@@ -0,0 +1,726 @@
+package eta_training_video
+import (
+ "encoding/json"
+ "eta/eta_forum_admin/controllers"
+ "eta/eta_forum_admin/models"
+ "eta/eta_forum_admin/models/eta_training_video"
+ etaTrainingVideoService "eta/eta_forum_admin/services/eta_training_video"
+ "eta/eta_forum_admin/utils"
+ "fmt"
+ "github.com/rdlucklib/rdluck_tools/paging"
+ "html/template"
+ "strings"
+ "time"
+// EtaTrainingVideoController ETA培训视频
+type EtaTrainingVideoController struct {
+ controllers.BaseAuthController
+// PageList
+// @Title 视频列表-分页
+// @Description 视频列表-分页
+// @Param PageSize query int true "每页数据量"
+// @Param CurrentIndex query int true "当前页码"
+// @Param Keyword query string false "关键词: 视频名称/社会信用码/视频编码"
+// @Param StartTime query string false "创建时间区间: 开始时间"
+// @Param EndTime query string false "创建时间区间: 结束时间"
+// @Param ClassifyId query int false "分类ID"
+// @Param TagIds query string false "标签IDs, 英文逗号拼接"
+// @Param PublishState query int false "发布状态: 1-未发布; 2-已发布"
+// @Success 200 Ret=200 获取成功
+// @router /page_list [get]
+func (this *EtaTrainingVideoController) PageList() {
+ br := new(models.BaseResponse).Init()
+ defer func() {
+ if br.ErrMsg == "" {
+ br.IsSendEmail = false
+ }
+ this.Data["json"] = br
+ this.ServeJSON()
+ }()
+ sysUser := this.SysUser
+ if sysUser == nil {
+ br.Msg = "请登录"
+ br.ErrMsg = "请登录,SysUser Is Empty"
+ br.Ret = 408
+ return
+ }
+ // 分页
+ pageSize, _ := this.GetInt("PageSize")
+ currentIndex, _ := this.GetInt("CurrentIndex")
+ var startSize int
+ if pageSize <= 0 {
+ pageSize = utils.PageSize20
+ }
+ if currentIndex <= 0 {
+ currentIndex = 1
+ }
+ startSize = utils.StartIndex(currentIndex, pageSize)
+ // 筛选项
+ cond := ``
+ pars := make([]interface{}, 0)
+ {
+ // 关键词
+ keyword := this.GetString("Keyword", "")
+ keyword = strings.TrimSpace(keyword)
+ keyword = template.HTMLEscapeString(keyword)
+ if keyword != "" {
+ kw := fmt.Sprint("%", keyword, "%")
+ cond += fmt.Sprintf(` AND (%s LIKE ?)`, eta_training_video.VideoColumns.Title)
+ pars = append(pars, kw)
+ }
+ // 创建时间
+ startTime := this.GetString("StartTime", "")
+ endTime := this.GetString("EndTime", "")
+ if startTime != "" && endTime != "" {
+ st := fmt.Sprint(startTime, " 00:00:00")
+ ed := fmt.Sprint(endTime, " 23:59:59")
+ cond += fmt.Sprintf(` AND (%s BETWEEN ? AND ?)`, eta_training_video.VideoColumns.CreateTime)
+ pars = append(pars, st, ed)
+ }
+ // 分类ID
+ classifyId, _ := this.GetInt("ClassifyId", 0)
+ if classifyId > 0 {
+ cond += fmt.Sprintf(` AND FIND_IN_SET(?, %s)`, eta_training_video.VideoColumns.ClassifyIds)
+ pars = append(pars, classifyId)
+ }
+ // 标签IDs
+ strTagIds := this.GetString("TagIds", "")
+ if strTagIds != "" {
+ strTags := strings.Split(strTagIds, ",")
+ if len(strTags) > 0 {
+ joinArr := make([]string, 0)
+ cond += ` AND (`
+ for _, s := range strTags {
+ joinArr = append(joinArr, fmt.Sprintf(`FIND_IN_SET(?, %s)`, eta_training_video.VideoColumns.TagIds))
+ pars = append(pars, s)
+ }
+ cond += strings.Join(joinArr, ` OR `)
+ cond += `)`
+ } else {
+ cond += ` AND 1=2`
+ }
+ }
+ // 发布状态
+ publishState, _ := this.GetInt("PublishState", 0)
+ if publishState > 0 {
+ stateMap := map[int]int{1: 0, 2: 1}
+ cond += fmt.Sprintf(` AND %s = ?`, eta_training_video.VideoColumns.PublishState)
+ pars = append(pars, stateMap[publishState])
+ }
+ }
+ // 获取列表
+ videoOb := new(eta_training_video.EtaTrainingVideo)
+ total, e := videoOb.GetCountByCondition(cond, pars)
+ if e != nil {
+ br.Msg = "获取失败"
+ br.ErrMsg = "获取视频总数失败, Err: " + e.Error()
+ return
+ }
+ list, e := videoOb.GetPageItemsByCondition(cond, pars, []string{}, "", startSize, pageSize)
+ if e != nil {
+ br.Msg = "获取失败"
+ br.ErrMsg = "获取视频列表失败, Err: " + e.Error()
+ return
+ }
+ items, e := etaTrainingVideoService.FormatVideosToVideoItems(list)
+ if e != nil {
+ br.Msg = "获取失败"
+ br.ErrMsg = e.Error()
+ return
+ }
+ resp := new(eta_training_video.EtaTrainingVideoListResp)
+ resp.List = items
+ resp.Paging = paging.GetPaging(currentIndex, pageSize, total)
+ br.Data = resp
+ br.Ret = 200
+ br.Success = true
+ br.Msg = "获取成功"
+// Add
+// @Title 新增视频
+// @Description 新增视频
+// @Param request body eta_training_video.EtaTrainingVideoAddReq true "type json string"
+// @Success 200 Ret=200 操作成功
+// @router /add [post]
+func (this *EtaTrainingVideoController) Add() {
+ br := new(models.BaseResponse).Init()
+ defer func() {
+ if br.ErrMsg == "" {
+ br.IsSendEmail = false
+ }
+ this.Data["json"] = br
+ this.ServeJSON()
+ }()
+ sysUser := this.SysUser
+ if sysUser == nil {
+ br.Msg = "请登录"
+ br.ErrMsg = "请登录,SysUser Is Empty"
+ br.Ret = 408
+ return
+ }
+ // 参数校验
+ var req eta_training_video.EtaTrainingVideoAddReq
+ if e := json.Unmarshal(this.Ctx.Input.RequestBody, &req); e != nil {
+ br.Msg = "参数解析异常!"
+ br.ErrMsg = "参数解析失败,Err:" + e.Error()
+ return
+ }
+ if req.ClassifyId <= 0 {
+ br.Msg = "请选择视频分类"
+ return
+ }
+ req.Title = strings.TrimSpace(req.Title)
+ if req.Title == "" {
+ br.Msg = "请输入视频名称"
+ return
+ }
+ if req.Introduce != "" {
+ req.Introduce = strings.TrimSpace(req.Introduce)
+ req.Introduce = template.HTMLEscapeString(req.Introduce)
+ }
+ req.CoverImg = strings.TrimSpace(req.CoverImg)
+ if req.CoverImg == "" {
+ br.Msg = "请上传封面图"
+ return
+ }
+ req.VideoUrl = strings.TrimSpace(req.VideoUrl)
+ if req.VideoUrl == "" {
+ br.Msg = "请上传视频"
+ return
+ }
+ // 分类
+ strClassifyIds := ""
+ classifyRelates := make([]*eta_training_video.EtaTrainingVideoClassifyRelate, 0)
+ {
+ classifyOB := new(eta_training_video.EtaTrainingVideoClassify)
+ classifies, e := classifyOB.GetItemsByCondition(``, make([]interface{}, 0), []string{}, "")
+ if e != nil {
+ br.Msg = "操作失败"
+ br.ErrMsg = "获取分类失败, Err: " + e.Error()
+ return
+ }
+ for _, c := range classifies {
+ if c.EtaTrainingVideoClassifyId != req.ClassifyId {
+ continue
+ }
+ strClassifyIds += fmt.Sprintf("%d,", req.ClassifyId)
+ classifyRelates = append(classifyRelates, &eta_training_video.EtaTrainingVideoClassifyRelate{
+ EtaTrainingVideoClassifyId: c.EtaTrainingVideoClassifyId,
+ ClassifyParentId: c.ParentId,
+ ClassifyName: c.ClassifyName,
+ })
+ // 分类所有父级
+ if c.ParentId > 0 {
+ parents := etaTrainingVideoService.GetClassifyParentsRecursive(classifies, c.ParentId)
+ for _, p := range parents {
+ strClassifyIds += fmt.Sprintf("%d,", p.EtaTrainingVideoClassifyId)
+ classifyRelates = append(classifyRelates, &eta_training_video.EtaTrainingVideoClassifyRelate{
+ EtaTrainingVideoClassifyId: p.EtaTrainingVideoClassifyId,
+ ClassifyParentId: p.ParentId,
+ ClassifyName: p.ClassifyName,
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ strClassifyIds = strings.TrimRight(strClassifyIds, ",")
+ }
+ // 标签
+ strTagIds := ""
+ tagRelates := make([]*eta_training_video.EtaTrainingVideoTagRelate, 0)
+ if len(req.TagIds) > 0 {
+ tagOB := new(eta_training_video.EtaTrainingVideoTag)
+ tags, e := tagOB.GetItemsByCondition(``, make([]interface{}, 0), []string{}, "")
+ if e != nil {
+ br.Msg = "操作失败"
+ br.ErrMsg = "获取标签失败, Err: " + e.Error()
+ return
+ }
+ tagMap := make(map[int]*eta_training_video.EtaTrainingVideoTag)
+ for _, t := range tags {
+ tagMap[t.EtaTrainingVideoTagId] = t
+ }
+ for _, r := range req.TagIds {
+ t := tagMap[r]
+ if t == nil {
+ continue
+ }
+ tagRelates = append(tagRelates, &eta_training_video.EtaTrainingVideoTagRelate{
+ EtaTrainingVideoTagId: r,
+ TagName: t.TagName,
+ })
+ strTagIds += fmt.Sprintf("%d,", r)
+ }
+ strTagIds = strings.TrimRight(strTagIds, ",")
+ }
+ // 视频编码
+ now := time.Now().Local()
+ videoCode := utils.MD5(fmt.Sprint(now.UnixMicro()))
+ item := new(eta_training_video.EtaTrainingVideo)
+ item.VideoCode = videoCode
+ item.Title = req.Title
+ item.Introduce = req.Introduce
+ item.ClassifyIds = strClassifyIds
+ item.TagIds = strTagIds
+ item.CoverImg = req.CoverImg
+ item.VideoUrl = req.VideoUrl
+ item.CreateTime = now
+ item.ModifyTime = now
+ if e := item.CreateVideoAndRelates(item, classifyRelates, tagRelates); e != nil {
+ br.Msg = "操作失败"
+ br.ErrMsg = "新增视频及关联失败, Err: " + e.Error()
+ return
+ }
+ // 操作日志
+ go func() {
+ logItem := new(eta_training_video.EtaTrainingVideoOpLog)
+ logItem.EtaTrainingVideoId = item.EtaTrainingVideoId
+ logItem.SysUserId = sysUser.AdminId
+ logItem.SysRealName = sysUser.RealName
+ logItem.OpType = eta_training_video.VideoOpTypeAdd
+ logItem.OpData = string(this.Ctx.Input.RequestBody)
+ logItem.CreateTime = now
+ _ = logItem.Create()
+ }()
+ // 更新标签引用数
+ go func() {
+ tagOB := new(eta_training_video.EtaTrainingVideoTag)
+ for _, t := range tagRelates {
+ _ = tagOB.UpdateVideoTotal(t.EtaTrainingVideoTagId)
+ }
+ }()
+ br.Data = item.EtaTrainingVideoId
+ br.Ret = 200
+ br.Success = true
+ br.Msg = "操作成功"
+// Edit
+// @Title 编辑视频
+// @Description 编辑视频
+// @Param request body eta_training_video.EtaTrainingVideoEditReq true "type json string"
+// @Success 200 Ret=200 操作成功
+// @router /edit [post]
+func (this *EtaTrainingVideoController) Edit() {
+ br := new(models.BaseResponse).Init()
+ defer func() {
+ if br.ErrMsg == "" {
+ br.IsSendEmail = false
+ }
+ this.Data["json"] = br
+ this.ServeJSON()
+ }()
+ sysUser := this.SysUser
+ if sysUser == nil {
+ br.Msg = "请登录"
+ br.ErrMsg = "请登录,SysUser Is Empty"
+ br.Ret = 408
+ return
+ }
+ // 参数校验
+ var req eta_training_video.EtaTrainingVideoEditReq
+ if e := json.Unmarshal(this.Ctx.Input.RequestBody, &req); e != nil {
+ br.Msg = "参数解析异常!"
+ br.ErrMsg = "参数解析失败,Err:" + e.Error()
+ return
+ }
+ if req.VideoId <= 0 {
+ br.Msg = "参数有误"
+ br.ErrMsg = fmt.Sprintf("参数有误, 视频ID: %d", req.VideoId)
+ return
+ }
+ if req.ClassifyId <= 0 {
+ br.Msg = "请选择视频分类"
+ return
+ }
+ req.Title = strings.TrimSpace(req.Title)
+ if req.Title == "" {
+ br.Msg = "请输入视频名称"
+ return
+ }
+ if req.Introduce == "" {
+ req.Introduce = strings.TrimSpace(req.Introduce)
+ req.Introduce = template.HTMLEscapeString(req.Introduce)
+ }
+ req.CoverImg = strings.TrimSpace(req.CoverImg)
+ if req.CoverImg == "" {
+ br.Msg = "请上传封面图"
+ return
+ }
+ req.VideoUrl = strings.TrimSpace(req.VideoUrl)
+ if req.VideoUrl == "" {
+ br.Msg = "请上传视频"
+ return
+ }
+ ob := new(eta_training_video.EtaTrainingVideo)
+ item, e := ob.GetItemById(req.VideoId)
+ if e != nil {
+ if e.Error() == utils.ErrNoRow() {
+ br.Msg = "视频不存在, 请刷新页面"
+ return
+ }
+ br.Msg = "操作失败"
+ br.ErrMsg = "获取视频失败, Err: " + e.Error()
+ return
+ }
+ // 分类
+ strClassifyIds := ""
+ classifyRelates := make([]*eta_training_video.EtaTrainingVideoClassifyRelate, 0)
+ {
+ classifyOB := new(eta_training_video.EtaTrainingVideoClassify)
+ classifies, e := classifyOB.GetItemsByCondition(``, make([]interface{}, 0), []string{}, "")
+ if e != nil {
+ br.Msg = "操作失败"
+ br.ErrMsg = "获取分类失败, Err: " + e.Error()
+ return
+ }
+ for _, c := range classifies {
+ if c.EtaTrainingVideoClassifyId != req.ClassifyId {
+ continue
+ }
+ strClassifyIds += fmt.Sprintf("%d,", req.ClassifyId)
+ classifyRelates = append(classifyRelates, &eta_training_video.EtaTrainingVideoClassifyRelate{
+ EtaTrainingVideoClassifyId: c.EtaTrainingVideoClassifyId,
+ ClassifyParentId: c.ParentId,
+ ClassifyName: c.ClassifyName,
+ })
+ // 分类所有父级
+ if c.ParentId > 0 {
+ parents := etaTrainingVideoService.GetClassifyParentsRecursive(classifies, c.ParentId)
+ for _, p := range parents {
+ strClassifyIds += fmt.Sprintf("%d,", p.EtaTrainingVideoClassifyId)
+ classifyRelates = append(classifyRelates, &eta_training_video.EtaTrainingVideoClassifyRelate{
+ EtaTrainingVideoClassifyId: p.EtaTrainingVideoClassifyId,
+ ClassifyParentId: p.ParentId,
+ ClassifyName: p.ClassifyName,
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ strClassifyIds = strings.TrimRight(strClassifyIds, ",")
+ }
+ // 标签
+ strTagIds := ""
+ tagRelates := make([]*eta_training_video.EtaTrainingVideoTagRelate, 0)
+ if len(req.TagIds) > 0 {
+ tagOB := new(eta_training_video.EtaTrainingVideoTag)
+ tags, e := tagOB.GetItemsByCondition(``, make([]interface{}, 0), []string{}, "")
+ if e != nil {
+ br.Msg = "操作失败"
+ br.ErrMsg = "获取标签失败, Err: " + e.Error()
+ return
+ }
+ tagMap := make(map[int]*eta_training_video.EtaTrainingVideoTag)
+ for _, t := range tags {
+ tagMap[t.EtaTrainingVideoTagId] = t
+ }
+ for _, r := range req.TagIds {
+ t := tagMap[r]
+ if t == nil {
+ continue
+ }
+ tagRelates = append(tagRelates, &eta_training_video.EtaTrainingVideoTagRelate{
+ EtaTrainingVideoTagId: r,
+ TagName: t.TagName,
+ })
+ strTagIds += fmt.Sprintf("%d,", r)
+ }
+ strTagIds = strings.TrimRight(strTagIds, ",")
+ }
+ now := time.Now().Local()
+ item.Title = req.Title
+ item.Introduce = req.Introduce
+ item.ClassifyIds = strClassifyIds
+ item.TagIds = strTagIds
+ item.CoverImg = req.CoverImg
+ item.VideoUrl = req.VideoUrl
+ item.ModifyTime = now
+ cols := []string{"Title", "Introduce", "ClassifyIds", "TagIds", "CoverImg", "VideoUrl", "ModifyTime"}
+ if e := item.UpdateVideoAndRelates(item, cols, classifyRelates, tagRelates); e != nil {
+ br.Msg = "操作失败"
+ br.ErrMsg = "更新视频及关联失败, Err: " + e.Error()
+ return
+ }
+ // 操作日志
+ go func() {
+ logItem := new(eta_training_video.EtaTrainingVideoOpLog)
+ logItem.EtaTrainingVideoId = item.EtaTrainingVideoId
+ logItem.SysUserId = sysUser.AdminId
+ logItem.SysRealName = sysUser.RealName
+ logItem.OpType = eta_training_video.VideoOpTypeEdit
+ logItem.OpData = string(this.Ctx.Input.RequestBody)
+ logItem.CreateTime = now
+ _ = logItem.Create()
+ }()
+ // 更新标签引用数
+ go func() {
+ tagOB := new(eta_training_video.EtaTrainingVideoTag)
+ for _, t := range tagRelates {
+ _ = tagOB.UpdateVideoTotal(t.EtaTrainingVideoTagId)
+ }
+ }()
+ br.Data = item.EtaTrainingVideoId
+ br.Ret = 200
+ br.Success = true
+ br.Msg = "操作成功"
+// Publish
+// @Title 发布/取消视频
+// @Description 发布/取消视频
+// @Param request body eta_training_video.EtaTrainingVideoPublishReq true "type json string"
+// @Success 200 Ret=200 操作成功
+// @router /publish [post]
+func (this *EtaTrainingVideoController) Publish() {
+ br := new(models.BaseResponse).Init()
+ defer func() {
+ if br.ErrMsg == "" {
+ br.IsSendEmail = false
+ }
+ this.Data["json"] = br
+ this.ServeJSON()
+ }()
+ sysUser := this.SysUser
+ if sysUser == nil {
+ br.Msg = "请登录"
+ br.ErrMsg = "请登录,SysUser Is Empty"
+ br.Ret = 408
+ return
+ }
+ // 参数校验
+ var req eta_training_video.EtaTrainingVideoPublishReq
+ if e := json.Unmarshal(this.Ctx.Input.RequestBody, &req); e != nil {
+ br.Msg = "参数解析异常!"
+ br.ErrMsg = "参数解析失败,Err:" + e.Error()
+ return
+ }
+ if req.VideoId <= 0 {
+ br.Msg = "参数有误"
+ br.ErrMsg = fmt.Sprint("参数有误, 视频ID: ", req.VideoId)
+ return
+ }
+ if req.PublishState != 0 && req.PublishState != 1 {
+ br.Msg = "参数有误"
+ br.ErrMsg = fmt.Sprint("参数有误, 发布状态: ", req.PublishState)
+ return
+ }
+ ob := new(eta_training_video.EtaTrainingVideo)
+ item, e := ob.GetItemById(req.VideoId)
+ if e != nil {
+ if e.Error() == utils.ErrNoRow() {
+ br.Msg = "视频不存在, 请刷新页面"
+ return
+ }
+ br.Msg = "操作失败"
+ br.ErrMsg = "获取ETA培训视频失败, Err: " + e.Error()
+ return
+ }
+ now := time.Now().Local()
+ item.PublishState = req.PublishState
+ item.ModifyTime = now
+ cols := []string{"PublishState", "ModifyTime"}
+ if item.PublishState == 1 {
+ item.PublishTime = now
+ cols = append(cols, "PublishTime")
+ }
+ if e := item.Update(cols); e != nil {
+ br.Msg = "操作失败"
+ br.ErrMsg = "发布ETA培训视频失败, Err: " + e.Error()
+ return
+ }
+ // 操作日志
+ go func() {
+ logItem := new(eta_training_video.EtaTrainingVideoOpLog)
+ logItem.EtaTrainingVideoId = item.EtaTrainingVideoId
+ logItem.SysUserId = sysUser.AdminId
+ logItem.SysRealName = sysUser.RealName
+ opTypeMap := map[int]int{0: eta_training_video.VideoOpTypeCancelPublish, 1: eta_training_video.VideoOpTypePublish}
+ logItem.OpType = opTypeMap[req.PublishState]
+ logItem.OpData = string(this.Ctx.Input.RequestBody)
+ logItem.CreateTime = now
+ _ = logItem.Create()
+ }()
+ br.Ret = 200
+ br.Success = true
+ br.Msg = "操作成功"
+// Remove
+// @Title 删除视频
+// @Description 删除视频
+// @Param request body eta_training_video.EtaTrainingVideoRemoveReq true "type json string"
+// @Success 200 Ret=200 操作成功
+// @router /remove [post]
+func (this *EtaTrainingVideoController) Remove() {
+ br := new(models.BaseResponse).Init()
+ defer func() {
+ if br.ErrMsg == "" {
+ br.IsSendEmail = false
+ }
+ this.Data["json"] = br
+ this.ServeJSON()
+ }()
+ sysUser := this.SysUser
+ if sysUser == nil {
+ br.Msg = "请登录"
+ br.ErrMsg = "请登录,SysUser Is Empty"
+ br.Ret = 408
+ return
+ }
+ // 参数校验
+ var req eta_training_video.EtaTrainingVideoRemoveReq
+ if e := json.Unmarshal(this.Ctx.Input.RequestBody, &req); e != nil {
+ br.Msg = "参数解析异常!"
+ br.ErrMsg = "参数解析失败,Err:" + e.Error()
+ return
+ }
+ if req.VideoId <= 0 {
+ br.Msg = "参数有误"
+ br.ErrMsg = fmt.Sprint("参数有误, 视频ID: ", req.VideoId)
+ return
+ }
+ ob := new(eta_training_video.EtaTrainingVideo)
+ item, e := ob.GetItemById(req.VideoId)
+ if e != nil {
+ if e.Error() == utils.ErrNoRow() {
+ br.Ret = 200
+ br.Success = true
+ br.Msg = "操作成功"
+ return
+ }
+ br.Msg = "操作失败"
+ br.ErrMsg = "获取ETA培训视频失败, Err: " + e.Error()
+ return
+ }
+ if e := item.Del(); e != nil {
+ br.Msg = "操作失败"
+ br.ErrMsg = "删除ETA培训视频失败, Err: " + e.Error()
+ return
+ }
+ // 移除分类、标签关联, 更新标签引用数
+ go func() {
+ cr := new(eta_training_video.EtaTrainingVideoClassifyRelate)
+ _ = cr.RemoveRelateByVideoId(item.EtaTrainingVideoId)
+ tr := new(eta_training_video.EtaTrainingVideoTagRelate)
+ _ = tr.RemoveRelateByVideoId(item.EtaTrainingVideoId)
+ t := new(eta_training_video.EtaTrainingVideoTag)
+ _ = t.RemoveVideoTotalByVideoId(item.EtaTrainingVideoId)
+ }()
+ // 操作日志
+ go func() {
+ logItem := new(eta_training_video.EtaTrainingVideoOpLog)
+ logItem.EtaTrainingVideoId = item.EtaTrainingVideoId
+ logItem.SysUserId = sysUser.AdminId
+ logItem.SysRealName = sysUser.RealName
+ logItem.OpType = eta_training_video.VideoOpTypeRemove
+ b, e := json.Marshal(item)
+ if e != nil {
+ return
+ }
+ logItem.OpData = string(b)
+ logItem.CreateTime = time.Now().Local()
+ _ = logItem.Create()
+ }()
+ br.Ret = 200
+ br.Success = true
+ br.Msg = "操作成功"
+// Detail
+// @Title 视频详情
+// @Description 视频详情
+// @Param VideoId query int false "视频ID"
+// @Success 200 Ret=200 操作成功
+// @router /detail [get]
+func (this *EtaTrainingVideoController) Detail() {
+ br := new(models.BaseResponse).Init()
+ defer func() {
+ if br.ErrMsg == "" {
+ br.IsSendEmail = false
+ }
+ this.Data["json"] = br
+ this.ServeJSON()
+ }()
+ sysUser := this.SysUser
+ if sysUser == nil {
+ br.Msg = "请登录"
+ br.ErrMsg = "请登录,SysUser Is Empty"
+ br.Ret = 408
+ return
+ }
+ videoId, _ := this.GetInt("VideoId", 0)
+ if videoId <= 0 {
+ br.Msg = "参数有误"
+ br.ErrMsg = fmt.Sprint("参数有误, 视频ID: ", videoId)
+ return
+ }
+ ob := new(eta_training_video.EtaTrainingVideo)
+ item, e := ob.GetItemById(videoId)
+ if e != nil {
+ if e.Error() == utils.ErrNoRow() {
+ br.Msg = "视频不存在, 请刷新页面"
+ return
+ }
+ br.Msg = "获取失败"
+ br.ErrMsg = "获取ETA培训视频失败, Err: " + e.Error()
+ return
+ }
+ list := make([]*eta_training_video.EtaTrainingVideo, 0)
+ list = append(list, item)
+ formats, e := etaTrainingVideoService.FormatVideosToVideoItems(list)
+ if e != nil {
+ br.Msg = "获取失败"
+ br.ErrMsg = "格式化视频信息失败, Err: " + e.Error()
+ return
+ }
+ result := new(eta_training_video.EtaTrainingVideoItem)
+ if len(formats) > 0 {
+ result = formats[0]
+ }
+ br.Data = result
+ br.Ret = 200
+ br.Success = true
+ br.Msg = "获取成功"