@@ -0,0 +1,509 @@
+<script setup name="ReportEnAdd">
+import {ref,onMounted,onUnmounted, nextTick} from 'vue'
+import EditReportBaseInfo from './components/EditReportBaseInfo.vue'
+import ReportInsertContent from '../report/components/reportInsert/Index.vue'
+import apiReportEn from '@/api/reportEn'
+import apiChart from '@/api/chart'
+import moment from 'moment'
+import { showToast } from 'vant'
+import { useRoute, useRouter } from 'vue-router'
+import {useInitFroalaEditor} from '@/hooks/useFroalaEditor'
+import {useCachedViewsStore} from '@/store/modules/cachedViews'
+const cachedViewsStore=useCachedViewsStore()
+const router=useRouter()
+const route=useRoute()
+const {lastFocusPosition,frolaEditorContentChange,imgUploadFlag,initFroalaEditor}=useInitFroalaEditor()
+let reportContentIns=null//报告内容编辑器实例
+let overviewContentIns=null//overview内容编辑器实例
+let autoSaveTimer=null//自动保存定时器
+onMounted(async () => {
+ const el=document.getElementById('editor')
+ reportContentIns=initFroalaEditor('#editor',{height:el.offsetHeight-150})
+ if(route.query.id>0){
+ //编辑时
+ getReportDetail()
+ autoSaveTimer=setInterval(() => {
+ autoSaveReportContent()
+ }, 6000);
+ }
+ clearInterval(autoSaveTimer)
+// 自动保存报告
+async function autoSaveReportContent(){
+ if(!imgUploadFlag.value)return
+ //如果富文本中有未上传完成的图片,去除这个dom
+ $('#editor .fr-element').find('img.fr-uploading').length&&$('#editor .fr-element').find('img.fr-uploading').remove()
+ const res=await apiReportEn.reportContentSave({
+ ReportId:Number(route.query.id),
+ Content:$('#editor .fr-element').html(),
+ NoChange:frolaEditorContentChange.value?0:1
+ })
+ frolaEditorContentChange.value=false
+// 获取报告详情
+const reportData=ref(null)
+async function getReportDetail(){
+ const res=await apiReportEn.getReportDetail({ReportId:Number(route.query.id)})
+ if(res.Ret===200){
+ reportData.value=res.Data
+ reportBaseInfoData.addType=res.Data.AddType
+ reportBaseInfoData.classifyName=[
+ {
+ id:res.Data.ClassifyIdFirst,
+ text:res.Data.ClassifyNameFirst
+ },
+ {
+ id:res.Data.ClassifyIdSecond,
+ text:res.Data.ClassifyNameSecond
+ }
+ ]
+ reportBaseInfoData.author=res.Data.Author ? res.Data.Author.split(',') : ['Horizon Insights FICC Team']
+ reportBaseInfoData.frequency=[res.Data.Frequency]
+ reportBaseInfoData.createtime=moment(res.Data.CreateTime).format('YYYY-MM-DD')
+ reportBaseInfoData.title=res.Data.Title
+ reportBaseInfoData.abstract=res.Data.Abstract
+ reportContentIns.html.set(res.Data.Content);
+ temOverviewData.value=res.Data.Overview
+ }
+// 报告基本内容
+const showReportBaseInfo=ref(false)
+let reportBaseInfoData={
+ addType:1,
+ classifyName:[],
+ author:['Horizon Insights FICC Team'],
+ frequency: ['日度'],
+ createtime:moment().format('YYYY-MM-DD'),
+ title:'',
+ abstract:''
+async function handleReportBaseInfoChange(e){
+ reportBaseInfoData=e
+ // 继承报告 覆盖一次
+ if(e.addType===2&&e.classifyName.length===2){
+ const res=await apiReportEn.reportDetailByClassifyId({
+ ClassifyIdFirst:e.classifyName[0].id,
+ ClassifyIdSecond:e.classifyName[1].id
+ })
+ if(res.Ret===200){
+ if(res.Data===null){
+ showToast('此分类暂无报告')
+ }else{
+ reportBaseInfoData.author=res.Data.Author ? res.Data.Author.split(',') : ['FICC团队']
+ reportBaseInfoData.frequency=[res.Data.Frequency]
+ reportBaseInfoData.createtime=moment().format('YYYY-MM-DD')
+ reportBaseInfoData.title=res.Data.Title
+ reportBaseInfoData.abstract=res.Data.Abstract
+ reportContentIns.html.set(res.Data.Content);
+ temOverviewData.value=res.Data.Overview
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ showReportBaseInfo.value=false
+// overview
+const showEditOverview=ref(false)
+const temOverviewData=ref('')
+function handleShowOverview(){
+ showEditOverview.value=true
+ nextTick(()=>{
+ const el=document.getElementById('editor-overview')
+ overviewContentIns=initFroalaEditor('#editor-overview',{height:el.offsetHeight-150})
+ if(temOverviewData.value){
+ setTimeout(() => {
+ overviewContentIns.html.set(temOverviewData.value)
+ }, 100);
+ }
+ })
+function handleSaveOverview(){
+ temOverviewData.value=$('#editor-overview .fr-element').html()
+ showEditOverview.value=false
+// 报告插入数据弹窗
+const showReportInsertPop=ref(false)
+ * list:[UniqueCode] 图表code
+ * type:iframe/img 插入的为iframe或者图片
+ * chartType: chart-图表,sheet-表格
+ */
+function handleInsert({list,type,chartType}){
+ reportContentIns.events.focus()
+ if(lastFocusPosition.value){
+ reportContentIns.selection.get().removeAllRanges()
+ reportContentIns.selection.get().addRange(lastFocusPosition.value)
+ }
+ if(type==='iframe'){
+ let link;
+ if(chartType==='chart'){
+ link=import.meta.env.MODE==='production'?'https://chartlib.hzinsights.com/chartshow':'https://charttest.hzinsights.com/chartshow'
+ list.forEach(item => {
+ reportContentIns.html.insert(`<p style='text-align:left; margin-top:10px;'>
+ <iframe src='${link}?code=${item}&fromPage=en' width='100%' height='350' style='border-width:0px; min-height:350px;'></iframe>
+ </p>`)
+ });
+ }else if(chartType==='sheet'){
+ link=import.meta.env.MODE==='production'?'https://chartlib.hzinsights.com/sheetshow':'https://charttest.hzinsights.com/sheetshow'
+ list.forEach(item => {
+ reportContentIns.html.insert(`<p style='text-align:left; margin-top:10px;'>
+ <iframe src='${link}?code=${item}' class='iframe${item}' width='100%' style='border-width:0px;'></iframe>
+ </p>`)
+ });
+ }
+ }else if(type==='img'){
+ list.forEach(item=>{
+ reportContentIns.html.insert(`<img style='width:100%' src='${item}' />`)
+ })
+ }
+ showReportInsertPop.value=false
+// 更新sheet表格高度
+function reInitSheetIframe(e){
+ const { height,code } = e.data;
+ let iframeDom = document.getElementsByClassName(`iframe${code}`)
+ Array.prototype.forEach.call(iframeDom, function (ele) {
+ ele.height = `${height+45}px`;
+ });
+ window.addEventListener('message',reInitSheetIframe)
+ window.removeEventListener('message',reInitSheetIframe)
+// 刷新所有图表
+async function handleRefreshAllChart(){
+ let code_arr = [];
+ $('iframe').each((k,i) => {
+ try {
+ let href = $(i).attr('src');
+ code_arr.push(href.slice(href.indexOf('code=') + 5));
+ } catch (err) {
+ }
+ });
+ if(!code_arr.length) return showToast('请插入图表');
+ const res=await apiChart.refreshChartMultiple({ChartInfoCode:code_arr})
+ if(res.Ret===200){
+ $('iframe').each((k,i) => {
+ $(i).attr('src',$(i).attr('src'))
+ });
+ showToast('刷新成功')
+ }
+// 报告操作
+async function handleReportOpt(e){
+ //如果富文本中有未上传完成的图片,去除这个dom
+ $('#editor .fr-element').find('img.fr-uploading').length&&$('#editor .fr-element').find('img.fr-uploading').remove()
+ const params={
+ AddType:reportBaseInfoData.addType,
+ ClassifyIdFirst:reportBaseInfoData.classifyName[0]?.id,
+ ClassifyNameFirst:reportBaseInfoData.classifyName[0]?.text,
+ ClassifyIdSecond:reportBaseInfoData.classifyName[1]?.id,
+ ClassifyNameSecond:reportBaseInfoData.classifyName[1]?.text,
+ Title:reportBaseInfoData.title,
+ Abstract:reportBaseInfoData.abstract,
+ Author:reportBaseInfoData.author.join(','),
+ Frequency:reportBaseInfoData.frequency[0],
+ Content:$('#editor .fr-element').html(),
+ CreateTime:moment(reportBaseInfoData.createtime).format('YYYY.MM.DD'),
+ State: 1,
+ ReportVersion: 2,
+ Overview:temOverviewData.value
+ }
+ if(reportBaseInfoData.classifyName.length!=2){
+ showToast('请选择分类')
+ return
+ }
+ if(!reportBaseInfoData.title){
+ showToast('请输入标题')
+ return
+ }
+ if(!params.Overview){
+ showToast('请输入overview')
+ return
+ }
+ if(!params.Content){
+ showToast('请输入content')
+ return
+ }
+ if(!params.Abstract){
+ showToast('请输入摘要')
+ return
+ }
+ if(e==='yl'){
+ sessionStorage.setItem('reportEnPreData',JSON.stringify(params))
+ const routerEl=router.resolve({
+ path:'/reportEn/detail',
+ query:{
+ id:-1
+ }
+ })
+ window.open(routerEl.href,'_blank')
+ return
+ }
+ const res=route.query.id
+ ?await apiReportEn.reportEdit({ReportId:Number(route.query.id),...params})
+ :await apiReportEn.reportAdd(params)
+ if(res.Ret!==200) return
+ cachedViewsStore.removeCaches('ReportEnList')
+ if(e==='cg'){
+ showToast('保存成功')
+ setTimeout(() => {
+ router.replace({
+ path:'/reportEn/edit',
+ query:{
+ id:res.Data.ReportId
+ }
+ })
+ }, 1000);
+ }
+ if(e==='fb'){
+ reportPublish(res.Data.ReportId)
+ }
+// 发布报告
+function reportPublish(id){
+ apiReportEn.reportPublish({ReportIds:id.toString()}).then(res=>{
+ if(res.Ret===200){
+ showToast('发布成功')
+ setTimeout(() => {
+ router.back()
+ }, 1500);
+ }
+ })
+ <div class="reporten-add-page">
+ <van-cell title="基础信息" is-link @click="showReportBaseInfo=true"/>
+ <van-cell title="Overview" is-link @click="handleShowOverview"/>
+ <div class="main-wrap">
+ <div class="editor-box" id="editor"></div>
+ </div>
+ <!-- 底部操作 -->
+ <div class="bot-action-box">
+ <div class="left-box">
+ <div class="item" @click="handleRefreshAllChart">
+ <img src="@/assets/imgs/report/icon_refresh.png" alt="">
+ <span>刷新</span>
+ </div>
+ <div class="item" @click="handleReportOpt('yl')">
+ <img src="@/assets/imgs/report/icon_preview.png" alt="">
+ <span>预览</span>
+ </div>
+ <div class="item" @click="handleReportOpt('cg')">
+ <img src="@/assets/imgs/report/icon_save2.png" alt="">
+ <span>保存</span>
+ </div>
+ <div class="item" @click="handleReportOpt('fb')">
+ <img src="@/assets/imgs/report/icon_publish3.png" alt="">
+ <span>发布</span>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="right-btn" @click="showReportInsertPop=true">
+ <svg width="28" height="28" viewBox="0 0 28 28" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
+ <path d="M12.0499 15.9499V27.5H15.9499V15.9499H27.5V12.0499H15.9499V0.5H12.0499V12.0499H0.5V15.9499H12.0499Z" fill="white"/>
+ </svg>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <!-- 报告基础信息 -->
+ <van-popup
+ v-model:show="showReportBaseInfo"
+ position="bottom"
+ :style="{ height: '100%' }"
+ >
+ <EditReportBaseInfo v-if="showReportBaseInfo" :defaultData="reportBaseInfoData" @close="showReportBaseInfo=false" @confirm="handleReportBaseInfoChange"/>
+ </van-popup>
+ <!-- 报告overview -->
+ <van-popup
+ v-model:show="showEditOverview"
+ position="bottom"
+ :style="{ height: '100%' }"
+ >
+ <div class="overview-edit-wrap">
+ <h3>Overview</h3>
+ <div id="editor-overview"></div>
+ <div class="bot-btns">
+ <van-button class="bot-btn" type="primary" @click="handleSaveOverview">保存</van-button>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </van-popup>
+ <!-- 报告插入数据模块 -->
+ <van-popup
+ v-model:show="showReportInsertPop"
+ position="bottom"
+ round
+ >
+ <report-insert-content v-if="showReportInsertPop" @insert="handleInsert"/>
+ </van-popup>
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