = IM(y.url);
  26539. if (O && Qe.protocols.indexOf(O) === -1) {
  26540. o(new ne("Unsupported protocol " + O + ":", ne.ERR_BAD_REQUEST, r));
  26541. return;
  26542. }
  26543. d.send(N || null);
  26544. });
  26545. }, GM = (r, p) => {
  26546. const { length: M } = r = r ? r.filter(Boolean) : [];
  26547. if (p || M) {
  26548. let o = new AbortController(), y;
  26549. const N = function(V) {
  26550. if (!y) {
  26551. y = !0, U();
  26552. const G = V instanceof Error ? V : this.reason;
  26553. o.abort(G instanceof ne ? G : new Pn(G instanceof Error ? G.message : G));
  26554. }
  26555. };
  26556. let D = p && setTimeout(() => {
  26557. D = null, N(new ne(`timeout ${p} of ms exceeded`, ne.ETIMEDOUT));
  26558. }, p);
  26559. const U = () => {
  26560. r && (D && clearTimeout(D), D = null, r.forEach((V) => {
  26561. V.unsubscribe ? V.unsubscribe(N) : V.removeEventListener("abort", N);
  26562. }), r = null);
  26563. };
  26564. r.forEach((V) => V.addEventListener("abort", N));
  26565. const { signal: H } = o;
  26566. return H.unsubscribe = () => Et.asap(U), H;
  26567. }
  26568. }, HM = GM, FM = function* (r, p) {
  26569. let M = r.byteLength;
  26570. if (!p || M < p) {
  26571. yield r;
  26572. return;
  26573. }
  26574. let o = 0, y;
  26575. for (; o < M; )
  26576. y = o + p, yield r.slice(o, y), o = y;
  26577. }, UM = async function* (r, p) {
  26578. for await (const M of VM(r))
  26579. yield* FM(M, p);
  26580. }, VM = async function* (r) {
  26581. if (r[Symbol.asyncIterator]) {
  26582. yield* r;
  26583. return;
  26584. }
  26585. const p = r.getReader();
  26586. try {
  26587. for (; ; ) {
  26588. const { done: M, value: o } = await;
  26589. if (M)
  26590. break;
  26591. yield o;
  26592. }
  26593. } finally {
  26594. await p.cancel();
  26595. }
  26596. }, $p = (r, p, M, o) => {
  26597. const y = UM(r, p);
  26598. let N = 0, D, U = (H) => {
  26599. D || (D = !0, o && o(H));
  26600. };
  26601. return new ReadableStream({
  26602. async pull(H) {
  26603. try {
  26604. const { done: V, value: G } = await;
  26605. if (V) {
  26606. U(), H.close();
  26607. return;
  26608. }
  26609. let R = G.byteLength;
  26610. if (M) {
  26611. let B = N += R;
  26612. M(B);
  26613. }
  26614. H.enqueue(new Uint8Array(G));
  26615. } catch (V) {
  26616. throw U(V), V;
  26617. }
  26618. },
  26619. cancel(H) {
  26620. return U(H), y.return();
  26621. }
  26622. }, {
  26623. highWaterMark: 2
  26624. });
  26625. }, Go = typeof fetch == "function" && typeof Request == "function" && typeof Response == "function", Cd = Go && typeof ReadableStream == "function", $M = Go && (typeof TextEncoder == "function" ? ((r) => (p) => r.encode(p))(new TextEncoder()) : async (r) => new Uint8Array(await new Response(r).arrayBuffer())), Md = (r, ...p) => {
  26626. try {
  26627. return !!r(...p);
  26628. } catch {
  26629. return !1;
  26630. }
  26631. }, ZM = Cd && Md(() => {
  26632. let r = !1;
  26633. const p = new Request(Qe.origin, {
  26634. body: new ReadableStream(),
  26635. method: "POST",
  26636. get duplex() {
  26637. return r = !0, "half";
  26638. }
  26639. }).headers.has("Content-Type");
  26640. return r && !p;
  26641. }), Zp = 64 * 1024, kl = Cd && Md(() => Et.isReadableStream(new Response("").body)), ko = {
  26642. stream: kl && ((r) => r.body)
  26643. };
  26644. Go && ((r) => {
  26645. ["text", "arrayBuffer", "blob", "formData", "stream"].forEach((p) => {
  26646. !ko[p] && (ko[p] = Et.isFunction(r[p]) ? (M) => M[p]() : (M, o) => {
  26647. throw new ne(`Response type '${p}' is not supported`, ne.ERR_NOT_SUPPORT, o);
  26648. });
  26649. });
  26650. })(new Response());
  26651. const KM = async (r) => {
  26652. if (r == null)
  26653. return 0;
  26654. if (Et.isBlob(r))
  26655. return r.size;
  26656. if (Et.isSpecCompliantForm(r))
  26657. return (await new Request(Qe.origin, {
  26658. method: "POST",
  26659. body: r
  26660. }).arrayBuffer()).byteLength;
  26661. if (Et.isArrayBufferView(r) || Et.isArrayBuffer(r))
  26662. return r.byteLength;
  26663. if (Et.isURLSearchParams(r) && (r = r + ""), Et.isString(r))
  26664. return (await $M(r)).byteLength;
  26665. }, JM = async (r, p) => {
  26666. const M = Et.toFiniteNumber(r.getContentLength());
  26667. return M ?? KM(p);
  26668. }, qM = Go && (async (r) => {
  26669. let {
  26670. url: p,
  26671. method: M,
  26672. data: o,
  26673. signal: y,
  26674. cancelToken: N,
  26675. timeout: D,
  26676. onDownloadProgress: U,
  26677. onUploadProgress: H,
  26678. responseType: V,
  26679. headers: G,
  26680. withCredentials: R = "same-origin",
  26681. fetchOptions: B
  26682. } = wd(r);
  26683. V = V ? (V + "").toLowerCase() : "text";
  26684. let S = HM([y, N && N.toAbortSignal()], D), x;
  26685. const f = S && S.unsubscribe && (() => {
  26686. S.unsubscribe();
  26687. });
  26688. let d;
  26689. try {
  26690. if (H && ZM && M !== "get" && M !== "head" && (d = await JM(G, o)) !== 0) {
  26691. let b = new Request(p, {
  26692. method: "POST",
  26693. body: o,
  26694. duplex: "half"
  26695. }), w;
  26696. if (Et.isFormData(o) && (w = b.headers.get("content-type")) && G.setContentType(w), b.body) {
  26697. const [v, l] = Fp(
  26698. d,
  26699. Mo(Up(H))
  26700. );
  26701. o = $p(b.body, Zp, v, l);
  26702. }
  26703. }
  26704. Et.isString(R) || (R = R ? "include" : "omit");
  26705. const T = "credentials" in Request.prototype;
  26706. x = new Request(p, {
  26707. ...B,
  26708. signal: S,
  26709. method: M.toUpperCase(),
  26710. headers: G.normalize().toJSON(),
  26711. body: o,
  26712. duplex: "half",
  26713. credentials: T ? R : void 0
  26714. });
  26715. let O = await fetch(x);
  26716. const j = kl && (V === "stream" || V === "response");
  26717. if (kl && (U || j && f)) {
  26718. const b = {};
  26719. ["status", "statusText", "headers"].forEach((h) => {
  26720. b[h] = O[h];
  26721. });
  26722. const w = Et.toFiniteNumber(O.headers.get("content-length")), [v, l] = U && Fp(
  26723. w,
  26724. Mo(Up(U), !0)
  26725. ) || [];
  26726. O = new Response(
  26727. $p(O.body, Zp, v, () => {
  26728. l && l(), f && f();
  26729. }),
  26730. b
  26731. );
  26732. }
  26733. V = V || "text";
  26734. let k = await ko[Et.findKey(ko, V) || "text"](O, r);
  26735. return !j && f && f(), await new Promise((b, w) => {
  26736. bd(b, w, {
  26737. data: k,
  26738. headers: Bi.from(O.headers),
  26739. status: O.status,
  26740. statusText: O.statusText,
  26741. config: r,
  26742. request: x
  26743. });
  26744. });
  26745. } catch (T) {
  26746. throw f && f(), T && === "TypeError" && /fetch/i.test(T.message) ? Object.assign(
  26747. new ne("Network Error", ne.ERR_NETWORK, r, x),
  26748. {
  26749. cause: T.cause || T
  26750. }
  26751. ) : ne.from(T, T && T.code, r, x);
  26752. }
  26753. }), Al = {
  26754. http: pM,
  26755. xhr: XM,
  26756. fetch: qM
  26757. };
  26758. Et.forEach(Al, (r, p) => {
  26759. if (r) {
  26760. try {
  26761. Object.defineProperty(r, "name", { value: p });
  26762. } catch {
  26763. }
  26764. Object.defineProperty(r, "adapterName", { value: p });
  26765. }
  26766. });
  26767. const Kp = (r) => `- ${r}`, QM = (r) => Et.isFunction(r) || r === null || r === !1, kd = {
  26768. getAdapter: (r) => {
  26769. r = Et.isArray(r) ? r : [r];
  26770. const { length: p } = r;
  26771. let M, o;
  26772. const y = {};
  26773. for (let N = 0; N < p; N++) {
  26774. M = r[N];
  26775. let D;
  26776. if (o = M, !QM(M) && (o = Al[(D = String(M)).toLowerCase()], o === void 0))
  26777. throw new ne(`Unknown adapter '${D}'`);
  26778. if (o)
  26779. break;
  26780. y[D || "#" + N] = o;
  26781. }
  26782. if (!o) {
  26783. const N = Object.entries(y).map(
  26784. ([U, H]) => `adapter ${U} ` + (H === !1 ? "is not supported by the environment" : "is not available in the build")
  26785. );
  26786. let D = p ? N.length > 1 ? `since :
  26787. ` +`
  26788. `) : " " + Kp(N[0]) : "as no adapter specified";
  26789. throw new ne(
  26790. "There is no suitable adapter to dispatch the request " + D,
  26791. "ERR_NOT_SUPPORT"
  26792. );
  26793. }
  26794. return o;
  26795. },
  26796. adapters: Al
  26797. };
  26798. function fl(r) {
  26799. if (r.cancelToken && r.cancelToken.throwIfRequested(), r.signal && r.signal.aborted)
  26800. throw new Pn(null, r);
  26801. }
  26802. function Jp(r) {
  26803. return fl(r), r.headers = Bi.from(r.headers), =
  26804. r,
  26805. r.transformRequest
  26806. ), ["post", "put", "patch"].indexOf(r.method) !== -1 && r.headers.setContentType("application/x-www-form-urlencoded", !1), kd.getAdapter(r.adapter || ih.adapter)(r).then(function(o) {
  26807. return fl(r), =
  26808. r,
  26809. r.transformResponse,
  26810. o
  26811. ), o.headers = Bi.from(o.headers), o;
  26812. }, function(o) {
  26813. return xd(o) || (fl(r), o && o.response && ( =
  26814. r,
  26815. r.transformResponse,
  26816. o.response
  26817. ), o.response.headers = Bi.from(o.response.headers))), Promise.reject(o);
  26818. });
  26819. }
  26820. const Ad = "1.7.9", Ho = {};
  26821. ["object", "boolean", "number", "function", "string", "symbol"].forEach((r, p) => {
  26822. Ho[r] = function(o) {
  26823. return typeof o === r || "a" + (p < 1 ? "n " : " ") + r;
  26824. };
  26825. });
  26826. const qp = {};
  26827. Ho.transitional = function(p, M, o) {
  26828. function y(N, D) {
  26829. return "[Axios v" + Ad + "] Transitional option '" + N + "'" + D + (o ? ". " + o : "");
  26830. }
  26831. return (N, D, U) => {
  26832. if (p === !1)
  26833. throw new ne(
  26834. y(D, " has been removed" + (M ? " in " + M : "")),
  26835. ne.ERR_DEPRECATED
  26836. );
  26837. return M && !qp[D] && (qp[D] = !0, console.warn(
  26838. y(
  26839. D,
  26840. " has been deprecated since v" + M + " and will be removed in the near future"
  26841. )
  26842. )), p ? p(N, D, U) : !0;
  26843. };
  26844. };
  26845. Ho.spelling = function(p) {
  26846. return (M, o) => (console.warn(`${o} is likely a misspelling of ${p}`), !0);
  26847. };
  26848. function tk(r, p, M) {
  26849. if (typeof r != "object")
  26850. throw new ne("options must be an object", ne.ERR_BAD_OPTION_VALUE);
  26851. const o = Object.keys(r);
  26852. let y = o.length;
  26853. for (; y-- > 0; ) {
  26854. const N = o[y], D = p[N];
  26855. if (D) {
  26856. const U = r[N], H = U === void 0 || D(U, N, r);
  26857. if (H !== !0)
  26858. throw new ne("option " + N + " must be " + H, ne.ERR_BAD_OPTION_VALUE);
  26859. continue;
  26860. }
  26861. if (M !== !0)
  26862. throw new ne("Unknown option " + N, ne.ERR_BAD_OPTION);
  26863. }
  26864. }
  26865. const uo = {
  26866. assertOptions: tk,
  26867. validators: Ho
  26868. }, Ui = uo.validators;
  26869. class Ao {
  26870. constructor(p) {
  26871. this.defaults = p, this.interceptors = {
  26872. request: new Gp(),
  26873. response: new Gp()
  26874. };
  26875. }
  26876. /**
  26877. * Dispatch a request
  26878. *
  26879. * @param {String|Object} configOrUrl The config specific for this request (merged with this.defaults)
  26880. * @param {?Object} config
  26881. *
  26882. * @returns {Promise} The Promise to be fulfilled
  26883. */
  26884. async request(p, M) {
  26885. try {
  26886. return await this._request(p, M);
  26887. } catch (o) {
  26888. if (o instanceof Error) {
  26889. let y = {};
  26890. Error.captureStackTrace ? Error.captureStackTrace(y) : y = new Error();
  26891. const N = y.stack ? y.stack.replace(/^.+\n/, "") : "";
  26892. try {
  26893. o.stack ? N && !String(o.stack).endsWith(N.replace(/^.+\n.+\n/, "")) && (o.stack += `
  26894. ` + N) : o.stack = N;
  26895. } catch {
  26896. }
  26897. }
  26898. throw o;
  26899. }
  26900. }
  26901. _request(p, M) {
  26902. typeof p == "string" ? (M = M || {}, M.url = p) : M = p || {}, M = Zr(this.defaults, M);
  26903. const { transitional: o, paramsSerializer: y, headers: N } = M;
  26904. o !== void 0 && uo.assertOptions(o, {
  26905. silentJSONParsing: Ui.transitional(Ui.boolean),
  26906. forcedJSONParsing: Ui.transitional(Ui.boolean),
  26907. clarifyTimeoutError: Ui.transitional(Ui.boolean)
  26908. }, !1), y != null && (Et.isFunction(y) ? M.paramsSerializer = {
  26909. serialize: y
  26910. } : uo.assertOptions(y, {
  26911. encode: Ui.function,
  26912. serialize: Ui.function
  26913. }, !0)), uo.assertOptions(M, {
  26914. baseUrl: Ui.spelling("baseURL"),
  26915. withXsrfToken: Ui.spelling("withXSRFToken")
  26916. }, !0), M.method = (M.method || this.defaults.method || "get").toLowerCase();
  26917. let D = N && Et.merge(
  26918. N.common,
  26919. N[M.method]
  26920. );
  26921. N && Et.forEach(
  26922. ["delete", "get", "head", "post", "put", "patch", "common"],
  26923. (x) => {
  26924. delete N[x];
  26925. }
  26926. ), M.headers = Bi.concat(D, N);
  26927. const U = [];
  26928. let H = !0;
  26929. this.interceptors.request.forEach(function(f) {
  26930. typeof f.runWhen == "function" && f.runWhen(M) === !1 || (H = H && f.synchronous, U.unshift(f.fulfilled, f.rejected));
  26931. });
  26932. const V = [];
  26933. this.interceptors.response.forEach(function(f) {
  26934. V.push(f.fulfilled, f.rejected);
  26935. });
  26936. let G, R = 0, B;
  26937. if (!H) {
  26938. const x = [Jp.bind(this), void 0];
  26939. for (x.unshift.apply(x, U), x.push.apply(x, V), B = x.length, G = Promise.resolve(M); R < B; )
  26940. G = G.then(x[R++], x[R++]);
  26941. return G;
  26942. }
  26943. B = U.length;
  26944. let S = M;
  26945. for (R = 0; R < B; ) {
  26946. const x = U[R++], f = U[R++];
  26947. try {
  26948. S = x(S);
  26949. } catch (d) {
  26950., d);
  26951. break;
  26952. }
  26953. }
  26954. try {
  26955. G =, S);
  26956. } catch (x) {
  26957. return Promise.reject(x);
  26958. }
  26959. for (R = 0, B = V.length; R < B; )
  26960. G = G.then(V[R++], V[R++]);
  26961. return G;
  26962. }
  26963. getUri(p) {
  26964. p = Zr(this.defaults, p);
  26965. const M = Sd(p.baseURL, p.url);
  26966. return md(M, p.params, p.paramsSerializer);
  26967. }
  26968. }
  26969. Et.forEach(["delete", "get", "head", "options"], function(p) {
  26970. Ao.prototype[p] = function(M, o) {
  26971. return this.request(Zr(o || {}, {
  26972. method: p,
  26973. url: M,
  26974. data: (o || {}).data
  26975. }));
  26976. };
  26977. });
  26978. Et.forEach(["post", "put", "patch"], function(p) {
  26979. function M(o) {
  26980. return function(N, D, U) {
  26981. return this.request(Zr(U || {}, {
  26982. method: p,
  26983. headers: o ? {
  26984. "Content-Type": "multipart/form-data"
  26985. } : {},
  26986. url: N,
  26987. data: D
  26988. }));
  26989. };
  26990. }
  26991. Ao.prototype[p] = M(), Ao.prototype[p + "Form"] = M(!0);
  26992. });
  26993. const fo = Ao;
  26994. class rh {
  26995. constructor(p) {
  26996. if (typeof p != "function")
  26997. throw new TypeError("executor must be a function.");
  26998. let M;
  26999. this.promise = new Promise(function(N) {
  27000. M = N;
  27001. });
  27002. const o = this;
  27003. this.promise.then((y) => {
  27004. if (!o._listeners)
  27005. return;
  27006. let N = o._listeners.length;
  27007. for (; N-- > 0; )
  27008. o._listeners[N](y);
  27009. o._listeners = null;
  27010. }), this.promise.then = (y) => {
  27011. let N;
  27012. const D = new Promise((U) => {
  27013. o.subscribe(U), N = U;
  27014. }).then(y);
  27015. return D.cancel = function() {
  27016. o.unsubscribe(N);
  27017. }, D;
  27018. }, p(function(N, D, U) {
  27019. o.reason || (o.reason = new Pn(N, D, U), M(o.reason));
  27020. });
  27021. }
  27022. /**
  27023. * Throws a `CanceledError` if cancellation has been requested.
  27024. */
  27025. throwIfRequested() {
  27026. if (this.reason)
  27027. throw this.reason;
  27028. }
  27029. /**
  27030. * Subscribe to the cancel signal
  27031. */
  27032. subscribe(p) {
  27033. if (this.reason) {
  27034. p(this.reason);
  27035. return;
  27036. }
  27037. this._listeners ? this._listeners.push(p) : this._listeners = [p];
  27038. }
  27039. /**
  27040. * Unsubscribe from the cancel signal
  27041. */
  27042. unsubscribe(p) {
  27043. if (!this._listeners)
  27044. return;
  27045. const M = this._listeners.indexOf(p);
  27046. M !== -1 && this._listeners.splice(M, 1);
  27047. }
  27048. toAbortSignal() {
  27049. const p = new AbortController(), M = (o) => {
  27050. p.abort(o);
  27051. };
  27052. return this.subscribe(M), p.signal.unsubscribe = () => this.unsubscribe(M), p.signal;
  27053. }
  27054. /**
  27055. * Returns an object that contains a new `CancelToken` and a function that, when called,
  27056. * cancels the `CancelToken`.
  27057. */
  27058. static source() {
  27059. let p;
  27060. return {
  27061. token: new rh(function(y) {
  27062. p = y;
  27063. }),
  27064. cancel: p
  27065. };
  27066. }
  27067. }
  27068. const ek = rh;
  27069. function ik(r) {
  27070. return function(M) {
  27071. return r.apply(null, M);
  27072. };
  27073. }
  27074. function rk(r) {
  27075. return Et.isObject(r) && r.isAxiosError === !0;
  27076. }
  27077. const Tl = {
  27078. Continue: 100,
  27079. SwitchingProtocols: 101,
  27080. Processing: 102,
  27081. EarlyHints: 103,
  27082. Ok: 200,
  27083. Created: 201,
  27084. Accepted: 202,
  27085. NonAuthoritativeInformation: 203,
  27086. NoContent: 204,
  27087. ResetContent: 205,
  27088. PartialContent: 206,
  27089. MultiStatus: 207,
  27090. AlreadyReported: 208,
  27091. ImUsed: 226,
  27092. MultipleChoices: 300,
  27093. MovedPermanently: 301,
  27094. Found: 302,
  27095. SeeOther: 303,
  27096. NotModified: 304,
  27097. UseProxy: 305,
  27098. Unused: 306,
  27099. TemporaryRedirect: 307,
  27100. PermanentRedirect: 308,
  27101. BadRequest: 400,
  27102. Unauthorized: 401,
  27103. PaymentRequired: 402,
  27104. Forbidden: 403,
  27105. NotFound: 404,
  27106. MethodNotAllowed: 405,
  27107. NotAcceptable: 406,
  27108. ProxyAuthenticationRequired: 407,
  27109. RequestTimeout: 408,
  27110. Conflict: 409,
  27111. Gone: 410,
  27112. LengthRequired: 411,
  27113. PreconditionFailed: 412,
  27114. PayloadTooLarge: 413,
  27115. UriTooLong: 414,
  27116. UnsupportedMediaType: 415,
  27117. RangeNotSatisfiable: 416,
  27118. ExpectationFailed: 417,
  27119. ImATeapot: 418,
  27120. MisdirectedRequest: 421,
  27121. UnprocessableEntity: 422,
  27122. Locked: 423,
  27123. FailedDependency: 424,
  27124. TooEarly: 425,
  27125. UpgradeRequired: 426,
  27126. PreconditionRequired: 428,
  27127. TooManyRequests: 429,
  27128. RequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge: 431,
  27129. UnavailableForLegalReasons: 451,
  27130. InternalServerError: 500,
  27131. NotImplemented: 501,
  27132. BadGateway: 502,
  27133. ServiceUnavailable: 503,
  27134. GatewayTimeout: 504,
  27135. HttpVersionNotSupported: 505,
  27136. VariantAlsoNegotiates: 506,
  27137. InsufficientStorage: 507,
  27138. LoopDetected: 508,
  27139. NotExtended: 510,
  27140. NetworkAuthenticationRequired: 511
  27141. };
  27142. Object.entries(Tl).forEach(([r, p]) => {
  27143. Tl[p] = r;
  27144. });
  27145. const nk = Tl;
  27146. function Td(r) {
  27147. const p = new fo(r), M = nd(fo.prototype.request, p);
  27148. return Et.extend(M, fo.prototype, p, { allOwnKeys: !0 }), Et.extend(M, p, null, { allOwnKeys: !0 }), M.create = function(y) {
  27149. return Td(Zr(r, y));
  27150. }, M;
  27151. }
  27152. const Ye = Td(ih);
  27153. Ye.Axios = fo;
  27154. Ye.CanceledError = Pn;
  27155. Ye.CancelToken = ek;
  27156. Ye.isCancel = xd;
  27157. Ye.VERSION = Ad;
  27158. Ye.toFormData = zo;
  27159. Ye.AxiosError = ne;
  27160. Ye.Cancel = Ye.CanceledError;
  27161. Ye.all = function(p) {
  27162. return Promise.all(p);
  27163. };
  27164. Ye.spread = ik;
  27165. Ye.isAxiosError = rk;
  27166. Ye.mergeConfig = Zr;
  27167. Ye.AxiosHeaders = Bi;
  27168. Ye.formToJSON = (r) => vd(Et.isHTMLForm(r) ? new FormData(r) : r);
  27169. Ye.getAdapter = kd.getAdapter;
  27170. Ye.HttpStatusCode = nk;
  27171. Ye.default = Ye;
  27172. const sk = Ye;
  27173. let ok = {
  27174. baseURL: "/api",
  27175. timeout: 10 * 60 * 1e3
  27176. };
  27177. const nh = sk.create(ok);
  27178. nh.interceptors.request.use(
  27179. function(r) {
  27180. return r;
  27181. },
  27182. function(r) {
  27183. return console.error(r), Promise.reject(r);
  27184. }
  27185. );
  27186. nh.interceptors.response.use(
  27187. function(r) {
  27188. let p =;
  27189. return r.status !== 200 && console.error("网络异常"), p || console.error("服务器开了个小差"), p.Ret === 408 && console.error(p.Msg), p.Ret === 403 && console.error(p.Msg || "网络异常"), p;
  27190. },
  27191. function(r) {
  27192. return console.error(r), Promise.reject(r);
  27193. }
  27194. );
  27195. const sh = (r, p) =>, p), ak = (r) => sh("/chart/detail", r), lk = (r) => sh("/eta_forum/chart/detail", r), hk = (r) => sh("/excel/detail", r);
  27196. function Pd(r) {
  27197. if (r.indexOf("?") === -1)
  27198. return {};
  27199. const M = r.split("?")[1].split("&"), o = {};
  27200. return M.forEach((y) => {
  27201. const [N, D] = y.split("=");
  27202. o[N] = decodeURIComponent(D);
  27203. }), o;
  27204. }
  27205. const ck = `@charset "UTF-8";div[data-v-4a9f0e4d]{box-sizing:border-box}.hz-chart-wrap[data-v-4a9f0e4d]{font:initial;page-break-inside:avoid;max-width:1200PX;height:100%;overflow:hidden;position:relative;margin:0 auto;border:1PX solid rgba(0,0,0,.125)!important;background:#fff;border-radius:5PX;display:flex;flex-direction:column;font-family:PingFangSC-Regular,微软雅黑,宋体!important}.hz-chart-wrap .hz-chart-head[data-v-4a9f0e4d]{box-sizing:border-box;background-color:#f2f2f2;border-bottom:1px solid rgba(0,0,0,.125);cursor:pointer;min-height:40PX;display:flex;align-items:center;padding:2PX 10PX}.hz-chart-wrap .hz-chart-head .chart-title[data-v-4a9f0e4d]{width:100%}.hz-chart-wrap .chart-wrapper[data-v-4a9f0e4d]{position:relative;display:flex;height:100%;width:100%}.hz-chart-wrap .chart-wrapper .hz-chart-content[data-v-4a9f0e4d]{width:100%;flex:1}.hz-chart-wrap .chart-wrapper .mark[data-v-4a9f0e4d]{position:absolute;left:50%;top:50%;transform:translate(-50%,-50%);background-image:none;background-position:center center;background-repeat:no-repeat;background-size:contain;pointer-events:none;width:80%;height:80%}.hz-chart-wrap .notfound[data-v-4a9f0e4d]{flex:1;overflow:hidden;padding:10PX;color:#777;text-align:center}.hz-chart-wrap .chart-bottom-info[data-v-4a9f0e4d]{padding-right:10PX;padding-bottom:0;padding-left:25PX;display:flex}.hz-chart-wrap .chart-bottom-info .chart-instruction[data-v-4a9f0e4d]{max-width:80%;flex:1;text-align:right;margin-left:auto}.hz-chart-wrap .hz-chart-footer[data-v-4a9f0e4d]{padding-left:25PX;padding-right:10PX;padding-bottom:10PX;overflow:hidden;text-overflow:ellipsis;white-space:nowrap;max-width:1px}.hz-chart-wrap .text_oneLine[data-v-4a9f0e4d]{white-space:nowrap;overflow:hidden;text-overflow:ellipsis}
  27206. `, Ed = (r, p) => {
  27207. const M = r.__vccOpts || r;
  27208. for (const [o, y] of p)
  27209. M[o] = y;
  27210. return M;
  27211. }, pk = { class: "hz-chart-head" }, uk = {
  27212. key: 0,
  27213. class: "chart-wrapper"
  27214. }, dk = ["id"], fk = {
  27215. key: 1,
  27216. class: "notfound"
  27217. }, gk = {
  27218. key: 2,
  27219. class: "chart-bottom-info bootom-source"
  27220. }, mk = ["textContent"], yk = {
  27221. __name: "EtaChart.ce",
  27222. props: {
  27223. src: "",
  27224. width: "",
  27225. height: "",
  27226. style: ""
  27227. },
  27228. setup(r) {
  27229. const { chartRender: p, setLimitData: M, isUseSelfLimit: o } = iC(), y = r, N = Pd(y.src), D = Le(null), U = Le(""), H = Le(null), V = Le(null), G = Le(!1), R = Le(null), B = Le(null), S = Le(null);
  27230. async function x() {
  27231. if (!N.code) {
  27232. G.value = !1;
  27233. return;
  27234. }
  27235. try {
  27236. const d = N.isETAForumChart && N.isETAForumChart == "true" ? await lk({
  27237. UniqueCode: N.code,
  27238. IsReplace: 1
  27239. }) : await ak({
  27240. UniqueCode: N.code,
  27241. IsReplace: 1
  27242. });
  27243. if (d.Ret !== 200)
  27244. return;
  27245. H.value = d.Data.ChartInfo, V.value = d.Data.ChartInfo.Source === 1 ? d.Data.EdbInfoList : [d.Data.EdbInfoList[0]], U.value = `hz-chart_${N.code}_${(/* @__PURE__ */ new Date()).getTime()}`, f(), G.value = !0, d.Data.ChartInfo.Source === 1 && ![7, 10, 11].includes(d.Data.ChartInfo.ChartType) ? (o.value = !0, M(d.Data)) : o.value = !1, go(() => {
  27246. p({
  27247. data: d.Data,
  27248. renderId: D.value,
  27249. lang: N.language,
  27250. changeLangIsCheck: !1,
  27251. showChartTitle: !1,
  27252. shouldUseSelfLimit: !0
  27253. }), d.Data.WaterMark && ( = `url(${d.Data.WaterMark})`);
  27254. }), go(() => {
  27255. var T;
  27256. S.value && ( = ((T = B.value) == null ? void 0 : T.clientWidth) + "px");
  27257. });
  27258. } catch {
  27259. G.value = !1;
  27260. }
  27261. }
  27262. const f = () => {
  27263. N.language = N.fromPage || N.lang || "zh";
  27264. };
  27265. return x(), (d, T) => {
  27266. var O, j, k, b;
  27267. return Je(), qe("div", {
  27268. class: "hz-chart-wrap",
  27269. ref_key: "chartContainer",
  27270. ref: B,
  27271. style: lr([ + ";height:" + y.height + "px", { margin: "0 0 10px 0" }])
  27272. }, [
  27273. hr("header", pk, [
  27274. H.value ? (Je(), qe("span", {
  27275. key: 0,
  27276. class: "chart-title",
  27277. style: lr(H.value.ChartThemeStyle ? `
  27278. text-align:${JSON.parse(H.value.ChartThemeStyle).titleOptions.align};
  27279. font-size:${JSON.parse(H.value.ChartThemeStyle)}px;
  27280. color:${JSON.parse(H.value.ChartThemeStyle)}
  27281. ` : "")
  27282. }, yn(X0(N).language === "en" ? H.value.ChartNameEn : H.value.ChartName), 5)) : qn("", !0)
  27283. ]),
  27284. G.value ? (Je(), qe("div", uk, [
  27285. hr("div", {
  27286. id: U.value,
  27287. ref_key: "chartContentEl",
  27288. ref: D,
  27289. class: "hz-chart-content"
  27290. }, null, 8, dk),
  27291. hr("div", {
  27292. class: "mark",
  27293. ref_key: "markDom",
  27294. ref: R
  27295. }, null, 512)
  27296. ])) : (Je(), qe("div", fk, " 哎吆,你的图飞了,赶快去找管理员救命吧~ ")),
  27297. (O = H.value) != null && O.Instructions && JSON.parse((j = H.value) == null ? void 0 : j.Instructions).isShow ? (Je(), qe("div", gk, [
  27298. hr("div", {
  27299. class: "chart-instruction text_oneLine",
  27300. textContent: yn(JSON.parse(H.value.Instructions).text),
  27301. style: lr(`
  27302. color: ${JSON.parse(H.value.Instructions).color};
  27303. font-size: ${JSON.parse(H.value.Instructions).fontSize}px
  27304. `)
  27305. }, null, 12, mk)
  27306. ])) : qn("", !0),
  27307. (k = H.value) != null && k.SourcesFrom && ((b = JSON.parse(H.value.SourcesFrom)) != null && b.isShow) ? (Je(), qe("div", {
  27308. key: 3,
  27309. class: "hz-chart-footer",
  27310. ref_key: "chartFooter",
  27311. ref: S,
  27312. style: lr(`
  27313. color: ${JSON.parse(H.value.SourcesFrom).color};
  27314. font-size: ${JSON.parse(H.value.SourcesFrom).fontSize}px;
  27315. `)
  27316. }, [
  27317. T[0] || (T[0] = Qp(" source:")),
  27318. hr("em", null, yn(JSON.parse(H.value.SourcesFrom).text), 1)
  27319. ], 4)) : qn("", !0)
  27320. ], 4);
  27321. };
  27322. }
  27323. }, vk = /* @__PURE__ */ Ed(yk, [["styles", [ck]], ["__scopeId", "data-v-4a9f0e4d"]]), xk = `@charset "UTF-8";.sheet-show-wrapper[data-v-21c79782]{max-width:1200PX;overflow:hidden;position:relative;margin:0 auto;background:#fff;font-family:PingFangSC-Regular,微软雅黑,宋体!important}.sheet-show-wrapper .title[data-v-21c79782]{font-size:17PX;font-weight:400;padding:0 10PX;margin:0 0 8PX}.sheet-show-wrapper .table-wrapper[data-v-21c79782]{max-width:calc(100vw - 20PX);margin:0 auto;overflow:auto}.sheet-show-wrapper .table-wrapper table[data-v-21c79782]{width:100%;font-size:14PX;color:#333;table-layout:auto}.sheet-show-wrapper .table-wrapper table td[data-v-21c79782],.sheet-show-wrapper .table-wrapper table th[data-v-21c79782]{width:auto;height:auto;padding:.4em 0;word-break:break-all;word-wrap:break-word;line-height:1.2em;border:1PX solid #dcdfe6;text-align:center;background-color:#fff;border-left:none;border-top:none}.sheet-show-wrapper .table-wrapper table td[data-v-21c79782]:first-child,.sheet-show-wrapper .table-wrapper table th[data-v-21c79782]:first-child{border-left:1PX solid #dcdfe6}.sheet-show-wrapper .table-wrapper table .data-cell[data-v-21c79782]{color:#333}.sheet-show-wrapper .table-wrapper table[data-v-21c79782]{background-color:#efeef1}.sheet-show-wrapper .table-wrapper table .data-cell.two-bg[data-v-21c79782]{background-color:#fff}.sheet-show-wrapper .table-wrapper table .thead-sticky[data-v-21c79782]{position:sticky;top:0}.sheet-show-wrapper .table-wrapper table .head-column[data-v-21c79782]{background-color:#505b78;color:#fff}.sheet-show-wrapper .table-wrapper table .split-word span[data-v-21c79782]{display:inline}.sheet-show-wrapper .sheet-source[data-v-21c79782]{margin-top:5PX;min-width:150PX;overflow:hidden;text-overflow:ellipsis;white-space:nowrap}
  27324. `, bk = { class: "table-wrapper" }, Sk = ["colspan", "rowspan"], wk = {
  27325. key: 0,
  27326. class: "split-word"
  27327. }, Ck = { key: 1 }, Mk = {
  27328. __name: "EtaTable.ce",
  27329. props: {
  27330. src: "",
  27331. width: "",
  27332. height: "",
  27333. style: ""
  27334. },
  27335. setup(r) {
  27336. const M = Pd(r.src), o = Le({}), y = Le(!1), N = Le(null), D = Le(null), U = (G) => JSON.stringify({
  27337. isShow: !0,
  27338. text: G,
  27339. color: "#606266",
  27340. fontSize: 9
  27341. });
  27342. async function H() {
  27343. const G = await hk({
  27344. UniqueCode: M.code,
  27345. FromScene: Number(M.fromScene || ""),
  27346. ReferencedId: Number(M.sourceId || ""),
  27347. Uuid: M.uid || ""
  27348. });
  27349. G.Ret === 200 && (o.value = G.Data, o.value.SourcesFrom || (o.value.SourcesFrom = G.Data.ExcelSource ? U(G.Data.ExcelSource || "") : ""), y.value = !0, go(() => {
  27350. var R;
  27351. console.log(N.value.clientWidth), D.value && ( = ((R = N.value) == null ? void 0 : R.clientWidth) + "px");
  27352. }));
  27353. }
  27354. H();
  27355. function V(G, R) {
  27356. const { HeightList: B, WidthList: S } = o.value.ReferencedExcelConfig;
  27357. if (S && B) {
  27358. let x = S.split(",").map((d) => Number(d)), f = B.split(",").map((d) => Number(d));
  27359. return R === "height" ? f[G] ? `height:${f[G]}px` : "" : x[G] ? `width:${x[G]}px` : "";
  27360. } else
  27361. return "";
  27362. }
  27363. return (G, R) => {
  27364. var B, S;
  27365. return y.value ? (Je(), qe("div", {
  27366. key: 0,
  27367. class: "sheet-show-wrapper",
  27368. ref_key: "sheetRef",
  27369. ref: N
  27370. }, [
  27371. hr("div", bk, [
  27372. hr("table", {
  27373. cellpadding: "0",
  27374. cellspacing: "0",
  27375. style: lr(`font-size: ${((B = o.value.Config) == null ? void 0 : B.FontSize) || 12}PX`)
  27376. }, [
  27377. hr("tbody", null, [
  27378. (Je(!0), qe(il, null, rl((S = o.value.TableInfo) == null ? void 0 : S.TableDataList, (x, f) => (Je(), qe("tr", {
  27379. key: f,
  27380. style: lr(`${V(f, "height")}`)
  27381. }, [
  27382. (Je(!0), qe(il, null, rl(x, (d, T) => {
  27383. var O;
  27384. return Je(), qe("td", {
  27385. class: G0(["data-cell", {
  27386. "one-bg": (f + 1) % 2 && f > 0,
  27387. "tow-bg": (f + 1) % 2 !== 0 && f > 0,
  27388. "head-column": f === 0
  27389. }]),
  27390. key: T,
  27391. colspan: || 1,
  27392. rowspan: || 1,
  27393. style: lr(`
  27394. color: ${d.fc};
  27395. font-weight: ${ ? "bold" : "normal"};
  27396. font-style: ${ ? "italic" : "normal"};
  27397. background: ${};
  27398. font-size: ${d.fs || ((O = o.value.Config) == null ? void 0 : O.FontSize) || 12}px;
  27399. ${V(T, "width")}
  27400. `)
  27401. }, [
  27402. d.ct.s ? (Je(), qe("div", wk, [
  27403. (Je(!0), qe(il, null, rl(d.ct.s, (j, k) => (Je(), qe("span", {
  27404. key: `${f}_${T}_${k}`,
  27405. style: lr(`
  27406. color: ${j.fc};
  27407. font-weight: ${ ? "bold" : "normal"};
  27408. font-style: ${ ? "italic" : "normal"};
  27409. `)
  27410. }, yn(j.v), 5))), 128))
  27411. ])) : (Je(), qe("div", Ck, yn(d.m), 1))
  27412. ], 14, Sk);
  27413. }), 128))
  27414. ], 4))), 128))
  27415. ])
  27416. ], 4)
  27417. ]),
  27418. o.value.SourcesFrom && JSON.parse(o.value.SourcesFrom).isShow ? (Je(), qe("div", {
  27419. key: 0,
  27420. class: "sheet-source",
  27421. ref_key: "sheetFooter",
  27422. ref: D,
  27423. style: lr(`
  27424. color: ${JSON.parse(o.value.SourcesFrom).color};
  27425. font-size: ${JSON.parse(o.value.SourcesFrom).fontSize}px;
  27426. `)
  27427. }, [
  27428. R[0] || (R[0] = Qp(" source:")),
  27429. hr("em", null, yn(JSON.parse(o.value.SourcesFrom).text), 1)
  27430. ], 4)) : qn("", !0)
  27431. ], 512)) : qn("", !0);
  27432. };
  27433. }
  27434. }, kk = /* @__PURE__ */ Ed(Mk, [["styles", [xk]], ["__scopeId", "data-v-21c79782"]]), Ak = tu(vk), Tk = tu(kk);
  27435. function Ek() {
  27436. customElements.define("eta-chart", Ak), customElements.define("eta-table", Tk);
  27437. }
  27438. export {
  27439. Ek as registerEtaComp
  27440. };